Jennifers Coins
Jennifers Coins
Jennifers Coins
Jennifer Hyson
print lesson
The lesson topic is identifying coins. Students will practice identifying the correct coin
vocabulary term and matching the word to its picture.
45 minutes
Potential Use
o Geometry
Identify and describe shapes.
Instructional Goals
-Students will identify different coin features of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
-Students will create a class anchor chart describing coin features and values.
Students will have access to visuals, audio and manipulatives in order to make sure they meet
the objectives. They will have access to technology and they will have choice when it comes to
what activities or assessments they choose will work best for them.
1. Mike has a learning disability & struggles to read grade level text. Mike cannot comprehend
what is read and the classroom teacher reports that he is reading three grade levels below his
current grade. He can answer comprehension questions when the text is read to him. Mike has
limited written expression, but his oral expression is appropriate for his age. Classroom teacher
reads material to Mike and he is able to answer questions. Mike often gets frustrated with his
work and classroom expectations and becomes verbally abusive toward the teacher and his peers.
Mikes teacher is reading passages to him so that he can practice comprehension skills. Mike
will be able to listen to the brain pop video. He will be able to complete his practice on the
computer if he choices to do so. He also will be able to take the assessment on a computer where
the questions will be read to him. Mike will have access to the computer as his High Tech device
to complete work. Mike will have a communication board to use with velcro and icons, to let the
teacher know if he needs help, needs a break or is finished.
2. Jim is a student in the class. Jims testing indicated significant delays in speech/ language,
motor, and social development. Also, his cognitive development was well below expectations for
his age. Jims functional vocabulary is small, but allows him to communicate basic needs to
those familiar with him. Jim is usually quiet, but when he speaks he usually becomes frustrated
and gives up. Jim is in a wheelchair and unable to manually manipulate himself which causes
him frustration. His peers mostly talk At him instead of with him. Jim will need room to
move around the room. He will be paired with a student he feels comfortable with. He will be
able to use an IPad with a Text to Speech App in order to communicate with his peers/ teachers.
Jim will be able to move freely around the classroom because of the way the classroom is set up.
It is set up as student-centered learning, so all students will be able to work wherever they want,
which will help Jim feel included. He will be paired with a student he feels most comfortable in
working with and a student that is familiar with his communication device. Jim will use a
communication board with words/phrase to help them collaborate with his peers. He will be able
to use the computer for practice and assessment.
3. Cindy is an ELL student. She moved to the United States from Ecuador a year ago. She is still
improving on her use of English when speaking to her peers and teachers in school. She is still
having difficulty reading unfamiliar sight words. In order for Cindy to be successful, she will be
paired with a partner that she is comfortable with during the partner work. She will be able to
gain new knowledge during the brain pop video, and she will be able to take the assessment on
the computer so that is can be read to her.
4. Joey is a GT student. He is very gifted in math. Joey will be engaged during the lesson
because he is very motivated when using the computer. Joey will be able to have extra practice,
as well as have the opportunity to guide his peers to gain a better understanding of money. An
extension activity is available on paper and the computer for when Joey has completed his
assessment. He will be addressing the next concept of how much each coin costs and counting
Author's Reflection
The goals and objectives consider the variability of all learners because I made goals clear and
flexible. Students are asked to complete, practice and create things. They are not told how they
have to do it and are given choices. Students are able to learn visually, auditorially and
kinesthetically during this lesson.
Formative Assessments
- Students will be practicing sorting coins in different ways. As they are completing their anchor
chart as a class and as they engage in practice with a partner, I will walk around to gauge
understanding and give feedback.
Summative Assessments
-Students will complete a worksheet either on the computer or on paper. They will match the
vocabulary word to the correct coin.
-Students will complete the class KWL chart with things that learned as a wrap up of the lesson
on sticky notes.
Author's Reflection
As I worked through this section, I realized that the students are all being measured on the
same outcome. They may be doing it in a different way (computer quiz, labeling or
cutting/pasting to match), but they are all showing that they understand the different coin terms
and their pictures.
Instructional Methods
Students will start out in groups. They will be given different coins to look at and discuss. They
will answer questions." What shapes are they?" "Are they all the same size?" "Are they all the
same color?" "What pictures are on them?" "What do you think they are?" "What might we use
them for?
After 5 minutes of looking at the coins, the class will complete a KWL anchor chart. We will add
in what we know about coins and what we want to know.
We will use the interactive board to view a brain pop video Dollars and Cents to gain new
knowledge about coins and their attributes.
Guided Practice:
Students will work in pairs to complete a sorting activity on ABCya. If they choose to, they will be
able to review before starting the sorting activity using the "learn" option. The teacher will
circulate to make sure students are on task and completing the work correctly.
Students will use the sorting mats to sort the different coins on the correct piggy bank "Quarter,
Dimes, Nickels and Pennies". The teacher will circulate to make sure students are on task and
completing the work correctly.
Independent Practice:
Students will complete an assessment. Some students will be able to choose if what worksheet
they want to use. (Labeling or cutting and pasting). Some students will take a quiz on the
computer where they will be read the questions. There is an extension activity available for
those who finish early.
After students are all finished their assessments, sticky notes will be handed out to each group
of tables. They will discuss one thing they learned today and one student will write it down on
the sticky notes. One student from each group will post the sticky note on the KWL anchor chart
under the "Learned" section. I will review the sticky notes with the class.
Author's Reflection
I have included many different options throughout the lesson to keep all learned engaged. The
activities are all very different. They are first collaborating with each other about something
maybe some students dont have a lot of knowledge about. Many students enjoy brain pop
videos because it puts a "funny" twist on new information. Anchor charts are used to help give
students visual and organize the information in a way that is easy to read. The anchor chart can
then be copied and given to students that may need an extra resource in later lessons. Students
are able to express their understanding in different ways during practice and independent work
(worksheet, manipulatives, computer/iPad, and paper/glue).
Materials and Supplies
Resources Included
Brain pop Junior Video- Dollars and Cents
Why it's included:
Introduction to coins and their values