Macroeconomic Variables, Government Effectiveness and Sovereign Credit Rating: A Case of Egypt
Macroeconomic Variables, Government Effectiveness and Sovereign Credit Rating: A Case of Egypt
Macroeconomic Variables, Government Effectiveness and Sovereign Credit Rating: A Case of Egypt
Received: March 31, 2016 Accepted: June 8, 2016 Available online: June 21, 2016
doi:10.11114/aef.v3i4.1632 URL:
Sovereign credit rating reflects the country ability to meet its financial obligations (at present and in future) on its
maturities, therefore, it is an important indicator that concerns international financial institutions and foreign investors
who are interested in foreign direct investment in order to know the minimum expectation of risks that can be faced in
specific country. This paper aims to i) examine the effect of macroeconomic variables on the Egyptian sovereign credit
rating (SCR) and ii) also investigate the impact of investment environment (measured by government effectiveness) on
the SCR using the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) method over the period from 1990 to 2014. The results
indicate that GDP growth, inflation, fiscal balance, reserves, current account balance, public domestic debt, and the
government effectiveness have a significant impact on the sovereign credit rating in Egypt. This study has important
implications for investors and policymakers.
Keywords: sovereign credit rating, GDP growth, inflation, current account balance, public domestic debt and
government effectiveness
JEL code: C41, H30, F34, G12, G13, G15
I. Introduction
Adopting the concepts of liberalization of foreign trade and financial globalization reflects the role of international
financial flows to support economic development efforts by obtaining the necessary funding to stimulate productive
activities from external sources by issuing bonds in the international market and FDI. Sovereign Credit Rating (SCR) is
one of the most specific indicators to rate the confidence of the international financial institutions and investors, It also
determines the interest rate, which government borrows by from such institutions therefore, the possibility of obtaining
loans at a competitive cost. In addition, investors have minimum limits of the risks that can be borne by their
investments. It is expected that their portfolio consists of bonds, taking into account credit risks that have been
identified by credit rating agencies. According to Riasi (2015); Riasi and Amiri (2013), the credit rating can affect the
competitiveness of the products of a country in international markets, because credit rating reflects the economic
stability of the country and its ability to make the optimal use of funds
In this context, the sovereign credit rating is a determinant for the country ability to get what it needs from the money.
In other words, the sovereign credit rating reflects the degree of solvency of the country and its ability to meet its
financial obligations (fully and on time) at the present and future..
Further, the flexibility of access to the global capital markets requires obtaining a high degree of credit rating, which is
important for emerging economies in general and Egypt in particular, so that when credit rating is weak/low, the cost of
necessary borrowing to achieve the required growth rates increases, and the chances of attracting foreign direct
investment is reduced.
This study identifies the most important factors that affect the Egyptian sovereign credit rating.
This study is structured as follows. Section II gives an overview of the credit rating agencies in terms of the
characteristics of the sovereign rating and the methodology for the classification and determinants of sovereign rating.
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Section III reviews the development of the Egyptian economy and sovereign credit rating during the period under study.
Section IV reviews previous studies. Section V presents the model used and the estimation procedures. Section VI
discusses the results. Section VII concludes the study.
2. System of Current Rating and Transformation Rating Process
Rating categories do not correspond to a particular number, which mean we should transform these categories into
numerical values before starting the econometric analysis. We should choice between a linear and non-linear
transformation. Choosing a linear transformation, assumes that distance between the rating categories to be identical,
while a nonlinear transformation make them different depending on whether the rating categories moves from B to B-.
However, it seems that there is no such difference in the results between the two transformation systems; see Ferri et al.
(1999), Afonso et al. (2007). Moreover, according to Standard & Poors (see Beers and Cavanaugh, 1998) no difference
is said to exist between the two types of transformation. In the line with the literature of Cantor and Packer (1996) a
linear transformation will be used. Table (1) shows the rating symbols and linear transformation system.
Table (1). Rating symbols for long- term debt Alignment and linear transformation
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2015
Moodys Fitsh S&P
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Rajas and Jaque (2003) explore the determinants of sovereign spread of Chile, the results suggest that sovereign spread
significantly affected by debt to reserves ratio, economic activity, and US interest rate.
Arefjevs and Brasli (2013), investigate the determinants of sovereign ratings of Latvia over the period 1997-2012
obtaining data from the three main rating agencies and using ordinary least square regression. The findings provide
evidence that increases in both GDP growth rate and fiscal balance have positive effects on sovereign credit rating while
inflation and unemployment have a negative impact on it.
5. Method
In our study, we use regression analysis to find the relative significant variables influencing the sovereign credit rating.
The variables have been determined as the most macroeconomic variables repeatedly cited in the two agencies rating
reports as determinants of sovereign credit rating. More specifically, we estimate the following model:
= 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
+ 6 + 7 + (1)
Where (SR ) stands for Moodys sovereign rating grade, (GDPg) is average annual real GDP growth rate, (Inf) is the
consumer price inflation rate, (BD) is central government budget deficit relative to GDP, (Res) is the international
reserves, (Exb) is the current account balance as a percentage of GDP, (Exd) is the external debt to export ratio,
(REER) is the real effective exchange rate.
From equation (1) we expect the regression coefficients of GDP growth rate, and international reserves holds to be
positive effects on sovereign rating. While these relationship is expected to be negative with inflation, government
budget deficit, and real effective exchange rate. Finally, current account balance has uncertain impact on sovereign
credit rating. On the one hand, if the current account deficit reflects an excess of imports over exports, it may be
indicative of competitiveness problems, which undermining long-term sustainability. Alternatively, the deficit may
reflect rapid accumulation of fixed investment, which should lead to a highly productive, growing economy and
improved sustainability over the medium term.
The regression is run on quarterly data obtained from International Financial Statistic (IFS), International Debt Statistic
(IDS), and Central Bank of Egypt (CBE). The sovereign credit rating data for Egypt is from Moodys. Finally, the
(REER) data is from Bruegel web site. The data covering period from 1990 to 2014.
5.1 The Estimation Procedures
For estimating equation (1) we use the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) developed by Stock and Watson (1993).
According to Stock and Watson, the DOLS improves on OLS by coping with small sample and dynamic sources of bias.
This approach is, in contrast with Johansen method, a robust single equation approach which corrects for regressor
endogeneity by the inclusion of lags and leads of first differences of regressors. The number of Lags and leads used to
estimate DOLS equation are chosen using Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The DOLS method estimates the
long-run coefficients. However, if there is a cointegrating relationship between sovereign credit rating and explanatory
variables in the right-hand side in equation (1), then we need to examine the short-run relationship between variables.
So, we use OLS to estimate error correction model (ECM), which is given by the following equation:
S = + 1 + 1 + 2 +
=1 =1
+ 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
=1 =1 =1 =1 =1
+ + (2)
In which is the first difference. is the coefficient of one period lag residual which represents the speed of
adjustment to the longrun equilibrium. It should be negative and statistically significant. The number of lags (n) for
explanatory variables is chosen using the Schwartz information criteria (SIC).
5.2 Estimation Results
Before running the estimation, it is familiar to test whether the variables of equation (1) are stationary or integrated for
the same order one (namely I (1)). For this purpose we apply Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips Peron (PP)
unit root tests. Table (A) in Appendix report the results of tests The results provide evidence that all variables are
stationary in their first differences, and therefore they are cointegrated.
It is important to note that equation (1) is first estimated inclusive of all the considerable variables. The results, which
not reported her, imply that all the variables are significant and have the expected signs, except for external debt to
exports ratio, and real effective exchange rate which were insignificant. In this circumstance, the equation (1) was
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Notes: *, **, and *** denote statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively. D.W. is the Durbin-Watson statistic for serial
autocorrelation. ADF is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for the stationarity of the residuals. Breusch-p. refers to Breusch- pagan test for
heteroscedasticity. LM. denotes the Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM test for the residuals. Normality. Refers to Jarque-Bera Normality test for
the residuals.
6. Robustness of Estimation
In order to check the robustness and validity of our results, we adding two more variables in our model which are
susceptible to influence sovereign credit rating. The add variables are consists of public domestic debt to GDP(PDD),
and government effectiveness(Govef). The public debt coefficient is expected to be negative, while we expect a positive
relationship between government effectiveness and sovereign rating. As shown in table (A) in appendix, the two
variables are stationary in their first differences. Therefore, the variables can be used in their levels beside other basic
variables, provides that they are cointegrated. Tables (4) and (5) reports estimation results for equation (1) by adding the
new variables one at a time as in column (1) and (2), or together as in column (3). Once again, the real exchange rate,
GDP per capita, and external debt to export ratio are excluded from the independent variables list as they turns out
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statistically insignificant. The results provide evidence that the two variables have the predicted signs and both are
significant whether in long-run or short-run. The results show that 1% increase in public domestic debt reduces the
sovereign credit rating by 0.08 to 0.13 percentage point in the long-run, while this impact is about 0.066, in the
short-run. The results also indicate that government effectiveness has positive impact on sovereign credit rating. This
indicates that Moodys takes qualitative measurement into account. Its important to note that adding new variables did
not change the primary results, which provide evidence of the robustness of the estimation results . Finally, the
adjustment force is still high and statistically significant (the coefficient range is from 0.66 to 0.81).
Table (4). Robustness Test
7. Conclusion
This paper aims to investigate the determinants of Egypts sovereign credit rating assigned by Moodys agency. The
importance of studying the sovereign credit rating in Egypt is being one of important factors that help government to
borrow from foreign countries and international financial institutions at competitive cost as well as it facilitates
attracting FDI which requires obtaining a high credit rating. There are many factors affecting the credit rating. This
paper finds that there are six factors that play the most important role affecting the sovereign credit rating in Egyptian
case. These factors are: GDP growth, inflation, fiscal balance, reserves, current account balance, and public domestic
debt. In addition, the study finds that the government effectiveness indicator is a significantly determinant for the
country rating. This shows that sovereign credit rating classification process depends on both quantitative and
qualitative variables. Thus, the study concludes the following.
1. The Egyptian economy suffers from a severe inflation and decline in local currency value against foreign
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