The Bhagavad Gita-Introduction and Chapter 1: Word-for-Word Translation With Grammatical Notes
The Bhagavad Gita-Introduction and Chapter 1: Word-for-Word Translation With Grammatical Notes
The Bhagavad Gita-Introduction and Chapter 1: Word-for-Word Translation With Grammatical Notes
Introduction and
Chapter 1
Translated by
Michael Douglas Neely
Chapter 1/Verse 12 26
Chapter 1/Verse 31 53
Chapter 1/Verse 32 55
Chapter 1/Verse 33 56
Chapter 1/Verse 34 58
Chapter 1/Verse 35 59
Chapter 1/Verse 36 61
Chapter 1/Verse 37 62
Chapter 1/Verse 38 64
Chapter 1/Verse 39 65
Chapter 1/Verse 40 67
Chapter 1/Verse 41 69
Chapter 1/Verse 42 71
Chapter 1/Verse 43 73
Chapter 1/Verse 44 74
Chapter 1/Verse 45 75
Chapter 1/Verse 46 77
Chapter 1/Verse 47 78
this time period on my
Introduction In mid-2007 I lost interest in studying Sanskrit and stopped
The Bhagavad Gita has been translated into English hundreds studying it. In 2014 my interest in Sanskrit was rekindled. I felt
of times since its first translation into English by Charles a calling to come back to it and started reviewing various
Wilkens in 1785. The translations range from poetic Sanskrit primers and textbooks.
interpretations inspired from various English translations to
highly academic ones. I chose to translate the Bhagavad Gita
from Sanskrit to English to improve my Sanskrit proficiency, In July 2015 I felt confident enough to start translating
for the love of the wisdom of the book, and because there are the Bhagavad Gita in order continue increasing my proficiency
many academic translations on the market and online to in the Sanskrit language while feeling the excitement of
reference. In particular, the Winthrop Sargeants and Laurie L. actually reading and comprehending the Sanskrit of
Pattons versions were constantly consulted during this the Bhagavad Gita and then translating the Sanskrit into
translation for clarification and comparison. English.
1:19. That uproar caused the piercing of the hearts of the sons 1:28. Despondent, filled with extreme compassion, he said this,
of Dhtarra, and indeed, the tumult caused resonance in the O Krishna, seeing a kinsman wishing to commence fighting,...
earth and sky.
1:29. limbs weary and my mouth dries up and the
1:20. Then son of Pu, ape-bannered, seeing the arrayed sons trembling in my body causes the standing on end of my hair.
of Dhrtarra lifted bow at the commencement of the clash of
weapons. 1:30. Gva slips from (my) hand and verily (my) skin is
afire and I am not able to stand and my mind seems to wander.
1:21. Then, O' Lord of the Earth, he (Arjuna) said these words
to Hkea (Krishna). O' Acyuta (Krishna), position my 1:31. And I see adverse omens, O Keava. And slaying a
war-chariot at the middle of both armies. kinsman in battle, I foresee no good fortune.
1:22. I gaze at all these (warriors) standing firm, eager to fight. 1:32. O Krishna, I don't want victory, nor sovereignty, nor
Whom will fight with me in this epic battle? pleasures. O Govinda, what use is royalty for us? What [use]
are pleasures or life?
1:23. I behold those wanting to fight assembled here in battle
who are desirous to please the evil-mind of the son of 1:33. Those arrayed abandoning these two, life and wealth, in
Dhtarra. battle for the sake of these, our coveted royalty, enjoyments,
and pleasures.
1:24. O descendant-of-Bharata, in that way, it was spoken by
Gukea. Hkea having positioned the great chariot in the 1:34. Teachers, fathers, sons, and also grandfathers, maternal
middle of both armies. uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in-law, and
relatives, thus so.
1;25. In front of Bhma and Droa and all of these rulers of
the earth, O son of Prith said, "Behold these gathered Kurus!" 1:35. I do not wish to kill these, even [if I be] slain. O
Madhusdana, even for the reason of the rulership of the triple
1:26. Then son of Prith saw them standing there. Fathers, world. Indeed, how much less on account of the earth?
grandfathers, preceptors, maternal uncles, brothers, sons,
grandsons, as well as friends.
1:36. Killing the sons of Dhritarshtra, what is our delight? O 1:44. O Janrdana, we have heard repeatedly, "The abode is
Janrdana, perhaps having killed these armed aggressors, chaotic in the atmosphere of torment of the ruined family
indeed, sin would cling to us. dharmas of humans."
1:37. Therefore, we have no justifications to kill the sons of 1:45. Aha! Alas! We are determined to perform a great sin, that
Dhritarshtra, one's own kinsmen. O Mdhava, indeed, having which with greed for royal pleasures we are prepared to slay a
slain a man of one's own people, how can we be possessed of kinsman.
1:46. In combat, if the armed sons of Dhritarshtra should kill
1:38. Even if from a mind corrupted with greed they do not see me unresisting and unarmed, that would be more suitable for
the flaw, the consequence of the corruption of the family, and me.
the sin in the treachery toward a friend.
1:47. Thus, Arjuna having spoken on the battlefield, he sat
1:39. How is it not known by us, to turn away from this sin by down in the chariot seat dropping the bow with an arrow, his
discerning the flaw, the consequence of the corruption of the mind agitated with grief.
family, O Janrdana?
uvca (2nd class verb root: vac) (perfect, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, singular) = one said
dharmaketre (stem form: dharmaketra) (dharma + ketre)
- (tatpura compound, neuter, locative , singular) = on the field
of dharma
dhtarra uvca
kuruketre (stem form: kuruketra) (kuru + ketre) (tatpura
dharmaketre kuruketre samavet yuyutsava compound, neuter, locative, singular) = on the field of Kuru
(clan of Dhtarra)
mmak pavcaiva kimakurvata sajaya 1-1
samavets (verb root: i) (sam + ava + i) (past passive participle,
Dhtarra said, On the field of dharma, on the field of Kuru, masculine, nominative, plural) = they are assembled
the followers of my sons and indeed the sons-of-Pu are
assembled desirous to fight. What did they do, Sajaya? yuyutsavas (stem form: yudh) (nominal desiderative,
masculine, nominative, plural) = desirous to fight
crya (stem form: crya) (masculine, vocative, singular) = O atra r mahevs bhmrjunasam yudhi
yuyudhno viraca drupadaca mahratha 1-4
mahatm (stem form: mahat) (feminine, accusative, singular) =
Here are the heroes, great archers equal to Bhma and Arjuna in
camm (stem form: cam) (feminine, accusative, singular) = battle: Yuyudhna and Vira and Drupada, the great chariot.
yudhi (stem form: yudh) (feminine, locative case, singular) = in Dhaketu, Cekitna, and the mighty Kirja. Purujit,
battle Kuntibhoja, and aibya, the man-bull.
ca (indeclinable) = and
uttamaujas (stem form: uttamauja) (masculine, nominative, asmka tu vii ye tnnibodha dvijottama
singular) = Uttamauja
nyak mama sainyasya sajrtha tnbravmi te
ca (indeclinable) = and
vryavn (stem form: vryavat) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = mighty
But ours who are distinguished, know them! O best of the
saubhadras (stem form: saubhadra) (masculine, nominative, twice-born, the leaders of my army, I will tell those to you on
singular with nominal derivative) = son-of-Subhadra behalf of the named!
bhavnbhmaca karaca kpaca samitijaya karas (stem form: kara) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
avatthm vikaraca saumadattistathaiva ca 1-8
ca (indeclinable) = and
You and Bhma and Kara and Kpa, Samitijayas. kpas (stem form: kpa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
Avatthm and Vikara and son of Somadatta, indeed, in that Kpa
ca (indeclinable) = and
ca (indeclinable) = and
anye ca bahava r madarthe tyaktajvit rs (stem form: ra) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
nnastraprahara sarve yuddhavirad 1-9
madarthe (stem form: madartha) (mad + arthe) (tatpura
compound, masculine, locative, singular) = for the sake of me
Many other heroes, all of them are well-armed and skillful in
battle, abandoning existence for my sake. tyaktajvits (stem form: tyaktajvita) (tyakta + jvits)
(karmadhraya compound, transitive past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, plural) = existence abandoned
pratpavn 1-12
pradadhmatu 1-14
ca (indeclinable) = and
paura dadhmau mahakha bhmakarm dhanajayas (stem form: dhanajaya) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = Dhanajaya (epithet of Arjuna meaning "victor of
vkodara 1-15 wealth")
King Yudhihira, son of Kunt, [blew the great conch shell of]
Anantavijaya and Nakula and Sahadeva [blew the great conch
shells of] Sughoa and Maipupaka, respectively.
anantavijayam (stem form: anantavijaya) (masculine, This verse is connected to the previous verse, and thus many
accusative, singular) = Anantavijaya phrases of "blew the great conch shell of" are understood. Like
in other languages, this is done to avoid wordiness and
rj (stem form: rjan) (masculine, nominative, singular) = redundancy.
ca (indeclinable) = and
pthakpthak 1-18
O' Lord of the Earth, Drupada and the sons of Draupad and
the son of Subhadr, the mighty-armed, all together they blew
their own conch shells.
drupadas (stem form: drupada) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = Drupada
Chapter 1/Verse 19
draupadeys (stem form: draupadeya) (masculine, nominative,
plural with nominal derivative) = sons of Draupad
ca (indeclinable) = and
pthivpate (stem form: pthivpati) (pthiv + pate) (tatpura nabhaca pthiv caiva tumulo vyanundayan
compound, masculine, vocative, singular) = O' Lord of the
Earth (referring to Dhtarra) 1-19
saubhadras (stem form: saubhadra) (masculine, nominative, That uproar caused the piercing of the hearts of the sons of
singular with nominal derivative) = son of Subhadr Dhtarra, and indeed, the tumult caused resonance in the
earth and sky.
ca (indeclinable) = and
ca (indeclinable) = and
pravtte astrasapte dhanurudyamya pava kapidhvajas (stem form: kapidhvaja) (kapi + dhvajas)
(bahuvrih compound, masculine, nominative, singular) =
1-20 ape-bannered (epithet of Arjuna, a central character in the
Bhagavad Gita)
Then son of Pu, ape-bannered, seeing the arrayed sons of
Dhrtarra lifted bow at the commencement of the clash of pravtte (stem form: pravtta) (masculine, locative, singular) =
weapons. at the commencement
- vkyam (stem form: vkya) (neuter, accusative, singular) =
these words
hkea tad vkyamidamha mahpate
idam (pronoun, 3rd pronoun, neuter, accusative, singular) =
senayorubhayormadhye ratha sthpaya me'cyuta 1-21 this
Then, O' Lord of the Earth, he (Arjuna) said these words to ha (1st class verb root: ah) (perfect, parasmaipada, 3rd
Hkea (Krishna). O' Acyuta (Krishna), position my person, singular) = he said
war-chariot at the middle of both armies.
mahpate (stem form: mahpati) (mah + pate) (tatpura
compound, masculine, vocative, singular) = O' Lord of the
Earth (referring to Dhtarra)
acyuta (stem form: acyuta) (masculine, vocative, singular) = O' Chapter 1/Verse 22
Acyuta (epithet of Krishna meaning imperishable)
yvadetnnirike'ha yoddhukmnavasthitn
avasthitn (adjective modifying "etn") (masculine, accusative, I behold those wanting to fight assembled here in battle who
plural) = standing firm htarra.
are desirous to please the evil-mind of the son of D
evamukto hkeo gukeena bhrata gukeena (stem form: gukea) (masculine, instrumental,
singular) = by Gukea (referring to Arjuna)
senayorubhayormadhye sthpayitv rathottamam
bhrata (stem form: bhrata) (masculine, vocative, singular
1-24 with nominal derivative) = O descendant of Bharata (referring
to D
O descendant-of-Bharata, in that way, it was spoken by
Gukea. Hkea having positioned the great chariot in the senayos (stem form: sen) (feminine, genitive, dual) = of two
middle of both armies. armies
tatrpayatsthitnprtha pitnatha pitmahn prthas (stem form: prtha) (masculine, nominative, singular
with nominal derivative) = son of Prith (epithet of Arjuna)
pitn (stem form: pit) (masculine, accusative, plural) = fathers
atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = then
Then son of Prith saw them standing there. Fathers,
grandfathers, preceptors, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, pitmahn (stem form: pitmaha) (masculine, accusative,
grandsons, as well as friends. plural) = grandfathers
vaurnsuhdacaiva senayorubhayorapi
suhdas (stem form: suhda) (masculine, accusative, plural) = avasthitn (1st class verb root: sth) (ava + sthitn) (past
well-wishers passive participle, masculine, accusative, plural) = standing in
ca (indeclinable) = and
- vias (verb root: vi) (past passive participle, masculine,
nominative, singular) = was filled
kpay parayvio vidannidamabravt
dvema svajana ka yuyutsu samupasthitam vidan (verb root: sad) (vi + dan) (present participle,
masculine, nominative, singular) = despondent
idam (neuter, accusative, singular) = this
Despondent, filled with extreme compassion, he said this, O
Krishna, seeing a kinsman wishing to commence fighting,...
abravt (irregular 1st class verb root: br) (imperfect,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = he said
These three words are all singular words and not plural words,
but most of the translations interpret these words as if they are
all plural to the point of changing the case endings of these
words to be plural case endings in the Sanskrit text. Older
Sanskrit manuscripts use the singular endings, but a recent
Sanskrit manuscript has the plural endings. I prefer to use the
older manuscripts and side with the singular case endings. I
also go against most other translations and create a singular
case ending interpretation for the latter part of this verse.
Overall, these disagreements in translation do not change the
story, but it is important to point it out.
sdanti (verb root: sad) (present indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, plural) = they are weary
Chapter 1/Verse 29
mama (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, singular) = my
gtri (stem form: gtra) (neuter, nominative, plural) = limbs
mukham (stem form: mukha) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
sdanti mama gtri mukha ca pariuyati mouth limbs weary and my mouth dries up and the trembling in pariuyati (verb root: u) (pari + uyati) (present indicative,
my body causes the standing on end of my hair. parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it dries up
Gva slips from (my) hand and verily (my) skin is afire and
I am not able to stand and my mind seems to wander.
gvam (stem form: gva) (neuter, nominative, singular) bhramati (present indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd person,
= Gva (the name of Arjuna's bow) singular) = it wanders
srasate (verb root: sras) (present indicative, tmanepada, iva (indeclinable) = seems to
3rd person, singular) = it slips
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
hastt (stem form: hasta) (masculine, ablative, singular) = from
hand me (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, singular) = my
tvac (stem form: tvac) (feminine, nominative, singular) = skin manas (stem form: manas) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
kim (interrogative particle) = what?
kkitam (verb root: kk) (past passive participle, neuter, tyaktv (1st class verb root: tyaj) (gerund) (indeclinable) =
nominative, singular) = the coveted abandoning
nas (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, plural) = our dhanni (stem form: dhana) (neuter, accusative, plural) =
rjyam (stem form: rjya) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
royalty ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
putrs (stem form: putra) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
cry pitara putrstathaiva ca pitmah
tath (adverb) (indeclinable) = and also
mtul vaur pautr yl sabandhinastath 1-34
sabandhinas (stem form: sabandhin) (masculine,
nominative, plural) = relatives
etnna hantumicchmi ghnato'pi madhusdana
tath (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus so
api trailokyarjyasya heto ki nu mahkte 1-35
nas (pronoun, 1st person, genitive, plural) = our
ppamevrayedasmnhatvaitntatyina 1-36
prtis (stem form: prti) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
Killing the sons of Dhritarshtra, what is our delight? O
Janrdana, perhaps having killed these armed aggressors,
syt (verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) = perhaps
indeed, sin would cling to us.
etn (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, accusative, plural) =
na (negation particle) (indeclinable) = not sukhinas (stem form: sukhin) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
possessed of happiness
arhs (verb root: arh) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
justifications syma (verb root: as) (optative, 1st person, plural) = we could
vayam (pronoun, 1st person, nominative, plural) = we
mdhava (stem form: mdhava) (masculine, vocative, singular)
hantum (2nd class verb root: han) (infinitive) (indeclinable) = = O Mdhava (epithet of Krishna)
to kill
ete (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they
na (negation particle) (indeclinable) = not
yadyapyete na payanti lobhopahatacetasa payanti (1st class verb root: pa) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) = they see
kulakayakta doa mitradrohe ca ptakam
lobhopahatacetasas (lobha + upahata + cetasas) (tatpura
1-38 compound, neuter, ablative, singular) = from a mind corrupted
with greed
Even if from a mind corrupted with greed they do not see the
flaw, the consequence of the corruption of the family, and the
kulakayaktam (stem form: kulakayakta) (kula + kaya +
sin in the treachery toward a friend.
ktam) (tatpura compound, masculine, accusative, singular)
= the consequence of the corruption of the family
kuladharms (stem form: kuladharma) (kula + dharms)
(karmadhraya compound, masculine, nominative, plural) =
kulakaye praayanti kuladharm santan
family dharmas
ka (stem form: ka) (masculine, vocative, singular) =
O Krishna
eva (indeclinable) = verily (emphatic particle, emphasizes
preceding word)
sakaro narakyaiva kulaghnn kulasya ca
kulaghnnm (stem form: kulaghna) (kula + ghnnm)
patanti pitaro hye luptapiodakakriy 1-42 (karmadhraya compound, masculine, genitive, plural) = of
the family corruptors
The intermixing of the family corruptors and family, verily,
causes an atmosphere of torment. Indeed, the ancestors fall. Of kulasya (stem form: kula) (neuter, genitive, singular) = of the
these (ancestors), the ritual-offerings of rice-balls and water are family
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
manuym (stem form: manuya) (masculine, genitive,
plural) = of humans
janrdana (stem form: janrdana) (masculine, vocative,
aho bata mahatppa kartu vyavasit vayam
singular) = O Janrdana (epithet for Krishna)
apratkram (verb root: k) (nominalized verb, masculine,
accusative, singular) = unresisting
dhrtarr rae hanyustanme kematara bhavet 1-46 astrapayas (stem form: astrapi) (astra + payas)
(tatpura compound, masculine, nominative, plural) = hand
In combat, if the armed sons of Dhritarshtra should kill me with a weapon (armed)
unresisting and unarmed, that would be more suitable for me.
dhrtarrs (stem form: dhrtarra) (masculine, nominative,
plural with nominal derivative) = sons of Dhritarshtra
hanyus (2nd class verb root: han) (optative, 3rd person, plural)
= should kill
Chapter 1/Verse 47
bhavet (verb root: bh) (optative, 3rd person, singular) = would