Albany High School Lawsuit II
Albany High School Lawsuit II
Albany High School Lawsuit II
Case 3:17-cv-02767 Document 1 Filed 05/12/17 Page 2 of 18
3 1. This Court has subject matter over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. sections
4 1331, 1343, and 1367 as well as 42 U.S.C. sections 1983, 1988, and 2000.
5 2. This District is appropriate because the events that took place all took place in
7 3. This action is not barred by the Eleventh Amendment because it does not seek
8 money damages. The relief requested, Injunctive Relief, Punitive Damages, and Attorney Fees,
9 are permissible in federal court against a school district under 42 U.S.C. section 1983.
10 4. Plaintiff John Doe [Doe] is and at all times herein relevant was an individual, a
11 minor, a student at Albany High School, and this action is being brought by and though his
12 parents Mother of John Doe and Father of John Doe. For reasons described below, Doe is
13 presently in fear of retribution by the student body of Albany High School, by the
14 administration of Albany High School, and by the Albany community at large, and is using an
16 5. Plaintiff Rick Roe [Roe] is and at all times herein relevant was an individual, a
17 minor, and a student at Albany High School, and this action is being brought by and though his
18 parent Mother of Rick Roe. For reasons described below, Roe is presently in fear of retribution
19 by the student body of Albany High School, by the administration of Albany High School, and
20 by the Albany community at large, and is using an anonym out of genuine concern for his
21 safety.
22 6. Doe and Roe, taken together, represent the following nationalities/races: Thai,
24 7. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereon allege that defendant Albany
25 High School is a public high school located in the City of Albany, County of Alameda in the
26 State of California. Defendant Albany High School is, and at all times herein relevant was,
27 responsible for developing and implementing the policies procedures and practices which led to
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2 8. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereon allege that defendant Albany
3 United School District Board [Board] is a governmental entity, and its members are trustees,
5 9. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereon allege that defendant Valerie
6 Williams is an individual, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of California.
7 Williams is and at all times herein relevant was Superintendent of Albany Unified School
9 10. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereon allege that defendant Jeff
10 Anderson is an individual, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of
11 California. Williams is and at all times herein relevant was Principal of Albany High School,
13 11. Defendants Moes 1-100 are sued in both their personal and official capacities as
14 administrators and/or instructors of Albany High School and/or AUSD. Plaintiffs are informed
15 and believe and thereon allege that all defendants and Moes 1-100 are responsible for the acts
16 alleged herein as the agents and employees of Board. All defendants were, when doing the acts
17 herein alleged, purportedly acting within the scope of their office, authority, agency and
18 employment, under color of law, in representative capacity on behalf of Board and are therefore
19 responsible for the acts complained of herein. Board defendants acting separately and in
20 unison, directly and through their agents and subordinates, infringed on the rights of each of
21 Doe and Roe. Moes 1-100 are responsible for drafting, maintaining, and/or administering the
22 policies, procedures and/or practices and/or were responsible for execution, enforcement,
23 application of and discipline pursuant to the aforementioned policies and were each co-
24 participants in the actions and inactions with the other named defendants herein which
27 12. This Action is brought without prejudice to plaintiffs rights to seek monetary
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1 damages and bring a subsequent action or Amendment to this Complaint once their right to sue
2 has been perfected under the California Government Tort Claims Act. Plaintiffs herein
5 13. Instagram is a bulletin board of sorts on which individuals share photos and
6 videos - all of them are collected in a users Instagram stream and visible on that users profile
7 until deleted. There is an option to like the photo and an option to comment on it, and you
8 can tag people - meaning that you type another users name or identify a photo as having that
9 user, causing them to get a notification. The tagged individual can respond - by making a
10 comment, tagging back, or both. Any conversation on it is visible to everyone with access to
11 the stream and everyone with access to the stream is able to comment.
12 14. On or about January 2017, three students of Albany High School [the Three]
13 started a private Instagram stream which was not public nor available for anyone to see its
14 contents unless that person requested permission, and it was granted by the account holder, in
16 15. This Complaint is being brought on behalf of two of thirteen students who were
17 invited to follow the private Instagram account, an account which started off as a benign and
18 non-offensive stream. After the Thirteen had been added, gradually, Chris, in an effort to gain
19 attention, posted some inappropriate and racially inflammatory photos, targeted at specific
20 African American students. These soon escalated into disgusting and extremely inappropriate
21 photos.
22 16. None the Thirteen posted any of these photos [Subject Photos], nor did they
23 condone them. Many of them never saw the Subject Photos because, like in Does case, most
24 Instagram users are simultaneously following over hundreds of accounts. When a user launches
25 the Instagram application or goes to the website, a mix of the user photos that they follow form
26 a feed in chronological order with the most recent on top, inviting a user to scroll through them
27 and like or comment on them. Given number of offensive posts, presently believed to be fewer
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1 than ten, unless a student went to Chris profile specifically, it is very probable that most of the
2 Subject Photos were not seen at all. Plaintiffs are informed and believe that at least one of the
3 Thirteen didnt even log into Instagram more than once since he became a follower.
4 17. Several of the Thirteen liked Chris photos, including the relatively few
5 Subject Photos. Neither Doe nor Roe posted comments encouraging or supporting the Subject
6 Photos. In fact, one of the Thirteen posted comments to warn Chris that the posts were not a
7 good idea. Upon seeing Chris post the word nigger one of the Thirteen posted stupid
8 niBBer referencing a well-known YouTube streamer Keemstar who got in trouble for calling
9 another streamer named Alex a stupid nigger, to warn Chris not to get himself in trouble the
10 same way. That same user took great care to point out to Chris the Golden Rule: that it might
11 not feel so good if the post were about him. Unfortunately, these messages were completely lost
12 on Chris who continued to maintain the account and host the Subject Photos. The vast majority
14 18. Doe and Roe did not like or comment on any of the photos while on campus,
15 on the way to or from campus, or while involved in an off campus student activity. They both
16 only engaged/interacted with Instagram from home in the evenings or on the weekends. Even,
17 then, between them, they made three or fewer benign comments and were simply not very
18 active on Chris photo stream because once the Subject Photos went up, there was no longer
19 anything remotely cool about it. They believed and continue to believe it was maintained
21 19. On or about March 20, 2017, the private Instagram stream became public when
22 one of the students friends borrowed his phone and went into the bathroom and, using her
23 phone, took pictures of the account as displayed on his phones screen. Plaintiffs are informed
24 that this person sent and/or told the female African American victims and the administration.
25 20. Failing to follow Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Shortly after
26 March 20, 2017, plaintiffs are informed and believe that the Albany High School administration
27 permitted the identities of the individuals who followed that account to be leaked to the entire
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2 21. Assuming jurisdiction where there was none. Without any thought to the fact
3 that one or more of the posts may have occurred off campus, that none of the Three posters of
4 the Subject Photos had intended for the five or six girls therein depicted to ever see them, that it
5 was impossible for the depicted to ever see them and be bullied because it was private stream
6 and they did not have access, or the most important fact of all, that the Thirteen and the Three
7 were not equally culpable, the school quickly labelled all of them as harmers, interrogated
8 them, and suspended them all equally. In addition to taking little care to protect the students
9 identifies, none of the school officials bothered to share the level of participation of any of the
10 students, causing them to all be condemned equally, largely for the acts of the Three.
12 target and punish all of them equally. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereon allege that
13 Superintendent Valerie Williams, Vice Principal Pfohl, former Principal Anderson, and/or
14 Director of Student Services Marianne Williams actually encouraged each of the teachers of the
15 Thirteen to label them harmers, treat them with disdain, and purposefully administer exams
16 when they knew the students would be suspended and not present.
17 23. Continuing to fail to protect the identities of the Thirteen. During an all school
18 diversity Rap Rally on March 29, 2017, respondents permitted an Albany High School junior
19 to get on stage in front of the rest of the high school and identify each of the creators and
20 followers of the Instagram stream by their initials, and they were again labelled harmers by
21 respondents agents, employees, and staff. In a school of 1,200, using the initials of them in
22 groups easily corresponded to known social groups and was therefore synonymous with using
23 their names.
24 24. Failing to Enforce SEEDs guidelines and maintain strict control of the
25 parameters of the mediation. The Thirteen were encouraged to come to the school on March 30,
26 2017 to make amends by attending a SEEDS restorative justice mediation session which,
27 according to the guidelines, was supposed to only be attended by them and the depicted. Some
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1 of the parents of the Thirteen sent emails to Mr. Jeff Anderson, then principal, informing him
2 that this may not be a great idea and that they were concerned about their children being
3 confused with the Three. In response the parents were told by Vice Principal Pfhol Well, be
4 prepared for some blowback and we will be proactive rather than reactive. Moreover
5 Anderson held out the theoretically well-trained volunteers of SEEDS, apparently experts
6 committed to a peaceful reconciliation, as specialists and assured the parents that they will help
7 bring everyone together. In an effort to try to do the right thing, the parents went ahead and sent
8 the Thirteen.
10 to be coordinated (later dubbed a sit in for media purposes) at the exact same day and time as
11 the SEEDs mediation, on March 30, 2017, for the purpose of protesting the return to school of
12 the Thirteen. The event was coordinated on social media by students and embraced by the
14 26. Losing control of the mediation. The SEEDs mediation took place as scheduled,
15 but not as planned. The depicted attended with several friends - making them total
16 approximately twenty in number - in violation of the SEEDs rules. This stands in contrast with
17 the Doe and Roe and the rest of the Thirteen who were specifically told they couldnt bring
18 anyone else. Doe and Roe and most of the Thirteen showed up for the session. By anyones
19 definition, the discussion which then ensued was not anything close to a mediation. The
20 Thirteen were berated, yelled at, called horrible things, and told how much everyone hated them
21 for what they had done (or, rather, what they believed the Thirteen had done). They each came
22 with the hearts and hats in their hands and were there to apologize to the African American
23 families. Not one of them was afforded any meaningful ability to speak or read their prepared
24 heartfelt statements of apology, responsibility, and sincere desire to move forward together in a
25 unified manner. The experts from SEEDs, acting as agents of defendants herein, completely
26 and totally failed to maintain any semblance of control over the session. Plaintiffs are informed
27 and believe that this is because any attempt to create an equal opportunity for all of the
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2 27. The Noose Announcement. Plaintiffs are informed and believe that sometime
3 during the SEEDs mediation, defendant Superintendent Valerie Williams became aware of what
4 she apparently believed to be a noose in a tree on or near the campus. With deliberate
5 indifference toward and/or in reckless disregard for the high emotions of the protesters, the
6 delicacy of the SEEDs mediation, the importance of its success for the future harmony and well
7 being of the student body, Williams sent out an email to everyone and their families and/or got
8 on the intercom system announcing that a noose was found in a tree on/or near campus. Upon
9 hearing this news, the African American students in the SEEDs mediation tripled the intensity
10 and volume of their yelling and screaming at the Thirteen, accusing them of making the noose,
11 derailing any hope of reconciliation and healing, and perpetuating the falsehood that they were
12 racist.
13 28. Losing control of the protest, jeopardizing the safety of every student on campus,
14 particularly the Thirteen; nurturing a racially-charged hostile environment. The mob had started
15 to form while the Thirteen were in the SEEDs mediation, and eventually took over the school.
16 What was packaged and sold to the parents and the media as peaceful sit-in was more akin to a
17 good old fashioned witch hunt. Doe, Roe, and the rest of the Thirteen were ushered out of the
18 room, and formed into a line where they stood while the rest of the approximately three hundred
19 students present surrounded them. The students began to yell, curse, scream, and berate them.
20 They were encouraged to walk through a corridor of students who were yelling various things
21 including We hate you!, Look at everyone who hates you!, and Youre a fu*king racist!,
22 essentially a walk of shame more appropriate for a novel by George R. R. Martin or Nathaniel
23 Hawthorne than a United States public high school in the progressive State of California.
24 Ironically, the protesters screaming how much they hate the Thirteen and forcing them to stand
25 together were carrying signs saying LOVE NOT HATE and INCLUSION NOT
27 29. Defendants, acting by and through Williams, Anderson, and their staff, had an
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1 affirmative obligation and mandatory duty to protect the children and yet literally stood there
2 and looked on - even when one of the mothers of the Thirteen was pleading at the top of her
3 lungs for him to do something - anything - to end the shaming ritual. Williams could only
4 pathetically reply with What if they dont listen to me? The protest/rally continued for over
5 six hours - with defendants, and each of them, failing to take control of the situation.
6 30. Allowing the Thirteen to be assaulted (and later two of them to be physically
7 attacked), placed in fear of their lives, and falsely imprisoned. By this time the majority of the
8 Thirteen had fled the scene in fear for their lives. A few remaining students their mothers, and
9 one grandmother ran into one of the rooms on campus, only to have the mob of children trap
10 them in, dare them to come out, make clear a violent reception was waiting and ready to kick
11 their asses. Among those trapped were Doe and Roe - for over six hours, terrified for their
12 safety and unable to exit. Doe was told by a member of the mob that the noose outside had
13 been made for him. The windows of one room holding the parents of some kids involved were
14 taped by the administration, yet the windows of the room where the students were kept were
15 not, allowing the public outside to jeer at them through the windows like zoo animals.
16 31. Acting with Reckless Disregard to the Safety of the Students. Anderson, in
17 reckless disregard for the Doe and Roes health and safety, actually encouraged them to leave
18 the room and step outside as the mob was surround them and getting more angry, after they had
19 blocked all exits, and at a time when they were verbally threatening violence. Anderson urged
20 them to admit that they provoked the entire situation and they were to blame for what was
21 happening. Not long afterward, Williams stopped by to talk to them and tell them they should
22 leave - a conversation which was never finished because the media had arrived and she had to
23 go tell reporters what a success the peaceful sit in was. She did not escort them, offer to
24 escort them, call the plainclothes officers on campus to help them, or manifest the slightest
25 appearance that she understood that they were in fear serious bodily harm.
26 32. Continuing to fail to act to protect the identity of the students; Denying Them a
27 Safe Exit. Defendants, and each of them, allowed students and even teachers to record video
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1 and take photos of the Thirteen and share them freely during the protest. Upon requesting
2 uniformed police escort, the trapped families were told that the police were not allowed to enter
3 the school. When the trapped families requested that Williams lock down the building and
4 provide a safe means of exit, she refused. Two of the depicteds parents, a local pastor, and the
5 basketball coach offered to come and escort them safely out of the school - and were told by
6 defendants that the trapped families were not interested. Eventually they fled the room, separate
7 after five hours of this, and hurried into a van. The van, which had been identified by the mob
8 as their getaway ride, was surrounded, hit, and jerked back and forth. It was not until a
9 uniformed police unit arrived that they could make their way through the mob and escape.
10 33. Doe and Roe and their families were afraid to go back to their homes that
12 34. Perpetuating a culture of hatred toward the Thirteen. On that day, March 30,
13 2017, and over the next several days, defendants, directly and by and through their agents and
15 encouraging both the teachers and the students to treat them as they felt it was appropriate to
16 treat Chris, and attribute his posts and his remarks to them. They have missed most if not all of
17 their lessons, homework, and exams. To this day, having been specifically targeted by hundreds
18 of students, the administration, and teachers, the Doe and Roe cannot set foot on campus
20 35. Again failing to safeguard the identities of the Thirteen. Their names had been
21 explicitly mentioned in public by the mob on March 30, 2017, with TV crews on hands and
22 everyone allowed to record video and photos of the Thirteen. They were outted and disparaged
23 on social media from March 29, 2017 to the present. Their Instagram handles - variations of
24 their names - have been posted all over the internet, in some cases along side their real names.
25 And their initials were again allowed to be shared publicly, most recently at a board meeting
26 open or about April 25, 2017, attended by over a hundred students and families, broadcast live
27 on the Internet.
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1 36. The Thirteen have received and continue to receive countless threats, in person
2 and online, replete with hateful and abusive speech. When the other lawsuit was filed by Shen
3 and the three other students, this only worsened. Plaintiffs believe that if defendants would
4 have afforded plaintiffs the same concern that they had shown the African American families,
5 perhaps they would not be attacked or threatened with attack every other day. Plaintiffs believe
6 that if their identities were disclosed in this action, the likelihood of them being attacked would
7 increase exponentially. Plaintiffs are informed and believe that several other families would
9 37. Denial of their fundamental right to an education. After six weeks of intense
10 communications between each of the families and Marianne Williams, Valerie Williams, and/or
11 the new principal of the high school in an effort to find an alternative and safe means through
12 which the Thirteen could obtain the rest of their education, the school finally proposed that they
13 attend Bringham Young Universitys Independent Study program. Plaintiffs are informed and
14 believe that this program, while structured and touted as online learning, is interacting with a
15 computer; that there is no interaction with an actual teacher during the learning process; that the
16 program does not include any method for fulfillment of classes with labs, like science classes;
17 that the program requires them to repeat the entire semester all over from the start; and that the
18 program takes their summer vacation away from them by requiring summer study. Given that
19 defendants, and each of them, have created an unsafe environment for the Thirteen, and have
20 failed completely to find an alternative method for them to receive a comparable education, they
21 have deprived them of their fundamental right to an education, and have done so summarily,
22 without affording them an iota of due process. To this day, Doe and Roe have no viable method
23 made available to them which can meaningfully substitute for the education they would have
25 38. Reverse Discrimination. Doe and Roe and the other Thirteen have been judged,
26 labelled, hazed, assaulted, physically attacked, shunned, constructively expelled from the entire
27 community, and have had six of their Constitutionally protected rights stolen from them, all
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1 because they have been associated with private off campus account in which someone else had
2 posted offensive photos. At the same time, they have received threats of violence directly and
3 explicitly targeting them, with photos taken on campus, and nothing has been done by the
4 defendants. This stands in stark contrast to how quickly and severely the Thirteen were
6 39. Plaintiffs are informed, believe and herein allege that on or about November 17,
7 1957, at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama, a Doctor of Theology, one of
8 the most incredible human beings to ever walk on the planet Earth, delivered a sermon saying,
9 inter alia: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out
10 hate; only love can do that. Based on information and belief, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived
11 his life by this code and when racists tried to physically attack and kill him, Dr. King responded
12 in a loving manner, hugging them deeply and sincerely, causing his attackers to feel so ashamed
13 they fell to the floor in tears. Somewhere along the way, this message was lost on the
14 administration, teachers, and students at Albany High School who were not responding to
15 perceive hate with love, but were instead acting as judge, jury, and executioner without taking
16 the time to even stop understand what the underlying facts were or even afford those they
21 40. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
23 41. Defendants created a racially hostile environment, directly harassing Doe and
24 Roe and the other Thirteen, sufficiently severe that they cannot set foot on campus safely.
25 42. Defendants knew about the hostile environment because they themselves created
26 it. Moreover, they have been told about it repeatedly since March 30, 2017, and have acted with
27 deliberate indifference to the need to stop the harassment, allowing countless threats toward
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1 Doe and Roe to go unchecked, constructively expelling Doe and Roe from school.
2 43. For these reasons, defendants, and each of them, are in violation of Title VI of
7 44. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
9 45. California has deemed the Right to Education fundamental, and it therefore
10 constitutes an interest which cannot be taken from plaintiffs without a hearing and an
11 opportunity to be heard.
12 46. Defendants, and each of them, have recklessly created an environment which
13 plaintiffs believe is totally unsafe, namely Albany High School, preventing plaintiffs from safely
14 setting foot on campus, constituting state action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983. Simultaneously
15 with this, they have denied Doe and Roe a comparable opportunity for them to obtain a
17 47. Because the fundamental right to an education has been taken from them by state
18 action without any hearing or opportunity to be heard, defendants and each of them have
23 48. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
25 49. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom
26 of speech. This is not absolute. Hateful speech is unprotected. Furthermore, speech that puts a
27 persons life in jeopardy, or threatens the safety of those to whom it is spoken, is unprotected.
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1 50. Plaintiffs, and each of them, did not make any hateful speech, and commented
2 both cautiously and appropriately given the outrageousness of the photos. Plaintiffs liked
3 random photos in the subject Instagram account, inadvertently including some of the offensive
4 photos. Although they will likely feel horrible about these likes for the rest of their lives,
5 their comments and the likes were not hateful speech, and did not threaten anyone (unlike the
6 Subject Photos). Nor did they disrupt the learning process or put anyone in fear. It was not
7 until defendants, and each of them, publicized and shared photos of the account, albeit redacted
8 in part, with the entire student body that the learning process was disrupted and the depicted
10 51. Defendants acted in excess of their stated jurisdiction under the California
11 Education Code, ultimately punishing Doe and Roe for their protected speech, occurring off
12 campus in a private forum, which independently threatened no one, nor could reasonably have
13 been expected to given that the depicted had no access. Defendants discipline constitutes state
15 52. Defendants ultimately punished Doe and Roe for defendants own act of causing
17 53. By punishing plaintiffs, defendants, and each of them, for comments and
18 protected likes, they violated Doe and Roes First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech.
22 54. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
24 55. The Fourteenth Amendment protects the People of the United States from
26 56. Plaintiffs were detained and accordingly there was state action pursuant to 43
27 U.S.C. 1983.
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1 57. Although, in the school context, detention for a brief period of time is not a
2 violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, public shaming of students, forcing them to look at
3 their accusers when they try to turn their heads, followed by a five-hour detention for the sole
4 purpose of causing them to feel shame, putting them in fear for their safety and at risk of serious
5 bodily injury, all based on the actions of a third party, is not reasonable by any definition.
6 58. Defendants, and each of them, when they forcibly and unreasonable detained
7 Doe and Roe, violated their Right to be Free from Unreasonable Search and Seizure and
12 59. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
14 60. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that the government will not deprive
15 anyone of life, liberty or property without due process. Moreover, there is a Fourteenth
17 61. When defendants and each of them caused plaintiffs to be shamed, belittled, and
18 abused, they violated Doe and Roes right to be free from injury and, accordingly, violated their
21 State Created Danger - Failure to Protect from Third Parties - Fourteenth Amendment
23 62. Plaintiffs repeat and reallege each and every statement above and below as if
25 63. The Fourteenth Amendment requires defendants, and each of them, to protect
26 students from third parties when they themselves acted to create the danger.
27 64. Defendants and each of them created the danger to the Thirteen when they:
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1 - Failed to follow the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1984 by
2 leaking their identities to the student body and administration when the incident first became
3 known
4 - Assumed jurisdiction where there was none under the California Education Code
7 - Continued to fail to protect the identities of the Thirteen during an all school
9 - Failed to Enforce SEEDs guidelines and enforce the advised of the parameters of
10 the mediation
14 - Lost control of the protest and jeopardized the safety of every student on campus,
17 - Allowed Doe and Roe to be abused, assaulted, placed in fear of their lives, and
18 falsely imprisoned
19 - Acted with reckless disregard to the safety of the students by standing idly by
20 and watching while Doe and Roe were abused, assaulted, placed in fear of their lives, and
21 falsely imprisoned
23 students and teachers to record video and take photos of the Thirteen and share them freely
25 - Perpetuated a culture of hatred toward the Doe, Roe and the other Thirteen
26 - Failed to safeguard their identities when their initials were again allowed to be
27 shared publicly at a board meeting open or about April 25, 2017, attended by over a hundred
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4 65. These actions and inactions by defendants, and each of them, go far beyond a
5 mere lapse in judgment. These actions and inaction amount to deliberate indifference toward
7 66. When defendants failed to protect plaintiffs Doe and Roe, and each of them,
8 from the rest of the students and the community, and continue to do so, they acted and continue
9 to act in violation of Doe and Roes Fourteenth Amendment Rights because they themselves
10 orchestrated the danger with deliberate indifference to Doe and Roes safety.
12 67. Plaintiffs Doe and Roe hereby incorporate by reference their Application for a
13 Preliminary Injunction filed herewith in which they detail a strong likelihood of success on the
16 WHEREFORE, plaintiffs Doe and Roe request judgment be entered in their favor as
17 follows:
18 (i) Defendants and each of them be enjoined from taking any further punitive action
20 (ii) Defendants and each of them be ordered to expunge any and all comments on Doe
21 and Roes academic records and their classroom grading from March 23, 2017 to the present,
22 including but not limited to suspensions, marks by individual teachers for missed exams, marks
24 (iii) Defendants be ordered to restore Doe and Roes right to education with an education
25 at defendants cost comparable to Albany High School, including interaction with human
26 instructors during class, the ability to perform laboratory work, and the ability to pick up where
27 they were left as of March 23, 2017 to continue their semesters, or as close to that as possible,
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2 (iv) Defendants be ordered to permit Doe and Roe to read their letters of apology to the
3 depicted, at their election, and to the entirety of the student body, uninterrupted, on the school
4 intercom;
5 (v) Defendants be ordered to pursue any and all threats against Doe and Roe shown to be
6 within their jurisdiction without regard to the color, national origin, or race of any of the
7 students involved;
8 (vi) An order declaring the actions taken against Doe and Roe specifically, including
10 Speech, Freedom from Unreasonable Seizure and Attack, and other rights secured by the First,
15 (x) Other further relief to effectuate the foregoing or otherwise as this Honorable Court
Respectfully Submitted,
May 11, 2017 __/s/_________________________
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
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