Vulnerable Voices

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What is the power of Risk in the Dramatic Arts?

Class: Drama 20 Date:

Title: Vulnerable voices, what is the Risk of being heard? Lesson Number 2* of 5 mini-unit

Objective of Lesson: Students will engage in creative individual practices. Students will
witness and be witnessed.

Learner Outcomes (Program of Studies) Plan for Diversity

Goal 1: To acquire knowledge of self and others Breakout space
through participation in and reflection on Opportunity to witness first
dramatic experiences. Witnessing throughout
andtheatreasaprocessandartform. Materials
Targeted outcomes: Room is clear of obstacles
Extendtheabilitytoconcentrate Speaker and music
Demonstratetheabilitytorecallandusesensory Excerpt Take yourself for a Walk and Now
information is the Time to listen only from The Art of
Student workbooks

Time Teaching Strategy Student Assessment

Introduction 5 Teacher Introduces practices: Students prepare Teacher
(Link to previous learning,
min We are continuing our themselves, get making visual
introduction of new exploration of risk. Drama is a their journals assessments.
concepts) process activity, and different and know where This may be a
practitioners incorporate those journals good day for
different practices. Today I am are so they can notes on
going to take you through 2 return to them individual
practices and they are solo participation.
practices so turn down/or off
your need to communicate with Teachers be
others. Have your workbook aware of their
ready and your shoes off. own effective
Teacher reads take yourself for communicatio
a walk n of this
practice (or
any practice)
Activity 36 1) I am going to guide you Students
Sequence min through a walking participate in Do the
meditation, you can walk these practices students
May involve Presentation,
Explanation, Guided or move however you Attempting to respond to the
Practice, Independent want to, be aware of your do this as a solo stimulus of the
safety and the safety of practice excepts? Do
others and you have to they respond to
Approaching, keep moving. You will music?
Noticing walk for 4 minutes then
Internalizing you will write for 4 Visual
Refining minutes you may write assessment of
Personalizing, whatever you want but active listeners
Assessing you have to keep writing, and response if
it does not need to be non-verbal
anything. You will walk intervention
for 3 and write for 3, you from teacher is
will walk for 2 and write needed
for 2.
Teacher reads Now is the
time to listen only
2) Find a partner, one Students choose
partner will lie a partner
comfortably with eyes
closed, one partner will Students
sit and listen. The partner actively engage
who is lying down will in listening
speak non-stop for 7
mins. You can speak
about whatever you
want, but you have to
keep your eyes closed
and keep speaking, you
are not speaking to your
partner you are simply
speaking. Listening
partner, you are there
only to listen. Then we
will switch.
Closure 5 min Take a glance through your Students make Exit slips
(Summary of learning,
writings find one sentence or exit slips collected from
link to upcoming learning) idea that strikes you and write it everyone
on an exit slip along with an
answer to this question did you
take any risks today?. We will
debrief as a group tomorrow*,
take your journal if you would
like to make an entry or write
any questions.
*A second class time would be devoted to this work, for discussion and potentially participation
in a second round

Adapted from Alberta Education, Canada, 2008

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