Gambatte Ne 34 Dec 09
Gambatte Ne 34 Dec 09
Gambatte Ne 34 Dec 09
Newsletter for the advancement ofBujinkan studies - Takamatsu den
December 2009, Volume # 34
No Dojo Politics.. .No Hype.. .No Bull
A bonsai I made...
This month
Christmas time is almost upon us. The days are
getting shorter and colder up here in the Great
White North (Canada for those of you who
wonder what I'm talking about).
been with tigers and other large cats many times the thought of human potential &
and you have to be aware but not excited, performance than fighting skill. I wanted to be
balanced and calm. One time when Andrew more cat-like.
Young was visiting me I took him to a private
sanctuary. After spending some time with the 7. Where did you first hear about the ninja?
cats I was familiar with, we were in an empty
enclosure and a gate that was supposed to be I'm sure I was aware popular culture
secured wasn't and two young tigers walked in. representations of the ninja, but my first
About 400 pounds each. We had to keep calm exposure to Ninjutsu was Stephen Hayes, of
and centered, not get excited and act and smell course. At a seminar in Houston, 1983, outside
like food and keep backing toward the door. Not in a park. I'd read his books years before that.
sure we would have pulled it off if we dido't
practice budo. In Budo, art & animals, you are 8. What is your approach to teaching?
always learning, growing, exploring, being
amazed, surprised and delighted. I have a Like Shiraishi-sensei, I think it is great to work
wonderful marriage to a beautiful, intelligent with everyone on almost every technique or
adventurous and refined woman, an exciting and exercise. Mark O'Brien did a lot of seminars at
interesting professional life and a circle of my dojo all through the nineties and he really
extraordinary friends and I know my life would worked hard, watching and working individually
be quite different if I had taken a path different with each person. In regular training much of the
than the Bujinkan. ''teaching'' is reminding people to do what they
already know and drawing their attention to their
3. Where do you see the Bujinkan going in the distance, timing, angle, balance, and intention.
future? And sometimesjust a small correction or
adjustment makes a huge improvement as well.
9. What was it like on your first trip to
4. Taijutsu (kibon happo) or Kobudo? What Japan?
do you believe to be the proper training ratio
(what percent of each)? I began going to Japan in 1990 and that is the
year I passed the Godan test. I had attended
100% several Tai Kai's by then including the first one
in 1986 in LA & Sweden in 1988 (that's when I
5. Do you believe it is necessary to engage in first got to know Ed Martin and he has been a
free fighting (kumite) to achieve good fighting great friend and inspiration ever since). I stayed
skills in the street? at the "Ishizuka Hilton" I think. He had two
places, the Hilton & the "shithole". I forgot what
I train to be able to respond to a sudden attack the difference was. I remember my first
by one or more individuals who is possibly earthquake, after training at the old Chinese
armed. That is very different than sparring or restaurant, staying up all night training in a park
grappling. If you are assaulted and on the ground with Larry Johnson (nom Sweden) & Andrew
with someone on top of you your defenses Young. My first trip was in April and it was
include hooking an opponents nostril with a during cherry blosso~: Jt's still my favorite
thumb & forefinger and tearing, raking a time of the year there. At the festivals the smell
fingernail across the eyes or gums or biting to of burning octopus everywhere haunts me still.
tear an artery. If you do that in sparring or
grappling it is hard to keep training partners. But 10. Can you tell us who you trained with in
sparring and grappling are very important Japan?
because if you can't take a good punch in the
face or being slammed hard into the ground, In Japan one always tries to get all of Hatsumi-
you're in trouble. Sensei's classes. Next I train primarily with
Shiraishi-sensei and Nagato-sensei. That is who I
6. Why did you ever start martial arts have the closest personal relationships with. I try
training, and why train in Sokes' art? to catch classes with Noguchi-sensei, Oguri-
sensei and Senno-sensei as well. And Nakadai-
I was first attracted to martial arts more by sensei. Hatsumi-sensei tells us it is very
Each one has different experience and focus and will get good at this. So the question is "What do
if you only train with Hatsumi-sensei you won't you do with it?" My main colleague, Jack
have a strong foundation to understand what he Hoban, is very committed to explaining and
does. If you teach this, it's too easy to just fostering the Warrior Ethic at his seminars. It is
narrow down to what you like or are good at and important to have a ftamework, to understand
it's easy to feel competent if you don't train with why as well where and when. With Jack it is
people more experienced than you who can tell especially relevant, he trains Marines who will
you what you are doing wrong or should be fight and may take lives while protecting others
doing better. I have several seminars that I host or be killed or maimed in the process. Martial
at my dojo each year to make sure that I training along with Living Values gives a
regularly have instruction and don't just teach. wholeness and context for our actions.
It's important if you teach that you are spending
time training because they are not the same. If To succeed and be proficient in Bujinkan Budo
you have done this for a long time it is necessary Taijutsu, just keep going. Regular training and
to be able to teach effectively because if you having good instruction from Japan and people
can't communicate it well, you probably aren't who have trained consistently for a long time
doing it well. And if you don't share it, you don't that are in good contact with Japan is the only
deserve it. key. Just show up every single time you can.
Soke speaks
(Noguchi-sensei) "By not moving in, you are in
their space. You have to create your own space.
Don't remain in your opponent's space; make
your own. " (In other words, they expect you to
1a. The ninja had a little preparation to ensure be at arm 's length, which is where you are when
the cut came along smoothly. As Shiraishi they initiate their attack. But if you move in, you
Sensei would say, "Very sneaky". The sageo is cut off their attack and are in peifect position to
not tied to the obi but run over the saya and then launch your own.)
under the obi.
Soke Masaaki Hatsumi
Soke speaks
Three point five-senban shuriken!
Hanbo Shinken Gata
December 5-6.2009. Email: [email protected]
Zagreb, Croatia
Bujinkan Seishin Dojo Zagreb Daikomyosai 2009
Info: [email protected]
Jack Hoban -
Sven Gutknecht -
[email protected]
Info: [email protected]
by William Durbin
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The Art of Japanese Fencing
Soke speaks
"Make each movement complete. Don't just go
through the motions. You must be ready to make
either of these techniques (kiriage and kirisage)
into a tsuki. "
Toshitsugu Takamatsu
On Happiness
Copyright 2009
Bujinkan Seishin RoDinDojo