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ISCOM2924GF-4GE/4C Configuration Guide

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Chapter 1 Function Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Chapter 2 Basic Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 Login device--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.1.1 Brief introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1.2 Login the device from Console port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1.3 Login the device from Telnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1.4 Login the device from SSHv2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
2.1.5 Manage the login user---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.1.6 Check the configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2 Command line -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
2.2.1 Brief introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.2 Command line level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.3 Command line mode---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.2.4 Command line shortcut -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
2.2.5 Command line help message ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.2.6 Command line display message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.2.7 Command line history message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.2.8 Restore command line default value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.3 Manage files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
2.3.1 Management of BootROM files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.3.2 Management of system files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
2.3.3 Management of configuration files ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.3.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.4 Upload and upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.4.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.4.2 Configure TFTP auto-upload method------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
2.4.3 Upgrade system software by BootROM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.4.4 Upgrade system software by FTP/TFTP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
2.4.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.5 Configure clock management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22
2.5.1 Configure time and time zone ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.5.2 Configure daylight saving time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.5.3 Configure NTP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.5.4 Configure SNTP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
2.5.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.6 Configure interface management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.6.1 Default configuration of interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25
2.6.2 Configure basic attributes for interface----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.6.3 Configure interface statistics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26
2.6.4 Configure interface flow control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
2.6.5 Configure interface open/shutdown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
2.6.6 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
2.7 Configure basic information for device ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
2.8 Configure task calling function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
2.9 Configure watchdog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
2.10 Configuration examples-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
2.10.1 Configure TFTP auto-loading example----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Chapter 3 Ethernet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.1 Overview----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.1.1 Ethernet interface-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.1.2 MAC address forwarding table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
3.1.3 VLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
3.1.4 QinQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
3.1.5 VLAN mapping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
3.1.6 STP/RSTP/MSTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
3.1.7 Loopback detection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
3.1.8 Interface protection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
3.1.9 Interface mirror ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
3.1.10 Layer-2 protocol transparent transmission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44
3.2 Configure MAC address forwarding table ------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
3.2.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
3.2.2 Default configuration of MAC address forwarding table ------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
3.2.3 Configure static MAC address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
3.2.4 Configure MAC address learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45
3.2.5 Configure MAC address learning amount limit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
3.2.6 Configure MAC address aging time--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
3.2.7 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
3.3 Configure VLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.3.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.3.2 Default configuration of VLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.3.3 Configure VLAN attributes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3.3.4 Configure interface mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3.3.5 Configure VLAN over Access interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3.3.6 Configure VLAN over Trunk interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49
3.3.7 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.4 Configure QinQ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.4.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.4.2 Default configuration of QinQ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.4.3 Configure basic QinQ--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
3.4.4 Configure flexible QinQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51
3.4.5 Configure egress interface in Trunk mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51
3.4.6 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.5 Configure VLAN mapping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.5.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.5.2 Configure 1:1 VLAN mapping ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.5.3 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.6 Configure STP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
3.6.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
3.6.2 Default configuration of STP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53
3.6.3 Enable STP function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
3.6.4 Configure STP parameter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3.6.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3.7 Configure MSTP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.7.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.7.2 Default configuration of MSTP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.7.3 Enable MSTP function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.7.4 Configure MST domain and its maximum hop count ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.7.5 Configure root bridge/backup bridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.7.6 Configure device interface and system priority ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57
3.7.7 Configure network diameter for switch network------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58
3.7.8 Configure inner path overhead for interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
3.7.9 Configure external path cost for interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
3.7.10 Configure maximum transmitting speed for interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
3.7.11 Configure MSTP timer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
3.7.12 Configure edge port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
3.7.13 Configure link type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60
3.7.14 Configure root interface protection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
3.7.15 Configure loopguard for interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
3.7.16 Execute mcheck operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
3.7.17 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
3.8 Configure loopback detection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
3.8.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
3.8.2 Default configuration of loopback detection----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
3.8.3 Configure loopback detection function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
3.8.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.9 Configure interface protection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.9.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.9.2 Default configuration for interface protection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.9.3 Configure interface protection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.9.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.10 Configure interface mirror----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.10.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.10.2 Default configuration for interface mirror -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.10.3 Configure mirror function for local interface----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
3.10.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
3.11 Configure layer-2 protocol transparent transmission --------------------------------------------------- 66
3.11.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
3.11.2 Default configuration of layer-2 protocol transparent transmission ----------------------------------------------------- 67
3.11.3 Configure transparent transmission parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67
3.11.4 (Optional) Configure transparent transmission speed for message ---------------------------------------------------- 68
3.11.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
3.12 Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68
3.13 Configure examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
3.13.1 Configure MAC address forwarding table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
3.13.2 Configure VLAN and interface protection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
3.13.3 Configure basic QinQ--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
3.13.4 Configure flexible QinQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75
3.13.5 Configure VLAN mapping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
3.13.6 Configure STP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79
3.13.7 Configure MSTP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
3.13.8 Configure loopback detection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88
3.13.9 Configure interface mirror --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
3.13.10 Configure layer-2 protocol transparent transmission ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
Chapter 4 Routing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
4.1 Overview----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
4.1.1 ARP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
4.1.2 Layer-3 interface --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
4.1.3 Routing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
4.2 Configure ARP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
4.2.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
4.2.2 Default configuration of ARP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96
4.2.3 Configure static ARP table entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
4.2.4 Configure dynamic ARP table entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
4.2.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
4.3 Configure layer-3 interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
4.3.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
4.3.2 Configure layer-3 interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
4.3.3 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
4.4 Configure statistic routing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
4.4.1 Preparation for configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
4.4.2 Configure default gateway -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
4.4.3 Configure static routing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99
4.4.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
4.5 Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99
4.6 Configuration examples-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
4.6.1 Configure ARP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
4.6.2 Configure layer-3 interface to intercommunicate with host -------------------------------------------------------------- 101
4.6.3 Configure static routing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
Chapter 5 DHCP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
5.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
5.1.1 DHCP overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
5.1.2 DHCP packet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106
5.1.3 DHCP Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 107
5.1.4 DHCP client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108
5.1.5 DHCP Snooping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109
5.2 Configure DHCP client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
5.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
5.2.2 Default configuration of DHCP client ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 110
5.2.3 Configure DHCP client ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111
5.2.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111
5.3 Configure DHCP Snooping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
5.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
5.3.2 Default configuration of DHCP Snooping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
5.3.3 Configure DHCP Snooping------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
5.3.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114
5.4 Configure DHCP Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114
5.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
5.4.2 Default configuration of DHCP Option----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
5.4.3 Configure DHCP Option field over IPv4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
5.4.4 Configure DHCP Option field over IPv6--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
5.4.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116
5.5 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
5.5.1 Configure DHCP clients application-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
5.5.2 Configure DHCP Snooping application --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
Chapter 6 QoS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
6.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
6.1.1 Service model ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
6.1.2 Priority trust -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
6.1.3 Traffic classification ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
6.1.4 Traffic policy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124
6.1.5 Priority mapping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125
6.1.6 Queue schedule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125
6.1.7 Rate limit over interface and VLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126
6.2 Configure priority trust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127
6.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127
6.2.2 Default configuration of priority trust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127
6.2.3 Configure interface priority trust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127
6.2.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127
6.3 Configure traffic classification and traffic policy-------------------------------------------------------- 128
6.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128
6.3.2 Default configuration of traffic classification and traffic policy ----------------------------------------------------------- 128
6.3.3 Create and configure traffic classification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 128
6.3.4 Create traffic rate limit rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129
6.3.5 Create and configure traffic policy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129
6.3.6 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130
6.4 Configure internal priority and queue schedule --------------------------------------------------------- 131
6.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131
6.4.2 Configure mapping relationship between DSCP priority and local priority ------------------------------------------- 131
6.4.3 Configure mapping relationship between CoS priority and local priority --------------------------------------------- 131
6.4.4 Configure internal priority over interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
6.4.5 Configure SP queue schedule--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
6.4.6 Configure WRR or SP+WRR queue schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132
6.4.7 Configure DRR or SP+DRR queue schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
6.4.8 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133
6.5 Configure traffic rate limit over interface and VLAN --------------------------------------------------- 133
6.5.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
6.5.2 Configure traffic rate limit over interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
6.5.3 Configure traffic rate limit over VLAN or QinQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134
6.5.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134
6.6 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134
6.7 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135
6.7.1 Configure traffic rate limit over traffic policy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135
6.7.2 Configure queue schedule application ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
6.7.3 Configure traffic rate limit over interface application ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
Chapter 7 Multicast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 141
7.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
7.1.1 Multicast overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 141
7.1.2 Basic functions of IGMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146
7.1.3 IGMP Snooping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147
7.1.4 IGMP MVR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147
7.1.5 IGMP Proxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147
7.1.6 IGMP filtering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 148
7.2 Configure IGMP foundation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148
7.2.1 Configure basic function of IGMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148
7.2.2 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149
7.3 Configure IGMP Snooping--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149
7.3.1 Configuration preparation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149
7.3.2 Default configuration of IGMP Snooping-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
7.3.3 Configure IGMP Snooping function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
7.3.4 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
7.4 Configure IGMP MVR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
7.4.1 Configuration preparation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
7.4.2 Default configuration of IGMP MVR-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
7.4.3 Configure IGMP MVR function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
7.4.4 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
7.5 Configure IGMP Proxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
7.5.1 Configuration preparation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
7.5.2 Default configuration of IGMP Proxy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153
7.5.3 Configure IGMP Proxy function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153
7.5.4 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154
7.6 Configure IGMP filtering ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154
7.6.1 Configuration preparation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154
7.6.2 Default configuration of IGMP filtering----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154
7.6.3 Configure to enable global IGMP filtering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 154
7.6.4 Configure IGMP filtering template ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155
7.6.5 Configure the maximum multicast group number restriction ------------------------------------------------------------ 155
7.6.6 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156
7.7 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156
7.8 Configuration application --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156
7.8.1 Configure IGMP Snooping and IGMP Proxy application ----------------------------------------------------------------- 156
7.8.2 Configure IGMP MVR application ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158
7.8.3 Configure IGMP filtering example under the interface -------------------------------------------------------------------- 160
7.8.4 Configure ring network multicast application example -------------------------------------------------------------------- 162
Chapter 8 Security ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
8.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
8.1.1 ACL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 165
8.1.2 RADIUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
8.1.3 TACACS+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166
8.1.4 Storm suppression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166
8.2 Configure ACL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167
8.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167
8.2.2 Default configuration of ACL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167
8.2.3 Configure IP ACL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168
8.2.4 Configure IPv6 ACL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168
8.2.5 Configure MAC ACL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168
8.2.6 Configure MAP ACL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169
8.2.7 ACL application on device -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171
8.2.8 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 172
8.3 Configure RADIUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173
8.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173
8.3.2 Default configuration of RADIUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173
8.3.3 Configure RADIUS authentication---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173
8.3.4 Configure RADIUS accounting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174
8.3.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 175
8.4 Configure TACACS+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
8.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
8.4.2 Default configuration of TACACS+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
8.4.3 Configure TACACS+ authentication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
8.4.4 Configure TACACS+ accountion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 176
8.4.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 177
8.5 Configure storm suppression ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
8.5.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
8.5.2 Default configuration of storm suppression ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
8.5.3 Configure storm suppression function----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
8.5.4 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178
8.6 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
8.7 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
8.7.1 Configure ACL application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
8.7.2 Configure RADIUS application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 179
8.7.3 Configure TACACS+ application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 181
8.7.4 Configure storm suppressionapplication-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182
Chapter 9 Reliability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183
9.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183
9.1.1 Link aggregation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 183
9.1.2 Interface backup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 184
9.1.3 ELPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186
9.1.4 ERPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186
9.1.5 Ethernet ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186
9.2 Configure link aggregation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188
9.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188
9.2.2 Default configuration of link aggregation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188
9.2.3 Configure link aggregation in manual mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189
9.2.4 Configure static LACP link aggregation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190
9.2.5 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 191
9.3 Configure interface backup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 191
9.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 191
9.3.2 Default configuration of interface backup------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192
9.3.3 Configure the basic function of interface backup --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192
9.3.4 (Optional) Configure interface forced switch--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 193
9.3.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 193
9.4 Configure ELPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194
9.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194
9.4.2 Default configuration of ELPS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194
9.4.3 Create protection line -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195
9.4.4 Configure ELPS fault detection mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196
9.4.5 (Optional) Configure ELPS switching control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196
9.4.6 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197
9.5 Configure ERPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197
9.5.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197
9.5.2 Default configuration of ERPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197
9.5.3 Create ERPS protection ring ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198
9.5.4 (Optional) Create ERPS protection sub-ring--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200
9.5.5 Configure ERPS fault detection mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201
9.5.6 (Optional) Configure ERPS switching control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201
9.5.7 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 202
9.6 Configure Ethernet ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 202
9.6.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202
9.6.2 Default configuration of Ethernet ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203
9.6.3 Create Ethernet ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203
9.6.4 Configure basic function of ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203
9.6.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204
9.7 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204
9.8 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 205
9.8.1 Configuring application of link aggregation in manual mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 205
9.8.2 Configuring application of link aggregation in static LACP mode ------------------------------------------------------ 207
9.8.3 Configure interface backup application --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 209
9.8.4 Configuring application of ELPS protection in 1:1 mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- 210
9.8.5 Configuring application of ELPS protection in 1+1 mode----------------------------------------------------------------- 212
9.8.6 Configuring application of single ring ERPS protection ------------------------------------------------------------------- 215
9.8.7 Configuring application of double ring ERPS protection ------------------------------------------------------------------ 218
9.8.8 Configure Ethernet ring application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222
Chapter 10 OAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 225
10.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 225
10.1.1 OAM overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 225
10.1.2 EFM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 226
10.1.3 CFM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 226
10.1.4 SLA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228
10.1.5 E-LMI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229
10.2 EFM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229
10.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229
10.2.2 Default configuration of EFM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229
10.2.3 Basic functions of EFM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 230
10.2.4 Active functions of EFM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 231
10.2.5 Passive functions of EFM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 232
10.2.6 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 234
10.3 CFM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234
10.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234
10.3.2 Default configuration of CFM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235
10.3.3 Enable CFM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 236
10.3.4 Basic functions of CFM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 237
10.3.5 Configure fault detection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 238
10.3.6 Configure fault acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 239
10.3.7 Configure fault location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 240
10.3.8 Configure AIS function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 241
10.3.9 Configure Ethernet signal lockout function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 241
10.3.10 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 242
10.4 SLA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 242
10.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 242
10.4.2 Default configuration of SLA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 243
10.4.3 Basic information of SLA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 243
10.4.4 Configure SLA schedule information and enable schedule -------------------------------------------------------------- 244
10.4.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244
10.5 E-LMI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
10.5.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
10.5.2 Default configuration of E-LMI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
10.5.3 Configure E-LMI function for PE device -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246
10.5.4 Configure E-LMI function for CE device -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248
10.5.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
10.6 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
10.7 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
10.7.1 Application of EFM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
10.7.2 Application of CFM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251
10.7.3 Application of SLA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254
10.7.4 Configure E-LMI application ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255
Chapter 11 System Management ------------------------------------------------------------------- 259
11.1 Overview--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259
11.1.1 SNMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259
11.1.2 KeepAlive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 261
11.1.3 RMON --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 261
11.1.4 Cluster management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262
11.1.5 LLDP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 264
11.1.6 Optical module digital diagnostics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266
11.1.7 System Log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266
11.1.8 Alarm management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 267
11.1.9 Hardware environment monitoring --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 271
11.1.10 Fan monitor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
11.1.11 CPU monitor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
11.1.12 Ping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 274
11.1.13 Traceroute ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 275
11.2 SNMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276
11.2.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276
11.2.2 Default configuration of SNMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276
11.2.3 Configure basic function for SNMP v1/v2c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 277
11.2.4 Configure basic function for SNMP v3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 278
11.2.5 Configure other information of SNMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 279
11.2.6 Configure Trap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 279
11.2.7 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 280
11.3 KeepAlive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280
11.3.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280
11.3.2 Defaut configuration of KeepAlive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 281
11.3.3 Configure KeepAlive function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 281
11.3.4 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 281
11.4 RMON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282
11.4.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282
11.4.2 Default configuration of RMON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282
11.4.3 Configure RMON statistics function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282
11.4.4 Configure RMON history statistics function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283
11.4.5 Configure RMON alarm group -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283
11.4.6 Configure RMON event group --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283
11.4.7 Checking configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 284
11.5 Cluster management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284
11.5.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284
11.5.2 Default configuration of cluster management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284
11.5.3 Configure RNDP function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285
11.5.4 Configure RTDP function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285
11.5.5 Configure cluster management function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 286
11.5.6 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 287
11.6 LLDP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.6.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.6.2 Default configuration of LLDP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.6.3 Configure to enable global LLDP function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289
11.6.4 Configure to enable interface LLDP function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 289
11.6.5 Configure basic LLDP function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 289
11.6.6 Configure LLDP alarm function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290
11.6.7 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290
11.7 Optical module digital diagnostics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290
11.7.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290
11.7.2 Default configuration of optical module digital diagnostics --------------------------------------------------------------- 291
11.7.3 Configure to enable optical module digital diagnostics ------------------------------------------------------------------- 291
11.7.4 Configure optical module digital diagnostics alarm sending Trap ------------------------------------------------------ 291
11.7.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292
11.8 System log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 292
11.8.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292
11.8.2 Default configuration of dydtem log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292
11.8.3 Configure basic information for system log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 293
11.8.4 Configure system log output ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 294
11.8.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295
11.9 Alarm management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 295
11.9.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295
11.9.2 Default configuration of alarm management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295
11.9.3 Configure basic alarm function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 296
11.9.4 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 297
11.10 Hardware environment monitoring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 297
11.10.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 297
11.10.2 Default configuration of hardware environment monitoring -------------------------------------------------------------- 298
11.10.3 Configure to enable global hardware environment monitoring ---------------------------------------------------------- 298
11.10.4 Configure power monitoring alarm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298
11.10.5 Configure temperature monitoring alarm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 299
11.10.6 Configure voltage monitoring alarm-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 299
11.10.7 Configure interface status monitoring alarm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 299
11.10.8 Clear all hareware environments monitoring alarm event manually --------------------------------------------------- 300
11.10.9 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300
11.11 Fan monitor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300
11.11.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300
11.11.2 Configure fan monitor function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
11.11.3 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
11.12 CPU monitor---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
11.12.1 Preparation for configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
11.12.2 Defaut configuration of CPU monitor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 302
11.12.3 Check CPU monitor information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 302
11.12.4 Configure CPU monitor alarm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
11.12.5 Check configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
11.13 Check device information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303
11.14 Ping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303
11.15 Traceroute------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303
11.16 Maintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304
11.17 Configuring applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304
11.17.1 Configure SNMP v1/v2c and Trap application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 304
11.17.2 Configure SNMP v3 and Trap application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 306
11.17.3 Configure KeepAlive application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 307
11.17.4 Configure RMON alarm group application ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
11.17.5 Configure cluster management and realize remote access ------------------------------------------------------------- 310
11.17.6 Configure LLDP function application------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 312
11.17.7 Configure system log output to log host application ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 315
11.17.8 Configure hardware environment monitoring application----------------------------------------------------------------- 316
Appendix A Glossary Table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 319
Appendix B Acronym ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 320

About This Manual

This manual introduces primary functions of the configuration management software for RC series

Who Should Read This Manual

This m anual i s a valuable r eference f or s ales and marketing staff, af ter s ervice s taff and
telecommunication ne twork de signers. For those w ho w ant t o ha ve a n ov erview of t he f eatures,
applications, s tructure a nd s pecifications of ISCOM2924GF-4GE/4C device, this is a lso a
recommended document.

This manual is an introduction of the main functions of ISCOM2924GF-4GE/4C. To ha ve a qui ck
grasp of the using of the ISCOM2924GF-4GE/4C, please read this manual carefully. The manual is
composed of the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Basic Configuration
Chapter 3 Ethernet

Chapter 4 Routing
Chapter 5 DHCP

Chapter 6 QoS
Chapter 7 Multicast
Chapter 8 Security

Chapter 9 Reliability

Chapter 10 OAM

Chapter 11 System Management

Appendix A Glossary Table

Appendix B Acronym
The RC series products developed by Raisecom are strictly complied with the following standards as
well a s ITU-T, IEEE, IETF and related standards from other international telecommunication
standard organizations:

YD/T900-1997 SDH Equipment Technical Requirements - Clock

YD/T973-1998 SDH 155Mb/s and 622Mb/s Technical conditions of optical transmitter module and
receiver module

YD/T1017-1999 Network node interface for the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)

YD/T1022-1999 Requirement of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment function

YD/T1078-2000 S DH Transmission N etwork Technique R equirements-Interworking of N etwork

Protection Architectures

YD/T1111.1-2001 Technical R equirements of S DH Optical Transmitter/Optical R eceiver

Modules2.488320 Gb/s Optical Receiver Modules

YD/T1111.2- 2001 Technical Requirements of S HD Optical Transmitter/Optical R eceiver

Modules2.488320 Gb/s Optical Transmitter Modules

YD/T1179- 2002 Technical Specification of Ethernet over SDH

G.703 Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces

G.704 Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 84 48 and 44 73 6 kbit/s hierarchical
G.707 Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)

G.774 Synchronous di gital hi erarchy ( SDH) - Management i nformation m odel f or t he n etwork

element view

G.781 Synchronization layer functions

G.783 Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks

G.784 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management

G.803 Architecture of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)

G.813 Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC)

G.823 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s

G.825 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the synchronous
digital hierarchy (SDH)

G.826 E nd-to-end e rror pe rformance pa rameters a nd o bjectives f or i nternational, c onstant bi t-rate

digital paths and connections

G.828 Error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit-rate synchronous
digital paths

G.829 Error performance events for SDH multiplex and regenerator sections
G.831 M anagement c apabilities of t ransport ne tworks ba sed on t he s ynchronous di gital hi erarchy
G.841 Types and characteristics of SDH network protection architectures

G.842 Interworking of SDH network protection architectures

G.957 Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy

G.691 Optical interfaces for single channel STM-64 and other SDH systems with optical amplifiers
G.664 Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport systems

I.731 ATM Types and general characteristics of ATM equipment

I.732 ATM Functional characteristics of ATM equipment

IEEE 802.1Q Virtual Local Area Networks (LANs)

IEEE 802.1p Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering
IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Instruction
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Chapter 1 Function Overview

The f eatures, s tandards a nd s pecifications s upported by ISCOM2924GF-4GE/4C e nhanced

aggregation Ethernet switch are shown in the following table:

Table 1-1 features, standards and specifications

Features Descriptions

Basic features Login device (RJ45 Console/USB Console/Telnet/SHHv2)

Command line
Management files (BootROM/system files/configuration files)
Load and upgrade (TFTP autoloading, BootROM upgrade,
FTP/TFTP upgrade)
Time management
Interface management
Basic information (device name, switchover language mode,
save/delete configuration, device restart)
Task scheduling
Ethernet MAC address (321024)
Jumbo frame (9250 bytes)
VLAN (4094)
QinQ (3000 flexible QinQ)
1:1 VLAN switch
Loopback detection
Interface protection
Interface image
Layer-2 protocol transparent transmission (Dot1x message, GVRP
message, LACP message, STP message)
Route ARP
Layer-3 interface
Static route and default gateway
DHCP DHCP client
DHCP Snooping
DHCP Option82 / DHCP Option61

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Features Descriptions

QoS Trust priority

Flow classification (ToS priority, DSCP priority, CoS priority) and
Flow policy (Flow speed limit based on flow policy, redirection,
heavy label)
Internal priority and queue scheduling
Flow speed limit based on interface and VLAN (The maximum
speed:10Gbps, the minimum step: 8Kbps)
Multicast Multicast forwarding entries (1024)
IGMP Snooping
IGMP Proxy
IGMP filter
Safety ACL (999)
RADIUS authentication
Storm suppression
Reliability Link aggregation (8 aggregation groups)
Ethernet loop
Ethernet linear protection switching ELPS (ITU-T G.8031)
Ethernet ring protection switching ERPS (ITU-T G.8032)
OAM EFM (IEEE 802.3ah)
CFM (IEEE802.1ag/ITU-Y.1731)
System SNMP
management KeepAlive
Cluster management
Extended OAM
Optical module digital diagnosis
System log
Alarm management
Hardware environment monitoring
Fan monitoring
CPU monitoring
Ping and Traceroute
Note: The four functions of STP, loopback detection, interface backup and Ethernet ring on device
may influence each other; it is recommended not to enable them simultaneously.
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Chapter 2 Basic Configuration

This chapter i ntroduces t he ba sic c onfiguration and configuration process about I SCOM2924GF
device and provides the related configuration cases.
Login device
Command line
Manage files
Upload and upgrade
Configure clock management
Configure interface management
Configure basic information for device
Configure task calling function
Configure watchdog
Configuration cases

2.1 Login device

2.1.1 Brief introduction
ISCOM2924GF s witch device can be configured and m anaged by the c ommand l ine C LI
(Command-Line Interface) mode or NView NNM network management mode.

ISCOM2924GF switch command-line mode has a variety of configuration modes:

Console mode: it must use Console mode in the first configuration; the device is in support of
RJ-45 Console port and USB Console port.
Telnet mode: log on through the Console mode, open Telnet service on the switch, configure
Layer-3 interface IP address, set t he us er na me and pa ssword and then take remote Telnet
SSHv2 mode: before logging on the device through SSHv2, you need to login the device and
start the SSHv2 service through the Console interface.
When c onfiguring the device i n network management mode, you must f irst configure Layer-3
interface IP address by the command line mode, and then configure the device through NView NNM
network management platform.

Note: The manual configuration steps uses command line mode.

2.1.2 Login the device from Console port

Console port i s a v ery co mmand interface us ed for ne twork device t o connect t erminal e mulation
program w ith P C. Users c an t ake t his i nterface t o configure and manage l ocal de vice. This
management method c an communicate di rect w ithout ne twork, s o i t i s c alled out -of-band
management. User can also perform configuration and management on device through Console port
when network running out of order.
In the below two conditions, user can only login device and configure it by through Console port:
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Device power on and startup for the first time

Unable to login device by Telnet
The device is in support of RJ-45 Console port and USB Console port. The RJ45 Console port on the
device is marked as Console, USB Console port is shown as USB.

Note: R J45 C onsole por t a nd U SB Console port are mutually exclusive and cannot be us ed
simultaneously. Login from RJ45 Console port

If user wants to login device through PC via RJ45 Console port, firstly need to connect Console port
and P C R S-232 s erial por t, a s below Figure 2-1 s hows; t hen ope rate t erminal e mulation pr ogram
such a s W indows X P hy per-terminal pr ogram in PC to configure communication parameters as
shown in Figure 2-2, and then login device.

Figure 2-1 Login the device through PC connected with RJ45 Console port

Figure 2-2 Communication parameters configuration in HyperTerminal

Note: Microsoft Company is not i n s upport of hyper-terminal s ince Windows Vista s ystem, users
operate Windows Vista or Windows 7 system please download HyperTerminal program from internet.
It is free to download HyperTerminal program.

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When users want to login the device by connecting PC to USB Console port, they need to install a
driver program on PC to switch USB port to serial port, and then connect the device USB port to PC
USB port by USB line, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Login the device by connecting PC to USB Console port

Note: t he de vice doe snt pr ovide dr iver pr ogram t o s witch U SB p ort t o s erial por t, us ers ne ed t o
prepare it on their own.

Run terminal emulation pr ogram on PC, such a s "HyperTerminal" pr ogram, a nd t hen configure
communication parameters on HyperTerminal to login the device. The communication parameters
configuration is shown as below:

Figure 2-4 Communication parameters configuration diagram on HyperTerminal

Note: When configuring communication parameters for "HyperTerminal", users need to choose the
COM port. They can determine the COM port information used in the connection from USB port to
serial port through the "Ports (COM & LPT)" information in PC Device Manager.

2.1.3 Login the device from Telnet

PC can login device from remote through Telnet. User can login a network device from PC at first,
then Telnet other network devices in the network, it is not required every network device to connect
with one PC.

Telnet service provided by ISCOM2924GF device including:

Telnet Server: users run Telnet client program on a PC to login the device, and take device
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configuration and management. Shown in Figure 2-5, I SCOM2924GF is providing Telnet

Server service at this time.

Figure 2-5 ISCOM2924GF as Telnet server networking diagram

Before logging on the device by Telnet, users need to login the device through Console port and start
Telnet service. Please take the following configurations on the devices needed to start Telnet service.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address Configure the IP address for the device and

ip-address [ ip-mask ] [ vlan-id ] bind the VLAN of specified ID, this VLAN
is used to open Telnet service interface.
4 Raisecom(config)#telnet-server accept (optional) Configure device interface in
port { all | port-list } support of Telnet function.
5 Raisecom(config)#telnet-server close (optional) Disconnect the specified Telnet
terminal-telnet session-number connection
6 Raisecom(config)#telnet-server (optional) Configure device supports
max-session session-number maximal Telnet sessions.

Telnet Client: When user connects PC terminal emulation program or Telnet client program
with the de vice, then telnet ot her device and configure/manage it. As Figure 2-6 shows,
Switch A is not only performed as Telnet Server but also provides Telnet Client.

Figure 2-6 ISCOM2924GF as Telnet Client device networking diagram

Please configure Telnet Client device as below:

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#telnet ip-address [ port port-id ] Login other devices from Telnet

2.1.4 Login the device from SSHv2

Telnet is l ack of s ecurity a uthentication a nd i t t ransports m essage by T CP ( Transmission C ontrol
Protocol) w hich e xists bi g pot ential s ecurity ha zard. Telnet s ervice m ay caus e D OS ( Deny of
Service), host IP deceive, and routing deceive, etc. hostility attacks.
The traditional T elnet a nd FTP ( File T ransfer P rotocol) tr ansmits pa ssword and data in plaintext
cannot satisfy users security demands.SSHv2 is a network security protocol, which can effectively
prevent the disclosure of information i n remote management through the ne twork da ta e ncryption,
and provides greater security for remote login and other network services in network environment.

SSHv2 allows data to be exchanged via TCP and it builds up a secure channel over T CP. Besides,
SSHv2 is in support of other service ports besides standard port 22, thus to avoid illegal attack from
Before login device via SSHv2, user must login device through Console port and starts up SSH
The default configuration to login the device through SSHv2 is as follows.

Function Default value

SSHv2 server function status Prohibit

Local SSHv2 key pair length 512bit

Device authentication method password

SSHv2 authentication timeout 600s

The allowable failure number for SSHv2 authentication 20

SSHv2 snooping port number 22

SSHv2 session function status Enable

Please configure SSHv2 service for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode

2 Raisecom(config)#generate ssh-key Generate local SSHv2 key pair and designate its length
3 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server Start SSHv2 server
SSHv2 server can be shut down by command of no
ssh2 server.

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server (optional) configure SSHv2 authentication method

authentication {password|rsa-key}
5 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server (optional) Use rsa-key authentication method to type
authentication public-key the public key of clients to the device
6 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server (optional) Configure SSHv2 authentication timeout.
authentication-timeout period The device refuses to authenticate and open the
connection when client authentication time exceeds this
upper limit.
7 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server (optional) Configure the allowable failure number for
authentication-retries times SSHv2 authentication. The device refuses to
authenticate and open the connection when client
authentication failure numbers exceeds this upper limit.
8 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server port (optional) Configure SSHv2 snooping port number
Note: When configuring SSHv2 snooping port number,
the input parameter cannot take effect immediately
without restart.
9 Raisecom(config)#ssh2 server (optional) Enable SSHv2 session function
session session-list enable
This function can be disabled by command of ssh2
server session session-id disable.

2.1.5 Manage the login user

When you start ISCOM2924GF device for the first time, users just need to connect the PC through
Console interface to the device, input the initial user name and password in HyperTerminal to log in
and configure the device.

Note: Initially, the user name and password are both raisecom
If there isnt any privilege restriction, any remote user can login device via Telnet or access network
by bui lding P PP ( Point t o Point Protocol) c onnection w hen t he S NMP ( Simple N etwork
Management Protocol) interface or other service interface of device are configured with IP address.
This is unsafe to the device and network. By creating user for device and setting password and
privilege helps to manage the login users and ensures network and device security.

Please configure login user management for the device of as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#user name user-name Create or modify the user name and password.
password password
The created user can be deleted by the command of no
2 Raisecom#user name user-name Configure login user privilege. The initial user privilege
privilege privilege-level is 15, which is the highest privilege.

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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom#user user-name Configure the priority rule for login user to perform the
{ allow-exec | disallow-exec } command line.
first-keyword [ second-keyword ]
Specified allow-exec parameters will allow the user to
perform commands higher than the current priority.
Specified disallow-exec parameters only allow the user to
perform commands lower than the current priority.

2.1.6 Check the configuration

Please perform the following command to check the configuration results:

No. Entry Description

1 Raisecom#show user [ detail ] Check the login user information

2 Raisecom#show telnet-server Check Telnet Server configuration

3 Raisecom#show ssh2 public-key Check the public key used for SSHv2
[ authentication ] authentication in the device and client port
4 Raisecom#show ssh2 { server | session } Check SSHv2 server or session information.

2.2 Command line

2.2.1 Brief introduction
Command l ine i s t he pa th f or c ommunication be tween user a nd s witch. User c an complete de vice
configuration, monitor and management by executing relative commands.

User can login this device through PC that run terminal emulation program or CPE device, enter into
command line interface once the command prompt appears.

The features of command line interface:

Local configuration via Console port is available;

Local or remote configuration via Telnet, SSHv2 (Secure Shell v2,) is available;
Protection for different command levels, user in different level can only execute command in
related level;
Different command types belong to different command modes, user can only execute a type
of configuration in its related command mode;
User can operate the commands by shortcut keys;
User can view or execute a history command by transferring history record, the device is in
support of saving the latest 20 pieces of history commands;
Online help is available by user inputting ? at anytime;
Smart analysis methods such as incomplete matching and context association, etc. facilitates
user input.

2.2.2 Command line level

ISCOM2924GF uses hierarchy protection method to divide command line into16 levels from low to
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0~4: visitor, users can execute the commands of ping, clear, and history, etc. in this level;
5~10: monitor, users can execute the command of show and so on;
11~14: operator, users can execute commands for different services like VLAN, IP, etc.;
15: administrator, used for system basic running commands.

2.2.3 Command line mode

Command line mode is th e c ommand line int erface environment. All s ystem commands are
registered in one (or some) command line mode, the command can only run under the corresponding
Establish a c onnection w ith I SCOM2924GF device, i f this de vice i s de fault c onfiguration, it will
enter user EXEC mode, and the screen will show:

Input enable command and correct password, then enter to privileged EXEC mode. The default
password is Raisecom.
In privileged E XEC m ode, i nput t he c ommand of config terminal to e nter gl obal c onfiguration
Raisecom#config terminal

Command line prompt "Raisecom" is the default host name. Users can use the command of
hostname string to modify the host name in privileged EXEC mode.
Some commands can be achieved both in global configuration mode and other modes, but the
accomplished functions are closely related to command line modes.
Generally, i n a c ommand line m ode, y ou c an go ba ck to t he pr evious l evel command line
mode by the com mand of quit or exit, but i n t he privileged EXEC mode, you need to use
disable command to go back to user EXEC mode.
Users can go back to privileged EXEC mode through end command from any command line
mode except the user EXEC mode or privileged EXEC mode.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of the following command line modes:

Mode Enter method Description

User EXEC mode Log in the device, input correct username Raisecom>
and password
Privileged EXEC In user EXEC mode, input enable Raisecom#
mode command and correct password.
Global configuration In privileged EXEC mode, input config Raisecom(config)#
mode terminal command.
Physical layer In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-port)#
interface interface port port-id command.
configuration mode

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Mode Enter method Description

Layer-3 interface In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-ip)#

configuration mode interface ip if-number command.
VLAN In global configuration mode, input vlan Raisecom(config-vlan)#
configuration mode vlan-id command.
Traffic classification In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-cmap)#
configuration mode class-map class-map-name command.

Traffic policy In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-pmap)#

configuration mode policy-map policy-map-name command.
Traffic policy In floe policy configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#
configuration mode class-map class-map-name command.
binding with traffic
Access control list In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-aclmap)#
configuration mode access-list-map acl-number
{deny|permit} command.
Aggregation group In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-aggregator)#
configuration mode interface port-channel
port-channel-number command.
Service instance In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-service)#
configuration mode service cisid level level command.
EVC configuration In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-evc)#
mode ethernet evc evc-number evc-name
MST region In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-region)#
configuration mode spanning-tree region-configuration
Profile configuration In global configuration mode, input igmp Raisecom(config-igmp-profile)#
mode filter profile profile-number command.
Cluster In global configuration mode, input Raisecom(config-cluster)#
configuration mode cluster command.
Chinese alert mode In any configuration mode, input Raisecom#
language chinese command.

2.2.4 Command line shortcut

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of the following command line shortcuts:

Shortcut Description

Up cursor key () Show pr evious c ommand if t here i s a ny c ommand i nput

earlier; t he di splay ha s no c hange i f t he c urrent c ommand i s
the earliest one in history records.
Down cursor key () Show ne xt com mand if t here i s an y ne wer com mand; t he
display ha s no c hange i f t he current com mand is t he ne west
one in history records.

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Shortcut Description

Left cursor key () Move t he cur sor one character t o left; t he di splay ha s no
change if the cursor is at the beginning of command.
Right cursor key () Move t he cur sor o ne cha racter t o right; the d isplay h as no
change if the cursor is at the end of command.
Backspace Delete t he cha racter be fore t he cur sor; t he di splay h as no
change if the cursor is at the beginning of command.
Tab Click <Tab> after input ting a complete ke yword, c ursor w ill
automatically appe ar a s pace t o the end; cl ick <Tab> again,
the system will show the follow-up inputting keywords.
Click <Tab > after i nputting a n i ncomplete ke yword, s ystem
automatically executes partial helps:
System take the complete keyword to replace input if the
matched keyword is the one and only, and leave one word
space between the cursor and end of keyword;
In case of mismatch or matched keyword is not the one and
only, display prefix at first, then click <Tab> key to check
words circularly, no space from cursor to the end of
keyword, click <Space> key to input the next word;
If input incorrect keyword, click <Tab> key will change to
the next line and prompt error, the input keyword will not
Ctrl+A Move the cursor to the head of line
Ctrl+C Break off some running operation, such as ping, traceroute
and so on.
Ctrl+D or Delete Delete the cursor location characters
Ctrl+E Move the cursor to the end of line
Ctrl+K Delete all characters behind the cursor (including cursor
Ctrl+X Delete all characters before the cursor (except cursor location)
Ctrl+Z Return to privileged EXEC mode from other modes (except
user EXEC mode)
Space or y When the terminal printing command line information exceeds
the screen, continue to show the information in next screen.
Enter When the terminal printing command line information exceeds
the screen, continue to show the information in next line.

2.2.5 Command line help message Complete help

User can get complete help in the below three conditions:

Click ? in a ny c ommand mode to ge t a ll c ommands a nd their brief de scription under the

command view.
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Display as below:
clear Clear screen
enable Turn on privileged mode command
exit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
help Message about help
history Most recent history command
language Language of help message
list List command
quit Exit current mode and down to previous mode
terminal Configure terminal
test Test command
Input a c ommand and followed by a ? after one cha racter space, if the position of ? is
keyword, list all keyword and brief description.
Raisecom(config)#ntp ?

Display as below:
peer Configure NTP peer
refclock-master Set local clock as reference clock
server Configure NTP server
Input a c ommand a nd followed by a ? after one cha racter space, if the position of ? is
parameter, list the range and brief description.
Raisecom(config)#interface ip ?

Display as below:
<0-14> IP interface number Partial help

User can get partial help in the below three conditions:

Input a character string and followed by a ?, the device will list all keywords start with the
character string under current mode.
Display as below:
class-map Set class map
clear Clear screen
cpu Configure cpu parameters
create Create static VLAN
Input a c ommand a nd f ollowed by a c haracter s tring w ith ?, the de vice w ill lis t a ll
keywords start with the character string in the command of current mode.
Raisecom(config)#show li?

Display as below:
link-aggregation Link aggregation
link-state-tracking Link state tracking
Input t he f irst f ew l etters of a c ommand ke yword a nd c lick <Tab> key to s how c omplete
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keyword. The precondition i s the input letters can identify the ke yword clearly, otherwise,
different ke ywords w ill be s hown c ircularly af ter cl ick <Tab> key c ontinued, user c an
choose the right keyword from them. Error prompt message description

The de vice pr ints out t he f ollowing error pr ompt a ccording t o e rror t ype w hen i nput i ncorrect

Shortcut Description

% * Incomplete command. User inputs incomplete command.

% Invalid input at ^ marked. ^ denotes illegal or unknown keyword.
% Ambiguous input at ^ marked, ^ denotes unclear keyword.
follow keywords match it.
% Unconfirmed command. User inputs unconfirmed command.
% Unknown command. User inputs unknown command.
% You Need higher priority! The current user doesnt have priority to
execute the command.
Note: If there is error prompt message mentioned above, please use the command line help message
to solve the problem.

2.2.6 Command line display message Display characteristics

Command line interface provides the following display characteristics:

The help message and prompt message i n command line interface are di splayed in bot h
Chinese and English languages.
Provide pa use function when one time display message exceeds one screen, users have the
following options at this time, as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Function keys description for command line message display characteristics

Function key Description

Input Space or y Continue to display next screen message

Input Enter Continue to display next line message

Input any letter key(except y) Stop the display and command execution Display message filter

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of a series commands starting with show, for checking device
configuration, operation and diagnostic information. Generally speaking, these commands can output
more information, and then user needs to add filter rules to filter out unnecessary information.

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show commands of ISCOM2924GF device is in support of three kinds of filter modes:

| begin string: show all lines starting from the assigned string;
| exclude string: show all lines mismatch with the assigned string;
| include string: show all lines only match with the assigned string. Display message page-break

Display message page-break function refers t o provide pa use function when one t ime display
message exceeds one screen, users can use the display c haracteristics function ke ys in table 2 -1 to
control message display. If suppr essing message page-break function, it w ill not pr ovide pa use
function when display message exceeds one screen; all the messages will be displayed circularly at
one time.
By default, the system display information page-break function is enabled.

Please make the following configuration on the device.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#terminal page-break enable Enable display message page-break function

2.2.7 Command line history message

Command line interface can save the user history command automatically; user can use the up cursor
key () or down cursor key () to call the history command saved by command line repeatedly at any

By default, the system saves the recent 20 history commands in the cache. Users can set the number
of system stored history command.

Please make the following configuration on the device.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom>terminal history number (Optional) Configure the number of

system stored history command

2 Raisecom>enable Enter privileged EXEC mode

3 Raisecom#history Check the user history commands

2.2.8 Restore command line default value

The default value of command line can be restored by no option or enable | disable option.

no option: providing in the front of command line to restore the default value, disable some
function, delete some setting, etc.; perform some operations opposite to command itself.
Command with no option is also known as reverse command.
enable | disable option: providing in the back or center of command line; enable is to enable
some feature or function, while disable is to prohibit some feature or function.
For example:
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Perform description text c ommand in physical layer interface mode to modify the i nterface
description; perform no de scription command to delete the interface description and restore
the default values.
Perform shutdown command in physical layer interface mode to disable an i nterface;
perform no shutdown command to enable an interface.
Perform vlan vlan-id command in global configuration mode to create a VLAN; perform no
vlan vlan-id command to delete a specified VLAN.
Perform terminal page-break enable command i n global c onfiguration m ode t o e nable
terminal page-break display message function; perform terminal page-break disable
command to prohibit terminal page-break display message function.
Note: Most configuration commands have default values, which often are stored by no option.

2.3 Manage files

2.3.1 Management of BootROM files
BootROM file is us ed to boot I SCOM2924GF de vice a nd f inish device ini tialization. User can
upgrade BootROM file through FTP or TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). By default, BootROM
file is named as bootrom or bootromfull.

After power on d evice, running BootROM file at first, click <Space> key to enter BootROM menu
when the prompt Press space into Bootrom menu appears:

ram size:128M testing...done

Init flash ...Done

Bootstrap_5.0.1. ISCOM2924GF.1.20110825, Raisecom Compiled Aug 25 2011,11:51:11

Base Ethernet MAC address: 00:0e:5e:00:00:00

Press space into Bootstrap menu...


Users can perform below operations in this menu:

Operation Description

? List all executable operations.

b Quick execution for system bootrom software.

h List all executable operations.

L List all system startup software name and related information

in the device.
N Set MAC (Medium Access Control) address.

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Operation Description

R Reboot the device.

S List all system startup software name and related information

in the device and assign system startup software name loaded
at the time of startup device.
T Download and replace system startup software by TFTP.

2.3.2 Management of system files

System f iles i ndicate the f iles ne eded for de vice ope ration (like s ystem s tartup software,
configuration file, etc.). These files are usually saved in device memory, the device manages them by
a file s ystem to facilitate us er manage the memory. The file system contains functions of creating,
deleting and modifying file and directory.

Besides, I SCOM2924GF de vice s upports dua l s ystem, that i s t o s ay it c an s tore t wo v ersions of

system software in m emory. User c an shift to the o ther sof tware startup de vice w hen one de vice
cannot use for system upgrading failure.

Please configure system files management for the device as below:

(All the following steps are optional and no sequencing.)

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#download bootstrap { ftp ip-address user-name (Optional) Download system bootstrap

password file-name | tftp ip-address file-name } software via FTP or TFTP.
2 Raisecom#download system-boot { ftp ip-address (Optional) Download system boot
user-name password file-name | tftp ip-address file-name } software through FTP or TFTP.
3 Raisecom#upload system-boot { ftp [ ip-address user-name (Optional) Upload system boot software
password file-name ] | tftp [ ip-address file-name ] } by FTP or TFTP.
4 Raisecom#erase [ file-name ] (Optional) Delete the files from memory.

2.3.3 Management of configuration files

Configuration files are loaded after starting the system; different files are used in different scenarios
in order t o achi eve di fferent service functions. After s tarting the system, us er can configure the
device and save the configuration files. New configuration will take effect in next boot.

Configuration f ile ha s a n a ffix .cfg, t hese f iles c an b e ope n by text book pr ogram in W indows
system, the contents in the following format:

Saved as Mode+Command format;

Just re serve t he non -defaulted parameters t o save s pace ( refer t o command reference f or
default values of configuration parameters);
Take the command mode for basic frame to organize commands, put commands of one mode
together to form a section, the sections are separated by !.
ISCOM2924GF device s tarts initialization by r eading configuration files f rom m emory a fter
powering on. Thus, the configuration in configuration files are called as initialization configuration,

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if there is no configuration files in memory, the device take the default parameters for initialization.

The device running configuration is called as current configuration.

User can modify device current configuration through command line. The current configuration can
be us ed as ini tial configuration when ne xt t ime pow er on, us er m ust us e c ommand write to save
current configuration into memory and form configuration file.
Please configure the configuration files management for device as below:
(All the following steps are optional and no sequencing.)

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#download startup-config { ftp (Optional) Download system

ip-address user-name password file-name startup configuration files
[ reservedevcfg ] | tftp ip-address file-name through FTP or TFTP.
[ reservedevcfg ] }
2 Raisecom#erase [ file-name ] (Optional) Delete the files from
3 Raisecom#upload startup-config { ftp (Optional) Upload system
[ ip-address user-name password file-name ] | startup configuration files by
tftp [ ip-address file-name ] } FTP or TFTP.
4 Raisecom#write (Optional) Write the configured
file into memory.

2.3.4 Checking configuration

Please use the following commands to check configuration results:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show startup-config Show configuration information loaded when

device startup.
2 Raisecom#show running-config Show the current configuration information.

2.4 Upload and upgrade

2.4.1 Overview Uploading

In traditional, c onfiguration files a re loaded by serial port, it takes a long time to load for the low
speed and remote loading is unavailable. FTP and TFTP loading modes can solve those problems and
make operation more convenient.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of TFTP auto-loading mode.

TFTP auto-loading means users get the device configuration files from server and then configure the
device. Auto-loading function allows configuration f iles to contain loading r elated c ommands f or
multiple c onfigurations l oading s o a s t o m eet file auto-loading r equirements i n c omplex ne twork

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ISCOM2924GF provides several methods to confirm configuration file name in TFTP server, such as
input by manual, obtain by DHCP Client, use default configuration file name, etc. Besides, users can
assign certain denomination r ule f or configuration files and then, t he device confirms t he na me
according t o t he r ules a nd combines w ith i tself a ttribution ( device t ype, M AC a ddress, s oftware
version, etc.). Upgrading

The device needs to u pgrade if user needs to i ncrease new features, opt imize functions or solve
current software version BUGs.

ISCOM2924GF device supports the following two upgrade modes:

Upgraded by BootROM
Upgraded by FTP/TFTP

2.4.2 Configure TFTP auto-upload method

User ne eds t o bui ld TFTP e nvironment before c onfiguring T FTP a uto-upload method t o ha ve
ISCOM2924GF device interconnect with TFTP server.

When performing configuration auto-loading function, the IP address priority configured by
commands is higher than the one obtained by DHCP Client.
When performing configuration auto-loading function, configuration file name obtained from
server in priority turn from higher to lower as file name confirmed b y denomination rule >
file name configured by command > file name obtained by DHCP Client.

Please configure TFTP auto-loading for the device as below:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service config Configure TFTP server IP address. By default, this

tftp-server ip-address address is unavailable.
3 Raisecom(config)#service config Set denomination rule for file name. By default, there
filename rule [ rule-number ] is no denomination rule, system uses default file name
as strartup_config.conf.
4 Raisecom(config)#service config Assign configuration file name to upload.
filename file-name
5 Raisecom(config)#service config Configuration file version number.
version { system-boot | bootstrap
| startup-config } version
6 Raisecom(config)#service config Enable local configuration file overwrite function. Use
overwrite enable the command service config overwrite disable to
disable overwrite function.
7 Raisecom(config)#service config Enable configuration auto-loading function.

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No. Item Description

8 Raisecom(config)#service config Enable Trap function. Use the command service

trap enable config trap disable to prohibit this function.

2.4.3 Upgrade system software by BootROM

In the below conditions, user needs to upgrade system software by BootROM:

Device first time startup

System file damaged
The card cannot startup in order
Before upgrading system software b y BootROM, user should build TFTP environment, take PC as
TFTP server, ISCOM2924GF device as client, basic requirements are as below:

ISCOM2924GF connects TFTP server by SNMP interface.

Configure TFTP server, make sure the server is available;
Configure IP a ddress for T FTP server; keep i t i n t he s ame ne twork s egment w ith
ISCOM2924GF IP address.
Steps for upgrading system software by BootROM:

Step Operation

1 Log in device through serial port as administrator and enter Privileged EXEC
mode, reboot device by the command of reboot.
Please input 'yes' to confirm:yes
Rebooting ...
ram size:128M testing...done
Init flash ...Done
Bootstrap_5.0.1.ISCOM2924GF.1.20110825, Raisecom Compiled Aug 25 2011,11:51:11
Base Ethernet MAC address: 00:0e:5e:00:00:00
Press space into Bootstrap menu...

2 Click <Space> key t o enter i nterface of [ raisecom] w hen the di splay s hows
Press space into Bootstrap menu..., then input ? to display command list:
? - List all available commands
h - List all available commands
b - Boot an executable image
T - Download both DOS file system
N - set ethernet address
R - Reboot
Note: The input letters are case sensitive.

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Step Operation

3 Input T to download through TFTP and replace system boot file, the display
information shows as below:
Index Name Size
1 ROS_5.0.0_ISCOM2924GF.1.20110825 5512f5
2 ----------- 0
Current selected version is 0
Please select a version to overwrite: 1 Select system for upgrading.
dev name:ISCOM2924GF
unit num:1

file name: ROS_5.0.0_ISCOM2924GF.1.20110825

local ip:
server ip:
Loading... Done
Saving file to flash...
Note: Make sure the input file name here is correct, the file name shouldnt be
longer than 80 characters.
4 Input b to qui ck e xecute boot strap f ile, de vice r eboot a nd l oads t he
downloaded system boot file.

2.4.4 Upgrade system software by FTP/TFTP

Before upgrading system software by FTP/TFTP, user should build FTP/TFTP environment, take PC
as FTP/TFTP server, ISCOM2924GF device as client, basic requirements are as below:

ISCOM2924GF connects TFTP server.

Configure FTP/TFTP server, make sure the server is available;
Configure IP address for FTP/TFTP server to make sure that ISCOM2924GF can access the
Steps for upgrading system software by FTP/TFTP:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#download system-boot { ftp Download system boot software through

[ ip-address user-name password FTP or TFTP
file-name - ] | tftp [ ip-address
file-name ] }
2 Raisecom#write Write the configured file into memory.

3 Raisecom#reboot [ now ] Reboot device, and it will auto-loading

the downloaded system boot file.

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2.4.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show service config Show auto-configured loading information.

2 Raisecom#show service config Show denomination rule for configuration files.

filename rule rule-number
3 Raisecom#show version Show system version.

2.5 Configure clock management

2.5.1 Configure time and time zone
To ensure ISCOM2924GF works well with other devices, user has to set system time and belonged
time zone accurately.
ISCOM2924GF s upports three t ypes of s ystem time mode, which are time s tamp mode, auxiliary
time mode and default mode from high to low according to timing unit accuracy. User has to select
the most suitable system time mode by manual in accordance with actual application environment.

The default configuration of time and time zone is as below:

Function Default value

System time 2000-01-01 08: 00:00.000

System time mode default

System belonged time zone UTC+8

Time zone offset +08:00

Functional status of Daylight Saving Time disable

Please configure time and time zone for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#clock mode Configure system time mode.

2 Raisecom#clock set hour Configure system time.
minute second year month day
3 Raisecom#clock timezone { + | Configure system belonged time zone.
- } hour minute timezone-name

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2.5.2 Configure daylight saving time

DST (Daylight Saving Time) is a kind of artificial regulation local time system for saving energy. At
present, t here a re ne arly 110 c ountries o perate DST every s ummer a round t he w orld, but di fferent
country ha s di fferent s tipulation f or D ST, us ers s hould t ake t he a ctual c ondition of l ocal w hen
configuring DST.

Please configure DST for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#clock summer-time enable Enable DST function.

User can disable this function by the
command of clock summer-time disable.
2 Raisecom#clock summer-time recurring Configure calculate period for system DST.
{ week | last } { fri | mon | sat | sun | thu |
tue | wed } month hour minute { week |
last } { fri | mon | sat |sun | thu | tue |
wed } month hour minute offset-mm
When user set system time by manua, if the system uses DST, such as DST from 2 oclock
on the second Sunday, April to 2 oclock on the second Sunday, September every year, users
have to advance the clock one hour faster during this period, set time offset as 60 minutes and
from 2 oclock to 3 oclock on the second Sunday, April each year is an inexistent time. The
time setting by manual operation during this period shows failure.
The summer time in southern hemisphere is opposite to northern hemisphere, which is from
September to April of next year. If user configures start time later than ending time, system
will suppose it is in the Southern Hemisphere. That is to say, the summer time is the start time
this year to the ending time of next year.

2.5.3 Configure NTP

NTP (Network T ime P rotocol) i s a t ime s ynchronization pr otocol de fined by RFC1305, us ed t o
synchronize time between distributed time servers and clients. NTP transportation is based on UDP,
using port 123.
The pur pose of N TP i s t o synchronize a ll c locks i n a ne twork qui ckly a nd t hen the de vice c an
provide different a pplication over a unified time. Meanwhile, NTP can ensure very high accuracy,
with accuracy of 10ms around.
The device in support of NTP can not only accept synchronization from other clock source, but also
to synchronize other devices as a clock source.

ISCOM2924GF device adopts multiple NTP working mode for time synchronization:

Server/Client mode
In this mode, c lient sends c lock synchronization message to different servers. The server works in
server m ode b y a utomation a fter r eceiving s ynchronization m essage a nd s end answering m essage.
The client received answering message and perform clock filer and selection, then synchronize it to
privileged server.

In this mode, client can synchronize to server but the server cannot synchronize to client.

Equity mode
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In this mode, active equity send clock synchronization message to passive equity. The passive equity
works in passive mode by automation after receiving message and send answering message back. By
exchange message, the two sides build up equity mode. The active and passive equities in this mode
can synchronize each other.

The NTP default configuration is as below:

Function Default value

Whether the device is NTP master clock no

Global NTP server inexistent

Global NTP equity inexistent

Reference clock source

Please configure NTP for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ntp server (Optional) Configure NTP server address for

ip-address [ version [ v1 | v2 | v3 ] ] client device working in server/client mode.
3 Raisecom(config)#ntp peer ip-address (Optional) Configure NTP equity address for
[ version [ v1 | v2 | v3 ] ] ISCOM2924GF device working in equity mode.
4 Raisecom(config)#ntp reclock-master Configure clock of this device as NTP reference
ip-address [ stratum ] clock source for ISCOM2924GF device.
Note: If the device is configured as NTP reference clock source, NTP server or NTP equity are not
configurable; and vice versa, the device cannot be configured as NTP reference clock if NTP server
or equity are configured.

2.5.4 Configure SNTP

SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is mainly used to synchronize switch system time with the
SNTP device tim e in the n etwork. The t ime s ynchronized by S NTP protocol i s Greenwich Mean
Time, which can be changed to local time according to system setting of time zone.
The SNTP default configuration is as below:

Function Default value

SNTP server address inexistent

Please configure SNTP for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#sntp server ip-address (Optional) Configure SNTP server

address for client device working
in server/client mode.
Note: After configuring SNTP server address, the device will try to get clock information from SNTP
server every three seconds, and the maximum timeout for clock information is 10 seconds.

2.5.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show clock Check whether the device system time, time

[ summer-time recurring ] zone and summer time configuration is
2 Raisecom#show sntp Show SNTP configuration.

3 Raisecom#show ntp status Show NTP configuration.

4 Raisecom#show ntp associations Show NTP connection information.

2.6 Configure interface management

2.6.1 Default configuration of interface
The default configuration of physical layer interface is as below:

Function Default value

The maximum forward frame length of interface 1526Byte

Duplex mode of interface Auto-negotiation

Interface speed Auto-negotiation

Time interval of interface dynamic statistics 2s

Flow control function status of interface Disable

Interface status Enable

2.6.2 Configure basic attributes for interface

The interconnected devices cannot communicate normally if their interface attributes (e.g. MTU,
duplex mode, and speed) are inconsistent, and then user has to adjust the interface attribute to make
the devices at two ends match each other.

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Please configure the basic attributes for interface of device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#system mtu Configure the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for

size all interfaces, MTU is the maximum bytes quantity
allowed to pass at the interface (dont fragment).
When the forward message length exceeds the
maximum value, the device will discard this message
3 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
port port-id
4 Raisecom(config-port)#duplex Configure interface duplex mode.
{ auto|full|half }
Ethernet physical layer has half-duplex, full-duplex
and auto-negotiation modes. In half-duplex mode, the
interface can only receive or transmit message at any
time; in full-duplex mode, the interface can both
receive and transmit message at any time;
auto-negotiation means the two devices in link can
exchange message and select duplex mode by
automation, once negotiation successful, the two
devices can transmit message in the same duplex
By default, the interface duplex mode is
5 Raisecom(config-port)#speed Configure interface speed.
For optical interface, the interface speed depends on
optical module specification.
Note: Ten Gigabit Ethernet interface is in support of
speed 10000.

2.6.3 Configure interface statistics

Please configure interface statistics function for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#dynamic statistics time Configure interface dynamic statistics

period time interval.
By default, the interface dynamic
statistic one time every 2 seconds.
3 Raisecom(config)#clear interface port Clear the interface statistic information
port-id statistics stored in device.

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2.6.4 Configure interface flow control

IEEE802.3x is flow control of full-duplex Ethernet data layer. Then client send request to server, the
client send PAUSE frame to server if there is system or network jam, so it delays data transmission
from server to client.

Please configure interface flow control for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#flowcontrol Enable/disable interface flow control
{ receive | send } { off | on } on 802.3x message.
By default, it is disabled.

2.6.5 Configure interface open/shutdown

Please configure interface open/shutdown for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#shutdown Shutdown current interface.
By default, the interface is open.
User can re-open the closed interface
by the command of no shutdown.

2.6.6 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show interface port port-id Show interface status.

2 Raisecom#show interface port port-id Show interface statistics.

statistics dynamic [ detail ]
3 Raisecom#show interface port port-id Show interface flow control.
4 Raisecom#show system mtu Show system MTU.

2.7 Configure basic information for device

Please make the following configuration on device required:
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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#hostname name (Optional) Configure device name.

By default, the device name is Raisecom.
The system is in support of changing device name to make
users distinguish different devices in the network. Device
name become effective immediately, which can be seen in
terminal prompt.
2 Raisecom#language (Optional) Configure switchover language mode.
{ chinese | english }
By default, the language is English.
The system is in support of both Chinese and English display
in help message and prompt message of command line.
3 Raisecom#write Save configuration.
Save configuration information to device after configuration,
and the new saved configuration information will cover the
original configuration information.
Without saving, the new configuration information will lose
after rebooting, and the device will continue working with the
original configuration.
Note: Use the command erase file-name to delete
configuration files, which cannot be restored, so please take
careful operation.
4 Raisecom#reboot [ now ] Note: Rebooting the device will interrupt the service, please
take careful operation. Please save the configuration before
rebootingin order to avoid configuration loss.
(Optional) Configure device reboot.
When the device is in failure, please reboot it to solve the
problem according to actual condition.

2.8 Configure task calling function

When the users need periodic or designated time to perform some command line, they can consider
configuring task scheduling function.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of realizing task scheduling by c ombining the pr ogram lis t to
command line. Users just need to designate the task start time, period and end time in the program
list, and t hen bind the program list to command l ine so as t o r ealize t he pe riodic ope ration of
command line.
Please configure task scheduling function for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#schedule-list list-number start Create and configure schedule list.

{ date-time month-day-year hour:minute:second [ every
{ day | week | period hour:minute:second } ] stop
month-day-year hour:minute:second | up-time period
hour:minute:second [ every period hour:minute:second ]
[ stop period hour:minute:second ] }
3 Raisecom(config)#command-string schedule-list Bind the command line which needs
list-number periodic execution and is in support
of schedule list to the schedule list.
4 Raisecom#show schedule-list [ list-number ] Check whether the schedule list
configuration is correct.

2.9 Configure watchdog

The i nterference of o utside el ectromagnetic f ield will i nfluence t he w orking of single chip
microcomputer, and cause program fleet and de ad circulation so that the s ystem cannot work
normally. Considering the real-time monitoring to the running state of single chip microcomputer, it
generates a program s pecially us ed t o m onitoring t he r unning s tatus of s witch ha rdware de vice,
which is commonly known as the "Watchdog" (Watchdog).

The system will reboot when the switch c an't c ontinue t o w ork for task suspension or dead
circulation, and without feeding the dog within in a feeding dog cycle.

The watchdog function configuration can prevent the system program from dead circulation caused
by uncertainty fault so as to improve the stability of system.

Please configure watchdog for the device as below:

Step Configuration Desription

1 Raisecom#watchdog enable Enable watchdog function.

Use the command of watchdog
disable to prohibit this function.
2 Raisecom#show watchdog Check watchdog function status.

2.10 Configuration examples

2.10.1 Configure TFTP auto-loading example Networking requirement

As Figure 2-7 s hows be low, c onnect T FTP s erver with switch, configure auto-loading f unction i n
switch to let switch auto-loading configuration file f rom T FTP se rver. Hereinto, TFTP se rver IP is and the denomination rule for configuration file name satisfies following conditions:

Device model is included in configuration file name

Integrated MAC address is included in configuration file name
Software version higher 2 bits is included in configuration file name
No in support of extension rule

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Figure 2-7 Networking sketch map of configuring auto-loading function Configuration steps

Step 1 Configure IP address for TFTP server:

Raisecom(config)#service config tftp-server
Step 2 Configure denomination rule for file name:
Raisecom(config)#service config filename rule 81650
Step 3 Configure file name:
Raisecom(config)#service config filename ABC
Step 4 Enable local configuration file overwrite function:
Raisecom(config)#service config overwrite enable
Step 5 Enable auto-loading configuration function:
Raisecom(config)#service config Show result

To view auto-loading configuration by the command of show service config:

Raisecom(config)#show service config
Auto upgrade : enable
Config server IP address:
Config filename rule: 81650
Config file name: ABC
System boot file version: 1107290
Bootstrap flie version : :48:050
Startup-config file version: 0000000
Overwrite local configuration file: enable
Send Completion trap: disable
Current File Type: none
Operation states: done
Result: none

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Chapter 3 Ethernet

This c hapter i ntroduces pr inciple a nd configuration procedure of E thernet f eatures, a lso pr oviding
related configuration applications:
Configure MAC address forwarding table
Configure VLAN
Configure QinQ
Configure VLNA conversion
Configure STP
Configure MSTP
Configure loopback detection
Configure interface protection
Configure interface mirror
Configure layer-2 protocol transparent transmission
Configuration Applications

3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Ethernet interface
With the highly f lexible, relatively s imple, easy t o i mplement f eatures, Ethernet has be come an
important LAN networking technology. Ethernet int erface is di vided into: E thernet e lectrical
interface and Ethernet optical interface.

ISCOM2924GF device i s n s upport of Ethernet electrical interface and Ethernet o ptical i nterface.
The s pecific interface mode depends on t he de vice, support s ituation of chip and achievement
situation of drive. Auto-negotiation function

The m ain f unction of a uto-negotiation i s t o m ake t he devices i n both e nds of physical link to
automatically s elect the s ame working parameters through i nteraction information. The c ontent of
auto-negotiation mainly i ncludes dupl ex m ode, operating speed and flow cont rol p arameters, etc.
Once the negotiation is passed, the devices in both ends of link will be locked in the same duplex
mode and operating speed.
ISCOM2924GF-4C 10GE interface is only in support of full-duplex mode; ISCOM2924GF Combo
electrical interface and 10/100/1000BASE-T photoelectric conversion module auto-negotiation is in
support of 10M/100M/1000M operating s peeds, f ull-duplex a nd ha lf-duplex working mode

www.raisecom.com User Manual Connecting cable

General standard Ethernet cabl e is di vided into direct-through cable MDI ( Medium D ependent
Interface) and cross-over cable MDI-X (Medium Dependent Interface cross-over). MDI provides
physic a nd c ircuit connections from terminal end to network trunk device. MDI-X offers the sa me
device (terminal to terminal) connection. The interface type of host and router is MDI, the port type
of hub a nd s witch is MDI-X. Generally, heterogeneous de vices i nterconnect with direct-through
cable, while similar devices interconnect with cr oss-over cable. Adaptive connection need not to
consider direct-through cable or cross-over cable.
ISCOM2924GF Ethernet connection is in support of adaptive MDI / MDI-X.

3.1.2 MAC address forwarding table MAC address forwarding table

Ethernet device implements Ethernet message fast forwarding through MAC address forwarding rule;
each device ha s a MAC address f orwarding table t hat associate t he M AC ad dress and forwarding
interface. A ll of the ingress interface message will be forwarded according to the MAC address
forwarding table, it is the base for Ethernet device realizing layer-2 message fast forwarding. MAC
address forwarding table is saved in device cache, the capacity of cache decides saved MAC address

Item of MAC address forwarding table contains the below information:

Destination MAC address

Destination MAC address related interface ID
Interface belonged VLAN ID
ISCOM2924GF de vice can check MAC addres s t able i nformation based on device, interface and
VLAN. MAC address forwarding mode

Ethernet device adopts following forwarding modes according to MAC address table items:

Unicast m ode: If the M AC a ddress f orwarding t able c ontains i tem r elated t o message
destination M AC a ddress, t he de vice di rect transmits fr om t he f orwarding egress i nterface.
As shown in Figure 3-1:

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Message purpose
Local MACMAC A 2
Local portPort 1 Search MAC address table
MAC Interface VLAN
D Port 4 1



Forward message according to
the interface in MAC address
forwarding table

Figure 3-1 Sketch map of MAC address forwarding table

Multicast mode: when device receives message with multicast MAC address as destination,
forwarding the message from the outer interface if there is item related to destination address
in the MAC address forwarding table; or else, discard the message.
Broadcast mode: If device receives message with destination address is all F, or there is no
destination MAC a ddress i n t he M AC a ddress f orwarding t able, t he de vice w ill br oadcast
message to all interfaces except the receiving interface. As shown in Figure 3-2:
Message purpose 2 3
MAC C Search MAC address Receive message
Local MACMAC A table, finding no MAC C
Local portPort 1 record, then send
broadcast to the whole
broadcast demain.




Figure 3-2 Sketch map of MAC address broadcast Classification of MAC address table entry

MAC address forwarding table is divided into static address table entry and d ynamic address table
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Static MAC address table entry: also called permanent address, added and removed by the
user manually, does not age with time. For a network with small device change, adding static
address table entry manually can reduce the network broadcast traffic, improve the security of
the i nterface a nd prevent ta ble e ntry f rom losing after the system re set, interface b oard hot
swapping or interface board reset.
Dynamic M AC addres s t able entry: the switch can add dynamic M AC address t able ent ry
through MAC address learning mechanism or manual establishment by users. The table entry
will be aged according to the aging time configuration, and be empty after he system reset,
interface board hot swapping or interface board reset.
ISCOM2924GF i s i n s upport of t he m aximum 32k dy namic M AC addresses a nd 1 00 s tatic M AC
addresses. Aging time of MAC address

There i s capa city r estriction to the MAC a ddress forwarding table of Ethernet s witch. I n or der t o
maximize the use of address forwarding table resources, Ethernet switch uses the aging mechanism
to update M AC a ddress f orwarding table, i.e. in the meantime of cr eating a cer tain dynamic table
entry, ope n the aging timer, if the re is n o MAC a ddress m essage from t he t able e ntry dur ing t he
aging time, the switch will delete the MAC address table entry.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of MAC address auto-aging. The range of aging time is 10s~1


When opening the "destination MAC address update" function, if the switch has transmitted
some destination MAC address message during aging time, the MAC table entry will also be
triggered update and restarted aging.
MAC address aging mechanism is only valid to dynamic MAC address table entry. MAC address forwarding strategy

MAC address forwarding table has two kinds of forwarding strategies:

When message e nters de vice i nterface, the device w ill s earch interface associated with
destination M AC a ddress i n t he M AC a ddress ta ble, if the re is de stination MAC in M AC
address table, and forwarding the message from it; the source MAC address of message will
be r ecorded and save i n MAC addr ess t able related to i ngress m essage i nterface I D an d
VLAN ID. When ot her i nterface ha s message t o t he M AC ad dress, the i nformation can be
forwarded to associated interface directly.
If there i s no de stination M AC f or t he message i n MAC a ddress t able, a ddress a ssociation
relationship will f orward data pa ckets to all int erfaces w ith same br oadcast do main and
record source MAC address to device MAC address table. MAC address learning amount limit

MAC address learning amount limit function is mainly to restrict the number of MAC address entries,
avoid extending the checking time of forwarding table entry caused by too large MAC address table
and degrading the forwarding performance of Ethernet switch, and it is an effective way to manage
MAC address table.

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MAC address learning amount limit is mainly used to restrict the size of MAC address forwarding
table and improve the forwarding speed of switch chip.
You can control the MAC address forwarding table entry number maintained by Ethernet switch by
setting the maximum nu mber of MAC address learnt in the Ethernet interface or sp ecified VLAN.
When the number of MAC address learnt in interface or specified VLAN reaches the threshold set by
the user, the interface will no longer take the restriction to the MAC address learning or other VLAN

3.1.3 VLAN VLAN overview

VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is a protocol to solve Ethernet broadcast and security problem.
It is a layer-2 isolation technique that divides a LAN into different broadcast domains by logic but
not by ph ysics, t hen t he different br oadcast dom ains can w ork a s v irtual gr oups w ithout a ny
influence from one another. Looking from the function, VLAN has the same features as LAN, but
members in one VLAN can access one another without restriction by physical location. As shown in
Figure 3-3:

Figure 3-3 VLAN division sketch map

VLAN technique can divides a physical LAN i nto different br oadcast dom ain b y logic. Hosts
without intercommunication requirements can be isolated by VLAN and then, i mprove ne twork
security, reduce broadcast flow and broadcast storm.

ISCOM2924GF is in support of VLAN division based on interface.

ISCOM2924GF de vice i s c ompliance w ith IEEE 802 .1Q standard VLAN a nd i s s upport of 4094
concurrent VLAN.

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ISCOM2924GF has two interface modes: Access mode and Trunk mode. The method of dealing with
message for the two modes shows as below.

Table 3-1 Interface mode and message transportation

Interface Deal with Ingress message Deal with Egress message

Untag message Tag message

Access Add default VLAN Tag for VLAN IDdefault VLAN IDdefault VLAN ID,
message VLAN ID, receive the remove Tag and transmit the
message message.
VLAN IDdefault
VLAN ID, discard the
Trunk Default VLAN ID is Receive the message if VLAN IDdefault VLAN ID,
included in interface permit the message VLAN ID is permit passing from interface,
passing VLAN ID list, included in the permit remove Tag and transmit the
receiving the message and passing VLAN ID list. message
adding default VLAN Tag. Discard the message if
the message VLAN ID is permit passing from interface,
not included in the permit transmit the message with Tag
passing VLAN ID list.

3.1.4 QinQ
QinQ ( also know n a s Stacked VLAN or Double V LAN) technique is a n e xtension f or 802. 1Q
defined in IEEE 802.1ad standard. Basic QinQ

Basic QinQ is a simple layer-2 VPN tunnel technique, which encapsulate outer VLAN Tag for user
private network message at carrier access end, then the message takes double VLAN Tag to transmit
through ba ckbone ne twork ( public ne twork) of c arrier. In publ ic ne twork, m essage j ust be
transmitted in accordance with outer VLAN Tag (namely the public network VLAN Tag), the user
private network VALN Tag is transmitted as data in message.

Figure 3-4 Typical networking of basic QinQ

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Typical networking of basic QinQ is shown as Figure 3-4, ISCOM2924GF is PE (Provider Edge).

The message is transmitted to PE device from user device, and the VLAN ID of message tag is 100.
The message will be printed outer tag with V LAN 200 when pa ssing through PE device user side
interface and then enter PE network.

The VLAN 200message is transmitted to PE device on the other end by PE, and then the other PE
will strip the outer tag VLAN 200 and send it to user device. So the message returns to VLAN 100

This technique can s ave pu blic ne twork V LAN I D r esource. Users can m ark out pr ivate ne twork
VLAN ID to avoid conflict with public network VLAN ID. Flexible QinQ

Flexible Q inQ i s an enhancement of ba sic Q inQ, which classifies f low accor ding to user da ta
features, then encapsulate d ifferent t ypes f low into different outer V LAN t ag. This technique is
realized by combination of interface and VLAN. Besides the functions of basic QinQ, flexible QinQ
can perform different action on different VLAN Tag received by one interface and add different outer
VLAN ID for different inner VLAN ID. According to configure mapping rule for inner and outer Tag,
users can encapsulate different outer Tag for different inner Tag message.
Flexible QinQ function makes c arrier ne twork structure m ore f lexible. Customers can classify
different t erminal us ers at a ccess de vice i nterface accor ding to VLAN Tag and then, encapsulate
different outer Tag for different class users. In public network, customer can configure QoS pol icy
according t o out er T ag a nd configure data t ransmission priority f lexibly so as to m ake us ers i n
different class receive the corresponding services.

3.1.5 VLAN mapping

The main function of VLAN mapping is to replace private network VLAN Tag in Ethernet service
message b y car rier V LAN Tag, m ake t he m essage be t ransmitted i n c arrier V LAN m apping r ule.
When the message is mapped from carrier network to peer customer private network, restore VLAN
mapping to original pr ivate network VLAN Tag by t he s ame r ule so t hat the m essage can ar rive
destination correctly. The VLAN mapping principle is shown in Figure 3-5:

Figure 3-5 Sketch map of VLAN mapping principle

After receiving VLAN Tag with user private ne twork message, the s witch will match VLAN Tag
according to the VLAN m apping configuration rule and replace i t i f matching successfully.

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ISCOM2924GF i s i n s upport of 1: 1 VLAN m apping t o r eplace VLAN T ag c arried by a c ertain

VLAN message to new VLAN Tag.
Different from QinQ function, VLAN mapping neednt to take multi-layer VLAN Tag encapsulation
to message, but change VLAN Tag to make it transmit according to VLAN mapping forward rule.


With the increasing complexity of network structure and growing number of switches in the network,
the E thernet ne twork l oops become t he most prominent pr oblem. Because of the packet broadcast
mechanism, network loop will make the network generate network storm, exhaust network resources,
and have serious impact to the normal data forwarding. The network storm caused by network loops
is shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Sketch map of network storm caused by network loops circuit

STP (Spanning Tree P rotocol) is c ompliant to IEEE 802.1d s tandard and us ed t o r emove da ta
physical loop in data link layer in LAN.

STP running device can interact BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packet with each other for the
election of root switch and selection of root port and designated port. It also can block loop interface
in the de vice logically according to the selection results, eventually trimming the loop ne twork
structure to t ree ne twork s tructure without l oop w hich t akes a de vice a s r oot, s o a s t o pr event the
continuous proliferation and limitless circulation of packet in loop network from causing broadcast
storm a nd a void declining packet pr ocessing capacity caused by ceceiving the s ame packets
The loop network diagram running STP is shown in Figure 3-7.

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Figure 3-7 Loop network diagram running STP protocol

Although S TP can eliminate loop ne twork a nd pr event br oadcast s torm w ell, i ts shortcomings a re
still gradually exposed with thorough application and development of network technology.
The major disadvantage of STP is the slow convergence speed. RSTP

For i mproving the low c onvergent speed of STP, IEEE 802.1w e stablishes RSTP (Rapid Spanning
Tree Protocol), which increase the mechanism to change interface blocking state to forwarding state,
speed up the topology convergence rate.
The purpose of S TP/RSTP is t o s implify a br idge c onnection L AN t o a uni tary s panning t ree i n
logical topology and so as to avoid broadcast storm.

The di sadvantages of S TP/RSTP e xposed w ith t he r apid de velopment of V LAN t echnology. The
unitary spanning tree simplified from STP/RSTP leads the below problems:
The w hole s witched network ha s onl y one s panning t ree, w hich w ill le ad to longer
convergence time in a larger network.
Waste of bandwidth since a link doesnt carry any flow after it is blocked;
Message of partial VLAN cannot be forwarded when network structure is unsymmetrical. As
shown in Figure 3-8, Switch B is root switch, RSTP protocol blocks the link between Switch
A and Switch C logically and make that the VLAN 100 message cannot be transmitted and
Switch A and Switch C cannot communicate.

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Figure 3-8 RSTP protocol causes VLAN message forward failure MSTP

MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) is defined by IEEE 802.1s. Recovering the disadvantages
of S TP a nd RSTP, t he M STP realizes fa st convergence and distributes different VLAN flow
following its own path to provide an excellent load sharing mechanism.

MSTP di vides a s witch ne twork i nto m ultiple dom ains, c alled MST dom ain. Each M ST dom ain
contains s everal s panning t rees but t he t rees ar e i ndependent o ne an other. Each s panning t ree i s
called a MSTI (Multiple Spanning Tree Instance).

MSTP protocol introduces CST (Conmon Spanning Tree) and IST (Internal Spanning Tree) concepts.
CST refers to take MST domain as a w hole to calculate and generate a spanning tree. IST means to
generate spanning tree in internal MST domain.

Compared with STP and RSTP, MSTP also introduces total root (CIST Root) and domain root (MST
Region Root) concepts. The total root is a global concept; all switches running STP/RSTP/MSTP can
only ha ve one total r oot, which is the CIST R oot. T he domain root i s a l ocal c oncept, which is
relative to an instance in a domain. As Figure 3-9, all connected devices only have one total root, and
the number of domain root contained in each domain is associated with the number of instances.

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Figure 3-9 Basic concept sketch map of MSTI network

There can be different M ST instance in each MST de main, which associates VLAN and MSTI b y
setting V LAN mapping table (relationship table of VLAN a nd MSTI). The concept sketch map of
MSTI is shown in the Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 Concept sketch map of MSTI

Note: Each VLAN can only corresponding to one MSTI; that is to say, data of one VLAN can only
be transmitted in one MSTI; while one MSTI may correspond to several VLAN.
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Compared with the previous STP and RSTP, MSTP has obvious advantages, including cognitive
ability of VLAN, load balance sharing ability, similar RSTP port status switching ability as well as
binding multiple VLAN to one MST instance to reduce resource occupancy rate. In addition, MSTP
running devices in network are also compatible with the STP and RSTP running devices.

Figure 3-11 Networking of multiple spanning trees instances in MST domain

Applying MSTP in the network as Figure 3-11 above, after calculation, there are two spanning trees
generated at last (two MST instances):

MSTI1 takes B as root switch, forwarding message of VLAN100;

MSTI2 takes F as root switch, forwarding message of VLAN200.

By this w ay, all V LAN can com municate at i nternal, different V LAN m essages are f orwarded in
different path to share loading.

3.1.7 Loopback detection

The i nterface l oopback de tection f unction s olves i nfluence o n ne twork caused by s elf-loop or
external loop, and then improves network error-detection, error tolerance and stability.
Procedure of loopback detection:

Each i nterface of device sends loopback-detection message by interval (the interval is

configurable, by default is 4 seconds);
The device check source MAC field for interface received loopback detection packets, if the
source M AC i s i dentical t o device M AC, some i nterfaces of t he de vice form a l oop;
otherwise, discard the message;
It is self-loop if the sending interface ID is identical to receiving interface ID, shutdown the
It is external loop if the sending interface ID is identical to receiving interface ID, shutdown
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the interface with bigger ID, and leave the smaller interface ID in UP status.

3.1.8 Interface protection

User needs to take layer-2 data isolation among different interface and add the interface to different
VLAN. S ometimes i nterfaces i n the s ame VLAN al so n eed to be t aken data is olation by interface
protection feature, which can isolate interfaces in one VLAN.

Through interface protection festure, user can enable the protection feature to interfaces needed to be
controlled to achieve the layer-2 data isolation and reach physical isolation effect among interfaces,
which improve network security and provide flexible networking solution to cutomer.

The packets among interfaces in a protection group cannot communicate after configuring interface
protection, but the communication between i nterfaces enabling interface protection and disabling
interface protection wont be influenced.

3.1.9 Interface mirror

Interface mirror func tion refers t o assign some packets m irror of s ource i nterface t o de stination
interface, i.e. the m onitoring i nterface without a ffecting t he nor mal pa cket f orwarding f unction.
Switch user can monitor the pa ckets s ending a nd r eceiving of one interface by t his f unction a nd
analyze the relevant network conditions.

Figure 3-12 Sketch map of interface mirror function priciple

The basic principle of interface mirror is shown in Figure 3-12. PC 1 connects outside network via
the Port 1; PC 3 is monitoring PC, connecting outside network through the Port 12.

When m onitoring packets from t he PC 1, user ne eds to assign Port 1 co nnected to PC1 as mirror
source i nterface, enable m irror f unction of ingress i nterface and a ssign Port 12 as m oniroring
interface, i.e. mirror destination interface.
When the service pa ckets f rom PC 1 enter switch, the s witch will forward the pa cket an d c opy to
monitoring interface (Port 12). The monitoring device connected to mirror monitoring interface can

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receive and analyze these mirrored packets.

ISCOM2924GF is in support of the da ta stream mirror over ingress interface and egress interface.
The packets in ingress/egress mirror interface will be copied to the monitor interface after enabling
the mirror function. Monitoring interface and mirror interface cannot be the same one.

3.1.10 Layer-2 protocol transparent transmission

Transparent t ransmission f unction i s one of t he m ain Ethernet device f unctions, usually the e dge
network devices of car rier take i n charge of l ayer-2 pr otocol m essage transparent transmission.
Transparent transmission function is e nabled a t the interface that c onnects e dge ne twork de vice of
carrier a nd us er ne twork. The i nterface i s i n A ccess m ode, c onnecting t o Trunk i nterface on us er
device. The layer-2 protocol message of user network enters from transparent transmission interface,
encapsulated by edge network device (ingress end of message) and then enter carrier network. The
message is transmitted through carrier network to arrive edge device (egress end of message) at the
other end or carrier network. The edged device decapsulates outer layer-2 protocol message and
transparent transmits it to customer network.

The t ransparent t ransmission f unction i ncludes m essage e ncapsulation a nd de capsulation f unction,

the basic implementing principle as below:

Message en capsulation: at t he m essage i ngress end, de vice m odifies de stination MAC

address from user network layer-2 protocol message to special multicast MAC address (it is
010E.5E00.0003 by default). In carrier network, the modified message is forwarded as data in
user VLAN.
Message d ecapsulation: at t he m essage egr ess end, t he device s enses m essage w ith special
multicast M AC a ddress ( it i s 010 E.5E00.0003 by de fault) a nd r evert the destination MAC
address t o D MAC of l ayer-2 pr otocol m essage, t hen send t he m essage t o a ssigned us er
Layer-2 protocol transparent transmission function can be ope rated a t the s ame time w ith QinQ or
operated i ndependently. In practice a pplication, a fter m odifying pr otocol message M AC a ddress,
need to add outer Tag for transmit through carrier network.
ISCOM2924GF de vice is i n support of transparent transmission of BPDU m essage, DOT1X
message, LACP message, CDP message, VTP message and PVST message.

3.2 Configure MAC address forwarding table

3.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Configure static MAC address forwarding table in the following situations:

Static MAC address can be set for fixed server, special persons (manager, financial staff, etc.)
fixed and important hosts to make sure all data flow forwarding to these MAC addresses are
forwarded from static MAC address related interface in priority.
For the interface with fixed static MAC address, user can disable MAC address learning to
avoid other hosts visiting LAN data from the interface.
Configure aging t ime f or d ynamic M AC a ddress f orwarding t able t o avoid the explosive
growth of MAC address forwarding table.

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3.2.2 Default configuration of MAC address forwarding table

The default configuration of MAC address forwarding table is as below:

Function Default value

MAC address learning function status Enable

MAC address aging time 300s

MAC address learning amount limit unlimited

3.2.3 Configure static MAC address

Please configure static MAC address as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table static Configure static unicast MAC address.

unicast mac-address vlan vlan-id port port-id
Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table static Configure static multicast MAC address.
multicast mac-address vlan vlan-id port
Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table Configure black hole MAC address.
blackhole mac-address vlan vlan-id
3 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table (Optional) Set multicast filter mode for
multicast filter { all | vlan vlan-list } MAC address table.
MAC address, multicast address, FFFF.FFFF.FFFF and 0000.0000.0000 of the device cannot
be configured as static unicast MAC address.
At present, the configurable static unicast MAC address amount of ISCOM2924GF device is

3.2.4 Configure MAC address learning

Please configure MAC address learning as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table Enable or disable MAC address

learning { enable | disable } { port-list learning function.
{ all | port-list } | vlanlist vlan-list }
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3.2.5 Configure MAC address learning amount limit

Please configure MAC address learning amount limit as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#mac-address-table Configure MAC address learning
threshold threshold-value amount.
Raisecom(config-port)#mac-address-table Configure specified VLAN MAC
threshold threshold-value vlan vlan-id address learning amount.

3.2.6 Configure MAC address aging time

Please configure MAC address aging time as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table Set MAC address aging time. The time

aging-time { 0 | period } range: 10~1000000, unit: second. Set
the aging time 0 for non-aging.

3.2.7 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show mac-address-table static Show static unicast MAC address.

[ port port-id | vlan vlan-id ]
2 Raisecom#show mac-address-table multicast Show layer-2 multicast address.
[ vlan vlan-id ] [ count ]
3 Raisecom#show mac-address-table blackhole Show black hole MAC address.

4 Raisecom#show mac-address-table l2-address Show all layer-2 unicast addresses and

[ count ] [ vlan vlan-id | port port-id ] the learning MAC address amount.
5 Raisecom#show mac-address-table threshold Show MAC address learning amount
[ port-list { all | port-list } ] limit value.
6 Raisecom#show mac aging-time Show MAC address aging time.

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3.3 Configure VLAN

3.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Main f unction of V LAN i s t o c arve up l ogic network s egments. There are 2 typical application

One ki nd is in s mall s ize L AN, one de vice is c arved up to several VLAN, the hosts tha t
connect to the device are carved up by VLAN. So hosts in the same VLAN can communicate,
but hosts be tween di fferent VLAN cannot communicate. For example, the f inancial
department ne eds t o di vide f rom ot her de partments a nd t hey c annot a ccess e ach ot her.
Generally, the interface to connect host is in Access mode.
The other kind is in bigger LAN or enterprise network, multiple devices connect to multiple
hosts and t he de vices ar e concatenated, da ta m essage t akes VLAN Tag for f orwarding.
Identical VLAN interface of multiple devices can communicate, but hosts between different
VLAN cannot communicate. This mode is used in enterprise that has many people and need a
lot of hosts, in the s ame department but different p osition, the hosts in one department can
access one another, so customer has to carve up V LAN in multiple devices. Layer-3 devices
like r outer i s r equired if us ers want t o c ommunicate a mong di fferent V LAN. The
concatenated interfaces among devices are set in Trunk mode.
When configuring IP address for V LAN, user can associate a l ayer-3 interface for it. Each layer-3
interface is corresponding to one IP address and one VLAN. Preconditions

Before configuring VLAN, users need to configure physical parameter for the interface to make the
status Up.

3.3.2 Default configuration of VLAN

The default configuration of VLAN is as below:

Function Default value

Create VLAN Has VLAN 1

Active status of static VLAN suspend

Interface mode Access

Access VLAN VLAN 1

Native VLAN of Trunk interface VLAN 1

Allowable VLAN in Trunk mode All VLAN

Allowable Untag VLAN in Trunk mode VLAN 1

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3.3.3 Configure VLAN attributes

Please configure VLAN attributes as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#create vlan vlan-list { active | Create VLAN.

suspend }
The command can also be used to
create VLAN in batch.
3 Raisecom(config)#vlan vlan-id Enter VLAN configuration mode.

4 Raisecom(config-vlan)#name vlan-name (Optional) Configure VLAN name.

5 Raisecom(config-vlan)#state { active | suspend } Configure VLAN in active or

suspend status.
The V LAN created by command vlan vlan-id is i n s uspend s tatus, us ers need t o us e
command state active to activate VLAN if they want to make it effective in system.
By default, there are two VLAN in system, the default VLAN (VLAN 1) and cluster VLAN
(VLAN 2) , a ll i nterfaces i n A ccess m ode be longed t o default V LAN. Both VLAN 1 and
VLAN 2 cannot be created and deleted.
By de fault, the de fault V LAN ( VLAN 1) is c alled Default; cluster VL AN ( VLAN 2) i s
called Cluster-Vlan. Other V LAN i s na med as VLAN plus 4 di gits V LAN ID, f or
example, VLAN10 is named VLAN0010 by default, VLAN4094 is named as VLAN4094
by default.
All configurations of VLAN are not effective until the VLAN is activated. When VLAN is in
suspend s tatus, us er can also configure the VLAN, s uch as d elete/add interface, s et V LAN
name, etc. The system w ill ke ep t he c onfigurations, once the V LAN is activated, the
configurations will take effect in the system.

3.3.4 Configure interface mode

Please configure interface mode as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure interface in Access or
mode { access | trunk } Trunk mode.

3.3.5 Configure VLAN over Access interface

Please configure VLAN over Access interface for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode access Configure interface in Access
mode and add Access interface into
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan vlan-id
4 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access (Optional) Configure Access
egress-allowed vlan { all | [ add | remove ] vlan-list } interface permitted VLAN.
The interface permits Access VLAN packets passing regardless of configuration for VLAN
permitted by Access interface, the forwarded packets dont take with VLAN TAG.
When s etting Access VLAN, system w ill cr eate an d activate VLAN by a utomation if us er
hasnt created and activated VLAN in advance.
If us er de letes or s uspends Access VLAN by manual, system w ill s et t he i nterface A ccess
VLAN as default VLAN by automation.
When c onfiguring interface Access VL AN as no n-default Access V LAN, default Access
VLAN 1 is Access egress interface permitted VLAN, user can delete Access VLAN 1 from
permitted VLAN list of Access egress interface by deleting this VLAN.
If the configured Access V LAN is not default VLAN and there i s n o default V LAN in
permitted VLAN list of Access interface, the interface doesnt permit default VLAN packets
Permitted VLAN list of Access interface is only effective to static VLAN, and inefficient to
cluster VLAN, GVRP dynamic VLAN, etc.

3.3.6 Configure VLAN over Trunk interface

Please configure VLAN over Trunk interface for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk Configure interface in Trunk mode.

4 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native Configure interface Native VLAN.

vlan vlan-id
5 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk (Optional) Configure Trunk
allowed vlan { all | [ add | remove ] vlan-list } interface permitted VLAN.
6 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk (Optional) Configure Trunk
untagged vlan { all | [ add | remove ] vlan-list } interface unTag VLAN.
The interface permits NATIVE VLAN packets passing regardless of configuration on Trunk
interface pe rmitted V LAN l ist a nd Untagged VLAN l ist, t he f orwarded pa ckets do nt ta ke
with VLAN TAG.
System will create and activate the VLAN if there is no VLAN was created and activated in
advance when setting Native VLAN.
System set the interface Trunk Native VLAN as default VLAN if user has deleted or blocked
Native VLAN by manual.

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Interface pe rmits in a nd out of T runk A llowed VLAN m essage, i f t he V LAN i s T runk

Untagged V LAN, the packets r emove V LAN T AG at egr ess i nterface, otherwise, dont
modify the packets.
If the configured Native VLAN is not default VLAN, and there is no default VLAN in Trunk
interface permitted VLAN list, the interface wont permit default VLAN packets passing.
When s etting T runk Untagged V LAN l ist, s ystem a utomatically a dds a ll U ntagged V LAN
into Trunk permitted VLAN.
Trunk permitted VLAN list and Trunk Untagged VLAN list are only effective to static VLAN,
and ineffective for cluster VLAN, GVRP dynamic VLAN, etc.

3.3.7 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show vlan [ vlan-list | static ] Show VLAN configuration.

2 Raisecom#show interface port [ port-id ] Show interface VLAN configuration.


3.4 Configure QinQ

3.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

The basic QinQ configuration and flexible QinQ configuration for the device are based on di fferent
service requirements.

Basic QinQ:
With application of basic QinQ, user can add outer VLAN Tag to layout Private VLAN ID freely so
as to make the user device data at both ends of carrier network take transparent transmission without
conflicting with VLAN ID in service provider network.

Flexible QinQ:
Different f rom ba sic Q inQ, out er V LAN T ag of f lexible Q inQ c an be selectable according t o
different services. There are multiple services and different private VLAN ID in user network which
are divided by adding different outer VLAN Tag for voice, video, and data services etc., then realize
different distributaries and inner and outer VLAN mapping for different services forwarding. Preconditions

Users must finish below operations before configuring QinQ.

Connect interface and configure interface physical parameters to make the physical layer Up.
Create VLAN

3.4.2 Default configuration of QinQ

The default configuration of QinQ is as below:
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Function Default value

Outer TAG TPID value 0x8100

Basic QinQ function status Disable

Flexible QinQ function status Disable

3.4.3 Configure basic QinQ

Please configure basic QinQ at device ingress interface as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls double-tagging tpid tpid (Optional) Configure TPID.

3 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport qinq Enable interface basic QinQ
dot1q-tunnel function.

3.4.4 Configure flexible QinQ

Please configure flexible QinQ at device ingress interface as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls double-tagging tpid tpid (Optional) Configure TPID.

3 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure interface flexible QinQ
vlan-mapping cvlan vlan-list add-outer vlan-id rule.

3.4.5 Configure egress interface in Trunk mode

Please configure basic QinQ or flexible QinQ at device egress interface as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure interface trunk mode,
mode trunk permit double Tag message passing.

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3.4.6 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show switchport qinq Show configuration of basic QinQ.

2 Raisecom#show interface port Show configuration of flexible QinQ.

[ port-id ] vlan-mapping add-outer

3.5 Configure VLAN mapping

3.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Differentiated f rom Q inQ, V LAN m apping onl y changes V LAN tag but not i ncrease additional
multilayer VLAN T ag e ncapsulation. U sers j ust ne ed t o c hange VLAN Tag t o m ake i t t ransmit
according to carrier VLAN mapping rule and which wont increase frame length of original packet.
VLAN mapping is also used in below conditions:

Mapping user service to one carrier VLAN ID

Mapping multi-users service to one carrier VLAN ID Preconditions

Users must finish below operations before configuring VLAN mapping.

Connect interface and configure interface physical parameters to make the physical layer Up.
Create VLAN

3.5.2 Configure 1:1 VLAN mapping

Please configure 1:1 VLAN mapping for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure 1:1 VLAN mapping
vlan-mapping { ingress | egress } vlan-list rule over interface ingress or
translate vlan-id egress direction.

3.5.3 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

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No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show interface port port-id Show configuration information

vlan-mapping { ingress | egress } translate of 1:1 VLAN mapping.

3.6 Configure STP

3.6.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

In big LAN, multiple devices are concatenated for inter-access among hosts. It needs to enable STP
to a void l oop a mong t he d evices, MAC a ddress l earning f ault, and br oadcast s torm a nd ne twork
down caused by quick copy and transmission of data frame. STP calculation can block one interface
in a broken loop and make sure that there is only one path from data flow to destination host, which
is also the best path. Preconditions

Configure interface physical parameters to make it Up before configuring STP.

3.6.2 Default configuration of STP

The default configuration of STP is as below:

Function Default value

Global STP function status Disable

Interface STP function status Enable

STP priority of device 32768

STP priority of interface 128

The path cost of interface 0

max-age timer 20s

hello-time timer 2s

forward-delay timer 15s

3.6.3 Enable STP function

Please configure STP on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree mode stp Configure spanning tree for STP mode.

3 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree enable Enable spanning tree protocol.

3.6.4 Configure STP parameter

Please configure STP enable for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree priority (Optional) Configure device priority.

3 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree root (Optional) Configure the device as
{ primary | secondary } root or backup device.
4 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Configure device
Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree interface priority.
priority priority-value
5 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree (Optional) Configure path cost for
inner-path-cost cost-value device interface.
6 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree (Optional) Configure Hello Time.
hello-time value
7 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree (Optional) Configure maximum
transit-limit value transmitting speed of interface.
8 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree (Optional) Configure Forward
forward-delay value Delay.
9 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree (Optional) Configure Max Age.
max-age value

3.6.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show spanning-tree Show basic configuration

information of S TP.
2 Raisecom#show spanning-tree Show STP configuration
port-list port-list under interface.

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3.7 Configure MSTP

3.7.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

In big LAN or residential region aggregation, the aggregation devices will make up a ring for link
backup, at the same time avoid loop and realize service load sharing. MSTP can select different and
unique forwarding path for each one or a group of VLAN. Preconditions

Configure interface physical parameters to make it Up before configuring MSTP.

3.7.2 Default configuration of MSTP

The default configuration of MSTP is as below:

Function Default value

Global MSTP function status Disable

Interface MSTP function status Enable

The maximum hop count of MST domain 20

MSTP priority of device 32768

MSTP priority of interface 128

The path cost of interface 0

The biggest transmitting message count 3

within each Hello time
max-age timer 20s

hello-time timer 2s

forward-delay timer 15s

The revision level of MST domain 0

3.7.3 Enable MSTP function

Please configure MSTP for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp Configure spanning tree for MSTP

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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree enable Enable spanning tree protocol.

3.7.4 Configure MST domain and its maximum hop count

User can set domain information for the device when it is running in MSTP mode. The device MST
domain is decided by domain name, VLAN mapping table and configuration of MSTP revision level.
User can set current device in a specific MST domain through following configuration.
MST dom ain scale i s r estricted by t he maximum hop count. S tarting f rom the r oot bridge of
spanning tree in the domain, the configuration information (BPDU) reduces 1 hop count once it is
forwarded passing a device; the device discards the configuration information with hop count 0. The
device out of maximum hop count cannot j oin spanning tree calculation and then restrict MST
domain scale.

Please configure MSTP domain and its maximum hop count for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Enter MST domain configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-region)#name name Configure MST domain name.

4 Raisecom(config-region)#revision-level Set revision level for MST domain, it is 0

level-value by default.
5 Raisecom(config-region)#instance Set mapping relationship from MST
instance-id vlan vlan-id domain VLAN to instance.
6 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Configure the maximum hop count for
max-hops hops-value MST domain.

Note: The maximum hop count is M ST domain maximum hop count if and onl y if the configured
device is root of the domain; other roots cannot configure this item effectively.

3.7.5 Configure root bridge/backup bridge

Two m ethods for MSTP root s election: one is configure device pr iority and calculated by S TP to
confirm S TP root bridge or backup bridge; the ot her is to a ssign directly by this c ommand. W hen
root bridge has f ault or po wer off, the backup bridge can take t he pl ace of r oot bridge for re lated
instance. In this cast, if user has set new root bridge, the backup bridge wont become root bridge. If
user has configured several backup bridges for a spanning tree, once the root bridge stops working,
MSTP will choose the backup root with the smallest MAC address as new root bridge.

Note: Users ha d better not modify the priority of any device i n the ne twork i f adopting direct
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assigning root bridge method, otherwise, the assigned root bridge or backup bridge may be invalid.

Please configure root bridge or backup bridge for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree [instance Set device as root bridge or

instance-id] root {primary|secondary} backup bridge for a STP instance.
User can confirm the effective instance of root bridge or backup bridge through the parameter
instance instance-id. The current device will be assigned as root bridge or backup bridge of
CIST if instance-id is 0 or parameter instance instance-id is omitted.
The roots in device instances are independent mutually, that is to say, they can not only be the
root bridge or ba ckup bridge of on e i nstance, but also the root bridge or ba ckup bridge of
other spanning tree instances. However, in the same spanning tree instance, the same device
cannot be used as root bridge and backup bridge at the same time.
User cannot assign two or more root bridges for one spanning tree instance, but can assign
several backup bridges for one spanning tree. Generally speaking, users had better assign one
root bridge and several backup bridges for a spanning tree.

3.7.6 Configure device interface and system priority

Whether t he i nterface i s s elected as r oot i nterface ca n be j udged by i nterface pr iority. Under the
identical condition, the smaller priority interface will be selected as root interface. An interface may
have different priorities and play different roles in different instances.
The device Bridge ID decides whether it can be selected as root of spanning tree. Configure smaller
priority can get smaller device Bridge ID and designate the device as root. If priority is identical, the
device with smaller MAC address will be selected as root.

Similar to configuring root and backup root, priority is independent mutually in different instances.
User can confirm priority instance through parameter instance instance-id. Configure bridge priority
for CIST if instance-id is 0 or parameter instance instance-id is omitted.

Please configure interface priority and system priority for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree [instance Set interface priority for a STP
instance-id] priority priority-value instance.

4 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree [instance Set system priority for a STP

instance-id] priority priority-value instance.
Note: Value of priority must be multiples of 4096, like 0, 4096, 8192, etc. it is 32768 by default.

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3.7.7 Configure network diameter for switch network

Network di ameter i ndicates t he no des num ber o n t he path ha s t he m ost de vice num ber i n s witch
network. In MSTP, network diameter is valid only to CIST, and invalid to MSTI instance. No matter
how m any node s i n a pa th i n one domain, i t i s c onsidered a s j ust o ne no de. Actually, ne twork
diameter s hould be de fined a s t he domain num ber i n the pa th c rossing t he m ost dom ains. The
network diameter is 1 if there is only one domain in the whole network.

The maximum hop count of MST domain is used to restrict domain scale, while network diameter is
a parameter to denote the whole network scale. The b igger the network diameter is, the bigger the
network scale is.

Similar to the maximum hop c ount of MST domain, if and only if configuring the device as CIST
root device, this configuration is effective. MSTP will automatically set Hello Time, Forward Delay
and Max Age parameters to a privileged value by calculation when configuring network diameter.
Please configure network diameter for switch network for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Configure diameter for switch

bridge-diameter bridge-diameter-value

3.7.8 Configure inner path overhead for interface

When selecting root port and designated port, the smaller the interface path cost is, the easier it is to
be selected as root port or designated port. Inner path costs of interface are independently mutually in
different i nstances. User ca n configure inner p ath cost for instance through pa rameter instance
instance-id. Configure inner path cost of interface for CIST if instance-id is 0 or parameter instance
instance-id is omitted.
By default, interface cost often depends on the physical features:

10Mbps is 2000000
100Mbps is 200000
1000Mbps is 20000
10Gbps is 2000
Please configure inner path cost for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree [ instance Configure inner path cost for
instance-id ] inter-path-cost cost-value interface.

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3.7.9 Configure external path cost for interface

External path cost is the cost from device to CIST root, which is equal in the same domain.

Please configure external path cost for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-config)#spanning-tree Configure external path cost for interface.
extern-path-cost cost-value

3.7.10 Configure maximum transmitting speed for interface

Interface maximum transmitting speed means MSTP permitted transmitting maximum BPDU
number in each Hello Time. This parameter is a relative value and no unit. The bigger the parameter
is configured, the more messages are permitted to transmit in a Hello Time, the more device resource
it takes up. The same to time parameter, only root device configuration is valid.

Please configure interface maximum transmitting speed for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Configure interface maximum

transit-limit value transmitting speed.

3.7.11 Configure MSTP timer

Hello Time: The device sends the time interval of bridge configuration information (BPDU)
regularly to check whether there is failure in detection link of device. The device sends hello
packets to other devices around in Hello Time to check if there is fault in the link. The default
value i s 2 s econds, a nd u ser c an a djust t he i nterval value a ccording t o ne twork c ondition.
Reduce the interval when network link changes frequently to enhance the stability of STP; by
contrary, increasing interval value will reduce system CPU resource occupation rate for STP.
Forward Delay: time parameter to ensure the safe remove of device status. Link fault leads to
network re-calculate spanning tree, but the new configuration information recalculated cannot
be transmitted to the whole network immediately. There may be temporary loop if the new
root port and de signated p ort start transmitting data a t once. This protocol a dopts status
remove system: before root port and designated interface starting data forwarding, it needs a
medium s tatus ( learning status), after de lay f or the i nterval of Forward Delay, it enters
forwarding status. The delay guarantees the new configuration information to be transmitted
through whole network. User can adjust the delay value according to real condition, reduce it
when network topology changes infrequently and increase it in opposite.
Max Age: t he br idge c onfiguration information used by S TP has a l ife time tha t is used to
judge whether t he configuration i nformation is out dated. The d evice will di scard outdated
information and STP will r ecalculate spanning t ree. The default value i s 20 s econds. Too
small age value may cause the frequent re-calculation of spanning tree, while too bigger age
value will make STP not adapt network topology change timely.
All de vices i n t he w hole s witch ne twork a dopt t he t hree t ime pa rameters on C IST r oot de vice, s o

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only the root device configuration is valid.

Please configure timer for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Set Hello Time.

hello-time value
3 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Set Forward Delay.
forward-delay value
4 Raisecom(config)#spanning-tree Set Max Age.
max-age value

3.7.12 Configure edge port

Edge port indicates the interface neither direct connects to any devices nor indirect conne ct to any
device via network.
Edge por t c an change the int erface status t o f orward q uickly w ithout a ny w aiting t ime. You ha d
better set the Ethernet interface connected to user client as edge port to make it quick to change to
forward status.

The edge port attribute depends on actual condition when it is in auto-detection mode; the real port
will change to false edge port after receiving BPDU when it is in force-true mode; when the interface
is i n force-false mode, w hether it is t rue or false e dge por t i n r eal ope ration, i t will m aintain the
force-false mode until the configuration is changed.

By default, all interfaces in Ethernet device are set in auto-detection attribute.

Please configure edge port for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree Configure edge port attributes.
edged-port { auto | force-true | force-false }

3.7.13 Configure link type

The poi nt-to-point link connected interface can qui ckly c hanges to f orward s tatus by tr ansmitting
synchronous message. By default, M STP s et i nterface l ink t ype a ccording t o duplex m ode.
Full-duplex i nterface i s c onsidered a s poi nt-to-point l ink, ha lf-duplex interface i s consi dered as
shared link.

User can configure current Ethernet interface to connect point-to-point link b y force, but it will go
wrong if the link is not point-to-point. Generally, user had better set this item in auto status and the
system will automatically detect whether the interface is connected to point-to-point link.

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Please configure link type for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
2 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree Configure link type for interface.
link-type { auto | point-to-point | shared }

3.7.14 Configure root interface protection

Network will select bridge again when it receives message from higher priority, which will influent
network connectivity and also consume CPU resource. For MSTP network, if someone sends higher
priority B PDU pa ckets, t he network m ay be come uns table for t he c ontinuous election. Generally,
each bridge priority has already configured in network programming. The nearer to edge, the lower
the bridge priority is. So the down-bound interface cannot receive the messages higher than bridge
priority only if someone attacks. For these interfaces, user can enable rootguard function to refuse to
deal with message higher t han br idge priority and meanwhile bl ock t he i nterface f or a pe riod t o
prevent other attacks from attack source to damage the upper layer link.

Please configure root interface protection for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree Configure root interface protection
rootguard { enable | disable } attributes for interface.

3.7.15 Configure loopguard for interface

The s panning t ree ha s t wo functions: l oopguard a nd l ink ba ckup. Loopguard requires c arving up
topology network i nto t ree s tructure. T here m ust be r edundant l ink i n t opology i f r equiring link
backup. Spanning t ree c an a void l oop by bl ocking the r edundant l ink and e nable link ba ckup
function by opening redundant link when the link breaks down.

Spanning t ree m odule e xchanges packets pe riodically, and the l ink ha s failed if it hasnt received
message in a pe riod. Then s elect a ne w link and enable backup interface. In actual ne twork
application, the message cannot be received not only for link fault, then at this time, enable backup
interface may lead to loop link.
Purpose of loopguard i s t o keep the or iginal interface s tatus w hen it cannot r eceive message in a
period. NOTE: Loopguard and link backup functions are exclusive, loopguard requires disabling link
backup to avoid loop.
Please configure interface loop protection for the device as below:

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree Configure interface loopguard
loopguard { enable | disable } attributes.

3.7.16 Execute mcheck operation

Interface on M STP de vice ha s t wo w orking m odes: STP c ompatible mode a nd M STP m ode.
Suppose the interface of MSTP device in a switch network is connected to device running STP, the
interface will c hange t o w ork i n S TP compatible m ode automatically. But t he i nterface cann ot
change to w ork i n MSTP mode i f S TP device i s r emoved, i.e. the int erface s till w orks in STP
compatible mode. User can execute command mcheck to force the interface working in MSTP mode.
Of course, if the interface receives new STP message again, it will return to STP compatible mode.

Please configure the device to execute mcheck operation as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree mcheck Execute mcheck operation, force to
remove interface to MSTP mode.

3.7.17 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show spanning-tree Show basic configuration information of STP.

2 Raisecom#show spanning-tree Show configuration of spanning tree under

[ instance instance-id ] port interface.
port-list [ detail ]
3 Raisecom#show spanning-tree Show MST domain configuration
region-operation information.

3.8 Configure loopback detection

3.8.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

In ne twork, t he hos ts or l ayer-2 devices unde r acces s devices m ay f orm l oop b y ne twork c able

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intentionally or i nvoluntary. Enable loopback de tection function at dow nlink i nterface of access
device to av oid the network jam formed by unlimited copies of data traffic caused by downlink
interface loop. Block the loop interface once there is a loop. Preconditions

Configure interface physical parameters to make it Up before configuring loopback detection.

3.8.2 Default configuration of loopback detection

The default configuration of loopback detection is as below:

Function Default value

Loopback detection function status Disable

The automatic recovery time for interface block No automatic recovery

The loop process mode of loopback detection trap-only

Loopback detection period 4s

Loopback detection mode VLAN mode

The automatic open blocked interface time for infinite

loopback detection

3.8.3 Configure loopback detection function

Please configure loopback detection function as below:

Loopback detection function and STP are exclusive, only one can be enabled at one time.
The straight connection device cannot enable loopback detection in both ends simultaneously;
otherwise the interfaces at both ends will be blocked.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection Configure loopback detection function for

{ enable | disable } port-list port-list interface.
3 Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection Configure message transmitting period for
hello-time period loopback detection.
4 Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection mode (Optional) Configure loopback detection
{ port-based | vlan-based } mode.
5 Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection loop (Optional) Configure the port process mode
{ discarding | trap-only } port-list port-list after receiving loopback detection message
from other devices.

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Step Configuration Description

6 Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection (Optional) Configure the automatic open

down-time { time-value | infinite } blocked interface time for loopback
7 Raisecom(config)#no loopback-detection Enable the port blocked by loopback
discarding port-list port-list detection.

3.8.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show loopback-detection Show interface loopback detection

[ port-list port-list ]

2 Raisecom#show loopback-detection Show the VLAN information blocked by

block-vlan [ port-list port-list ] loopback detection.

3.9 Configure interface protection

3.9.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Users need to configure the interface protection to realize layer-2 data isolation in the same VLAN
and get the physical isolation effect among interfaces.

The i nterface pr otection function can realize m utual i solation of interfaces i n the s ame V LAN,
enhance network security and provide flexible networking solutions for user. Preconditions


3.9.2 Default configuration for interface protection

The default configuration for interface protection is as below:

Function Default value

Interface protection function status of each interface Disable

3.9.3 Configure interface protection

Please configure interface protection for the device as below:

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport protect Enable interface protection.

3.9.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show switchport Show interface protection

protect configuration.

3.10 Configure interface mirror

3.10.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Interface m irror f unction i s m ainly us ed t o m onitor n etwork data t ype and t raffic r egularly f or
network administrator.

Interface mirroring function is to copy the interface traffic monitored to a monitor interface or CPU
so as to obtain the ingress/egress interface failure or abnormal flow of data to analyze, discover the
root cause and solve them timely. Preconditions


3.10.2 Default configuration for interface mirror

The default configuration for interface mirror is as below:

Function Default value

Interface mirror function status Disable

Mirror source interface N/A

Mirror monitoring interface Port 1

Mirror source interface ingress/egress 0000.0000.0000

message filter source MAC address

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Function Default value

Mirror source interface ingress/egress 0000.0000.0000

message filter destination MAC
Note: The mirror monitoring interface displays empty when configuring message mirror to CPU.

3.10.3 Configure mirror function for local interface

The mirror source interfaces can be multiple, but the monitoring interface can only be one.
The ingress/egress mirror interface message will be copied to monitoring interface after the
mirror function takes effect. The monitoring interface cannot be set to mirror interface again.

Please configure local interface mirror for the device as below:

Step Configure Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mirror { monitor-cpu | Configure the message mirror of

monitor-port port-id } interface mirror to CPU or
specified monitoring interface.
3 Raisecom(config)#mirror source-port-list { both Configure the mirror source
port-list | egress port-list | ingress port-list [ egress interface of interface mirror
port-list ] } function and designate the mirror
rule for interface mirror.
4 Raisecom(config)#mirror enable Enable interface mirror function.

3.10.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show mirror Show interface mirror configuration.

3.11 Configure layer-2 protocol transparent transmission

3.11.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

This function enables layer-2 protocol packets of one user network cross through carrier network to
make one user network unified operating one layer-2 protocol at different region.

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Configure physical pa rameters f or t he i nterface to set it in Up status be fore configuring layer-2

protocol transparent transmission function.

3.11.2 Default configuration of layer-2 protocol transparent transmission

The default configuration of layer-2 protocol transparent transmission is as below:

Function Default value

layer-2 protocol transparent Disable

transmission function status
Egress interface and belonged VLAN NULL
of layer-2 protocol message
TAG CoS value of transparent 5
transmission message
Destination MAC address of 010E.5E00.0003
transparent transmission message
Packet loss threshold and ban threshold NULL
of transparent transmission message

3.11.3 Configure transparent transmission parameter

Please configure transparent transmission parameter for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#relay (Optional) Configure destination

destination-address mac-address MAC for transparent transmission
message, default as
3 Raisecom(config)#relay cos cos-value (Optional) Configure CoS value for
transparent transmission message.
4 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface
configuration mode.
5 Raisecom(config-port)#relay port port-id Configure specified egress interface
for transparent transmission
6 Raisecom(config-port)#relay vlan vlan-id Configure specified VLAN for
transparent transmission message.
The specified VLAN configuration
can transmit the message according
to specified VLAN, but not VLAN
configuration of ingress interface.
7 Raisecom(config-port)#relay { all | cdp | Configure transparent transmission
gvrp | dot1x | lacp | pvst | stp | vtp } packets type on interface and
disable related protocol.
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3.11.4 (Optional) Configure transparent transmission speed for message

Please configure transparent transmission speed limit for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface

configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#relay Configure packet loss threshold for
drop-threshold { cdp | dot1x | lacp | pvst | transparent transmission message.
stp | vtp } packet
4 Raisecom(config-port)#relay Configure interface shutdown
shutdown-threshold { cdp | dot1x | gvrp threshold for transparent
|lacp | pvst | stp | vtp } value transmission message.
Note: The range packet loss threshold and interface shutdown threshold of transparent transmission
message are bot h 1 -4096. G enerally, please configure packet l oss threshold smaller tha n interface
shutdown threshold.

3.11.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show relay [ port-list Show configuration and status of

port-list ] transparent transmission.
2 Raisecom#show relay statistics Show the statistics of transparent
[ port-list port-list ] transmission packets.

3.12 Maintenance
Users can maintain Ethernet features by the following commands:

Commands Description

Raisecom(config)#clear mac-address-table Clear MAC address.

{ all | blackhole | dynamic | static }
Raisecom(config)#search mac-address Search MAC address.
mac-address { all | dynamic | static } [ port
port-id ] [ vlan vlan-id ]
Raisecom(config-port)#spanning-tree clear Clear interface spanning tree
statistics statistics information.
Raisecom(config-port)#clear Clear loopback detection statistics
loopback-detection statistic information.
Raisecom(config)#clear relay statistics Clear statistics information of
[ port-list port-list ] transparent transmission message.
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3.13 Configure examples

3.13.1 Configure MAC address forwarding table Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-13 s hows be low, ope rating on S witch A , configure a s tatic uni cast M AC a ddress
0001.0203.0405 at Port 2, t he belonged VLAN is VLAN 10; configure MAC address aging time as
500 seconds.

Figure 3-13 MAC application networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Create VLAN 10 and active it, add Port 2 into VLAN 10:
Raisecom(config)#create vlan 10 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode access
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
Step 2 Configure a static unicast MAC address 0001.0203.0405 at Port 2, belonged to VLAN10:
Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table static unicast 0001.0203.0405 vlan 10 port 2
Step 3 Configure MAC address aging time as 500 seconds:
Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table aging-time 500 Show result

Show M AC a ddress c onfiguration by t he c ommand of show mac-address-table l2-address port

Raisecom#show mac-address-table l2-address port 2
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Aging time: 500 seconds

Mac Address Port Vlan Flags
0001.0203.0405 port2 10 Static

3.13.2 Configure VLAN and interface protection Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-14 shows below, PC1, PC2, and PC5 belong to VLAN 10, PC3 and PC4 belong to
VLAN 20; t he t wo de vices a re c onnected by T runk i nterface, PC3 a nd PC4 cannot c ommunicate
because VLAN20 is not permitted passing in the link; PC1 and PC2 under the same Switch B enable
interface protection function so that they cannot communicate with each other, but can respectively
communicate with PC5.

Figure 3-14 VLAN and interface protection networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Create VLAN10 and VLAN20 on the two devices respectively and activate them.

Configure Switch A:
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 10,20 active
Configure Switch B:
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 10,20 active
Step 2 Add Access mode interface Port 2 and Port 3 of Switch B into VLAN 10, add Access mode

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interface Port 4 into VLAN20, interface Port 1 is in Trunk mode and permits VLAN 10 passing.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
SwitchB(config)#interface port 4
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 20
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 confirm

Step 3 Add Access mode interface Port 2 of Switch A into VLAN 10, add Trunk mode interface
Port 3 into VLAN20, interfacePort1 is in Trunk mode and permits VLAN 10 passing.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 20
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 10 confirm

Step 4 Enable interface protection function for interface Port 2 and Port 3 of Switch B:
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport protect
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport protect Show result

Check whether the VLAN configuration information is correct by the command of show vlan.

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Take Switch B for example:

SwitchB#show vlan
Switch Mode: --
VLAN Name State Status Priority Member-Ports
1 Default active static -- 1-6
10 VLAN0010 active static -- 1,3-4
20 VLAN0020 active static -- 5

Check whether the interface VLAN configuration is correct by the command of show interface port
port-id switchport.

Take Switch B for example:

SwitchB#show interface port 2 switchport
Interface: port2
Administrative Mode: access
Operational Mode: access
Access Mode VLAN: 10
Administrative Access Egress VLANs: 1
Operational Access Egress VLANs: 1,10
Trunk Native Mode VLAN: 1
Administrative Trunk Allowed VLANs: 1-4094
Operational Trunk Allowed VLANs: 1,10,20
Administrative Trunk Untagged VLANs: 1
Operational Trunk Untagged VLANs: 1

Check whether the interface protection configuration is correct by the command of show switchport
SwitchB#show switchport protect
Port Protected State
P1 enable
P2 enable
P3 enable
P4 enable
P5 disable
P6 disable
P7 disable

Check whether Trunk interface permitting VLAN passing is correct by operating PC1 ping PC5, PC2
ping PC5, PC3 ping PC4:

PC1 ping PC5, ping successfully, VLAN 10 communication is normal;

PC2 ping PC5, ping successfully, VLAN 10 communication is normal;
PC3 ping PC4, ping unsuccessfully, VLAN 20 communication is abnormal.
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Check whether the interface protection function is correct by operating PC1 ping PC2:

PC1 ping PC2, ping unsuccessfully, interface protection function takes effect.

3.13.3 Configure basic QinQ Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-15 shows below, Switch A and Switch B are connected to VLAN 100 and VLAN
200 r espectively. If de partment E a nd de partment C , de partment F a nd de partment D w ant t o
communicate through carrier network, they must set outer Tag as VLAN 1000. Configure interface
Port 2 a nd Port 3 i n d ot1q-tunnel m ode on S witch A a nd S witch B, r espectively c onnect t o t wo
different VLAN. Interface Port 1 is uplink carrier network interface, set it in Trunk mode and permit
double Tag message passing, carrier TPID is 9100.

Figure 3-15 Basic QinQ application networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Create VLAN 100, VLAN 200, and VLAN 1000 and activate them, TPID is 9100.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#mls double-tagging tpid 9100
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100,200,1000 active

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Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#mls double-tagging tpid 9100
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 100,200,1000 active

Step 2 Set interface Port 2 and Port 3 in dot1q mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 1000
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport qinq dot1q-tunnel
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 1000
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport qinq dot1q-tunnel
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 1000
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport qinq dot1q-tunnel
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 1000
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport qinq dot1q-tunnel

Step 3 Set interface Port 1 permitting double Tag message passing.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000 confirm
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000 confirm

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Check QinQ configuration by the command of show switchport qinq.

Take Switch A for example:

SwitchA#show switchport qinq
Outer TPID: 0x9100
Interface QinQ Status
P1 --
P2 Dot1q-tunnel
P3 Dot1q-tunnel
P4 --
P5 --
P6 --

3.13.4 Configure flexible QinQ Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-16 shows below, carrier network contains common PC Internet service and IP phone
service, PC Internet service is assigned to VLAN 1000, IP phone service is assigned to VLAN 2000.
Configure Switch A a nd Switch B l ike t his: a dd outer T ag V LAN 10 00 f or PC Internet s ervice
VLAN 100-VLAN 150, a dd out er Tag 2000 f or V LAN 300 -Vlan 400 f or IP phone s ervice, make
client and server communicate in order through carrier network. The carrier TPID is 9100.

IP Phone sever
VLAN 300-400

Port 3
Port 1
VLAN 1000
VLAN 2000

Switch B Port 2

Port 1
Switch A PC Internet
Port 2 Port 3 VLAN 100-150

Switch C Switch D


PC Internet user IP Phone user

VLAN 100-150 VLAN 300-400

Figure 3-16 Flexible QinQ application networking

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Step 1 Create VLAN 100, VLAN 200, and VLAN 1000 and activate them, TPID is 9100.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#mls double-tagging tpid 9100
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100-150, 300-400, 1000, 2000 active
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#mls double-tagging tpid 9100
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 100-150, 300-400, 1000, 2000 active

Step 2 Set interface Port 2 and Port 3 in dot1q mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping cvlan 100-150 add-outer 1000
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 1000,2000 confirm
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping cvlan 300-400 add-outer 2000
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 1000,2000 confirm
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping cvlan 100-150 add-outer 1000
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 1000,2000 confirm
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping cvlan 300-400 add-outer 2000
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 1000,2000 confirm

Step 3 Set interface Port 1 permitting double Tag message passing.

Configure Switch A.

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SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000,2000 confirm
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000,2000 confirm Show result

Check QinQ c onfiguration b y t he c ommand of show interface port port-id vlan-mapping


Take Switch A for example:

SwitchA#show interface port 2 vlan-mapping add-outer
Based outer VLAN QinQ mapping rule:
Original Original Add-outer Add-outer Hardware Hardware
Port Outer VLAN COS VLAN COS Status ID
P2 100-150 -- 1000 -- Enable 4
SwitchA#show interface port 3 vlan-mapping add-outer
Based outer VLAN QinQ mapping rule:
Original Original Add-outer Add-outer Hardware Hardware
Port Outer VLAN COS VLAN COS Status ID
P3 300-400 -- 2000 -- Enable 5

3.13.5 Configure VLAN mapping Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-17 shows below, Port 2 and Port 3 of Switch A respectively connect to department E
by VLAN 100 and to department F by VLAN 200, Port 2 and Port 3 of Switch B respectively
connect to department C by VLAN 100 and to department D by VLAN 200. Assigning VLAN 1000
for department E and C transmission in carrier network, assign VLAN 2008 for department F and D

Configure 1:1 VLAN mapping for Switch A and Switch B to realize normal communication between
PC user and terminal user with servers.

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Figure 3-17 VLAN mapping application networking Configuration steps

Configuration of Switch A is identical to Switch B, here just describe Switch A configuration.

Step 1 Create VLAN and activate it.

Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100,200,1000,2008 active
Step 2 Configure interface Port 1 in trunk mode, permit VLAN 1000 and VLAN 2008 passing.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1000,2008 confirm
Step 3 Configure interface Port 2 in Access mode, permit VLAN 100 passing and enable VLAN
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 100
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping ingress 100 translate 1000
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping egress 1000 translate 100

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Step 4 Configure interface Port 3 in t runk mode, pe rmit VLAN 200 pa ssing a nd e nable VLAN
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 200 confirm
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping ingress 200 translate 2008
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport vlan-mapping egress 2008 translate 200 Show result

Check 1:1 V LAN m apping c onfiguration by t he c ommand of show interface port port-id
vlan-mapping {ingress | egress} translate.
SwitchA(config)#show interface port 2 vlan-mapping ingress translate

Direction: Ingress
Original Original Outer-tag New Inner-tag New
Interface Inner VLANs Outer VLANs Mode Outer-VID Mode Inner-VID Hw-ID
P2 100 Translate 1000 -- --

3.13.6 Configure STP Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-18 shows below, the three devices Switch A, Switch B and Switch C make up a ring,
user has to solve loop in ring network link. Enable STP on the three devices, set Switch A priority as
0, change overhead from Switch B to Switch A to 10.

Figure 3-18 STP application networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Enable STP function on the three devices.

Configure Switch A.

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Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
Configure Switch C.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
Step 2 Configure interface mode for the three devices.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#interface port 1
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Step 3 Configure priority and interface path overhead for spanning tree.
Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree priority 0
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#spanning-tree inter-path-cost 10
Configure Switch B.
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SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#spanning-tree inter-path-cost 10 Show result

Show bridge status by the command of show spanning-tree.

Switch A:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: STP
BridgeId: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 0
Operational: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20
Configured: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20 TransmitLimit 3
Switch B:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: STP
BridgeId: Mac 000E.5E83.ABD1 Priority 32768
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 10
Operational: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20
Configured: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20 TransmitLimit 3
Switch C:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: STP
BridgeId: Mac 000E.5E83.ABD5 Priority 32768
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 200000
Operational: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20
Configured: HelloTime 2, ForwardDelay 15, MaxAge 20 TransmitLimit 3

Show interface status by the command of show spanning-tree port port-list.

Switch A:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree port 1, 2
Port ID:1
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 279 (TCN<0> Config<279> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:13 (TCN<13> Config<0> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:forwarding Role:designated Priority:128 Cost: 200000

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Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 0

DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 DesignatedPort 32777

Port ID:2
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 279 (TCN<0> Config<279> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:6 (TCN<6> Config<0> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:forwarding Role:designated Priority:128 Cost: 200000
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 0
DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 DesignatedPort 32778

Switch B:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree port 1, 2
Port ID:1
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 279 (TCN<0> Config<279> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:13 (TCN<13> Config<0> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:forwarding Role:designated Priority:128 Cost: 200000
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 0
DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 DesignatedPort 32777

Port ID:2
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 279 (TCN<0> Config<279> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:6 (TCN<6> Config<0> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:forwarding Role:designated Priority:128 Cost: 200000
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 0
DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 DesignatedPort 32778

Switch C:
Raisecom#show spanning-tree port 1, 2

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Port ID:1
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 22 (TCN<12> Config<10> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:390 (TCN<0> Config<390> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:blocking Role:non-designated Priority:128 Cost: 200000
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 200000
DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E83.ABD1 Priority 32768 DesignatedPort 32777

Port ID:2
PortEnable: admin: enable oper: enable
Rootguard: disable
Loopguard: disable
Partner MSTP Mode: stp
Bpdus send: 38 (TCN<6> Config<32> RST<0> MST<0>)
Bpdus received:368 (TCN<0> Config<368> RST<0> MST<0>)
State:forwarding Role:root Priority:128 Cost: 200000
Root: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 RootCost 200000
DesignatedBridge: Mac 000E.5E7B.C557 Priority 0 DesignatedPort 32778

3.13.7 Configure MSTP Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-19 shows below, three ISCOM2924GF devices make up a ring network, run MSTP
protocol, domain name is aaa. Switch B and Switch C respectively connect to two PC, which belong
to VLAN 3 a nd VLAN 4 r espectively. Instance 3 associates with VLAN3 and instance 4 associates
with VLAN4. Configure Switch B instance 3 path cost, make message of the two VLAN forward at
the two paths, and then remove the loop and realize load sharing.

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Figure 3-19 MSTP application networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Create VLAN 3 and VLAN 4 on the three switches respectively and activate them.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 3-4 active
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 3-4 active
Configure Switch C.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#create vlan 3-4 active

Step 2 Set Switch A interface Port 1, Port 2 in trunk mode and permit all VLAN passing, Switch
B interface Port 1, Port 2 in trunk mode and permit all VLAN passing, Switch C interface Port 1,
Port 2 in trunk mode and permit all VLAN passing. Interface Port 3 and Port4 of Switch B and
Switch C are in Access mode and permit VLAN3 and VLAN4 passing respectively.
Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2

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SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 3
SwitchB(config)#interface port 4
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 4
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#interface port 1
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config)#interface port 3
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport access vlan 3
SwitchC(config)#interface port 4
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport access vlan 4

Step 3 Set MSTP mode for Switch A , Switch B, Switch C, enable spanning tree protocol. Enter
MSTP configuration m ode a nd s et dom ain na me as aaa, revision version is 0, instance 3
mapping to VLAN 3, instance 4 mapping to VLAN 4, exit mst configuration mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree region-configuration
SwitchA(config-region)#name aaa
SwitchA(config-region)#revision-level 0
SwitchA(config-region)#instance 3 vlan 3
SwitchA(config-region)#instance 4 vlan 4
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp

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SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree region-configuration
SwitchB(config-region)#name aaa
SwitchB(config-region)#revision-level 0
SwitchB(config-region)#instance 3 vlan 3
SwitchB(config-region)#instance 4 vlan 4
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree mode mstp
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree region-configuration
SwitchC(config-region)#name aaa
SwitchC(config-region)#revision-level 0
SwitchC(config-region)#instance 3 vlan 3
SwitchC(config-region)#instance 4 vlan 4

Step 4 The inner path cost of spanning tree instance 3 interface Port 1 modified from Switch B is
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#spanning-tree instance 3 inter-path-cost 500000 Show result

Show MST domain configuration by the command of show spanning-tree region-configuration.

Raisecom#show spanning-tree region-operation
Operational Information:
Name: aaa
Revision level: 0
Instances running: 3
Digest: 0X7D28E66FDC1C693C1CC1F6B61C1431C4
Instance Vlans Mapped
-------- ----------------------
0 1,2,5-4094
3 3
4 4

Check whether the basic information of spanning tree instance 3 is correct by the command of show
spanning-tree instance 3.

Switch A:
SwitchA#show spanning-tree region-operation
MSTP Admin State: Enable

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Protocol Mode: MSTP

BridgeId: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 0
PortId PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
1 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no
2 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no

Switch B:
SwitchB#show spanning-tree instance 3
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: MSTP
BridgeId: Mac 0000.0000.0002 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 400000
PortId PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
1 discarding alternate 500000 128 point-to-point no
3 forwarding root 200000 128 point-to-point no
7 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no

Switch C:
Switch C#show spanning-tree instance 3
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: MSTP
BridgeId: Mac 0000.0000.0003 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 200000
PortId PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
2 forwarding root 200000 128 point-to-point no
3 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no
7 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no

Check whether the basic information of spanning tree instance 4 is correct by the command of show
spanning-tree instance 4.

Switch A:
SwitchA#show spanning-tree instance 4
Spanning-tree admin state: enable
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Spanning-tree protocol mode: MSTP

BridgeId: Mac 000E.5E00.0000 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 000E.5E00.0000 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 0
Port PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
P1 discarding disabled 200000 128 point-to-point yes
P2 disabled disabled 200000 128 point-to-point yes

Switch B:
SwitchB#show spanning-tree instance 4
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: MSTP
BridgeId: Mac 0000.0000.0002 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 200000
PortId PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
1 forwarding root 200000 128 point-to-point no
3 forwarding designated 200000 128 point-to-point no
8 discarding disabled 200000 128 point-to-point no

Switch C:
SwitchC#show spanning-tree instance 4
MSTP Admin State: Enable
Protocol Mode: MSTP
BridgeId: Mac 0000.0000.0003 Priority 32768
RegionalRoot: Mac 0000.0000.0001 Priority 32768 InternalRootCost 200000
PortId PortState PortRole PathCost PortPriority LinkType TrunkPort
2 forwarding root 200000 128 point-to-point no
3 discarding alternate 200000 128 point-to-point no
8 discarding disabled 200000 128 point-to-point no

3.13.8 Configure loopback detection Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-20 s hows be low, S witch A Port 1 c onnects t o c ore ne twork, Port 2 a nd Port 3 of
Switch A connect to user network. There is loop in user network. Enable loopback detection function
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in Switch A to detect loop in user network and block related interface.

Figure 3-20 Loopback detection application networking Configuration steps

Create VLAN 3 and add interface Port 1 and Port 2 into VLAN 3.
Raisecom(config)#create vlan 3 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 3
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 3
Enable loopback detection for assigned interface.
Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection enable port-list 2-3
Raisecom(config)#loopback-detection hello-time 3 Show result

Show interface loopback detection status by the command of show loopback-detection.

Raisecom#show loopback-detection port-list 2
Destination address: ffff.ffff.ffff
Period of loopback-detection:3s
Restore time:infinite
Port State Status loop vlanlist
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port2 Ena no trap-only --

3.13.9 Configure interface mirror Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-21 shows below, network administrator hope to monitor the message of user network
1 onl y through da ta m onitoring de vice s o a s t o obt ain t he da ta t raffic f or f ailure a nd a bnormal t o
analyze, find root cause and solve it timely.
Switch prohibits all the spontaneous packet function and storm suppression function. User network 1
connects switch via Port 1; user network 2 connects switch via Port 2; the data monitoring device is
connected to Port 3 on switch.

Figure 3-21 Interface mirror application networking Configuration steps

Enable interface mirror function on switch.

Raisecom(config)#mirror monitor-port 3
Raisecom(config)#mirror source-port-list ingress 1
Raisecom(config)#mirror enable Show result

Show whether the interface mirror configuration is correct by the command of show mirror.
Raisecom#show mirror
Mirror: Enable
Monitor port: port3
-----------the ingress mirror rule-----------
Mirrored ports: port-list 1
-----------the egress mirror rule-----------
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Mirrored ports: --

3.13.10 Configure layer-2 protocol transparent transmission Networking requirement

As the Figure 3-22 shows below, Switch A a nd Switch B connect to two user networks VLAN 100
and VLAN 2 00 respectively. User needs to configure layer-2 pr otocol t ransparent t ransmission
function on Switch A and Switch B in order to make the same user network in different regions run
STP entirely.

Figure 3-22 Layer-2 protocol transparent transmission application networking Configuration steps

Step 1 Create VLAN 100, 200 and activate them.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchASwitchA#config
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100,200 active
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 100,200 active

Step 2 Configure interface port 2 in Access mode, Access VLAN is 100, enable STP transparent
transmission, and set STP message transparent transmission threshold as 1500.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 100
SwitchA(config-port)#relay stp
SwitchA(config-port)#relay port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#relay drop-threshold stp 1500
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Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 100
SwitchB(config-port)#relay stp
SwitchB(config-port)#relay port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#relay drop-threshold stp 1500

Step 3 Set i nterface por t 2 in Access m ode, Access VLAN is 200, enable STP transparent
transmission, and set STP message transparent transmission threshold as 1000.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 200
SwitchA(config-port)#relay stp
SwitchA(config-port)#relay port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#relay drop-threshold stp 1000
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode access
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 200
SwitchB(config-port)#relay stp
SwitchB(config-port)#relay port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#relay drop-threshold stp 1000

Step 4 Set interface 1 in Trunk mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk Show result

Check whether the l ayer-2 pr otocol t ransparent t ransmission c onfiguration i s c orrect by the
command of show relay:

Take Switch A for example:

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SwitchA#show relay port-list 1-3

COS for Encapsulated Packets: 5
Destination MAC Address for Encapsulated Packets: 010E.5E00.0003
Port vlan Egress-Port Protocol Drop-Threshold Shutdown-Threshold
port1(up) -- -- stp -- --
dot1x -- --
lacp -- --
gvrp -- --
cdp -- --
vtp -- --
pvst -- --

port2(up) -- port1 stp(enable) 1500 --

dot1x -- --
lacp -- --
gvrp -- --
cdp -- --
vtp -- --
pvst -- --

port3(up) -- port1 stp(enable) 1000 --

dot1x -- --
lacp -- --
gvrp -- --
cdp -- --
vtp -- --
pvst -- --

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Chapter 4 Routing

This chapter introduces basic principle and configuration of routing features, and provides the related
configuration examples.

Configuring ARP
Configuring layer-3 interface
Configuring static routing
Configuration examples

4.1 Overview
4.1.1 ARP
In TCP/IP network e nvironment, e ach h ost w as assigned with a 32 -bit I P a ddress that is a lo gical
address us ed t o i dentify ho st be tween ne tworks. To t ransmit message i n ph ysical l ink, us er m ust
know the physical address of destination host, which requires mapping IP address to physical address.
In Ethernet environment, physical address is 48-bit MAC address. Users have to transfer the 32-bit
destination hos t I P a ddress to 48 -bit E thernet a ddress for t ransmitting message t o destination hos t
correctly. Then ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is applied to analyze IP address to MAC address
and set mapping relationship between IP address and MAC address.
ARP address mapping table includes the following two types:

Static table entry: bi nd I P a ddress and MAC address to avoid A RP dy namic learning
Static ARP address table entry needs to be added / deleted manually.
No aging to static ARP address.
Dynamic table entry: MAC address automatically learned through ARP.
This dynamic ta ble e ntry is a utomatically generated by switch. User can adjust pa rtial
parameters of it manually.
The dynamic ARP address table entry will age at the aging time if no use.
The d evice i s i n s upport of two ki nds of dynamic l earning modes f or ARP a ddress mapping t able
entry: learn-all and learn-reply-only.
ARP request packets and answer packets both learning when in learn-all mode. When device
A s ends ARP r equest f or g rouping, it writes the mapping relationship of IP address and
physical address into ARP request packets. After receiving ARP request packets from device
A, Device B w ill le arn the address mapping relationship to its own a ddress mapping table.
Then the device B can send packets to device A later without ARP request.
Only learn A RP a nswering packets w hen d evice is in learn-reply-only mode. Just answer
ARP pa ckets f or t he A RP r equest f rom ot her de vices without ARP a ddress m apping t able
learning. This m ode i ncreases network l oad but a voids some ne twork a ttack ove r ARP
request packet.

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4.1.2 Layer-3 interface

Layer-3 interface refers t o IP i nterface, is the v irtual int erface c onfiguration based on V LAN.
Configuring L ayer-3 interface is generally us ed in the need for device network management or
routing link c onnection of multiple de vices. Associate a l ayer-3 interface to VLAN r equired
configuring IP address; each layer-3 interface will correspond to an IP address and associate with one
VLAN at least.

4.1.3 Routing
Routing function is required for communication among different devices in one VLAN, or different
VLAN. Routing is to transmit packets through network to destination, which adopts routing table for
packets forwarding.

There are three modes to execute routing function:

Default routing: f orwarding t he packets w ithout destination address to a n assigned de fault

Static routing: configure routing manually to f orward packets f rom t he a ssigned i nterface.
This is suitable to simple network topology.
Dynamic routing: learning routing dynamically through routing protocol which can calculate
the best route for packets forwarding. This mode will take up more bandwidth and network
resource. Now, there are two dynamic routing protocols available:
Distance v ector pr otocol: ea ch device m aintains a vector t able, which lists the known
best di stance and pa th to other de stination devices. By e xchanging i nformation w ith
neighbor devices, the device can update internal vector table continuously.
Link s tatus pr otocol: the devices bui ld l ink s tatus da tabase t hrough ne twork i nterface
status notification; the database contains all links status straight-connected to all devices.
All devices share the same network topology, but each device can judge the best path to
each node in network topology. Link status protocol can response on topology changes
quickly, but ne ed more b andwidth a nd r esources c ompared w ith di stance vector
The ISCOM2924GF device is only in support of default routing and static routing, dynamic routing
function is unavailable at present. Default routing

Default Routing is a special routing that only be used when there is no matched item searched from
routing t able. Default r outing a ppears a s a r oute t o n etwork 0.0.0. 0 ( with mask i n r outing
table. User can show default routing configuration by the command of show ip route. If destination
address of pa cket c annot m atch w ith a ny i tem i n t he r outing t able, t he pa cket w ill c hoose d efault
routing. If t he de vice ha snt configured de fault r outing a nd the destination I P of pa cket i s not i n
routing t able, t he de vice w ill di scard t he p acket a nd r eturn an IC MP p acket t o transmitting end to
inform that the destination address or network is unavailable. Static routing

Static routing is routing configured manually. It is available to simple, small and stable network. The
disadvantage is it cannot a dapt t o n etwork t opology c hanges a utomatically and ne eds m anual

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4.2 Configure ARP

4.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

The mapping relation of IP address and MAC address is stored in ARP address mapping table.

Generally, A RP a ddress m apping table i s d ynamic maintained by de vice. The de vice searches the
mapping r elation between IP ad dress and M AC addres s automatically a ccording t o A RP pr otocol.
Users jus t ne ed to configure the de vice manually for pr eventing A RP dynamic l earning f rom
cheating and adding static ARP address mapping table entry. Preconditions


4.2.2 Default configuration of ARP

The default configuration of ARP is as below:

Function Default value

Static ARP table entry N/A

Aging time of dynamic ARP table entry 1200s

4.2.3 Configure static ARP table entry

The IP address in static ARP table entry must belongs to the IP network segment of switch
layer-3 interface.
The static ARP table entry needs to be added and deleted manually.
Please configure static ARP table entry for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#arp ip-address Configure static ARP table entry.


4.2.4 Configure dynamic ARP table entry

Please configure dynamic ARP table entry for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#arp (Optional) Configure aging time for ARP

aging-time second dynamic table entry. The entries over
aging time will be deleted by device.
Note: The ARP dynamic table entry wont be aged if setting the aging time as 0s.

4.2.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show arp Check whether all information in ARP

address mapping table is correct.
2 Raisecom#show arp ip-address Check whether the ARP table information
related to specified IP address is correct.
3 Raisecom#show arp ip if-number Check whether the ARP table information
related to layer-3 interface is correct.
4 Raisecom#show arp static Check whether the static ARP table
information is correct.

4.3 Configure layer-3 interface

4.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

User can connect a l ayer-3 interface f or V LAN w hen configuring IP a ddress for i t. Each layer-3
interface will correspond to an IP address and connect a VLAN. Preconditions

Configure VLAN associated with interface and activate it before configuring layer-3 interface.

4.3.2 Configure layer-3 interface

Please configure layer-3 interface for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter layer-3 interface configuration


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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address Configure IP address for layer-3

ip-address [ ip-mask ] [ sub ] [ vlan-list ] interface and interconnect to VLAN.
Configure VLAN associated with layer-3 interface and activate it. User can use the command
state {active | suspend} to activate the suspending VLAN before configuring it.
Configure VLAN a ssociated with layer-3 interface, and user can specify m ore t han on e
VLAN. I f configuring f or m any t imes, t he ne w configuration w ill cover the or iginal
configuration, not to accumulate.
ISCOM2924GF device can be configured 15 Layer-3 interfaces with range from 0 to 14.

4.3.3 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show interface ip Check IP address configuration

for layer-3 interface.
2 Raisecom#show interface ip vlan Check the binding relation of
layer-3 interface and VLAN.

4.4 Configure statistic routing

4.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Configure static r outing f or s imple ne twork t opology manually to build a n i ntercommunication

network. Preconditions

Configure IP address for layer-3 interface correctly.

4.4.2 Configure default gateway

Please configure default gateway on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#ip Configure IP address for default gateway.

Note: W hen message required to forward doesnt ha ve
related r outing i n t he d evice, t he c ommand of ip
default-gateway can configure default ga teway, and
forward this message to default gateway. The IP address of
default ga teway must i n the s ame ne twork segment w ith
the IP address of any local IP interface..

4.4.3 Configure static routing

Please configure static routing for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ip route Configure next hop address related to

ip-address ip-mask next-hop ip-address network as nexthop.

4.4.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ip route Check whether device routing

table information is correct.

4.5 Maintenance
Use the following command to maintain IP feature:

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear arp Clear all table entries in ARP address mapping table.

4.6 Configuration examples

4.6.1 Configure ARP Networking requirement

As t he Figure 4-1 shows below, ISCOM2924GF connects to host, connects to upstream R outer by
interface Port 1. IP address of Router is, MAC address is 0050-8d4b-fd1e.

User ne eds t o configure dynamic A RP ta ble entry aging t ime a s 600 s econds. To i mprove
communication security between ISCOM2924GF and Router, user needs to configure related static
ARP table entry on ISCOM2924GF device.
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Figure 4-1 Network sketch map of configuring ARP Configuration steps

Configure device dynamic ARP table entry aging time as 600 seconds:
Raisecom(config)#arp aging-time 600
Increase a piece of ARP static table entry:
Raisecom(config)#arp 0050.8d4b.fd1e Show result

Check whether al l the table e ntry information i n A RP a ddress m apping t able i s correct by t he
command of show arp:
Raisecom#show arp
ARP table aging-time: 600 seconds(default: 1200s)
Ip Address Mac Address Type Interface ip
------------------------------------------------------- 0050.8d4b.fd1e static -- 000F.E212.5CA0 dynamic 1

Total: 2
Static: 1
Dynamic: 1

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4.6.2 Configure layer-3 interface to intercommunicate with host Networking requirement

As the Figure 4-2 shows below, configure layer-3 interface to the switch device so that the host and
device can Ping each other.

Figure 4-2 Layer-3 interface configuration networking Configuration steps

Create VLAN and add the interface into VLAN.

Raisecom(config)#create vlan 10 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
Configure layer-3 interface on ISCOM2924GF device, and make the IP address interconnect VLAN.
Raisecom(config)#interface ip 10
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 10
Raisecom(config-ip)#exit Show result

Check whether the binding relation of VLAN and physical interface is correct b y the command of
show vlan:
Raisecom(config-port)#show vlan 10
Switch Mode: --
VLAN Name State Status Priority Member-Ports
1 Default active static -- 1-6
10 VLAN0010 active static -- 2

Check whether the layer-3 interface configuration is correct by the command of show interface ip.
Raisecom(config-ip)#show interface ip
IF Address NetMask Source Catagory
10 assigned primary

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Check w hether t he bi nding relation of l ayer-3 i nterface a nd V LAN i s c orrect by t he c ommand of

show interface ip vlan:
Raisecom#show interface ip vlan
Ip Interface Vlan list
0 1

10 10

Check whether the device and PC can ping each other by the command of ping:
Type CTRL+C to abort
Sending 5, 8-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 3 seconds:
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms

---- PING Statistics----

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received,
Success rate is 100 percent(5/5),
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0.

4.6.3 Configure static routing Networking requirement

Configure static r outing to make any two hosts or ISCOM2924GF devices in Figure 4-3 can Ping
each other successfully.

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Figure 4-3 Static routing configuration networking Configuration steps

Configure IP address for each device.

Enable routing function and configure static routing on Switch A.

Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#ip routing
SwitchA(config)#ip route
SwitchA(config)#ip route

Enable routing function and configure default gateway on Switch B.

Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#ip routing
SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway

Enable routing function and configure default gateway on Switch C:

Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#ip routing
SwitchC(config)#ip default-gateway

Configure default gateway for on PC A, on PC B, on PC C respectively.

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Check whether all the devices can ping successfully with one another by the command of ping:
Type CTRL+C to abort
Sending 5, 8-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 3 seconds:
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms
Reply from time<1ms

---- PING Statistics----

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received,
Success rate is 100 percent(5/5),
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0.

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Chapter 5 DHCP

This c hapter i ntroduces b asic pr inciple a nd c onfiguration of D HCP and pr ovides r elated
configuration applications.

Configure DHCP Client
Configure DHCP Snooping
Configure DHCP Option
Configuring Applications

5.1 Overview
5.1.1 DHCP overview
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) refers to assign IP address configuration information
dynamically for user in TCP/IP network. It is based on BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) protocol, and
adds automatically specified available network address, network address re-use, and other extended
configuration options over BOOTP protocol.

With enlargement of ne twork s cale a nd de velopment of ne twork c omplexity, qua ntity of PC i n

network usually exceeds available distributing IP address amount. Meanwhile, the widely use of
notebook and wireless network lead PC position changes frequently and also the related IP address
must update frequently. As a result of that, network configuration becomes more and more complex.
DHCP is developed to solve these problems.

DHCP adopts client/server communication mode. Client applies configuration to server (including IP
address, Subnet mask, default gateway etc.) and server replies IP address for client and other related
configuration information to realize dynamic configuration of IP address, etc.

It us ually includes a s et of DHCP s erver and s everal c lients in typical a pplication of DHCP (for
example PC or Notebook), as the Figure 5-1 shows below.

Figure 5-1 DHCP typical application networking

Under n ormal ci rcumstances, use DHCP se rver to f inish IP a ddress distribution in following
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Network is large. It requires a lot of work for manual configuration, and is difficult to manage
the entire network intensively.
The number of hosts in ne twork is greater than the number of IP a ddresses, which make it
unable t o a ssign a fixed IP a ddress, and restrict t he nu mber of us ers c onnected t o network
simultaneously (Such as Internet access s ervice pr oviders). A large num ber of users must
obtain their own IP address dynamically through DHCP service.
Only the minority of hosts in ne twork need fixed I P addresses, most of hosts have no
requirement for fixed IP address.
DHCP technology ensures the rational allocation, avoid the waste and improve the utilization rate of
IP addresses in the entire network.

5.1.2 DHCP packet

DHCP packets format shows in the Figure 5-2. DHCP packets are encapsulated in UDP data packet.

Figure 5-2 Structure of DHCP Packet

Meaning of different fields in DHCP packets shows as below Table:

Tablev5-1 Fields definition of DHCP packet

Field name Length Description

OP 1 Packet type.
Value at 1: it is request packet;
Value at 2: it is reply packet.

Hardware type 1 Hardware address type of DHCP client.

Hardware length 1 Hardware address size of DHCP client.

Hops 1 DHCP hops number passed from DHCP packet.

This field increases 1 every time DHCP request packet
passes a DHCP hop.

Transaction ID 4 Client chooses number at random when starts a request,

used to mark process of address request.

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Field name Length Description

Seconds 2 DHCP client passed time after starting DHCP request. It

is unused now, fixed as 0.

Flags 2 Bit 1 is broadcast reply flag, used to mark DHCP server

reply packet is transmitted in unicast or broadcast mode.
0: unicast;
1: broadcast.
Bit 2 is reserved.

Client IP address 4 DHCP client IP address, only be filled when client is

bound, updated or re-bind status, can be used to reply
ARP request.

Your(client) IP 4 Client IP address distributed by DHCP server.


Server IP address 4 IP address of DHCP server

Relay agent IP 4 The first DHCP hop IP address after DHCP client sends
address request packet.

Client hardware 16 Hardware address of DHCP client


Server host name 64 DHCP server name

File 128 DHCP client start up configuration file name and path
assigned by DHCP server.

Options Modifiable A modifiable option field, including packet type,

available leased period, DNS (Domain Name System)
server IP address, WINS (Windows Internet Name
Server) IP address, etc. information.

5.1.3 DHCP Option

DHCP transmits control information and network configuration parameters through Option field in
packet t o r ealize a ddress dy namical di stribution s o a s t o pr ovide a bundant network c onfiguration
information for c lient. DHCP protocol ha s 2 55 ki nds of opt ions, t he f inal opt ion i s 255. Common
used DHCP options are:

Options Description

3 Router option, to assign gateway for DHCP client.

6 DNS server option, to assign DNS server address distributed by DHCP client.

18 DHCP client flag option over IPv6, to assign interface information for DHCP client.

51 IP address lease option

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Options Description

53 DHCP packet type, to mark type for DHCP packets

55 Request parameter lis t option. Client uses this optical to indicate ne twork
configuration pa rameters ne ed t o obt ain f rom s erver. The c ontent of t his opt ion i s
values corresponding to client requested parameters.
61 DHCP client flag option over IPv6, to assign device information for DHCP client.

66 TFTP server na me, t o a ssign dom ain na me f or T FTP s erver di stributed b y D HCP
67 Start up file name, to assign start up file name distributed by DHCP client.

82 DHCP client flag option over IPv4, user-defined, mainly used to mark position o f
DHCP client.
150 TFTP server address, to assign TFTP server address distributed by DHCP client.

184 DHCP reserved opt ion, a t present Option184 is m ainly used t o carry i nformation
required by voice calling. Through Option184 it can distribute IP address for DHCP
client with voice function and meanwhile provide voice calling related information.
255 Complete option

Fields 18, 37, 61 a nd 82 i n DHCP Option are r elay age nt information options i n DHCP packets.
When r equest pa ckets f rom DHCP client a rrive D HCP s erver, if ne ed DHCP relay or DHCP
Snooping, DHCP relay or DHCP Snooping increase Option field into request packets.

Fields Option18, 37, 61 and 82 implement r ecord DHCP client i nformation on DHCP server. By
cooperating with other software, it can realize IP address distribution restriction and accounting, etc.
functions. Such as cooperate with IP Source Guard to defend deceive of IP address+MAC address.

Field Option82 can i nclude a t m ost 255 s ub-options. If de fined f ield Option82, at l east one
sub-option m ust be de fined. The d evice supports two s ub-option t ypes c urrently: Sub-Option 1
(Circuit ID) and Sub-Option 2 (Remote ID).

Sub-Option 1 contains interface ID of DHCP client request packet, interface VLAN and the
additional information.
Sub-Option 2 is interface MAC address (DHCP relay) or device bridge MAC address (DHCP
Snooping device) for receiving DHCP client request packets.

5.1.4 DHCP client

ISCOM2924GF de vice can be us ed as DHCP cl ient t o get I P addr ess f rom D HCP s erver and
management in future, as the Figure 5-3 shows below.

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Figure 5-3 DHCP client networking

5.1.5 DHCP Snooping DHCP Snooping overview

DHCP Snooping is a security feature of DHCP with the below functions:

Guarantee DHCP client gets IP address from legal DHCP server;

If there is false DHCP server existing in network, DHCP client may get error IP address and network
configuration pa rameters, b ut c annot c ommunicate nor mally. As the Figure 5-4 shows be low, i n
order to make DHCP client get IP address from legal DHCP server, DHCP Snooping security system
permits to set interface as trust interface and untrust interface: trust interface forwards DHCP packets
normally; untrust interface discard the reply packets from DHCP server.

Figure 5-4 DHCP Snooping networking

Record corresponding relationship between DHCP client IP address and MAC address.
DHCP S nooping records e ntries t hrough m onitor r equest a nd r eply pa ckets r eceived b y t rust
interface, including client MAC address, obtained IP address, DHCP client connected interface and
VLAN of the interface, etc. Then implement following by the record information:
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ARP Detection: judge legality of user that sends ARP packet and avoid ARP attack from
illegal user.
IP Source G uard: filter i nterface f orwarded packets b y d ynamically ge tting DHCP
Snooping entry to avoid illegal packets pass the interface.
VLAN mapping: packets s ent to user modify mapped V LAN to original VLAN b y
searching m apped V LAN r elated D HCP c lient I P a ddress, M AC a ddress a nd or iginal
VLAN information in DHCP Snooping entry. DHCP Snooping supporting Option function

Option f ield in DHCP packet r ecords pos ition information of D HCP client. Administrator c an us e
this option to locate DHCP client and control client security and accounting.

If the device configured DHCP Snooping to support Option function:

When device r eceives D HCP r equest p ackets, deal w ith packets acc ording to Option field
included or not a nd f illing m ode a s w ell a s pr ocessing pol icy configured by us er, t hen
forwards the processed packet to DHCP server;
When device receives DHCP reply packets, if the packet doesnt contain Option field, delete
the field and forward to DHCP client; if the packet doesnt contain Option field, forwarded

5.2 Configure DHCP client

5.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

As DHCP client, ISCOM2924GF device will get IP address from assigned DHCP server to manage
the device in future.

The IP a ddress a ssigned by D HCP c lient is li mited with a cer tain lease pe riod w hen a dopting
dynamic address distribution mode. DHCP server will t ake back the IP address when it is expired.
DHCP client has to relet IP address foe continuous using. DHCP client can release IP address if it
doesnt want to use it any more before its expiration.

We suggest that the number of DHCP relays is less than 4 if DHCP client needs to obtain IP address
from DHCP server from multiple DHCP relays. Preconditions

Finish the following tasks before configuring DHCP client:

Create VLAN and add layer-3 interface to it.
The DHCP Snooping function is disabled.

5.2.2 Default configuration of DHCP client

The default configuration of DHCP client is as below:

Function Default value

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Function Default value

hostname raisecom

class-id raisecom-ROS

client-id raisecom-SYSMAC- IF0

5.2.3 Configure DHCP client

Only the interface IP 0 on switch is in support of DHCP client function.

When applying for IP address, DHCP client needs to create VLAN firstly, and add the interface with
the IP address to VLAN, and at the same time, configure DHCP server, or the interface will fail to
obtain IP address via D HCP.
For interface IP 0, the IP addresses obtained through DHCP and configured manually can overwrite
each other.

If the switch starts DHCP Server or DHCP Relay, the DHCP client will not be enabled. If the
switch starts DHCP client, DHCP Server or DHCP Relay will not be enabled.
By default, the device enables DHCP client function. The command of no ip address dhcp
can disable it.
If t he device obtained IP address fr om a DHCP s erver t hrough D HCP previously, it w ill
restart the application pr ocess for I P a ddress i f user modified DHCP se rver address by t he
command of ip address dhcp.
Please configure DHCP client on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0 Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address dhcp Apply for IP address by DHCP.

[ server-ip ip-address]
4 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip dhcp client (Optional) Configure DHCP client information,
{ class-id class-id | client-id client-id | including class ID, client ID and host name.
hostname hostname }
5 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip dhcp client renew (Optional) Relet IP address. If the layer-3
interface of device has obtained IP address by
DHCP, the IP address will automatically renew
when the lease expires.
6 Raisecom(config-ip)#no ip address dhcp (Optional) Release IP address.

5.2.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

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No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ip dhcp client Show DHCP client configuration.

5.3 Configure DHCP Snooping

5.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

DHCP Snooping is a security feature of DHCP, being used to guarantee DHCP client gets IP address
from legal DHCP server and record corresponding relationship between DHCP client IP and MAC

Option field of DHCP packet records location of DHCP client. Administrator can locate DHCP client
through Option field and control client security and accounting. ISCOM2924GF device configured
with D HCP S nooping a nd Option c an pe rform related process a ccording to Option field e xistence
status in packet. Preconditions


5.3.2 Default configuration of DHCP Snooping

The default configuration of DHCP Snooping is as below:

Function Default value

Global DHCP Snooping status Disable

Interface DHCP Snooping status Enable

Interface trust/untrust atatus Untrust

DHCP Snooping is in support of Option 82 Disable

5.3.3 Configure DHCP Snooping

Generally, make sure that the device interface connected t o D HCP server is in trust state, while
interface connected to user is in distrust state.

If e nabling DHCP S nooping without c onfiguring DHCP S nooping supporting Option f unction, t he
device will do nothing to Option fields in the packets. For packets without Option fields, the device
still doesnt do insertion operation.

By default, the DHCP Snooping function of all interfaces is enabled, but only to enable the global
DHCP Snooping function, the interface DHCP Snooping function can take effect.

www.raisecom.com User Manual Configure DHCP Snooping over IPv4

Please configure DHCP Snooping function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp Configure to enable global DHCP Snooping function

snooping over IPv4.
By default, the device hasnt be configured to enable
global DHCP Snooping function over IPv4.
3 Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp (Optional ) Configure to enable interface DHCP
snooping port-list { all | Snooping function over IPv4.
port-list }
By default, the device has enabled interface DHCP
Snooping function over IPv4.
4 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
port port-id
5 Raisecom(config-port)#ip Configure trust interface over IPv4.
dhcp snooping trust
By default, the device distrusts the DHCP packet over
IPv4 received by interface.
6 Raisecom(config-port)#ipv4 (Optional ) Configure DHCP Snooping to support
dhcp option option-id Option function defined by IPv4.
By default, the DHCP Snooping is not in support of
Option function defined by IPv4.
7 Raisecom(config-port)#exit (Optional ) Configure DHCP Snooping to support
Option61 function.
Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp
snooping option client-id
8 Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp (Optional ) Configure DHCP Snooping to support
snooping information Option82 function.
option Configure DHCP Snooping over IPv6

Please configure DHCP Snooping function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ipv6 Configure to enable global DHCP Snooping

dhcp snooping function over IPv6.
By default, the device hasnt be configured to enable
global DHCP Snooping function over IPv6.

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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom(config)#ipv6 (Optional ) Configure to enable interface DHCP

dhcp snooping port-list Snooping function over IPv6.
{ all | port-list }
By default, the device has enabled interface DHCP
Snooping function over IPv6.
4 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
port port-id
5 Raisecom(config-port)#ipv6 Configure trust interface over IPv6.
dhcp snooping trust
By default, the device distrusts the DHCP packet
over IPv6 received by interface.
6 Raisecom(config)#ipv6 (Optional ) Configure DHCP Snooping to support
dhcp snooping option Option18 function.
7 Raisecom(config)#ipv6 (Optional ) Configure DHCP Snooping to support
dhcp snooping option Option37 function.

5.3.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ip dhcp Show DHCP Snooping function configuration over IPv4.

snooping [ binding ]
2 Raisecom#show ipv6 Show DHCP Snooping function configuration over IPv6.
dhcp snooping [ binding ]

5.4 Configure DHCP Option

5.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Fields 18, 61, 82 of DHCP Option are r elay pr oxy i nformation opt ions i n D HCP pa cket. When
DHCP Client sends request packet to DHCP Server, DHCP Snooping or DHCP relay will add Option
field into request packet if it requires for DHCP Snooping or DHCP relay.
DHCP Option18 field is used t o r ecord DHCP c lient i nformation ov er IPv6, DHCP Option61, 82
fields a re us ed t o r ecord DHCP c lient ov er I Pv4. DHCP server c ooperates w ith other sof tware t o
implement IP address distribution restriction and accounting, etc. functions over these information. Preconditions


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5.4.2 Default configuration of DHCP Option

The default configuration of DHCP Option is as below:

Function Default value

attach-string in global configuration mode Null

remote-id in global configuration mode switch-mac

circuit-id in interface configuration mode Null

5.4.3 Configure DHCP Option field over IPv4

Please configure DHCP Snooping function over IPv4 on the device as below.

(All the following steps are optional and hasnt sequencing)

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp information option (Optional) Configure additional

attach-string attach-string information for Option82 field.
Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Configure circuit ID sub-option
information for Option82 field in interface.
Raisecom(config-port)#ip dhcp information
option circuit-id circuit-id [ prefix-mode ]
Raisecom(config-port)#exit (Optional) Configure remote ID sub-option
information for Option82 field.
Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp information option
remote-id { client-mac | client-mac-string |
hostname | switch-mac | switch-mac-string |
string string }
3 Raisecom(config)#ipv4 dhcp option option-id (Optional) Create Option field information
{ ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string | ip-address defined by IPv4.
ip-address }
Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Create Option field information
defined by IPv4 in interface.
Raisecom(config-port)#ipv4 dhcp option
option-id { ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string |
ip-address ip-address }
4 Raisecom(config-port)#exit (Optional) Configure Option61field
Raisecom(config)#ipv4 dhcp option client-id
{ ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string | ip-address
ip-address }
Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Configure Option61 field
information in interface.
Raisecom(config-port)#ipv4 dhcp option
client-id { ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string |
ip-address ip-address }

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5.4.4 Configure DHCP Option field over IPv6

Please configure DHCP Option function over IPv6 on the device as below.

(All the following steps are optional and hasnt sequencing)

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ipv6 dhcp option interface-id { ascii (Optional) Configure Option18

ascii-string | hex hex-string | ipv6-address ipv6-address } field information.
Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Configure Option18
field information in interface.
Raisecom(config-port)#ipv6 dhcp option interface-id
{ ascii ascii-string | hex hex-string | ipv6-address
ipv6-address }
3 Raisecom(config-port)#exit (Optional) Create Option field
information defined by IPv6.
Raisecom(config)#ipv6 dhcp option option-id { ascii
ascii-string | hex hex-string | ipv6-address ipv6-address }
Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id (Optional) Create Option field
information defined by IPv6 in
Raisecom(config-port)#ipv6 dhcp option option-id { ascii
ascii-string | hex hex-string | ipv6-address ipv6-address }

5.4.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ip dhcp Check whether DHCP Option

information option field configuration is correct.

5.5 Configuring applications

5.5.1 Configure DHCP clients application Networking requirement

As the Figure 5-5 s hows be low, Switch is us ed as D HCP cl ient, host na me i s r aisecom, access t o
DHCP server and NMS platform through SNMP interface. DHCP server should assign IP address to
SNMP interface of Switch and make NMS platform to manage Switch.

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Figure 5-5 DHCP client networking Configuration steps

Configure DHCP client information.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip dhcp client hostname raisecom
Configure to apply for IP address by DHCP.
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address dhcp server-ip Show result

Check whether DHCP client configuration is correct by the command of show ip dhcp client.
Raisecom#show ip dhcp client
Hostname: raisecom
Class-ID: Raisecom-ROS
Client-ID: Raisecom-000e5e000000-IF0
DHCP Client is requesting for a lease.
Assigned IP Addr:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: --
Client lease Starts: Jan-01-1970 08:00:00
Client lease Ends: Jan-01-1970 08:00:00
Client lease duration: 0(sec)
DHCP Server:
Tftp server name: --
Tftp server IP Addr: --
Startup_config filename: --
NTP server IP Addr: --
Root path: --

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5.5.2 Configure DHCP Snooping application Networking requirement

As the Figure 5-6 s hows be low, S witch i s us ed a s DHCP Snooping device. The n etwork r equires
DHCP c lient ge ts I P a ddress f rom l egal D HCP s erver a nd s upports O ption82 to facilitate c lient
management; user can configure circuit ID sub-option information on interface Port 3 as raisecom,
remote ID sub-option as user01.

Figure 5-6 DHCP Snooping networking Configuration steps

Configure global DHCP Snooping function.

Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp snooping
Configure trust interface.
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#ip dhcp snooping trust
Configure DHCP relay in support of Option82 function and configure field Option82.
Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp snooping information option
Raisecom(config)#ip dhcp information option remote-id string user01
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#ip dhcp information option circuit-id raisecom Show result

Check whether DHCP client configuration is correct by the command of show ip dhcp information
Raisecom#show ip dhcp information option
DHCP Option Config Information

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Circuit-ID : default
Remote-ID Mode: string
Remote-ID String: user01
P3 Circuit ID: raisecom




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Chapter 6 QoS

This chapter introduces basic principle and configuration of QoS and provides related configuration

Priority trust
Traffic classification and traffic policy
Priority mapping and queue schedule
Traffic rate limit over interface and VLAN
Configuring applications

6.1 Overview
User br ings f orce di fferent service qua lity de mands f or ne twork a pplication, t hen network s hould
distribute a nd schedule resource for different ne twork application a ccording to user de mands. QoS
(Quality of Service) can ensure s ervice i n real-time and i ntegrity w hen network overload or
congested and guarantee the whole network runs high-efficiently.

QoS is composed by a group of traffic management technology:

Service model
Priority trust
Traffic classification
Traffic policy
Priority mapping
Queue schedule
Rate limit over interface and VLAN

6.1.1 Service model

QoS technical service contains three models:

Best-effort Service
Integrated Services (IntServ)
Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Best-effort

Best-effort service is the most basic and simplest service model over store and forward mechanism
Internet (IPv4 standard). In Best-effort service model, the application program can send any number
of pa ckets at any time without permitting in advance and notifying the ne twork. F or B est-effort
service, the network will send packets as possible as it can, but cannot guarantee the delay time and

Best-effort is the default Internet service model now, applying to most network applications, such as
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FTP, E -mail, etc. which is achieved by first in first out (FIFO) queue. IntServ

IntServ model is a comprehensive service model, which can meet a variety of QoS requirements and
needs t o s end specific s ervice r equest to ne twork b efore s ending m essages. This r equest is
accomplished through signaling. Firstly, the application program need to apply for service quality it
required f rom ne twork by s ignaling, s uch a s bandwidth, de lay time, pr iority, e tc. The a pplication
program w ill s end messages onc e r eceiving t he c onfirmation f rom ne twork, w hich m eans t he
network has already pr eset i ts corresponding s ervice qua lity r esource. At t he same t ime, the
messages se nt b y program s hould be c ontrolled w ithin t he range described i n t he application

After r eceiving service qua lity application messages f rom a pplication pr ogram, t he ne twork w ill
check r esource di stribution, i .e. w hether t he current network resource can m eet appl ication from
application pr ogram, once m eeting the a pplication, network will return a ne twork r esource
confirmation and allocate corresponding network resource for application program. In the process of
sending messages, as l ong a s t he a pplication pa cket traffics a re controlled within the range of
application parameters, the network will undertake to meet QoS requirements. In order to fulfill the
commitment f or t ransmitting traffics, the ne twork will maintain a s tate for t hem, classifying
messages, monitoring traffics and taking queue scheduling over the state.

In the IntServ service model, the signaling transmitting QoS request is RSVP (Resource Reservation
Protocol), w hich i s r esponsible f or not ifying t he Q oS r equirements of application program to
network. RSVP applies for network resource before the application program sending messages, so it
is out of band signaling.

Intserv service model diagram is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Sketch map of IntServ service model

The b iggest adv antage of IntServ model is to pr ovide end-to-end QoS service, while the bi ggest
disadvantage is its poor scalability. Network node must maintain all reserved resource information.
These m aintenance ope rations w ill consum e more pr ocessing time and memory requirements of
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network nodes. A fter expanding network scale, there will be a substantial increasing in the
maintenance cost, which will have a serious impact to the packet wire-speed processing performance
of the network nodes, especially the core nodes. DiffServ

DiffServ model is a multi-service model, which can satisfy different QoS requirements. The largest
difference from Intserv model is tha t it does not require R SVP signaling. In other words, DiffServ
model doesnt need to notify the network to reserve resources before sending messages.
DiffServ model does not need t o maintain state for each f low. I t provides differentiated s ervices
according t o the QoS cl assification of each packet. Many different methods can be used for Q oS
packet cl assification, such as I P pa cket pr iority ( IP precedence), t he pa cket s ource addres s or
destination address and so on.

Generally, DiffServ i s us ed to pr ovide end t o e nd Q oS s ervices for a num ber of i mportant

applications, which is achieved mainly through the following techniques:

CAR (Committed Access Rate): CAR refers to classify the messages according to the pre-set
messages m atching rules, s uch a s IP m essages pr iority ( IP pr ecedence), t he pa cket s ource
address or destination address, etc. Continue to send the messages if the flow is in line with
the rules of token bucket. If it is beyond the specified flow, discard the messages or remark IP
precedence, DSCP, EXP, etc. CAR not only can control the traffics, but also mark and remark
the messages.
Queue t echnology: the queuing t echnologies of SP, WRR, DRR, SP + WRR, SP + DRR
cache and schedule the congestion messages to achieve congestion management.

6.1.2 Priority trust

Priority trust re fers to the de vice us es pr iority of pa ckets f or classification and pe rforms Q oS
management. Generally speaking, the bigger the packet priority field is, the higher the priority is.
ISCOM2924GF device is in support of packet priority trust over interface, including:

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) priority over IP packets.

CoS (Class of Service) priority over VLAN packets.

6.1.3 Traffic classification

Traffic classification denotes recognizing packets of certain cl ass by setting rules, pe rforming
different Q oS pol icy f or the pa ckets m atch w ith di fferent r ules. It i s pr emise a nd base of di verse
ISCOM2924GF device is in support of traffic classification of ToS (Type of Service) priority over IP
packets, DSCP priority and CoS priority over VLAN packets, as well as the classification over ACL
rule. The traffic classification procedure is shown as the following Figure 6-2:

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Figure 6-2 Sketch map of traffic classification ToS priority and DSCP priority

Structure of IP packet head shows as Figure 6-3 below, the head contains 8bit ToS field. RFC1349
defines the f irst 3 bits of ToS f ield, indicating ToS pr iority with value r ange of 0~7; R FC2474
defines ToS again, the first 6 bits (0~5) indicates priority of IP packet, named DSCP priority, value
range i s 0 ~63, t he l ast 2 bi ts ( bit-6 a nd bi t-7) a re re served. The st ructure of t wo priority t ypes is
shown as the following Figure 6-4:

Figure 6-3 Structure of IP packet head

Figure 6-4 Structure of ToS priority and DSCP priority CoS priority

VLAN pa cket ov er IEEE 802.1 Q standard m akes m odification on E thernet pa cket, i ncrease 4
bytes802.1Q t ag between s ource a ddress f ield a nd pr otocol t ype f ield, a s Figure 6-5 shows be low.
The tag includes field of 2 bytes TPID (Tag Protocol Identifier, value at 0x8100) and field of 2 bytes
TCI (Tag Control Information).

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Figure 6-5 Structure of VLAN packets

CoS priority locates at the first 3 bits of TCI field, value range is 0~7, as Figure 6-6 shows below. It
is available to guarantee service quality in layer-2 network.

Figure 6-6 Structure of CoS priority packets

6.1.4 Traffic policy

Perform di fferent ope ration for di fferent pa ckets a fter classifying packets t raffic, the t raffic
classification and operation binding form the traffic policy. Rate limit

Rate limit is to control network traffic, by monitoring traffic rate enters network to discard overflow
part a nd c ontrol t he e ntering t raffic in a r easonable r ange, t hus t o pr otect ne twork r esource a nd
carrier interest.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of rate limit at packet ingress direction over traffic policy. Re-direction

Re-direction means to forward packets in the original corresponding relation between destination and
interface, it forwards packet to assigned interface to implement policy routing.
ISCOM2924GF device supports forwarding ingress packets to assigned interface. Re-mark

Re-mark means to set some priority fields in packet again and then classify packets according to self
standard. Besides, downstream node i n ne twork c an pr ovide di verse Q oS s ervice a ccording t o
re-marked information.

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of re-mark for below priority fields:

IP packets ToS priority
IP packets DSCP priority
VLAN packets CoS priority Traffic statistics

Traffic statistics is used for data messages statistics of specified service traffic, which is the number
of messages and bytes passed through matching traffic classification or discarded.

Traffic statistics itself is not QoS control measure, but can be used in combination with other QoS
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actions to improve the security of network and messages.

6.1.5 Priority mapping

When packets enter device, priority mapping function sends them to queues with different internal
priority i n a ccordance w ith m apping r elationship f rom e xternal t o i nternal, t hus t he pa ckets c an
perform queue schedule at packets egress direction.

Note: I nternal pr iority is a ki nd of i nternal pr iority de vice di stributed t o pa ckets, corresponding to

interface queue No. Packets with bigger internal priority value will be processed precedent.

ISCOM2924GF device supports DSCP priority over IP packets or CoS priority over VLAN packets
to perform priority mapping.

By default, the mapping relationship among ISCOM2924GF device internal priority, DSCP priority
and CoS priority is shown in the table 6-1 below:

Table 6-1 Mapping relationship of internal priority, DSCP priority, CoS priority

Internal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

DSCP 0~7 8~15 16~23 24~31 32~39 40~47 48~55 56~63

CoS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6.1.6 Queue schedule

Queue s chedule i s necessary when t here i s i ntermittent c ongestion i n ne twork a nd de lay s ensitive
services require higher QoS service than non-sensitive services.
Queue s chedule adopts different s chedule a lgorithm t o t ransport pa ckets f low i n que ue.
ISCOM2924GF de vice is in s upport of SP ( Strict-Priority), W RR (Weight R ound R obin), DRR
(Deficit Round Robin), SP+WRR and SP+DRR algorithm to solve network flow problem and have
different influences on distribution, delay, and jitter of bandwidth resource:
SP: t o s chedule s trictly a ccording t o que ue pr iority order. Lower pr iority queue cannot
perform s chedule unt il t he packets i n higher priority que ue a ll f inished s chedule, as Figure
6-7 shows below.

Figure 6-7 Sketch map of SP schedule

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WRR: on basis of round schedule each queue according to queue priority, schedule packets in
various queues according to weight of each queue, as Figure 6-8 shows below.

Figure 6-8 Sketch map of WRR schedule

DRR: on basis of round schedule each queue according to queue priority, schedule packets in
each queue according to weight of each queue. Besides, lending the redundant bandwidth of a
queue in one schedule to other queue, in the later schedule, the queue borrowed bandwidth
will return it back, as Figure 6-9 shows below.

Figure 6-9 Sketch map of DRR schedule

SP+WRR: di viding que ues on i nterface i nto t wo gr oups, us er c an assign some que ues
perform SP schedule and other queues perform WRR schedule.
SP+DRR: dividing queues on interface into two groups, user can assign some queues perform
SP schedule and other queues perform DRR schedule.

6.1.7 Rate limit over interface and VLAN

ISCOM2924GF not onl y s upports r ate lim it ov er tr affic pol icy but a lso supports r ate lim it ov er
interface and VLAN I D. Similar t o rate l imit over t raffic pol icy, device di scards the exceeding

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6.2 Configure priority trust

6.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

User c an c hoose pr iority for t rusted pa ckets f rom ups tream de vice, unt rusted pr iority pa ckets a re
processed by traffic classification and traffic policy. After configuring priority trust, device operates
packets according to their priorities and provides related service. Preconditions


6.2.2 Default configuration of priority trust

The default configuration of priority trust is as below:

Function Default value

Global QoS function status Enable

Interface trust priority type Trust CoS priority

6.2.3 Configure interface priority trust

Please configure interface priority trust for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos enable Global enable QoS function.

By default, the device enables global QoS
The command mls qos disable can disable the
3 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#mls qos Configure interface trust priority type.
trust { cos | dscp }
By default, interface trusts CoS priority.

6.2.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

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No. Item Description

1 Raisecom(config)#show mls qos Show priority trust rule

priority [ port port-id ] configuration under interface.

6.3 Configure traffic classification and traffic policy

6.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Traffic cl assification is t he ba se of QoS, user can classify pa ckets f rom upst ream de vice i n
accordance with priorities or ACL rule.
Traffic classification c onfiguration w ont ta ke e ffect unt il us er bi nds i t to traffic policy. Applying
traffic policy is related to network current loading condition and period. Usually, packets traffic rate
is limited according to configured speed when it enters network, and re-mark priority according to
packet service feature. Preconditions


6.3.2 Default configuration of traffic classification and traffic policy

The default configuration of traffic classification and traffic policy is as below:

Function Default value

Actions for the traffic over the rate limit and sudden value drop

6.3.3 Create and configure traffic classification

Please create and configure traffic classification on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos enable Global enable QoS function.

By default, the device enables global QoS function.
The command mls qos disable can disable the
3 Raisecom(config)#class-map Create traffic classification and enter traffic
class-map-name { match-all | classification configuration mode.
match-any }

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config-cmap)#match (Optional) Configure traffic classification over ACL

{ access-list-map | ip-access-list | rule.
ipv6-access-list | mac-access-list }
5 Raisecom(config-cmap)#match (Optional) Configure traffic classification over
class-map class-map-name traffic classification rule.
6 Raisecom(config-cmap)#match ip (Optional) Configure traffic classification over
dscp dscp-value DSCP priority of IP packet.
7 Raisecom(config-cmap)#match ip (Optional) Configure traffic classification over ToS
precedence ip-precedence-value priority of IP packet.
8 Raisecom(config-cmap)#match vlan (Optional) Configure traffic classification over
vlan-id [ double-tagging inner ] VLAN ID rule of VLAN packet.

6.3.4 Create traffic rate limit rule

When user wants to limit rate over traffic policy, it is necessary to configure rate limit rule and apply
the rule under traffic class binding to traffic policy.

Please create traffic rate limit rule on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos (Optional) Create traffic rate limit rule in type of

aggregate-policer policer-name rate aggregate. This rule is used together with traffic
burst [ exceed-action { drop | policy in the future for restrict speed of traffic
policed-dscp-transmit marked-dscp | classification packets bound with matched policy.
localpriority-value } ]
3 Raisecom(config)#mls qos (Optional) Create traffic rate limit rule in type of
class-policer policer-name rate burst class. This rule is used together with traffic
[ exceed-action { drop | classification for restrict speed of matched traffic
policed-dscp-transmit marked-dscp | classification packets.
localpriority-value } ]
4 Raisecom(config)#mls qos (Optional) Create traffic rate limit rule in type of
single-policer policer-name rate burst single. This rule is used together with a type of
[ exceed-action { drop | packet for restrict speed of it.
policed-dscp-transmit marked-dscp |
localpriority-value } ]

6.3.5 Create and configure traffic policy

Please configure traffic policy on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#policy-map Create traffic policy and enter traffic policy

policy-map-name configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-pmap)#description (Optional) Configure description for traffic
string policy.
4 Raisecom(config-pmap)#class-map Bind traffic classification into traffic policy;
class-map-name only apply policy for packets match with
traffic class.
Note: At least one rule type is necessary for
binding traffic class for policy, otherwise
cannot bind successfully.
5 Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#police (Optional) Configure rate limit rule under
policer-name traffic class to form rate limit policy.
6 Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#redirect-to (Optional) Configure re-direct rule under
port port-id traffic class, forwarding classified packets
from assigned interface.
7 Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#set { cos
(Optional) Configure re-mark rule under
cos-value | ip dscp ip-dscp-value | ip
traffic class, modify packet ToS, DSCP, CoS
precedence ip-precedence-value | vlan
or VLAN ID of matched traffic class.
vlan-id }
8 Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#statistics (Optional) Configure traffic statistic rule
enable under traffic class, statistic packets for
matched traffic class.
9 Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#quit
Bind the configured traffic policy to
Raisecom(config)#service-policy interface.
policy-name { egress port-id | ingress
port-id [ egress port-id ]}

6.3.6 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom(config)#show mls qos Show QoS configuration of

assigned interface.
2 Raisecom(config)#show class-map Show assigned traffic
[ class-map-name ] classification rule.
3 Raisecom(config)#show mls qos policer Show assigned rate limit rule.
[ policer-name | aggregate-policer |
class-policer | single-policer ]
4 Raisecom(config)#show policy-map Show assigned traffic policy
[ policy-map-name [ class class-map-name ] configuration.
| class class-map-name | port port-id ]

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No. Item Description

5 Raisecom(config)#show service-policy Show the applied policy

statistics [ port port-id ] statistic information.

6.4 Configure internal priority and queue schedule

6.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When network has congestion, user want to balance delay and delay jitter of various packets, packets
of key services (like video and voice) can be processed preferentially; packets of secondary services
(like E-Mail) w ith identical pr iority can be fairly pr ocessed, different priority can be pr ocessed
according t o i ts weight value. User c an configure queue schedule i n t his situation. Selection of
schedule algorithm is depended on service condition and customer requirements.

Priority mapping is precondition for queue schedule. User can map priority of packets from upstream
device t o di fferent local pr iority, a nd de vice pe rform q ueue s chedule f or t he pa ckets a ccording t o
local priority. Generally speaking, IP packets need to configure mapping relationship between DSCP
priority a nd l ocal pr iority; VLAN packets ne ed t o configure mapping r elationship be tween CoS
priority and local priority. Preconditions


6.4.2 Configure mapping relationship between DSCP priority and local priority
Please configure mapping r elationship be tween DSCP priority a nd l ocal pr iority o n t he d evice a s

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos enable Global enable QoS function.

By default, the device enables global QoS function.
The command of mls qos disable can disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure mapping relationship between DSCP priority
mapping dscp dscp-value to and local priority.
localpriority local-priority

6.4.3 Configure mapping relationship between CoS priority and local priority
Please configure mapping relationship be tween CoS pr iority a nd local pr iority on t he device a s

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Global enable QoS function.

By default, the device enables global QoS function.
The command of mls qos disable can disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure mapping relationship between CoS priority
mapping cos cos-value to and local priority.
localpriority local-priority

6.4.4 Configure internal priority over interface

Please configure internal priority over interface for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface

port-id configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#mls qos Configure internal priority for
port-priority port-priority packet over interface.

6.4.5 Configure SP queue schedule

Please configure SP queue schedule for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls Configure packet queue schedule

qos queue scheduler sp mode as SP.

6.4.6 Configure WRR or SP+WRR queue schedule

Please configure WRR or SP+WRR on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure queue schedule mode for

queue scheduler wrr packets as WRR.
3 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure priority for various queues.
queue wrr weight1 weight2
Perform SP schedule when priority of a
weight3 weight4 weight5
queue is configured at 0.
weight6 weight7 weight8

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6.4.7 Configure DRR or SP+DRR queue schedule

Please configure DRR or SP+DRR on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure queue schedule mode for

queue scheduler drr packets as DRR.
3 Raisecom(config)#mls qos Configure priority for various queues.
queue drr weight1 weight2
Perform SP schedule when priority of a
weight3 weight4 weight5
queue is configured at 0.
weight6 weight7 weight8

6.4.8 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show mls qos mapping [ cos Show mapping relationship

| dscp | localpriority ] configuration for assigned priority.
2 Raisecom(config)#show mls qos queue Show queue schedule configuration.

6.5 Configure traffic rate limit over interface and VLAN

6.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When ne twork h as c ongestion, us er c an configure rate li mit o ver int erface or V LAN if w ant to
restrict burst traffic flow at an interface or a VLAN to make it transports in a well-proportioned rate,
so as to remove network congestion. Preconditions

Related VLAN must be created before configuring rate limit over VLAN or QinQ.

6.5.2 Configure traffic rate limit over interface

Please configure rate limit over interface on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#rate-limit port-list { all | Configure rate limit over interface.

port-list }{ both rate-value | egress
rate-value [ burst-value ]| ingress
rate-value [ burst-value ]}

6.5.3 Configure traffic rate limit over VLAN or QinQ

Please configure rate limit over VLAN or QinQ on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rate-limit vlan vlan-id (Optional) Configure rate limit over

rate-value burst-value [ statistics ] VLAN.
3 Raisecom(config)#rate-limit (Optional) Configure rate limit over QinQ.
double-tagging-vlan outer { outer-vlan-id |
any } inner { inner-vlan-id | any } rate-value
burst-value [ statistics ]

6.5.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom(config)#show rate-limit Show rate limit configuration over

port-list [ port-list ] interface.
2 Raisecom(config)#show rate-limit vlan Show rate limit configuration over
VLAN or QinQ.

6.6 Maintenance
User can maintain QoS feature by the following commands.

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear service-policy statistics [ egress | Clear statistics information of

ingress | port ] port-list [ class-map class-map-name ] QoS packets.
Raisecom(config)#clear rate-limit statistics vlan [ vlan-id ] Clear statistics information of
VLAN rate limit packet loss.

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6.7 Configuring applications

6.7.1 Configure traffic rate limit over traffic policy Networking requirement

As the Figure 6-10 s hows below, U ser A , User B , User C a re r espectively be longed t o V LAN1,
VLAN2, VLAN3, and connected to ISCOM2924GF through Switch A, Switch B, Switch C.

User A provides voice and video services, User B provides voice, video and data services, User C
provides video and data services.
According to service requirements from users, make rules as below:

For U ser A, m ust pr ovide 2 5M ba ndwidth, burst t raffic f low p ermit 100K B, di scarding r edundant

For U ser B , m ust pr ovide 35M ba ndwidth, bur st t raffic f low pe rmit 100 KB, di scarding r edundant
For U ser C , m ust pr ovide 30M ba ndwidth, bur st t raffic f low pe rmit 100 KB, di scarding r edundant

Figure 6-10 Traffic rate limit over traffic policy Configuration steps

Create and configure traffic classification, classify different users according to VLAN ID.
Raisecom(config)#mls qos enable
Raisecom(config)#class-map usera match-any
Raisecom(config-cmap)#match vlan 1
Raisecom(config)#class-map userb match-any
Raisecom(config-cmap)#match vlan 2

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Raisecom(config)#class-map userc match-any
Raisecom(config-cmap)#match vlan 3
Create traffic rate limit rule.
Raisecom(config)#mls qos single-policer usera 25000 100 exceed-action drop
Raisecom(config)#mls qos single-policer userb 35000 100 exceed-action drop
Raisecom(config)#mls qos single-policer userc 30000 100 exceed-action drop
Create and configure traffic policy.
Raisecom(config)#policy-map usera
Raisecom(config-pmap)#class-map usera
Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#police usera
Raisecom(config)#service-policy usera ingress 2
Raisecom(config)#policy-map userb
Raisecom(config-pmap)#class-map userb
Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#police userb
Raisecom(config)#service-policy userb ingress 3
Raisecom(config)#policy-map userc
Raisecom(config-pmap)#class-map userc
Raisecom(config-pmap-c)#police userc
Raisecom(config)#service-policy userc ingress 4 Show result

Show traffic classification configuration by the command of show class-map.

Raisecom#show class-map usera
Class Map match-any usera (id 0)
Match vlan 1
Raisecom#show class-map userb
Class Map match-any userb (id 1)
Match vlan 2
Raisecom#show class-map userc
Class Map match-any userb (id 2)
Match vlan 3
Show rate limit rule configuration by the command of show mls qos policer.
Raisecom(config)#show mls qos policer
single-policer usera 25000
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exceed-action drop
Used by policy map usera
single-policer userb 35000
exceed-action drop
Used by policy map userb
single-policer userc 30000
exceed-action drop
Used by policy map userc
Show traffic policy configuration by the command of show policy-map.
Raisecom(config)#show policy-map
Policy Map usera
Class usera
police usera

Policy Map userb

Class userb
police userb

Policy Map userc

Class userc
police userc

6.7.2 Configure queue schedule application Networking requirement

As Figure 6-11 shows below, User A provides voice and video services, User B provides voice, video
and data services, User C provides video and data services.

CoS priority of voice service is 5, CoS priority of video service is 4, CoS priority of data service is 2.
The internal priorities for these three kinds service are respectively 6, 5, and 2.

Make below rules for different service type:

For voice service, need to perform SP schedule, make sure this part of traffic passes preferentially;

For video service, need to perform WRR schedule, weighted at 50;

For data service, need to perform WRR schedule, weighted at 20;

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Figure 6-11 Configure queue schedule Configuration steps

Configure interface priority trust.

Raisecom(config)#mls qos enable
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#mls qos trust cos
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#mls qos trust cos

Raisecom(config)#interface port 4
Raisecom(config-port)#mls qos trust cos

Configure mapping relationship between CoS priority and local priority.
Raisecom(config)#mls qos mapping cos 5 to localpriority 6
Raisecom(config)#mls qos mapping cos 4 to localpriority 5
Raisecom(config)#mls qos mapping cos 2 to localpriority 2
Configure queue schedule of SP+WRR.
Raisecom(config)#mls qos queue wrr 1 1 20 1 1 50 0 0 Show result

Show m apping r elationship c onfiguration of a ssigned priority b y t he c ommand of show mls qos

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Raisecom(config)#show mls qos mapping cos

CoS-LocalPriority Mapping:

CoS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LocalPriority: 0 1 2 3 5 6 6 7

Show queue schedule configuration by the command of show mls qos queue.
Raisecom(config)#show mls qos queue
Queue Weight(WRR)
1 1
2 1
3 20
4 1
5 1
6 50
7 0
8 0
Queue Weight(DRR)
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1

6.7.3 Configure traffic rate limit over interface application Networking requirement

As the Figure 6-12 shows below, User A, User B, User C are respectively connected to Switch A,
Switch B, Switch C and ISCOM2924GF.
User A provides voice and video services, User B provides voice, video and data services, User C
provides video and data services.

According to service requirements from users, make rules as below:

For U ser A, m ust p rovide 2 5M ba ndwidth, burst t raffic f low pe rmit 100K B, di scarding r edundant
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For U ser B , m ust pr ovide 35M ba ndwidth, bur st t raffic f low pe rmit 100 KB, di scarding r edundant
For U ser C , m ust pr ovide 30M ba ndwidth, bur st t raffic f low pe rmit 100KB, di scarding r edundant

Figure 6-12 Networking sketch map of traffic rate limit over interface Configuration steps

Configure rate limit over interface.

Raisecom(config)#rate-limit port-list 2 ingress 25000 100
Raisecom(config)#rate-limit port-list 3 ingress 35000 100
Raisecom(config)#rate-limit port-list 4 ingress 30000 100 Show result

Show rate limit configuration over interface by the command of show rate-limit port-list.
Raisecom(config)#show rate-limit port-list 2-4
I-Rate: Ingress Rate
I-Burst: Ingress Burst
E-Rate: Egress Rate
E-Burst: Egress Burst
Port I-Rate(kbps) I-Burst(kB) E-Rate(kbps) E-Burst(kB)
P2 25000 100 3448 34
P3 35000 100 3448 34
P4 30000 100 1048576 512

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Chapter 7 Multicast

This c hapter i ntroduces b asic pr inciple a nd c onfiguration of m ulticast a nd provides r elated

configuration applications.

Configure IGMP foundation
Configure IGMP Snooping
Configure IGMP MVR
Configure IGMP Proxy
Configuring applications

7.1 Overview
7.1.1 Multicast overview
With t he c ontinuous d evelopment of I nternet ne twork, the various interacting network data, v oice
and video will become more and more; the other hand, the emerging e-commerce, online meetings,
online a uctions, v ideo on d emand, di stance l earning a nd ot her s ervices also rise gradually. These
services come up w ith higher r equirements for ne twork ba ndwidth, i nformation security and pa id.
Traditional unicast and broadcast cannot meet these requirements well, while multicast has met them

Multicast is a poi nt to m ultipoint data transmission m ethod. The m ethod can effectively s olve t he
single point sending and multipoint receiving problems. During the network packet transmission, it
can save network resources and improve information security. Comparison among unicast, broadcast and multicast

Multicast is a kind of packets transmission which is parallel with unicast and broadcast.

Unicast: T he s ystem e stablished a data transmission path f or e ach us er w ho ne eds t he

information, a nd s ent s eparate c opy i nformation f or them. Through unicast, t he a mount o f
information transmitted over the network is proportional to the number of user, so when the
number of users becomes huge, there will be more identical information in network. At this
point, bandwidth will become an important bottleneck, and unicast will not be conducive to
large-scale information transmission.
Broadcast: The system sends information to all users, whether they need or not, any user will
receive it. Through broadcast, the information source delivers information to all users in the
network s egment, w hich m ade t he i nformation s ecurity a nd paid s ervice l ose gua rantee. In
addition, w hen the num ber of us ers w ho re quires this kind of information decreases, the
utilization of network resources will be very low, the bandwidth will be wasted seriously.
Multicast: When some users in the network need specific information, the sender only sends
one piece of information, then the transmitted information can be reproduced and distributed
in fork junction as far as possible.
As shown in the Figure 7-1, assume that User B and User C need information, you can use multicast

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transmission to combine User B and User C to a receiver set, then the information source just needs
to s end one piece of information. E ach switch in t he network will establish their m ulticast
forwarding t able a ccording t o IGMP pa ckets, a nd f inally transmit the information to the a ctual
recipient B and C.

Figure 7-1 Multicast transmission networking

In summary, the unicast is for sparse network users and broadcast is for dense network users. When
the number of users in the network is uncertain, unicast and broadcast will present a low efficiency.
When t he num ber of us ers are doubl ed a nd r edoubled, the m ulticast mode ne eds not t o increase
backbone bandwidth, but sends information to the user in need. These advantages of multicast make
itself become a hotspot in the current network technology study. The advantages and application of multicast

Comparing with unicast and broadcast, the advantages of multicast are as below:
Improve efficiency: reduce network traffic, relieve server and CPU load.
Optimize performance: reduce redundant traffic and guarantee the information security.
Distributed applications: solve the problem of point-point data transmission.
The multicast technology is mainly used in the following aspects:

multimedia, s treaming media a pplications, s uch a s: n etwork t elevision, ne twork r adio,

real-time video / audio conferencing;
training, cooperative operations communications, such as: distance education, telemedicine;
data warehousing, financial applications (stock);
any other "point-to-multipoint" applications Basic concept in multicast

Multicast group
Multicast gr oup refers t o the recipient s et using the s ame IP m ulticast addres s identification. Any
user host (or other receiving device) will become a member of the group after joining the multicast
group. They can identify and receive multicast da ta with t he de stination a ddress of IP m ulticast

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Multicast group members

All hos ts joi ned a multicast gr oup will be come a member of t he multicast gr oup. M ulticast gr oup
members are dynamic, hosts can join or leave multicast group at any time. Group members may be
widely distributed in any part of the network.

Multicast source
Multicast source refers to a server which regards multicast group address as the destination address
to send IP packet. A multicast source can send data to multiple multicast groups; multiple multicast
sources can send to a multicast group.

Multicast router
Router in the network that supports layer-3 multicast function is called the multicast router. Multicast
router can achieve multicast routing, guide multicast packet forwarding and provide multicast group
management function to distal network segment connecting with users.
Router interface
Router interface refers to the interface toward multicast router between multicast router and the host.
The device receives multicast packets from this interface.

Member interface
Known as the receiving interface, member interface is the interface toward host be tween multicast
router and the host. The device sends multicast packets from this interface.

The locations of multicast router interface and the receiving interface are shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Sketch map of basic concepts in multicast Multicast address

In or der to make multicast s ource and multicast group members communicate across the I nternet,
you ne ed t o pr ovide network-layer m ulticast address a nd l ink-layer multicast a ddress, i.e. IP
multicast a ddress a nd m ulticast M AC a ddress. Note: m ulticast a ddress onl y can be de stination
address, but not source address.

IP multicast address
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IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) assigns Class D address space to IPv4 multicast; the
range of IPv4 multicast address is from to
Multicast MAC address
When Ethernet transmits unicast IP packet, the destination MAC address will use the recipient MAC
address. However, when multicast packets are in transmission, the destination is no longer a specific
receiver, but a group with uncertain member, so it needs to use multicast MAC address.
Multicast MAC address for link layer identifies the receiver of the same multicast group.

According to IANA, the high 24-bit of multicast MAC address are 0x01005E, the 25-bit is fixed 0,
the 23-bit corresponds to the low 23-bit of IPv4 multicast address.

The mapping relation between IP multicast address and MAC address is shown in Figure7-3

Figure 7-3 Mapping relation between IPv4 multicast address and multicast MAC address

Since the first 4 bits of IP multicast address are 1110, indicating multicast identification. In the last
28bits, only 23 bits are mapped to the multicast MAC address. And the missing 5 bits information
will make 32 IP multicast addresses map to the same multicast MAC address. Therefore, in Layer 2,
the device may receive some other data out of IP v4 multicast group, and these extra multicast data
need to be filtered by the upper device. Basis of multicast protocol

It needs to deploy a variety of multicast protocols for interworking and operating in various positions
of network to achieve a complete set of multicast services.
Typically, IP m ulticast w orking at n etwork layer is c alled "Layer-3 multicast", t he c orresponding
multicast pr otocol is called " Layer-3 multicast pr otocol," i ncluding I GMP ( Internet G roup
Management Protocol), etc.; IP multicast working at data link layer is called "layer 2 multicast", the
corresponding m ulticast f eature is called "layer-2 multicast protocol", i ncluding IGMP S nooping
(Internet Group Management Protocol Snooping) and so on.

The operating positions of IGMP and Layer-2 multicast features are shown in Figure 7-4.

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Figure 7-4 The operating positions of IGMP and Layer-2 multicast features

IGMP i s t he pr otocol r esponsible f or I Pv4 multicast member management in TCP / IP protocol

family. IGMP r uns b etween m ulticast r outer a nd hos t, de fines t he establishment a nd maintenance
mechanism of multicast gr oup m embership be tween host and multicast r outer. IGMP d oes not
contain the transmission and maintenance of group membership between multicast routers, which is
completed by multicast routing protocol.
IGMP manages group members by I GMP messages interaction be tween host and multicast router.
IGMP messages are encapsulated in IP messages, including Query messages, Report messages and
Leave messages. The basic functions of IGMP are:
Host sends Report messages joining multicast group, sends Leave messages leaving multicast group,
and automatically decides which multicast group messages to receive.
The multicast rout er se nds Query messages periodically and receives Report messages and Leave
messages from hosts to understand the multicast group members in connected network segment. The
multicast data will be forwarded to the network segment if there are multicast group members; not
forward if no multicast group members.

Up to now, IGMP has three versions: IGMPv1 version, IGMPv2 version and IGMPv3 version, the
new version is fully compatible with old version. Currently the most widely used version is IGMPv2,
while Leave messages only apply to IGMPv2 and IGMPv3.
Layer-2 multicast manages a nd c ontrols multicast gr oups by monitoring a nd a nalyzing IGMP
messages be tween hosts a nd multicast r outers as s o to achieve multicast data f orwarding a nd
suppress multicast data diffusion in layer-2 network. The supported multicast performance

The device is in support of the following multicast features:

Basic function of IGMP
IGMP Snooping
IGMP Proxy (IGMP Proxy)
IGMP filtering
The functions of IGMP Snooping and IGMP MVR on ISCOM2924GF device can be enabled
ISCOM2924GF device is in support of IGMPv1and IGMPv2 simultaneously.

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7.1.2 Basic functions of IGMP

The basic functions of IGMP are shown below:

Assign multicast router interface;

Enable instant-leaving function;
Set multicast forwarding entries and router interface aging time;
Enable IGMP ring network forwarding function.
The basic function of IGMP provides Layer-2 multicast common features, which can be used when
the device enables IGMP Snooping or IGMP MVR function.

Note: The basic function configuration is valid to IGMP Snooping or IGMP MVR simultaneously.
The concepts description related to IGMP basic functions is as below:

Multicast router interface

The r outer i nterface can be l earnt dynamically (need t o e nable multicast routing protocol on
multicast routers, learn by IGMP query messages) on layer-2 multicast switch, or set manually so as
to forward downstream multicast report and leave messages to the router interface.

Router interface learnt dynamically has aging time, while the router interface c onfigured manually
will not be aged.

Aging time
Set the aging time applying to both of multicast forwarding entry and router interface.

On layer-2 switch running multicast function, every router interface learnt dynamically will enable a
timer; the timer timeout is "IGMP Snooping aging time." The router interface will be deleted without
receiving IGMP Query messages at aging time; Update timeout for router interface when receiving
IGMP Query messages.

Each multicast forwarding entry will enable a timer, that is, the aging time of multicast member; the
timer tim eout is "IGMP S nooping a ging t ime". The m ulticast member w ill be deleted without
receiving IGMP Report messages at aging time; Update timeout for multicast forwarding entry when
receiving IGMP Report messages.
Instant-leaving function
On layer-2 s witch r unning m ulticast function, us er w ill not de lete t he c orresponding multicast
forwarding entry immediately, but wait until the entry is aged when sending Leave messages. Enable
this function to delete the corresponding multicast forwarding entry quickly when there are a large
number of downstream users and adding leaving is more frequent.

Note: Instant-leaving function only applies to IGMP v2/v3 versions.

IGMP ring network forwarding function

On layer-2 s witch r unning multicast f unction, t he IGMP r ing ne twork f orwarding function c an be
enabled to any type of interfaces.

Enabling IGMP ring ne twork forwarding can achieve multicast ba ckup protection in ring ne twork,
make the m ulticast service m ore stable, and prevent l ink failure from causing multicast s ervice

IGMP ring network forwarding function applies to Ethernet ring, STP / RSTP / MSTP ring and
G.8032 ring, etc.

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7.1.3 IGMP Snooping

IGMP S nooping ( Internet G roup M anagement Protocol S nooping) i s m ulticast c onstraining
mechanism r unning on L ayer-2 devices, us ed for m ulticast gr oup m anagement a nd c ontrol and
achieve layer-2 multicast.

IGMP S nooping a llows t he switch t o m onitor I GMP session between hos ts and m ulticast r outers.
When monitoring a group of IGMP Report from host, the switch will add host-located interface to
the f orwarding e ntry of t his gr oup; similarly, w hen f orwarding entry arriving at aging t ime, the
switch will delete host-located interface from forwarding entry.

IGMP Snooping forwards multicast da ta by layer-2 multicast forwarding entry. When receiving
multicast da ta, the switch will forward them directly according to the corresponding receiver
interface of multicast f orwarding e ntry, but not f lood t o a ll i nterfaces, so as to save the switch
bandwidth effectively.
IGMP Snooping establishes layer-2 multicast forwarding entry, which can be learnt dynamically or
configured manually.
Currently, the switch is in support of up to 1024 layer-2 multicast forwarding entries.

7.1.4 IGMP MVR

IGMP MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) is multicast constraining mechanism running on layer-2
devices, used for multicast group management and control and achieve layer-2 multicast.

IGMP MVR adds member interfaces belonging to different user VLAN in switch to multicast VLAN
by configuring multicast VLAN and makes different VLAN user uses one common multicast VLAN,
then the multicast data will be transmitted only in one multicast VLAN without copying one for each
user VLAN, t hus s aving b andwidth. At the s ame t ime, multicast V LAN and us er V LAN ar e
completely isolated which also increases the security.

Both IGMP MVR and IGMP Snooping can achieve layer-2 multicast, but the difference is: Multicast
VLAN in IGMP Snooping is the same with user VLAN, while multicast VLAN in IGMP MVR can
be different with user VLAN.

Note: One switch can configure up t o 10 m ulticast VLAN, at least one multicast VLAN and group
addresses. The supported maximum number of multicast groups is 1024.

7.1.5 IGMP Proxy

IGMP Proxy i s a n IGMP protocol proxy mechanism. It is used for a ssisting IGMP to manage a nd
control multicast group. IGMP Proxy will terminate IGMP packets; It can proxy h ost function and
also pr oxy m ulticast r outer f unctions f or t he ne xt a gent. E nable L ayer 2 ne twork device of I GMP
Proxy feature, there are two identities:
On t he us er s ide, i t i s a query bui lder a nd un dertakes t he r ole of Server, s ending Query
packets and periodically checking user information, and dealing with the Report and Leave
packets from user.
On t he network r outing s ide, i t i s a hos t a nd unde rtakes t he r ole of C lient, r esponding t he
multicast r outer Q uery pa cket and s ending Report an d Leave pa ckets. It s ends the us er
information to the network when they are in need.
The proxy mechanism can control and access user information effectively, at the same time, reducing
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the ne twork s ide pr otocol packet a nd n etwork l oad. IGMP Proxy e stablishes multicast pa cket
forwarding list by intercepting IGMP packet between the user and the multicast routers.

7.1.6 IGMP filtering

In or der t o c ontrol us er a ccess, y ou c an s et IGMP f iltering. I GMP f iltering contains acces sible
multicast group scope limited by filter template and the maximum number of groups:

IGMP filtering template

To e nsure i nformation s ecurity, t he a dministrator ne eds t o l imit t he multicast us ers, s uch a s what
multicast data are allowed to receive and what are not.

Configure IGMP Profile filtering template to control the interface. One IGMP Profile can be set one
or more multicast group access control restrictions and access the multicast group according to the
restriction rules ( permit and deny). If a r ejected IGMP P rofile filtering template is applied to the
interface, the interface will discard the IGMP report message from this group directly once receiving
it and doesnt allow receiving this group of multicast data.

IGMP filtering template can be configured on interface or "interface + VLAN".

IGMP Profile only applies to dynamic multicast groups, but not static ones.
Limit to the maximum number of multicast group
The maximum al lowed adding number of multicast gr oup a nd the maximum gr oup limitation rule
can be set on interface or "interface + VLAN.
The maximum group limitation rule sets the actions for reaching the maximum number of multicast
group us ers added, which c an be no l onger allowing us er a dding groups, or c overing t he or iginal
adding group.

Note: IGMP filtering is generally used with IGMP Snooping/IGMP MVR.

7.2 Configure IGMP foundation

7.2.1 Configure basic function of IGMP
Please configure basic function of IGMP for the device as below

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#igmp mrouter vlan (Optional) Configure multicast routing interface

vlan-id { interface-type interface-number }
3 Raisecom(config)#igmp immediate-leave (Optional) Configure interface or the immediate-leave
{ interface-type interface-number } [ vlan function of interface + VLAN.
vlan-list ]
4 Raisecom(config)#igmp timeout { period | (Optional) Configure the aging time for multicast
infinite } forwarding table entry.
The aging time set by this command is valid to all
dynamic learning router interface and multicast
forwarding table entries.

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom(config)#igmp ring (Optional) Enable IGMP ring network forwarding

interface-type interface-number function of the interface.
6 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table (Optional) Configure to add interface to static
static multicast mac-address vlan vlan-id multicast group.
interface-type interface-number-list
Interface joins the multicast group usually through the
IGMP Report message transmitted by host. User also
can add an interface to a multicast group manually.

7.2.2 Check configuration

Please check configuration result by the following command:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show igmp mrouter Show multicast routing interface configuration.

2 Raisecom#show igmp immediate-leave Show immediate-leave configuration of IGMP.

[ interface-type interface-number ]
3 Raisecom#show igmp statistics Show IGMP statistics.
[ interface-type interface-number ]

7.3 Configure IGMP Snooping

7.3.1 Configuration preparation Networking situation

As the Figure 7-5 shows below, multiple hosts receive multicast source data, and multiple hosts
belong to the same VLAN. It can run IGMP Snooping on switch connecting multicast router and host
and establish and maintain multicast forwarding table by monitoring the message between multicast
routers and hosts to achieve Layer 2 multicast.

Figure IGMP Snooping application scene

www.raisecom.com User Manual Precondition

Before c onfiguring I GMP Snooping, you s hould create t he V LAN a nd j oin t he c orresponding
interface to VLAN.

7.3.2 Default configuration of IGMP Snooping

The default configuration of IGMP Snooping is as below:

Function Default value

Global IGMP Snooping status Disable

VLAN IGMP Snooping status Disable

7.3.3 Configure IGMP Snooping function

Please configure IGMP Snooping function as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#igmp snooping Enable global IGMP Snooping.
3 Raisecom(config)#igmp snooping Enable VLAN IGMP Snooping.
vlan vlan-list
4 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table (Optional) Configure static multicast
static multicast mac-address vlan forwarding table.
vlan-id interface-type
Interface joins the multicast group usually
through the IGMP Report message
transmitted by host. User also can add an
interface to a multicast group manually.

7.3.4 Check configuration

Please check configuration result by the following command:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show igmp snooping [ vlan vlan-list ] Show IGMP Snooping configuration.
2 Raisecom#show igmp snooping member Show IGMP Snooping multicast
[ interface-type interface-number | vlan vlan-id ] group member configuration.

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7.4 Configure IGMP MVR

7.4.1 Configuration preparation Networking situation

As the Figure 7-6 shows below, when multiple users need to receive data from the multicast source,
the da ta among multiple us ers and multicast r outers all belongs to different VLAN. User can run
IGMP M VR function o n Switch A, configure multicast V LAN s o as t o make u sers in different
VLAN receive the same multicast data with one multicast VLAN and also reduce bandwidth waste.

Figure 7-6 IGMP MVR application scene Precondition

Before configuring IGMP MVR, you should create a VLAN and join the corresponding interface to
the VLAN.

7.4.2 Default configuration of IGMP MVR

The default configuration of IGMP MVR is as below:

Function Default value

Global IGMP MVR status Disable

Interface IGMP MVR status Disable

Multicast VLAN and group address set N/A

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7.4.3 Configure IGMP MVR function

Please configure IGMP MVR function as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr Enable global IGMP MVR function.
3 Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr Enable interface IGMP MVR function.
interface-type interface-number
4 Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr mcast-vlan Configure multicast VLAN IP address.
vlan-id group { start-ip-address
Note: After enabling IGMP MVR, the
[ end-ip-address ] | any }
device needs to configure multicast VLAN
and binding group address set, do nothing
to Report message if the receiving IGMP
Report message doesnt belong to any
VLAN IP address set, user cannot demand
to multicast traffic.
5 Raisecom(config)#mac-address-table (Optional) Configure static multicast
static multicast mac-address vlan vlan-id forwarding table.
interface-type interface-number-list
Interface joins the multicast group usually
through the IGMP Report message
transmitted by host. User also can add an
interface to a multicast group manually.

7.4.4 Check configuration

Please check configuration result by the following command:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show igmp View IGMP MVR configuration.
mvr[ interface-type interface-number ]
2 Raisecom#show igmp mvr member View IGMP MVR multicast
[ interface-type interface-number | group members information.
user-vlan vlan-id ]
3 Raisecom# show igmp mvr vlan-group View multicast VLAN and
[ mcast-vlan vlan-id ] group address set.

7.5 Configure IGMP Proxy

7.5.1 Configuration preparation Networking situation

There are multiple hosts or multiple user subnets in a large-scale multicast protocols application
network. Configure IGMP pr oxy on switch which connects w ith multicast r outer and h ost t o
intercept the IGMP packets and reduce network burden.

IGMP P roxy can reduce t he configuration a nd management w ork of multicast r outers to users
subnets, at the same time, achieve the multicast connection of customer subnet.

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IGMP Proxy function is generally used with IGMP Snooping or IGMP MVR. Precondition

Before c onfiguring IGMP Proxy, you should c reate V LAN a nd join the c orresponding interface to
the VLAN.

7.5.2 Default configuration of IGMP Proxy

The default configuration of IGMP Proxy is as below:

Function Default value

IGMP Proxy status Disable

IGMP message suppression function Disable

IGMP querier function Disable

IGMP querier and source IP address Use the IP address of IP interface 0, or use
of IGMP Proxy transmission message if the IP interface 0 hasnt be configured.
IGMP query interval 60s

The maximum response time of 10s

Query transmission message
The Query transmission interval of 1s
final member

7.5.3 Configure IGMP Proxy function

Please configure IGMP Proxy function as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy Enable IGMP Proxy function
3 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy Enable IGMP packet suppression function.
4 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy querier Enable IGMP querier function
5 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy source-ip (Optional) Configure source IP address of
ip-address query packet sent by IGMP Proxy querier.
6 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy (Optional) Configure IGMP query interval.
query-interval seconds
7 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy (Optional) Configure the maximum response
query-max-response-time period time of Query packet.
8 Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy (Optional) Configure the Query transmission
last-member-query period interval of final member.
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Configure IGMP P roxy if it isnt ena bled: set source I P address, t he que ry interval, the
maximum response time of Query packet transmission, Query transmission interval of final
member, once MVR Proxy is started, the configuration takes effect immediately.
IGMP Proxy function can be started when enabling IGMP Snooping or IGMP MVR.

7.5.4 Check configuration

Please check configuration result by the following command:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show igmp proxy View IGMP Proxy configuration information

7.6 Configure IGMP filtering

7.6.1 Configuration preparation Networking situation

The di fferent us ers in the s ame multicast group receive different multicast requirements a nd
permissions, allow configuring filter rule on switch which connects multicast router and user host so
as to restrict multicast users. It also can set the maximum number of multicast group allowing user
joining. IGMP Proxy function is generally used with IGMP Snooping or IGMP MVR. Precondition

Before configuring IGMP filtering, you should create VLAN and join the corresponding interface to
the VLAN.

7.6.2 Default configuration of IGMP filtering

The default configuration of IGMP filtering is as below:

Function Default value

Global IGMP filtering Disable

IGMP filtering template Profile N/A

IGMP filtering template action Refuse

IGMP filtering under interface No maximum group limitation, the largest group
action is drop, no application filter template
IGMP filtering under interface + VLAN No maximum group limitation, the largest group
action is drop, no application filter template

7.6.3 Configure to enable global IGMP filtering

Please configure to enable global IGMP filtering as below:

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#igmp filter Enable global IGMP filtering
Note: When configuring IGMP filtering template or the maximum group limitation, please use the
command igmp filter to enable global IGMP filtering at first.

7.6.4 Configure IGMP filtering template

IGMP filtering template can be used to interface or interface + VLAN.

Please configure IGMP filtering template as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#igmp filter profile Create Profile and enter Profile configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-igmp-profile)#permit | (Optional) Configure IGMP Profile action.
4 Raisecom(config-igmp-profile)#range Configure to control IP multicast address access and
range-id start-ip-address [ end-ip-address ] range.
5 Raisecom(config-igmp-profile)#exit Enter physical layer interface configuration mode or
aggregation group configuration mode.
Raisecom(config)#interface interface-type
6 Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter profile Configure IGMP Profile filtering template to
profile-number [ vlan vlan-list ] physical interface or interface + VLAN.
Raisecom(config-aggregator)#igmp filter Configure IGMP Profile filtering template to
profile profile-number [ vlan vlan-list ] aggregation group interface or interface + VLAN.
Note: Perform the command of igmp filter profile profile-number in interface configuration mode
to make the created IGMP Profile apply to the specified interface. One IGMP Profile can be applied
to multiple interfaces, but each interface can have only one IGMP Profile.

7.6.5 Configure the maximum multicast group number restriction

User can add the maximum multicast group number restriction a pplied to interface or interface +

Please take the following configuration to the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode
2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode
interface-type interface-number or aggregation group configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter Configure the maximum multicast group number
max-groups group-number [ vlan restriction to physical interface or interface +
vlan-list ] VLAN.

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Step Configuration Description

Raisecom(config-aggregator)#igmp Configure the maximum multicast group number
filter max-groups group-number restriction to aggregation group interface or
[ vlan vlan-list ] interface + VLAN.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter (Optional) Configure the action over maximum
max-groups action { drop | multicast group number restriction in physical
replace } [ vlan vlan-list ] interface or interface + VLAN.
Raisecom(config-aggregator)#igmp (Optional) Configure the action over maximum
filter max-groups action { drop | multicast group number restriction in aggregation
replace } [ vlan vlan-list ] group interface or interface + VLAN.

7.6.6 Check configuration

Please check configuration result by the following command:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show igmp filter [interface| View IGMP filtering configuration.
interface-type interface-number [vlan vlan-id ] ]
2 Raisecom#show igmp filter profile View IGMP Profile information.
[ profile-number ]

7.7 Maintenance
Users can maintain multicast features operation and configuration by the following command.

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear igmp statistics Clear IGMP statistic information

[ interface-type interface-number ]
Raisecom(config)#no igmp member Delete specified multicast
[ interface-type interface-number ] forwarding table entry.

7.8 Configuration application

7.8.1 Configure IGMP Snooping and IGMP Proxy application Network requirements

As Shown in Figure 7-7, the switch interface Port 1 connects with multicast router; interface Port 2
and Port 3 connects users. All multicast users belong to the same VLAN10; It is needed to configure
IGMP Snooping on the switch to receive multicast data with the address
Enable the IGMP P roxy function on switch to r educe communication between the hosts and
multicast routers and achieve multicast function.

When the P C and set-top box a dd i nto t he s ame m ulticast gr oup, t he s witch r eceives t wo I GMP
Report messages and only sends one of them to multicast router. The IGMP Query message sent by
multicast will no longer forward downstream, but transmit IGMP Query message

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Figure 7-7 IGMP Snooping application networking Configuration steps

Create VLAN and add interface to VLAN.

Raisecom(config)#create vlan 10 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 10
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport access vlan 10
Configure to enable IGMP Snooping.
Raisecom(config)#igmp snooping
Raisecom(config)#igmp snooping vlan 10
Configure IGMP Proxy function.
Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy
Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy suppression
Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy querier
Raisecom(config)#igmp proxy source-ip

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Check whether IGMP Snooping configuration is correct.

Raisecom#show igmp snooping
igmp snooping :Enable
igmp snooping active vlan :10
igmp router alert examine :Disable
igmp aging time(s) :300
igmp ring :--
Check whether IGMP Snooping multicast group member information is correct.
Raisecom#show igmp snooping member vlan 10
Port Vlan GroupID Live-time
port 1 10 270
Check whether IGMP Proxy configuration is correct.
Raisecom#show igmp proxy
Igmp Proxy Status :Enable
Igmp Proxy Suppression Status :Enable
Igmp Proxy Querier Status :Enable
Igmp Proxy Source Ip :
Igmp Query Interval(s) :60
Query Max Response Interval(s) :10
Last Member Query Interval(s) :1
Next IGMP General Query(s) :10

7.8.2 Configure IGMP MVR application Network requirements

As shown in Figure 7-8, interface Port 1 of Switch A connects with multicast router, interfaces Port 2
and Port 3 connect with users in different VLAN to receive multicast and data.
Configuring IGMP MVR function on Switch A to designate VLAN3 as a multicast VLAN, then the
multicast data can only be copied one time in the multicast VLAN instead of copying for each user
VLAN, thus saving bandwidth.

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Figure 7-8 IGMP MVR application networking Configuration steps

Create VLAN on Switch A and add the interface into it.

Raisecom(config)#creat vlan 3,12,13 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 12,13
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 12
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 3
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 13
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 3
Configure IGMP MVR function on Switch A.
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr port 2,3
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr mcast-vlan 3 group
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr mcast-vlan 3 group

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Check whether the IGMP MVR configuration configuration is correct.

Raisecom#show igmp mvr
igmp mvr running :Enable
igmp mvr port :port-list 2-3
igmp mvr multicast vlan(ref) :3(2)
igmp router alert examine :Disable
igmp aging time(s) :300
igmp ring :--
Check whether the multicast VLAN and group address information are correct.
Raisecom#show igmp mvr vlan-group
mcast-vlan start-group end-group

7.8.3 Configure IGMP filtering example under the interface Network requirements

Enable IGMP filtering on switch, add interface filter rule to restrict multicast user.
As shown in Figure 7-9, create IGMP filtering rules Profile 1, set address range between
and, the action is in green light. According to IGMP filtering rules under the interface Port
2, set-top box can join the multicast group, but not the multicast group; Port 3
hasnt enabled filtering rule and PC can the multicast group
Set the maximum gr oup l imitation to interface Port 2, a fter a dding s et-top boxe s 234.5. 6.7, a dd and quit the previous multicast group.

As Figure 7-9 shows, use IGMP MVR function to provide multicast service.

Figure 7-9 IGMP filtering networking

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Create VLAN and add the interface into it.

Raisecom(config)#creat vlan 3,12,13 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 12,13
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 12
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 3
Raisecom(config)#interface port 3
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 13
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk untagged vlan 3
Configure IGMP MVR function.
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr port 2,3
Raisecom(config)#igmp mvr mcast-vlan 3 group any
Configure IGMP filtering template.
Raisecom(config)#igmp filter profile 1
Raisecom(config-igmp-profile)#range 1
Configure IGMP filtering template to set-top box.
Raisecom(config)#igmp filter
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter profile 1
Configure the maximum group number limitation for set-top box interface.
Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter max-groups 1
Raisecom(config-port)#igmp filter max-groups action replace Show result

Check whether the IGMP filtering configuration is correct.

Raisecom#show igmp filter port 2

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IGMP profile: 1
MaxGroup: 1
Currentgroup: 0
action: replace

7.8.4 Configure ring network multicast application example Network requirements

Configure IGMP r ing f orwarding f unction on s ingle E thernet r ing t o make multicast s ervice more
stable and prevent multicast service from disrupting by some failure links.
As shown in Figure 7-10, Port 1 a nd Port 2 of Switch A, Port 2 a nd Port 3 of Switch B, Port 2 a nd
Port 4 of Switch C constitute an physical ring, multicast traffic input from Port 1 of Switch B. The
user who need multicast stream goes through Port 5 and Port 6 interfaces of Switch C. By doing this,
whichever links fail in the Switch, it will not affect customers on-demand multicast stream.
When using single Ethernet ring to provide multicast services, you can adopt IGMP MVR or IGMP
Snooping function to receive the multicast stream.

Take STP providing ring network detection and IGMP Snooping providing multicast function for an

Figure 7-10 Ring network multicast application networking Configuration steps

Enable STP function, create VLAN and add interface into the VLAN.
Configure Switch A
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SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchA(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
SwitchA(config-port)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
Configura Switch B
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchB(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
Configura Switch C
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree enable
SwitchC(config)#spanning-tree mode stp
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
SwitchC(config)#interface port 4
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport trunk native vlan 200
Enable IGMP Snooping and IGMP ring network forwarding function.
Configure Switch A
SwitchA(config)#igmp ring port 1,2
SwitchA(config)#igmp snooping
SwitchA(config)#igmp snooping vlan 200
Configura Switch B
SwitchB(config)#igmp ring port 2,3
SwitchB(config)#igmp snooping
SwitchB(config)#igmp snooping vlan 200
Configura Switch C

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SwitchC(config)#igmp ring port 2,4

SwitchC(config)#igmp snooping
SwitchC(config)#igmp snooping vlan 200 Show result

Disconnect any one link in ring link to check whether the multicast traffic can be reveived normally.

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Chapter 8 Security

This c hapter i ntroduces b asic pr inciple a nd c onfiguration of s ecurity a nd pr ovides r elated

configuration applications.

Storm Control
Configuring applications

8.1 Overview
Network application is getting more and more popular with the continuous development of Internet.
More and more enterprises speed up its development by using network. To ensure data and resource
security in open network environemtn become more and more important. Besides, some user access
network unconsciously but cause damage to network also lead device performance degrade or even
cause abnormal.
To d eploy a ccess c ontrol, user a uthentication, e tc. s ecurity t echnology c an effectively i mprove
network and device security.

8.1.1 ACL
ACL (Access Control List) is a set of ordered rules, which can control the device to receive or refuse
to some data message.

User needs to configure rules in network to control illegal packets influent network perofmrnace and
decide packets allowed passing. These rules are defined by ACL.

ACL is a series of rule composed by permit | deny sentences. The rules are described according to
source a ddress, destination a ddress, por t I D of da ta pa ckets. Device j udges r eceiving or r ejecting
packets according to the rules.

8.1.2 RADIUS
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial I n User S ervice) i s a kind of s tandard communication
protocol t hat a uthenticate r emote acces s us ers intensively. RADIUS uses UDP a s t he t ransmission
protocol (port 1812 and port 1813) which has a good instantaneity; at the same time, RADIUS is in
support of retransmission mechanism and standby server mechanism which has a good reliability.

www.raisecom.com User Manual RADIUS authentication function

RADIUS adopts c lient/server m ode, network access de vice i s us ed as cl ient of RADIUS server.
RADIUS server receives user connecting requests and authenticates users, then reply configuration
information to all clients for providing services. Control user access device and network and improve
network security.

Communication between client and RADIUS server is authenticated by sharing key, which wont be
transmitted on network. Besides, all user directions need to be encrypted when transmitting between
client device and RADIUS server to ensure security. RADIUS accounting function

RADIUS accounting f unction i s us ed t o a uthenticate us er t hrough RADIUS. User s ends a st arting

account packets to RADIUS accrounting server when log in, according to the accounting policy to
send update packet to RADIUS server; when log off, send stopping account packet to RADIUS
accounting server, the packet includes user online time. RADIUS accounting server can record the
access time and operations for each user by the packets.

8.1.3 TACACS+
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) i s a ki nd of ne twork a ccess
authentication protocol similar to RADIUS. The differences between them are:

TACACS+ uses TCP port, which has higher transmission reliability compared with UPD port
used by RADIUS.
TACACS+ encrypts the holistic of packets except the standard head of TACACS+, and there
is an area to show whether the data packets are encrypted in the head of packet. Compared to
RADIUS user password encryption, the TACACS+ is much safer.
TACACS+ authentication function is separated from authorization and accounting functions;
it is more flexible in deployment.
In a w ord, TACACS+ is s afer a nd more r eliable than R ADIUS, but RADIUS is used w ider i n
network as an open protocol.

8.1.4 Storm suppression

In most layer-2 network application, unicast traffic flow is much bigger than broadcast traffic flow. If
customer doesnt control broadcast flow, broadcast storm may generate and occupies large amount of
network bandwidth. Broadcast storm can degrade network performance and influence forwarding of
unicast packets or even lead communication halt.

Restricting broadcast traffic flow generated from network on layer-2 device can suppress broadcast
storm and ensure common unicast forwarding normally.

The st orm suppression a llows the interface to filter broadcast pa cket in the ne twork. E nable storm
suppression, when the i nterface r eceiving broadcast m essages are accumulated to a pr edetermined
threshold, the interface will discard broadcast packets automatically. The broadcast packets will be
broadcast normally to the other switch interfaces if this function is not enabled or broadcast packets
are not accumulated to a threshold.

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8.2 Configure ACL

8.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

ACL can help network device to recognize filter objects. The device recognizes special objects and
then permit or denay packets passing according to the configured policy.

ACL includes the below types:

IP ACL: make classification rule according to source or destination address taken by packets
IP head, port ID used by TCP or UDP, etc. attributes.
IPv6 A CL: m ake c lassification r ule a ccording t o s ource or de stination address t aken by
packets IPv6 head, tag value, etc. attributes.
MAC A CL: make c lassification r ule a ccording t o s ource M AC a ddress, de stination M AC
address, layer-2 protocol type taken by packets layer-2 frame head, etc. attributes.
MAP ACL: MAP ACL can define more protocols and more detailed protocol fields than IP
ACL and MAC ACL, also can match any bytes in the former 64 b ytes of layer-2 data frame
according to users definition.
There are 4 kinds of ACL application according to difference of application environment: ACL over
the whole device, over interface, over flow from ingress port to egress port and over VLAN. Preconditions


8.2.2 Default configuration of ACL

The default configuration of ACL is as below:

Function Default value

Function status of device filter Disable

MAC address matching rules Mismatch

CoS valuematching rules Mismatch

Ethernet frame type matching rules Mismatch

ARP protocol type matching rules Mismatch

ARP message and MAC/IP address matching rules Mismatch

IP message matching rules Mismatch

TCP message matching rules Mismatch

UDP message matching rules Mismatch

IGMP message type matching rules Mismatch

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Function Default value

IPv6 message matching rules Mismatch

8.2.3 Configure IP ACL

Please configure IP ACL for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ip-access-list acl-number Confiugre IP ACL.

{ deny | permit } { protocol-id | icmp | igmp |
ip } { source-ip-address ip-mask | any }
{ destination-ip-address ip-mask | any }
Raisecom(config)#ip-access-list acl-number
{ deny | permit } { tcp | udp }
{ source-ip-address ip-mask | any }
[ source-protocol-port ] { destination-ip-address
ip-mask | any } [ destination-protocol-port ]

8.2.4 Configure IPv6 ACL

Please configure IPv6 ACL for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ipv6-access-list acl-number { deny | Confiugre IPv6 ACL.

permit } { next-header-value | icmpv6 | ipv6 | tcp |
udp } [ traffic-class class-id ] [ flow-label label-id ]
{ source-ipv6-address/mask | any }
{ destination-ipv6-address/mask | any }

8.2.5 Configure MAC ACL

Please configure MAC ACL for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#mac-access-list acl-number Confiugre MAC ACL.

{ deny | permit } [ protocol-id | arp | ip | rarp |
any ] { source-mac-address mask | any}
{ destination-mac-address mask | any }

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8.2.6 Configure MAP ACL

Please configure MAP ACL for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#access-list-map acl-number Create M AP A CL list a nd e nter ACLMAP

{ deny | permit } configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match mac (Optional) Define m atch rule f or sour ce or
{ destination | source } mac-address mask destination MAC a ddress. By default, dont
match MAC address.
4 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match cos cos-value (Optional) Define m atch rule f or Cos value.
By default, dont match Cos value.
5 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ethertype (Optional) Define m atch rule for Ethernet
ethertype [ ethertype-mask ] frame type. By default, dont match Ethernet
frame t ype. Both ethertype and
ethertype-mask are he x-decimal di gitals in
format of HHHH.
6 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match { arp | eapol |
(Optional) Define match rule for upper layer
flowcontrol | icmpv6 | ip | ipv6 | loopback |
protocol t ype car ried by l aryer-2 packets
mpls | mpls-mcast | pppoe | pppoedisc |
slowprotocol | x25 | x75 }
7 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match arp opcode (Optional) Define m atch r ule f or ARP
{ request | reply } protocol t ype ( reply pa cket/request pa cket).
By default, dont match ARP protocol type.
8 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match arp (Optional) Define m atch rule for MA C
{ sender-mac | target-mac } mac-address address of ARP packet. By de fault, do nt
match MAC address for ARP packet.
9 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match arp (Optional) Define m atch rule f or IP addres s
{ sender-ip | target-ip } ip-address [ ip-mask ] of ARP packet. By de fault, don t m atch IP
address of ARP packet.
10 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip (Optional) Define m atch rule f or sour ce or
{ destination-address | source-address } destination IP address. By default, dont match
ip-address [ ip-mask ] IP address.
11 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip
(Optional) Define m atch rule f or IP packet
precedence { precedence-value | routine |
priority. By de fault, don t m atch IP packet
priority | immediate | flash | flash-override |
critical | internet | network }
12 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip tos
(Optional) Define match r ule for ToS value
{ tos-value | normal | min-monetary-cost |
of IP packet priority. By default, dont match
min-delay | max-reliability |
ToS value of IP packet priority.
max-throughput }
13 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip dscp
(Optional) Define match rule for DSCP value
{ dscp-value | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 |
of IP packet. By de fault, do nt match DSCP
af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 |
value of IP packet.
cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | default }
14 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip protocol
(Optional) Define m atch r ule f or pr otocol
{ protocol-id | ahp | esp | gre | icmp | igmp |
value of IP packet. By default, dont match.
igrp | ipinip | ospf | pcp | pim | tcp | udp }

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Step Configuration Description

15 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip tcp
{destination-port|source-port} {port-id
(Optional) Define m atch r ule f or por t ID o f
|bgp|domain|echo|exec|finger|ftp| ftp-data|
TCP packet. By default, dont match port ID
gopher|hostname|ident|irc|klogin| kshell| login|
of TCP packet.
lpd|nntp|pim-auto-rp|pop2|pop3|smtp |sunrpc|
16 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip tcp { ack | (Optional) Define m atch rule f or TCP
fin | psh | rst | syn | urg } protocol t ag. By de fault, don t m atch TCP
protocol tag.
17 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip udp
{destination-port | source-port}
(Optional) Define m atch rule f or po rt ID o f
{port-id|biff|bootpc|bootps|domain |
UDP packet. By default, dont match port ID
echo|mobile-ip|netbios-dgm|netbios-ns |
of UDP packet.
18 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip icmp (Optional) Define m atch rule for m essage
icmp-type-id [ icmp-code ] type of ICMP packet. By default, dont match
message type of ICMP packet.
19 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ip igmp (Optional) Define m atch rule for m essage
{igmp-type-id|dvmrp| query|leave-v2| type of IGMP packet. By de fault, don t
report-v1|report-v2|report-v3 | pim-v1} match message type of IGMP packet.
20 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ipv6 (Optional) Define m atch rule f or sour ce or
{ destination-address | source-address } destination a ddress of IPv6 packet. By
ipv6-address/mask default, dont match source or destination
address of IPv6 packet.
21 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ipv6 (Optional) Define match rule for flow tag of
flow-label label-id IPv6 packet. By default, dont match flow tag
of IPv6 packet.
22 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ipv6 protocol (Optional) Define m atch r ule f or pr otocol
protocol-id value of IPv6 packet. By default, dont match
protocol value of IPv6 packet.
23 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match ipv6 (Optional) Define m atch rule for f low
traffic-class class-id classification of IPv6 packet. By de fault,
dont m atch flow c lassification of IPv6
24 Raisecom(config-aclmap)#match user-define (Optional) Confiugre m atch r ule f or
rule-string rule-mask offset user-defined field, that is, two pa rameters of
rule mask and offset take an y b yte f rom the
former 64 b ytes of da ta f rame, t hen
comparing with user-defined rule to filter out
matched data frame for processing.
For e xample, if w ant to f ilter a ll T CP
packets, user can defines t he r ule as 06,
rule mask is EF, offset is 27, the rule mask
and of fset v alue w ork t ogether t o f ilter out
content of T CP pr otocol I D f ield, then
comparing with rule and match with all TCP
Note: Rule must be even number of he x
digital, offset inc ludes f ield 802.1q V LAN
Tag, make the device receives untag packets.
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8.2.7 ACL application on device

Please configure ACL for the device as below.
Note: ACL c annot ta ke e ffective unt il a dding ACL int o filter. Multiple A CL match rules c an be
added into filter to form multiple filter rules. When configuring filter, the order to add ACL match
rule de cides pr iority of t he r ule. The l ater the rul es a re added, t he hi gher t he pr iority is. If the
multiple rules are conflicted in matching calculation, take the higher priority rule as standard. Please
pay attention to the order of rules when setting the commands so as to filter packets correctly.

ACL application over whole device

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#filter Configure filter for the whole device. If configure

{ access-list-map | ip-access-list | parameter of statistics system will statistic
ipv6-access-list | mac-access-list } accounts according to filter rule.
{ all | acl-list } [ statistics ]
3 Raisecom(config)#filter enable Enable filter and the rules becom effective.
Enable filter can not only active the fitler rules,
but also make the filter rules set later become
effective. By default, system doesnt enable filter,
the command of filter disable can disable filter.

ACL application over interface

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#filter { access-list-map Configure filter on interface. If configure

| ip-access-list | ipv6-access-list | parameter of statistics system will statistic
mac-access-list } { all | acl-list } { ingress accounts according to filter rule.
| egress } port-list port-list [ statistics ]
3 Raisecom(config)#filter enable Enable filter and the rules becom effective.
Enable filter can not only active the fitler rules,
but also make the filter rules set later become
effective. By default, system doesnt enable filter,
the command of filter disable can disable filter.

ACL application over traffic flow from ingress port to egress port

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#filter { access-list-map | Configure flow filter from ingress port to egress

ip-access-list | ipv6-access-list | port. If configure parameter of statistics system
mac-access-list } { all | acl-list } from will statistic accounts according to filter rule.
port-id to port-id [ statistics ]
3 Raisecom(config)#filter enable Enable filter and the rules becom effective.
Enable filter can not only active the fitler rules,
but also make the filter rules set later become
effective. By default, system doesnt enable filter,
the command of filter disable can disable filter.

ACL application over VLAN

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#filter Configure VLAN filter. If configure parameter of

{ access-list-map | ip-access-list | statistics system will statistic accounts according
ipv6-access-list | mac-access-list } to filter rule.
{ all | acl-list } vlan vlan-id
[ double-tagging inner | statistics ]
3 Raisecom(config)#filter enable Enable filter and the rules becom effective.
Enable filter can not only active the fitler rules,
but also make the filter rules set later become
effective. By default, system doesnt enable filter,
the command of filter disable can disable filter.

8.2.8 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom(config)#show ip-access-list [ acl-list ] Show IP ACL configuration.

2 Raisecom(config)#show ipv6-access-list [ acl-list ] Show IPv6 ACL configuration.

3 Raisecom(config)#show mac-access-list [ acl-list ] Show MAC ACL configuration.

4 Raisecom(config)#show access-list-map Show MAP ACL configuration.

[ acl-number ]
5 Raisecom(config)#show filter [ filter-number-list ] Show filter configuration.

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8.3 Configure RADIUS

8.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

User can deploy RADIUS server in network to take authentication and accounting so as to control
user access to de vice and network. This device can be used as agent of RADIUS server, which
authorizes user accessing according to feedback from RADIUS. Preconditions


8.3.2 Default configuration of RADIUS

The default configuration of RADIUS is as below:

Function Default value

RADIUS accounting function Disable

IP address of RADIUS server

IP address of RADIUS accounting server

Port No. of RADIUS authentication server 1812

Port No. of RADIUS accounting server 1813

Shared key communicated with RADIUS N/A

accounting server
Strategy for dealing with failed accountion online

Update message transmission period 0

8.3.3 Configure RADIUS authentication

Please configure RADIUS authentication for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address Configure IPv4 address.

ip-address ip-mask vlan-id
4 Raisecom(config-ip)#end Return privileged EXEC mode.

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom#radius [ backup ] ip-address Assign IP address and port ID for RADIUS

authentication server. Configure backup parameter
to assign RADIUS authentication server for backup.
6 Raisecom#radius-key string Configure shared key for RADIUS authentication.

7 Raisecom#user login { local-radius | Configure use login authentication by RADIUS.

local-user | radius-local
[ server-no-response ] | radius-user }
8 Raisecom#enable login { local-radius | Configure RADIUS authentication mode for user
local-user | radius-local entering privileged EXEC mode.
[ server-no-response ] | radius-user }

8.3.4 Configure RADIUS accounting

Please configure RADIUS accounting for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address Configure IPv4 address.
ip-address ip-mask vlan-id
4 Raisecom(config-ip)#end Return privileged EXEC mode.

5 Raisecom#aaa accounting login Enable RADIUS accounting function. By default,

enable system doesnt enable RADIUS accounting function,
use the command of aaa accounting login disable to
disable RADIUS accounting function.
6 Raisecom#radius [ backup ] Assigne IP address and UDP port ID for RADIUS
accounting-server ip-address accounting server. By default, UDP port ID is 1813.
[ account-port ] Confiugre parameter of backup to assign backup
RADIUS accounting server.
7 Raisecom#radius accounting-server Configure sharing key to communicate with RADIUS
key string accounting server, otherwise accounding
unsuccessfully. By default, the key is empty.
8 Raisecom#aaa accounting fail Configure strategy for dealing with failed accounting.
{ offline | online } By default, it is online, that is to allow login after
accounting unsuccessfully.
9 Raisecom#aaa accounting update Configure accounting update packets sending period.
update-time If configured as 0, never send accounting update
packet. By default, the period is 0.
Note: RADIUS accounting server can record access
time and operation for each user through accounting
starting packets, update packets and finish packets.

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8.3.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show radius-server Show RADIUS server configuration.

8.4 Configure TACACS+

8.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

User c an a uthenticate a nd c harge us er by de ploying TACACS+ server i n network t o c ontrol user

access to device and network. TACACS+ is safer and more reliable than RADIUS. This device can
be us ed a s a gent of TACACS+ server, authorize us er accessing according t o result feedback f rom
TACACS+. Preconditions


8.4.2 Default configuration of TACACS+

The default configuration of TACACS+ is as below:

Function Default value

TACACS+ function status Disable

Login mode local-user

IP address of TACACS+ server, shown as --

IP address of TACACS+ accounting server, shown as --

Shared key communicated with TACACS+ Null

accounting server
Strategy for dealing with failed accountion online

Update message transmission period 0

8.4.3 Configure TACACS+ authentication

Please configure TACACS+ authentication for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip Enter layer-3 interface configuration

if-number mode.
3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address Configure IPv4 address.
ip-address ip-mask vlan-id
4 Raisecom(config-ip)#end Return privileged EXEC mode.

5 Raisecom#tacacs-server [ backup ] Assign IP address for TACACS+

ip-address authentication server. Configure parameter
of backup to assign backup TACACS+
authentication server.
6 Raisecom#tacacs-server key string Configure sharing key for TACACS+
7 Raisecom#user login { local-tacacs | Confiugre user login to be authenticated by
local-user | tacacs-local TACACS+.
[ server-no-response ] |
tacacs-user }
8 Raisecom#enable login { | Configure TACACS+ authentication mode
local-tacacs | local-user | for user entering privileged EXEC mode.
tacacs-local [ server-no-response ] |
tacacs-user }

8.4.4 Configure TACACS+ accountion

Please configure TACACS+ accounting for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address ip-address Configure IPv4 address.

ip-mask vlan-id
4 Raisecom(config-ip)#end Return privileged EXEC mode.

5 Raisecom#aaa accounting login enable Enable TACACS+ accounting function. By default,

system doesnt enable TACACS+ accounting
function, use the command of aaa accounting login
disable to disable TACACS+ accounting function.
6 Raisecom#tacacs [ backup ] Assigne IP address for TACACS+ accounting server.
accounting-server ip-address Confiugre parameter of backup to assign backup
TACACS+ accounting server.
7 Raisecom#tacacs-server key string Configure sharing key to communicate with
TACACS+ accounting server
8 Raisecom#aaa accounting fail { offline | Configure strategy for dealing with failed accounting.
online } By default, it is online, that is to allow login after
accounting unsuccessfully.

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Step Configuration Description

9 Raisecom#aaa accounting update period Configure to update accounting packets transmission

period. If configured as 0, never send accounting
update packet. By default, the period is 0.

8.4.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show tacacs-server Show TACACS+ server configuration.

2 Raisecom#show radius-server Show TACACS+ accounting configuration.

Note: Use the command of show
radius-server to check TACACS+ and
RADIUS accountiong configuration. By
default the authentication information is
RADIUS authentication configuration.

8.5 Configure storm suppression

8.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Configure storm suppression in layer-2 network can control the broadcast storm when the broadcast
packets increasing in network and then ensure unicast be forwarded normally.

The f ollowing f lows m ay c ause br oadcast f low, us er needs t o s et r ate l imit on l ayer-2 device f or
themre spectively:

Unknown uni cast flow: de stination MAC is unicast f low not existing in MAC table,
broadcast this flow on layer-2 device.
Multicast flow: destination MAC is multicast flow, broadcast this flow on layer-2 device.
Broadcast flow: destination MAC is broadcast flow, broadcast this flow on layer-2 device. Preconditions

Connect interfaces and configure physical pa rameters f or i nterface be fore con figuring s torm
suppression and make physical interface is Up.

8.5.2 Default configuration of storm suppression

The default configuration of storm suppression is as below:

Function Default value

Storm suppression status of broadcast flow Enable

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Function Default value

Storm suppression status of multicast flow and unicast flow Disable

Storm suppression threshold 1024pps

8.5.3 Configure storm suppression function

Please enable storm control on the device and configure as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#storm-control Enable storm control function for broadcast

{ broadcast | dlf | multicast } { enable | flow, multicast flow and unknown unicast
disable } port-list port-list flow. By default, broadcast storm function for
broadcast flow is enabled, multicast and
unknown unicast storm control are disabled.
3 Raisecom(config)#storm-control pps value Configure threshold for storm control. By
default, threshold is 1024pps.

8.5.4 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show storm-control Show storm control configuration.

8.6 Maintenance
User can maintain system security through below command.

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear filter Clear statistic result of filter.

statistics [ filter-number-list ]
Raisecom#clear tacacs statistics Clear TACACS+ statistics.

8.7 Configuring applications

8.7.1 Configure ACL application Networking requirement

As the Figure 8-1 shows below, configure ACL denies to access server on
Switch A to restrict client access server.

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Figure 8-1 ACL application networking Configuration steps

Configure IP ACL.
Raisecom(config)#ip-access-list 1 permit ip any any
Raisecom(config)#ip-access-list 2 deny ip
Apply ACL on Port 1 of Switch A.
Raisecom(config)#filter ip-access-list 1-2 ingress port-list 1
Raisecom(config)#filter enable Show result

Check whether IP ACL configuration is correct by the command of show ip-access-list.

Raisecom#show ip-access-list
Src Ip: Source Ip Address
Dest Ip: Destination Ip Address
List Access Protocol Ref. Src Ip:Port Dest Ip:Port
1 permit IP 1
2 deny IP 1
Check whether the filter configuration is valid by the command of show filter.
Raisecom#show filter
Rule filter: Enable
Filter list(Larger order number, Higher priority):
Order ACL-Index IPort EPort VLAN VLANType Hardware StatHw Pkts
1 IP 1 port1 -- -- -- Yes No --
2 IP 2 port1 -- -- -- Yes No --

8.7.2 Configure RADIUS application Networking requirement

As the Figure 8-2 shows below, user needs to configure RADIUS authentication and accounting
features on Switch A to authenticate login users on Switch A and record the operations. The packets

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update transmitting interval is 2 minutes. User will be offline if the accounting fails.

Figure 8-2 RADIUS application networking Configuration steps

Configure user login authentication through RADIUS.

Raisecom#radius-key raisecom
Raisecom#user login radius-user
Raisecom#enable login local-radius
Configure user login accounting through RADIUS.
Raisecom#aaa accounting login enable
Raisecom#radius accounting-server
Raisecom#radius accounting-server key raisecom
Raisecom#aaa accounting fail offline
Raisecom#aaa accounting update 2 Show result

Show RADIUS configuration by the command of show radius-server.

Raisecom#show radius-server
Authentication server IP: port:1812
Backup authentication server IP: port:1812
Authentication server key: raisecom
Accounting server IP: port:1813
Backup accounting server IP: port:1813
Accounting server key: raisecom
Accounting login: enable
Update interval: 2
Accounting fail policy: offline
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8.7.3 Configure TACACS+ application Networking requirement

As the Figure 8-3 shows be low, configure TACACS+ a uthentication on Switch A to authenticate
login user and control user access to device.

Figure 8-3 TACACS+ application networking Configuration steps

Configure user login authentication through TACACS+.

Raisecom#tacacs-server key raisecom
Raisecom#user login tacacs-user
Raisecom#enable login local-tacacs Show result

Show TACACS+ configuration by the command of show tacacs-server.

Raisecom#show tacacs-server
Server Address:
Backup Server Address: --
Sever Shared Key: raisecom
Accounting server Address: --
Backup Accounting server Address: --
Total Packet Sent: 0
Total Packet Recv: 0
Num of Error Packets: 0

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8.7.4 Configure storm suppressionapplication Networking requirement

As the Figure 8-4 shows be low, to restrict influence on Switch A c aused by broadcast storm, user
needs to configure storm suppression feature on Switch A to control broadcast packets and unknown
unicast packets, threshold is 2000pps.

Figure 8-4 Storm suppression application networking Configuration steps

Configure storm control function on Switch A.

Raisecom(config)#storm-control broadcast enable port-list 1-2
Raisecom(config)#storm-control dlf enable port-list 1-2
Raisecom(config)#storm-control pps 2000 Show result

Show storm control configuration by the command of show storm-control.

Raisecom#show storm-control
Threshold: 2000 pps
Interface Broadcast Multicast Unicast
port1 Enable Disable Enable
port2 Enable Disable Enable
port3 Enable Disable Disable
port4 Enable Disable Disable
port5 Enable Disable Disable
port6 Enable Disable Disable

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Chapter 9 Reliability

This chapter introduces basic principle and configuration of network reliability and provides related
configuration applications.

Configure link aggregation
Configure interface backup
Configure Ethernet ring
Configuring applications

9.1 Overview
Ethernet is becoming more and more widely used for its simple structure, high-efficient and
cost-effective f eatures. One of t he i mportant reasons to restrict Ethernet ap plication in
telecommunication is the tr aditional E thernet r eliability. Packeting services ar e pr esented in burst
mode usually; it is difficult to ensure invariable traffic. As two features of Ethernet, statistic TDM
and a ddress l earning s ystem pr ovide e fficient a nd f lexible ba ndwidth a nd m eanwhile i mport
incertitude for service bandwidth and path.

In order to improve Ethernet reliability and meet demands of telecommunication network, customer
can deploy special reliability technology in Ethernet.

9.1.1 Link aggregation

Link aggregation function is t o aggregate s everal ph ysical E thernet i nterface t ogether and make a
trunk group by logically, a nd c onsider the several physical links in one trunk group a s one logical
link. This f unction r ealizes f low l oad s haring among m ember i nterfaces in a t runk gr oup, t hen
improve link reliability among devices and increase bandwidth without upgrading hardware.
The device is in support of two link aggregation modes:

Manual aggregation mode

This mode is to add several physical interface into a Trunk group and make up a logical interface.
The link under one logical link can realize load sharing. This mode is not convenient for watch link
aggregation interface status.

Static LACP aggregation mode

LACP (Link A ggregation C ontrol Protocol) pr otocol is ba sed on IEEE802.3ad recommendation.
LACP exchanges information with peer through LACPDU (Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data
Unit). After enabling LACP of a interface, it notifies the peer its own LACP priority, system MAC,
interface LACP priority, port ID and operation Key via sending LACPDU.

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The pe er r eceives L ACPDU and com pares i nformation with other interfaces received, c hoosing
interface i n Selected status. The i nterfaces at bot h ends be come consi stent i n Selected status. The
operation Key pe rforms a ggregation a nd c ontrol on t he a utomatical ge nerated c onfiguration gr oup
according to the interface configuration (speed, duplex mode, Up/Down status, basic configuration
information, etc.).

The m ain difference be tween static LACP aggregation a nd m anual a ggregation is: s tatic LACP
aggregation m ode ha s standby l ink, w hile a ll t he member i nterfaces of m anual a ggregation a re i n
forwarding status and share loading flow.

Link aggregation is the most widely used and simplest function in Ethernet reliability technology.

9.1.2 Interface backup

Double-upstream networking is one of the most commonly used application networks, which often
blocks redundant links through the Spanning T ree Protocol for backup. Although this solution c an
meet customer redundancy backup demand in function, it cannot achieve the requirements of many
users in performance. Even with the rapid migration of Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, it can only get
a second level convergence, which is a very bad performance parameter for high-end Ethernet switch
used in carrier-class network core.

RAISECOM pr oprietary i nterface ba ckup s olution aims a t d ouble-upstream networking t o a chieve

the redundancy backup of master standby link and rapid migration. The program is tailor-made for
double-upstream networking, which not onl y ensures the performance, b ut also simplifies the

Interface ba ckup function is the ot her solution for STP pr otocol. Users can configure i nterface
manually to achieve the ba sic link redundancy when disabling S TP function. If the s witch enables
STP, the interface backup function will be disabled because STP already provides similar function.

Interface backup function can be achieved by setting interface backup group, which contains a pair
of interfaces, one is master interface and the other is standby interface. The master interface located
link is called master link, while the standby interface located link is called standby link. The member
interface in interface backup group is in support of physical interface and link aggregation group, but
not layer-3 interface.
In the interface backup group, when one interface is in forwarding (Up) state, the other will be in
standby (Standby) state. Any time, only one in two interfaces is in the forwarding state. The interface
in standby state will change to forwarding state to maintain the normal link when there is link failure
in forwarding state interface.

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Figure 9-1 Interface backup networking

Interface backup principle is shown in Figure 9-1. Port 1 and Port 2 on Switch A are connected with
the upstream switches respectively, the interface forwarding state is as follows:

In normal state, Port 1 on Switch A is master interface, Port 2 is standby interface, Port 1 and
upstream switch forward messages, while Port 2 and the upstream switch not.
When there is link failure between Port 1 and upstream switch, the standby interface Port 2
and upstream switch forward messages.
When the Port 1 link failure is recovered and kept for a period of time (restore delay), Port 1
will change to forwarding state, Port 2 becomes standby state.
The s witch will s end a Trap to report ne twork management s ystem when the master i nterface a nd
standby interface switch with each other. Interface backup over VLAN

Interface backup can be used on VLAN to make the two interfaces forward concurrently on different
VLAN. In Figure 9 -2, interface ba ckup function over V LAN i s achi eved by cr eating VLAN and
adding interface to it.
Figure 9-2 Sketch map of Interface backup over VLAN

Figure 9-2 Sketch map of Interface backup over VLAN

In different VLAN, the interface forwarding state is as follows:

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Under norm al circumstances, configure S witch A i n VLAN 10 0~VLAN 150, P ort 1 as

master interface, Port 2 as standby interface; in VLAN 151 ~VLAN 200, P ort 2 is m aster
interface, Port 1 is standby interface. Then, Port 1 forwards traffic in VLAN 100~VLAN 150,
Port 2 forwards traffic in VLAN 151~VLAN 200.
When Port 1 has link failure, Port 2 is re sponsible for for warding traffic in VLAN
100~VLAN 200.
When Port 1 recovers normal and keeps for a period of time (restore delay), Port 1 forwards
traffic in VLAN 100~VLAN 150, Port 2 forwards traffic in VLAN 151~VLAN 200.
Using this method, interface backup over VLAN can be used for load balancing. At the same time,
this application doesnt depend on the uplink switch configuration and is easy for user to operate.

9.1.3 ELPS
ELPS (Ethernet Linear Protection Switching) is an APS (Automatic Protection Switching) protocol
over IT U-T G.8031 r ecommendation. It is a n end-to-end pr otection t echnology us ed t o pr otect a n
Ethernet connection.
ELPS de ploys pr otection r esources f or w orking r esources, l ike pa th a nd ba ndwidth, e tc. E LPS
technology takes a simple and fast predictable mode to realize network resource switching, easier for
carrier to program network more efficiently and know network active status.

9.1.4 ERPS
ERPS (Ethernet Ring Protection Switching) is an APS protocol over ITU-T G.8032 recommendation.
It is special used in Ethernet ring link protocol. Generally, ERPS can avoid broadcast storm caused
by data loopback. When Ethernet has loop or device malfault, ERPS can switch the link to backup
link and ensure service restore quickly.

ERPS t akes t he s pcial VLAN i n r ing ne twork t o t ransmit r ing ne twork c ontrol i nformation a nd
meanwhile, combining with the topology feature of ring network to discover network fault quickly
and enable backup link to restore service fast.

9.1.5 Ethernet ring

With the development of Ethernet to the MAN, voice, video and multicast service has come up with
higher re quirements to the E thernet r edundancy protection a nd fault r ecovery t ime. The fault
recovery convergence time of original STP mechanism is in the second level, which is far to meet
the fault recovery time requirements of MAN.

Ethernet ring technology is RAISECOM independent research and development protocol, which can
ensure that there is data loop in Ethernet by blocking some interface on the ring. Ethernet ring solves
the problems of weak protection to traditional data network and long time to fault recovery, which,
in theory, can provide 50ms rapid protection features.

Shown in Figure 9-3, blocked interface node is the master node, other nodes are transmission nodes.
The master node generates by election. Each node can specify one loop interface as the first interface,
the other as the second interface. The master node usually sends Hello messages periodically from
the f irst int erface and receives Hello message s ent by i tself in t he s econd i nterface unde r t he
circumstance of complete Ethernet ring. Then the master node w ill block the f irst int erface
immediately to ensure there is no l oop when the ring network is in a complete s tate. For the other
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nodes on t he Ethernet ring, the first interface No. and the second interface No. play the same role
Ethernet ring generates master node by the election, so each node needs to collect device information
on Ethernet ring, only the right collection leads to correct election. Topology collection is completed
by Hello messages, which contain all nodes information the node collected from the other interface.
The normal state of Ethernet ring is shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3 Sketch map of Ethernet ring in normal status

According to the interface state of node ring, the ring node state can be divided into three types:
Down: At least one of the two Ethernet ring interfaces is Down;
Block: At least one of the two Ethernet ring interfaces is Block;
Two-Forwarding: Both Ethernet ring interfaces are Forwarding.
The election rules of master node are as follows:

In all nodes on t he ring, node with Down state is prior for master node, followed by Block
and Two-Forward.
If the nodes are in the same state, the node with high-priority Bridge is master node.
If the nodes have the same state and priority, the node with large Mac is master node.
Interface Block rules:
If the node is not master node, the two interfaces are Forwarding.
If the node is master node, then one of two interfaces is Block, the other is Forwarding. Rules
are as follows:
Interface with Down link is prior for Block;
Both interfaces are Down, the Block is the first interface;
Both interfaces are Up, the Block is the first interface;
The Ethernet ring link failure is shown in Figure 9-4.

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Figure 9-4 Sketch map of Ethernet ring in switching status

Once there is link failure (such as link break), the failure adjacent node or interface will check the
fault i mmediately and send link failure messages to master node . T he master node will e nable the
first interface onc e r eceiving the m essages, in the meantime, send messages t o notify other
transmission nodes about the link failure and inform them to change transmission direction. The data
traffic will be switched to normal link after the transmission nodes updating forwarding entry.
When the failed link is restored, the failed node does not enable the blocked port immediately until
the ne w t opology c ollection i s s table. The origin node will f ind itself the m aster node, after som e
time de lay, it w ill block hi s f irst i nterface, a nd send Change m essages t o notify t he failed node
enabling the blocked interface.

9.2 Configure link aggregation

9.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Link a ggregation f unction can pr ovide hi gher communication bandwidth a nd r eliability f or l ink
between two devices. It aggregates several physical Ethernet interface together and make one logical
link. This f unction realizes upbound a nd downbound flow l oad s haring a mong m ember i nterfaces
and then increases bandwidth; at the same time, the member interfaces are dynamic to one another
which improve link reliability. Preconditions

Please configure interface physical pa rameters be fore c onfiguring l ink a ggregation a nd m ake
interface physical layer in Up status.

9.2.2 Default configuration of link aggregation

The default configuration of link aggregation is as below:

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Function Default value

Link aggregation function status Enable

Load balancing mode Sxordmac mode

Link aggregation group Existence, and for manual mode

LACP system priority 32768

LACP interface priority 32768

LACP interface mode active

LACP timeout mode fast

9.2.3 Configure link aggregation in manual mode

Please configure manual link aggregation for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter aggregation group configuration mode.

port-channel port-channel-number
3 Raisecom(config-aggregator)#mode Configure manual link aggregation mode.
4 Raisecom(config-aggregator)#exit Return to global configuration mode.

5 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

6 Raisecom(config-port)#channel group Add interface to link aggregation group.

7 Raisecom(config-port)#exit Return to global configuration mode.

8 Raisecom(config)#link-aggregation (Optional) Enable link aggregation. By default,

enable system enables this function. The command of
link-aggregation disable can disable it.
9 Raisecom(config)#link-aggregation (Optional) Configure load sharing mode of link
loading-sharing mode { dip | dmac | sip aggregation group. By default, the system adopts
| smac | sportxorsxordmac | sxordip | sxordmac mode, i.e. choose forwarding interface
sxordmac } according to the logical result of source and
destination MAC address.
Note: In one link aggregation group, the member interfaces take part in load sharing must have
identical c onfiguration, or e lse, t he da ta f orwarding w ill be a pr oblem. The c onfiguration i ncludes
STP, QoS, QinQ, VLAN, interface attributes, MAC address learning:
STP c onfiguration: int erface S TP e nable/disable s tatus, link attributes c onnects to the
interface (point-to-point or not), interface path overhead, STP priority, packets sending rate
limit, loopback protection, root protection, edge port or not.
QoS c onfiguration: f low m onitor, f low r eshaping, j am a voidance, i nterface r ate l imit, S P
queue, WRR queue, interface priority, interface trust mode.
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QinQ configuration: interface QinQ enable/disable status, added outer VLAN Tag, policy for
adding outer VLAN Tag by different inner VLANID.
VLAN c onfiguration: i nterface pe rmitting V LAN, de fault V LAN I D, i nterface l ink t ype
(Trunk, Hybrid, A ccess), s ub-net VL AN configuration, V LAN packets w ith T ag
configuration or not.
Interface at tributes conf iguration: i nterface i s adde d into i solation gr oup or not , i nterface
speed, duplex mode, link up.down status.
MAC a ddress l earning c onfiguration: M AC a ddress l earning e nable/disable, i nterface w ith
max. Learning MAC address number limit or not, MAC address table can control forwarding
when it is full.

9.2.4 Configure static LACP link aggregation

Please configure static LACP link aggregation for the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#lacp system-priority (Optional) Configure system LACP pr iority. The

system-priority higher pr iority e nd i s a ctive e nd. L ACP c hooses
active and backup interfaces according to the active
end c onfiguration. The s maller t he num ber i s, the
higher t he pr iority i s. By default, system LACP
priority is 32768. The smaller system MAC address
device will be chosen as active end if devices
system LACP priorities are identical.
3 Raisecom(config)#lacp timeout { fast | (Optional) Configure LACP timeout mode.
slow }
4 Raisecom(config)#interface port-channel
Enter link aggregation group configuration mode.
5 Raisecom(config-aggregator)#mode
Configure static LACP link aggregation group.
6 Raisecom(config-aggregator)#{ max-active (Optional) Configure max. or m in. a ctive l inks
| min-active } links number number for LACP link aggregation group.
7 Raisecom(config-aggregator)#exit Return to global configuration mode.

8 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

9 Raisecom(config-port)#channel group Add member interfaces into LACP link aggregation

group-id group.
10 Raisecom(config-port)#lacp port-priority (Optional) Configure interface LACP priority. T he
port-priority priority inf luents de fault int erface s election for
LACP. By default, system LACP priority is 32768.
11 Raisecom(config-port)#lacp mode { active (Optional) Configure LACP m ode f or m ember
| passive } interface. By de fault i s i n act ive mode. LACP
connection will fail when both ends of a link are in
passive mode.
12 Raisecom(config-port)#exit Return to global configuration mode.

13 Raisecom(config)#link-aggregation (Optional) Enable link aggregation. By default, It is

enable enabled. The c ommand of link-aggregation
disable can disable this function.
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Interface in s tatic LACP l ink a ggregation gr oup can b e i n a ctive or s tandby s tatus. Both
active interface and standby i nterface can receive/transmit LACP p ackets, but s tandby
interface cannot forward client packets.
System chooses default interface in the order of neighbor discover, interface maximum speed,
interface hi ghest LACP pr iority, interface minimum ID. The int erface is in active s tatus by
default, the interface with identical speed, identical peer and identical device operation key is
also in active status; other interfaces are in standby status.

9.2.5 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show lacp Show loc al s ystem LACP int erface s tatus, mark, interface
internal [ detail ] priority, management key, operation key and status of interface
status machine.
2 Raisecom#show lacp Show ne ighbor LACP information, i ncluding mark, interface
neighbor[ detail ] priority, device ID, Age, operation key value, interface ID and
status of interface status machine.
3 Raisecom#show lacp Show i nterface LACP statistic inf ormation, including total
statistics [ port-list receiving a nd t ransmitting number L ACP pa ckets, r eceiving
port-list ] and t ransmitting num ber o f M arker pa ckets, r eceiving a nd
transmitting number of Marker Response packets, as well as
error packets.
4 Raisecom#show lacp Show gl obal e nable c ondition of loc al s ystem LACP, de vice
sys-id ID, including system LACP priority and system MAC address.
5 Raisecom#show Show c urrent s ystem link a ggregation e nable/disable, link
link-aggregation aggregation load sharing mode, group member interface set by
all c urrent link aggregation groups and current effective
member interfaces.
Note: Current ef fective member interface i ndicates t he
interface list in Up status in group member interfaces.

9.3 Configure interface backup

9.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Configure interface backup function to achieve the redundancy backup and quick switch of master
and s tandby l inks w hen di sabling S TP f unction.It a lso c an a chieve t he l oad balancing b etween
interfaces by interface backup over VLAN.
Compared with STP function, interface backup ensures the fast millisecond switching and simplifies
the configuration.

www.raisecom.com User Manual Preconditions

Finish the following tasks before configuring interface backup:

Create VLAN
Add interface to VLAN
Disable STP function

9.3.2 Default configuration of interface backup

The default configuration of interface backup is as below:

Function Default value

Interface backup group N/A

Recovery time 15s

Recovery mode Interface connection mode (port-up)

9.3.3 Configure the basic function of interface backup

Please configure the basic function of interface backup as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration

interface-type primary-interface-number mode or aggregation group configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure interface backup group.
backup interface-type
Configure interface backup-interface-number as
backup-interface-number [ vlanlist
standby interface, while
vlan-list ]
primary-interface-number as master interface on
Raisecom(config-aggregator)#switchport VLAN list.
backup interface-type
If configure interface backup group not
backup-interface-number [ vlanlist assigningVLAN list, the default VLAN range is
vlan-list ]
4 Raisecom(config-port)#exit Return global configuration mode.


5 Raisecom(config)#switchport backup (Optional) Configure fault recovery delay time.

restore-delay period
6 Raisecom(config)#switchport backup (Optional) Configure recovery mode.
restore-mode { disable |
neighbor-discover | port-up }
In one interface backup group, on interface cannot be master interface and standby interface
at the same time.
On t he s ame VLAN, one i nterface/link a ggregation gr oup c annot be a m ember of bot h
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interface standby group simultaneously.

If configuring one link aggregation group as a member of interface backup group, it needs to
configure the member interface with the minimum interface No. in link aggregation group as
interface ba ckup member. The Up s tate m ember i nterface s hows that s ome i nterfaces i n
member interface aggregation group are in Up state; the Down state member interface shoes
that some interfaces in member interface aggregation group are in Down state.

9.3.4 (Optional) Configure interface forced switch

Please configure interface forced switch as below:

The m aster a nd s tandby lnks w ill s witch w ith e ach ot her a fter c onfiguring f orced s witch
successfully; the working link will force to switch to standby link. For example, when both
the m aster i nterface and standby i nterface ar e in Up state, the da te w ill be tr ansmitted on
master link; after configuring forced switch, working link will be switched from master link
to standby link.
Interface keywords in command are s tandby interface No., optional parameters. Input
standby interface number if configuring multiple pairs of standby interface pairs under master
Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration

interface-type primary-interface-number mode or aggregation group configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#switchport Configure interface forced switch.
backup [ interface-type
Use the command of no switchport backup
backup-interface-number ] force-switch
[ interface-type backup-interface-number ]
Raisecom(config-aggregator)#switchport force-switch to disable forced switch. The
backup [ interface-type working linkwill take selection again according
backup-interface-number ] force-switch ti link state. The selection rules are as below:
Up interface priority.
Master priority if both interfaces are UP.

9.3.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show switchport backup Check interface backup state information, including

recovery delay time, recovery mode and interface
backup group information. The interface backup
group information contains master interface, standby
interface, master and standby interface states
(Up/Down/Standby) and VLAN list.

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9.4 Configure ELPS

9.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Configuring ELPS f eature in Ethernet can make Ethernet r eliability up to telecommunication level
(network self-heal time less than 50ms). It is an end-to-end protection technology used for protecting
an Ethenet link.

ELPS is in support of two protection modes: 1+1 and 1:1.

1+1 pr otection s witching m ode: de ploys a pr otection pa th f or e ach w orking path. In
protection domain, source end transmits traffic at both working path and protection path, but
destination end only choose one path to receive traffic.
1:1 protection switching mode: deploys a protection path for each working path. Traffic just
be transmitted in either working path or protection path, need APS protocol for negotiation
and the source end and destination end choose the same path.
One-way s witching a nd bi -directional s witching c an b e c hosen a ccording t o w hether bot h e nds
switches at the same time when link error.
One-way s witching: t he f ault of w hen one di rection at a l ink causes one end can r eceive
traffic, but t he ot her end cannot r eceive. In this cas e, the end cannot r eceive t raffic de tects
link error and performs switching, while the normal end doesnt detect and switch. The result
of switching is that two ends of ELPS may choose different link to receive traffic.
Bi-directional switching: when link is error, even only one direction has fault, both ends of
the link require APS protocol to negotiate and switch to backup link at the same time. The
result of s witching i s t hat t wo e nds of ELPS s hould c hoose one l ink f or t ransmitting and
This de vice doe snt di fferenciate one -way a nd bi -directional s witching unt il i n 1 +1 m ode, onl y
bi-directional switching is available in 1:1 mode.

ELPS provides two modes for fault detection:

Detecting fault over physical interface status: to get link fault quickly and switching in time,
available to neighbor devices.
Detecting fault ov er C FM: a vailable to one-way de tection or m ulti-devices ac crossing
detection. Preconditions

Finish the below tasks before configuring ELPS:

Connect i nterface a nd configure physical pa rameters f or i t, the i nterface i s Up at physical

Create VLAN
Add interface into VLAN
Configure CFP detection among devices (prepairing when adopting CFP detection mode)

9.4.2 Default configuration of ELPS

The default configuration of ELPS is as below:

Function Default value

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Function Default value

Protection group mode revertive mode

WTR timer 5min

HOLDOFF timer 0

ELPS failure information reports to Enable

network management system status
Failure detection method Physical link

9.4.3 Create protection line

Please enable ELPS on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet
line-protection line-id working Create ELPS pr otection l ine and configure
{ port port-id | port-channel protection m ode. The pr otection gr oup be comes
port-channel-number } vlan-list non-revertive mode i f configure the pa rameter of
protection { port port-id | non-revertive. In r evertive m ode, w hen w orking
port-channel port-channel-number } line f ault r ecover, traffic switches ba ck t o w orking
vlan-list { one-plus-one-bi | line from protection line; it doesnt switch back if in
one-plus-one-uni | one-to-one } non-revertive mode. By default, protection group is
[ non-revertive ] [ protocol-vlan in revertive mode.
vlan-id ]
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure ELPS protection line name.
line-protection line-id name string
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure WTR timer. In revertive mode,
line-protection line-id wtr-timer traffic waits WT R t imer ov ertime t o recover t o
wtr-timer working link after its fault restore. By default, WTR
timer value is 5 minutes.
Note: I t is be tter to configure WTR tim er a t tw o
ends c onsistent, or e lse f ast s witching i n 5 0ms
cannot be ensured.
5 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure HOLDOFF timer. After
line-protection line-id hold-off-timer configuring HOLDOFF timer, system delays process
hold-off-timer fault time when working link is error, that is to say,
it switches to protection link after a delay time to
avoid f requent s witch c aused by working l ink
change. By default, HOLDOFF timer is 0.
Note: HOLDOFF t imer configures i n large v alue
will i nfluence 50m s s witching pe rformance, i t i s
recommended to use defaulted value 0.
6 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Enable ELPS fault information reports to
line-protection trap enable NMS. It i s di sabled by de fault. The c ommand of
ethernet port-protection trap disable can di sable
this function.
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9.4.4 Configure ELPS fault detection mode

Please configure ELPS for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet line-protection Configure physical l ink de tection m ode f or

line-id { working | protection } failure-detect working path and protection path. By default
physical-link is is physical link detection mode.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet line-protection Configure CC de tection m ode f or w orking
line-id { working | protection } failure-detect cc path and protection path. The fault detection
[ md md-name ] ma ma-name level level mep mode takes effective after user finishes CFM
LocalMepid RemoteMepid related configuration.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet line-protection Configure physical link or C C de tection
line-id { working | protection } failure-detect mode f or w orking l ink or pr otection l ink.
physical-link-or-cc [ md md-name ] ma ma-name Any f ault of physical link or CC w ill be
level level mep LocalMepid RemoteMepid reported. The f ault de tection m ode t akes
effective a fter us er fi nishes C FM re lated
Note: The working path a nd protection pa th c an configure different f ault de tection mode, but it is
better to keep their configuration consistent.

9.4.5 (Optional) Configure ELPS switching control

Please configure ELPS for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet Lock out protection switch. Traffic wont switch

line-protection line-id lockout to protection link even if working link is fault.
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet Switching traffic to protection link from working
line-protection line-id force-switch link by force.
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet Switching traffic to protection link from working
line-protection line-id manual-switch link by manual, priority of this command is lower
than force switch and auto-switch.
5 Raisecom(config)#ethernet Traffic switches back to working link from
line-protection line-id protection link in non-revertive mode.
6 Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet Clear end-to-end switch control commands,
line-protection line-id end-to-end including commands of lockout, force-switch,
command manual-switch and manual-switch-to-work.
Note: By de fault, traffic will s witch t o pr otection l ink when w orking l ink i s f ault. Thus E LPS is
needed in some special conditions.

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9.4.6 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ethernet Show protection link configuration.

line-protection [ line-id ]
2 Raisecom#show ethernet Show protection line statistic information.
line-protection [ line-id ] statistics
3 Raisecom#show ethernet Show aps protocol information.
line-protection [ line-id ] aps

9.5 Configure ERPS

9.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

With the development of Ethernet to telecom level network, voice and video multicast services bring
forth higher requirements on Ethernet redundant protection and fault-restore time. The fault-restore
convergent time of current STP system is in second level that is far away to meet requirement. By
defining different roles for nodes in a ring, ERPS can break loop link and avoid broadcast storm in
normal condition. Then the service link can switch to backup link if the ring link or node faults and
remove loop, perform fault protection switch and automatic fault restore, whats more, the protection
switch t ime is l ower t han 50ms. It is i n s upport of s ingle r ing, c rossed r ings a nd t angent r ings
networking modes.

ERPS provides two fault detection modes:

Fault de tection ov er phy sical i nterface s tatus: t o ge t l ink f ault a nd s witching quickly,
available to adjacent devices.
Fault detection over CFM: available to uni-directional detection or multi-devices cross over
detection. Preconditions

Finish the below tasks before configuring ERPS:

Connect i nterface a nd configure physical pa rameters f or i t, the i nterface i s Up at physical

Create VLAN
Add interface into VLAN
Configure CFP detection among devices (prepairing when adopting CFP detection mode)

9.5.2 Default configuration of ERPS

The default configuration of ERPS is as below:

Function Default value

Protocol VLAN 1

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Function Default value

Protection ring Revertive mode

Ring WTR timer 5min

Guard timer 500ms

Ring HOLDOFF timer 0

ERPS fault information reported to network Disable

management system
Subring virtual path mode in crossiong node with mode

Ring Propagate switch in crossiong node Disable

Fault detection method Physical interface

WTB timer 5s

9.5.3 Create ERPS protection ring

Please configure ERPS for the device as below.

Only one device set can be configured as RPL (Ring Protection Link) Owner in a ring, and
one de vice s et as RPL Neighbour, other de vices c an only be configured a s ring forwarding
Tangent ring can be taken as two independent rings in fact, the configuration is identical to
common single ring; crossover rings has a master ring and a sub-ring, the configurations
please refer to the section of Create ERPS protection ring.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet Create ring and configure node as RPLOwner.

ring-protection ring-id east { port
By default, protocol VLAN is 1, blocked VLAN
port-id | port-channel
range is 1-4094.
port-channel-number } west { port
port-id | port-channel Protection ring changes to non-revertive mode if
port-channel-number } [ node-type configured parameter of not-revertive. Traffic
rpl-owner rpl { east | west } ] switches ba ck t o w orking l ink f rom pr otection
[ not-revertive ] [ protocol-vlan vlan-id ] link after working link fault restore but it doesnt
[ block-vlanlist vlan-list ] switch if in non-revertive mode. P rotection ring
is in revertive mode by default.
Note: The east-bound a nd western-bound
interface cannot be identical.

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Step Configuration Description

Raisecom(config)#ethernet Create ring and configure node as RPL

ring-protection ring-id east { port
port-id | port-channel
port-channel-number } west { port
port-id | port-channel
port-channel-number } node-type
rpl-neighbour rpl { east| west }
[ not-revertive ] [ protocol-vlan vlan-id ]
[ block-vlanlist vlan-list ]
Raisecom(config)#ethernet Create ring and configure node as ring
ring-protection ring-id east { port forwarding node.
port-id | port-channel
port-channel-number } west { port
port-id | port-channel
port-channel-number } [ not-revertive ]
[ protocol-vlan vlan-id ] [ block-vlanlist
vlan-list ]
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure ring name. The length of
ring-protection ring-id name string
name cannot exceed 32 strings.

4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure protocol version. All nodes

ring-protection ring-id version { 1 | 2 } in one r ing m ust be c onsistent, v ersion 1
differenciate r ing v ia pr otocol VLAN, s o
different r ings ne ed configure different pr otocol
VLAN, and so do version 2. By default, using
protocol version 1.
5 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) D uring f ault nod e r estore t ime, a fter
ring-protection ring-id guard-time configuring Guard timer it doesnt deal with APS
guard-time protocol pa ckets. In s ome bi g r ing ne twork,
restore node fault immediately may receive fault
notice from neighbor node and cause link Down.
Configure ring Guard timer can solve t his
6 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Configure ring WTR tim er. In
ring-protection ring-id wtr-time revertive mode, waiting WTR tim er ti meout to
wtr-time switch ba ck w orking l ink when w orking l ink
restore from fault. By default, WTR timer values
5 minutes.
7 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) System delays fault report time when
ring-protection ring-id holdeoff-time working l ink f aults a fter c onfiguring r ing
holdoff-time HOLDOFF t imer. It c an a void w orking l ink
switching f requently. By default, H OLDOFF
timer is 0.
Note: 50ms s witching pe rformance w ill be
affected by HOLDOFF timer v alue if i t is too
bigger, so it is 0 by default 0.
8 Raisecom(config)#ethernet (Optional) Enable ERPS fault information report
ring-protection trap enable to NMS. Disable by default. Us the command of
ethernet ring-protection trap disable to disable
this function.

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9.5.4 (Optional) Create ERPS protection sub-ring

Only the crossover rings network contains master ring and sub-ring.
The master ring configuration is identical to the configuration of single ring or tangent ring;
please refer to the section of Create ERPS protection ring for details.
Un-crossed node on s ub-ring is i dentical t o c onfiguration of s ingle ring or t angent ring;
please refer to the section of Create ERPS protection ring for details.
Please configure ERPS crossover rings for devices as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection ring-id Create sub-ring a nd configure node as RPLOwner on

{ east | west } { port port-id | port-channel crossover node.
port-channel-number } node-type rpl-owner
By default, protocol VLAN is 1, blocked VLAN range
[ not-revertive ] [ protocol-vlan vlan-id ]
is 1-4094.
[ block-vlanlist vlan-list ]
Protection r ing c hanges t o no n-revertive mode if
configured parameter of not-revertive. Traffic
switches ba ck t o w orking l ink f rom pr otection l ink
after working link fault restore but it doesnt switch if
in non -revertive mode. P rotection r ing i s i n r evertive
mode by default.
Note: T he link be tween t wo crossover nodes i n
crossover r ings be longs to m aster r ing, so either
east-bound or w ester-bound i nterface c an be
configured for sub-ring.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection ring-id Create sub-ring and configure node as RPL Neighbour
{ east | west } { port port-id | port-channel on crossover nodes.
port-channel-number } node-type rpl-neighbour
[ not-revertive ] [ protocol-vlan vlan-id ]
[ block-vlanlist vlan-list ]
Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection ring-id Create sub-ring and configure node as ring forwarding
{ east | west } { port port-id | port-channel node on crossover nodes.
port-channel-number } [ not-revertive ]
[ protocol-vlan vlan-id ] [ block-vlanlist vlan-list ]
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection ring-id (Optional) Configure sub-ring virtual path mode on
raps-vc { with | without } crossover node. Protocol packets transmitting in
sub-ring is different from master ring, including with
mode and without mode:
with: sub-ring protocol packets transmitted by
master ring.
without: sub-ring protocol packets transmitted by
sub-ring protocol VLAN, so the blocked VLAN list
should not include protocol VLAN.
By default, sub-ring virtual path uses with.
Configuration mode of two crossover nodes must be

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection ring-id Enable ring Propagate switch on crossover node.

propagate enable Sub-ring data needs to be forwarded by master ring, so
the sub-ring MAC address table also exists in master
ring device. When sub-ring has fault, Propagate
switch notifies master ring to refresh MAC address
table in time and avoid traffic lost.
By default, Propagate switch disable. The commandof
ethernet ring-protection ring-id propagate disable
can disable this function. It is suggested to enable
Propagate switch.

9.5.5 Configure ERPS fault detection mode

Please configure ERPS for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Configure physical interface fault

ring-id { east | west } failure-detect detection mode. By default, it is physical
physical-link interface fault detection mode.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Configure CC fault detection mode. The
ring-id { east | west } failure-detect cc [ md fault detection mode wont take effect
md-name ] ma ma-name level level mep unless configuring CFM. MA must under
LocalMepid RemoteMepid md level.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Configure fault detection mode as
ring-id { east | west } failure-detect physical interface or CC. namely, report
physical-link-or-cc [ md md-name ] ma fault either physical link or CC detected
ma-name level level mep LocalMepid fault. The fault detection mode wont
RemoteMepid take effect unless configuring CFM. MA
must under md level.

9.5.6 (Optional) Configure ERPS switching control

Please configure ERPS for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Configure traffic on the ring force switch to east-bound

ring-id force-switch { east | west } or western-bound.
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Configure traffic on the ring manual switch to east-bound
ring-id manual-switch { east | west } or western-bound. Priority is lower than force switch and
auto-switch when working link faults.

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring-protection Available to RPLOwner node, in revertive mode, after

ring-id wtb-time wtb-time configuring WTB timer, delay blocking RPL interface
when clearing manual command to avoid several
force-switch or manual-switch on a ring to block RPL
interface. It is 5 seconds by default.
6 Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet Clear switch control command, including force-switch
ring-protection ring-id { command | and manual-switch.
statistics }
Note: By de fault, traffic will s witch t o pr otection l ink w hen w orking l ink i s f ault. Thus E RPS i s
needed in some special conditions.

9.5.7 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ethernet ring-protection Show ERPS ring configuration.

2 Raisecom#show ethernet ring-protection status Show ERPS ring status inforamtion.

3 Raisecom#show ethernet ring-protection statistic Show ERPS ring statistics.

9.6 Configure Ethernet ring

9.6.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

As a Metro Ethernet technology, Ethernet ring solves the problems of weak protection to traditional
data ne twork and long time to fault recovery, which, in the ory, can provide 50ms r apid protection
features and is compatible with traditional Ethernet protocol, is an important technology options and
solutions of metro broadband access network optimization transformation.
Ethernet r ing t echnology is R AISECOM i ndependent research a nd de velopment protocol, which
through simple c onfiguration a chieves the elimination o f ring loop, fault protection switching, a nd
automatic fault recovery function and makes the fault protection switching time less than 50ms.
Raisecom Ethernet r ing t echnology is in support of bo th single-ring and t angent ring networking
modes, but not intersecting ring networking. Tangent ring is actually two separate single rings, which
has the same configuration with common single ring. Preconditions

Before configuring Ethernet ring, configure interface physical parameters to make interface physical
layer state Up.

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9.6.2 Default configuration of Ethernet ring

The default configuration of Ethernet ring is as below:

Function Default value

Ethernet ring function status Disable

Hello messages transmitting time 1s

Fault recovery delay time 5s

Bridge priority 1

Ring interface aging time 15s

Ring protocol messages VLAN 2

9.6.3 Create Ethernet ring

Please create Ethernet ring as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface interface-type Enter physical layer interface

primary-interface-number configuration mode.this interface
is the first interface of ring node.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet ring ring-id Create ring and configure
interface-type sencondary-interface-number corresponding ring interface. This
interface is the second interface of
ring node.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#exit Enable Ethernet ring function.
Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring ring-id enable

9.6.4 Configure basic function of ring

For all de vices in the same ring, suggest configure the fault recovery time, Hello messages
interval. Ring protocol VLAN and Ring interface aging time separately for the same value.
Interface aging time must be greater than 2 times Hello time.
Please configure the basic function of ring on the device as below:

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure Hello messages transmitting time

ring-id hello-time hello-time for Ethernet ring. By default, the messages sending
interval is 1s.

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3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure fault recovery delay time for

ring-id restore-delay delay-time Ethernet ring. The link can be restored to the original
working link until the recovery delay time timeout.
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure bridege priority for Ethernet ring.
ring-id priority priority
5 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure ring description information. The
ring-id description string description infortion cannot exceed 32 bytes.
6 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure interface aging time for Ethernet
ring-id hold-time hold-time ring. If Ethernet ring interface hasnt received Hello
messages in aging time, age this interface and consider
that the link circuit on link ring has fault. If the node
interface is in Block state, it will enable the blocked
interface temporarily to ensure the normal
communication of all nodes on Ethernet ring.
7 Raisecom(config)#ethernet ring (Optional) Configure protocol VLAN for Ethernet ring.
ring-id protocol-vlan vlan-id
Note: master node election: at the beginning, all nodes consider themselves the master node, one of
two interfaces is Block, so no data loop on the ring; when two interfaces on the ring node receive the
same Hello packets for many times, the node considers that the ring topology is stable and can elect
master node. Other nodes will not enable the blocked interface, usually only one master node, which
ensures only one blocked interface, and ensures the connectivity of the nodes on the ring.

9.6.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ethernet ring [ ring-id ] Check Ethernet ring information.

2 Raisecom#show ethernet ring port Check Ethernet ring interface information.

3 Raisecom#show ethernet ring port statistic Check Ethernet ring interface messages
statistics information.

9.7 Maintenance
User can maintain network reliability by the below commands:

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet Clear protection line statistic information,

line-protection [ line-id ] statistics including Tx APS packets, Rx APS packets, latest
switching time, latest status switching time, etc.
Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet Clear protection ring statistic information.
ring-protection ring-id statistics
Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet Clear ring interface statistic information,
ring ring-id statistics including Ethernet rong No., ring interface No.,
Hello, Change and Flush message, etc.

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9.8 Configuring applications

9.8.1 Configuring application of link aggregation in manual mode Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-5 shows below, in order to improve link reliability between Switch A and Switch B,
configure manual link aggregation for the two devices; add Port 1 and Port 2 into link aggregation
group t o b uild up a unique l ogical i nterface. T he l ink a ggregatin gr oup p erforms l oad s haring
according to source MAC.

Figure 9-5 Manual link aggregation application networking Configuration Steps

Create manual link aggregation group.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#interface port-channel 1
SwitchA(config-aggregator)#mode manual
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#interface port-channel 1
SwitchB(config-aggregator)#mode manual

Add interface info link aggregation group.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#channel group 1

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SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#channel group 1
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#channel group 1
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#channel group 1

Configure load sharing mode for link aggregation.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#link-aggregation load-sharing mode smac
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#link-aggregation load-sharing mode smac

Enable link aggregation.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#link-aggregation enable
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#link-aggregation enable Show result

Show global configuration of manual link aggregation by the command of show link-aggregation:
SwitchA#show link-aggregation
Link aggregation status:Enable
Load sharing mode:SMAC
Load sharing ticket generation algorithm:Direct-map
M - Manual L - Lacp-static
GroupID Mode MinLinks MaxLinks UpLinks Member Port List Efficient Port List
1 M 1 8 0 1-2
2 M 1 8 0
3 M 1 8 0

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9.8.2 Configuring application of link aggregation in static LACP mode Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-6 shows below, in order to improve link reliability between Switch A and Switch B,
configure static L ACP l ink a ggregation f or t he t wo devices, a dd Port 1 a nd Port 2 i nto l ink
aggregation group. Port 1 is the master link and Port 2 is standby link.

Figure 9-6 Static LACP link aggregation application networking Configuration steps

Configure static LACP link aggregation group on Switch A and set Switch A as active end.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#lacp system-priority 1000
SwitchA(config)#interface port-channel 1
SwitchA(config-aggregator)#mode lacp-static
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#channel group 1
SwitchA(config-port)#lacp port-priority 1000
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#channel group 1
SwitchA(config)#link-aggregation enable
Configure static LACP link aggregation group on Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#lacp system-priority 1000
SwitchB(config)#interface port-channel 1
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1

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SwitchB(config-port)#channel group 1
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#channel group 1
SwitchB(config)#link-aggregation enable Show result

Show static LACP link aggregation global configuration on Switch A by the command of show
Raisecom#show link-aggregation
Link aggregation status:Enable
Load sharing mode:SXORDMAC
Load sharing ticket generation algorithm:Direct-map
M - Manual L - Lacp-static
GroupID Mode MinLinks MaxLinks UpLinks Member Port List Efficient Port List
1 L 1 8 0 1-2
2 M 1 8 0
3 M 1 8 0
4 M 1 8 0
5 M 1 8 0
6 M 1 8 0
7 M 1 8 0
8 M 1 8 0

Show pe er s ystem LACP i nterface s tatus, mark, i nterface pr iority, management ke y, ope ration key
and status of interface status machine on Switch A by the command of show lacp internal:
Raisecom(config)#show lacp internal
S - Device is requesting Slow LACPDUs F - Device is requesting Fast LACPDUs
A - Device in Active mode P - Device in Passive mode

Interface State Flag Port-Priority Admin-key Oper-key Port-State

P1 active SA 1000 1 1 0x45
P2 standby SA 32768 1 1 0x45

Show pe er system LACP interface s tatus, mark, interface pr iority, management ke y, ope ration key
and status of interface status machine on Switch A by the command of show lacp neighbor.

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9.8.3 Configure interface backup application Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-7 shows below, to achieve the realiable accress from remote PC to server, configure
interface backup group on Switch A and assign VLAN list so as to achieve interface link protection
and load sharing. The requirement is as below:

Configure Switch A on V LAN 100VLAN 150, Port 1 i s m aster i nterface a nd P ort 2 i s

standby interface.
Configure S witch A on V LAN 15 1VLAN 200, Port 2 i s m aster interface, a nd Port 1 i s
standby interface.
Port 1 can be switched to Port 2 to keep link normal when it has link fault.
Switch A needs to support interface backup function, but Switch B, Switch C, Switch D need not.

Figure 9-7 Interface backup application networking Configuration steps

Create VLAN 100VLAN 200 and add Port 1 and Port 2 into it.
Raisecom(config)#create vlan 100-200 active
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm

Configure Port 1 as master interface and Port 2 as standby interface on VLAN 100VALN 150.
Raisecom(config)#interface port 1
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport backup port 2 vlanlist 100-150

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Configure Port 2 as master interface and Port 1 as standby interface on VLAN 151VALN 200.
Raisecom(config)#interface port 2
Raisecom(config-port)#switchport backup port 1 vlanlist 151-200 Show result

Check i nterface ba ckup s tatus i nformation i n c onditions of normal l ink s tatus a nd l ink fault
separately by the command of show switchport backup.

When the link of Port 1 and Port 2 is Up, Port 1 forwards traffics on VLAN 100VALN 1 50, while
Port 2 forwards traffics on VLAN 151VALN 200.
Raisecom#show switchport backup
Restore delay: 15s.
Restore mode: port-up.
Active Port(State) Backup Port(State) Vlanlist
port1 (Up) port2 (Standby) 100-150
port2 (Up) port1 (Standby) 151-200
Break the link simulation fault between Switch A and Switch B manually, then the status of Port 1
will become Down, Port 2 will forward traffics on VLAN 100VALN 200.
Raisecom#show switchport backup
Restore delay: 15s
Restore mode: port-up
Active Port(State) Backup Port(State) Vlanlist
port1 (Down) port2 (Up) 100-150
port2 (Up) port1 (Down) 150-200
When Port1 recovers t o Up st atus for 15s (re cover de lay), Port 1 will forward traffics on VLAN
100VALN 150, and Port 2 on VLAN 151VALN 200.

9.8.4 Configuring application of ELPS protection in 1:1 mode Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-8 shows below, in order to improve link reliability between Switch A and Switch B,
configure 1:1 ELPS on the two devices and detect fault over physical interface status. Port 1 and Port
2 set in VLAN range 100~200.

Figure 9-8 Networking sketch map of 1:1 ELPS application

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Create VLAN 100~VLAN 200 and add interface into VLAN 100~VLAN 200.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100-200 active
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 100-200 active
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm

create 1:1 mode ELPS protection line.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working port 1 100-200 protection port 2 100-200 one-to-one
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working port 1 100-200 protection port 2 100-200 one-to-one

Configure fault detection mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working failure-detect physical-link
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 protection failure-detect physical-link
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working failure-detect physical-link
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SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 protection failure-detect physical-link Show result

Show 1: 1 m ode E LPS c onfiguration on t he de vice by t he c ommand of show ethernet


Take Switch A for example:

SwitchA#show ethernet line-protection 1

Show 1:1 mode ELPS APS protocol information on t he device by the command of show ethernet
line-protection aps.
Take Switch A for example:
SwitchA#show ethernet line-protection 1 aps
Id Type Direction Revert Aps State Signal(Requested/Bridged)
1-Local 1:1 bi yes yes NR-W null/null
1-Remote 1:1 bi yes yes NR-W null/null

9.8.5 Configuring application of ELPS protection in 1+1 mode Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-9 shows below, in order to improve link reliability between Switch A and Switch B,
configure 1+1 one-way ELPS on the two devices and detect fault over CFM. Port 1 and Port 2 set in
VLAN range 100~200.

Figure 9-9 Networking sketch map of 1+1 ELPS application

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Create VLAN 100~VLAN 200 and add interface into VLAN 100~VLAN 200.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100-200 active
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 100-200 active
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100-200 confirm

Configure CFM.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchA(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchA(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep down mpid 1 port 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep down mpid 2 port 2
SwitchA(config-service)#service remote-mep 3
SwitchA(config-service)#service remote-mep 4
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep 2
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure Switch B.

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SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7

SwitchB(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchB(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
SwitchB(config-service)#service mep down mpid 3 port 1
SwitchB(config-service)#service mep down mpid 4 port 2
SwitchB(config-service)#service remote-mep 1
SwitchB(config-service)#service remote-mep 2
SwitchB(config-service)#service cc enable mep 3
SwitchB(config-service)#service cc enable mep 4
SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Create 1+1 mode one-way ELPS protection line.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working port 1 100-200 protection port 2 100-200 one-plus-one-uni
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working port 1 100-200 protection port 2 100-200 one-plus-one-uni

Configure fault detection mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working failure-detect cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 1 3
SwitchA(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 protection failure-detect cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 2 4
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 working failure-detect cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 3 1
SwitchB(config)#ethernet line-protection 1 protection failure-detect cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 4 2 Show result

Show 1+ 1 m ode E LPS configuration on the de vice by the c ommand of show ethernet

Take Switch A for example:

SwitchA#show ethernet line-protection 1

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Show 1+1 mode ELPS APS protocol information on t he device by the command of show ethernet
line-protection aps.
Take Switch A for example:
SwitchA#show ethernet line-protection 1 aps
Id Type Direction Revert Aps State Signal(Requested/Bridged)
1-Local 1+1 uni yes yes NR-W null/normal

9.8.6 Configuring application of single ring ERPS protection Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-10 shows below, in order to improve Ethernet reliability, the four devices Switch A,
Switch B, Switch C and Switch D build up an ERPS single ring.

Switch A device i s R PLOwner, Switch B i s R PLNeighbour; the RPL link between Switch A a nd
Switch B is blocked.

The fault de tection mode between Switch A and Switch D i s physical-link-or-cc, other links adopt
default fault detection mode (physical-link).

By default, VLAN is 1, and the congested VLAN range is 1~4094.

Figure 9-10 Single ring ERPS application networking Configuration steps

Add interface into VLAN 1~VLAN 4094.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
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SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch C.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#interface port 1
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch D.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchD
SwitchD(config)#interface port 1
SwitchD(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchD(config)#interface port 2
SwitchD(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure CFM.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchA(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchA(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep down mpid 1 port 2
SwitchA(config-service)#service remote-mep 2
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep 1
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7

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SwitchD(config)#service ma1 level 7

SwitchD(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchD(config-service)#service mep down mpid 2 port 1
SwitchD(config-service)#service remote-mep 1
SwitchD(config-service)#service cc enable mep 2
SwitchD(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Create ERPS protection ring.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2 node-type rpl-owner rpl east
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2 node-type rpl-neighbour rpl west
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2

Configure fault detection mode.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 west failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 1
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 2
1 Show result

Check i f E RPS protection ring is ef fective on the de vice b y t he command of show ethernet
ring-protection status.

Take Switch A for example, RPL link is congested to avoid loopback:

SwitchA#show ethernet ring-protection status
Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
1 idle 0 day 0050750 block forwarding 1 1-4094

Cut off link between Switch B and Switch C by manual to simulate fault, execute command to show
ERPS protection ring status on Switch A again, RPL link switches to forwarding status.
SwitchA#show ethernet ring-protection status
Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
1 Protection 0 day 0055950 forwarding forwarding 1 1-4094
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9.8.7 Configuring application of double ring ERPS protection Networking requirement

As the Figure 9-11 shows below, in order to improve Ethernet reliability, the devices Switch A,
Switch B, Switch C, Switch D, Switch E and Switch F build up double ring ERPS network.
Switch A, Switch B, Switch C and Switch D build up the master ring, Switch D is master ring
RPLOwner, S witch C i s m aster r ing R PLNeighbour, c ongest S witch D Port 1 i nterface, pr otocol
VLAN adopts default value 1.

Switch A, Switch B, S witch E and Switch F bui ld up secondary r ing, S witch F i s s econdary r ing
RPLOwner, Switch A is secondary ring RPLNeighbour, congest Switch F Port 1 i nterface, protocol
VLAN is 4094. Virtual path mode of secondary ring is defaulted with mode.

Congestion VLAN range of master and secondary ring are both defaulted 1~4094.

Master ring devices all adopt physical-link-or-cc mode to detect fault, secondary ring adopt defaulted
fault detection mode (physical-link).

Figure 9-11 Double-ring ERPS application networking Configuration steps

Add interface into VLAN 1~VLAN 4094.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchA(config)#interface port 3
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SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch C.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#interface port 1
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch D.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchD
SwitchD(config)#interface port 1
SwitchD(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchD(config)#interface port 2
SwitchD(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch E.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchE
SwitchE(config)#interface port 1
SwitchE(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchE(config)#interface port 2
SwitchE(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure Switch F.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchF
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SwitchF(config)#interface port 1
SwitchF(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
SwitchF(config)#interface port 2
SwitchF(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure master ring CFM detection.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchA(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchA(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep down mpid 1 port 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep down mpid 2 port 2
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep 2
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchB(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchB(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchB(config-service)#service mep down mpid 3 port 1
SwitchB(config-service)#service mep down mpid 4 port 2
SwitchB(config-service)#service cc enable mep 3
SwitchB(config-service)#service cc enable mep 4
SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchC(config)#service ma1 level 7
SwitchC(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchC(config-service)#service mep down mpid 5 port 1
SwitchC(config-service)#service mep down mpid 6 port 2
SwitchC(config-service)#service cc enable mep 5
SwitchC(config-service)#service cc enable mep 6
SwitchC(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet cfm domain md-name md1 level 7
SwitchD(config)#service ma1 level 7

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SwitchD(config-service)#service vlan-list 1
SwitchD(config-service)#service mep down mpid 7 port 1
SwitchD(config-service)#service mep down mpid 8 port 2
SwitchD(config-service)#service cc enable mep 7
SwitchD(config-service)#service cc enable mep 8
SwitchD(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Create master ring for ERPS protection.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2 node-type rpl-neighbour rpl west
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east port 1 west port 2 node-type rpl-owner rpl east

Configure fault detection mode for master ring.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 1
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 west failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 2
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 3
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 west failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 4
Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 5
SwitchC(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 west failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 6
Configure Switch D.
SwitchD(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 east failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 7
SwitchD(config)#ethernet ring-protection 1 west failure-detect physical-link-or-cc md md1 ma ma1 level 7 mep 8

Configure sub-ring for ERPS protection ring.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 east port 3 node-type rpl-neighbour protocol-vlan 4094
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SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 propagate enable

Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 east port 3 protocol-vlan 4094
SwitchB(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 propagate enable
Configure Switch E.
SwitchE(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 east port 1 west port 2 protocol-vlan 4094
Configure Switch F.
SwitchF(config)#ethernet ring-protection 2 east port 1 west port 2 node-type rpl-owner rpl east protocol-vlan
4094 Show result

Check i f E RPS protection ring i s e ffective on t he de vice b y t he c ommand of show ethernet

ring-protection status.

Execute the c ommand on Switch A, Switch D and Switch F r espectively, the r esult w ill s how a s
below if configure successfully.
SwitchA#show ethernet ring-protection status
Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
1 idle 0 day 0050750 forwarding forwarding 1 1-4094
Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
2 idle 0 day 0050750 forwarding forwarding 1 1-4094

SwitchD#show ethernet ring-protection status

Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
1 idle 0 day 0050750 block forwarding 1 1-4094

SwitchF#show ethernet ring-protection status

Id/Name Status Last Occur(ago) East-State West-State sc Traffic-vlanlist
2 idle 0 day 0050750 block forwarding 1 1-4094

9.8.8 Configure Ethernet ring application Networking requirement

As t he F igure 9 -12 s hows be low, t o i mprove t he r eliability of E thernet, t he S witch A , S witch B,

Switch C, Switch D have constituted an Ethernet single ring Ring 1.
The figure shows that the four devices are added to Ring 1 interface. MAC addresses are Switch A
(000E.5E00.000A), Switch B (000E.5E00.000B), Switch C (000E.5E00.000C), Switch D
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The status and priority of four nodes are the same, Mac address of Switch D is biggest, and therefore,
Switch D is the master node of Ethernet ring.

Figure 9-12 Ethernet ring application networking Configuration steps

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#ethernet ring 1 port 2
SwitchA(config)#ethernet ring 1 enable
Switch Switch B, Switch C, and Swtch C, please take Switch A configuration for reference. Show result

Check Ethernet ring configuration by the command of show ethernet ring.

Take Switch D for example, when the loop is normal, the first ring interface of master node Switch D:
Port 1 Block clears data loop.
SwitchD#show ethernet ring
Ethernet Ring Upstream PortList:--
Ethernet Ring 1:
Ring Admin: Enable
Ring State: Enclosed
Bridge State: Block
Ring state duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes, 15 seconds
Bridge Priority: 1
Bridge MAC: 000E.5E00.000D
Ring DB State: Block
Ring DB Priority: 1
Ring DB: 000E.5E00.000D

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Hello Time: 1
Restore delay: 5
Hold Time 15
Protocol Vlan 2

Break l ink s imulation f ault be tween S witch A a nd S witch B m anually, P ort 1 of S witch D w ill
change i ts s tatus f rom B lock t o F orwarding, Port 1 of S witch B w ill c hange i ts status fr om
Forwarding to Block. Check Ethernet ring status again.
SwitchD#show ethernet ring
Ethernet Ring Upstream-Group:1
Ethernet Ring 1:
Ring Admin: Enable
Ring State: Unenclosed
Bridge State: Two-Forward
Ring state duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes, 15 seconds
Bridge Priority: 1
Bridge MAC: 000E.5E00.000D
Ring DB State: Block
Ring DB Priority: 1
Ring DB: 000E.5E00.000B
Hello Time: 1
Restore delay: 15
Hold Time 15
Protocol Vlan 2

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Chapter 10 OAM

This chapter introduces basic principle and configuration of OAM and provides related configuration

Configuring applications

10.1 Overview
10.1.1 OAM overview
Ethernet i s de signed f or LAN initially; the OAM ( Operation, Administration and Management) i s
weak for its small scale and possesses administrative system of NE level. With the wider application
of E thernet i n t elecom ne twork, t he l ink l ength a nd network s cal become bi gger a nd bi gger, i t
demands an efficient management and maintenance system in telecom network.

To confirm connectivity of Ethernet virtual connection, detecting, confirming and locating fault from
Ethernet layer, as well as balance network utility and network performance, then providing service
according S LA (Service Level Agreement) i mplementing OAM o n E thernet has becoming a
inevitable developing trend.

Ethernet OAM is graded to achieve, as shown in Figure 10-1, it is generally divided into two levels:
Link level Ethernet OAM: mostly used to the Ethernet physical link between PE (P rovider
Edge) and CE (Customer Edge) (i.e.: the last mile) to monitor the link status between users
network and and operators network. The typical protocol is EFM (Ethernet in the First Mile)
OAM protocol.
Service-class Ethernet OAM: mostly us ed t o network access conv ergence l ayer to monitor
the e ntire ne twork connectivity, position network connectivity fault, and monitor link
performance. The typical protocol is CFM (Connectivity Fault Management) OAM protocol.

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Figure 10-1 Sketch map of OAM level

10.1.2 EFM
Complied with IEEE 8802.3ah protocol, EFM is a kind of Ethernet OAM technology in link level,
which provides link connectivity detection function, link fault monitoring function, and remote fault
notification function, etc to the link between two straight-connection devices.
"The last mile" in EFM r efers t o the c onnection f rom telecommunications carrier t o the users. Its
goal is to promote the widely used E thernet technology to the telecommunications access ne twork
market, which can significantly improve network performance and reduce device and operating costs.
EFM is mainly used for user access network edge Ethernet link.
Switch device provides the IEEE 802.3ah standard EFM function.

10.1.3 CFM
CFM is a kind of Ethernet OAM technology in network level, implementing end-to-end connectivity
fault de tection, f ault n otification, j udgement a nd l ocation f unctions. It is us ed t o diagnose f ault
actively for EVC (Ethernet Virtual Connection) and provide c ost-effective ne twork maintenance
solution via fault management function and improve network maintenance.

The s witch provides CFM function which is compatible w ith IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731

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CFM is made from below components:

MD (Maintenance D omain, al so cal led MEG, Maintenance E ntity Group) is a network that runs
CFM f unction. It de fines ne twork r ange f or OAM m anagement. M D ha s l evel pr operty w ith 8
different levels (level 0 to level 7), the bigger the number is, the higher the level is, and the larger the
corresponding range is. Protocol packets of lower level MD will be discarded after entering higher
level MD; while higher level MD packets can transmit through lower level MD. In one VLAN range,
different MD can be adjacent, embedded, but not crossed.
As the Figure 10-2 shows below, MD2 is contained in MD1. MD1 packets need to transmit through
MD2. Confiure MD1 level as 6, and MD2 l evel a s 3. Then MD1 pa ckets c an t ravel through MD2
and i mplement c onnectivity fault m anagement to the whole MD1, b ut M D2 pa ckets w ont di ffuse
into MD1. MD2 is server layer and MD1 is client layer.

Figure 10-2 Sketch map of different MD levels

Service instance
Service Instance also called MA (Maintenance Association) is part of MD. One MD can be divided
into one or multiple service instances. One service instance corresponds to one service, mapping to
one V LAN group; VLAN of different service instances cannot cross. Though service instance can
map to multiple VLAN, one instance can use one VLAN for transmitting or receiving OAM packets.
This VLAN is master VLAN of the intance.

As the Figure 10-3 shows below, MEP (Maintenance associations End Point) is edge node of service
intance. MEP can transmit a nd deal with CFM packets, instance that MEP located and MD decide
the VLAN and level for MEP packets transmission and reception

MEP o n a ny de vice r unning C FM i n ne twork i s c alled l ocal MEP; MEP on ot her de vices i n t his
instance is called RMEP (Remote Maintenance association End Point).

One i nstance can configure multiple MEP; packets s ent by M EP i n one i nstance t ake i dentical
S-VLAN TAG, priority and C-VLAN TAG. MEP can receive OAM packets sent by other MEP in
the instance, stop packets with the same level or lower than its own level and transmit packets higher
than its own level.

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Figure 10-3 Sketch map of MEP and MIP

As the Figure 10-3 shows above, MIP (Maintenance association Intermediate Point) is inner node of
service instance, which is created by device automatically. MIP cannot send CFM p ackets actively
but can manage and answer LTM (LinkTrace Message) and LBM (LoopBack Message) packets.

MEP and MIP are both called MP (Maintenance Point).

10.1.4 SLA
SLA is a telecommunication service evaluating standard negotiated by service provider and users to
provide agreement to service quality, priority and responsibility, etc.
In technology, S LA is real-time ne twork performance de tection and statistic technology which c an
give s tatistics to responding t ime, ne twork j itter, delay, packet loss rate, etc. SLA can choose
different task for different application and monitor related measurement value.

Basic concepts related to SLA:

Static conc ept: it is a SLA ne twork performance t esting t ask f rom e nd-to-end, i ncluding layer-2
network delay/jitter te st ( y1731-echo/y1731-jitter) and layer-3 network delay/jitter te st
Dynamic concept: it is used to describe an execution of one operation.

Dynamic concept: it is used to describe a procedure of transmitting-receiving packet in operation test.
According to definition of operation, one operation test can contain multiple detections (one test only
contains one time of detection for Echo operation).

Dynamic concept: it is used to describe a schedule of one operation; one schedule contains multiple
periodical tests executions.
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10.1.5 E-LMI
Refering to Frame Relay Local Management Interface Specification, MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum)
defines t he E thernet L ocal M anagement I nterface. E -LMI i s the O AM pr otocol to locate in UNI
(User-Network Interface), mainly used between CE and PE devices.

E-LMI enables service providers to configure CE automatically according to purchased services. By

E-LMI, CE can automatically r eceive mapping information from us er VLAN t o EVC and the
corresponding bandwidth and QoS settings. E-LMI CE device auto-configuration function not only
reduces the w ork of the services establishment, but also the coordination work between service
providers and enterprises users. As a result, enterprise users neednt to know the configuration of CE
devices; service pr ovider w ill t ake t he i ntegrateconfiguration a nd m anagement w hich r educes the
risk of human errors.
In addition, E-LMI also provides the EVC status information to CE device. Once the EVC fails (such
as PE uses CFM to provide fault detection function for EVC), PE will notify the CE device to access
side route for switching.

The deployment location of E-LMI in the network is shown in Figure 10-4:

Figure 10-4 E-LMI location in network

10.2 EFM
10.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Deploy E FM f eature be tween s traight t hrough c onnected de vices c an efficiently improve E thernet
link management and maintenance capability and ensure network running stable. Preconditions

Before c onfiguring E FM, users ha ve to c onnect interface a nd configure physical pa rameters f or it,
the interface is Up at physical layer.

10.2.2 Default configuration of EFM

The default configuration of EFM is as below:

Function Default value

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Function Default value

Working mode of EFM Passive

Message transmission interval 10100ms

Link timeout time 5s

OAM function status Disable

Alarm function statusof peer OAM event Disable

Remote loopback status of EFM Respond

Monitoring window of error frame event 1s

Monitoring threshold of error frame event 1 error frame

Monitoring window for statistic event of link error 60s

frame seconds
Monitoring threshold for statistic event of link error 1s
frame seconds
Monitoring window for statistic event of error code 100ms

Monitoring threshold for statistic event of error code 1s

Fault indication function status Enable

Alarm function for Local OAM event Disable

10.2.3 Basic functions of EFM

Please configure EFM on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure work mode for EFM. In active mode, starting
{ active | passive } OAM peer discover process actively, not supporting no
answer to remote loopback command and no answer to
variable obtain request functions; dont start OAM peer
discover process in passive mode, not in support of sending
remote loopback command and sending variable obtain
request functions. By default, device is in passive mode. At
least one end is active mode when configuring, otherwise
the link detection cannot perform.

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config-port)#exit (Optional) OAM link sends INFO packets to each other

timing, use this command to set packets sending interval
and control link communication period. The unit is 100ms.
send-period period-number
By default, sending interval is 10 (10100ms).
5 Raisecom(config)#oam timeout (Optional) Configure OAM link timeout time.
OAM link is broken if both ends devices of OAM link
havent receive OAM packets over timeout time.
By default, time for link timeout is 5s.
6 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
7 Raisecom(config-port)#oam enable Enable interface OAM function. By default, OAM disable.
The command of oam disable can disable interface OAM.

10.2.4 Active functions of EFM

Please configure EFM active function for the device as below.

Note: EFM active function must be configured when the device is in active mode. (Optional) Startup EFM remote loop function

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration

port port-id mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure interface to start EFM remote
remote-loopback loopback function. Remote loopback function
can only be started after EFM connection and
must be configured in active mode device.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#no oam (Optional) Disable remote loopback function.
remote-loopback Disable remote loopback function in time after
finish detection.
Perform loopback detection periodically can discover network fault in time. By loopback
detection in network sections can locate exact fault area and help users remove fault.
In link loopback status, the device loopback all packets except OAM packets received by link
to peer device, user data packets cannot forwarded normally. Please disable this function in
time when doesnt need detection. (Optional) Configure peer OAM event trap function

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

port port-id
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Enable peer OAM event trap function, link monitor
peer event trap enable event can be reported to NMS center in time. By
default, device doesnt report trap to NMS center
through SNMP TRAP when receiving peer link
monitor event. User can use the command of oam
peer event trap disable to disable this function. (Optional) Check current variable value of peer

Please configure OAM link monitor for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#show oam peer Get peer device OAM information or

[link-statistic | oam-info ] port-list interface statistic variable value.
Note: By ge tting c urrent variable value of pe er de vice to get s tatus of c urrent l ink. IEEE802.3
Clause30 defines a nd e xplains s upporting O AM ge tting v ariable a nd i ts denotation in details. The
variable t akes Object as t he m aximum di vision, e ach obj ect c ontains Package a nd Attribute. A
package contains several attributes. Attribute is the minimum unit of variable. When OAM variable
getting, it de fines object, package, brach and leaf description of a ttributes by C lause30 to describe
requesting object, and the branch and leaf are followed by variable value to denote object responds
variable r equest. The de vice i s i n s upport of OAM inf ormation and interface s tatistics f or obj ect
variable getting.

Peer variable getting cannot realize until building up EFM connection.

10.2.5 Passive functions of EFM

Please configure EFM passive function for the device as below.
Note: EFM passive function can be configured regardless the device is in active or passive mode. (Optional) Configure device related EFM remote loopback

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

port port-id
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure ignore or process EFM remote
loopback { ignore | process } loopback. By default, the device processes EFM
remote loopback.
Note: Peer EFM remote loopback function wont take effect until remote loopback process function

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is configured at local. (Optional) Configure OAM link monitor function

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration

port-id mode.
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure error frame monitor window and
errored-frame window window threshold. By default, monitor window is 1
threshold threshold second, threshold is 1 error frame.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure error frame period event monitor
errored-frame-period window window and threshold. By default, monitor
window threshold threshold window is 100 ms, threshold is 1 error frame.
5 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure link error frame seconds windown
errored-frame-seconds window and threshold. By default, monitor window is
window threshold threshold 60 seconds, threshold is 1 second.
6 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure error code window and threshold.
errored-symbol-period window By default, monitor window is 100ms,
window threshold threshold threshold is 1 second.
OAM link m onitor is us ed t o de tect a nd r eport l ink error i n di fferent c ondition. When
detection link has fault, device notifies peer the error generated time, windown and threshold
setting, etc. by OAM event, the peer receives event notification and report NMS center via
SNMP Trap. Besides, local device can direct report event to NMS center via SNMP Trap.
By default, system has default value for error generated time, windown and threshold setting. (Optional) Configure OAM fault indication function

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

port port-id
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Configure OAM fault indication system, used to notify peer
notify { critical-event | device that local device is abnormal. The device can notify
dying-gasp | errored-frame | peer faults of link-fault, dying-gasp and critical-event. By
errored-frame-period | default, device fault indication is enabled. When fault
errored-frame-seconds | happens, device notifies peer through OAM immediately.
errored-symbol-period } Except link-fault must notify peer, dying-gasp and
{ disable | enable } critical-event can be disabled by this command. (Optional) Configure local OAM event trap function

Step Configuration Description

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

port port-id
3 Raisecom(config-port)#oam Enable local OAM event trap function, link monitor
event trap enable event can be reported to NMS center in time. By
default, device wont report NMS center by SNMP
Trap. The command of oam event trap disable can
disable it.

10.2.6 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show oam Show basic configuration of EFM.

[ port-list port-list ]
2 Raisecom#show oam loopback Show EFM remote loopback configuration.
[ port-list port-list ]
3 Raisecom#show oam notify Show OAM link monitor and fault
[ port-list port-list ] indication configuration.
4 Raisecom#show oam statistics Show OAM statistic information.
[ port-list port-list ]
5 Raisecom#show oam trap Show OAM event trap configuration.
[ port-list port-list ]
6 Raisecom#show oam event Shoe serious interface detection fault
[ port-list port-list ] [ critical ] information of local device.
7 Raisecom#show oam peer Show serious peer transmission fault
event [ port-list port-list ] information to the interface.
[ critical ]

10.3 CFM
10.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

To develop Ethernet technology application in telecommunication network, Ethernet needs to realize

service level identical to telecommunication transmission network. CFM provides full OAM tool to
telecommunication Ethernet to solve this problem.

CFM provides the below OAM functions:

Fault detection function
Fault detection function refers to use CC (Continuity Check) protocol to detect the connectivity of
Ethernrt v irtual ne twork a nd c onfirm the M P c onnection s tatus. This f unction i s r ealized by MEP
sending CCM (Continuity Check Message) periodically, other MEP in one service instance receives

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packet to confirm the status of RMEP. The device fault or link configuration error may make MEP
cannot fail to receive and process CCM from RMEP. If MEP hasnt recived remote CCM packet in
3.5 CCM intervals, the link is considered to be fault, system will send fault trap according to alarm
priority configuration.

Fault acknowledgement function

Using L B ( LoopBack), this f unction c onfirms connectivity be tween t wo M P by s ending L BM
(LoopBack Message) from source MEP and answering LBR (LoopBack Reply) by destination MP.
Source MEP sends LBM to MP for fault acknowledgement; the MP receives LBR and sends a LBR
to source ME P. I f the source ME P can receive LBR, the pa th is connective; if sou rce ME P cant
receive LBR, the path is not connective.
Fault location function
Using LT, this function sends LTM (LinkTrace Message) to destination MP by source MEP, each MP
device on LTM transmitting path will answer LTR ( LinkTrace Reply) to source MEP, and then the
efficient LTR and LTM fault location point can be recorded.
Alarm indication signal function (AIS, Alarm Indication Signal)
This function is used to stop alarm when detected fault at server layer (sub-layer). MEP (including
server MEP) sends AIS frame to client MD when detected fault. ETH-AIS frame is transmitted on
MEP (or server MEP). When receiving AIS frame, it doesnt contain peer MEP information of fault,
the M EP m ust inhi bit a ll pe er M EP tr ap regardless of the c onnectivity s tatus. It can inhibit c lient
alarm information through AIS function to make the network easier to manage and maintain when
server layer has fault.
Ethernet signal lock function (LCK, Lock)
This function is used to notify management lock for server layer (sub-layer) MEP and the followed
data s ervice traffic ha lt. The s ervice traffic is sent for MEP expected to receive traffic. Then MEP
receives ETH-LCK frame can identify it is fault or management lock of server layer MEP. Lock is
OAM f unction a ccording t o r equirement, a t ypical a pplication of M EP l ock i s w hen pe rforming
diagnostic test when service halts.

Anyway, CFM implements end-to-end service OAM technology, reducing service provider operation
cost and improve competion. Preconditions

Finish below tasks before configuring CFM:

Connect i nterface a nd configure physical pa rameters f or i t, the i nterface i s Up at physical
Create VLAN
Add interface into VLAN

10.3.2 Default configuration of CFM

The default configuration of CFM is as below:

Function Default value

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Function Default value

Global CFM function status Disable

CFM function status on interface Enable

MD status Not exist

MEP status overservice instance Up

Aging time of remote MEP 100min

Hold time of error CCM message 100min

MEP transmitting CCM message status Not transmit

MEP transmitting CCM message mode Passive

CCM message transmitting interval 10s

Dynamic import function leart by service Ineffective

instance romote MEP
cc check function of remote MEP Disable

CFM OAM message priority 6

Layer-2 ping function status Five LBM messages are transmitted;

the length of TLV message is 64.
Switch status of fault location database Disable

Hold time of data in fault location database 100min

AIS transmitting function status Disable

AIS transmission period 1s

Alarm suppression function status Enable

LCK message transmitting function statis Disable

10.3.3 Enable CFM

Please configure CFM for the device as below.

Note: CFM fault detection and location function cannot take effect unless enabling CFM function on
the device.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm Enable global CFM function. By default, CFM is

enable not enabled globally; the command of ethernet cfm
disable can disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet Enable CFM function on interface. By default,
cfm enable interface enables CFM function. The command of
ethernet cfm disable can disable it. The interface
cannot receive/transmit CFM packets after disabled.

10.3.4 Basic functions of CFM

Please configure CFM for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm Create maintain domain. Use t he pa rameter md-name

domain [ md-name to assign name for MD in 802.1ag style. MA and CCM
domain-name ] level level packets u nder M D a re b oth i n 80 2.1ag s tyle; don t
assign name, the MD is in Y.1731 style, MA and CCM
packets under this MD are both in Y.1731 style. If user
assigns na me f or MD , the na me m ust be uni que i n
global, or else MD configuration will be failure.
Note: L evel of specified MD m ust be different; other
wise MD configuration will fail.
3 Raisecom(config)#service cisid Create service instance and enter instance configuration
level level mode. ( MD name, s ervice instance name) character
string i s uni que i n gl obal range. If se rvice instance
existed, this c ommand will di rect le ad to service
instance configuration mode.
4 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure service application VLAN map.
vlan-list vlan-list [ primary-vlan
VLAN list pe rmits a t most 32 VLAN. The smallest
vlan-id ]
VLAN w ill be t aken as pr imary V LAN of s ervice
instance. All M EP in service ins tance tr ansmit a nd
receive packets through primary VLAN.
Note: Since using primary V LAN t o t ransmit a nd
receive pa ckets, all of ot her V LAN i n the l ist ar e
mapped t o pr imary V LAN. This logical V LAN
mapping r elationship i s globally; VLAN m apping
relationship of di fferent le vel c an be ide ntical but
cannot c ross. For e xample: i nstance 1 m apping t o
VLAN 10-20, instance 2 mapping to VLAN 15-30, the
configuration i s i llegal b ecause V LAN 15 -20 is
5 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure MEP over service instance. Service instance
mep [ up | down ] mpid mep-id must map t o V LAN w hen c onfiguring t his ki nd MEP.
port port-id By de fault, M EP i s Up, that is to detect the f ault in
interface uplink direction.

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10.3.5 Configure fault detection

Please configure CFM fault detection on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm (Optional) Configure remote MEP aging time.

remote mep age-time minutes
By default, learned remote MEP aging time is 100min.
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm errors (Optional) Configure hold time for e rror C CM p ackets.
archive-hold-time minutes The device saves all fault information of MEP.
By de fault, hol d t ime f or error C CM packets i s 100
minutes. New h old time configured by the s ystem w ill
check data i n database once; the data will be cl eared
immediately if it is over time.
4 Raisecom(config)#service cisid level Enter service instance configuration mode.
5 Raisecom(config-service)#service cc (Optional) Configure service i nstance C CM pa ckets
interval { 1 | 10 | 60 | 600 | 3ms | 10ms sending time interval.
| 100ms }
By de fault, C CM pa ckets s ending time interval is 10
seconds. C CM pa ckets sending interval cannot be
modified when the function is enabled.
6 Raisecom(config-service)#service cc Enable MEP transmitting CCM packets.
enable mep { mepid-list | all }
By de fault, M EP do esnt s end C CM pa ckets. U se t he
command service cc disable mep {mepid-list | all} to
disable CCM packets transmission.
7 Raisecom(config-service)#service (Optional) Configure static r emote M EP. Use by
remote-mep mep-list [ port port-id ] cooperating with cc check function.
8 Raisecom(config-service)#service (Optional) Configure remote M EP l earning dy namic
remote-mep learning active import f unction. Service i nstance t ransfers dynamic
remote ME P learnt to static r emote M EP automatically
once receiving CCM packets.
By default, disable this function.
9 Raisecom(config-service)#service (Optional) Configure remote MEP cc check function.
remote-mep cc-check enable
After en abling this function, s ystem will check whether
the dynamic r emote M EP I D learned is consistent w ith
static r emote M EP I D once receiving CCM pa ckets. If
they are not consistent, the CCM packets are considered
as incorrect. By default, disable this function.
10 Raisecom(config-service)#service (Optional) Configure client V LAN for CFM OAM
cvlan vlan-id packets, j ust ne ed to configure in Q inQ ne tworking
By default, CFM OAM packets dont take C-TAG. After
configuring client VLAN for service instance, all CCM,
LTM, LBM, DMM sent by MEP under the instance will
carry double TAG. Hereinto, C-TAG uses this command
to configure client VLAN.

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Step Configuration Description

11 Raisecom(config-service)#service (Optional) Configure CFM OAM packets priority.

priority priority
After configuring packets priority, all CCM, LBM, LTM,
DMM sent by MEP use assigned priority.
By default, packet priority is 6.
12 Raisecom(config-service)#snmp-server (Optional) Configure CFM permitting sending fault trap
trap cfm { all | ccmerr | macremerr | type. C C f unction of CFM can detect f ault i n 5 l evels,
none | remerr | xcon } mep { all | they are from high to low: level 5-cross connection, level
mep-list } 4-CCM error, level 3-remote MEP loss, level 2-interface
status fault, level 1-RDI. By default, it is macremerr,
namely permiting fault trap on level 2-5.
When CFM detected fault, identical level or lower level
fault wont generate trap again before removing fault;
Wait f or 10s unt il the f ault s tatus is c leared a fter
removing CFM fault.

10.3.6 Configure fault acknowledgement

Please configure CFM fault acknowledgement for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service cisid Enter service instance configuration mode.

level level
3 Raisecom(config-service)#ping Execute layer-2 ping function for fault acknowledgement.
{ mac-address | mep rmep-id }
By default, five LBM messages will be transmitted; the
[ count count ] [ size size ]
length of TLV message is 64; they will search an available
[ source mep-id ]
source MEP by automation.
CFM needs to find destination MEP MAC address by
mep-id to execute ping operation if the specified destination
mep-id performs layer-2 ping operation. Source MEP will
save remote MEP idata information in remote MEP database
after discovering and stabilizing remote MEP. The remote
MEP MAC address can be found from remote MEP
database according to mep-id.
Make s ure gl obal C FM f unction e nable be fore executing t his c ommand, ot herwise t he
command will be executed unsuccessfully;
If there is no MEP configured in service instance, ping unsuccessfully because of fail to find
source MEP;
If assigned source MEP is invalid, ping unsuccessfully. For example, assigned source MEP is
not existing or CFM of the source MEP interface is disabled;
If assigning destination MEPID to perform ping operation, ping unsuccessfully when fail to
find destination MEP MAC address according to MEPID;
Operation will f ail if ot her us ers a re us ing t he a ssigned s ource M EP t o pe rform ping

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10.3.7 Configure fault location

Please configure CFM fault location for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm (Optional) Enable fault location database switch.

traceroute cache enable In enable status, system trace route information
via database storing protocol, the command of
show ethernet cfm traceroute cache can show at
any time. In disable status, result of traceroute will
be cleared after executing traceroute. Disable by
default, the command of ethernet cfm traceroute
cache disable can disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm (Optional) Configure data hold time for fault
traceroute cache hold-time minutes location database. User can set data hold time
when fault location database switch is enabled.
Hold time is 100 minutes by default.
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet cfm (Optional) Configure saved data amount. User can
traceroute cache size size set the saved data amount when the switch is
enabled. It is 100 by default; doesnt save data if
the switch is disabled.
5 Raisecom(config)#service cisid level Enter service instance configuration mode.
6 Raisecom(config-service)#traceroute Execute layer-2 Traceroute function for fault
{ mac-address | mep mep-id } [ ttl locating. By default, packets TLV size is 64,
ttl ] [ source mep-id ] search an available source MEP by automation.
CFM needs to find destination MEP MAC address
to execute Traceroute operation if perform layer-2
Traceroute operation by assigning destination
mep-id. After source MEP discovers remote MEP
and becomes stable, it saves data information of
remote MEP in remote MEP database, and then
remote MEP MAC address can be found from
remote MEP database according to mep-id.
Make s ure gl obal C FM f unction e nable be fore executing t his c ommand, ot herwise t he
command will be executed unsuccessfully;
If there is no MEP configured in service instance, Traceroute unsuccessfully because of fail to
find source MEP;
If the assigned source MEP is invalid, Traceroute will fail. For example, assigned source
MEP is not existing or CFM of the source MEP interface is disabled;
If a ssigning de stination MEPID to pe rform Traceroute operation, Traceroute unsuccessfully
when fail to find destination MEP MAC address according to MEPID;
If C C f unction i s not e ffective, configure static re mote ME P a nd a ssigne M AC a ddress t o
ensure layer-2 traceroute operating successfully;
Operation will f ail if other users a re using the a ssigned source MEP to perform Traceroute

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10.3.8 Configure AIS function

Please configure CFM AID for the device as below.

Configure server layer devices as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service cisid Enter service instance configuration mode..

level level
3 Raisecom(config-service)#service Enable AIS sending function. By deault, system doesnt
ais enable enable LCK function. The command of service ais
disable can disable it.
4 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure AIS sending period. By default, sending
ais period { 1 | 60 } period is 1 second.
5 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure AIS level being sent to client MD.
ais level level

Configure client layer devices as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter Global Configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service cisid level level Enter service instance configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-service)#service Enable alarm control function. By default,

suppress-alarms enable mep { all | this function is enabled. The command of
mep-list } service suppress-alarms disable mep
mep-list can disable it.

10.3.9 Configure Ethernet signal lockout function

Please configure CFM Ethernet lock function for the device as below.
Configure server layer devices as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service cisid Enter service instance configuration mode.

level level
3 Raisecom(config-service)#service Enable LCK packets sending function. By
lck start mep { all | mep-list } deault, system doesnt enable LCK
function. The command of service lck stop
mep mep-list can disable it.
4 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure LCK packets sending period. By
lck period { 1 | 60 } default, sending period is 1 second.
5 Raisecom(config-service)#service Configure LCK level sent to client MD.
lck level level

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Configure client layer devices as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#service cisid Enter service instance configuration mode.

level level
3 Raisecom(config-service)#service Enable alarm control function. By default, this
suppress-alarms enable mep function is enabled. The command of service
{ all | mep-list } suppress-alarms disable mep mep-list can
disable it.

10.3.10 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm Show CFM global configuration.

2 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm domain [ level level ] Show MD and service instance
3 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm errors [ level level ] Shoe error CCM database
4 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm lck [ level level ] Show Ethernet lockout signal.

5 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm local-mp [ interface Show local MEP configuration.

port port-id | level level ]
6 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm remote-mep [ static Show static remote MEP
[ level level ] ] information.
7 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm remote-mep [ level Show remote MEP discovery
level [ service name [ mpid local-mep-id ] ] ] information.
8 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm suppress-alarms Show CCM alarm suppression
[ level level ] function configuration.
9 Raisecom#show ethernet cfm traceroute-cache Show fault location database
traceroute information.

10.4 SLA
10.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Carrier and customer sign SLA protocol to guarantee users can enjoy certain quality network service.
To perform SLA protocol effectively, carrier needs to deploy SLA feature test performance on device
and the test result is evidence to ensure users performance.

SLA feature chooses two testing node, configure SLA operation on one node and schedule executing
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it to implement network performance test between the two nodes.

SLA f eature s tatistics t he s huttle pa ckets dr opping r ate, s huttle or one -way ( SD/DS) de lay, jitter,
variance of jitter, distribution of jitter, etc. data and notify data to upper layer monitor software (like
NMS), then analyze network performance and get users wanted data. Preconditions

Finish the below task before configuring SLA:

Deploy CFM between the tested devices.

10.4.2 Default configuration of SLA

The default configuration of SLA is as below:

Function Default value

SLA schedule information status Disable

SLA layer-2 operation service level 0 level

SLA jitter operation detection time interval 1s

SLA jitter operation detection message number 10

SLA operation schedule life period forever

SLA operation schedule test period 20s

10.4.3 Basic information of SLA

Please configure SLA for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num y1731-echo Configure SLA y1731-echo for

remote-mep mep-id level level svlan vlan-id destination MEP.
[ cvlan vlan-id ] [ cos cos-value ] [ dm ]
3 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num y1731-echo Configure SLA y1731-echo for
remote-mac mac-address level level svlan destination MAC.
vlan-id [ cvlan vlan-id ] [ cos cos-value ] [ dm ]
4 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num y1731-jitter Configure SLA y1731-jitter for
remote-mep mep-id level level svlan vlan-id destination MEP.
[ cvlan vlan-id ] [ cos cos-value ] [ interval
period ] [ packets packets-num ] [ dm ]

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num y1731-jitter Configure SLA y1731-jitter for

remote-mac mac-address level level svlan destination MAC.
vlan-id [ cvlan vlan-id ] [ cos cos-value ]
[ interval period ] [ packets packets-num ] [ dm ]
6 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num icmp-echo Configure basic information for
dest-ipaddr ip-address [ dscp dscp-value ] SLA icmp-echo.
7 Raisecom(config)#sla oper-num icmp-jitter Configure basic information for
dest-ipaddr ip-address [ dscp dscp-value ] SLA icmp-jitter.
[ interval period ] [ packets packets-num ]
8 Raisecom(config)#sla y1731-echo quick-input Create y1731-echo quickly.
[ level level ] [ svlan vlan-id ] [ dm ]
9 Raisecom(config)#sla y1731-jitter quick-input Create y1731-jitter quickly.
[ level level] [ svlan vlan-id ] [ dm ]
After c onfiguring basic information for on e o peration ( differed by ope ration I D), i t i s no t
allowed to modify or configure again. That is to say, delete the operation at first if user wants
to configure it again.
SLA supports a t m ost 100 operations s chedule a t one time up t o 100 pi eces, b ut w ait a
schedule to finish (reach schedule life time or stop schedule) before schedule again or modify
schedule information.

10.4.4 Configure SLA schedule information and enable schedule

Please configure SLA for the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#sla schedule Configure SLA schedule information,

oper-num [ life { forever | enable SLA operation schedule. By
life-time } ] [ period period ] default, disable schedule.

10.4.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show sla { all | Show SLA configuration.

oper-num } configuration
2 Raisecom#show sla { all | Show the latest operation test information.
oper-num } result
3 Raisecom#show sla { all | Show operation schedule statistics. One
oper-num } statistic operation (differed by operation ID) possesses
5 groups of statistics at most, if over 5, the
oldest statistics (from the schedule starting
time) will get aged if over 5 groups.

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10.5 E-LMI
10.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

By E -LMI, PE can s end t he m apping i nformation from VLAN to EVC to CE and achieve t he
automatic configuration function of CE d evice. This not onl y reduces the work of t he business
establishment, but also the coordination work between service providers and enterprise users. As a
result, enterprise users neednt to know the configuration of CE devices; service provider will take
the integrateconfiguration and management which reduces the risk of human errors.

Cooperating w ith O AM pr otocol ( such a s C FM pr otocol), E -LMI can give f eedback of the EV C
status inf ormation in service pr ovider ne twork t o C E de vice timely. Once the E VC f ails, PE will
notify the CE device to access side route for switching. Preconditions

Finish the following tasks before configuring E-LMI:

Connect interface and configure the interface physical pa rameters, make the physical l ayer
status of interface Up;
Configure the physical layrer interface between PE and CE for Trunk mode.
Configure CFM between PE devices.

10.5.2 Default configuration of E-LMI

The default configuration of E-LMI is as below:

Function Default value

Global E-LMI function status Enable

Interface E-LMI function status Disable

Working mode of the device pe

Trap switch status Close

EVCmessage notification mode asyn

Value of T391 timer 10s

Value of T392 timer 15s

T392 timer function status Enable

Value of N391counter 360

Value of N393counter 4

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10.5.3 Configure E-LMI function for PE device

Please configure E-LMI function for PE device as below:

Enable E-LMI function

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi Globally enable E-LMIfunction. The command of

enable ethernet lmi disable can disable this function.
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi (Optional) Configure Trap switch.
trap { enable | disable }
4 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi pe Configure the device as PE.

5 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

6 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet (Optional) Enable E-LMI function on interface.
lmi enable The command of ethernet lmi disable can disable
this function.
7 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet (Optional) Enable E-LMI T392 timer function on
lmi t392 enable interface. The command of ethernet lmi t392
disable can disable this function.
8 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet (Optional) Configure the value for T392 timer.
lmi t392 value
Note: The value of T392 timer must be greater than
the value for T391 timer of the corresping CE
9 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet (Optional) Configure the value of N393 counter for
lmi n393 value PE device.

Configure EVC
Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi evc Create EVC and enter EVC configuration mode.
evc-number evc-name
3 Raisecom(config-evc)#oam-protoco Bind EVC and CFM.
l cfm svlan vlan-id level level
The binding CFM service instance must be existed
and MEP is Up.

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config-evc)#uni count Configure the UNI number bound by EVC.

The UNI bound by EVC contains local UNI and
remote UNI. If the UNI number is 2, the attribute of
EVC is point-to-point; if the number is more than 2,
EVC will be point-to-multiple.
Note: the configured UNI number must be consistent
to MEP number bound by CFM.
If number of UNI is greater than MEP, the UNI status
is still partially active, even all UNI are Up. If
number of UNI is less than MEP, the UNI status may
shows as active while part of UNI are Down.

Configure UNI
Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi Create UNI. It only can create one UNI for each
uni uni-id interface and uni-id should be unique globally.
4 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi Configure binding type for UNI.
uni { bundling | all-to-one-bundling |
Bundling: UNI can bind one or more EVC and one or
service-multiplexing }
more CE-VLAN can be mapped to one EVC;
all-to-one-bundling: UNI only can bind one EVC and
all CE-VLAN can be mapped to this EVC
service-multiplexing: UNI can bind one or more
EVC, but each EVC only has one CE-VLAN mapping.
5 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi Bind UNI and EVC.
evc evc-number
6 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi Configure the mapping relation between EVC and
ce-vlan map { vlan-list | untagged | CE-VLAN.
all } evc evc-number
If the mapping type of UNI is all-to-one-bundling,
then all CE-VLAN are mapped to the bound EVC by
default, and at this time, not configure the command.

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Step Configuration Description

7 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi (Optional) Configure some EVC as default EVC. All

default-evc evc-number other unspecified CE-VLAN will be mapped to default
EVC. For example: After configuring the command of
ethernet lmi ce-vlan-map 100-4094 evc evc1, VLAN
100VLAN 4094 is mapped to evc1, then configure
evc2 as default EVC, the remained VLAN 1VLAN
99 and Untagged VLAN will be mapped to evc2.
If this command is configured in advance, the system
will map all VLAN to default EVC, then the command
of ethernet lmi ce-vlan-map {vlan-list | untagged |
all} evc evc-number will not be configured.
Note: This command can be configured only when the
binding type of UNI is bundling.
8 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi (Optional) Configure EVC message notification mode
evc-notify { asyn | full } for PE device.
When EVC notification mode is asyn, PE will send
message to CE immediately with the change of EVC to
make CE device take EVC update.
When EVC notification mode is full, PE will not send
message to CE immediately with the change of EVC,
but wait until receiving the efficient Full Status
Enquiry message from CE device, it will respond the
Full or Full Continuous message.

10.5.4 Configure E-LMI function for CE device

Please configure E-LMI function for CE device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi enable Globally enable E-LMIfunction. The command of

ethernet lmi disable can disable this function.
3 Raisecom(config)#ethernet lmi ce Configure the device as CE.
Note: The system will give a tip to clear the
existing E-LMI configuration when configuring
role switching for the device.
4 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

5 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi enable (Optional) Enable E-LMI function on interface.

The command of ethernet lmi disable can disable
this function.
6 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi t391 value (Optional) Configure the value for T391 timer.

7 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi n391 value (Optional) Configure the value for N391 counter.

8 Raisecom(config-port)#ethernet lmi n393 value (Optional) Configure the value for N393 counter
of CE device.

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10.5.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi config Show E-LMI configuration of interface.

port-list { all | port-list }
2 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi statistics Show E-LMI statistics of interface.
port-list { all | port-list }
3 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi uni port-list Show UNI configuration.
{ all | port-list }
4 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi evc Show EVC status.
5 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi evc map Show the mapping information between
port-list { all | port-list } EVC and CE-VLAN.
6 Raisecom#show ethernet lmi evc map oam Show OAM protocol information
mapped by EVC.

10.6 Maintenance
User can maintain OAM features by the below commands.

Command Description

Raisecom(config-port)#clear oam statistics Clear EFM OAM interface link statistics.

Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet cfm errors Clear CCM error database information.

[ level level ]
Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet cfm Clear remote MEP.
remote-mep [ level level ]
Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet cfm Clear traceroute cache database.
Raisecom(config)#clear ethernet lmi Clear interface E-LMI statistics.
statistics port-list { all | port-list }

10.7 Configuring applications

10.7.1 Application of EFM Networking requirement

As the Figure 10-5 s hows be low, de ploy E FM f eature on de vice t o i mprove E thernet l ink
management and maintenance capa bility be tween Switch A and Switch B. Switch A is active end,
Switch B is passive end. Deploy OAM event trap function on Switch A.

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Figure 10-5 Networking Sketch Map of EFM Application Configuration steps

Configure active end Switch A.

Raisecom#hostname Switch A
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#oam active
SwitchA(config-port)#oam enable
SwitchA(config-port)#oam event trap enable
SwitchA(config-port)#oam peer event trap enable
Configure passive end Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname Switch B
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#oam enable Show result

Show EFM configuration on Switch A by the command of show oam.

SwitchA#show oam port-list 1
Administrate state: Enable
Operation state: Disable
Max OAMPDU size: 1518
Send period: 1000 ms
Link timeout : 5s
Config revision: 1
Supported functions: Loopback, Event, Variable
Show OAM event larm configuration on Switch A by the command of show oam trap.
SwitchA#show oam trap port-list 1
Port: port1
Event trap: Enable
Peer event trap: Enable
Discovery trap total: 0
Discovery trap timestamp: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Lost trap total: 0
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Lost trap timestamp: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes

10.7.2 Application of CFM Networking requirement

As t he Figure 10-6 shows b elow, users communicate w ith server through t he ne twork bui ldup by
Switch A, Switch B a nd Switch C. To make E thernet l ink between server and user ge t
telecommunication service l evel, user can deploy C FM f eature on Switch device t o realize act ive
fault detection, acknowledgement and location. Switch A and Switch C are MEP, Switch B is M IP,
detecting Ethernet fault from Switch A Port 1 to Switch C Port 2, maintenance domain level is 3.

Figure 10-6 Networking Sketch Map of CFM Application Configuration steps

Configure interface adding into VLAN.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 100 active
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 100
SwitchA(config)#interface port 2
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
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SwitchB(config)#interface port 2
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure Switch C.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#create vlan 100 active
SwitchC(config)#interface port 2
SwitchC(config-port)#switch access vlan 100
SwitchC(config)#interface port 1
SwitchC(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure CFM fault detection function.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm domain level 3
SwitchA(config)#service ma1 level 3
SwitchA(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
SwitchA(config-service)#service mep up mpid 301 port 1
SwitchA(config-service)#service remote-mep 302
SwitchA(config-service)#service cc enable mep all
SwitchA(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm domain level 3
SwitchB(config)#service ma1 level 3
SwitchB(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
SwitchB(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Configure Switch C.
SwitchC(config)#ethernet cfm domain level 3
SwitchC(config)#service ma1 level 3
SwitchC(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
SwitchC(config-service)#service mep up mpid 302 port 2
SwitchC(config-service)#service remote mep 301
SwitchC(config-service)#service cc enable mep all

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SwitchC(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Execute CFM fault acknowledgement.

Take Switch A for example.

Switch(config)#service ma1 level 3
Switch(config-service)#ping mep 302 source 301
Sending 5 ethernet cfm loopback messages to 000e.5e03.688d, timeout is 2.5 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5).
Ping statistics from 000e.5e03.688d:
Received loopback replys< 5/0/0 > (Total/Out of order/Error)
Ping successfully.

Execute CFM fault location.

Take Switch A for example.

SwitchA(config)#service ma1 level 3
SwitchA(config-service)#traceroute mep 302 source 301
TTL: <64>
Tracing the route to 000E.5E00.0002 on level 3, service ma1.
Traceroute send via port1.
Hops HostMac Ingress/EgressPort IsForwarded RelayAction NextHop
1 000E.5E00.0003 2/1 Yes rlyFdb 000E.5E00.0003
2 000E.5E00.0003 1/2 Yes rlyFdb 000E.5E00.0001
!3 000E.5E00.0001 1/- No rlyHit 000E.5E00.0002 Show result

Show CFM configuration on Switch by the command of show ethernet cfm.

Take Switch A for example:
SwitchA#show ethernet cfm
Global CFM Admin Status: enable
Port CFM Enabled Portlist: P:1-28 PC:1-3
Archive hold time of error CCMs: 100(Min)
Remote mep aging time: 100(Min)
Device mode: Slave

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10.7.3 Application of SLA Networking requirement

As the Figure 10-7 shows b elow, users com municate with server through t he ne twork bui ldup by
Switch A, Switch B and Switch C, deploying CFM on Switch to make Ethernet link between server
and user get telecommunication service level. C arrier deploys SLA feature on Switch A and
schedules execution periodically, then it is able to detect network performance between Switch A and
Switch C.

Switch A performs layer-2 delay test to Switch C. Configure y1731-echo on Switch A, operation ID
is 2, remote MEP is 2, MD level is 3, VLAN-ID is 100, service level is 0. Schedule life period is 20
seconds, testing period is 10 seconds.

Figure 10-7 Networking Sketch Map of SLA Application Configuration steps

Configure CFM on Switch device.

Refer to Configure CFM Application for details.

Configure y1731-echo on Switch A and enable the operation schedule.

SwitchA(config)#sla 2 y1731-echo remote-mep 302 level 3 svlan 100 cos 0
SwitchA(config)#sla schedule 2 life 20 period 10 Show result

Show SLA configuration on Switch A by the command of show sla configuration.

Raisecom(config)#show sla 2 configuration
Operation <2>:
Type: Y1731-ECHO
Frame type: Loopback
Schedule Starttime: 0 days, 00:00:00

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Cos: 0
Service Vlan ID: 100
Customer Vlan ID: 0
MD Level: 3
Remote MEP ID: 302
Timeout(sec): 5
Schedule Life(sec): 20
Schedule Period(sec): 10
Schedule Status: Completed!

10.7.4 Configure E-LMI application Networking requirement

As the Figure 10-8 shows below, users edge de vices CE A an d CE B acces s service provider
network and interconnect through PE A and PE B separately. Deploy CFM feature on PE device to
make t he E thernet l ink between PE ge t t elecommunication service levels and realize act ive f ault
detection. Deploy E-LMI between PE and CE to reduce the service provider and user coordination
working a nd r ealize t he a utomatic c onfiguration of CE, a nd a t t he s ame t ime m onitor E VC s tatus
through CFM. The MD level of CFM is 3, and SVLAN is 100.

Figure 10-8 E-LMI application networking Configuration steps

Configure PE device interface adding VLAN.

Configure PE A.
Raisecom#hostname PEA
PEA(config)#create vlan 100 active
PEA(config)#interface port 1
PEA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
PEA(config)#interface port 2
PEA(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
Configure PE B.
Raisecom#hostname PEB
PEB(config)#create vlan 100 active

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PEB(config)#interface port 1
PEB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk
PEB(config)#interface port 2
PEB(config-port)#switchport mode trunk

Configure CFM fault detection function.

Configure PE A.
PEA(config)#ethernet cfm domain level 3
PEA(config)#service ma1 level 3
PEA(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
PEA(config-service)#service mep up mpid 301 port 1
PEA(config-service)#service remote-mep 302
PEA(config-service)#service cc enable mep all
PEA(config)#ethernet cfm enable
Configure PE B.
PEB(config)#ethernet cfm domain level 3
PEB(config)#service ma1 level 3
PEB(config-service)#service vlan-list 100
PEB(config-service)#service mep up mpid 302 port 2
PEB(config-service)#service remote-mep 301
PEB(config-service)#service cc enable mep all
PEB(config)#ethernet cfm enable

Configure E-LMI function of PE device.

Configure PE A.
PEA(config)#ethernet lmi enable
PEA(config)#ethernet lmi pe
PEA(config)#ethernet lmi evc 1 evc1
PEA(config-evc)#oam-protocol cfm svlan 100 level 3
PEA(config)#interface port 1
PEA(config-port)#ethernet lmi uni uni1
PEA(config-port)#ethernet lmi uni bundling
PEA(config-port)#ethernet lmi evc 1
PEA(config-port)#ethernet lmi ce-vlan map 100 evc 1
Configure PE B.
PEB(config)#ethernet lmi enable
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PEB(config)#ethernet lmi pe
PEB(config)#ethernet lmi evc 1 evc1
PEB(config-evc)#oam-protocol cfm svlan 100 level 3
PEB(config)#interface port 2
PEB(config-port)#ethernet lmi uni uni1
PEB(config-port)#ethernet lmi uni bundling
PEB(config-port)#ethernet lmi evc 1
PEB(config-port)#ethernet lmi ce-vlan map 100 evc 1

Execute E-LMI function on CE device.

Configure CE A.
Raisecom#hostname CEA
CEA(config)#ethernet lmi enable
CEA(config)#ethernet lmi ce
Configure CE B.
Raisecom#hostname CEB
CEB(config)#ethernet lmi enable
CEB(config)#ethernet lmi ce Show result

Check whether E-LMI configuration is correct on PE device by the command of show ethernet lmi
config port-list port-list.
Take PE A as example.
PEA#show ethernet lmi config port-list 1
E-LMI Global Enable Status: Enable (default is disabled)
TrapEnable: Enable (default is enabled)
Mode: PE (default is PE)
E-LMI Interface client1 configuration:
E-LMI Interface Enable status: Enable (default is enabled)
Max EVC number: 64
N393: 4 (default is 4)
Notify Type: Aysn (default is Aysn)
T392 Enable Status: Enable (default is enabled)
T392: 15s (default is 15s)

Check whether the VLAN configuration is learnt correctly on CE device by the command of show
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Take CE A as example.
CEA#show vlan
Switch Mode: --
VLAN Name State Status Priority Member-Ports
1 Default active static -- 1-6
100 VLAN0100 active static -- 3

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Chapter 11 System Management

This c hapter i ntroduces basic pr inciple a nd c onfiguration of s ystem management a nd pr ovides

related configuration applications.

Cluster management
Expanded OAM
SFP digital diagnostics
System LOG
Alarm management
Hardware environment detection
Fan monitor
CPU monitor
Check device information
Configuring applications

11.1 Overview
11.1.1 SNMP
SNMP ( Simple N etwork Management P rotocol) i s a dvanced by IETF (Internet E ngineering Task
Force) f or s olving m anagement pr oblem of ne twork de vices i n I nternet. S NMP l ets r emote
management for network devices supporting this protocol through one NMS (Network Management
System) possible, including monitor network status, modify network device configuration, receiving
network event alarm, etc. It is the widest applied network management protocol in TCP/IP network. Working system

SNMP is separated into two parts: Agent and NMS. The Agent and NMS communicate b y SNMP
packets being sent through UDP. The working system of SNMP is shown in the Figure 11-1:

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Figure 11-1 SNMP working system networking

Raisecom NView NNM system can provide friendly H MI ( Human Machine Interface) to facilitate
network management. The below functions can be realized through it:
Send request packets to the managed device.
Receive reply packets and Trap packets from the managed device, and show result.
Agent is a program stays in the managed device, realizing the below functions:
Receive/reply request packets from NView NNM system
To read/write packets and generate replay packets according to the packets type, then return
the result to NView NNM system
Define t rigger c ondition a ccording t o pr otocol m odules, e nter/exit s ystem or r eboot de vice
when c onditions a re s atisfied; r eplying module s ends Trap pa ckets t o N View NNM system
via agent to report current status of device.
Note: Agent can configure several versions, and different version communicates with different NMS.
But SNMP version of NMS must be consistent with agent when they are communicating so that they
can intercommunicate. Protocol version

Now SNMP has three versions: v1, v2c and v3.

SNMP v 1 uses a uthentication s ystem of C ommunity Name. C ommunity na me i s us ed t o

define r elationship between S NMP NMS an d Agent, performing as a pa ssword to restrict
NMS accesses SNMP agent. The packets will be discarded if the community name taken by
SNMP packets failed to pass device authentication.
SNMP v2c also uses authentication system of Community Name. It expands functions of
SNMP v1 besides compatibility: supporting more operation types, data type and error codes,
able to differenciate errors more detailed.
SNMP v 3 uses a uthentication s ystem of USM (User-Based Security M odel). User can s et
functions of authentication and encryption for it. The function combination of authentication
and encryption can provide a higher security to the communication between NMS and Agent.
Authentication is used to authenticate legacy of packets transmitting end, prevent illegal users
from accessing; encryption is to encrypt the transmission packets between NMS and Agent,
to avoid wiretapping.
ISCOM2924GF device is in support of all of the three SNMP versions simutaneously. MIB

MIB ( Management Information B ase) i s t he c ollection of a ll obj ects managed by N MS. It de fines
attributes for the managed objects:

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Access right
Data type
The device-related statistic contents can be reached by accessing data items. Each proxy has its own
MIB. MIB can be taken as an interface between NMS and Agent, through which NMS can
read/write every managed object in Agent to manage and monitor the device.
MIB store information in a tree structure, its root is on the top, without name. Nodes of the tree are
the managed obj ects, which take a u niquely pa th s tarting f rom r oot ( OID) f or i dentication. S NMP
protocol packets can access network devices by checking the nodes in MIB tree directory.

ISCOM2924GF is in support of standard MIB and Raisecom customized MIB.

11.1.2 KeepAlive
KeepAlive packet is a ki nd of keepAlive mechanism running i n HDLC ( High-Level D ata Link
Control) l ink l ayer pr otocol. The de vice w ill s end a KeepAlive pa cket to c onfirm w hether the
opposite side is online every several seconds so as to realize neighbor detection mechanism.

Trap is the unrequested information sent by the device actively to NMS, used to report some urgent
and important events.

Switch s ends K eepAlive Trap pockers act ively which includes the basic inf ormation of s witch
(device name, device OID, MAC address and IP address). Network management synchronizes device
information by IP t o m ake t he NMS di scover ne twork s egment i n a s hour t ime, i mprove w orking
efficiency and reduce working load of administrators.

11.1.3 RMON
RMON ( Remote Network Monitoring) is a standard stipulated by IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Force) for network data monitoring through different network Agent and NMS.

RMON is achieved based on SNMP architecture, including the network management center and the
Agent running on network devices. On the foundation of SNMP, increase the subnet traffic, statistics,
and analysis to achieve the monitoring to one network segment and the whole network, while SNMP
only c an monitor t he partial inf ormation of a s ingle de vice and it is difficult for i t t o monitor one
network segment.

RMON Ag ent is c ommonly r eferred t o a s the pr obe pr ogram; R MON Probe can take the
communication s ubnet s tatistics a nd pe rformance a nalysis. W henever it finds network f ailure,
RMON Probe can report network management center, and describes the capture information under
unusual ci rcumstances so t hat the ne twork management cent er doesnt ne ed t o pol l the de vice
constantly. Compared with SNMP, RMON can monitor remote de vices more act ively and more
effectively, ne twork a dministrators c an t rack t he ne twork, network segment or de vice m alfunction
more quickly. T his a pproach r educes t he data traffics be tween network m anagement cent er and
Agent, makes it pos sible to manage l arge ne tworks simply and pow erfully, and m akes up the
limitations of SNMP in growing distributed Internet.

RMON Probe data collection methods:

Distributed RMON. N etwork management center obtains ne twork management information
and controls network resources directly from RMON Probe through dedicated RMON Probe
collection data.
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Embedded RMON. Embed RMON Agent directly to network devices (such as switches) to
make the m w ith RMON Probe f unction. N etwork m anagement c enter will collect network
management i nformation through the basic operation of SNMP and the exchange data
information of RMON Agent.
Our d evices a re e mbedded RMON. S hown i n F igure 1 1-2, t he de vice i mplements R MON Agent
function. Through this function, the management station can obtain the overall traffic, error statistics
and performance statistics information of this network segment connected to the managed network
device interface so as to achieve the monitoring to one segment.

Figure 11-2 RMON application networking

RMON MIB can be divided into nine groups according to function. Currently, there are four function
groups achieved: statistics group, history group, alarm group, and event group.

Statistics group, responsible f or c ollecting statistics on an interface, including the r eceived packet
count and size distribution statistics;
History gr oup, s imilar t o t he s tatistics gr oup, but i t c ollects statistics information i n a de signated
testing period;

Alarm gr oup, w ithin t he s pecified t ime i nterval, monitor a s pecific m anagement i nformation base
(MIB) objects, and set the rising threshold and falling threshold; if the monitored object reaches the
threshold, an event is triggered;

Event group, coordinating with the alarm group, when the alarm triggers an event, it will be used to
record the c orresponding e vent information, s uch a s s end Trap i nformation, w rite into t he l og a nd

11.1.4 Cluster management

Cluster management protocol is used to manage a set of switch e quipment to provide users a ne w
management method.

Users can set up a cl uster by master s witch so as to achieve the centralized management and
configuration to multiple devices added to the cluster. The main switch is called command device,
the other managed switches are member devices. Command device has a public IP address, while the
member devices do not set the IP address; the management and maintenance of member devices are
often achieved by command device redirection.

The c luster m anagement c an r educe t he w orkload of e ngineering a nd m aintenance, and also save
public IP address resources. Administrators only need to configure public IP address on one device to
achieve the management and maintenance of all cluster equipment without logging into each device
for configuration.

The benefits of c luster management are beyond doubt. H owever, when using cluster management,
different manufacturers ha ve di fferent i mplementations on t he c luster pr ogram, g enerally us ing
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proprietary pr otocols, c luster, w hich shows t hat the c luster m anagement t echnology ha s i ts
limitations Cluster role

According to the different position and function of switches, the cluster has different roles. User can
configure to specify the role of switch. The cluster role can be command device, member device and
candidate device.

Command device (Commander): also known as management device, used to assign public IP
address t o provide m anagement i nterface f or al l s witch in the c luster. C ommand de vice
manages m ember de vice by command redirection: n etwork m anagement s ystem s ends
commands t o t he c ommand de vice for pr ocessing via t he publ ic ne twork. The c ommand
device will f orward c ommands t o m ember de vice i f i t f inds t he c ommands s hould b e
executed on member device. Command device can discover neighbor information, collect the
entire network topology, manage cluster, maintain cluster state, and support a variety of agent
Member device (Member): members in cluster, generally do not configure public IP address.
User manages member devices by commands redirection via the command device. Member
device can discover neighbor information, accept command device management, equipment,
execute t he c ommands from command device, and report fault/log. M ember device can b e
managed through network management system or Telnet mode directly on c ommand device
after activating.
Candidate device (Candidate): ha s not joi ned any c lusters but s till ha s c luster a bility to
become a cl uster m ember s witch. The di fference from member de vice i s the t opology
information of candidate device has already collected by command device but not yet joined
the c luster. When adding a candidate device to the cluster, the de vice will be come member
device; w hen r emoving a member device from the cluster, t he device will recover to
candidate device again.

Figure 11-3 Sketch map of cluster management

As s hown i n Figure 1 1-3, the s witch c onfigured I P a ddress i s c ommand de vice, while the de vice
managed by command device redirection is member de vice. T he command device and member

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device can form a cluster. The device not joined cluster but still had cluster ability is candidate
device. Working principle of cluster

Cluster management mainly contains three protocols:

RNDP (Raisecom Neighbor Discover Protocol) is responsible for the neighbor discovery and
information gathering of devices.
RTDP (Raisecom Topology Discover Protocol) is responsible for the entire network topology
information collection and processing.
RCMP ( Raisecom C luster M anagement P rotocol) m ainly configures t o add, activate, and
delete cluster members.
RTDP and RCMP protocols take communication in the cluster V LAN. S o, if there are devices not
supporting RAISECOM cl uster m anagement function between the t wo devices f or cl uster
management, you ne ed t o c onfigure t he c luster VLAN to e nsure t he nor mal c ommunication of
RCMP and RTDP protocols.

Each cluster must specify a com mand device. After command device is specified, command device
can di scover and determine candidate de vice through neighbor discovery and topology gathering
protocol. Users can add candidate device to the cluster by corresponding configuration.

Candidate de vice will become m ember device af ter addi ng to cluster. If you w ant to m anage t he
device through cluster management function, you must activate the switch, or configure auto-active
function on switch.

11.1.5 LLDP
As the growing of network scale and the i ncreasing of network devices, ne twork t opology is
becoming m ore c omplex a nd network m anagement is become pa rticularly i mportant. T o t rack
changes i n network t opology information, m any ne twork management s oftware has a dopted the
"automatic di scovery" f unction, but m ost ne twork m anagement s oftware only can analyze t he
network layer topology without determining by which i nterface other devices connected t o other

LLDP ( Link Layer D iscovery P rotocol) is a link la yer di scovery pr otocol de fined by t he I EEE
802.1AB. Network m anagement s ystem c an m aster l ayer-2 network t opology a nd t he c hanges
quickly by the protocol.

LLDP or ganizes the l ocal device i nformation to di fferent T LV ( Type Length V alue uni t), a nd
encapsulates t hem in LLDPDU ( Link Layer D iscovery P rotocol Data U nit) to s end to direct-
connected neighbors. Meanwhile, LLDP will save the information from neighbors with the standard
MIB ( Management Information Base) f or m anagement s ystem to inquiry and judge links
communication status. Basic concept

LLDP messages: Ethernet messages encapsulated LLDPDU in data unit.

LLDPDU: da ta uni t of LLDP message. Before the c omposition of L LDPDU, the de vice w ill

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encapsulate local information to TLV, and a number of TLV will combine into one LLDPDU, which
encapsulated in the Ethernet data part will be transmitted.
Shown in Figure 11-4, LLDPDU is formed by a number of TLV, which contains four mandatory TLV
and a number of optional TLV.

Figure 11-4 LLDPDU structure chart

TLV: uni t c ombining LLDPDU, which r efers t o t he unit de scribing t he object type, l ength a nd

TLV st ructure is shown i n F igure 1 1-5: each TLV r epresents a piece of local i nformation. For
example, t he device ID and interface ID are corresponded to Chassis ID TLV and Por t ID TLV

Figure 11-5 Basic TLV structure chart

TLV types are shown in Table 11-1, currently, it only uses the type of 0~8.

Table 11-1 TLV types:

TLV type Description Compulsory or not

0 End Of LLDPDU: means LLDP messages end. Compulsory

1 Chassis Id: MAC address of sending device. Compulsory

2 Port Id: sending side interface of LLDP messages Compulsory

3 Time To Live: aging time of local device Compulsory

information on neighbour device.
4 Port Description: description of Ethernet interface Optional

5 System Name Optional

6 System Description Optional

7 System Capabilities: main function of system and Optional

the used function
8 Management Address Optional Working principle of LLDP

LLDP i s a poi nt-to-point one -way di stribution protocol, which sends L LDP m essages periodically
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from l ocal de vice t o oppo site de vice (or se nd LLDP messages w hen there i s cha nge in local
information) to notify the link state to opposite device.
The data traffic is as follows:

When sending, the de vice obtains system information r equired by the selected TLV, and
obtains configuration information from LLDP MIB, generates TLV, constitutes LLDPDU,
encapsulates to LLDP messages and sends them to opposite device.
After r eceiving LLDP messages, oppos ite de vice w ill a nalyze a ll the T LV information. If
there i s c hange, t he oppos ite de vice w ill upda te t he i nformation to LLDP neighbors M IB
table and inform NMS.
The aging time TTL (Time to live) of local device information in the neighbor node can be adjusted
by modifying t he pa rameter v alues of aging coefficient, s ends LLDP m essages t o ne ighbor node ,
after r eceiving LLDP messages, ne ighbor no de will adjust the a ging time of its neighbor n odes
(sending side) information. Aging time formula, TTL = Min {65535, (interval hold-multiplier)}:

Interval indicates the time period to send LLDP messages from neighbor node.
Hold-multiplier refers to the aging coefficient of device information in neighbor node.

11.1.6 Optical module digital diagnostics

Optical m odule digital d iagnostics function on de vice i s i n s upport of SFP ( Small Form-factor
Pluggables), and 10 GE SFP + diagnosis.
Optical m odule digital di agnostics function provides a performance m onitoring method. Network
administrator a nalyzes the monitor da ta provided b y SFP to predict the a ge of transceiver, isolates
system fault and authenticates modules compatibility during installation.

Optical module digital diagnostics function can monitor the following performance parameters:

Module temperature
Inner supply voltage
Transmitting offset current
Transmitting optical power
Receiving optical power
When the pe rformance parameters r each alarm t hreshold or s tatus i nformation changes, the
corresponding Trap alarm will be generated.

11.1.7 System Log

System Log means the device records system information and debug information, etc. in the form of
log and outputs them to assigned destination. When the device has fault, the system log will take it
easy for user to check and locate fault.

System information and some debug outputs of ISCOM2924GF will be sent to system log. System
log s ends the i nformation t o di fferent de stination a ccording t o us er c onfiguration. The system log
destinations are as below:
Console: output log information to local Console through Console interface
Log host: output log information to log host in log file format
Monitor: output log information to monitor, such as Telnet terminal
File: output log information to device Flash in log file format
Buffer: output log information to buffer
Format of system log:
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timestamp module-level- Message content

Content of system log:
FEB-22-2005 14:27:33 CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER "raisecom" Run "logging on"
FEB-22-2005 06:46:20 CONFIG-6-LINK_D:port 2 Link Down
FEB-22-2005 06:45:56 CONFIG-6-LINK_U:port 2 Link UP
Log format output to log host:
timestamp module-level- Message content
Log contents output to log host:
07-01-2008 11:31:28 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:22:15 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " logging on "
07-01-2008 11:27:41 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:18:30 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " ip address 1 "
The system log information can be divided into eight levels according to the order of severity, as the
Table 11-2 shows:

Information levels:

Severity level Level Description

emergencies 0 The system is unavailable

alerts 1 Need to process immediately

critical 2 criticalstatus

errors 3 Error status

warnings 4 Alarm status

notifications 5 Normal but very important status

informational 6 Notification event

debugging 7 Debug information

Note: The severity level of output information can be set manually. According to the severity level, it
only outputs low level or the same level configuration information with severity level. For example,
configure i nformation out put f or s pecified level 3 (or a ssign the severity l evel e rrors di rectly); t he
level is 0 to 3, i.e. the information with severity level of emergencies ~ errors can be output.

11.1.8 Alarm management

Alarm means when the device has fault or some working condition changes, the system will generate
alarm information according to different fault types and different alarm sources.

Alarm information is used to report some of the urgent and important event and notify them to the
network administrator promptly, which provides strong support for monitoring device operation and
fault diagnosis.

Alarm information is stored in the alarm buffer, and at the same time generated to log information. If
configuring network management system, the alarm information will be sent to network management
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system through SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). The information sent to the network
management system is called Trap information. Classification of alarm information

The alarm information can be divided into three types according to alarm natures:

Fault alarm: refers t o the alarm for so me hardware fault or some abnormal important
functions, such as interface status down alarm;
Recovery alarm: re fers to the al arm for de vice failure or a bnormal function r eturning to
normal, such as interface status up alarm;
Event alarm: refers to the alarm indicating the prompted fault and recovery unmatched, such
as Ping probe failure alarm.
The alarm information can be divided into five types according to alarm functions:
Communication alarm: refers t o the alarms r elated to the processing of i nformation
transmission, i ncluding the c ommunication f ault between ne twork e lements, network
elements and network management systems or NMS and NMS.
Service quality alarm: refers to the alarms caus ed by service qua lity de gradation, including
congestion, performance decline, high resource utilization rate, and the bandwidth reducing.
Processing error alarm: refers t o the al arms caused by software or pr ocessing errors,
including s oftware e rrors, m emory ov erflow, v ersion mismatching, and t he a bnormal
program aborts.
Environmental a larm: refers t o the al arms caus ed by equipment l ocation-related pr oblems,
including the environment temperature, humidity, ventilation and other abnormal working
Device alarm: refers to the alarms caused by physical resource failure, including power, fan,
processor, clock, input / output interfaces and other hardware devices. Output of alarm information

There are three alarm information output modes:

Alarm buffer: record in tabular form, including the current alarm table and history alarm
Current alarm table, recording alarm information which doesnt be cleared or restored.
History alarm table, recording the cleared and auto-restored alarm information.
Log: alarm information is generated to system log when recorded in alarm buffer, and stored
in t he a larm l og buf fer. By de fault, a larm inf ormation will generate to system l og
automatically. User can suppress the generation of the system log manually.
Trap Information: alarm information sent to network management system when configuring
network management system.
Alarm will be broadcast a ccording t o t he v arious t erminals of t he de vice c onfiguration, i ncluding
command-line terminal and network management system.

Alarm information log output with the beginning of symbol "#", the output format is:
# Index TimeStamp HostName ModuleName / Severity / name: Arise From Description
The field description is shown in Table 11-3.

Table 11-3 Alarm information field description

Field Description

Index Alarm index

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Field Description

TimeStamp Alarm time

HostName Alarm host name

ModuleName Alarm module name

Severity Alarm severity level

name Alarm name

Arise From Description Alarm description Level of alarm information

The alarm level is used to identify the severity degree of an alarm. The level is defined in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4 Alarm level definition

Level Description Corresponding Syslog

Critical (3) This alarm has affected system services and requires 1 (Alert)
immediate troubleshooting. Restore the device or source
immediately if they are completely unavailable, even it
is not during working time.
Major (4) This alarm has affected the service quality and requires 2 (Critical)
immediate troubleshooting. Restore the device or source
service quality if they decline; or take measures
immediately during working hours to restore all
Minor (5) This alarm hasnt influenced the existing service yet, 3 (Error)
which needs further observation and take measures at
appropriate time so as to avoid more serious fault.
Warning (6) This alarm will not affect the current service, but maybe 4 (Warning)
the potential error will affect the service, so it can be
considered as needing to take measures.
Indeterminate (2) Uncertain alarm level, usually the event alarm. 5 (Notice)

Cleared (1) This alarm shows to clear one or more reported alarms. 5 (Notice) Alarm-related concepts

Introduction of alarm related concepts:

Alarm suppression
The device only records root-cause alarm, but not incidental alarm when enabling alarm suppression.
For example, the generation of alarm A will inevitably produce alarm B, then alarm B is suppressed
and doe snt appe ar i n alarm buffer and r ecord l og information when e nabling a larm s uppression.
Enabling alarm suppression can reduce the number of alarms effectively.

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The root-cause alarm and all other incidental alarms will be recorded on device when disabling alarm
Alarm Auto-reporting
Auto-reporting refers to the a larm w ill be r eported t o network m anagement s ystem automatically
with i ts ge neration a nd ne ednt initiate inqui ries or s ynchronization. User can set auto-reporting
function to a larms generated f rom s ome property module ( alarm source), s ome interface ( alarm
source), and the specified property module in the specified interface.

Note: Alarm S ource: refers t o the alarm entities ge nerated related alarms, such as i nterface, alarm
module (in support of alarm features) and so on.

Alarm monitoring
Alarm monitoring is used to deal with each module alarms:

The alarm module will receive alarms generated by each module when enabling alarm
monitoring function, and deal with them according to the configuration of alarm module,
such as record alarm in alarm buffer, and record system logs, etc;
The a larm m odule w ill di scard t he a larm ge nerated by t he m odule without follow-up
treatment when disabling alarm monitoring function and the alarms will not be recorded
on the device.
User can take alarm monitoring to some property module, some interface or the specified property
module in the specified interface.

Alarm reverse mode

Alarm reverse refers t o the de vice will r eport t he i nformation oppos ite t o a ctual s tatus w hen
recording alarm information, or report the a larm when there is no alarm inf ormation. Not r eport if
there is alarm information.

Currently, t he de vice is only in support of reverse mode configuration of the i nterface. There a re
three reverse modes to be set; the specific definitions are as follows:

No reverse mode
Device alarm is reported normally.
Manual reverse mode
Set the alarm reverse mode of an interface as manual reverse mode, then no matter what the current
alarm state is, the reported alarm state of the interface will be changed opposite to the actual alarm
state i mmediately, that is to say, not report when there are alarms, report when there arent alarms
actually. The interface will maintain the oppos ite alarm state regardless of the alarm state cha nges
before the alarm reverse state being restored to non-reverse mode.

Auto-reverse mode
Set the alarm re verse mode as aut o-reverse m ode. If t he i nterface hasnt actual r everse al arm
currently, the setting will return fail; if the interface has actual reverse alarm, the setting is success
and enter reverse m ode, i.e. t he i nterface r eported alarm s tatus is changed oppos ite t o t he actual
alarm s tatus immediately. After t he al arm is f inished, t he e nabling s tate of interface alarm reverse
will e nds automatically and cha nges to no n-reverse al arm mode so that t he al arm s tate can be
reported normally in next alarm.

Alarm delay
Alarm delay refers to the device will record alarms and report alarms to NMS after a delay time but
not immediately when alarms generate. Both recording delay time and reporting delay time are the
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By default, the device alarm is reported once generating (0s), which is instant reporting; clear alarm
once it ends (0s), which is instant clearing.

Alarm storage mode

Alarm storage mode refers t o how t o record new ge nerated alarms w hen the a larm buf fer i s f ull.
There are two ways:
Stop: stop mode, when the alarm buffer is full, new generated alarms will be discarded
without recording.
Loop: wrapping mode, when the alarm buffer is full, the new generated al arms will
replace old alarm information and take rolling records.
Use configured storage m ode t o deal with new generated alarm information w hen the al arm
information in device alarm table is full.
Alarm clear
Clear the current alarm, which i s delete the current alarm from current alarm table. T he cleared
alarms will enter history alarm table.
Check alarm
Administrators can check alarms directly on t he device, monitor alarm information. If the device is
configured network management system, they can monitor on the network management system.

11.1.9 Hardware environment monitoring

Hardware environment m onitoring mainly r efers t o m onitor t he r unning e nvironment of
ISCOM2924GF device. The monitoring alarm events include:

Power state alarm

Temperature beyond threshold alarm
Voltage beyond threshold alarms
Abnormal interface status alarm
There are s everal w ays to notify the us er when an al arm is generated. The alarm event out put
methods are as follows:

Record device hardware environmental monitoring alarm buffer;

Output Syslog system log;
Send Trap to network management center.
User can take appropriate measures to prevent failure when alarm events happen. Alarm event

Power monitoring alarm
There are two power status alarms specifically:

Abnormal supply voltage alarm

The al arm ge nerates w hen the p ower v oltage is ov er or be low 20% of t he predetermined v oltage
value 12V , on the contrary, alarm will also generates when voltage restore the no rmal value. This
alarm event is in support of recording hardware monitoring alarm table, Trap and Syslog output.

Power state change alarm

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Power state change refers to the power present changes to power absent, or power absent changes to
power present state. ISCOM2924GF device is in support of dual power supplies, so the power state
change alarm can be divides into one power state of two powers changes and device power-down.

One power state of dual powers changes: the alarm e vent will inform user the state of
power 1/2 changes, which is in support of recording hardware monitoring alarm table,
Trap and Syslog output.
Device power-down: Both powers are down, that is to say, both powers are changed to
absent state, which is only support of Syslog output.
Temperature beyond threshold alarm
The device is in support of temperature beyond threshold alarm event, when the current temperature
is lower than low temperature threshold, the low temperature alarm event will generate, which is in
support of recording hardware monitoring alarm table, Trap and Syslog output.

When the device current temperature is higher than high temperature threshold, the high temperature
alarm e vent w ill ge nerate, w hich i s a lso i n support of recording ha rdware monitoring a larm t able,
Trap and Syslog output.
Voltage beyond threshold alarm
The device is in support of voltage beyond threshold alarm event, when the current voltage is lower
than low v oltage threshold, the low v oltage a larm e vent w ill ge nerate, w hich is in support of
recording hardware monitoring alarm table, Trap and Syslog output.
When the device current voltage is higher than high voltage threshold, the high voltage alarm event
will ge nerate, w hich i s a lso i n support of r ecording h ardware m onitoring a larm t able, T rap a nd
Syslog output.

Note: the device only monitor 3.3V master chip voltage.

Interface status alarm
Each interface has three alarm events:

Interface link-fault alarm: link failure alarm refers to the peer link signal loss. The alarm
event only aims at optical port, but not power port.
Interface link-down alarm: interface status Down alarm.
Interface not-forwarding alarm: The interface will change to non-forwarding state under
all VLAN.
All three alarm events are in support of recording hardware monitoring alarm table, Trap and Syslog
output. Alarm output mode

Hardware environment monitoring alarm output modes are as below:

Hardware environment monitoring a larm buf fer out put, which is r ecorded to the ha rdware
environment monitoring alarm table
The hardware environment monitoring alarm table, recording current alarm information
which hasnt been cleared and restored.
The hardware e nvironment m onitoring history a larm table, r ecording c urrent, restored
and manually cleared alarm information.
Hardware e nvironmental monitoring alarm information can be recorded in the cu rrent hardware
environment monitoring a larm table and ha rdware environment m onitoring history alarm t able
automatically without configuring manually.

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Trap output
Alarm information is output to network management center in Trap mode.

Trap output has global switch and all monitored alarm events still have their own Trap alarm output
switches. When enabling the global switch and monitored alarm events switches simultaneously, the
alarm will generate Trap output.

The contents of Trap information are shown in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5 Trap description

Field Description

Alarm status Asserted (current alarm)

Cleared (alarm recovery)
Clearall (clear all alarm information)
Alarm source Device (global alarm)
Interface number (interface status alarm)
Timestamp Alarm time, in the form of absolute time

Alarm event type dev-power-down (power-down alarm)

power-abnormal (power-abnormal alarm, one of two
powers is power down.)
high-temperature (high-temperature alarm)
low-temperature (low-temperature alarm)
high-volt (high-voltage alarm)
low-volt (low-voltage alarm)
link-down (interface LinkDown alarm)
not-forwarding (interface Not-Forwarding alarm)
link-falut (interface LinkFault alarm)
all-alarm (clear all alarm information)
Syslog output
Record alarm information to Syslog.
Syslog output ha s global s witch and all monitored alarm e vents still ha ve the ir o wn Syslog alarm
output s witches. When e nabling t he gl obal s witch a nd monitored alarm ev ents s witches
simultaneously, the alarm will generate Syslog output.

Syslog contents are shown in Table 11-6.

Table 11-6 Syslog information description

Field Description

Facility The module name generating alarm, the hardware environment

monitoring module is fixed as alarm.
Severity Level, Please see table 11-2 for the same system log difined levels.

Mnemonics Alarm event type, please see table 11-5 for the detailed type deacription.

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Field Description

Msg-body Main body, describing alarm event contents.

11.1.10 Fan monitor

ISCOM2924GF device is in support of fan monitor function, can monitor the fan rotating speed and
temperature. When device de tects abnor mal fan rotating speed and temperature, it g enerates alarm
and sends Trap information.
Two monitor modes for the fan:

Force monitor: set rotating spedd for the fan by force;

Auto-monitor: adjust rotating speed automatically according to temperature.
In auto-monitor mode, the device divides rotating speed into four levels; every level corresponds to a
group of t emperature r ange r espectively. The device can adjust r otating speed according t o t he
environment temperature.

11.1.11 CPU monitor

SCOM2924GF device is in support of CPU monitoring function, which can real-time monitor each
task state in the system, CPU utilization and stack usage to help network administrator locate fault

CPU monitoring can provide the following functions:

Check the CPU utilization

Check CPU holding time and utilization of all tasks in each period (5 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes,
and 2 hours). The total CPU utilization within each period can be displayed statically or dynamically.

Check the ope rational s tatus of a ll ta sks and the de tailed running s tatus i nformation of assigned
Check CPU history utilization within each period.

Check death task information.

CPU utilization threshold alarms

Within a specified sampling period, the system will generate alarm and send Trap if CPU utilization
is ov er the c onfigured r ising threshold or be low t he declining threshold. Trap i nformation w ill
provide f ive task num bers and t heir CPU ut ilization with t he hi ghest CPU ut ilization in the most
recent periods (5 seconds, 1 minute, and 10 minutes).

11.1.12 Ping
The na me of P ing comes from sonar location operation, us ed t o detect whether the ne twork
connection is normal.
Generally, Ping function is achieved with ICMP echo messages. Firstly, send echo request message
to an address, then the address corresponding device will respond to echo reply message. When echo
request reaches the de stination a ddress, the de vice w ill r eturn echo reply message to t he s ource
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address in an effective time to show the destination is reachable. If not receiving echo reply within
the effective time, the sending end will display timeout, which means the destination is unreachable.
Ping function principle is shown in Figure 11-6.

Figure 11-6 Ping function achieving principle network

11.1.13 Traceroute
Same to P ing, Traceroute i s a commonly used maintenance method in network m anagement.
Traceroute function is often used to test the network nodes of messages from sender to destination,
detect whether the network connection is reachable and analyze network fault.

The implementation process of Traceroute is as follows:

First, send a piece of TTL1 sniffer message (UDP port number of message is unavailable to
any application programs in destination side).
TTL deducts 1 when reaching the first hop; because the TTL value is 0, in the first hop, the
device returns an ICMP timeout message, indicating that this message cannot be sent.
The sending host will add 1 to TTL and resend this message.
Because TTL value was reduced to 0 in the second hop, the device will return an ICMP
timeout message, indicating that this message cannot be sent.
The above steps will continue until the messages reach destination host, which will not return ICMP
timeout message. Because the port number of destination host hasnt be used, destination host will
send port unreachable message and finish the test. Thus, the sending host can record the source
address of each ICMP T TL t imeout message, and a nalyze t he pa th t o de stination a ccording t o t he
response message. Traceroute function principle is shown in Figure 11-7.

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Figure 11-7 Traceroute function achieving principle networking

11.2 SNMP
11.2.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When us er needs t o l og o n ISCOM2924GF device t hrough N MS, pl ease configure SNMP basic
functions for ISCOM2924GF in advance. Preconditions

Finish below tasks before configuring SNMP:

Configure SNMP interface IP address.

Configure routing pr otocol, a nd m ake s ure r outing be tween ISCOM2924GF and N MS is

11.2.2 Default configuration of SNMP

The default configuration of SNMP is as below:

Function Default value

SNMP view By default: system, internet view

SNMP community By default: public, private community

Index CommunityName ViewName Permission
1 public internet ro
2 private internet rw
SNMP access group By default: initialnone, initial group

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Function Default value

SNMP user By default: raisecomnone, raisecommd5nopriv,

raisecomshanopriv user
Mapping relation between Index GroupName UserName S ecModel
SNMP user and access group
-0 initialnone raisecomnone us m
1 i nitial r aisecommd5nopriv us m
2 i nitial r aisecomshanopriv us m
Logo and the contact method
[email protected]
of administrator
Device physical location world china raisecom

Trap status Enable

SNMP target host address N/A

11.2.3 Configure basic function for SNMP v1/v2c

In order to protect itself and prevent its MIB from unauthorized access, SNMP Agent proposes the
concept of c ommunity. The management s tation in the s ame community must use t he community
name in all Agent operating, or their requests will not be accepted.

Community na me refers t o use different S NMP s tring to identify di fferent group. Different
community can have read-only or read-write access permission. G roups with read-only pe rmission
can only query the device information, while groups with read-write authority can configure the
device in addition to query the device information.

SNMP v1/ v2c uses t he community na me a uthentication scheme, a nd the SNMP packets which are
inconsistent to the community name will be discarded.
Please configure SNMP v1, v2c on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server view view-name (Optional) Create SNMP view and configure

oid-tree [ mask ] { included | excluded } MIB variable range.
The default view is internet, which includes all
MIB variables below 1.3.6 node of MIB tree.
3 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server community Create community name and configure the
com-name [ view view-name ] { ro | rw } corresponding view and access permission. Use
default view internet if view view-name option
is empty.
4 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server access group-name (Optional) Create and configure SNMP v1/v2c
[ read view-name ] [ write view-name ] [ notify access group.
view-name ] { v1sm | v2csm }

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server group group-name (Optional) Configure the mapping relation

user user-name { v1sm | v2csm | usm } between user and access group. SNMP v1/v2c
can assign the corresponding community group
and configure secure model for group. When
the secure model is v1sm or v2csm, the secure
level is noauthnopriv automatically.

11.2.4 Configure basic function for SNMP v3

SNMPV3 uses USM over user authentication mechanism. USM comes up with the concept of access
group: one or more users correspond to one a ccess group, e ach access group sets the related read,
write and announce v iew; u sers i n access gr oup have acces s pe rmission in this view. User acces s
group de nt G et a nd S et r equest must ha ve pe rmission c orresponding t o t he r equest, or t he r equest
will not be accepted.

As the Figure 11-8 s hows, ne twrk m anagement s tation us es t he nor mal a ccess f rom S NMP v 3 t o
switch and the configuration is as below:
Configure user
Check which access group the user belongs to.
Configure view permission for access group.
Create view.

Figure 11-8 Sketch map of SNMP v3 authentication mechanism

Please configure SNMP v3 on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server view view-name Create SNMP view and configure

oid-tree [ mask ] { included | excluded } MIB variable range.

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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server user user-name Create user and configure

[ remote engine-id ] authentication { md5 | sha } authentication mode.
4 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server access group-name Create and configure SNMP v3
[ read view-name ] [ write view-name ] [ notify access group.
view-name ] [ context context-name { exact |
prefix } ] usm { noauthnopriv | authnopriv }
5 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server group group-name Configure the mapping relation
user user-name { v1sm | v2csm | usm } between user and access group.

11.2.5 Configure other information of SNMP

Configure other information of SNMP, including:

Logo and contact method of administrators

Physical location of switch
All SNMP v1, v2c and v3 are in support of the above configuration.

Please configure other information of SNMP on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server (Optional) Configure logo and contact method of

contact contact administrators.
Note: Foe example: use E-mail as logo and
contact method of administrators.
3 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server (Optional) assign the physical location of device.
location location

11.2.6 Configure Trap

Note: Except for target host configuration, Trap configuration of SNMP v1, v2c and v3 are identical.

Trap means the device sends unrequested information to NMS automatically, which is used to report
some critical events.

Finish the following tasks befoce configuring Trap function:

Configure SNMP ba sic function. SNMP v 1 and v2c versions need to configure community
name; SNMP v3 needs to configure username and SNMP view.
Configure routing pr otocol, a nd m ake s ure r outing be tween ISCOM2924GF and N MS is
Please configure SNMP Trap on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter Layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address ip-address Configure Layer-3 interface IP address.

[ ip-mask ] [ sub ] [ vlan-list ]
4 Raisecom(config)#exit Exit from global configuration mode and
enter Privileged EXEC mode.
5 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host ip-address (Optional) Configure Trap target host over
version 3 { noauthnopriv | authnopriv } SNMP v3.
user-name [ udpport udpport ]
6 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host ip-address (Optional) Configure Trap target host over
version { 1 | 2c } com-name [ udpport udpport ] SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c.
7 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server enable traps Enable SNMP sending Trap function.

11.2.7 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom(config)#show snmp access Show configuration information of SNMP

access group.
2 Raisecom(config)#show snmp Show configuration information of SNMP
community community.
3 Raisecom(config)#show snmp config Show basic configuration information of
SNMP, including local SNMP engine ID,
logo and contact method of administrators,
switch location and TRAP switch status.
4 Raisecom(config)#show snmp group Show mapping relationship between
SNMP user and access group.
5 Raisecom(config)#show snmp host Show SNMP target host information.

6 Raisecom(config)#show snmp statistics Show SNMP statistic information.

7 Raisecom(config)#show snmp user Show SNMP user information.

8 Raisecom(config)#show snmp view Show SNMP view information.

11.3 KeepAlive
11.3.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Switch sends KeepAlive packet to make network management discover network segment in a short
time, improve working efficiency and reduce the working load of administrators. User can configure
to e nable or di sable t he K eepAlive t ransmission a nd i ts pe riod. When e nabling KeepAlive T rap
switch, if setting snmp enable traps and layer-3 IP address, switch will send a KeepAlive Trap to all
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target hosts with Bridge Trap every KeepAlive Trap Interval. Preconditions
Configure SNMP interface IP address.
Configure basic function of SNMP: SNMP v1 and v2c versions need to configure community
name; SNMP v3 needs to configure username and SNMP view.
Configure routing pr otocol, a nd m ake s ure r outing be tween ISCOM2924GF and N MS is

11.3.2 Defaut configuration of KeepAlive

The default configuration of KeepAlive is as below:

Function Default value

KeepAlive Trap function status Disable

KeepAlive Trap period 300s

11.3.3 Configure KeepAlive function

Please configure KeepAlive function as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server Enable to send KeepAlive Trap. By default,

keepalive-trap enable disable to send KeepAlive Trap packet. The
command of snmp-server keepalive-trap
disable can disable this function.
3 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server (Optional) Configure KeepAlive Trap
keepalive-trap interval period transmission period.

Note: To avoid multiple de vices s ending KeepAlive Trap in the s ame t ime accor ding to the s ame
period and causing heavy network management load, the real transmission period of KeepAlive Trap
is timed as period+5s random transmission.

11.3.4 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show keepalive Show KeepAlive configuration.

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11.4 RMON
11.4.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

RMON can help user monitor network and statistic traffic flow.

RMON is a more efficient monitoring method than SNMP. User just needs to assign alarm threshold,
device over t hreshold w ill s end trap information without variable information, which r educes
communication amount between management device and managed device management and provides
simple and efficient management to network. Preconditions

Link between device and NMS is available.

11.4.2 Default configuration of RMON

The default configuration of RMON is as below:

Function Default value

Statistics group Enable all interfaces statistics function (including

layer-3 interface and physical interface)
History statistics group Disable

Alarm group N/A

Event group N/A

11.4.3 Configure RMON statistics function

RMON s tatistics f unction can set the int erface s tatistics, including interface s ending and receiving
packet, too small or too large packets, conflict, cyclic redundancy check and error count, packet loss,
length of received packet, fragment, broadcast, multicast, and unicast news, etc.

Please configure RMON statistics function on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rmon statistics Enable interface RMON statistics function

{ ip if-number | port-list port-list } and configure related parameters.
[ owner owner-name ]
By default, enable all interfaces RMON
statistic function. The command of no
rmon statistics can disable this function.
Note: When using the command of no rmon statistics to disable interface statistics function, user
cannot continue to obtain the interface statistics, but the interface still can take data statistics.
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11.4.4 Configure RMON history statistics function

Please configure RMON history statistics function on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rmon history Enable interface RMON history statistics

{ port-list port-list | ip if-number } function and configure related parameters.
[ shortinterval short-period]
By default, disable all interfaces RMON
[ longinterval long-period] [ buckets
history statistics function. The command of
buckets-number ] [ owner owner-name ]
no rmon history can disable this function.
Note: When using the command of no rmon history to disable interface history statistics function,
the interface will not take data statistics and clear all history data collected previously.

11.4.5 Configure RMON alarm group

Set one RMON al arm group i nstance (alarm-id) to monitor one MIB v ariable ( mibvar). When the
value of monitoring data exceeds the defined threshold, alarm event will generate. Record the log ot
send Trap to network management station according to the definition of alarm event.

The monitored MIB variable must be real, and the data value type is correct. If the setting variable
does not exist or value type variable is incorrect, return error. In the successfully setting alarm, if the
variable can not be collected later, close the alarm; reset if you want to monitor the variable again.

By default, the triggered event number is 0, refers to no triggered event. If the number is not zero,
and there is no corresponding configuration in event group, when the control variable is abnormal, it
cannot trigger the event successfully until the event is established.

Alarm will be triggered as long as matching the condition when configuring the upper or lower limits
for one of the e vents in the event table. If there is no c onfiguration for the up per and lower limits
related alarm event (rising-event-id, falling-event-id) in the event table, alarm will not generate even
meeting the alarm conditions.

Please configure RMON alarm group on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rmon alarm alarm-id mibvar Add alarm instance to RMON

[ interval period ] { absolute | delta } rising-threshold alarm group and configure related
rising-value [ rising-event-id ] falling-threshold parameters.
falling-value [ falling-event-id ] [owner owner-name ]

11.4.6 Configure RMON event group

Please configure RMON event group on the device as below.

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rmon event event-id Add event to RMON event group

[ log ] [ trap community name ] and configure related event
[ description string ] [ owner owner-name ] processing mode.

11.4.7 Checking configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show rmon Show related information of RMON

2 Raisecom#show rmon alarms Show RMON alarm group information.

3 Raisecom#show rmon events Show RMON event group information.

4 Raisecom#show rmon statistics Show RMON statistics group information.

[ port port-id | ip if-number ]
5 Raisecom#show rmon history Show RMON history statistics group
{ port port-id | ip if-number } information.

11.5 Cluster management

11.5.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

There ar e a l arge number of s witches ne eded t o be managed in l ayer-2 ne twork, bu t t he us able IP

address is limited, cluster management function can use one IP address to manage multiple devices
in one cluster. Preconditions

Finish the following tasks before configuring cluster management function:

The link between command device and member device is available.

Create VLAN.
Add interface to VLAN.

11.5.2 Default configuration of cluster management

The default configuration of cluster management is as below:

Function Default value

Global RNDP function status of cluster member Disable

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Function Default value

Interface RNDP function status of cluster member Enable

RTDP collection function status of cluster member Disable

The maximum collection range for cluster member RTDP 16 jumpers

Cluster management function status of command device Disable

The maximum member number of command device 128

cluster management
Auto-active function status of candidate device Disable

MAC address of command device with candidate device 0000.0000.0000

auto-active function

11.5.3 Configure RNDP function

Please configure RNDP function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rndp enable (Optional) Enable global RNDP function.

3 Raisecom(config)#interface port port-id Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

4 Raisecom(config-port)#rndp enable (Optional) Enable interface RNDP function.

11.5.4 Configure RTDP function

Note: When configuring cluster VLAN, if the device is command device or member device, due to
the cluster device has already confirmed cluster VLAN, then cluster VLAN configuration will lead to
conflict and failure, exit cluster and configure successfully.
Please configure RTDP function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#rtdp enable Enable global RTDP function.

3 Raisecom(config)#rtdp (Optional) Configuration the maximum

max-hop max-hop collectionrange for RTDP.
4 Raisecom(config)#cluster vlan (Optional) Configure cluster VLAN and
vlan-id port-list port-list interfacelist. The VLAN used by cluster
protocol packet communication has
limited the range of cluster management.

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11.5.5 Configure cluster management function Configure to enable cluster management function

This configuration only applies to command device.
If the device is cluster member device, restart the device if you want to take it as command
device. At this time, the device has become the command device, but because there is already
a command device in network, the device still cannot manage other devices.
Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#cluster Configure the device as command device

and enable clustermanagement function.
3 Raisecom(config-cluster)# (Optional) Configure the maximum
max-member max-number member number of clustermanagement. Configure to add and activate candidate device automatically

In order to facilitate the users to add and activate cluster members on command device, allow user
using the s ame us er na me and password to add and activate a ll t he candi date de vices, or to all
candidate de vices which can activate aut omatically by this command, or t o add and activate al l
candidate devices one by one in the prompt of device command echo contents.

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#cluster Enter cluster configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-cluster)#member auto-build Configure to add and activate

[ active user-name password [ all ] ] allcandidate devices automatically. Confugure to add and activate candidate device manually

Configure to add a nd a ctivate candidate d evice on command device, us er ne eds t o a dd c luster

management device to cluster and activate it. After adding member device to the cluster, command
device cannot m anage m ember de vice through cluster m anagement function without a ctivation.
Users can add and activate members according to the following steps.

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

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Step Configuration Description

2 Raisecom(config)#cluster Enable cluster management function and

enter cluster configuration mode.
3 Raisecom(config-cluster)#member Configure to add candidate device to cluster
mac-address active [ user-name and activate it. The command of no member
password ] {all | mac-address} can delete all or
specified cluster members. The command of
member {all | mac-address} suspend can
suspend all or specified cluster members. Configure auto-active function

User must set MAC address for auto-active subordinated command device after setting auto-active
function on candidate de vice, and t hen the ca ndidate d evice can be act ivated automatically b y i ts
subordinated command device if the command device is configured to add and activate all candidate
members to cluster automatically when connecting the device to network.
Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#cluster-autoactive (Optional) Enable auto-active function.

3 Raisecom(config)#cluster-autoactive (Optional) Assign MAC address for

commander-mac mac-address auto-active command device. Configure remote access member device

In c luster c onfiguration m ode, us er can t ake r emote m anagement t o activated member de vices on
command device. User can login activated cluster members according to the following steps.
Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#cluster Enter cluster configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-cluster)#rcommand Login cluster member device.

{ hostname [ mac-address ] | mac-address }

11.5.6 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

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No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show rndp Show RNDP configuration.

2 Raisecom#show rndp neighbor Show RNDP neighbour information.

3 Raisecom#show rtdp Show RTDP configuration.

4 Raisecom#show cluster vlan Show cluster VLAN configuration.

5 Raisecom#show rtdp device-list Show RTDP finding device list information.

[ mac-address | hostname ] [ detailed ]
6 Raisecom#show cluster Show cluster information.

11.6 LLDP
11.6.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When users obtain connection information between devices through NView NNM system for
topology di scovery, the de vices need t o e nable L LDP f unction, not ify their inf ormation to the
neighbors mutually, and store neighbor information to facilitate the NView NNM system queries. Preconditions


11.6.2 Default configuration of LLDP

The default configuration of LLDP is as below:

Function Default value

LLDP globally enable/disable Disable

LLDP interface enable/disable Enable

Delay sending timer 2s

Period sending timer 30s

Aging coefficient 4

Restart timer 2s

Alarm ebable/disable Enable

Alarm notification timer 5s

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11.6.3 Configure to enable global LLDP function

Note: The global LLDP function cannot be enabled instantly after disabling; it can enable again after
restart timer timeout.
When users obtain connection information between devices through NView NNM system for
topology di scovery, the de vices need t o e nable L LDP f unction, not ify their inf ormation to the
neighbors mutually, and store neighbor information to facilitate the NView NNM system queries.

Please configure to enable global LLDP function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#lldp enable Configure to enable global LLDP function. By

default, global LLDP function is disabled. The
command of lldp disable can disable this function.

11.6.4 Configure to enable interface LLDP function

Please configure to enable interface LLDP function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface Enter physical layer interface configuration mode.

port port-id
Raisecom(config-port)#lldp Configure to enable interface LLDP function. By
enable default, interface LLDP function is enabled. The
command of lldp disable can disable this function.

11.6.5 Configure basic LLDP function

Note: When c onfiguring de lay sending timer a nd pe riod sending timer, the value of de lay sending
timer must be smaller than or equal to one quarter of period sending timer value.

Please configure to basic LLDP function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#lldp (Optional) Configure period sending

message-transmission timer for LLDP packet. By default, the
interval period sending period of LLDP packets is 30s.
3 Raisecom(config)#lldp (Optional) Configure delay sending timer
message-transmission delay for LLDP packet. By default, the sending
period delat time of LLDP packets is 2s.
4 Raisecom(config)#lldp (Optional) Configure LLDP packets
message-transmission aaaaaging coefficient. By default, the
hold-multiplier hold-multiplier aging coefficient is 4.

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Step Configuration Description

5 Raisecom(config)#lldp (Optional) Configure restart timer. The

restart-delay period device can enable global LLDP function
again after restart time when disabling
global LLDP function. By default, the
restart time is 2s.

11.6.6 Configure LLDP alarm function

Enable LLDP alarm notification function to send topology information update alarm to Nview NNM
system when the network changes.

Please configure LLDP alarm function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server Enable LLDP alarm function.

lldp-trap enable
3 Raisecom(config)#lldp (Optional) Configure LLDP alarm
trap-interval period Trap period sending timer. By
default, The LLDP alarm Trap
sending period is 5s.

11.6.7 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show lldp local config Show LLDP local configuration.

2 Raisecom#show lldp local Show LLDP local system information.

system-data [ port port-id ]
3 Raisecom#show lldp remote Show LLDP neighbor information.
[ port port-id ][ detail ]
4 Raisecom#show lldp statistic Show LLDP packet statistics information.
[ port port-id ]

11.7 Optical module digital diagnostics

11.7.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Fault di agnostics f unction of opt ical m odule pr ovides a detection m ethod to SFP pe rformation
parameters; user can predict t he s ervice l ife of opt ical m odule, isolate s ystem f ault and check its
compatibility during installation through analyzing the monitoring data.

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11.7.2 Default configuration of optical module digital diagnostics

The default configuration of optical module digital diagnostics is as below:

Function Default value

Global optical module digital Disable

diagnostics function status
Interface optical module digital Enable
diagnostics function status
Global optical module digital Disable
diagnostics alarm sending Trap function
Interface optical module digital Enable
diagnostics alarm sending Trap function

11.7.3 Configure to enable optical module digital diagnostics

Please configure to enable optical module digital diagnostics on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#transceiver Enable global optical module digital

ddm enable diagnostics function. By default, this
function is disabled. The command of
transceiver ddm disable can disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enable interface optical module digital
port-id diagnostics function. Only when global
optical module digital diagnostics is
enabled, the optical module enabling
ddm enable
interface optical module digital diagnostics
function can take digital diagnostics.

11.7.4 Configure optical module digital diagnostics alarm sending Trap

Please configure to enable optical module parameters abnormal alarm on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server Enable global optical module digital

trap transceiver enable disgnostics alarm sending Trap.

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Step Configuration Description

3 Raisecom(config)#interface port Enable interface optical module digital

port-id disgnostics alarm sending Trap.
Raisecom(config-port)#transceiver Only when global optical module digital
ddm enable diagnostics alarm sending Trap is enabled, the
optical module enabling interface optical
module digital diagnostics alarm sending Trap
function can send Trap when alarm generates.

11.7.5 Check configuration

Check the result on the device as below after configuration.

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show transceiver Show global switch status and

interface switch status of optical
module digital diagnostics.
2 Raisecom#show transceiver ddm Show optical module digital
port-list port-list [ detail ] diagnostics performance parameters.
3 Raisecom#show transceiver port-list Show history information of optical
port-list history { 15m | 24h } module digital diagnostics.
4 Raisecom#show transceiver Show basic information of optical
information port-list port-list module.
5 Raisecom#show transceiver Show optical module over threshold
threshold-violations port-list port-list information last time.

11.8 System log

11.8.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Device will generate the key information, debugging information, error information, etc. to system
log, output a s log file or transmit to log host, Console port or control c onsole to facilitate users to
check and locate the fault. Preconditions


11.8.2 Default configuration of dydtem log

The default configuration of system log is as below:

Function Default value

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Function Default value

Enable/disable system log Enable

Output log information to console Enable, the default level is information (6).

Output log information to host N/A, the default level is information (6).

Output log information to file Disable, the fixed level is warning (4).

Output log information to monitor Disable, the default level is information (6).

Output log information to buffer Disable, the default level is information (6).

Output log information to history list Disable

Log list size 1

Transfer log to Trap Disable, the default level is warning (4).

Log buffer size 4KB

Transmitting rate of system log No limit

Timestamp of system log information Debug: no timestamp to debug level (7)

Syslog information.
Log: The timestamp to 0-6 levels Syslog
information is absolute time.

11.8.3 Configure basic information for system log

Please configure basic information for the system log as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#logging on (Optional) Enable system log function. By

default, this function is enabled. Use the
command of no logging on to disable it.
3 Raisecom(config)#logging (Optional) Configure timestamp for system log.
time-stamp { debug | log } Optional parameter debug is used to assign
{ datetime | none | uptime } debug level (7) system log timestamp; by default,
this system log doesnt have timestamp; Optional
parameter log is used to assign debug level 0-6
system log timestamp; by default, this system log
adopts date-time as timestamp.
4 Raisecom(config)#logging (Optional) Configure transmitting rate of system
rate-limit log-num log. By default, device doesnt restrict
transmitting rate of system log.
5 Raisecom(config)#logging (Optional) Configure Serial No. of system log.
sequence-number The serial No. only applies to control console,
monitor station, log file and log buffer, but not
log host and history list.
www.raisecom.com User Manual

Step Configuration Description

6 Raisecom(config)#logging (Optional) Create and configure system log filter.

discriminator The filter can filter output log from control
distriminator-number { facility | console, monitor station, log file and log buffer.
mnemonics | msg-body } { drops
| includes | none } key

11.8.4 Configure system log output

Please configure system log output on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#logging console [ log-level | (Optional) Configure system log output

alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors direction as Console.
| informational | notifications | warnings |
distriminator distriminator-number ]
3 Raisecom(config)#logging host ip-address (Optional) Configure system log output
[ log-level | alerts | critical | debugging | direction as log host. It can configure 10
emergencies | errors | informational | notifications log hosts at most.
| warnings | distriminator distriminator-number ]
Raisecom(config)#logging facility { alert | audit | | (Optional) Configure log information
auth | clock | cron | daemon | ftp | kern | local0 | facility field sent to log host. The
local1 | local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | precondition is system has created log
local7 | lpr | mail | news | ntp | sercurity | syslog | host, or the configuration will fail. This
user | uucp } configuration applies to all log hosts on
the device.
4 Raisecom(config)#logging monitor [ log-level | (Optional) Configure system log output
alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | direction as monitor.
informational | notifications | warnings |
distriminator distriminator-number ]

5 Raisecom(config)#logging file [ discriminator (Optional) Configure system log output

discriminateor-number ] direction as Flash. The heavy level is
fixed as warning (4), not allow
6 Raisecom(config)#logging buffered [ log-level | (Optional) Configure log buffer size.
alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors
| informational | notifications | warnings |
distriminator distriminator-number ]
Raisecom(config)#logging buffered size size (Optional) Configure system log output
direction as history list.
The output information is transferred to
Trap level.
7 Raisecom(config)#logging history (Optional) Configure system log output
direction as buffer.
Raisecom(config)#logging history size size (Optional) Configure log history list size.

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Step Configuration Description

Raisecom(config)#logging trap [ log-level | alerts | (Optional) Configure to transfer log with

critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | a certain level in history list to Trap.
informational | notifications | warnings |
The precondition is system has enabled
distriminator distriminator-number ]
the log output to history list, or no system
log is transferred to Trap.

11.8.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show logging Show related information of system log configuration.

2 Raisecom#show logging buffer Show system log buffer information.

3 Raisecom#show logging Show filter information

4 Raisecom#show logging file Show system log file contents.

5 Raisecom#show logging history Show system log history list information.

11.9 Alarm management

11.9.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When t he d evice f ails, alarm management m odule will collect fault information and output alarm
occurrence time, alarm name and description information in log format to help users locate problem

If the device is configured network management system, alarm information can be reported directly
to the network management system, providing possible alarm causes and treatment recommendations
to help users deal with fault.

Alarm management makes it easy for the user to take alarm suppression, alarm auto-reporting, alarm
monitoring, alarm reverse, alarm delay, alarm memory mode, alarm clear and alarm view directly on
the device. Preconditions


11.9.2 Default configuration of alarm management

Please configure alarm management on the device as below:
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Function Default value

Alarm suppression Enable

Alarm monitoring All enable

Alarm auto-reporting All auto-reporting

Alarm reverse mode No reverse

Alarm delay time 0s

Alarm memory mode Stop mode

Alarm output system log Enable

11.9.3 Configure basic alarm function

Please configure basic alarm function on the device as below:

(All following steps are optional and no sequence between them.)

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#alarm inhibit enable Enable alarm suppression.

3 Raisecom(config)#alarm auto-report Enable alarm auto-reporting.

{ module_name [ group_name ] | port-list
port-list [ module_name
[ group_name ] ] } enable
4 Raisecom(config)#alarm monitor Enable alarm monitoring.
{ module_name [ group_name ] | port-list
port-list [ module_name
[ group_name ] ] } { enable | disable }
5 Raisecom(config)#alarm inverse port-list Configure alarm reverse mode.
port-list { auto | manual | none }
6 Raisecom(config)#alarm { active | Configure alarm delay.
cleared } delay { delay }
7 Raisecom(config)#alarm active Configure alarm memory mode.
storage-mode { loop | stop }
8 Raisecom(config)#alarm clear index Clear current alarm of sepecified alarm index.
Raisecom(config)#alarm clear Clear current alarm of sepecified feature module.
module_name [ group_name ]
Raisecom(config)#alarm clear port-list Clear current alarm of sepecified feature module
port-list [ module_name [ group_name ] ] under specified interface.
9 Raisecom(config)#alarm syslog enable Enable alarm outputting system log.

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Step Configuration Description

10 Raisecom(config)#exit Show current alarm information.

Raisecom#show alarm active
[ module_name | severity severity ]
Raisecom#show alarm cleared Show history alarm information.
[ module_name | severity severity ]
Note: All modules providing a larm support c an be configured to enable/disable a larm monitoring,
alarm auto-reporting and alarm clear function.

11.9.4 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show alarm Check current alarm parameters configuration. Use

management [ module_name ] this command to check alarm parameters
information, including alarm suppression, alarm
reverse mode, alarm delay, alarm memory mode, the
maximum alarm number stored in alarm buffer and
the maximum alarm number stored in alarm log.
2 Raisecom#show alarm log Check alarm statistics information of system log.

3 Raisecom#show alarm Check statistics information of alarm management

management statistics module.

11.10 Hardware environment monitoring

11.10.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

Hardware environment monitoring pr ovide e nvironment m onitoring function t o t he de vices, by

which user can monitor the fault. When device operation environment is abnormal, this function will
record hardware e nvironment monitoring alarm list, generate Syslog system l og or s end Trap a nd
other alarm information so as to notify the user to take corresponding measures and prevent fault. Preconditions

Hardware environment monitoring alarm output:

In Syslog output mode, alarm information will generate system log. When you need to send
alarm information to the system log host, please configure system log host IP address for the
In Trap output mode, please configure network management center IP address for the device.

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11.10.2 Default configuration of hardware environment monitoring

The default configuration of hardware environment monitoring is as below:

Function Default value

Global hardware environment Disable

monitoringalarm Syslog output
Global hardware environment Disable
monitoringalarm Trap output
Power down event alarm Enable Trap output function
Enable Syslog system log output function
Temperature alarm output

Voltage alarm output

Interface link-down event alarm output

Interface link-fault event alarm Disable Trap output function

Disable Syslog system log output function
Interface not-forwarding event alarm output

High temperature alarm threshold 60C

Low temperature alarm threshold 20C

High voltage threshold 3450mV

Low voltage threshold 3150mV

11.10.3 Configure to enable global hardware environment monitoring

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#logging alarm (Optional) Configure to enable global hardware

environment monitoring alarm Syslog output.
3 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server (Optional) Configure to enable global hardware
alarm-trap enable environment monitoring alarm Trap output.
When e nabling gl obal ha rdware e nvironment monitoring a larm S yslog out put, a larm e vent
can generate syslog only when Syslog output under alarm event is also enabled.
When e nabling gl obal ha rdware e nvironment monitoring a larm s ending T rap, a larm e vent
can send Trap only when Trap output under alarm event is also enabled.

11.10.4 Configure power monitoring alarm

Please take the following configuration on the device:

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Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#alarm Enable power monitoring alarm output and

power-supply { notifies | syslog } configure power monitoring alarm output mode.

11.10.5 Configure temperature monitoring alarm

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#alarm Enable temperature alarm output and configure

temperature { high high-value | temperature alarm output mode or temperature
low low-value | notifies | syslog } alarm threshold.
High temperature threshold high-value must be
higher than low temperature threshold low-value.
Low temperature threshold low-value must be
lower than high temperature threshold high-value.

11.10.6 Configure voltage monitoring alarm

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#alarm voltage Enable voltage alarm output and

{ high high-value | low low-value configure voltage alarm output
| notifies | syslog } mode or voltage alarm threshold.
Note: the device is only in support
of 3.3V master chip voltage.

11.10.7 Configure interface status monitoring alarm

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#alarm port Enable interface status alarm output and

{ link-down | link-fault | configure interface status alarm output mode.
not-forwarding } { notifies |
syslog } port-list port-list

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11.10.8 Clear all hareware environments monitoring alarm event manually

Please take the following configuration on the device:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#clear alarm Configure to clear alarm manually.

Execute this command to clear all alarm information
in current alarm list and generate an all-alarm type
alarm information in history alarm list.
If enabling global sending Trap, the all-alarm alarm
infoemation will be output in Trap mode; if enabling
global Syslog, the all-alarm alarm information will
be output in Syslog mode.

11.10.9 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show alarm Show global hardware environment monitoring

alarm configuration.
Use this command to check hardware
environment monitoring information, including
global alarm Syslog output, global sending
Trap, power down alarm, temperature alarm
and voltage alarm.
2 Raisecom#show alarm port-list port-list Show interface status alarm information.

3 Raisecom#show alarm currrent Show current alarm information of hardware

environment monitoring.
4 Raisecom#show alarm history Show history alarm information of hardware
environment monitoring.
5 Raisecom#show environment [ power | Show the current power, temperature, voltage
temperature | voltage ] alarm and the current environment information.
6 Raisecom#show power-card Show power type and serial No. of the device.

11.11 Fan monitor

11.11.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

When putting I SCOM2924GF in very hot environment, t he high temperature may influent he at
exhausting performance of the device, then configure fan monitor function to make the device adjust
temperature automatically according t o e nvironment t emperature a nd m aintain nor mal r unning of

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11.11.2 Configure fan monitor function

Please configure fan monitor function on the device as below.

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#fan-monitor mode { auto | Configure monitor mode for fan rotate

enforce } speed. By default, fan monitor mode is auto.
3 Raisecom(config)#fan-monitor enforce level level (Optional) Configure fan rotate speed in
force monitor mode.
4 Raisecom(config)#fan-monitor temperature-scale (Optional) configure temperature range
temperature1 temperature2 temperature3 corresponding to different rotate scale in
auto monitor mode.

11.11.3 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show fan-monitor information Show related information of fan

monitor configuration.
2 Raisecom#show fan-monitor status Show current fan status information.

11.12 CPU monitor

11.12.1 Preparation for configuration Networking situation

CPU monitor can give real-time monitoring to task state, CPU utilization rate and stack usage in the
system, provide C PU ut ilization rate threshold alarm, de tect a nd e liminate hidden dangers, or he lp
administrator for fault location. Preconditions

Finish the following task before configuring CPU monitor:

When the CPU monitor alarm information needs to be output in Trap mode, configure Trap output
target host address on the device, which is IP address of network management center.

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11.12.2 Defaut configuration of CPU monitor

The default configuration of CPU monitor is as below:

Function Default value

CPU utilization rate alarm Trap output Disable

Upper threshold of CPU utilization rate alarm 100%

Lower threshold of CPU utilization rate alarm 1%

Sampling period of CPU utilization rate 60s

11.12.3 Check CPU monitor information

Please configure the CPU monitor on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#show cpu-utilization [ dynamic | Check CPU utilization rate.

history { 10min | 1min | 2hour | 5sec } ]
2 Raisecom#show process [ dead | sorted Check task status.
{ normal-priority | process-name } | taskname ]
3 Raisecom#show process cpu [ sorted [ 10min | Check CPU utilization rate of all tasks.
1min | 5sec | invoked ] ]

11.12.4 Configure CPU monitor alarm

Please configure the CPU monitor alarm on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#snmp-server Enable CPU threshold alarm sending Trap.

traps enable cpu-threshold
3 Raisecom(config)#cpu (Optional) Configure upper threshold, lower threshold
rising-threshold and sampling time interval for CPU alarm. The upper
rising-threshold-value threshold must be greater than lower threshold.
[ falling-threshold
After enabling CPU threshold alarm sending Trap. In
falling-threshold-value ]
specified sampling period, the system will send alarm
[ interval interval-value ]
Trap automatically when the CPU utilization rate is
over upper threshold or below lower threshold.

11.12.5 Check configuration

Check the result by the commands below after configuration:

No. Item Description

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No. Item Description

1 Raisecom#show cpu-utilization Check CPU utilization and related

configuration information.

11.13 Check device information

Please configure the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#show version Check the device version.

2 Raisecom#show running-config Check the current configuration file.

3 Raisecom#show clock Check system time.

4 Raisecom#show environment Check the current power,

[ power | temperature | voltage ] temperature, and voltage.
5 Raisecom#show power-card Check the power type and serial No.

11.14 Ping
Please configure Ping function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#ping ip-address [ count count ] (Optional) Test IPv4 network

[ size size ] [ waittime period] connection by the command of Ping.
2 Raisecom#ping ipv6 ipv6-address [ count (Optional) Test IPv6 network
count ] [ size size ] [ waittime period ] connection by the command of Ping.
Note: The device c annot perform ot her operations in the pr ocess of Ping. It can perform other
operations only when Ping is finished or break off Ping through "ctrl + c".

11.15 Traceroute
Configure the I P address an d default ga teway f or ISCOM2924GF de vice be fore us ing T raceroute
Please configure Traceroute function on the device as below:

Step Configuration Description

1 Raisecom#config Enter global configuration mode.

2 Raisecom(config)#interface ip if-number Enter layer-3 interface configuration mode.

3 Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address ip-address Configure interface IP address.

[ ip-mask ] vlan-id

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Step Configuration Description

4 Raisecom(config-ip)#exit Exit from interface configuration mode and enter

enter global configuration mode.
5 Raisecom(config)#ip default-gateway Configure default gateway.
6 Raisecom(config)#exit Exit from global configuration mode and enter
privileged EXEC mode.
7 Raisecom#traceroute ip-address [ firstttl (Optional) Test IPv4 network connection by
fitst-ttl ] [ maxttl max-ttl ] [ port port-id ] traceroute and check packet passed network nodes.
[ waittime second ] [ count times ]
8 Raisecom#traceroute ipv6 ipv6-address (Optional) Test IPv6 network connection by
[ firstttl fitst-ttl ] [ maxttl max-ttl ] [ port traceroute and check packet passed network nodes.
port-id ] [ waittime second ] [ count times ]

11.16 Maintenance
User can maintain system features by the following commands.

Command Description

Raisecom(config)#clear lldp Clear LLDP statistic information.

statistic port port-id
Raisecom(config)#clear lldp Clear LLDP neighbor information.
remote-table [ port port-id ]
Raisecom(config)#clear rmon Clear all configuration information of RMON.

11.17 Configuring applications

11.17.1 Configure SNMP v1/v2c and Trap application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-9 shows below, route between NView NNM system and Switch is available, Nview
NNM can check the MIB unde r v iew corresponding to r emote s witch b y S NMP v 1/v2c, a nd t he
switch can send Trap automatically to Nview NNM in emergency.

By default, there is VLAN1 in switch and all physical interfaces belong to VLAN1.

Figure 11-9 SNMP v1/v2c networking

www.raisecom.com User Manual Configuration steps

Configure IP address for Switch.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 1
Configure SNMP v1/v2c view.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server view mib2 included
Configure SNMP v1/v2c community.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server community raisecom view mib2 ro
Configure Trap alarm.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server enable traps
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host version 2c raisecom Show result

Check IP address configuration by show interface ip.

Raisecom#show interface ip
IF Address NetMask Source Catagory
0 assigned primary
Check view configuration by show snmp view.
Raisecom(config)#show snmp view
Index: 0
View Name: mib2
OID Tree:
Mask: --
Type: include

Check community configuration by show snmp-server community.
Raisecom#show snmp community
Index Community Name View Name Permission
1 private internet rw
2 public internet ro
3 raisecom mib2 ro
Check target host configuration by show snmp host.
Raisecom#show snmp host
Index: 0
IP family: IPv4
IP address:

www.raisecom.com User Manual

Port: 162
User Name: raisecom
SNMP Version: v2c
Security Level: noauthnopriv
TagList: bridge config interface rmon snmp ospf

11.17.2 Configure SNMP v3 and Trap application Networking requirement

As t he Figure 11-10 s hows be low, r oute be tween NView N NM s ystem a nd S witch i s a vailable,
Nview N NM monitors A gent by S NMP v 3, and t he s witch c an s end Trap automatically to Nview
NNM when Agent is in emergency.
By default, there is VLAN1 in switch and all physical interfaces belong to VLAN1.

Figure 11-10 SNMP v3 and Trap networking Configuration steps

Configure IP address for Switch.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 1

Configure SNMP v3 access.

Create access view mib2, including all MIB variables under
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server view mib2 included
Create user guestuser1, use md5 authentication algorithm, password is Raisecom.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server user guestuser1 authentication md5 raisecom

Create gue stgroup a ccess g roup, s ecurity mode i s us msecurity le vel is a uthentication w ithout
encryption, readable view name is mib2.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server access guestgroup read mib2 usm authnopriv
Configure guestuser1 user mapping to access group guestgroup.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server group guestgroup user guestuser1 usm

Configure Trap alarm.

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Raisecom(config)#snmp-server enable traps

Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host version 3 authnopriv guestuser1 Show result

Check SNMP access group configuration by show snmp access.

Raisecom#show snmp access

Index: 1
Group: guestgroup
Security Model: usm
Security Level: authnopriv
Context Prefix: --
Context Match: exact
Read View: mib2
Write View: --
Notify View: internet

Check the mapping relationship configuration between user and access group by show snmp group.
Raisecom#show snmp group
Index GroupName UserName SecModel
0 initialnone none usm
1 initial md5nopriv usm
2 initial shanopriv usm
3 guestgroup guestuser1 usm
Check Trap target host configuration by show snmp host.
Raisecom#show snmp host
Index: 0
IP family: IPv4
IP address:
Port: 162
User Name: guestuser1
SNMP Version: v3
Security Level: authnopriv
TagList: bridge config interface rmon snmp ospf

11.17.3 Configure KeepAlive application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-11 shows below, the IP address of switch is, Trap target host address of
SNMPv2c is 1, read a nd w rite c ommunity na me i s publ ic, S NMP v ersion i s v 2c.
Configure time interval sending KeepAlive Trap from switch to SNMP network management station
www.raisecom.com User Manual

as 120s and enable KeepAlive Trap function.

Figure 11-11 KeepAlive application networking Configuration steps

Configure IP address for Switch.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 1
Configure Trap target host IP address for SNMP.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host version 2c public
Configure KeepAlive Trap function.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server keepalive-trap enable
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server keepalive-trap interval 120 Show result

Check KeepAlive configuration information by show keepalive.

Raisecom#show keepalive
Keepalive Admin State:Enable
Keepalive trap interval:120s
Keepalive trap count:1

11.17.4 Configure RMON alarm group application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-12 shows below, ISCOM2924GF device is Agent, connecting to terminal through
Console interface, c onnecting t o r emote NNM s ystem t hrough I nternet. Enable RMON statistic
function and statistic performance for Port 3. When interface receiving packets exceeds the threshold
in a period, record log and send Trap alarm.

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Figure 11-12 RMON application networking Configuration steps

Create e vent w ith index I D 10, us ed t o r ecord a nd s end l og information with description s tring
High-ifOutErrors, the owner of log information is system.
Raisecom(config)#rmon event 1 log description High-ifOutErrors owner system
Create a larm i tem w ith i ndex I D 1 0, used t o m onitor M IB variables, c heck
every 20 seconds, if the variable increases over 15, the Trap alarm is triggered, the owner of alarm
information is also system.
Raisecom(config)#rmon alarm 10 interval 20 delta rising-threshold 15 1 falling-threshold
0 owner system Show result

Check w hether t here i s e vent gr oup i nformation on t he de vice by t he c ommand of show rmon
Raisecom#show rmon alarms
Alarm 10 is active, owned by system
Monitors every 20 seconds
Taking delta samples, last value was 0
Rising threshold is 15, assigned to event 1
Falling threshold is 0, assigned to event 0
On startup enable rising and falling alarm
Check w hether t here i s a larm gr oup i nformation on t he de vice by the c ommand of show rmon
Raisecom#show rmon events
Event 1 is active, owned by system
Event generated at 0:0:0
Send TRAP when event is fired.
When alarm event is triggered, user can also check related information by alarm management part of
NNM system.

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11.17.5 Configure cluster management and realize remote access Networking requirement

A lot of de vices in layer-2 network ne ed to be managed, but current IP a ddress re source in public
network is limited. User wants to use one device to manage other device.

Cluster management function can us e one IP ad dress t o manage m upltiple devices i n a cl uster.
Manage all member devices in cluster through command device and remote log in member device
for configuration and maintenance.

As the Figure 11-13 shows below, Switch A is command device, MAC address is 000e.5e03.5318;
Switch B an d Switch C is cl uster m ember de vice, M AC ad dress i s 000E.5EBD.5951 and
000E.5E03.023C separately. Configure cluster management function to realize remote management
and maintenance from Switch A log onto Switch B and Switch C.

Figure 11-13 Cluster management networking Configuration steps

Switch A is command device, take the following configuration on Switch A.

Configure global and interface enabling RNDP function.

Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#rndp enable
SwitchA(config)#interface range 1-2
SwitchA(config-range)#rndp enable
Configure to enable RTDP function.
SwitchA(config)#rtdp enable
Configure to start auto-active function.

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Assign itself for command device and start cluster management function.
Configure auto-build and activate all candidate devices.
SwitchA(config-cluster)#member auto-build active raisecom raisecom all

Configure to enable RNDP and RTDP function on Switch B, and enable auto-active function, assign
MAC address for auto-active command device.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#rndp enable
SwitchB(config)#interface port 3
SwitchB(config-port)#rndp enable
SwitchB(config)#rtdp enable
SwitchB(config)#cluster-autoactive commander-mac 000e.5e03.5318

Configure to enable RNDP and RTDP function on Switch C, and enable auto-active function, assign
MAC address for auto-active command device.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchC
SwitchC(config)#rndp enable
SwitchC(config)#interface port 3
SwitchC(config-port)#rndp enable
SwitchC(config)#rtdp enable
SwitchC(config)#cluster-autoactive commander-mac 000e.5e03.5318

Log in Switch B on Switch A.

SwitchA(config-cluster)#rcommand SwitchB
Login: raisecom

Log in Switch C on Switch A.


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SwitchA(config-cluster)#rcommand SwitchC
Login: raisecom
SwitchC> Show result

Check cluster information on Switch A by show cluster.

SwitchA#show cluster
Current member number:2
Max member number:128
Check cluster member information on Switch A by show cluster.
SwitchA#show cluster member
MAC Address Operation State Hostname
000E.5EBD.5951 Up Active SwitchB
000E.5E03.023C Up Active SwitchC
Check cluster configuration information on Switch B by show cluster.
SwitchB#show cluster
Autoactive commander mac:000e.5e03.5318
Commander mac:000e.5e03.5318
Check cluster information on Switch C; please take cluster information on Switch B for reference.

11.17.6 Configure LLDP function application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-14 shows below, switch is c onnected t o Nview N NM; enable LLDP be tween
Switch A and Switch B, query layer-2 link change through Nview NNM system. The neighbor aging,
new neighbor and neighbor i nformation changes w ill be reported LLDP a larm to N View NNM

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Figure 11-14 Configure LLDP function networking Configuration steps

Configure to globally enable LLDP and LLDP alarm.

Configure Switch A.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchA
SwitchA(config)#lldp enable
SwitchA(config)#snmp-server lldp-trap enable
Configure Switch B.
Raisecom#hostname SwitchB
SwitchB(config)#lldp enable
SwitchB(config)#snmp-server lldp-trap enable

Configure to manage IP address.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#create vlan 1024 active
SwitchA(config)#interface port 1
SwitchA(config-port)#switchport access vlan 1024
SwitchA(config)#interface ip 1
SwitchA(config-ip)#ip address 1024
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#create vlan 1024 active
SwitchB(config)#interface port 1
SwitchB(config-port)#switchport access vlan 1024
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SwitchB(config)#interface ip 1
SwitchB(config-ip)#ip address 1024

Configure LLDP attributes.

Configure Switch A.
SwitchA(config)#lldp message-transmission interval 60
SwitchA(config)#lldp message-transmission delay 9
SwitchA(config)#lldp trap-interval 10
Configure Switch B.
SwitchB(config)#lldp message-transmission interval 60
SwitchB(config)#lldp message-transmission delay 9
SwitchB(config)#lldp trap-interval 10 Show result

Check the local configuration by show lldp local config.

SwitchA#show lldp local config
System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disabled)
LLDP enable ports: 1-28
LldpMsgTxInterval: 60 (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 4 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 2 (default is 2s)
LldpTxDelay: 2 (default is 2s)
LldpNotificationInterval: 5 (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable (default is enabled)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable(default is enabled)
The destination mac address of LLDPDU: (default is 0180.c200.000e)
port1 : destination-mac:0180.C200.000E
port2 : destination-mac:0180.C200.000E
port3 : destination-mac:0180.C200.000E

SwitchB#show lldp local config

System configuration:
LLDP enable status: enable (default is disabled)
LLDP enable ports: 1
LldpMsgTxInterval: 60 (default is 30s)
LldpMsgTxHoldMultiplier: 4 (default is 4)
LldpReinitDelay: 2 (default is 2s)
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LldpTxDelay: 9 (default is 2s)

LldpNotificationInterval: 10 (default is 5s)
LldpNotificationEnable: enable (default is enabled)
Check neighbor information by show lldp remote.
SwitchA#show lldp remote
Port ChassisId PortId SysName MgtAddress ExpiredTime
port1 000E.5E02.B010 port 1 SwitchB 106

SwitchB#show lldp remote
Port ChassisId PortId SysName MgtAddress ExpiredTime
port1 000E.5E12.F120 port 1 SwitchA 106

11.17.7 Configure system log output to log host application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-15 shows below, configure sytem log function, output device log information to log
host for user to check.

Figure 11-15 Networking of Outputting System Log to Log Host Configuration steps

Configure device IP address.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 1
Configure system log outputs to log host PC.
Raisecom(config)#logging on
Raisecom(config)#logging time-stamp log datetime
Raisecom(config)#logging rate-limit 2
Raisecom(config)#logging host warnings Show result

Show system log configuration by the command of show logging.

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Raisecom#show logging
Syslog logging: enable
Dropped Log messages: 0
Dropped debug messages: 0
Rate-limited: 2 messages per second
Logging config: disable
Logging config level: informational(6)
Squence number display: disable
Log time stamp: datetime
Debug time stamp: none
Log buffer size: 4kB
Debug level: low
Syslog history logging: disable
Syslog history table size:1
Dest Status Level LoggedMsgs DroppedMsgs Discriminator
buffer disable informational(6) 0 0 0
console enable informational(6) 203 4 0
trap disable warnings(4) 0 0 0
file disable warnings(4) 0 0 0
monitor disable informational(6) 0 0 0
Log host information:
Max number of log server: 10
Current log server number: 1
Target Address Port Level Facility Sent Drop Discriminator
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 warnings(4) local7 1 0 0
Show device log information typed from PC terminal emulation program interface.
07-01-2008 11:31:28 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:22:15 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " logging on "
07-01-2008 11:27:41 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:18:30 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " ip address 1 "
07-01-2008 11:27:35 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:18:24 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " ip address 1 "
07-01-2008 11:12:43 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:03:41 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " logging host local0 7 "
07-01-2008 11:12:37 Local0.Debug JAN 01 10:03:35 ISCOM2924GF:
CONFIG-7-CONFIG:USER " raisecom " Run " logging on "

11.17.8 Configure hardware environment monitoring application Networking requirement

As the Figure 11-16 shows below, configure hardware environment monitoring function to monitor
device temperature information. When the temperature exceeds threshold, alarm information will be
output t o network m anagement c enter i n Trap m ode. U ser w ill t ake c orresponding m easures t o
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prevent fault.

Figure 11-16 Hardware environment monitoring application networking Configuration steps

Configure device IP address.

Raisecom(config)#interface ip 0
Raisecom(config-ip)#ip address 1
Configure device to send Trap.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server enable traps
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server host version 2c public
Enable global hardware environment monitoring alarm sending Trap.
Raisecom(config)#snmp-server alarm-trap enable
Configure temperature monitoring function for the device.
Raisecom(config)#alarm temperature notifies
Raisecom(config)#alarm temperature high 50
Raisecom(config)#alarm temperature low 20 Show result

Check device sending Trap configuration by show snmp config.

Raisecom#show snmp config
Contact information: [email protected]
Device location : World China Raisecom
SNMP trap status: enable
SNMP engine ID: 800022B603000E5E156789
Check Trap target host configuration by show snmp host.
Raisecom#show snmp host
Index: 0
IP family: IPv4
IP address:
Port: 162
User Name: public
SNMP Version: v2c
Security Level: noauthnopriv

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TagList: bridge config interface rmon snmp ospf

Check device hardware environment monitoring alarm configuration by show alarm.
Raisecom#show alarm
Traps alarm: Enabled
Logging alarm: Disabled

Power Supply
Notifies: Disabled
Syslog: Enabled

High threshold(Celsius): 50
Low threshold(Celsius): 20
Notifies: Enabled
Syslog: Enabled
High threshold: 3450mV
Low threshold: 3150mV
Notifies: Disabled
Syslog: Disabled

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Appendix A Glossary Table

Provide a port association solution, extending link backup range. Transport fault
Failover of upper layer device quickly to downstream device by monitoring upstream link
and synchronize downstream link, then trigger switching between master and
standby device and avoid traffic loss.
IEEE 1588 v2 protocol is also called PTP (Precision Time Protocol), a
Precision Time high-precision time protocol for synchronization used in measurement and
ProtocolPTP control systems residing on a local area network. Accuracy in the
sub-microsecond range may be achieved with low-cost implementations.

Connectivity A standard defined by IEEE. It defines protocols and practices for OAM
Fault (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance) for paths through 802.1 bridges
and local area networks (LANs). Used to diagnose fault for EVC (Ethernet
Virtual Connection). Cost-effective by fault management function and improve
Ethernet maintenance.
A computer networking term which describes using multiple network
cables/ports in parallel to increase the link speed beyond the limits of any one
single cable or port, and to increase the redundancy for higher availability.
A technology adopts Ethernet link codes recover clock, similar to SDH clock
SyncE synchronization quality, SyncE provides frequency synchronization of high
precision. Unlike traditional Ethernet just synchronize data packets at receiving
node, SyncE implements real-time synchronization system for inner clock.
QinQ is (also called Stacked VLAN or Double VLAN) extended from 802.1Q,
defined by IEEE 802.1ad recommendation. Basic QinQ is a simple layer-2 VPN
802.1Q in tunnel technology, encapsulating outer VLAN Tag for client private packets at
802.1Q carrier access end, the packets take double VLAN Tag passing through trunk
network (public network). In public network, packets only transmit according to
outer VLAN Tag, the private VLAN Tag are transmitted as data in packets.
Solve communication problem from BTS to BSC for 2G, NodeB to RNC for 3G.
Mobile backhaul for 2G focuses on voice service, not request high bandwidth,
implemented by TDM microwave or SDH/PDH device.
Backhaul In 3G times, lots of data service as HSPA, HSPA+, etc concerning to IP service,
voice is changing to IP as well, namely IP RAN, to solve problem of IP RAN
mobile backhaul is solving whole network backhaul, satisfying both data
backhaul and voice transportation over IP (clock synchronization).
Ethernet Ring An APS (Automatic Protection Switching) protocol based on ITU-T G.8032
Protection Recommendation to provide backup link protection and recovery switching for
Switching Ethernet traffic in a ring topology and at the same time ensuring that there are no
ERPS loops formed at the Ethernet layer.
Ethernet Linear A protocol based on ITU-T G.8031 APS (Automatic Protection Switching) to
Protection protect an Ethernet connection. It is a kind of end-to-end protection technology.
Switching Including two linear protection modes: linear 1:1 protection switching and linear
ELPS 1+1 protection switching.

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Appendix B Acronym

Numerics Full Spelling

ACL Access Control List

APS Automatic Protection Switching

CCM Continuity Check Message

CFM Connectivity Fault Management

CoS Class of Service

DoS Deny of Service

DRR Deficit Round Robin

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point

EFM Ethernet in the First Mile

ELPS Ethernet Linear Protection Switching

ERPS Ethernet Ring Protection Switching

EVC Ethernet Virtual Connection

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GARP Generic Attribute Registration Protocol

GPS Global Positioning System

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol

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IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

IP Internet Protocol

ITU-T International Telecommunications Union -

Telecommunication Standardization Sector

LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol

LBM LoopBack Message

LBR LoopBack Reply

LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol

LLDPDU Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit

LTM LinkTrace Message

LTR LinkTrace Reply

MA Maintenance Association

MAC Medium Access Control

MD Maintenance Domain

MEG Maintenance Entity Group

MEP Maintenance associations End Point

MIB Management Information Base

MIP Maintenance association Intermediate Point

MSTI Multiple Spanning Tree Instance

MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol

NNM Network Node Management

OAM Operation, Administration and Management

PC Personal Computer

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QoS Quality of Service

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

RMON Remote Network Monitoring

RMEP Remote Maintenance association End Point

RNC Radio Network Controller

RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

SFP Small Form-factor Pluggables

SLA Service Level Agreement

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol

SP Strict-Priority

SSHv2 Secure Shell v2

STP Spanning Tree Protocol

TACACS+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TLV Type Length Value

ToS Type of Service

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

WRR Weight Round Robin

Address: Building 2, No. 28 of the Shangdi 6th Street, Haidian District, Beijing. Postcode:
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