Chapter: Personality
Chapter: Personality
Chapter: Personality
Personality determinants:
Situation : A third factor, the situation, influences the effects of heredity and
environment on personality. An individuals personality although generally
stable and consistent, does change in different situations. The varying
demand of different situation calls forth different aspects of ones
personality. We should not therefore look upon personality patterns in
Self Awareness:
Self Awareness knows your motivations; preferences, personality and
understanding how these factors influence your judgment, decisions and
interactions with other people. Through self-awareness one develops the
ability to know how you are feeling and why, and the impact your feelings
have on your behaviour. But it involves a capacity to monitor and control
those strong but subliminal biases that all us harbor and that skew our
decision making. Internal feelings and thoughts, interests, strengths and
limitations, values, skills, goals, abilities, leadership orientation and preferred
communication style are just a few elements that self awareness comprises.
Self-awareness or self-knowledge is the starting point for effectiveness at
work. Machiavelli, the astute author and statesman, wrote, To lead or
attempt to lead without first having a knowledge of self is foolhardy and sure
to bring disaster and defeat. Self-awareness has many benefits, among
Understanding yourself in relation to others
Developing and implementing a sound self-improvement program
Setting appropriate life and career goals
Developing relationships with others
Understand the value of diversity
Managing others effectively
Increasing productivity
Increasing your ability to contribute to Organizations, your community and
In others words it helps one to know what one is good at and choose a career
they enjoy. Depending on others thoughts or beliefs in terms of what is good
for us leads to personal and professional unhappiness.
By knowing our strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes by ourselves - will
help us know where we stand?
Self-awareness is also important for managers and Organizations as one who
have attained heightened states of self-awareness tend to be superior
performers. This is because they can relate and understand others better
and thus will be capable of reducing the potential of conflict. Usually this kind
of person will be open to feedback and make positive modifications to
personal behavior so as to create trusting and productive work
environments. Working effectively with others will therefore increase
managerial and Organizational effectiveness.
How to Gain?
The first step in becoming aware of ourselves is to recognize our
weaknesses, strengths, biases, attitudes, values and perceptions. There are
many ways to enhance our self-awareness. Some of these include analyzing
our own experiences, looking at ourselves through the eyes of others, self-
disclosure, acquiring diverse experiences and increasing our emotional
One of the means to gain insight about our self is through reflecting on,
examining and analyzing our behaviour, personality, attitudes and
Motivation: The drive to pursue one action over another. Being aware of our
drivers, those things that motivate you positively or negatively- can help you
understand the roots of your behaviour and make adjustments as necessary
to modify your behaviour.
Modes of thinking: the way you process the various inputs your brain
Being aware of how you take in and make sense of information can help you
understand how you make judgments or decisions that lead to choosing one
behaviour or course of action over another.
Modes of acting: the course of action you apply in a given situation. Being
aware of how you express your reaction to the things that happen to and
around you can help you understand the alternatives available to you when
certain events arise.
Modes of interacting: the way in which you communicate and share ideas,
opinions and feelings with others. Being aware of how you talk and work with
others can help you understand how your preferred style meshes with those
with whom you work and live.
Those who rate high on emotional stability are viewed as generally calm,
stable having a positive attitude, able to manage their anger, secure, happy
and objective. Those who rate low are more likely to be anxious, depressed,
angry, insecure, worried and emotional.
Our attitudes can influence people around us. Being aware of our own
attitudes and making choices about which attitude to display to others is
very important to us as individuals or as managers. Our attitude can affect
our behaviour as well as our interaction with others. Our friends, significant
others, family members, co-workers and others are definitely influenced by
our thought and feelings towards situations. As managers it is also important
to recognize that our employees are affected by the attitudes we display
towards them and towards the work that needs to get done. A managers
attitude is a large factor in how people feel about their jobs. If a manager is
upbeat most of the time and supportive of his or her colleagues, employees
will generally respond well and work hard to produce the desired results. On
the other hand if a manager is pessimistic and belittling towards his or her
employees, staff morale will suffer and ultimately so will the expected
things we might have only read about. Being open to experiences broadens
our horizons. It helps us to see ourselves in a new light while giving us new
information about ourselves and our ability to interact with the world. This
boosts our confidence level and encourages us to reach out to further our
experiences even more.