Tender Evaluation
Tender Evaluation
Tender Evaluation
Designers Tender
Client: EMPACT
Project: Mars Lander/Rover
Prepared by: Wong Pik Yee
Date: 27/4/2017
Executive Summary
rod to replace the metal pipe for the axis as to increase the rigidity of
the axle. However, after the discussion in between designer, we chose
not to accept their suggestion for replacing metal rod to replace metal
pipes and attaching polystyrene wheels onto the CDs wheels because of
budget problem and the unavailability of material provided in Miri. They
showed their good understanding towards our design package and
exhibited their professionalism in this category. Furthermore, all of the
contractors from Flash Company have a good sense of punctuality and
responsibility. They always attend the meeting 10-15 minutes earlier to
prepare themselves. They also do finish their task and submit their work
much earlier before the due date. They showed discipline in their
personal characteristics.
Hence, if Flash Company is unavailable, the second most
preferable choice would be Glass Republic Company. Contractors from
Glasses Republic also exhibits a great concern regarding our Mars
Lander/Rover design package by reading and analysing our design
package with effort. Glasses Republic did manage to score a remarkable
overall score of 12/15. They did asked questions about the dimensions,
types of materials, car prototype drawings and price list. However, they
didnt show a good understanding towards our design package as when
we asked about their opinions regarding the design package. The
contractors did not show any innovation or creativity towards the given
project. They do suggest modification towards our car prototype but we
found their suggestion is unnecessary. Furthermore, they did not attend
our meeting punctually. They are late for 5 minutes for the meeting and
are not well prepared. Glasses Republic didnt manage to fulfil the
evaluation criteria, time management, by preparing appropriate
evidence as provided in their tender application. There is insufficient
evidence and details provided for this criterion. Anyway, they do finish
their task and submit their work on time without much delay. Not to
mention that they are able to communicate fluently in English, which
solves the problem of communication barrier.
In a nutshell, both of the tendering companies did a very good
job by producing such high quality tender submission. Their work are
highly appreciated by Awesome Boss Companys designer.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
Design Company: Awesome Boss
Name Role Miri ID
Wong Pik Yee Designer 700018868
Table 1.1
Contracting Company: Glasses Republic
Name Role Miri ID
Table 1.2
Contracting Company: Flash
Name Role Miri ID
Table 1.3
2.0 Tender Evaluation Criteria Review
This part of the document will explain the criteria that will be used to
evaluate other companies for the construction of Mars Lander. Any
company which manage to successfully fulfill the requirement in this TEC
will have the opportunity to manufacture our Mars Lander. Each of the
tendering company will be evaluated based on their performance
throughout the bidding process and the period of tender application
submission. The following table, Table 2.1, is a review of the marking
criteria for the two tendering company based on Awesome Bosss
Tender Evaluation Criteria.
Marks Allocated
Tender Evaluation Marks
Criteria Glass Republic Flash
3 /3 /3
Professionalism 3 /3 /3
Time Management 3 /3 /3
Communication Skill 3 /3 /3
Understanding of The
3 /3 /3
EFPC Project
Table 2.1
3.0 Respond to Tender Submission
Feedback towards each of the suggestions and modifications suggested
by contractors from tendering company.
3.1 Response towards Glasses Republic
The suggestion recommended by contractors from Glasses Republic is
that to wrap the outer corners of the car to prevent the car body from
damage. After discussing with designers of Awesome Boss Company, we
do think that it is unnecessary to wrap the corners of the car. This is
because during vertical drop in the testing stage, the wheels of the car
will land onto the ground first instead of the corners of the body of the
car. So, we did a decision to reject their suggestion.
3.2 Response towards Flash Company
The first suggestion recommended by contractors from Flash Company is
to add polystyrene board and box should be added between the layers
of the CDs to increase the width of the car tyre. This is to increase the
surface area of the car wheel to keep in contact with the ground, hence
increasing the stability of the car. After discussing with designers of
Awesome Boss Company, we agree that their idea is a good modification
to improve the quality of the car but they did not mention the width of
the polystyrene and box needed and the correct technique required to
cut the material. This maybe be troublesome for them because it is hard
to cut a perfect circle for the type from the materials stated. So, we did a
decision to reject their suggestion.
The second suggestion recommended by the contractors is that to
replace the metal pipes by substituting a wooden stick as for the axle of
the car. Their objective is clearly to reduce the overall cost of the car
prototype because the metal pipes required is much more expensive
than a wooden stick. However, a wooden stick is much fragile than a
brake pipe. It may not be able to sustain the weight of the car during
vertical drop in the testing stage as it may break easily. So, we did a
decision to reject their suggestion.
In overall, both companies gave great ideas to improve the quality of the
car with their own reason. However, Flash should be detail and specific
in describing their suggestion towards the design of the car.
3.0 Tender Evaluation of Glasses Republic
3.1 Punctuality
0 1 2 3
Do not Come late to the Come late to Attend to the meeting
attend to the meeting and do the meeting on time and do fully
meeting at not do any but do fully preparation. (Finished
all. preparation preparation their own tasks and
regarding to the regarding to bring it to the meeting)
meeting. (Bring the meeting.
*mark 2 will be given if
notes or (Bring notes
attend to the meeting
stationary for or stationary
on time but do not do
recording) for recording)
any preparation.
SCORE: 2/3
3.2 Professionalism
0 1 2 3
Do not have Have knowledge Do not have Master the knowledge
any ideas on of skills required ideas of skills required, give
this project but do not have regarding to better idea regarding
and do not proper manner the designing to the car prototype
contribute and unable to but always whether it is the
at all. give any output doing research design or material of
or opinion. and give the prototype, have
useful decent manner and
suggestions willing to help others
(good manner) in need.
SCORE: 2/3
Glasses Republic Company had provided evidence and proof for
having the experience of building a puzzle box and a laser beam security
system for a science fair project during high school in Appendix C. The
evidence provided are a picture of the puzzle box and the laser beam
security system. An image of certification achieved for building the laser
security system is also included in their evidence. These achievements
prove that they have experience in construction project and works well
together as a team. The reason their getting 2/3 marks on this criterion
is because none of their past construction project were related about
constructing a prototype of a car or deployment of vehicle which has the
capability of sustaining a vertical drop. This is because the construction
process of a vehicle prototype is different from constructing a puzzle box
and security system. Thus, we are not able to award full marks to
Glasses Republic for this criterion.
3.3 Time Management
0 1 2 3
Submit Submit on the Submit on Submit before the due
behind the due date with the due date date with completed
due date uncompleted with product
with product completed
*Mark 2 will be given if
uncomplete product
submit before the due
d product
date but the product
still uncompleted.
SCORE: 2/3
Glasses Republic Company didnt manage to fulfil this requirement
with an appropriate evidence as provided in their tender application.
There is insufficient evidence and details for this criterion. Hence, there
is only a table of information of their timeline. Anyway, the contractors
of Glasses Republic still manage to submit their work on the due date
with completed product which is much appreciated. Thus, Glasses
Republic will be awarded 2/3 marks for this criterion.
3.4 Communication Skill
0 1 2 3
Speaking Communicate Less confidence Flexible conversation with
dialect or poorly in English or cannot open minded thinking.
other with inconsistent speak in English Listen well when other is
language body language fluency but speaking and convey
than English but do not show interest respect to their opinions.
during the provide any in what being
*Mark 3 will be given if
meeting and useful discussed and
the group cannot speak
using abusive suggestions try to provide
English fluency but they
language. useful
are a good listener,
respect to others and
provide useful
SCORE: 3/3
The contractors from Glasses Republic Company had showed an
excellent performance in communicating with the designers of
Awesome Boss Company with the support of their evidence stated in
their tender application, Appendix D. The provided supporting evidence
includes an academic achievement of Glasses Republics contractor
scoring Cambridge O level with flying colours. Furthermore, the
evidences also consist of an excellent result of Cambridge A levels and
International English Language Testing System. With these evidences
provided, it is confirmed that the contractor of Glasses Republic can
communicate proficiently with one and another.
3.5 Understanding of The EFPC Project
Understand the project from the client clearly and precisely is the
most important criteria for contractors and also designers. Awesome
Boss needs a company which understand well in every section of the
project to produce a good car prototype. Besides that, better
suggestions and ideas can be yielded from a good understanding of all
the stages that stated in Assignment Handbook.
0 1 2 3
Do not understand all Attend to the Understand Perform well in
stages that stated in lecture at least what should all stages and
Assignment Handbook two times per do in certain have action
at all and do not know month but still stage and plan for it,
what should do, do not do not always always ask
attend to the lecture at understand attend to lecturer if do
least two times per what should do the lecture not understand
month.(Do not read in certain stage for a better some part of
through Assignment and do not ask understandi the task,
Handbook) lecturer for a ng but still always attend
better do not have to the lecture.
understanding. action plan.
SCORE: 3/3
The members of Glasses Republic Company always attend the
lecture and they have a clear understanding of the project as they have
studied the assignment handbook as well. Moreover, they also did finish
their task and submit on time without any delay. It can be clearly seen
that the Glasses Republic company do understand well about the EFPC
project and are working hard on this unit and plan to score with
excellence. Based on the evidence given by Glasses Republic in their
tender application in Appendix D, the results of one of the contractor is
attached and they stated that they take work seriously and is capable to
perform well in all stages. The evidence provided may be unrelated to
the criteria but the action and performance did by Glasses Republic
speak louder than words.
4.0 Tender Evaluation of Flash
4.1 Punctuality
0 1 2 3
Do not Come late to the Come late to Attend to the meeting
attend to the meeting and do the meeting on time and do fully
meeting at not do any but do fully preparation. (Finished
all. preparation preparation their own tasks and bring
regarding to the regarding to it to the meeting)
meeting. (Bring the meeting.
*mark 2 will be given if
notes or (Bring notes
attend to the meeting on
stationary for or stationary
time but do not do any
recording) for recording)
SCORE: 3/3
4.2 Professionalism
0 1 2 3
Do not have Have knowledge Do not have Master the knowledge
any ideas on of skills required ideas of skills required, give
this project but do not have regarding to better idea regarding
and do not proper manner the designing to the car prototype
contribute and unable to but always whether it is the
at all. give any output doing research design or material of
or opinion. and give the prototype, have
useful decent manner and
suggestions willing to help others
(good manner) in need.
SCORE: 3/3
4.3 Time Management
0 1 2 3
Submit Submit on the Submit on Submit before the due
behind the due date with the due date date with completed
due date uncompleted with product
with product completed
*Mark 2 will be given if
uncomplete product
submit before the due
d product
date but the product
still uncompleted.
SCORE: 3/3
4.4 Communication Skill
0 1 2 3
Speaking Communicate Less confidence Flexible conversation with
dialect or poorly in English or cannot open minded thinking.
other with inconsistent speak in English Listen well when other is
language body language fluency but speaking and convey
than English but do not show interest respect to their opinions.
during the provide any in what being *Mark 3 will be given if
meeting and useful discussed and the group cannot speak
using abusive suggestions try to provide English fluency but they
language. useful are a good listener,
suggestions. respect to others and
provide useful
SCORE: 3/3
4.5 Understanding of The EFPC Project
Understand the project from the client clearly and precisely is the
most important criteria for contractors and also designers. Awesome
Boss needs a company which understand well in every section of the
project to produce a good car prototype. Besides that, better
suggestions and ideas can be yielded from a good understanding of all
the stages that stated in Assignment Handbook.
0 1 2 3
Do not understand all Attend to the Understand Perform well in
stages that stated in lecture at least what should all stages and
Assignment Handbook two times per do in certain have action
at all and do not know month but still stage and plan for it,
what should do, do not do not always always ask
attend to the lecture at understand attend to lecturer if do
least two times per what should do the lecture not understand
month.(Do not read in certain stage for a better some part of
through Assignment and do not ask understandi the task,
Handbook) lecturer for a ng but still always attend
better do not have to the lecture.
understanding. action plan.
5.0 Conclusion
The marks for each company are calculated in the table below:
Marks Allocated
Tender Evaluation Marks
Criteria Glass Republic Flash
3 2/3 3/3
Understanding of The
3 3/3 3/3
EFPC Project
Table 5.1
In a nutshell, for the Flash Company will be taking the first ranking
and Glass Republic Company will be the second for the ranking between
the tendering companies. The Flash has provided an excellent tender
application by fulfilling the tender evaluation criteria stated in our design
package, scoring an impressive 93%. Hence, Flash turns out to be our
most recommended contracting company for the project Mars
Lander/Rover. However, Glass Republic also manage to fulfil most of our
tender evaluation criteria by scoring a remarkable overall score of 12/15,
which is a minor difference of few marks with Flash Company. Glass
Republic also manage to score a splendid percentage of 80%.
6.0 Appendix