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The document discusses topics related to mathematics including sets, relations, functions and their properties.

The document discusses topics related to mathematics like sets, relations, functions, trigonometry, coordinate geometry etc. aimed at engineering entrance examinations.

The domain of the function fog discussed on page 44 is [-3/2, 1/2].

For all Engineering Entrance Examinations held across India.

JEE Main


Salient Features
Exhaustive coverage of MCQs subtopic wise.
2946 MCQs including questions from various competitive exams.

Precise theory for every topic.

Neat, Labelled and authentic diagrams.

Hints provided wherever relevant.

Additional information relevant to the concepts.

Simple and lucid language.
Self evaluative in nature.

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TEID : 750
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. It is one of the oldest academic discipline that has
led towards human progress. Its root lies in mans fascination with numbers.
Maths not only adds great value towards a progressive society but also contributes immensely towards other sciences
like Physics and Chemistry. Interdisciplinary research in the above mentioned fields has led to monumental
contributions towards progress in technology.
Targets Maths Vol. I has been compiled according to the notified syllabus for JEE (Main), which in turn has been
framed after reviewing various national syllabus.
Targets Maths Vol. I comprises of a comprehensive coverage of theoretical concepts and multiple choice
questions. In the development of each chapter we have ensured the inclusion of shortcuts and unique points
represented as an Important Note for the benefit of students.
The flow of content and MCQs has been planned keeping in mind the weightage given to a topic as per the JEE
MCQs in each chapter are a mix of questions based on theory and numerical and their level of difficulty is at par with
that of various engineering competitive examinations.
This edition of Maths Vol. I has been conceptualized with a complete focus on the kind of assistance students
would require to answer tricky questions, which would give them an edge over the competition.
Lastly, I am grateful to the publishers of this book for their persistent efforts, commitment to quality and their
unending support to bring out this book, without which it would have been difficult for me to partner with students on
this journey towards their success.
All the best to all Aspirants!
Yours faithfully,

No. Topic Name Page No.

1 Sets, Relations and Functions 1
2 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations 64
3 Permutations and Combinations 158
4 Mathematical Induction 197
5 Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications 208
6 Sequences and Series 262
7 Trigonometry 313
8 Coordinate Geometry 502

TARGET Publications Physics (Vol. II)

01 Sets, Relations and

Syllabus For JEE (Main)
1.1 Sets
1.1.1 Sets and their representation, Power set
1.1.2 Union, Intersection and Complement of sets and their algebraic properties

1.2 Relations
1.2.1 Relation
1.2.2 Types of relations

1.3 Functions
1.3.1 Real valued functions, Algebra of functions and Kinds of functions
1.3.2 One-one, Into and Onto functions, Composition of functions

Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

1.1 Sets v. The collection of most talented writers

of India.
1. Definition: vi. The collection of most dangerous
Any collection of well defined and distinct animals of the world.
objects is called a set.
By Well-defined collection we mean that 2. Symbols:
given a set and an object, it must be possible Symbol Meaning
to decide whether or not the object belongs to Implies
the set. The objects in a set are called its
Belongs to
members or elements.
AB A is a subset of B
Sets are usually denoted by capital letters
Implies and is implied by
A, B, C, X, Y, Z etc.
Does not belong to
Elements of the sets: s.t (: or | ) Such that
The elements of the set are denoted by small For all or for every
letters i.e., a, b, c, x, y, z etc. There exists
If x is an element of a set A, we write x A iff if and only if
and if x is not an element of A, we write & And
x A. a/b a is a divisor of b
Eg. N Set of natural nos.
If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then 3 A but 6 A. I or Z Set of integers
R Set of real nos.
Important Note C Set of complex nos.
Q Set of rational nos.
Every set is a collection of objects but
every collection of objects is not a set. 3. Representation of a set:
There are two methods for representing a set:
Examples of well defined collections:
i. Tabulation or Roster or Enumeration
i. The collection of vowels in English
or Listing method:
alphabet is a set containing five
elements a, e, i, o, u. In this method, we list all the members
of the set, separating them by commas
ii. The collection of first five prime nos. is a
and enclosing them in curly brackets {}.
set containing the elements 2, 3, 5, 7, 11.
iii. The collection of rivers of India.
a. If A is the set of all prime nos.
iv. The collection of all states of India.
less than 10, then A = {2, 3, 5, 7}.
v. The collection of the solutions of the
b. If A is the set of all even nos.
equation x2 5x + 6 = 0.
lying between 2 and 20, then
vi. The set of all lines in a particular plane.
A = {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18}.
Examples of not well defined collections, ii. Set builder or Rule or Property
hence not sets: method:
i. The collection of good cricket players In this method, we write the set by some
of India. special property and write it as
ii. The collection of bright students in
A = {x : P(x)}
class XI of a school.
iii. The collection of beautiful girls of the = {x/x has the property P(x)}
world. and read it as A is the set of all elements
iv. The collection of rich persons in India. x such that x has the property P.
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
Egs. 7. Cardinal number of a finite set:
a. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, then we can Number of elements in a finite set A is called
write A = {x N : x < 5}. cardinal number of a finite set and is denoted
b. If A is the set of all odd integers by n(A) or o(A). It is also called order of a
lying between 2 and 51, then finite set.
A = {x : 2 < x < 51, x is odd}.
If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, then o(A) = 6
Important Notes 8. Equal sets:
The order of writing the elements Two sets A and B are said to be equal if every
of a set is immaterial. element of A is an element of B and every
Eg. element of B is an element of A.
{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 1}, {3, 2, 1}, Symbolically: A = B if x A x B
{1, 3, 2} all denote the same set. Eg.
An element of a set is not written If A = {4, 8, 10} and B = {8, 4, 10}, then
more than once. Thus the set A = B.
{1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4} can 9. Equivalent sets:
be written as {1, 2, 3, 4}.
Two finite sets A and B are equivalent if
o(A) = o(B).
4. Null or Empty or Void set: Eg.
A set having no element is called a null set. It Sets A = {1, 3, 5, 7},
is denoted by or { }. B = {10, 12, 14, 16} are equivalent
i. is unique. [ o(A) = 4 = o(B)]
ii. is a subset of every set.
iii. is never written within brackets Important Note
i.e., {} is not a null set Equal sets are always equivalent but
Egs. equivalent sets may not be equal.
a. {x : x N, 4 < x < 5 } = In above e.g. A B although they are
b. {x : x R, x2 + 1 = 0} = equivalent.
c. { x : x2 = 25, x is an even no.} = 10. Subsets:
5. Singleton set or Unit set: If every element of A is also an element of a
set B, then A is called a subset of B.
A set having one and only one element is
We write A B, which is read as
called singleton or unit set.
A is a subset of B or A is contained in B.
Thus, A B {x A x B}
i. {x : x 3 = 4} = {7} is a singleton set. i. Every set is a subset of itself i.e., A A.
ii. {x : x + 4 = 0, x Z} = { 4} ii. is a subset of every set.
iii. {x : |x| = 7, x N} = {7} iii. If A B and B C A C
iv. A = B iff A B and B A
6. Finite and Infinite sets: a. Proper subsets: If A is a subset
A set is called a finite set if it is either void set of B and A B, then A is a proper
or its elements can be listed (counted, subset of B. If a set A is
labelled) by natural numbers 1, 2, 3, . and non-empty, then the null set is a
the process of listing or counting of elements proper subset of A.
surely comes to an end. We write this as A B.
And a set which is not finite is called an
infinite set. Important Note
If A B, we may have B A but
i. A = {a, e, i, o, u} is a finite set. if A B, we cannot have B A.
ii. B = {1, 2, 3, 4, ..} is an infinite set.
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

b. Improper subsets: The null set Important Note

is subset of every set and every
set is subset of itself, i.e., A n

and A A for every set A.

A1 A2 .. An = A
i =1

They are called improper subsets

of A. ii. Intersection of sets:
Thus, every non-empty set has two The intersection of two sets A and B is
improper subsets. the set of all elements which are
It should be noted that has only one common in A and B.
subset , which is improper. This set is denoted by A B or AB
Eg. [read as A intersection B or A meet B]
Let A = {1, 2}. Then A has , {1}, {2}, Symbolically,
{1, 2} as its subsets out of which and A B = {x : x A and x B}
{1, 2} are improper and {1} and {2} are Eg.
proper subsets. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 6},
then A B = {2, 4}.
11. Universal set:
Superset of all the sets, i.e., all sets are U
contained in this set. This is usually denoted
by or S or U or X. AB

12. Power set: A B

The set of all the subsets of a given set A is
said to be the power set A and is denoted by iii. Disjoint sets:
P(A). If two sets A and B have no common
element i.e., A B = , then the two
Important Note sets A and B are called disjoint or
mutually exclusive events.
If A has n elements i.e., o(A) = n, Eg.
then o(P(A)) = 2n If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {a, b, c},
Eg. then A B = .
Let A = {a, b, c}, then
P(A) = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, U
{b, c}, {a, b, c}}
Here, o(A) = 3 A B

o(P(A)) = 23 = 8
iv. Difference of sets:
13. Operations on sets: Let A and B be two sets. The difference
i. Union of sets: of A and B written as A B, is the set of
The union of two sets A and B is the set all those elements of A which do not
of all those elements which are either in belong to B.
A or in B or in both. Thus, A B = {x : x A and x B}
This set is denoted by A B or A + B Similarly, the difference B A is the set
[read as A union B or A join B] of all those elements of B that do not
Symbolically, belong to A.
A B = {x : x A or x B} i.e., B A = {x B and x A}
Eg. Eg.
If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 3, 5, 7}, If A ={1,3,5,7,9} and B ={2,3,5,7,11},
then A B = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7} then A B = {1, 9} and B A = {2, 11}.


Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
Important Notes 14. Laws or properties of algebra of sets:
i. Idempotent laws:
A B = if A B For any set A, we have
The sets A B, B A and A B are
b. AA=A
disjoint sets
A B A and B A B ii. Identity laws:
A = A and A A = For any set A, we have
a. A=A
v. Symmetric difference of two sets: b. A=
Let A and B be two sets. Then c. AU=U
symmetric difference of two sets A and d. AU=A
B is the set (A B) (B A) or
(A B) (A B) and is denoted by iii. Commutative laws:
A B or A B. For any two sets A and B, we have
i.e., AB or A B = (A B) (B A) a. AB=BA
= (A B) (A B) b. AB=BA
Eg. c. AB=BA
If A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and i.e., union, intersection and symmetric
B = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}, then difference of two sets are commutative.
A B = (A B) (B A) But difference and cartesian product of
two sets are not commutative.
= {1, 9} {2, 11}
= {1, 2, 9, 11} iv. Associative laws:
U If A, B and C are any three sets, then
a. (A B) C = A (B C)
b. A (B C) = (A B) C
c. (A B) C = A (B C)
vi. Complement of a set: i.e. union, intersection and symmetric
Let U be the universal set and A be a set difference of three sets are associative.
such that A U, then the complement But difference and cartesian product of
of A, denoted by A or Ac or U A is three sets are not associative.
defined as
v. Distributive laws:
A or Ac = {x : x U and x A} If A, B and C are any three sets, then
a. A (B C)=(A B) (A C)
Let U = {x : x is a letter in English
b. A (B C)=(A B) (A C)
and A = {x : x is a vowel}, then vi. De-Morgans law:
A= {x : x is a consonant} If A, B and C are any three sets then
U a. (A B) = A B
A b. (A B) = A B
c. A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
d. A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
Important Notes vii. For any two sets A and B:
a. P(A) P(B) = P(A B)
U = = U
A A = U A A = b. P(A) P(B) P(A B)
(A) = A c. if P(A) = P(B) A = B
where P(A) is the power set of A
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

15. More results on operations on sets: xiii. n(A B C)

For any sets A and B, we have = n(A) n(A B) n(A C)
i. A A B, B A B, + n(A B C)
A B A, A B B n(B A C)
ii. A B = A B, B A = B A = n(B) n(B C) n(B A)
iii. (A B) B = + n(A B C)
iv. (A B) B = A B
n(C A B)
v. A B B A
= n(C) n(C A) n(C B)
vi. A B = B A
+ n (A B C)
vii. (A B) (A B) = A
viii. A B = (A B) (B A) (A B) xiv. n(A B C)
ix. A (A B) = A B = n[(A B C)]
x. A B = B A A = B and = n(U) n(A B C)
17. Ordered pair:
16. Results on cardinal number of some sets:
If A be a set and a, b A, then the ordered
If A, B and C are finite sets and U be the pair of elements a and b in A are denoted by
universal set, then (a, b), where a is called the first co-ordinate
i. n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) if A and B are and b is called the second co-ordinate.
disjoint sets.
Important Notes
ii. n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B)
Ordered pairs (a, b) and (b, a) are
iii. n(A B) = n(A B) + n(B A) different,
+ n(A B) i.e., (a, b) (b, a)
Ordered pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are equal
iv. n(A) = n(A B) + n(A B) iff a = c and b = d
n(B) = n(B A) + n(A B) i.e., (a, b) = (c, d) iff a = c, b = d.
Here, n(A B) = n(A) n(A B)
and n(A B) = n(A B) n(B) 18. Cartesian product of two sets:
i. Let A and B be two non-empty sets. The
v. n(A) = n(U) n(A)
cartesian product of A and B denoted by
vi. n(A B) = n(A B) A B is defined as the set of all ordered
= n(U) n(A B) pairs (a, b), where a A and b B
vii. n(A B) = n(A B) A B = {(a, b) : a A and b B}
= n(U) n(A B) Similarly,
viii. n(A B) = n(A) n(A B) B A = {(b, a) : b B and a A}
ix. n(A B) If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {x, y}, then
= n(A B) n(A B) n (A B) A B = {(1, x), (1, y), (2, x), (2, y),
x. n(A B C) (3, x), (3, y)}
= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) n(A B) and
n(B C) n(C A) + n(A B C) B A = {(x, 1), (y, 1), (x, 2), (y, 2),
(x, 3), (y, 3)}
xi. If A1, A2, A3, .., An are disjoint sets,
then n(A1 A2 A3 .. An) Important Note
= n(A1) + n(A2) + n(A3) + + n(An)
If A B, then A B B A
xii. n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) 2n (A B)
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
ii. If there are three sets A, B, C and a A, 2. Number of possible relations from A to B:
b B, c C, then we form an ordered If A has m elements and B has n elements,
triplet (a, b, c). The set of all ordered then A B has m n elements and total
triplets (a, b, c) is called the cartesian number of possible relations from A to B is
product of these sets A, B and C. 2mn.
i.e., A B C ={(a, b, c): a A, b B, 3. Domain and Range of a relation:
c C} i. Domain of R = {a : (a, b) R}
19. Order of A B: i.e., if R is a relation from A to B, then
i. If o(A)= m and o(B)= n, then o(AB)= mn the set of first elements of ordered pairs
ii. If A = , B = , then A B = in R is called the domain of R.
iii. If A = , B = {a, b, c}, then A B = ii. Range of R = {b : (a, b) R}
Similarly, i.e., if R is a relation from A to B, then
If A = {a, b, c}, B = , then A B = the set of second elements of ordered
20. Some results on cartesian products of sets: pairs in R is called the range of R.
i. A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
If R = {(4, 7), (5, 8), (6, 10)} is a relation from
ii. A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} to the set
iii. A (B C) = (A B) (A C) B = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, then
iv. (A B) (C D) = (A C) (B D) domain of R = {4, 5, 6} and
v. If A B and C D, then range of R = {7, 8, 10}.
(A C) (B D)
vi. If A B, then Important Notes
A A (A B) (B A)
vii. If A and B are non-empty subsets, then If R = A B, then domain of R A
A B = B A A = B. and range of R B.
The domain as well as range of the
viii. If A B, then (A C) (B C)
empty set is .
1.2 Relations If R is a relation from the set A to the set
1. Relations from a set A to a set B: B, then the set B is called the co-domain
A relation (or binary relation) R, from a non- of the relation R.
empty set A to another non-empty set B, is a i.e., Range Co-domain.
subset of A B.
i.e., R A B or R { (a, b): a A, b B} 4. Inverse relation:
Now, if (a, b) be an element of the relation R, If R is a relation from a set A to a set B, then
then we write a R b (read asa is related to b) the inverse relation of R, to be denoted by R1,
i.e., (a, b) R a R b is a relation from B to A.
In particular, if B = A, then the subsets of Symbolically,
A A are called relations from the set A to A. R1 = {(b, a) : (a, b) R}
i.e., any subset of A A is said to be a relation Thus,(a, b) R (b, a) R1 a A, b B
on A. i. Domain (R1) = Range (R) and
Range (R1) = Domain (R)
i. Let A={1, 3, 5, 7} and B={6, 8}, then R
ii. (R1)1 = R
be the relation is less than from A to B
If R = {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)}, then
1R6, 1R8, 3R6, 3R8, 5R6, 5R8, 7R8
R1 = {(2, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5)}
R = {(1, 6), (1, 8), (3, 6), (3, 8), (5, 6),
(5, 8), (7, 8)} (R1)1 = {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)} = R
ii. Let A = {1, 2, 3, .., 34}, then R be the Here, domain (R) = {1, 3, 5},
relation is one fourth of on A is range (R) = {2, 4, 6} and
1R4, 2R8, 3R12, 4R16, 5R20, 6R24, domain (R1) = {2, 4, 6},
7R28, 8R32 range (R1) = {1, 3, 5}
R = {(1, 4), (2, 8), (3, 12), (4, 16), Clearly, dom (R1) = range (R) and
(5, 20), (6, 24), (7, 28), (8, 32)} range (R1) = dom (R)
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

5. Universal relation: 9. Composition of two relations:

A relation R in a set A is called the universal If A, B and C are three sets such that
relation in A if R = A A. R A B and S B C, then
Eg. (SoR)1 = R1oS1. It is clear that
If A = {a, b, c}, then aRb, bSc aSoRc.
A A = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c), (b, a), (b, c), S
(b, b) (c, a), (c, b), (c, c)} A B C
is the universal relation in A.
6. Identity relation: a c
A Bb C
A relation R in a set A is called identity
relation in A, if
R = {(a, a) : a A} = IA
If A = {a, b, c}, then IA = {(a, a), (b, b), (c, c)} This relation is called the composition of R
and S.
7. Void relation: Eg.
A relation R in a set A is called void relation if If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {a, b, c, d},
R = . C = {p, q, r, s} be three sets such that
8. Various types of relation: R = {(1, a), (2, b), (1, c), (2, d)} is a relation
Let A be a non-empty set, then a relation R on from A to B and S = {(a, s), (b, r), (c, r)} is a
A is said to be relation from B to C, then SoR is a relation
i. Reflexive: from A to C given by
If aRa a A i.e., (a, a) R a A SoR = {(1, s), (2, r), (1, r)}
Eg. In this case, RoS does not exist.
If A = {2, 4, 7}, then relation In general, RoS SoR.
R = {(2, 2), (4, 4), (7, 7)} is reflexive. 10. If R is a relation on a set A, then
ii. Symmetric: i. R is reflexive R1 is reflexive
If aRb bRa a, b A ii. R is symmetric R1 is symmetric
i.e., if (a, b) R (b, a) R a, b A iii. R is transitive R1 is transitive
If A = {2, 4, 7}, then 1.3 Functions or Mappings
R = {(2, 4), (4, 2), (7, 7)} is symmetric. 1. Definition:
iii. Transitive: Let A and B be any two non-empty sets. If to
If aRb and bRc aRc a, b, c A each element x A a unique element y B
i.e., if (a, b) R and (b, c) R under a rule f, then this relation is called
(a, c) R a, b, c A. function from A into B and is written as
Eg. f : A B or A f
If A = {2, 4, 7}, then relation The other terms used for functions are
R = {(2, 4), (4, 7), (2, 7), (4, 4)} is operators or transformations.
iv. Anti-symmetric:
If aRb and bRa a = b a, b A
v. Equivalence relation:
A relation R on a set A is said to be an x y = f(x)
equivalence relation on A iff R is
i. Reflexive
ii. Symmetric and Important Notes
iii. Transitive
i.e., for equivalence relation R in A If x A, y = f(x) B, then (x, y) f
i. aRa aA If (x1, y1) f and (x2, y2) f, then
ii. aRb bRa a, b A y1 = y2
iii. aRb and bRc aRc a, b, c A
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
Real valued function: v. Quotient function is defined by
Let f : A B and A R & B R be defined f f ( x)
(x) = , g(x) 0 and
by y = f(x), where x A, y B, then f is g g( x)
called a real valued function of a real variable.
f ( x)
domain of is Df Dg {g(x) = 0}
2. Domain, Co-domain and Range: g( x)
i. Domain: The set of A is called the vi. Domain of f ( x) is Df {x : f(x) 0}
domain of f i.e., all possible values of x
for which f(x) exists (denoted by Df). 4. One-one function:
ii. Co-domain: The set of B is called the A function f : A B is said to be one-one if
co-domain of f (denoted by Cf). different elements of A have different images
iii. Range: The set of all f - images of the in B i.e., no two different elements of A have
elements of A is called the range of the same image in B. Such a mapping is also
function f. known as injective mapping or an injection
i.e., all possible values of f(x), for all or monomorphism.
values of x (denoted by Rf) Method to test one-one: If x1, x2 A, then
Range of f = {f(x) : x A} f(x1) = f(x2) x1 = x2 and
x1 x2 f(x1) f(x2)
Important Note
The range of f is always a subset of
Important Note
co-domain B. i.e., Rf Cf A function is one-one, if it is increasing
or decreasing.
Eg. A B
f Eg.
a 1 Let f : A B and g : X Y be two functions
represented by the following diagrams.
b 2
c A B X Y
f g
d 4 a1 b1 x1 y1
a2 b2 x2 y2
From figure: Domain = {a, b, c, d} = A a3 b3 x3 y3
Co-domain = {1, 2, 3, 4} = B a4 b4 x4 y4
Range = {1, 2, 3} b5 y5
So, Rf Cf Clearly, f : A B is a one-one function. But
3. Algebra of functions: g : X Y is not one-one function because
two distinct elements x1 & x3 have the same
Let f and g be two real valued functions with image under function g.
domains Df and Dg, then
i. Sum function is defined by 5. Onto function:
(f + g) (x) = f(x) + g (x) Let f : A B, if every element in B has at
and domain of f(x) + g(x) is Df Dg. least one pre-image in A, then f is said to be
onto function or surjective mapping or
ii. Difference function is defined by surjection.
(f g)(x) = f(x) g(x)
and domain of f(x) g(x) is Df Dg. Important Note
iii. Multiplication by scalar is defined by
If f1 (y) A, y B, then function is
( f)(x) = f(x) onto.
iv. Product function is defined by In other words,
(fg) (x) = f(x). g(x) and domain of f(x) Range of f = Co-domain of f
g(x) is Df Dg.
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

Eg. 8. Many-one function:

In the following diagrams: A function f : A B is said to be a
A B many-one function, if two or more elements of
f g set A have the same image in B.
a1 b1 x1 y1
a2 x2 y2 In other words, f : A B is a many-one
x3 y3 function, if it is not a one-one function.
a3 b3
x4 y4 Important Notes
f : A B is a many-one function, if
. f : A B is onto function. But g : X Y is
there exists x1, x2 A such that
not onto funtion because Range Co-domain.
x1 x2 but f(x1) = f(x2)
6. Into function: It can also be defined as a function is
A funtion f : A B is an into function, if many-one, if it has local maximum or
there exists an element in B having no local minimum.
pre-image in A.
Important Note
The following diagrams show many-one
If f(A) B i.e., Range Co-domain, functions:
then the function is into
or f : A B is an into function, if it is f g
not an onto function. a1 b1 x1 y1
a2 b2 x2 y2
Eg. a3 b3 x3 y3
The following diagrams show into functions:
a4 b4 x4 y4
A B X Y b5 x5 y5
f g a5
a1 b1 x1 y1 b6
a2 y2
b2 x2 9. Inverse of a function:
a3 b3 x3 y4 If f : A B be one-one and onto function,
Because in both the diagrams Rf Cf. then the mapping f 1(B) A such that
f 1(b) = a (where a A & b B) is called
7. Bijection (one-one onto function):
A function f : A B is a bijection or inverse function of the function f : A B.
bijective , if it is one-one as well as onto. or
In other words, a function f : A B is a Let f : A B be a one-one and onto function,
bijection if then there exists a unique function, g : B A
i. it is one-one i.e., f(x) = f(y) x = y
such that f(x) = y g (y) = x, x A and
x, y A
y B. Then g is said to be inverse of f.
ii. it is onto i.e., y B, there exists
x A such that f(x) = y Thus, g = f 1: B A={(f (x), x) | (x, f (x)) f}
Eg. A B Eg.
f Let us consider one-one function with domain
a1 b1
A and range B,
a2 b2 where A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8} and
a3 b3 f : A B is given by f(x) = 2x, then write f
a4 b4 and f1 as a set of ordered pairs.
So, f = {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6), (4, 8)}
Clearly, f is a bijection, since it is both
injective as well as surjective. and f1 = {(2, 1), (4, 2), (6, 3), (8, 4)}

Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
A B B A iii. Polynomial function: A function f
f f1 defined by
1 2 2 1 f(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . + an xn;
2 4 4 2 where a0, a1, a2, ., an are real constants
and n is non-negative integer, is called a
3 6 6 3 polynomial function.
4 8 8 4
iv. Rational function: A function f(x)
g( x)
which can be expressed as , where
Important Notes h( x)
In above function, g(x) and h(x) are polynomials and
Domain of f = {1, 2, 3, 4} = range of f1 h(x) 0 is called a rational function.
Range of f = {2, 4, 6, 8} = domain of f1 v. Modulus function or Absolute value
Which represents for a function to have or Numerical function:
its inverse, it must be one-one onto or A function f : R R defined by
bijective. x, x 0
f(x) = |x| or f(x) =
10. Graph of a function: x, x < 0
If f : A B be a function defined by y = f(x), is called the absolute value or modulus
then graph of f is defined as a subset of A B
Here, Df = R and
given by
Rf = R+ = [0, )
G(f) = {(x, f (x)) : x A}
11. Some particular functions with their
i. Constant function: A function
f : X Y is said to be constant
function, if its range is a singleton set
i.e., f(x) = c x X, where c is some O X
Properties of Modulus of a real
f : R R defined by y = f(x) = 7 is a
constant function
x, y R, we have
[ f(1) = 7, f(2) = 7, f(3) = 7, ..] a. |x| = max (x, x)
Here, Df = R and Rf = 7 = c b. |x|2 = |x|2 = x2
Y c. |xy| = |x| |y|
x x
y=7 d. = , [y 0]
y y
7 e. |x + y| |x| + |y|
f. |x y| |x| + |y|
O X g. |x y| | x | | y |
h. |x + y| | x | | y |
ii. Identity function: The function f i. |x| k k x k, (k > 0)
defined by f(x) = x x R is called the j. |x| k k x or x k, (k > 0)
identity function. Y
Here, vi. Signum function:
Df = R and Rf = R The function f defined by
| x | 1, if x > 0
, x0
O f(x) = x or f(x) = 0, if x = 0
0, x = 0
1, if x < 0
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

is called the signum function. viii. Fractional part function:

Here, Df = R and Rf = {1, 0, 1} The function defined by the rule
Y f(x) = x [x], where [x] indicates the
integral part of x is called the fractional
y=1 part function.
Here, Df = R x R
[ x] x < [ x] + 1
O X and Rf = [0, 1) 0 x [ x] < 1
0 f ( x) < 1
1 Some facts about the function
y = 1
f(x) = x [x]:
vii. Greatest Integer function or Step a. f(x) = 0 iff x is an integer.
function or Floor function: b. f(x) = x iff 0 x < 1.
The function f defined by c. 0 < f (x) < 1 iff x is not an integer.
f(x) = [x] x, x R is called greatest d. f(1 + x) = f(x) x R
integer function. i.e., f is a periodic function with
[x] indicates the integral part of x which period 1.
is nearest and smaller integer is x. For graph of f, construct the table of
Thus, [x] = x (if x is an integer) values:
= an integer immediately on
the left of x x [x] y = x [x]
(if x is not an integer) 2 x < 1 2 x+2
Here, Df = R and Rf = I 1 x < 0 1 x+1
For graph of f, we construct the table of 0x<1 0 x
values 1x<2 1 x1
x y = [x]
2x<3 2 x2
2 x < 1 2
1 x < 0 1 Y
0x<1 0
1x<2 1 1
2x<3 2
Y X 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 X

X 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 X ix. Reciprocal function:
2 The function f defined by f(x) = is
3 called reciprocal function.
Y Here, Df = R {0} and Rf = R {0}
Some facts about the function f(x) = [x]:
a. [x] = x iff x I Y 1
b. [x] < x iff x I x
c. [x] = k, (k I) iff k x < k + 1
d. [x + I] = [x] + I , if I is an integer
and x R X
e. [ x] = [x], if x I
f. [ x] = [x] 1, if x I
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
x. Exponential function: x
If a > 0, then the function defined by e. loga = loga x loga y
f(x) = ax x R, is called the general
exponential function with base a. f. loga (xn) = n loga x
Here, 1
g. log n x = loga x
a n
{1} if a = 1
Df = R and Rf = log x
(0, ) if a > 0, a 1 h. loga x =
log a
In particular, f(x) = ex, x R is called
i. For x 0, loga x is not defined.
the natural exponential function.
j. loga x decreases if 0 < a < 1 and
Here, Df = R and Rf = (0, ) increases if a > 1.
Important Note xii. Power function: A function f : R R
defined by f(x) = x, R is called a
ax increases if a > 0 and ax decreases if power function.
0 < a < 1.
xiii. Trigonometric functions:
If 0 < a < 1 If a > 1 a. Sine function: f(x) = sin x
Y Y 3
, 1 Y , 1
2 2
1 1


xi. Logarithmic function: , 1 Y , 1
2 2
The function defined by f(x) = y = logax
iff x = ay (a > 0, a 1), x > 0 is called The domain of sine function is R
logarithmic function. and the range is [1, 1].
Here, Df = (0, ) and Rf = R. b. Cosine function: f(x) = cos x
In particular, the function f(x) = logex is Y
(0, 1)
called natural logarithmic function
and f(x) = log10 x is called common
logarithmic function.
If 0 < a < 1 If a > 1
2 2

(, 1) (, 1)
The domain of cosine function is
1 R and the range is [1, 1].
X O X X O 1 X
c. Tangent function: f(x) = tan x

Some properties of logarithmic

a. y = loga x iff x = ay, x > 0, y R
b. loga1 = 0 and loga a = 1 X 3
3 O

c. a loga x = x, for x > 0 2 2 2 2
d. loga (xy) = logax + logay, x > 0,
y > 0.
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

Here, domain of tangent function Here, domain R {n / n I} and

( 2n + 1) range R.
is R , n I
2 12. Domain and range of some standard
and range is R. functions:
d. Cosecant function: f(x) = cosec x Function Domain Range
Y Polynomial
Identity function
3 R R
, 1 , 1 x
2 2
X X Constant
O R {K}
3 function K
, 1 , 1
2 2 Reciprocal
y = 1 1 R {0} R {0}
Y 2
x = 2 x = x= x = 2 x , |x| R [0, )
x3, x|x| R R
Here, domain R (2n + 1) , n I
2 Signum
R { 1, 0, 1}
and range R (1, 1). function
x + |x| R [0, )
e. Secant function: f(x) = sec x
x |x| R R {0}
[x] R I
y=1 x [x] R [0, 1)
(2, 1) (0, 1) (2, 1)
x [0, ) [0, )
X ax R R+
log x R+ R
(, 1) (, 1) sin x R [1, 1]
y = 1 cos x R [1, 1]
3 3 tan x R , ,... R
x= x= x= x= 2 2
2 2 2 2
cot x R{0, , 2,...} R
Here, domain R ( 2n + 1) and
2 3 (, 1]
sec x R , ,...
range R (1, 1). 2 2 [1, )
f. Cotangent function: f(x) = cot x (, 1]
cosec x R {0, , 2,..}
Y [1, )

sin1 x [ 1, 1] 2 , 2

cos1 x [ 1, 1] [0, ]

tan1 x R ,
2 2
, 0
O 3 cot1 x R (0, )
2 , 0 , 0 ,0
2 2 2
sec1 x R ( 1, 1) [0, ]

cosec1 x R ( 1, 1) 2 , 2 {0}

x = 2 x = x= x = 2
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
13. Even and odd functions: (|sinx| + |cosx|), sin4x + cos4x
A function y = f(x) is said to be 2
i. Even if f(x) = f(x)
x x x
ii. Odd if f(x) = f(x) cosx + cos + cos 2 + cos 3
2 2 2
iii. Neither even nor odd if f(x) f(x)
x x
Egs. + .+ cos n 1
+ cos n 2n
2 2
i. f(x) = ex + ex, f(x) = x2, f(x) = x sin x,
f(x) = cos x, f(x) = x2cos x all are even
cos(cosx) + cos(sinx)
functions. 2
ii. f(x) = ex ex, f(x) = sin x, f(x) = x3, sin(sinx) + sin(cosx) 2
f(x) = x cos x, f(x) = x2 sin x all are odd n
functions. 2 sin x +
sin x + cos x 4
Properties of even and odd functions: sin x + cos x sin x + cos x
i. The product of two even or two odd
2sinx + 2cosx 2
functions is an even function.
ii. The product of an even function by an ii. Some non-periodic functions:
odd function or vice versa is an odd
sin x , cos x , cos x2, sin x2,
iii. The sum of even and odd function is x2 cos x, x2 sinx, sin , x cos x,
neither even nor odd function. x
iv. Zero function f(x) = 0 is the only (cos 3 x + cos 3x), (sinx + {x}),
function which is even and odd both. 1
(sin x + x [x]),
v. Every function f(x) can be expressed as x
the sum of even and odd function. i.e., [where {x} is fractional part function &
1 1 [x] is a greatest integer function]
f(x) = [f(x) + f(x)] + [f(x) f(x)]
2 2
= F(x) + G(x) Properties of periodic function:
Here, F(x) is even and G(x) is odd. i. If f(x) is periodic with period T, then
[ F(x) = F(x) and G(x) = G(x)] a. a.f(x) is periodic with period T.
b. f (x + a) is periodic with period T.
14. Periodic function: c. f (x) a is periodic with period T.
A function is said to be periodic function, if where a is any constant.
there exists a constant T > 0 such that We know sin x has period 2.
f(x + T) = f(x T) = f(x) x domain. Here, Then f(x) = 5(sin x) + 7 is also periodic
the least positive value of T is called the
with period 2.
period of the function.
i.e., If constant is added, subtracted,
i. Periodic functions multiplied or divided in periodic
function, period remains same.
Functions Period
ii. If f(x) is periodic with period T, then
sinnx, cosn x; (if n = even)
secnx, cosecnx; (if n is odd and fraction) 2
kf (ax + b) has period .
|sinx|, |cosx|, |tanx|, |cotx|, |cosecx|, |secx| i.e., period is only affected by coefficient
x [x], sin(x [x]), sin(x [ x]), x[x] 1 of x, where k, a, b constant.
sin1 (sinx), cos1(cosx) 2
sin x cos x sin x cos x We know f(x) = 5 sin 2 x + 12
1 1 1 1 7
, , +
2 2 2 2 2 2
has the period = , as sin x is
1 + cos x |2|
cos x , 2
2 periodic with period 2.
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

iii. If f1(x), f2(x) are periodic functions with i. gof is defined, if Rf Dg

periods T1, T2 respectively, then we ii. gof is one-one f is one-one.
have, h(x) = f1(x) + f2(x) has period iii. gof is onto f is onto.
1 iv. if f, g are one-one onto, then gof is also
2 L.C.M. of {T1 ,T2 }; If f1 ( x) and f 2 ( x) are complementary
one-one onto.
= pair wise comparable even functions v. f is even, g is even fog is even
L.C.M. of {T ,T }; otherwise
1 2 function.
vi. f is odd, g is odd fog is odd function.
While taking L.C.M. we should always vii. f is even, g is odd fog is even
remember. function.
a c e viii. f is odd, g is even fog is even
a. L.C.M. of , , = L.C.M. of (a, c, e)
b d f H.C.F. of (b,d, f ) function.
Eg. ix. fog gof i.e., composite of functions is
2 not commutative.
L.C.M. of , , x. (fog)oh = fo(goh) i.e., composite of

3 6 12
functions is associative.
L.C.M. of (2, , ) 2
= = xi. (gof)1 = (f1og1)
H.C.F.of (3, 6, 12) 3
2 2 Important Note
L.C.M. of , , =
3 6 12 3 All functions are relation but all
b. L.C.M. of rational with rational is relations may not be a function.
L.C.M. of irrational with irrational is Formulae
But L.C.M. of rational and irrational is 1.1 Sets
not possible. If A, B and C are finite sets and U be the universal
Eg. L.C.M. of (2, 1, 6) is not possible set, then
as 2, 6 irrational and 1 rational. 1. A B iff {x A x B}
15. Some special functions: 2. A = B iff A B and B A
i. If f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y), then f(x) = kx. 3. i. P(A) = {B : B is a subset of A}
ii. If f(xy) = f(x) + f(y), then f(x) = log x. ii. If A has n elements i.e., o(A) = n, then
iii. If f(x + y) = f(x). f(y), then f(x) = ex. o(P(A)) = 2n.
1 1 4. A B = {x : x A or x B}
iv. If f(x) .f = f(x) + f , then 5. A B = {x : x A and x B}
x x
6. A and B are disjoint iff A B = .
f(x) = xn 1.
7. A B = { x : x A and x B}
16. Composite function: 8. A B = B A iff A = B
Let f : A B be defined by b = f(a) and 9. A B = A iff A B =
g : B C be defined by c = f(b), then 10. A B or A B = (A B) (B A) or
h : A C be defined by h(a) = g[f(a)] (A B) (A B)
is called composite function. 11. A(or A ) = {x : x U and x A}
We write h = gof 12. A A = A and A A = A
Thus, gof : A C will be defined as These are called Idempotent laws.
gof(x) = g[f(x)], x A. 13. A B = A iff B A and
f g A B = A iff A B
14. A = A, A = , A U = U and
A x B f(x) C g(f(x)) These are called Identity laws.
A B C 15. A (B C) = (A B) (A C) and
A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
These are called Distributive laws.
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
16. (A B) = A B, (A B) = A B, iv. Anti-symmetric :
A (B C) = (A B) (A C) and If (a, b) R and (b, a) R
A (B C) = (A B) (A C) a = b a, b A
These are called De-Morgans law. v. Equivalence :
17. i. P(A) P(B) = P (A B) iff it is reflexive, symmetric and
ii. P(A) P(B) P (A B) transitive.
iii. if P(A) = P(B) A = B 1.3 Functions
where P(A) is the power set of A
18. A B = A B = A (A B) 1. If f : A B is a function, then
19. n(A B) = n(A) + n(B), x = y f (x) = f(y) x, y A
if A and B are disjoint sets. 2. A function f : A B is a one-one function or
20. n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B) an injection,
21. n(A B) = n(A B) + n(B A) + n(A B) if f(x1) = f(x2) x1 = x2 x1, x2 A
22. n(A B) = n(A) n(A B) or
23. n (A B C) x1 x2 f(x1) f(x2) x1, x2 A
= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) n(A B) n (B C) 3. A function f : A B is an onto function or a
n(C A) + n (A B C) surjection if range (f) = co-domain (f).
24. n (A B C) 4. A function f : A B is an into function, if
= n(A) n(A B) n(A C) + n(A B C) range (f) co-domain (f).
25. A B = {(x, y) : x A and y B} 5. A function f : A B is a bijection or
26. A B = B A iff A = B bijective, if it is one-one as well as onto.
27. n(A B) = n(A).n(B) 6. A function f : A B is many-one function,
28. If A B, then A A (A B) (B A) if x1 x2 f(x1) = f(x2) x1, x2 A
29. (A B) (C D) = (A C ) (B D) 7. For domain and range, if function is in the
1.2 Relations
i. f ( x) , take f(x) 0
If A and B are finite sets and R be the relation, then
1. R A B i.e., R { (a, b) : a A, b B} ii. , take f(x) > 0
2. i. If n(A) = m and n(B) = n, then total f ( x)
number of possible relations from 1
A to B is = 2mn. iii. , take f(x) 0
f ( x)
ii. The number of relations on finite set A
having n elements is 2n . Shortcuts
3. Domain of R = { a : (a, b) R} 1.1 Sets
Range of R = {b : (a, b) R}
1. The total number of subsets of a finite set
4. R1 = {(b, a) : (a, b) R} is called Inverse
containing n elements is 2n.
2. Number of proper subsets of A containing n
5. R = A A is called Universal relation.
elements is 2n 1.
6. R = {(a, a) : a A} = IA is called Identity
3. Number of non-empty subsets of A containing
n elements is 2n 1.
7. R = is called Void relation.
8. If A be a non-empty set, then a relation R on 4. Let A, B, C be any three sets, then
A is said to be i. n (A only)
i. Reflexive : = n (A) n(A B) n (A C)
If (a, a) R a A + n(A B C)
ii. Symmetric : ii. n (B only)
If (a, b) R (b, a) R a, b A = n(B) n (B C) n(A B)
iii. Transitive : + n (A B C)
If (a, b) R and (b, c) R iii. n(C only) = n(C) n(C A) n(B C)
(a, c) R a, b, c A + n (A B C)
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

5. Number of elements in exactly two of the sets iii. The domain of x 2 a 2 is

A, B and C
( , a] [a, ).
= n(A B) + n (B C) + n(C A)
3n (A B C) iv. The domain of is
x a2
6. Number of elements in exactly one of the sets
A, B and C ( , a) (a, ).
= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) 2n(A B)
3. i. The domain of ( x a) ( b x )
2n(B C) 2n (A C) + 3n (A B C)
7. Number of elements which belong to exactly when a < b is [a, b].
one of A or B. 1
ii. The domain of
i.e., n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) 2n (A B) ( x a)(b x)
8. If o(A B) = n, then when a < b is (a, b).
o[(A B) (B A)] = n2 iii. The domain of ( x a)( x b)
9. If Na = {an : n N}, then
when a < b is ( , a] [b, ).
Nb Nc = N(L.C.M. of b and c) where a, b, c N
iv. The domain of
1.2 Relations ( x a)( x b)

1. The identity relation on a set A is an when a < b is ( , a) (b, ).

anti-symmetric relation.
2. The relation congruent to on the set T of all 4. i. The domain of
triangles in a plane is a transitive relation.
when a < b is ( , a] (b, ).
3. If R and S are two equivalence relations on a
set A, then R S is also an equivalence xa
ii. The domain of
relation on A. xb
4. The union of two equivalence relations on a when a > b is ( , b) [a, ).
set is not necessarily an equivalence relation xa
on the set. iii. The domain of
5. The inverse of an equivalence relation is an when a < b is [a, b).
equivalence relation.
6. If a set A has n elements, then the number of iv. The domain of
binary relations on A = n n . when a > b is (b, a].
7. Empty relation is always symmetric and
transitive. 5. i. The domain of log(a2 x2) is (a, a).
8. A relation R on a non-empty set A is ii. The domain of log (x2 a2) is
symmetric iff R1 = R. ( , a) (a, ).
9. Total number of reflexive relations in a set iii. The domain of log[(x a) (b x)]
with n elements = 2n. when a < b is (a, b).
1.3 Functions
6. i. Range of f(x) = a 2 x 2 is [0, a].
1. The number of functions from a finite set A ii. Range of f(x) = acos x + bsin x + c is
into a finite set B = [n(B)]n(A) [c a 2 + b 2 , c + a 2 + b 2 ].

2. i. The domain of a 2 x 2 is [ a, a]. 7. The domain of the function

1 | x+c|
ii. The domain of is ( a, a). f(x) = is R { c} and range = {1, 1}.
a x
2 2
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
ax + b
8. If y = f(x) = , then fof(x) = x. Multiple Choice Questions
(x a)
9. Any polynomial function f : R R is onto if 1.1 Sets
degree of f is odd and into if degree of f is 1.1.1 Sets and their representation, Power set
1. The set of intelligent students in a class is
1 [AMU 1998]
10. If f(x) is periodic with period a, then is (A) a null set
f ( x)
(B) a singleton set
also periodic with same period a. (C) a finite set
(D) not a well defined collection
11. If f(x) is periodic with period a, f ( x) is also
2. The set B = {x : x is a positive prime < 10} in
periodic with same period a. the tabular form is
(A) {2, 3, 5, 7} (B) {3, 5, 7, 9}
12. Period of algebraic functions x , x2, x3 + 5 (C) {2, 3, 5, 6} (D) {2, 3, 7, 8}
etc. doesnt exist.
3. If A is the set of numbers obtained by adding
13. i. If A and B have n and m distinct 1 to each of the even numbers, then its set
elements respectively, then the number builder notation is [DCE 2002]
of mappings from A to B = mn. (A) A = {x : x is odd and x > 1}
(B) A = {x : x is odd and x I}
ii. If A = B, then
(C) A = {x : x is even}
the number of mapping = nn. (D) A = {x : x is an integer}
14. The number of one-one functions that can be 4. In rule method the null set is represented by
defined from a set A into a finite set B is [Karnataka CET 1998]
Pn(A) ; if n(B) n(A) (A) {} (B)
(C) {x : x = x} (D) {x : x x}
0 ; otherwise
5. The set of all prime numbers is
15. The number of onto functions that can be (A) a finite set (B) a singleton set
defined from a finite set A containing n (C) an infinite set (D) a null set
elements onto a finite set B containing
6. Which set is the subset of all given sets?
2 elements = 2n 2. (A) {1, 2, 3, 4,.} (B) {1}
(C) {0} (D) { }
16. The number of onto functions from A to B,
where o(A) = m, o(B) = n and m n is 7. Which of the following is a true statement?
n [UPSEAT 2005]
( 1)
n r n
Cr(r)m. (A) a {a, b, c} (B) a {a, b, c}
r =1
(C) {a, b, c} (D) none of these
17. The number of bijections from a finite set A 8. Which of the following is a singleton set?
onto a finite set B is (A) {x : x = 8, x Z}
n(A)! ; if n(A) = n (B)
(B) {x : x = 4, x N}
0 ; otherwise
(C) {x : x2 = 7, x N}
18. If any line parallel to X-axis, cuts the graph of (D) {x : x2 + 2x + 1 = 0, x N}
the function atmost one point, then the 9. If a set A has n elements, then the total
function is one-one. number of subsets of A is
[Roorkee 1991; Karnataka CET 1992,2000]
19. If any vertical line does not meet the graph of (A) n (B) n2
the function f(x), then the function is onto. (C) 2n (D) 2n
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

10. If A = {x, y}, then the power set of A is 19. The set A = {x : x R, x2 = 16 and 2x = 6}
[Pb.CET 2004, UPSEAT 2000] equals [Karnataka CET 1995]
(A) {xx, yy} (A) (B) {14, 3, 4}
(B) {, x, y} (C) {14, 4} (D) {4}
(C) {, {x}, {2y}} 20. If a set contains (2n + 1) elements, then the
(D) {, {x}, {y}, {x, y}} number of subsets of this set containing more
11. The number of proper subsets of the set than n elements is equal to
{1, 2, 3} is [JMIEE 2000] [UPSEAT 2001,04]
(A) 5 (B) 6 (A) 2n1 (B) 2n
(C) 7 (D) 8 (C) 2n+1 (D) 22n

12. The number of non-empty subsets of the set 1.1.2 Union, Intersection and Complement of sets
{1, 2, 3, 4} is and their algebraic properties
[Karnataka CET 1997; AMU 1998] 21. If A B = B, then
(A) 14 (B) 16 (A) A B (B) BA
(C) 15 (D) 17 (C) A = B (D) AB=
13. Which of the following is the empty set? 22. (A B)c =
[Karnataka CET 1990] (A) Ac Bc (B) Ac Bc
(A) {x : x is a real number and x2 1 = 0} (C) Ac Bc (D) None of these
(B) {x : x is a real number and x2 + 1 = 0}
(C) {x : x is a real number and x2 9 = 0} 23. If A and B are disjoint, then n(A B) is equal
(D) {x : x is a real number and x2 = x + 2} to
(A) n(A) (B) n(B)
14. If A = {x : x is a multiple of 4} and (C) n(A) + n(B) (D) n(A).n(B)
B = {x : x is a multiple of 6}, then A B
consists of all multiples of [UPSEAT 2000] 24. If A, B and C are any three sets, then
(A) 16 (B) 12 A (B C) is equal to
(C) 8 (D) 4 (A) (A B) (A C)
(B) (A B) (A C)
15. If X = {64n : n N} and (C) (A B) C
Y = {32n+2 8n 9 : n N}, then (D) (A B) C
(A) X Y (B) Y X
25. If A, B and C are any three sets, then
(C) X = Y (D) none of these
A (B C) is equal to
16. Which of the following is not true? (A) (A B) (A C)
(A) 0 {0, {0}} (B) {0} {0, {0}} (B) (A B) (A C)
(C) {0} {0, {0}} (D) 0 {0, {0}} (C) (A B) (A C)
(D) none of these
17. Power set of the set A = {, {}} is
(A) {, {}, {{}}} 26. If A is any set and U be the universal set, then
(B) {, {}, {{}}, A} (A) A A = (B) A A = U
(C) {, {}, A} (C) A A = U (D) none of these
(D) none of these 27. If A = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6} and B = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
18. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The then A B is equal to
total number of subsets of the first set is 48 (A) {2, 3, 4} (B) {1, 2, 3}
more than the total number of subsets of the (C) {2, 4, 5, 6} (D) {2, 3, 5, 6}
second set. The values of m and n are 28. If A = {2, 3, 5, 8, 10}, B = {3, 4, 5, 10, 12} and
[M.N.R.E.C. Allahabad 1988,91; C = {4, 5, 6, 12, 14}, then (A B) (A C)
Kerala P.E.T. 2003] is equal to
(A) 7, 6 (B) 6, 3 (A) {3, 5, 10} (B) {2, 7, 10}
(C) 6, 4 (D) 7, 4 (C) {4, 5, 6} (D) {3, 5, 12}
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
29. If A = { a, b, c}, B = {b, c, d}, C = {a, b, d, e}, 38. Of the members of three athletic teams in a
then A (B C) is school 21 are in the cricket team, 26 are in
[Kurukshetra CEE 1997] hockey team and 29 are in the football team.
(A) {a, b, c} (B) {b, c, d} Among them, 14 play hockey and cricket, 15
(C) {a, b, d, e} (D) {e} play hockey and football and 12 play football
and cricket. Eight play all the three games.
30. If A = {1, 2, 4}, B = {2, 4, 5}, C = {2, 5}, then The total number of members in the three
(A B) (B C) is athletic teams is
(A) {1, 2, 3} (B) {1, 2, 5} (A) 43 (B) 76
(C) {(1, 5)} (D) {(1, 4)} (C) 49 (D) 78

31. If n(A) = 10, n(B) = 7 and n(C) = 6 for three 39. If A and B are any two sets, then A B is
disjoint sets A, B and C, then n(A B C) = equal to
(A) 7 (B) 9 (A) (A B) (A B)
(C) 21 (D) 23 (B) A B
(C) A B
32. A B = if (D) B A
(A) A B (B) BA
40. If A and B are any two sets, then A (A B)
(C) A = B (D) AB=
is equal to [Karnataka CET 1996]
33. If Q is a set of rational numbers and P is a set (A) A (B) Ac
of irrational numbers, then (C) B (D) Bc
(A) P Q = (B) P Q 41. If A and B are any two sets, then
(C) Q P (D) P Q = (A B) (A B) is equal to
34. If the sets A and B are defined as (A) A B
A = {(x, y) : y = ex, x R}; B = {(x, y) : y = x, (B) B A
x R}, then [UPSEAT 1994,99,2002] (C) (A B) (B A)
(A) B A (B) A B (D) none of these
(C) A B = A (D) A B = 42. If the set A has p elements, B has q elements,
then the number of elements in A B is
35. In a city 20 percent of the population travels
[Karnataka CET 1999]
by car, 50 percent travels by bus and 10
(A) p2 (B) p + q
percent travels by both car and bus. Then
(C) pq (D) p + q + 1
persons travelling by car or bus is
[Kerala (Engg.) 2002] 43. If A and B are two sets, then A (A B) is
(A) 40 percent (B) 60 percent equal to
(C) 80 percent (D) 70 percent (A) (B) A
(C) B (D) none of these
36. If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {3, 8}, then
(A B) (A B) is 44. If A and B are two sets, then
(A) {(3, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 8)} (A) A B A B (B) A B A B
(B) {(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (8, 3)} (C) A B = A B (D) none of these
(C) {(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 3), (8, 8)} 45. If Na = {an : n N}, then N5 N7 =
(D) {(8, 3), (8, 2), (8, 1), (8, 8)} [Kerala (Engg.) 2005]
37. In a class of 100 students, 55 students have (A) N5 (B) N7
passed in Mathematics and 67 students have (C) N12 (D) N35
passed in Physics, then the number of students 46. If A, B, C are three sets such that
who have passed in Physics only is A B = A C and A B = A C, then
[DCE 1993; ISM Dhanbad 1994] [Roorkee 1991]
(A) 22 (B) 45 (A) A = B (B) B = C
(C) 33 (D) 65 (C) A = C (D) A = B = C
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

47. If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, 57. If A = {x C : x2 = 1} and

A = {1, 2, 5} and B = {6, 7}, then A B is B = {x C : x4 = 1}, then A B is
(A) B (B) B (A) {1, 1} (B) {1, 1, i, i}
(C) A (D) A (C) {i, i} (D) none of these
48. If n(A) = 3 and n(B) = 6, then the minimum 58. If P, Q and R are subsets of a set A, then
number of elements in A B is R (Pc Qc)c =
[MNR 1987; Karnataka CET 1996] [Karnataka CET 1993]
(A) 3 (B) 9 (A) (R P) (R Q)
(C) 6 (D) 12 (B) (R Q)c (R P)c
49. If n(U) = 700, n(A) = 200, n(B) = 300 and (C) (R P) (R Q)
n(A B) = 100, then n(Ac Bc) = (D) none of these
[Kurukshetra CEE 1999] 59. The shaded region in the given figure is
(A) 200 (B) 600 [NDA 2000]
(C) 300 (D) 400 (A) A (B C)
(B) A (B C)
50. If A and B are two sets, then A (A B)c is
equal to (C) A (B C)
[AMU 1998, K.U.K.C.E.E.T. 1999] (D) A (B C)
(A) A (B) B
(C) (D) A Bc 60. If n(U) = 20, n(A) = 12, n(B) = 9,
51. If A = {a, b}, B = {c, d}, C ={d, e}, then n(A B) = 4, where U is the universal set, A
{(a, c), (a, d), (a, e), (b, c), (b, d), (b, e)} is and B are subsets of U, then n((A B)c) =
equal to [AMU 1999, Him. CET 2002] [Kerala CET 2004, Him. CET 2007]
(A) A (B C) (B) A (B C) (A) 3 (B) 6
(C) A (B C) (D) A (B C) (C) 9 (D) 12
61. If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9},
52. If n(A) = 4, n(B) = 3, n(A B C) = 24, then
A = { x N : 30 < x2 < 70},
n(C) = [Kerala (Engg.) 2005]
B = {x : x is a prime number less than 10},
(A) 1 (B) 2
then which of the following is false?
(C) 12 (D) 17
(A) A B = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8}
53. If A = {x : x2 5x + 6 = 0}, B = {2, 4}, (B) A B = {7, 8}
C = {4, 5}, then A (B C) is (C) A B = {6, 8}
[Kerala PET 2002] (D) A B = {2, 3, 5, 6, 8}
(A) {(2, 4), (3, 4)}
(B) {(4, 2), (4, 3)} 62. If A = {(x, y) : x2 + y2 = 25} and
(C) {(2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 4)} B = {(x, y) : x2 + 9y2 =144}, then A B
(D) {(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)} contains [AMU 1996; Pb. CET 2002]
(A) one point (B) two points
54. A B = B A if (C) three points (D) four points
(A) A B (B) BA 63. If two sets A and B are having 99 elements in
(C) A = B (D) AB= common, then the number of elements
55. If A B = A and A B = A, then common to each of the sets A B and B A
(A) A B (B) B A are [Kerala (Engg.) 2004]
(C) A = B (D) none of these (A) 299 (B) 992
(C) 100 (D) 9
56. If A and B are non-empty sets and
A B = B A, then 64. If U is the universal set and A B C = U,
(A) A is a proper subset of B then [(A B) (B C) (C A)] is equal
(B) B is a proper subset of A to
(C) A = B (A) ABC (B) A (B C)
(D) none of these (C) ABC (D) A (B C)
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
65. In a class of 30 pupils, 12 take needle work, 74. In a class of 55 students, the number of
16 take Physics and 18 take History. If all the students studying different subjects are 23 in
30 students take at least one subject and no Mathematics, 24 in Physics, 19 in Chemistry,
one takes all three, then the number of pupils 12 in Mathematics and Physics, 9 in
taking 2 subjects is [J AND K 2005] Mathematics and Chemistry, 7 in Physics and
(A) 16 (B) 6 Chemistry and 4 in all three subjects. The
(C) 8 (D) 20 number of students who have taken exactly
one subject is [UPSEAT 1990]
66. If A and B are any two sets, then A B is not
(A) 6 (B) 9
equal to
(C) 7 (D) 22
(A) A Bc (B) B Ac
(C) (Ac B)c (D) A (A B) 75. Out of 800 boys in a school, 224 played
cricket, 240 played hockey and 336 played
67. If Na = {an : n N} and Nb Nc = Nd, where a, basketball. Of the total, 64 played both
b, c, d N and b, c are relatively prime, then basketball and hockey; 80 played cricket and
(A) d = b + c (B) d = b c basketball and 40 played cricket and hockey;
b 24 played all the three games. The number of
(C) d = bc (D) d =
c boys who did not play any game is
[DCE 1995; MP PET 1996]
68. If a set A contains 4 elements and a set B
(A) 128 (B) 216
contains 8 elements, then maximum number
(C) 240 (D) 160
of elements in A B is
(A) 4 (B) 12 76. A survey shows that 63% of the Americans
(C) 8 (D) 16 like cheese whereas 76% like apples. If x% of
the Americans like both cheese and apples,
69. The set (A B C) (A B C) C then
is equal to
(A) x = 39 (B) x = 63
(A) B C (B) B C
(C) 39 x 63 (D) none of these
(C) A C (D) A C
77. Which of the following is an empty set?
70. If A = {(x, y) : y = ex, x R} and (A) The set of prime numbers which are
B = {(x, y) : y = ex, x R}, then even
(A) A B = (B) A B (B) The set of reals which satisfy
(C) A B = R2 (D) none of these x2 + ix + i 1 = 0
71. If A and B are two sets, then (C) (A B) (B A), where A and B are
(A B) (A B) is equal to disjoint
[DCE 2008] (D) The solution set of the equation
(A) A (B) A 2(2 x + 3) 2
+3=0, x R
(C) B (D) none of these x +1 x +1
72. If X = {4n 3n 1: n N} and 78. If A = {x : x2 x + 2 > 0} and
Y = {9 (n 1) : n N}, then X Y is equal B = {x : x2 4x + 3 0}, then A B is
to [Karnataka CET 1997] (A) (1, 3) (B) [1, 3]
(A) X (B) Y (C) ( , ) (D) ( , 1) (3, )
(C) N (D) none of these
73. In a town of 10,000 families, it was found that 79. If A = x : sin x and
40% family buy newspaper A, 20% buy 2
newspaper B and 10% families buy newspaper
B = , , then A B is equal to
C, 5% families buy A and B, 3% buy B and C 2 2
and 4% buy A and C. If 2% families buy all
5 5
the three newspapers, then number of families (A) 6 , 6 (B) 6 , 6
which buy A only is [Roorkee 1997]
(A) 3100 (B) 3300
(C) 2900 (D) 1400 (C) 0, 6 (D) 6 , 6

Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

(C) R1 is not defined
80. If X = ( x, y ) : y = , x R and (D) none of these
87. If A = {1, 2, 3}, then domain of the relation
Y = {(x, y) : y = x , x R}, then
R = {(1, 1), (2, 3), (2, 1)} defined on A is
(A) X = Y (B) X Y =
(A) {1, 2} (B) {1, 3}
(C) X Y (D) none of these (C) {2, 3} (D) {1, 2, 3}
81. Suppose A1, A2, ., A30 are thirty sets each 88. If P = {3, 4, 5}, then range of the relation
with five elements and B1, B2, . , Bn are n R = {(3, 3), (3, 4), (5, 4)} defined on P is
sets each with three elements such that (A) {3, 4} (B) {3, 5}
30 n
Ai = Bj = S. If each element of S belongs (C) {4, 5} (D) {3, 4, 5}
i=1 j=1

to exactly 10 of the Ais and exactly 9 of the 89. Let A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {1, 3, 5}.
Bjs, then the value of n is If relation R from A to B is given by
[DCE 2009] R = {(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 3)}, then R1 is
(A) 15 (B) 30 (A) {(3, 3), (3, 1),(5, 2)}
(C) 40 (D) 45 (B) {(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 3)}
(C) {(1, 3), (5, 2)}
82. If A = { : 2 cos2 + sin 2} and (D) {(1, 2), (3, 5)}
B = : , then A B is equal to 90. If A and B are two finite sets such that
2 2 n(A) = 2, n(B) = 3, then total number of
3 relations from A to B is
(A) : (A) 64 (B) 8
(C) 16 (D) 32
(B) : 91. If A is the set of even natural numbers less
2 6
than 8 and B is the set of prime numbers less
5 3
(C) : : than 7, then the number of relations from A to
2 6 2 B is [NDA 2003]
(D) none of these (A) 29 (B) 92
(C) 32 (D) 291
1.2 Relations
92. If R is a relation from {11, 12, 13} to
1.2.1 Relation {8, 10, 12} defined by y = x 3, then R1 is
83. If R is a relation from a non-empty set A to a (A) {(8, 11), (10, 13)}
non-empty set B, then (B) {(11, 18), (18, 10)}
(A) R = A B (B) R = A B (C) {(11, 8), (13, 10)}
(D) {(11, 13), (8, 10)}
(C) R = A B (D) R A B
84. If R is a relation from a finite set A having m 93. If R = {(x, y) : x N, y N and x + y = 5},
elements to a finite set B having n elements, then the range of R is
then the number of relations from A to B is (A) {1, 2, 3, 5} (B) {1, 2, 3, 4}
(C) {1, 2, 4, 5} (D) {1, 3, 4, 5}
(A) 2mn (B) 2mn 1
(C) 2mn (D) mn 94. Number of relations that can be defined on the
set A = {1, 2, 3} is
85. If R is a relation on a finite set A having n (A) 2 (B) 23
elements, then the number of relations on A is (C) 26 (D) 29
(A) 2n (B) 2n
95. If P = {a, b, c, d} and Q = {1, 2, 3}, then
(C) n2 (D) nn
which of the following is a relation from A to
86. The relation R is defined on the set of natural B?
numbers as {(a, b) : a = 2b}. Then, R1 is (A) R1 = {(1, a), (2, b), (3, c)}
given by (B) R2 = {(a, 1), (2, b), (c, 3)}
(A) {(2, 1), (4, 2), (6, 3),.} (C) R3 = {(a, 1), (d, 3), (b, 2), (b, 3)}
(B) {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6),.} (D) R4 = {(a, 1), (b, 2), (c, 3), (3, d)}
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
96. If P = {1, 2, 3, ., 10} and 105. The relation less than in the set of natural
R = {(x, y) : x + 2y = 10, x, y A} be a numbers is
relation on P, then R1= [UPSEAT 1994,98,99; AMU 1999]
(A) {(4, 2), (3, 4), (2, 6)} (A) only symmetric
(B) {(2, 4), (4, 3), (6, 2), (8, 1)} (B) only transitive
(C) only reflexive
(C) {(4, 2), (3, 6), (4, 3)}
(D) equivalence relation
(D) {(4, 2), (3, 4), (2, 6), (1, 8)}
106. For real numbers x and y, x R y x y + 2
97. If R = {(x, y) : x, y Z, x2 + y2 4} is a
is an irrational number. The relation R is
relation in Z, then domain of R is
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric
(A) {0, 1, 2} (B) {0, 1, 2} (C) transitive (D) none of these
(C) {2, 1, 0, 1, 2} (D) {1, 0, 1, 2}
107. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {(2, 2), (3, 3),
1.2.2 Types of relations (4, 4), (1, 2)}be a relation in A, then R is
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric
98. If A = {1, 2, 3}, then the relation
(C) transitive (D) none of these
R = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)} on A is
(A) reflexive (B) transitive 108. If R be a relation < from A = {1, 2, 3, 4} to
(C) symmetric (D) none of these B = {1, 3, 5} i.e., (a, b) R iff a < b, then
RoR1 is
99. If P = {(x, y) / x2 + y2 = 1, (x, y) R}, then P (A) {(1, 3), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 5)}
is (B) {(3, 1), (5, 1), (3, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4)}
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric (C) {(3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 3), (5, 5)}
(C) transitive (D) anti-symmetric (D) {(3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}
100. A relation R on a non-empty set A is an 109. If R = {(1, 3), (4, 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), (3, 1)} be a
equivalence relation iff it is relation on the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, then R is
(A) reflexive [AIEEE 2004]
(B) reflexive and transitive (A) reflexive (B) transitive
(C) reflexive, symmetric and transitive (C) not symmetric (D) a function
(D) symmetric and transitive 110. Let R be the relation on the set R of all real
numbers defined by a R b iff a b < 1. Then
101. If R is a relation from a set A to a set B and S
is a relation from B to C, then the relation R is [Roorkee 1998]
SoR (A) reflexive and symmetric
(A) is from A to C (B) symmetric only
(B) is from C to A (C) transitive only
(D) anti-symmetric only
(C) does not exist
(D) none of these 111. With reference to a universal set, the inclusion
of a subset in another, is relation, which is
102. The void relation on a set A is [Karnataka CET 1995]
(A) reflexive (A) symmetric only
(B) symmetric and transitive (B) an equivalence relation
(C) reflexive and symmetric (C) reflexive only
(D) reflexive and transitive (D) not symmetric

103. If R A B and S B C be two relations, 112. If R and R are symmetric relations on a set A,
then (SoR)1 = then the relation R R is
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric
(A) S1 o R1 (B) R1 o S1
(C) transitive (D) none of these
(C) SoR (D) RoS
113. The number of reflexive relations of a set with
104. x2 = xy is a relation which is four elements is equal to [UPSEAT 2004]
(A) symmetric (B) reflexive (A) 216 (B) 212
(C) transitive (D) none of these (C) 28 (D) 24
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

114. Consider the following statements on a set 120. If R1 and R2 are two equivalence relations on a
A = {1, 2, 3}: non-empty set A, then
(1) R = {(1, 1), (2, 2)} is a reflexive relation (A) R1 R2 is an equivalence relation on A
on A. (B) R1 R2 is an equivalence relation on A
(2) R = {(3, 3)} is symmetric and transitive (C) R1 R2 is an equivalence relation on A
but not a reflexive relation on A. (D) none of these
Which of the following given above is/are
correct? [NDA 2005] 121. Let R be a relation such that
R = {(1, 4), (3, 7), (4, 5), (4, 6), (7, 6)}
(A) (1) only
(B) (2) only Then R1oR1 is equal to
(A) {(1, 4), (4, 5), (6, 7)}
(C) both (1) and (2)
(B) {(5, 1), (6, 1), (6, 3)}
(D) neither (1) nor (2)
(C) {(3, 7), (4, 6), (7, 6)}
115. Let L be the set of all straight lines in the (D) {(4, 5), (4, 6), (7, 6)}
Euclidean plane and R be the relation defined
122. Let R be a relation over the set of integers
by the rule l1 R l2 iff l1 l2. Then relation R is such that mRn iff m is a multiple of n, then R
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric is
(C) transitive (D) not symmetric (A) reflexive and transitive
116. Let N denote the set of all natural numbers (B) symmetric
and R be the relation on N N defined by (C) only transitive
(a, b) R (c, d) if ad(b + c) = bc(a + d), then R (D) an equivalance relation
is [Roorkee 1995] 1.3 Functions
(A) symmetric only
(B) reflexive only 1.3.1 Real valued functions, Algebra of functions
(C) transitive only and Kinds of functions
(D) an equivalence relation
123. If f and g are two functions with domains D1
117. Let S be the set of all real numbers. Then the and D2 respectively, then the domain of the
relation R = {(a, b) : 1 + ab > 0} on S is function (f + g) (x) is
[NDA 2003] (A) D1 D2 (B) D1 D2
(A) reflexive and symmetric, but not (C) D1 D2 (D) none of these
(B) reflexive and transitive, but not x2
124. The range of the function f(x) = when
symmetric. 2 x
(C) reflexive, symmetric and transitive. x 2 is
(D) symmetric and transitive, but not (A) R (B) R {1}
reflexive. (C) {1} (D) R {1}
118. On the set N of all natural numbers define the 125. If f(x) = x3 + sin x, then f(x) is
relation R by aRb iff the G. C. D. of a and b is (A) an even function
2. Then R is [Kerala CET 2007] (B) an odd function
(A) reflexive but not symmetric (C) a power function
(B) symmetric only (D) none of these
(C) reflexive and transitive 126. Which of the following functions is a
(D) reflexive, symmetric and transitive polynomial function?
119. Let W denote the words in English dictionary. [K.U.K.C.E.E.T. 1997]
Define the relation R by R = {(x, y) W W: x2 1
(A) , x 4
the words x and y have at least one letter in x+4
common}, then R is [AIEEE 2006] (B) x4 + x3 + 3x2 7x + 2x2
(A) reflexive, not symmetric and transitive
2x2 + 7 x + 4
(B) not reflexive, symmetric and transitive (C)
(C) reflexive, symmetric and not transitive 3
(D) reflexive, symmetric and transitive (D) 2x2 + x2/3 + 4
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
x 134. If f(x) = x and g(x) = x , then f(x) + g(x) is
127. f(x) = , x 0, then the value of function is
x equal to [AMU 1988]
(A) 1 (B) 0 (A) 0
(C) 1 (D) does not exist (B) 2x
(C) 2x, x 0; 0, x < 0
128. Which of the following is a rational function? (D) 2x, x 0; 2x, x < 0
[DCE 1995]
1+ x 2 135. Domain of 4 x 2 is
(A) ,x
2 + 5x 5 (A) (2, 2) (B) (2, 2]
3x + 5 x + 2 x + 7
5 3 (C) [2, 2] (D) {2, 2}
(B) ,x>0
x 3/2 136. Let f : R R be defined by f(x) = 2x + x ,
3x3 7 x + 1 then f(2x) + f( x) f(x) = [EAMCET 2000]
(C) ,x2
x2 (A) 2x (B) 2 x
(D) 4 x3 + 4 x + 7 (C) 2x (D) 2x
129. If (x) = ax , then [(p)]3 is equal to 2 x + 2 x
137. If f(x) = , then f(x + y). f(x y) =
[MP PET 1999] 2
(A) (3p) (B) 3(p) [RPET 1998]
(C) 6(p) (D) 2(p) 1
(A) [f(2x) + f(2y)]
x x 1
130. If f(x) = , then f(1) = [SCRA 1996] (B) [f(2x) + f(2y)]
x 4
(A) 1 (B) 2 1
(C) [f(2x) f(2y)]
(C) 0 (D) 2 2
f (a ) 1
x (D) [f(x) f(2y)]
131. If f(x) = , then = 4
x 1 f ( a + 1)
[MP PET 1996] 1+ x
138. If f(x) = log , then f(x) is
1 1 x
(A) f( a) (B) f
a [Kerala CEE 2002]
(A) an even function
(C) f(a2) (D) f (B) an odd function
a 1 (C) f(x1) f(x2) = f(x1 + x2)
f ( x1 )
1 (D) = f(x1 x2)
132. If f(x) = 4x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 4, then x3f is f ( x2 )
[SCRA 1996] x 2 x3
1 139. Domain of ex = 1 + x + + + . is
(A) f( x) (B) 2! 3!
f ( x) [K.U.K.C.E.E.T. 1999]
(A) (1, ) (B) (0, )
(C) f (D) f(x) (C) ( , ) (D) none of these
133. The range of the function (
140. The function f(x) = log x + x 2 + 1 is )
x [AIEEE 2003; MP PET 2003;
; for x 0
f(x) = x is UPSEAT 2003]
0; for x = 0 (A) an even function

(B) an odd function
(A) {1, 1} (B) [1, 1] (C) a periodic function
(C) {1, 0, 1} (D) {0, 1} (D) neither an even nor an odd function
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

141. The period of cos x is [RPET 1998] 149. If f(x) = x 2 + 13 , then the graph of the
function y = f(x) is symmetric about
(A) 2 (B)
2 (A) the X-axis (B) the Y-axis
(C) the origin (D) the line x = y
(C) (D)
1, x > 0
142. If y = 3[x] + 1 = 4[x 1] 10, then [x + 2y] =
150. If f(x) = 0, x = 0 , then f is
(A) 61 (B) 67
1, x < 0
(C) 88 (D) 107
x+2 (A) an absolute value function
143. The domain of the function f(x) = is (B) a signum function
(A) R {2} (B) R (C) the greatest integer function
(C) R {0} (D) R {2} (D) a constant function

144. The domain of the function 151. The period of the function f(x) = sin (2x) is
f(x) = log (1 x) + x 1 is
(A) 2 (B)
(A) [1, 1] (B) (0, 1) 3
(C) (D)
(C) (1, ) (D) ( , 1] 2 2
145. The value of b and c for which the identity
f (a)
f(x + 1) f(x) = 8x + 3 is satisfied, where 152. If f(x) = ex, then equals
f(x) = bx2 + cx + d, are [Roorkee 1992] f (b)
(A) b = 1, c = 1 (B) b = 4, c = 1 [AMU 1986]
(C) b = 2, c = 1 (D) b = 1, c = 4 (A) f(a + b) (B) f(a b)
146. The domain of the function (C) f( a + b) (D) f( a b)
f(x) = log ( )
x 4 + 6 x is [RPET 2001] 153. Which of the following functions is an even
(A) [4, ) (B) ( , 6] function?
(C) [4, 6] (D) none of these [Kerala CEE 1987, DCE 1993, RPET 2000]
147. The inverse of the function y = 2x 3 is a x + ax
(A) f(x) =
[UPSEAT 2002] ax ax
x+3 x3 ax +1
(A) (B) (B) f(x) =
2 2 ax 1
1 1
(C) (D) x( a x 1)
2x 3 2x + 3 (C) f(x) =
ax +1
(D) f(x) = log2 (x + x2 1 )

2 154. If f() = sin (sin + sin 3), then f() is

1 [IIT Screening 2000]
(A) 0 only when 0
X 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 X (B) 0 for all real
(C) 0 for all real
(D) 0 only when 0
is the graph of Y 1
(A) Modulus function 155. Domain of is
9 x2
(B) Signum function
(C) Greatest integer function (A) ( 3, 3) (B) ( 3, 3]
(D) Fractional part function (C) [ 3, 3] (D) none of these
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
156. If f(x) = sin (log x), then the value of 164. The period of the function
x x x
f(xy) + f 2f(x) cos log y is equal to sin + cos is
y 2 2
[Orissa JEE 2004] (A) 4 (B) 6
(A) 1 (C) 12 (D) 18
(B) 1
(C) 0 1
165. The domain of is
(D) sin (log x). cos (log y) ( x 4 )( x 5)
157. The equivalent function of log x2 is (A) ( , 4) (5, )
[MP PET 1997] (B) ( , 4] [5, )
(A) 2 log x (B) 2 log x (C) ( , 4] (5, )
(C) log x 2 (D) (log x)2 (D) ( , 4) [5, )
166. Range of f(x) = 3 cos x + 4 sin x + 5 is
158. The graph of the function y = f(x) is
symmetrical about the line x = 2, then (A) [0, 10] (B) (0, 10)
[AIEEE 2004] (C) (0, 10] (D) none of these
(A) f(x) = f( x) 167. The range of the function f(x) = 7xPx3 is
(B) f(2 + x) = f(2 x)
[AIEEE 2004]
(C) f(x) = f( x)
(A) {1, 2, 3, 4} (B) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
(D) f(x + 2) = f(x 2)
(C) {1, 2, 3} (D) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
159. Domain of x 2 16 is 168. A real valued functional equation
(A) [ 4, 4] f(x y) = f(x) f(y) f(a x) f(a + y) where a
(B) ( , 4) (4, ) is a constant and f(0) = 1, then f(2a x) =
(C) ( , 4] [4, ) [AIEEE 2005]
(D) { 4, 4} (A) f(a) + f(a x) (B) f(x)
160. The domain of definition of the function f(x) (C) f(x) (D) f(x)
given by equation 2x + 2y = 2 is
169. If [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or
[IIT Screening 2000]
equal to x, then the range of the function
(A) 0 < x 1 (B) 0 x 1
f(x) = [x] x is [NDA 2005]
(C) < x 0 (D) < x < 1
(A) (1, 0) (B) [1, 0]
161. If f(x) is an odd periodic function with period (C) [1, 0) (D) (1, 0]
2, then f(4) equals
(A) 0 (B) 2 170. If f(x) = a cos (bx + c) + d, then range of f(x) is
(C) 4 (D) 4 [UPSEAT 2001]
log 2 ( x + 3) (A) [d + a, d + 2a] (B) [a d, a + d]
162. The domain of definition of f(x) = (C) [d + a, a d] (D) [d a, d + a]
x 2 + 3x + 2
is [IIT 2001; UPSEAT 2001] x+2
(A) R {1, 2} 171. The range of the function f(x) = is
(B) (2, )
(C) R { 1, 2, 3} [RPET 2002]
(D) (3, ) {1, 2} (A) {0, 1} (B) {1, 1}
(C) R (D) R {2}
163. The fundamental period of the function
1 172. If f(1) = 1 and f(n + 1) = 2f(n) + 1, n 1, then
f(x) = 2cos (x ) is
3 f(n) is
(A) 6 (B) 4 (A) 2n+1 (B) 2n
(C) 3 (D) 2 (C) 2n 1 (D) 2n1 1
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

173. The domain of the function 180. If the domain of function f(x) = x2 6x + 7 is
x+3 ( , ), then the range of the function is
f(x) = is
( 2 x )( x 5 ) [MP PET 1996]
(A) ( ,) (B) [ 2, )
(A) ( , 3] (2, 5)
(B) ( , 3) (2, 5) (C) ( 2, 3) (D) ( , 2)
(C) ( , 3] [2, 5] 181. The period of the function f(x) = sin4x + cos4x
(D) ( 3, 5) is
(A) (B) 2
1 x
174. The domain of f(x) = is
2 x (C) (D)
4 2
(A) ( , ) [1, 1]
(B) ( , ) [2, 2] 182. The domain of the function
(C) [1, 1] ( , 2) (2, ) f(x) = log2log3 log4 x is
(D) none of these (A) [4, ) (B) (4, )
(C) ( 4, ) (D) ( , 4)
175. The domain of the function
f(x) = is 183. The range of the function f(x) = 3x 2 4 x + 5
sin x + sin x
(A) (2n, 2n) 11 11
(B) (2n, (2n + 1)) (A) , (B) ,
3 3

(C) (4n 1) , (4n + 1)
2 2 11 11
, 3 ,
(C) (D)
(D) none of these
176. The range of the function y = is e x + e x
1+ x 2 184. The inverse of the function f(x) = +2
1 1 e x + e x
(A) 0, 2 (B) 0, is [Kurukshetra CEE 1996]
2 1 1
1 1 1 x 2 2 x 1 2
(C) 2 , 2 (D) , 0 (A) loge
x 1
(B) loge
3 x
x2 x 2 x 1
177. The range of the function y = is (C) loge (D) loge
1 + x2 2 x x +1
(A) (0, 1] (B) [0, 1)
(C) (0, 1) (D) [0, 1] 185. If f(x) = cos [2]x + cos [ 2]x, then
[Orissa JEE 2002]
178. The period of the function
f(x) = sin 4 x + cos 4 x is
(A) f = 2 (B) f( ) = 2
(A) (B)
2 4 (C) f() = 1 (D) f = 1
(C) (D)
10 + x
186. If ef(x) = , x (10, 10) and
179. The period of the function 10 x
f(x) = a sinkx + b cos kx is
200 x
2 f(x) = kf 2
, then k =
(A) (B) 100 + x
k k
[EAMCET 2003]
(C) (D) (A) 0.5 (B) 0.6
k k
(C) 0.7 (D) 0.8
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)

187. The function f(x) = sin(log(x + x 2 + 1 )) is 193. The domain of the function
x 5
[Orissa JEE 2002] f(x) = log10 2 3 x + 5 is
(A) an even function x 10 x + 24
(B) an odd function (A) (4, 5) (B) (6, )
(C) neither even nor odd (C) (4, 5] (6, ) (D) (4, 5) (6, )
(D) a periodic function
194. The domain of the function
ax 1 f(x) = log10 [1 log10(x2 5x + 16)] is
188. If the real valued function f(x) = n x is
x (a + 1) (A) (2, 3) (B) (2, 3]
even, then n equals (C) [2, 3) (D) [2, 3]
[Roorkee 1991, Karnataka CET 1996] 195. The domain of the function
2 1
(A) 2 (B) f(x) = is
[ x]2 [ x] 6
1 1
(C) (D) (A) (, 2) [4, )
4 3
(B) (, 2] [4, )
189. If f : R R satisfies f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) for (C) (, 2) (4, )
all x, y R and f(1) = 7, then f(r) is (D) none of these
r =1

[AIEEE 2003] 196. Which of the following function has period ?

7n(n + 1) 7n 2x x
(A) (B) (A) 2 cos + 3 sin
2 2 3 3
7(n + 1) (B) tan x + cos 2x
(C) (D) 7n(n + 1)

190. If [x] denotes the greatest integer x, then (C) 4 cos 2x + + 2 sin x +
2 4
2 2 1 2 2 2 98 (D) none of these
3 + 3 + 99 + 3 + 99 +.+ 3 + 99 =

[Kerala PET 2006] 197. The domain of the function
(A) 99 (B) 98 log10 x
(C) 66 (D) 65 f(x) = log10 is
2(3 log10 x)
191. If the function (A) (10, 103) (B) (102, 103)
2 2 (C) 2 3
[10 , 10 ) (D) [102, 103]
f(x) = cos x + cos + x cos x cos + x
3 3
198. The period of the function
is constant (independent of x), then the value
of this constant is sin 8 x cos x sin 6 x cos3 x
f(x) = is
[Roorkee 1991, Karnataka CET 1997] cos 2 x cos x sin 3 x sin 4 x
(A) 0 (B) (A) (B)
4 2 3
4 (C) (D) 2
(C) 1 (D)
4 x2
192. The domain of the function 199. The domain of the function f(x) = ,
1 [ x] + 2
y = f(x) = + x + 2 is
log10 (1 x ) where [x] denotes the greatest integer less than
or equal to x, is
[Haryana CEET 2001]
(A) ( , 2)
(A) [2, 1), excluding 0
(B) [ 1, 2]
(B) [3, 2], excluding 2.5
(C) [0, 1], excluding 0 (C) ( , 2)
(D) none of these (D) ( , 2) [1, 2]
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

x+2 206. If f(x) = x2 and g(x) = x , then

200. Range of the function f(x) = is
x 8x 4
[Punjab CET 2000]
1 1 (A) (gof)(2) = 2 (B) (fog)(2) = 4
(A) , , (C) (gof)(2) = 4 (D) (fog)(3) = 6
4 20
1 1 207. The composite map fog of the functions
(B) , , f : R R, f(x) = sin x and g : R R, g(x) = x2
4 20
is [UPSEAT 2000]
1 1 (A) (sin x)2 (B) sin x2
(C) , , (C) x2 (D) x2(sin x)
4 20
(D) none of these 208. If f : R R, g : R R and h : R R are
201. The domain of the function such that f(x) = x2, g(x) = tan x and h(x) = logx,
f(x) = exp( 5 x 3 2 x ) is
[MP PET 2004]
then the value of (ho(gof))(x), if x = will
3 3
2 ,
(A) 1, 2 (B)
(A) 0 (B) 1
3 (C) 1 (D)
(C) ( , 1] (D) 1, 2
209. Let f : N N be defined by f(x) = x2 + x + 1,
202. The range of the function x N, then f is [AMU 2000]
f(x) = loge (3x2 4x + 5) is (A) one-one onto
(B) many-one onto
(A) , log e (C) one-one but not onto
3 (D) none of these
210. Set A has 3 elements and set B has 4 elements.
(B) log e ,
3 The number of injection that can be defined
11 from A to B is [UPSEAT 2001]
(C) log e , (A) 144 (B) 12
(C) 24 (D) 64
11 11
(D) log e 3 , log e 3 211. Let f : R R be a function defined by

203. The period of the function f(x) = , where m n. Then
sin x cos x [UPSEAT 2001]
f(x) = is
sin x + cos x (A) f is one-one onto
(B) f is one-one into

(A) (B) (C) f is many-one into
2 3 (D) f is many-one onto
(C) (D) 2
212. If function f : R R be defined by
1.3.2 One-one, Into and Onto functions, f(x) = 2x + sin x, x R, then f is
Composition of functions [IIT Screening 2002]
204. The function f : N N, where N is the set of (A) one-one and onto
natural numbers, defined by f(x) = 2x + 3, is (B) one-one but not onto
(A) surjective (B) bijective (C) onto but not one-one
(C) injective (D) none of these (D) neither one-one nor onto
x 213. Which of the following is a bijective function
205. If x, y R and x, y 0; f(x, y) , then the
y on the set of real numbers?
function is a/an [Kerala (Engg.) 2002]
(A) surjective (B) bijective (A) x + 1 (B) 2x 5
(C) one-one (D) none of these (C) x2 (D) x

Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
2x + 1 x
214. If f(x) = , then(fof)(2) is equal to 223. If f(x) = , then (fofof)(x) =
3x 2 1 + x2
[Kerala CEE 2002] [RPET 2000]
(A) 1 (B) 3
x x
(C) 2 (D) 4 (A) (B)
1 + 3x 2 1 + x2
215. If f(x) = e and g(x) = log x (x > 0), then x x
fog(x) is equal to (C) (D)
1 + 2 x2 1 + 4 x2
(A) e2x (B) x
(C) 0 (D) log x 224. If for two functions g and f, gof is both
injective and surjective, then which of the
216. Let f : I I be defined by f(x) = x + i, where i following is true?
is a fixed integer, then f is (A) g and f should be injective and
(A) one-one but not onto surjective
(B) onto but not one-one (B) g should be injective and surjective
(C) non-invertible (C) f should be injective and surjective
(D) both one-one and onto
(D) none of them may be surjective and
217. If A = {a, b, c}, then f = {(a, b), (b, c), (c, a)} injective
(A) not a function from A to A 225. The function f : R R defined by
(B) a bijection from A to A f(x) = (x 1) (x 2) (x 3) is
(C) one-one but not onto [Roorkee 1999]
(D) none of these (A) one-one but not onto
(B) onto but not one-one
218. The number of surjections from
A = {1, 2,., n}, n 2, onto B = {a, b} is (C) both one-one and onto
(A) nP2 (B) 2n 2 (D) neither one-one nor onto
(C) 2n 1 (D) 2n
226. If f(x) = (25 x4)1/4 for 0 < x < 5 , then
219. The number of onto functions from {1, 2, 3} 1
onto {p, q} is ff =
(A) 7 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 4 [EAMCET 2001, Him.CET 2002]
(A) 2 (B) 23
220. The number of bijections from A = {1, 2, 3} 2
(C) 2 (D) 21
onto B = {a, b} is
(A) 1 (B) 0
( )

(C) 3! (D) 2! 227. If g(f(x)) = |sin x | and f(g(x)) = sin x ,

221. The function f : R R, f(x) = x2 is
(A) f(x) = sin x, g(x) = | x |
[MP CET 1997]
(A) injective but not surjective (B) f(x) = x 2, g(x) = sin x
(B) surjective but not injective (C) f(x) = sin2 x, g(x) = x
(C) injective as well as surjective
(D) f and g cannot be determined
(D) neither injective nor surjective
222. Let A and B be two finite sets having m and n 1 x 1
228. If f(x) = ; x 0, then f[f(x)] + f f is
elements respectively. If m n, then total 1+ x x
number of injective functions from A to B is (A) equal to 2
(A) mn (B) nm
(B) greater than or equal to 2
(C) (D) n! (C) less than 2
(n m)! (D) none of these
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

229. If R denotes the set of all real numbers, then 0, x 0

the function f : R R defined by f(x) = [x] is (C) 2 (D) none of these
[Karnataka CET 2004] x , x > 0
(A) one-one only
(B) onto only 1+ x 3x + x3
236. If f(x) = log and g(x) = , then
(C) both one-one and onto 1 x 1 + 3x 2
(D) neither one-one nor onto (fog)(x) equals
230. If f(x) = sin2 x and the composite function (A) f(x) (B) 3 f(x)
g(f(x)) = |sin x|, then g(x) is equal to (C) [f(x)] 3
(D) 2 f(x)
[Orissa JEE 2003]
(A) x 1 (B) x +1 1
237. If g(x) = x2 + x 2 and (gof)(x) = 2x2 5x + 2,
(C) x (D) x
then f(x) is equal to
231. If f is an even function and g is an odd [Roorkee 1998; MP PET 2002]
function, then fog is (A) 2x + 3 (B) 2x 3
(A) an even function 2
(B) an odd function (C) 2x + 3x + 1 (D) 2x2 3x 1
(C) neither an even nor odd function
(D) a periodic function 238. If f : [0, ) [0, 2] be defined by f(x) = ,
1+ x
232. Two functions f : R R and g : R R are then f is
defined as follows: [EAMCET 2001] (A) one-one but not onto
0; ( x rational) (B) onto but not one-one
f(x) =
1; ( x irrational) (C) both one-one and onto
1; ( x rational) (D) neither one-one nor onto
g(x) =
0; ( x irrational),
239. If f : R R and g : R R are given by
then (gof)(e) + (fog)() =
f(x) = x and g(x) = [x] for each x R, then
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) 1 (D) 2 {x R : g(f(x)) f(g(x)} = [EAMCET 2003]
(A) Z ( , 0) (B) ( , 0)
233. Function f : R R, f(x) = x2 + x, is
[RPET 1999] (C) Z (D) R
(A) one-one onto (B) one-one into
(C) many-one onto (D) many-one into x
240. Let f(x) = , x 1. Then, for what values
x +1
234. If f(x) = x + x 2 is a function from R to R, of , is f(f(x)) = x?
then f(x) is [Orissa JEE 2004] [IIT 2001, UPSEAT 2001]
(A) injective
(A) 2 (B) 2
(B) surjective
(C) bijective (C) 1 (D) 1
(D) not one-one and onto
241. A function f from the set of natural numbers to
235. If the functions f, g, h are defined from the integers defined by [AIEEE 2003]
sets of real numbers R to R such that
n 1
0, if x 0
f(x) = x2 1, g(x) = x 2 + 1 ,h(x) = , 2 , when n is odd
f(n) = , is
x, if x > 0 n
, when n is even
then the composite function (hofog)(x) = 2
[Roorkee 1997]
(A) one-one but not onto
0, x = 0
0, x = 0 (B) onto but not one-one
(A) x 2 , x > 0 (B) 2 (C) one-one and onto both
2 x , x 0
x , x < 0 (D) neither one-one nor onto
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
242. Let X and Y be the subsets of R, the set of all 249. The function g : (, 1] (0, e5) defined by
real numbers. The function f: X Y defined 3
g(x) = e x 3 x + 2 is
by f(x) = x2 for x X is one-one but not onto
(A) one-one and into
if (R+ is the set of all positive real numbers)
[EAMCET 2000] (B) one-one and onto
(A) X = Y = R (B) X = Y = R+ (C) many-one and into
(C) X = R+, Y = R (D) X = R, Y = R+ (D) many-one and onto

243. Let f: R R be a function defined by 250. If the function f : ( , ) A defined by

x2 8 f(x) = x2 + 6x 8 is bijective, then A is equal
f(x) = 2 , then f is to
x +2
(A) one-one but not onto (A) ( , 1] (B) [1, )
(B) one-one and onto (C) ( , 1) (D) ( ,)
(C) onto but not one-one
(D) neither one-one nor onto 251. If f: R R given by
f(x) = x3 + (a + 2) x2 + 3a x + 5 is one-one,
1 then a belongs to the interval
244. If f(x) = , g(x) = f[f(x)] and
1 x (A) (1, ) (B) ( , 1)
h(x) = f[f{f(x)}], then f(x).g(x).h(x) is (C) (4, ) (D) (1, 4)
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) 1 (D) x 252. The function f : R R defined by
f(x) = 2x + 2|x| is
x 1 (A) one-one and into
245. If f(x) = , then f(f(ax)) in terms of f(x) is
x +1 (B) one-one and onto
equal to (C) many-one and onto
f ( x) + 1 f ( x) (D) many-one and into
(A) (B)
a(f ( x) 1) a(f ( x) +1)
253. If f(x) = x3 + 5x + 1 for real x, then
f ( x) +1 f ( x ) 1
(C) (D) [AIEEE 2009]
a(f ( x) +1) a(f ( x) +1) (A) f is one-one and onto in R
246. If f(x) = ax + b and g(x) = cx + d, then (B) f is one-one but not onto in R
f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) is equivalent to (C) f is onto in R but not one-one
[UPSEAT 2001] (D) f is neither one-one nor onto in R
(A) f(c) = g(a) (B) f(d) = g(b)
(C) f(a) = g(c) (D) f(b) = g(b) 254. Let g(x) = 1 + x [x] and
[IIT 2001; UPSEAT 2001]
247. The function f : R R defined by f(x) = ex is
1, x < 0
[Karnataka CET 2002; UPSEAT 2002]
(A) onto (B) one-one and into f(x) = 0, x = 0, then for all x, f(g(x)) is equal to
(C) many-one (D) many-one and onto 1, x > 0

(A) x (B) 1
248. If f(x) = sin2 x + sin2 x + + cos x + cos x
3 3 (C) f(x) (D) g(x)
5 255. A function f : [0, ) [0, ) defined as
and g = 1, then gof(x) is [I.I.T. 1996]
4 x
(A) a polynomial of first degree in sin x and f(x) = is [IIT Screening 2003]
1+ x
cos x
(B) a constant function (A) one-one and onto
(C) a polynomial of second degree in sin x (B) one-one but not onto
and cos x (C) onto but not one-one
(D) none of these (D) neither one-one nor onto
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

x, if x is rational 265. Domain of x 2 36 is

256. If f(x) =
0, if x isirrational (A) ( 6, 6)
0, if x is rational (B) [ 6, 6]
and g(x) = ,
x, if x isirrational (C) ( , 6) (6, )
then f g is [IIT Screening 2005] (D) ( , 6] [6, )
(A) one-one and onto 266. If f is an exponential function and g is a
(B) one-one and into logarithmic function, then fog(1) will be
(C) many one and onto (A) e (B) loge e
(D) neither one-one nor onto (C) 0 (D) 2e
Miscellaneous 267. The expression

(x+ ) + (x )
5 5
257. If A B = B, then [JMIEE 2000] x 2 1 x 2 1 is a polynomial
(A) A B (B) BA
(C) A = (D) B= of degree [IIT 1992]
(A) 5 (B) 6
258. If A and B are not disjoint sets, then n(A B) (C) 10 (D) 20
is equal to [Kerala PET 2001]
(A) n(A) + n(B) 1 1
268. If f(x) = + for
(B) n(A) + n(B) n(A B) x + 2 2x 4 x 2 2x 4
(C) n(A) n(B)
x > 2, then f(11) = [EAMCET 2003]
(D) n(A) + n(B) + n(A B)
7 5
259. If n(A) = 6, n(B) = 9 and A B, then the (A) (B)
6 6
number of elements in A B is equal to 6 5
(A) 3 (B) 9 (C) (D)
7 7
(C) 6 (D) 12
260. If A = {a, b, c}, then the range of the relation 269. Let R be a reflexive relation on a finite set A
R = {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c)} defined on A is having n elements and let there be m ordered
(A) {a, b} (B) {a, b, c} pairs in R. Then
(C) {c} (D) {b, c} (A) m n (B) m = n
(C) m n (D) none of these
261. If f and g be two functions with domains Df
270. For all x (0, 1) [IIT Screening 2000]
and Dg respectively, then domain of the
(A) ex < 1 + x (B) loge(1 + x) < x
functions (fg) (x) = f(x) g(x) is
(C) sin x > x (D) loge x > x
(A) Df Dg (B) Df Dg
(C) Dg (D) Df x 1
271. If f(x) = 2x + 1 and g(x) = for all real x,
x 2
262. The range of the function f(x) = is
x 1
then (fog)1 is equal to
(A) R {0} (B) R {1, 1} x
(C) R (D) {1, 1} [Kerala PET 2008]
(A) x (B)
263. Domain of 16 x 2 is x
(A) ( 4, 4) (B) ( 4, 4] 1
(C) [ 4, 4] (D) { 4, 4} (C) x (D)
1 272. If log0.3(x 1) < log0.09 (x 1), then x lies in
264. Domain of is
25 x 2 the interval [DCE 2000]
(A) ( 5, 5) (B) ( 5, 5] (A) (2, ) (B) (1, 2)
(C) [ 5, 5] (D) none of these (C) (2, 1) (D) none of these
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
273. The minimum value of (x ) (x ) is x +1
282. If x 1 and f(x) = is a real function, then
[EAMCET 2001] x 1
(A) 0 (B) f(f(f(2))) is [Kerala PET 2001]
1 1 (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) ( )2 (D) ( )2
4 4 (C) 3 (D) 4
274. If A and B are any two sets, then A (A B)
283. If f and g are decreasing and fog is defined,
is equal to
then fog is [Punjab CET 2008]
(A) A (B) Ac
(C) B (D) Bc (A) an increasing function
(B) a decreasing function
275. If aN = {ax : x N}, then the set 6N 8N is (C) neither increasing nor decreasing
equal to
(D) none of these
(A) 8N (B) 24N
(C) 12N (D) 48N
x 2 1
2 2 284. If f(x) = , for every real numbers, then
276. If A = {(x, y) : x + y 1; x, y R} and x 2 +1
B = {(x, y) : x2 + y2 4; x, y R}, then the minimum value of f [Pb. CET 2001]
(A) A B = (B) A B = (A) Does not exist because f is bounded
(C) A B (D) B A =
(B) Is not attained even though f is bounded
277. Let R be the relation defined on N N by the (C) is 1
rule (a, b) R (c, d) a + d = b + c where (D) is 1
(a, b), (c, d) N N. Then R is
(A) reflexive 285. Suppose f(x) = (x + 1)2 for x 1. If g(x) is
(B) symmetric the function whose graph is the reflection of
(C) transitive the graph of f(x) with respect to the line
(D) an equivalence relation y = x, then g(x) equals [IIT Screening 2002]
a x + ax 1
278. If the function f(x) = , (a > 2), then (A) x 1, x 0 (B) , x > 1
2 ( x + 1) 2
f(x + y) f(x y) = (C) x +1 , x 1 (D) x 1, x 0
(A) 2 f(x).f(y) (B) f(x).f(y)
f ( x) 286. If A = {1, 2, 3} and R = {(1, 2), (2, 3)} be a
(C) (D) 4 f(x). f(y)
f ( y) relation on the set A, then the minimum
number of ordered pairs which when added to
279. The period of the function R make it an equivalence relation is
x x (A) 5 (B) 8
f(x) = sin + cos , n Z, n > 2 is
n 1 n (C) 6 (D) 7
[Orissa JEE 2002]
(A) 2n (n 1) (B) 4(n 1) 287. If X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and Y = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9},
(C) 2n(n 1) (D) 4n (n 1) then the set defined by F = {(x, y) : y = x + 2}
is a
280. If x is real, then value of the expression (A) Mapping (B) Relation
x 2 + 14 x + 9 (C) Both (D) None of these
lies between [UPSEAT 2002]
x2 + 2 x + 3
(A) 5 and 4 (B) 5 and 4 288. If f(x) = 2 x and g(x) = 1 2 x , then the
(C) 5 and 4 (D) none of these domain of f[g(x)] is
281. Let A and B be finite sets containing 1 3 1
respectively m and n elements. The number of (A) 2 , (B) 2 , 2

functions that can be defined from A to B is
(A) 2mn (B) mn 3 1 1
(C) 2, (D) ,
(C) n m
(D) mn 2 2
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

289. Let f be a function with domain [3, 5] and 291. The function f: X Y defined by f(x) = sin x
g(x) = |3x + 4|. Then the domain of (fog) (x) is is one-one but not onto if X and Y are
respectively equal to [Karnataka CET 2006]
1 1
(A) 3, 3 (B) 3,
(A) R and R
(B) [0, ] and [1, 1]
1 1
(C) 3, (D) 3, 3 (C) 0, 2 and [1, 1]

290. If f : R S is defined by (D) 2 , 2 and [1, 1]

f(x) = sin x 3 cos x + 1 is onto, then the
292. The domain of the function
interval of S is
f(x) = log10 sin (x 3) + 16 x is
[AIEEE 2004; IIT Screening 2004]
(A) (3, 4) (B) (3, 4]
(A) [1, 1] (B) [0, 1]
(C) ( 4, 4) (D) ( 4, 4]
(C) [0, 1] (D) [1, 3]

9 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (D)
11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (B) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (D)
21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (C) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (B) 27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (D)
31. (D) 32. (A) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (B) 36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (A)
41. (C) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (B) 47. (D) 48. (C) 49. (C) 50. (D)
51. (B) 52. (B) 53. (A) 54. (C) 55. (C) 56. (C) 57. (C) 58. (A) 59. (D) 60. (A)
61. (B) 62. (D) 63. (B) 64. (C) 65. (A) 66. (B) 67. (C) 68. (B) 69. (A) 70. (B)
71. (A) 72. (B) 73. (B) 74. (D) 75. (D) 76. (C) 77. (C) 78. (B) 79. (D) 80. (C)
81. (D) 82. (C) 83. (D) 84. (A) 85. (B) 86. (B) 87. (A) 88. (A) 89 (A) 90. (A)
91. (A) 92. (A) 93. (B) 94. (D) 95. (C) 96. (D) 97. (C) 98. (C) 99. (B) 100. (C)
101. (A) 102. (B) 103. (B) 104. (B) 105. (B) 106. (A) 107. (C) 108. (C) 109. (C) 110. (A)
111. (D) 112. (B) 113. (D) 114. (B) 115. (B) 116. (D) 117. (A) 118. (B) 119. (C) 120. (B)
121. (B) 122. (A) 123. (B) 124. (C) 125. (B) 126. (C) 127. (D) 128. (C) 129. (A) 130. (B)
131. (C) 132. (D) 133. (C) 134. (C) 135. (C) 136. (D) 137. (A) 138. (B) 139. (C) 140. (B)
141. (D) 142. (D) 143. (D) 144. (D) 145. (B) 146. (C) 147. (A) 148. (C) 149. (B) 150. (B)
151. (B) 152. (D) 153. (C) 154. (C) 155. (A) 156. (C) 157. (B) 158. (B) 159. (C) 160. (D)
161. (A) 162. (D) 163. (A) 164. (A) 165. (A) 166. (A) 167. (C) 168. (D) 169. (D) 170. (D)
171. (B) 172. (C) 173. (A) 174. (C) 175. (B) 176. (C) 177. (B) 178. (C) 179. (C) 180. (B)
181. (D) 182. (B) 183. (B) 184. (B) 185. (D) 186. (A) 187. (B) 188. (D) 189. (A) 190. (C)
191. (B) 192. (A) 193. (D) 194. (A) 195. (A) 196. (B) 197. (C) 198. (A) 199. (D) 200. (B)
201. (D) 202. (B) 203. (C) 204. (C) 205. (A) 206. (A) 207. (B) 208. (A) 209. (A) 210. (C)
211. (B) 212. (A) 213. (B) 214. (C) 215. (B) 216. (D) 217. (B) 218. (B) 219. (C) 220. (B)
221. (D) 222. (C) 223. (A) 224 (A) 225. (B) 226. (D) 227. (C) 228. (B) 229. (D) 230. (C)
231. (A) 232. (A) 233. (D) 234. (D) 235. (B) 236. (B) 237. (B) 238. (A) 239. (D) 240. (D)
241. (C) 242. (C) 243. (D) 244. (C) 245. (D) 246. (B) 247. (B) 248. (B) 249. (A) 250. (A)
251. (D) 252. (A) 253. (A) 254. (B) 255. (B) 256. (A) 257. (B) 258. (B) 259. (B) 260. (D)
261. (B) 262. (D) 263. (C) 264. (A) 265. (D) 266. (B) 267. (A) 268. (C) 269. (B) 270. (B)
271. (B) 272. (A) 273. (D) 274. (A) 275. (B) 276. (A) 277. (D) 278. (A) 279. (C) 280. (C)
281. (C) 282. (C) 283. (A) 284. (D) 285. (D) 286. (D) 287. (B) 288. (B) 289. (D) 290. (D)
291. (C) 292. (B)
Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
269. Since, R is a reflexive relation on A 274. Since, A A B
(a, a) R a A A (A B) = A
The minimum number of ordered pairs in R is n.
Hence, m = n 275. 6N 8N = 24N
[ 24 is the L. C. M. of 6 and 8]
270. Given, 0 < x < 1
x2 x3 x4 x5 276. A is the set of all points on the inner circle
loge(1 + x) = x + + + .... x2 + y2 = 1 and B is the set of all points on the
2 3 4 5
outer circle x2 + y2 = 4.
1 x 1 x
= x x2 x4 +. From figure, it is clear that A B =
2 3 4 5
1 x
= x x2 x2 + y2 = 4
2 3
1 x
+ x 4 + ... < x
4 5 X
0 1 2

271. (fog) (x) = f(g(x))

x 1 x 1
= f = 2 + 1 x2 + y2 = 1
2 2
=x 277. Here, (a, b) R (a, b) for all (a, b) N N
(fog) (x) = x
( a + b = b + a)
x = (fog)1(x)
R is reflexive
1 1
Hence, (fog)1 = Let (a, b) R (c, d)
x x
272. log0.3(x 1) < log0.09 (x 1) d+a=c+b
log0.3(x 1) < log(0.3)2 (x 1) c+b=d+a
1 (c, d) R (a, b)
log0.3(x 1) < log0.3 (x 1) R is symmetric
Let (a, b) R (c, d) and (c, d) R (e, f )
log a n x = n log a x a + d = b + c and c + f = d + e

(a + d) + (c + f ) = (b + c) + (d + e)
2 log0.3(x 1) log0.3(x 1) < 0 a+f=b+e
log0.3(x 1) < 0 (a, b) R (e, f )
(x 1) > (0.3)0 R is transitive
( loga x is a decreasing function when Hence, R is an equivalence relation.
0 < a < 1)
278. f(x + y) f(x y)
= [ax+y + axy + axy + ax+y ]
273. (x ) (x ) = x2 ( + ) x + 2
2 2
+ + 1
= x2 ( + ) x + + = [ax(ay + ay) + ax(ay + ay)]
2 2 2
+ 2 1 x x y y
+ = (a + a )(a + a )
= x 2
2 2 = 2 f(x).f(y)
2 2
= x 279. Since, period of sin x and cos x is 2.
2 2 x 2
1 Period of sin is = 2(n 1)
( )2 for all x R. n 1
4 n 1
Sets, Relations and Functions
Maths (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

cos x 2 285. The reflection of y = (x + 1)2 in y = x is

and period of is =n obtained by interchanging x and y.
n The reflection is x = (y + 1)2
Hence, period of f(x) is L.C.M. of 2(n 1) and y+1= x [ y 1 y + 1 0]
n i.e., 2(n 1)n.
y= x 1x0
x 2 + 14 x + 9
280. Let y = 2 286. Given, A = {1, 2, 3} and R = {(1, 2), (2, 3)}
x + 2x + 3
x + 14x + 9 = x2y + 2xy + 3y
2 Now, R is reflexive if it contains (1, 1), (2, 2),
(3, 3), then (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3) R
x2(y 1) + 2x (y 7) + 3y 9 = 0
Since, x is real R is symmetric, if (2, 1), (3, 2) R
b2 4ac > 0 R is transitive if (3, 1), (1, 3) R (1,1) R
4(y 7)2 4(3y 9) (y 1) > 0 Thus, R becomes an equivalence relation by
8y2 + 8y 160 < 0 adding {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2),
(1, 3), (3, 1)}
y2 + y 20 < 0
Hence, the total no of ordered pairs is 7.
(y + 5) (y 4) < 0
y lies between 5 and 4. 287. If 1 X y = 1 + 2 = 3 Y
281. Each of m elements of A can be associated to (1,3) F
an element of B in n ways. If 2 X y = 4 Y
All the m elements can be associated to (2, 4) F
elements in nm ways. If 3 X y = 3 + 2 = 5 Y
Required number of functions = nm. (3,5) F
2 +1 If 4 X y = 6 Y
282. Here, f(2) = =3
2 1 (4, 6) F
3 +1 4 If 5 X y = 7 Y
f(f(2)) = f(3) = = =2
3 1 2 (5, 7) F
2 +1 F = {(1,3), (3,5), (5,7)}
f(f(f(2))) = f(2) = =3
2 1 Hence, F is a relation from X to Y
Since, F X Y
283. Let x1, x2 Df, then
But it is not a mapping or function.
x1 < x2 g(x1) g(x2)
Since, elements 2 and 4 of the domain X have
( g is decreasing function) no images in Y under F.
f(g(x1)) f(g(x2))
( f is decreasing function) 288. Here, f[g(x)] = f ( 1 2 x )
x1 < x2 (fog)(x1) (fog)(x2)
= 2 1 2 x
fog is an increasing function.
Here, f[g(x)] is defined, if 2 1 2 x 0 and
x 2 1 x 2 +1 2 2
284. Let f(x) = 2 = =1 2 1 2x 0
x +1 x +1
x +1
2 2 1 2 x and 1 2x
Since, x + 1 > 1
2 3 1
2 x and x
x +1
2 2 2
2 3 1
so, 1 12 x
x +1
2 2 2
1 f(x) < 1 3 1
domain of f[g(x)] = ,
Hence, f(x) has the minimum value equal to 1. 2 2

Sets, Relations and Functions
TARGET Publications Maths (Vol. I)
289. Here, (fog) (x) = f[g(x)] = f(|3x + 4|)
The domain of f is [3, 5]
3 |3x + 4| 5
5 3x + 4 5
9 3x 1
3 x
domain of fog is 3,
290. Since, maximum and minimum values of
a cos + b sin are a 2 + b2 and
a 2 + b 2 respectively.

( ) ( )
2 2
1+ 3 (sin x 3 cosx) 1 + 3

2 (sin x 3 cos x) 2
2 + 1 (sin x 3 cos x + 1) 2 + 1
1 (sin x 3 cos x + 1) 3
Range = [1, 3]
For f to be onto, S = [1, 3]
291. Given, f(x) = sin x
f : R R is neither one-one nor onto as
Rf = [1, 1].

f : , [1, 1]
2 2
is both one-one and onto.
f : [0, ] [1, 1]
is neither one-one nor onto as
Rf = [0, 1].

f : 0, [1, 1] is one-one but not onto as
Rf = [0, 1].

292. Let g(x) = log10 sin (x 3) and h(x) = 16 x 2

Now, g(x) = log10 sin(x 3) is defined, if
sin (x 3) > 0
[If sin x > 0, then 2n < x < 2n + , n I]
2n < x 3 < 2n +
2n + 3 < x < 2n + + 3 .(i)
and h(x) = 16 x 2 is defined, if
16 x2 0
(4 x)(4 + x) 0
(x 4)(x + 4) 0
4x4 .(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get
Df = Dg Dh
= (3, 4]

Sets, Relations and Functions

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