Calculations On The Quantum Atom

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Physics Factsheet @ rriculum-pr Number 119 Calculations on the Quantum Atom Examiners’ reports have highlighted some common errors made by students in attempting energy level calculations. In this Factsheet ‘we shall concentrate on getting the calculations correct rather than developing the theory. Joules and the electron-volt Energy can always be expressed in Joules. But atthe atomic level, a Joule is a very large unit for energy. From the equation E = QV, we can see that accelerating a single electron through a p.d. of perhaps 1000 volts would give the electron oY 4p 1000V KE= QV=1.6% 10% 1000 = 1.6% 10" cis considerably more convenient to just express this as 1000 clectron-volis (eV). To convert energy in electron-volts into joules, you just multiply by the electron charge (1.6 x 10°C). BH Eccror-volts may be convenient, but Joules must be used in all calculations using formulae based on the SI system of units, Example: A helium nucleus is accelerated from rest through 000%. (@) Find tts kinette energy in eV (0) Convert this energy into joules (©) Calculate the velocity (using m ‘and neutrons) 7 X10” kg for protons Answer: (a) KE = QV = 2 x 5000 = 10.000 e¥, or 10 keV. (b) KE = 1.6 x 10” x 10 000 = 1.6 x 10 J (©) 1.6% 10! = 4X 1.7 x 10%) x4, v= 6.9 x 10% ms", “Negative” Energy Levels ‘An atom is in its ground stare when it cannot lose any energy. However it can gain energy to jump to higher allowed energy states, as its outer electrons become excited. It would seem to make sense to call the ground state zero energy, and make higher energy levels positive in value, For a mercury atom ionisation 166x103 ———— 78x10 ground Bot if we put this next to a hydrogen atom: Hydrogen ionisation APB 91g 1907 Mercury A lonisation 16.6% 103 164103 78x 10"F ground 9 ground 9 ‘This would mean that two identical electrons, freed by ionisation from the two atoms, would appear to have different energies. It wouldn't make sense. The ionisation levels must have the same cenergy. So we define the ionisation energy levels as zero, and make the lower (trapped) levels negs So the mercury and hydrogen atoms energy levels resemble these: Exam Hint: Be prepared to convert between eV and joules in either direction. To avoid confusion, remember that the value in eV will be a much larger number than the value in joules. In addition be careful to spot prefixes on the unit, It is just as ‘common to write 2.6 MeV as 2.6 x 10° eV. Example: Write 62 MeV in standard form, then convert to joules. “Answer: 62 MeV = 6.2 X10" eV = 9.9.x 10". Jonston 9 nition 22M g 54x10") 8x10") pound 16610" omd 218% 10" ‘This means that we must be prepared to work with negative numbers, [examples (a) Find the energy required to lift an electron in a hydrogen| latom from its ground state to the first excited state. (b) Express this in eV. JAnswer: (a) ~$.4 x 10 ~ (- 21.8 x 10-®) = 16.4 x 10” J (o) 10.3 ev. ———— OOOO " 119.Calculations onthe Quantum Atom Physics Factsheet eel Exam Hint: Make certain that you know how to work with negative numbers. And check that you know how to enter calculations like that above into your calculator. All calculators do not work in the same way. Transitions between levels ‘The actual energy of a level is less important than the transitions between levels. You must be prepared to calculate energies needed to excite atoms to higher levels, and also energies emitted (as photons) when atoms drop to lower levels. “Example: A high-speed electron collides with a hydrogen atom ‘and gives it enowgh energy to jump from its ground state to its fist excited state. What is the minimum speed of this electron? (m = 9.1 x 10"kg for an electron) Answer: 164 x 10") (as before) 19X10 ms!. ‘This is the minimum speed that the electron must have to cause this transition Of course the moving electron mentioned may be going faster than this, Ifso, it can transfer 16.4 x 10°F to the atom in the collision, and retain the rest ofits kinetic energy: HO | O ow groundstale | excited state (Example: The high-speed electron strikes the hydrogen atom with a speed of 2.2 x 10° ms". If the atom jumps from its ground state to its first excited state, find: (a) the original KE of the electron (@) the KE after the collision (c) tts speed after the collision. Answer: (a) KE = 2.2 x 10%, (b) KE = 2.2 X10" ~ 1.64 X10" = 5.6 x 10% ()v= Ld x 10ms! PH Won an incident particle has enough KE to actually Jonise an atom, the freed electron may well have some KE itself ‘After an atom is excited into a higher state, it will eventually drop back to its ground state, emitting energy as a quantum of em, radiation. The relationship E = hf = he/, allows us to calculate the ‘wavelength of the radiation emitted, (h = 6.6 x 10s) lexampte: \(a) Find the wavelength emitted by a hydrogen atom when it drops back from its first excited state to its ground state, (®) In which part of the em. spectrum is this? JAnswer: Energy lost = 16.4 x 10°F So A= he / B= 1.2 x10%m. This isin the ultra-violet region. ‘Example: What ts the shortest wavelength radiation that could be emitted by a hydrogen atom? Answer: The shortest wavelength implies the greatest energy transition in the atom. ‘This is the drop from the ionisation level t0 the ground state (21.8 x 10) A= he/E-= 9.08 x 10%m. This isin the ultraviolet region again. Of course an electron can drop down to the ground level in more than one step, This diagram shows the bottom four energy levels of the hydrogen atom (with the energy levels expressed in eV), and possible sets of transitions down to the ground level: tei Ground 1 = ——— “13.6eV ‘Example: How many wavelengths of e.m. radiation could be emited by hydrogen atoms at level 4 returaing to the ground state? Answer: There are 6 different energy transitions shown: 4103, 4 102,410 1, 310 2,3 101, and? 101. ‘Exam Hint: When working out possible sets of transitions, use 4 logical approach as in the diagram. It is easy to miss one out when putting them in a random order Practice Questions 1. Amelectron has 8 velocity of 4.0 x 10" ms". (@) Find the kinetic energy in joules (m= 9.1 x 10°" kg) (©) Find its kinetic energy in eV. (c) What pd, would an electron at rest have tobe accelerated through to gain this amount of energy? 2. Wiite these energies in standard form, then convert them to Joules: (@)34MeV (b)262keV_ (©)95 meV 3. (@)Findthe energy required to excite a mercury atom inits ground state to its frst excited state. (@) Convert this to eV. (©) What velocity fora moving electron is matched to this energy? 4. A proton travelling at a speed of 1000ms" strikes a mereury atom in its ‘ground state. Could it raise the atom into an excited state? (m= 1.67107) 5. Ifyou were given the bottom five energy evels for an atom, how many different energy transitions are possible? 6, Using the hydrogen atom energy levels given in eV, find the longest wavelength that could be emitted, and identify its positon inthe em. speetrum, ‘oto PSR OMY UES UL "WE LOL X OBE = A / N= 05, FaOl X 90° = AP 990 = (1ST) ~ S#O~ 5 uOptsuEN AoE oT I 2H, ‘mys Kum yrs sochoy WuapoARN 8H] “9 ‘suogisuen oabyun way, °s ‘Airous yop Know Jou FSU, HMOLeAOT X SER = eA DL“ sw OLX ETO) AGP] C401 XSLO) °C Tes01 XST = A9 OI X56 £501 X7P = AP 01 X29T= AMATI | t ‘AP es 1 Ackman: v

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