H 17 Decoursetext
H 17 Decoursetext
H 17 Decoursetext
Peter Moles
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Dr. Peter Moles MA, MBA, PhD
Peter Moles is Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Management School. He is an experienced
financial professional with both practical experience of financial markets and technical knowledge
developed in an academic and work environment.
Prior to taking up his post he worked in the City of London for international and money-centre banks.
During the course of his career in the international capital markets he was involved in trading, risk
management, origination, and research. He has experience of both the Eurobond and Euro money
markets. His main research interests are in financial risk management, the management of financial
distress and in how management decisions are made and the difficulties associated with managing complex
problems. He is author of the Handbook of International Financial Terms (with Nicholas Terry, published by
Oxford University Press) and is editor of the Encyclopaedia of Financial Engineering and Risk Management
(published by Routledge). He is a contributing author for The Split Capital Investment Trust Crisis (published
by Wiley Finance) and has written a number of articles on the problems of currency exposure in industri-
al and commercial firms.
First Published in Great Britain in 2004.
Peter Moles 2004
The rights of Peter Moles to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with
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Introduction xi
Arrangement of the Course xii
Approach and Key Concepts xii
Assessment xiii
Acknowledgements xiv
Module 1 Introduction 1/1
Module 6 The Product Set II: The Basics of Options 6/1
Module 8 The Product Set II: The BlackScholes Option-Pricing Model 8/1
Module 9 The Product Set II: The Greeks of Option Pricing 9/1
Module 10 The Product Set II: Extensions to the Basic Option-Pricing Model 10/1
References R/1
Index I/1
* Nobel Prize in Economic Science, 1997, for a new method to determine the value of derivatives
We only need to look at the activities of Nick Leeson of Barings Bank fame to see how an arbitrage
strategy can be easily turned into a speculative one! He fraudulently undertook highly speculative
transactions when he was supposed to be involved in low-risk arbitrage activity. As a result, Barings
Bank collapsed in 1995.
derivatives to modify risks that has helped place these instruments at the centre of
current activity in the global financial markets.
Before starting this course, the student is expected to have some prior knowledge
of the fundamentals of finance and, in particular, time value of money methods and
an understanding of statistical concepts. The level of knowledge required is that
which it is necessary to have in order to successfully complete a course in finance. It
is also strongly recommended that students have taken Financial Risk Management
which covers the sources of financial risk and methods of risk assessment.
The initial modules (Part One) introduce the different types of derivatives, name-
ly forwards, futures, swaps and options, how they are used, and explains the way in
which they can be valued.
The discussion then proceeds to cover in detail the mechanics and use of the
different terminal instruments, that is, forwards, futures and swaps (Part Two), and
options (Part Three) principally as risk management tools since this is a prime
justification for the growth in derivatives markets and shows how they can be
incorporated into the process as a means to transfer and control risk. The applica-
tion of these tools then follows (in Part Four), together with some of the inevitable
complexities that result from this process.
In presenting the text in this way, the aim is it provides a comprehensive and
logical approach to what is a complex subject.
model used to price forwards and futures) is presented in different parts of the
elective. As a result, we would encourage students to look at alternative ways to
approach the text.
A basic premise of the material is that it is orientated towards the needs of a
market user, with a strong emphasis on using derivatives for risk management
purposes. Of course, as is explained at different points, these instruments can be
used for other objectives for instance, speculating and spreading.
As a course, it concentrates on the methodological and operational issues in-
volved in using derivatives. That is, it is technique based and emphasises the
mathematical, financial, or engineering approach to these instruments. Market users
can and do use these instruments without such knowledge. But seasoned
practitioners will agree that gaining the understanding of derivatives that this course
provides will assist you in using these instruments wisely.
As a subject derivatives introduces ideas that are central to modern financial
theory and practice. Daily, and all over the world, practitioners are putting to use the
models described in this course to manage the ongoing financial risks in the
organisations for which they work. For instance, the ideas behind option theory and
arbitrage pricing are central to managing the risks of contingent cash flows. It is a
prerequisite for anyone wishing to pursue a career in financial services or become a
financial specialist to gain an understanding of derivatives markets and pricing.
As is customary with this programme, you will find self-test questions and cases at
the end of each Module. The answers are given at the end of the text. Also, there are
two pro-forma exams of the type it is necessary to pass in order to gain credit from
this course. The exam assessment is based on the following criteria:
1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................1/2
1.2 Arbitrage Relationships..........................................................................1/8
1.3 Derivative Markets .............................................................................. 1/17
1.4 Uses of Derivatives .............................................................................. 1/19
1.5 Learning Summary .............................................................................. 1/24
Review Questions ........................................................................................... 1/25
Case Study 1.1: Terms and Conditions of a Futures Contract ................. 1/29
Case Study 1.2: Constructing a Derivative Security using Fundamental
Financial Instruments .......................................................................... 1/29
Learning Objectives
Derivatives have become an important component of financial markets. The
derivative product set consists of forward contracts, futures contracts, swaps and
options. A key issue is how prices for such derivatives are determined. The ability of
market participants to set up replicating portfolios ensures that derivative prices
conform to no-arbitrage conditions. That is, the prices cannot be exploited without
taking a risk. Replication also explains how derivative claims can be manufactured to
The principal justification for the existence of derivatives is that they provide an
efficient means for market participants to manage risks. But derivatives also have
other uses such as speculation and the implementation of investment strategies.
After completing this module, you should:
know the history of the development of derivatives, namely that:
there is early historical evidence for forward and option contracts
futures contracts were developed in the 19th Century and that financial fu-
tures were introduced in 1973
swaps were first traded as recently as 1981
new derivative products continue to be developed to meet specific needs of
market participants
know that derivatives are designed to manage risk, usually the price or market
risk of the underlier that arises from uncertainty about the underliers value in
the future. In particular, that:
market participants who need to buy in the future are exposed to the risk that
prices may rise before they can buy. This exposure to price risk is known as
buyers risk
market participants who need to sell in the future are exposed to the risk that
prices may fall before they can sell. This exposure to price risk is known as
sellers risk
be able to differentiate between the different elements of the risk management
product set, namely forward contracts, futures, swaps, and options;
understand how prices in financial markets are maintained in proper relationship
to each other through arbitrage;
be aware that arbitrage relationships rely on the Law of One Price and how
imperfections in the way real markets operate can limit the applicability of the
understand that the payoff of derivative instruments can be replicated using
combinations of fundamental financial instruments;
understand how in an efficient market the prices of derivatives, which can be
replicated using fundamental financial instruments, are determined through arbi-
trage-free relationships;
know the main uses for derivatives, namely:
risk modification
lowering borrowing costs
tax and regulatory arbitrage
completing the market
be aware that the main justification for derivatives is that they enable market
participants to efficiently transfer risks.
1.1 Introduction
In 1995, Nick Leeson a trader at Barings Bank made the headlines when it became
public knowledge that, unknown to his bosses, he had run up losses of US$1.3bn
through dealing in derivatives. Prior to this, many people had been unawares of the
importance of derivatives in the financial system and their capacity to generate profits
or (in Leesons case) disastrous losses. Derivative is the generic name for a set of
financial contracts that include, forward contracts, futures, swaps and options. The
term derivative comes from the fact that the instruments obtain their value (derive it)
from the behaviour of more basic underlying variables. Hence derivatives are also often
referred to as contingent claims. The underlying variables can be a specific asset or
security, index, commodity, or even the relationship between different assets. The main
classes of instruments are forward contracts, futures, swaps and options. Later modules
of this course will examine each of these instruments in detail.
The number, type and variety of derivative contracts has expanded greatly since
the introduction of the first exchange-traded instruments in the early 1970s. Since
then, instruments have been introduced to manage the risks in interest rates,
currencies, commodities, equities and equity indices, credit and default risks, and
other financial risks. This increased variety, coupled to a wider use of derivatives by
market practitioners to address a variety of problems, has meant an explosion in the
volume of outstanding contracts.
While the current interest in the use and abuse of derivatives has been a
recent phenomenon, the commercial world has employed derivative contracts since
the dawn of trade. The increased use of financial derivatives, that is instruments
used to manage or speculate on financial risks, can be traced back to the introduc-
tion of financial futures in 1972 by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and by the
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and options on company shares by the Chicago Board
Options Exchange (CBOE) the following year. The CBOE is a subsidiary of the
CBOT, an exchange established in the 19th century to trade derivatives on agricul-
tural products. By introducing financial futures, the CME was responding to a
demand by financial markets for better ways to manage risks. By offering exchange-
traded options, the CBOE made available contracts that provided insurance against
future uncertainty.
Since 1973 the use of financial derivatives has snowballed and many new finan-
cial derivatives exchanges have been established. Not only has the volume of
transactions increased but the type and complexity of the instruments themselves
has increased dramatically. For instance, the original types of options traded at the
CBOE are now referred to as standard options to distinguish them from the exotic
options that have since been introduced.
Derivatives were introduced into commerce as a necessary tool for merchants to
handle risks. The principal risk that they are designed to manage is the price risk or
market risk of the underlier (the asset, security or variable that is the basis of the
derivative contract). The earliest form of derivative is the forward contract, which is
simply a purchase/sale agreement where the implementation or settlement of the
contract is deferred to some mutually agreed date in the future. In a normal contract
the purchase/sale leads to an immediate transfer of the contracted element from the
seller to the buyer, that is on the spot and hence are called spot contracts or cash
market contracts. With the forward contract, the transfer of the underlier is deferred
to a mutually agreed date although the price (and other features such as quality and
quantity) is agreed today. The attractions for both buyer and seller are obvious: by
trading now the buyer is guaranteed the price at which he can purchase. In the same
way, the seller is guaranteed the price at which he can sell in the future. This
arrangement makes a lot of commercial sense and evidence from earliest history
suggests that fixing a price for future delivery was an important element in commer-
cial activity. Early evidence of the prevalence of such contracts comes from the
ancient Assyrian commercial code, which included laws governing the writing and
enforcement of such contracts. There is also evidence from as early as 2000BC of
forward dealing in India. Historians have uncovered evidence that ancient Rome
had a market in such forward contracts for wheat, the staple commodity food for
the city.
In the 15th century, historians have documented that Antwerp was the centre of
a sophisticated forward currency market linked to the Flanders cloth trade. Mer-
chants due to receive or make payments in one of the many different currencies that
circulated in Europe at the time were able to fix in advance the exchange rate for
conversion (for example from florins to marks) so as to eliminate the risk. In fact
Thomas Gresham, the English businessman, established a bourse (or exchange) in
London in direct imitation of those that existed in Antwerp. This later became the
Royal Exchange. Greshams initiative was an early example of the commercial
competition for the management of risks. In the 18th century, terminal markets at
dockyards and other transit points were the focal points for dealing in forward
contracts. Merchants with goods being shipped to the port would be concerned that
their cargoes would temporarily upset the demand and supply balance. To counter
this, they would sell forward part or all of their products for delivery when the ship
In the mid-19th century, Chicago, Illinois, had become a centre for the mid-West.
Its proximity to the Great Lakes and the grain growing plains meant that farmers
shipped their produce to the city. The seasonal nature of production meant that
prices for grain rocketed in the spring but collapsed after the harvest. In 1848,
merchants in the city gathered together to find a better way of organising the grain
trade. As a result, the Chicago Board of Trade was created. Over the next few years, the
technology of forward contracts was refined. The result was the development of
futures contracts. While economically the same, these differed from forward
contracts by the fact that they not only managed the price risk in the underlier but
that they eliminated the credit risk that exists in forward contracts. The benefit of a
forward contract depends entirely on the willingness of both parties to honour the
agreement. If the market price changes substantially, there is a strong incentive for
the buyer (seller) to renege on the agreement and buy (sell) in the spot market. The
development of futures solved the performance risk problem by requiring each
party to collateralise their position. Futures have allowed a tremendous expansion of
the market in forward transactions since there is no longer a requirement to check
the soundness of the party with whom one is dealing.
Unlike forwards or futures contracts, options allow the buyer, known as the option
holder, the right to terminate the agreement and hence are more flexible. Like forward
contracts the first use of option contracts pre-dates written records. There is an
account by Aristotle of Thales, a philosopher in ancient Athens, about the use of
options. While the account is meant to show the benefits of an understanding of
philosophical ideas, the story itself shows that the use of options for commercial
purposes was well established. The story is that, stung by critics as to why he was poor,
Thales used the insights he had developed through philosophy to make himself a
considerable fortune. Observing that the forthcoming olive harvest was likely to be a
good one, he travelled around Attica making contracts with olive press owners to hire
their facilities in the autumn. As he had little money, the contracts involved his being
given the right of first use for the press at a given price. He paid a small amount of
money for this option. In the event as he had anticipated the harvest was abundant and
Thales was able to exercise his option and hire out the presses at a profit to growers,
making him rich in the process. While Aristotles account may be exceptional, there is
good historical evidence elsewhere. For instance during the Shogun era, the Japanese
silk trade made frequent use of option contracts. Options also are often written into
commercial contracts. For instance, many contracts allow the buyer to cancel delivery
in exchange for a fee.
Prior to the initiative taken by the Chicago Board of Trade in 1973, options on fi-
nancial instruments had been traded in financial markets, but were considered
esoteric and of little significance. The existence of traded options plus the happy
coincidence of the publication of the BlackScholes option-pricing model (BSOPM)
greatly accelerated the expansion of the market in financial options. BSOPM
provided a mathematical solution to the pricing of options based on two important
premises. First, that the value of an option can be modelled by looking at a replicat-
ing portfolio which has the same payoffs as the option, and second, the importance
of arbitrage forces in an efficient market. In the 1970s, financial institutions intro-
duced options on an ever-wider range of financial assets and sectors: currency
options, options on stock and other indices, options on interest rates and debt
securities to name but a few. In the 1980s financial engineers, that is mathematically
adept modellers of such contingent claims, were able to develop a range of options
with non-standard terms and conditions. These exotic options offered features
such as average prices (known as average rate options), or fixed payoffs (binary
options), or under certain conditions ceased to have a value (that is, they were
knocked out), and many more. More recently, a second generation of exotic
options has been created with names such as perfect trader that greatly expand the
opportunities available. Today, financial market users can find options to manage all
sorts of different risk characteristics. And if they cannot, they can ask a financial
institution to create one that exactly meets their needs.
Swiss Re and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Swap Catastrophic
Risks ______________________________________________________
In August 2003, Swiss Re, the reinsurance company, and Mitsui Sumitomo Insur-
ance of Japan entered into one of the worlds first catastrophe risk swaps. The
US$100 million transaction between the two insurance companies allows each
company to reduce its exposure to natural disasters, known in the insurance
industry as catastrophic risk, in its core market by passing on this risk to the
other party.
Under the agreement announced by the two firms, Swiss Re swapped US$50
million of potential insurance losses from North Atlantic hurricanes with the
same amount of protection given by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance for a Japanese
According to a spokesperson at Swiss Re the key attraction was to swap future
potential insurance payouts on rare but devastating events. The likelihood that
the event would occur is about 2 per cent; that is, there is an expectation that
there will be one such event every 50 to 100 years. However, if such an event
happened, both insurers would be exposed to very large losses. Such events are
known as peak risks, insurance market jargon for the natural disasters that cost
insurance companies hundreds of millions in payouts.
The rationale from both sides is to provide an element of protection against the
very large exposures that the insurers have to such infrequent but costly
catastrophes and to diversify their risk. It leaves both insurers core business
Swaps in contrast to the other derivatives are a relatively recent innovation. The
first cross-currency swap was unveiled only in 1981 although there were instruments
with similar characteristics traded prior to this. The first interest rate swap to be
publicly traded followed in 1982. The market in swaps grew very rapidly throughout
the 1980s and the instrument became established as a class of derivative. The
difference between a forward contract and a swap is that, with the swap, there is a
multiplicity of cash flows. The two parties to a swap agree to exchange a set of
predetermined cash flows rather than the single cash flow from a forward contract
(this singularity also applies to futures and options). The development of an
agreement that exchanged a series of cash flows helped financial market users to
manage the risks of a given cash stream. As a result, market users can now swap
cash flows from equities and commodities as well as manage interest rates and
currencies. Additional non-standard features have been introduced to meet special
circumstances, such as swaps which have option elements and are callable or
The Risk Management Product Set __________________________
The different derivative instruments that are traded in financial markets are
often called the risk management product set because their main function is to
transfer risks. The market for derivatives deals principally with market risk (or
the risk that the price of the underlying variables will change over time) but
other risks, such as credit risks and catastrophic risks, are also traded. The
market in derivatives can be seen as a market in risk. By appropriately trading
the instruments, market participants can exchange risks and reduce their
exposure to undesirable economic factors. Instruments exist to manage interest
rate risks, currency risks, equity risks, and commodity risks as well as some
other specialised risks. The instruments used to manage these risks are:
Forward contract: A commercial contract between two parties to buy and
sell at a price agreed today which has the delivery or settlement of the contract
deferred until some mutually agreed date in the future (when the exchange then
takes place). Quantity and quality are specified when the forward contract is
initiated. Any contract where the delivery or settlement is later in time than
that which is normal for the market in the physical commodity, known as the
spot market, is a forward contract.
Futures contract: Functionally this is the same as the forward contract.
However, it differs because the contract is traded on an exchange, the contracts
are standardised for all users to facilitate trading, the contract will be between
the buyer and the exchanges clearing house and the seller and the exchanges
clearinghouse. The result is that the credit risk will be intermediated. In addi-
tion, both buyer and seller will be required to post a performance bond to
ensure that the can fulfil their obligation under the contract.
Option contract: This gives the holder (or buyer) of the option the right but
not the obligation to buy or sell the underlier at a specific price at or before a
specific date. While the option buyer (or holder) has the right to complete the
contract or not, the option seller (or writer) is obliged to complete the con-
tract if the holder requests it.
Swap contract: An agreement between two parties to exchange (or in
financial parlance, to swap) two different sets of future periodic cash flows
based on a predetermined formula.
They also exist because there is a two-way market in risks. A buyer is exposed to
potential price increases, a seller to possible price declines. We can show their
positions in terms of risk profiles, as shown in Figure 1.1. The buyer and seller are
both exposed to the risk that the market price will change. For the buyer the main
concern is that the price will rise and future purchases will cost more. For the seller,
the main concern is that the price will fall and a future sale will generate less
revenue. The solution is for buyers and sellers to exchange their risks. This is what
derivatives are largely designed to do. That said, as with fundamental financial
instruments, derivatives can also be used and are used for other purposes: for
investment and speculation.
Position of buyer
Market price
Current price
Buyer loses if market price rises
Position of seller
Seller loses if market price declines
Seller gains if market price rises
Market price
Current price
Suffice at this point to explain that with the forward price of gold at $450/oz, the
arbitrageur would want to buy the gold in the spot market, finance this by borrowing
dollars at 4 per cent and simultaneously agreeing to sell gold in one years time. The
payoff from this strategy, which is known as a cash-and-carry arbitrage, is shown in
the upper half of Table 1.1. On the other hand, with the forward price of gold in one
year at $400/oz the arbitrageur would want to undertake the opposite strategy:
borrow gold for a year and sell it, investing the proceeds at 4 per cent and agreeing to
buy gold in the forward market. This is known as a reverse cash and carry and is
shown in the lower half of Table 1.1.
sell it in the forward market. Supply and demand will push down the price at which
buyers are prepared to transact in the forward market. In the same way, with the
price of the forward contract at $400/oz, market participants will seek to sell gold in
the spot market and buy it back in the forward market. The only price that would
prevent arbitrage is one where the forward price exactly equalled the replicating
portfolio price, namely $416/oz.
To summarise: in order to determine whether arbitrage is possible we need a
pricing model for the derivative that explains what the price should be. Equally, we
can consider that the only appropriate price for the forward contract is the price that
prevents arbitrage. Another way to look at it is to see that that the correct (or
theoretical) price is the reproduction cost of taking the opposite side of the transac-
tion. Knowing this provides a way of valuing such contracts. Another example will
help to make this latter point clear. In Table 1.2, we have the exchange rate and
relevant interest rates between sterling and the US dollar. At what rate would a bank
agree to undertake a forward foreign exchange transaction with a customer who
wished to buy 1 million and sell US dollars in 12 months time?
Table 1.2 Currency and interest rates for the US dollar and sterling
Market conditions
Spot exchange rate US$1.4500 = 1
Interest rates
1 year US dollar 4.00%
1 year sterling 5.00%
In practice, the bank can simply price the forward foreign exchange contract
using the interest rate parity relationship for the forward foreign exchange rate:
1 1.1
where is the forward rate at time t, and are foreign (quoted currency) and
domestic (base currency) interest rates respectively for the currency pair for the time
period t. Equation 1.1 gives the same result as the replicating portfolio calculations
in Table 1.3 and can be considered an arbitrage-free pricing model for the forward
foreign exchange rate. In fact, the interest rate parity model is a variant of the cost
of carry model discussed earlier in the context of the gold price, which is also, as we
have seen, an arbitrage-free pricing model.
Value of contingent
t=0 t=1 t=2 claim (S K)
140 50
100 100 10
60 0
As with the earlier examples, the arbitrageur will want to sell the overpriced ele-
ment and hold the correctly priced one. In this case it involves selling the contingent
claim and holding the arbitrage or replicating portfolio. At initiation, the arbitrageur
will have sold one contingent claim and will take a fractional investment of 0.6985
shares plus borrowing 48.32.3 Interest rates are 4 per cent per annum. The position
at t=0 is given in Table 1.4.
3 The fractional investment, known as delta (), is determined by the ratio of price change in the
derivative if the share price rises or falls to that of the underlier, namely:
The share price range is 120 80 and the value of is .6985 so the value ( ) is 27.94. To
solve for we need to know the value of the contingent claim at t=1 for both the up move (U) and
What happens at the end of year one? The arbitrageur does not know whether
the share price will go up or down. However, the portfolio will need to be re-
balanced at t=1. After one year, if the share price has risen, the required fractional
holding needs to be increased (in this case to one, or one share). If the share price
has fallen, then the fractional holding needs to be reduced (in this case to 0.25 or a
quarter of a share). The net value of the position at t=1 when the share price has
either risen or fallen and after rebalancing is shown in Table 1.5.
Arbitrageur rebalances the replication portfolio established at t=1. If the value of the shares has
risen, the arbitrageur increases the fractional holding in the shares; if the share price has fallen, the
arbitrageur reduces the fractional holding in the shares.
the down move (D). We can only find this by solving first the value of the claim at t=2 and working
backwards to find the theoretical (or arbitrage free) price of the claim at t=1, knowing its value at t=2.
The value of the position in Table 1.5 in the upper node is 33.53 and the lower node is 5.58. So for
t=0, the appropriate fractional investment to take in the share is:
33.53 5.58
120 80
At maturity, the contingent claims value will depend on how the share price has
performed between the first and second year. As Figure 1.2 shows there are three
possible outcomes. The result of the replicating portfolio is given in Table 1.6.
As Table 1.6 shows by following the replicating strategy, regardless of the out-
come at maturity, the arbitrageur has exactly the required amount of money to pay
off the value of the contingent claim. With the share price at $140 and the exercise
price of $90 the contingent claim seller has to deliver a security worth $140 for $90.
Buying the security in the market at $140 but selling at $90 means a loss of $50. The
replicating strategy has delivered a profit of $50 so the arbitrageur walks away
without loss.
As with the earlier examples for gold and the forward foreign exchange transac-
tion, the theoretical or arbitrage free price thrown up by the model for the
contingent claim is the price that exactly compensates the contingent claim seller for
replicating the payoff of the claim. This means the correct theoretical price for the
contingent claim should have been $21.53. Market forces will lead arbitrageurs to
sell contingent claims if the market price is above the theoretical price and buy them
if it is below thus forcing convergence to the theoretical price.4
The model for valuing a contingent claim is known as a conditional arbitrage
model and requires the arbitrageur to rebalance the replicating portfolio as the value
of the underlier changes. This conditional arbitrage model is the basis of all standard
4 As with the cost-of-carry example, if the price of the contingent claim is below that of the replicating
portfolio, the arbitrageur will buy the contingent claim and sell the replicating portfolio (going short
the shares and lending) and rebalancing at t=1.
option pricing models where the value of the option is determined by reference to
its replicating portfolio. For this reason such pricing models are often called
arbitrage pricing models.
An important corollary of the replicating portfolio approach is that the contin-
gent claim seller, who has the obligation to deliver under the contract, is indifferent
to the price behaviour of the underlier. Hence risk preferences do not affect the
pricing of these claims. As the position is risk-free, it will earn the risk-free rate of
interest and this means that complications about risk-adjusted discount rates can be
ignored when working out the present value of the portfolio.
Note another outcome of the modelling process: even without an arbitrage op-
portunity, the dynamic replication strategy allows the contingent claim seller to
manage the risk from selling the contract. In the example above, once the vendor
has received $21.53 for the contingent claim, by following the dynamic replication
strategy, the writer has eliminated all risk.5
5 In practice of course the model is only a representation of reality and to the extent that actual market
behaviour differs from that assumed in the model the writer will have an element of residual risk.
Hence a prudent writer will charge more for the option to cover himself. But to the extent that actual
and model behaviour converge, competition for business in financial markets will drive down the
prices of contingent claims towards their theoretical values.
contingent claim being replicated may differ from the transactions that underpin the
replicating portfolio. There are other complications from stock borrowing. The
stock lender may require a haircut (or prudential deposit) so that the short seller
does not receive the totality of the value of the short sale. Also, it is the case that
borrowing and lending rates differ.
Another issue is taxes. The assumption of most models is that there are no taxes.
In practice, the tax treatment of the gains and losses from the written leg of the
position (the contingent claim sold to the investor) might be treated differently from
that of the components of the replicating portfolio. So one may not be able to offset
the other leading to unanticipated losses. Another factor is the periodic apparent
irrationality of financial markets. For instance, in periods of disturbance or stress,
pricing relationships can break down leading to unanticipated losses.6 Yet another
factor that can make arbitrage hazardous are differences in information between
market participants. Prices at which transactions are made may not reflect the true
intrinsic value of the instruments being traded.
The result is that while the pricing models that are used to compute the theoreti-
cal or fair value of a derivative have been shown to be good representations of the
actual market prices of such instruments, the models are not quite the same thing as
the derivatives themselves. This always needs to be kept in mind when considering
the analysis of such models. Nevertheless, the arbitrage principle is a powerful tool
for both analysing derivatives and explaining the observed prices of such instru-
ments in financial markets.
6 A good example is the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM). See Roger Lowenstein
(2001), When Genius Failed, New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Holder. The buyer of an option. The buyer has the right to exercise the option
and complete the transaction if it is advantageous to do so. That is, the buyer
holds the rights from the option.
Writer: The seller of an option. With a call option the writer has to sell at the
strike price, with a put the writer has to buy at the strike price. Hence the
seller has written the right of exercise.
Exercise: To activate the right to purchase or sell given by an option.
Exercise price or strike price: The contracted price (or rate) at which an
option holder can execute or complete the transaction.
Expiration: The point at which a derivatives contract ceases to exist, that is it
expires. Also called maturity.
Life: The length of time a derivatives contract is in force. Also called the tenor.
7 Of course the total market activity recorded for particular types of derivative will represent the sum of
the different uses that market participants have for the particular instruments.
Note that risk modification can involve taking more risk rather than reducing risk.8
If the investor had wanted to take more risk then he could have written the option!
1.4.2 Hedging
Hedging is a special case of risk modification that has as objective the elimination of
all risk. While risk modification changes the nature of a risk but may not eliminate it
completely, with hedging the intention is to remove the source of risk. For instance,
a company is selling its product abroad. The currency in which the buyer negotiates
is not the operating currency of the seller. Once the contract is struck, the seller is
faced with the fact that due to the time lag between agreeing terms and receiving
payment there is a risk that the exchange rate will have changed. Derivatives provide
a simple solution to this problem. In this case the seller can agree a forward foreign
exchange contract with a bank to sell the foreign currency and buy the domestic
currency. In this way the company has hedged its exchange rate risk on the sale. The
intention when entering the forward contract is to reduce the unwanted exchange
rate risk to as little as possible. This will be zero in this case as the forward foreign
exchange contract exactly matches and offsets the foreign currency position. In
other cases, the fit might not be so exact and the hedge will be imperfect. Neverthe-
less, the intention when using derivatives for hedging is to obtain the maximum
protection from the source of risk even if there is some residual risk. With an
imperfect hedge, some protection is better than none at all.
1.4.3 Speculation
Speculation is risk modification designed to benefit from exposure to a particular
risk. Take the situation where a market participant has a view that as a result of
tensions in the Gulf region, the oil price will increase. Strategy one is to buy crude
oil in the spot market. There are significant disadvantages to this strategy if the only
reason for buying oil is to profit from an anticipated increase in price. Oil is a bulky
commodity and will have to be stored, and this can be costly. It is also necessary to
find a buyer for the oil when the anticipated price increase has taken place. Far
simpler from the speculators perspective is to buy crude oil futures. That is,
exchange-traded contracts that fix the price at which crude oil can be bought and
sold at a specific date in the future. These have the same economic exposure to
changes in the spot price for crude oil but none of the disadvantages of physical
ownership. In fact by using futures, which are highly liquid instruments, the
speculator can immediately take a position in the crude oil market (the underlying
risk factor) and sell it again without worrying about finding a seller, storage or an
eventual buyer. The costs of setting up a position to take advantage of a rise in the
crude oil price in the futures market will be far less than the costs of setting up a
similar trade in the spot market. That means that even a relatively small increase in
the crude oil price will make money for the speculator. So while derivative markets
8 The emphasis of this course will be on how derivatives can modify risk and, in particular, how they are
used for risk management. This focus builds on the principles and processes of the eMBA elective
Financial Risk Management.
are designed to manage risks, they do allow the more adventurous to benefit from
assuming risk. In this case, the speculator is taking the risk that oil prices do not rise
as anticipated! The existence of speculative activity in derivative markets acts to
increase the pool of capital available for the market and to increase the supply of
counterparties thus increasing the market size for market participants who are
natural hedgers.
1.4.4 Arbitrage
Arbitrage operations aim to exploit price anomalies. The basic mechanisms have
been described in Section 1.2. The existence of derivatives provides arbitrageurs
with more pricing relationships that can be exploited if the prices move away from
their correct relationships. For instance, if the prices at which options are traded
differ from their theoretical value, arbitrageurs will step in to exploit this fact. Take
the situation where a call option on a share with an exercise price of $100 is trading
at $4.5 and the corresponding put (with the same exercise price) is trading at $2.7.
The current share price is $102. The options have 3 months to maturity (expiration)
after which they are void. The three months interest rate is 4 per cent per annum. A
trader can arbitrage the mispricing of the call and the put. The trader buys the call
for $4.5, sells the put at $2.7 and sells the share for $102 and invests the present
value of the $100 exercise price (this is $99.02). The net gain from this is $1.18. At
maturity one of two situations arises. If the share price is above $100, the arbitrageur
exercises the call by using the invested funds and receives the share. This share is
then returned to the stock lender. If the share price is below $100, the call is
abandoned. Having written the put the arbitrageur is now contractually committed
to purchasing the share for $100 when its market price is less than this. The holder
exercises the put and the arbitrageur pays for the share he is obliged to receive using
the invested funds. Again the share is returned to the stock lender. Whatever the
outcome, the arbitrageur nets a $1.18 from the transaction without having to invest
any of his own money.
1.4.5 Spreading
Spreading involves taking advantage of or limiting the impact of price changes
between two assets. Hence it can be either for speculative purposes or for risk
management. Extending the oil speculator example in Section 1.4.3, now the
speculator has a view that the margin between unrefined crude oil and its refined
products (unleaded gasoline and heating oil) is likely to increase due to refining
capacity shortages. He wants to take advantage of this fact. One possibility, as with
the simple directional crude oil transaction, is for him to sell crude oil and buy
unleaded gasoline and heating oil in the spot market. But this is even more compli-
cated than the simple strategy of buying crude oil on the expectation that its price
will rise. It is far simpler for the speculator to deal in energy futures contracts.
Contracts exist for crude oil and its refined elements, unleaded gasoline and heating
oil. By buying futures in the refined products and selling the crude oil futures, the
9 This margin is known as the crack spread. That is, the difference in price between the unrefined and
refined products which represent the refiners costs and margin from cracking the crude into its
constituents. A refiner might be interested in protecting this margin and hence would undertake a
crack spread designed to lock-in a fixed margin if it was of the view that excess refining capacity was
likely to depress margins.
borrowing from the bank. The contract converts an uncertain future interest
expense into a fixed or certain expense.
In a similar manner to the firms management of its tax deductibles, banks and
other regulated financial institutions can manage the amount of regulatory capital
required to support their business. One way of doing this is to use derivatives.
Banks have to allocate more capital against loans to commercial enterprises than for
loans to governments and state entities to cover against the potential default risk.
This means banks are limited in the amount of lending they can make to commercial
firms without raising more capital. Banks can use derivatives to reduce the amount
of capital required to lend to commercial enterprises. By using a credit derivative,
the bank buys insurance against default. As a result financial regulators are prepared
to allow banks which have lent to commercial enterprises and used credit derivatives
to transfer the default risk to allocate less capital to such loans.
10 The replicating portfolio will be created by finding the appropriate value for such that the portfolio is
risk-free with in state one a net value of zero and in state two a net value of one. This is obtained by:
1 0
20 10
And setting up the replicating portfolio, such that:
20 1 1
10 1 0
Where B is the amount of borrowing at the risk-free rate (which is 11.11 per cent). The cost now of
setting up such a portfolio will be:
13 / 1 .4
In like fashion, the cost of setting up a replicating portfolio with a payoff of 1 in state one and zero in
state two is 0.5.
there are three states of nature and only two securities, then the market is incom-
The market could be completed by adding a third security, such as a derivative that
had a positive payoff in one of the states but a value of zero in the others. Then the
available securities would span the market and it would be complete and it would be
possible to construct a replicating portfolio that generated a positive value in one state
and zero in the others.
While this analysis is largely theoretical and based on a simple example, the ability
of derivatives to help complete the market provides an important justification for
their existence.
Derivatives provide market participants with not just the opportunity to modify
risks, but also to engage in speculation and to undertake transactions that would
otherwise be problematical when undertaken using fundamental financial instru-
ments. These include such benefits as reducing financing costs and taking advantage
of tax benefits and regulations.
Review Questions
1.1 Which of the following is correct? The forward market that existed in the Netherlands
at Antwerp in the 14th century was a market for:
A. Grain and other agricultural produce.
B. Tulip bulbs.
C. Currencies.
D. Wool and cloth.
1.2 Which of the following best describes the nature of a forward contract? With a forward
contract, the two parties agree to:
A. exchange an item of a specific quality for cash at a future predetermined date.
B. exchange an item for an agreed amount of cash at a future predetermined date.
C. exchange a given amount of an item for an agreed amount of cash at a future
predetermined date.
D. exchange a given amount of an item of a specific quality for an agreed amount
of cash at a future predetermined date.
1.3 If you have a ____ sensitivity to changes in market prices, you would be said to be
____ and would benefit from an ____ in the market price. Which is correct?
A. positive long the risk increase
B. positive short the risk decrease
C. negative long the risk decrease
D. negative short the risk increase
1.5 What is the economic difference between forward contracts and futures?
A. There is no economic difference between forward contracts and futures.
B. Futures are only available on some underlying assets, whereas it is possible to
trade any asset with forward contracts.
C. Futures contracts are traded on an exchange and have standardised terms and
conditions whereas forward contracts are traded over-the-counter and have
negotiated terms.
D. Both B and C explain the economic difference between forward and futures
1.8 Which of the following is correct? The major impediment to market participants using
forward contracts is:
A. The reputation and credit standing of the counterparty on the other side.
B. The lack of counterparties willing to enter the other side of the transaction.
C. There are no transactions available with the right maturity.
D. All of A, B and C.
1.14 The spot price of a commodity is $1200 and its forward price in one year is $1255. The
one-year interest rate is 4 per cent per annum. Which of the following is correct? An
arbitrageur can create a replicating portfolio by:
A. borrowing and buying the commodity in the cash market and buying the
forward contract to give a profit of $55.
B. selling the commodity in the cash market and investing and buying the forward
contract to give a profit of $7.
C. borrowing and buying the commodity in the cash market and selling the
forward contract to give a profit of $7.
D. selling the commodity in the cash market and investing and selling the forward
contract to give a profit of $55.
1.15 The spot exchange rate between sterling and the US dollar is $1.7425/. The six-month
interest rate is sterling is 3.75 per cent per annum and that in US dollars is 2.5 per cent
per annum. The six-month forward foreign exchange rate is $1.7385. Which of the
following is correct? An arbitrageur can create a replicating portfolio by:
A. borrowing US$1.7425 million for six months, exchanging it at the spot
exchange rate into sterling, investing the sterling, and selling sterling at the
forward exchange rate to make a net profit of $6650.
B. borrowing 1 million for six months, exchanging it at the spot exchange rate
into US dollars, investing the dollars, and selling the dollars at the forward
exchange rate to make a net profit of $6650.
C. borrowing US$1.7425 million for six months, exchanging it at the spot rate into
dollars, investing the dollars, and buying the dollars at the forward exchange
rate to make a net profit of $6650.
D. borrowing 1 million for six months, exchanging it at the spot exchange rate
into sterling, investing the sterling, and buying the sterling at the forward
exchange rate to make a net profit of $6650.
1.16 Which of the following is correct? In the context of derivatives markets, hedging can be
considered to be a special case of:
A. arbitrage that involves taking no risk on delivery.
B. risk reduction where the intention is to eliminate all risks.
C. speculation where the intention is to take on as much risk as possible.
D. financial engineering that involves taking no model risk.
1.17 The general rule for undertaking arbitrage is this: ____ and ____ which means, in terms
of derivatives, ____ a derivative instrument when its price is ____ its theoretical or fair
value price. Which of the following is correct?
A. buy low sell high selling above
B. sell low buy high buying below
C. buy low sell high buying below
D. sell low buy high selling above
1.18 Why might you not wish to undertake an arbitrage transaction despite the fact there
appeared to be a profitable opportunity available?
A. There are uncertainties surrounding the model used to evaluate the arbitrage
opportunity which might lead to a loss rather than a gain.
B. There are timing differences in the nature of the two sides of the arbitrage
opportunity which might lead to a loss rather than a gain.
C. The tax treatment of the gains and losses may differ and one may fail to offset
the other which might lead to a loss rather than a gain.
D. All of A, B and C might lead to a decision not to arbitrage an apparently
profitable opportunity.
1. Chicago Board of Trade: www.cbot.com
2. Chicago Mercantile Exchange: www.cme.com
3. Roger Lowenstein (2001), When Genius Failed, New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
4. Peter Moles & Nicholas Terry (1997) The Handbook of International Financial Terms,
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Learning Objectives
This module introduces the derivatives product set and shows how the individual
products are related. It discusses the two principal kinds of products used to manage
financial risk: terminal instruments and options. It follows a building-block ap-
proach to show how the different instruments, forward contracts, futures contracts,
swap contracts and options, have common fundamentals.
The key differences for terminal products relate not so much to their economic
effects, which are remarkably similar in that their gains or losses are directly related
to the underlying asset price, but to the way the different instruments handle
performance risk. With a forward and a swap contract, each party is directly taking
the counterparty risk of the other. This is not the case with futures where contracts
are collateralised and an intermediary institution, the clearing house, acts as guaran-
Options have a non-linear function in relation to the underlying asset price and
the position of the two sides to the option transaction is very different. The option
buyer has performance risk with the option seller, but the seller has no risk in regard
to the buyer since the buyer will only exercise his right to perform if it is to his
advantage to do so.
Although options appear to be radically different instruments from the terminal
products, it is shown that this is not the case and that options can be seen as being
made up of a package consisting of a forward contract and a loan.
After completing this module, you will understand:
how terminal contracts are put together;
how options modify the underlying risk profile of a position; and
how to apply a building-block approach to derivatives.
2.1 Introduction
Increasing awareness of uncertainty in the economic environment has changed the
way that financial markets operate. Firms operating in various product markets have
realised that successful strategies require that the risks inherent in changes in interest
rates, currencies and commodities be successfully managed. Firms have turned to a
number of different instruments to manage these risks. This module looks at the
building blocks that form the derivative product set used to manage price risk (and
other risks) in the financial markets.
As previously discussed, firms have a number of ways in which they can seek to
control the financial risks they face. The most commonly adopted approach is to
hedge; in order to hedge, firms turn to a number of different approaches. For
instance, if a firm is exposed to foreign exchange-rate risk on its exports, it might
resort to borrowing in a foreign currency. The intended effect is that the income
stream would be directly correlated with or would offset the foreign currency
exposure from the loan. That is, the firm applies the matching principle to reduce its
risk. However, such an on-balance-sheet approach is generally costly and
perhaps more important somewhat inflexible in the face of changing circumstanc-
es. The alternative is to use what are known as off-balance-sheet instruments, or
derivatives: that is, forwards, futures, swaps and options, or combinations thereof.
It is easy to assume that a forward lending/borrowing transaction is somehow
different to a foreign exchange forward transaction, or that an option to buy a
particular commodity differs from an option on a particular share. In fact, these
instruments, forwards and options, are the fundamental building blocks that allow
market participants to manage a variety of market-related risks. At their most basic,
these building blocks come in only two guises: terminal instruments and options.
These latter can even be considered as a special case of the former, in which the
good and bad elements of the payoffs of the terminal instrument have been snapped
Risk profile
of the firm
Producer gains if
market price increases
Market price
Producer loses if of copper
market price falls
Area of
Payoff of hedging Value
Market price
of copper
(a') (b)
Market price
Result is that of copper
exposure (a) (b')
to changes
in copper
price is
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
Underlying risk profile Hedge risk profile
availability of funds from its members, there is very little credit risk for futures
The other function of the clearing house is to act as the counterparty to all trans-
actions that are effected on the exchange. The forward transaction involves both
parties taking each others credit risk. With futures, the exchange is the counterparty
to both buyers and sellers. This is shown in Figure 2.5.
Forward contract
Party A Party B
Futures contract
Party A Party B
Figure 2.5 The role of the clearing house as intermediary in the futures
The clearing houses function is to reduce transaction costs in futures contracts.
Each party enters into a transaction, not with a specific counterparty whose credit
standing needs to be evaluated, but with a single entity which, due to the collateralis-
ing mechanism and the surety of its membership, has a rock solid credit standing.
Performance risk is all but eliminated through this arrangement.
Because they standardise transactions as to amounts and delivery dates, futures
are also highly liquid instruments. Since the clearing house is the counterparty to all
transactions, it is relatively easy for a futures position to be closed. The holder of the
long position simply sells the contract; and the purchase followed by a sale, once the
difference in price has been accounted for, extinguishes the obligation with the
clearing house. Similarly, the holder of the short position buys back the contract and
the sale followed by a repurchase likewise eliminates the outstanding obligation to
the clearing house. This feature of futures makes them very attractive instruments
for setting up short-term, off-balance-sheet positions since complex negotiations
with the other party are not required. Participants need only to buy and sell the
contracts on the exchange.
1981, although there is some evidence to suggest that the approach may have been
used privately in the 1970s. Although a single contractual obligation, a swap is
merely a package of forward contracts that are bundled together. However, unlike a
series of forward contracts or futures, the swap is a single contractual obligation and
the pricing is structured so as to achieve a level series of fixed payments over the life
of the swap.
The swap, or exchange contract as it is sometimes called, obliges the two parties
to exchange or swap a series of cash flows at specified intervals over a particular
time period. The commonest type of swap relates to an exchange of payments
determined by two different interest rates, and hence called an interest-rate swap,
where one party typically agrees to pay a fixed rate of interest and the other party a
rate based on an index or reference rate. Figure 2.6 shows the cash flows from a
fixed-for-floating interest-rate swap. Financial markets were particularly volatile at
this point. Such a swap can be decomposed into a series of simple forward agree-
ments where one party agrees to pay a fixed rate and the other party agrees to make
a payment determined at the maturity of the contract based on a reference or index
rate. A forward contract based on interest rates is available and is known as a
forward-rate agreement (FRA), although the exact mechanics of the contract are
slightly different from those of forward contracts, as discussed.
Swap contract
Rfixed Rfixed Rfixed
1 2
Rfloating Rfloating Rfloating
+ Rfloating
+ .... + Rfloating
is a linear payoff (or symmetric profile) between the value of the underlying asset
and the position in the instrument, but to the amount of credit or default risk that is
being assumed by market participants. Forward and swap contracts are direct obliga-
tions between market participants whereas futures use credit-enhancement methods
to eliminate virtually all performance risk. The use of the different instruments in a
particular context will be driven by the balance between credit concerns, the degree of
tailoring required on the contract that is, how perfectly the contract acts as a hedge
and the ability to be able to trade out of the position at minimal cost.
Payoff for call option holder Payoff for put option holder
+ +
+ +
Payoff for call option writer Payoff for put option writer
+ +
+ +
Figure 2.7 Payoffs from holding (taking a long position in) call options
and put options and the corresponding written (or short)
The payoffs in Figure 2.7 beg the question why anyone should be willing to take
a short or written position in an option given that it appears that the only outcome
is the loss of money. A detailed explanation of how pricing on options reconciles
the advantages of being the holder with the disadvantage of being the seller is given
later. Suffice to say at this point that the option value is that which ensures that, ex
ante, the transaction is a fair one, that is, it has a zero net present value.
What is apparent from the option payoffs is that these are similar to those given
in Figure 2.4 for forward contracts, minus the undesirable bits which lead to losses.
Note that this characteristic of options in providing payoffs or protection against
only undesirable movements in the value of the underlying asset has led them to be
characterised as a form of insurance. As one of the derivatives product set, options
provide a very useful capacity to insure against undesirable consequences and these
are shown in Figure 2.8. The combination of holding a put and having a long
underlying exposure provides a hedge against price falls but allows gains to be made
if the price rises. The combination of holding a call and having a short underlying
exposure provides a hedge against price rises, but allows gains to be made if the
price falls.
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
cally that a call option can be replicated dynamically by continually adjusting these
two elements. As the value of the underlying asset rises, the portfolio consists of
more of the underlying asset and less of the loan; the opposite happens as the price
falls.1 Since the payoffs from this replicating portfolio and the option are the same,
under the law of one price they should have the same value.
The important point in terms of the building blocks is that options are packages
consisting of a forward contract and a loan. This is even clearer if the ways in which
options can be combined are examined. By combining a long position in a call
option with a short position in a put option with the same exercise price, or a long
position in a put with a short position in a call, we can re-create the two possible
positions available in forward contracts, as shown in Figure 2.9.
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
Figure 2.9 Synthetic forward positions created from long and short
positions in options (putcall parity)
The identity between combinations of calls and puts and a forward contract is
known technically as putcall parity. In terms of the building blocks, a package of
a long position and a short position in calls and puts with the same exercise price is
equivalent to a forward contract. Options can be seen as a special case of the
forward contract where the undesirable element has been cut off, leaving just the
desired payoff.
The relationships between the derivatives product set basic building blocks can
be summarised as: Terminal products, forwards, futures and swaps have the same
linear payoff profiles and differ significantly only in terms of the degree of default
1 Note that the original BlackScholes option-pricing model only derived the value for call option on
non-dividend paying shares with European-style exercise (that is, exercise may only take place at the
expiry of the option contract). The model has been significantly developed to allow the pricing of
options on a much wider range of asset types.
risk in the instrument.2 Options have, however, a non-linear payoff profile and
provide a one-way bet on the future value of the underlying asset, and these in turn
are packages of forward contracts and loans.
2 Note that this is a generalisation and that specific forward instruments differ slightly as a result of the
way in which the contract has been defined.
Review Questions
2.2 For a hedged long position holder, a fall in the market price will:
A. reduce the price of the hedge and increase the value of the asset position.
B. increase the price of the hedge and reduce the value of the asset position.
C. reduce the price of the hedge and reduce the value of the asset position.
D. increase the price of the hedge and increase the value of the asset position.
2.7 In establishing an underlying ____ position, the effect of a positive movement in the
underlier is a ____ in the market price. To hedge the position requires a ____ position
in the hedging instrument. The correct set of terms is:
A. long rise short
B. long fall long
C. short fall long
D. short rise short
2.9 The main difference between a forward contract and a swap contract is:
A. there are no differences between these two forms of contract.
B. the forward contract is concerned with interest-rate risks whereas the swap
contract handles currency risk.
C. the forward contract has one cash flow whereas the swap has a multiple set of
cash flows.
D. the buyer of a forward contract can only make gains whereas the buyer of a
swap may make gains or losses.
2.10 The structure of forward transactions and swap transactions is such that:
A. forward transactions can be applied to all financial instruments, whereas swaps
can only be applied to currencies and interest rates.
B. forward transactions can only be applied to currencies and interest rates,
whereas swaps can be applied to all financial instruments.
C. forward transactions can only address problems of market risk whereas swaps
can be applied to different kinds of financial risks.
D. both forward transactions and swaps can be applied to the same types of
financial instruments.
2.11 The main difference between options and the other derivative products is:
A. there is no difference between options and other derivative products.
B. there is less credit risk in options that in the other derivative products.
C. there is more credit risk in options than in the other derivative products.
D. options provide a non-linear payoff profile, whereas the other derivative
products have a linear payoff profile.
2.13 In establishing an underlying ____ position, the effect of a positive movement in the
underlier is a ____ in the market price. To hedge the position requires a ____ position
in the hedging instrument. The correct set of terms is:
A. long rise long
B. long fall short
C. short rise long
D. short fall short
1 How would you create a position that benefited from both a rise and a fall in the value
of the underlying asset using options?
2 How would you create a position that provided a gain over a given expected price range
if the underlying was (a) expected to increase; and (b) expected to decrease? Note that
the logic of such an approach is that options are valuable and it costs money to buy an
option. One way of reducing the cost of setting up the desired exposure to the
underlying is to sell an option against the desired position. (This is known in the market
as a spread.)
Terminal Instruments
Module 3 The Product Set:
Terminal Instruments I Forward Contracts
Module 4 The Product Set:
Terminal Instruments II Futures
Module 5 The Product Set:
Terminal Instruments III Swaps
Learning Objectives
Terminal contracts are of three kinds: forwards, futures and swaps. The least
complicated is the forward contract, which is a bilateral agreement between two
parties. The key determinant of the pricing of terminal instruments is through
hedging. This module and Module 4 on futures examine the nature, structure and
risks of simple terminal contracts. Module 5 looks at swaps, which can also be seen
as packages of forward contracts. The other member of the derivatives product set
consists of options (which are discussed in Modules 610).
This module examines the nature and use of forward contracts to hedge risks.
Forward contracts are the simplest of the terminal instruments used to manage
various kinds of risk and, because they can be tailored to specific user needs, they
provide a perfect hedge.
The forward contract form has been adapted to address the problem of credit
risk (or default) on such deferred-performance contracts and two examples are
shown: the forward-rate agreement, for interest rates, and the synthetic agreement
for forward exchange, for currencies.
After completing this module you should:
be able to price a forward contract;
know how specific forward contracts work in currencies and interest rates;
understand the credit risk implications of the forward contract;
understand how modifying the contractual cash flows reduces credit exposure.
3.1 Introduction
One of the risks facing any holder or potential buyer of an asset is that the market
price will change at some point in the future. Business activities are already compli-
cated enough without the added risk that the final delivery price is different from
the one expected. As most economic activity involves a number of factor costs,
land, labour and capital, uncertainty about the payoff from engaging in a given
enterprise is an added problem. One can well envisage the merchants of the ancient
world seeking to reduce this uncertainty by agreeing today a price for selling or
buying a given item at some mutually agreed date in the future. Assuring a given
outlet for a particular course of activity mitigates the risks inherent in the enterprise.
This works both for the seller, who may earn less than anticipated, and the buyer,
who may have to pay more than expected. Both have an incentive to deal today for
implementation in the future.
Thus the forward contract was developed. Its origin is probably as old as com-
merce itself. Ancient texts, such as clay tablets from the Assyrian empire, record
commercial transactions which relate to agreements that have the deferred execu-
tion characteristics of the forward contract. Today, forward contracts exist on a
wide range of financial instruments, commodities, indices and assets. The most
frequently used contracts are foreign-exchange forwards which are used by banks,
companies, investment institutions, governments and other entities, to manage their
currency exposures.
The subject of this module is the first type of terminal product, known generical-
ly as a forward contract or simply a forward. These instruments allow parties to
lock in a value for an agreed future execution or maturity date. A forward contract is
simply a bilateral commercial agreement negotiated today but with its execution or
settlement deferred to some agreed date in the future. To anticipate the later
discussion, it is worth mentioning at this point that a futures contract is essentially
an exchange-traded version of a forward contract, although as a result, there are
some important differences between the two instruments. Futures contracts are
discussed in the next module.
Underlying the development of terminal contracts has been a desire by market
participants (producers and users) to lock in future transaction costs. This ability to
fix a price for future delivery means that terminal markets are a valuable way of
reducing or transforming price risk for both buyers and sellers. That said,
forward contracts since they involve no investment can be and are used for
speculation on asset values. The original development of such markets reflected the
economic requirements of the time. The earliest markets were in agricultural
produce, but more recently the needs of financial markets have led to the introduc-
tion of terminal products to trade risks in a variety of financial instruments.
the contract is known as the contract price or exercise price. Thus, John Doe Inc.
of the USA might have a currency exposure in relation to sterling where Jock
Distillers plc of the UK has agreed to sell a given quantity of whisky to the other
company in six months time and the contract is priced in sterling. In order to
protect itself, John Doe can enter into a contract with a financial intermediary (for
foreign exchange, this is likely to be a bank) where the intermediary agrees to buy
dollars from the company and sell it sterling at a price determined today for delivery
at an agreed future date. This contract is shown schematically in Figure 3.1. As a
result of this transaction, John Doe has managed to eliminate the exchange-rate
risk by entering into the forward contract with the intermediary rather than waiting
until the goods have to be paid for. Undertaking the forward contract transfers the
currency risk to the intermediary, who may be better placed to take on this risk.
Assuming that the whisky is duly delivered, then John Doe has completely eliminat-
ed currency risk from the transaction.
Sterling ()
Intermediary John Doe
US dollars ($)
Figure 3.1 Forward transaction between John Doe Inc. and the financial
intermediary (e.g. a bank)
Note: John Doe provides US dollars to the intermediary in exchange for sterling at an agreed date
in the future.
Participants in forward markets are those entities which wish to fix their future
transaction costs. As the above example demonstrates, the ability of John Doe to
buy whisky for sale in the US market would be much reduced if it could not hedge
its currency exposure. The company would not know its costs until the moment it
came to pay for the whisky in six months time. This might greatly reduce the
attraction of buying and marketing the whisky.1 The existence of a forward market
in currencies reduces the importers risks and makes the business commercially
attractive. Alternatively, it can be seen as increasing the whisky producers oppor-
tunity to sell abroad. The economic rationale for forward markets is that they add
value by eliminating or reducing uncertainty. The demand for forward contracts will
be determined by the number of firms facing uncertainty about future prices.
1 Of course, the dollar price of the sterling amount might have fallen, thereby providing a gain. But it is
the potential for losses which most exercises the mind!
negotiated, the market conditions described in Table 3.1 existed in the two curren-
Table 3.1 Market conditions when the forward contract in Figure 3.1
was negotiated
Sterling Market conditions US dollars
1.000 Spot exchange rate 1.5000
10% 6 months euro-deposit rate in the currency 6%
Let us also assume that the intermediary has no other outstanding transactions.
The pricing through hedging approach requires the intermediary to create a
situation where it is in a position to fulfil the forward contract obligation and, at the
same time, to eliminate the risk of the transaction.2 This is important because the
financial intermediary, by entering into the forward transaction with John Doe, has
assumed the currency risk. In order to eliminate its risk, the intermediary will need
to undertake each of the following transactions:
(i) borrow US dollars today;
(ii) exchange these into sterling at the current spot rate;
(iii) deposit these for six months in sterling.
At the maturity of the forward contract the following will happen: the customer
will (a) pay the bank US dollars, which can be used to repay the initial dollar loan (i);
the maturing sterling deposit (iii) is used to pay the customer the contracted sterling
amount (b). The various steps of the transaction are shown schematically in
Figure 3.2.
Thus the various elements of the contract will net out at maturity. The borrowing
in dollars will be matched off against the dollars paid to the intermediary at the
forward date ((i) against (a)). The deposit in sterling will mature and is used to pay
out the sterling received against the dollars ((ii) against (b)).
Given the market information in Table 3.1 and the steps in Figure 3.2, we can
work out the price at which the bank can create the transaction in such a way that it
is fully hedged and has no market risk. For foreign exchange forward contracts, this
will be a function of the interest-rate differential between the two currencies. This is
also known as covered arbitrage. The formula used to calculate the forward price
based on the difference between the two interest rates is given by Equation 3.1:
1 Foreign currency rate 3.1
Spot rate
1 Domestic currency rate
2 As we will see in Section 3.2.2, the financial intermediary is still left with a credit risk on the contract.
Lend (iii) (b)
US dollars
We can see that this is the correct forward rate if we break down the calculation
as shown in Table 3.2.
The interest-rate markets (via the eurocurrency markets) and the forward foreign-
exchange market are closely integrated. For a given maturity, the difference between
the interest rates in the two currencies is directly related to the difference between
the spot and the forward exchange rate for the currencies for the same period.
Note that we can also conceive, in the foreign exchange case, that the forward
contract can be priced as if it were a pair of zero-coupon loans (which is typically
the case for short-term borrowings and lendings). Since both sides are equal, at
inception the forward has a zero net present value. Neither party pays the other to
enter into the contract if we ignore the bid-offer spread charged by a market
maker. It is this feature where no payments are made until maturity that sometimes
leads to the idea that forward contracts are free. Although there is no upfront
payment, they are only free in the sense that the contracted terms are fair to each
side. The cost-of-carry model is therefore also a model that provides a fair valuation
of the contracts worth. Of course, once the contract becomes seasoned, it will have
a positive value to one or other party depending on what has happened to the cash
or spot price of the contracted item and to interest rates in the two currencies.
The cost-of-carry approach works with other forward contracts. If a customer
has agreed to buy a given quantity of crude oil, the contract price at which the seller
will agree to enter into the agreement will be based on the funding cost of buying
crude oil and the costs associated with holding and storing the commodity (includ-
ing any anticipated wastage while in storage) until the delivery date. If the contract is
for a year and the interest rate is 8 per cent per annum and the annual storage cost 4
per cent, the forward price in one years time will be set 12 per cent above the
current spot, or cash market, price. The vendor, or short position in the forward
contract, can cover his position in the same way as the financial intermediary in the
foreign exchange example, by buying the crude oil in the market for current
delivery, storing it for 12 months and then delivering it to the customer. Note that
the price of the contract is independent of either partys views on what the future
price will be. As long as the seller can hold the deliverable item and can borrow to
fund the position, the obligation is hedged out.
This model has led economists to characterise terminal markets into two catego-
ries. The first are carry markets, where the commodity, asset or financial
instrument can be held for delivery and the second are markets, such as those for
soft commodities like wheat, maize, soy bean and so forth, where the delivery is
conditional on future events. These are called discovery markets in that the futures
price uncovers facts about future availability.
The Cost-of-Carry Model ___________________________________
The generic cost-of-carry model for the forward price
Forward price cash price financing cost per unit storage cost per unit
(Note that this model also applies to the futures price.)
The basic equation is given as:
t 3.3
, R , G,
t,T : forward price at time t, for a forward (futures) contract requiring de-
livery at time T
t : cash price at time t
Rt,T : riskless interest rate at which funds can be borrowed at time t, for the
period (T t)
Gt,T : storage costs and other related costs for the physical asset per unit of
time from holding the asset for the period (T t)
Note that different forward contracts will have different elements in their
pricing. The cost of storing financial instruments is virtually nil, so the storage
costs in this case will be zero. In addition, with most financial instruments, the
short position (the party required to make the delivery in the future) will
receive any income on the asset prior to the contracts maturity date. This is a
loss to the buyer, so the storage cost in this case can be seen as foregone
income, that is, dividends or interest paid before the contract matures. This is
true, for instance, of forward contracts on equities or an equity index. The
buyer gains by deferring the purchase of the shares; the seller, however,
receives the dividends before maturity. In this situation, the financing cost raises
the forward price, but the value leakage from dividend (or interest payments for
debt instruments) reduces the forward price. As with the currency forward, the
price is the balance between these two effects.
Note also that the above model is an operational model in the sense that the
forward price is that which an intermediary or market maker might quote. It
therefore follows common money market usage and computes the interest cost
based on simple interest. Sometimes the cost-of-carry model is expressed in
textbooks as:
1 3.4
where the terms are as previously defined. In this case 1 is the
compounded rate of return for the period, or in the continuously compounded
model is the continuously compounded rate of return. Correctly con-
verting between the various methods should give the same value to the forward
where is the ith storage cost monetary payment over the life of the forward
contract payable at time .
For the continuous cost version of the model we have:
where w is the add-on to the interest cost to reflect the storage costs of the
underlier over the forward period (T t).
Note that for commodities, there may be an additional element in storage costs,
namely wastage which also needs to be included.
Cost of Carry with a Convenience Yield
The convenience yield is the price (expressed as an interest yield) a consumer
of a commodity is willing to pay to ensure security of supply of the physical
product. As such it is equivalent to value leakage or a dividend yield in that it
reduces the forward price. The model is therefore:
where y is the convenience yield.
Convenience yields are not observable in the market and can only be computed
by reference to the cost of carry valuation of the forward price without the
convenience yield. That is, they are backed out using the appropriate cost of
carry model for the underlier in question. For instance, if the underlier was
priced using the cost of carry model where the only pricing factor was the
interest rate, then we can determine the implied convenience yield as:
ln / 3.12
For instance, if a commodity without value leakage or storage costs was trading
at 100 in the spot market ( 0 ), the six month continuously compounded interest
rate was 5 per cent per annum and the futures price ( ) was 101, then the
implied convenience yield would be 2 per cent per annum:
Table 3.3 Effect of changes in the exchange rate on the value of the
forward contract at maturity
Currency at Profit and loss from the position
maturity Contract value of the company
1.5000 1.5000 1.4725 = 0.0275 Gain: company can buy sterling for
1.4725, and sell in the market at
Table 3.4 Spot, or cash, price and forward prices for a hypothetical
Period Interest rate (p.a.) (%) Commodity price
Spot (today) n/a 200.00
Three months 3 201.50
Six months 5 205.00
Nine months 6 209.00
Twelve months 4 208.00
3 See Module 4 for a discussion of the implied financing rate or implied repo rate.
As the forward price is determined by interest rates, as long as the party which is
obliged to make delivery has the asset in question, it is in a position to transform the
nature of the risks being assumed into ones where it has superior expertise. Let us
use the above example to illustrate this process. A consumer of the commodity
seeks to acquire the commodity in six months time and approaches an intermediary
which specialises in providing forward contracts. This intermediary has a strong
view that the six-month interest rate overprices the expected change in interest rates
in the second (forward) three-month period. As a result, it enters into the contract
and decides to fund its position by borrowing for three months at 3 per cent. In
three months time, it so happens that it has correctly forecast the course of interest
rates and that the three-month rate is unchanged. Its total cost of funds on an
annual basis is 3 per cent, netting the firm a gain of just less than 3.00 on delivery at
the end of the second three-month period. Note that the nature of the risk being
assumed here is interest-rate risk, not price risk on the commodity.
At the time the contract is entered into, an at-market forward will have a net
present value of zero. This will not be the case as time passes. Two factors will
change over time. The time delay before the contract is executed will shorten. The
value difference between the cash price and the forward price should, therefore,
converge. This will only happen if the cash price remains unchanged. If, however,
the cash price changes, then the forward price will also change. Any forward
contract hitherto entered into will gain or lose value from this change. If the price of
the commodity in Table 3.4 has, after three months changed from 200 to 180 and
the interest rate for three months is 3.5 per cent, then the forward price for three
months will be 181.54, some way from the 205.00 on the existing forward contract.
the maturity of the contract. Note that if the underlying asset spot or cash market price
behaves as might be expected and moves towards the forward price, there is negligible
credit risk. It is the volatility in the potential outcome that creates a credit exposure.
There is a degree of paradox here since the more volatility or uncertainty there is about
the market price in the future, the greater the demand for hedging; but the greater the
credit risk of entering into the transaction. What is happening is that the forward
contract is exchanging a high probability about changes in market prices into a low(ish)
probability of default.
Because significant transaction costs preclude trading (with the exception of the
market in currency forwards, where the breadth of the market means transaction costs
are low) and concerns over credit, futures provide an alternative method of achieving
nearly the same degree of protection without assuming significant counterparty risk.4
4 Typically there will be some degree of basis risk left to the user of futures contracts.
The arbitrage-free channel that will exist between the forward price and the
ability of market participants to engage in riskless arbitrage will be determined by
the boundary conditions shown in Table 3.5 and given by Equation 3.16.
1 1 3.16
The arbitrageur can buy the underlying cash asset and sell the forward contract
when 1 . That is, the cost of carry, at the borrowing rate
including transaction costs ( ), is less than the value of the forward contract. The
opposite applies when 1 , the arbitrageur sells the forward
and invests at the lending rate less any transaction costs. The greater the uncer-
tainty about , , and transaction costs ( ), the wider the channel before arbitrage
can take place. Different markets will show variations in the boundary before
arbitrage becomes feasible. There may also be differences in the various costs for
individual market participants which may provide different boundaries to the
viability of such strategies.
There is another reason why arbitrage situations will not arise very frequently: the
bid-ask spread in the forward market is likely to be narrower than the arbitrage
range spread. This is because the credit risk inherent in the forward contract is less
than that implied in the actual borrowing and lending of funds that would be
necessary to perform the arbitrage. With a forward contract, as previously discussed,
the actual amount at risk is the difference between the original value and the current
replacement cost (the replacement transaction in the market). In most circumstanc-
es, this will usually be less than the full value of the contract. Hence the implied
price of credit will be less than that which operates in the cash markets where the
full value is at risk.
and last for six months would have an interest rate based on the interest rate that is
expected to prevail for the half year in six months time.5
Let us reconsider the issue in the light of our understanding of this relationship.
For a given period , the interest rate will be made up of the spot rates prevailing
for periods 0, 0, where . That is:
1 1 1 3.17
Note that, for short-term maturities, interest rates are quoted as simple rates, with
the result that Equation 3.17 becomes:
1 1 1
12 12 12
If the bank lends for the period to a customer, and borrows for a period in
the market , the new deposit that we would make at time will replace the
maturing borrowing by the bank. The maximum rate that the bank would be
prepared to accept on our deposit will thus be the current implied forward rate .
Let us calculate this result but, in addition, also include the markets bid-offer spread
for borrowing and lending. In fact we will calculate the rate at which the bank will
theoretically quote both to receive a deposit and to make a forward-start loan
for the same period. The relevant figures are given in Table 3.6.
Table 3.6 Short-term interest rates showing the bid and offer spreads
Period Bid rate Offer rate
Three months 5.75% 5.875%
Nine months 6.125% 6.25%
Note: For currencies quoted on the London market, the bid and offer spreads (London interbank
offered rate (LIBOR) and London interbank bid rate (LIBID)) for short maturities are usually one-
eighth of a percentage point apart.
We can visualise the banks situation as that shown in Figure 3.3. In the case of a
forward-start deposit, the bank conceptually lends for the nine months and borrows
for the intervening three months. In the opposite case, the bank borrows for nine
months, and lends for three months.6 In both cases, the bank needs to price up the
interest rate at which it will agree to lend or borrow for a forward start.
5 For a discussion of how these are obtained, see Financial Risk Management, section 10.4.
6 Short-term interest rates are often quoted on the basis of a notional year of 360 days (as with the US
dollar and the Deutschemark and a range of other Continental currencies) or a year of 365 days (as
with sterling).
contract amount: the principal sum that notionally underlies the contract
and is used for computing the payments;
contract currency: the currency in which the contract is denominated;
transaction, dealing or trade date: the date at which the FRA transac-
tion is agreed;
settlement or value date: the date on which the notional loan/deposit
maturity date: the date on which the notional loan/deposit terminates;
fixing date: the date at which the market interest rate for reference
purposes is determined;
reference rate: the market interest rate used to determine the settlement
contract period: the number of days between the settlement and maturity
settlement amount: the amount paid by one party to the other in settle-
ment of the contract; it is the present value of the difference between the
contracted rate and the settlement rate at the settlement date;
FRABBA terms: British Bankers Association terms and conditions for
forward-rate agreement contracts. These have become the industry stand-
| | 3.20
Settlement amount 100 Basis
Basis 100
where is the reference interest rate at settlement, is the contracted rate, is
the number of days between the settlement date and the maturity date, that is, the
period ( ), is the notional amount of the contract, and the basis will be either
360 days or 365 days, depending on the currency.
There are two possible outcomes: one is when is higher than and the other
is the opposite. In the first, the floating rate payer (the FRA seller) makes a payment
to the fixed payer; when the settlement rate is below the contracted rate, the
opposite occurs. For example, if the rate on a US$10 million three-month US dollar
FRA had been 6 per cent and the settlement rate 4.5 per cent, with a 90-day period
for , then we would have had:
4.5 6 90
| | US$10000000
Settlement amount 100 360
1 4.5
If it had been the opposite situation, where the settlement rate had been, say, 9
per cent, as the customer making the deposit we would have paid the difference of 3
per cent to the bank (9 per cent 6 per cent). In this case, we pay the bank
You may have realised that the denominator of the above equation is a present
value formula. This is included because the settlement amount is paid at the start of
the notional deposit period, not at the end as with most interest payments. You will
further recall that forward contracts are credit instruments. Present valuing the
payment to the start is designed further to reduce the credit risk element of the FRA
contract, which is already a payment of an interest-rate difference rather than an
actual cash deposit or loan. In the above, the FRA transaction is completed with all
payments being made on the settlement date, thus eliminating a further three
months of counterparty credit exposure with the customer.
The above present value adjustment does not alter the economics of the transac-
tion. Let us assume that the customer wanted to lock in a rate of 5.875 per cent (the
bid side of the 6 per cent on the FRA). If the settlement rate is 4.5 per cent, then the
bid side will be 4.375 per cent. The deposit then pays US$109375 at maturity.
However, at the start of the deposit period, there is an additional US$37083 being
provided by the FRA. The total, FRA value plus the interest, now becomes
US$146863.60. This is equal to an interest rate of 5.875 per cent for the 90-day
period. The FRA has successfully acted to lock in the expected forward interest
Note that these results are not very sensitive to the addition of a lenders spread
over the reference rate when actual funds are being borrowed, or a margin below
the reference rate on deposited funds (as we have shown).
British Bankers Association Formulae for Forward-Rate
Agreements _______________________________________________
The British Bankers Association uses slightly different computational formulae
to calculate the value of the payment to be made at settlement, but they provide
the same result.
When the market reference rate at settlement is above the contracted rate the
formula is R R :
basis 100 R
When the contracted rate is higher than the settlement rate, the formula is
R R :
basis 100 R
7 The weights attached to currency exposures by the capital adequacy regulations imposed significantly
higher regulatory capital requirements than for similar maturity interest rate products. Thus, given the
additional cost of capital to currency business, intermediaries have a strong incentive to convert such
exposures to interest rate equivalents.
8 This transaction should not be confused with the cross-currency swap (currency swap) discussed in the
upcoming swaps module. We will use the term foreign exchange swap for the short-term exchange
discussed here and cross-currency swap for long-dated, multiple cash flow swaps discussed in Module
In fact, the foreign exchange swap is the sister to that required by a bank seeking to
price the forward foreign exchange rate.
Currency A B
Currency B A
Figure 3.4 Schematic representation of a foreign-exchange swap
Quoting Foreign Exchange __________________________________
The quotation of currency pairs in the foreign exchange market involves one
currency being the base currency and the other the quoted currency. So, for
instance, when quoting sterling against the US dollar, sterling is the base curren-
cy and the dollar is the quoted currency. The quotation seen in the newspaper
or from an information provider will thus be one unit of sterling (that is, one
pound) against a variable amount of US dollars. A typical quote will thus be
$1.5425 to the pound. This is often written as /$ for convenience.
This quotation applies even if the transaction is a forward contract. The only
difference will be that the rate will reflect the interest rate parity (IRP) condi-
tions between the two currencies. Taking our example above, if the one-year
interest rates are 3.25 per cent in dollars (quoted currency) and 4.125 per cent
in sterling (base currency), then the IRP values for the two currencies will be:
$1.5425 1.0325
This rate is known as the forward outright.
In many instances, since the spot currency value changes as transactions take
place, it is easier to quote the forward rate not as an outright rate but in terms
of the interest rate differentials. In the above case, the interest rate differential
is 1.0325 / 1.04125 0.9916. But it is awkward to use this in practice. What
the currency markets do, is quote this differential in terms of the premium or
discount of the exchange rate relative to the spot rate. In the above case, this
differential is $1.5425 $1.5295 0.0130.
The currency markets make two further adjustments. Quoting fractions can
lead to mistakes, so the differentials are expressed in terms of points by
multiplying the differential by 10000.9 So the one-year would be quoted as 130.
Actually, the fact that the points need to be subtracted from the spot quotation
9 This might differ in some currencies where the quotation is a multiple of a single unit, such as the
Japanese yen.
is often ignored as market participants would know the interest rates in the two
currency pairs and since there is a bid-offer (bid-asked) spread, there will be
two quotations. Whether the swap points are added or subtracted will be
obvious from the quotation. (This information is given to you so you will
understand how quotations operate in the market. For the purposes of this
module, there will be no market makers spread and you will be given the
forward outright rates.)
Lets see what happens if interest rates remain unchanged but the spot changes.
(Note short-term interest rate changes are far less frequent than changes in the
exchange rate.) Let us assume the dollar rate goes from $1.5425 to $1.5420.
The outright forward rate based on the equation will be:
$1.5420 1.0325
The forward swap points will be $1.5420 $1.5290 0.0130. There is no
change in the swap points (which represent the interest rate differentials) for
small changes in the spot rate. Hence it is much easier to quote the forward
rate in terms of swap points rather than in terms of a constantly changing spot
rate. Just remember that the swap points represent the interest rate differential
between the currency pair.
Let us look at an example. If the market conditions for sterling () and the euro
() are as given in Table 3.7. Note that sterling is the quoted currency and the euro
is the base currency. The transaction therefore relates to the number of pounds (or
fractions thereof) that are required to purchase one euro.
Table 3.7 Interest rate and currency conditions for sterling and the
Time Sterling Euro Exchange Swap
rate points
Spot 0.6500 = 1
1 month 4.00% 3.25% 0.6504 4
6 months 4.125% 3.375% 0.6524 24
If 100 million is exchanged for one month at 0.6500 at the re-exchange, you
need 100 million 0.6504 to receive back the same amount of euros.10 If the
transaction had been for 6 months, then we would have had to pay back
100 million 0.6524. In fact, we could use the spot less the forward value,
known as the forward points, as an indication of the effect: 1 month = 4 points; 6
months = 24 points.11 These swap points are effectively the interest-rate differential
10 By convention, the interest rate differential is all taken in terms of changes in the quoted currency.
11 These are positive, i.e. the swap points are added to the spot rate to get the forward outright exchange
expressed in terms of the exchange rate between the pair of currencies. The
differential for six months between the two currencies is:
1.04125 0.5
1.03375 0.5
Multiplying by the value of the spot currency unit gives: 0.6500 1.003688 =
0.6524. Subtracting the spot rate gives the interest rate differential in terms of
currency units. For convenience in quoting, the currency differential is quoted in
pips such that the swap points at one and six months are 4 and 24 respectively.
(That is, the differential is multiplied by 10000.)
If we had wanted to create a foreign exchange swap that started in one months
time for five months, then we could have (1) entered into the long-dated swap to
obtain the currency of choice (e.g. the euro dollars) and (2) entered into an opposing
one month swap so as to eliminate the requirement to deliver sterling for the initial
one-month period (and actually receive the euros). This is an inconvenience since it
requires the user to borrow sterling and then invest the euros. By entering into the
short one-month reversing swap, the result is a forward-start swap for 5 months in 1
months time. The cash flows required to generate such a forward-start foreign
exchange swap are shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5 Schematics of the cash flows required for creating a forward-
start foreign-exchange swap
The level of demand for forward-start foreign exchange swaps is such that mar-
ket makers are willing to quote the above foreign exchange swap as a package. This
package is priced in exactly the same way as Figure 3.5 but removes the necessity for
the extra reversing transaction (and also increased credit exposure). The market
maker would quote the forward-start swap differential in terms of FX points as 20
(24 4) points. The two cash flows would then be as set out in Table 3.8.
If after the one month delay, the interest rate differential between the two cur-
rencies had decreased by one per cent, then (and for convenience assuming that the
spot rate is now 0.6504), the market would be quoting a forward rate of 0.6547 to
the euro. Closing out the swap at this new (5-month) rate would lead to a profit or
loss on the position as calculated in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9 Cash flows from closing out the forward-start foreign-exchange swap
Initial transactions Transactions taking place after one month
Time Sterling Euro FX rate Sterling Euro Net gain
The cash flows computed in Table 3.9 show that the package of forward transac-
tions involve actual cash flows between the two parties, as would also be the case in
a single currency forward-forward deposit. If the requirement is to exploit or hedge
against changes in interest rate differentials between the two currencies, the logical
step is to remove these cash flows and pay only the difference at maturity (or as
with the FRA, the present value of the gain).
The SAFE is therefore an agreement between two parties which either want to
hedge against or speculate on a change in the interest rate differentials between two
currencies. Or equivalently, a change in the forward swap points of the currency
As we said at the start, there are two major variants of SAFEs. We will discuss
the exchange rate agreement (ERA) first, as it is the simpler instrument and similar
to an FRA. The difference is that the contract is not on an interest rate, but on the
interest-rate differential between the pair of currencies. The second type of SAFE,
the forward exchange agreement (FXA), is a contract for differences on the foreign
exchange swap we have just looked at. In practice, the actual choice of contract
(ERA or FXA) will depend on the type of exposure or protection required.
Settlement amount Notional principal
100 basis
where is the forward points at the settlement date, the forward points as
originally contracted, is the interest rate over the period between the settlement
date and the maturity date , and the notional principal is the contracted
amount in the primary or base currency.
Take the example as per Table 3.9. If we had contracted using an ERA for 10
million against sterling with a one-month deferred swap over 6 months, with the
forward points contracted at 20, at the settlement date the points have moved to 43.
Note that in FRA terminology this would be a 1 v. 6 type contract. Given the 5-
month interest rate in sterling is now 5.00 per cent (we have assumed that all the
interest change has occurred on the sterling side), the settlement amount would be:
0.0020 0.0043 3.22
22 531 10000000
5.00% 150
100 365
The payment here is the same (but present valued to the settlement date) as that
shown in Table 3.9 because all the gain (loss) arises from a change in the forward
points. However in practice in most cases, there will also been some movement in
the spot rate which can either increase or decrease the profit or loss from the
forward-start foreign exchange swap. This does not form part of the ERA calcula-
tion. It does, however, feature in the calculation for the forward exchange
agreement (FXA) contract.
Note too that, as with the FRA contract, the payment is present valued to the
settlement date. As a result, the credit exposure period is the one month between
the transaction date and the settlement date, rather the full swap period to the
maturity date of the re-exchange period. As with the FRA, the result is to further
reduce the capital requirements on the contract relative to the conventional foreign
exchange swap since all obligations by both parties are extinguished at the settle-
ment date.
British Bankers Association Settlement Terms for SAFEs ______
The British Bankers Association formula for calculating the settlement amount is as
/ / / 3.23
C1: primary currency
C2: secondary currency
A1: first amount in the SAFE contract
A2: second amount in the SAFE contract; for ERAs, 1 2
BBASFSc1/c2: British Bankers Association settlement rate for the forward
BBASSRc1/c2: British Bankers Association spot settlement rate (for ERAs this
is zero)
BBAIRc2: British Bankers Association interest rate for the second curren-
cy for the period T
FS: forward spread contracted in the SAFE
OEXc1/c2 outright exchange rate to the settlement date (this is nil for
Tsm: time from settlement to maturity (for the ERA this is the swap
Basis: number of notional days in the year, either 365, for sterling, or
360, for most other currencies
This gives:
. . . .
US$73892.29 12000000 . %
Settlement amount
100 basis
where is the notional amount of currency exchanged at the maturity date, the
notional amount of currency at the start date, is the outright exchange rate at the
settlement date, the contract outright exchange rate and the other terms are as per
the ERA. The equation can be divided into two parts. The elements within the
brackets relates to the changes in the maturity leg of the swap will the other compo-
nent relates to the changes in value at the settlement leg of the swap.
Note there are several terms that need to be carefully identified. The rate is the
contracted forward rate. In our example this is the one month outright rate
(0.6504). The forward points will be the swap points for the 1 v. 6 transaction,
namely 20 points. The outright exchange rate for the maturity leg at initiation will be
0.6504 as per the then market. The settlement values will be the value of the
spot rate at the settlement date (that is, in one months time from initiation) and
will be the then forward points for the 5 months to the swaps maturity date.
Using the same example, the settlement amount on the FXA will be:
0.6504 0.0024 0.6504 0.0043
10000000 10000000
5.00% 150
100 365
0.6500 0.6504
The payoff on the FXA is equivalent to the value obtained in Table 3.9 when we
calculated the gain from the forward-start swap, except that it has been present
valued to the start of the swap period. The equivalent future value is (23000), if
the discounting part of Equation 3.23 is ignored, which is the same as that obtained
in Table 3.9. Since by calculation there has been no movement in the contracted
spot rate, the term is zero and the payment is the same as for the
Note that the calculation here has been slightly changed from the layout in Equa-
tion 3.23 to show where the value change has arisen. The initial forward rate on the
forward-start swap was the difference between the initial spot of 0.6500 and the
one month swap points which were 4 and the six month swap points of 24, giving a
forward differential of 20 points over the 5 months. At settlement this differential
has changed to 43 points, giving a gain of 23 points, as per the ERA. However, the
exchange rate has also changed, moving from 0.6500 at the onset to .6504 after
one month. Because we have assumed the spot rate after one month is the same as
the one month forward, there is no value adjustment required from changes in the
spot rate (this is the right hand element of Equation 3.23: . Typically,
the spot rate at settlement will differ from the settlement forward outright rate in
the FXA contract.
If the spot rate had moved not the contracted rate of 0.6504 but to 0.6510 and
had remained unchanged at 0.6500, then the settlement value of the FXA would
have been (18531) and (28531) respectively.
Quoting SAFEs _____________________________________________
The market will quote SAFEs in the same way as other financial instruments. As
with the FRA, the quote will be for a 1 v. 4, 2 v. 5, 3 v. 6, and so on. A market
maker will quote the offered side as the lower of the two swap points (for
instance 110/114). The trader is offering to sell the SAFE at 110 and buy at 114.
At first sight this defies the normal logic of buying low and selling high. Howev-
er, as we have demonstrated, the payoff from the SAFE depends on a change in
the swap points over the contract period in the secondary currency. Looking at
the ERA, for simplicity, we can see that the payments to be made/received will
decrease if the contracted rate is increased. The original ERA settlement
amount was (22531) when the swap points were 20. If the swap points had
been 15, then the payment would have been:
0.0015 0.0043
27429 10000000
5.00% 150
100 365
This means that, with the points at 20, we have (22531) and at 15 it is
(27429). A positive number means a payment has to be made to the buyer;
the first term is the contracted rate, the second the settlement rate .
The SAFE buyer is anticipating that swap point rates will fall, so that, at settle-
ment, the value of is positive.
This is due to the nature of the settlement formula used. Buying a SAFE is
equivalent in swap terms to buying the primary currency (selling the secondary
currency, in this case selling dollars and buying sterling) at the settlement date
and selling the primary currency (buying the secondary currency, that is buying
dollars and selling sterling) at the maturity date. This means in order to make
money, the trader acts in a counterintuitive manner and must sell high and buy
low to make his spread. The SAFE user is equally following a buy high/sell low
approach in aiming to get the greatest difference between the contracted rate
and the settlement rate .
The basic model for valuing a forward contract is the cost-of-carry model. This
might equally be called the pricing through hedging model since it is based on the
net cost of eliminating the price risk by the seller of the contract. For most forward
contracts this will be the net funding costs associated with holding the underlying
asset, plus some storage, and other ancillary costs. In situations where storage and
other costs are virtually zero, as with financial instruments, the cost-of-carry model
is simply the net interest-rate cost over the contract period to the future delivery.
The attraction of the forward contract as a risk-management instrument is that it
provides a simple way of eliminating future uncertainty on the price or rate at which
a transaction can be made at some point in the future. Whereas the tailored nature
of the forward is very advantageous, the fact that it is a bilateral agreement means
that both parties to the contract have counterparty risk on the other. This makes
forward contracts credit instruments with all the disadvantages that these entail.
Variations on the basic forward have been developed to reduce the credit ele-
ment on such contracts. Two examples, the forward-rate agreement (FRA) and the
synthetic agreement for forward exchange (SAFE), show how an instrument can be
developed which mitigates credit risk. The FRA is a useful instrument for eliminat-
ing interest-rate risk. The SAFE group of instruments provide an equal structure
between two currencies, the ERA being an instrument that protects against move-
ments in the forward points, or interest-rate differential; while the EXA has the
same exposure as a forward-start foreign-exchange swap. The latter instrument
makes it more useful in hedging currency risk, but without the same degree of
counterparty exposure that is inherent in a conventional swap contract.
Of course, intermediaries have other ways of controlling credit risk, for instance,
by requiring the other party to post a surety or performance bond (collateral). Such
an approach will be looked at in the context of the futures contract, which forms
the basis of the next module.
Review Questions
3.1 The interest rate in US dollars is 5 per cent per annum and that in French francs is 6.5
per cent per annum. The spot exchange rate is FFr6.50/US$.
What is the forward rate in five months time between the two currencies?
A. FFr6.4085
B. FFr6.4598
C. FFr6.4617
D. FFr6.5385
3.5 A forward contract which involves no storage or wastage cost has a forward price for
three months delivery of 335.25. The cash commodity price is 325.75.
What is the implied interest rate?
A. 2.9 per cent.
B. 9.5 per cent.
C. 11.7 per cent.
D. 12.2 per cent.
3.6 A commodity has a dollar storage cost per month of $5 per ton. The one-month
interest rate is 9 per cent and the spot price for the commodity is $723.50/ton.
What would we expect the forward price to be?
A. $728.7
B. $733.8
C. $788.6
D. $793.6
3.7 A forward contract has been entered into to purchase an asset. It has an original
maturity of six months and a contract price of 950.25 when originated. The contract
now has three months to maturity and the spot price of the asset is 875.80, the three-
month interest rate is 6.5 per cent (there are no holding costs).
What is the replacement cost of the contract?
A. Nil.
B. 59.6
C. 60.6
D. 74.5
3.8 A financial instrument which pays no interest is trading in the market at 450.25. The
term structure of interest rates is flat at 8.5 per cent. The prices of two forward
contracts on the financial instrument (which has no storage costs), with three and six
months maturity, will be:
A. 459.5 and 469.0.
B. both contracts will be priced at 450.3.
C. both contracts will be priced at 464.3.
D. 469.4 and 488.52.
3.12 In the forward markets an arbitrageur will ____ the cash instrument and ____ the
forward if the forward is trading ____ to the cash.
Which of the following is correct?
A. buy sell cheap
B. sell sell expensive
C. buy buy expensive
D. sell buy cheap
3.13 When comparing forward transactions with similar cash market transactions we expect
A. cash and forward markets have the same bid-offer spread.
B. cash market bid-offer spreads are smaller than forward market ones.
C. cash market bid-offer spreads are larger than forward market ones.
D. some cash market bid-offer spreads are smaller and some larger than forward
market ones.
3.14 What is the forward-start deposit rate for three months starting in three months time?
A. 8.4375 per cent.
B. 8.5313 per cent.
C. 8.625 per cent.
D. 8.8128 per cent.
3.16 The market in short-term interest rates uses simple interest to calculate values.
Assuming that months are one-twelfth of a year, what is the six months deposit rate
starting in one year?
A. 8.5632 per cent.
B. 8.75 per cent.
C. 8.8438 per cent.
D. 8.9375 per cent.
3.17 A forward-rate agreement (FRA) for 100000000 has a contracted rate of 8.25 per
cent and the actual rate for the six months deposit on the contract at settlement is
7.875 per cent.
What will be the amount paid by the buyer of the contract?
A. No money is exchanged between the parties.
B. The buyer receives 180 397.
C. The buyer pays 180397.
D. The buyer pays 187500.
3.18 A forward-rate agreement (FRA) for US$20000000 has a contracted rate of 6.15 per
cent and the actual rate for the three months (91 days) deposit at expiry is 6.375 per
What will be the amount paid or received by the seller of the contract?
A. The seller receives US$310 917.
B. The seller receives US$11 375.
C. The seller pays US$11 375.
D. The seller pays US$11 194.
3.19 You enter into a spot-start foreign-exchange swap for 5 million for three months
involving an initial sale of US dollars. At the maturity date:
A. you pay 5 million and receive US$8 175 500.
B. you receive 5 million and pay US$8 192 500.
C. you receive 5 million and pay US$7 724 500.
D. you pay 5 million and receive US$7 725 000.
3.20 In the swap entered into in Question 3.19 above, after one month you decide to
reverse the swap (that is, trade on the other side) to eliminate the position.
What transaction do you undertake?
A. You sell sterling and buy US dollars spot and buy US dollars and sell sterling
B. You buy sterling and sell US dollars spot and sell US dollars and buy sterling
C. You buy sterling and sell US dollars spot and there is no further liability at the
forward date.
D. You sell sterling and buy US dollars spot and there is no further liability at the
forward date.
3.21 In the transaction in Question 3.20, what is the net book gain or loss from entering into
the transaction (ignore discounting and the timing of the cash flows)?
A. (US$17 000).
B. (US$450 500).
C. (US$467 500).
D. US$450 500.
3.22 You enter into a forward-start foreign-exchange swap in three months time for three
months for 8 million in which you agree to pay sterling and receive US dollars at the
start date.
How many US dollars will you receive at the start of the swap?
A. US$12 359 200.
B. US$12 952 000.
C. US$13 080 800.
D. US$13 108 000.
3.23 In the forward-start swap given in Question 3.22 above, after one month you decide to
close out the position. What are the net payments remaining on the transaction?
A. A receipt of US$720800 in two months and a payment of US$596800 in five
B. A receipt of US$128800 in two months and a payment of US$4800 in two
C. A receipt of 80259 in two months with no further obligation.
D. A payment of US$720800 in two months with no further obligation.
3.24 In a synthetic agreement for forward exchange (SAFE), the buyer of the contract will
A. sell the base currency at the settlement date and repurchase it at maturity.
B. sell the foreign currency at the settlement date and repurchase it at maturity.
C. sell the base currency at the transaction date and repurchase it at the settle-
ment date.
D. sell the foreign currency at the transaction date and repurchase it at the
maturity date.
3.25 In the forwards markets an arbitrageur will buy the cash instrument and ____ the
forward if the forward is ____ relative to the cash.
Which of the following is correct?
A. sell cheap
B. sell expensive
C. buy expensive
D. buy cheap
3.26 The initial and current exchange rates after one month between the US dollar and the
Deutschemark (DM) are given as follows:
Initial conditions
Time Spot 1m 2m 3m 6m
DM/$ 1.56 1.559 1.557 1.553 1.54
If a US$10 million forward foreign-exchange swap for the 3 v. 6 months maturity had
been undertaken in which at the near date dollars had been sold, what would be the
marked-to-market value of the foreign-exchange swap after one month (ignore present
valuing and the effect of interest rates)?
A. (DM110000).
B. DM0.
C. DM20 000.
D. DM130000.
3.27 If the spot exchange rate between sterling and the euro is 0.6575 per euro and the
three months interest rates in sterling is 5.125 per cent and that for the euro is 3.75 per
cent, what will be the swap points for the three-months forward exchange rate? Is it?
A. 87.
B. 33.
C. 22.
D. 82.
3.28 If the spot exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro is $0.9823 and the
forward points at one-year are 124, which of the following is correct?
A. The swap points are negative because the one-year US dollar interest rate is
above the one-year interest rate in euros.
B. The swap points are negative because the one-year US dollar interest rate is
below the one-year interest rate in euros.
C. The swap points are negative because the two interest rates are the same.
D. It is not possible to tell from the information provided which interest rate is
the higher.
A market maker quotes the 3 v. 3 DM-LIBOR FRA rate as: 7.28 18.
1 Which element of the FRA quote is relevant from the companys perspective?
2 After three months, the three-month LIBOR rate has risen to 7.85 per cent. What are
the payments that have to be made or received on the FRA and what is Dreadnoughts
actual cost of funds on its borrowing? Use the exact day count. What would the cost of
funds have been had the LIBOR rate fallen to 6.50 per cent? (The year basis for DM is
360 days).
Conditions at settlement
Interest rates Interest rates Exchange rate
in US dollars in Euros (per (dollars per
Time Days (per cent) cent) euro)
Spot 1.1900
1 month 30 4.125 3.125 1.1910
2 months 60 4.25 3.25 1.1920
3 months 90 4.3125 3.25 1.1931
The basis is 360 for both US dollars ($) and euro ()
1 If we enter into an exchange rate agreement (ERA) with a settlement date in one month
and a maturity date of 3 months (as of initiation) (90 days) for an amount of 100
million, what is the settlement amount that is paid on the contract? (use the exact day
2 If we had sold the ERA would we have made or lost the amount determined in
Question 1?
3 If, however, the contract had been a forward-exchange agreement (FXA) and the two
amounts were 100 million at the near date and 120 million at the far date, what
would have been the payment?
Learning Objectives
This module continues the examination of the nature and use of terminal products
by looking at the second type of basic derivative, namely futures. Terminal contracts
are of three kinds: the simplest is the forward contract, already discussed in Module
3, which is a bilateral agreement between two parties; the futures contract is an
exchange-traded contract which has many of the features of a forward contract but
is designed to eliminate, to a large extent, the credit-risk element that exists in
The key determinant of the pricing of all the terminal instruments is through
hedging or the cost-of-carry model.
After completing this module you should:
be able to price a futures contract;
understand the technical differences between a forward contract and a futures
know how specific futures contracts work in currencies and interest rates;
understand the effects of the basis on a futures price;
know what is meant by backwardation and contango in futures prices;
know what convergence means and how it affects the futures price over time;
know the limitations involved with futures contracts for hedging purposes.
4.1 Introduction
In the nineteenth century, Chicago, Illinois, emerged as a market centre for farm
products in the mid-west United States. In the fall, farmers would take their produce
to Chicago in order to sell it. However, there was such a glut of grain at this period
that some farmers, for want of buyers, ended up dumping the unwanted produce in
Lake Michigan. This was in stark contrast to the situation that existed in the spring
when there was a shortage and grain prices rose significantly. Grain prices thus
followed a rollercoaster pattern, plunging in the fall when deliveries took place from
the agricultural hinterland and soaring in the spring when weather conditions meant
that transport to market was extremely difficult. Grain merchants realised that there
had to be a better way of organising the business. To ensure supply, merchants
entered into forward contracts with farmers and also with consumers. However, as
we saw in Module 3, the forward contract involved taking counterparty risk. In
periods of shortage, farmers have a strong incentive to sell elsewhere; in times of
plenty, consumers want to renege on contracts. As a result, two developments
occurred. One involved merchants developing standardised contracts in order to
minimise contractual disputes. The second was the setting up of a central organisa-
tion to trade agricultural produce and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) was
established in 1848. This formalisation of the arrangements in agricultural produce
allowed merchants to invest in silos to store grain for the periods of scarcity. Over a
number of years, the contractual arrangements used by the CBOT were refined,
contracts became largely standardised and, finally, the concept of margin or perfor-
mance bonding was introduced. These features, an organised exchange, standardised
contracts and margining (with a daily marking to market or revaluation of the gains
and losses on contracts), are the principal distinguishing characteristics between
futures and forward contracts. These institutional arrangements largely eliminate
performance risk for both the buyer and the seller. The formula has proved an
enduring one, with the basic approach being used around the world in a variety of
futures exchanges on commodities, metals, financial instruments and currencies.
The major types of futures contracts are listed in Table 4.2. An examination of
the table will show two things. The first is that there is a wide range of contracts to
cover different economic risks. The second is that each contract covers a major
asset class or risk type. For instance, despite the market size of corporate bonds,
there is currently no corporate bond futures contract in existence.1
Corporate bonds are very heterogeneous as far as credit quality, terms and condi-
tions are concerned, and maturity and hence standardisation is difficult. A generic
contract on such instruments would be hard to engineer. Similarly, more specific
contracts on a particular corporate type would suffer from lack of interest since any
single sub-category of corporate bond would appeal to relatively few investors. As a
result, a futures contract will be successful only if it provides a hedging mechanism
for a large number of market participants. The types of contracts in existence can be
seen as locus points in a continuum of instruments and/or exposures.2 Futures
contracts require liquidity (that is, the participation of a large enough group of active
1 Note that in the USA, there are municipal bond futures contracts.
2 The government bond futures contract allows the hedging of interest-rate risk in corporate bonds. It
will not be a perfect hedge since there will be changes in the default spread over time. However, for
most users the attractions of a liquid contract outweigh the disadvantages of what are known as cross-
asset positions.
users) to reduce transaction costs and ensure sufficient trading volumes. Thus
futures contracts provide general cover at the expense of asset specificity. A trade-
off between transaction costs and liquidity and asset specificity is a feature of
futures. This is not a consideration with forward contracts since their bilateral nature
means that all the necessary specific features can be included in the agreement.
Stock futures (on individual Single common stock issue Deliverable stock or cash
stocks) settled
Stock index futures (a.k.a Provide exposure to Cash settled
index futures*) performance of a stock
The structure of futures markets where there is a central, often physical, market-
place means that the trading and pricing of futures is transparent. The trading
arrangements, which involve brokers executing orders via open outcry and rapid
reporting and settlement of positions, ensure that pricing information is widely
available. Such transparency helps in providing information on the current and
future cash price based on known information. Although the value of a futures
contract is largely dictated by the term structure of interest rates, trading activity, the
demand for and the supply of futures (the open interest and volume of a particu-
lar contract) provide a forecast of the future price based not just on current
information but also on the consensus of market participants expectations.3
Another important function is the ability of futures markets to provide risk ad-
justment to cash or physical market positions. This is probably the most important
function of futures in that they provide a market for the trading of risk. Futures
markets are wholesale markets in risk management. In the futures markets risks are
transferred from the cautious to the more intrepid, the reckless or those better able
to absorb the risk. The key economic advantages and disadvantages of futures
markets are summarised in Table 4.3.
3 Open interest is the sum of all the bought (or sold) contracts that are in existence. Volume is the
number of contracts traded on the exchange in a given period, usually a session (day). The greater the
open interest and volume, the more hedging and speculating activity there is taking place. Market
participants monitor these variables to try to discern changes in market behaviour.
4 Unlike many other financial markets, some futures exchanges still have a physical trading floor and
brokers working in the pits. However, new electronic exchanges which use screen-based trading that
provides the same orderly market as traditional floor exchanges have come to dominate the industry.
Some of the new electronic exchanges have been extensions of the existing physical exchanges and the
two systems work side-by-side whereas others are new challengers.
Buying Selling
client client
Account Account
broker broker
at futures firm A at futures firm B
Trading pit
Broker Broker
Floor runner Buying Selling Floor runner
or hand signals or hand signals
to assistant at to assistant at
edge of the pit edge of the pit
Transactions made by 'open outcry'
between brokers in the pit
Time T
Party A Party B
Time T+n
Party A Party C
T+n 1 1 / +1
1 1
+1 +1 1
0 0 1 +1 1
Note that, as futures positions are created or cancelled, the open interest (last column) increases
or decreases. Open interest is therefore a measure of the demand for hedging/speculation in the
market. Volume data measure the rate of change in demand.
When A decides to close out the position, A sells its contract in the market. Be-
cause the clearing house is the other party to the future, it does not matter who the
buyer is. In this case, it is another party, C, which wishes to establish a long position.
At the same time, party Bs short or sold position remains unaffected. This would
not have been the case in a forward contract if A had approached B to cancel the
transaction. Party B would have been forced to search out C, or A would somehow
have had to pass on the position to C. This would have led to delay and additional
cost. With the futures contract, it is a quick and simple matter for A to instruct a
broker to execute the transaction.5
The Terminology of the Futures Markets _____________________
basis: the difference between the cash asset or instrument and the futures
contract. Changes in the basis lead to basis risk;
cash, cash asset, cash instrument, cash market: the market in the
physical or spot market value date in contrast to the futures contract or
futures market. Also called the underlying or underlier, or alternatively the
spot or physical market;
contracted asset or underlying instrument: the exact instrument,
commodity or other item that the futures contract can be exchanged for or
the price against which the contract is cash settled. For commodity futures,
for instance, it includes the degree of purity or type(s) that may be delivered
into the contract. For notes and bonds it will include a list of deliverable
contract size or trading unit: number of units, value, weight and so on of
the asset or underlying instrument;
convergence: the gradual reduction of the basis to zero as the futures
contract moves towards expiry. At expiration, the price of the cash and the
futures contract will be the same;
delivery options: the process of settlement at the expiry of the contract
when the short position holder sends the appropriate cash instrument or
makes over the requisite physical quantity of the commodity, instrument and
so forth to the futures buyer;
expiration and expiry: the date at which the futures contract is settled.
Typically, most financial futures contracts have only four expiry dates per
year, at three-month intervals, known as the expiry cycle. The most com-
mon cycle is March, June, September, December. Commodity futures may
have a more complex cycle reflecting seasonal variations in demand, etc.;
last trading day: the last day it is possible to trade a particular contract
prior to expiry;
delivery: how and where delivery will be made; what options are available
to the short position holder;
5 In fact, exchanges such as the Euronext-LIFFE take pride in the fact that a typical transaction can be
executed within half a minute of the instruction being given.
notice day: the day on which the short position holder gives notice of the
intention to deliver;
implied repo rate: the rate of return that can be earned, before financing
costs, that is implied by selling a futures contract and buying a cash instru-
ment, such as a bond;
margin: the cash deposit required by futures buyers and sellers and used to
collateralise their positions and maintain the creditworthiness of the futures
clearing house. Margin is made up of an initial margin deposit (which can
be in the form of high-grade income-generating securities, such as Treasury
bills) and variation margin, which is required to be added to maintain the
account above the minimum margin level;
price quotation: how the price is quoted on the exchange. For commodity
futures, for instance, it is in units per ounce (precious metals) or tonnes
(base metals), or barrels of oil (crude oil futures). With financial futures a
variety of price quotations are used: for stock index futures, it is in index
points; for short-term interest-rate futures, it is an index equal to 100 less
the interest rate; for bond futures, it is the price of the notional bond in the
contract. The contract size is carefully designed both to provide a meaningful
tick size (typically in the region of US$10$25) and to balance transaction
costs versus contract size;
price limit: a maximum price change within a trading session. This is set by
the exchange. If reached, it halts trading in the contract. Limit up is the
maximum increase, limit down, the maximum price decrease allowed;
serial months: expiry and settlement months outside the normal expiration
cycle. If the normal cycle is March, June, September and December, then
expiry months in January and February would be serial months.
tick: the minimum price fluctuation permitted in a contract. The tick size of
the contract is determined so as to balance price sensitivity and the change
in the value of the futures contract. For instance, energy futures contracts
for crude oil are for 1000 barrels and the tick size is 1 cent. The tick value is
4.2.2 Margin
We have seen in the previous section that the clearing house assumes the counter-
party risk of each futures contract. Recall that the major problem with forward
contracts is that they are credit instruments. The two parties need to be assured that
the other party will honour the obligation even though there is an incentive to
default if the cash market price has moved against the position. The same risk of
default on futures now arises between the clearing house and users of futures
contracts. It is addressed by requiring all buyers and sellers to post margin. Margin
is a form of collateral, in either cash or eligible high-grade securities such as
Treasury bills. This acts as a performance bond.
Margin is generally set so as to cover the largest daily price change that can be
anticipated, plus a safety factor. The other element of the margining system is the
daily marking to market of the contract and the crediting and debiting of gains and
losses to market participants as they occur at the end of the day.
The margining process works as follows. Every contract specifies the amount of
margin required to be deposited when initiating a transaction, known as the initial
margin and the minimum margin that has to be in the account, the maintenance
margin. This is provided by both buyers and sellers. At the end of each trading day,
the exchange will revalue each position in a process known as marking to market.
Positions that stand at a loss have their margin account debited by that days loss,
while positions making a profit are credited with that days gain, the debits and
credits being known as the variation margin. Those positions where the balance in
the account falls below the maintenance margin requirement are informed and are
required to provide additional margin to top up the account, a process known as a
margin call.6 Note that a margin call can arise even if profits have been earned,
since the exchange has the right to vary the margin requirements at will. This might
happen, for instance, if there was a significant sudden increase in the volatility in the
underlying cash market.
The margin account is under the control of the clearing house. Failure to respond
to the margin call gives the clearing house the automatic right to close out the position
by undertaking the appropriate reversing transaction. The funds in the margin account
are used to meet any resultant losses, the balance if any being subsequently
returned to the account holder.
The daily revaluation of gains and losses ensures that margin accounts are replen-
ished and all market participants essentially collateralise their own position by paying
for losses and being credited for any gains as they occur. Any surplus above the
initial margin can then be withdrawn as profit.
6 So as to avoid the need for continual margin calls that might arise from small changes in the futures
price, the exchange normally sets the initial margin somewhat higher than the maintenance margin
7 This is based on an example given by Manson, Bernard (1992) The Practitioners Guide to Interest Rate Risk
Management. London: Graham & Trotman Ltd.
In fact, some exchanges (such as the London Metal Exchange) make a distinction
in the nature of the contract being undertaken for reporting and monitoring
purposes as to whether it is speculative or for hedging purposes.
Cross spread
Buy (sell) stock index future Sell (buy) government bond future
Buy (sell) FT-SE 100 future* Sell (buy) MidCap future*
* These are contracts traded on LIFFE. The FT-SE 100 contract is on the largest 100 companies
traded on the London Stock Exchange. The MidCap is the next largest group of 250 companies.
To make a profit the spreader needs to determine whether the spread between
the two contracts will increase or decrease and put on the appropriate trade. Note
that the expectation of profit does not depend on getting the direction of movement
in the assets right. The basic variants and rationale for a spread transaction are:
intra-commodity spread (also known as a calendar or intra-market spread).
In this transaction the long and short positions are in the same contract but for
different expiry dates. It is a non-directional transaction which aims to make a
profit when the spread changes to the advantage of the position, when the price
difference either widens or narrows between the two contracts.
inter-commodity spread (cross-asset, inter-market spread): where the long
and short positions are in contracts on different underlying assets. This can be
set up either with the same expiry date, or with different expiry dates. Thus a
long position in gold and a short position in silver could be set up to anticipate a
change in the relative value of the two metals over the transaction period.
Note that all the transactions detailed above can be duplicated using the cash or
physical markets. However, in all cases, the cost of these strategies is significantly
greater than the equivalent result achieved by using futures. In some cases, setting
up such strategies in the physical markets would render the strategy null and void
since transaction costs would eat up all the anticipated benefits. Short selling, for
instance, is often difficult in the physical markets. The seller has to borrow the asset
to be sold and pays accordingly. In addition, short sales are often closely regulated
since they have traditionally been seen as highly speculative.
Speculators Profit
To get the profit from the speculators view on an increased oil price, we must
calculate the number of ticks the July oil futures contract has moved. The initial
purchase price was US$20.50; the closing-out price US$30.00, so the difference
is US$9.50 or 950 ticks (as each tick is equal to US$0.01 on the oil price). The
tick value is determined from the contract size. The crude oil futures contracts
are for 1000 barrels with a tick size of 1 cent. The tick value for the contract is
therefore US$10 (tick size number of barrels = 1000 US$0.01 = US$10).
As the speculator bought 10 contracts, the gain is computed as:
Ticks Tick value Number of contracts
950 US$10 10 US$95000 gain
This figure ignores margin and other transaction costs.
Note that, as is expected, the cash and futures markets have both moved in the
same direction as a result of the shock to oil supplies. This is shown in Ta-
ble 4.9.
Table 4.9
Cash Futures
market price
Original (April) price US$19.00 US$20.50
Later (May) price US$35.00 US$30.00
Change in price US$16.00 US$9.50
However, the change in prices in the two markets has not been the same, as the
cash market has increased more than the futures price. The value differential
between the cash and futures markets, what is known as the basis, has changed.
There are a number of reasons for this. Although cash and futures prices are
related they form separate markets and are subject to their own particular
demand and supply factors. In the case of a key commodity like oil, the lack of
any ready substitutes leads to users being willing to accept a cost, known as a
convenience yield, to insure themselves against any shortfall. The greater the
chance of a shortage, the greater the convenience yield. A shock, like an
outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf, a key oil-producing region, is likely to drive up
considerably the markets convenience yield in the short term and hence change
the basis.8
8 We can say that the basis went from $1.50 to $5 over this period. If interest rates remained largely
unchanged then the big swing in the basis was almost entirely due to changes in the convenience yield,
with users, anxious about the availability of supply, bidding up the cash market price.
4.4 Convergence
As the future moves towards expiry, the cost of carry will decline to the point
where, at expiry, the two prices should be the same. This coming together of the
cash and futures prices is known as convergence and it is the only time when the
futures price and the cash price must necessarily be the same.
Fair or Theoretical Value of a Futures Contract _______________
In conditions where there is an adequate supply of assets for delivery (that is,
where there is no market squeeze on the physical asset), it is possible to
calculate the theoretical or fair value of a futures contract.
The difference between the cash and futures price is influenced by supply and
demand factors, but interest rates are normally the most important factor.
Recall the cost-of-carry model that we said underlies the valuation of forwards
and futures. Given that the price differential between the two was largely a function
of interest rates, the longer the time to expiry of the futures contract, the greater the
value of delay, and hence the greater the difference in value of the two. However,
we can expect the value of the futures price to change gradually as the contract
moves towards expiry, with the differential becoming smaller with time. In an
efficient market, we would anticipate that the two converged items would have the
same value on the last day the contract was extant.
Convergence is an important property of futures prices. Depending on the shape
of the term structure, we can anticipate that convergence will happen in one of two
9 This is following the market convention for such valuations which use simple interest.
basic ways: either the cash and futures prices converge from above, or they con-
verge from below. Both are shown in Figure 4.3.
Time to expiry
Futures price
Cash price
Figure 4.4 Behaviour of the cash or spot price and the futures price as
the futures contract moves towards expiry
Note: The narrowing of the price gap or basis is due to the price convergence that occurs as the
time to expiry on the futures price diminishes. In order to prevent riskless arbitrage, at expiry the
cash and futures prices should be equal, that is, the basis goes to zero.
Understanding Convergence ________________________________
If we assume that the interest rate is flat for all maturities at 10 per cent and is
unchanged over time and the spot price of oil is US$20 per barrel, then we
would, in the absence of any market frictions, expect the oil futures prices to be
as given in Table 4.10.
Table 4.10
Time to expiry (days) Futures price Basis
0 20.00 0
30 20.17 0.17
60 20.33 0.33
90 20.50 0.50
180 21.00 1.00
365 22.00 2.00
That is, the further away the contract is from expiry, the greater all other
things being equal should be the basis. The basis reflects the interest cost,
storage and other factors between the spot market price and the price for
future delivery. Obviously, as this period gets shorter, these factors become
smaller until, at expiry, to prevent arbitrage, the two converge to zero. Changes
in any of the cost-of-carry factors will change the basis, a problem known as
basis risk.
Note that in the above situation, the basis is negative (that is, the market is in
The difference between the cash and futures price is known as the basis. The
basis is the cash market price (often referred to as the spot price) less the futures
Basis , , 4.2
The basis for Figure 4.4 is shown in Figure 4.5.
Contract expiry
Time to expiry
For the three months contract, the futures price has moved from 94.08 to 93.84,
a drop of 0.24 per cent for an upward parallel shift in the curve of 0.25 per cent.
For the deferred contract with six months to go, the change has been from 94.11 to
93.87 or, again, 0.24 per cent. That is, with a parallel shift, the futures and cash
prices have moved in tandem. If the yield curve had rotated, however, the change in
the contract with the three-month expiry is to 94.09, a change of +0.01 per cent.
For the contract with six months to expiry, the price change has been to 94.36, or
+0.25 per cent. The change in the shape of the yield curve has produced unexpected
behaviour between the cash and futures prices when the yield curve twisted. That is
because the contracts are being priced off the forward interest rate. Whether the
10 This is because the eurodollar contract is on the offered rate. The difference between the bid and offer
is 0.125 per cent, therefore the payoff will be: offered rate spread, or 5.79 per cent.
Parallel shift shift in the yield Time
in the yield curve curve
basis Convergence
Yield on Yield on
cash asset futures
Futures price
For these reasons the basis will deviate from its theoretical value and, as we have
discussed, we need to separate the carry basis component from the actual basis to
show the value basis. We can expect the carry basis to erode at a fairly predictable
rate. If we return to the oil example discussed earlier, we can see that if the contract
has 90 days to expiry, it will have a value of 20.50. We can expect the carry basis to
decline by about 0.005 per day, giving a price of 20.49 after one or two days have
elapsed.12 The behaviour of the carry basis will thus be largely predictable (in the
absence of a significant change in interest rates), whereas that for the other factors
will be unpredictable. This is shown in Figure 4.7.
Contract expiry
Time to expiry
Actual basis
Theoretical basis
12 Of course the fact that crude oil futures are quoted to two decimal places requires the price either to
stay unchanged or to jump by one cent, not move by the straight line simple average of half a cent.
expiry time and is the price when the contract was originated. Note that, as
discussed later, while the payoff of the future is assured in this later case, there is still
an uncertainty over the timing of the cash flows since profits are credited (and losses
met) on a daily basis.
to balance potential losses from a change in the market price on the underlying
position against gains in the corresponding futures position entered into as a hedge.
In Table 4.15, there is no change in the basis and the two sides match exactly.
In the next case, Table 4.16, the hedged position of Table 4.15 is subject to a
widening of the basis while prices decrease. In this case, the hedge has not worked
properly and there is a net loss of US$82174 from the combined portfolio. Note
that if the hedge had been put on the other way round, that is, a short hedge to
hedge a future purchase, the loss shown would have been a profit.
Table 4.17 shows the same basis change but with a price increase. It has the same
result as Table 4.16. As with the price decrease, if the hedge had been established
against a future purchase, the position would have turned in a profit, not a loss.
If the basis had moved the other way, that is, had narrowed instead of widened,
the outcome would have been that shown in Table 4.18 for a price decrease and in
Table 4.19 for a price increase.
Note that in this case, the narrowing of the basis has worked in favour of the
hedger, providing a net gain of US$60869. As with the widening of the basis, the
opposite transaction setting up a short hedge would have turned in the opposite
result: a loss. The general conclusion for the hedger is that a widening of the basis
disadvantages the long position but benefits the short position and a narrowing of
the basis benefits the long position but disadvantages the short.
These results should be set against the outcomes that would have resulted if no
hedging had taken place. In this case, the full cash price change would have been
either a loss or a gain depending on the direction of the price movements.
Although changes in the basis affect the result of the hedge, they are less than the
losses that would have occurred if the position had remained unhedged.
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Futures price at time hedge is established $1623
Cash price at time hedge is removed $1684
Futures price at time hedge is removed $1708
Hedging amount in tonnes 11000
Number of tonnes of copper per futures contract 1000
Number of futures contracts used to hedge position 11
Long cross-hedge by bronze producer: cash bronze; transactions in
copper futures
Cash Futures Basis
At inception
$17600000 $17 858 260 23
At time hedge is removed
$18526316 $18 784 575 23
Cash position Futures position Overall gain/(loss)
$926316 $926 316 $0
Net value change for bronze position $0
In Table 4.21, the increased price of bronze has outstripped the loss on the fu-
tures position, leading to a hedging gain of US$378088 on the combined position.
This is a happy result for the hedger. However, if the opposite short asset/long
futures position had been set up, the hedge would have underperformed, with the
gain being a loss.
If the basis had also changed, as in Table 4.22, the unanticipated divergence
between the two sides would have been even greater, leading to an unexpected
windfall of US$624631 on the position! Note that some of this mismatch in these
examples arises from the fact that the futures position is slightly above that actually
required due to the need to deal in a (complete) round number of contracts.13
13 You may wish to re-evaluate these results using a nave hedge ratio of 1:1 rather than the 12:10 given in
the tables. Module 11 provides an in-depth discussion of how to set the appropriate hedge ratio.
Table 4.23 shows the effect of a price increase and, at the same time, the basis
decreases. The result is a very significant hedging gain of just under US$1 million.
Table 4.24 shows another possible set of outcomes. In this case bronze prices fall
more dramatically than copper prices, while at the same time the basis increases.
The loss in this situation is US$297884. The situation would have been worse if the
position had not been slightly overhedged to give an 11-contract protection rather
than ten. If only ten contracts had been used, then the loss would have been
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Futures price at time hedge is established $1623
Cash price at time hedge is removed $1684
Futures price at time hedge is removed $1708
Hedging amount in tonnes 11000
Number of tonnes of copper per futures contract 1000
Number of futures contracts used to hedge position 11
Long cross-hedge by bronze producer: cash bronze; transactions in
copper futures
Cash Futures Basis
At inception
$17 600 000 $17 858 260 23
At time hedge is removed
$18 904 404 $18 784 575 23
Cash position Futures position Overall gain/(loss)
$1 304 404 $926 316 $378088
Net value change for bronze position $378088
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Futures price at time hedge is established $1623
Cash price at time hedge is removed $1684
Futures price at time hedge is removed $1703
Hedging amount in tonnes 11000
Number of tonnes of copper per futures contract 1000
Number of futures contracts used to hedge position 11
Long cross-asset hedge by bronze producer: cash bronze; transactions in
copper futures
Cash Futures Basis
At inception
$17600000 $17 858 260 23
At time hedge is removed
$19099295 $18 732 924 19
Cash position Futures position Overall gain/(loss)
$1499295 $874 664 $624631
Net value change for bronze position $624631
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Futures price at time hedge is established $1623
Cash price at time hedge is removed $1520
Futures price at time hedge is removed $1492
Hedging amount in tonnes 11000
Number of tonnes of copper per futures contract 1000
Number of futures contracts used to hedge position 11
Finally, in Table 4.25, we show the effect of a price decrease coupled to a nar-
rowing of the basis.
As with the earlier example of the price rise, the decision to round to 11 rather
than ten contracts has meant that the loss is US$396884, instead of $519363, as it
would have been if only ten contracts (a naive hedge) had been used.
To summarise, the effectiveness of the hedge will depend on the degree to which
the cross-asset positions correlate and the extent of basis risk.
Cash price at time hedge is established $1600
Futures price at time hedge is established $1623
Cash price at time hedge is removed $1520
Futures price at time hedge is removed $1501
Hedging amount in tonnes 11000
Number of tonnes of copper per futures contract 1000
Number of futures contracts used to hedge position 11
Time to delivery
or expiry
Time to delivery
or expiry
We have already said that prices are set by the short position holder who has the
obligation to deliver the underlying. If the short borrows 100, then the cost will be
100 over the period, or a terminal repayment of 101.26. However, over the
same period, the income earned by holding the bond will be at the rate of 8 per
cent, giving a terminal value of 102.02. If the futures contract was so priced as to
ignore the income advantage gained from the asset, there would be a strong
incentive to short the futures and hold the bonds. The equilibrium price of the
futures contract must therefore be 99.25, at a discount to the spot price, so as to
preclude such cost-of-carry arbitrage.
This bond example enables us to observe the process by which we obtain a
backwardated market. With other types of futures this process is not so obvious.
For stock index futures, we have the dividend yield ( ) on the index constituents.
The generic pricing model in such circumstances will be:
where is the current futures price with expiry at time , is the riskless interest
rate and is the dividend yield. Equally, this yield could be the bond yield or the
foreign currency rate applicable to the security.14 The balance between the earning
yield on the asset for delivery and the short-term interest rate will dictate
whether the contract is in contango or backwardation.
With commodities, we have mentioned that a number of other factors can also
affect the market:
short-term lack of supply in the cash market. For instance, zinc available for
immediate delivery might be in short supply (a condition known as a supply
seasonal influences (such as oil demand; wheat supply in the later sum-
mer/autumn etc.). It is possible to see some contract months in contango and
others in backwardation as a result. In addition, some commodities deteriorate
rapidly and cannot be stored for long (for instance, eggs);
convenience yield. Since with commodities substitution is difficult, the value of
holding the physical commodity itself can lead to the existence of a convenience
yield, if supplies are expected to be interrupted or squeezed. In effect, it is the
value to the user of having an assured supply.
In such cases, the price of a commodity futures contract will be:
where is the current futures price with expiry at time , is the riskless rate, is
the cost of holding the commodity and is the (unobservable) convenience yield
When , we can expect commodities futures to be in contango and when
, in backwardation.
14 We can think of a bond as having a dividend yield. In the same way, a currency future has a foreign
currency yield. The pricing model for such forward contracts is the same as Equation 4.7.
seen earlier, there is considerable basis risk in doing so from a rotation in the term
structure of interest rates. These matters are discussed further in Module 11 on
By using futures, the hedger has exchanged the unacceptable price risk for the
lesser problem of basis risk. In general, basis risk will be much less of a problem
than price risk and the trade-off is worth while. It is only in forward contracts that
all price risks are eliminated, but at the expense of assuming counterparty risk. By
using futures the hedger has gained liquidity, largely eliminated counterparty risk and
reduced transaction costs. The advantages derived from an exchange-traded
instrument with contract standardisation, fixed expiry dates, a central clearing
organisation and counterparty have to be counterbalanced by the residual basis risk
that results.
Perfect hedge
Contract period
Exposure period
exposure period
Imperfect hedge
Contract period 1
Exposure period Contract period 2
exposure period
Figure 4.10 Problem of timing with futures and underlying cash flows
Futures price
Figure 4.11 The timing of cash flows into the margin account
What Table 4.26 means is that, if the relationship derived from the cash-and-
carry model moves out of line, there is an opportunity for a riskless arbitrage. If, as
shown in Table 4.27, the futures price is expensive in relation to its fair or theoreti-
cal value, including known or estimated transaction costs, then the best course is to
short the futures contract and hold the asset for delivery into the contract or more
typically until the anomaly reverses itself. If the opposite condition applies and
futures are cheap, a reverse cash and carry, involving buying the futures and selling
the cash asset, is undertaken.
While the approach in Table 4.26 is certainly valid, a number of factors will mean
that there are costs associated with cash-futures arbitrage strategies:
Transaction costs. There are two sets of transaction costs to be overcome.
Short-selling restrictions. Many markets impose restrictions on the ability to
short-sell cash assets and there are costs associated with borrowing assets for
short-selling purposes. For instance, many stock or bond lending situations not
only involve a fee to the lender but also require a partial deposit of the asset
value and reimbursement for interest or dividend payments.
Borrowing funds may be problematical or be subject to other restrictions.
Also the borrowing rate may not be the same as that implied by the basis.
Unequal borrowing and lending rates are involved, the bid-offer spread
widens the range before which arbitrage becomes profitable.
There will be intervening cash flows in the form of interest received or paid in
marking-to-market the futures contracts.
The mechanics of the market. These include the wild card option on delivery,
expiry conditions for setting the price. These and other market mechanisms
increase the uncertainty over the ultimate gain to be made from arbitrage trans-
is the theoretical or fair value of the futures based on the cash and carry model
and is the transaction costs. is the market price of the futures contract.
factors, before arbitrage can operate to bring the two markets back into line. This
will also affect the amount of value basis to be expected on a particular contract.
This channel will be:
where is the transaction costs per unit of the cash asset. Equation 4.11 can be
expressed more simply as:
Since there is such a channel, futures prices are likely to deviate somewhat from
their theoretical value and trade cheap or dear to the theoretical price. Such noise
effects can affect the outcome of the hedge, and the width of the channel is an
influence on the degree of basis risk being assumed in any transaction.
This method of quoting the price of a futures contract means that as interest
rates rise, futures prices fall; and vice versa. This gives interest-rate futures the same
relationship as is found with bond futures (when interest rates rise, prices fall).
When investors buy or sell short-term interest-rate futures, they are trading an
index. The index measures the impact of interest-rate changes on a notional
borrowing or lending amount. For Euronext-LIFFEs short-sterling interest-rate
contract, the notional amount is 500000 over a specific three-month period: for
example, a June future measures the period between mid-June and mid-September.
The tick size of all short-term interest rates is an 0.01. This equals 1/100 of 1 per
cent (one basis point (1bp)); it is pronounced oh-one. As the notional amount of
money underlying the contract and the period of time on the deposit are known, it
is possible to attribute a monetary value to each tick:
For Euronext-LIFFEs short sterling this equals:
Contract size Time period Tick
500 000 3/12 0.01% 12.50
Note that virtually all short-term interest-rate products have a tick size of 1 bp
and it is also conventional for the period of the notional investment to equal three
Hedging a Borrowing Requirement __________________________
The profit from the futures market exactly compensated for the loss arising
from the rise in interest rates. The hedge was perfect because the basis re-
mained unchanged; in practice, such perfection is unlikely.
Bond futures allow the holder to receive delivery of debt securities, usually gov-
ernment securities or similar. To facilitate trading a number of mechanisms are used,
both to increase the supply of eligible securities and to ensure equivalence of value.
The exchange, as a result, adjusts the delivery price or amount by a price factor to
reflect differences in the value of the actual deliverable bonds relative to the
notional bond. Cheapest-to-Deliver
Price or conversion factors seek to bring all bonds to the same value for delivery.
For a number of technical reasons, they are not entirely accurate. As a result, the
short position holder (or bond seller) needs to calculate which bond is best for him
to deliver (that is, is the least-cost bond). This is known as the cheapest-to-deliver
Correctly identifying the CTD is obviously important for the seller (and for the
buyer!). It is important in the pricing of the future and in the creation of correct
hedges. The complexities of this process are outside the remit of this module.
15 This is also possible with some financial futures contracts, when it is known as a basis trade facility.
The rationale is the same as that for commodities: to minimise the price risk from the two sides of the
transaction taking place at different times.
Review Questions
4.5 Price discovery as a process observable in futures markets is the result of transactions
with forward maturity dates providing information on:
A. the likely price at maturity.
B. the likely future balance of supply and demand.
C. the price behaviour of the underlying instrument in the futures contract till the
maturity date.
D. all of A, B and C.
4.6 The mechanism for determining transaction prices in futures markets involves:
A. an auctioneer acting for the exchange calling out bid and offered prices until a
match is made in the market.
B. a specialist offering to buy and sell at the highest and lowest prices in the
C. brokers seeking the highest sell and lowest buy prices available in the market.
D. all of A, B and C.
4.7 The exchanges clearing house has the following outstanding positions on day 1 and day
2, as given in the table below:
What will be the open interest position reported at the close of business at the end of
day 2?
A. 2 575.
B. 11 800.
C. 13 725.
D. 35 550.
4.8 Using the information from Question 4.7, an analysts report on the market at the end
of day 2 would indicate that there has been:
A. an increase in the demand for hedging or speculation.
B. a decrease in the demand for hedging or speculation.
C. no change in the demand for hedging or speculation.
D. Cannot answer the question from the information provided.
4.9 You purchase 20 sterling short-term interest rate (STIR) futures contracts at a price of
83.25 and the market improves so that the contracts can be sold for 86.23. The notional
value of the sterling STIR contract is 500000 and the minimum price fluctuation is one
basis point. Each basis point price change is worth 12.50. How much profit has been
made from the transaction?
A. 3725.
B. 5580.
C. 74 500.
D. 149 000.
4.10 In setting up a futures position, the margin required to be deposited on the short-term
eurodollar contract with a notional value of US$1 million is US$500 per contract. Each
tick is worth US$25 per tick. If five contracts are entered into at 92.34 and the contract
closes at the end of the day at 92.28, how much margin will be debited from the
account at the futures clearing house?
A. US$150.
B. US$500.
C. US$750.
D. US$2500.
4.14 How much variation margin would have been credited to his account?
A. US$25.4
B. US$127.0
C. US$254.0
D. US$12 700
4.17 Given the current relationship of spot to the futures price, a trader would define the
basis as:
A. long the basis.
B. short the basis.
C. over futures.
D. under futures.
4.23 The current price of a commodity is 245.25 and the term structure of interest rates is
flat at 6.25 per cent. Storage costs are 5 per month paid in arrears. What is the fair
value of the futures contract with three months expiration on the commodity?
A. 249.00
B. 260.58
C. 264.00
D. 264.07
4.24 In Question 4.23, the cash price has not changed but the three months interest rate has
now instantaneously changed to 7.50 per cent. In this case, the futures price will:
A. rise in value.
B. fall in value.
C. remain unchanged.
D. There is insufficient information to determine an answer.
4.25 In Question 4.23, if the interest rate and storage costs are unchanged at 6.25 per cent
and 5 per month but the cash commodity price has changed to 238.70 and the
futures contract now has two months to maturity, the new fair value of the futures will
A. 241.12
B. 250.14
C. 251.15
D. 253.62
4.26 The cash market price of an asset is 718.35 and the three months futures price is
729.10. The three-month interest rate is 6.15 per cent and the storage, insurance and
depreciation is 2.5 per cent p.a. The value basis on the futures is:
A. (10.75)
B. (4.3)
C. 0
D. 10.75
4.27 The one-month futures price is 450.75 and the cash price is 448.60. The one-month
interest rate is 6 per cent and the storage costs are 0.5 per cent per annum. Is the value
A. nil?
B. positive?
C. negative?
D. Cannot be determined from the information.
4.28 A futures contract on a commodity is initially trading at 1118.25 versus a cash price of
1050.75. After a few days, the futures price rises to 1245.75 and the cash price is
1160.25. In this case, the basis:
A. remains unchanged.
B. has strengthened.
C. has weakened.
D. The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.
4.29 A short-term interest-rates futures position is sold at 87.53 against an implied forward
rate of 12.4375 per cent. The contract subsequently moves to 88.12 and the implied
cash position moves to 11.875 per cent. In this case, the basis:
A. remains unchanged.
B. has strengthened.
C. has weakened.
D. The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.
4.30 An equity index futures contract with a three months maturity is trading at 6101.25 and
there is a dividend yield on the index of 4 per cent per annum. The current short-term
interest rate is 5 per cent per annum. The current level of the index is 6080.00. What is
the carry basis?
A. (21.25)
B. (15.14)
C. 6.11
D. 15.14
4.32 In the futures markets an arbitrageur wanting to take advantage of price discrepancies
will ____ the cash instrument and ____ the futures contract if the future is ____
relative to the cash. Which of the following is correct?
A. buy sell expensive
B. buy buy cheap
C. sell sell expensive
D. sell buy cheap
4.33 The current index value in mid-January is 3733 and the June futures price is at 3805
(there are 152 days left on the futures contract), the risk-free rate is 8 per cent (using a
year of 365 days), and the dividend yield is 3 per cent and transaction costs are 0.5 per
cent. (Note that stock index futures values are calculated using simple interest.) Which
of the following applies?
A. A profitable cash and carry exists between the two markets after transaction
B. A profitable reverse cash and carry exists between the two markets after
transaction costs.
C. A cash and carry exists between the two markets, but it is unprofitable after
transaction costs.
D. A reverse cash and carry exists between the two markets, but it is unprofitable
after transaction costs.
4.34 The fundamental differences between financial forward contracts and financial futures
contracts are:
I. forwards are bilateral contracts between two counterparties.
II. futures are traded on an organised exchange whereas forwards are not.
III. the cost-of-carry model applies to forward contracts only.
IV. futures contracts are standardised whereas forward contracts are not.
V. forward contracts are not tradable.
VI. for a forward, the underlying asset in the contract is restricted by law.
4.37 A long-term interest-rate futures contract has three months until expiry and is based on
a notional bond rate of 9 per cent. A deliverable bond with a 9 per cent coupon is
trading at 100 in the cash market. The short-term interest rate is 12 per cent. What will
be the futures price?
A. 99.25
B. 100
C. 100.75
D. 100.95
4.38 Scotvalue Investment Managers have decided that the price relationship between the
FT-SE 100 and the FT-SE MidCap Index is due for a readjustment in that the MidCap is
undervalued compared to the FT-SE 100 index. They decide to use futures to set up a
cross-asset spread between the two indices. Which of the following transactions should
they put on to back their view?
A. A long position in the MidCap contract and a short position in the FT-SE 100
B. A short position in the MidCap nearest-to-expire contract and a short position
in the longest-to-expire FT-SE 100 contract.
C. A short position in the MidCap contract and a long position in the FT-SE 100
D. A long position in the MidCap nearest-to-expire contract and a long position in
the longest-to-expire FT-SE 100 contract.
4.39 If we bought a short-term interest-rate futures contract at 88.79 and sold it again at
89.85, what has happened to interest rates and would we have made money?
A. Interest rates have risen and we have made money.
B. Interest rates have fallen and we have lost money.
C. Interest rates have risen and we have lost money.
D. Interest rates have fallen and we have made money.
4.40 A stock index has a current value of 830.00. The risk-free interest rate is 6 per cent per
annum and the dividend yield on the index is 4 per cent per annum. (Note that stock
index futures values are calculated using simple interest.) What would you expect the
futures price of a stock index future with an expiry date in four months time to be?
A. 846.60
B. 835.53
C. 841.07
D. 856.95
4.41 Today is 15 October and the spot price of crude oil quoted on the New York
Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) is US$70.40 and the price for mid-January expiration is
US$68.75, a period of 91 days. The US dollar continuously compounded interest rate
for the three months is 3.00 per cent per annum. What is the implied convenience yield
(as an annualised rate) on the contract if crude oil storage costs (continuously com-
pounded) are 1 per cent per annum?
A. 3.37 per cent.
B. 5.51 per cent.
C. 11.17 per cent.
D. 13.51 per cent.
2 How many eurodollars futures contracts should the treasurer use to hedge out his
interest-rate risk? The tick value of the short-term interest-rate future in eurodollars =
$25 per contract which has a nominal value of US$1 million. The hedge ratio ( ) used to
determine the appropriate number of contracts is found by:
3 What is the interest rate on the investment as a result of the transaction in eurodollar
futures? (You will have to use straight-line interpolation between the cash and futures
rates to find this value.)
4 What are the basis effects and convergence on the futures contract between 2 April and
15 May?
5 On 15 May, the cash market rates have in fact fallen as the treasurer feared and the
three month eurodollar is trading at 9% 9.125% and the June futures at 90.70 (scenar-
io 1). What is the treasurers investment rate on the US$50 million in this case?
(Express the result as an annualised rate.)
6 As in Question 5 above, cash market rates have in fact fallen and the three month
eurodollar is trading at 9 per cent 9.125 per cent, but the June futures are now at
90.79 (scenario 2). What effect has the change in the futures price had on the return in
this case?
7 Explain why the predicted return when setting up the hedge has either performed as
expected or led to an unexpected result.
Learning Objectives
This module looks at the third category of derivative terminal instrument: the swap.
Such an instrument is more complex than the single-date structures of forwards and
futures. Following their invention, a large number of different swap types have been
developed in response to market needs, although the two principal kinds relate to
cross-currency and interest-rate swaps. A swap contract has many of the features of
a term instrument, such as a bond, but equally it can be unbundled into a portfolio
of simple forward contracts for pricing and risk-management purposes. The credit
risks of interest-rate swaps are far less than the equivalent risks of holding a bond.
This is not true of a cross-currency swap, where credit risk increases with the time
to maturity.
As a liability-management instrument, swaps provide an effective means for
borrowers to exploit their comparative advantage in particular markets while at the
same time maintaining their desired exposure profile to interest rates and currencies.
Swaps therefore enable borrowers to manage position risk rapidly and at minimum
As an asset-management instrument, they offer the same attractions as for liabil-
ity management, namely, exploiting anomalies and rapidly managing position risk at
minimum cost.
Swaps allow assetliability managers to alter their overall exposure to a particular
currency or interest rate without having to undertake the early repayment of
5.1 Introduction
Swaps are the third and newest member of the terminal instruments in the deriva-
tive product set. They only came to public knowledge in the early 1980s. Shortly
after the market became aware of these latest instruments, I can distinctly remember
my then manager saying to me that I should find out how these newfangled
transactions worked. At the time, there were only a handful in existence and
information about their structure and function was scarce. Yet by the end of the
decade, swaps were being traded by financial institutions in the same way as forward
contracts on currencies. Swaps have rapidly established themselves as an important
class within the derivative product set. This is because they are extremely useful in
managing interest-rate and currency risks and swaps now form a key part of the
various methods used by firms in managing their risks. If forwards and futures
contracts are designed to hedge a single cash flow, a swap can be seen as the
equivalent instrument for hedging a series of cash flows. Their popularity and rapid
expansion were due to two factors: they helped complete financial markets by
allowing participants to undertake new types of transactions and they acted as a
mechanism for linking the bond markets of major countries.
Swaps have the same symmetric or linear payoff profile as forwards and futures.
However, they differ from forwards and futures in that there is a multiplicity of cash
flows between the two counterparties over the life of the swap. Another reason for
the extensive use of swaps is their adaptability. Any set of cash flows which can be
contractually predetermined can form one side of a swap.
Before looking at the uses of swaps, it is worth pausing at this point to resolve
the terminological confusion that arises between what the market understands as a
swap and the similarly named short-term foreign exchange swap. The latter is a
short-dated exchange of one currency into another with the corresponding re-
exchange at a later date (that is, a purchase (sale) and subsequent sale (repurchase)).1
The difference between the foreign exchange swap and the capital markets swap is
that, in the second case, there is a series of periodic payments to be made by both
parties. This module looks at capital markets swaps. The foreign exchange swap is
really a specific use of foreign exchange forward contracts.
Amortising swaps Zero-coupon swaps
Accreting swaps Forward rate (start) swaps
Rollercoaster swaps Indexed-amortising principal swaps
A swap involves an agreement between two parties, party (A) and party (B)
(known as the counterparties), to make a series of payments. Party (A) makes
payments to party (B) in return for and contingent upon receipt of payments
from party (B); and vice versa. Payments may be in the same currency (known as an
interest-rate swap) or in different currencies (known as a cross-currency swap), or
an index or product (known variously as a commodity swap, basis swap or index
swap). The payments by both parties are predetermined amounts, or calculated by
applying a pre-agreed index, such as a fixed or variable interest rate, a commodity
price, an equity index value or other calculable reference rate, to an actual or
notional amount of monetary or commodity principal (known as the notional
principal amount).
For an interest-rate swap, the positions of the two parties are as follows:
Fixed-rate payer
pays the fixed interest rate on the swap;
receives the floating interest rate on the swap;
has purchased a swap;
has a long position in the swap;
is short the bond market;
has the price sensitivities of a longer-dated fixed-rate liability and a floating-
rate asset.
Floating-rate payer
pays the floating interest rate on the swap;
receives the fixed interest rate on the swap;
We can interpret Table 5.2 as follows. The swap is equivalent to buying a fixed-
rate bond at the start date and issuing or selling a floating-rate note (FRN) to
finance the purchase. The package or swap shows the residual contractual arrange-
ments that result from such a combination. In the case presented in Table 5.2, the
payment flows represent the right to receive the fixed side of the swap and pay the
floating side, which is exactly the case if the bond had been purchased and the FRN
sold. (Obviously the counterparty to the swap will have the same cash flows but
with the opposite signs.)
An alternative way to view an interest-rate swap is as a series of forward-rate
agreements (FRAs) with end-period payments.2 Such an end-period FRA involves
the counterparties agreeing to pay or receive the difference between the fixed rate of
8 per cent and the six-month floating rate for a six-month period commencing on 6
May and with payment taking place on 6 November. The exchange in November is:
Payment in November 8% 6 month floating rate 0.5
Such an arrangement is the same as an interest-rate swap with only one payment
period. A series of end-period FRAs would look the same as a series of swap
payments. This is shown in Figure 5.1.
A swap contract
Rfixed Rfixed Rfixed
1 2
Rfloating Rfloating Rfloating
Rfloating Rfixed
Rfloating Rfixed
+ .... +
2 The standard FRA contract present values the interest-rate differential to the start of the protection
period. The advantage of this arrangement is that it reduces the period of credit exposure for both
sides. Such an arrangement does not alter the economics of the transaction. Present valuing to the
settlement date significantly reduces the performance period for FRAs, but hardly alters the credit
exposure on a swap. Since the underlying cash instruments that underpin the swap have end-period
payment, this feature of swaps avoids additional cash transactions that the present valuing approach
would entail.
have seen with forwards and futures, the pricing is based on the cost of carry, and
each FRA fixed rate would be determined separately from the implied forward rate
in the term structure. For swaps, the fixed side (as in Table 5.2) is a flat rate, as with
a bond. Thus the value of the fixed side is made up of a blended rate, as is the case
with a bullet fixed-rate bond. We will look at how such a package is valued a bit
Table 5.3 Cost of funding in two markets for firms of different credit
Firm Cost of finance
BBB Pays LIBOR + 0.5% for a seven-year loan from a bank
BBB Pays 12% for a seven-year bond issue
AAA Pays LIBOR + 0.125% for seven-year money from a bank
AAA Pays 11% for a seven-year bond issue
Note: LIBOR is the London interbank offered rate, the benchmark index for floating-rate funds
used for most international financial transactions.
Both sides can improve their positions (that is, lower their costs) if they swap the
payment flows. In the above transaction, AAA issues a bond and swaps the cash
flows with BBB which has raised money via a bank loan. The basic flows of the
transaction are shown in Figure 5.2.
Fixed rate
11 %
11% AAA BBB LIBOR + 0.5%
(floating rate index)
Both parties are better off as a result of the swap transaction. The economic
benefits of the transaction are detailed in Table 5.4 and show the gains each can
make by swapping the interest basis of the two types of borrowing.
It should be noted that although the above explanation might have applied when
the swaps market first started, it hardly explains the continued use of swaps since
in a reasonably efficient market such arbitrage opportunities soon disappear.
Although the above condition is less likely to produce opportunities for the two
sides consistently to reduce costs, there are a number of other reasons for the
persistence of swaps:
interest-rate swaps provide an economical and flexible means for firms to
manage their asset and liability positions, in particular to limit the interest-rate
mismatch between the types and maturities of assets and liabilities;
swaps provide a link between distinct markets and/or types of firms which have
differing degrees of access to various markets;
swaps provide a lower overall cost of funding;
swaps can minimise the cost of regulation and taxes.
In the case of the cross-currency swap, both sides need to exchange the underly-
ing principal at the onset and re-exchange it at maturity.3 In Table 5.5, the sterling
amount is exchanged at the onset for a given US dollar amount. Interest payments
are then calculated on these two and, at maturity, the initial principal amounts are
re-exchanged (shown in Table 5.5 by the last row, 6/11 (2)).
3 Although this helps explain the mechanics of the cross-currency swap, this statement is not strictly true
since it is possible to have a swap where the principal is re-exchanged only at maturity. The parties can
arrange for the initial exchange via the foreign exchange markets. This structure is useful for the party
which has already exchanged the principal.
Panel C 10 million
Maturity Dupont ICI
of principal US$15 million
At maturity, the end of Year 5, both parties pay the last interest payment and re-
exchange their respective principal amounts at the original exchange rate (Panel C).
too high), or if the cash flow structure does not lend itself to a security transac-
tion, or direct issuance has a higher cost.
3. The repackaging of assets to create a synthetic floating-rate note, or
synthetic loan. This is achieved by buying a bond (often in the secondary mar-
ket) and entering into a swap to pay the fixed rate and receive the floating rate.
The result is to create an asset with a floating-rate income stream, that is, a syn-
thetic floating-rate note or loan.
The attractions of such an arrangement from an investors point of view are that
it might provide an investment that was otherwise unavailable or it might pro-
vide an increased return. For instance, most highly rated borrowers do not raise
long-term loans, but issue bonds. However many investors, such as banks, have
access to floating-rate funding and have under-utilised credit lines to high-grade
borrowers. Buying fixed-rate bonds in such a circumstance might be unaccepta-
bly risky. However, if the asset can be transformed into a loan equivalent, then it
meets the asset managers interest-rate risk requirements and credit criteria. Such
investors can also take advantage of temporary anomalies in the market when,
for instance, for various reasons fixed-rate bonds might be cheap (for instance
due to temporary oversupply), without assuming unwanted interest-rate risk.
4. The repackaging of assets to create a synthetic straight bond. This is
achieved by buying the floating-rate note and entering into a swap to pay the
floating rate and receive the fixed rate. The result is to create synthetically the
cash flows of a fixed-rate security or straight bond.
The attractions of such a package are the same as with the synthetic floating-rate
note. In this case, it is fixed-interest investors who find the synthetic attractive as
it allows them to diversify their credit risk and to enhance the yield on their port-
folios by broadening the set of securities available.
Fixed Floating Arbitrage
Bb + mb
Fixed Bb + mb + Bs + ms
(bond market)
L + (mb ms) Bb + mb
+ Bs + ms
L + ml L<
L + ml
(loan market) +L
Bs + ms L + ml
Bs + (ml + ms)
+Bb + mb
Bs + ms
+L + ml
Note: Bb is the benchmark for bond issuance; mb the issuers margin over (possibly under) the
benchmark; Bs is the swaps rate benchmark; ms is the margin over (possibly under) the swaps
rate; L is the floating-rate reference rate; ml is the margin over the floating-rate reference rate.
Note that in most cases the swaps and issuing benchmarks will be the same (that is, Bb Bs .
The available arbitrage opportunities for assetliability managers are shown in
Figure 5.4. For instance, the decision to raise fixed-rate finance will involve either
the direct issue in the bond market, where the all-in cost or yield (benchmark rate
plus margin and other issuing costs) is less than the synthetic alternative
(margin on the loan and the benchmark rate plus margin on the swap
). An investment arbitrage opportunity exists when the synthetic alternative
provides a positive net gain over the floating-rate loan equivalent .
The alternative floating-rate structure provides similar arbitrage opportunities
between the direct and synthetic routes. We can visualise the two conditions as in
Figure 5.5, where the swap bid rates (at which swap traders are fixed payers or
floating receivers) are such that it is possible for borrowers to issue fixed-rate bonds
and swap them into floating rate at more attractive rates than borrowing directly.
This arbitrage will continue until either bond prices fall or swap rates decline (or
both). This provides the arbitrage boundary shown as .
If, on the other hand, the bond yield is greater than the swap offered rate plus
spread (A), the rate at which an investor can create a synthetic FRN rather than
holding loans or floating-rate notes directly, then bonds will be purchased until this
yield-enhancing arbitrage opportunity disappears due to an increase in the price of
bonds or a decrease in the swap offered rate.
Yield Investors
+B + mb
B + ms + L
et yie > L + mFRN
B + mb
A + B + ms L
rate p bid < L + mFRN
p off
All -in i
Liability Asset
Yen US dollar
Principal Excess Excess
Annuity stream
in Invested
1.5% 1.65%
interest cash
6% Payment from 6.85%
4.5% to Shipping 5.2%
Ship Company
builder at
reduced rate
1 1
where is the swaps respective fixed and floating cash flows, . is the expected
value and 1 is the appropriate zero-coupon discount factor for time .
We can equally visualise a swap as a series of single cash flows (in similar fashion
to an unbundled bond). This is shown conceptually in Figure 5.8.
S PV of
= t1 t2 t3 t4 m1 m
+ t1
+ t2
+ t3
+ t4
PVm1 CFm
PVm m
1. Establish a best guess of the floating rate applicable to each future settlement
date on the swap. This is done by using the implied forward rates from the term
structure for the relevant floating-rate period.
2. Use the zero-coupon yield curve to calculate the present value of the expected
future payments under the swap.
3. Calculate the annuity rate that has the same present value as determined in 2 to
give the fixed-rate side.
All that is required to determine the implied six-month rate in six months is to
rearrange the terms in Equation 5.2. This gives the (annualised) floating-rate
payment as 5.33 per cent. Since the cash value of this payment is for six months
only, the actual payment is 2.66 (per 100 notional principal), as in column 4 of
Table 5.7. The other rates are calculated in similar fashion. The last step is to present
value these cash flows using the formula in Equation 5.1 for the floating-rate cash
The above analysis shows that the present value of the expected floating-rate
payments comes to 28.70. Since this is an at-market swap, the present value of the
fixed rate must also come to the same amount (as per Equation 5.3):
. 1
Table 5.7 Calculating the net present value of the expected floating-
rate payments on an interest-rate swap
Time coupon Floating Floating Present
rate ( % rate (%) payment value
0.5 5.00 4.94 2.47 2.41
1.0 5.20 5.33 2.66 2.53
1.5 5.40 5.72 2.86 2.64
2.0 5.80 6.89 3.45 3.08
2.5 6.00 6.69 3.35 2.89
3.0 6.25 7.37 3.69 3.07
3.5 6.30 6.50 3.25 2.62
4.0 6.50 7.76 3.88 3.02
4.5 6.75 8.59 4.29 3.20
5.0 7.00 9.07 4.54 3.23
Total present value: 28.70
Given the above results, all that is now left for us to calculate is the interest rate that
prevails on the fixed-rate side. Again making use of the zero-coupon rates, we can
calculate the annuity factor that pertains for the ten half-yearly periods, as the example
involves the use of the same frequency for both sides of the transaction. This is shown
in Equation 5.4. It is worth noting that this is a special form of annuity where the
discount rate is not constant across time.
1 5.4
. 1
Note also that having different payment frequencies (semi-annual on the floating-
rate side versus annual on the fixed-rate side) does not alter the basic approach. Our
last step is to value the fixed-rate payments and express these as an interest rate.
rate Forward rate curve
(% p.a.)
Fixed rate on swap
ve +ve value
value of net cash
of net flow
cash flow elements
Figure 5.9 Shape of the term structure and its effects on net payments
on a swap (from the fixed-rate payers standpoint)
Note: The position is reversed for the floating-rate payer.
This element of cross-subsidy is a result of the flat or packaged element of pay-
ments on the swap. This, of course, is one of the reasons swaps are useful since the
fixed payments on one side can be matched to corresponding extant liabilities (or
assets) such as the coupon payments on bond issues.
In the example above, the party paying the fixed side in period 1 will pay 3.38
and receive 2.47, a net payment of 0.91. However, according to the shape of the
term structure at initiation future short-term interest rates will rise and the net
payment position on the fixed side will become positive on later payment dates. For
instance, the last payment has an implied floating-rate payment of 4.54, giving a net
receipt of 1.16. In the same way, if the term structure had been downward sloping,
the fixed side would only be willing to pay a lower coupon rate than the current
short-term interest rate. In general, therefore, an upward-sloping term structure
means that the fixed payer has a net payable position in the early periods versus a
net receivable position in later ones. For a downward-sloping curve, the situation
(for the fixed payer) is the opposite.
You may wish to check the accuracy of the zero-coupon rate given for period 3
using the above method.
The starting point for the valuation of the seasoned swap is to determine the
value of the swap from Equation 5.1. We can ignore the floating side since, by
replacing the seasoned and off-market swap with a new at-market swap with the
opposite payment flows, the two floating-rate payments will cancel each other out.
We start by determining the zero-coupon rates that are used to present value the
cash flows. This is shown as Step 1 in Table 5.9. The method used to create the
zero-coupon rates is shown above.4
The second step is to present value the cash flows on the swap using the dis-
count factors derived from the zero-coupon rates. Note that to obtain a sensible
result using this approach we have to treat the swap cash flows as if they were a
bond (that is, we include the notional principal on the swap). Note that this result
provides a net present value loss of (14.211). If we had used the par yield for the
three-year maturity to value the cash flows, we would have obtained a loss of
(14.277), that is:
This single rate method provides a slightly different result to the value derived
from the zero-coupon rates. That is the yield-to-maturity or internal rate of return
valuation approach overestimates the loss. As we shall see, a payment of 14.211 on
this swap is all the subsidy that is required to replace it with at-market swaps and,
hence, is the swaps fair value. An understanding of this outcome was one reason
why practitioners abandoned the yield-to-maturity method in favour of term-
structure methods. The attractions of the zero-coupon pricing method are summa-
rised in Table 5.10.
We can now proceed to show how a series of at-market swaps can be used to
unwind the swap position using an investment of 14.211 per 100. The required
transactions are shown in Table 5.11.
We start with the furthest maturity payment, the 103.00 in Year 3. To hedge this
position requires an at-market swap that provides for a payment of this amount to
be made at the end of Year 3. The current at-market swap rate is 8.60 per cent, so
that we need a principal amount (P) which gives P + 0.0860(P) = 103.00, which
exactly cancels our Year 3 payment, leaving no cash flow. To do this, we enter a
swap with a notional principal of 94.843 103/1.086 . As we are receiving fixed
on the original swap, we want to pay on the new cancelling swap. We therefore have
two payments in Years 1 and 2 where we pay out 8.157 94.843 8.6% . The three
cash flows on this swap are therefore as follows:
The next step is to eliminate all cash flows at Year 2. We are receiving 3.00 on the
existing swap and paying out 8.157 on the new swap to eliminate cash flows in Year
3, so we now need a further receipt of 5.157 (8.157 3.00) to eliminate cash flows
at this point. We proceed as before, but this time use the two-year swap rate of 8.98
per cent and we require to enter into a swap to receive fixed so that at the end of
Year 2, the notional principal amount (P) and 0.0898 5.157. To do this
requires an initial outlay of (4.732) but since we contract to receive, we also have an
intervening interest payment in Year 1 of 0.425. The payments are therefore:
We must now eliminate the cash flow for Year 1. We have the outgoing cash
flow from the three-year reversing swap in Year 1 of 8.517, the inflow on the
original swap of 3.00 and the receipt from the two-year swap of 0.425. This means
we must hedge a net cash outflow of 4.732 (8.157 3 0.425) for one year. Again
we need to find the principal (P) for this cash flow. This is equal to 1.094469
4.732. Therefore P is an outflow of 4.323. The two payments are therefore:
The above explanations of the combination of the original swap cash flows and
the new, at-market swap, hedging cash flows are shown in tabular form in Ta-
ble 5.12 which should be studied in conjunction with Table 5.11.
Step 2
Year 2 swap 8.98% P + 0.0898(P) 5.157
= =
P= (4.732)
CF (2) (4.732) (0.425) 5.157
Step 3
P 4.732
(1.094469) =
P= (4.323)
CF (1) (4.323) 4.732
We now need to put all these receive and pay swaps together. The net result is
shown in the headings of Table 5.11. The original investment is worth a notional
100, but we need to add 4.323 for the one-year swap, 4.732 for the two-year swap,
but we notionally deposit 94.843 for the three-year swap. To make the transaction
balance, we need to receive/pay in an extra 14.211. This is the same amount as that
at which we valued the swap earlier, using term-structure methods. An alternative
way to consider the valuation arrived at earlier is to think of this sum as the payment
that the fixed payer requires to surrender his right to receive the floating-rate
payment and be no worse off as a result under the new market conditions.5
The above calculations (which incidentally assume that the floating-rate indices
cancel out) show that the term-structure approach correctly values the contractual
set of cash flows in an off-market swap (or equally, in any other set of fixed cash
flows). We now turn to a similar analysis for cross-currency swaps.
1 1
Table 5.13 Original terms and market conditions for the DuPontICI
cross-currency swap
Terms on the swap Original swap (Time Current market
0) (Time 0 + 2)
Exchange rate $1.50/ $1.45/
Sterling interest rate 6% 7%
US dollar interest rate 5% 4.5%
From Table 5.13 it can be seen that the interest rate on the US dollar cash flows
has fallen from 5 per cent to 4.5 per cent (0.50 per cent) for the remaining three
years of the swap transaction, whereas for sterling it has risen from 6 per cent to 7
per cent (+1 per cent). Also, the exchange rate has now moved from US$1.50 to
US$1.45 (that is, the US dollar has strengthened against sterling).
The first step is to revalue the cash flows at the new interest rates. This revalua-
tion is shown in the last two columns of Table 5.14.
5 In this case, the fixed payer is obtaining the benefit of net receipts over the remaining life of the swap.
Alternatively, we could think of it as the value required to compensate the floating-rate payer for
entering into an off-market swap with a below-market coupon at 3 per cent.
The analysis shows that the present value of the US dollar side is now
US$15.2062 million. The valuation of the sterling side reveals it is worth 9.7376
million. The overall value of the swap will be the sum of these two parts expressed
in a common currency. We now apply our valuation model to the cash flows and, to
work out the value, convert the US dollar value into sterling. (Alternatively, we
could have converted the sterling flows value into US dollars.)
9.7376 0.74945
From ICIs perspective, the valuation of the swap shows it is now a liability, from
DuPonts, an asset.
An alternative method of valuing the swap, which gives an equivalent result, is to
consider the swap as a function of par swaps and to add or subtract an annuity for
the cash-flow differences between the off-market swap and par swaps over the
remaining term. On the US dollar side, interest rates have fallen by 50 basis points.
The three-year annuity factor at the new interest rate of 4.5 per cent is 2.7490. The
present value of 50 bp per unit of nominal comes to 0.0138, which is then added to
the 1 unit nominal. We can consider this amount to be the additional payment a
holder of a 5 per cent income stream requires at the current interest rate to substi-
tute a 4.5 per cent income stream and be no worse off. The total current value is
therefore 1.0138 times the principal amount on the dollar side of the swap. The
same calculation is carried out on the sterling side, but in this case there has been a
rise in interest rates, so the annuity has a negative value of 0.0262. The value per 1
nominal is therefore 0.9738. We now convert the US dollar side to sterling by
dividing the US$15 million by the current exchange rate of $1.45/ and multiplying
by the new market value of 1.0138 to give a sterling value of 10487015. The
sterling side is now worth only 0.9738 10 million, or 9737568. The difference
between these two is the swap value of 749447.6
Using this method, we can work out how the change in value came about. There
are three elements to consider:
1. the change in the US dollar interest rate;
2. the change in the sterling interest rate; and
3. the change in the exchange rate.
Using the above methodology, we can calculate the value change for the two
interest-rate elements separately. For the sterling side, the loss in value is simply the
value change at the new interest rate:
1 0.9738 10 million 262432
On the US dollar side, the same calculation needs to be converted to sterling:
1 1.0138 US$15 million US$206 172
US$206172 1.45 142188
Finally, the exchange rate effect is calculated as:
US$15 million 1.45 10 million 344828
The contribution of each of the components to the overall change in value is
shown in Table 5.15.
Table 5.15 Market prices affecting the value of the DuPontICI cross-
currency swap
Value element of the swap Gain/(loss)
US dollar interest-rate effect ( 0.5%) (142 188)
Sterling interest-rate effect (+1%) (262 432)
Exchange-rate effect ($1.45/) (344 828)
The payment of 749448 represents the present value of the cost to ICI of re-
versing out the existing swaps with current, at-market swaps with a residual term of
three years. This value, a liability to ICI and a gain to DuPont, is the cost of hedging
out the existing position and matching all the future cash flows. Both sides should
agree on this termination or cancellation value, since they can independently achieve
the equivalent outcome by arranging swaps with back-to-back matching cash flows
that provide the same result. Cancellation, with a countervailing payment, is a
preferred option since it eliminates any credit risk on the existing swap and reduces
servicing costs. The credit risk in the swap is, as we will discuss a bit later, equivalent
to the replacement cost we have just calculated.
To conclude, we can see with a fixed-to-fixed cross-currency swap that there are
three factors which will influence its value. The first two are the changes in the interest
rates used to value the cash flows in the two currencies and the third is any change in
the exchange rate. This illustrates that the change in value to be expected in a currency
swap, unless some of the effects are offsetting, is likely to be greater than the change
in value of an interest-rate swap. Consequently, cross-currency swaps have more credit
risk than interest-rate swaps since their replacement cost is likely to be greater.
The valuation of the bond element is:
1 1
where C is the coupon value of the swap (that is the fixed interest payment),
is the zero-coupon interest rate for time period t, and P is the notional principal
of the swap.
The valuation of the floating rate note (between interest reset dates) will be:
1 1
where 1 is the zero-coupon interest rate to the next reset date. Since the
floating interest payment will be reset at the next rollover date the floating rate
note will trade at par, so there is no requirement to value the future, unknown
floating rate payments. If the swap is at the rollover date, then obviously
The valuation of the cross-currency swap (CCS) is the same as that for the
interest rate swap, except that we have to take into account the exchange rate
between the two currencies. The value of the CCS will therefore be:
5.13 /
That is, to obtain a value, we need to convert the present value of one of the
currency elements into the other one. Note that in the case of the CCS, there
are two sets of zero coupon rates, those in currency A and those for currency
B. In addition, as discussed elsewhere in this Module, there is more variety with
currencies: we could have one leg of the CCS being fixed and the other floating,
and so forth.
Principal Panel A
amount Amortising swap
Principal Panel B
amount Swap 1 Amortising swap
from Panel A
Swap 2 created from plain
vanilla swaps with
Swap 3 different maturities
Swap 4
Table 5.16 Present value of 1 per cent of the four swaps used to create
the amortising swap
Principal Effective PV of 1% PV of 1%
Year amount swap rate (Annuity) Swap rate
1 100 7.50% 0.9302 6.9767
2 100 7.60% 1.7940 13.6341
3 100 7.75% 2.5933 20.0983
4 100 7.80% 3.3338 26.0039
400 66.7130
By calculating the value of 1 per cent (that is, an annuity on the principal
amount), we obtain the results in column 4 of Table 5.16. Next, this present value of
an annuity is multiplied by the interest on each swap (columns 3 and 4) to give the
results in column 5. The total is the present value of the interest that would be paid
on the different swaps. Next, as shown in Table 5.17, we find the present value of 1
per cent on the blended swap based on the par swap rates for each of the maturities.
This is given in column 4 of the table. This comes to 8.6514.
We can now find the interest rate that pertains to the blended swap rate. The
effective interest rate that the swaps market maker would quote on the amortising
swap is 7.7113 per cent (66.7130 8.6514). This is the weighted-average interest rate
on the swaps package. Note that in offering such a quote, the swaps market maker
is potentially exposed to some interest-rate risk since there is a cash flow mismatch
between the simple swaps underlying the amortising package and the four swaps
used to hedge (or create) the position.
Spot Maturity
The fixed side of the swap rate can now be determined as:
9.25 3.86455 8.50 0.92166 5.14
The forward-start swap rate is higher (as we would expect from the shape of the
term structure implied by Table 5.17) than the rate on the five-year spot start swap.
Panel A
Principal Accreting swap
Principal Panel B
amount Swap 4 The four swaps,
three of which
Swap 3 are deferred start,
which make up
Swap 2 the Accreting swap
Swap 1
Figure 5.12 Mechanics of the deferred-start swap
The final structure is a combination of the accreting swap and the amortising
swap, generally known as a rollercoaster swap. The principal profile of an example
of such a swap is shown in Panel A of Figure 5.13. The principal profile is made up
of four swaps, three of which are deferred start, as shown in Panel B of Figure 5.13.
Principal Panel A
amount Rollercoaster swap
Principal Panel B
amount Swap 4 The rollercoaster
swap is made up
Swap 3 of a number of
deferred start
swaps with
Swap 2 different maturity
Swap 1
Commodity Swaps
There are many different types and mechanisms used for commodity swaps. The
fixed-for-floating commodity swap is a bilateral agreement in which one
party agrees to pay a fixed amount for a commodity in exchange for receiving a
variable rate. As with the interest-rate swap, the two parties do not exchange
the physical commodity at each payment period and settle the difference in cash
based on a notional amount of commodity.
Another variant is a basis commodity swap where the two pricing indices are
different. For instance, a producer might wish to exchange the price of crude oil
based on the North Seas Brent Oil price for that for the USAs benchmark
grade West Texas Intermediate.
Equity Swaps
As with commodity swaps, a number of different variants of equity swaps have
been developed. The simplest type is similar to an interest-rate swap where one
side of the swap is the performance of an equity index or a basket of stocks,
normally the total return (that is, capital appreciation plus dividends) whereas
the other side is pegged to a floating rate such as LIBOR. Occasionally, both
sides are stock indices and a cross-currency variant, known as a quantity-
adjusting index-linked swap, has also been developed.
Panel A PDQ Bank enters into a swap with XYZ Co. for 5 years on US$50 million
where PDQ covers its exposure at 7.9% with ABC Bank.
8% 7.9%
XYZ Co. PDQ Bank ABC Bank
Panel B After 12 months, XYZ goes bankrupt
8% 7.9%
PDQ Bank ABC Bank
Panel C PDQ Bank is now exposed, so enters a new at-the-market swap with
DEF Bank at 5.5% = 2.4% p.a. loss for 4 years
5.5% 7.9%
DEF Co. PDQ Bank ABC Bank
7 A fall in interest rates is the required condition for the swap to be an asset, from the banks
value of 2.4 per cent on US$50 million would have come to US$4.2 million.8 Note
that in terms of the loss suffered by PDQ Bank this represents 8.41 per cent of the
notional principal of the swap.
The loss that has occurred is a function of a directional change in interest rates.
The default only occurs in cases where the swap has a positive value to the
exposed counterparty. It is also a function of the remaining term on the swap. If
the default had occurred with only one year to maturity, the exposed value would
have been only US$1.14 million. Thus for an interest-rate swap, the amount at risk
rises from inception as the rate on the swap moves away from the current market
rate but also as the time to maturity declines the credit exposure also declines. The
at-risk profile of an interest-rate swap is shown in Figure 5.15. For comparison
purposes, the exposure on a cross-currency swap is also shown. Unlike the interest-
rate swap, the cross-currency swaps exposure continues to grow towards maturity
since the exchange rate is unlikely to revert towards the contracted rate.9 As a result,
cross-currency swaps have more credit risk than interest-rate swaps.
Cross-currency swap
Expected exposure
8 We should perhaps distinguish the loss from the lost profit. The bank anticipated making a spread of
0.1 per cent on the swap, which is lost profit. The unanticipated loss, as calculated here, is 2.4 per cent
on the interest rate based on the replacement. We will consider, for evaluation purposes, that the loss is
on the difference between the swap and its replacement value.
9 In fact, a currency is likely either to appreciate or to depreciate in a fairly predictable trend based
around purchasing power parity. The credit risk will thus grow with time as the principal to be re-
exchanged depreciates or appreciates. In fact, the party holding the appreciating currency has less risk
than the holder of the depreciating currency, since this is always likely to mean the swap is a liability.
the counterparty (the company XYZ in our example) must experience financial
distress, or become insolvent (that is, file for protection against its creditors in
legal bankruptcy proceedings);
the value of the swap to the company must be such that it would have to pay out
to the other party if the transaction was terminated voluntarily. For the firm in
financial difficulties or in bankruptcy proceedings, the swap must represent a
liability. Conversely, it is an asset to the other party to the transaction (PDQ
Bank, in Figure 5.14). We can safely assume that, in the case where the swap is
an asset to the company (and a liability to the bank), the company would seek to
arrange its affairs in such a way as to realise the value of the swap, before or even
during bankruptcy proceedings.10
The expected loss rate from a swap is therefore the product of two factors:
Expected loss from default of default expected loss if default occurs
We can also think of the expected loss if default occurs as being (1 recovery
rate) from defaults.
To understand how much credit risk is being taken in a swap, we need to under-
stand how far, from the original market rate, interest rates can move. As we saw
with the original exposure method discussed at the start of this section, a conserva-
tive estimate was 3 per cent p.a.
In order to be able to model the value change, we need some information on the
change that can be expected over the life of the swap. A binomial tree of interest
rate changes is shown in Figure 5.16 that, for simplicity, assumes rates can either rise
or fall by a fixed amount per annum and follow a continuing diffusion pattern.
Note, however, that there is strong empirical evidence that interest rates revert to
the mean over time and we might expect interest rates to return to some central
tendency over time.
To help explain the analysis, we show the time remaining on the swap exposures
at the bottom of the lattice, with 5 being the inception date and 0 , maturity.
Therefore 1 is one year from maturity, when interest rates can have risen to 10 per
cent or fallen to 6 per cent. This inversion of time is used to show how the exposure
declines over time as the swap moves towards maturity.
The next stage is to revalue the swap at each node on the lattice to determine the
amount required to replace the swap if it is terminated. At each node, the replace-
ment value of the swap is calculated as shown in Figure 5.16. Since the swap is a
liability to the bank at rates at or above 8 per cent, the values of the nodes are zero.
For the nodes below 8 per cent, there will be a loss, which is calculated by discount-
ing the interest rate differential that is implicit at each point, times the principal for
the number of remaining interest rate periods, and present valuing this to the
appropriate nodal point; the valuation is simply an application of DCF methods.
10 In fact swap intermediaries have had to find ways to protect themselves from the cherry picking
activities of liquidators who have sought to terminate (and hence realise the positive value of) swaps
which are assets to the bankrupt firm, while disputing those which are liabilities.
0.0625 10.0%
Lattice with price change of 2 0.125 9.5%
with no value leakage
9.0% 0.25
0.25 9.0%
8.5% 0.375 8.5%
0.0625 6.0%
t5 t4
If rate is above 8%,
no default takes place 0
0 0
0 0 0
1.68 0.90
2.62 0.94
If rate is below 8%,
there is a risk of default 2.73
Table 5.20 Expected losses from swap default for a AAA (best investment grade) and
BBB (worst investment grade) credit*
Expected Contribution Contribution
positive of default to credit of default to credit
value of for losses for losses
Year swap in PV AAA/Aaa (per 100 BBB/Baa (per 100
(mid-point) terms credits nominal) credits nominal)
1 0.4029 0.01 0.0040 0.08 0.0322
2 0.6653 0.02 0.0133 0.109 0.0725
3 0.5503 0.027 0.0149 0.125 0.0688
4 0.3932 0.033 0.0130 0.137 0.0539
5 0.1243 0.04 0.0050 0.156 0.0194
0.0502 0.2468
Annual cost over 5 years 1.26 bp 6.18 bp
* Details of the credit rating criteria appear in Module 12.
Table 5.20 needs some explanation to reconcile the result with that given in Ta-
ble 5.19. The expected positive value of the swap in present value terms in each year
used in Table 5.20 differs in that the default rates represent the mid-point between
years, as we have no indication of when such an event may take place. Thus, the
value of 0.4029 arrived at in Year 1 is a linear average of the probabilistically
weighted outcome of future interest rates as shown in Table 5.21, combined with
the exposure in the previous period, which is zero for 5 , and the result then present
The final result is to allocate the expected loss across the life of the swap as a
credit premium. For the best quality credit (triple-A), this is 1.26 basis points per
annum, whereas for the lowest investment grade (triple-B credit), this is 6.18 basis
points. Based on the above, if the swap rate was 6 per cent, the swaps market maker
would quote 6.01 to the triple-A credit and 6.06 (or higher) to the triple-B credit.
We may now summarise this discussion of the credit element of a swap. The
exposure on a swap is far less than the corresponding exposure on a cash instru-
ment for the same maturity. The amount at risk will be a function of:
1. the probability that a counterparty will default over the life of the swap; and
2. whether the swap is an asset or a liability.
The degree to which the swap is off-market and the cost of replacement at any
time is a measure of the asset risk equivalence of the swap.
Table 5.21
Interest rate Expected
Probability (r) Exposure positive value
8.5% 0.5 0 0
7.5% 0.5 1.67466 0.83733
8.00 1.0 0 0
Period E(V) Discount factor Present Value
. 0.41867 0.96225 0.40286
a zero-coupon bond with a three-year maturity trading at a yield of 6 per cent will
have a price of 0.8396. You will realise that this is equivalent to the discount factor
used to present value a payment at 6 per cent for three years. Alternatively, to solve
for the zero-coupon rate, given the zero-coupon bond price, we use the price
relative (FV/PV):
These are simply the annuity factors for 1, 2, and 3 years respectively derived
from the three zero-coupon prices. As an alternative, we can solve directly from the
par yield curve by substituting the annuity into the bond equation:
and so forth.
We now have the means to calculate zero-coupon rates from the par curve. To
facilitate computation, we use the following formula:
where is the nth period zero-coupon interest rate, is the nth year par bond (or
swap) rate. The annuity factor allows for a simple means to compute the present
value of the coupon stream from t=1 to t=n1 periods, namely:
The series is equivalent to an annuity factor. As Equation 5.17 shows, this
simplifies the stripping out the coupon payments paid on the par bonds (or par
yield securities) in order to determine the zero coupon rate for the bonds maturity.
In order to do so, we need to know the 1 zero coupon rates. Hence it is
necessary to proceed in an iterative process from the earliest zero-coupon maturity
date to the last, a process known as bootstrapping.
The following example shows how the method works:
Table 5.22 Bootstrapping zero-coupon rates from the par yield curve
Time Par yield Zero
period coupon
rate (%)
1 6.00 1.06 0 0.9434 6.00
2 6.25 1.0625 0.9434 1.8291 0.94104 6.2578
3 6.375 1.06375 1.8291 2.6596 0.88340 6.3885
4 6.4375 1.064375 2.6596 3.4383 0.82879 6.4542
Review Questions
5.5 There are two firms, X and Y, with the following cost of funds.
If they enter into an interest rate swap where Y pays Xs fixed rate plus a margin equal
to a quarter of the difference between Xs and Ys cost of fixed funds and X pays Y a
floating rate (LIBOR), what will be the total interest cost to each side following the swap
transaction? (Answer to 2 decimal places)
A. For X, floating funds cost LIBOR 0.13 per cent and for Y, fixed funds are 7.69
per cent.
B. For X, floating funds cost LIBOR 0.03 per cent and for Y, fixed funds are 7.97
per cent.
C. For X, floating funds cost LIBOR 0.13 per cent and for Y, fixed funds are 7.21
per cent.
D. For X, floating funds cost LIBOR 0.03 per cent and for Y, fixed funds are 7.69
per cent.
5.6 ABC plc of the UK and DEF SA of France agree to enter into a ten-year fixed-for-fixed
cross-currency swap between the French franc and sterling where ABC plc borrows
French francs and DEF SA sterling. The current exchange rate is FFr8.75/. The amount
involved is 10 million. The interest rate, to be paid annually in both cases, is in FFr4.55
per cent and in sterling 6.50 per cent. What will be the amount of the first payment on
the swap?
A. FFr3.98 million/0.52 million.
B. FFr83.52 million/9.39 million.
C. FFr87.5 million/10 million.
D. FFr91.48 million/10.52 million.
5.7 In the swap described in Question 5.6, what is the present value of the French franc side
of the swap?
A. Zero.
B. FFr83.52 million.
C. FFr87.50 million.
D. FFr91.48 million.
5.8 In Question 5.6, what will be the amount exchanged between the two parties in French
francs at maturity?
A. Zero.
B. FFr83.52 million.
C. FFr87.50 million.
D. FFr91.48 million.
5.10 An investor will have a return-enhancing opportunity using the capital markets and
swaps if:
A. the rate on a fixed-rate bond less that on a swap to receive the floating rate is
B. the rate on a fixed-rate bond less that on a swap to pay the floating rate is
C. the rate on a fixed-rate bond less that on a swap to receive the floating rate is
D. the rate on a floating-rate note less that on a swap to pay the floating rate is
The following information is used for Questions 5.11 and 5.12.
Amex Shipping Lines have agreed to buy a new container ship from Kaiwo Shipyards of
South Korea. Because the Korean Export Bank is willing to assist Kaiwo win the order, the
Bank is willing to quote an attractive financing package in Swiss Francs (SFr). This involves a
ten-year fully amortising loan with a subsidised rate of 3.5 per cent. The current interest rate
in Swiss Francs for a ten-year maturity is 4.75 per cent. The total amount of the loan is SFr75
million. The exchange rate between the Swiss Franc and the US dollar is SFr1.5/$. Amexs
operating currency is the US dollar and in order to eliminate its currency risk it wants to swap
the proceeds into US dollars. (NB: assume annual payments and round to 2 decimal places.)
5.11 What is the present value of the cash subsidy element in Swiss Francs?
A. SFr0.80 million.
B. SFr4.80 million.
C. SFr9.00 million.
D. SFr9.60 million.
5.12 If the ten-year swaps rate in US dollars is 5.50 per cent, what will be Amexs annual
payments in dollars if the subsidy is repaid over the life of the swap?
A. US$5.79 million.
B. US$6.21 million.
C. US$6.63 million.
D. US$7.05 million.
Term 1y 2y 3y 4y
Par swaps 7.10% 7.20% 7.30% 7.35%
5.13 Based on the swaps rates given in the table above what is the three-year zero coupon
discount rate?
A. 7.2072 per cent.
B. 7.3000 per cent.
C. 7.3099 per cent.
D. 7.3633 per cent.
5.14 What will be the true value of a four-year off-market interest-rate swap which has a
coupon rate of 6.5 per cent and on which you are the fixed-rate payer?
A. (0.028608)
B. (0.028565)
C. 0.028565
D. 0.028608
5.15 How much would we have overvalued the swap per 100 nominal if we had used the
internal rate of return or yield to maturity to price the swap?
A. 0 (the two valuation methods give the same value).
B. 0.0043
C. 0.0043
D. 0.0051
5.16 What is the implied one-year floating rate in two years time?
A. 7.25 per cent.
B. 7.30 per cent.
C. 7.52 per cent.
D. 7.72 per cent.
The following information is used for Questions 5.17 to 5.19.
5.17 Given the zero-coupon rates in the table, what is the present value of the expected
floating-rate payments on a two-year swap per 100 of nominal principal? (Assume equal
values for each half-year and ignore day-count conventions.)
A. 8.67
B. 8.78
C. 9.18
D. 9.29
5.18 A two-and-a-half-year semi-annual pay swap has a present value for the floating-rate side
of 10.95 per 100 nominal. What will be the swaps fixed rate?
A. 4.62 per cent.
B. 4.66 per cent.
C. 4.69 per cent.
D. 4.75 per cent.
5.19 What will be the fair value of an off-market swap with a two-year remaining maturity
per 100 nominal that has a semi-annual fixed rate of 6.50 per cent to the fixed-rate
A. (3.51)
B. 0
C. 3.51
D. 103.51
5.20 If, when an at-market swap is initially entered into, the term structure of interest rates
is upward sloping, the fixed-rate payers first payment will:
A. be higher than that paid by the floating-rate payer.
B. be lower than that paid by the floating-rate payer.
C. be the same as that paid by the floating-rate payer.
D. depend on the slope of the yield curve.
5.21 With the yield-to-maturity approach, which of the following provides an incorrect value
for the swap?
A. A swap with an off-market fixed rate.
B. An amortising swap.
C. A deferred-start swap.
D. All of A, B and C.
5.22 On the ABC plc of the UK and DEF SA of France fixed-for-fixed cross-currency swap
between the French franc and sterling (see Question 5.6), six years have passed and the
two companies have decided that they would like to terminate the agreement. The
contractual amount was 10 million and interest was paid annually. The original market
and current conditions are given in the following table:
5.23 In Question 5.22, which of the following elements that contribute to the change in value
of a cross-currency swap were positive and which were negative when looking at the
swap from the point of view of DEF SA (the French company)?
A. The change in the FFr interest rate was positive, the change in the sterling
interest rate was positive and the change in the exchange rate was positive.
B. The change in the FFr interest rate was positive, the change in the sterling
interest rate was negative and the change in the exchange rate was positive.
C. The change in the FFr interest rate was negative, the change in the sterling
interest rate was positive and the change in the exchange rate was positive.
D. The change in the FFr interest rate was negative, the change in the sterling
interest rate was negative and the change in the exchange rate was positive.
The following information is used for Questions 5.24 to 5.26.
5.24 A customer wants to enter into a four-year amortising swap where the notional
principal amount of 400 is reduced by 100 at the end of each year. What should be the
uniform fixed swaps rate quoted by the swaps market-maker on the swap?
A. 7.80 per cent.
B. 7.94 per cent.
C. 7.97 per cent.
D. 8.08 per cent.
5.25 What rate will the swaps market maker quote for a two-year swap with a one-year
deferred start?
A. 7.86 per cent.
B. 8.00 per cent.
C. 8.05 per cent.
D. 8.12 per cent.
5.26 For credit risk to arise on a swap, which of the following has to take place?
I. The floating rate on the swap has to change.
II. The fixed rate on the swap has to be off-market.
III. The other party to the swap must cease to honour the agreement.
The correct answer is:
A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. II and III.
D. I, II and III.
3 In the above swap, you estimate that there is a 1% chance that the counterparty to the
swap will experience financial distress/default over the next year. You also estimate that
interest rates could decline by the following amounts over the year:
1% 25% chance
2% 10% chance
3% 5% chance
What is the potential loss on the swap in such a situation per 1 million?
4 You want to enter into an amortising swap where the total payment of 1500 is
amortised in two instalments: 1000 in 1 year and the balance at the end of 2 years.
Draw a profile of the swap for evaluation. What will be the blended rate quoted on the
Module 6 The Product Set II: The Basics of Options
Module 7 The Product Set II: Option Pricing
Module 8 The Product Set II: The BlackScholes
Option-Pricing Model
Module 9 The Product Set II: The Greeks of Option
Module 10 The Product Set II: Extensions to the Basic
Option-Pricing Model
Learning Objectives
This module introduces options, the terminology used in describing options and
how they are used to modify the risk profile of a given position. One of the com-
plexities with options is the specialist language used to describe them. The basic
factors which affect option values are shown with a simple example and the
boundaries to the value of options are then explained. The module finishes with a
discussion of how options can be used to modify the risk profile of a given expo-
After studying this module, you should understand:
the options terminology;
the basic option-pricing variables;
how options are used to modify risks;
the boundary conditions for the values of options.
6.1 Introduction
This module begins the examination of the second category of financial risk-
management products, namely options. As we have seen in earlier modules, which
looked at those derivative products that have a linear or symmetrical payoff, price
certainty (or the elimination of the market risks) is not always desirable. In the case of
forward contracts, for instance, entering into a forward foreign exchange contract
converts the future uncertain outcome to a fixed, predetermined rate. Sometimes this
is beneficial, but if subsequently the exchange rate moved in your favour, then the
forward contract represents an opportunity loss. The problem, of course, is that we
only have a rough idea whether the currency is likely to move in our favour. What we
really want is a situation where we can have the forward cover provided by the
derivative product and the opportunity to make the gain if the outcome is to our
advantage. That is, as the saying goes, we want to have our cake and eat it.
In this sense, options are the cake-and-eat-it product, because they allow the
holder (but not the option writer or seller) to avoid the undesirable outcomes and
retain the benefit of the favourable developments. It is this ability for gain if
developments are favourable that makes options so attractive. Options, and the
more exotic products derived from them, seem to provide the best possible risk-
management tool. Unfortunately for the option holder they, unlike terminal
products, cost money upfront and a payment is required to compensate the writer
or seller of the option for taking on the other side of the transaction. For, if the
option holder gains if the outcome is favourable, the option seller or writer must
lose. We will look at how the fair value of this transaction is established in Section
Options in one form or other have been a feature of business activity since time
immemorial. However, financial options (that is, options on financial instruments)
are a relatively new phenomenon. The development of a market in stock options in
the early 1970s was followed by the widespread expansion of options into all
spheres of financial activity throughout the 1980s and 1990s as more and more
markets and increasingly exotic product areas have added options or option-like
products. This is because, in modern financial practice, options are one of the most
versatile and exciting of the fundamental derivative building blocks. Their inherent
flexibility, coupled to sophisticated methods to establish their value, has created
opportunities for intermediaries to provide tailored solutions to many, previously
insurmountable, risk-management problems and investment problems.
From the holders perspective, the buying of options provides a non-linear or
asymmetrical payoff which has some of the characteristics of insurance.
Gains (+)
Value at maturity
Market price
Contracted price
Losses ()
Gains (+)
Value at maturity
Market price
Contracted price
Losses ()
Figure 6.2 Payoff at maturity for the buyer and seller of a forward
This situation is different when it comes to options. The holder or buyer of the
option has the right, but not the obligation, to purchase at the expiry of the con-
tract. If the current market price is above the contracted price, the holder gains and
will therefore take advantage of the right to purchase. If, however, the market price
is below the contracted price, the holder is not obliged to purchase under the terms
of the option contract and can buy more cheaply in the market. As a result, the
buyer stands to gain from favourable price movements, but not to lose from
movements in the other direction. The symmetrical payoff between buyer and seller
no longer applies. Gains from favourable movements are losses to the writer (or
seller) but these are no longer compensated for by gains in the opposite direction.
This is shown in Figure 6.3.
Gains (+)
Holder or option buyers payoff
Value at maturity
Market price
Contracted price
Figure 6.3 Payoff at expiry of the positions on a call option for the buyer
or option holder and the writer or option seller
It is important to distinguish the gains and losses made by both the buyer and the
seller in Figure 6.3. The buyer (solid line) always gains from changes in the market
price. These gains are mirrored by losses made by the option writer or seller. There
is no symmetry between the opportunity for gain that is evident in Figure 6.2, where
the potential losses by the seller if prices rise are matched by gains if prices fall. With
options, the writer does not gain from this. Hence the payoff is asymmetric or non-
The question is why anyone should be willing to sell or write options. The writer
always loses. The simple answer is that in order to be willing to enter into the
contract, the writer receives an upfront payment, known as a premium, for taking
on the risk that the option will be exercised. The adjusted payoffs for both sides,
allowing for the payment of the premium on entering the contract, are shown in
Figure 6.4.
Gains (+)
Holder or option buyers payoff
Value at maturity
Premium received by
option writer
Market price
Premium paid by
option buyer Contracted price
Figure 6.4 Payoff for option holder and writer at expiry, including the
premium paid and received on the contract
Figure 6.4 shows that if the option is not exercised, the writer has made a gain,
which is the premium received against the risk that a future loss might be incurred.
Similarly, the holder has suffered a cost, the premium that is not recoverable, if the
option is abandoned.
1 The notation used here is that which is commonly used for options.
shipping company to walk away from the purchase in one years time if market
conditions are such as to make it unattractive to exercise the right to purchase the
ship. Rewriting the equation, we can now solve for the unknown minimum value
that the call must have:
9m 0.400 8.545m
This gives a minimum value of 55000. The option must be worth at least this
amount. In fact, the value of being able to break the contract (or walk away) will
also depend on the volatility or range of ship prices anticipated in the future. If there
is a high degree of volatility in ship prices then the option is likely to be much more
valuable since the holder will either (a) make a profit by being able to buy a ship
with a market price well above the purchase price, with the possibility of being able
to re-sell it for an immediate profit in the market; or (b) be able to walk away from
the transaction and buy a similar ship in the second-hand market in one years time
at a lower price.
Note that if the option had two years to run and the terms remained largely un-
changed, it would have had much more value:
9m 0.800 7.769m
which gives a value of 431000.
The above simple illustration shows why options are valuable. It also shows the
factors that go into option pricing:
1. The exercise or strike price for the option .
2. The interest rate over the life of the option .
3. The current asset price (less any income it might generate over the life of the
option) .
4. The length of time provided by the option .
5. The potential volatility in price .
We will look at these again in more detail (see Section 6.3) to explain why they are
important. Before that, we will explain the different types of options that are
be exercised, whether during the life of the option or only at the moment the
contract terminates, known as the expiry date, or expiry of the option (also called,
perhaps erroneously, the maturity date or maturity of the option). In exchange for
the right to exercise, the buyer pays the seller a payment, known as the premium.
The old terms call money and put money are sometimes still used, but premium
or price of the option are the common terms in usage today. How this premium is
determined is discussed in Section 6.2.3.
The premium is the payment made by the option buyer (or holder) to the
option seller (or writer) for acquiring the option.
There are two types of transaction that a party may wish to undertake using op-
tions: either to buy or to sell an asset or underlying instrument. The two basic types
of options which exist cater for these transactions. The call option allows the
holder the right to purchase and the put option allows the holder the right to sell at
the pre-agreed price (or rate). Conversely, the option writer or seller is obliged to
sell, in the case of the call, and to purchase, in the case of the put. The nature of the
rights and obligations is summarised in Figure 6.5. With the call, the holder has the
right to receive the asset from the writer at the predetermined price upon the
payment of a premium. With the put, the holder has the right to sell (hence put) the
asset or underlying instrument to the writer at the predetermined price.
Buyer Premium Seller
Holder Writer
Market price of
underlying asset at Cost of asset to Value of option
expiry option holder
107 103 4
110 103 7
Note: The strike price equals 100, the premium paid is 3. The break-even price is 103.
Payoff from long position in the asset (+U)
Market price
If the strike price of the call is: The option is said to be:
above the market price of the underlying (K > U) out-of-the-money (OTM)
the same as the market price of the underlying (K=U) at-the-money (ATM)
below the market price of the underlying (K < U) in-the-money (ITM)
Out-of-the-money In-the-money
Asset value
Market price
K + PP Payoff from
long put option
Table 6.2 and Figure 6.8, together, show the gain and loss from owning a put
option on an asset. In Figure 6.8, a short position in the underlying is shown
for comparison purposes. At the strike price , the holder of the option would
lose the total value of the premium. As the price falls, the break-even point on the
option is the strike price less the premium ( ), that is ( ), given in the
table as 97 (the exercise price of 100, less the premium of 3). The maximum gain
will be the difference between the strike price and the price of the underlying asset
less the cost of buying the option .
The put holder is better off in the situation where the price has risen when com-
pared to the short position in the asset if the price goes above the strike price
plus the premium . For the put holder, the maximum loss that can be
incurred is 3, the value of the premium. Between the break-even point and the stop-
loss point on the option, the value of holding the option or having a short position
will depend on the market value at expiry.
Market parlance defines the condition of a put option, in relation to the underly-
ing, depending on whether the strike price is above, at or below the price of the
If the strike price of the put is: The option is said to be:
below the market price of the underlying out-of-the-money (OTM)
the same as the market price of the underlying at-the-money (ATM)
above the market price of the underlying in-the-money (ITM)
These relationships are shown in Figure 6.9 for put options. Note that the situa-
tions for calls and puts are mirror images of each other. Calls become more
valuable, the more the underlying asset price rises above the strike price; for puts,
the opposite is true. Puts become more valuable the more the asset price falls below
the strike price, and would have their highest value if the asset value falls to zero.
In-the-money Out-of-the-money
Asset value
Time value gets its name from the fact that the time to expiry, or maturity, is a
significant factor in the value of an option. First, it allows the holder to defer having
to make the transaction. The longer the period, the more valuable this must be.
Second, for options which currently are not worth exercising since they are out-of-
the-money, the longer the time to expiry, the greater the chance (and the risk to the
writer), that the underlying price may move in such a way as to make the option
worth exercising. This latter point will depend not just on time but also on the
behaviour of the underlying asset or instrument, as we will see in Section 6.3 when
we look at how options are priced. The greater the likelihood of large price move-
ments (known as volatility), the greater the chance that the underlying price will
change in a favourable direction to the holder, thus making the option worth
Before expiry, options will be made up of a combination of time value and intrin-
sic value. Figure 6.10 shows the relationship of the option price, time value and
intrinsic value.
point of greatest
time value
Intrinsic value
KS Asset value
Figure 6.10 Relationship of time value and intrinsic value of a call option
prior to expiry in relation to the price of the underlying asset
The characteristic of the option changes depending on whether it is in- or out-of-
the-money. An out-of-the-money option will be all time value. This is highest in
relation to the option value when the option is at-the-money. As the option moves
more into-the-money, the option value is increasingly made up of intrinsic value.
That is, it becomes more like a terminal contract. These sensitivities will be exam-
ined in Module 9 once a formal method for establishing the option value has been
Table 6.3 shows put and call option prices on the same underlying asset with
different maturities and strike prices.
Table 6.3 Call and put prices for a range of strike prices
Calls Puts
Strike 1 2 3 1 2 3
month months months month months months
90 10.8 11.8 12.8 0.4 1.1 1.7
95 6.7 8.2 9.4 1.3 2.4 3.2
100 3.6 5.2 6.5 3.2 4.4 5.3
105 1.7 3.2 4.4 6.3 7.3 8.1
110 0.7 1.8 2.8 10.2 10.9 11.5
Table 6.3 shows that the three month calls at 95 (that is, with a 95 strike price)
are trading at 9.4. They have an intrinsic value of 5 (100 95), therefore the time
value element is 4.4. There are two things to note with the table. First, the calls are
more valuable than the puts. This is typical of most asset prices, which are bounded
by a price of zero on the downside, but have a potentially infinite upside gain. As a
result, puts have less time value than calls. The second point is that, as mentioned
earlier, the time value of an option increases with maturity. If we take the 110 calls
which are out of the money and therefore have no intrinsic value, we see the time
value increases with the maturity or time to expiry of the option, the one month call
having a value of 0.7, the three month call a value of 2.8. The same applies for the
puts. Note that this reduction in value to the option price as the time to expiry
approaches is known as time decay. For options of the same type and with the
same strike price, the longer the time to expiry, the greater the value. If the underly-
ing market price remains unchanged, the time value will fall to zero as the option
approaches its expiry date. In Table 6.4 we have a range of option prices for in the
money, at the money and out of the money options on the same asset.
If we remove the intrinsic value from the option values given in Table 6.4, we are
left with the time value of the options as in Table 6.5.
We can also show the same relationship graphically as per Figure 6.11 which
shows the value curve for options with different remaining time to expiry. As the
time shortens, the option value is pulled towards its expiry value, which will be all
intrinsic value.
To summarise, the value of an option will depend on whether it has a positive
intrinsic value (that is, whether it is in-the-money), the time to expiry and the
likelihood that the option may be worth exercising up to or upon expiry.
Option value
6 months
3 months
Time decay
as option moves 1 month
At expiry
towards expiry
Intrinsic value
KS Asset value
The effect of time on option value. To have the opportunity to do something advanta-
geous for a week is not as attractive as having the same opportunity for a month or
a year or longer. Therefore the longer the life of an option or time-span over which
the option is valid, the more attractive it is. This is due to the fact that the longer the
time over which the option is extant, the greater the chance that conditions will
move in a favourable way so as to increase the value of the option to the holder.
The effect of interest rates on option value. The possibility to defer a purchase means
we do not have to provide funds today: this saves on borrowing or allows the
money to be invested and earn a return. Therefore any contract (such as a terminal
contract) which postpones a purchase has a value. Hence, the interest rate will affect
option value in a similar way. Note that this works against puts, since a put defers
the sale of the underlying asset.
The effect of the strike price on option value. If we have the right to buy an asset which
has a current market value of 100 at a price of 10, this has an immediate opportunity
to provide a gain of 90 on the transaction. Similarly, if a call option can be exercised
at 100 and the asset is trading at 120, there is a gain of 20 from exercise. However, if
the asset price is 90, there is no value to the option. Thus the underlying asset price
or asset rate (if based on interest rates) will have a bearing on the options value. All
things being equal, a lower strike price will raise the value of a call but lower the
value of a put.
Loss of asset value from leakages due to dividends or interest payments also affects
option values since we can expect the asset price to decline by the amount of the
dividend or interest payment. If we have a situation where an option has a strike
price of 100 and the asset price is 105, but it pays out an interest payment of 8 just
before the option can be exercised, we would expect the asset price to fall by the
amount of interest paid, to 97, thus making the option less valuable. The opposite
applies to puts, where value leakages reduce the asset price, making the put more
Finally, the assets volatility (that is, the degree of potential price movement in the
future) will have a bearing on the options value. If we have a situation where a call
option is out-of-the-money with a strike price of 100 when the asset price is 95,
such an option will only become valuable if the asset price should rise above the
strike price before expiry. The more volatile the asset, the greater the chance of such
an occurrence. Thus, all things being equal, a more volatile asset will have a higher
option value.
Note that the effect of the pricing variables on the value of puts is not all the
same as it is for calls. The behaviour of put and call prices in relation to an increase
in the pricing variables is given in Table 6.6.
value C
Max C
Min C
o C Intrinsic value
not exceed the present value of the difference in their strike prices. For American-
style puts this difference must not exceed the difference between the two strike
The value of American-style and European-style puts. An American-style put should sell
for at least the same price as a European-style put. However, with an American-style
put it may be best to exercise early. A situation when this might be the case could
arise when the gain from reinvesting the proceeds at the current interest rate
outweighs the loss of time value surrendered from the early exercise.
The putcall parity condition. This condition holds that the price of a European-
style call is equal to the price of its corresponding put plus the current price of the
underlying, less the present value of the strike price. That is:
Put Underlying Present value of strike price 6.5
The strategies from Table 6.7 are shown as a set of payoff diagrams in Fig-
ure 6.13 to Figure 6.16.
+ Long call
Short call
Area of gain
Area of loss
Figure 6.13 The payoff from a long call (fundamental strategy (1)) and a
short call (fundamental strategy (3))
Note: For details, see Table 6.7.
+ Long put
+ Short put
Figure 6.14 The payoff from a long put (fundamental strategy (2)) and a
short put (fundamental strategy (4))
Note: For details, see Table 6.7.
Value of long position
in the underlying asset
Combined position
Premium Asset
Strike price
(K) Written call
+ Value of short position
in the underlying asset
Written put
Premium Asset
and a written call, or (2) and (4), a purchased put and a written put, where the strike
prices between the purchased and the written options differ. Thus a degree of
protection is provided over a given range by the purchased option whereas the
written option (which provides an immediate inflow of premium) reduces the cost
of the overall position. The payoff of a vertical call spread is shown in Figure 6.17.
+ Purchased call
Premium received
K1 K2 Asset
Premium paid
Written call
Net premium
Figure 6.17 Payoff of a vertical call spread (bull spread) based on buying a
call at strike price and selling another call with strike price
Variations on the spread structure include having options with different expiry
dates (called a horizontal or time spread), using puts instead of calls (known as a
credit spread), having different quantities of options on the purchased and sold legs
(ratio spreads), adding a further purchased deeply out-of-the-money option ( ladder)
and combining two spreads to create butterflies, iron butterflies, condors and so on.
The other derived strategy is a straddle. This has no directional view on the
movement in the underlying asset. It is a combination based on fundamental
strategies (1) and (2), being a purchased call and a purchased put .
Alternatively, in its written or sold form, it uses fundamental strategies (3) and (4),
being short positions in the call and put. The payoff of the long straddle position is
shown in Figure 6.18. The short straddle has the opposite risk profile.
Variations on the basic straddle include: splitting the strike prices between the call
and the put (known as a strangle), reducing the cost of the position by selling-out-
of the money calls and puts (iron butterfly, which is equivalent to a package of a
bull and a bear spread), having a greater number of options on one side (a strap if
more calls are added, a strip if more puts are added). These are also known as ratio
This section has briefly covered the use of options as a way of modifying the risk
profile of a position for speculative and risk management purposes. Because of their
asymmetrical payoff, they can be used to carve up the normal risk profile of an
asset, to remove the undesirable parts and to increase the beneficial results. They
can be purchased and sold in a very great many ways, only a few of which have been
covered, so that they are inherently flexible and a very useful way of managing the
price risk of the underlying optioned instrument.
+ Long put Long call
Call premium Put premium
Combined position
Review Questions
6.4 If you have the choice of either buying an asset now or acquiring an option to buy the
asset at a future date, the combination of the call, plus the present value of the purchase
price, will be:
A. equal to or greater than the asset price, plus any income distribution from the
asset before expiry.
B. equal to or greater than the asset price, less any income distribution from the
asset before expiry.
C. less than or equal to the asset price, plus any income distribution from the
asset before expiry.
D. less than or equal to the asset price, less any income distribution from the
asset before expiry.
6.5 Which of the following factors is not part of a call option contract?
A. The time-span over which the option is valid.
B. The price at which the underlying asset can be purchased.
C. The amount of the premium to be paid.
D. The interest rate applicable to the options expiry.
6.6 Which of the following cannot be determined from a put option contract?
A. Whether the option is American style or European style.
B. The price at which the underlying asset can be sold.
C. The amount of the premium to be paid.
D. The interest rate applicable to the options expiry.
6.7 The ____ of a put option will ____ the premium when the transaction is initiated and
(if exercised) will ____ the underlying asset at the agreed price. Which is correct?
A. writer pay sell
B. writer receive buy
C. holder pay sell
D. holder receive buy
6.9 A call option has a strike price of 175 and a premium of 6.5. If the asset price at expiry
is 180.25, which of the following applies?
A. The option is in-the-money and should be exercised for a net gain of 5.25.
B. The option is in-the-money and should be exercised to cover the premium
paid, giving a net loss of 1.25.
C. The option is out-of-the-money and should not be exercised since there is a
net loss of 1.25.
D. The option is out-of-the-money but should be exercised to cover the premium
paid, giving a net loss of 6.5.
6.10 An in-the-money call option will have a strike (or exercise) price that is:
A. below the asset price and the option will have a positive intrinsic value.
B. below the asset price and the option will have no intrinsic value.
C. above the asset price and the option will have a positive intrinsic value.
D. above the asset price and the option will have no intrinsic value.
6.11 An out-of-the-money put option will have a strike (or exercise) price that is:
A. below the asset price and the option will have a positive intrinsic value.
B. above the asset price and the option will have a positive intrinsic value.
C. above the asset price and the option will have no intrinsic value.
D. below the asset price and the option will have no intrinsic value.
6.12 A put option has a strike price of 212 and the underlying asset is trading at 217. If the
time value of the option is 8, what is the options value?
A. 1.6
B. 5
C. 8
D. 13
6.13 A call option on a stock index has a strike price of 6825.50 and the index is at 6950.50.
If the option has time value (in index points) of 175, what is the value of the call (in
index points)?
A. 1.4
B. 50
C. 125
D. 300
6.14 For an option with different strike prices on the same underlying asset and with the
same expiry date, which of the following is true?
A. The out-of-the-money option has the greatest time value.
B. The at-the-money option has the greatest time value.
C. The in-the-money option has the greatest time value.
D. The time value for the out-of-the-money option, the at-the-money option and
the in-the-money option is the same.
6.15 An increase in the underlying price means the value of a call ____. Equally, a fall in the
risk-free interest rate means the call value ____, whereas an increase in volatility ____
the price of the call. Which is correct?
A. falls rises reduces
B. rises falls raises
C. falls rises raises
D. rises falls reduces
6.16 A decrease in the underlying price means the value of a put ____. Equally, a rise in the
risk-free interest rate means the put value ____, whereas an increase in value leakage
____ the price of the put. Which is correct?
A. falls rises reduces
B. rises falls raises
C. falls rises raises
D. rises falls reduces
6.17 Value leakage from an underlying asset has the effect of:
A. raising the price of calls and reducing the price of puts.
B. reducing the price of calls and raising the price of puts.
C. raising the price of both calls and puts.
D. reducing the price of both calls and puts.
6.18 If the price of the underlying asset falls, which of the following describes the effect on
the price of calls and puts on the asset?
A. Calls rise in value and puts fall in value.
B. Calls fall in value and puts rise in value.
C. Both calls and puts rise in value.
D. Both calls and puts fall in value.
6.19 If the risk-free interest rate falls, which of the following describes the effect on the price
of calls and puts on the asset?
A. Calls rise in value and puts fall in value.
B. Calls fall in value and puts rise in value.
C. Both calls and puts rise in value.
D. Both calls and puts fall in value.
6.20 If the time to expiry of an option is reduced, which of the following describes the effect
on the price of calls and puts on the asset?
A. Calls rise in value and puts fall in value.
B. Calls fall in value and puts rise in value.
C. Both calls and puts rise in value.
D. Both calls and puts fall in value.
6.21 If the volatility of the underlying asset falls, which of the following describes the effect on
the price of calls and puts on the asset?
A. Calls rise in value and puts fall in value.
B. Calls fall in value and puts rise in value.
C. Both calls and puts rise in value.
D. Both calls and puts fall in value.
6.22 Three American-style calls with the same expiry date have the strikes and market prices
given in the following table. The current market price of the asset is 120.
6.25 Which of the following is not a condition for the early exercise of an American-style
A. Concern about the creditworthiness of the option writer.
B. When a put is deeply in-the-money.
C. When a call is deeply in-the-money and a distribution is due on the underlying
D. Concern about the creditworthiness of the underlying asset.
A. long call.
B. short put.
C. short position in the underlying asset and short put.
D. A, B and C can all be represented by the payoff diagram.
6.29 If we were to sell a call and sell a put with the same expiry date but different strike
prices, we have:
A. a vertical spread which will make money if the underlying asset price increases.
B. a vertical spread which will make money if the underlying asset price decreases.
C. a strangle which will make money if the underlying asset price significantly
increases or decreases.
D. a strangle which will make money if the underlying asset price does not
significantly increase or decrease.
Calls Puts
Price July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept.
1300 132 162 170 3 5 13
1350 86 119 130 7 12 23
1400 49 80 96 21 26 39
1450 27 51 66 48 44 59
1500 13 35 50 84 78 93
1550 7 23 36 128 116 129
Estimated volume: 3260.
Open interest: Friday: 18455 calls; 9728 puts.
The cash price is US$1426/metric tonne.
1 What are the intrinsic value and the time value on the $1550 September puts?
2 The report in the paper from which the table is taken showed the $1500 August puts as
having a value of $78. What is wrong with this price?
3 Draw a bullish vertical spread. What would be the possible range of outcomes from
setting up a bullish vertical spread using July calls with strikes of $1450 and $1500?
4 Set up the same bullish vertical spread for the July strikes but this time using puts
instead of calls. What is the range of possible outcomes in this situation?
5 Draw a straddle. If we set up a straddle using the $1450 September calls and puts, what
will be the break-even upward and downward movement in the cocoa price?
Learning Objectives
This module introduces methods for valuing options. The value of an option is
merely the present value of its expected payoffs. If these can be established for a
one-period case, then the value of the call is easily derived.
Option pricing is based on pricing through hedging the exposure created by the
option seller (or writer).
After completing this module, you should:
understand how the hedging or replicating portfolio approach is used to value an
understand the role of the replicating portfolio in option pricing;
know how to derive a fair value for an option;
be able to price an option using a discrete time binomial method;
know how the options hedge ratio, or delta, is derived;
be able to use the putcall parity relationship to price the corresponding put
7.1 Introduction
Option pricing, since it uses five variables, seems complex. The previous module
introduced the basics of options but did not address the question of how options
are valued. This module looks at a formal model for explaining the price that the
market places on options. It starts by illustrating how a one-period case can be
priced and this method is extended to a multiperiod environment. The pricing
approach is similar to that of terminal instruments in that the price is derived from
the costs associated with hedging or replicating the payoff from the option writers
requirement to deliver the asset upon exercise.
Table 7.1 Payoff of call option with one period and two
possible states, a rise to 110 and a fall to 90
Underlying price at Intrinsic value of option
110 10
90 0
Let us also assume that there is a risk-free rate of interest at which money can
be borrowed or lent, which we will take to be 5 per cent, for the period in question,
with the effect that . We will ignore real-life issues such as transaction
costs, taxes, commissions and so forth. We can envisage the payoff on the option as
in Figure 7.1.
Up: {u}
(1 r)
Down: {d}
However, for the option holder, the term 1 90 is zero, since the holder is
not required to exercise in the case of adverse price changes. To solve for the value
of the option to the holder, we need only determine the probability for an upside
change in price and present value the result.
The writer has the opposite position. The key issue in option pricing is what
hedging transaction the writer can take that will minimise this potential loss.
Obviously, if there is 100 per cent certainty that the option will be exercised (that is,
1.0 , the writer would wish to hold the asset and deliver it to the holder. At the
other extreme, if the probability of exercise is zero, the writer would wish to hold
none of the asset. In more usual circumstances, where 1.0 0, there is some
chance that the writer will need to make delivery. A suitable value for the call can be
determined by creating a replicating portfolio consisting of borrowing or lending
at the risk-free rate together with a position in the asset or underlier.
In the case we have been discussing, this replicating portfolio will consist of:
(a) two written or sold options (short position in the option with a requirement to
deliver the underlying asset at expiry if the asset price is above the strike price);
(b) a long position in one unit of the underlying asset at an initial price of 100 each;
(c) borrowings of 85.71 at 5 per cent over the period.
The net cash flow position at time zero will thus be:
2 call 100 85.71 2 calls 14.29 7.2
At expiry, there are two possible outcomes, as given in Table 7.2.
The key result of Table 7.2 is that regardless of whether the price rises or falls,
the net cash flow for the writer (or option seller) is zero. Thus the combination of a
short or written position in two calls with a strike price of 100, together with a long
position in one unit of the asset at 100, plus a loan of 85.71, will provide a position
which, regardless of the outcome, involves no additional cash flows to the option
writer. Thus the position is a riskless hedge. The position in Equation 7.1 is known
as the replicating portfolio. The only other step required is to determine the price
of the calls so that the writer is compensated for the cost of setting up the initial
position (to give the transaction a zero net present value to both sides, that is, it is
fair). The value of one call is thus 7.14, if we have the result that two calls minus
14.28 is zero (2 calls 14.28 = 0; therefore 2 calls = 14.28), thus providing a fair
value for the call or, alternatively, ensuring that the net present value is zero to both
the buyer and the seller of the option.
It would have made no difference if we had priced one call only. In that case we
would have needed half a share rather than one share as above. The normal method
for pricing options is to derive the price of one option directly by allowing fractional
investments in the underlying asset, index, security or instrument. This is the
approach that will be used in all subsequent discussion. However, in real-world
trading it is obviously not possible to divide individual shares or futures contracts.
In that case a seller would simply scale up the transactions as above, selling an
appropriate number of options to get the correct round number of securities.
Therefore, the premium or price that the writer will require to sell the option will
be based on an amount that at least compensates the writer for the expected costs
of replicating the payoffs on the option. This is achieved by creating a combination
of borrowing or lending and a position in the asset that exactly matches the writers
obligation under the option. Alternatively, the cost of the option can be seen as the
payment required by the writer to eliminate any losses from replicating the outcome.
That is, it is the compensation paid by the buyer that makes up for the negative net
present value of the transaction to the writer.
Note that the above replicating methodology allows us to determine the fair
value or price of the option with one period to expiry. Surprisingly enough, we do
not need to know the probability of a rise or fall, only the extent to which the
underlying asset could move up or down (that is, its volatility). In practice this latter
is unknown and we need to work with the probability of an increase or decrease in
the asset value rather than potential future values.
The replicating portfolio approach given above can be applied to any situation.
The general case for pricing calls involves:
(a) selling the call ;
(b) holding delta () units of the underlying asset;
(c) borrowing an amount for the period.
At the end of the period, we want to establish values of and that do not
involve additional sums even if the asset price has risen or fallen. For replication to
work (as shown above), we want the transaction to be self financing once the initial
premium on the call has been paid. We get this if we set:
0 7.3
where is the continuously compounded rate of return for the period .1 We
have here two equations with two unknowns and these can be solved using a little
algebra, such that:
1 How the continuous rate of return is derived from nominal rates is shown in Module 8.
where A is the asset price and and are the values of the call where the asset
price has risen and fallen respectively.2 And we obtain , the amount to be
borrowed, by:
The term in Equation 7.4 is the ratio of the range of the possible call values to
asset values. This is often referred to in the literature on options as the hedge ratio
or the options delta. In our earlier example above, the hedge ratio will be:
10 0 7.6
110 90
And the value of the borrowed funds will be:
0 110 10 90 7.7
1.05 110 90
To replicate the two possible payoffs of the one-period stock, we need to hold
0.5 of the underlying asset per unit currently worth 100 and borrow 42.86.
The two payoffs are given in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3 Payoffs for a one-period replicating portfolio for a call option
with a strike price of 100 based on Table 7.2
Asset price Payoff from replication portfolio Net position
Rises to 110 (0.5 110) (42.86 1.05) 10
Falls to 90 (0.5 90) (42.86 1.05) 0
Setting the initial cash flow to zero (that is, making it a zero net present value
transaction), means that:
0 7.8
where is the call price, A the investment in the underlying asset and is the
amount of borrowed funds. By substituting the values for and from Equation
7.4 and Equation 7.5, we have:
2 For put options, we would use the same formula to obtain a puts delta:
we obtain the value for a call with one period to expiry as:
1 7.11
This form of the payoff of the option is similar to the expected payoff on the
asset at any period, where the terms and 1 correspond to the probabilities of
the assets price increasing and decreasing. The value of the option at each period is
merely the outcome of the option value-weighted by the probability of its occurring.
Substituting the earlier values for and , we have:
0.5 100 42.86 7.14 7.13
which is the same value as we obtained earlier in our analysis.
We may now summarise our understanding of how options are priced. The ex-
pected return on the asset will be a function of the probability of the rise times
the amount of the rise together with the probability of a fall (that is, 1 ) times
the amount of the fall:
Return on asset rise % 1 fall % 7.14
Return on asset 110 1 90
This gives an expected return of 5 per cent. The value of the call on the stock will
be derived as:
Probability of rise 10 1 probability of rise 0 7.15
which gives:
Value of call 0.75 10 1 0.75 0 7.50 7.16
However, this is the expected value at expiry. We then need to present value this
to give us the value of the call at the start of the period:
Future value of the call 7.50 7.17
This again gives us the same value as we derived earlier.
The Risk-Neutral Valuation of Options _______________________
The replicating portfolio approach to valuing options does not lead us to having
to make assumptions about the probabilities of a price increase {u} and a price
decrease {d} in order to derive Equation 7.11. That said, given the fact the
underlier has to either increase or decrease at each step, there is a natural
tendency to interpret the variables and 1 as the probability of the
underlier rising and falling. Then Equation 7.11 can be considered to be the
expected value of the option discounted at the risk free rate.
What would be the expected return on the underlier, if we take the variables
and 1 as the probability of a rise and a fall? The expected value of the
underlier will be:
7.18 1
where 0 is the stock price today and u and d are as previously defined. By
rearrangement, we can see that:
Now substituting Equation 7.10 into Equation 7.19 and simplifying, we find that:
This shows that the expected growth rate of the underlier is at the risk-free
interest rate (r). Thus setting the probabilities of an increase or decrease in the
value of the underlier to and 1 is equivalent to making the assumption
that the rate of growth in the value of the underlier equals the risk-free interest
This is the basis of the risk-neutral valuation approach. In a risk-neutral
world all individuals are indifferent to risk. In the risk-neutral world, investors
do not ask for compensation for bearing risk and as a result all securities earn
the same return, the risk-free interest rate. The valuation approach used in
Equation 7.11 where the probabilities of a price increase and decrease are set to
and 1 is equivalent to assuming such a risk-neutral world. Hence these
are risk-neutral probabilities.
This leads to an important result in option pricing. The result in the risk-neutral
world is the same as the result from the real world. The replicating portfolio
approach gives the same value as the risk-neutral valuation approach. As a
result, we can take the valuations derived from the risk-neutral world and apply
them in the normal world where investors do care about risk. This simplifies
the valuation approach since using the risk-neutral valuation method we simply
need values for r, u, d and p.
There are two important implications from this method of deriving the value of a
call option.
1. The writer is indifferent to the value of the asset price at expiry. If the hedge
ratio has been correctly determined, the outcome does not depend on whether
the price rises or falls.
2. The model provides a risk-neutral valuation of the outcome. The pricing of
the option does not depend on the risk preferences of individuals or institutions
since the position (and by implication the expected return on the asset) can be
hedged by borrowing and lending at the risk-free rate.
Although these two points are somewhat theoretical issues and beyond the scope
of this module, it is important to understand that the replicating portfolio approach
used by option-pricing models does not require the parties to take a view on the
outcome. As long as both parties can agree on the risk-free rate of interest, individu-
al perceptions of how the asset price might move are not relevant. This is not to say
that in practice buyers and sellers are not concerned with the outcome. The reason
that option-pricing models have been so successful in addressing the valuation of
contingent claims with an asymmetric payoff is that the valuation process has only
one area of disagreement: the volatility or potential range of prices that might be
achieved over the life of the option.
Price in period 2
Up: {u}
(r) 110 (1 r)
Price in {ud,du}
period 1 100
(1 r)
90 (r)
Down: {d}
(1 r)
{dd} 80
Table 7.4 Price outcomes for asset prices over two periods
Period Fall Rise
{d} {u}
0 100
1 90 110
{d} {u}
2 80 100 120
{d + d} {d + u; u + d} {u + u}
Table 7.5 Value of call option based on asset prices in Table 7.4 with a
strike price of 100
Period Fall Rise
{d} {u}
1 0 10
2 0 0 20
The value of the option with one period to go is computed in exactly the same
fashion as the one-period example. The upper and lower pairs of outcomes provide
the call values with one period to go, as shown in Table 7.6.
Table 7.6 The value of the two pairs of one-period call options in Table
7.5, with one period to expiry
Pair Hedge Borrowing Value of
ratio () (B) option (C)
Upper pair (u + d); u = 120; d = 100 1.000 95.24 14.76
Lower pair (u + d); u = 100; d = 80 0 0 0
The basic equation is then used to calculate back from the values in Table 7.6 to
give the single-period value. The value of is 0.75, therefore 1 is 0.25.
Substituting these gives:
1 0.75 14.76 0.25 0 7.21
The value of the option with two periods to expiry thus becomes 10.54, as
against 7.14 for the one period alone. The reason for the increased value is that the
possible range of outcomes for the two-period model has risen from 0 to 10 to 0 to
20. Table 7.5 shows that for the two-period case, there are three outcomes.
For the two-period model, we can expand Equation 7.21 such that:
2 1 1 7.22
0 10 30
t=2 {dd} {ud/du} {uu}
As expected, the result of lowering the strike price is to raise the value of the
call option.
The reader familiar with statistics will have recognised that the process in Ta-
ble 7.4 and shown in Figure 7.3 is in fact the behaviour of a binomial distribution.
The use of such a distribution gives this approach to option pricing its name. The
option-pricing method just described is in fact the binomial option-pricing model
developed by John Cox, Stephen Ross and Mark Rubinstein (1979). We will discuss
an alternative analytical method in the next module, but we will now turn to how we
may price put options, which have been ignored so far. Pricing puts depends on
the existence of arbitrage-free conditions between long and short positions in puts
and calls together with a long or short position in the underlying asset.
Calculating the Binomial Option-Pricing Model Inputs _________
The binomial option-pricing model requires estimates of the parameters ,
and in order to be able to derive the value of a call. These can be derived
from statistical estimates of the behaviour of asset returns using the following
is the annualised standard deviation
is the number of steps
is the time period for the option
is the observed interest rate for the period
= 2.71828
Thus for a six-month option (180 days) with a standard deviation of 25 per cent
where the number of steps is 25, an interest rate of 6 per cent, this gives the
following estimates:
2.71828 1.035736
2.71828 0.965496
2.71828 1.001184
These estimates are the inputs used in Equation 7.10 to derive and 1 :
1.001184 0.965496
1.035736 0.965496
1 1 0.508090 0.491910
from which a lattice of prices is then calculated (as in Figure 7.3). These esti-
mates are then used to calculate the matrix of price dispersions over time and
therefore the corresponding value of the option at each terminal state in the
binomial lattice.
Note that this calculation shows that as the variance is increased, the values
for and increase and decrease for any fixed given period and the
binomial lattice will have a wider spread of prices. This relationship is shown in
Table 7.8 for different values of and . The result is what we would expect
from raising the volatility in that the future spread of possible outcomes widens
as volatility is increased.
Table 7.8 Terminal value for asset price based on various growth rates
for up and down in the binomial option-pricing model
Initial price = 100 Maximum terminal value for price increases
{u} 1 10 20 50
1.01 101.00 110.46 122.02 164.46
1.02 102.00 121.90 148.60 269.16
1.05 105.00 162.89 265.33 1146.74
1.10 110.00 259.37 672.75 11739.09
By using the exponential for the volatility and by setting 1/ , the lattice will
recombine at each node. Note this assumes that the distribution of asset price
returns conforms to a lognormal distribution.
3 Alternatively, we can value puts directly, using the numerical methods of the binomial option-pricing
We can duplicate this payoff synthetically by taking a short position in the under-
lying asset together with holding a long position in a call. This is shown in
Figure 7.5. This synthetic put position has the same payoff as a long position in a
put option. With the synthetic put, if the market price is below the strike price on
the call, the call is left unexercised and the short position shows a gain. If, however,
the market price is above the strike price, the loss that is made on the short position
(a' ) is offset by the gain from exercising the call at a profit (a), giving the combined
payoff which is shown as a heavy black line and which is the same as that shown in
Figure 7.4. Functionally, holding the put or taking a short position in the asset with
a long position in a call have the same payoffs. In an efficient market, the two
should trade at the same price (in conformity with the law of one price).
K price
Strike price
Figure 7.4 Payoff from holding a long position in a put option
Payoff of long position in a call option
Combined payoff
of short position a
in the underlying
and long call position
K price
Strike price
Figure 7.5 Payoff from a combination of a short position in the underly-
ing asset and a long call position
Note: The combination is also known as a synthetic put.
The putcall parity theorem states that the value of a put held in conjunction
with the underlying must be the same as the corresponding call together with the
present value of the exercise price:4
Asset Put Call PV Exercise price 7.26
Note that this way of putting the theorem differs slightly from the way in which
we explained putcall parity in our earlier discussion. As stated in Equation 7.26, the
left-hand side of the equation is equivalent to a synthetic call. That is, holding the
asset (long position) in conjunction with holding a put is functionally equivalent to
holding the call and investing the present value of the exercise price.
Once we have priced the call, we can derive the value of the put by applying the
putcall parity theorem to deriving the value of the put by rearranging Equation
Thus, for our earlier example of a call where the call price was 7.14, the value of
the put can be determined as:
Put Call PV Exercise price Asset
2.38 7.14 100 1.05 100
Using the Binomial Option-Pricing Model for Puts ____________
As an alternative to pricing a call and then using putcall parity to value the put,
we can use the binomial option-zpricing model directly to price the put.
Suppose we have a European-style put with two periods (years) to expiry, with
a strike price of 102 and a current asset price of 100. The risk-free interest rate
is 5 per cent and the proportional increase or decrease is 0.20, then the value of
the asset tree with two periods is as shown in Figure 7.6.
100 96
80 6
Figure 7.6 Two-period binomial tree with put values where the put has
a strike price of 102
We can compute the probability of a rise or fall as:
1.20 0.80
The two-period model therefore values the put as:
2 1 1
Inserting the values derived from the binomial tree, we have:
0.6282 0 2 0.6282 0.3718 6 0.3718 38
Therefore the put has a value of 8.06.
Note that the putcall parity theorem is the basis of much arbitrage activity be-
tween options and their underlying assets. If one of the elements of Equation 7.26 is
over- or underpriced, then a riskless profit can be made by selling the overpriced
element or buying the underpriced element and creating a synthetic hedge, so that
there is an instantaneous risk-free gain. Thus if the put was overpriced in the
market, this would be sold short (written) and the synthetic put would be created by
taking a short position in the asset and holding the long position in the call with the
same strike price.
Table 7.9 The combination of long (+) and short () positions in the
underlying asset, borrowing and lending used to create synthetic
Combination of option
Synthetic position position and position in the
underlying asset
Long synthetic call + put PV(exercise price) + asset
Long synthetic put + call + PV(exercise price) asset
Short synthetic call put + PV(exercise price) asset
Short synthetic put call PV(exercise price) + asset
Short underlying asset (synthetic short + put call
forward or future position)
Long underlying asset (synthetic long forward put + call
or future position)
Note: Combinations of puts and calls create synthetic forward or futures positions.
transaction to be fair to both sides. The fair value of an option is thus derived from
the ability of the option writer to create a suitable replicating portfolio. A put option
can be valued by using the putcall parity theorem to price a corresponding put
from the call.
Module 8 will extend the analysis of Module 7 and will examine an analytic solu-
tion to the problem of option pricing that does not require a large number of
calculations. This involves a continuous time model first developed by Fisher Black
and Myron Scholes.
110 D = 0.7273
108 [8]
100 D = 0.7143 [0]
90 D = 0.2222
72 [0]
Figure 7.7 Two-period binomial tree for an asset and the resultant
option values when the strike price is 100
Note: The volatility for periods 1 and 2 are different.
What we want is a portfolio of the underlying asset and borrowings which, once
the initial investment (including the options price or value) has been made, requires
no further funds (other than self-liquidating borrowings). Based on the tree, the
value of the call at expiry will be: 32, 0, 8 and 0.
For convenience of exposition, we will assume the interest rate is 5 per cent
throughout. We can, at the expense of greater complexity, allow for different
interest rates for each period. The value of the call at time 0 is 14.74. (You might
like to work back through the tree yourself to check that this is the correct value.)
We therefore start with the portfolio as given in Table 7.10.
We now move forward to what has happened at the end of the first period and
we look at the situation if the asset price has risen or fallen . If the price has
risen, dynamic or delta hedging requires that we increase our asset position (borrow-
ing more at the risk-free rate, if necessary) and, if the price has fallen, we reduce our
asset position (using the proceeds to repay existing borrowings).
If the asset price has risen, we now need to increase our holding of the asset by
(0.7273 0.7143 110). The new portfolio and additional borrowing to rebalance
the position at time 1 is shown in Table 7.11.
Table 7.11 Value of the replicating portfolio when the asset has risen
at time and after new investment in the asset has been
Portfolio element Asset value Value
Existing asset 0.7142 110 = 78.57
New asset purchase (0.7272 0.7143) 110 = 1.43
(A) Total asset position 80.00
If, on the other hand, the asset price has fallen at time 1 , we need to de-
crease our holding of the asset by (0.7143 0.2222 90) and pay off some of our
loan. The new portfolio after rebalancing, together with the reduced level of
borrowing, is shown in Table 7.12.
Table 7.12 Value of the replicating portfolio when the asset has fallen { }
at time and after a sale of part of the asset position has
been undertaken
Portfolio element Asset value Value
Existing asset 0.7143 90 = 64.29
Asset sale (0.7143 0.2222) 90 = (44.29)
(A) Total asset position 20
We now move forward to the next period 2 when the option expires. From
our tree, we have a value for the option of 32, 8 or zero, depending on
whether the asset price rose or fell in the first time period.
In the situation where the asset price rose (that is, , we have the positions as
given in Table 7.13 for the portfolio in the subsequent increase and decrease stage.
Table 7.13 Resultant value of the asset and loan portfolio at time ,
given that the asset price increased at time
Portfolio Increase {u} Decrease
element {d}
Asset position 0.7273 132 96 0.7273 88 64
Borrowings 60.95 1.05 (64) 60.95 1.05 (64)
Total 32 0
In the opposite situation, where the asset price fell in Period 1 1 , we have
the positions of the replicating portfolio as shown in Table 7.14.
Table 7.14 Resultant value of the asset and loan portfolio at time ,
given that the asset price decreased at time
Portfolio Increase {u} Decrease
element {d}
Asset 0.2222 108 24 0.2222 72 16
Borrowings 15.24 1.05 (16) 15.24 1.05 16
Total 8 0
As the results from the replicating portfolio show, we have exactly the amounts
required to meet the values of the option for each of the four expiry values
given in Figure 7.7.
A few observations on this process are called for.
1. The replicating strategy depended on our ability to buy and sell fractions of the
asset. If we cannot do this, we cannot create a portfolio that matches our liability
and thus we are left exposed.
2. Equally, if there had been transaction costs, we would have needed to factor
these into the result. The degree to which they have an impact on the portfolio
will be a function of how frequently we seek to rebalance the portfolio.
3. The dynamic replicating strategy also assumes that we can borrow and lend as
much as we want at the risk-free rate of interest. Although for illustrative pur-
poses we set the risk-free interest rate for both periods as being the same, there
is no reason we could not have assumed different interest rates for the two peri-
4. To successfully replicate the result of the option, all we needed were the asset
values in each period for a rise and a fall . The value of the option at each
stage of the tree was computed from its maturity backwards. The asset and op-
tion values for the upper and lower pair of outcomes in Figure 7.7 were used to
derive the option value at time 0. If we have wrongly computed the future set of
asset values (that is, the assets volatility) at time 1 or 2, we stand to gain or lose
depending on whether we have over- or underestimated the future dispersion in
5. Note that by using this numerical approach we were able to incorporate a higher
volatility for the second step set of outcomes and allow for the fact that the tree
was non-recombining.
Review Questions
7.1 We have an asset which trades in the market today for 50 and which can take a value of
either 55 or 45 in one period. The risk-free interest rate is 4 per cent. What will be the
value of a call option written on the asset which has a strike price of 51?
A. 0.40
B. 2.69
C. 3.63
D. 4.00
7.2 A one-period call option has a high value of 250 for the asset and a low value of 200 for
the asset. If the option strike price is 230, what will be the options delta?
A. 0.20
B. 0.40
C. 0.60
D. 0.80
7.3 Using the information from Question 7.2, what will be the amount of borrowed funds
used in the replicating portfolio if the one-period risk-free continuously compounded
interest rate is 5 per cent?
A. 19.02
B. 47.56
C. 76.10
D. 218.78
7.4 If we have a situation where the interest rate r 0.01 and the increase in the asset
price u 1.04 and the decrease d 0.96, what will be the probability of a rise in the
asset price?
A. 0.50
B. 0.54
C. 0.63
D. 0.75
7.5 A put has a value of 20 if the asset price falls one period from now. The probability of a
rise is 0.51 and the risk-free interest rate for the period is 2 per cent. What will be the
puts current value?
A. 9.6
B. 9.8
C. 10
D. 10.2
The following information is used for Questions 7.6 and 7.7.
We have an asset which can take the following prices after one and two periods where the
risk-free interest rate is 3 per cent per period.
7.6 What will be the delta on a call option with a strike price of 260 at time 1, if the price
increases in the first period?
A. 0.31
B. 0.50
C. 0.81
D. 1.00
7.7 We have a call option on the asset with a strike price of 260. What will be the current
value of the option at time 0?
A. 14.6
B. 16.0
C. 26.8
D. 40.1
The following information is used for Questions 7.8 to 7.12.
We have the following four-period set of asset prices.
7.8 If we have a call option with a strike price at 490, what will be the delta of the option
for the topmost branch in Period 3?
A. 0.30
B. 0.50
C. 0.80
D. 1.00
7.9 If we have a put option with a strike price at 495, what will be the delta of the option
for the third pair (that is, the second pair from the bottom) in Period 4?
A. 1
B. 0.83
C. 0.83
D. 1
7.10 What will be the price difference (in value terms) if we have an in-the-money option
with a strike of 495 with two periods to expiry and the same option with one period to
A. 4.4
B. 5.0
C. 9.5
D. 11.2
7.11 If the risk-free interest rate rises from 1 per cent per period to 2 per cent per period
what will happen to the probability of a price rise?
A. The probability of a price rise is unchanged.
B. The probability of a price rise is increased.
C. The probability of a price rise is decreased.
D. There is insufficient information to determine what happens.
7.12 If the upper and lower terminal values for the price series for the four periods are now
550 and 454.5, what has happened to the rate of increase (decrease) in the asset?
A. The rate of increase (decrease) is unchanged.
B. The rate of increase (decrease) has risen.
C. The rate of increase (decrease) has fallen.
D. There is insufficient information to answer the question.
7.13 We have an asset with an annualised standard deviation of 0.40. If we have a three-
month option and employ 50 steps, what will be the increase in the asset price per step
in the binomial model?
A. 1.0008
B. 1.0287
C. 1.0582
D. 1.1052
7.14 If we have an asset with an annualised volatility of 0.25 and we have a 40-step tree for a
37-day option and the applicable risk-free interest rate is 8 per cent, what will be the
risk-neutral probability of a price increase in the lattice?
A. 0.500
B. 0.504
C. 0.506
D. 0.508
7.15 If we have an asset price of 120 and a European-style call and a European-style put with
the same expiry date and a strike price of 100 on the asset:
A. the call will be out-of-the-money and the put in-the-money.
B. the call will be in-the-money and the put out-of-the-money.
C. both the call and the put will be in-the-money.
D. both the call and the put will be out-of-the-money.
7.16 In Question 7.15, if the call is for three months and the risk-free interest rate is 6 per
cent per annum and the call is trading at a market price of 24.50, what will be the value
of the put?
A. 0
B. 3.1
C. 4.4
D. 4.5
7.17 We have a current asset price of 500. There are European-style calls and puts on the
asset with a six-month expiry and a strike price of 490. The price of the call is 33.75 and
that of the put is 1.15. The risk-free interest rate is 10 per cent per annum. Which of
the following is true?
A. The puts and calls are correctly priced.
B. The puts and calls are incorrectly priced.
C. The call is correctly priced but the put is incorrectly priced.
D. The call is incorrectly priced but the put is correctly priced.
7.18 The current asset price is 500. There are European-style calls and puts on the asset with
a three-month expiry on the asset with a strike price of 515. The risk-free rate of
interest is 8 per cent per annum. The call is currently trading in the market at 11.30 and
the put at 17.50. Which of the following arbitrage transactions should you pursue to
take advantage of the mispricing of the puts?
A. Sell the call, borrow the required funds at the risk-free rate to buy the asset
and the put and hold the combined position to expiry to make a profit.
B. Buy the call, sell the asset, lend the proceeds at the risk-free rate and sell the
put and hold the combined position to expiry to make a profit.
C. Sell the put and buy the asset and borrow the proceeds at the risk-free rate,
and buy the call and hold the combined position to expiry to make a profit.
D. Sell the call and buy the asset and borrow the proceeds at the risk-free rate,
and sell the put and hold the combined position to expiry to make a profit.
7.19 An asset has a possible price range of 175145 over a given period. There is a call
option on the asset with a possible payoff of 9 if the price rises, otherwise it is worth-
less. What will be the delta on the option?
A. 0.3
B. 0.4
C. 0.6
D. 1.0
7.20 We have an asset which trades in the market today for 200 and which can take a value
of either 240 or 160 in one period. The risk-free interest rate is 4 per cent. What will
be the value of a one-period call option written on the asset which has a strike price of
A. 0.38
B. 14.4
C. 17.3
D. 28.9
2 Compute the value of the corresponding put with the same strike price. (You will need
to compute the tree of asset and put values since these are needed for Questions 3 and
3 What is the delta of the put in the fourth period for the second pair of outcomes from
the top?
4 What will the delta of the put move to if the outcome in Period 5 from Question 3 is a
price rise and what will it be if the price falls?
5 What happens to the value of the put if the strike price is reduced from 105 to 104?
1. Cox, J., Ross, S. and Rubinstein, M. (1979) Option Pricing: A Simplified Approach,
Journal of Financial Economics, 7 (Sept.), 22963.
Learning Objectives
This module extends the option-pricing method to provide an analytic solution to
the value of calls and puts using the BlackScholes option-pricing model.
After completing this module, you should know how:
the BlackScholes option-pricing model equation works;
to calculate the inputs used in the model;
to use the put version of the BlackScholes model.
8.1 Introduction
The accuracy with which the binomial option-pricing model captures the value of an
option is questionable when there are only a small number of steps used to calculate
the price. As the number of periods to expiry is increased, that is, the period of each
step is made smaller, the number of different possible asset values at expiry increas-
es and the assumption that for each step only two possible outcomes are possible is
a more realistic description of the actual behaviour of asset prices.
As the number of iterations is increased and approaches infinity, the binomial
option-pricing model becomes the equation for the BlackScholes option-pricing
model. In terms of development, the binomial model is a discrete time generalisa-
tion of the BlackScholes model. Whereas the BlackScholes model relies on
continuously adjusting prices, the binomial model assumes that the price moves in
discrete steps. When the option price is calculated by means of the binomial model,
using a large number of steps (over 50), the fair value (or equilibrium price) is
virtually the same as that given by the BlackScholes model, which indicates that the
two models are equally accurate.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both models. The attraction of the
binomial model is that it allows individual specification of the price-generation
process (that is, u and d) over time. This is helpful, for instance, in pricing exotic
options or options where the volatility is not proportional to time, as is the case with
interest rates. The disadvantage is that it is computationally cumbersome: but this is
less of a problem when using computers. By contrast, the BlackScholes model
provides a closed-form analytic solution for the option price. Pricing can be
carried out on a calculator. Reworking the equation also allows the derivation of a
number of useful option value sensitivity or risk measures.1 However, there are
disadvantages in using the BlackScholes model in that it assumes that (a) the
variance in the returns on the asset is constant over the life of the option, (b)
interest rates are constant, (c) the asset price moves continuously (that is, there are
no jumps in prices), and (d) asset returns follow a lognormal distribution. In
addition, the model, like other pricing models, assumes no transaction costs and no
intermediate payments such as dividends or interest (value leakages) are made by the
underlying asset.
The assumption of no transaction costs is unrealistic in a world where bid and
offer spreads exist and there will be, in practice, some cost to replicating the
behaviour of the option. The intermediate payment problem can be, as we shall see,
adjusted for quite simply if the amount of the distribution is known in advance.
More serious objections can be raised by the continuous price assumption and the
assumption that asset returns are lognormally distributed. These are complex
technical issues for theoreticians and practitioners alike. Although both assumptions
are violated in reality, empirical evidence on the validity of the BlackScholes model
as a description of the option price-generating process has shown that the model
provides a good description of observed option prices in the market.
Assumptions Behind the BlackScholes Option-Pricing Model __
1. The model was originally developed for pricing European-style call options
on non-dividend-paying stocks.
2. It made the following assumptions about distributions of future returns and
the cost of replicating the option using a portfolio made up of a position in
the underlying asset and borrowing:
the variance of returns (volatility ()) is constant over the life of the op-
the risk-free interest rate is constant
investors can borrow or lend at the risk-free interest rate
a continuous price exists; there are no jumps in prices
stock price behaviour is characterised by a lognormal distribution
2 Fisher Black and Myron Scholes (1973) The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities, Journal of
Political Economy, 81 (MayJune), 63759.
3 The present valuing of the strike price using the continuous risk-free rate is often written as
. The notation of the BlackScholes model formula in Equation 8.1 makes it plain that the
strike price is present valued and helps to make the correspondence with the putcall parity formula:
If the volatility of the asset approaches zero then the asset is virtually riskless.
The value of the asset will grow at the interest rate to by time . The
payoff of the option is then:
max ,0 8.6
The present value of the payoff, discounted at the rate to time , is:
max ,0 8.7
max ,0
This is consistent with Equation 8.1.
In the case where , the no-volatility case implies that for the sub-
equation ln / 0. As volatility moves towards zero, 1 and 2 tend
towards being positively infinite and the terms in Equation 8.1, and ,
tend towards 1.0. The result is that Equation 8.1 becomes simply:
With the opposite condition, when , the sub-equation
ln / 0 applies. Again, as volatility becomes zero, 1 and 2 tend
towards being negatively infinite and the terms in Equation 8.1, and ,
tend towards zero, which gives a zero call price.
Table 8.1 Exchange-traded option prices for currency calls and puts on
the US dollar/Sterling exchange rate
Calls Puts
Strike Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov.
1.52 2.73 3.32 3.85 0.57 1.17 1.78
1.53 2.08 2.70 3.26 0.87 1.55 2.19
1.54 1.49 2.20 2.73 1.17 2.00 2.61
1.55 1.03 1.74 2.32 1.71 2.54 3.16
1.56 0.59 1.34 1.91 2.36 3.09 3.73
1.57 0.33 1.02 1.56 3.05 3.76 4.37
Note: The contract size is 31250 and the premiums are quoted in cents per pound. Note that
the strikes for each series are set 1 cent apart (the US dollar is the quoted currency for sterling).
For the options traded in Table 8.1, there is a limited range of strike prices (at
$0.01 intervals). For over-the-counter options, there are no such limitations, the
strike price being set at whatever price or rate is agreed between the buyer and the
Estimates to five decimal places generally provide sufficient accuracy for the
value of the option. The value is used twice in the formula, first in the
discounting function and again in adjusting the volatility of the asset .
Practitioners often make the distinction between a trading day and a non-trading
day (weekends and bank holidays) since there is strong empirical evidence that
financial market prices are less volatile when markets are closed. We will return to
this point when looking at estimating the assets volatility. Note that, for simplicity,
in our examples we will be assuming that the variability of asset returns is constant
regardless of whether we are dealing with trading or non-trading days.
T bill 100
T bill
The BlackScholes model uses the continuously compounded risk-free interest
rate , so the annualised rate of interest has to be converted to the continuously
compounded rate using the following formula:
ln 1 8.11
where ln is the natural logarithm and is the annualised rate of interest derived
from Equation 8.10.
1.008644 .
1.034741 1
And the continuously compounded interest rate will therefore be:
ln 1.03474 0.03415, or 3.415 per cent
Since the BlackScholes model assumes that funds will be borrowed and lent at
the risk-free rate, it could be argued that the appropriate interest rate should be the
rate at which funds can be borrowed in creating the replicating portfolio. Fortunate-
ly, the option value from the model is not particularly sensitive to the risk-free rate
used and therefore mispecification of the rate is not critical. Practitioners differ in
their response to the problem, some using the T-bill rate or similar, others using a
commercial rate (such as LIBOR). Note that there is a tendency by practitioners to
use the (higher) commercial rate if the transaction is designed to lock in the types of
arbitrage discussed in the previous module, since these may critically depend on the
rate at which funds can be invested or borrowed.
where is the simple return for the period 1 to , is the price at time and
is the price at time 1.
The equivalent, a computationally efficient means (here for the standard devia-
tion) of calculating the assets volatility, is given in Equation 8.15:
1 1 8.15
1 1
We can compute the standard error of our estimate. It follows that the more
observations we have, the more likely it is that the result is close to the true underly-
ing value. However, if the volatility is shifting over time, we do not want to use data
that are remote in time from the present. The standard error of the estimate can be
computed as:
where is the computed standard deviation from the data. How much error exists
can be seen from Table 8.2, which shows the standard error for an estimate for a
volatility of 0.25 with different values for .
Thus, if the data are based on monthly observations, the annualised variance is
the monthly variance times 12. If the observations had been weekly, the annualised
variance is the calculated weekly variance times 52. If daily observations are made,
the annualised variance is either 252 or 365 (or 366, if a leap year). The reason for
the choice of 252 or 365 days relates to the point made earlier that the observed
volatility of financial markets differs, depending on whether the market is open for
trading. Many practitioners use the number of trading days in the year (252) rather
than the calendar days since this provides a truer reflection of the underlying
The standard deviation of continuously compounded returns is then simply the
square root of the variance:
2 8.18
If the option price is 6.5 and the underlier price 100 and there is exactly a quarter
of a year to the options expiry, then the implied volatility is:
That is, the volatility is about 33 per cent.
Forecast volatility is derived by means of an estimating technique, typically a time
series method, that aims to predict what volatility will be over the option period.
There is debate about whether a sophisticated estimate of volatility based on
extrapolating historical data or the implied volatility derived from the market prices
of options provides the best estimate for pricing options. The assumption behind
historical estimates is that the past will continue in the future. Implied volatility
provides an estimate of the markets expectations for uncertainty over the options
In practice, participants watch both, using trends in both estimates as a guide to
whether volatility is trading cheap or dear in the market. For option holders, who
are using the instruments as a risk-management tool, the question is perhaps
somewhat irrelevant, except in so far as the price of traded volatility has a very
major impact on the value of the options purchased.
In one respect, the availability of implied volatility estimates is useful in providing
insights into the consensus view of future uncertainty in the market. This term
structure of volatility is a useful additional forecasting tool to, say, the term structure
of interest rates. An example of the term structure of volatility for a range of currency
options is shown in Table 8.3.
Table 8.3 The term structure of implied volatility for currency options
Period US$/ /US$ SFr/US$ Yen/US$ Yen/ /
1m 10.30 14.30 16.20 13.10 11.50 12.00
3m 10.80 13.90 15.50 13.20 11.60 10.90
6m 11.20 13.00 14.30 13.20 11.50 10.20
12m 11.55 12.70 13.80 13.35 11.40 9.80
Note that we have already stated that all the pricing factors are directly observa-
ble, except for volatility. In options markets, what is being purchased and sold is
volatility since participants can, on the whole, agree on the value of the other factors
in the option price. Consequently, attitudes to the currently observed volatility,
coupled to a forecast or view of how volatility might evolve over the time horizon,
will determine whether to buy or sell options. In the language of option traders, they
decide whether to be long volatility (volatility is cheap) or short volatility
(volatility is expensive).
where 0 is the current share price, 0 is the ex-dividend share price and 1
is the present value of dividend to be received at time ; is the continuous-
ly compounded rate of interest over the time .
If we know the distribution that will be made, we can simply adjust the current
asset price to take account of this. In effect, we take off that part of the assets
value, the dividend or interest payment, which does not accrue to the option holder.
This method is not infallible, as for example with the case of unknown or unex-
pected distributions. This is where the opportunity to exercise early and capture the
value distribution becomes valuable. This is possible with American-style options.
This additional benefit means that the opportunity to exercise early leads to such
options trading at a higher price (value) than European-style options, which can
only be exercised at expiry. The complications of valuing American-style options are
deferred to a later module.
These values for from Table 8.5 are then used to find the price of the call
100 8.22
90 0.36317 . .
32.6853 28.9984
The value of the call is 3.69.
Pricing Error from not Interpolating the Normal Distribution
Table ______________________________________________________
In Equation 8.22 we used the values derived from Table 8.6, which does not
interpolate the gap between the two values in the table. In so doing, we have
slightly overestimated the value of the option. If we interpolate between the
observed points on the table, we have the following values for and .
The value of 1 is 0.35589, that is, it lies 59/100 of the way between 0.35 and
0.36. The difference between the two points on the normal distribution is
0.003746, so that the linear interpolated value of should be:
59 8.23
0.36317 0.003746 0.36096
A similar calculation for gives a value of 0.29754. The corrected value for
the call is therefore:
100 8.24
90 0.36096 . .
32.4864 28.9476
That is, failure to interpolate the points has overestimated the calculated option
value by 0.15 (3.69 3.54).
A fully accurate calculation of the point of 1 and 2 on the normal distribution
would have given an option price of 3.5375. Thus the linear interpolation
approach gives an option value that is correct to two decimal places.
It is worth pointing out that accurate estimates of and are required
and interpolation is necessary if using the table of areas under the normal curve.
The equation approach will give the correct value directly.
We can use the putcall parity relationship to price the corresponding put:
We therefore have:
100 8.27
. .
0.72045 90 0.63904
The above result from Equation 8.27 was calculated using the true values for
and on the normal distribution. The model agrees with the
result computed from the putcall parity method to two decimal places.
Table 8.6 Normal distribution table for dx when value is less than zero (dx 0)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.0 0.5000 0.4960 0.4920 0.4880 0.4840 0.4801 0.4761 0.4721 0.4681 0.4641
0.1 0.4602 0.4562 0.4522 0.4483 0.4443 0.4404 0.4364 0.4325 0.4286 0.4247
0.2 0.4207 0.4168 0.4129 0.4090 0.4052 0.4013 0.3974 0.3936 0.3897 0.3859
0.3 0.3821 0.3783 0.3745 0.3707 0.3669 0.3632 0.3594 0.3557 0.3520 0.3483
0.4 0.3446 0.3409 0.3372 0.3336 0.3300 0.3264 0.3228 0.3192 0.3156 0.3121
0.5 0.3085 0.3050 0.3015 0.2981 0.2946 0.2912 0.2877 0.2843 0.2810 0.2776
0.6 0.2743 0.2709 0.2676 0.2643 0.2611 0.2578 0.2546 0.2514 0.2483 0.2451
0.7 0.2420 0.2389 0.2358 0.2327 0.2296 0.2266 0.2236 0.2206 0.2177 0.2148
0.8 0.2119 0.2090 0.2061 0.2033 0.2005 0.1977 0.1949 0.1922 0.1894 0.1867
0.9 0.1841 0.1814 0.1788 0.1762 0.1736 0.1711 0.1685 0.1660 0.1635 0.1611
1.0 0.1587 0.1562 0.1539 0.1515 0.1492 0.1469 0.1446 0.1423 0.1401 0.1379
1.1 0.1357 0.1335 0.1314 0.1292 0.1271 0.1251 0.1230 0.1210 0.1190 0.1170
1.2 0.1151 0.1131 0.1112 0.1093 0.1075 0.1056 0.1038 0.1020 0.1003 0.0985
1.3 0.0968 0.0951 0.0934 0.0918 0.0901 0.0885 0.0869 0.0853 0.0838 0.0823
1.4 0.0808 0.0793 0.0778 0.0764 0.0749 0.0735 0.0721 0.0708 0.0694 0.0681
1.5 0.0668 0.0655 0.0643 0.0630 0.0618 0.0606 0.0594 0.0582 0.0571 0.0559
1.6 0.0548 0.0537 0.0526 0.0516 0.0505 0.0495 0.0485 0.0475 0.0465 0.0455
1.7 0.0446 0.0436 0.0427 0.0418 0.0409 0.0401 0.0392 0.0384 0.0375 0.0367
1.8 0.0359 0.0351 0.0344 0.0336 0.0329 0.0322 0.0314 0.0307 0.0301 0.0294
1.9 0.0287 0.0281 0.0274 0.0268 0.0262 0.0256 0.0250 0.0244 0.0239 0.0233
2.0 0.0228 0.0222 0.0217 0.0212 0.0207 0.0202 0.0197 0.0192 0.0188 0.0183
2.1 0.0179 0.0174 0.0170 0.0166 0.0162 0.0158 0.0154 0.0150 0.0146 0.0143
2.2 0.0139 0.0136 0.0132 0.0129 0.0125 0.0122 0.0119 0.0116 0.0113 0.0110
2.3 0.0107 0.0104 0.0102 0.0099 0.0096 0.0094 0.0091 0.0089 0.0087 0.0084
2.4 0.0082 0.0080 0.0078 0.0075 0.0073 0.0071 0.0069 0.0068 0.0066 0.0064
2.5 0.0062 0.0060 0.0059 0.0057 0.0055 0.0054 0.0052 0.0051 0.0049 0.0048
2.6 0.0047 0.0045 0.0044 0.0043 0.0041 0.0040 0.0039 0.0038 0.0037 0.0036
2.7 0.0035 0.0034 0.0033 0.0032 0.0031 0.0030 0.0029 0.0028 0.0027 0.0026
2.8 0.0026 0.0025 0.0024 0.0023 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 0.0021 0.0020 0.0019
2.9 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 0.0017 0.0016 0.0016 0.0015 0.0015 0.0014 0.0014
3.0 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 0.0010 0.0010
3.1 0.0010 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 0.0007 0.0007
3.2 0.0007 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005
3.3 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0003
3.4 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002
3.5 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
3.6 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
3.7 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
3.8 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
3.9 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
4.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Table 8.7 Normal distribution table for dx when value is greater than zero (dx 0)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.0 0.5000 0.5040 0.5080 0.5120 0.5160 0.5199 0.5239 0.5279 0.5319 0.5359
0.1 0.5398 0.5438 0.5478 0.5517 0.5557 0.5596 0.5636 0.5675 0.5714 0.5753
0.2 0.5793 0.5832 0.5871 0.5910 0.5948 0.5987 0.6026 0.6064 0.6103 0.6141
0.3 0.6179 0.6217 0.6255 0.6293 0.6331 0.6368 0.6406 0.6443 0.6480 0.6517
0.4 0.6554 0.6591 0.6628 0.6664 0.6700 0.6736 0.6772 0.6808 0.6844 0.6879
0.5 0.6915 0.6950 0.6985 0.7019 0.7054 0.7088 0.7123 0.7157 0.7190 0.7224
0.6 0.7257 0.7291 0.7324 0.7357 0.7389 0.7422 0.7454 0.7486 0.7517 0.7549
0.7 0.7580 0.7611 0.7642 0.7673 0.7704 0.7734 0.7764 0.7794 0.7823 0.7852
0.8 0.7881 0.7910 0.7939 0.7967 0.7995 0.8023 0.8051 0.8078 0.8106 0.8133
0.9 0.8159 0.8186 0.8212 0.8238 0.8264 0.8289 0.8315 0.8340 0.8365 0.8389
1.0 0.8413 0.8438 0.8461 0.8485 0.8508 0.8531 0.8554 0.8577 0.8599 0.8621
1.1 0.8643 0.8665 0.8686 0.8708 0.8729 0.8749 0.8770 0.8790 0.8810 0.8830
1.2 0.8849 0.8869 0.8888 0.8907 0.8925 0.8944 0.8962 0.8980 0.8997 0.9015
1.3 0.9032 0.9049 0.9066 0.9082 0.9099 0.9115 0.9131 0.9147 0.9162 0.9177
1.4 0.9192 0.9207 0.9222 0.9236 0.9251 0.9265 0.9279 0.9292 0.9306 0.9319
1.5 0.9332 0.9345 0.9357 0.9370 0.9382 0.9394 0.9406 0.9418 0.9429 0.9441
1.6 0.9452 0.9463 0.9474 0.9484 0.9495 0.9505 0.9515 0.9525 0.9535 0.9545
1.7 0.9554 0.9564 0.9573 0.9582 0.9591 0.9599 0.9608 0.9616 0.9625 0.9633
1.8 0.9641 0.9649 0.9656 0.9664 0.9671 0.9678 0.9686 0.9693 0.9699 0.9706
1.9 0.9713 0.9719 0.9726 0.9732 0.9738 0.9744 0.9750 0.9756 0.9761 0.9767
2.0 0.9772 0.9778 0.9783 0.9788 0.9793 0.9798 0.9803 0.9808 0.9812 0.9817
2.1 0.9821 0.9826 0.9830 0.9834 0.9838 0.9842 0.9846 0.9850 0.9854 0.9857
2.2 0.9861 0.9864 0.9868 0.9871 0.9875 0.9878 0.9881 0.9884 0.9887 0.9890
2.3 0.9893 0.9896 0.9898 0.9901 0.9904 0.9906 0.9909 0.9911 0.9913 0.9916
2.4 0.9918 0.9920 0.9922 0.9925 0.9927 0.9929 0.9931 0.9932 0.9934 0.9936
2.5 0.9938 0.9940 0.9941 0.9943 0.9945 0.9946 0.9948 0.9949 0.9951 0.9952
2.6 0.9953 0.9955 0.9956 0.9957 0.9959 0.9960 0.9961 0.9962 0.9963 0.9964
2.7 0.9965 0.9966 0.9967 0.9968 0.9969 0.9970 0.9971 0.9972 0.9973 0.9974
2.8 0.9974 0.9975 0.9976 0.9977 0.9977 0.9978 0.9979 0.9979 0.9980 0.9981
2.9 0.9981 0.9982 0.9982 0.9983 0.9984 0.9984 0.9985 0.9985 0.9986 0.9986
3.0 0.9987 0.9987 0.9987 0.9988 0.9988 0.9989 0.9989 0.9989 0.9990 0.9990
3.1 0.9990 0.9991 0.9991 0.9991 0.9992 0.9992 0.9992 0.9992 0.9993 0.9993
3.2 0.9993 0.9993 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9995 0.9995 0.9995
3.3 0.9995 0.9995 0.9995 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9997
3.4 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9997 0.9998
3.5 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998
3.6 0.9998 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.7 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.8 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999
3.9 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
4.0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
To be accurate you will need to calculate dx to four decimal places and hence
the table should be used with interpolation between the values for the last two
digits. For example, if we have a value of .7525, we:
0.7525 0.75 0.25 0.76 .75
0.7734 0.25 0.7764 0.7734
which it was originally developed. The BlackScholes model also allows the user to
calculate useful sensitivity measures, known colloquially as the Greeks of option
pricing, for measuring the effects of changes in one of the pricing variables on the
value of the option. These effects are discussed in the next module.
Review Questions
8.1 The binomial option-pricing model uses ____ time whereas the BlackScholes model
uses ____ time and further assumes that the underlying assets volatility is ____ and
that ____ computational methods are used to derive the option price.
A. discrete continuous constant closed-form
B. continuous discrete variable numerical
C. discrete continuous variable closed-form
D. continuous discrete constant numerical
8.2 If there are 466 days to expiry on an option, what will be the value for time in the
BlackScholes equation?
A. 0.78
B. 1.28
C. 2.20
D. 15.53
8.3 The current quoted rate for a three-month sterling Treasury bill is 6.55 per cent. What
is the corresponding continuously compounded risk-free rate as used in the Black
Scholes option-pricing model?
A. 1.60 per cent.
B. 6.55 per cent.
C. 6.60 per cent.
D. 6.83 pet cent.
8.4 The price of a 150-day US Treasury bill is quoted in the market at 98.50. What is the
corresponding continuously compounded risk-free rate as used in the BlackScholes
option-pricing model?
A. 1.51 per cent.
B. 3.68 per cent.
C. 3.71 per cent.
D. 3.75 per cent.
8.5 If we have a weekly volatility of 0.018, as measured by the standard deviation of the
continuously compounded returns on an asset, what will be the corresponding annual-
ised volatility for the asset as used in the BlackScholes option-pricing equation?
A. 0.06
B. 0.13
C. 0.34
D. 0.94
8.6 We have an estimate of volatility of 0.36 for a particular asset using 75 observations.
What will be the standard error of the volatility estimate?
A. 0.004
B. 0.005
C. 0.029
D. 0.042
8.7 We have the following estimates for the volatility of at-the-money options with different
expiry dates:
Which is correct?
A. Volatility is increasing with time and hence future value uncertainty is also
B. Volatility is decreasing with time and hence future value uncertainty is also
C. Volatility is constant with time and hence future value uncertainty is also
D. There is no pattern to future volatility and hence no pattern to future value
8.8 A common stock has a current market price of $125 and a dividend of $4 is expected in
two months time. There is a three-month European-style call option available on the
stock with a strike price of 115. The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate
for two months is 5.35 per cent and for three months 5.65 per cent. What is the stock
price for option valuation purposes (to the nearest dollar)?
A. $114.
B. $121.
C. $125.
D. $129.
8.9 An ordinary share has a value of 265 pence in the market. There is a net interim
dividend of 12.5 pence due on the share in 115 days time. There is a 122-day expiry
European-style call option on the share with a strike price of 255. The current continu-
ously compounded risk-free interest rate for 115 days is 6.5 per cent and for the 122-
day period 6.54 per cent. After adjusting for the value leakage, is the option currently:
A. slightly out-of-the-money?
B. at-the-money?
C. slightly in-the-money?
D. deeply in-the-money?
8.10 If we have a monthly volatility of 0.029, as measured by the standard deviation of the
continuously compounded returns on an asset, what will be the corresponding annual-
ised volatility for the asset as used in the BlackScholes option-pricing equation?
A. 0.06
B. 0.10
C. 0.35
D. 0.41
1 Use the information given to obtain the call price, together with its corresponding put,
on the non-dividend-paying ordinary share.
3 What is the hedge ratio or delta of the two options? What does it say about the
likelihood of the option being in-the-money at expiry in 60 days time?
Learning Objectives
Options have complex behaviour. This is due to the multidimensionality of the
pricing variables involved. In order to understand option behaviour it is necessary to
know how they respond to changes in the value of the pricing factors. The sensitivi-
ty of the option price to changes in the pricing factors is colloquially known as the
Greeks of option pricing. This is because these value sensitivities to changes in one
of the pricing variables, derived from the option pricing model, are characterised by
Greek letters of the alphabet.
The key Greeks of option pricing are delta, gamma, rho, theta and vega. Delta
measures the sensitivity of option price to changes in the price of the underlying
asset. Gamma shows the rate of change in the option delta. Rho is the option
sensitivity to changes in interest rates; theta is the sensitivity of the option to time
decay; and vega, the sensitivity to changes in volatility.
After completing this module, you should understand:
the multidimensional character of options;
how sensitive option values are to changes in each of the pricing factors;
the importance of delta, gamma, rho, theta and vega as measures of option-price
9.1 Introduction
The organisation I worked for in the City often took advantage of market opportu-
nities to create securities that were attractive to investors. At one point, a significant
increase in the gold price led our organisation to issue a series of gold warrants that
allowed the holder to benefit from any further price increases. The warrants were, in
fact, securitised call options on gold and had all the characteristics of options but, in
addition, were also listed on an exchange as securities. Following the launch of these
securities and their placing with investors, our institution committed to making a
market in the warrants and I became partly responsible for trading these. What
happened just after the warrant issue was that the gold price reversed itself and the
warrants became somewhat out-of-the-money. The spurt in volatility that had
prompted the issue ceased and the gold price stabilised within a very narrow range.
Holders of the warrants who had hoped to benefit from further increases had to
decide what to do. They could either sell back the warrants to us at a loss, or hold
on. Most of the buyers decided to hold the warrants, which had an 18-month life, to
see if the gold price subsequently revived.
Since our institution had issued the warrants, it was natural that holders should
ask us to indicate their current price for portfolio valuation purposes. We were only
too happy to provide this service. Investors would phone us up regularly to ask for a
price for valuation purposes. As time passed, the gold price remained becalmed in
its narrow range and the value of the warrants began to fall. A few weeks after
launch they were quoted at US$45 each, a month later US$42, and later still US$39.
This puzzled a number of the holders since the gold price was essentially static.
What they had failed to realise was that, as time passed, the value of the option was
wasting away. They had not understood the nature of options and the sensitivity of
the option price to time decay. An understanding of the Greeks of options would
have immediately alerted them to the fact that, for an option holder, time or theta
(the Greek alphabet letter, written as ) had a negative sensitivity. The opposite
applied to our institution as the writer. Each passing day the option value declined,
the holders lost out (note that all the option value in the warrants was time value)
and the writer, with a short position in the option, gained since the value at which
they could be repurchased fell.
The above illustrates that understanding option sensitivities is not difficult. Any
experience with options soon shows how they behave. A simple exercise recalculat-
ing the option value for different remaining maturities would have demonstrated the
effect of time decay on their value. While such revaluation may be sufficient, there
are a number of analytic sensitivity factors, the Greeks of option pricing, which
require the basic valuation equation, BlackScholes in this module, to be differenti-
ated in respect of the appropriate pricing factor. Each of the key pricing factors has
its own Greek letter, whereas volatility has more than one. The most important ones
are delta, gamma, rho, theta and vega. Delta refers to the option price sensitivity to
changes in the underlying asset. Gamma is the rate of change in delta (that is, it is
the second derivative of option value to price). Rho is the option sensitivity to
interest rates. Theta is the sensitivity of the option to time. Vega (or one of the
other names used) is the effect of changes in volatility on value. Another potentially
useful measure is lambda which is the leverage (or gearing) of the option with
respect to the underlying asset.
The following sections detail the nature and effects of the different sensitivity
factors. The effects are best understood visually but numerical examples are also
given when appropriate. To become familiar with option behaviour, the reader
should also calculate option prices for a range of values for each pricing factor.
Seeing how options behave as the numbers are changed is the best way to under-
stand the multidimensional behaviour of options in response to changes in the
different pricing factors.
Table 9.1 Reasons for option price changes for calls and puts when option-pricing
variables change
Increase in Call Put
Asset (stock) price plus (+) minus ()
With a rise in the asset price, the With a rise in the asset price, the
difference between and difference between and
changes. An OTM option moves changes. An OTM option moves
nearer to ATM; an ITM option further OTM; an ITM option moves
moves to become deeper ITM. to become OTM. That is, the put
That is, the call options delta options delta decreases.
Strike (or exercise) price minus () plus (+)
The higher the strike price (K) The higher the strike price (K)
relative to the asset price relative to the asset price
, the smaller the potential gain , the greater the potential gain
and the less likely the option will and the more likely the option will
have a positive value at expiry. have a positive value at expiry.
Time to expiry* plus (+)
The longer the time to expiry, the greater the chance that the option will
have a positive value at expiry.
Risk-free interest rate plus (+) minus ()
Deferring a purchase means the Deferring a sale means the greater
greater the discount on the present the discount on the present value
value of the exercise price, or the of the exercise price, or the
greater the opportunity to earn greater the opportunity lost to
interest on the value of the earn interest on the cash realised
exercise price. by the exercise.
Volatility plus (+)
Increases the probability that the option will have a positive value at
Dividends, or interest minus () plus (+)
payments (value leak- Deferring the purchase reduces the Deferring the sale increases the
ages) opportunity to receive the dividend opportunity to receive the dividend
or income from the asset which or income from the asset which
therefore leaks value. The asset may be reinvested at the risk-free
price will be correspondingly rate. The asset price will be
lower, reducing the difference correspondingly lower, increasing
between and . the difference between and .
* Strictly speaking this factor is indeterminate for calls if there is potential value leakage before expiry, and for puts
there are conditions under which early exercise may be the best course of action.
Note: OTM: out-of-the-money; ATM: at-the-money; ITM: in-the-money; is the strike price; is the price at
The following sections look in detail at how the option price responds to changes
in each of the pricing variables.
9.4 Asset Price (U0) and Strike Price (K) / Delta (), Lambda
() and Gamma ()
The payoff of an option will be the difference between the price of the asset at
expiry and the contractual strike price. The obligation of the option writer to deliver
or receive will only occur if this difference is positive. The holders payoffs are
shown in Table 9.3, the writers position being the exact opposite (ignoring the
premium gained from selling the option).
For a given option, other pricing variables being constant, an increase in the price
of the underlying asset will cause the call value to increase and the put value to
decrease. The change in the price of an option with respect to a given change in the
underlying instrument goes by the name of the options delta (). This is also the
variable in the BlackScholes formula. It is also the asset equivalence of the
option position and is also referred to as the hedge ratio since it is the amount of
the asset that needs to be held when dynamically replicating the options payoff.
This is because, for option replication purposes, it provides the hedger with the
proportion of the underlying that has to be held so as to eliminate the contractual
exposure. Dynamic replication involves rebalancing the proportion of the underly-
ing over time as the delta changes. The deltas for calls and puts are:
Call option price 9.1
Asset price
Put option price 9.2
delta 1
Asset price
Prior to the options expiry, the requirement of the short to deliver will range from
near zero (when the option is deeply out-of-the-money) to near certainty (when the
option is deeply in-the-money). In the BlackScholes model, it is the variable that
provides an indication of how much of the asset the writer needs to hold in antici-
pation of future exercise.
But delta is not just the hedge ratio in the option-pricing model. It is also the
ratio of the change in the option price for a given change in the asset price. For
example, a delta of 0.45 means that a change in value of the underlying price by a
factor of one (say from 95.50 to 96.50) will cause an increase of 0.45 in the value of
the option. That is, an option value of 10.25 will increase to 10.70. This relationship
between option price and the underlying is, however, non-linear. The rate of change
in delta will be highest when the option is at-the-money, and lowest when the
option is deeply in-the-money or deeply out-of-the-money. A deeply out-of-the-
money option will hardly be affected by a small change in the underlying asset price.
This is because a small change in the asset is unlikely significantly to change the
chance of the option becoming in-the-money. At the other extreme, the opposite
holds and the value of a deeply in-the-money option is nearly all intrinsic value.
Delta as the Hedge Ratio for Written Options ________________
Consider a written (sold) call option position where the options delta is 0.55
(slightly in-the-money). This means that as the underlying asset price changes,
the option value changes by 55 per cent of the asset price. Let us suppose that
the current underlying price is 100 and the option has a value of 5, that 100
options on the asset have been written and that each option entitles the holder
to buy 100 units of the asset. The delta hedge position for the writer is to hold
5500 units of the asset 10000 0.55 5500 . For small changes in the underly-
ing value, the gain (or loss) on the written option position will tend to be offset
against the loss (gain) on the asset. If the asset price should rise by 1, this
produces a gain of 1 on the 5500 units held, or 5500. However, the option
price will also have risen by 55 pence, giving a loss of 5500 0.55 1 100
100 5500 to the writer. The opposite occurs if the price of the asset had
fallen, the written position has the gain and the asset position the loss.
The delta of the written option position is 5500 0.55 10000 and that of
the long position in the asset +5500. That is, the writer loses (5500asset
price) when the asset price increases but gains (5500asset price) on the
underlying position. Such a hedged position is also known as being delta
It should be noted that, since the option delta is not linear the position will have
to be rebalanced over time. Changes in the asset price will change the delta, as
will time decay. As we show in the next section, even if the asset price did not
change, the delta position would need to be adjusted as the remaining life of the
option decreased.
The risk measure for an options delta is known as gamma. Since the real world
involves transaction costs and other costs, the frequency with which positions
need to be adjusted will have an impact on the profit and hence price at which
options will be written.
The initial step in understanding delta is to realise that the delta of the underlying
asset will always be one, if a long position, and minus one, if a short position. The
delta of long and short positions in calls and puts will be different. A long call will
have a positive delta with a range from 0 to +1; long puts will have a delta from 1
to 0. This arises from the fact that the value of a put increases as the asset price falls;
therefore put value has a negative price relationship or sensitivities to the asset price.
For short positions in calls and puts the above coefficients are reversed. Thus a
short position in a put will have a delta from 0 to +1.
The relationship of delta and option price is shown in Figure 9.1. This clearly
shows that the rate of change in delta is greatest when the option is at-the-money.
Note that the steepness of the slope, that is, the rate of change in delta, is measured
by gamma, another of the Greeks, which as we shall see below is at its highest when
the option is at-the-money and declines when the option moves into or out-of-the-
money. That is, gamma measures the steepness of the delta curve.
60 Option price
Option price
50 Delta
50 80 110 140 170
Asset price
Figure 9.1 How the hedge ratio (delta) changes in relation to the option
value for a call
Note: The strike price = 100, the time to expiry is six months, r = 5.57%, the standard deviation =
The volatility of the underlying asset will also have an effect on delta. The higher
the volatility, the greater the delta spread. This is shown in Figure 9.2. There is a
simple explanation for this. If the volatility is low, the same change in asset value is
likely to have a greater impact on the option value than the same change when the
option has a higher volatility. As a result, the steepness of the delta in Figure 9.2
declines as volatility rises. That delta can change in this way demonstrates the
complex interactions that are likely to occur in option values when the pricing
factors all change in different ways!
0.6 Sd = 0.1
0.5 Sd = 0.2
Sd = 0.4
50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Asset price
Table 9.4 The effect of position delta and the direction of the market
Position delta Direction of movement in the asset price
Positive (+) Bullish: an increase in value will increase the value of the
Neutral (0) Neutral: the position value is indifferent to changes in the asset
Negative () Bearish: a decrease in value will increase the value of the
Note: The writers payoff is the opposite of those for the holder.
where the th delta has the appropriate positive or negative sign. Thus a
portfolio of written and purchased options will be the sum of the positive and
negative deltas. A portfolio where the delta is zero is known as delta neutral.
Call at expiry
70 Call with 6 months to expiry
Call price
50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Asset or stock price
Time value
Time value
0.00 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.27 0.46 0.64 0.78 0.88 0.94 0.97 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00
Figure 9.4 The relationship of the time value to the option delta
Note: The time value is highest when the option is at-the-money.
1.2 In-the-money
1 At-the-money
0.5 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Figure 9.5 The effect of the time decay on the option delta
where is the remaining life of the option and is as previously
1 9.5
where is the risk-free rate for the period .
1 9.7
where is the foreign risk-free rate for the period .
1 9.9
The above adjustments to the delta are of two kinds. The first is the value
leakage from the asset due to dividends or interest payments. The second is
the requirement to present value the delta. The justification for these adjust-
ments is discussed in more detail in Module 10 on extensions to the basic
option-pricing models.
indicates a low probability of the option having any value at expiry, a high value a
high probability of the option being in-the-money.
The expected payoff, given that the option will end up in-the-money, can be
found by the formula:
If we have an option where is 0.55 and 0.52, the strike price is 100
and the asset price 110, the period six months and the risk-free rate 5 per cent, then:
. .
110 100 100 100 0.52 4.5967
The present value of the above gives the option value, that is, 4.4671.
Table 9.5 Option leverage (lambda) for different expiry months and
asset prices, volatility = 0.25
Asset price 1 month 3 months 6 months
K = 100
95 24.190 12.156 8.130
100 17.779 10.174 7.178
105 12.960 8.531 6.359
The above discussion suggests that for capitalising on changes in the underlyings
value, out-of-the-money options provide a greater change in price than in-the-
money options.
Option price
85 95 105 115
Asset price
Option price
V1 V2 Underlying
Figure 9.7 Error arising from predicting price change using an options
When the option is deeply in-the-money, the rate of change in delta for a change
in the underlying price will be relatively small. This is the case in Figure 9.7 for the
option value 2 at 2 . The error for a price change is small, as shown by the slight
difference between the actual price change from 2 and that implied by the
options delta . However, at 1 , there is a significant difference between the
actual price change and that predicted by delta . The error depends on
the curvature of the option price in relation to the underlying. Gamma is the
measure of that curvature. If the rate of change is small relative to changes in the
underlying, then the gamma will be small. If, however, gamma is large then the
options delta is highly sensitive to changes in the price of the underlying. Hence,
gamma measures the risk in delta, the hedge ratio required to eliminate the price risk
on the option.
An options gamma () is the second derivative of option price to the underlying.
Formally, it is given by:
delta 9.12
Asset price
1 / 9.13
Calculation Formula for Gamma ____________________________
A computational formula for deriving the option gamma given in Equation 9.12 is
given below:
where is the exponential, 2.78218, = 3.14159, and the other variables have
already been defined.
Gamma is the risk in the options delta, that is, it measures the rate of change in
the hedge ratio or delta that takes place with the asset price changes. If the gamma is
small, the delta is not very sensitive to changes in the underlying asset; if it is large,
the delta is very sensitive to price changes in the underlying. We have already seen
that the slope of delta is highest when the option is at-the-money and we would
expect the option value to be most sensitive at this point. As expected, the gamma
of an option is at its greatest when the option is at-the-money. Gamma therefore
measures the degree of curvature in the call price curve before expiry (see Fig-
ure 9.8). Gamma risk is the amount by which the delta and hence the hedge
position must be adjusted for a given change in the asset price.
50 70 90 110 130
Asset price
The position in the option required to make the portfolio gamma neutral will
Adding a new element to a position will change the delta, so the position in the
underlying or its future equivalent will have to be adjusted to maintain the delta-
neutral stance.
Note that gamma neutrality will, as with delta, need to be rebalanced as time
passes and prices change. A strategy which seeks to neutralise both delta and
gamma risk is often referred to as a delta/gamma hedge.
Suppose that a position has been set up to be delta neutral, but it has a gamma
of 4500. The delta and gamma of a call are 0.57 and 1.8 respectively, and the
position can be made gamma neutral by adding a long position of 2500 options:
However, this action changes the delta of the position, from zero to: 2500
0.57 = 1425. Therefore, 1425 of the underlying asset must be sold at the same
time to keep the overall portfolio delta neutral.
Adding the gamma correction to the delta neutral position can be seen as a
correction for the fact that, in practice, the underlying position in the asset or
its forward or futures equivalent cannot be continuously adjusted, as the Black
Scholes model requires.
The gamma for calls will be positive, that for puts, as we might expect, negative.
The different types of position of gamma are summarised in Figure 9.9.
We can summarise the relationship between gamma and delta and the underlying
asset price as shown in Table 9.6.
Table 9.6 Relationship of gamma to changes in the asset price and delta
If Gamma () is Asset price (U) Delta ()
Positive (+) Increases (+) Increases (+)
(> 0) Decreases () Decreases ()
Negative () Increases (+) Decreases ()
(< 0) Decreases () Increases (+)
An options gamma is also sensitive to the other pricing factors. For instance,
gamma increases towards expiry, but the relationship depends on whether the
option is out-of-the-money, in-the-money or at-the-money. Gamma will be highest
for an at-the-money option as it approaches expiry. This is shown graphically in
Figure 9.10. The reason that the at-the-money gamma becomes so large near expiry
is that a small change in the underlying will greatly affect the end value of an option.
The decline in gamma for options that are out-of or in-the-money is due to the fact
that a reversal of their fortunes becomes increasingly unlikely as the time to expiry
becomes shorter and shorter. It is the same effect that increases the delta of the in-
the-money and decreases the delta of out-of-the-money options.
0.3 In-the-money
0.25 At-the-money
0.5 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Figure 9.10 The effect of the time to expiry on the options gamma
Another important influence on gamma is volatility. The greater the volatility, the
flatter the gamma curve. This is shown in Figure 9.11. This is the gamma counter-
part of the effect of volatility on delta. We have seen that a higher volatility spreads
out the delta (recall Figure 9.2), and it has the same flattening effect on gamma.
Sd = 0.1
Sd = 0.2
Sd = 0.4
50 70 90 110 130
Asset price
Equation 9.20 given the computation for European-style puts:
is as previously defined.
Note that, following decision science practice, although theta has a negative sign,
it is shown as a positive number in the tables and figures of this section. Theta
works against the option holder (as discussed in the introduction to this module)
and for the option writer. In terms of effect it will have a negative sensitivity for
long option positions (which lose out as the time to expiry decreases) and positive
for short option positions.
Theta is seldom calculated in practice. A simpler calculation of the effect of time
decay is to revalue an option by changing the number of days to expiry while, at the
same time, keeping all other factors constant. The difference in price between the
longer- and shorter-dated valuations gives the amount of value loss from time
decay. Table 9.8 shows the effect of revaluing options at various maturities and the
daily loss of time value for out-of-the-money, at-the-money and in-the-money
options. The effect is also shown graphically in Figure 9.12.
Since the time value of an option is highest for an at-the-money option, its rate
of time decay is also highest as shown by the larger daily price loss, as given in the
middle column of Table 9.8. The cross-sectional relationship between out-of-the-
money and in-the-money thetas is shown graphically by Figure 9.13. For options
with no chance of exercise, there is no time value and theta is zero. As the probabil-
ity of exercise increases, theta rises to reach a peak when the option is at-the-money.
It then declines as the option moves into-the-money to the point where exercise
becomes certain. Where the option delta is now (close to or at) one, the Black
Scholes model simplifies to Equation 9.21:
where is the continuous time discount factor. This shows that for deeply in-
the-money options, theta is the rate of convergence of the (continuous time) cost-
of-carry model used in pricing forward and futures contracts.
Time value
2 Out-of-the-money
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
2 Time to expiry
Call price
Option price and Theta value
Theta for a European-style Put Option Paying a Dividend Yield (d)
The above adjustments also work for European-style calls and puts on curren-
cies where is replaced by in Equation 9.22 and Equation 9.23. For
European-style futures options, is set equal to , the risk-free rate for time
and , the asset price, becomes , the futures price.
As other option-pricing factors change, so does theta. The theta curve against the
underlying price shown in Figure 9.13 takes on a different shape depending on the
remaining time to expiry. Thetas for different remaining times to expiry are shown
in Figure 9.14. The less time to expiry, the greater the curve. This is to be expected
since the time decay increases as the remaining life of the option declines.
30 days
25 90 days
180 days
Theta value
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Asset price
Option price and Theta value
0.5 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Time to expiry
Table 9.10 Sign relationships for the three most important sensitivity
variables for options
Position Delta () Gamma() Theta ()
Long call + +
Long put +
Short (written) call +
Short (written) put + +
The relationships of option value to changes in the risk-free interest rates, given
in Table 9.11, may be presented graphically, as in Figure 9.16.
18 ATM
Option value 12
0.01 0.02 0.06 0.85 0.11 0.16
Interest rate
7 180 days
30 days
Option price
0.10 1.10 2.10 3.10 4.10 5.10 6.10 7.10 8.10 9.10 10.10 11.10 12.10
Interest rates (%)
Figure 9.17 Option-price sensitivity to interest rates and time to expiry
Doubling the volatility of the one-month option from 0.1 to 0.2 more than dou-
bles the option price. For the six-month option, the value increases by 63 per cent.
Figure 9.18 shows the change in value from changes in volatility graphically.
Sd = 0.25
Sd = 0.40
30 Value at expiry
Option price
75 85 95 105 115 125
5 Asset price
where is as previously defined.
Adjustments to Vega _______________________________________
In the case of a dividend or currency option, the vega has to be adjusted as
follows. The adjusted formula for a stock or stock index paying a continuous
dividend ( ) becomes:
For a currency option, becomes and for a futures option, is replaced
by and by , the futures price.
Table 9.13 shows that option value is most sensitive to changes in volatility when
the option is at-the-money. Vega behaves in a similar way, as shown by Table 9.14.
The shape of the vega curve is similar to that of the gamma curve discussed earlier.
As with gamma, vega is at its peak when the option is trading at-the-money and
declines when the option becomes either out-of-the-money or in-the-money.
Consequently, as with gamma, deep in-the-money or deep out-of-the-money
options have a lower price sensitivity to changes in volatility than do corresponding
near-to or at-the-money options. The distribution of vega for different volatilities is
shown graphically in Figure 9.19. As volatility increases, the vega curve is expanded.
Hence, the vega of high-volatility options declines less rapidly than that of the same
options but with a lower volatility as they move out-of or into-the-money.
35 Sd = 0.1
Sd = 0.2
30 Sd = 0.4
Vega value
50 80 110 140 170
Asset price
30 days
180 days
Option price
0.01 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
5 Volatility
volatility entail holding options; strategies that are short volatility or involve
selling volatility entail writing options. Since the other pricing factors for options
are generally known in the market, trading volatility can be considered the key
function for option market makers.
Table 9.16 Sign relationships for the Greeks of option pricing sensitivity
variables for options
Position Delta Gamma Theta Rho Vega
() () () () ()
Long call + + + +
Long put + +
Short (written) call +
Short (written) put + + +
As we will see in Section 9.10, these sensitivities are used in designing option
strategies to fit a particular directional or volatility view when combining or spread-
ing with options.
A U3,uuu
U1,u U3,(uud)
U0 U2,uddu
U1,d U3,(udd)
C1,u C3,(uud)
C0 C2,uddu
C1.d C3,(udd)
T1 C3,ddd
Figure 9.22 The call option prices derived from Figure 9.21
The delta of the option for the first period of the lattice in Figure 9.22 will there-
fore be:
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
For example, if the option had a value of 4.3 if the stock price was 104 and a
value of zero, if the stock price was 96, then, based on Equation 9.32 and Equation
9.33, the delta of this particular option would be:
4.3 0
104 96
When the asset price is at 2, , , half-way between the second and third nodes
of the lattice on the downside for branches B and C, the delta is:
, ,
, , , , , , 9.35
Note that this approach provides the gamma for the period between 2 and 1 .
If we had wanted the gamma at 0 , it is usual to start the tree at 2 , setting the
price such that 2, , is the appropriate current market price of the asset. The
value of the option is then that given by 2, , , rather than at 0 . If this is done,
the delta in Equation 9.31 becomes:
, , 9.36
and we can estimate the options gamma using Equation 9.34. In most cases, since
the interval between nodes is set to be a small period of time, the delta from
Equation 9.31 and the gamma for Equation 9.35 are used for these coefficients at
time zero since there will be little difference to the result.
, , 9.37
If at 2 , assuming an unchanged price for the underlying, the option value was
4.85, and at 0 it was 5.75, and each jump was one week (0.01923 of a year), then
theta would be:
4.85 5.75
2 0.03846
where is the new value of the option at the changed volatility .
Color. The sensitivity of gamma due to time decay (that is, the decay effect on
gamma as the option moves towards expiration)
Fugit. The risk-neutral expected life of an American-style option (calculated
from a binomial tree)
Phi (dividend rho). The change in option value from a small change in the
dividend or dividend yield
Speed. The sensitivity of gamma to changes in the price of the underlier
Table 9.17 Summary of sensitivity factors from the BlackScholes option-pricing model and holding long or short
positions in options
Variable Name given to Formulation from Formulation from Relationships Effect of direction of sensitivity on option
sensitivity BlackScholes BlackScholes position
factor model for calls model for puts
Asset (stock) Delta () (hedge 1 Change in option price for a Positive delta: bullish, since price increases are
price (U) ratio) given change in stock price advantageous
Zero delta: neutral position
Negative delta: bearish, since price decreases are
Gamma () Change in delta for a given Positive gamma means that if the underlying price
change in stock price increases (decreases), the option delta increases
Negative gamma means that if the underlying
price decreases (increases), the option delta
increases (decreases)
Elasticity Lambda () 1 Percentage change in option The leverage or gearing of an option is at its
(option leverage price for a given percentage highest when the option is deeply out-of-the
or gearing) change in stock price money; as the option moves up-to and into-the-
money, the leverage becomes less
Time to expiry Theta () (effect Change in option price given Positive theta: option position profits from time
(Tt) of time decay) a change in time until decay
Negative theta: option position loses from time
Risk-free interest Rho () Change in option price for a Positive rho: option position gains (loses) from an
rate (r) given change in risk-free rate increase (decrease) in interest rates
Negative rho: option position loses (gains) from
an increase (decrease) in interest rates
Volatility () Vega; Kappa; Change in option price for a Positive vega: option position gains from an
Zeta; Epsilon () change in volatility increase in volatility;
Negative vega: option position gains from a
decrease in volatility
1 /
61 For the interested reader, a detailed analysis of these strategies is provided by McGillan, Lawrence
(1993), Options as a Strategic Investment. New York: New York Institute of Finance. These strategies are
also given in Moles, Peter and Terry, Nicholas (1997) The Handbook of International Financial Terms.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange website: www.cme.com; Euronext-LIFFE website: www.liffe.com
Vega + + +
Volatility () view
Option sensitivity
position to adopt, Market is expected to rise Market is expected to fall Undecided on market
if: direction
Falling Short put Short call Short straddle
Short two-by-one ratio Short two-by-one ratio Short strangle
put spread* call spread*
Long call spread Short call spread Short puts
Short put spread Long put spread Long ATM call or put
Short put volatility trade Short call volatility trade Long ATM iron butterfly
Long OTM call butterfly Long ITM call butterfly Long ATM call or put
Long ITM put butterfly Long OTM put butterfly Short ATM calendar
Long OTM call condor Long ITM call condor Short ATM straddle
calendar spread
Long ITM put condor Long OTM put condor Short call or put volatility
Long put ladder Long call ladder
Ratio call spread* Ratio put spread*
Delta + 0
Theta + + +
Undecided Long underlying or Short underlying or Box spread
futures on underlying futures on underlying
Short put Short call Conversion
Long call Long put Reversal
Short put spread Short call spread
Long OTM call butterfly Long put or bear spread
Long ITM put butterfly Long ITM call butterfly
Long OTM call condor Long OTM put butterfly
Long ITM put condor Long ITM call condor
Short combo Short OTM put condor
Long combo
Bull spread
Delta + 0
Gamma 0 0 0
Theta 0 0 0
Vega 0 0 0
Note: This table shows the different combinations of option positions with or without the underlying asset or futures
contract that can be used to set up the desired sensitivities. ITM means in-the-money; OTM, out-of-the-money, ATM,
*Ratio spreads require a more sophisticated analysis than that shown in this table.
K1 K2
Gross cost
of setting up
(b): Bear spread
Figure 9.24 The bull spread (a) has an upward directional view on the
underlying asset price, the bear spread (b) a downward
direction view on the underlying
Note: Both holding and simultaneously selling options with different strike prices and 2
reduces the cost of setting up the position, but at the cost of surrendering any additional gains
beyond the written strike.
Review Questions
9.1 For a call option and a put option, with all other factors unchanged, if the asset price
increases we would expect:
A. the value of calls and puts on the asset to increase.
B. the value of calls and puts on the asset to decrease.
C. the value of calls to increase and the value of puts to decrease.
D. the value of calls to decrease and the value of puts to increase.
9.2 For a European-style call and put on a non-dividend-paying stock, with all the other
factors unchanged, if the volatility is increased we would expect:
A. the value of calls and puts on the asset to increase.
B. the value of calls and puts on the asset to decrease.
C. the value of calls to increase and the value of puts to decrease.
D. the value of calls to decrease and the value of puts to increase.
9.6 We have written 50 options with a delta of 0.45 on a share. Each option is worth 100
shares. What will be the number of shares we need to buy to delta hedge the exposure?
A. 45.
B. 2250.
C. 5000.
D. 9000.
9.7 The delta of a position in which we have written call options was 0.67 and has moved to
0.65. In dynamically hedging the position do we:
A. buy more of the underlying asset?
B. sell some of our existing position in the underlying asset?
C. buy back some of the written call-option contracts?
D. sell some more of the call-option contracts?
9.8 The current asset price is 250 and the delta on a call option is 0.60. If the asset price
moves to 245, what will be the change in the value of the call?
A. 3.
B. There is no change in the calls value.
C. +3.
D. +5.
9.9 An asset has a price of 450 and there is a call option with a strike price of 415 and a
delta of 0.80. What would we expect to happen to the delta as the option moves
towards expiry in a non-volatile market?
A. The delta remains unchanged at 0.80.
B. The delta falls to a value which is less than 0.80.
C. The delta rises to a value which is greater than 0.80.
D. There is no definite pattern to what happens to the options delta.
9.12 A position is delta neutral but has a gamma of 2100. There is an option available which
has a delta of 0.45 and a gamma of 1.4. What will be the transaction required to make
the portfolio delta/gamma neutral?
A. Buy 1500 of the delta 0.45 options and sell 675 of the underlying asset.
B. Sell 1500 of the delta 0.45 options and sell 675 of the underlying asset.
C. Buy 1500 of the delta 0.45 options and buy 675 of the underlying asset.
D. Sell 1500 of the delta 0.45 options and buy 675 of the underlying asset.
The following information is used for Questions 9.13 to 9.16.
The following table relates to calls and puts on XYZ company shares. Each option is exer-
cisable into 100 units of XYZ ordinary shares.
9.13 We own a portfolio which has 10000 shares of XYZ. If we want to set up a vertical
spread by combining a sale of the call and a purchase of the put, what will be the
remaining delta sensitivity of the portfolio if we sell 100 calls and buy 60 puts?
A. 7212.
B. 8508.
C. 11492.
D. 12788.
9.14 Given the vertical spread transaction in Question 9.13, what will be the position gamma
of the underlying portfolio and the two option positions?
A. (366).
B. (164).
C. 164.
D. 366.
9.15 What will be the position theta (that is, exposure to time decay) of the option positions
in Question 9.13?
A. (90).
B. (66).
C. 66.
D. 90.
9.16 What are the position sensitivities for the combination of the underlying shares and the
two options?
A. Delta = positive; Gamma = negative; Theta = negative.
B. Delta = negative; Gamma = positive; Theta = positive.
C. Delta = positive; Gamma = negative; Theta = positive.
D. Delta = negative; Gamma = positive; Theta = negative.
9.17 We have a portfolio of 10000 shares in company XYZ plc and wish to use options to
hedge the position. We have decided to set up a protective put situation where the
puts are to provide an immediate complete hedge against a change in value of the
shares. If the puts have a delta of 0.58, how many puts do we need, if each put is
exercisable on 100 shares of XYZ?
A. (58 puts).
B. 58 puts.
C. 100 puts.
D. 172 puts.
9.19 To achieve delta neutrality between a call with a delta of 0.44 and a put with a delta of
0.51, what is the combination of written calls to written puts that achieves this aim?
A. Write 44 calls against 51 written puts.
B. Write 51 calls against 44 written puts.
C. Write 116 calls against 99 written puts.
D. Write one call against each written put.
9.20 We want to modify the delta of an existing position which is currently 0.60 so that the
new delta will be 0.50. Which of the following will not achieve that result?
A. Buy puts.
B. Sell calls.
C. Buy calls.
D. Sell the underlying.
9.21 We wish to set up a vertical spread using calls where we wish to eliminate the exposure
to the underlying asset price. (This is known as a neutral ratio spread.) The call with a
strike price of 120 has a delta of 0.58 and that with a strike price of 140 has a delta of
0.29. What is the correct ratio of purchased to written calls to eliminate the effect of
price changes on the underlying?
A. Buy one 120-call and sell one 140-call.
B. Buy 29 120-calls and sell 58 140-calls.
C. Buy 58 120-calls and sell 29 140-calls.
D. Buy 100 120-calls and sell 158 140-calls.
9.22 A share has a current price of 54 and the call has a price of 6.375 and a strike price of
50 with three months left to expiry. If the share price increases to 55 and the option
price rises to 7.125, what is the delta of the option?
A. 0.55
B. 0.65
C. 0.75
D. 0.95
2 Calculate the call and put options gamma sensitivity and vega sensitivity to the
underlying asset (share price).
3 Recalculate the value of the option after one week has elapsed (that is, with 113 days to
go), assuming that there has been no change in the other option factors and compare
the old and new prices.
4 Recalculate the value of the option after one week has elapsed and where the volatility
has risen from 25 per cent to 30 per cent and compare the price with the original value.
Learning Objectives
This module looks at how the basic option-pricing model can be expanded to
include options on classes of instruments with different behaviour characteristics. It
also discusses the adjustments required to value American-style options where there
is the possibility that it is more profitable to exercise the option before expiry. The
module also looks at exotic options which modify one or more of the standard
features of traditional options.
Most of the adjustments to the model are not complicated once the logic of the
change is understood and involve only minor alterations to the basic pricing
equations. That said, interest-rate options create some special problems in pricing
given the special characteristics of interest-rate-sensitive assets.
After completing this module, you should know how to price options when:
there is a value leakage in the form of dividends or interest payments;
the option is on an exchange rate between two currencies;
the option allows the holder to lock in an interest rate;
there is the possibility of early exercise, as is the case with American-style
10.1 Introduction
Although the original BlackScholes option-pricing model was only designed to
value calls on non-dividend-paying stocks, the model has been successfully adapted
to pricing other assets. In fact, the basic methodology of replication has enabled
financial engineers to offer option products on a very wide range of assets and to
develop many different types of options. For instance, average-rate options pay an
average of the value of the underlying asset over the option life, with the average-
rate strike option having a strike that is set at expiry at the average of the asset value
over the option life. All-or-nothing, binary or digital options have a fixed payout if
they expire in-the-money.
This module will look at how the BlackScholes and binomial option-pricing
models can be adapted to allow for the specific characteristics of different assets. In
particular, it will look at options on currencies and interest-rate-sensitive assets.
1 There may well be informational aspects of the dividend announcement which have an impact on the
market value of the shares.
In order to price the option correctly, we simply substitute into the Black
Scholes formula to determine the adjusted value of the option based on the ex-
dividend share price that will prevail at expiry.
If we have a six-month option with a strike price of 100 and the current non-
dividend-paying stock is also 100, then with a volatility of 0.25 and a risk-free rate of
5.57 per cent, we have a value for the call of 8.406 and for the put of 5.659. For the
same option which pays a dividend of 2.5 in three months, the adjusted stock price
becomes 97.534, the present value of the dividend being 2.465 2.5 1.014 . The
dividend-paying adjusted option values using the BlackScholes model are then
7.014 for the call and 6.710 for the put (see Table 10.2).
What we have done is to factor out the (present) value of the (known) dividend
that is in the current price of the stock. Using this approach, it is possible to adjust
other assets subject to similar value leakages to get the correct option value. Note that
since the call value will fall in such an approach, the use of in the equivalent put
model or the use of the putcall parity relationship rightly increases the corresponding
put price, as required by Table 10.1.
where all the terms are as previously defined.
The put price with continuous dividend-yield adjustment is:
The sub-equations 1 and 2 now become:
2 See Merton, Robert (1973) Theory of rational option pricing, Bell Journal of Economics and Management
Science, 4 (Spring), 14183.
This dividend adjustment is similar to that in Section 10.2.1, except that, for the
sub-equation 1 , the expansion term is now the net difference between the risk-free
rate and the dividend yield. This net difference approach between the two yields is
the basis for valuing currency options, to which we turn next.
For puts:
3 The BlackScholes option-pricing model applied to currencies often goes by the name of the Garman
Kohlhagen model as these authors were the first to publish a closed form model. See Garman, M. and
Kohlhagen, S. (1983) Foreign currency option values, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2, 231
and where is the spot exchange rate between the two currencies. The domestic
or base currency interest rate is and the foreign interest rate .
Note that calls and puts on currencies are the same. The call provides the right to
buy a given quantity of the foreign currency in exchange for the base currency and is
equivalent to the put, which gives the right to sell the base currency in exchange for
a given quantity of the foreign currency!
If we were pricing the option against the forward exchange rate, rather than the
spot, the continuous form of the cost-of-carry model would give the forward rate
at time as:
If we substitute Equation 10.8 into Equation 10.5 and Equation 10.6, we have:
The BlackScholes sub-equations then become:
That is, we lose the term in the BlackScholes sub-equations. This is a
happy result of using the forward rate rather than the spot rate on the asset.
Equation 10.9, Equation 10.10 and Equation 10.11 are known as Blacks model,
which was developed to price futures options.
put is held, it provides the holder with the right to own a short futures position.
Usually, futures options are for one futures contract.
Options on futures are written on both financial futures, such as long-term inter-
est rate or bond futures, and commodities, such as gold, copper, soybeans, wheat,
crude oil and so on.
The generalised continuous cost-of-carry model in Equation 10.8 can be rewrit-
ten as:
where is the net cost of carry. For financial instruments, is the risk-free interest
rate for the period . For commodities, it is the risk-free rate , plus storage
costs, insurance and deterioration (expressed as a yield) (w), less the convenience
yield (for commodities: . The BlackScholes equations for
futures options are then:
The BlackScholes sub-equations for Equation 10.13 and Equation 10.14 are:
Note that Equation 10.9, Equation 10.10 and Equation 10.11 are equivalent to
Equation 10.13, Equation 10.14 and Equation 10.15, where the forward price has
been replaced by the futures price . Equation 10.15 does not include the interest
rate to derive 1 or 2 .
We can use Blacks futures version of the option-pricing model in the cost-of-
carry model of Equation 10.12 when (a) is only a function of time and (b) the
volatility of the asset underlying the futures contract is constant. Condition (b) is, of
course, equally a requirement of the original BlackScholes model.
Blacks model provides a reasonable result when the underlying futures (forward)
contracts are on currencies, stocks or stock indices, and commodity futures. The
model is less appropriate when the underlying asset is interest-rate sensitive, as is the
case with options on short-term interest-rate futures or long-term interest-rate
(bond) futures. There is a fuller discussion of interest-rate options in Section 10.4.
ln / 10.17
For put it is:
and the sub-equations become:
An alternative approach is to price the option directly on the futures price, using
Blacks Equation 10.13 and Equation 10.14 for calls and puts respectively.
Early exercise will thus be conditional on the size of the dividend at time .
This is summarised in Table 10.3.
The assessment as to whether to exercise early will depend on whether the divi-
dend is greater than the loss of time value. Typically, this will only be the case when
the option is near to expiry or where the value leakage is exceptionally large.
We consider next the dividend at time 1 to determine whether it is optimal to
exercise at this point. At the penultimate dividend date , there are two
possible values. Early exercise gives the holder 1
. Doing nothing provides
an option value of 1 1 immediately after the stock goes ex-
As with the last dividend, the decision to exercise early will depend on:
or, equivalently, if:
it will not be optimal to exercise at time 1. We can show that for all dividends if:
1 10.23
it will never be optimal to exercise.
Equation 10.17 shows that unless the dividend (or dividend yield) is the same as
or higher than the risk-free rate, it is never optimal to exercise early. However, as a
general rule the attraction of early exercise increases as the option moves closer to
expiry. In usual circumstances, we may conclude from the above that the only case
that needs to be examined is the final dividend at time .
4 See Black, Fisher (1975) Fact and fantasy in the use of options, Financial Analysts Journal, 32
(July/August), 3641 and 6172.
thus potentially optimal and the American-style option is valued at the higher five-
month price.
We can illustrate the situation graphically, as in Figure 10.1. When the value leak-
age from the dividend is a long way from the expiry date (as shown in Panel [A]),
the stock has a greater potential to rise above the strike price. When the value
leakage is close to the expiry date (as shown by Panel [B]), this is less likely, thus
increasing the likelihood that early exercise is the right decision.
Share price
t1 T
Share price
t2 T
put price
A K Asset price
put price
We will use the put terms given in Table 10.4 to illustrate the procedure. First we
will price the put assuming it is European-style.
Table 10.4 Terms and conditions for the six-month, American-style put
Variable Value
Strike price 100
Stock price 100
Time to expiry 6 months (0.5 year)
t 1 month (0.0833 year)
Risk-free rate 5.57%
Volatility 0.25
Pricing factors
u 1.0748
d .9304
PV factor .9954
p .5142
(1 p) .4858
The tree for the underlier calculated using the binomial approach is given in
Table 10.5. The price diffuses at 1.0748 per period if it rises, so the 6 period
maximum price 100 1.0748 154.19. If the price declines then it falls by
1/1.0748. So after six steps the lowest price will be 100 1.0748 64.86. The
other prices are calculated in a similar manner.
Table 10.5 Underlier price tree and exercised value of put option (K U)
at expiration
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (K U)
154.19 0
133.47 133.47 0
124.17 124.17
115.53 [L] 115.53 115.53 0
107.48 [N] 107.48 [I] 107.48
100 100.00 [K] 100.00 [F] 100.00 0
93.04 [M] 93.04 [H] 93.04 [C]
86.56 [J] 86.56 [E] 86.56 13.44
80.53 [G] 80.53 [B]
74.93 [D] 74.93 25.07
69.71 [A]
64.86 35.14
Using the backward induction technique, we can price the European-style put
using the straightforward numeric technique where we work back from the known
expiration values to the present. The pricing process is shown in Ta-
ble 10.5. Recall that the price at [A] will be calculated as:
. .
29.8281 . 5142 25.07 .4858 35.14
We work back through the tree in similar fashion using the values derived at the
different nodes [A to N] to calculate the preceding values. At time zero, the value of
the European-style put is therefore 5.3733 as shown in Table 10.6.
Table 10.6 Backward induction through tree for calculating the value of
the European-style put (terms in Table 10.4)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0
0 0
0.7350 [L] 0 0
2.5439 [N] 1.5199 [I] 0
5.3733 4.4827 [K] 3.1430 [F] 0
8.4193 [M] 7.6613 [H] 6.4995 [C]
12.6662 [J] 12.5164 [E] 13.44
18.0844 [G] 19.0042 [B]
24.1504 [D] 25.07
29.8281 [A]
However, if the put had been American-style, we may find there are particular
nodes where we would prefer to exercise early. At point [A] we find that the
exercised value is 30.29, more than the live value of 29.8281 for the European-style
option so we would want to exercise at this point. Moving up a node, at point [B]
we find that the exercised value is 19.47, also above the live value so once again
we would want to exercise the put, if possible. At point [C], we find 6.96,
so again we would want to exercise.
For valuation purposes, when calculating the value of the American-style option
where we have the contractual flexibility to exercise early, we therefore replace the
live values with exercised values in our backward induction valuation when
working out the value of the American-style put. So for node [D], we will have:
. .
24.6114 . 5142 19.47 .4858 30.29
We find that when we compare this value to the exercised value at node [D] then
the option is again worth less alive than exercised. We therefore again replace the
live value with the higher exercised value of 25.07. We repeat this process for node
[E] since exercise is also optimal at this point.
So moving back towards the present at each node, we test whether the put is
worth more to us exercised (i.e. we look up or should be held to the next
period. Note what happens, while we find that node [J] is optimal when compared
against the European-style valuation, the higher node values at [G] and [H] derived
from exercise means that holding on for another month at [J] becomes the optimal
strategy. The American-style option pricing tree is shown in Table 10.8. This shows
that the value for the American-style put using the binomial option pricing valuation
is 5.7725 when compared to the European-style valuation of 5.3733. That is, the
additional flexibility of early exercise in the American-style option means it is
worth .3992 more than its European-style counterpart; that is, it is about 7.4 per
cent more valuable.
Table 10.8 Value of American-style put using the binomial option pricing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0
0 0
0.7874 [L] 0 0
2.7288 [N] 1.6282 [I] 0
5.7725 4.8096 [K] 3.3670 [F] 0
9.0490 [M] 8.2227 [H] 6.96 [C]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
13.6223 [J] 13.44 [E] 13.44045
19.47 [G] 19.47 [B]
25.07 [D] 25.07444
30.29 [A]
Nodes in bold are where it is optimal to exercise the option early.
Looking at Table 10.8 you will notice that early exercise becomes desirable as the
option approaches expiration and/or moves deeper into-the-money, just the
conditions described above when the American-style option is likely to be exercised.
The reason time matters, of course, is that as expiration nears the time value of
the option will have declined and hence the value of waiting has fallen. Equally a
significant fall in the underlier price will lead to the put being deep-in-the-money
and hence the payout will be below the critical A value as shown in Figure 10.3
where the European-style call is worth less than its intrinsic value. Under both these
conditions, early exercise becomes the optimal strategy. Given the additional
flexibility given to American-style put options then this means that as a rule they
are worth somewhat more than their European-style equivalents.5
Using the Binomial Option-Pricing Model to Price American-
Style Calls and Puts _________________________________________
As discussed in the earlier section with value leakage early exercise may be the
optimal strategy. Adjusting the binomial model for the possibility of such early
termination is relatively simple. At each of the nodes in the lattice, the value of
the option is calculated under two conditions, unexercised and exercised (that
is, for a call and for a put ). Whichever value is the higher is the
option value used to price the option at that node. This higher value is then
used when working back through the tree.
In Figure 10.4, we have the following two-period share price tree. Figure 10.5
shows the corresponding European-style put option values.
100 104.5
5 Recall that for calls there will only be a value difference if the underlier has value leakage (that is, pays
dividends, etc.) otherwise the American-style and European-style options will be worth the same.
0.94 0
Standard deviation
of price
Figure 10.6 Price volatility for the future price of a bond and a share
The third problem is that for most kinds of term interest-rate-sensitive securities,
there will be a pull to par over the life of the asset. This is shown in Figure 10.6.
Whereas the share price standard deviation continues to increase with time, that for
a debt instrument will initially rise but gradually price volatility will fall as the
instrument moves towards maturity. This sort of behaviour violates one of the key
assumptions used for pricing options with the BlackScholes model.
The above problems mean that valuing interest-rate options is a more complicat-
ed problem than valuing other instruments. This is partly due to the fact that such
options are pricing assets whose value depends, either wholly or in part, on the term
structure of interest rates. The difficulty is also due to the fact that the behaviour of
interest rates over time is quite complicated and, as discussed above, subject to
mean reversion. As a result, interest-rate-option pricing rapidly becomes very
complicated and mathematically demanding. That said, for certain interest-rate
products, simpler solutions provide a reasonably accurate valuation. This section is
restricted to a discussion of the simpler adjustments and ends with a brief summary
of the more complex approaches being developed.
In this case, we look at the forward or futures price (FP) rather than the current
asset price.
Option period FRA
t T Interest rate protection period (M T)
Expiry of IRO M
strike = K
Interest rates
The future value of the asset (in this case the FRA) is represented by % . The
value of the difference in interest rates (that is, paid at time M is .
6 This follows an approach given in Manson, Bernard (1992), The Practitioners Guide to Interest Rate Risk
Management. London: Graham and Trotman/Kluwer Academic Publishers.
We also need to convert the interest rate to an asset value. Recall that the Black
Scholes model is designed to price an asset and not a rate. Let us assume that the
notional principal on the FRA is 5 million. The periodic equivalent of this is thus
the notional value times the tenor (as a fraction of a year), as given in Table 10.10.
We now can solve the result for the BlackScholes model, starting with the sub-
equations to derive 1 and 2 :
77191.78 0.20 10.29
ln 0.1616
75616.44 2
0.20 0.1616
0.29666 0.20 0.1616
The relevant values for and are then 0.6166 and 0.5857, whereas
77191.78, 75616.44, 0.057679
and 0.1616. These
values are then used to calculate the value of the fraption as:
. .
77191.78 0.6166 75616.44 0.5857
Cap period
T1 T2 T3 T4
Cap rate
Interest rate
Floor rate
Figure 10.8 How caps and floors provide a series of protection periods
The cap (and floor) are priced as a series of options. The first will have a payout
date at the end of period 1 , the second at the end of 2 and so on. The determina-
tion of whether the option is in-the-money is made at the start of the interest-
protection period, that is, for the first protection period, at the initiation of the
The only difference between cap pricing and that for the FRA will be the fact
that, with the cap and floor, the payout takes place at the end of the period. The
value of the option derived using the forward price has to be discounted for the fact
that payment takes place at the end of the caplet period, rather than at the start, as
with the FRA (and conventional options). Therefore the value of the individual cap
period (or caplet) would be:
Option price 10.30
Caplet price
The cost of the cap in Figure 10.8 would be the sum of the individual options
calculated from the sub periods, that is the options for, 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 .
In order to price an option on the bond correctly, the key requirement is to esti-
mate the bond price volatility at the forward price. This will, following Figure 10.9,
decline as the bond moves towards maturity. Schaefer and Schwartz (1987) have
provided a method of adjusting volatility that takes account of the remaining term
to maturity of the bond at the forward date.7 They show that the relationship of
bond volatility to duration is constant. This means that by adjusting the volatility by
duration, one can arrive at the correct forward volatility for the bond. Their formula
for the adjusted volatility to be used in pricing the option is given by:
where and are constants, is the bond price and its duration. In applying the
model, is found by solving Equation 10.31 for , and using the observed (or
historical) bond volatility, such that:
where the tildes indicate an estimated element. Schaefer and Schwartz suggest a
value for of 0.5 be used.
If we apply the model to our five year bond, then the duration of the bond at the
two different interest rates over its life will be as shown in Table 10.12.
7 Duration is a measure of the interest rate sensitivity of a debt instrument or bond. The formula for
Macaulays duration is:
1 1
and modified duration is simply / 1 , where y is the yield on the debt instrument. In
seeking to understand the adjustments required for pricing interest rate options, it is sufficient to
understand at this point that there is a linear relationship between a bonds observed volatility and its
If the observed volatility for the bond at Year 4 is known to be 12 per cent, the
value of for an option expiring at Year 3 using Equation 10.32 will be:
93.38 3.660322
The expected volatility of the option at Year 3 will then be:
0.3168 94.85 2.8286
Table 10.13 shows the differences in volatilities arrived at by using the Schaefer
Schwartz adjustment as compared to the original estimate of 12 per cent. It also
gives the option price for a one-year option using Blacks model from Section 10.4.2
and the option price modified using the SchaeferSchwartz adjusted volatility.
Table 10.13 Comparison of pricing with the unadjusted Blacks model and Blacks
equation using an adjusted volatility from the Schaefer and Schwartz
Schaefer Schaefer
Schwartz Schwartz
Unadjusted adjusted Unadjusted adjusted
Year 8% Duration volatility volatility Black Black
1 98.15 1 1.189
2 96.43 1.943 0.607 12% 6.12% 0.061 0.0368
3 94.85 2.829 0.413 12% 8.17% 0.061 0.0465
4 93.38 3.660 0.317 12% 9.20% 0.061 0.0507
5 92.01 4.439 0.259 12% 9.82% 0.061 0.0531
Note: Alpha () is 0.5 and the option is at-the-money.
Table 10.13 shows that the unadjusted Blacks pricing model overvalues the
option relative to the adjusted volatility from the SchaeferSchwartz correction.
This is due to the fact that the price is being pulled to par as the remaining life of
the bond declines, since the observed volatility for a five-year bond at 12 per cent is
higher than the volatility that would be observed in one years time of 9.82 per cent.
The results show that when pricing interest-rate options on bonds it is neces-
sary to make allowance for the effect of the bonds declining maturity, as shown in
Figure 10.9. The modified value for a one-year option on a bond with a remaining
life of four years is 0.0531 compared with 0.061 from simply applying Blacks model
unadjusted, an overvaluation of about 13 per cent. As the maturity declines, the
error is magnified since a one year option on a bond with one years life remaining is
only valued at 0.0368 once the adjustment is made, a difference of 66 per cent.
As an approach, the models generally are specified in such a way that (a) interest
rates recombine, so as to limit the size of the resultant binomial (or in some cases,
trinomial) lattice and that (b) zero-coupon rates and hence bond prices should
develop over time in such a way as to preclude arbitrage between different bonds.
The major problems encountered in developing a tractable model are that: (a) the
term structure specified in the model is not consistent with the initial, observed yield
curve and (b) the rate structure is not mean reverting.
10.5.1 Payoff
Payoff modifies the gain to be had from the option. With the traditional option the
payout is , whereas exotics offer a variety of payouts, variously known as
binary (digital); asset-or-nothing; or cash-or-nothing. In these, as their name
suggests, the holder receives not a difference but an absolute value. The gain from
the generic digital option will be as given in 0.
K Asset value
8 A useful primer on the subject is Nelken, Israel (ed.) (1996) The Handbook of Exotic Options. Chicago:
Irwin Professional Publishing. This section draws heavily on Part I of this book.
Namely, the binarys value is simply the present value of the probability of the
option expiring in-the-money.
10.5.2 Singularity
Another payoff structure involves a contingent premium, where the premium is
paid only if the option expires in-the-money. It has the payoffs given in 0 and
illustrated in Figure 10.11.
Asset price
No premium is paid
unless U > K
10.5.3 Leverage
The normal payoff from an option, , can be modified in a number of ways.
These power options or polynomial options have a variety of potential payoffs. For
example, the standard option payoff can be modified in such a way that the result is
, where is a constant (1,2,3, ). Alternatively, the squared power
option has as the payoff. The payoff of the squared power option is given
in Figure 10.12.
Power option payoff
Conventional option payoff
Asset price
The ratchet option has a built-in profit feature. At particular dates, the strike rate
is reset at the underlying asset price. When the strike is reset, the holder is assured of
the options intrinsic value up to that point, even if the asset price subsequently does
not return the previous level. If, however, the asset price at a subsequent reset date
has intrinsic value, this is also locked in. This continues until the option expires.
The shout option allows the holder to determine the strike price at any particular
time by simply shouting (that is, announcing to the writer) the new level.
Again considerable additional variations can exist for these options.
max 10.33
10.5.7 Timing
The American-style option allows total flexibility, within the options life, as to
when to exercise. A variation known as the quasi-American, mid-Atlantic or
Bermudan option offers the holder a series of option exercise dates. A chooser
option (see above) also allows flexibility as to timing in deciding whether a call or a
put is the better position to hold. The ratchet and shout options also provide timing
opportunities. A forward-start ( delayed-start) option gives the holder at the expiry
of the option a new option where the strike price is equal to the asset price at that
structure. That said, Blacks version of the analytic model provides a generally
adequate method of valuing options on short-term interest-rate-sensitive assets with
simple cash flows. For bonds, the SchaeferSchwartz correction to Blacks equation
is a simple way of adjusting for the declining volatility of a bond as it moves towards
More complex interest-rate-option models have been developed to price options
on interest-rate-sensitive assets which make use of the term structure. This remains
an area of continual development and refinement.
Finally, the changes made to the nature of options themselves and the growth of
options with special features collectively known as exotic options are briefly
outlined to show how instruments and products are continually evolving in response
to the needs of market participants and the resourcefulness of financial engineers. A
detailed analysis of these exotica is beyond the scope of this module.
Review Questions
10.1 If we have a asset which has options written on it and which will be subject to a
dividend distribution during the optioned period, the effect on calls and puts will be:
A. the call value is increased and the put value is decreased.
B. the call value is decreased and the put value is increased.
C. both the call and put values are increased.
D. both the call and put values are decreased.
10.2 We have a three-month put option on an asset with a dividend yield of 2.5 per cent and
a continuously compounded risk-free interest rate of 5 per cent. If the strike price is
240 and the asset price is 235, the variable is 0.4375 and is 0.4185, what
will be the value of the put?
A. 5.09
B. 5.19
C. 6.46
D. 11.29
10.3 If we have a currency option with a strike price of DM1.55/$ with an expiry date of 181
days, what will be the value of the call on the Deutschemark?
A. 0.129
B. 0.131
C. 0.136
D. 0.157
10.4 If the three-month forward rate was DM1.5670/$, what will be the value of the three-
month call option on the currency with a strike price of DM1.55/$?
A. 0.100
B. 0.101
C. 0.103
D. 0.113
10.5 A stock index future with 30 days to expiry is trading at 1189 whereas a futures call has
a strike of 1175. The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 6 per cent and
the volatility for the futures contract is 35 per cent. What is the value of the futures
option (in index points)?
A. 54.36
B. 54.63
C. 55.25
D. 56.13
10.6 If the continuously compounded risk free interest rate is 5.5 per cent and the storage
cost, also continuously compounded, is 3.0 per cent per annum, and the spot price of
zinc is $2300 per ton and a three-month futures contract is trading at $2295 per ton,
what is the three-month convenience yield on zinc, expressed as an annualised rate?
A. 0.22 per cent.
B. 2.34 per cent.
C. 3.38 per cent.
D. 9.37 per cent.
10.7 Copper is worth $1185 per tonne in the market and there is a 9-month futures
contract with a price of $1100 per tonne. The continuously compounded risk-free
interest rate is 6 per cent per annum and the cost of wastage is 4 per cent per annum.
The volatility of the copper price is 22 per cent per annum. What is the annualised
convenience yield on copper?
A. Zero.
B. 11.92 per cent.
C. 14.94 per cent.
D. 19.92 per cent.
10.8 The spot price of copper is US$1250/ton, the risk-free interest rate is 6 per cent per
annum, the cost of storage is 6 per cent per annum and there is an implied convenience
yield on copper of 9 per cent per annum for three-month delivery. What is the price of
a copper call with a three-month expiry when the strike price is US$1325 when the
volatility is 28 per cent?
A. $39.48
B. $43.34
C. $49.81
D. $53.39
10.9 We have a six-month call option with a strike price of 145 and the underlying share is
trading at a price of 156. A dividend on the share is due in four months time which has
a value of 4. The risk-free interest rate is 5.5 per cent. If the option is American-style,
will early exercise be:
A. desirable to capture the dividend?
B. undesirable since the remaining time value exceeds the dividend forgone?
C. desirable to partly capture the dividend?
D. undesirable since the remaining time value is equal to the dividend forgone?
10.10 We have a six-month call option with a strike price of 270 and the underlying share is
trading at a price of 295. A dividend on the share is due in two months time with a
value of 6. The risk-free interest rate is 4.75 per cent. If the option is American-style,
will early exercise be:
A. desirable to capture the dividend?
B. undesirable since the remaining time value exceeds the dividend forgone?
C. desirable to partly capture the dividend?
D. undesirable since the remaining time value is equal to the dividend forgone?
10.11 What is the value of a three-month, American-style call, when priced using the pseudo-
American adjustment for calls, when the underlying share has a dividend of 4.2 at the
end of month 1, the share price is 345, the strike price is 340, the volatility is 22 per
cent and the continuously compounded risk-free rate is 4.5 per cent?
A. 13.91
B. 16.91
C. 17.19
D. 19.75
10.12 We have a three-month short-term interest rate futures contract with four months to
expiry which is trading at 93.50. There is a futures call on the option with a strike price
of 92.80. The continuously compounded risk-free rate is 6.75 per cent and the volatility
of the futures contract is 15 per cent. What will be the value of the call?
A. 1.70
B. 3.50
C. 3.58
D. 3.95
The following information is used for Questions 10.13 to 10.15.
The following table provides the caplet prices for a cap which has four periods to run and
with a strike rate of 6.85 per cent.
1 2 3 4
Time 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Futures contract 93.85 93.80 93.63 93.38
Risk-free rate % 5.9683 6.0625 6.2975 6.531
Caplet price 1.88 2.78 3.48 4.06
10.15 If the fourth caplet was, in fact, sold as an interest-rate option, what would its value be?
A. 0.50
B. 2.96
C. 3.87
D. 4.13
Tenor (months) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rate % 6.50 6.125 6.1875 6.25 6.3125 6.375
A 15 million 3 v. 6 fraption (option on a forward rate agreement (FRA)) has a strike price
of 6.38 per cent. The volatility is 15 per cent.
1. Black, Fisher (1975) Fact and fantasy in the use of options, Financial Analysts Journal, 32
(July/August), 3641 and 6172.
2. Black, Fisher (1976) The pricing of commodity contracts, Journal of Financial Economics, 3
(March), 16779.
3. Black, Fisher, Derman, E. and Toy, W. (1990) A one factor model of interest rates and
its application to treasury bond options, Financial Analysts Journal, 11, 339.
4. Cox, J., Ingersoll, J. and Ross, S. (1985) A theory of the term structure of interest rates,
Econometrica, 53, 385467.
5. Gemmill, Gordon (1993) Options Pricing an International Perspective, London: McGraw-Hill.
6. Heath, David, Jarrow, Robert and Morton, Andrew (1992) Bond pricing and the term
structure of interest rates: a new methodology, Econometrica, 60, 77105.
7. Ho, T. and Lee, S. (1986) Term structure movements and the pricing of interest rate
claims, Journal of Finance, 41, 101129.
8. Hull, John and White, Alan (1988) The use of control variate technique in option
pricing, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 23, 23751.
9. Hull, John and White, A. (1990) Pricing interest rate derivative securities, Review of
Financial Studies, 3, 57392.
10. Macmillan, L. (1986) An analytical approximation for the American put price, Advances
in Futures and Options Research, 1, 11939.
11. Nelken, Israel (ed.) (1996) The Handbook of Exotic Options. Chicago: Irwin Professional
12. Rendleman, R. and Bartter, B. (1980) The pricing of options on debt securities, Journal of
Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 15, 1124.
13. Schaefer, Stephen and Schwartz, Eduardo (1987) Time-dependent variance and the
pricing of bond options, Journal of Finance, 42, 111328.
Learning Objectives
This module looks at how risk is managed through hedging and insurance. The
basic principle of hedging is straightforward. It is to match two opposing sensitivi-
ties in such a way that value changes on both sides of the position cancel out. The
problem arises when the two positions do not change in value in exactly the same
way, leading to an imperfect correlation of price behaviour. The greater the diver-
gence in the two sides in terms of their underlying characteristics, the greater the
degree of hedging risk. A cross-asset hedge will be imperfect, whereas a customised
forward contract will provide a perfect hedge. Various methods for determining the
optimal hedge when the two sides differ are discussed.
Options are used to provide insurance: they protect the holder against the unde-
sirable outcomes, while leaving the user the opportunity to profit from the
favourable ones.
After completing this module, you should know how to:
set up a hedge;
create an optimal hedge position;
determine a cross-hedge;
understand the effect of basis risk on a hedged position;
hedge against a rotational shift in the yield curve;
manage risk via dynamic hedging;
make use of options in a hedging strategy.
11.1 Introduction
At one time, for a variety of reasons, the trading desk at which I worked had a large
position in a particular corporate bond. Because of the risk of losses, the bonds
were hedged. Since the value of the bond position had a negative sensitivity to
interest rates, the appropriate risk reducing position was required to have a positive
value sensitivity to interest rates. To hedge the price risk and, at the same time, to
provide flexibility for trading purposes, the bond position was offset by a short
position in long-term interest-rate futures. Two problems arose in setting up the
hedge. The first was how to determine the correct number of futures contracts we
should sell in order that the value change in the bonds was compensated for by the
value change in the futures position. The second was that the bonds and the
interest-rate futures contracts differed. The futures were on government bonds
whereas our position was in a corporate bond, subject to default risk and hence
priced at a discount (interest rate spread) to the default-free government bond
underlying the futures contract. Naturally, this led to price changes between the two
positions that were not exactly offsetting. The result was that the revaluation of the
combined positions changed dramatically day by day. Over the period we held the
bonds, I was frequently called in to my managers office to explain why my profit
and loss account oscillated so wildly over such a short period. My explanation
pointed to the problems of exactly matching two different markets and instruments
with different characteristics. The hedge was imperfect and the swings in valuation
were a result of this inexactitude. Although the position was less than perfect, over
the period during which this hedge was in place, the combined portfolio eliminated
all but a tiny element of the price risk in holding the bonds.
The above story highlights two real problems in hedging. The first involves de-
termining the correct amount of the hedge to put on. The second is the requirement
to hedge cross-assets since there was no corporate bond futures contract that
would have provided a better fit between the hedge and the underlying position.
Hedging usually involves the use of one instrument to offset the price risk on
another. For most practical purposes this means the use of off-balance-sheet
instruments and, in particular, the derivatives product set. Table 11.1 summarises
the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. Cash instruments can provide
the same results as off-balance-sheet instruments, but usually entail significant cost
disadvantages. The discussion will therefore focus on off-balance-sheet approaches
to hedging.
When off-balance-sheet instruments are used, the decision has to be made
whether to select exchange-traded instruments or over-the-counter (OTC) instru-
ments. The advantage of OTC instruments is that they can generally be customised,
but they entail significant counterparty credit risk; exchange-traded instruments are
standardised and require margin to be provided, but have very little counterparty
risk. However, standardisation means that users generally have to accept basis risk.
In reporting the hedging problem, the company added that the current strength
of sterling against European currencies was having a significant negative impact
on its competitive position abroad. As a result it was also undertaking a review
of its export pricing policy. One consequence of sterling remaining at its current
level was for ABI to suffer lower margins and volumes on future exports.
In assessing these revelations, Henry Cooke Lumsden, the Manchester-based
broker which trades ABI shares on behalf of investors, took the view that a
substantial element of the losses was because of the failure to hedge properly,
but part was also was attributed to adverse trading conditions.
Options, on the other hand, since they provide non-linear payoffs, have an insur-
ance element. These asymmetrical risk profiles have particular uses in addition to
those provided by terminal instruments.
To hedge both price and quantity risk. Options are required in the hedging of contin-
gent income streams and cash flows. Such action might arise if a firm has
entered into an agreement and as a result has written an explicit or implicit op-
tion. For instance, in the case where a firm is bidding on a contract denominated
in a foreign currency, there is a contingent price risk inherent in the contract.
Hedging with terminal instruments will not eliminate the risk. Equally, many
loan products and financial instruments include embedded options. A puttable
bond includes the right of the holder to seek early redemption of the security. In
this case, the issuer has written a put with the bond holder.
When there is a view on the market, especially on future volatility. If it seems that the
price or rate is likely to move more than the premium paid, an option may be an
appropriate instrument. No underlying cash transactions are required and the
total risk is limited to the premium paid.
Making the best use of management time. An option premium can be looked upon as a
management fee paid to an intermediary to manage exposure in such a way as to
eliminate downside risk and retain upside potential. That is, the premium is the
fee for dynamic replication strategies such as portfolio insurance.
To summarise, a firm is likely to use options when the firm has (explicitly or
implicitly) written an option. This will typically occur when:
(a) it sets fixed prices in foreign currency against which unknown future revenues
will be earned;
(b) bidding on an uncertain contract;
(c) there are embedded option features in a contract;
(d) it wants to back a strategy (speculate).
The disadvantage to options is their cost in the form of an upfront premium. The
premium is a direct function of their value. It is based on the fair value, which
ultimately depends on the likelihood that the option will be exercised. At the
practical level, a number of potential solutions are available.
In/out-of-the-money options. The lower the likelihood of exercise, the cheaper the
option. If a lower level of protection is acceptable, then out-of-the-money op-
tions reduce upfront cost. Typically such options would not fully protect all the
profits from the future cash flows.
Free option strategies. In consideration of firms dislike of upfront payments for
risk-management transactions, financial intermediaries have devised a number of
(premium) free option strategies. Examples are: currency cylinders (that is, a
vertical spread a mix of put and call options) and participating forwards (a
mix of put/call and a forward outright transaction).
Compound options. Compound options are options to buy options. It is insurance
to buy insurance!
However, in the final analysis, it is true to say the option user gets what he has
paid for. Remember also the risk/reward for writing an option is very different
from that involved in buying an option. Option writers receive a premium and
have to take on a (potentially) unlimited risk, although as previously discussed, this
can be managed dynamically.
Can be used when the Yes, since option can be No, since the contract
underlying transaction is allowed to lapse must be settled
Gives the user the benefit Yes, since if spot rate is No, since the terminal
of choosing between the better, user can let contract must be settled
actual rate at maturity option expire, but if at the original contracted
(the future spot rate) and option rate is better, user rate
the hedge rate can exercise
* Note that this is an opportunity loss, if the asset to be hedged rises (falls) in value if a long
(short) position. It will be an actual loss if the terminal instrument has been used for speculative
If we have a long asset position, as in Equation 11.1, we partially or fully offset
the change in the cash position with a short (in terms of sensitivity) hedging
where the resultant cash is the net change in value of the combined positions and
is the change in the price of the hedging instrument and hedge is the
number and/or size of a short (in terms of sensitivity) position in the hedge.
If the hedge is only partially designed to eliminate the risk, we have:
Note that, if the sign on the hedge position is reversed in Equation 11.4, the off-
balance-sheet position adds to the exposure, effectively increasing the position.
Increasing a position in this way may be desirable if a short-term increased
weighting in an asset class or instrument is required over and above some estab-
lished long-term strategic exposure.
If the objective of the hedging transaction is to eliminate all the price risk, then
we have the fully hedged position of Equation 11.5:
0 11.5
A Generic Step-By-Step Approach to Hedging ________________
Hedging is costly in that users pay the bid-asked spread on transactions. Even
for futures where the turn is very small, there is still a significant cost, especially
if the requirement to post margin is included. In order to minimise these costs,
it is useful only to hedge the net exposure rather than individual positions, so as
to take advantage of any internally occurring natural matching via offsets and
portfolio effects. The generic step-by-step approach involves reducing all
positions, if at all possible, to a common structure:
1. Decompose any obligation into its zero-coupon components. That is, for
instance, decompose bonds into a set of coupon and principal cash flows
using appropriate time buckets.
One approach is to use a one-to-one ratio between the position and the hedge.
This works well, for instance, with forward contracts. If a US$1 million future cash
inflow has to be hedged back into sterling, then selling the same amount in the
forward foreign exchange market ensures that the sensitivity of the two positions, as
given in Equation 11.6, is zero. In this case, 1.
With futures, it is possible to use the cash price of the asset and the futures price
as the appropriate ratio. If we had a requirement to hedge unleaded gasoline and we
needed to hedge one million gallons, then the appropriate short position in the
energy futures would be:
1 23.8contracts
Each contract is worth 42000 US gallons (=1000 barrels), and to balance the
hedge 23.8 contracts are required.1 Since only full contracts can be traded, 24
contracts are shorted. Incidentally this shows the minor hedging discrepancy that
can arise from futures. Typically, a decision has to be made, when partial contracts
are involved, whether to round the hedge up or down.2
As a rule, the naive one-to-one approach works best when the cash position is
nearly equivalent to the characteristics of the futures. The wider the discrepancy, the
greater is the hedging error that will result. For this reason, more sophisticated
hedging procedures have been developed.
The following summarises the disadvantages of naive methods for different types
of assets. For interest-rate products:
For short-term interest-rate futures, if the underlying position has a maturity
other than that stipulated by the contract, the value change in the position needs
to be considered rather than the change in interest rates. If interest rates were to
change by 50 basis points (half a percentage point), the value changes, shown in
Table 11.3, would occur on a US$1 million (one eurodollar contract) position.
With long-term interest-rate futures, bonds with different maturities and
different coupons will have different price sensitivities. The naive method will
leave the combined position with more basis risk than would a more sophisticat-
ed approach.
For cross-hedges, the relationship between the two asset positions (the cash
position and the cash asset underlying the futures contract) and the futures cre-
ates a significant basis risk due to the different nature of the two assets price
1 This is the specification of the unleaded gasoline contract traded on the New York Mercantile
Exchange (NYMEX). The UKs International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) specifies a contract for 1000
2 Recall the discussion inModule 4, Section 4.5.3.
Table 11.3 Cash and eurodollar futures price change for a 50 basis point
change in interest rate
Maturity of the money Change in value of the Change in value of
market instrument cash instrument futures contract
1 month $416.50 $1250.00
3 months $1250.00 $1250.00
6 months $2500.00 $1250.00
12 months $5000.00 $1250.00
The advantage of the naive hedge approach is its simplicity. Since many hedging
transactions involve the nearby contract (the futures contract closest to expiry), and
the same commodity is being hedged, assuming a hedge ratio of one is a reasonable
assumption. In effect, by using the naive hedge ratio, the hedger is ignoring any
changes in the basis.
where ,
is the correlation coefficient between the cash instrument and the
hedging instrument, and and the standard deviation of change in value
of the cash position and the hedge respectively. The minimum-variance hedge ratio
is the proportion of the hedge position that minimises the net price change of the
combined cash position. The relationship between changes in the cash and hedge
position and the derivation of are illustrated in Figure 11.1. The minimum-
variance hedge ratio is the regression line obtained by minimising the sum of the
squared deviations from the line. The statistical technique, known as ordinary least
squares, used to provide the estimate for the slope () and the intercept () uses the
following equation:
The technique sets the value for and such that the sum of the squared error
terms will be as small as possible and that no other value for provides a
better description of the linear relationship between and . The slope
of this line is the hedge ratio. The residual deviations ( ) from the regression line
are that part of the risk in the cash position that is not explained away by changes
in the hedge. That is, these residual deviations are the basis risk between the two
D Pcash
D Phedge
D Pcash
D Phedge
b = slope = h
Fitted line
In fact one can intuitively see that, even if the standard deviations of the cash and
hedge were similar but the correlation was less than one, the result would give a
hedge ratio that is below one. At one end of the scale, the cash asset and the
underlier of the hedging instrument may be the same, as would be the case in a
holding of government bonds and hedging with the concomitant futures contract.
In this case is likely to be close to one. At the other extreme, a cross-hedge may
only have partially the same characteristics as the position being hedged. Hedging
the same bond position in short-term interest-rate futures or hedging shares in a
French company using stock index futures on the German DAX index is likely to
result in a low value for .
In order to determine the quality of the resultant portfolio, we need to measure
its hedging effectiveness. We have already seen that is equivalent to the slope of
the regression line in Equation 11.8. This relationship conveniently leads to a
measure of the effectiveness of the hedge. Remember that hedgers are substituting
basis risk for price risk in entering the (imperfect) hedge. A way of measuring how
well the hedge operates is to compare the basis risk that is assumed by hedging with
price risk that is eliminated. The smaller the basis risk compared to the price risk,
the more effective is the hedge in fulfilling its objective. This measure of hedging
effectiveness can be formally stated as:
basis risk
cash asset risk
On the basis of Equation 11.10, hedging effectiveness is measured by the
coefficient of determination , which is a measure of the goodness of fit of the
regression equation. Note that, in a forward contract, there will be no basis risk, so
that the hedge will be totally effective (that is, 2 1.0 . The problem of hedging
effectiveness really only applies in situations such as futures or in the use of cross-
If, as above, the regression analysis has a value of 2 0.89, a hedge using un-
leaded gasoline futures in the absence of instability in the relationship between the
cash and futures markets will eliminate 89 per cent of the variability in cash
market price changes.
Note also that 2 determines hedging effectiveness when a minimum-variance
hedge has been established. In situations where the cash position and the cash
instrument that underlies the hedge are the same, hedging effectiveness is usually
high. Hedging effectiveness is likely to be low for cross-hedges for non-similar
commodities. Also for cross-hedges, the minimum-variance hedge ratio can exhibit
significant instability over time. The discussion so far has assumed that historical
estimates of and 2 are used in setting up a hedge. When the cash position and
the hedge are on the same underlying asset, these estimates are likely to remain
Expected return
Indifference curves
Minimum risk portfolio = h
Table 11.4 shows that the nearby currency futures contract has the most volume
but the back contracts for December and March are very thinly traded. There are
only token trades taking place in the March-expiry contracts. The situation for
commodity futures is shown in Table 11.5. Here there is more liquidity (and there
are more expiry dates) out to February for the three energy futures shown. Even so,
the liquidity of the contracts probably does not extend much beyond the December
expiry. For wheat (using a different expiry cycle), there is liquidity in the first two
contracts, the March contract probably presents some trading problems while
thereafter the contracts are illiquid if trading in any size is required, although July is
an exception to this. (The reason for this is that July is the next years harvest date.)
For interest-rate contracts, we have the results shown in Table 11.6 for short-
term interest-rate futures. Volume varies dramatically depending on the contract.
For US Treasury bills, most of the interest is in the nearby contract, but some is in
the December contract. There is much less activity in the March contract. For
eurodollars, sterling and eurolira, activity is greater in the contracts with longer to
expire, reflecting the institutional structure of the interbank market.4 Note that in
these, with one month to expiry, activity is already beginning to decline in the
nearby contract as positions begin to be rolled forward into the next contract. This
is a side effect of convergence where the futures contract begins to take on more
and more of the aspects of the cash position.
Table 11.6 Volume and open interest in short-term interest-rate futures contracts
Expiry 3-month Euro- US Treasury Bills 3-month Sterling 3-month Eurolira
Volume Open Volume Open Volume Open Volume Open
Int. Int. Int. Int.
Sept. 38791 372 036 1043 7 125 15 242 71 042 21912 52840
Dec. 48901 472 055 26 1 892 36 016 114 185 23947 44345
March 41322 296 246 76 813 19 415 78 403 4035 24098
4 In fact, in eurodollars futures contracts are traded out to ten years to meet the hedging requirements of
financial intermediaries marginal cost of funds (for example, commercial banks).
little choice and it is necessary to use the nearby contract, regardless of the profile of
the underlying exposure. In situations where there is liquidity across contracts,
matching the hedge period to the underlying risk is to be preferred.
If we have an exposure that covers more than one futures contract period, the
ideal solution is to match the hedging instrument to the exposure period, a process
known as a strip hedge. This is illustrated in Panel A of Figure 11.3. The alternative
stack hedge approach is used when there is no liquidity in the contracts with longer
to expiry. With this method, the procedure is to stack up the hedge using the
nearby contract and to roll forward the position, reducing the hedge as required
over the exposure period, as shown in Panel B of Figure 11.3. As time progresses,
we therefore have a situation as shown by Figure 11.4. With the strip hedge, the
expiring contracts match the exposure and are eliminated (as with the earlier
example of the forward foreign-exchange contracts). With the stack hedge, the
initial exposure is matched to the contracts, but the remaining exposure is hedged
by rolling forward the contracts at, or near, the expiry of the nearby contract.
1 2 3 4 5
t0 T
Series of contracts Exposure
that cover the
exposure period
Nearby contracts that equate to the
3 underlying exposure with maturity T
t0 T
Remaining contracts
Panel A: Strip hedge for periods 3 to 5
after two contract periods have expired
1 2 3 4 5
t0 T
Remaining exposure
Figure 11.4 Strip and stack hedges after inception at and before
The problem is potentially large since a twist in the term structure will cause some
futures prices to change more than others. Let us look at the problem in more detail
using short-term interest rate futures. We have the following zero-coupon rates out to
12 months as shown in Table 11.7 and the nearby contract expires in Month 1, the
next to expire in Month 4.
With a short-term interest-rate future, the value of the contract will be priced not
against the prevailing spot rate but against the implied forward rate for the
relevant three-month maturity. Thus although the current three-month rate is 6.12
per cent, this is not the rate at which a contract on the three-month rate and due to
expire in one month will trade: the contract will be valued against the three-month
rate that is expected to prevail in one months time, or 6.501 per cent. Hence, such a
contract will be priced at 93.50.5 Similarly, the next contract will have a price
reflecting the three-month rate in four months and trade at 93.02, and so on. The
spot and implied forward rate curves derived from Table 11.7 are shown in Ta-
ble 11.8.
Table 11.8 Current spot rates and the implied forward rates pertaining
in the futures contracts
Implied forward yield curve
Maturity Spot rate 1m 2m 3m 4m
1 5.500% 6.502% 6.360% 6.641% 6.902%
2 6.000% 6.431% 6.501% 6.771% 7.002%
3 6.120% 6.501% 6.634% 6.881% 6.981%
4 6.250% 6.601% 6.751% 6.896% 7.252%
5 6.380% 6.701% 6.788% 7.130% 7.378%
6 6.500% 6.741% 7.001% 7.255% 7.398%
7 6.563% 6.930% 7.126% 7.290% 7.332%
8 6.750% 7.048% 7.173% 7.246% 7.377%
9 6.875% 7.098% 7.147% 7.295%
10 6.938% 7.082% 7.201%
11 6.938% 7.137%
12 7.000%
Note: The double underlined rates are those which pertain to the nearby (n) and deferred (d)
contracts which are trading at 93.50 and 93.02.
The spot and implied forward rates shown in Table 11.8 are presented graphically
in Figure 11.5. The upward-sloping nature of the forward yield curves shows that,
based on the spot rates, the short-term yield curve is expected to rise over the next
four months.
5 Recall that the futures price is 100 where is the interest rate.
6.500% 1m
6.000% 4m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 11.5 Spot and implied forward rates, derived from Table 11.8
The basis on the contract which is currently priced at 93.02, with four months to
expiry, will converge to zero at expiry. That means the price (in the absence of any
further changes in interest rates) will move to 6.12 per cent at expiry. The basis is
currently 86 (6.12 6.98 per cent) at T4 months and is therefore expected to
decline to: 76 (T3), to be at 51 at (T2) and 38 at (T1).
To hedge a future borrowing requirement, we will want to sell or short the fu-
tures. If prices fall (meaning that interest rates have increased) we can buy them
back at a profit, to subsidise the higher cash market rate to be paid on the borrow-
ing. If we were anticipating lending in the future, we would want to enter into the
opposite transaction: to buy futures to protect against a possible fall in interest rates
when the time comes to lend the money.
Let us start with a simple one-period hedging requirement where we have a bor-
rowing requirement in two months time 2 for 20 million and we wanted to
hedge the exposure against adverse changes in interest rates. The only contract
available that covers the exposure period is the one currently standing at 93.02 since
the nearby contract expires in one months time. Since we are intending to borrow,
we want to sell the futures contract to lock in the current rate. The rate implied by
this hedging transaction will be 6.98 per cent, less the anticipated change in the basis
over the period of 35 (86 51), giving a rate to be locked in using futures of 6.63
per cent (that is, the futures would be trading at 93.37 when repurchased with no
changes in interest rates). Look at Table 11.8 and you will see this is the same as the
implied three-month forward rate in two months time.
Now what happens if there is a change in the yield curve over the intervening
period? There are the two basic scenarios involving a parallel shift and a rotational
shift (or yield curve twist). We will explore both these shifts as they take place after
the announcement of some price-moving news that immediately changes the shape
of the yield curve just after the trade has been carried out.
What might happen if the term structure sees a parallel shift of +0.50 per cent?
The resultant yield curve and implied forward rates from such a shift are given in
Table 11.9 and Figure 11.6.
Table 11.9 Spot and implied forward rate changes with a 50 basis points
parallel shift in the yield curve
Implied forward yield curve
Maturity Spot rate 1m 2m 3m 4m
1 6.000% 7.002% 6.860% 7.141% 7.402%
2 6.500% 6.931% 7.001% 7.271% 7.502%
3 6.620% 7.001% 7.134% 7.381% 7.481%
4 6.750% 7.101% 7.251% 7.396% 7.752%
5 6.880% 7.201% 7.288% 7.630% 7.878%
6 7.000% 7.241% 7.501% 7.755% 7.898%
7 7.063% 7.430% 7.626% 7.790% 7.832%
8 7.250% 7.548% 7.673% 7.746% 7.877%
9 7.375% 7.598% 7.647% 7.795%
10 7.438% 7.582% 7.701%
11 7.438% 7.637%
12 7.500%
Note: The double underlined rates are those which pertain to the futures contract. The single
underlined rate is the new implied forward rate on the borrowing for three months to be entered
into at 2 . The futures prices are now at 92.99 (nearby ) and 92.52 (deferred )
7.000% Spot
6.500% 3m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 11.6 Spot and implied forward rates derived from Table 11.9
An examination of the change in rates between Table 11.8 and Table 11.9 and
Figure 11.5 and Figure 11.6 will show that the shape of the implied forward yield
curves has not been changed when the rate was increased. The new (instantaneous)
price for the two futures contracts will now be: 92.99 (0.51) and 92.52 (0.50)
respectively. The convergence on the latter will be at 86 (6.62 7.48 per cent) at
(T4 months) and is therefore still expected to decline to 76 at (T3), to be at
51 at (T2), and 38 at (T1). With no more changes in interest rates, the
expected price of the contract will be 92.87, or an interest rate of 7.13 per cent.
Consequently, there will have been a gain from the futures hedge that compensated
for the increased borrowing cost. The three-month market rate would be 7.13 per
cent, the futures price would have shown a gain of 47 basis points (93.37 92.87)
from the short position. The 47 basis points futures gain is used to compensate for
the higher cash market borrowing cost which results in an all-in cost of 6.63 per
cent. This is the same rate as originally anticipated when the hedge was set up. In
this case, with a parallel shift in interest rates, the hedge has worked.
Now let us examine the situation where the yield curve twists. Here the exact
result will depend on the nature of the shift. The example involves a situation where
the curve twists with the spot rate falling from 6 per cent to 5 per cent but in such a
way that the forward rate is largely unchanged at the deferred futures maturity and
hence the contract price is unchanged. This change is chosen simply for ease of
exposition. In reality such a large fall in rates is unlikely to leave the later maturities
unaffected. The new yield curve and implied forward rates are given in Table 11.10
and shown graphically in Figure 11.7.
Table 11.10 Interest rates and implied forward rates from a twist in the
yield curve
Implied forward yield curve
Maturity Spot rate 1m 2m 3m 4m
1 5.000% 5.827% 5.863% 6.566% 6.753%
2 5.413% 5.845% 6.214% 6.660% 7.130%
3 5.563% 6.085% 6.393% 6.942% 6.983%
4 5.813% 6.251% 6.671% 6.878% 7.192%
5 6.000% 6.502% 6.675% 7.066% 7.506%
6 6.250% 6.533% 6.865% 7.349% 7.589%
7 6.313% 6.716% 7.135% 7.442% 7.586%
8 6.500% 6.971% 7.244% 7.458% 7.599%
9 6.750% 7.085% 7.279% 7.484%
10 6.875% 7.133% 7.320%
11 6.938% 7.184%
12 7.000%
Note: The new futures prices are 93.92 and 93.02.
6.500% 3m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 11.7 Spot and implied forward rates from a rotational shift in the
yield curve based on Table 11.10
As in the earlier example, we now have revised futures prices: the nearby contract
will be trading at 93.92, an increase of 42 basis points on the original price of 93.50,
whereas the next to expire will be unchanged at 93.02. However the basis has risen
to 142. Again, if we hold this latter contract to expiry, we can expect convergence
with the spot rate, which is now 5.56 per cent. Therefore with unchanged rates
the basis will decline by 4 at (T3), by 59 at (T2) and 90 by (T1). In this
case, at (T2) when we remove the hedge, we can expect the futures price to be
93.02 plus the 59 change from convergence, or 93.61, a rate of 6.39 per cent. The
originally anticipated futures price was 93.37 6.63 per cent , but we can now
repurchase at 93.61 6.39 per cent . This gives a gain of 24 basis points, rather
than the 50 we anticipated from convergence, giving an unintended gain of 24 basis
points on the hedge. If the spot interest rate curve also stays unchanged and we can
borrow at 5.56 per cent, adding in the futures gain gives an all-in cost of 5.32 per
cent! This is not what we expected.
The position is that we want to protect ourselves from a rise in interest rates since
we are going to have to borrow money. To do this, we sell the futures since, if interest
rates go up, the price of the futures contract will go down and we can repurchase at a
profit. (Obviously, we stand to lose if the rate falls but thats in the nature of the
futures contract, its symmetrical!).
The original rate we put on is 6.63 per cent. We are using the deferred contract
which we intend to repurchase at T2. With the twist in the curve, the contract has
remained unchanged, but the convergence has increased. The following diagram
illustrates the analysis.
Hedge and cash market With a parallel shift we With a rotational shift,
combined have an exact offset the change in the hedge
between the hedge and and the cash market
the cash market have not been offset and
there is an unpected gain
of 0.24 on the futures
* Note that, if the interest rate is unchanged, the borrowing rate for 3 months is 5.56 per cent
less the 0.24 gain, giving a borrowing cost of 5.32 per cent.
We can now summarise the two results, as set out in Table 11.11.
Table 11.11 Summary of futures prices for a parallel and rotational shift
(twist) in the yield curve
Yield curve effects Parallel shift Rotational shift
(+ 50 basis points) (at 1 year)
Original nearby price 93.50 93.50
Original basis 38 38
Original deferred price 93.02 93.02
Original basis 86 86
The basis and change in the rate of convergence for the deferred contract are
given in Table 11.12.
Table 11.13 The effect of changes in the term structure on long, short
and spread futures positions
Long Short
spread spread
Yield curve Long Short (buy (sell
effects futures futures nearby; nearby
sell buy
deferred) deferred)
Interest rate increase Loss Gain
Interest rate decrease Gain Loss
Curve steepens Indeterminate Indeterminate Gain Loss
Curve flattens Indeterminate Indeterminate Loss Gain
To see how this works, let us look at the example used earlier, but now adopting
some slightly different outcomes for the rotational shift to help illustrate the issue.
(They are also slightly exaggerated in terms of what might be expected to happen in
reality, to help show the effect clearly.) The parallel shift shown in Table 11.14 is the
same as discussed earlier (nearby = 6.50 per cent and deferred = 6.98 per cent, a
difference of 48 basis points). The rotational shift examples involve:
(a) an upward parallel shift in interest rates which also steepens the yield curve. The
new nearby contract interest rate = 7.45 per cent whilst the deferred = 8.41 per
cent, giving a difference of 96 basis points;
(b) a downward parallel shift which also involves a steepened yield curve. Here the
nearby = 6.03 per cent and deferred = 7 per cent, a difference of 97 basis points;
(c) a pivot of the yield curve around a particular point which does not involve an
increase in rates (that is, the term structure steepens around a particular maturity
point). In this case, the nearby = 6.82 per cent, the deferred = 7.81 per cent, a
difference of 99 basis points.
With a steepening of the yield curve, the result of being long the spread (that is,
having bought the nearby and sold the deferred) is that the price movement in the
nearby, whether rates increase or decrease, is less than that on the deferred. This
arises because, with a steepening of the yield curve, the implied forward rate against
which the deferred contract is priced will rise more than the rate on the nearby.
Hence the combined spread position will show a net gain from such twists in the
curve. Of course, with a steepened yield curve the opposite spread transaction,
selling the nearby and holding the deferred, will show a loss. However, with a
flattening of the yield curve, the reverse will happen: buying the spread will show a
loss and selling the spread a gain.
Note that the directional sign of the futures spread required to minimise the
rotational risk of the yield curve is the same as that of the basic hedge position. If
we buy futures, we buy the spread; if we sell futures, we sell the spread. This will be
the case based on the directional behaviour of the pricing relationships given in
Table 11.13.
The resultant hedge designed to minimise curve risk will be:
(a) short deferred 40 contracts;
(b) short 27 nearby-deferred spread (that is, sell 27 nearby contracts and buy 27
deferred contracts).
After the yield curve twist, as given in Table 11.10, we have the results given in
Table 11.15.
Table 11.15 Hedging against a rotational shift in the yield curve using a
Value of
Initial Change position
Futures value New in (20
value value million)
Original hedge
40 deferred contracts 93.02 93.02 0 0
Spread hedge
27 nearby contracts 93.50 93.92 0.42 28 bp
+27 deferred contracts 93.02 93.02 0 0
Combined position
27 nearby contracts 93.50 93.92 0.42 28 bp
13 deferred contracts 93.02 93.02 0 0
The result is (1) an unexpected gain from the cash market rate of 26 basis points
(as in the earlier analysis). This is now offset by (2) a loss of 28 basis points on the
spread position. This loss is the result of the 0.42 price increase on the nearby
futures price in which, when setting up the spread, there is now a short position.
Since this short position is for 27 contracts only, the value loss, in monetary terms,
is 14175. (This is the product of the valuation formula used for futures: the price
has moved 42 ticks; each tick is worth 12.50 and there are 27 contracts.) The
unanticipated gain on the three-month deposit is 28 basis points, which translates to
14000 in money terms. The difference in value between the intended and actual
result is now only 175. The result is a combined hedge position that is only two
basis points away from that intended.
Of course, in this case, the spread hedge creates a loss: the yield curve has steep-
ened with a fall in the short-dated maturity interest rate. This led to a gain when
using the simple hedge. In other conditions, the results might have left a loss. Since
the intention in setting up the hedge is to eliminate as much of the market risk as
possible, the simple hedge plus the spread hedge provides a more satisfactory
solution than the simple hedge alone. This is because, in a yield curve twist scenario,
the simple hedge can be ineffective a potentially undesirable result.
Table 11.16 shows the price performance of the hedge for the interest rate sce-
narios for the different rotational shifts given in Table 11.14.
Table 11.16 Results of yield curve twists on the spread hedge based on Table 11.14
Change Change of cash Combined
in value in value position position
of of (20 (hedge
Futures Nearby Deferred nearby deferred million) and cash)
Original conditions 93.50 93.02
Deferred 0 40
Spread hedge
Nearby 27
Deferred +27
Combined position 27 13
The column of values for the cash position gives the difference between the
expected borrowing cost and the actual borrowing cost for each of the scenarios.
The expected cost is 6.63% 20 million 0.25 (a quarter of a year), or 331500.
For instance, in the first case, the actual interest rate is 7.77 per cent. This rate is
found as follows. If we assume a straight-line yield curve between the nearby and
deferred contracts, the 92.55 nearby and 91.59 deferred indicate a three-month rate
in one months time of 7.45 per cent and 8.41 per cent, a difference of 96 basis
points. Hence rates rise by 32 basis points per month. If the nearby is at 7.45 per
cent, the cash position which starts one month later implies a 7.77 per cent rate. The
other cases can be computed in a similar fashion. Thus the actual borrowing cost is
388500, giving the additional cost of 57000 388500 331500 . The
combined cash and hedge cost deviation in our scenarios is within a couple of
thousand pounds of the expected rate of 6.63 per cent. This is hardly material in the
context of a borrowing requirement of 20 million. To examine how well the spread
hedge works to protect the cash borrowing rate, you may wish to try other interest-
rate scenarios to see how the expected rate and the actual rate diverge in practice.
To conclude, the spread hedge will improve hedging efficiency against a rotation
in the yield curve under most interest-rate scenarios. In practice just how well the
spread approach hedges the risk will depend on the way the yield curve twists.
Finally, note that the effect of combining the two hedges has the same result as if
we had simply sold 13 deferred and 27 nearby contracts.
We may also consider that the spread hedge used to protect the position against a
rotational shift can be seen as what is known as an interpolated hedge. That is, the
exposure (when the hedge is established) covers more than one contract period, as
shown in Figure 11.8.
1 2 3
Futures contracts
te1 T1 T2 T3
t=0 period
2 3
T1 T2 T3
t=0 Exposure
Figure 11.8 Effect of time on interpolated hedge (basic hedge plus spread
While the nearby contract is extant, it is possible to run the spread as a precau-
tion against a yield curve twist as shown in Panel A of Figure 11.8. However, once
the maturity of the exposure period predates the expiry of the nearby contract, as
shown in Panel B of Figure 11.8, the spread expires and yield curve risk returns,
although now only for a short period (that is the time . Since the maximum
period between expiry dates on short-term interest-rate futures contracts is three
months, the exposure period is likely to be less than half this. This is true because
the closer the exposure period is to the outstanding contract, the more this contract
hedges it against yield curve twists. If the exposure period shown in Figure 11.8 is
close to the second futures contract 1 , then the better is the fit with the now
remaining contract number 2.
A final point to note is that if the exposure had been hedged using the appropri-
ate forward rate agreement (FRA), the result would have been perfect since the
hedge period and the underlying exposure would exactly match. The difficulties of
matching the two sides stem from the standardisation and inflexibility of exchange-
traded instruments.
Metallgesellschaft and Hedgers Ruin _________________________
In late 1993, Metallgesellschaft was effectively bankrupt.6 Its US subsidiary, MG
Refining and Marketing (MGRM), had it seemed run up debts of US$1.3
billion while hedging an aggressive long-term fixed-price oil marketing pro-
gramme with its customers, effectively bankrupting the group. How did this
MGRM, it transpires, had been successfully marketing long-dated fixed-price
diesel and fuel product contracts to its customers. In order to hedge the price
risk in these fixed-price delivery contracts, it had initiated a hedging programme.
This involved mostly exchange-traded futures contracts although the company
also entered into over-the-counter forwards with suitable counterparties. By
September 1993, the companys long-term fixed-price contracts had grown
dramatically thanks to the take-up from its marketing campaign, to the extent
that it had entered into commitments worth over 180 million barrels of oil. To
gauge the size of MGRMs activities, these commitments were equivalent to
about a quarter of Kuwaits annual output at the time.
In the energy futures markets, the most liquid contracts are the nearby ones
(see Table 11.5). Therefore in entering into the obligation to deliver fixed-price
oil products, MGRM had taken on a significant maturity mismatch between the
fixed-price contracts which extended, in some cases, out to ten years and the
three to six month expiry date on the energy futures.
This mismatch led to significant basis risk, a risk that at the onset MGRM was
successful in managing. At the time the synthetic storage strategy was devel-
oped, the energy futures curve was largely in backwardation. By selling long and
buying short, MGRM was able to earn the basis. The general approach is shown
in Figure 11.9, which illustrates that the fixed-rate contracts were costing
MGRM, but the company was earning the spread between the purchased futures
( ) and those sold ( ) at the rollovers. As MGRM did not want to
receive the delivery of oil from its position, it sold the contract that was due to
expire before the first deliverable date and bought the next contract (that is, it
rolled forward the hedge), reducing the hedge as required. (This is the process
shown in Figure 11.3 and Figure 11.4.)
6 This section is largely based on an article by Christopher Culp and Merton Miller (1995) Metallgesell-
schaft and the economics of synthetic storage, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 7, 6276.
Two factors conspired against this hedging strategy. The first was the success of
the programme with MGRMs clients. The size of the positions that MGRM was
required to take on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) was such
that (a) it had to be granted a hedgers exemption to the normal position limits
allowed on the exchange and (b) other traders began to price against the
company. Remember that the strategy required MGRM to run the programme
in a largely predictable fashion, rolling over the contracts as they neared expiry.
As a result of predatory pricing, they received less on the spread than they had
originally anticipated when setting up the strategy.7
Price of
Oil/Oil futures
Positive rollover spread earned
as contracts rolled forward
Fsold Negative spread
Fbought on long-term
fixed contracts
1m 4m 10 years
7 The problem of yield curve twists can be reduced in those futures contracts that offer serial months.
Serial month expiry dates are those available that fall outside the normal expiry cycle. For short-term
interest rate futures, the normal cycle is March, June, September and December. Serial month contracts
would provide expiry dates in January, February, April, May, and so forth. Where contracts are
available on such a monthly basis, the problem of mismatch between the hedging instrument and the
exposure is greatly mitigated. However, at this juncture not all futures contracts offer serial months.
where is the Macaulay duration of the portfolio, MVP is the market value of
the portfolio, is the annualised yield-to-maturity and the frequency of
payments per year (usually either one (annual payments) or two (semi-annual
Note that for a portfolio of interest-rate-sensitive assets this can be calculated
in one of two ways:
the composite duration of the portfolio is determined, if simplicity of
calculation is required;
the PVBP of each asset in the portfolio is calculated and the weighted sum of
these individual PVBPs is then determined.
In the case of modifying rather than completely eliminating the risk, the interest-
rate sensitivity of the portfolio, Equation 11.14 is adjusted as with that of the
equity portfolio, namely:
The PVBP of the long-term interest-rate futures contract (bond futures)
requires some additional explanation. The futures contract will always trade to
the cheapest-to-deliver (CTD) eligible bond that is deliverable into the contract.
The PVBP of the futures contract will therefore be:
PVBP 11.16
Conversion factor
where the conversion factor is the adjustment made to the CTD cash bond to
equate it to the notional bond underlying the futures contract.
Step 1
Convert the cash portfolio to a PVBP as per Equation 11.14:
100million 0.0001 46838.41
1 0.0675
Step 2
Convert the target portfolio to a PVBP (using Equation 11.14 again):
100million 0.0001 74941.45
1 0.0675
Step 3
Determine the number of bond futures (long-term interest-rate futures)
required to achieve the target portfolio duration (interest-rate sensitivity) from
Equation 11.15:
74941.45 46838.41
To move the duration and hence the portfolios sensitivity to interest rates
to eight years, 266 bond contracts need to be purchased. If the opposite, a
reduction in interest-rate sensitivity, had been sought, the contracts would have
been shorted (sold).
and a reduced-risk portfolio with 60 per cent invested in the market and 40 per cent
in a risk-free asset (III).
With the portfolio insurance approach, a portion of the potential return from an
uninsured portfolio is surrendered in order to guarantee a minimum portfolio value.
Figure 11.10 shows how the different strategies perform. On the upside, a pure buy-
and-hold strategy (II) is superior. It has the potential for greater gains (but equally
also for greater losses) than the risk-reduction strategy of investing a fraction of the
portfolio value in a risk-free investment (III). However, the pure insurance ap-
proach (I) provides a guaranteed minimum portfolio price and, in the event of
significant market movements, is also superior to the risk-reduction strategy.
While the protective put or pure insurance approach has attractions it does have
a number of disadvantages:
Buying put options has a recurring performance cost in the form of the premi-
ums even though the actual floor may be deeply out-of-the-money and never
Only that portion of the funds left after purchasing insurance may be invested in
the market.
There may be insufficient liquidity and volume in suitable put contracts to
undertake pure insurance for large portfolios; equally exchange-traded options
may not be available for some types of portfolios with unique exposures. Over-
the-counter alternatives may be costly or may create regulatory problems.
Listed options have short lives and offer only a limited range of exercise prices
(typically close-to-the-money).
Portfolio value
Market price
Figure 11.10 Alternative investment strategies: buy and hold (II); reduced-
risk portfolio (III) and pure insurance (protective put) (I)
The alternative approach is for the floor to be replicated via a synthetic put
strategy. This involves modifying the proportion of the portfolio held between a
safe asset (with zero sensitivity to the market) and risky assets (which are exposed to
market fluctuations). The intention is to replicate the payoff of buying a put option
(as indicated by line (I) of Figure 11.10) and holding a portfolio in risky assets. It
works as follows: as prices increase, more funds are transferred from the risk-free
asset to the risky portfolio; as prices decline, more funds are placed in the risk-free
asset. The advantage is, of course, that unlike the pure insurance approach no
cash outlays are involved, although the portfolio will be subject to transaction costs.
Such a strategy involves buying and selling either the asset or, and here the lower
transaction costs of derivatives make them attractive, futures. Figure 11.11 shows the
effect of such a strategy, as compared with the alternative buy-and-hold approach.
Portfolio value
Market price
8 Black and Jones (1987). It should be noted that what Black and Jones are proposing is a simplified
version of dynamic replication as used by option writers. In this case, there is less need for an exact
match and the maturity is indefinite.
level and proportions in the risky asset(s) and the residual in the safe investment are
shown in Table 11.17 for different levels of the index (market).
Table 11.17 uses simple level changes to illustrate the dynamics of CPPI. In
operation, the risk manager usually rebalances the portfolio by a tolerance factor for
the benchmark (say 3 per cent on the index) or according to how far the cushion
(the portfolio value the floor) changes by 3 per cent times the multiplier, that is,
say, a change of 7.5 per cent. If we had used the tolerance factor approach, we
would rebalance the portfolio when its value had increased from the initial 1000 to
1030 or decreased to 971. With the cushion approach, we would rebalance when
the cushion had moved from 500 to 537.5 (that is, a portfolio value of 1037.50)
or 465.11 (a portfolio value of 965.11).
As a strategy, the CPPI method delivers the appropriate convex shape of the
dynamic hedging strategy shown in Figure 11.11.9 The value chosen for (the
multiplier) will determine the rate at which funds are moved from the market into
the risk-free asset and vice versa. The higher the multiplier, the faster the portfolio
will be rebalanced between the market and the risk-free asset. Each rebalancing
transaction returns the exposure to the market to the same multiple of the cushion.
Key decisions, therefore, are what value to set for , the tolerance factor, and how
frequently to rebalance the position. Frequent rebalancing returns the portfolio to
the right proportion, but leads to higher transaction costs. There will be a definite
trade-off between protection and transaction costs. In addition, in a volatile,
directionless market, the CPPI approach is likely to incur substantial transaction
costs, which cannot be predicted at the onset a possible disadvantage when
compared to the known cost of buying protective puts.
9 You will see this if you plot the results of Table 11.17 on a graph.
Underlying position
Purchased call
on the underlying asset
Figure 11.12 Hedging an exposure with options
Note: A short exposure is being hedged with a call option.
used to hedge the risk, then the maximum loss (as shown in Figure 11.12) would have
been the option premium. If it had been realised before the expiry of the option that the
anticipated transaction was not going to materialise, the loss might have been less than
this. Before expiry, the option could be sold back to recoup the remaining time value.
Equally, in some cases, the option might be worth even more. From what we know
about option price behaviour we know that unless the price movement between the
options purchase and resale has been extraordinarily large the change in price on the
option (its the options delta) will be less than in the corresponding underlying
Marconis 200 million Hedging Error ________________________
By October 2001 Marconi, the UK telecommunications equipment firm was
reeling from a massive decline in profitability and a near total collapse in its
share price as the technology bubble fuelled by a combination of internet
frenzy and year 2000 fears burst. However, in filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission in the US, when seeking new finance it it revealed
that a stock option plan for employees was hedged in the market by the
company buying a forward contract on its own shares. As a result Marconi,
whose share price had lost over 98 per cent of its value following the
spectacular decline in telecommunications, media and technology stocks, was
left with the prospect of major losses on its hedging strategy. This was
because the price at which it was committed to purchasing the shares for
the stock option plan bore no resemblance to the current distressed price in
the market. In its filing to raise funds in the US, the company disclosed that
the stock option scheme allowed its 38000 employees to subscribe for 1000
shares each if the share price doubled from 8 pence to 16. At the date of
the filing Marconis share price was just 18 pence and the company indicated
the forward contract would cost it more than 210 million.
+ Out-of-the-money call:
more downside gain, but more regret
At-the-money call:
less downside gain, but less regret
Figure 11.13 Hedging a short exposure with call options with different
exercise prices
The above analysis shows that there is a trade-off between the desired protection
and decision regret. The out-of-the-money call provides a better performance if the
anticipated, downward movement occurs, but at the expense of a greater regret
(8), if the underlying asset price increases. The at-the-money call provides less
regret (5) but lower performance on the downside. In practice, therefore, the
amount of upfront premium to be paid out might dictate the actual choice of strike
price and the amount of protection provided. In fact, there is considerable evidence
to suggest that slightly out-of-the-money options are preferred by market partici-
pants in such cases, for just this reason.
15 September Takeover rumours prove well founded, Sell puts, now trading at 16
(termination) Target plc shares rise to 1.25 on
FT-SE Index = 3921.3 =6013
Portfolio value = 1250000
Outcome +300000 (5272)
The possibility of a takeover of Target plc was well spotted and by mid-
September the news is in the market and the decision is made to close out the
transaction and take the profits. The termination is shown in the second part of
Table 11.19. The share price of Target plc has risen from 95 to 125 pence on the
news, giving a profit of 300000 on the transaction. However, the market has also
risen over the period and the puts are now worth only 16.10 The position is closed
out by selling the puts, giving a cash inflow of 6013. The overall gain from the
action, before funding and other transaction costs, is thus 300000 11284
6013, or 294729.
Of course, if the stock has traded options, an alternative approach to the above is
to buy calls on the stock directly to cover the period of speculation.
10 Note that there will also be an element of time value loss in this fall in price.
to know the sensitivity of the portfolio relative to the market (that is, the portfolios
beta ()). Once we have established the relative sensitivity of the portfolio to the
underlying asset (the market index) on the hedge, we also need to have the hedges
sensitivity to the underlying market. This is given by the options delta (). For a
one-unit change in the index, we have the relationship of the various factors as
given in Equation 11.19.
Position portfolio value 1 11.19
Index value Option delta
This gives us the right number of put options required to balance a fall in value
of the portfolio against the gain in the option position acting as a hedge. A numeri-
cal example of the approach is given in Table 11.20.
cost = (159340)
15 September Fears about fall in the market ease, the Sell puts at 4
(termination) index now at 3921.3
Portfolio value = 10093 136 = 46 260
Outcome +93136 (110 912)
The portfolio manager wants to hedge a 10 million equity portfolio against a fall
in the UK market. The portfolio has a market sensitivity, as measured by its beta ()
of 1.2. The manager also wants to keep down the cost of the hedge and decides to
use out-of-the-money puts which have a delta of 0.30.11 The value of each put
traded on the London market is 10 times the index level. The puts exercise price is
3725 against the current index level of 3891.1. Applying Equation 11.19, the number
of puts required is 1028. The cost per put is 15 index points, each worth 10, so
the total cost of the protection is 159340.
After a month, and before the expiry of the puts, the decision is made to remove
the hedge as the required portfolio protection is no longer needed. In the interim,
the market has improved with the index now at 3921.3. The puts are now further
11 Remember that delta, for puts, is a negative number. Puts become more valuable the lower the price of
the underlying.
out-of-the-money and are worth only 4 index points each. The sale of the puts
nets 46260. The total cost of the hedge (ignoring interest and transaction costs) is
therefore 110912. At the same time, the portfolio has increased in value to
10093136 in line with the market (i.e. 10 million 3921.3 3891.1 1
1.2 . The net cost on the hedge is the difference between these two, a 17776 loss.
This represents a loss of 0.17 per cent of the portfolios value.
Note the nature of the transaction. The portfolio manager has insured the port-
folio against a fall in the market below 3891.1 to 3725, a drop of 4.5 per cent, for an
upfront outlay of 1.6 per cent. The exact gains and losses on the strategy will
depend on where the index ends up when the hedge is removed or the puts expire.
Using Call Options for Hedging Market Risk __________________
One approach to hedging involves a strategy of writing calls. This is a directional
strategy that is predicated on a modest decline in the market. The attractions of
this strategy are that it allows the writer to continue to hold the underlying
asset and earn any income from it while at the same time the hedge provides an
initial cash inflow, via the option premium. (The strategy also goes by the name
of covered call writing: it is covered in the sense that the initiator of the
strategy holds the asset and can make good delivery.)
An equity investment portfolio worth 5 million and with a beta 1.2 is to
be hedged by selling index calls. The current market index is 500 and each index
point is worth 10, hence the index value = 5000. The call price is 28 and has a
delta () of 0.65. The hedge position is:
Position portfolio value 1 11.20
Index value Option delta
The result is to sell 1846 calls. The total income will be:
1846 28 10 516880
After a short period the index declines by 2 per cent to 4900. The effect on the
equity portfolio is to reduce its value to 4882813 a loss of 117187. On the
call side, these will change by 0.65 10 1846 10 = 119559. Thus the calls
can be repurchased at a gain, offsetting the decline in the portfolios value.
in providing a floor to potential losses. As with all insurance decisions, the level of
cover and whether insurance is required depends on individual preferences.
The use of derivatives can crate some problems. With a perfect hedge, the value
changes of the position and the derivative exactly offset each other. When the hedge
is less than perfect, basis risk arises. What the module demonstrates is that, in
addition to understanding how the various derivative instruments are priced, it is
also necessary to understand how they can be applied as risk management tools.
An effective use of derivative instruments to manage risk requires setting up the
hedging transaction so as to neutralise a large part of the change in value of the cash
position. To find the least-risk hedge, the minimum variance hedge ratio provides
the best combination of asset and hedge that minimises the value divergence (or
basis risk) between the two.
The module also shows that the market for derivative instruments also affects
how they can be used. The need to use a stack hedge is the result of a lack of
liquidity or the non-existence of longer-dated contracts. Also it is necessary to
understand how the instruments will behave as market prices change. This makes an
understanding of these issues an integral part of understanding derivatives.
With options special factors apply. For a start when used for risk management
purposes they need rebalancing and monitoring since the insurance benefit they
provide changes as market conditions change or as the contracts move towards
Finally, an understanding of how derivatives work allows a market user to devel-
op innovative solutions to investment and risk management problems. Portfolio
insurance makes use of key understandings about the behaviour of options and how
to manage their risk.
Review Questions
11.4 In which of the following would standard options not act as an appropriate risk-
management instrument?
A. A bond has a call provision allowing the bond issuer to redeem the bond at
specific dates before its stated maturity.
B. A foreign currency development project is being tendered for in which five
other firms are also competing for the contract.
C. A supply contract with M-Corp which has a very low credit rating.
D. The price uncertainty for commodity purchases used by a firm is expected to
increase in the future.
11.5 Unlike a terminal instrument, an option____ allow the user to determine the rate at
which to hedge and with a contingent underlying transaction ____ the contract to lapse,
and also ____ between the contracted rate or the market rate at expiry. Which of the
following is correct?
A. does it allows to choose.
B. does not it does not allow to choose.
C. does it allows no choice.
D. does not it does not allow no choice.
11.6 If we have a ____ position in an asset, then we would want to take a ____ position in
the hedge with a ____ exposure sensitivity to the underlying.
A. short long negative.
B. long short positive.
C. long short negative.
D. short long positive.
11.7 The zinc contract traded on the London Metal Exchange is for 100 tons of zinc. We
have an exposure of 24450 tons of zinc and have determined that the minimum-
variance hedge ratio is 0.95. What is the number of contracts we require to hedge the
A. 23.
B. 25.
C. 232.
D. 245.
11.8 The three-month eurodollar contract has a contract value of US$1 million and a tick
size of $25. If we have a two-month exposure of US$15 million, how many futures
contracts are required to hedge the position correctly?
A. 10 contracts.
B. 15 contracts.
C. 23 contracts.
D. 25 contracts.
11.9 If the correlation between a hedge and an underlying asset is +0.92 and the standard
deviation of the hedge is 0.25 and the cash position is 0.24, what is the minimum-
variance hedge ratio?
A. 0.75
B. 0.88
C. 0.96
D. 1.00
11.10 A least-squares regression equation between Treasury bills and Treasury bill futures has
the following coefficients: 0.0002 and 0.9628 and the 0.94. Each
Treasury bill contract has a face value of $1 million. There is a $45 million exposure to
be hedged with futures. How many futures contracts are needed?
A. 42.
B. 43.
C. 45.
D. 47.
11.11 In Question 11.10, how effective will the hedge be in protecting the underlying position?
A. 91 per cent effective.
B. 94 per cent effective.
C. 99 per cent effective.
D. 100 per cent effective.
11.13 Given the information in the table above, which of the following has happened?
A. Interest rates have fallen and the yield curve has flattened.
B. Interest rates have fallen and the yield curve has steepened.
C. Interest rates have risen and the yield curve has flattened.
D. Interest rates have risen and the yield curve has steepened.
11.14 If we set up a short spread on the above contracts on 1 August, what will be the profit
or loss on the position on 15 August?
A. (0.08)
B. (0.05)
C. 0.05
D. 0.08
11.15 We have a lending requirement which is subject to rotational shift risk (or yield curve
twist risk) and we wish to set up a spread to minimise exposure to the risk. To do so,
do we:
A. establish a long spread by buying the nearby contract and selling the deferred
B. establish a long spread by selling the nearby contract and buying the deferred
C. establish a short spread by buying the nearby contract and selling the deferred
D. establish a short spread by selling the nearby contract and buying the deferred
11.16 Short-term interest-rate futures have a notional deposit period of three months and are
settled on a quarterly cycle (in mid-March, mid-June, mid-September and mid-
December). If we have a short-term interest-rate exposure period that starts in mid-
May and ends in mid-June, what is the maximum mismatch that can occur between the
expiry date of the futures and the commencement of the short-term exposure?
A. There is no mismatch between the exposure period and the futures contracts.
B. One month.
C. Two months.
D. Four months.
11.17 We have a $25000000 equity portfolio with a beta () = 1.10. It is decided to hedge
this against future market risk. The S&P 500 futures contract is worth $250
index value. The tick size is $25 and the minimum price change in the index is 0.05. The
current S&P 500 index rate is at 903.50. How many futures contracts are required to
hedge the portfolio?
A. 5.
B. 100.
C. 111.
D. 122.
11.18 We have a 75 million equity portfolio fully invested in the London market which has a
beta () of 0.95. The current level of the Financial Times-Stock Exchange 100 index
(Footsie) is 4825. The value of stock index futures based on the Footsie is 25
index points. The minimum price movement is 0.5 index points and the tick size and
value is 12.50. A decision is reached to increase the market exposure of the portfolio
in anticipation of a short-term rise in the market with a target beta of 1.2. Which of the
following transactions will achieve the correct exposure?
A. Buy 6 contracts.
B. Buy 155 contracts.
C. Sell 621 contracts.
D. Buy 621 contracts.
11.19 A bond portfolio has a market value of 100 million invested in sterling debt securities
and has a yield of 6.75 per cent for the portfolio. The duration of the portfolio is seven
years. There is some concern about the interest-rate outlook and it is decided to
reduce the duration temporarily, to four years. The long-term interest-rate futures
contract (bond contract) has a nominal value of 50000, a coupon rate of 7.6 per cent
and an expiry cycle of mid-March, June, September and December. The contract is
trading at 1011/4 at a yield of 6.45 per cent and the duration of the notional bond is
18.75 years. The minimum price movement for the bond futures contract is 1/32 and
the tick size and value is 15.625. How many of the long-term interest rate futures
contracts need to be sold to reduce the portfolios interest-rate sensitivity to a duration
of four years?
A. 273.
B. 358.
C. 1143.
D. 3152.
11.20 The diagram below shows the payoff profile for a number of different investment
alternatives: a long position in the market, a short position in the market, a long call and
a combination of safe asset and long position in the market.
a. b. c.
Market value
11.21 If, in the diagram for Question 11.20, we combine Line a and Line c, what is the
resultant position?
A. A short or written call.
B. A short or written put.
C. A long call.
D. A long put.
11.22 A portfolio worth 5000 is to be insured using the constant proportions portfolio
insurance (CPPI). This involves switching funds between the market and a risk-free
investment, such as a bank deposit, according to a prearranged formula. The market
index is at 2850 when the insurance is put in place and the floor is set at 4000, while
the multiplier is set at 2.5. How much of the portfolio will be invested in the market at
A. 0.
B. 1800.
C. 2500.
D. 5000.
11.23 If, in Question 11.22, we apply a rebalancing tolerance factor to the cushion of 2.5 per
cent, what will be the rise in the level of the index at which we reduce the amount held
in the risk-free asset?
A. 2853.
B. 2921.
C. 2993.
D. 3001.
11.24 If we want to protect a long asset position from unfavourable outcomes, which of the
following should we undertake?
A. Sell puts on the underlying.
B. Buy calls on the underlying.
C. Buy puts on the underlying.
D. None of A, B or C.
The following information is used for Questions 11.25 and 11.26.
The table gives details of the following put options available in the market. The asset price
is currently 110.
Put option 1 2 3 4
Strike price 125 120 115 110
Premium 22 15 9 3
11.25 What is the regret for put 2 with the 120 strike?
A. 5.
B. 10.
C. 13.
D. 15.
11.26 If we buy put 3 with the 115 strike as downside protection, what is the performance
loss compared to an unhedged position if the asset price subsequently improves?
A. There is no performance loss from holding the protective put.
B. 5.
C. 9.
D. 14.
11.27 A fund manager has decided to implement a protective put strategy. The value of the
portfolio is 65 million and it has a beta () of 0.70. There are index puts available with
a strike price of 4800 and a delta of 0.35. The current index value is 4940 and each
index point is worth 10. How many puts are required to hedge the portfolio?
A. 322.
B. 921.
C. 1316.
D. 2632.
11.28 Investicorp has a holding of 840000 shares in ABC plc. ABC shares are currently trading
at 68 pence each and have a systematic risk () of 0.85. Investicorp is concerned that
ABC may announce a special dividend which will significantly increase the price.
However, Investicorp is also concerned to eliminate any market risk from holding ABC
shares. There are no traded options on ABC plc shares. There are, however, index calls
and puts available. These are worth 10 times the index value. The current index is at
2870 and the nearest strike price is at 2875. What type and how many options are
required to provide market risk protection to the position in ABC plc? Investicorp
A. buy 17 puts.
B. buy 25 calls.
C. sell 20 puts.
D. sell 14 calls.
11.29 As a rule: if we buy futures, we ____ the spread by ____ the nearby and ____ the
deferred contract; if we sell futures, we ____ the spread. Which is correct?
A. buy buying selling sell
B. buy selling buying sell
C. sell buying selling buy
D. sell selling buying buy
11.30 The diagram below shows the payoff profile for a number of different investment
alternatives: a long position in the market, a short position in the market, a short call
and a combination of safe asset and long position in the market.
a. b.
Market value
Which payoff profile represents a combination of safe asset and long position in the
A. Line a.
B. Line b.
C. Line c.
D. Line d.
The contract size is 0.5 million and the tick size is 0.01 per cent (12.50).
Note that the December contract has only two weeks to run.
Assume that a month is one-twelfth of a year and that the contract expires mid-month.
1 We have a four-month exposure period to short-term interest rates that starts in mid-
February. Show the relationship of the exposure period to the available futures con-
tracts graphically. Which contract(s) seem appropriate to act as a hedge?
2 The amount of the exposure is 6.7 million. How many and which contracts should be
used to cover the interest-rate risk on the exposure?
3 What is the hedged rate that can be expected to be obtained from using futures?
4 How great is the mismatch between the exposure and the futures hedge?
1 We want to decide whether to buy index puts at 3925 or 4075 with February expiry.
What will be the maximum loss that can occur in either of these situations? At what
level is the break-even?
1. Black, Fisher and Jones, Robert(1987) Simplifying portfolio insurance, Journal of Portfolio
Management, 14, (1), 4851.
2. Culp, Christopher and Miller, Merton (1995) Metallgesellschaft and the economics of
synthetic storage, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 7, 6276.
Learning Objectives
This module integrates the different elements of derivatives and the use of the
derivatives product set discussed in earlier modules. In particular, it shows how the
risk manager uses the various instruments to manage exposures. The examples are
based on managing foreign-exchange-rate risk and commodity price risk, but the
process is equally applicable to the other types of market risk.
After completing this module, you should understand:
how the initial position and the appropriate hedge are determined;
some of the issues relating to the appropriate instruments to be used;
the difference in payoffs between terminal instruments and options;
how risk management can be used to modify the unacceptable features of firms
12.1 Introduction
One of the hardest tasks facing the risk manager is to decide between the different
courses of action in a given situation. There is no escaping this since to decide not
to decide to do nothing is in itself a decision. This module shows how the
derivatives product set is used to hedge financial and business risks.1 It is based on
two case studies which are designed to illustrate the assessment and management
processes, but not to show how effective a particular approach might be.
1 Of course derivatives can be and are used for many other purposes as discussed in Module 1, to
speculate, to spread between asset classes and for arbitrage.
depend on the circumstances facing the firm, its costs and the nature of the expo-
sure to be hedged. At its very simplest, the decision must take into account whether
the exposure being hedged relates to contractual cash flows or has an element of
contingency. The criterion will be to use the method that achieves the decision
makers objective at least cost.
In the first case study, relating to the management of foreign-exchange-rate risk,
the initial analysis focuses on the nature of the cash flows and the suitability of the
different instruments in handling the currency risk. The basic factors of such an
analysis are summarised in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 Types of foreign exposure, hedging action required and the
appropriate instrument from the derivatives product set
Nature of exposure or Action required to instrument from the
cash flow hedge exposure product set
1 Receivable in a foreign Hedge receipt (long Currency forward;
currency foreign currency position) currency future;
currency option
Table 12.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the different instruments used to hedge an
Instrument Benefit Cost
Terminal instruments: No upfront cost in setting up; Loss of opportunity to gain if market
forwards, futures; forwards will provide tailored end moves in desirable direction; only one
swaps date and amounts rate at which the transaction can be
made; futures may not provide exact
match to cash flows, thus leaving basis
risk; credit risk exists on forward
contracts and swaps
In Cases 1 and 2 in Table 12.1, the receivables and payables are both contractual;
the firm knows it will receive or will have to make a payment in foreign currency at
a particular future date. In this case, either the terminal type instruments or options
would provide the required degree of protection. Note that, unless there was a
known and contracted pattern of future receivable/payable cash flows (as with a
debt obligation), swaps would be inappropriate in this case. In deciding between
forward or futures instruments and options, the managers choice will be made on
the basis of the costbenefit trade-off that is expected between the two. The
benefits of the different instruments are summarised in Table 12.2.
2 and 4 The firm is due to make A contract where the Hedging with forwards
payment or cash outflow company agrees to pay the or futures:
denominated in the base currency and receive Unhedged exposure = FC
foreign currency and the foreign currency, i.e. Hedge position = +FC/BC
needs to convert from the (+FC/BC) Net position after hedge =
base currency to the BC
foreign currency. It Net effect: hedge converts
therefore has a short the foreign currency payable
foreign currency/long base into the base currency
currency position Hedging with options:
(FC/+BC) Unhedged exposure = FC
Hedge position = (min [+
/ ,
Note: BC = base currency; FC = foreign currency; + = long position; = short position at maturity; s = spot;
k = strike price or rate.
In Cases 3 and 4 of Table 12.1, the contingent nature of the exposure means that
terminal instruments are inappropriate since, once they are contracted for, the
holder is obliged to make or take delivery with the other party. Options provide the
only method for managing the risks in such circumstances.2
The directional nature of the exposure needs also to be considered so that the
hedge acts to reduce the risk and not to increase it. Although this may seem an
obvious point, a number of firms have suffered losses when they have inadvertently
traded on the wrong side, thus doubling their exposure to the risk factor rather
than reducing it! One such firm was Codalco, the state-owned Chilean copper-
producing firm, where the manager in charge of controlling the firms exposure to
the copper market increased the firms risks by undertaking transactions that added
to the firms exposure, resulting in significant losses being incurred.
In the case of currency exposures, Cases 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 in Table 12.1 have
the same directional exposures or sensitivities, as shown in Table 12.3.
The payoffs sought from options may need a few words of explanation. In the
case where the firm is going to receive a payment, this is an asset to the firm. In
using options to hedge the exposure, it wants to lock in a minimum exchange rate at
which it can convert the foreign currency back into the base currency. At the same
time, the company will gain if the exchange rate at which it sells the foreign currency
in the spot or cash market and receives the base currency / is more
favourable than the strike price on the option . The risk is that the base
currency will appreciate against the foreign currency, reducing the value of the
foreign exchange receivable in the base currency. The firm would therefore want to
have a put on the foreign currency (equivalently, a call on the base currency) at a
given strike price. If the foreign currency appreciates (base currency depreciates), the
put is abandoned and the exchange is made at the more favourable market rate
prevailing in the spot market at the time of receipt.
The alternative condition applies when the foreign currency item is a payable,
since the firm wants to minimise the amount it has to pay out in base currency
terms to meet the foreign obligation. The firm achieves this by holding a call on the
foreign currency (a put on the base currency). If the foreign currency depreciates,
the call is abandoned and, again, the exchange is made at the more favourable
market rate prevailing in the spot market at the time the payment is required to be
2 Technically, it would also be possible to replicate an options payoff via dynamic hedging but this
requires constant monitoring of the exposure, minimal transaction costs and the ability to borrow at
the risk-free rate. For most firms outside the financial sector, one or more of these conditions does not
readily apply.
Hedge with The company locks in the sterling equivalent of 5 million at the forward rate
(i) a forward (representing the interest-rate differential between euros and sterling in the
contract or one year). If the company uses futures it may have to (i) set up a cross in
(ii) futures futures due to the lack of a eurosterling contract and (ii) roll over the
contract prior to maturity. A variant might be to hedge only a proportion of
the outstanding exposure. This has the effect of reducing the positions
sensitivity to movements in the currency pair over the exposure period
Buy insurance with The firm locks in a minimum eurosterling exchange rate in one year, but may
a currency option benefit from any subsequent depreciation in sterling (the base currency). The
disadvantage is that the firm will need to pay for the option upfront. It could
consider a cost reduction in setting up the position by selling an option to
recoup part of the premium, and give up some of the potential gain. Such a
strategy is known as a vertical spread or, for currencies, a cylinder
Note that the do-nothing decision is just as much a strategy as hedging the exposure
Table 12.5 Foreign exchange and money market spot and forward rates
/ Spot Bid/offer 1 % 3 months % 12 months %
month p.a. p.a. p.a.
2.4183 169196 2.4167 0.8 2.4121 1.0 2.3778 1.7
5 /
5 5 /
5 /
5 /
5 /
The following sections look at the costs and benefits of using the different meth-
ods to hedge the euro receivable exposure.
The firm expects to sell and buy sterling so it will pay 2.3793/, and will there-
fore receive 2101458.41 from the transaction.
If the company had decided on a do-it-yourself forward, it would have borrowed
the present value of the receivable of 5 million at 5.875 per cent, which comes to
4718913.34. Euro interest rates are quoted on an actual/360-day year basis, and
the calculation to determine this is:
5000 000 12.1
4 718 913.34
5.875 365
360 100
The euros can then be exchanged for sterling in the spot market. The spot bid
offer rate is: 2.4169 2.4196, so the company exchanges the borrowed at 2.4196
to receive sterling 1950286.55. Depositing this at the bid side of the market gives
a value in one year of
7.8125 365 12.2
1 950 286.55 1 2102652.69
365 100
Because sterling deposit rates are on an actual/365-day year (unlike euros), the
company receives a slightly better rate than the forward foreign exchange contract
of 2.3780/, or a gain of 1194.28 in sterling terms. This assumes, of course, that
the company can borrow at the offered rate and lend out sterling at the bid rate
which is not really likely. If the company has to pay a spread, say th per cent over
LIBOR to borrow funds in euros, then the resultant transaction leaves it with only
2097657.04 a rate of 2.3836/ and it is 3801.37 worse off.
Other factors to consider in the DIY approach are that the company now has a
separate obligation to repay the rather than a package in one years time. The loan
and deposit are likely to be legally separate transactions and thus subject to credit
risk the loan on the company, the deposit with the bank. Regardless of what
happens on the one side, the company is still required to perform on the other. For
the forward, it will be only the contracts replacement cost if the counterparty
should default before maturity a far lesser sum. This is also only a cost if the
contracts replacement value is negative: rates could change so as to leave BCE
better off if the counterparty defaults. Also, borrowing and lending will inflate the
firms balance sheet, which will have an impact on accounting ratios and possibly
on the firms credit rating. For the above reasons, firms will tend to prefer the
forward transaction rather than operating in the money markets.
3 In foreign exchange terminology a cross-rate is one that does not include the US dollar as part of the
quote. Thus sterlingeuro is a cross.
futures. (In effect, this involves the company taking a detour via the US dollar.) All
currency futures (except crosses) are quoted in US terms (that is, a fixed unit of the
foreign currency against a variable number of US dollars). The sensitivities of taking
a long or short position in currency futures is given in Table 12.8.
The company wants to sell euros, so it needs to set up the correct sensitivity for
the initial part of the futures spread. The required sensitivities against the US dollar
are given in Table 12.9. Since the company intends to sell , it wants to take out a
short position in the /$ contract.
Table 12.9 Currency cash flows and currency futures positions required
as a hedge
Change in dollar relative to other Effect on futures quote
Currency risk Effect on futures
Long US dollars/ Short currency Buy currency futures
Cost more US$ to buy currency Futures increase in value
Sell at a profit
Short US dollars/ Long currency Sell currency futures
Receive fewer US$ for currency Futures decline in value
Buy back at a profit
This initial position only gets the company to exchange its euro position into US
dollars. It now needs to put on another trade, to go long the US dollarsterling
contract. The net result of these two positions is that the company has established a
cross (or futures spread) with the right sensitivities:
Short US dollar/ currency futures
Long US dollar/Sterling currency futures
That is a situation where the terms in the square brackets [ ], net out:
/ US dollars US dollars / Sterling
leaving the desired exposure (/+Sterling). If the spread has been correctly
established, the US dollar washes out and the position is equivalent to a cross on the
eurosterling rate.
The company now has to establish the number of contracts required. Each
/$ contract is worth 125000, so to hedge its 5 million, it will need to short 40
contracts. The company, say, uses the six month contract. Note that it will have to
roll the hedge forward, a factor we discuss below. This makes a US dollar equivalent
of 125000 0.6474 40 US$3237000. The next stage is to convert this
position into sterling, which has a contract value of 62500. The US dollar value of
the exposure is US$3237000, so this is equivalent to 2077663.67 at the six-
months futures price exchange rate of 1.5580. Since each contract is worth 62500,
the number of contracts required 2077663.67 62500 is 33.24. This rounded
down to the nearest whole number and, ignoring any other adjustments, gives a long
position of 33 contracts. The fact that the two sides are for a differing number of
contracts reflects the different contract sizes of the two futures.
In establishing the hedge, two additional factors now have to be considered. The
company will need to roll forward the hedge at the expiry of the two contracts into
the appropriate new six-month contracts for the second half of the year. Second, the
company will have to provide margin on the two positions over the next 12 months.
An additional factor is that the hedged amount is now slightly less than that
required, due to rounding into whole contracts.
All in all, the company will be assuming some basis risk over the hedge period
from such a transaction. There is the basis risk between the euroUS dollar rate and
that between the US dollarsterling rate. There is also basis risk arising from the
need to roll forward the contract after the initial six months.4 Also, at the onset,
unlike the forward contract, the exact value of its position is unknown and will
depend both on how interest rates, in Germany, the UK and the USA evolve over
the next six months and on the evolution of the exchange rate. In the meantime, the
company will also have to monitor its margin positions.
Unless the company has a pressing need to use futures, this alternative is both
complex and subject to a degree of uncertainty, and will be rejected.
4 If this is seen as a major risk, it can be hedged via short-term interest-rate futures spreads, thus heaping
complexity on complexity! More can go wrong, with a greater chance that the hedge will not perform
as intended.
211 221 231 241 251 261 271
Sterling call at Resultant exposure
0.3 2.45
in spreads permits further payoffs. The limit depends on what exposure as against
initial cost is seen as the best choice in a given situation.
211 221 231 251 261 271
Purchased option
The Board of Directors had been concerned about this issue for some time. UCI
itself was relatively confident that the project was a good investment. Nevertheless,
the Board was concerned that UCIs shareholders would be unhappy if the company
just proceeded on the hope that the copper price stayed high. Although UCI was a
major company, as indicated by the key financial data given in Table 12.10, develop-
ing the Upland mine could possibly lead the firm into financial difficulties. Such
problems would kill off senior managements ambitious objectives for the growth
and expansion of the business.
closure. Upland had great potential, but would require a significant investment and it
would be three to four years before the first revenues were generated from the project.
It would also only be viable if copper prices remained reasonably buoyant and above the
US$1400/ton level.
1976 1981 1986 1991 1996
Note: The pointed line gives monthly volatility whereas the smooth line is the 12-months rolling
Table 12.12 United Copper Industries earnings per share (eps) and dividend per share
(dps) record
US$/ share 31/12/1997 31/12/1996 31/12/1995 31/12/1994 31/12/1993 31/12/1992
Reported eps 1.37 1.13 1.39 5.06 1.87 2.60
Reported dps 0.48 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
The current tools used by the firm to hedge its price risks mostly involved for-
ward and futures contracts. The firm had hedged a very small quantity of its output
using options and had also received a number of proposals to use commodity swaps
for a part of its production, but had not as yet undertaken any transactions of
this type. On the liability side, as mentioned earlier, it had issued a copper-indexed
note at a time when these were fashionable.
Under the different scenarios, the NPV of the Upland project was:
The project itself was analysed, using standard discounted cash flow methods,
under a wide range of copper price/demand scenarios and the results, for prices
ranging from as low as US$900/ton to US$2350/ton, are shown in Figure 12.5.
Figure 12.5 shows that for the three scenarios given in Table 12.13, the Upland
project would be profitable as measured by its net present value (NPV). However,
at prices just below US$1400/ton, the project would be unprofitable.
The questions facing UCIs Board were, first, whether the projects sensitivity to
copper and the break-even price were acceptable in terms of future copper price
behaviour. The Board was also concerned to maintain the companys standing with
investors as a mining stock with a stable profit record and a good dividend record
(particularly following the previous years debacle). The second issue was whether
the price volatility led to an acceptable variability in cash flow from the project.
Figure 12.3 indicates that the copper price had been quite volatile and that relying
on the spot market might lead the company to experience losses and suffer consid-
erable variations in cash flow from the project and hence profits making it less
attractive to the firm, and to investors. An examination of the forecasts showed that
the impact of the copper price on the annual after-tax cash flow during the maxi-
mum extraction phase was as given in Table 12.14.
50 Increased demand
bullish scenario)
Constant demand
30 (neutral scenario)
Reduced demand
Net present value
20 (bearish scenario)
900 1100 1300 1500 1650 1800 1930 2350
Break-even point
Area of negative NPV
Table 12.14 Annual after-tax cash flow and copper price for the
Upland project during the main extraction phase
Copper price After-tax cash flow
(US$ per ton) (US$ millions p.a.)
2000 21.5
1800 19.3
1600 17.2
1400 14.6
1200 9.8
1000 5.6
Bob Woodward felt that the Board would take the view that there were definite
attractions in reducing the downside risk on the investment, especially since a fall in
the copper price would also affect other parts of the firm at the same time. Bob had
already proposed the alternatives that were available for operational or financial
hedging of the Upland project. As mentioned earlier, some of these had already
been used by UCI but Bob had also included other, as yet untried, methods which
might be more appropriate in the context of the firms expansion. The alternatives
under consideration were:
enter into a long-term supply contract at a fixed price with a consumer;
sell forward the copper for an agreed period. One investment banks proprietary product
that is available to UCI is known as a flat-rate forward where the contango (or
the difference between the spot and forward price) was fixed regardless of ma-
turity. Another product, known as a spot deferred, is a forward contract with a
floating copper price and no fixed delivery date. It provides more flexibility than
a conventional forward contract but without the upfront cost of using an option;
enter into a commodity swap where UCI would receive a fixed price for a given
quantity of copper against paying a variable price. The effect would be to syn-
thetically create a fixed selling price;
hedge the position by using copper futures. This would require the setting up of a stack
hedge since futures prices do not extend beyond about three years. However,
lack of liquidity in the longer contracts means that only the shorter-dated con-
tracts would prove practical;
buy a series of copper puts. These would need to cover output over a given period
and as a way of saving money these could be Asian-style (that is, average rate
options over the exercise period).
All the above measures could be used to hedge its exposure fully or partially and
could be used in tandem. So UCI could both use a commodity swap and buy copper
puts if this provided the best alternatives.
Woodward knew that any hedging decision potentially meant giving up on the
upside potential for the copper price and was concerned that, given the firms long-
run bullish assessment for copper despite its temporary weakness hedging might
prove to be the wrong decision. A decision to hedge might then be something UCI
came to regret.
Over the coming week, Bob Woodward was going to have to finalise his pro-
posal and present to the Board of United Copper Industries his intentions for
managing the price risks in the Upland project if any. The market uncertainty
surrounding copper, with the price see-sawing daily on the commodities exchanges,
did not help. This unsettled behaviour made any no action recommendation to the
Board even more problematical. Bob also wanted to be cautious and not add to the
problem of the dividend that had already caused so much external and internal
comment. However, locking in the price now might leave the company, and Bob,
exposed to the charge that they had inappropriately and unwisely hedged.
As part of the hedging strategy, Bob had set himself the following points to con-
how the new hedges should be integrated with existing positions;
considering the use of new instruments, in particular the advantages of options;
extending the hedging period for some, at least, of the groups output with a
commodity hedge.
In order to resolve these issues, Bob needed to examine the advantages and
disadvantages of each of the approaches and their benefitcost trade-offs. He also
began to muse on how he might sell the preferred alternatives to the Board. It
promised to be a busy week before he and his team had finished the task.
Table 12.15 Alternatives available to UCI for hedging its copper price exposure and their
advantages and disadvantages
Hedging method Advantages Disadvantages
Long-term supply Guaranteed price and customised Fixed price does not allow UCI to
contract (operational delivery conditions which suit UCIs participate in any increases (which are
hedging) operations implicit in the copper market forecast);
UCI takes significant counterparty risk
Copper futures Exchange-traded and counterparty Contracts have only short-term maturi-
risk is virtually nil; hedge could be ties: UCI would need to use a stacked and
operated dynamically as a form of rolling hedge; margin costs could be
insurance (i.e., portfolio insurance) significant; hedge would be imprecise; firm
has no experience of operating portfolio
Copper puts Allows UCI to benefit from any Costly since premiums have to be paid;
price increases over protection requires series (i.e., floor structure) with
period; tailored strike prices; payoff long maturity to be effective; an over-the-
could be based on average and not counter (OTC) product and hence UCI
spot price at end of exercise period would be taking counterparty risk
(i.e., Asian-style option); the firm
might sell high-priced options to
partially cover the cost of protec-
tion (a vertical spread strategy, or
The different methods offered a trade-off. The terminal set in its various guises
does not involve any initial upfront costs but does lock in UCI to whatever turns
out to be the contractual price. The option alternative gives the company the
opportunity to benefit from any future price increases, but at an upfront cost. The
key issue is what would be the more attractive alternative.
Also the Board needed to consider whether changing the sensitivity of the pro-
ject to the copper price was enough to reduce the risks. An extension of the price-
sensitivity analysis showed that if half the future output was hedged, so that the
copper price for this proportion was fixed, then the break-even point dropped from
US$1395/ton to US$1300/ton. The new price/net present value (profitability)
sensitivity of the project is given in Figure 12.6.
25 Bullish scenario
Neutral scenario
Bearish scenario
900 1100 1300 1500 1650 1800 1930 2350
Original break-even point
New break-even price when 50%
15 of the output is hedged
20 Copper price (US$/ton)
Table 12.16 Effect of hedging on the break-even NPV for the Upland
project and the price at which the unhedged proportion is sold
Amount hedged Break-even NPV copper
1.0 n/a
0.9 450
0.8 980
0.7 1150
0.6 1238
0.5 1300
0.4 1325
0.3 1350
0.2 1369
0.1 1383
0.0 1395
Note: This calculation assumes that the copper price is fixed at US$1500/ton.
What Table 12.16 shows is that there is a trade-off between the effectiveness of
partially hedging and the break-even copper price. On the basis of the previous
analysis, it does not make much sense for UCI to hedge more than 40 per cent to 50
per cent of the output since the likelihood of such a low price seems remote, even
though the price may temporarily dip down to this point in the future. Note that the
proportion of the new output to be hedged would be about the same as the current
proportion of the current output being hedged by the company.
Receive fixed
UCI Counterparty
Pay floating
floating payment
Option periods
Copper price
Period when floor is 'in-the-money'
Option periods
Time to maturity
Table 12.19 shows the effect of having added a step-down feature to the floor
given in Table 12.18.
Table 12.19 The effect of having a step-down strike on the floor given in
Table 12.18
Period Strike Volatility
Forward Spot Put price Floor
1 1450 22.0 22.0 63.71 60.10
2 1425 16.5 19.3 50.54 47.68
3 1400 13.5 17.3 30.44 28.72
4 1375 11.5 15.9 12.61 11.89
5 1350 10.0 14.7 2.58 2.43
159.88 150.83
What Table 12.18 and Table 12.19 show is the cost of hedging production using
options. The cost of the floor without a step-down is US$237.82, whereas the step-
down only costs US$150.83. Since each floor covers 5 tons of copper these equate
to a cost per ton of US$47.56 and US$30.17 respectively. If the total output of
100000 tons was hedged in this way, the firm would have to provide premiums of
US$23.8 million in the first case and US$15.1 million in the second case. Given that
the total investment is expected to be US$100 million, providing protection via a
floor will add between 15 per cent and 24 per cent to the investment cost.
Such an approach would allow UCI to guarantee a minimum return on its in-
vestment. However, in contrast to the protective puts approach, it is difficult to
determine the exact cost of such a strategy since it would depend on the costs of
trading, the cost of margin and the run-up of losses from buying back futures at a
loss. However, it does have the virtue of flexibility, since UCI could discontinue the
programme at some point in the future (although puts can also be sold back), and
employ other hedging methods, or undertake no hedging.
more complex than in the first case where the benefitcost trade-off from the
hedge/not hedge decision for a single receivable is more clear cut.
For UCI to hedge means guaranteeing a price on the new projects output and
hence profitability but also means most likely giving up some or all of the oppor-
tunity to gain from future price increases. There are also questions as to the risk
appetite of the firm and its shareholders and what they would want UCIs managers to
do. The instruments available also seem less well adapted to UCIs needs, or are
costly. The firm really requires a very long-term hedging instrument. This is not readily
available and is likely to involve the company in paying a premium for protection.
Providers are likely to impose a significant premium if UCI seeks to trade beyond the
markets norm for risk-management products. Do-it-yourself approaches, such as
stacking hedges in futures or dynamic replication, impose significant costs in skill and
management time and, in the final analysis, may not deliver the promised outcome.
Whatever decision is reached, Bob Woodward needs to carry out a thorough
examination of the consequences of using the instruments and their cost to UCI.
This evaluation will be embedded within the firms long-term strategy and its
capabilities and competencies and its ability to operate a risk-management pro-
Financial statements for United Copper Industries Inc.
Income Statement
31/12/1997 31/12/1996 31/12/1995 31/12/1994 31/12/1993 31/12/1992
US$ millions
Net income 133.1 79.0 94.3 342.6 125.9 174.9
Profit after tax 105.8 98.2 106.7 182.5 141.1 109.4
Profit before tax 124.3 101.0 134.7 254.5 167.3 155.5
Sales revenue 634.3 613.2 622.8 683.5 582.1 500.1
Trading expenses (537.7) (509.4) (479.8) (524.3) (460.9) (357.8)
Cost of goods sold (339.2) (323.3) (302.0) (395.4) (353.3) (357.8)
Selling & general (35.8) (35.4) (36.6) (44.1) (38.3)
Other expenses (162.7) (150.8) (141.3) (84.8) (69.3)
Staff costs (3.2) (2.7)
Pension costs (3.2) (2.7)
Depreciation (110.0) (98.8) (94.0) (84.8) (69.3) (40.4)
Other by format 2 (424.5) (408.0) (385.8) (439.5) (391.6) (317.4)
Exploration (52.7) (52.0) (47.2)
Other trading exp. (537.7) (509.4) (479.8) (524.3) (460.9) (357.8)
Non-trading 5.0 (2.8) 7.5 55.6 50.6
Assoc. co. income 5.0 (2.8) 7.5 55.6 50.6
Finance charges (12.4) (14.6) (13.0) (42.4) (87.6) (115.6)
Interest capitalised - - - - - 7.9
Other finance (12.4) (14.6) (13.0) (42.4) (87.6) (123.5)
Balance Sheet
Other data
Review Questions
12.1 If we have a future payable in a foreign currency, the appropriate transaction to manage
the exchange-rate risk is:
A. borrow foreign currency for the time until the payable is due.
B. sell the foreign currency forward.
C. buy the foreign currency forward.
D. none of A, B or C.
12.2 Which of the following is not an appropriate transaction to hedge a contingent foreign
currency cash flow?
A. Buy a currency option.
B. Buy a compound option.
C. Buy a currency forward.
D. All of A, B and C are appropriate instruments.
12.3 If we sell a Deutschemark currency put involving the Deutschemark and the US dollar
currency pair, at exercise we are contractually obliged to:
A. buy Deutschemarks spot.
B. sell US dollars spot.
C. buy Deutschemarks at the strike rate.
D. sell US dollars at the forward rate.
12.6 What will be the forward foreign exchange rate in three months time?
A. DM2.56
B. DM2.59
C. DM2.60
D. DM2.61
12.7 If we could somehow borrow sterling at 7.25 per cent for six months what would be
the profit per 100 we could make in arbitraging the forward foreign-exchange market?
A. There is no profit to be had.
B. 0.06
C. 3.56
D. 3.62
12.8 If we wanted to sell Deutschemarks six months forward with a do-it-yourself forward
transaction, which of the following would we undertake?
A. Borrow sterling for six months, exchange it for Deutschemarks spot and invest
the proceeds for six months at the Deutschemark rate.
B. Borrow Deutschemarks for six months, exchange for sterling spot and invest
the proceeds for six months at the sterling rate.
C. Lend Deutschemarks spot for six months, enter into a forward foreign-
exchange contract with a six-month maturity to buy Deutschemarks and sell
D. Borrow sterling spot for six months, enter into a forward foreign-exchange
contract with a six-month maturity to sell Deutschemarks and buy sterling.
12.9 Currency futures contracts are quoted in American terms, that is, a fixed amount of
foreign currency versus a variable amount of US dollars.
If we want to protect ourselves against a fall in the dollar against the Japanese Yen, do
A. buy Yen currency futures?
B. sell Yen currency futures?
C. sell Yen spot and buy Yen currency futures?
D. buy Yen spot and sell Yen currency futures?
12.10 Currency futures are quoted in US terms against the foreign currency. There are
currency futures contracts quoted for the Swiss Franc and the Australian dollar. We
have a cross-transaction involving these two currencies in which we have to sell Swiss
Francs and buy Australian dollars. We wish to hedge the transaction via futures.
Which of the following spread transactions will achieve the correct exposure?
A. Buy Swiss Franc futures and sell Australian dollar futures.
B. Sell Swiss Franc futures and buy Australian dollar futures.
C. Buy Swiss Franc futures and buy Australian dollar futures.
D. Sell Swiss Franc futures and sell Australian dollar futures
12.11 What is the break-even rate from buying February 0.655 calls?
A. $0.60
B. $0.655
C. $0.69
D. $0.71
12.12 If we set up a currency cylinder (that is, a vertical spread, involving a purchased and a
written option) based on the above in which we wish to hedge a Deutschemark
receivable, which of the following transactions will achieve the correct exposure?
A. Buy DM call with a low strike price and sell another DM call with a higher
strike price.
B. Buy DM call with a low strike price and sell a DM put with a higher strike price.
C. Buy DM put with a high strike price and sell another DM call with a lower
strike price.
D. Buy DM put with a high strike price and sell a DM put with a lower strike
12.13 For a consumer, the attractions of entering into a commodity swap and paying the fixed
rate are:
A. the swap provides a flat rate for the commodity being purchased over the life
of the contract.
B. it allows the consumer to maintain existing supply arrangements.
C. it can be customised to meet the consumers specific needs.
D. all of A, B and C are attractions of a commodity swap.
Currency futures
Eurocurrency and foreign exchange markets
SFr/ Spot Bid/offer 1 month % p.a. 3 % p.a. 12 % p.a.
months months
2.4099 83115 2.3973 6.2 2.3752 5.8 2.774 5.5
1 A company has a forward foreign exchange contract in which it will receive 5 million in
three months time and wishes to covert this to Swiss Francs. What will it receive in
Swiss Francs if it (a) undertakes a forward transaction and (b) creates its own forward
contract via borrowing and lending?
2 How would the transaction have fared if it had been established using currency futures
contracts? How many futures contracts do we require in each of the two contracts?
Examination One
1 The spot price of a commodity is $1500/tonne. The cost of storage is 2 per cent per
annum and the risk-free interest rate is 8 per cent per annum (both continuously
compounded). The commodity is not subject to deterioration or loss in storage. The
six-month forward price is quoted in the market as $1425.25.
Which of the following is the markets continuously compounded convenience yield on
the commodity (at an annual rate)?
A. The forward price is standing at a discount to its fair value and it is not possible
to determine whether a convenience yield exists or not.
B. 10.11 per cent.
C. 20.22 per cent.
D. 21.23 per cent.
2 The UKs Financial Services Act 1986 describes certain financial agreements as
contracts for differences. Which of the following derivative instruments fall into the
category of contracts for differences?
A. Forward contracts, futures and swaps.
B. Options.
C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A nor B.
3 A commodity is trading at $2125 in the cash market and the three-month future
contract is at $2386. After a couple of days, the cash market price falls to $1995,
whereas the futures price becomes $2248.
What has happened to the cashfutures basis? Has it:
A. remained unchanged?
B. declined due to convergence?
C. strengthened?
D. weakened?
4 Which of the following correctly describes the value basis relationship for financial
futures price as quoted in the market
futures price as computed using the cost of carry model
cash market price or spot price
expected spot price at expiry or maturity of the futures contract
Original Current
swap market
conditions conditions
Exchange rate A 2.50/B A 2.90/B
Interest rate in currency A 6% 4.5%
Interest rate in currency B 5% 7%
From the perspective of a swap holder who is contracted to pay currency A and receive
currency B, which of the following changes in the swap value is correct?
A. There is a valuation currency gain: a gain on interest rate A and a gain on
interest rate B.
B. There is a valuation currency gain: a gain on interest rate A and a loss on
interest rate B.
C. There is a valuation currency gain: a loss on interest rate A and a loss on
interest rate B.
D. There is a valuation currency loss: a loss on interest rate A and a loss on
interest rate B.
6 We have a one-period call option with a strike price of 230 and the optioned asset can
take a value of either 250 or 210 in one period. The current asset price is 225. The one-
period interest rate is 4 per cent. What is the amount of borrowed funds in the
replicating portfolio?
A. 11.54
B. 100.96
C. 112.50
D. 125.00
8 For a European-style call and put on a non-dividend-paying share, with all other factors
remaining unchanged, if the volatility is decreased, which of the following would we
A. The value of calls and puts on the asset to rise.
B. The value of calls and puts on the asset to fall.
C. The value of calls to rise and the value of puts to fall.
D. The value of calls to fall and the value of puts to rise.
The following information is used for Questions 9 and 10.
9 Given the zero-coupon rates in the table, what is the present value of the expected
floating-rate payments on a two-year interest rate swap per 100 of nominal principal?
(Assume equal values for each half-year and ignore day-count conventions.)
A. 10.83
B. 11.28
C. 11.30
D. 11.63
10 A 2.5-year swap has a present value for the floating-rate side of 13.15 per 100 nominal.
What will be the swaps fixed rate?
A. 5.26 per cent.
B. 6.01 per cent.
C. 5.68 per cent.
D. 5.73 per cent.
11 We want to modify the delta of an existing position which is currently 0.45 so that the
new delta will be 0.65. Which of the following will not achieve that result?
A. Buy puts.
B. Sell puts.
C. Buy calls.
D. Buy the underlying asset.
12 The initial and current exchange rates after one month between the US dollar and the
Deutschemark (DM) are given as follows:
Initial conditions
Time Spot 1m 2m 3m 6m
DM/$ 1.56 1.559 1.557 1.553 1.54
If a US$10 million forward foreign exchange swap for the 3 versus 6 months maturity
had been undertaken in which at the near date dollars had been sold, which of the
options represents the marked-to-market value of the foreign exchange swap after one
month? (Ignore present valuing and the effect of interest rates.)
A. (DM240000).
B. DM0.
C. DM20 000.
D. DM130000.
13 Currency futures are quoted in US terms against the foreign currency. There are
currency futures contracts quoted for the Swiss Franc and the Australian dollar. We
have a cross-transaction involving these two currencies in which we have to sell Swiss
Francs and buy Australian dollars. We wish to hedge the transaction via futures.
Which of the following spread transactions will achieve the correct exposure?
A. Buy Swiss Franc futures and sell Australian dollar futures.
B. Sell Swiss Franc futures and buy Australian dollar futures.
C. Buy Swiss Franc futures and buy Australian dollar futures.
D. Sell Swiss Franc futures and sell Australian dollar futures.
15 If a customer wanted to sell sterling forward, which of the transactions would the
foreign exchange bank need to undertake to eliminate its currency and interest-rate risk
on the transaction?
A. Borrow US dollars for the term of the transaction and exchange these for
sterling in the spot market and invest the proceeds until the maturity of the
B. Borrow US dollars for the term of the transaction and exchange sterling for US
dollars in the spot market and invest the proceeds until the maturity of the
C. Borrow sterling for the term of the transaction and exchange sterling for US
dollars in the spot market and invest the proceeds until the maturity of the
D. Borrow sterling for the term of the transaction and exchange US dollars for
sterling in the spot market and invest the proceeds until the maturity of the
18 Which of the following is the present value of the interest rate subsidy in sterling
(rounded to the nearest )?
A. 0.
B. 632 347.
C. 395 217.
D. 3539 431.
19 If the five-year swaps rate in sterling is 6.5 per cent, what will be Global Machine Co.s
annual payments in sterling if the subsidy is repaid over the life of the swap (to the
nearest )?
A. 3664 812.
B. 3759 915.
C. 3539 431.
D. 3628 957.
20 Unlike ____ instrument, ____ allow the user to decide at what rate to hedge and, if
market conditions should so indicate ____ the holder to let the contract lapse, giving
the user ____ of the better of the market price or the contracted rate at expiry. Which
of the following correctly completes the sentence above?
A. a terminal an option does it allows the choice
B. an option a terminal does it does not allow the choice
C. a terminal an option does it allows no choice
D. an option a terminal does not it does not allow no choice
21 We have a US$230 million portfolio invested in the US equity market with a beta of
0.95. The current level of the S&P500 index is 980 and the futures contract is worth
$250 times the index value. The tick size is $25 and the minimum price fluctuation in
the index is 0.5 index points. We want to decrease the exposure to the market so as to
reduce the funds beta to 0.70.
Which of the following transactions will achieve the correct market exposure?
A. Buy 2350 contracts.
B. Buy 5850 contracts.
C. Sell 235 contracts.
D. Sell 1950 contracts.
23 The spot price of copper is $1200/ton and the one-year forward price is $1300 and the
risk-free interest rate is 6 per cent per annum. There is no convenience yield.
Which of the following is the implied storage cost for copper (to the nearest percentage
A. 1 per cent.
B. 2 per cent.
C. 8 per cent.
D. 11 per cent.
24 The spot price for Deutschemarks against the US dollar is DM1.7525/$. The US dollar
interest rate is 6 per cent p.a. and that for Deutschemarks is 4 per cent p.a. The
forward exchange rate for six months is DM1.7395/$.
What is the nature of the arbitrage that can be made between the cash markets and the
forward market in Deutschemarkdollars?
A. Borrow US dollars and invest spot in Deutschemarks and contract to receive
dollars/sell Deutschemarks forward.
B. Borrow Deutschemarks and invest spot in US dollars and contract to receive
dollars/sell Deutschemarks forward.
C. Borrow US dollars and invest spot in Deutschemarks and contract to pay
dollars/receive Deutschemarks forward?
D. Borrow Deutschemarks and invest spot in US dollars and contract to pay
dollars/receive Deutschemarks forward.
27 Which of the following are the implications of a weakening of the basis when we are
short the asset and long the futures contract?
A. The asset price changes less than the futures price and we make money.
B. The asset price changes less than the futures price and we lose money.
C. The asset price changes more than the futures price and we make money.
D. The asset price changes more than the futures price and we lose money.
28 A fund manager has decided to put in place a protective put strategy. The value of the
portfolio is 25 million and it has a beta () of 1.10. There are index puts available with
a strike price of 5500 and a delta of 0.45. The current index value is 5900 and each
index point is worth 10. How many index puts are needed to hedge the portfolio?
A. 210.
B. 424.
C. 466.
D. 1036.
30 A forward contract has been sold with an original maturity of one year and a price of
245. The contract now has six months to run and the spot price of the asset is 236. The
six-month interest rate is 6.0 per cent and there are no holding costs on the asset.
Which of the following is the replacement cost of the contract (to the nearest whole
A. Zero
B. 2
C. 9
D. 5
Case Study 1
The SteamGas Company is due to buy a plant from the Deutsches Sturm Fabrik for DM100
million and payment is due in three years time. The Finance Director of SteamGas is con-
cerned about the potential currency risk. He has approached his bank with a view to buying
forward cover and the bank has indicated that its bid-offered quote for such a long-dated
forward is DM2.47502.4900. The current spot rate is DM2.50/.
Current interbank deposit market conditions for the two currencies are given in the fol-
lowing table.
1 Describe the nature of the currency exposure that SteamGas faces. What effect will
hedging the exposure have? (The current spot rate is DM2.50/)
[7 marks]
3 Calculate the forward bid and offered rates for the three-year maturity forward
contract based on the interest rates given for sterling and Deutschemarks. How much
will SteamGas have to pay in sterling if it uses this approach?
[16 marks]
4 Why might the banks bid and offered quote a forward rate that is narrower than the
spread calculated using interest rates?
[8 marks]
Case Study 2
There are two securities available and two future states of the world. The prices today and in
one years time are given in the following table:
2 Using the above securities from the table, create and price two derivative securities that
provide a positive payoff in the each of the two states but a zero payoff in the other.
[22 marks]
3 Create and price a guarantee security that insures that the payoff of Security A has a
minimum value of 50 in state two.
[8 marks]
Case Study 3
John Smith at Savery Investment Managers is considering selling ABC stock short since there is
strong evidence of poor management and Smith takes the view that the share price will fall
over the next three months. Although shorting the stock is attractive in view of the expected
underperformance of the shares, Smith is also concerned about a potential market rise over
the same period and has decided to buy index calls as a precaution. ABC shares have a beta of
0.90 and are currently trading at 125 pence. Assume a month is one-twelfth of a year.
1 The current index level is 4500 and the pattern of dividend distribution (expressed in
index points) for the coming three months is: 25, 70 and 48. The indexs volatility is 0.30
and the risk-free rate is 6 per cent per annum. To minimise the cost of protection,
Smith is looking to buy slightly out-of-the-money European-style calls with a strike price
of 4600. How much will this cost if each index point is worth 10?
[12 marks]
2 How many calls are required if John Smith decides to short 400000 shares of ABC?
[6 marks]
3 How well will the contract have performed if after one month the market has fallen to
4350 and the current share price of ABC is 98 pence? Assume that interest rates and
other market conditions have remained unchanged over this period.
[16 marks]
4 Explain the basic approach of the binomial option-pricing model (BOPM) for pricing
options subject to value leakage.
[6 marks]
Examination Two
2 If a forward contract to purchase the two-year bond in one years time is on offer at
94.00, which of the following is the appropriate arbitrage to undertake? (Assume there
are no transaction costs on purchasing and issuing bonds.)
A. Issue the two-year bond, buy the one-year bond and buy the forward contract
and reinvest in the one-year bond in one years time.
B. Issue the one-year bond, buy the two-year bond and sell the forward contract.
C. Issue the one-year bond, buy the two-year bond and buy the forward contract
and reinvest in the one-year bond in one years time.
D. There are no arbitrage opportunities available in the market.
The following information is used for Questions 3 and 4.
3 What is the implied two-year rate in one years time (expressed as an annual rate)?
A. 7.00 per cent.
B. 8.12 per cent.
C. 8.25 per cent.
D. 8.31 per cent.
4 What is the Macaulays duration of a portfolio of the three zero-coupon bonds with a
current market value of 10000, of which 2000 is invested in Bond A, 4000 is invested in
bond B and 5000 invested in bond C?
A. 2.2 years.
B. 2.5 years.
C. 2.6 years.
D. 3.0 years.
8 Which of the following is correct? In the derivatives markets, the transaction or set of
transactions known as hedging can be considered to be a special case of:
A. risk reduction, where the intention is to eliminate all of the market risk in the
B. speculation, where the intention is to take on as much risk as possible without
purchasing or selling the underlier.
C. financial engineering that involves taking no model risk from the complexities of
the transaction.
D. arbitrage that involves taking no risk on unwinding the transaction at its
maturity or when it is reversed.
9 A position is delta neutral but has a negative gamma of 1100. There is an option
available which has a delta of 0.55 and a gamma of 1.25. What will be the transaction
required to make the portfolio delta/gamma neutral?
A. Buy 880 of the delta 0.55 options and sell 484 of the underlying asset.
B. Sell 880 of the delta 0.55 options and sell 484 of the underlying asset.
C. Buy 880 of the delta 0.55 options and buy 484 of the underlying asset.
D. Sell 880 of the delta 0.55 options and buy 484 of the underlying asset.
11 We own a portfolio which has 20000 shares of ABC. If we want to set up a vertical
spread by combining a sale of the call and a purchase of the put, what will the remaining
delta sensitivity of the portfolio be if we sell 120 calls and buy 80 puts?
A. 13976.
B. 12980.
C. 23900.
D. 16100.
12 Given the position in Question 11, what will be the position gamma of the overall
portfolio made up of the shares and the two options positions?
A. (300).
B. (71).
C. 71.
D. 300.
13 What will the position theta (that is, exposure to time decay) of the option positions
A. (48).
B. (180).
C. 180.
D. 84.
15 Which of the following is the break-even rate from buying the February 1.680 calls?
A. $1.655
B. $1.705
C. $1.429
D. $1.680
16 If we set up a currency cylinder (that is, a vertical spread, involving a purchased and a
written option) based on the above in which we wish to hedge a sterling payable, which
of the following transactions will achieve the correct exposure?
A. Buy call with a low strike price and sell another call with a higher strike
B. Buy call with a low strike price and sell a put with a higher strike price.
C. Buy put with a high strike price and sell another call with a lower strike
D. Buy put with a high strike price and sell a put with a lower strike price.
17 A commodity not subject to deterioration has a storage cost of 6 per cent per annum
and is trading in the cash market at a price of 640.50. The term structure of interest
rates is flat at 12 per cent. The prices of two forward contracts on the commodity in six
and nine months will be which of the following?
A. 677.8 and 697.3
B. 695.8 and 725.2
C. 659.4 and 669.1
D. 755.8 and 755.8
A. Strangle.
B. Straddle.
C. Ratio put spread.
D. Bearish vertical spread.
19 The ____ of a ____ option will ____ the premium on the option when the transaction
is initiated and (if it is exercised) will ____ the underlying asset at the agreed strike
price. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence above?
A. writer put pay sell
B. holder put pay buy
C. writer call receive sell
D. holder call receive buy
20 If the correlation between a hedge and a portfolio is +0.89 and the standard deviation of
the hedge is 0.24 and that of the cash position is 0.25, which of the following is the
minimum-variance hedge ratio?
A. 0.98
B. 0.93
C. 0.96
D. 0.91
21 You are the Chief Financial Officer at ACME International and your firm is looking to
buy a machine that costs US$10 million in six months time from Machines Inc. They
currently have machines available but are indicating that demand for the equipment may
be such that they may not be able to deliver in six months time. You are concerned
about the pricing and availability of the machines but the company will not have the
money to purchase the machines until six months from today. You estimate that the
price could rise to US$11 million or fall to US$9 million over the period and the current
cost of borrowed money is 6 per cent per annum.
What is the maximum price you would be willing to pay to Machines Inc. to guarantee
availability in six months time at the US$10 million price?
A. US$629 214.
B. US$485 643.
C. US$287 141.
D. US$562 922.
22 You work for Corn Supplies plc, a major distributor of cereals, and note that the spot
price of wheat is US$3.67 per bushel and that the futures price for wheat with a one-
month expiry is $3.79/bushel. Your cost of carry is US$0.15 per bushel. Which of the
following actions should you take?
A. You should buy futures.
B. You should sell futures.
C. You should buy futures and sell wheat spot.
D. You should sell futures and buy wheat spot.
23 You currently own 310 shares in ABC plc at 215. Sammy Smile, your relationship
manager at Global Investment Bank, has proposed the following transaction to you. He
will exchange the above holding for ten Treasury bills with a face value of 1000 with a
current market price of 990.10 and 300 calls on ABC plc with a strike price of 50. At
the moment, there are no calls with a 50 strike price, but puts are being traded with a
50 strike at 22 each.
Which of the following is the gain, or loss, from undertaking this transaction?
A. 8902.
B. 1099.
C. (1099).
D. (499).
25 A fund manager is concerned that the current rally in the market will be reversed and
wants to hedge a portfolio of 50 million with a beta of 1.3 against a possible market
decline. The current level of the index is 2900 and there are index puts available with a
strike price of 2500 with a delta of 0.38. Each put is worth 10 times the index level.
Which of the following represents the number of puts required to hedge the portfolio?
A. 2241.
B. 2900.
C. 5898.
D. 6842.
The following information is used for Questions 26, 27 and 28.
26 Which of the following is the break-even price for a buyer of a January 5175 put?
A. 5175.
B. 5033.
C. 5317.
D. 5125.
27 Which of the following is the gain or loss for a writer of a 5225 February call if the
index expires at 5269?
A. (440).
B. (2125).
C. 1245.
D. 2125.
28 Which of the following is the maximum profit per contract that can be made by setting
up a bearish vertical spread using the February 5125 and 5225 options?
A. 435.
B. 1000.
C. 565.
D. 1019.
29 A convertible bond is a debt security which gives the holder (that is, the investor) the
right to exchange the bond for shares in the company at a fixed conversion ratio. For
instance, one bond worth $1000 could be exchanged for 100 shares. If one were to
value such a bond, we could conceptually break its value down to which of the follow-
A. A debt security issued by the firm plus a put option on the firms shares where
the payment of the exercise price means surrendering the debt security to the
company in payment.
B. A debt security issued by the plus a call option on the firms shares where the
payment of the exercise price means surrendering the debt security to the
company in payment.
C. A standard call option on the firms shares plus a deposit to cover the exercise
of the option.
D. A standard put option on the firms shares plus a deposit to cover the exercise
of the option.
Case Study 1
Builder Bank has been offered the opportunity to buy some triple-B rated US dollar bonds
issued by Widget Industries plc of the United Kingdom. The bonds are fixed rate with an
annual coupon of 6 per cent and have exactly five years to maturity. The bonds are being
offered at 84.837. The internal rate of return on the bonds is 10 per cent. Unfortunately,
Builder Bank, although interested in the opportunity, would like to have a floating-rate asset.
However, Fast Track Investment Bank has offered to repackage the bonds as a synthetic
floating-rate note. The deal is as follows: Builder Bank will provide $100 for each bond
purchased and will receive LIBOR, as the floating rate, plus 0.20 per cent in return for the five
years, plus $100 in principal repayment at maturity. The terms and conditions in the US dollar
interest-rate swaps market are as follows:
1 Explain why Builder Bank would wish to hold a floating-rate asset issued by Widget
Industries plc rather than the fixed-rate bonds.
[4 marks]
2 Analyse the synthetic floating-rate offer for value. Is the transaction a reasonable one
from Builder Banks perspective or is Fast Track Investment Bank using its superior
know-how to exploit the bank?
[16 marks]
3 Two years have now passed. Interest rates have dropped and the new swaps curve is as
given in the table below. Also Builder Bank has reviewed its investments and would like
to unwind the synthetic floating-rate note created by holding Widget Industries plc
dollar bonds and sell off the holding. The bonds are now trading at 93.18. The new par
swaps yield curve is as follows:
Maturity 1 year 2 years 3 years
Par swaps rate 8.25% 8.38% 8.45%
What is the new value of the package and will Builder Bank make a profit from unwind-
ing the synthetic transaction?
[20 marks]
Case Study 2
Waverley Fund Managers have a portfolio invested in the UK equity market with a current
value of 150 million. This fund has an above-average market risk with a beta () of 1.30. The
managers are concerned that, over the immediate term, the equity market might fall. Howev-
er, they do not wish to disinvest the portfolio since they are comfortable with the individual
characteristics of the shares. As a result, they have decided to buy protective puts.
2 The current FT-SE index level is 4800. The index has a dividend yield of 3 per cent per
annum. The risk-free interest rate is 7 per cent. The index volatility is 25 per cent.
What is the value of a European-style exercise index put with a strike (or exercise)
price of 4400 and a three-month expiry?
[14 marks]
3 What proportion of the fund must be sold and invested in the puts so that the fund is
insured against a decline in the market? Each put is worth 10 per full index point.
[14 marks]
4 What actions if any do Waverley Managers need to take over the life of the puts to
maintain the effectiveness of the hedge?
[6 marks]
Case Study 3
The following are the short-term interest rates in the money markets (expressed as simple
interest rates).
Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12
Interest rate 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.40 6.45 6.50 6.60 6.75
1 At what rate would a market maker quote a 3 v. 9 forward rate agreement (FRA)?
Explain your reasoning.
[10 marks]
2 Suppose you are the bank counterparty to the customer wishing to fix the FRA rate
against a future borrowing in part one, that is the customer has bought the FRA, what
position in the cash markets should the bank adopt to hedge out its interest rate risk?
[10 marks]
3 What is the value of a call option on the forward rate agreement contract where the
FRA has a value of 1 million, if the volatility is 25 per cent and the strike price is set at-
the-money (that is at the rate determined in Part 1)?
[20 marks]
Examination Answers
Examination One
2 The correct answer is C. The legal term contract for differences indicates that the
value of the contract is based on a fixed value against a variable market value at the
maturity of the contract. All derivatives obtain their value from setting a fixed price
at the onset of the contract against which the derivative gains or loses value until
maturity or expiry.
3 The correct answer is C. The basis is the difference between the cash price and the
futures price (cashfutures). At the start the basis = $2125 $2386 261 . After
a couple of days the basis = $1995 $2248 253 . So the basis has strengthened.
Note: if we assume convergence in three months time, we would expect the basis to
change (in a crude linear approximation) by 3 per day. So we might have expected
the basis to decline by 6, but it has in fact declined by 8.
5 The correct answer is B. From the perspective of the party which is contracted to
pay currency A and receive currency B, there has been a gain on the exchange rate, a
gain from changes in interest rate A but a loss from changes in interest rate B. Note
that the other partys gains and losses will be reversed.
6 The correct answer is B. To find out the answer, we can solve the binomial equation
directly for the amount of borrowed funds or apply the funds equation. The two
equations representing an increase or decrease in the asset price give us:
250 1.04 20
210 1.04 0
The options delta = 0.50 20 0 / 250 210 The amount of borrowed funds B
is therefore 210 0.5 /1.04 , which gives 100.96. We could have calculated this
using the equation:
210 20 260 0
1.04 250 210
7 The correct answer is D. For a delta/gamma hedge, we require that the deltas and
the gammas of the two sides are equal and of opposite signs.
8 The correct answer is B. With all other factors remaining constant, if we decrease
the underlying assets volatility then the prices of calls and puts will fall.
9 The correct answer is A. To calculate the present value of the payments which are
semi-annual, we need to work out the implied rates for the three future periods.
These can be calculated as:
1 1 1
The values of the payments are calculated as in the following table:
Zero-coupon payment per
Time rate Floating rate 100 nominal Present value
0.5 6.20% 6.107 3.0535 2.963
1 6.15% 6.010 3.0050 2.831
1.5 6.00% 5.622 2.8110 2.576
2 5.90% 5.524 2.7620 2.463
Remember that a zero-coupon rate is the annualised rate, so for the half-year
payment, we need to convert the rate to the semi-annual alternative.
10 The correct answer is D. The calculation of the fixed side of the swap requires us to
equate 13.15 PV floating payments = PV fixed payments . We know that
13.15 is the PV of the floating payments. We can calculate the annuity for the 2.5
years by summing the discount factors for the zero-coupon rates for the 5 interest
periods. This equals 4.589. Therefore 13.15 4.589 2 = 5.73%.
11 The correct answer is A. The delta sensitivity of the alternatives is given in the
following table:
Of the four possible actions, A, buying puts, decreases the delta of the position. All
the other actions have a positive delta sensitivity and hence reduce the delta of the
position. So A is the right answer in that it does not achieve the result of increasing
the delta.
12 The correct answer is C. To work out the value of the swap, we need to revalue it in
line with current market conditions. The table below shows the initial value and the
current value at the prevailing exchange rate.
Time Exch. rate US dollars Deutschemarks Time Exch. US dollars Deutschemarks
Initial valuation Revaluation
3 1.553 10 000000 15 530 000.00 2 1.564 10 000000 15640000.00
6 1.54 10 000000 15 400 000.00 5 1.553 10 000000 15530000.00
130 000.00 (110000.00)
The swap had an initial value of DM130000 (ignoring interest, etc.). The revaluation
in which the transaction is notionally reversed shows that the swap has a negative
value of DM110000 if closed out after one month. Summing, the result is a positive
value of DM20000 on the swap.
13 The correct answer is B. In deciding the correct exposure to create, we have the
following initial exposure: +Swiss Francs/Australian dollars. We want to hedge
this exposure using currency futures, so that we have a hedge giving Swiss
Francs/+ Australian dollars. The sensitivities of the two futures contracts are:
We can check this quickly by a simple example. If the Swiss Franc is SFr1.75/$, the
futures contract is 0.5714. If the dollar depreciates to SFr1.65/$, the futures
contract becomes 0.6061.
To neutralise the cross-exposure, we sell Swiss Franc futures and buy Australian
dollar ones. This gives a spread relationship:
SFr/ US$
The dollar element washes out, to give us SFr/+AUD, the required sensitivity for
our hedge.
14 The correct answer is B. The pseudo-American adjustment for dividends involves
calculating the option price to the ex-dividend date and to expiry to determine
which is the more valuable. The higher price is then taken to be the option price.
Note that this adjustment slightly undervalues the American-style option since the
holder does not need to decide to exercise up to the ex-dividend date.
15 The correct answer is C. If the bank wants to hedge out its currency and interest-
rate risk, it will borrow the currency it is due to receive in the forward market
(sterling), exchange this in the spot market for the currency it is due to pay away (US
dollars) and invest these to the maturity of the transaction.
16 The correct answer is C. Fundamental financial instruments are those securities issued
by firms in order to raise capital and borrow money, that is, the source of their
funding. They are necessary instruments for firms to engage in economic activity,
hence their fundamental nature.
17 The correct answer is D. The attraction of over-the-counter contracts is that they
offer a wide range of underlying assets on which contracts can be written and an
unlimited range of expiry dates in comparison to exchange-traded contracts. This is
due to the fact that they are bilateral agreements entered into directly by the two
parties. However, this leads to each side taking on unlimited credit risk with the
18 The correct answer is C. The value of the subsidy in sterling will be the difference in
the interest cost at-market of 5.2 per cent and at the subsidised rate of 4.3 per cent.
This comes to US$632347. We need the sterling amount, which is US$632347
1.60 395217.
19 The correct answer is A. The total sterling amount will be US$25000000
US$632347, being the present value of the subsidy, divided by $1.6 = 15229783.
The annual payments = 15229783 4.1557 3664812.
20 The correct answer is A. Unlike a terminal instrument, an option does allow the user
to decide at what rate to hedge and, if market conditions should so indicate it allows
the holder to let the contract lapse, giving the user the choice of the better of the
market price or the contracted rate at expiry.
21 The correct answer is C. To decrease (rather than increase) the portfolios exposure
to the market, futures will need to be sold. The formula for determining the correct
number of futures will be:
Value of portfolio
Value of futures contract
Substituting, we have:
0.70 0.95
980 250
This gives 234.7. So we need to sell (short) 235 contracts.
22 The correct answer is B. A replicating portfolio is a package of securities and
borrowing and lending designed to give the same payoff as another financial
23 The correct answer is B. The implied cost of carry for copper is: $1300
$1200 $100. The implied storage cost 0.08 0.06 0.02.
24 The correct answer is D. We want to set up an arbitrage to receive the higher-priced
asset, in this case the forward price in Deutschemarks (the interest-rate parity
forward price = DM1.7359). So we borrow DM and invest spot in dollars and
contract to pay dollars and receive Deutschemarks forward. The resultant benefit is
shown in the following table:
Case Study 1
1 SteamGas is facing transaction exposure since it has a payable (a cash outflow in
three years) in Deutschemarks whereas its operational, base or reporting currency is
sterling. As a result, if the company does not hedge the exposure:
the company will make a gain if sterling appreciates against the Deutschemark
over the exposure period;
the company will make a loss if sterling depreciates over the period.
The exposure can be illustrated graphically using a risk profile:
Sterling depreciation
against the DM
2.10 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.90
Sterling appreciation
against the DM
The extent of the possible loss will be dictated by how far sterling might have
moved away from the current spot rate (DM2.50/).
given at the start of Module 11 and, for the assessment steps firms need to make
when identifying exposures, at the start of Module 12.
2 A forward contract is a bilateral agreement where the two parties agree the price at
which to buy or sell an asset, instrument, currency, commodity, deposit, product or
security at some mutually agreed date in the future.
The two parties, known as counterparties, will agree at the outset the price or rate,
the amounts, delivery conditions and other elements that define their benefits and
obligations. Both parties are contractually committed to perform under the agree-
ment regardless of what happens to the market price of the elements of the
exchange. This means that there is an incentive for one or other party not to
perform if, by not doing so, they would be better off. Consequently, forward
contracts are subject to performance risk.
Examiners comments on Case Study 1, Question 2
Forward contracts are introduced in Module 2 when the derivatives building
blocks are introduced. Module 3 covers forward contracts in detail: the use of a
currency forward is used to illustrate the nature of the forward contract in
Section 3.2.
A complete answer should make reference not just to the specific elements of
the contract, but also to its bilateral nature and the problem of counterparty
risk in such bilateral contracts.
3 The forward exchange rate for the long-term foreign exchange transaction (LTFX)
is derived using:
where and are the appropriate interest rates for the foreign and domestic
currencies. To find the appropriate currency, we need to have the zero-coupon rate
(spot interest rate) for the currency pair. Since there is a bid-offered spread on the
LTFX, this involves four calculations:
The value of the zero-coupon rate (spot rate) for Year 2 is computed by:
1.0625/.94104 0.5 .
The price relative for the three-year period = 1.063885 3 1.20416 (offer).
The price relative for the three-year period = 1.061354 1.19559 (bid).
3. Deutschemark offered rate
The price relative for the three-year period = 1.057574 1.182855 (bid).
The two forward points for three years will therefore be:
borrow sterling and invest in Deutschemarks:
2.50 1.182855/1.20416 2.4558
borrow Deutschemarks and invest in sterling:
2.50 1.191359/1.19559 2.4912
This result shows that SteamGas would need 100000000/2.4558
40719928 to meet its payable obligation.
If, on the other hand, it uses the banks quote, it would need
100000000/2.4750 40404040
The banks quote allows the company to achieve its risk reduction objective at less
cost (and saving 315888).
Case Study 2
1 There are two states of the world and two unknowns, hence:
105 105 99.06
120 20 50
We solve for 2:
105 105 99.06
105 17.5 43.75
87.5 55.31
We solve for 1 knowing 2:
105 105 0.6321 99.06
105 66.37 99.06
105 99.06 66.37
105 32.69
The two state specific discount factors are for state one = 0. 3113 and state two =
0.6321. The risk-free discount rate = 0.9434, that is 6 per cent 1/.9434 1
100% .
The values for the pure-state contingent securities A and B with a payoff of 1 are
Security Price 1 2
State A .3113 1 0
State B .6321 0 1
State of the
State 1 2
Security A payoff 120 20
Guarantee 30
Resultant payoff 120 50
Case Study 3
1 To price the option, we can use the BlackScholes model and adjust for the known
dividends. The asset value for the model with known value leakage must adjust the
index (asset) level for the loss in value over the option period. This is:
25 70 48
4500 24.875 69.304 47.285
Substituting, we have:
4358.536 0.09
ln 0.06 0.25
4600 2
0.05392 0.02625
0.18447 0.15
We now need to find and from the table:
0.18 0.42858
0.19 0.42465
Interpolating between the two, we have 0.42682
0.33 0.37070
0.34 0.36693
and 0.36901
Substituting into the BlackScholes top equation, we have:
. .
4358.536 0.42682 4600 0.36901
This gives a value for the call of 188.135 in index points. The price per put is
therefore 1881.35 since each point is worth 10.
2 To hedge out the market risk, John Smith needs to solve the equation:
Portfolio value Index value
The share portfolio = 1.25 400000 = 500000 and its beta is 0.90.
The index value, adjusted for the known loss of dividends, is 4358.536. The value is
10 per point.
The equation is therefore:
0.90 500000 43582.36 10.32
Part-contracts cannot be bought, so Smith will want to hold 10 call contracts.
3 The initial stage is to reprice the puts. Now there are only two months to go and so
we have a new, adjusted value for the index (I*):
4350 70 48
The new option value is:
4232.827 0.09
ln 0.06 0.1667
4600 2
0.08319 0.0175
0.53633 0.122474
We therefore have and as 0.29587 and 0.25501.
The call value is:
. .
4232.827 0.29587 4600 0.25501
This gives a value for the call of 90.97. So each call is worth 909.70.
We can now work out the economics of the transaction. The change in value of the
portfolio and the calls is given as:
The net gain is 108000 7215.50 = 100784.50. Therefore John Smith is ahead
on his investment!
4 The binomial option model assumes that for a given step, the price can only
increase or decrease at a given rate. The option period is sub-divided into an
appropriate number of steps to provide an accurate estimate of the options price.
The tree of prices is then used evaluate numerically the option at each point in the
lattice. For an option subject to value leakage, it is possible to adjust the option price
explicitly at each point for the loss of value from a dividend or other payment at the
required point in such a way that the lattice has a lower value thereafter.
If we have a four-stage lattice and the asset price is expected to change by two per
stage and we anticipate a dividend of five in Period 3, the unadjusted and adjusted
lattices look as in the following figure.
Lattice with price change of 2 106
with no value leakage
102 102
96 96
Lattice with price change of 2
with no value leakage of 5 at 106
period 3
102 102
100 100 95
98 98
96 91
Examination Two
1. Issue the one-year bond in the ratio of 89.00/95.24 = 0.9345 nominal to get
enough to buy the two-year bond.
2. Sell the forward contract and enter into the obligation to deliver the bond in one
years time for (0.9345 time the face amount = 94.00).
3. Hold the two-year at 89.00 to give 94.00 from selling the forward contract.
4. The net position in one year is to receive 94.00 from selling the contract and use
the proceeds to redeem the one-year bond at 93.45.
5. The net gain is 0.55 of the investment, without incurring any interest-rate risk
since all the elements of the transaction are determined at the onset.
Note that, if you understood the nature of the price relationships, calculating what
the two-year bond is worth in one years time at the current market rate of interest
of 6 per cent will tell you which of the transactions will make money if any: 89.00
1.04 = 93.45. Hence the forward contract is trading dear to its fair value, that is,
prices for interest-rate-sensitive securities being inversely related to yields. Under
these circumstances, the arbitrage transaction involves selling the expensive element
the forward.
3 The correct answer is C. The prices of the bonds are used to derive the price
A 1.0601
C 1.2423
The implied forward interest rate for one year in one years time 1.2423
1.0601 1.17186. The annualised rate 1.17186 . 1 100% 8.25%.
4 The correct answer is A. The duration of the portfolio can be found by adding the
weights of the various bonds times their maturity, since the Macaulays duration of a
zero-coupon bond is equal to the bonds maturity and dividing the total by the
present value of the portfolio:
1 2000 2 4000 3 4000
2.2 years
5 The correct answer is A. An amortising swap will reduce the amount of notional
principal, in the case of an interest-rate swap, and the actual principal in the case of
a cross-currency swap over the swaps life. To do this, we need a series of swaps
with the same start date but different maturity dates, reflecting the points at which
the principal amount is stepped down.
6 The correct answer is D. The putcall parity theorem defines the following
Rearranging the equation, we can derive D, where .
7 The correct answer is D. While arbitrage of derivatives using cash market
instruments does take place, a number of real world problems arise that can lead a
market participant to forego the a possible profit opportunity. These can relate to
simplifications in the models used for pricing derivatives which mean that the price
derived from the model and what actually might occur may deviate (A), differences
in the timing between the cash flows on the derivative and the replicating portfolio
(B), and differences in the way taxation authorities treat gains and losses on the
replicating portfolio and the derivative (C).
8 The correct answer is A. Hedging, in the context of derivatives markets, can be
considered a special case of risk reduction. With risk reduction a proportion of the
risk is managed through appropriate trading in derivatives. Hedging seeks to
eliminate all of the underlying market risk.
9 The correct answer is A. A delta/gamma neutral strategy will require the existing
gamma (or rate of change in delta) to be neutralised. The position is short 1100
gamma: to neutralise this, we buy options (giving a positive gamma): 1100 1.25 =
880. So we buy 880 of the delta 0.55 options. By doing this, we unbalance the delta
of the position, so we now need to adjust the position in the underlying. We have
bought options so need to sell (delta underlying per option) = 880 0.55 = 484
of the underlying asset.
10 The correct answer is C. There are two possibilities in insuring a long-asset position
against unfavourable outcomes (that is, price declines). By buying puts, the holder
has the right to sell the assets at a guaranteed minimum price. An alternative strategy
is to sell calls. If the price declines, the call price falls and can be repurchased at a
lower price. This second strategy works best for small declines in the price.
11 The correct answer is B. The sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
12 The correct answer is A. The gamma sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
13 The correct answer is D. The theta sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
14 The correct answer is D. A stack hedge is, as its name implies, a derivatives position,
typically in short-dated futures contracts which match as closely as possible the
economic position in the exposure position. That is, if we had a five-year exposure
to the oil price, a stack hedge would use, say, futures contracts on crude oil with a
six months expiry, which are then rolled forward prior to expiry into subsequent
(short-term) positions, adjusting the hedge as necessary until the expiry of the
underlying exposure.
15 The correct answer is B. The break-even from buying calls will be: . The
premium is $0.0251 per so the break-even = $0.0251 + 1.680 = $1.7051. To
check that answer, we know each contract is worth 31250, so the total cost =
$781.375. We have the right to exchange 31250 at $1.680 = $52500, add the
premium, $781.38 = $53281.38 31250 = $1.705/.
16 The correct answer is C. If we have a sterling payable, we want to hold a call on the
quoted currency. A call allows us to buy the base currency (sterling) and sell the
quoted currency (dollars). A written call sells the base currency (Deutschemarks)
and buy the quoted currency (dollars). By writing the call, we reverse the profit
being made on the purchased put, in such a way that above the capped rate of 0.650,
for every 1 cent made on the put, we lose 1 cent on the written call. In setting up a
vertical spread or currency cylinder to cap our costs, at the expense of some
additional gain, we also sell a call on the currency. For instance, we buy $0.660
February put for $0.186 and sell the February $0.650 call for $0.074. The net cost =
$0.074 $0.186 = $0.112.
17 The correct answer is B. The cost-of-carry model will apply for the commodity. This
is the interest cost plus the storage cost, less any income (in this case zero) on the
asset. The prices will be therefore:
640.50 1.18 695.8
640.51 1.18 725.2
18 The correct answer is D. The diagram represents the payoff of a bearish vertical
spread strategy using options. The strategy involves buying a put with a high strike
price and selling a put with a lower strike price to offset the cost of setting
up the original position. The holder wins if the price falls to 2 but has any gains
capped by the loss from the written option at prices below 2 . Note that it can also
be established by selling a call with a low strike price and buying a call with a
high strike price .
19 The correct answer is C. The writer of a call option will receive the premium on the
option when the transaction is initiated and (if it is exercised) will sell the underlying
asset at the agreed strike price.
20 The correct answer is B. The minimum-variance hedge ratio is found by:
Minimum variance hedge ratio
21 The correct answer is A. The value that ACME International should place on the
option can be found by applying the option-pricing model to the situation. The
value change on the option will be +1, if the price increases to US$11 million, or 0,
if the price decreases to US$9 million. The price range is US$2 million. The options
delta is therefore 0.5. The cost of replicating the liability will be:
The value of the call will be: (US$5m) 4.370786381 = C. So each call is worth
22 The correct answer is C. The wheat price you require from holding wheat for one
month is $3.82. You can buy wheat for one-month delivery by buying futures for
$3.79. Therefore you should sell as much of your holding of physical wheat as
possible (that is, all commitments held physically for wheat with more than one-
month delivery) and buy futures. You make $0.03 per bushel in doing so.
23 The correct answer is D. The value of the shares in the portfolio is Number of
shares Share price = 215 310 = 66650.
We need to apply putcall parity to determine the correct price for calls that are
being offered by the investment bank since we cannot observe the call price directly.
Note that arbitrage conditions will ensure that this putcall parity price is the correct
fair value for the calls.
The putcall parity formula states that:
We have values for the present value of the strike price (PB(K)), the shares (S) and
the put (P), so rearranging we have:
215 22 50 0.9901
The total value of the package on offer from the transaction is: T-bills = 990.10
10 + 187.50 300 = 66151. The current portfolio is worth 66650, so there is a
loss of 499 on the transaction.
24 The correct answer is B. A cap is a sequence of written or purchased calls on a
particular asset or interest rate. The cap will determine the maximum possible gain
or cost on an asset or rate. Hence the term, since it caps the gain or caps the cost.
25 The correct answer is C. To determine how many puts are required, we need to
work out the relationship of put price value change to portfolio change as:
Case Study 1
1 The bank will be concerned about the overall assetliability mismatch between its
funding sources and the asset. By holding a floating-rate asset, the bank is minimis-
ing this risk. The banks management might be unwilling to countenance a large
mismatch between its short-term deposit funding base and the five-year bond
The other element the bank will be concerned about is the price risk of holding the
bonds directly. Applying the bond valuation formula, we can see that a 1 per cent
change in interest rates will change the bond price by just under 4 per cent (3.9 per
cent). The valuation at 10 per cent is:
6 6
100 1.1 5 84.837
0.10 0.10
A change to 11 per cent gives 81.521 a loss of 3.316 of the principal value.
Marking the bonds to market (revaluing) in the balance sheet could have repercus-
sions for the bank with regulators, analysts, etc. if interest rates increased.
2 Fast Track Investment Bank is creating a synthetic floating-rate note package with a
payment to the bank of LIBOR + 0.20%. Using the data provided, the first step is
to back-out the zero-coupon rates and the relevant discount factors for the five
Zero-coupon Discount
Time Par yields rate Annuity factors
1 9.50% 9.5000% 0.91324 0.91324
2 9.59% 9.5943% 1.74582 0.83258
3 9.62% 9.6259% 2.50485 0.75903
4 9.69% 9.7053% 3.19523 0.69038
5 9.70% 9.7144% 3.82428 0.62905
The next step is to set out the cash flows from the bond and the swap used to
convert the fixed rate into the floating rate:
The analysis proceeds as follows. The bond costs $84.837, there is a requirement to
make up the off-market coupon on the bond by investing $14.1498, the present
value of the $3.7 coupon deficit to match the fixed rate. The bonds are being
offered with a 20 basis points margin; this costs 0.765 in present value terms. The
total value of the package is $99.75. Fast Track Investment Bank is therefore taking
out 0.25 of the principal in offering the transaction for a total cost of $100.
Whether that is acceptable to Builder Bank depends on its view of the attractions of
buying the package rather than doing it itself. There is a requirement to deposit
funds under this scheme to make up for the cash flow deficits on the swap and the
3 As in Question 2, the first step is to back out the zero-coupon discount rates that
are embedded in the par yield curve.
Zero-coupon Discount
Time Par yields rate Annuity factors
1 8.25% 8.25% 0.923788 0.923788
2 8.38% 8.3855% 1.775039 0.851252
3 8.45% 8.4598% 2.558819 0.78378
The next step is to value the swap. Since interest rates have changed, the swap will
now be off-market. We can value the swap as being the PV of the fixed rate
elements treated as a bond. Alternatively, it can be seen as the swaps required to
reverse the existing position.
Calculating the PV of the swap as a bond equivalent produces the figures in the
We can see that this is correct if we reverse the swap using the current par swaps
for the different maturities, as in the following table:
When the swap itself was originally established, it was used to swap an off-market
bond into floating rate. To do so, cash was deposited to match up with the then on-
market coupon. These cash deposits can now be realised. The present value of the
remaining cash deposits is as shown in the following table:
The last stage is to sum these various factors to see if the change in value of the
different elements has created a gain or a loss, as in the following table:
Element Value
Bond 93.129
Swap (3.199)
Deposit on swap 9.468
Deposit spread 0.512
Total 99.910
Investment (100.00)
Net position (0.090)
The analysis shows that terminating the swap at this time would result in a loss of 9
cents per bond compared to holding the bond in its synthetic floating-rate note
version to maturity. Obviously, if the bank can get a slightly better price than 93.129
on the bond with the other conditions unchanged, it would break even or make a
small profit.
Examiners comments on Case Study 1
This case involves elements from Module 5 on Swaps. Question 1 requires the
use of cash matching in working out how the bank might replicate the transac-
tion for itself. Note the important element of buying the spread over LIBOR. All
assets can be priced at any required investment spread simply by buying the
appropriate annuity stream.
To understand Question 3, it is necessary to unbundle the transaction and be
careful in working out what the seller is entitled to. So the present value of the
20 basis point spread that the bank is earning belongs to the bank if the synthet-
ic floating-rate note is unwound. (Note that we could have considered this
question in another way: what is the value of a floating-rate note in the market?
This would have shown what the seller is giving up to the buyer.)
Case Study 2
1 A protective put strategy is designed to provide insurance against a potential fall in
the market and hence the portfolios value while, at the same time, providing the
holder with the opportunity to profit from any increase.
The essence of the put strategy is to hold sufficient puts so that the increase in their
value compensates for the fall in the portfolio holding. The structure is illustrated in
the following figure with the simple buy and hold shown as an alternative:
Performance loss on
upside (market increases)
Premium from cost of buying the puts
Floor to the
portfolio value
The put is superior to the buy and hold strategy at prices where the market has
fallen below , where is the strike price, the index level and the
premium on the puts. It will deliver on the upside. In the intervening areas,
the exact performance characteristics will depend on the market level at expiry or
when the hedge is removed. Note that the effect is to guarantee a minimum
portfolio value equal to .
Another attraction of the strategy is that it allows the portfolio manager to maintain
the (selected) portfolio which may outperform the index through stock selection or
2 To price the option, we need apply Mertons continuous-dividend version of the
BlackScholes model. The top equation and sub-equations for 1 and 2 for this
model are, for calls:
(To use this version, we then apply the putcall parity theorem.)
To find puts directly, we rearrange the above to give:
: 0.25
: 4800
: 4400
: 3%
: 7%
: 0.25
2 0.0625
(a) time decay: as the option moves towards expiry, the delta will decline since the
options are out-of-the-money. Time decay most affects the options value when
it is nearing expiry;
(b) change in interest rates: this affects the value of 1 and the discounting of the strike
price in the valuation of the option. Option values, on the whole, are not too
sensitive to a small change in interest rates;
(c) relationship of the strike price to the index value: changes here affect 1 and the value of
the call or put as derived by the BlackScholes/Merton equation;
(d) volatility: the option price is very sensitive to changes in volatility. An increase will
significantly change the options delta. If the volatility were to increase from 0.25
to 0.26, the options delta would change from 0.2009 to 0.2086 a factor of
3.8 per cent.
Examiners comments on Case Study 2, Question 4
To answer Question 4 requires an understanding of the sensitivity factors of
options. These are discussed in detail in Module 9 of Financial Risk Management
Case Study 3
1 We need to compute the price relatives for the two spot periods of 3 months and 6
months, namely:
3 months 9 months
Interest rate 6.35
Time period .25
Interest rate 6.60
Time period .75
Interest rate ?
Time period .50
2 The customer has bought the FRA. From the banks perspective then, it will need to
payout if interest rates are above 6.62 per cent. On the other hand, it will receive
money if the interest rate is below the FRA rate.
To protect itself from movements in the interest rate, it will need to enter into the
following transactions:
Borrow for 9 months at 6.60 per cent
Lend for 3 months at 6.35 per cent
Relend for 6 months after the 3 months initial period at the prevailing 6-month
interest rate in 3 months time
The effect of this is to eliminate the interest rate risk on the FRA. If the rate is
above 6.60 per cent at the maturity of the FRA, it will be compensated by being able
to invest the rollover of funds at the higher rate in the market. If the rate is below
the FRA rate, the opposite happens: the customer compensates the bank for the
lower interest rate it can obtain on the six month deposit in the market.
3 This is an application of Blacks options on futures contracts, where the basic
equations are:
where the sub-equations are:
The key issue here is to convert the FRA rate into a price: The variables we require
to price the fraption are:
The value of the FRA, and by extension that of the strike since they are equal is
found by:
Notional principal 1000000
Notional principal tenor 1000000 0.5 500000
Notional principal tenor interest rate 500000 .0662 33100
Future annuity factor (future value of an annuity factor for r% for n periods):
2. Covered Arbitrage
Spot rate
Simple interest
R , G ,
Compound interest
Arbitrage channel
1 1
Convenience yield
Compound interest
1 1 1
Simple interest
1 1 1
Settlement amount
7. Hedge Ratio
Option delta
Amount borrowed
Risk-neutral probability
Value of a call
or more simply:
or equivalently:
1 1
1 1
Adjustments to delta
European-style call option on a stock index with a dividend yield (d):
European-style put option on a stock index with a dividend yield (d):
European-style call option on a futures contract:
European-style put option on a futures contract:
European-style call option on a currency:
European-style put option on a currency:
Significance of N(d2)
Lambda elasticity
Computational formula:
European-style calls:
European-style puts:
Rho for calls:
Rho for puts:
Underlier paying a continuous dividend:
Currency options
Call option on currency:
Put option on currency:
Options on futures
Futures call:
Futures put:
Commodity options
Call on a commodity:
1 1 2
14. Hedging
Hedging effectiveness
Futures spread
Equity hedging
different approaches. The principal ones that concern us are given in the following
Interest rate products are traded in two major markets, the money markets and
the bond markets, which use different conventions. Money markets use simple
interest and often discount the interest paid in order to simplify transactions. The
principal method for calculating interest is known as bank discount. Bond markets
where maturities are longer use compound interest.
Simple Interest
This simply involves multiplying the interest rate times the period involved (or if
less than a year, the fraction of the year involved). The future value using simple
interest will be:
The present value will therefore be:
This is the principal method used in money markets. However, for historical
reasons money markets use a variation on simple interest known as bank discount.
This involves a basis year rather than the actual number of days in the year.
One slight real world complication in money markets is that, typically, the year
(although 365 or 366 days) is treated as if it consists of 360 days (known as bank
basis) so the divisor is 360, not the actual number of days in the year. That is a loan
at a bank will cost the borrower 1.01389 times more than the stated amount of
interest. A 1-year loan at 4 percent for $100000 at simple interest will have interest
$100000 0.05 $5069.44
That is the real interest rate is 5.069 per cent, the difference reflecting the day-
count convention.
Bank Discount
The value of a money market instrument using this approach is based on the
Where P is the price, M the monetary value of the transaction, t is the time (or
number of days) to maturity and d is the discount rate used to price the transaction.
To calculate the equivalent interest rate, given the discount rate:
where i is the simple interest rate.
To calculate the discount rate, given the interest rate:
Bank discount is used to price US treasury bills.
If M = 100 then the market price of a treasury bill will be:
100 1
360 100
1 1
If we want to obtain an actual days discount factor for use in fundamental equa-
tion number 1, then we need to convert the interest calculation.
If we have a 90-day US treasury bill trading at a discount of 4.50 per cent, the
equivalent interest rate will be:
1 1 0.0450 90/360
If we need the continuously compounded rate, then we simply convert the com-
pound rate using the formula:
ln 1 ln 1.046953 0.045884
Using the continuously compounded rate to value the T-bill would involve:
. /
The interest rates can be summarised as:
Correctly applying the formulas with each will give the same present value. The
ones that concern us principally are compound interest and its relation continuously
compounded interest. When faced with simple interest or bank discount rate, we
would want to convert these to one of the other methods for calculating interest (or
the present value).
Actual/365 or Actual/Actual. This method calculates the accrued interest by
multiplying the principal amount times the interest rate times the number of days in
the period, divided by 36500. In the case of a leap year it is the number of actual
days in the period divided by 36600. Note that the convention is to treat the starting
day, as the appropriate day in the year hence the interest day from 31st December to
1st January is part of the earlier year.
A 6 per cent coupon US$1000 Treasury bond for the period November 30 to
March 31 (a leap year) would be 122 days, but because US Treasury issues are
calculated on an Actual/Actual basis, then we need to segregate, the interest into the
normal year and the leap year.
This method of accruing interest is used for US Treasury notes and bonds and
some US Dollar denominated interest rate swaps.
Coupon or Interest Frequency: The great majority of fixed rate bonds pay
interest (coupons) either once or twice a year (known as annual or semi-annual
basis). Note also that to ease trading, the vast majority of securities issued in a
particular market will tend to follow the markets accepted convention for interest
frequency. Occasionally, specialised securities may use different methods, for
example: Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and floating rate notes
(FRNs) which may pay interest quarterly or even monthly).
For semi-annual securities, like US government notes and bonds, the coupon
payment frequency is semi-annual, hence the formula becomes:
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
where y is therefore the semi-annual yield expressed as an annual rate by multiplying
by two.
Note that if we are calculating the price of a bond between coupon dates, then
we will obtain what is known as the dirty price. That is, we have the price of the
bond including the amount of accrued interest due.
The equation for calculating the dirty price is similar to the basic yield calculation
in that:
1 1 1 1
Number of days between settlement and next coupon payment
Number of days in the coupon period
However, for simplicity in order that prices only change when yields change,
bond prices are quoted excluding accrued interest (AI). This is known as the clean
price. It is simply the full value of the bond less any accrued interest due, namely:
Quoted price
Number of days from last coupon payment to settlement date
Number of days in coupon period
Conversion Between Bases
The frequency with which interest payments are made and the method of calcu-
lating interest is different in different markets.
To compare different instruments requires us to calculate the interest on the
same basis; we therefore need to convert between the different methods of calculat-
ing interest. For example:
A 2-year loan pays interest at 6 per cent semi-annually on an Actual/360 basis.
Assuming each period is an exact half year, what would be the equivalent interest
rate if the interest were paid annually on an actual/365 basis (i.e. bond basis).
If the annual equivalent rate is taken to be x per cent, the two cash flows are:
Year Semi-annual Annual (SA A)
0.5 3.0417 0 3.0147
1.0 3.0417 3.0147
1.5 3.0417 0 3.0147
2.0 103.0417 100 3.0147
For the two loans to be equivalent the PV of the two cash flows must be equal.
Therefore, the PV of the difference column must be zero.
The PV will be zero if the PV of the first years cash flow = 0. This will happen if
3.0417/ 1 0.5 3.0417/ 1 1 / 1 .
If we assume that the required discount rate on the semi annual (sa) payment = 5
per cent; substituting we have:
1.05 2.9684 2.8969
Which is 6.1586 per cent.
The same method of equating PV will allow us to convert between any pair of
interest bases.
Note the difference in result, if we had simply converted the semi-annual pay-
ments to annual equivalent, using the following formula and adjusted for the day
1 1 100
This would give:
6.9% 1 1 100
To convert for the basis difference, would result in6.09 365/360 6.1746%,
compared to our earlier answer of 6.1586 per cent.
For complete accuracy, one should use the discount factor defined by the zero
coupon term structure of interest rates, using an exact day count incorporating
holidays and weekends. This is especially important for short-term cash flows.
1 1
To see how it works in practice, take the following five period par yield curve.
Note that since the first period has no intervening coupon payments the par yield
equals the zero-coupon rate.
Period Par yield coupon /
1 0.04 0.04 1.04 1.04 0.96154
2 0.041 0.04102 1.041 1.08372 1.88428
3 0.042 0.04206 1.042 1.13155 2.76803
4 0.043 0.04311 1.043 1.18392 3.61268
5 0.044 0.04418 1.044 1.24132 4.41828
Module 1
Review Questions
1.4 The correct answer is D. A futures contract is an instrument whose value depends
on the values of other more fundamental underlying variables (A). It is exchange-
traded and is a contract to buy (if long) or sell (if short) an asset or security for a
specified price or rate (as with exchange rates) on a specified future date (B). It is an
agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a certain price
1.5 The correct answer is A. There are institutional differences between futures and
forward contracts in the way that they operate. Futures are exchange-traded and
have standardised terms and conditions, whereas forwards do not. These are minor
operational differences which have some impact on the way that market participants
might use the two instruments but economically, the two instruments perform the
same functions.
1.6 The correct answer is A. A swap is an agreement between two parties, known as the
counterparties, to exchange two different sets of future periodic cash flows.
1.7 The correct answer is B. An exotic option is an option that has non-standard terms
and conditions. So an average rate option (AVRO) is an exotic option.
1.8 The correct answer is A. The major issue that prevents market participants from
using forward contracts is the threat that the counterparty will default on their
obligation. Note that, given their customised characteristics, the lack of counterpar-
ties willing to act on the other side of the transaction or that there may be no
transactions available with the right maturity do not create problems for market
participants. Futures do restrict the available maturity dates.
1.9 The correct answer is B. Fundamental financial instruments are those securities
issued by firms in order to raise capital and borrow money. They are necessary
instruments, hence their fundamental nature, for firms to engage in economic
1.10 The correct answer is B. With transactions A, C and D, there is a defined exit from
the transactions being undertaken. With B the only way to make a profit is by
reversing the transactions being entered into when the profit has been realised.
Taking a view on the outcome of a takeover attempt is not deterministic arbitrage.
So this is the odd one out and hence B is the answer.
1.11 The correct answer is D. With dynamic arbitrage, the replicating portfolio is
rebalanced over time (according to some predetermined criteria) in order to
maintain the correct relationship to the derivative security being arbitraged.
1.12 The correct answer is A. A replicating portfolio is a package of securities and
borrowing and lending designed to give the same payoff as another financial
1.13 The correct answer is B. Fundamental financial instruments (FFI) are those
securities or transactions that raise finance for firms (and governments) and hence B
is not a FFI. A call option on a share is a derivative instrument, which obtains its
value from the price behaviour of the share.
1.14 The correct answer is C. The replicating portfolio involves [1] buying the
commodity in the spot market at $1200, [2] borrowing the purchase price and [3]
selling the commodity into the forward contract at $1255. The interest cost of
borrowing is $48, so the arbitrageur nets a profit of $7.
1.15 The correct answer is A. The replicating transaction involves [1] borrowing
US$1.7425 million for six months (giving $1764146.79 to be repaid at maturity, [2]
exchanging these dollars into sterling at the spot rate = 1 million, investing this at
the sterling interest rate to give 1018577.44. [3] Exchanging this into US dollars
gives $1770796.88, giving a net profit of $6650.
1.16 The correct answer is B. Hedging, in the context of derivatives markets, can be
considered a special case of risk reduction. With risk reduction a proportion of the
risk is managed through appropriate trading in derivatives. Hedging seeks to
eliminate all of the risk.
1.17 The correct answer is A. The general rule for undertaking arbitrage is this: buy low
and sell high which means, in terms of derivatives, selling a derivative instrument
when its price is above its theoretical or fair value price.
1.18 The correct answer is D. While arbitrage of derivatives using cash market
instruments does take place, a number of real world problems arise. These can relate
to simplifications in the models used for pricing derivatives (A), timing differences
between the cash flows on the derivative and the replicating portfolio (B) and
differences in the way taxation authorities treat gains and losses on the replicating
portfolio and the derivative (C).
For security 1 this is the same in both possible future states of the economy so this
debt security is risk-free. For security 2, the value of the equity can either increase or
decrease and hence this is a risky security.
We can plot the price relative of the securities on a diagram as follows together with
the possible combinations of holding fractional investments in the debt and equity
Price relative for good conditions
Security 2 (equity)
2.0 Payoffs available from combining
long positions in securities 1 and 2
Security 1 (debt)
You will see that security 1 the debt claim, which falls on the diagonal of the two
possible price relatives for the two states, is value independent of the state of the
economy. As such it is risk-free. By holding this security, there is no exposure to the
state of the economy. We can create a portfolio which is more exposed to the
economy by holding a fraction of ones wealth () in the debt security (D) and
investing the remainder in the equity security (E).
This is the solid line that links the price relative of the debt and equity. If we have
1, all the portfolio is invested in the debt security with a payoff of 105 whatever
happens and is risk-free. If is zero, then all the investment is in the equity security.
Our payoffs are 120 or 30 depending on the state of the economy. Given that, for a
unit investment in the risky security we are guaranteed at least 30, we can use this
fact to borrow against this certain value. That is we can leverage the portfolio by
setting to be negative and borrowing and agreeing to pay back this borrowed
money plus interest in one years time. Investing this in the equity provides us with a
leveraged position in the equity security.
Security 2 (equity)
Price relative for good conditions
Payoffs available from combining
long positions in securities 1 and 2
Security 1 (debt)
Payoff available from combining long
and short positions in securities 1 and 2
with a positive payoff in poor
conditions, and zero payoff in
45 good conditions
This shows that by simply borrowing the debt security, which is risk-free, and
investing in the risky equity security we are able to create a derivative security which
performs well if the economy does well. In the same way, but now doing the
opposite, namely investing in the risk-free debt security and selling short the risky
security, we have created a derivative security that does well if the economy does
We can think of these two securities as a call and put option respectively.
If we have one of each type of claim with a payoff of one in each state, we have:
Good Poor
economic economic
Claim Present value conditions conditions
Derivative security 1 Price relative = 2.86; 1 0
(call security) 1/2.86 .349
Derivative security 2 Price relative = 1.66; 0 1
(put security) 1/1.66 .603
Sum .952 1 1
The return you get is 1/.952 1.05. This is the same as the risk-free return. This
makes sense since holding both claims is equal to holding the risk-free debt claim
which gives a guaranteed return in both good and poor economic conditions.
This suggests an alternative way of valuing the securities. We now have the condi-
tion that for the derivative security 1, we have:
Where is the fractional investment in the debt claim and delta D is the holding in
the equity claim. Delta is the ratio of the contingent claim value change to the equity
value change, namely:
1 0
120 30
Solving for gives D = .333, but this is the value at t=1. Discounting at the risk-free
rate gives a present value of the fractional investment in the debt of .317.
And derivative security 2, we have:
The delta is found by:
0 1
120 30
Solving for the second derivative security gives a present value of .635.
So security 1 costs .317 today for every one paid in a good economic state in one
years time or nothing if the economy does poorly and, similarly, security 2
costs .635 for every one paid in the poor economic conditions in one years time, or
nothing if the economy does well.
Module 2
Review Questions
2 The approach involves both buying and selling an option on the same underlying
but for different strike prices. The first option establishes the position, the second
reverses the effect. The structure works as shown in the following figure.
+ +
This illustrates how a position sensitive to price increases is created: the same is
done using puts to create a position sensitive to price decreases.
The initial option makes a profit up to the point at which the higher starting option
that has been sold starts to make losses. The gains and losses cancel and the
resultant payoff profile of the bottom right-hand quarter is obtained. To get the
vertical bear spread, we use puts instead of calls and the payoff is linked to a fall in
the price of the underlying.
Module 3
Review Questions
Note that we get $733.72 if we assume storage costs are paid at the end of the
3.7 The correct answer is A. The replacement cost of a contract is the cost of replacing
the contract in the market in the event of default by the other party. We need to
value the current equivalent contract. Since the cost-of-carry model applies, a three
months delivery forward on the asset would sell for 875.80 1.065 0.25 = 889.70.
The current contract is priced at 950.25 so the replacement cost to the buyer is zero
since the value is above the replacement value. (Note that for the seller, the contract
has a positive value.)
3.8 The correct answer is A. The prices of the two contracts will be a function of the
prevailing interest rate and maturity before the contract is exercised. The first
contract will be equal to: 450.25 1.085 . 459.53 and the second will be
equal to: 450.25 1.085 . 469.00.
3.9 The correct answer is D. The correct answer is that forward contracts are traded
directly between participants (II), the terms and conditions are mutually agreed (III)
and the contract will perfectly hedge an exposure (VI).
3.10 The correct answer is B. The major cause of credit problems in forward contracts is
the risk that a counterparty will not honour (i.e., default on) their obligation to
perform under the contract.
3.11 The correct answer is C. Whereas a forward contract may be illiquid, some contracts
such as foreign exchange forwards are highly liquid so A may not apply. Equally, by
entering into a forward, the underlying position remains although the price risk is
removed, so answer B is incorrect. A forward contract will exchange a high proba-
bility of price changes in the asset or contract underlier in the future against the low
probability of non-performance.
3.12 The correct answer is D. In the forwards markets an arbitrageur will sell the cash
instrument and buy the forward if the forward is trading cheap to the cash.
3.13 The correct answer is C. When looking at the bid-offer spreads in cash and forward
markets for similar transactions, one might expect the bid-offer spread on the
forwards to be smaller than those for the cash markets, reflecting the fact there is
more credit risk attached to the forward.
3.14 The correct answer is D. The forward-start rate of deposit will be the implied three
months rate in three months time expressed as an annualised rate:
The annualised rate 1.02134 1.088128 8.8128%
3.15 The correct answer is C. The delay in the interest rate is three months, so is 3. The
actual interest rate period is also three months, so is also 3. The market would call
the agreement a 3 versus 6 agreement.
3.16 The correct answer is A. When using simple interest, we need to apply the simple
interest formula to determine the implied forward rate. The 18-month period is
found by:
1 0.089375 1.1341
No adjustment is required for the 12-month rate, so 1.1341 / 1.0875 = 1.04282.
Subtracting 1, we multiply out the result to get the six-months rate in 12 months
time = 8.5632%.
3.17 The correct answer is C. In an FRA transaction, the buyer contracts to pay at the
contractual rate. If the rate is below the contracted rate, the buyer pays the differ-
ence, as in the question. The FRA will require the payment of the difference
between the contracted rate and the actual rate (i.e. 8.25% 7.875%) of 0.375% for
six months. This is equal to 100000000 0.375% 0.5 187500. This has to
be present valued to the start of the period: 187500 1 0.7875/2
180397 .
3.18 The correct answer is D. The payment on an FRA depends on whether the
settlement rate is above or below the fixed rate on the FRA. If the settlement rate is
above the contract rate, the seller makes a payment. This is calculated as 6.375%
6.15% = 0.225%. The cash amount at maturity = 0.225% US$20 million
91/360 (US dollars use a 360 day basis) = US$11375. This has to be present valued
at the settlement rate of 6.375% for the 91 days: US$11194.
3.19 The correct answer is A. In a foreign exchange swap, the cash flows at the start date
are reversed at the maturity date. The initial exchange involves a sale of US dollars,
so these are received back at maturity. So we want to pay sterling and receive US
dollars. The forward value will be based on the forward outright exchange rate of
1.6351. 5 million 1.6351 US$8175500.
3.20 The correct answer is A. To reverse a foreign-exchange swap you need to undertake
offsetting transactions to eliminate your position. The initial transaction involved an
initial sale of US dollars (receipt of sterling) with a corresponding purchase of US
dollars (sale of sterling) at the forward date. The set of cash flows is as follows:
3.21 The correct answer is A. Given the information, we can construct the cash flows
from the two sets of transactions and the net position when all the contracts mature
as follows:
The table shows that the net loss after all payments have been made and received is
3.22 The correct answer is C. The transaction will be undertaken at the forward outright
exchange rate of US$1.6351/. This makes a US$ amount of US$13080800 (8
million US$1.6351).
3.23 The correct answer is A. The swap has to be closed out by transacting on the
opposite side to eliminate the unwanted liabilities. Sterling is the base and the
amount is constant. The cash flows look as follows:
3.24 The correct answer is B. In a SAFE, the buyer is the party which notionally obtains
the base or primary currency of the SAFE contract at the settlement date (and hence
sells the foreign currency) and repays the primary currency at the maturity date (and
hence repurchases the foreign currency).
3.25 The correct answer is B. In the forwards markets an arbitrageur will buy the cash
instrument and sell the forward if the forward is expensive relative to the cash.
3.26 The correct answer is C. To work out the value of the swap, we need to revalue it in
line with current market conditions. The table below shows the initial value and the
current value at the prevailing exchange rate.
The swap had an initial value of DM130000 (ignoring interest, etc.). The revaluation
in which the transaction is notionally reversed shows that the swap has a negative
value of DM110000 if closed out after one month. Summing, the result is a positive
value of DM20000 on the swap.
3.27 The correct answer is C. The forward swap points reflect the interest rate
differentials between the two currencies. The forward outright rate for the two
currencies for the three-month period will be:
0.6575 .
The difference is 0.0022, or 22 points.
Note if you had used simple interest (which is the market convention), the result
would have been the same:
1 0.05125 0.25
0.6575 0.6597
1 0.0375 0.25
3.28 The correct answer is B. The forward swap points reflect the interest rate
differential between the two currencies. The swap points will be positive if the
quoted currency has a higher interest rate than the base currency. The swap points
will be negative if the quoted currency has a lower interest rate than the base
currency. In the question, the swap points are negative (124) so the US dollar has a
lower interest rate than the euro. The numbers were taken from actual market data.
The one-year interest rate differential was 1.3 per cent. The one-year US dollar rate
was quoted at 1.95 per cent and the euro rate as 3.23 per cent.
2 At the settlement date, the three-month interest rate is now R whereas the fixed rate
is 7.28 per cent.
The FRA settlement formula is:
15000000 0.0728 91 360
1 91 360
There are 91 days from 1 April to 1 July.
The initial part requires us to calculate the value for R > 7.28 per cent when R =
7.85 per cent.
Since the company is locking in the rate, the bank pays the following:
15000000 0.0785 0.0728 91 360
1 0.0785 91 360
If the DM21192 is invested at 7.73 per cent (the bid side of the market) for 91 days
it becomes DM21606.07. The effective interest rate to the company on borrowing
therefore equals:
DM15000000 0.0785 91 360 21606.07 360
15000000 91
which equals 7.28 per cent, the contracted rate.
If, on the other hand, the interest rate is now 6.50 per cent, the following settlement
takes place:
15000000 0.0728 91 360
1 91 360
The bank (market maker) is paid:
15000000 0.0728 0.065 91 360
1 0.065 91 360
The total interest bill at maturity now becomes: DM29575 + DM246458 or a total
of DM276033, or 7.28 per cent on an annualised basis.
The exchange rate agreement (ERA) pays out on the basis of movements in the
forward points of the contract without regard to changes in the spot rate. The
formula for the ERA is:
Where 1(a) is the initial exchange (involving a sale of the base currency, if the ERA
is sold) and 3(b) is the repurchase at the forward date. The initial near date transac-
tion with the one-month maturity (1(a)) is reversed after one month at the new spot
rate (I). The net result is a loss on the near leg of $3.9 million. At the same time the
far date reversing purchase of the base currency is also closed out by selling the base
currency. This leads to a gain of $3.91 million. The difference is $10000, which
present valued at the two-month dollar interest rate gives a net loss of $9 930 as per
the ERA.
3 The settlement terms on an FXA are as follows:
Settlement amount
100 basis
where is the notional amount of currency exchanged at the maturity date (120
million), the notional amount of currency at the start date (100 million), is the
outright exchange rate at the settlement date ($1.19), the contract outright
exchange rate ($1.1529) and the other terms are as per the ERA in Question 1.
Substituting these values into the formula we have:
1.1529 0.0019 1.1900 0.0020
120m 100m 1.1529 1.1900
4.25 60
The value of the FXA is US$758999.
4 The explanation lies in the different nature of the two contracts. The ERA is based
solely on changes in the forward rate, while that of the FXA includes movements in
the spot and the amounts of the contracts.
The effects can be summarised if we rework the contract to have the same notional
of 100 million for the initial and re-exchange in Question 3. With a constant
exchanged amount (of 100 million) the value of the FXA comes to US$17501.
From Question 1 we know that the change in value from movements in the forward
points is $(9930) therefore the difference between the points movements and the
total change in value of $8403 is due to changes in the spot rate. The gain from the
spot must be the difference between these two values, or $18333.
We can see this by thinking about the nature of the contract. By buying the FXA we
are (1) initially buying the primary currency, i.e. euros (selling the secondary curren-
cy, i.e. dollars) at the settlement date and (2) selling the primary currency (buying the
secondary currency) at the maturity date. Since the quoted currency value has fallen
against the euro from $1.1500 to $1.1900, although the swap points have worsened
(from 20 down to 19), the contract has made a money.
Module 4
Review Questions
4.4 The correct answer is D. Margin or collateral is posted to the futures exchange
clearing house to ensure the buyer or seller acts in good faith and will pay for losses
incurred by changes in market prices and to protect the clearing house against
possible default.
4.5 The correct answer is B. Price discovery is that process by which the demand and
supply for assets, which are yet to come into existence (such as future agricultural
produce), are revealed by participants actions in the futures markets which affect
prices. Price discovery makes no claims about what the price may be at the maturity
of the contract nor about the price behaviour until its maturity date.
4.6 The correct answer is C. Transaction prices are set in the futures markets by a
process called open outcry where futures brokers seek the highest selling prices or
the lowest buying prices available from all other brokers in the market at the time.
By doing this, only the lowest buy price and highest sell price are matched, the other
prices being extinguished by the dominant bids and offers.
4.7 The correct answer is C. The open interest position is the total number of long or
short contracts that are outstanding and recorded at the exchange at the close of
business. This is 13725 contracts.
4.8 The correct answer is A. The volume of contracts traded and the amount of open
interest are indicators of the demand for futures and hence risk management. From
day 1 to day 2 both the open interest and volume have risen, indicating an increased
demand for hedging or speculation.
4.9 The correct answer is C. To determine the answer we need to compute the
number of ticks change: 86.23 83.25 298 ticks. Each tick is worth
12.50 and we have 20 contracts. The formula is: Number of ticks change
Tick size Number of contracts. This is: 298 12.50 20 74500.
4.10 The correct answer is C. The margin account will initially receive US$2500 ($500
5). The price at which the contracts was established was 92.34 and the closing price
is 92.28 so the contract has lost 6 ticks in value (92.34 92.28). Each tick is worth
US$25 and there are 5 contracts, so the total change in value 6 5 US$25
4.11 The correct answer is B. By selling, the short position holder is committed to sell
the underlying asset at expiry.
4.12 The correct answer is C. An inter-commodity spread (also known as a cross-spread
or inter-market spread) involves buying a futures contract on one underlying asset
and selling a futures contract on another underlier. Buying (or selling) a nearby-date
expiry futures contract and selling (buying) a later-dated futures contract is known as
an intra-commodity spread (or a calendar or intra-market spread).
4.13 The correct answer is C. To determine the answer, we need to work out what Bill
Action Effect
He sold 5 contracts at 375.60 375.60
He bought 5 contracts back at 350.20 350.20
Difference 5 contracts 25.4 5 = $127
For gold futures each contract is worth 100 ounces = $127 100 = US$12700 gain.
4.14 The correct answer is D. Note that effectively his profit would be credited every day
as the price fell to the point that when he sold, he would have the full variation
margin already credited to his account. The amount will be 254 ticks at $10 per tick
times 5 contracts, or US$12700.
4.15 The correct answer is D. Bill had to put up US$2500 in initial margin per contract
(that is, a total of US$12500). His return, therefore is a function of his gain and the
invested capital.
4.16 The correct answer is B. The basis is the difference between the spot price and the
futures price. The generic formula is: Spot price less futures price = basis. Therefore
the basis = US$1346.70 US$ 1361.80 = (US$15.1).
4.17 The correct answer is D. A trader would refer to the basis as being under futures.
That is, in the absence of any change in interest rates or the cash price, the futures
price would be expected to fall towards the cash price as the contract moved
towards expiry, i.e. the convergence of the cash and futures position would take
place from below. This relationship, known as contango or a positively sloped
curve, is considered the normal condition of many futures markets.
4.18 The correct answer is A. We can think of the fair value of the futures as the price at
which the cash commodity can be held and sold into the contract. This would be
the cash price plus the cost of carrying the commodity over the time period:
US$1346.70 1 0.05 US$1358.11
Note that this answer is US$3.70 different from the quoted futures price. The actual
fair value and market price of the futures can diverge to some extent due to some
technical factors (such as variations in the cost of carry, the availability of physical
commodity, etc.). It is unlikely that a participant would seek to arbitrage this
position: his gain per contract would be 1.6 per cent p.a.; hardly worth the risk or
transaction costs.
4.19 The correct answer is C. If you had bought and then sold futures, you would have
no position in the futures market. If you had sold and then bought futures you
would likewise have no position in the futures market. By selling futures you have
the obligation to make delivery (i.e. a short position). If you had bought futures, you
have the obligation to take delivery (that is, a long position).
4.20 The correct answer is A. If you have a long position on one side and a short on the
other, the two positions cancel each other out. Therefore you are hedging when
doing the above. Having a long and a short position in futures might seem to be the
same as A. But to have a long and a short position in futures, you would need to be
buying one set of contracts and selling another (either a short-dated versus a long-
dated contract or contracts in two different assets or exchanges).
4.21 The correct answer is B. By holding a short position in the cash market and a short
position in futures you are seriously anticipating a fall in the price of the underlying
asset. In this case you are definitely speculating: you are betting that the price of the
cash position and the futures position will both decline in value so that you can
repurchase them at a lower price! This is speculation per se.
4.22 The correct answer is C. To facilitate transactions a range of bonds are deliverable
into the contract at expiry. The bond which, based on the price adjustment formula
used by the futures exchange for such contracts, gives the least loss or highest profit
to the seller (a short futures position) is known as the cheapest to deliver. That is, it
is the bond which generates either the greatest profit or least loss to the seller.
4.23 The correct answer is D. The fair value of the futures contract will include
borrowing costs and storage, loss and so forth on holding the commodity. If we
hold the contract for one month, the fair price will be the spot price times the
interest rate and storage costs, so we would need to get 245.25 1 0.0625
5 to break even = 251.49. We hold the commodity a further month, which gives
a value of: 251.49 1 0.0625 5 257.77, and for the final month the
fair value is 264.07.
4.24 The correct answer is A. If the interest rate used to value the future goes up, then
the cost of carry is increased and the futures price should rise. It will now be priced
at 264.82.
4.25 The correct answer is B. The futures fair price will be the spot price times the
interest rate and storage costs but now for two months: that is,
/ /
the fair value 238.70 1.0625 5 1.0625 5 250.14
(The figures in square brackets being the value after 1 month).
Note with simple interest, the value will be:
238.70 1 0.625/12 5 1 0.625/12 5 251.22
4.26 The correct answer is B. The fair value of the futures will be 733.40 718.35
1.0865 . . The actual futures price = 729.10. The value basis = actual futures
price theoretical price = 729.10 733.40 = (4.3).
4.27 The correct answer is C. The value basis is negative. This can be determined by
calculating the fair value of the futures contract: 448.60 1.065 450.96. The
value basis = actual futures price less the fair value = 450.75 450.96 = 0.21.
4.28 The correct answer is C. The basis is the cash futures relationship. The initial
basis = 1050.75 1118.25 = (67.50). After the price change, the new basis =
1160.25 1245.75 = (85.50). The cash price has changed by: 109.50 and the futures
price by: 127.50, so the basis has weakened.
4.29 The correct answer is B. The basis is the relationship between the cash market (in
this case, the implied forward rate) and the futures price. The initial cash futures
relationship = 12.4375% 12.47 (100 87.53) = 0.03 (rounding to 2 decimal
places). The change in price means that the new relationship = 11.875% 11.88
(100 88.12) = 0, so the basis has strengthened.
4.30 The correct answer is B. The fair value of the index is found by:
1 0.05 0.04 6095.14
The carry basis = spot price fair futures price = 6080.00 6095.14 = (15.14).
4.31 The correct answer is C. When tailing a hedge, we need to present value for the
amount involved. Using the formula, we have 65 million rt . This gives a present
value of 63553830. Each contract is worth 0.5 million, so that gives a total of
127.11 contracts that are needed. (We would have got 127.14 contracts if we had
used simple interest.) We need to round down to 127.
4.32 The correct answer is A. In the futures markets an arbitrageur will buy the cash
instrument and sell the futures if the futures contract is priced expensive relative to
the cash.
4.33 The correct answer is D. In order to determine whether a cash-and-carry
opportunity exists, we need to calculate the fair value of the futures. This is found
by 3733 (1 + (0.08 0.03 152 365) = 3811.81. The index is trading at 3805,
so there is a value basis of (6.81). To exploit this one should buy the cash and sell
the futures. However, the net proceeds from buying the index = 3714.43 when
transaction costs of 0.5 per cent are included. The value at expiry will therefore be:
3714.43 1.0211 = 3792.84, which is less than we need to pay off the contract
value of 3805.
4.34 The correct answer is B. The differences between financial forward contracts and
financial futures contracts are: futures are traded on an organised exchange whereas
forward contracts are not (II), futures contracts are standardised whereas forward
contracts are not (IV) and forward contracts are not tradable (V).
4.35 The correct answer is C. Margin is the term for the collateral in cash or securities
placed with the exchanges clearing house to ensure performance (hence it is also
sometimes called a performance bond).
4.36 The correct answer is C. A cash-settled contract is one where the value of the
contract at expiry is paid in cash and no physical commodity is exchanged at
maturity. Buyers and sellers who wish to receive or deliver the commodity will trade
in the physical spot markets.
4.37 The correct answer is C. The futures price will equate to the difference in the
running yields between the funding rate and the yield on the bond. Over the three
months, the bond will earn 100 102.28. Over the same period, the short-
term interest rate will lead to a value of 103.05. Therefore the futures price will be
103.05/102.28 100.75.
Note you can calculate this directly if we assume that the yield on the bond is a
dividend yield then the equation can be written as:
. . .
100 100.75
In the absence of any changes in interest rates, the bond will converge from above.
The futures prices are:
Case Study 4.1: The Use of Short-Term Interest-Rate Futures for Hedging
1 The treasurers assessment of the impact of 50 bp adverse movement in cash market
exposure is as follows:
US$50m 50 bp 92/360 US$63888.89
If the treasurer does not hedge and interest rates fall, there is a loss of interest of
US$63888.89 on the investment.
2 A 1 bp shift in interest rates means a $25 change in the futures value. The treasurer
has determined that a 50 bp shift in his investment return for 92 days will translate
to US$63888.89, as in the answer to Question 1. The price sensitivity of a futures
contract for 50 basis points = US$1250. That for the underlying position =
The treasurer expresses his exposure as eurodollar futures as follows to get the
number of contracts required:
51.1 contracts
50 US$25
Note: we could have expressed this relationship equally as:
$1277.78 $1250 50
To protect against a change value, the treasurer needs to buy 51.1 contracts (since
each contract is worth US$1 million). It is not possible to buy part-contracts, so the
treasurer rounds down and buys 51 futures contracts to lock in the investment rate
on US$50m.
3 To find out what the rate is, one must interpolate between the cash rate of 9.50 per
cent (this is the bid side since the funds will be deposited) and the 20 June implied
futures rate of (100 futures rate [90.18] 0.125 {i.e., bid-offer spread}) = 9.70%.
We can see the calculation as follows:
Spot Forward
3 months 3 months
Euro$ rate = Euro$ bid
9.50% Interpolated rate = rate =
(9.82 0.12)
9.50 36 + 9.70 41 =
77 77
= 9.61%
Using eurodollar futures, the treasurer expects to achieve 9.61 per cent on his three-
month investment on 15 May.
4 The cash price of a futures contract implied by the three-month eurodollar LIBOR
on 2 April is 9.625% = 100 9.625 = 90.38. The basis on the futures contract for
the contract is therefore: 90.38 90.18 = 20 bp. We also know that by 20 June, the
basis will be zero (due to convergence). We can calculate the expected basis for 15
May as 20 36/77 = 9 bp. That is, in the absence of any change in interest rates,
the contract should have converged from 90.18 to 90.29. We can illustrate the
process as in the following figure.
We can therefore deduce that the expected rate on 15 May will be:
Expected rate 100 90.18 0.125 0.09 9.61%
This is the same as we obtained via our interpolation of the yield curve.
20 bp 9 bp Expiry
Convergence means means the basis
basis should fall by = 0)
11 bp
5 With cash market rates down, as feared by the treasurer, the rate at which funds can
be invested for 92 days is now the bid side of LIBOR, or 9 per cent. Since the
treasurer bought futures at 90.18 and they are trading at 90.70, there is a profit on
the futures position of 90.70 90.18 = 52 ticks. Each tick is worth US$25 and he
has 51 contracts. So the gain = 51 US$25 52 = US$66300. This can be added
to the funds to be invested for the three months. US$50066300 invested for 92
days at 9 per cent comes to a total of US$51217824.90. The return on the invest-
ment is therefore 9.53 per cent.
The calculations are summarised in the table below.
6 We repeat the analysis carried out to answer Question 5. However, in this case, we
get a profit of 90.79 90.18 = 61 ticks. This makes a gain of 51 US$25 61 =
US$77775. If we repeat the calculations done earlier with the new values we show
that the treasurer gets 9.62 per cent on his investment. The calculations are summa-
rised in the following table:
7 The results can be explained by the behaviour of the basis on the futures contract.
Recall that we anticipate convergence of the basis to zero at expiry. However, there
is scope for the basis to change if the implied forward rate which underlies the June
futures contract changes. Twists and rotations in the yield curve will create such
non-linear changes in the basis. The changes are summarised in the following table:
Scenario 1 shows a basis on 15 May significantly different from the expected basis
of 9 bp (due to rotation in yield curve). This change in the forward rate means that
the treasurer fails to get the expected 9.61 per cent on the investment.
Scenario 2 shows a basis somewhat better but the basis has only fallen by 9 bp not
the 11 implied by the convergence on the contract. The result is, once again, an
inexact hedge.
Module 5
Review Questions
5.8 The correct answer is D. The final payment at maturity will be composed of two
elements, the last interest payment, which is equal to FFr3.98 million, and the
principal of FFr87.50 million. This makes a total of FFr91.48 million.
5.9 The correct answer is B. To create a synthetic fixed-rate bond, we start by
borrowing at a floating rate and entering into a swap to pay fixed and receive
floating. The floating receipt matches the floating liability and the borrower is left
with a fixed rate (that is, a bond-like) liability.
Note that, on the asset side, buying a floating-rate loan or note and paying away the
floating-rate interest received on the asset and being paid (receiving) on the fixed
side also creates a synthetic fixed-rate bond.
5.10 The correct answer is A. If the yield on a bond less that on a swap to receive the
floating rate (that is, to pay the fixed rate) is positive there is a yield-enhancing
opportunity. For instance, if the bond provides a yield of 10 per cent and we can
enter into a swap to receive floating and pay the fixed rate at 9.70 per cent, then we
have a synthetic floating rate note with a return of LIBOR + (10.00 per cent 9.70
per cent) = 0.30 per cent. Note that the attraction of such an instrument will,
naturally, depend on whether the investor can buy a similar yield directly in the
floating-rate note/loan market.
5.11 The correct answer is B. The annual amortising payments without the subsidy will
be SFr9.595 million. The present value of these periodic payments at the subsidised
rate of 3.5 per cent come to SFr79.7978 million. The subsidy element is therefore
SFr4.7978 million.
5.12 The correct answer is B. The total US dollar value is equal to SFr75 million less the
SFr4.80 million subsidy. At the exchange rate of SFr1.50/$ this is equal to a
US$46.8 million. The annual repayments on this amount will be US$6.21 million.
5.13 The correct answer is C. In order to find the three-year discount rate, we need to
back out the zero-coupon prices in the swaps yield curve. The first year zero-
coupon rate is the same as the swaps rate. The second year rate is found by:
7.20% 100
This gives 1.1492610.5 . The zero-coupon rate is therefore 7.72036 per cent. We find
the third year by adding the two discount factors 0.933707+ 0.870124 = 1.803831.
The third year zero-coupon discount rate is:
7.30 100
100 7.30 1.803831
The zero-coupon rate is therefore 7.3099 per cent.
5.14 The correct answer is D. The true present value of a swap on which you are a fixed-
rate payer is based on its term structure pricing. To find this, we need to calculate
the fourth years zero-coupon rate (as in Question 5.13). The four-year rates are
given in the following table:
Note that, to calculate the present value of a swap we need to treat it as a bond
equivalent. The result from this calculation is 0.028608. Since a swap is a two-way
set of payments, this can equally be a gain. When contracting to pay the fixed rate,
we are receiving more on the floating-rate side if the fixed-rate coupon is below
market rates. Therefore the sign is positive since we would need to be compensated
for the higher payments required if we were to reset the transaction with at-market
5.15 The correct answer is C.
The term structure approach gives the swap the correct value of 97.1392 and the
yield-to-maturity method 97.1435. The difference is that the yield method overval-
ues the swap by 0.0043.
5.16 The correct answer is C. The one-year rate in two years time is found by dividing
the three-year price relative by the two-year price relative and subtracting 1 and
multiplying by 100. The three-year price relative 1.073099 1.235719. The
two-year price relative 1.072036 1.149261. Therefore 1.235719 1.149261
= 1.075229. Therefore the one-year floating rate in two years = 7.52 per cent.
5.17 The correct answer is B. To calculate the present value of the payments which are
semi-annual, we need to work out the implied rates for the three future periods.
These can be calculated as:
1 1 1
Zero-coupon payment per
Time rate Floating rate 100 nominal Present value
0.5 4.50% 4.4505% 2.2252 2.176802
1 4.55% 4.5483% 2.2742 2.175182
1.5 4.60% 4.6461% 2.3231 2.171509
2 4.70% 4.9396% 2.4698 2.253026
Remember that a zero-coupon rate is the annualised rate, so for the half-year
payment, we need to convert the rate to the semi-annual alternative.
5.18 The correct answer is C. The calculation of the fixed side of the swap requires us to
equate 10.95 = PV(floating payments) = PV (fixed payments). We know that
10.95 is the PV of the floating payments. We can calculate the annuity for the 2.5
years by summing the discount factors for the zero-coupon rates for the five interest
periods. This equals 4.6722. Therefore 10.95 4.6722 200 4.69 per cent.
5.19 The correct answer is A. The fair value of a swap is found by calculating the present
value of the cash flows at the appropriate zero-coupon discount rates. The calcula-
tion is shown in the following table:
The fixed-rate payer, is required to make the fixed payments so the swap has a
negative present value of 3.51. If the fixed-rate payer were receiving the fixed, the
swap would have had a positive present value of the same amount.
5.20 The correct answer is A. When a term structure is upward sloping, the implied
forward rates will be rising and hence, the first fixed payment will be higher than
that paid by the floating-rate payer. The assumption is that at a later date, this
condition will reverse and the fixed-rate payer will receive more than the floating-
rate payer.
5.21 The correct answer is D. The yield-to-maturity approach will not provide accurate
pricing to off-market fixed-rate swaps, to an amortising swap or to a deferred-start
5.22 The correct answer is A. To value the seasoned cross-currency swap, we need to
revalue the remaining cash flows at the new interest rates. The calculation is done in
the table below.
Interest 4.55% 6.50% 5.65% 5.75%
1 3.981 0.650 (3.76834) 0.614657
2 3.981 0.650 (3.56681) 0.581236
3 3.981 0.650 (3.37607) 0.549632
4 91.481 10.650 (73.4267) 8.515852
(84.1379) 10.26138
(11.6052) (1.34385)
To ABC plc, the remaining French franc payments are a liability, the sterling
payments an asset. The present value of these at the new interest rates of FFr5.65
per cent and 5.75 per cent come to FFr(84.14m) and 10.26m. Converting the FFr
payments to sterling at the current exchange rate of FFr7.25/ gives a net liability in
sterling terms of 11.61m. Adding these means the swap has a net negative value of
1.34 million to ABC plc.
5.23 The correct answer is D. When analysing the swap, we know that the FFr interest
rate rose from 4.55 per cent to 5.65 per cent, so that effect was negative. The
sterling interest rate went from 6.50 per cent down to 5.75 per cent, so that effect
was negative, but the exchange rate moved from FFr8.75/ to FFr7.25/, so this
effect was positive.
5.24 The correct answer is C. The first step is to present value 1 per cent of the four
swaps used to create the amortising swaps, as in the following table.
The next step is to present value 1 per cent of the outstanding notional principal
using the par swaps rates as shown in the following table:
PV1% of blended
Year Principal DF swap
1 400 0.923788 3.69515
2 300 0.855849 2.567548
3 200 0.794101 1.588202
4 100 0.741418 0.741418
The blended or uniform swaps rate quoted by a swaps market maker will be
68.47072 8.590574 = 7.97%.
5.25 The correct answer is A. To calculate the value of the deferred swap, we need to
find the zero-coupon annuity factor for one and three years and the deferred
annuity factor for two years, together with the appropriate swap rates, as in the
following table:
The loss from default if interest rates have fallen by 1 per cent is now multiplied by
the probability of a one per cent fall in the swaps rate. For a 1% fall, the expected
loss is 4686. The total expected loss is the sum of the changes in interest rate times
their occurrence: this comes to 11360. Finally, since there is a 1% chance that the
counterparty will default, the expected loss from changes in interest rates and from
the counterparty defaulting is 114 per million.
4 The swaps profile will be as follows:
1 year 2 years
Swap 1
1 year 2 years
The two simple swaps required to make up the amortising swap are:
1. a 500 million swap with a maturity of 2 years
2. a 1000 million swap with a maturity of one year
To compute the blended rate on the swap, we must first back out the one-year
swaps rate from the zero-coupon rates. We have already calculated the implied
floating rate side from part 1. All we need to do now is compute the fixed rate on a
one-year swap.
Period floating rate Payment PV factor PV
0.5 5.426 2.713193 0.973585 2.641523
1 5.816 2.90791 0.946074 2.751097
1.919659 5.392621
The last step is to calculate the blended rate on the swap. First we calculate the value
of 1 per cent of the plain vanilla swaps that make up the blended swap:
Next we compute the same for the blended swap, this time using the discount
factors from the zero-coupon rates:
Notional principal
Time period amount PV factor PV1% simple swap
0.5 1500 0.9736 14.60377
1 1500 0.9461 14.19111
1.5 500 0.9163 4.581537
2 500 0.8866 4.433237
2.5 500 0.8563 4.281697
The final step is compute what would be the appropriate blended rate such that the
present value of the two elements are the same:
The annual fixed rate is therefore 5.98 per cent 2.9891 2 .
We can check this by calculating the PV of the cash flows from the two swaps: the
bundle of one and two-and-a-half year swaps and the blended swaps.
Coupon Coupon
payment payment 2-
(5.62% (6.28% PV 1-year year
Period Principal s.a) Principal s.a) factor PV PV
0.5 1000 28.09 500 15.7 0.9736 27.35 15.29
1 1000 28.09 500 15.7 0.9461 26.58 14.85
1.5 0 500 15.7 0.9163 14.39
2 0 500 15.7 0.8866 13.92
2.5 0 500 15.7 0.8563 13.44
53.93 71.89
Total PV 125.82
Note there will be some cash flow differences between the plain vanilla swaps used
to create the blended swaps and the blended swap itself:
Cash flow differ-
Period Blended swap Plain vanilla ences
0.5 44.84 43.79 1.05
1 44.84 43.79 1.05
1.5 14.95 15.70 0.75
2 14.95 15.70 0.75
2.5 14.95 15.70 0.75
The par swaps rates for the different maturities are given below.
Module 6
Review Questions
6.8 The correct answer is C. A European-style option allows the holder to exercise the
option only at the expiry of the option. Options which allow exercise at any point
are American style or if they allow exercise at fixed dates are variously known as
Mid-Atlantic or Bermudan-style options.
6.9 The correct answer is B. The option has a strike price 175. The underlying
asset is at 180.25. The option therefore has an intrinsic value of (180.25 175)
= 5.25 and so is in-the-money. The cost of the option is 6.5, so there is a net loss
from the transaction of 1.25. Note that, even though the transaction made a loss,
not exercising would have resulted in a greater loss (6.5) since all the cost of the
premium would be lost.
6.10 The correct answer is A. An in-the-money call option will have a strike price
that is below the asset price and as a result will have positive intrinsic value.
6.11 The correct answer is D. An out-of-the-money put option will have a strike that
is below the asset price and as a result will have no intrinsic value.
6.12 The correct answer is C. If the asset price is 217 and the strike price is 212 then, for
a put, the option will have no intrinsic value. All the option value will be time value,
which is given in the question as 8.
6.13 The correct answer is D. For a call option, the difference between the asset price
and the strike price , if positive represents intrinsic value. The asset price =
6950.50 and the strike = 6825.50. The difference is 125, to which must be added the
175 of time value, giving an option value of 300.
6.14 The correct answer is B. In terms of time value, options which are at-the-money
have the greatest time value.
6.15 The correct answer is B. An increase in the underlying price means the value of a
call rises. Equally, a fall in the risk-free interest rate means the call value falls,
whereas an increase in volatility raises the price of the call.
6.16 The correct answer is B. A decrease in the underlying price means the value of a put
rises. Equally, a rise in the risk-free interest rate means the put value falls, whereas
an increase in value leakage raises the price of the put.
6.17 The correct answer is B. Value leakage has the effect of reducing the price of the
underlying asset. This means the potential gain from a call is reduced, so
the price of calls is reduced. However, it raises the price of puts since the gain
is increased.
6.18 The correct answer is B. If the value of the underlying asset falls, the value of calls is
reduced and that of puts increased.
6.19 The correct answer is B. If the risk-free interest rate falls, this reduces the price of
calls (since there is less gain from deferring the purchase) and raises the value of
puts (since there is less loss from deferring the sale).
6.20 The correct answer is D. If the time to expiry of an option is reduced, this reduces
the value of both calls and puts on the asset.
6.21 The correct answer is D. If the volatility of the underlying asset falls, this has the
effect of reducing both the value of calls and puts.
6.22 The correct answer is C. When looking at the strike price of calls it is a boundary
condition that the difference in price between two calls that differ only in their strike
(or exercise) price must be less than or equal to the present value of the difference
in the exercise price. However, for American-style calls the difference cannot exceed
the difference in their strike prices. Therefore there is an arbitrage opportunity
between the 125 and the 130 strikes. This involves buying the 125 strike and selling
the 130 one since the price difference is 6. By definition, if the 130 option is in-the-
money, the 125 will also be in-the-money, so if the 130 is exercised, the 125 is also
exercised to enable delivery of the asset at a loss of 5, but there is a gain of 14.5
8.5 on the option position, giving a net gain of 1. If the 130 option is not exercised
then the 125 is not exercised and the net is 6.
6.23 The correct answer is B. It is not always true that a European-style put with a longer
maturity is strictly worth more/less than a similar one with a shorter maturity.
However, a longer-maturity American-style put (which has the option of immediate
exercise) will be strictly more valuable than a shorter-maturity one.
6.24 The correct answer is C. Putcall parity theory states that put plus underlying = call
plus present value of the exercise price. Hence, the value of a put = a call with the
same exercise price as the put plus the present value of the exercise price less the
underlying asset price.
6.25 The correct answer is D. Factors which may lead to the early exercise of an
American-style option include any concerns about the creditworthiness of the
option writer, a deeply in-the-money put and a deeply in-the-money call when a
distribution is due on the underlying asset. However, concern about the creditwor-
thiness of the underlying asset is not a condition for early exercise of American-style
options. So D is not a condition for early exercise.
6.26 The correct answer is C. There are six fundamental option strategies: long and short
calls and puts, and short call and long the underlying asset and short put plus short
the underlying asset. Holding a long call and a short put is a combination of two of
the fundamental strategies. So C is not a fundamental option strategy.
6.27 The correct answer is C. The diagram is the resultant payoff of a short call or its
synthetic variant that is created by selling a put (i.e., short the put) and taking a short
position in the underlying asset.
6.28 The correct answer is D. A vertical spread is a directional strategy which is based on
the underlying asset either rising or falling over the optioned period. The usual
spread can be set up using either two calls (a bull vertical spread) or two puts (a bear
vertical spread) with the same expiry date but different strike prices.
6.29 The correct answer is D. By selling a call and a put with the same expiry date but
with different strike prices, we are selling a strangle. The payoff of a written strangle
is shown below.
Written put
Written call
asset price
K1 K2
To make money, such a position requires the underlying asset price to stay within a
narrow range. Hence it is also known as selling volatility.
6.30 The correct answer is A. With a put option the payoff is based on the gain between
the strike price at expiry and the asset price , namely . A put holder
will exercise therefore if the asset price is below the strike price at expiry.
3 The payoff diagram for a bullish vertical spread is as given in the figure below:
Payoff of
vertical spread
K1 K2 Asset
Purchased call
at strike K 1
A bullish vertical spread involves buying the lower-priced option (which for the
$1450 strike involves a premium outlay of $27) and selling the $1500 strike (giving a
premium income of $13). The net cost of the position is therefore $13 $27 =
($14). The maximum gain on the position will be the difference between the two
strikes, or $50 less the net cost of setting up the position, so the most the position
can give is $36. So the range of possible outcomes will be between a loss of $14, if
the market price of cocoa is below $1450 on expiry and a gain of $36 if the cocoa
price is at or above $1500 at expiry.
4 By using puts instead of calls we have what is known as a credit spread since we are
net recipients of the premium. To give the same payoff profile, we need to sell the
higher-priced put and purchase the lower-priced one. For the July puts we sell at $84
and purchase at $48, making a net $36. At expiry, we know that if the higher-priced
put is out-of-the-money, no exercise will take place, so our maximum gain will be $36
in that case. (Hence this is also a bullish directional strategy since we want the
underlying asset price to go up.) For every dollar the $1550 put ends up in-the-money,
we lose $1 until we can exercise the $1450 strike to cap our losses. So the maximum
loss is $36 $50, or ($14). You will notice that the bullish spread set up with calls or
puts gives the same payoffs under the same market conditions!
Purchased put
+ Purchased call
If we set up a straddle, we are either buying or selling both the call and put. This will
cost us, for the $1450 September contracts, $66 and $59, or $125. The strike is
$1450, so we need the underlying cocoa price to move to $1450 $125 in order to
break even, that is, outside the band $1325$1575, if buying, or we start to lose
money, if selling.
Module 7
Review Questions
We know that for the equation to balance, we have 10 call 200 173.08 0,
or 10 calls 26.92 0. Therefore each call is worth 2.692.
7.2 The correct answer is B. The options delta is the ratio of the price changes on the
option (20 0) to that of the asset (250 200) = 0.40.
7.3 The correct answer is C. Applying the formula to solve for the amount of borrowed
funds, we have:
We know that 0.01, 1.04, therefore 0.96. Given this result, we can
substitute into the equation:
1.01 0.96
1.04 0.96
7.5 The correct answer is A. The puts value can be found by working out the payoff
from the put times its probability. The payoff is 20, and there is a (1 0.51)
likelihood of the asset falling over the period. This means the puts expected value is
9.8. We need to present value this, so we discount by the risk-free interest rate:
9.8 1.02 9.6.
7.6 The correct answer is C. We know that if the price increases, the value of the option
for the upper pair in the tree will be 302.5 260 if the price increases in the second
stage and 250 260 if it decreases, with a minimum value of zero. The option
prices range is therefore 42.5 0, and for the asset 302.5 250. We can find the
options delta by applying the formula:
We now apply the valuation model. First we find the probability of a rise ( ) by
solving for:
The ratio of the price rise = 275 250 = 1.1. That for a fall is 227.3 250 = 0.91.
Substituting into the equation, we have:
1.03 0.91
1.1 0.91
The value of the upper pair for Period 2 =
0.6316 42.5 0.3684 0
We now compute the first-period value:
0.6316 26.06 0.3684 0
If we had decided to use the two-period computation, we would have used the
2 1 1
Substituting the values, we have:
0.9426 0.6316 42.5 2 0.6316 0.3684 0 0.3684 0 15.98
7.8 The correct answer is D. To compute the options delta, we need to find the upper
and lower values for the option in Period 3 for the particular branch. The upper
price = 546.4, the lower price = 515. The option values will be: 56.4 and 25 respec-
tively. We can now compute the options delta as:
56.4 25
546.4 515
7.9 The correct answer is B. To find the delta for the third pair, that is the pair made up
of the two outcomes 500 and 471.3 in Period 4, we need to apply the delta calcula-
tion, but this time for puts:
We know that the value of the put for the upper pair is 495 500 (with puts, the
payoff = {max. , 0} ) and 495 471.3, so the put will have a value of 0 and
23.7 respectively. Substituting in the equation, we have:
0 23.7
500 471.3
Note that the delta of a put will be negative in option pricing theory since the
actions required to hedge the put option are the opposite of those taken with a call.
7.10 The correct answer is A. To compute the option value with two periods to expiry,
we can apply the two-period computation equation:
2 1 1
To use the equation, we must first work out the values for the call at the end of the
second period for the branches of the tree: The strike is 495, so we have the
following prices:
We can find the value of 530.5 515 1.03, 500 515 0.97, 0.01
per period. The probability of a rise will be:
1.01 0.97
1.03 0.97
The two-period option will have a present value of:
0.98 0.6667 35.5 2 0.6667 0.3333 5 0.3333 0
So the two-period option has a value of 17.64. We can now compute the value of
the one-period option as:
0.6667 20 0.3333 0
which gives a value of 13.20. The difference in their prices = 17.64 13.20 = 4.44.
7.11 The correct answer is B. If we change the risk-free interest rate from 0.01 to 0.02,
we will modify the risk-neutral probabilities of a price rise based on the equation:
where is the upward movement, is the annualised standard deviation, is
the time and is the number of steps. Substituting the variables from the question
we have:
Solving, we find that 1.0287.
7.14 The correct answer is B. To obtain the answer, we must first compute the variables
, and . We employ the formulas:
We find that 1.0127, 0.9875, and 1.0002. We can now substitute these
into the equation:
This gives:
1.0002 0.9875
1.0127 0.9875
7.15 The correct answer is B. If we have a put and call with the same strike price and
expiry date then by definition one will be in-the-money and the other one will be
out-of-the-money. The asset price is 120 and the call can be exercised at 100, so the
call is in-the-money and the put by definition is out-of-the-money.
7.16 The correct answer is B. We can apply putcall parity to price the put given the
price of the call. The value of the put will be:
Put Call PV Exercise price Asset price
The put value = 24.50 120 + 98.55 = 3.05.
7.17 The correct answer is B. The value of the put based on putcall parity is found by
solving for:
Put Call PV Exercise price Asset price
Applying this, we find that:
Put 33.75 490 1.1 500 0.95.
The put is currently trading at 1.15 so is overpriced in the market. However, we
cannot determine from the information which of the two options is wrongly priced,
but we know that one or possibly both are mispriced.
7.18 The correct answer is B. In arbitrage, we want to sell the overpriced asset and buy
the underpriced/correctly priced one. We therefore want to execute a strategy where
we sell the overpriced puts and hold the synthetic position. With options, the
application of the putcall parity theory will indicate what the transaction to take
advantage of the mispricing of the put option should be. We know that the follow-
ing should hold:
Put Asset Call PV Exercise price
We therefore sell (short) the asset and receive 500, we buy the call at 11.30 and
invest the present value of the exercise price, 505.19. This gives us a net cost of
(16.49). However, we can sell the put for 17.50, thus netting a gain of 1.01 from the
overall transaction. If, at expiry, the asset price is above 515, the put will not be
exercised and we exercise our call to close out the short position in the asset using
the invested value of the exercise price to pay for the purchase. If the asset price is
below 515, we receive the asset from our short put position and pay out the exercise
price. We then use the asset to close out the short asset position.
7.19 The correct answer is A. To compute the options delta, we calculate the ratio of the
change in the option price to that of the underlying: that is, 9 (175 145) = 0.30.
7.20 The correct answer is C. To price the option, we need first to work out the options
delta: This is found by:
30 0
240 160
We can now compute the payoff of the replicating portfolio:
We know that, for the equation to balance, we have 8 call 600 + 461.54 = 0,
therefore: 8 calls 138.46 = 0. Therefore each call is worth 17.3.
We now need to compute the tree and the terminal values for the asset prices after
six steps. The tree in the following table shows the option value at each stage.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Volatility 0.4
Time 0.25
Steps 6 163.21
i 8% 150.42 .21
Call strike 105 138.62 45.77 138.62
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
127.76 34.32 127.76 33.62
117.74 24.42 117.74 23.11 117.74
108.51 16.60 108.51 14.68 108.51 12.74
100 10.87 100 8.89 100 6.35 100
6.91 92.16 5.22 92.16 3.16 92.16 0
2.99 84.93 1.58 84.93 0 84.93
0.79 78.27 0 78.27 0
1.085076 0 72.14 0 72.14
0.921595 0 66.48 0
1.003339 0 61.27
0.500023 0
1 0.499977
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Volatility 0.4
Time 0.25
Steps 6 163.21
i 8% 150.42 0
Put strike 105 138.62 0 138.62
127.76 0 127.76 0
117.74 0.62 117.74 0 117.74
108.51 2.47 108.51 1.24 108.51 0
100 5.63 100 4.34 100 2.49 100
9.83 92.16 8.83 92.16 7.47 92.16 5.00
14.10 84.93 13.37 84.93 12.49 84.93
19.46 78.27 19.37 78.27 20.07
1.085076 25.68 72.14 26.38 72.14
0.921595 32.17 66.48 32.86
1.003339 38.17 61.27
0.500023 43.73
1 0.499977
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Volatility 0.4
Time 0.25
Steps 6 163.21
i 8% 150.42 0
Put 105 138.62 0 138.62
127.76 0 127.76 0
117.74 0.49 117.74 0 117.74
108.51 2.16 108.51 0.99 108.51 0
100 5.14 100 3.84 100 1.99 100
9.19 92.16 8.15 92.16 6.72 92.16 4.00
13.30 84.93 12.51 84.93 11.49 84.93
18.53 78.27 18.38 78.27 19.07
1.085076 24.69 72.14 25.38 72.14
0.921595 31.17 66.48 31.86
1.003339 37.17 61.27
0.500023 42.73
1 0.499977
Module 8
Review Questions
8.10 The correct answer is B. The annualised volatility of the asset will be found by:
periodic volatility time. Therefore 0.029 12 0.10.
Substituting we get:
2 We know that, for calls, if the asset price is below the strike price, the call will be
out-of-the-money. We can check this from the prices of the two options and
knowing the relationship between a call and its corresponding put. As a conse-
quence, the put is in-the-money.
Note that the put has a value less than max. , 0 prior to expiry. As discussed
in Module 6 on the basics of options, the boundary value conditions on a Europe-
an-style put can be expressed mathematically as:
max. ,0
Min max. ,0
which is what we obtained when we used the putcall parity relationship to value
the put: 19.15 > (139.01 120).
3 The delta ( ) or from the BlackScholes equation of the two options is:
call: 0.038
put: 0.962
The implication is that the call is very unlikely to be exercised whereas the put is
highly likely to be exercised (the maximum delta possible on the put being 1.0).
We might say the call is, in fact, deeply out-of-the-money and the put deeply in-the-
As an aside, if the put were American style, we would want to exercise it immediate-
ly since we could get a sales price of 140 immediately by doing so, with the prospect
of reinvesting it at the risk-free rate for the remaining 60 days.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Volatility 0.25
Time 0.33
Steps 6 355.17
i 5% 334.98 115.17
Call strike 240 315.94 95.63 315.94
297.98 77.25 297.98 75.94
281.04 59.94 281.04 58.64 281.04
265.07 44.67 265.07 42.35 265.07 41.04
250 32.09 250 29.10 250 25.72 250
22.34 235.79 19.25 235.79 15.54 235.79 10
12.35 222.39 9.15 222.39 5.07 222.39
5.28 209.75 2.57 209.75 0
1.060267 1.31 197.82 0 197.82
0.943159 0 186.58 0
1.002743 0 175.97
0.508801 0
1 0.491199
The difference in the two prices of 0.40 is not surprising given that we have used
only six steps for the binomial model. As mentioned elsewhere we would need at
least 20 or more steps for the option price to converge on that given in the Black
Scholes model.
Module 9
Review Questions
If the asset price changes by 5 245 250 and it has a delta () of 0.60, then the
option price will change by 5 0.60 , or 3.
9.9 The correct answer is C. In a non-volatile market situation, with an option with a
high delta value of 0.80, as the time to expiry is reduced, we can anticipate that the
delta will increase (towards 1).
9.10 The correct answer is A. The gearing of an option in respect to the underlying asset
price will be at its highest when the option is deeply out-of-the-money.
9.11 The correct answer is B. Gamma () measures the rate of change for delta () in an
option. The rate of change of delta will be highest when the option is at-the-money.
9.12 The correct answer is D. A delta/gamma neutral strategy will require the existing
gamma (or rate of change in delta) to be neutralised. The position is long 2100
gamma: to neutralise this, we sell options (giving a negative gamma): 2100 1.4
1500. So we sell 1500 of the delta 0.45 options. By doing this, we unbalance the
delta of the position, so we now need to adjust the position in the underlying. We
have sold options so need to buy (delta underlying per option) 1500 0.45
675 of the underlying asset.
9.13 The correct answer is A. The sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
9.14 The correct answer is B. The gamma sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
9.15 The correct answer is C. The theta sensitivity of the portfolio will be:
9.16 The correct answer is C. The signs of the three positions are = +, = , and =
9.17 The correct answer is D. If the price of the share changes by 1, the value of the
puts will change by +0.58 (since puts, with a negative delta, become more valuable
as the underlying asset price falls). The ratio of the price changes is thus 0.58. Each
put is exercisable into 100 shares, so for the 10000 share portfolio we need 100 puts
to provide cover. However, we are wanting to balance the value change (hence, the
idea of a complete hedge) so we need to balance the value change sensitivity of the
two sides. We do this by buying 172 puts. They will change in value by 0.58
172 100 9976 per one change in the underlying. (Note that it is not a totally
perfect match and gamma effects would come into play over a wide price change.)
9.18 The correct answer is D. Delta is a measure of the relative sensitivity of the option
price to that of the underlying asset: if the delta is 0.4, we can expect the price of the
option to change by 0.4 of that of the underlying asset for small changes in price. It
is also the measure of the asset equivalence of the option: a high delta means that it
is more asset like, a low delta less asset like. In hedging options, we need to delta
hedge by holding or selling the delta amount of the contracted amount of the
underlying asset. It is also a measure of the likelihood of the option having a
positive value at expiry: high delta options having a high probability of exercise and
the reverse for low delta options. Options which are at-the-money will have a delta
= 0.50. So D is not a function of delta.
9.19 The correct answer is B. We know that the delta movement on a written call will be
0.44 and the written puts 0.51. We want the price ratio change for this that is
closest to zero. We have 51 calls which change by 0.44 22.44 and 44 puts which
change by 0.51 22.44.
9.20 The correct answer is C. The delta sensitivity of the alternatives is given in the
following table:
Of the four possible actions, C, buying calls, increases the delta of the position. All
the other actions have a negative delta sensitivity and hence reduce the delta of the
position. So C does not reduce the position delta.
9.21 The correct answer is B. The correct ratio of calls is found by determining the
required sensitivity of the two positions: We need to equate:
We want to sell the two options in the ratio 0.29/0.58 0.5. Hence for every call
bought we need two of the written calls to achieve delta neutrality on the position.
9.22 The correct answer is C. If the stock price increases by 1, from 54 to 55 and the
option price increases from 6.375 to 7.125, then the delta of the option = 0.75.
Substituting the given values for the option, we find the values set out in the
following table:
Variable 1 2
0.47113 0.327784
0.681226 0.628462
Calculating the option price from the top equation gives a call value of 10.97 and a
put value, using putcall parity, of 4.01.
2 To calculate the gamma sensitivity and vega sensitivity, we can use the differential
equation directly. For gamma this is:
1 /
Substituting the values we have:
. .
1/2 0.357035
125 0.25 120/365 17.91819
For the put, the same calculation gives us the put gamma but with the opposite sign
(it will be the negative of the call gamma): 0.01993.
The vega sensitivity is found by:
Substituting into the above, we have a vega of 25.58972.
3 If we recalculate the option price after one week has elapsed and no other factors
have changed we obtain the following results:
Option Original value New value Change in value
(T t) = 120 (T t) = 113
Call 10.97 10.71 (0.26)
Put 4.01 3.86 (0.15)
The value has fallen due to time decay effects. The theta (or sensitivity to time decay
of the options) is approximately 0.04 per day for the call and 0.02 for the put.
4 If we recalculate the option price after one week has elapsed and volatility has
increased from 25 per cent to 30 per cent but the other factors have not changed we
have the following results:
Option Original value New value Change in value
(T t) = 120 (T t) = 113
= 25% = 30%
Call 10.97 11.96 0.99
Put 4.01 5.12 1.11
The rise in volatility has increased the value of the two options (in spite of some loss
of time value from the reduction in the number of days to expiry) by 0.99 for the
call and 1.11 for the put.
If we had recalculated the option price with 120 days to expiry with the new
volatility we would have had option prices of 12.26 for the call and 5.31 for the put
(see the following table). The time decay for the one week at the new higher volatility
would have been: (0.30) and (0.19) respectively.
Option Value with = Value with = Change in value
25% 30% from change in
Call 10.97 12.26 1.29
Put 4.01 5.31 1.30
We can conclude that the change in option value in this case is made up of a gain
from increased volatility and a loss from time decay, as shown in the following table:
Gain from Loss from time
Option volatility decay Net value change
Call 1.29 0.26 0.99
Put 1.30 0.15 1.11
This is, depending on how we analyse the result, a gain of 1.29 for the call less a loss
from time decay of 0.26, which gives the net call option value increase of 0.99. For
the put, this is a gain of 1.30 from increased volatility, less a loss of 0.15 from time
Module 10
Review Questions
Substituting into the equation to obtain the values for 1 and 2 , we have 0.14772
and 0.00228, which give us and of 0.5587 and 0.4991 respectively.
We now find the option value as:
. .
1.567 0.5587 1.55 0.4991
This gives a value for the call of 0.101.
10.5 The correct answer is A. To calculate the value we use Blacks version of the Black
Scholes formula for futures:
Substituting into the equation to obtain the values for 1 and 1 , we have 0.168212
and 0.06787, which give us and of 0.5668 and 0.5271 respectively. We
now find the option value as:
. .
1189 0.5668 1175 0.5271
This gives a value of 54.36. Note that, given the very high volatility of the index, of
the option value only 14 points are intrinsic value and the rest is time value.
10.6 The correct answer is D. The calculation is as follows:
ln .055 .03 .25 /.25 .0937
10.8 The correct answer is B. The value of a call on a commodity with a convenience
yield can be priced using Mertons continuous-dividend version of the option-
pricing model. We need to determine the values of and using the two
sub-equations to the BlackScholes model
So it is optimal to exercise early and capture the dividend since we give up only 1.34
of time value.
10.10 The correct answer is A. As in Question 10.9, we want to compute the value for the
Substituting the values, we find that the right hand side of the equation comes to
4.24. So it is still optimal to exercise early and capture the dividend.
10.11 The correct answer is C. To apply the pseudo-American adjustment, we need to
compute the option value in two ways. First we compute the full tenor option
including the loss of the dividend of 4.2 at the end of Month 1 by adjusting the
underlying value as . This gives a value to the option of 17.19. We also
compute the value of the option if it is exercised in one months time before the value
leakage occurs. This gives a value of 13.91. Under the pseudo-American adjustment, it
is the higher of these two values which is correct.
10.12 The correct answer is B. To price the futures option, we can use Blacks model of
the BlackScholes option-pricing model for forward/futures contracts:
The sub-equations are:
Substituting for the values of 1 and 2 , we have 0.130075 and 0.043472 respective-
ly. We find and from the table, which are: 0.55175 and 0.51734. We
now compute the value of the top equation:
. .
93.50 0.55175 92.80 0.51734
This gives a value of 3.50.
10.13 The correct answer is A. If the strike price is 6.85 per cent, this represents a futures
price of 100 6.85 per cent or 93.15, so under current market conditions all the
caplets are out-of-the-money.
10.14 The correct answer is D. The value of a cap is simply the sum of the individual
caplets. Adding the four gives a value of 12.20.
10.15 The correct answer is D. A caplet has the value of a discounted interest rate option
since the payoff is not received by the holder to the end of the optioned period. The
value of the fourth-period caplet 4.06 gives 4.13.
10.16 The correct answer is A. For a barrier option to expire in-the-money, two
conditions have to be fulfilled. The option will have intrinsic value for a call
or for a put and the underlying must have traded within the trigger point
throughout the options life.
10.17 The correct answer is B. A cacall is an exotic type of option where the optioned
asset is another option (also known as a compound option).
10.18 The correct answer is A. An embeddo is an embedded option. That is, it forms part
of the terms and conditions of an asset or security (such as the call provision that
exists on some types of bonds) and which cannot be traded separately.
Applying the pricing factors to the equation gives a put value of 4.243.
2 We first calculate the pricing parameters for the binomial option pricing model from
the variables, namely:
Variable Value
Stock price 100
Strike price 102
Time to expiry 0.25
Step time 0.0833
Volatility 0.20
Risk-free rate 0.06
Parameters Value
; or 1/ 0.9439
1 0.4710
0 1 2 3 KU
118.91 0
105.94 105.94 0
100 100
94.39 94.39 7.61
84.10 17.90
Using backward induction now that we know the value of the option at expiration
we can find the value of the put using the binomial method:
0 1 2 3
1.6717 0
4.4829 3.5668
7.6874 7.61
0 1 2 3
0 0
2.0000 2.0000
7.6100 7.61
We can see that at month two, the lowest node the option is worth more exercised
than live. We now need to replace this value in our option value tree and recalculate
the value at month 1 in the lower node:
0 1 2 3
1.6717 0
4.5947 3.5668
7.9259 7.61
We find we dont need to adapt the lower node in month 1 after changing the
lowest node in month two for early exercise. So the value of the American-style put
is 4.5947 that is, .1118 more than the European-style option; that is, it is about 2.5
per cent more valuable.
We can now compute the values for the variables required to price the fraption, as
in the following table.
Variable Value
Asset rate from the spot yield curve 6.5628%
Strike rate % 6.38%
Tenor of FRA 0.25 years
Risk-free interest rate 6.1875%
Volatility 0.15
Start date (E) 0.25 years
End date (M) 0.50 years
Other values in the table are correct but repeated here for completeness.
To apply Blacks model for the fraption, we need to convert the interest rate
quotation into an asset equivalence, as in the following table:
Variable Value
Notional principal 15000000
Cap notional principal 3750000
FRA value =
market value rate of FRA notional principal 246106
Strike value =
strike rate % notional principal 239250
Zero-coupon rate to FRA value rate 6.1875%
Substituting, we have:
246106 0.15
ln 0.25
239250 2
0.15 0.25
this gives a value for 1 of 0.41422. Then:
0.41422 0.15 0.25
which has the value 0.33922. These give values for and respectively of
0.66064 and 0.63278. We now need to substitute these into the top equation:
. .
246 106 0.66064 239250 0.63278
So the call is worth 11030.
Module 11
Review Questions
11.8 The correct answer is A. The value sensitivity of the two positions will be: for the
cash position $25 2/3 since the exposure is two-thirds of that on the three-
month contract, or $16.67. The ratio of price change will be $16.67 $25 0.667.
The value of each contract is $1 million and we have a position of $15 million. So
we need 15 0.667, rounded to the nearest contract, or 10 contracts.
11.9 The correct answer is B. The minimum-variance hedge ratio is found by:
The spread between the nearby and the deferred contract was +0.13 on 1 August
and +0.08 on 15 August. At the same time, interest rates have risen over the two
weeks. So the yield curve has flattened whereas interest rates have risen.
11.14 The correct answer is C. A short spread position involves selling the nearby contract
and buying the deferred contract. The change in value of the sold (nearby) positions
between the two dates is a gain of 0.09. This is offset by the loss from the purchased
deferred contracts of (0.04). The net result is a gain of 0.05.
11.15 The correct answer is B. A long spread involves buying the nearby and selling the
deferred a short spread involves the opposite. With a lending requirement, we
want to buy the spread.
11.16 The correct answer is B. The maximum mismatch period will be the difference
between the commencement of the short-term exposure period (since the interest
rate is determined at the start of the exposure period) and the expiry date of the
nearby contract. The following diagram helps to illustrate the relationship.
Futures contracts
Start of
exposure period
In this case it will be the difference between mid-May, when the exposure period
commences, and the mid-June expiry date on the short-term interest rate futures a
period of one month.
11.17 The correct answer is D. To hedge the portfolio, we need to find the number of
contracts that balances the change in the portfolio value against the change in the
futures price. This is found using the formula:
Value of portfolio
Value of futures contract
Substituting the values for the S&P 500, we have:
903.50 $250
This gives 121.8. Since we cannot deal in part contracts, we round to 122.
11.18 The correct answer is B. To increase (rather than decrease) exposure to the market,
futures will need to be bought to obtain the desired positive sensitivity. The formula
for determining the number is:
Value of portfolio
Value of futures contract
Substituting the values into the equation, we have:
1.2 0.95
25 4825
This gives 155 contracts to be purchased.
11.19 The correct answer is D. The steps to analyse the result are as follows:
1. Find the portfolio to price value of 1 basis point (PVBP):
100 million 0.0001 655738
2. Convert the target portfolio with the new duration of 4 years to a PVBP:
100 million 0.0001 374707
We therefore want to reduce the interest rate sensitivity of the portfolio from
655738 to 374707, a reduction of 281031 per basis point.
3. Determine the futures contract PVBP.
1.0125 50000 0.0001 89.16
4. Determine the number of long-term interest rate futures required to be sold to
achieve the target portfolio interest rate sensitivity (duration):
Therefore to reduce the duration from seven years to four years, we need to sell
(short) 3152 long-term interest rate futures.
11.20 The correct answer is B. A long position in the market is represented by Line b.
11.21 The correct answer is D. If we combine a short position in the market with a long
call, we end up with a long put position.
11.22 The correct answer is C. The constant proportions portfolio insurance (CPPI)
approach involves a dynamic policy of switching between the risky market portfolio
and a safe investment. The basic formula is:
Value in risky asset Value of portfolio Value of floor
We therefore have:
Value in risky asset 2.5 5000 4000 2500
11.23 The correct answer is C. With the tolerance factor approach, we will rebalance the
portfolio when the portfolio has changed by 2.5 per cent, that is, when it reaches:
5000 1.025 = 5125. The change in value of the market element will thus be
2500 125 = 2625. The change in the index is therefore 2625 2500
2850 = 2993.
11.24 The correct answer is C. If we have a long asset position (+U), then we can protect the
exposure by buying puts on the underlying (+P). Such a position creates a synthetic
long call position.
11.25 The correct answer is A. For an option, the regret will be the amount paid for the
option, if it is exercised, less the degree of insurance provided. The formula is
( 0, ). If the asset price is below, the payoff from the put will be
( 0, ). If = 105, this is (120 105) = 15 for the put, 5 for the
asset price change and 15 for the premium, that is, 5 in all. If is 95, this is
120 95 25, 15 on the asset price and 15 for the premium, that is, 5 in
all. So the regret for option 2 is 5.
11.26 The correct answer is C. The performance loss from holding an unexercised put will
be on the upside. That is, the cost of the protection, the options
11.27 The correct answer is D. A protective put strategy requires the change in the value
of the puts to balance the change in value of the portfolio. The relationship is:
Position portfolio value 1
Index value Option delta
Substituting the values given in the question, we have:
65000000 1
10 4940 0.35
This comes to 2631.6. We need to round up to 2632 since part-contracts cannot be
11.28 The correct answer is A. To hedge against a possible market decline, given a long
position in the market, we need to buy puts. The number required is found by:
Portfolio value
Index value
Substituting, we have:
Futures expiry
December March June September
expiry expiry expiry expiry
December contract
Short-term protection period
interest rate March contract
futures contracts period protection period
June contract
protection period
Since the bulk of the exposure period is covered by the March contracts protection
period, this is the appropriate contract for hedging the exposure. Note that, as
discussed in Module 11, there is an element of rotational risk (yield curve twist risk)
left in the position by using only the March contract.
The situation is that each contract is worth 0.5 million. The sensitivity of the
contract price for a 1 basis point change in the yield is 12.50. Our sensitivity per 1
million is twice that. We therefore have a situation where for 6.7 million we need
to multiply the contract sensitivity by 2 and also for the fact that the price sensitivity
is for 4 months rather than the 3 months in the underlying future. This gives us a
price sensitivity of 223.33.
We could have calculated it as follows. The value of 1 bp discounted for 4 months
on 6.7 million 6.7m 0.0001 4/12 226. Which, allowing for the impre-
ciseness of the calculation method is near-enough to the above result.
The details of the method are given in Section 11.2.3.
2 The interest-rate sensitivity of the exposure is:
6.7 million 2 12.50 4/3
that of the underlying futures contract. This gives 223.33. The futures contract
sensitivity is 12.50. We therefore need 223.33 12.50 contracts to neutralise the
two sides. This is 17.86 or, rounded up, 18 contracts.
We can see that this works. If the interest rate on the borrowing increases by 1 per
cent, we will pay 0.01 6.7m 1/3 22333 more. On the futures, the change
will be: 12.50 18 100 22500. The one has offset the other. Note that the
slight discrepancy on the two sides relates to the rounding up to 18 contracts. If we
had used 17.86, we would have got 23325.
3 In the absence of any major changes in market conditions, we know that the term
structure looks as follows:
December: 6.45%
March: 6.72%
June: 7.00%
We know that the futures price will converge. The implied convergence on the
March contract is approximately 0.27 per cent between the December and March
contracts. There will be four weeks left on the contract when the position is
eliminated as the underlying exposure starts. If the contract converges at a uniform
rate, this means we are 0.09 per cent away from the current price of 6.45 per cent, or
a rate of 6.72 0.18 or 6.54 per cent on the contract.
4 We know that the term structure between the March and June contracts increases by
0.28 per cent. Since we have a four-month exposure, we can assume that the spot
rate for four months will be 0.09 per cent higher than that implied by the March
futures contract. If the yield curve should steepen or flatten, this may change the
effectiveness of the hedge. An increase in the steepness of the yield curve will
steepen the relationship between the implied three-month rate and the expected
four-month spot rate underlying the exposure period, thus degrading the hedge. As
mentioned in the text, one solution would be to set up a spread and use the June
contract to counteract this effect.
Module 12
Review Questions
than the base currency, we can expect it to appreciate against the base currency over
the forward period. The interest-rate parity relationship is given by:
Substituting, we find that the Deutschemark will be quoted at DM2.59 for three
months delivery.
12.7 The correct answer is B. The forward foreign exchange rate is DM2.5821/. We
can borrow sterling at 7.25 per cent. If we borrow 100, we can swap this into DM
spot at DM2.60 = DM260.00. Invested at 5.90 per cent for six months =
DM267.56. Converting this back at the forward rate gives 103.62. We need to pay
back 100 plus interest = 103.56, giving a profit of 0.06.
12.8 The correct answer is B. If we wanted to undertake a do-it-yourself forward foreign
exchange transaction, we need to borrow one of the currencies for the maturity
period, exchange it spot into the other and lend the resultant amount for the same
period. Since we want to sell Deutschemarks six months forward, we will want to
pay away these at the maturity of the replicating transaction involving the spot
foreign exchange market and borrowing and lending. To do so, we must borrow
them now, to be repaid at maturity. We next convert these at the spot rate into
sterling and invest this for the six months. At maturity, we now have a liability on
the DM side, as in the question, and an asset on the sterling side. So B is the right
transaction to undertake.
12.9 The correct answer is A. If we have a situation where we are exposed to a fall in the
US dollar against the Japanese Yen (that is, we are long dollars / short the Yen) we
would want to buy currency Yen futures as protection. Since the Yen futures are
quoted in US dollars, a fall in the dollar will mean a rise in the futures value: a long
position will return a profit in this case. For example, if the Yen is (using the
conventional quote) Y120.50/$, then the futures price = 0.8299 (reciprocal price
100). If the Yen appreciates, to say Y110/$, then the futures price becomes 0.9091.
12.10 The correct answer is B. In deciding the correct exposure to create, we have the
following initial exposure: +Swiss Francs/Australian dollars. We want to hedge
this exposure using currency futures, so that we have a hedge giving Swiss
Francs/+Australian dollars. The sensitivities of the two futures contracts are:
We can check this quickly by a simple example. If the Swiss Franc is SFr1.75/$, the
futures contract is 0.5714. If the dollar depreciates, to SFr1.65/$, the futures
contract becomes 0.6061. To neutralise the cross exposure, we sell Swiss Franc
futures and buy Australian dollar ones. This gives a spread relationship =
US$/ SFr
The dollar element washes out, to give us SFr/+AUD, the required sensitivity for
our hedge.
12.11 The correct answer is D. The break-even from buying calls will be: . The
premium is $0.055 per DM, so the break-even = 0.655 + 0.055 = 0.71. To check
that, we know each contract is worth DM62500, so the total cost = $3437.50. We
have the right to exchange DM62500 at $0.655 = $40937.50, add the premium
$3437.50 $44375 62500 $0.71/ .
12.12 The correct answer is C. If we have a Deutschemark receivable, we want to hold a
put on the quoted currency. A put allows us to sell the base currency (Deut-
schemarks) and buy the quoted currency (dollars). A written call sells the base
currency (Deutschemarks) and buys the quoted currency (dollars). By writing the
call, we reverse the profit being made on the purchased put, in such a way that
above the capped rate of 0.650, for every 1 cent made on the put, we lose 1 cent on
the written call. In setting up a vertical spread or currency cylinder to cap our costs,
at the expense of some additional gain, we also sell a call on the currency. For
instance, we buy $0.660 February put for $0.186 and sell the February $0.650 call for
$0.074. The net cost = $0.074 $0.186 = $0.112.
12.13 The correct answer is D. For a consumer (who has the mirror-image risk of a
producer), the attractions of entering into a commodity swap and paying the fixed
rate are that it provides a flat rate for the commodity being purchased over the life
of the swap, it allows the customer to maintain existing commercial supply arrange-
ments (that is, it separates the risk-management decision from the commercial one)
and it can be customised to meet the consumers specific needs.
12.14 The correct answer is D. A floor is a generic name for any risk-management
transaction designed to guarantee a minimum value or price. A long position in an
asset together with a long put provides a floor price in case of a fall in the assets
price. A dynamic replication programme which emulates the behaviour of a call is
designed to provide a minimum value or floor to an investment strategy. Equally, a
floor is a series of sequential expiry date put options designed to protect a position
over time.
This is swapped into Swiss Francs at the bid side: SFr2.4083 4905718.23 =
SFr11814441.21. This is then invested at the bid side of 1% for three months:
SFr11814441.21 1 0.25 0.01625 SFr11863103.99
From the data provided, we therefore have the values set out in the following table:
Transaction Value in Swiss Francs
Currency forward 11 868 000
DIY forward 11 863 104
Difference: 4 896
The company is marginally better off, by an amount of SFr4896, by undertaking the
forward foreign exchange contract.
2 To undertake the same transaction with futures, we need to work out the right
spread transaction given that there is no Swiss Francsterling futures contract. The
first step is to establish the correct sensitivity for the US dollar/sterling leg and then
the appropriate sensitivity for the US dollar/Swiss Franc leg. This is a negative
sensitivity to () and a positive sensitivity to the Swiss Franc (+SFr).
For the initial transaction, we want to sell sterling and buy US dollars. Therefore, we
Short dollar / Sterling currency futures
Long US dollar / SFr currency futures
Each sterling contract is worth 62500. We therefore need to sell 5 million
62500 = 80 contracts. This gives us $1.6776 80 62500 in US dollars:
The next stage is to convert this amount into Swiss Francs. The contract is currently
trading at $0.7065 = SFr1. The dollar amount in Swiss francs = $8388000 0.7065
= SFr11872612. Each contract is worth SFr125000. So we need 95 contracts:
SFr11872612 125000 = 94.98. We can only deal in round numbers of contracts,
so we use 95.
We have now established the position. We exchange US$8389688 via the futures
contract and have to find the balance of $1688 by other means. Our exchange rate
on the fixed amount is SFr11872612 5 million = SFr2.3745/.
3 The obvious disadvantage is that there is a residual error in this approach. The
company can exchange all its asset into US dollars, but has to round up the amount
on the Swiss Franc leg to make it into the nearest complete contract. All else being
equal, the company will have to find a small amount of dollars to top up the dollar
payment if the contract is held to expiry.
In addition, as stated elsewhere, the company will have to provide margin on the
position. Since the transaction is set up as a spread, the margin amount will not be
the total of both the contracts: an offsetting allowance will be permitted by the
exchange. Nevertheless, the company will have to monitor funds going into and out
of its margin account.
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fixed cash flow 5/19 FRN (floating rate note) 5/6, 5/125/14,
fixed rate bond 5/5, 5/7, 5/12 10/32
fixed rate swaps 5/5 FT-SE 100 index 11/47
fixed-for-floating commodity swap 5/36 fungible contracts 4/8
fixed-rate payer 5/5, 5/22 futures contracts 3/2, 11/9, 12/18
fixed-to-fixed cross-currency swaps 5/30 and hedging 11/14, 11/36
flat pricing 5/34 categories 4/5
floating cash flow 5/19 risks of using 4/30, 4/48
floating rate 5/5, 5/12, 5/22 futures markets 4/5, 4/6, 4/104/12,
floating rate note (FRN) 5/6, 5/9, 5/12 4/18
5/14, 10/32 FXAs (forward exchange agreements)
floating-rate payer 5/5 3/18, 3/24
floors 10/32, 11/51, 12/25, 12/27, gamma 9/1, 9/3, 9/5
12/29 and volatility 9/19
interest rate option 10/22 gamma and vega 9/31
Footsie 11/47 generic approach to hedging 11/9
forecast volatility calculation 8/9, 8/11 generic arbitrage 4/42
foreign exchange 12/1 'Greeks, The' 9/19/43
case studies 12/2, 12/41 heat exchange formula 8/3
forwards 3/2, 3/18, 6/2, 12/712/8 Heath, David 10/27
swaps 3/193/23, 5/3 hedge ratio 7/5, 9/7, 11/1011/12,
foreign exchange agreements (FXAs) 11/15
3/18 minimum-variance 11/11, 11/14,
foreign exchange forward contracts 3/5 11/36
foreign exchange markets 12/41 hedge ratio, minimum-variance 11/14
foreign exchange rate risk 12/2 hedge, riskless 7/4
foreign exchange, forwards 3/5 hedger's exemption 11/34
foreign exposure, types of 12/2 hedging 3/4, 4/274/36
forward contracts 2/4, 2/9, 6/1, 12/7, imperfect 11/3
12/17 objectives 11/8
and hedging 11/9 of borrowing requirement 4/45,
defined 3/3, 5/18 11/16, 11/22
payoff of 6/3 problems 11/2
forward exchange agreements (FXAs) tailing 4/404/41, 11/16
3/24 hedging interest rate risk 11/66
forward foreign exchange contract 3/2, hedging with written calls 11/67
3/19, 6/1, 12/712/8 hedging, tailing 4/14
forward interest rates 4/24 historical data 11/15
forward rate agreement historical volatility 8/98/11
British Bankers Association formulae Ho, T 10/27
3/18 horizontal spread 6/25
forward rate agreement (FRA) 2/8, ICI 5/10, 5/275/30
3/143/18, 4/41, 5/6, 10/20 imperfect hedge 11/3
forward rate pricing 10/19 implied forward rate 11/20
forward rate swaps 5/4 implied repo rate 4/11
forward-start 3/14, 3/15, 10/32 implied volatility 8/9, 8/10, 8/11
FRA (forward rate agreement) 2/8, 4/41, index pricing mechanism 4/44
5/6, 10/20 index swap 5/4
terminology 3/16, 3/18 Ingersoll, Jonathan 10/26
fraption 10/20, 10/21 initial margin 4/11, 4/12
free cash flow 5/18 insolvency 5/39
insurance 2/10, 6/2, 11/1, 11/3 liquidity 4/3, 4/4, 4/84/10, 11/10
portfolio 11/3911/43 loans 5/4, 5/6, 5/9, 5/12
inter-commodity spread 4/16 'lock-in' transactions 3/2, 12/5, 12/17
interest rate markets 3/5 lognormal distribution 10/18, 10/23
interest rate option, valuing 10/42 London interbank bid rate (LIBID) 5/17
interest rate options (IROs) 10/43 London interbank offer rate (LIBOR)
interest rate rise 10/11 5/17, 5/36, 12/8
interest rate risk 5/33, 5/34, 5/38, 11/66 London Metal Exchange 4/15
case studies 3/41 long call strategy 6/22, 6/23
interest rate risk protection 3/41 long spread 11/28
interest rate sensitivity 11/37 long volatility 8/12, 9/31
interest rate swaps 5/4, 5/20 long/short positions 4/14, 5/6
interest rates 4/18, 4/24, 5/21, 6/17 lookback option 10/30
lognormal distribution 10/18 maintenance margin 4/13
mean return 5/40 margin call 4/13
intermediaries 2/62/8, 3/3, 4/84/10, margining 2/6, 4/2, 4/9, 4/124/13,
4/12 10/19
International Bank for Reconstruction margining
and Development (IBRD) 5/3 and hedging 4/40
International Business Machines (IBM) market mechanisms 4/84/10, 4/43
2/8, 5/35/4, 5/14 market participants 4/42
interpolation 8/148/15, 8/16, 11/32 market risk 11/50
in-the-money 6/12, 9/6, 9/8, 9/13, market view 9/389/40
11/45 markets 3/3, 3/5, 3/6, 4/5
call option value 6/10 mark-to-market 2/6, 4/2, 4/3, 4/13
delta 9/11, 9/12, 9/14 maturity 5/5, 5/25, 6/7
interest rates 9/27 mean return 5/40
theta 9/22 Merton, Robert 10/3
volatility (vega) 9/30 Merton's adjustment model 10/3
intra-commodity spread 4/16 Metallgesellschaft 11/3311/36
intrinsic value 6/13, 6/15 MG Refining and Marketing (MGRM)
investors 5/12 11/3311/36
iron butterfly strategy 6/25 mid-Atlantic option 10/32
IROs (interest rate options) 10/43 Midland Montagu 3/19
Jarrow, Robert 10/27 minimum margin 4/12
Jones, Robert 11/41 minimum risk hedge ratio 11/1011/11
key pricing factors 9/3 minimum risk portfolio 11/14
knock-in/out options 10/30 minimum-variance hedge ratio 11/11,
ladder spread 6/25 11/14, 11/36
lamda 9/3, 9/28 mismatch 4/32, 11/35
law of one price 7/13 MoDo paper group, Sweden 11/4
leakage 6/18, 6/19, 8/2, 9/23 Morton, Andrew 10/27
delta adjustment 9/12 multi-currency flows 5/14
theta adjustment 9/23 multiperiod pricing 7/2, 7/177/18
Lee, S. 10/27 multi-strike options 10/31
leverage 9/3, 9/139/14, 10/29 multivariate options 10/31
liabilities, repackaging 5/125/14 naive methodology 11/10, 11/11, 11/13
LIBID (London interbank bid rate) 5/17 naked transactions 4/15, 5/15
LIBOR (London interbank offer rate) net present value, calculating 5/22
5/17, 5/36, 12/8 neutral delta 9/7
linear payoff 2/9, 11/47 neutral gamma 9/16