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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

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Thermal issues in machine tools

Josef Mayr a,b, Jerzy Jedrzejewski (1)c, Eckart Uhlmann (1)d, M. Alkan Donmez (3)e,
Wolfgang Knapp (1)b,*, Frank Hartig f, Klaus Wendt f, Toshimichi Moriwaki (1)g, Paul Shore (2)h,
Robert Schmitt (2)i, Christian Brecher (1)i, Timo Wurz (3)j, Konrad Wegener (3)b
Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Innsbruck, Austria
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF), TU Berlin, Germany
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany
Setsuan University, Osaka, Japan
Precision Engineering Centre, Craneld, UK
Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), Aachen, Germany
Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA), Frankfurt, Germany


Keywords: This paper presents a review of the latest research activities and gives an overview of the state of the art in
Machine tool
understanding changes in machine tool performance due to changes in thermal conditions (thermal
Thermal error
errors of machine tools). The topics are focused on metal cutting machine tools, especially on turning and
milling machines as well as machining centres. The topics of the paper thermal issues in machine tools
include measurement of temperatures and displacements, especially displacements at the tool centre
point, computations of thermal errors of machine tools, and reduction of thermal errors. Computing the
thermal errors of machine tools include both, temperature distribution and displacements. Shortly
addressed is also to avoid thermal errors with temperature control, the inuence of uids and a short link
to energy efciency of machine tools. The paper presents the summary of research work in the past and
current. Research challenges in order to achieve a thermal stable machine tool are discussed. The paper
apprehend itself as an update and not a substitution of two published keynote papers of Bryan et al. [28]
in 1990 and Weck et al. [199] in 1995.
2012 CIRP.

1. Introduction specifying the environmental temperature requirements and/or

requiring necessary non-productive machine warm up procedures.
Since the previous two keynote papers, the rst from Bryan Nowadays, more frequently the machine tool builders take
et al. [28] in 1990, an update of [22], about the status of thermal responsibility for the control of thermally induced displacements.
error research and a second from Weck et al. [199], which was This change took place because machine tool users realised that
more focused on error reduction and compensation of machine comparable machine tools can show signicantly different thermal
tools, a lot of research in this eld has been done. The objective of errors and that in some machine tools most of the energy supplied
this keynote paper is to provide anupdate of the research topics to the machine tool is used to stabilise the temperatures.
covered by the previous two keynote papers. Furthermore, up to 75% of the overall geometrical errors of
Positioning uncertainty of machine tools immediately affects machined workpieces can be induced by the effects of tempera-
the dimensional accuracy of manufactured parts. Typical error tures. Therefore this topic is the focus of signicant recent research
sources are kinematic errors, thermo-mechanical errors [83], loads activities [110].
[57], dynamic forces, as well as motion control and control The interest of the manufacturing industry in this topic can be
software. This paper focuses on thermo-mechanical errors, which seen in the latest international standards. In the last two decades a
are caused by the environment or by internal heat sources. number of international standards with measurement rules and
The manufacturing industry is going through signicant performance parameters to assess the thermal behaviour of
changes regarding the management of thermally induced errors machine tools [85,86,88] under no load and nishing conditions
of machine tools. Until recently, machine tool builders gave the have been developed. Today, users often ask the machine tool
responsibility of managing such errors to the machine tool users by manufacturers to include such measurements for acceptance
testing. New measurement equipment is more regularly used and
extends awareness of thermal errors and sources of thermal errors
* Corresponding author. on machine tools. Especially the decrease in prices of pyrometric
E-mail address: (W. Knapp). measurement equipment like infrared cameras leads to new

0007-8506/$ see front matter 2012 CIRP.
772 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

options in analysing the thermal behaviour of machine tools. In reduce waste of energy. Section 5 provides an overview of
Section 2, the advancements in measurement of thermal errors and temperature control, uids, and energy efciency.
temperatures are presented. This paper presents an overview of the latest research activities
Numerical methods are currently used to compare different in the eld of thermal errors in machine tools. The paper is
machine tool designs in early stages of development or to simulate organised as follows: The advances in measurement of thermal
effects of temperatures on machine tools to detect the sources of errors and temperatures are given in Section 2. Methods and
thermally induced tool centre point (TCP) displacements. Because research work used and developed for computing thermal errors in
of the costs of computation time for transient simulations, machine tools are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, the research
engineers often just use steady state results for their simulations. activities in reduction of thermal errors are summarised. A
However, it is observations of transient behaviour that show the summary of the activities of researchers in the area of temperature
TCP displacement can change its direction during operation control, the inuence of uids and energy efciency are
[16,49,126] if two different time constants are involved or if the recapitulated in Section 5. The paper is concluded by summarising
temperature eld spreads out from a heat source and becomes the activities and future trends.
homogeneous after having been governed by steep gradients.
Furthermore, steady state results do not yield the time dependant 2. Advances in measurement of thermal errors and
behaviour leading up to the steady state situation, this period can temperatures
represent a number of hours.
Advances in mechatronics [162] lead to higher precision of 2.1. Measurement of thermal deformations
machine tools. However, to achieve higher precision, the predict-
ability of thermal stability of machine tools becomes more critical, Today, many solutions exist to measure the displacement
especially to avoid costly design modications in later stages of (position and orientation) of machine tool components. Not all of
machine development based on experimental studies. Improve- these systems can be used for the measurement of thermal errors
ments in computational techniques lead to better estimation of as these measurements are specically challenging because of the
temperature distribution and thermally induced displacements at following requirements:
the TCP [97]. Today the processing power of state of the art
personal computers is high enough to handle such computing  measurement of all relevant geometrical error parameters;
requirements. Even the computationally intensive simulations of  which includes the relevant working volume;
transient effects of temperature on a complete machine tool with  with sufciently low measurement uncertainty; and
the nite element method (FEM) can be done in a reasonable  and within a short time, so that the effect of changing
calculation time. An overview of modelling and computing thermal temperatures on the geometrical error parameters can be
errors is given in Section 3. monitored by the measurement system.
The technical denition for all arrangements reducing thermal
errors at the TCP of machine tools is thermal reduction, which is Choosing the correct measurement system depends on the
considered in Section 4. Early thermal reductions can be found in error sources. Environmental inuences like machine shop
the gridiron pendulum of Harrison developed in 1726. In this clock temperature generally lead to slow changes of machine tool
pendulum the thermal inuence on a clock is minimised by temperatures, but affect the whole volumetric performance.
combining brass and steel, two materials with different coef- Internal inuences like heat generated by bearings and guideways,
cients of expansion (Fig. 1). lead to a local deformation of the machine tool structure and
In machine tools the design for thermal stability is used e.g., for therefore lead to displacements, which change the volumetric
mountings of linear scales. Other arrangements, such as heating performance partially [4,123125,133135,139,168,173,182,196].
and cooling devices to stabilise temperature distribution, are used Displacements caused by internal heat sources are less predictable
for reducing the thermal error [93,181]. On the other hand, and can change faster than those caused by the environment.
mechatronics are frequently used for error compensation. Thermal In the last two decades the International Organization for
errors are computed with various numerical algorithms and a Standardization (ISO) published several standards: ISO 230-3 [88],
movement to compensate for the thermally induced errors is temperature distortion of machine tools, ISO 10791-10 [85],
generated by a controlled actuator. temperature distortion of machining centres, and ISO 13041-8
Controlling temperature is still a critical requirement for high [86], temperature distortion of turning machines. These standards
accuracy manufacturing. Different media are used to stabilise the provide methods for a systematic analysis of the thermal
temperature distribution of machine tools as well as the behaviour of machine tools with main spindles. This analysis
environmental temperature in the shop oor. The material includes the ETVE (environmental temperature variation error),
properties of the chosen uid primarily inuence the design and the thermal distortions caused by rotating (main) spindles and
energy efciency of the cooling system. In the discussion of energy thermal distortions caused by moving linear axes. Measurement of
efciency of machine tools, it has been identied that temperature the thermal distortion between the tool side and workpiece side is
rise in machine tools is always provoked by components with common for the standards. Usually a test mandrel is clamped in the
energy loss and further power expenditure is required to reduce spindle and a measurement setup with ve displacement
errors induced by this loss. More efcient components also help measurement devices is xed onto the table of machining centres
(Fig. 2) or in the case of a turning centre the tool holder. In [8,23] it
is shown that all structures have a thermal resonance frequency. If
a machine tool is loaded with ambient temperature variations, any
frequency can be predicted with the step response method.
For measuring the thermal distortion caused by moving a linear
axis, the standards advise to detect the error at both ends of the
axis travelling distance as shown in Fig. 5 [85,88]. If in case of such
a measurement the thermal distortion causes a tilt motion of the
axis, the angular displacements at both ends of the travelling
distance are different. If just one position is measured, the angular
displacement can also be interpreted as a thermal location error
like a deviation in the squareness of two axes. With laser
interferometers the displacements in axial directions along the
Fig. 1. Simplied model of a gridiron pendulum, 1: steel, 2: brass [44]. travelling distance can be measured at various positions
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 773

Fig. 2. Measurement setup for thermal distortions caused by a rotating spindle and
environmental temperature variation error (ETVE) for a machine tool with a vertical
spindle [88].
Fig. 4. Telescopic double ball bar measurement setup for thermal distortions of a
ve-axis machine tool [41,50].
[51,88,178]. Also, comparator systems are used to detect the
thermal distortion in up to two directions in various positions
along the machine tool axis [141]. distortion is minimised by balancing out the magnitude and
To measure environmental inuence on machine tools, a direction of thermal expansion by different materials, the chosen
temperature chamber was developed. The chamber is able to geometry, and by taking into account different heat loading of the
control the time-dependent air and foundation temperatures adapter parts.
[159]. The thermal inuence of a foundation block was investi- Using touch trigger probes clamped in the machine tools
gated in [160]. spindle has some advantages. With one probe the thermally
Measuring the thermal distortion of machine tools with rotary induced TCP displacements in up to three directions can be
axes is not yet included in the standards. With the R-test device detected and the thermal distortion is detected at the centre line of
[201] and two additional length measurement probes, the thermal the machine tool spindle.
distortion caused by rotating main spindles are detected in up to Touch trigger probes are often used to measure the displace-
ve directions in one measurement position of a ve-axis machine ments between machining operations. In such cases the tool is
tool. With a master ball clamped in the spindle and the R-test changed for a touch trigger probe that detects the actual thermally
sensor nest at the machine tools table, it is possible to measure the induced TCP displacements. Usually at the table a measurement
thermal distortion in three directions for various axis positions of setup with several detecting points is clamped. The measurement
ve-axis machines [143]. The thermal distortion of a rotational setup is either chosen according to the material to be machined,
table can be detected using a master ball clamped at the table. The the structure material of the machine tool, or material with low
temperature rise of the table causes a dimensional growth of the thermal expansion. Traditionally invar, ceramic glass, or carbon-
table. Such measurements are advisable in order to understand bre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) is used for this purpose [192]. CFRP
workpiece errors of ve-axis machine tools [48]. has very low thermal expansion in the direction of the bre [180].
If touch probes are used to detect the thermally induced TCP Deformation sensors with strain gauges and a rod of invar are
displacements when having high relative velocity, e.g., detecting used for measuring the thermal deformations of the machine tool
thermal distortion caused by a rotating spindle, the machine tool frame (Fig. 46). The deformation of the machine tool frame is used
has to be stopped during measuring. Consequently, contactless, to determine the TCP displacements [150].
inductive and capacitive probes (Fig. 3) are most commonly used to The measurement procedure described in the standards is used
detect thermally induced TCP displacements with rotating for machine tools under no-load or nishing conditions. For
spindles [40,183]. To detect them using a telescoping ball bar, a simulating the workpiece inuence sometimes the machine tool
special adapter was designed [41]. The adapter was mounted near table is loaded with a mass. In a hydraulic brake emulates the
the milling head of a running spindle for measuring the TCP reaction torque from the cutting process and thus loads the spindle
displacement when the inuence of the spindle needs to be as shown in Fig. 6 [17]. The magnitude of the load depends on the
detected. Therefore, the adapters thermal distortion itself can oil pressure and is controlled by a choke which is regulated
cause wrong measurement results. In the horizontal direction a manually. A loaded double ball bar (LDBB) [2] is applied to evaluate
rotational symmetric design was chosen to minimise the adapters the static behaviour of machine tools under loaded conditions.
inuence (Fig. 4). In the vertical direction, the adapters thermal Machine errors caused by temperature change in time and
space can be experimentally determined by temperature invariant
reference objects or independent length measurements. Methods
and procedures are described in [4,162,203]. New measurement
techniques based on multilateration enable the online correction
of task-specic machine movements. For instance the M3D3
system developed at PTB [203] uses a set of high-accuracy tracking

Fig. 5. Measurement setup for thermal distortions caused by a moving linear axis of
Fig. 3. Measurement setup for detecting axial expansion of an air spindle with a machining centre using a touch-trigger probe, 1: machine table, 2: machine
capacitive-type measurement probe and a master ball [154]. spindle, 3: touch-trigger probe, 4: probing points (total of 12) [88].
774 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

displacement vectors, like geometrical standards, 3D artefacts, a

touch-trigger probe, or a double ball bar [210].
The continuous calibration of volumetric errors (e.g., using 3D
artefacts, or tracking interferometers) enables the quick measure-
ment of a dened machine tool condition at a constant
temperature. Therefore it is possible to calibrate machine tools
at different temperatures and to use this information for a
temperature dependent volumetric compensation.

2.2. Temperature measurement

Temperature measurement is also important to get a better

understanding of thermal errors of machine tools. Usually
resistance thermometers are used to measure temperatures in
machine tools. In the past, platinum-based resistance thermo-
Fig. 6. Stressing unit to measure the thermal distortion under load condition (forces meters (Pt100, Pt1000) were often used due to their almost linear
are simulated with a hydraulic pump) [17].
characteristics. Computer-based linearisation techniques allow
the use of other types of thermometers like thermocouples,
laser interferometers to measure a position in 3D. The sophisti- negative temperature coefcient thermistors (NTC thermistor),
cated measuring procedure allows estimation of the TCP position and positive temperature coefcient thermistors (PTC thermistor).
errors in an almost Abbe error free mode. Environmental The electromagnetic sensitivity of resistance thermometers
inuences caused by temperature, air pressure, and humidity causes measurement errors due to electric elds. Recently
can be corrected by using the Ciddor [38] formula on the laser developed semiconductor thermoelements like the Smart Probes
measuring system. The individual values are gained from a set of promise good stability due to high electromagnetic compatibility
sensors distributed inside the measurement volume. The tem- (EMC) stability [137].
perature, pressure, and humidity map necessary for the correction Discrete temperatures on machine tools can usually be
is calculated following the Kriging approach [158,165]. measured with contacting probes. In the early 60s a uorescent
Independent of the possibility to correct thermal errors, it is paint was used to measure the temperature distribution on a lathe
important to determine the uncertainty of a measurement when headstock. A special type of chemical compound absorbs light
the quality of a process shall be quantied. Two common methods when it is irradiated with another frequency than the light source.
are available. One uses the measurements of calibrated artefacts The absorption of light is temperature dependent. The author
such as ball or hole plates [136], the other uses numerical computed an overall temperature error of 1.65 K using this
simulation techniques as implemented in the virtual coordinate measurement method.
measuring machine (VCMM), this second method is mainly applied Nowadays, infrared cameras are commonly used to measure
to machines with Cartesian coordinate systems. the temperature distribution on the surfaces of machine tool
components. Everything with a temperature more than 0 K emits
2.1.1. Measuring volumetric positioning errors electromagnetic waves. With rising temperature, the spectrum of
There are several measurement systems that can be used for the emitted wavelengths moves to shorter wavelengths. The infrared
volumetric calibration of machine tools, like geometrical stan- camera measures the intensity of infrared radiation in the
dards, laser interferometers, and gravity-based measurement measurement area of the camera. The software computes the
systems [175]. If thermal inuence on the volumetric positioning temperature using this information. If pyrometric measurement
accuracy shall be measured, the calibration procedure has to be systems are used, the sources of error are multilateral. The
repeated at different temperature levels. During the measurement radiation detected by the measurement system includes emitted,
procedure, the machine tools temperature should be sufciently reected, and transmitted radiation. Metals are usually non-
stable. Therefore, measurement time becomes very important. transparent to infrared wavelengths. The reection coefcient of
An innovative solution for the fast volumetric calibration of machine tool surfaces varies signicantly. Fig. 7 shows an infrared
machine tools, which has been successfully used in the manu- diagram of a machine tool. One half (a) of the vertical axis is
facturing industry within the last few years, is the calibration of prepared with an adhesive tape and an emissivity coefcient near
machine tools by multilateration using tracking interferometers one. The other half (b) is a metallic surface, reecting the radiation
(TI). This method is based on the measurement of displacement of cooler components in the vicinity.
between the TI and a reector xed in the tool holder of the The reection coefcient depends on several factors like the
machine and moved along a predened path. The error parameters kind of material, the surface treatment, the camera angle, and the
are calculated from the difference between nominal and measured roughness. In Fig. 8, the reection of heat on a Rugotest specimen
length, taking an adapted machine model into account [174,202].
The results of the calibration can be used to generate a look-up
table for the real-time compensation of the geometric errors. This
calibration method can be speeded up signicantly by measure-
ment on the y [176]. The measurement time for a working volume
of 1 m3 can thereby be reduced to less than 1 h, for one tool length.
The continuous calibration of volumetric errors using one to
four tracking interferometers therefore enables the quick mea-
surement of a dened machine tool condition at an approximately
constant temperature level, over a period of about 1 h. Therefore, it
is possible to calibrate machine tools at different temperature
levels and to use this information for a temperature dependent
volumetric compensation.

2.1.2. Measuring local displacement vectors Fig. 7. Left: three axis milling machine; right: infrared temperature measurement of
Similar to the volumetric calibration, there are several the Z-axis with (a) surfaces prepared with adhesive tape and (b) unprepared
measurement systems that can be used for the measurement of metallic surfaces of spindle housing [142].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 775

Fig. 8. Reection of heat on a Rugotest reference part for turning with Ra 0.4 mm to
50 mm at room temperature of 20.5 8C, from IWF.

for turned surfaces with Ra 0.450 mm is given. The surfaces show

widespread reection coefcients. Surfaces with lower roughness
Ra reect more infrared light. In consequence the emissivity of this
surface is lower.
Koscsak [129] used an infrared camera to measure the
temperature of a ball screw. The emissivity of the screw itself is Fig. 10. Thermographic image of a ball screw system in cold condition (top) and
after 4000 cycles (bottom), red crosses along the ball screw are the temperature
determined in a two-step procedure. In a rst step the radiation
measurement points at the ball screw, yellow rhombuses identied markings
emitted by a heated plate is measured. In a second step the (control points by LEDs) [70].
radiation reected by the screw illuminated by the heated plate is
measured. With the difference the emissivity e of the ball screw is
computed and was found to be 0.169 on surfaces other than for the
thread. An average value for the thread values was found to be 0.34.
In Fig. 9, the two-step procedure is illustrated. To apply such a
procedure it is important to heat the plate uniformly. Otherwise
differences in the radiation can either be assigned to a non-uniform
temperature or to differences in emissivity of the surface.
Producing a heated plate with a uniform temperature can be
managed for small plates. Therefore, this procedure usually is used
for components of machine tools, but not for whole machine tools.
In Fig. 10, a thermal image of the temperature distribution of a
ball screw is given. The red crosses along the ball screw are
measurement points the authors used to compute the thermal
elongation of the screw.
Determining TCP displacements from the temperature dis- Fig. 11. Example of thermal effects on natural frequency measured at the TCP for
tribution of machine tools is still a topic of ongoing research work. turning and milling machines [132].
For computing TCP displacements from temperature distribution
for compensation (see Section 3), different time constants and spindle goes through a warm up cycle) indicated measurable
additional problems have to be solved. Local temperatures can be changes in the TCP dynamics. Fig. 11 shows the changes in the
detected easier during operation of a machine tool than TCP natural frequency measured by the tool point impact tests on a
displacements itself. Compensation algorithms for machine tools spindle of a machining centre and the tooling spindle of a turning
depend on proper temperature measurement points. centre.
Although the observed changes are not very large, they cause
2.3. Change of quasi-static and dynamic response observable shifts in the machine stability regions. When operating
near the stability peaks for maximum productivity, such small
Although signicant effects of temperature gradients and shifts may cause unexpected instability and chatter.
overall machine warm up are observed as quasi-static changes These effects were veried by conducting cutting experiments
in machine geometry and resulting volumetric accuracy, changes on a machining centre using stability lobes obtained under cold
in dynamic response characteristics of machines resulting from spindle conditions and warm spindle conditions. The shifts in
thermal variations have also been reported [114,132]. Dynamic stability regions reliably predicted the stable and unstable cuts as
response tests conducted under varying thermal conditions (as the shown in Fig. 12. As can be seen from the zoomed in section of the

Fig. 9. Measurement of emissivity of a ball screw spindle with a two-step procedure,

LI is the emitted radiation by the plate, LII is the LI radiation reected by the ball Fig. 12. Comparison of cutting stability using stability analysis of cold and warmed
screws spindle [129]. up spindles and stability test on a machine tool with warmed-up spindle [132].
776 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

stability lobes, the stability lobe generated from the measurements research became much more effective when the FEM started to be
obtained on a cold spindle did not predict the cutting stability applied and developed.
properly when the machining experiment was conducted using a The FEM has enabled in-depth analysis of the thermal behaviour
warmed up spindle. On the other hand, the stability lobe obtained of machine tools under the inuence of heat sources present inside
just before the machining (with a warm spindle), taking into the machine tool structure and in its surroundings. Moreover, thanks
account the frequency shift, properly predicted the machining to FEM one can examine the effect of the individual structural
stability. components, both the ones incorporating heat sources and the ones
subjected to the inuence of external heat sources, e.g., varying
3. Computing thermal errors of machine tools ambient temperature. The FEM is also used to determine the
inuence of heat transfer coefcient (lm coefcient) due to free and
Temperature inuences the geometry of workpieces, measur- forced convection [69,127,128,164]. The accuracy of the geometrical
ing equipment, and machine tools. Deviations from the reference modelling of the machine tool structure has increased signicantly,
temperature of 20 8C [32,84,130], temporal and spatial tempera- if thermal displacements are caused directly by different tempera-
ture variations [82], as well as the material coefcient of thermal tures, by strains, or even by power losses.
expansion (CTE) have to be known for thermal error compensation. A machine tool error in a numerical controlled (NC) axis results
A deviation of the temperature from the reference temperature from the mutual displacements of the individual components
causes, in case of an isotropic CTE, a linear length change in space. depending on the operating conditions. The error changes with the
In case of an anisotropic CTE, the length change varies in space. heat generation and heat transmission conditions. Therefore the
Temporal temperature variations cause varying length changes in computing of thermal errors must be based on the very precise
time. Spatial temperature variations cause deformations depend- modelling of all the major thermal phenomena taking place in the
ing on position. machine tool as it operates [92,94,95,103]. In order to accurately
In high-precision length measurements it is common practice represent the behaviour of the individual machine tool compo-
to numerically correct linear length changes due to constant nents, a model should be ne-tuned on the basis of precise
temperature deviations for both workpieces and machine scales. measurements of the temperature and displacements at specied
The challenge nowadays lies in the determination and correction of points of the machine tool. The precise identication of tempera-
non-linear length changes. In Fig. 13, for instance, the inuence of a tures and displacements in a machine tool prototype is vital for the
constant temperature gradient of a machine tool is illustrated. It creation of an accurate model and for its evaluation, especially
bends the machine bed which nally contributes to straightness, when thermal errors are to be compensated on the basis of the
rotational, and squareness errors of the guideways. The tempera- model and numerically simulated displacements [100,104,107].
ture gradient can be measured by means of temperature sensors. Today, the ambition of every designer of highly efcient
This kind of error can be described in a thermal kinematic model machine tools, particularly the ones to be used for precision
and nally corrected. machining, is to be able to accurately predict thermal errors
Fig. 14 shows geometric machine deviations caused by a local through numerical simulations. Accurately predicted errors are the
heat source. basis for their effective and easy compensation.
The most rational, although difcult and laborious, way of
3.1. Criteria and ways of determining thermal errors modelling is the integrated modelling of entire machine tool
structures, which takes into account the thermal interactions
Tracing back the history of research on the identication and between the individual assemblies and the machining processes.
reduction of machine tool thermal errors, one can notice that the An integrated computing model enables one to effectively improve
the thermal performance of the whole machine tool, i.e., to
minimise thermal errors, and to precisely predict thermal errors
for error compensation purposes [109,110].
In many cases, however, machine tool designers need a quick
assessment of the possibility of improving the main (e.g., spindle
and feed) assemblies. The modelling of assemblies isolated from
the whole machine tool is much less time-consuming. Such
modelling of thermal errors is often justied and in many cases
precedes integrated modelling.

3.2. Numerical modelling of thermal errors

In the last 20 years great advances in the modelling of machine

tool thermal errors have been made. The need to minimise and
Fig. 13. Inuence of a constant temperature gradient on a coordinate measuring compensate the errors is dictated by the demand for higher
machine [184]. efciency of machining processes [90]. The development of error
modelling became possible thanks to the increased computing
power of modern computers, the development of advanced FEM
algorithms, and the increasing knowledge about heat generation,
power losses, and heat transmission in the assemblies and in the
whole machine tool structure, especially at high rotational and
feed speeds [6165,115118]. An ideal model is one which
accurately represents the thermal processes taking place in the
operational conditions in which the particular assemblies work as
machining operations are performed by the machine tool. More-
over, in order to ensure that the cycle and cost of machine tool
improvement are acceptable, the modelling of the machine tool
shall not be labour-intensive or time-consuming. In the early
1990s a breakthrough in the modelling of the thermal behaviour of
Fig. 14. Roll due to inhomogeneous temperature distribution in the guides of a machine tools was achieved. It consisted in the integrated
machine tool [184]. computing of power losses, temperatures, strains, and thermal
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 777

The drawback of the programs is that there are several

constraints concerning, e.g., the possibility of automatic fast
discretisation, the number of nite elements, and variety of
Universal commercial software for FEM computations has no
such limitations. Thanks to their fast solvers the programs are very
attractive to the user. Furthermore, the pre- and postprocessors are
relatively easy to operate. They are suitable for parallel computing,
extended nite element bases, and sophisticated algorithms for
the analysis of linear and non-linear phenomena, including
contact. They offer the possibility of extending the range of their
application by writing specialised procedures (subroutines). A
major advantage of the commercial FEM systems is the frequently
offered possibility of integration with programs for computational
uid dynamics, which in the case of machine tool computations
signicantly extends their application range. A serious limitation
of the commercial programs is the lack of access to the source code
and possibility of analysing or changing the way in which the
solver operates.
There is one more limitation to the use of commercial programs
for modelling the thermal behaviour of machine tools: the
programs do not ensure the required accuracy of modelling the
thermal phenomena taking place in machine tool spindle
assemblies, toothed gears, ball screws, guides, and so on. When
computing machine tool errors, the best solution is to use one of
Fig. 15. Schematic of the FDEM [142]. the commercial programs for modelling machine tool geometry
and combine it with dedicated computing programs which
displacements whereby their interactions were taken into account represent the thermal phenomena taking place in the individual
(i.e., computing transitions instead of steady state) [99]. As a result, machine tool assemblies, e.g., in the motorspindle, the ball screw,
it became possible to predict thermal displacements. the guide assemblies, and so on.
The FEM and the nite difference method (FDM) are used to
model the heating and the thermal deformation of machine tool 3.3. Modelling and computing thermal errors in spindles and rotating
structures. In a combination of both numerical simulation axes
approaches, the staggered algorithm Finite differences element
method (FDEM) [141,142,144146] (Fig. 15), the advantages of The assemblies in which thermal errors are generated in NC-
both methods are combined in an efcient way. The FDEM uses in a rotating axes are spindle headstocks and rotary tables of various
rst step Finite Differences to compute the multidimensional designs [35,36,152]. Generally speaking, the higher the rotational
temperature distribution of machine tools efciently. In a second speeds and torque at which they operate and the greater the
step Finite Elements are used to compute the thermally induced machining loads, the larger the complexities of the phenomena
deformation of machine tools with a linear system of equations. A taking place and the larger the errors.
linear system of equations enables solving multiple time steps According to decreasing complexity, the thermal models of
together and to reduce the system of equations. If for example the errors in the rotating axes found in the literature can be ordered as
TCP displacements are evaluated, the FEM model can be reduced to follows:
a few degrees of freedom. This can reduce the computation time
signicantly, which is important if a number of simulations, for  the complex hybrid spindle unit model (group 1);
example several load cases, are to be evaluated.  the motorspindle model (group 2);
Furthermore, FDM is highly suitable for the modelling the  the spindle unit model (group 3); and
thermal behaviour of cylindrical parts [108]. The assemblies which  other compensation oriented models (group 4).
affect thermal errors most strongly must be modelled with highest
precision for geometry, heat generation and transmission [101]. The most modern spindle assembly is the motorspindle, which
Thermal errors can be most precisely determined by means of is capable of very high rotational speeds, but at limited torque
specialised software dedicated to spindles with integral drive levels [1]. A typical example of a general model of the thermal
motors (motorspindle), ball screws, and so on. Specialised behaviour of the high-speed headstock of a machining centre with
programs for computing spindle assemblies [102,105] make it a motorspindle is the hybrid model shown in Fig. 16 [106].
possible within certain limits to: The model, representing group 1, is part of a specialised system
for spindle systems, bearing the name SATO (Fig. 17) [204]. The
 determine the amount of heat generated in the rolling bearings, system incorporates most of the interactions taking place during
depending on the type of bearing, the rotational speed, the load, the heating of the spindle assembly. In this computing system the
the lubrication, the material properties, the assembly tolerances, quality of the computation results is ensured by experimentally
the ambient conditions and running clearances; validated relations describing the complex transmission of heat in
 model the ow of heat in the spindle assembly, taking into all its forms [12,29,115] and power losses [9,96,98,108].
account the interactions between the above factors; Owing to the above, good agreement between the computed
 model the forced cooling of the spindle bearings and the other spindle thermal displacements of the rotating axis and those
elements, depending on the type and velocity of the ow of the measured is obtained whilst also gaining good correlation of the
cooling medium; computed and measured temperature distributions within the
 determine the amount of heat generated in the spindle motor, spindle assembly [105]. The model has been veried and ne-
depending on the rotational speed and the load; tuned for an idle running prototype headstock mounted in the
 model the distribution of the heat generated in the stator and in machine tool body. In the speed range of up to 30,000 rpm the
the rotor; and differences between the measured and computed temperatures do
 model the motor cooling system. not exceed 2 8C (Fig. 18). Fine-tuning consists of a set of rational
778 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

Fig. 19. Thermal model of a motorised spindle [9].

knowledge and experience but yields much better models. The

thermal axial displacements of the spindle tip and the displace-
ments caused by centrifugal forces acting on the rotating parts of
the assembly add up [111]. These displacements can be computed
using FEM.
Errors arising in high-speed headstocks, which contain gear
wheels requiring intensive cooling, are relatively difcult to model
accurately. Gear wheels and cooling are difcult to model
accurately for both power losses and heat transfer.
Bosmanns model (Fig. 19) [9], which is less complex, represents
group 2 of thermal rotating axis error models. It is a 25,000 rpm
motorspindle based on the FDM. Its aim was to precisely describe
Fig. 16. Schematic of the hybrid model of a headstock of a machining centre [105].
heat distribution and transmission. Its major achievement was the
description of heat distribution in the motor.
Group 2 also covers the modelling of thermal errors in NC-axes
(A and C) of directly driven tilting rotary tables. Fig. 21 shows a
general schematic of the algorithm for calculating motor power
losses. The model components are:

 the FEM model,

 models for torque motor and bearings,
 the environment, and
 and A-axis and C-axis duty cycle.

Fig. 20 shows a general schematic of such a model [21]. The

algorithm for calculating motor power losses is presented. The
motors are mounted on two journals and are synchronised. In
order to accurately determine the total thermal error in the C-axis,
it is vital to accurately determine the power losses, the heat
transfer, temperature distribution, and the interactions.
A model representative of the group 3 is the Hokup model of a
high-speed spindle unit with ball bearings [76] (Fig. 21). In this
Fig. 17. General structure of the dedicated SATO system [204]. FEM-based model the main emphasis was placed on the accurate
modelling of rolling element loads as a function of spindle
rotational speed and temperature distribution. The effects that the
changes of model parameters to achieve the highest possible latter have on bearing power losses and spindle unit thermal
compatibility (conformity) between measured and computed
temperatures and displacements in the dynamic thermal beha-
viour of machine tool units. Such tuning requires very advanced

Fig. 20. Algorithm for calculating power losses in torque motors and bearings for
Fig. 18. Experimental and computed temperatures of two spindle bearings [105]. modelling of thermal behaviour of tilting rotary table with direct drives [5].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 779

Fig. 23. Machined surface with thermal error compensation (thermal distortion in
Z), left: without smoothing, right: with smoothing [121].

rotational speed, the work cycle, the load resulting from the torque
Fig. 21. Thermal FEM model of a bearing and its surroundings [76].
of elastohydrodynamic friction in the lubricating lm of the
turning parts, and the heat transfer conditions. In order to reduce
deformations determine the thermal error in the rotation axis of power losses, airoil lubrication is used on high-speed screws with
the spindle. a large pitch.
Other error models aimed at compensating the thermal axial Relations for losses due to load and friction in the lubricating
displacement of machine tool spindles are models based on data medium can be found in ball screw manufacturer catalogues. But
from measuring temperatures alone, displacements alone or both the modelling of heat transmission, both natural and forced (the
temperatures and thermal displacements. This group 4 also cooling of the nut and the internal cooling of the screw), is difcult.
includes error models exploiting: articial neural networks, linear Similarly as in the case of the fast change of the headstock position
and non-linear regression, dynamic models, transfer function, relative to the machine tools bed or stand, an effective method of
adaptation models, and other [31,33,34,119,193,197,198,207 modelling heat transmission and temperature and strain distribu-
209]. tions in thermally non-stationary states is sought for the fast travel
Among the models in group 4, the model developed by Kim of the screw relative to the nut.
et al. [121] deserves to be presented. For the compensation of Z- A simplied approach to the modelling of the thermal
axis errors in a machining centre with a maximum spindle speed of behaviour of the ball screw transmission was presented in [59].
25,000 rpm, it distinguishes two errors: an axial offset error, which An attempt to experimentally and computationally determine
is assumed to stem from the behaviour of the test bar/spindle joint, temperatures in the nut area and the temperature at one point of
and a thermal error which is dened as the sum of the the screw for an intermittently working, pre-tensioned screw was
temperature-dependent deformations and deections of the made in [122].
headstock and column components. Each thermal mode is When determining thermal errors arising in ball screws, it is
correlated with the temperature of the corresponding component very important to accurately identify the distribution of tempera-
through a thermal mode gain. Mathematical models for Y- and Z- ture along the screw and on this basis determine its axial thermal
axis thermal distortions are expressed as elongation. In the research undertaken by Heisel et al. [70], an
infrared camera was used to identify temperatures. An example of
dy GTy  T y (1) an experimentally determined temperature distribution for 4000
for six-temperature measuring points, where cycles, modelled and measured positioning errors are shown in
Fig. 24.
Gy GEy ; GBy ; GEy By Similar investigations were carried out by Horejs et al. [77]. A
h h c ; Gc  (2)
simple thermalmechanical model of a ball screw with bearings at
T3 T4 T5 T6
Ty ; T 3  T 4; ; T5  T6 (3)
2 2

Tests were carried out to investigate the two errors. Plane

milling was used to identify the thermal error. The latter was
reduced from 70 mm to below 10 mm for the Z-axis (Fig. 22), but a
good machining effect was obtained only after compensatory
control smoothing (Fig. 23).
It becomes apparent that it is not enough to compensate the
distortion in Z because the compensation effects visible on the
surface still need to be smoothed.

3.4. Modelling and computing thermal errors generated in linear axes

Thermal errors in linear axes are generated in the ball screw

transmission and in direct drives with linear motors [211]. The
source of thermal errors in the ball screw transmission is the
thermal changes in the active length of the screw. The changes
depend on: the type and dimensions of the screw, the tension of
the turning parts, the nut and the bearings, the external load, the

Fig. 24. Ball screw thermal behaviour for a travel distance of 100 mm: top:
temperature distribution measured on the screw (at the beginning: blue, after 4000
cycles: red), bottom: modelled positioning errors compared with experimental data
Fig. 22. Comparisons of spindle axial shift with and without compensation [120]. [122].
780 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

Fig. 25. Schematic of a thermo-mechanical model of a ball screw [77].

both ends (Fig. 25) was used to perform FEM. The numerical model
covers the friction torque of the bearings, all heat transfer
conditions, the nut friction torque, and the external load. The
model was veried by comparing the measured (by resistance
thermometers) temperatures at points located along the screw
with the ones calculated using the numerical model. The Fig. 27. Thermal error variation under dry and wet machining conditions [170].
discrepancy was found to amount to 7%. The positioning error
along the screw with one xed bearing, calculated from a
temperature prole obtained by means of infrared thermography, the difference amounted to 10 mm. This is unsatisfactory in the
differed from the measured one by 10% in the loaded part of the case of machine tools for precision machining. But one should bear
screw and by 8% in the free part. in mind that the machining process introduces many disturbances
The thermo-mechanical model is a substantial step towards the which until now have not been taken into account in thermal error
development of an accurate integrated model for calculating compensation.
power losses, temperatures, and thermal displacements of a ball Articial neural networks (ANN) have been used to model
screw with pretensioned bearings on both sides in its natural thermal errors in positioning for axes with preloaded ball screws
operating conditions. The positioning errors under thermal load [171,172]. A new generation articial neural network based on the
will be smaller with xed bearings at both ends, as schematically wavelet theory deserves attention [113]. Wavelet neural networks
shown in Fig. 26. supported by the evolutionary particle swarm optimisation (PSO)
In [205] thermal error modelling by FEM is limited to the technique, dramatically increase convergence and assure much
heating and thermal elongation of the ball screw alone, neglecting smaller screw nut temperature and positioning prediction errors
the effects originating from the machine tool structural bodies. than conventional ANNs.
Only the inuence of the bearings and the trapezoidal distribution In the case of high power losses in the nut and high rates of feed,
of thermal load in the screwnut joint were taken into account. a substantial reduction in thermal errors can be achieved by
Good agreement with measurements was obtained, but the cooling the nut and the whole screw from the inside. In [204] one
analysis was limited to the table system isolated from the machine can nd an analysis of the effect of internal cooling of the screw in
tool. axes X and Z of a lathe slide on the thermal errors in these axes.
In [58] attention was drawn to the fact that it is necessary to Fig. 28 shows calculated losses in the ball screwnut unit for X- and
take into account changes in the tension of the ball screw that Z-axes when moving with and without a load, as a function of
accompany the changes in its temperature. A relationship for travel rate. Also the effect of cooling in the two axes on the thermal
screw stiffness was presented. It was also shown that the thermal error of the Z-axis is presented. It was demonstrated that using
errors of the screw can be reduced by modifying its mounting even small amounts of cooling oil reduces the thermal error
stiffness and reducing the signicant inuence of the machine tool
body in which the screw is mounted.
In [169,170] an attempt was made to develop a model for
predicting the thermal errors of a three-axis machining centre due
to heat generation in its linear NC axes as a function of varying
operating conditions. The model was based on experimental tests
which indicated that the rise in the temperature of the ball screw
nut during operation has the strongest effect on the thermal errors
in the NC axes. The main factors that determine the magnitude of
thermal errors in the NC axes were: the machine tool operating
conditions, the power losses in the ball screw nut, and the rate of
travel. Mutual interaction between NC axes and the table was
observed. It was found that in the cold state the table load and the
load generated by the machining forces have a signicant effect on
the thermal errors. It was shown that the thermal error rapidly
increases at the moment when wet cutting with a coolant becomes
dry cutting (Fig. 27). The hybrid Bayesian network for the
classication of tests and the powerful regression tool support
vector machine model (SVM) for the efcient mapping of
temperature data with a positioning error were used to predict
the thermal error of positioning. A comparison of the predicted
positioning errors in axis X with the measured ones showed that

Fig. 28. Top: computed power losses in ball screw-nut unit for X- and Z-axes of a
lathe, bottom: cooling effect (cooling of nut and ball screw) for thermal error in Z-
Fig. 26. Impact of bearings conguration on positioning errors [77]. axis [204].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 781

Fig. 29. (a) Thermal equivalent circuit diagram of the ball screw system, R: thermal
resistance, TA: ambient temperature, T: rolling element temperature, (b)
computation results of TCP-displacements without nut cooling and with two
different types of nut cooling: nut cooling 1 and nut cooling 2 [148].

twofold and that cooling in the two axes mutually affects the
thermal error in each of the axes. This provides an argument for the
integrated computing and analysis of thermal errors for similar
designs, particularly considering applications of high loading
generated through high machining forces.
In [147,148] a thermal equivalent circuit model of a ball screw is
presented. It has been shown that cooling the nut can reduce the
thermal errors (Fig. 29). Furthermore, the inuence of the coolant
temperature variation is considered in the simulation. Nut cooling
was chosen in this study since the nut was the non-rotating Fig. 30. Measurement results: (a) arbitrary feed rate cycle of the Y-axis, (b)
element making it more practical to feed through with cooling temperature variations of Y-axis linear motor, (c) temperature variations and
uid. thermal error (LM: linear motor) [120].

In drives with linear motors, thermal errors of NC axes appear

signicantly in encoders. They are mainly due to changes in the
length of the linear scale and the thermal displacements of the on the performance of the cooling system and changes in
encoders relative to the machine tool body. It is important whether ambient temperature.
the encoder is made of steel or special glass, i.e., what the thermal
expansion of its material is. The displacements of the encoder In [120] heat sources in linear drives are modelled. The
reference points depend on the thermal strains in the casings, the temperatures measured for a given linear motor operation are used
heat generated in the motor winding and in the permanent to calculate the heat uxes and the thermal errors in the NC-axes.
magnets, and the heat transmitted by other signicant sources. In From the research presented here, one can conclude that efforts
the existing literature there is no adequate assessment of encoder should be concentrated on the creation of an accurate integrated
displacements, but research reports indicate that the thermal thermal model.
displacements of an encoder may signicantly affect the thermal
errors of the machine tool [108]. 3.5. Integrated models of thermal errors for complete machine tools
When investigating, by means of a computational model and
experimentally, thermal errors in the NC axes of a horizontal high- Due to the interactions between the internal and external heat
speed machining centre with linear drives, Kim et al. [120], made sources, the machine tools thermal error is highly complex [20].
the following observations: The interactions may result in changes in the output of the heat
sources and in the deformation of the machine tool bearing
 the main heat sources are the linear motors, the spindle motor, elements. Therefore the error affecting the workpiece cannot be
and the coolers; modelled as a simple sum of the thermal errors generated by the
 high temperature rises (in the region of 25 8C) occur in the isolated individual assemblies (e.g., spindle, moving axes). This
stationary parts of the linear motors in the course of changing indicates a need for the creation and use of integrated models. An
duty cycles and the differences between the left and right motor example of such a model for a ve-axis machining centre is shown
of the Y-axis reach 10 8C (Fig. 30b); in Fig. 31 [185].
 temperature rises in the live part of the motor, the linear scale, The above-integrated model shows the possibility to:
and the guide block were similar and did not exceed 3 8C
(Fig. 30c);  model very large and complex machine tool structures and
 the thermal error changed in a similar way as the temperature, complex process interactions;
reaching 30 mm and 25 mm in the Y-axis and the Z-axis  highly automate geometrical modelling with CAD support,
respectively; and ensuring high computing speed;
 the thermal error comprised the elongations/shortenings of the  take into account the effect of the mutual interactions between
linear motor body, the guide and the linear scales, and depends heat sources on the thermal errors in the NC axes;
782 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

The calculated heat uxes were applied as heat sources with the
simulation set for 90 min. The resulting maximum displacement
appeared at the top of the Z-carriage, whereas the maximum
temperature was at the XZ-plate. The thermal displacements at the
TCP were also generated to investigate the effect of the thermal
error on the TCP. Maximum displacements of the TCP of Dx = 5 mm,
Dy = 10 mm, and Dz = 6 mm arise when taking the linear motors
cooling system into account.
With a knowledge-based description of the boundary condi-
tions, simple types of load were simulated using FEM [163]. A
procedure for computing the heat transfer coefcient at a machine
tool surface depending on air temperature, temperature distribu-
tion of the machine tool, and orientation of the surface was
developed [164]. The adaptation of the heat transfer coefcient
allows a more accurate modelling of convective heat transfer. To
model the inuence of surface roughness and pressure [89] in the
heat transfer in joints, special FEM elements are developed in
[161]. In [116] a formula to compute the thermal conductivity of
joints is given.

4. Reduction of thermal errors

The knowledge achieved through improved measurements and

simulations is used with new methods for compensation of
Fig. 31. Integrated model of thermal behaviour of a high-speed 5-axis machine tool thermal errors of machine tools. A lot of models to compensate the
[185]. thermal errors via readjustment of the axes positioning by the
machine tools control are developed [6,7,10,11,13,45,52
56,73,74,91,100,138,195]. The movements are often realised with
 estimate the intensity of heat sources by means of a dedicated the machine tool feed drive systems. Sometimes special compen-
computing system; and sation axes are used.
 fully integrate commercial and dedicated computing systems Several indirect compensation procedures based on linear
through proper interfaces. expansion models, rigid body models, neural networks, or other
models have been developed. These approaches are based on
Within the FEM environment an interaction model considering auxiliary values like temperature measurements. Other types are
the thermo mechanics of the cutting process and the machine tool direct compensation approaches where the thermal displace-
structure is developed [71]. The model computes the cutting ments, e.g., of the tool relative to a xed measuring probe in the
forces, chip shape, chip size, temperature distribution, and thermal working envelope, are measured periodically.
deformation of machine tool and workpiece.
4.1. Advanced materials for compensation of thermal displacements
3.6. Temperature analysis and thermal deformation simulation of
machine tool structures The selection of suitable materials for use in structures which
compensate thermal displacements in machine tools is limited by
The accuracy of machine tools depends on positioning errors. the mechanical properties of the material used. Thermal displace-
The total positioning error can consist of up to 70% thermal derived ments resulting from a positive linear expansion coefcient of a
errors, which combines inuences of the machine tools internal machine component, such as an aluminium spindle housing, may
heat sources and environment. Continuous usage of a machine tool be compensated (reduced) by generating thermal strain in the
generates heat, which leads to thermal errors due to thermal opposite direction using a material having a negative linear
expansions of structural linkages. The heat generated by drive expansion coefcient. Materials like special carbon bre reinforced
systems (linear motors, ball screws, etc.) enters into the machines plastics (CFRP) are suitable for this purpose (Fig. 32) [186191].
structure, passes through mechanical joints, and causes the A wide range of bre materials with negative linear expansion
thermal deformation of the machine tool structure [169]. Against coefcients is available. Here, the anisotropy of these materials has
this background, the thermal behaviour of a 5-axis machining to be considered. The desired material property of negative
centre equipped with linear motors was analysed using an FEM- thermal expansion only exists in the direction of the bre. For
system. It calculates the temperature distributions in a structure example, for a composite material with aramid reinforcement
using non-linear heat transfer methods [166]. bres, the ratio of the thermal expansion across the bre in relation
Internal and external heat sources have to be modelled for the to the expansion in the direction of the bre is 35, whereas the
simulation of the temperature distribution and the thermal value in the direction of the bre is negative and the value across
deformations of a machine tool. The most important external
heat source is represented by the ambient temperature which was
not considered, with the assumption of a machine tool in a
constant temperature workshop. The spindle and the primary and
secondary sections of the linear motors were regarded as the most
important internal heat sources. Thus, the spindle with integral
drive motor and linear motors were simplied and represented as
heat sources of the machine tool. Heat generated by the linear
motors was modelled via positive heat uxes. Most of the heat is
dissipated by the cooling system. This effect was implemented by a
negative heat ux. In the FEM, the elements close to the heat source
were meshed in more detail than in other regions in order to get an Fig. 32. Advanced materials for compensation of thermal displacements, principle
optimum between computation precision and speed. of contrarily expansion [190,191].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 783

 the amount of heat, such as the ambient temperature or the

electric power supply to the machine;
 the temperature distribution of the structure; and
 the strain distribution of the structure.

It is expected that estimation or measurement of input

information becomes easier when going from the right hand side
to the left hand side in Fig. 34. On the other hand, it is expected that
the accuracy of estimated thermal deformation becomes higher if
the input information is closer to the nal thermal deformation.
Therefore, there is always a compromise between the ease of
measurement and the accuracy of estimation. Some examples of
estimation of the thermal deformation are shown in the following
Fig. 33. Active compensation using adaptronic devices [189,190].
4.2.1. Estimation of spindle growth based on heat source information
the bre is positive. Other carbon bres with negative thermal with use of an analytical model
expansion coefcients also exist [187189]. A difference method of explicit type was used to estimate the
The thermal deformations due to local temperature gradients of growth of a hydrostatically supported precision spindle, shown in
a polymer concrete machine tool bed can be reduced by 30% by Fig. 35 [153]. The spindle was supported by two thrust bearings
casting in steel xings for linear guide ways to improve heat and two radial bearings. The spindle system was located in a
conduction [200]. temperature controlled room, and temperature controlled pres-
surised oil of 4 MPa was supplied while the spindle was rotated by
4.1.1. Active compensation using adaptronic devices an externally located motor via a at belt.
An approach to reduce thermally induced angular displace- The main heat source in this case is viscous friction of the
ments of main spindle housings has been developed using CFRP- hydrostatic bearing oil. The relative displacement between the
structures and heating of the unidirectional carbon bre reinforced spindle and the table was calculated in real time using temperature
laminate (Fig. 33) [188191]. measurements and compared with the measured value obtained
The compensation of these displacements utilises the negative by a capacitive-type linear displacement sensor. The sensor was
thermal expansion of CFRP-structures in an adaptronic system. placed on the tool post as shown in Fig. 35 to validate the
This system is a combination of thermal sensors, controllers, and effectiveness of the simulation.
CFRP actuators, which include controlled heating of the laminate A servo controlled piezoelectric actuator was placed on the tool
by heating laments and peltier elements. A compensation of the post and the thermal expansion of the spindle was compensated
thermal displacement through the use of CFRP bandages is also using this servo-controlled system. Fig. 36 shows an example of
possible and offers advantages regarding the dynamic behaviour experimental results that depicts the actual spindle-table relative
with regulated heating. displacement and the tool servo motion for compensation based on
Machine tool beds layered with materials of differing thermal the real time estimation of the relative displacement. It is shown
expansion coefcients reduce bending in a non-homogenous that the relative displacement between the spindle and the tool
ambient temperature. The residual linear displacements are post is kept small even under the transient state of spindle growth.
compensated with the machine tools feed drive axes. Also a
welded steel bed to reduce thermal bending was developed. 4.2.2. Estimation of spindle growth based on heat source information
Within the bed piezo elements compensate the bending [153]. with use of transfer function model
The thermal deformation of an air spindle system was
4.2. Direct measurement and compensation estimated based on an experimental model, and the error caused

It is desirable to measure or estimate the thermal deformation

of the machine during actual machining so that the error can be
compensated in real time. However, it is not easy to measure or
estimate the TCP relative error during actual machining. Therefore,
several methods have been developed to estimate the TCP
displacements due to the thermal deformation of the machine.
In order to estimate the TCP displacements, either a physical
model or mathematical model is employed, these include the
following approaches:

 analytical model;
Fig. 35. Schematic illustration of hydrostatically supported precision spindle and
 numerical model, such as an FEM model;
experimental setup (numbers indicate temperature sensors) [153].
 transfer function model; and
 neural network.

Referring to the process chain of the thermal deformation

shown in Fig. 34, the input to the model can be as follows:

Fig. 36. An example of experimental results showing change in spindle-table

relative displacement and result of real time compensation based on an analytical
Fig. 34. Process chain of thermal deformation, from Setsunan University. model for spindle growth [153].
784 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

Fig. 39. Measured proles of face turned surfaces machined with and without
compensation [154].

different transfer functions, based on actual rotational speed. With

three temperature measurements, the thermal displacements of
up to 40 mm of a modular tool system can be estimated within
2 mm.

Fig. 37. Relative displacements measured and estimated for randomly changing 4.2.3. Estimation of thermal deformation based on temperature
spindle speed and ambient temperature [154].
distribution information with use of a neural network model
In [155] a schematic illustration of the experimental setup to
by the growth of the spindle in its axial direction was compensated estimate the relative displacement between the spindle and the
to improve the machining accuracy [154]. Fig. 3 shows an workpiece table of a vertical machining centre is given. Thermo-
illustration of the experimental setup. couples are attached to various parts of the machine tool.
In this case both the heat generated due to the spindle rotation Information on the temperature distribution of the machine is
and the temperature variation of the ambient air are considered to input to the neural network to estimate the thermal deformation.
estimate the growth of the spindle. The transfer functions between The relative displacement between the rotating tool and the
the rotational speed of the spindle and the thermal deformation workpiece caused by the heat generated due to the spindle rotation
and that between the ambient temperature variation and the was estimated by employing neural network models.
thermal deformation were separately identied by experiments. A It was shown experimentally that the relative displacement
simple method was developed to estimate and compensate the was successfully estimated by the neural network. It was also
thermal deformation by utilising the estimated transfer functions shown that the points of temperature measurement can be
and the convolution integral. reduced without sacricing the estimation accuracy by utilising
Fig. 37 shows an example of experimental results showing the the time-series data of temperature. Fig. 40 shows examples of
relative displacements between the spindle face and the workpiece experimental results obtained while the spindle speed was
measured and estimated for randomly changing spindle speed and randomly varied, which compare the measured and estimated
ambient air temperature. The thermal displacement was estimated relative displacements. The relative displacements in both Y and Z
during actual ultraprecision face turning of aluminium and directions were estimated within 3 mm deviation.
compensated by adjusting the depth of cut accordingly. Fig. 38
shows an example of the experimental data. The machining error 4.2.4. Estimation of thermal deformation based on strain distribution
due to the above-mentioned heat sources was successfully reduced information with use of a neural network model
to less than 15% as shown in Fig. 39. It is expected that the estimation accuracy will be improved if
Brecher et al. [14,15,18,19] use PT1PT3 time delay elements as one can measure the strain distribution of the machine structure.
transfer functions. Depending on the actual speed and power of the Conventional strain gauges cannot be utilised for this purpose as
main spindle, the compensation algorithm calculates the displace- their thermal properties are so chosen that only the mechanical
ment of the TCP. The main advantage is that only internal data from strain is detected and the thermal effect is cancelled when they are
the control system are used as input. By combining the indirect attached to the surface of structure.
with the direct compensation with few measuring points during Fig. 41 shows a schematic illustration of the arrangement of
compensation the modelling effort can be reduced without a loss of conventional strain gauges to measure the total strain of the object,
accuracy. or the sum of the thermal strain and the mechanical strain. Two
For a combination of different inputs, temperature sensors dummy gauges are attached to the block which is not exposed to
placed on the machine tool structure, and rotational spindle speed, the mechanical stress but placed under the same thermal condition
the transfer functions are presented in [78,79,140]. The model uses

Fig. 38. Thermal displacement estimated during machining and measured error of Fig. 40. Comparison of tool work table relative displacements measured and
machining with compensation [154]. estimated while spindle speed is randomly varied [155].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 785

Fig. 41. Arrangement of strain gauges to measure total strain [156].

Fig. 43. Examples of face turned surface proles without (top) and with (bottom)
compensation [157].

simulate the TCP displacements [141]. With six temperature

sensors and a linear expansion model based on the machine tool
geometry, over 80% of the thermal errors can be compensated.

4.2.7. Estimation of thermal deformation based on computational

Due to the increased computational power of PCs and
availability of sophisticated models, e.g., FEM models, new
compensation procedures can be developed. Denkena et al. [42]
use FEM to compute the thermal deformations of a machine tool in
steady state with a given load prole. During operation, the TCP
displacements are corrected with a linear model comparing
Fig. 42. Comparison of TCP relative displacements measured and estimated with
temperatures measured on the machine tool structure with those
use of strain sensors [156].
computed in steady state.
The computation approach FDEM is recommended for online
as the active gauges. The total strain can be measured with the four compensation of machine tools [141]. The four-step compensation
strain gauges arranged to form the Wheatstone bridge circuit. procedure is given in Fig. 45. The advantages of the approach are:
An example of experimental results is shown in Fig. 42, which
depicts comparison between the measured and the estimated
relative displacements of the spindle and the work table when the
spindle rotational speed was randomly varied. The relative
displacement was accurately estimated with this method also
within 3 mm deviation.

4.2.5. Real time compensation of thermal error

It is important to compensate the thermal deformation once the
relative displacement between the tool and the workpiece is
identied during machining. Some machine tool manufacturers
have implemented software in their CNC controller to compensate
the thermal error in real time.
An open-architecture CNC controller was developed to com-
pensate the thermal error in real time [157]. Fig. 43 shows the Fig. 44. Qualitative TCP displacements EXA and EZA in the XZ-plane when moving
improvement of machining accuracy for face turning of steel. The the A-axis from 908 to 08 [141].
depth of cut is directly affected by the spindle growth during face
turning, and it is well compensated with the system to 20 mm
(from 100 mm uncompensated).

4.2.6. Estimation of thermal deformation based on temperature

The thermal error of machine tools is generally a function of
temperatures. The challenge is to identify a minimum number of
temperatures on the machine tool structure to compensate the
thermal error that provides economic efciency and reduces the
possibility of sensor faults. To optimise the number of temperature
sensors Lee et al. [131] use a fuzzy logic strategy.
The qualitative TCP displacements of a ve-axis machine tool
due to running the main spindle are given in Fig. 44. The
Fig. 45. FDEM compensation procedure, (1) measuring boundary conditions, (2)
displacements are caused by a rotational displacement of the A- computing the temperature distribution with FDM, (3) computing TCP
axis in B and C. An infrared camera is used to identify the optimum displacements in working envelope using reduced FEM models, (4) computing
locations of temperature sensors on the machine tool structure to thermal location and component errors for compensation [141].
786 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791

 the unknown boundary conditions are updated during machine

 the model is based on a simulation approach;
 the TCP-displacements are computed in the whole working
envelope; and
 the use of thermal location and component errors as compensa-
tional values for the control of the machine tool.

The computation of TCP displacements at several axis positions

in the working envelope is done by reduced FEM models. This can
be managed due to the fact that the FDEM uses linear FEM models
to compute the thermally induced displacements.

5. Temperature control/uids/energy efciency

To control temperatures, e.g., temperature of coolants [37],

ambient temperature, different techniques are used. In recent
years, temperature control techniques have been improved and
cooling strategies have been developed. Especially uids have
Fig. 46. Set up of the intelligent machine tool. Thermal actuators are used to control
been used to control the thermal behaviour of machine tools the column temperature for active thermal deformation compensation [150].
On the other hand, emerging concerns about the energy
efciency of machine tools require close investigation of the
energy supply for such cooling strategies. In [60], the energy Nowadays, there are commercially available high-precision
supply to a lathe during operation is given. It can be seen, even with machine tools with temperature controlled machine enclosures to
a standard machine tool, that the energy used for temperature improve temperature stability (in some applications multi-layered
control is not negligible. With a more precise machine tool, the enclosures are used). Usually, in these types of enclosures air
energy used for temperature control is even higher. Investigations conditioned cold air is mixed with return air from the machine
in turning have shown that conventional coolant can reduce the enclosure and heated to maintain the target temperature in the
thermal error [24,149]. Recent efforts to encourage minimum machining zone. Some commercial brochures report that they
quantity lubrication (MQL) do not take this effect on accuracy into achieve temperature stability as good as 0.1 8C [206]. An example
account [24,112]. of thermal stability achieved by a thermal machine enclosure is
It was shown experimentally that the relative displacement shown in Fig. 47.
was successfully estimated by the neural network. It was also For lithography applications, machine enclosures with even
shown that the points of temperature measurement can be tighter temperature control are required. Such an enclosure design
reduced without sacricing the estimation accuracy by utilising achieving sub-millidegree air temperature stability inside a 7 m3
the time-series data of temperature. Fig. 40 shows examples of volume is fully described in [212].
experimental results obtained while the spindle speed was In recent years, studies have been conducted to improve heat
randomly varied, which compare the measured and estimated removal from machine heat sources by more cost-effective
relative displacements. The relative displacements in both Y and Z techniques and strategies. Recent fundamental heat transfer
directions were estimated within 3 mm deviation. studies established the correlations between the Nusselt number
An effective way to reduce temperature gradients in machine (Nu), representing the ratio of convection relative to conduction,
tool structures and resulting thermally induced errors is to remove and the Reynolds number (Re), representing the ratio of inertial
as much of the internally generated heat as possible by convection forces to viscous forces, verifying that turbulent ow improves the
heat transfer utilising cooling uids. The lm coefcients, h, of heat transfer characteristics of liquids [179].
these uids, which depend on their viscosity, density, thermal An implementation of this concept has been tested using
conductivity, specic heat, and the velocity over the surface, Coanda-effect cooling devices utilising commercially available
determines the efciency of the heat removal [75,167]. The lm silicon tubes as shown in Fig. 48 [46,67]. When such a tube
coefcients of typical uids used for machine tools are given in is pressurised by air, air escapes through the small slits and
Table 1 [47]. clings to the surface of the small ange. The escaping primary
As can be seen in Table 1, increasing the velocity of uids over air ow induces secondary airow improving the cooling
the surfaces (forced convection) provides an order of magnitude performance.
improvement in cooling performance. It has been shown in many The results of experiments conducted on a simulated drive
applications that air and liquid shower over machine tools resulted motor for the comparison of the cooling performance of a Coanda-
in an order of magnitude improvement in achieving thermal effect cooling device with natural and forced air convection by an
stability [26,47]. However, achieving such level of stability using
traditional forced air convection methods requires circulating the
air at high velocities (on the order of 150 m/min), which requires
powerful fans, signicantly adding to the cost of acquiring and
operating machine tools.

Table 1
Film coefcients of cooling uids used in machine tool applications [47].

Fluid and mode h [W m2 K1]

Air, free convection 0.52.5

Water, free convection 20100
Air, forced convection 0.530
Water, forced convection 30010,000
Fig. 47. Example of performance of a thermal machine enclosure of a micro-milling
Oil, forced convection 502000
machine [206].
J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791 787

The NION machine tool [177] employed an oil hydrostatic

bearing spindle that generated signicant heat levels (5 kW at
high rotational speeds). Consequently, temperature distribution
and thermal control were key concerns. Thermal stability of this
machine was achieved using ve separate temperature control
systems. These were applied to:

 a thermal shower;
 the linear bearing hydrostatic oil;
 the work spindle bearing oil;
 the work spindle motor; and
Fig. 48. Cross section of a Coanda-effect tubing to control the temperature of a  process uid.
machine tool spindle [46].

Each of the ve temperature control systems included two PID

temperature control circuits. The rst circuit controlled a
air fan are shown in Fig. 49. The slopes of the heat loss versus refrigeration unit to ensure the uid was brought to a heater
temperature rise curves indicate the effective lm coefcients, h, element with a temperature control of 0.1 8C. A second circuit
over the area of the simulated drive motor. It veries the controls a precision uid heater to ensure the temperature of the uid
improvement in cooling performance achieved with the Coanda- is maintained at 20 8C  0.01 8C at the point the uid leaves either the
effect cooling device. It should be noted that while lm coefcients bearings, spindle motor, machine structure, or the coolant tank.
obtained by forced convection with an air fan can be nearly as Approaches to control the temperature of an oil shower to 0.001 8C
effective as those achieved with the Coanda effect cooling tubes, it are given in [27]. High-resolution temperature probes employed after
is difcult and costly to provide such forced convection near the the heater unit and at the control point of each sub-system were
sources of heat generation, whereas exible silicon cooling tubes constructed as matched paired thermistors offering both high
can be easily installed in many hard-to-reach areas of machine accuracy and milli-Kelvin resolution.
tools near heat sources. When Coanda effect cooling tubes were The dual circuit approach, a two stage temperature control
used for cooling machine tool components, such as a turning centre system for an ultra precision diamond turning machine, enabled
spindle, signicant reductions in thermal growth can be obtained the heater circuit to perform high-response thermal adjustments
as shown in Fig. 49. It was reported that to achieve this level of whereas the refrigeration circuit provided the necessary cooling
thermal stability about 0.6 kW power is required [46]. In capacity for the signicant heat generation from spindle bearings,
comparison, an air fan producing high velocity air ow around a motors and machining process. Fig. 51 shows the temperature
machine would require about 40 kW power. response of the 5 kW work spindle being started from rest to
Signicant progress in thermal control of precision machine 750 rpm and 1500 rpm.
tools was achieved in the development of diamond turning The oil shower approach as advocated by Bryan was further
machines during the 1970s. DeBra et al. [39] established an developed by Carlisle [30], who designed a method to achieve
athermalising approach for a complete machine tool. Bryan et al. laminar ow over the machine structure. This oil shower was
[25] developed an oil shower method as depicted in Fig. 50. situated beneath the machine enclosure.
Temperature controlled oil was sprayed over the entire machine Temperature control of a high-performance large optics
structure to achieve a constant temperature distribution. grinding machine with an in situ metrology capability has been
reported by Morantz et al. [151]. This large-scale high-power
grinding machine has up to 15 kW of heat dissipation. To
achieve thermal stability over the entire machine a 9-channel
temperature control system has been developed. The approach
for temperature control signicantly differs from previous
systems. Here a single cooling uid is applied to different
elements of the machine. The cooling capacity for each element
is varied using proportional valves controlling ow rate. Each
proportional valve is controlled by temperature measurements
of the machines sub-systems or process uid (Fig. 52). This
temperature control approach enables a highly cost-effective
solution to thermal management at 0.1 8K control accuracy. The
Fig. 49. Left: comparison of cooling performance of free and forced convection approach provides a rapid level of control with a large cooling
against the Coanda-effect cooling (experiments conducted on a simulated drive capacity.
motor); right: spindle axial shift of a turning centre with and without Coanda-effect
cooling [46].
An active control of a uid cooling system based on transfer
functions in presented in [80,81]. The standard cooling system of
the machine tool is used without additional devices.

Fig. 51. Temperature response of bearing oil for a 5 kW hydrostatic bearing of a

Fig. 50. Oil shower of a diamond turning machine [50]. diamond turning spindle starting from rest to 750 and 1500 rpm [27].
788 J. Mayr et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (2012) 771791


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