Srs Library Management System

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Software Requirements



Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by KAPIL B. PATIL

Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa Pune.

8TH JULY 2009


1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 DocumentConventions..................................................................................................................1
1.3 IntendedAudienceandReadingSuggestions.................................................................................1
1.4 ProjectScope..................................................................................................................................1
1.5 References......................................................................................................................................1
2. OverallDescription..................................................................................................................2
2.1 ProductPerspective........................................................................................................................2
2.2 ProductFeatures.............................................................................................................................2
2.3 UserClassesandCharacteristics....................................................................................................2
2.4 OperatingEnvironment..................................................................................................................2
2.5 DesignandImplementationConstraints.........................................................................................2
2.6 UserDocumentation.......................................................................................................................2
2.7 AssumptionsandDependencies.....................................................................................................3
3. SystemFeatures.......................................................................................................................3
3.1 SystemFeature1............................................................................................................................3
3.2 SystemFeature2(andsoon)..........................................................................................................4
4. ExternalInterfaceRequirements...........................................................................................4
4.1 UserInterfaces................................................................................................................................4
4.2 HardwareInterfaces........................................................................................................................4
4.3 SoftwareInterfaces.........................................................................................................................4
4.4 CommunicationsInterfaces............................................................................................................4
5. OtherNonfunctionalRequirements.......................................................................................5
5.1 PerformanceRequirements.............................................................................................................5
5.2 SafetyRequirements.......................................................................................................................5
5.3 SecurityRequirements....................................................................................................................5
5.4 SoftwareQualityAttributes............................................................................................................5
5.7Design Constraints5

6. OtherRequirements................................................................................................................5

Name Date ReasonForChanges Version

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of

the project Library Management system. The document gives the
detailed description of the both functional and non functional
requirements proposed by the client. The document is developed after
a number of consultations with the client and considering the complete
requirement specifications of the given Project. The final product of the
team will be meeting the requirements of this document.

1.2 DocumentConventions

The following are the list of conventions and acronyms used in this
document and the project as well:
Administrator: A login id representing a user with user administration
privileges to the software
User: A general login id assigned to most users
Client: Intended users for the software
SQL: Structured Query Language; used to retrieve information
from a database
SQL Server: A server used to store data in an organized format
ASP: Active Server Pages: A Web Page formatted on the server
and delivered to the browser.
Layer: Represents a section of the project
User Interface Layer: The section of the assignment referring to
what the user interacts with directly.

Application Logic Layer: The section of the assignment referring

to the Web Server. This is where all computations are completed.
Data Storage Layer: The section of the assignment referring to
where all data is recorded
Data flow diagram:It shows the dataflow between the entities.
Use Case: A broad level diagram of the project showing a basic
Boolean: A true/false notation
Interface: Something used to communicate across different
Unique Key: Used to differentiate entries in a database

1.3 IntendedAudienceandReadingSuggestions

The intended audiences for this document are:

The team members of Innovative library Solutions.

The administrative staff of University of Ballarat at IIBIT who is the


The Project Supervisor Mr.Pramesh Khadka and Project Coordinator

Mr.Hari Gande.

This document will be reviewed frequently by the above audiences to

check if the different phases of the project are being completed by
meeting the given requirements.

If there are any changes in the requirements in the course of the

project they must be included in this document by making
the necessary changes.

1.4 ProjectScope

Project Title : Library Management System

Date : 08-07-2009 Prepared By :
Project Justification:
This project is basically updating the manual library system into a
internet based application so that the users can know the details of
their account ,availability of books etc.,
Product Characteristics and Requirements :
1. Secured database.
2. User tracking
3. Search feature
4.Calculating fines
5. Checking the availability of books.
6.Students will get an E-mail before the due date in order to
avoid fines
Project Management Deliverables:

Project plan, Research finding report, Work breakdown structure,

Scope statement, Project charter, Training manuals, lessons learned
report etc.,
Product-related deliverables :
Research reports ,design documents, software code, hardware
,test plan, project benefit measurement plan etc.,

Project Success Criteria: Our main goal is to complete this project

within allotted dead line and also within the budget allotted. It is

necessary to develop a method for capturing the benefits while the

Library management system is being developed, tested, and after it is


rolled out. If the project takes a little longer to complete or costs a

little more than planned, the firm will still view it as a success if it has

a good payback and helps promote the firms image as an excellent

management organization

1.5 References

<List any other documents or Web addresses to which this SRS refers. These may include user
interface style guides, contracts, standards, system requirements specifications, use case
documents, or a vision and scope document. Provide enough information so that the reader could
access a copy of each reference, including title, author, version number, date, and source or

2. OverallDescription

2.1 ProductPerspective

The proposed Library Management System which is being developed

by Innovative Library Management Solutions team is an on-line Library
Management System. This System will provide a search functionality to
facilitate the search of resources. This search will be based on various
categories viz. book name or the ISBN. Also Advanced Search feature is
provided in order to search various categories simultaneously. Further
the library staff personnel can add/update/remove the resources and the
resource users from the system.
The University of Ballarat has various campuses distributed
across Australia. Further each branch is managed individually and locally
by that branch library staff. The System should reflect and support this
decentralized structure. A provision should further be allowed to add a
branch. The System will also have an ADMIN who has full-fledged rights
with regards to managing resources across branches such as

transferring books across these branches. The users can know the
number of available books, information about their account etc.,

2.2 ProductFeatures

There are two different users who will be using this product:
Librarian who will be acting as the administrator
Student of the University who will be accessing the Library online.

The features that are available to the Librarian are:

A librarian can issue a book to the student

Can view The different categories of books available in the
Can view the List of books available in each category
Can take the book returned from students
Add books and their information of the books to the database
Edit the information of the existing books.
Can check the report of the issued Books.
Can access all the accounts of the students.
The features available to the Students are:
Can view The different categories of books available in the
Can view the List of books available in each category
Can own an account in the library
Can view the books issued to him
Can put a request for a new book
Can view the history of books issued to him previously
Can search for a particular book

2.3 UserClassesandCharacteristics

There are various kinds of users for the product. Usually web products
are visited by various users for different reasons.

The users include :

Students who will be using the above features by accessing

the Library online.
Librarian who will be acting as the controller and he will have
all the privileges of an administrator.

2.4 OperatingEnvironment

The product will be operating in windows environment. Also it will be

compatible with the IE 6.0. Most of the features will be compatible with the
Mozilla firefox & Opera 7.0 or higher version. The only requirement to use this
online product would be the internet connection.

2.5 DesignandImplementationConstraints

he Product is developed using ASP. The backend database for this

SQL Server. The product is accomplished with login facility so that
specific function is available to specific student.

2.6 UserDocumentation

The product will include user manual. The user manual will include product
overview, complete configuration of the used software (such as SQL server),
technical details, backup procedure and contact information which will include
email address. There will be no online help for the product at this moment. The
product will be compatible with the Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. The
databases will be created in the Microsoft SQL server 2000

2.7 AssumptionsandDependencies

The product needs following third party product.

Microsoft SQL server to store the database.


ASP to develop the Product


13.1.1. Description and Priority
Proposed Database is intended to store, retrieve, update, and
manipulate information related to university which include

Books availability

Staff information

Student details

My Account

Calculation of fines

23.1.2. Stimulus / Response Sequences

Responses for Administrator: The administrator can Login and

Logout. When the Administrator Logs into the Library system. The
system will check for validity of login .If the Login and password
are valid, the response to this action is the administrator will be
able to modify, view, add, deleting and all other functions that
can be performed on the database.

3.2. Functional Requirements

This section gives the list of Functional and non functional requirements
which are applicable to the Library Management System.

3.2.1 Interface Requirements

This section describes how the software interfaces with other software
products or users for input or output.
Describes how this product interfaces with the user.

Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should
include a set of screen dumps or mockups to illustrate user interface

1. Description
The user interface must be customizable by the administrator

2. Criticality
This issue is essential to the overall system. All the modules
provided with the software must fit into this graphical user
interface and accomplish to the standard defined.

3. Technicalissues
In order to satisfy this requirement the design should be simple
and all the different interfaces should follow a standard template.
There will be the possibility of changing colors and images, plus
switching between interfaces with the minimum impact for the

4. Risks
To reduce the circumstances under which this requirement might
not able to be satisfied, all the designers must have been

developed web sites previously and they must be aware of html

restriction and cross browsers implementations before starting the
designing. In order to reduce the probability of this occurrence the
entire design team will be trained in basic html development and
macromedia fireworks, this tool will be used instead of Photoshop.

5. Dependencies with other requirements

All user interfaces should be able to interact with the user
management module and a part of the interface must be
dedicated to the login/logout module

4.Non Functional Requirements

4.1. User Interfaces

4.2. Hardware Interfaces

Server Side:

Operating System: Windows 9x/xp ,Windows ME

Processor: Pentium 3.0 GHz or higher
RAM: 256 Mb or more
Hard Drive: 10 GB or more

Client side:

Operating System: Windows 9x or above, MAC or UNIX.

Processor: Pentium III or 2.0 GHz or higher.
RAM: 256 Mb or more

4.3. Software Interfaces

Database: SQL Server.

Application: ASP (Active Server Pages)
Web Server: IIS (Internet Information Services (IIS) is a powerful
Web server that provides a highly reliable, manageable, and scalable
Web application infrastructure)

4.4. Communications Interfaces

The Customer must connect to the Internet to access the Website:

Dialup Modem of 52 kbps
Broadband Internet
Dialup or Broadband Connection with a Internet Provider.


The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief
performance system within the different campuses of the university which
interact with the university staff and students. Therefore, it is expected that
the database would perform functionally all the requirements that are
specified by the university.


The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating
system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup


We are going to develop a secured database for the university .There are
different categories of users namely teaching staff,administrator,library staff
,students etc.,Depending upon the category of user the access rights are
decided.It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify
the data,delete,append etc.,All other users other than library staff only have
the rights to retrieve the information about database.
The Quality of the database is maintained in such a way so that it can be very
user friendly to all the users of the database

5.4Hardware Constraints
The system requires a database in order to store persistent data. The
database should have backup capabilities.

5.5 Software Constraints

The development of the system will be constrained by the availability
of required software such as web servers, database and development
The availability of these tools will be governed by
the University of Ballarat.
The most recent versions of software development tools may not be
installed at the University of Ballarat.

5.6Design Constraints
The system must be designed to allow web usability. That is, the
system must
be designed in such a way that will be easy to use and visible on most
of the browsers.


<Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS, including acronyms and
abbreviations. You may wish to build a separate glossary that spans multiple projects or the entire
organization, and just include terms specific to a single project in each SRS.>

<Optionally, include any pertinent analysis models, such as data flow diagrams, class diagrams,
state-transition diagrams, or entity-relationship diagrams.>

< This is a dynamic list of the open requirements issues that remain to be resolved, including
TBDs, pending decisions, information that is needed, conflicts awaiting resolution, and the like.>

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