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Laparos PDF
Laparos PDF
IInd Edition
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Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 5
a b
Fig. 52a Fig. 52b
Various needle holders with curved jaws. The KOH Macro Needle Holder with curved jaws, ergonomic
pistol handle and disengageable ratchet.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 33
Fig. 54
Disposable extraction bag.
34 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 55 a Fig. 55 b
The morcellator system ROTOCUT G1, laparoscopy set. The hollow shaft motor of the ROTOCUT G1 mocellator is used in
conjunction with the control unit UNIDRIVE S III.
Fig. 56
Myoma fixation instrument with screw-shaped tip.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 35
Fig. 57 Fig. 58
The TINTARA uterine manipulator (KARL STORZ Tuttlingen, Proper placement of the uterine manipulator.
Fig. 59
The CLERMONT-FERRAND uterine manipulator
(KARL STORZ Tuttlingen, Germany).
36 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 60
Schematic drawing of the room setup illustrating the optimal arrangement of the surgical team and equipment during gynecological
laparoscopic procedures. ! operating surgeon; @ first assistant; # second assistant; $ scrub nurse; % anaesthesiologist.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 37
Fig. 61
Correct preoperative placement of the patient on the operating table
in low dorsolithotomic position.
Fig. 63
Placement of the patient in low dorsolithotomic
position enables proper manipulation of the
laparoscopic instruments via the accessory ports.
Fig. 62
The legs are gently placed in well-padded boot-type stirrups for
routine deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis.
38 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Recommended Literature:
MENCAGLIA L, WATTIEZ A: Manual of Gynaecological
Laparoscopic Surgery. (2000); Endo-Press Tuttlingen,
HULKA J, REICH H: Textbook of laparoscopy,
Third edition (USA). (2002); 5356, 6981, 276283
Chapter II
Use of Electricity in Laparoscopy
Paulo Ayroza and Elizabet Abdalla
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Medical School of the Santa Casa University of So Paulo, Brazil
Electrosurgical unit
Return plate
40 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 History
The therapeutic use of heat in the treatment of human beings O An electrosurgical generator was used for the first time in
has been known for a very long time. The Egyptians used the operating room by Cushing in 1926. Although he was
cauterization to treat tumors three thousand years B.C. not the first to try it, William Bovie was the one responsible
Four hundred years before the Christian era, Hippocrates for developing the modern concept of electrosurgery.
discussed the use of heat to treat diseases. In this context, O In 1934, Werner described tissue coagulation using high
he described the use of cauterization to treat joint problems frequency electrical energy. This concept represented an
and haemorrhoids. He also recommended applying seven or important step forward in surgery and is still used widely
eight little pieces of heated iron to the hemorrhoid to arrest today.
bleeding. However, it was only at the start of the 20th century
that Koch described cauterization using electricity. In this The use of electrosurgical energy in laparoscopy dates from
technique, an electric current heated the tip of a forceps and the 1960s when gynecologists were the first to use laparos-
the hot metal was applied to the tissue to cauterize it. In 1878, copy for minor surgical procedures such as tubal sterilization.
Koch also described the first tubal sterilization by means of At the start, there were some mishaps, which discouraged the
cauterization with a wire heated by an electric current. use of the monopolar modality of electrosurgery for the next
two decades. Technical developments led to the production
In fact, there is a great difference between electrocautery and of new electrosurgical generators and laparoscopic instru-
electrosurgery. In the former, electricity heats a metal instru- ments specially designed for this modality. Thus, at the end of
ment, which is then applied to the tissue. In electrosurgery, the 1980s, electrosurgery came back to fill an indispensable
the opposite occurs, with the current producing heat as it space in gynecological endoscopy.
passes through the tissue.
Electrosurgery is the most frequently used form of energy in
Electrosurgery developed in the 20th century. It causes the all branches of surgery. In 1995, Odell demonstrated how the
electric current to pass through the body, producing heat use of electrosurgery in laparoscopy optimizes the proce-
due to tissue impedance. Unlike cauterization, during electro- dures, reducing operation time and blood loss.
surgery the forceps does not heat to the point of burning but
is limited to transmitting the electric current to the tissues. Over the years, some doubts have emerged regarding possible
The development of electrosurgery passed through various injuries caused by heat in healthy tissue. In 1982, Riedel and
periods and various discoveries were made. It is worth Semm described the risks of inappropriate use of electro-
recalling how a few concepts that are today regarded as very surgery and they emphasized the need for appropriate
simple were established. monitoring of this technique.
O Experiments with static electricity, which began in 1786, Various studies have analyzed injuries caused to the tissues
used direct current, also known as galvanic current, which by monopolar and bipolar electrocoagulation. In 1995, with
produced muscle contractions. different devices, Baggish and Tucker evaluated histologically
the extent of necrosis caused by monopolar and bipolar
O The specific current induction developed by Faraday electrocoagulation.
and Henry was integrated in 1891 by DArsonval, who
described the use of high frequency current to counteract
muscle contractions.
2.2 Waveform
An electrical wave has a sine form that can be modified, currents but rather a variation of the duty cycle. Moving from
resulting in waves with different forms and different effects. blend 1 to blend 3, the duty cycle is reduced progressively.
Two types of electrical wave are normally used in electro- A lower duty cycle produces less heat. Consequently,
surgery: blend 1 is able to vaporize tissue with minimal hemostasis
O Non-modulated (Fig. 1), also called pure wave, obtained whereas blend 3 is less effective at cutting but provides
using a free alternating current of continuous form, which maximum hemostasis.
is responsible for the cutting effect. It can also be used for The only variable that determines whether a waveform vapo-
coagulation. rizes tissue or causes coagulation is the rate at which heat is
O Modulated (Fig. 2), so called because this waveform produced. A high amount of thermal energy released rapidly
produces some modifications in frequency and amplitude. induces vaporization, whereas a low amount released more
This waveform is used especially for coagulation. slowly induces coagulation. Any one of the five waveforms
(non-modulated, modulated and the 3 blends) can accom-
O A third waveform, the so-called blended current, can plish both tasks by modifying the variables that influence the
be used. This is not a mixture of cutting and coagulation tissue effect.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Pure or unmodulated wave form. Modulated electrical wave.
42 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 3
Monopolar modality.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 43
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
The return electrode plate provides an adequate contact area. If the plate contact is faulty, the density of the return current
increases dangerously and with it the risk of local burns.
O Check the plate site, which should be a well vascularized are equipped with patient plate monitoring, which actively
muscle mass. Avoid irregular bony contours and bony monitors the amount of impedance at the patient/plate
prominences. The incision site, patient positioning and any interface because there is a direct relationship between this
other equipment connected to the patient should also be impedance and the contact area. The system is designed
considered. to deactivate the generator before an injury can occur if
it detects a dangerously high level of impedance at the
O Patient electrode plate monitoring. patient/plate interface.
Contact quality monitoring was developed to protect
patients from burns due to inadequate contact of the return In order to work properly, such generators must use a patient
electrode. Plate site burns are caused by a decreased return electrode that is compatible. This type of electrode is
contact area at the return electrode site. New generators divided into two separate areas.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 45
Recommended Reading
1. BAGGISH MS: Is it necessary to repeat history? 21. MECKE H, SCHNKE M, SCHULZ S, SEMM K:
J Gynecol Surg 1989; 5: 323 Incidence of adhesions following thermal tissue
2. BAGGISH MS, TUCKER RD: Tissue actions of bipolar damage. Res Exp Med 1991; 191: 40511
scissors compared with monopolar devices. 22. NIELSEN PH, NYLAND MH, ISTRE O, MAIGAARD S,
Fertil Steril 1995; 63: 4226 et al: Acute tissue effects during transcervical
3. BERGDAHL B, VLLFORS B: Studies on coagulation endometrial resection. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1993; 36:
and the development of an automatic computerized 11923
bipolar coagulation. J Neurosurg 1991; 75: 14851 23. O CONNOR JL, BLOOM DA: William T. Bovie and
4. BHLER K, KATO K, KLESSEN C, KOCH R, et al.: electrosurgery. Surgery 1996; 119: 3906
Die temperatur-geregelte bipolare Elektrokoagulation 24. ODELL RC: Electrosurgery: principles and safety issues.
Zent bl Gynkol,1991; 113: 71322 Clin Obstet Gynecol 1995; 38: 6102
5. CORSON SL: Electrosurgical hazards in laparoscopy.
JAMA 1974; 227: 12613 25. PEREIRA FEL: Degeneraes. Morte celular. Alteraes
do interstcio. In: BRASILEIRO FILHO, G.;
6. CUSHING H: Electrosurgery as an aid to the removal PITTELLA, J.E.H.; PEREIRA, F.E.L.; BAMBIRRA, E.A;
of intracranial tumors. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1928; 47: BARBOSA, A.J.A Bogliolo Patologia. 5 ed. Rio de
75184 Janeiro, Guanabara Koogan 1996,. p.4681.
7. CURCIE DJ, CRAELIUS W: The role of thermal feedback 26. RAPPAPORT WD, HUNTER GC, ALLEN R, LICK S,
in electrosurgical tissue heating. Tech Health Care 1995; et al.: Effect of eletrocautery on wound healing in midline
i 3: 1116 laparotomy incisions. Am J Surg 1990; 160: 61820
Laparoscopic tubal sterilization. The potential for 27. RIEDEL HH, SEMM K: An initial comparison of
thermal bowel injury. J Reprod Med 1990; 35: 9514 coagulation techniques of sterilization. J Reprod Med
1982; 27: 26 17
TREPETA RW: Comparison of skin necrosis in rats by 28. RIEDEL HH, LEHMANN-WILLENBROCK E, MECKE H,
using a new microneedle electrocautery, standard-size AHMELS E: Histologische und enzymhistochemische
needle electrocautery and the shaw hemostatic scalpel. Untersuchungen am Kaninchenuterushorn nach
Ann Plast Surg 1993; 31: 1647 anwendung unterschiedlicher Koagulationsmethoden.
Zent bl Gynkol 1990; 112: 189205
10. GIORDANO BP: Dont be a victim of surgical smoke.
AORN J 1996; 63: 52022 29. RYDER RM, HULKA JF: Bladder and Bowel injury after
11. GOLDWYN RM: Bovie. The man and the machine. electrodesiccation with Kleppinger Bipolar forceps.
Annals Plast Surg 1979; 2: 13553 J Reprod Med 1993; 38: 5958
12. GROSSKINSKY CM, RYDER RM, PENDERGRASS HM, 30. SODERSTROM RM: Principles of Eletrosurgery During
HULKA JF: Laparoscopic capacitance: A mystery Endoscopy. In:Sammarco MJ, Stovall TG, Steege JF.
measured. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 169: 16325 Gynecologic Endoscopy. Baltimore, 1996,
Williams & Wilkins, p. 17992.
13. HOGLAN M: Potential Hazards from electrosurgery
plume. Recomendations for surgical smoke evacuation. 31. SEMM K: Endocoagulation: A new and completely safe
Can Oper Room Nurs J 1995; 13: 106 medical current for sterilization. Int J Fertil 1977; 22: 238
14. HUKKI J, LIPASTI J, CASTREN M, PUOLAKKAINEN P, 32. SIGEL B, DUNN MR: The mechanism of blood vessel
et al: Lactate dehydrogenase in laser incisions. Laser closure by high frequency electrocoagulation.
Surg Med 1989; 9: 58994 Surg Gynecol Obstet 1965; October: 82331
Cellular events in adhesion formation due to Thermal and inexpensive method for measuring electrosurgical
Trauma. Eur Surg Res 1984a; 16: 13640 variables. Biomed Instrum Tech 1989; 23: 547
A model for adhesion formation by thermal injury in the effect of 5 french bipolar and monopolar electrosurgical
abdominal cavity of the mouse. Eur Surg Res 1984b; probles on the porcine bladder. Urol Res 1990;
16: 1315 18: 29 14
17. KOCKS J: Eine neue Methode der Sterilisation der Frau. 35. TUCKER RD, BENDA JA, MARDAN A, ENGEL T:
ZBL Gynk 1878; 2: 617 The interaction of electrosurgical bipolar forceps and
18. LEVY BS, SODERSTROM RM, DAIL DH: Bowel injuries generators on an animal model of fallopian tube
during laparoscopy. Gross anatomy and histology. J sterilization. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991; 165: 4439
Reprod Med 1985; 30: 16872
36. VECK S: An introduction to the principles and safety of
19. LUCIANO AA, WHITMAN G, MAIER DB, RANDOLPH J, electrosurgery. Br J Hosp Med 1996; 55: 2730
et al: A comparison of thermal injury, healing
patterns, and postoperative adhesion formation 37. VOYLES CR, TUCKER RD: Education and engineering
following CO2 laser and electromicrosurgery. solutions for potencial problem with laparoscopic
Fert Steril 1987 48: 10259 1987 monopolar electrosurgery Am J Surg 1992; 164: 5762
20. LUCIANO AA: Power sources. Obstet Gynecol Clin N 38. WERNER R: Sterilisierung der Frau durch
Am 1995; 22: 42343 Tubenverkochung. Chirurg 1934; 6: 8435
Chapter III
Ergonomics in Laparoscopy
Arnaud Wattiez
Strasbourg University Hospital
Strasbourg, France
50 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 5
The position of the two monitors allows the surgical team and the nurse to see the screen.
! operating surgeon; @ first assistant; # second assistant; $ scrub nurse; % anaesthesiologist.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 51
Hysterectomy Myomectomy
Fig. 7
Positioning the trocars for 4 hands.
52 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Introduction of the accessory trocar. Topographical anatomy of vessels and organs relative to the trocars
angle of insertion.
The afore-mentioned ratio can be altered easily by shifting the Other ergonomic rules, which may shorten operating times,
point of trocar insertion away from the operating field (e.g. are: placing two lateral trocars in a triangle with the primary
cranially in the midline during pelvic operations). trocar, never introducing more than one trocar parallel to the
Consequently, the trocar site must be different for delicate primary trocar, taking into account the axis of work and angles
procedures such as tubal surgery and for those requiring of approach (especially while suturing), etc. Remember,
force such as myomectomy or Burchs operation. The most that the right lower quadrant trocar is usually controlled by
efficient balance is achieved when the ratio is 1:1, because the assistant, so the assistants parameters as well as the
the hand can feel the pressure of the tissue and the force anticipated function and level of the port must be considered
exerted. With any other ratio, this feeling is lost. This is why during pre-operative planning. Letting the assistant perform
it is important to take your time to plan each point of trocar some tasks that are better performed from his side (e.g. right
insertion; this time is not wasted. Symmetrical insertion is not uterine artery coagulation during hysterectomy) eliminates
important. the need for the surgeon to change sides.
4.0 Instrumentation
4.1 Multifunctional Instruments
The three basic actions are dissection, hemostasis and the non-dominant hand can cut (mechanically or electri-
cutting. All of these actions can be performed easily when cally), coagulate by use of monopolar technique, lateralize
multifunctional instruments are used (such as bipolar forceps and dissect. Thus, the surgeon is able to perform nine
or monopolar scissors) in the following order: different actions and rarely needs to change instruments
The surgeon holds the bipolar forceps in one hand and so as to enable performing a specific action. There are
other acceptable ways of holding laparoscopic instruments
curved scissors, connected to the monopolar electrosurgical
provided this is done logically.
generator, in the other. In this way, the dominant hand is
able to dissect, grasp, apply traction and coagulate while
Anesthesia unit
Anesthesia unit
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Operating room set up. Alternative operating room setup.
1.0 Introduction
Laparoscopy allows a highly magnified and close-up view of
the abdominal and pelvic cavity, making it possible to visualize
and study the anatomical structures and pelvic spaces that in
the past were difficult to visualize at laparotomy.
Fig. 2
Drawing of the abdominal wall at the level of the umbilicus.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 59
It is also necessary to pay attention to the superficial blood The umbilicus is the most suitable site for introducing the
supply of the umbilicus, which is usually in the form of a circle primary trocar and the Veress needle because the anterior
to the right of the umbilicus. Because of this, the umbilical abdominal wall here contains less subcutaneous tissue and
incision is preferably made on the left. does not contain any muscle, and the distance between the
skin and peritoneum is shortest.
The difference between the fascia above and below the
umbilicus must be recalled. In the upper part, the posterior However, the umbilicus, entered through its upper part, is
layer of the internal oblique fascia and the aponeurosis of the location of choice for open laparoscopy, a technique
the transversus abdominis muscle pass behind the rectus preferred by some and favoured by general surgeons.
abdominis muscles, while the anterior layer of the internal
The peritoneal layer is adherent with the layers above so
oblique fascia passes in front. Below the umbilicus, all the
once the fascia has been identified, clamped and incised, it
fasciae pass together anterior to the rectus abdominis
is easy to open the serosa bluntly and enter the abdominal
muscles (Figs. 1, 2). These anatomical relations are important
cavity using a round-tipped Hasson trocar.
when the Veress needle is introduced during laparoscopy. In
fact, if it is introduced in or below the umbilicus, a distinct This technique is indicated in patients who have previously
tactile sensation is felt when the fascia and peritoneum is undergone pelvic and/or abdominal surgery or where post-
crossed. If it is introduced above the umbilicus, lateral to the inflammatory adhesions are suspected because it allows
midline, passage through the anterior fascia, posterior fascia direct inspection of the structures beneath the trocars entry
and peritoneum can be felt distinctly. site.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
View of the superficial blood supply of the abdominal wall by Drawing of the superficial blood supply of the abdominal wall which
transillumination (insert picture showing the external view). can be visualized by transillumination.
60 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 5
Uterus, view of the fundus.
Fig. 6
Broad ligament of the uterus.
62 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 10
Uterine artery.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 65
To prevent injury to the ureter during hysterectomy, the O The uterine artery is coagulated at the level of the isthmus
following is advisable: and at the point where it passes between the cervix and
O Use of a uterine manipulator sturdy enough to elevate and the body of the uterus.
lateralize the uterus with the aim of exposing the angle O Knowledge of the principles of electrosurgery is essential
where it meets the uterine artery. Incorrect exposure of for preventing the potential risk of ureter injuries. In
the uterine artery can easily lead to injuries to the ureter particular, the use of bipolar electrosurgery with suitable
when the artery is divided, ligated or coagulated by use of instruments is recommended.
bipolar electrosurgery. O The anatomical proximity of the ureter to the pelvic infun-
O Fenestration of the broad ligament, which allows the ureter dibulum requires great care during adnexectomy when
to be moved, which is located very close to the posterior ligating or coagulating this ligament, especially in the case
leaf of the peritoneum. of adhesions or pelvic endometriosis.
O Adequate dissection of the posterior leaf of the broad O Where possible, always visualize the ureter by trans-
ligament is essential to better visualize and localize the illumination, as described above.
uterine artery and vein.
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
Common iliac arteries and inferior vena cava. Principal vessels at the level of the sacral promontory.
Fig. 22
The sacral vessels at the level of the promontory.
Fig. 23
Left external iliac artery.
Fig. 27 Fig. 28
Obturator fossa. Superior vesical artery.
The obturator artery is an important anatomical boundary toward the lower part of the greater sciatic foramen. It
during lymphadenectomy along the external iliac artery. It is supplies the piriformis muscle, the coccygeus and levator ani
accompanied by the obturator nerve and vein. It is located with the rectal vessels.
deeply and laterally in the pelvis toward the upper part of The vaginal artery arises from the internal iliac artery in a
the obturator foramen on both sides. Inside the obturator common trunk with the uterine artery and middle rectal artery.
foramen, the nerve runs more laterally compared to the artery The ureter crosses it posteriorly and from this point the artery
(Fig. 27). The artery passes through the obturator foramen and descends in the direction of the vagina medial to the ureter. It
divides into an anterior and posterior branch. The obturator ends in the middle third of the vagina in small anastomosing
artery is related laterally to the obturator fascia and medially branches and supplies all of the vagina.
to the ureter. Anatomic variants of this vessel are common
and to identify it the umbilical artery and external iliac artery The superior vesical artery arises from the proximal part of the
are used as reference points as the obturator artery is located anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery and supplies numerous
between these two vessels. branches to the upper part of the bladder and ureter.
The middle rectal (or hemorrhoidal) artery descends lateral to The middle vesical artery is a branch of the superior vesical
the rectum in the pararectal space. It supplies the rectum and artery and supplies the base of the bladder (Fig. 28).
anastomoses with the superior and inferior rectal arteries. The inferior vesical artery normally arises in common with the
The internal pudendal artery is the smallest of the terminal middle hemorrhoidal artery or the vaginal artery. It supplies
branches of the internal iliac and supplies the external the base and inferior part of the bladder and the trigone.
genitalia and perineum. It passes downward and external The posterior branches of the internal iliac or hypogastric
to the inferior part of the greater sciatic foramen, behind the artery:
sciatic spines, and leaves the pelvis through the coccygeus
and piriformis muscles. It then crosses the sciatic spine and The iliolumbar artery is a branch of the posterior trunk and
inferior pubic ramus to terminate in the middle of the fascia passes behind the obturator nerve and external iliac vessels
of the urogenital diaphragm and the area of the clitoris. In its toward the medial border of the psoas major muscle, where it
course it is accompanied medially by the pudendal nerve, divides into a lumbar branch and an iliac branch.
the inferior rectal nerve and the inferior gluteal vessels and The lateral sacral arteries are branches of the posterior trunk,
laterally by the sciatic nerve, the inferior gluteal nerve and the normally two in number, one superior and one inferior, which
internal obturator nerve. descend to the lateral border of the sacrum.
The inferior gluteal artery is the most important of the terminal The superior gluteal artery goes to the gluteal area, running
branches of the internal iliac (hypogastric) artery. It descends behind the lumbosacral trunk at the level of the first sacral
anterior to the nerves of the sacral plexus and piriformis nerve and leaving the pelvis through the piriformis, dividing
muscle, posterior to the internal pudendal artery and passes into a superficial and deep branch.
70 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 30 Fig. 31
Paravesical space. Lateral view of the paravesical space: the internal obturator muscle,
puborectalis muscle and the two tendinous arches can be seen.
Fig. 32
Space of Retzius.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 71
Fig. 34
Presacral space.
Recommended Reading
Variations du System Artriel Variations des Artres du KARDACHE M, DAHAN H, LASSAU JP, RYMER R:
Pelvis et du Membre Inferieur, Masson et Cie., Paris Arterial anatomy of the female genital tract: veriations
and relevance to trascatheter embolization of the uterus.
2. GASPARRI F, MASSI GB: (1976) Trattato italiano di
AJR Am J Roentgenol.1999 Apr;172(4): 98994.
Uterine artery embolization: anatomical and technical
considerations, indications, results, and complications
J Radiol. 200 Dec;81 (12 Suppl): 186372.
72 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter V
Suturing Techniques in
Gynecologic Laparoscopy
Daiana Tonellotto1, Paulo Ayroza2,
Arnaud Wattiez3 and Luca Mencaglia4
Barra DOr Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Medical School of the Santa Casa University of So Paulo, Brazil
Strasbourg University Hospital, Strasbourg, France
Centro Oncologico Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
74 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Ergonomics
To make suturing easier it is important for the surgeon to instruments by the hands and fingers. The arms must be
adopt as ergonomic a position as possible. relaxed and the elbows beside the trunk.
The surgeon must be at a height where the angle between It is extremely important that all of the surgical team is
his upper arm and forearm is > 90 degrees. It must be borne arranged correctly around the table and that the surgeons
in mind that the patients abdominal wall is distended by the line of vision (eye-monitor) always passes between the
pneumoperitoneum and is further elevated by the Trendelen- surgeons hands.
burg position and also that the surgeons hands are situated Moreover, for correct ergonomics during laparoscopic
about 20 cm higher because of the presence of the trocars suturing, the trocar ports should be positioned relative to the
and instruments. If the operating table cannot be lowered tissue to be sutured to take into account as far as possible
sufficiently, the surgeon may use a footrest to assume the the hand holding the needle holder, the plane of suturing and
correct position. the angle of incidence between needle and tissue.
Suturing techniques in laparoscopy do not require large
movements of the trunk and arms but only control of the
2.0 Suturing
Suturing is defined as any surgical step intended to approxi- This type of suture has certain advantages: if a knot comes
mate the edges of a tissue that is discontinuous with its undone, this is not enough to cause suture dehiscence, it is
anatomical planes. Its function can be mechanical (opposing well tolerated by the tissues because less foreign material is
the forces that tend to separate the wound edges), joining present and, in the event of infection, it prevents this from
different anatomical planes together or isolation (preventing spreading to the entire wound following the course of the
bacterial contamination). suture. At the same time, however, it must be borne in mind
that it takes longer compared to a continuous suture, is less
Essentially there are two traditional suturing techniques:
hemostatic and provides relatively lower resistance.
O interrupted
Continuous suture allows approximation of the edges with
O continuous an uninterrupted series of stitches using one thread. It can
be a straight line, and in this case the suture is stopped by a
Interrupted (noncontinuous) sutures are placed to approxi-
knot at either end, or circular (also called purse-string), where
mate the wound edges, placing individual sutures equidistant
the knot is tied with the two ends of the suture. For this type
from each other.
of suture, it is preferable to use a smooth and flexible thread.
The interrupted suture can be simple, when the purpose The advantage of the continuous suture is that it is fast and
is simply to approximate the tissue, double (two simple provides optimal tensile strength retention but the disadvan-
sutures without breaking the continuity of the thread) when tage is that if a suture gives way, this is more likely to produce
hemostasis is also desired or inverting when it is necessary to dehiscence of the entire suture and in the event of infection, it
invaginate the tissue more deeply. favors spread along the suture.
3.0 Materials
1 3 The materials used in the traditional suturing technique are
/4 circle /8 circle
1 needles and suture threads.
/2 curve
Fig. 1
Types of suture needles.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 75
Fig. 4
The intestine is anchored to the abdominal wall by means of a
suspensory suture. The peri-intestinal fat is transfixed with a straight
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
The intestine is anchored to the abdominal wall by means of a The intestine is anchored to the abdominal wall for the duration of
suspensory suture. The abdominal wall is transfixed. the operation by means of a suspensory suture.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 77
The most important physical properties of a suture material Polyester (Dacron). Commercial names: Ethibond (polyester
are: coated with polybutylate), Mersilene (polyester), Micron
O tensile strength retention: ability of a thread to oppose (polyester covered with silicone). Non-absorbable synthetic
traction monofilament suture.
O smoothness: force necessary to make a suture glide in a Advantages: optimal tensile strength retention
tissue. Strictly correlated with the friction coefficient of the low reactivity
suture material good flexibility
O elasticity: capacity of a suture to elongate under traction optimal smoothness
O capillarity: physical property by which molecules of liquid Disadvantages: asepsis of the tissue
are induced to move inside a tube independently of gravity removal of the sutures if infected
O hydrophilia: chemical phenomenon denoting the greater Polyester, because of its smoothness and non-absorbability,
or lesser affinity for water of various materials finds its greatest use in surgery of the pelvic floor.
O flexibility: property by which a suture is capable of Monocryl (polyglecaprone 25). Absorbable synthetic mono-
supporting acute angulation without breaking or opposing filament suture.
excessive resistance Advantages: high tensile strength retention
O plasticity: this is the lack of recovery of the initial dimen- absorbable
sions of the suture after forced lengthening Disadvantages: low knot retention
O handling: this is a property that cannot be measured
50% absorbed in 7 days
with instruments but is a special and subjective quality Particularly indicated for suturing delicate tissues such as the
assessed only by the surgeons hand; it is the resultant of tube and ovary as it produces less tissue reaction.
all the physical properties described above.
Polypropylene Commercial names: Prolene, Surgilene.
The sutures most commonly used in laparoscopy are:
Non-absorbable synthetic monofilament suture.
Vicryl (Polyglactin 910). Braided absorbable synthetic suture.
Advantages: good knot retention
Also produced in a form coated with calcium stearate to
optimal smoothness
make it water-repellent and more rigid.
low tissue reaction
Advantages: optimal handling optimal tissue resistance
good knot retention versatile applicability
predictable absorption Disadvantages: memory
very versatile low flexibility
minimal tissue reaction knot tying difficult with bigger suture
Disadvantages: braided and capillary diameters
retention reduced in the presence of urine Small-diameter material is used for vascular sutures while
Vicryl is the most commonly used suture in gynecologic larger diameters are used for temporary suspension of the
laparoscopy because of its optimal handling and versatility. ovaries or sigmoid.
4.0 Instrumentation
To speed up and facilitate as much as possible the suturing
process, perfect knowledge of the required laparoscopic
instruments is essential.
4.1 Trocars
The trocar allows various types of laparoscopic devices to be The trocars have different types of valves:
passed into and used in the abdominal cavity. O multifunctional valve: this is opened by pressure exerted
The 6-mm trocars allow finer and more precise move- by an external plunger
ments so 5-mm instruments are usually employed; however, O automatic valve flaps: this opens automatically when the
needles are introduced and removed more easily through instrument is pushed against it
11-mm trocars. It is therefore possible to use a 11-mm
trocar with reducer although 1113 mm trocars are O silicone leaflet valve: with a membrane, bicuspid or
currently available that do not require reduction from 13 to tricuspid shape
6 mm because they come with a special valve, though this When suturing, attention should be paid to the type of
is extremely fragile and easily damaged when needles are trocar valve; the silicone leaflet valve remains open when
passed through it. When suturing delicate small structures two sutures are passed inside it, causing gas to leak. When
such as the ureter or tube, where it is preferable to use using extracorporeal knots, trocars with a tricuspid valve are
3-mm instruments, 3.9-mm trocars can be used. therefore preferable.
78 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
a b
Figs. 8a, b
Needle holders with straight and curved handles.
Fig. 9
Needle holder and assistant needle holder.
a b c
Figs. 10ac
Jaws of different needle holders.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 79
Fig. 11
Knot pusher.
4.5 Scissors
The scissors used to cut suture material must not be the same
as those used for dissection because they are extremely
Using dissecting scissors to cut suture material can result in
a dramatic decrease of their cutting performance. This effect
becomes even more evident at an earlier stage if the scissors
are used in combination with electrosurgical instruments.
Scissors vary according to the design of the blades: straight,
curved, hooked. Hooked scissors are preferable for cutting
sutures (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12
Different types of laparoscopic scissors.
5.0 Insertion and Removal of the Needle from the Abdominal Cavity
The insertion and removal of the needle depend on its shape can be introduced in 6-mm trocars up to 12 mm in length, in
and size, and not least, on the trocar size. 11-mm trocars up to 28 mm, in 13-mm trocars up to 34 mm
Straight needles can be inserted in any type of trocar or even and in 15-mm trocars up to 40 mm in length (Figs. 1315).
directly through the abdominal wall, while curved needles
a b c
Figs. 13ac
The sequence demonstrates how the needle and finally protrudes from the distal
holder is inserted in the cannula (a) opening of the 13-mm trocar (c).
80 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
a b c
Figs. 14ac
Sequence demonstrating loading of the
suture and thus of the needle inside the
a b
Figs. 15ad
Sequence demonstrating the subsequent
insertion of the cannula loaded with suture
c d
and needle inside the trocar.
Figs. 16a, b
When the length of the needle exceeds the
inner diameter of the cannula, this can pose
problems of its own, such as the needle
a b
becoming impacted inside the cannula.
During insertion and removal of the needle from the of the suture, then withdraw the needle holder from the trocar
abdominal cavity, constant videoendosopic monitoring of the until the needle is located about 10 cm from the distal end of
port in use is mandatory, because there is always a risk of the the trocar; at this point, the needle holder is reinserted in the
needle becoming impacted in the valve and dropping into the trocar and the suture is grasped about 3 cm from the swage
abdominal cavity (Fig. 16). of the needle. The needle holder, needle, suture and trocar
The ideal would be to use trocars with an automatic valve. can then be introduced into the abdominal wall, seeking to
There are specific introducers on the market, which are find the correct route.
inserted in the trocars and allow the needle to be passed To remove the needle, apart from the methods described
through safely. above, taking care not to mount the needle in the needle
The needles can be introduced directly through the cutaneous holder but handling it by the suture to provide it with some
ports but with the risk of iatrogenic injury to the abdominal freedom of motion, it is possible to straighten the needle in
wall, bleeding and subcutaneous emphysema. To do this, it the abdominal cavity using two needle holders so that it can
is necessary to remove the trocar from the abdominal wall, be removed directly through the 6-mm trocar but with the risk
introduce the needle holder in the trocar and pick up the end of breakage of the needle itself or of the needle holders.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 81
Fig. 17 Fig. 18
Coordinates of the suture plane. Suture angles.
A = ALPHA = 90
B = BETA = 0
G = GAMMA = 90
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
Ideal suture angles. Modifications of the suture angle: tip opened 110.
84 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
The Roeder knot is tied as follows: The Weston knot is made with
O A first half knot is tied, O an initial half knot
O the active strand of the suture makes three turns around O the active strand is first wrapped around the passive strand
both strands of the previously formed loop, of the previously formed loop
O the active strand makes a second half knot on the passive O then twisted around both strands of the loop, making the
strand of the loop, active strand pass through the loop that has just been
O the knot is tightened. made
Fig. 28 Fig. 29
The stitch is placed in sequence. The margins are approximated by the knot.
Fig. 30 Fig. 31
Suture placed at the infundibulum. Final outcome of the suture.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 85
Fig. 32 Fig. 33
Preparation of the knot. Preparation of the knot.
Fig. 34 Fig. 35
Intracorporeal knot-tying depends on correct preparation. The line of the suture (green line) allows the knot to be tied rapidly.
86 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
9.0 Endoloop
There are ready-made loops that can be used in laparoscopy loop for making a fishermans knot. The free end is mounted
for hemostasis of vascular pedicles and pedunculated in a plastic guide tube and caught at the detachable proximal
fibromas. end of the guiding tube. If it is not possible to use a trocar with
They are available in Vicryl, Prolene and PDS and usually a silicone leaflet valve, an adaptor must be used to prevent
employ the Roeder knot. The guiding aid in which the suture gas leakage. After placing the loop around the tissue that is to
runs also acts as knot pusher. be ligated, the proximal end of the guiding tube is broken off
and used to exert traction on the free end of the thread while
The endoloop, used for ligatures, is a variation of the Roeder the distal part of the tube is used to push the knot.
knot suitable for tonsillectomy operations. This is a preformed
Recommended Reading
1. AL FALLOUJI M: Making loops in laparoscopic surgery: 10. HANNA GB, FRANK TG, CUSCHIERI A: Objective
state of art. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1993; 3(6):47781 assessment of endoscopic knot quality. Am J Surg
1997; 174(4):4103
2. BABETTY Z, SUMER A, ALTINTAS S: Knot properties
of alternating sliding knots. J Am Coll Surg 1998;186 11. KADIRKAMANATHAN SS, SHELTON JC, HEPWORTH
(4):4859 CC, LAUFER JC, SWAIN CP: A comparison of the
strength of knots tied by hand and at laparoscopy.
3. BONARDINI L, ROSATO S: Suture e fili chirurgici,
J Am Coll Surg 1996;182(1):4654
Ed Mediche Italiane, 1989
4. BROWN RP: Knotting technique and suture materials,
Extracorporeal surgical knot. J Am Coll Surg 1994;
Br J Surg 1992;79(5):399400
179(2) :2202
Laparoscopic knot strength: a comparison with 13. MEDINA M: Analysis and physics of laparoscopic
conventional knots. Obstet Gynecol. 1995 Oct;86 intracorporeal square-knot tying. JSLS 2005;9(1):
(4 Pt 1):53640. 11321.
6. EMAM TA, HANNA GB, KIMBER C, DUNKLEY P, 14. ROMEO A, MINELLI L: Manuale dei nodi e delle
CUSCHIERI A: Effect of intracorporeal-extracorporeal tecniche dannodamento in laparoscopia, EGES
instrument length ratio on endoscopic task performance Edizioni, Verona, 2006
and surgeon movements. Arch Surg 2000; 135(1):625
7. FREDE T, STOCK C, RENNER C, BUDAIR Z, effect of knot geometry on the strength of laparoscopic
ABDEL-SALAM Y, RASSWEILER J: Geometry of slip knots. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88(3):40811
laparoscopic suturing and knotting techniques.
J Endourol 1999; 13(3):1918
of sliding knots in monofilament and multifilament
8. GOMEL V, TAYLOR PJ: Laparoscopia ginecologica. suture material. Obstet Gynecol 1986; 68(3): 42530
Diagnostica e chirurgia, UTET, 1998
9. HANNA GB, SHIMI S, CUSCHIERI A: Optimal port Mechanical performance of square knots and sliding
locations for endoscopic intracorporeal knotting. knots in surgery: comparative study, Am J Obstet
Surg Endosc 1997; 11(4):397401 Gynecol 1990;162(1):937
Chapter VI
The Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy and
Transvaginal Endoscopy (TVE) in Infertility and
Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART)
Emmanuel Lugo1, Carlo Tantini2 and Luca Mencaglia1
Centro Oncologico Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Hospital of Cecina, Italy
88 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
Exploring the peritoneal cavity and visualizing its organs procedures applying either technique, general anesthesia is
is essential in the diagnosis of female pelvic pathology, nearly always necessary in our experience.
especially in the case of infertility or pelvic pain of non-specific
etiology. Diagnostic laparoscopy provides a panoramic view of the
pelvis not feasible by transvaginal endoscopy (TVE) and
The pelvis can be visualized endoscopically by diagnostic facilitates switching to endoscopic surgery in the event
laparoscopy or transvaginal endoscopy. of pelvic pathology. From the surgical point of view, trans-
Both techniques have benefits and drawbacks so that it is not vaginal endoscopy has certain limitations. With the aid of
possible to choose definitively between them. In summary, a 30-hysteroscope and fluid medium for distension of the
it can be stated that both are minimally invasive endoscopic peritoneal cavity, the transvaginal approach undisputably
techniques that require general anesthesia in the vast majority provides some absolutely unique angles of vision and types
of cases (even if performed as day surgery) and the use of a of images. Nonetheless, it must be said, that TVE allows
fully equipped operating room. Although many authors have salpingoscopy of the distal tubal segment to be performed
suggested the use of local anesthesia for these outpatient only in selected cases.
a b
Figs. 1a, b
Laparoscopes with diameters of 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm and 10 mm.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 89
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Salpingitis of the isthmus. Appendix.
3.0 Anesthesia
Diagnostic laparoscopy can be performed under both local In the case of general anesthesia, agents that guarantee rapid
and general anesthesia. recovery can be used so that the patient can be discharged
Various authors have suggested using local anesthesia with a few hours after the procedure. In this case, too, local
periumbilical skin infiltration and intravenous sedation. In this infiltration anesthesia applied to the trocar insertion area has
case it is vitally important to keep abdominal distension very proven to be useful to reduce postoperative pain.
low with insufflation of 12 liters of CO2 at the most to avoid
pain caused by abdominal distension and problems related
to spontaneous respiration.
4.0 Instrumentation
O 5 mm-laparoscope and videocamera O Veress needle
O Insufflation system O Atraumatic grasping forceps
O Xenon cold light source O Suction / irrigation system
O 6 mm-trocar O Uterus manipulator
5.0 Technique
Pelvic endoscopy allows visual inspection of the peritoneal O Minilaparoscopy is performed with a laparoscope, 3 mm
cavity and the female genital tract involved in the reproductive or even 1.2 mm in diameter. The laparoscope may be
process. introduced through the Veress needle; the atraumatic
An extensive diagnostic laparoscopy must include full grasping forceps (diameter 3 mm) may be used through
visualization of the entire peritoneal cavity, a panoramic view a second port. The principal technical problem in this
of the pelvis and pouch of Douglas, the peritoneal liquid, the particular case is related to the extremely reduced diameter
uterosacral ligaments, thorough inspection of the ovarian and of the laparoscope which provides only low-level lighting
tubal surfaces (including the fimbriae) and chromopertubation. conditions in the operative field, even given the use of a
xenon light source. It is therefore necessary to keep the
Various types of instruments can be used for laparoscopy in laparoscope close to the area to be inspected to obtain
infertile patients: enough light. In addition, this type of laparoscope is
O Traditional laparoscopy, performed by using 5 mm- or particularly fragile and delicate (Figs. 1012).
10 mm-laparoscopes, provides optimal visibility at
relatively low expenditures. The second port is a 5 mm-
trocar through which an atraumatic grasping forceps can
be used.
92 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
9.0 Anesthesia
Various authors have reported that this technique can be the maneuvers to visualize the pelvic organs are quite painful
performed under local anesthesia, suggesting a routine demanding for general anesthesia in the vast majority of
outpatient setting. Unfortunately, this is possible only in cases.
selected cases with a particularly high pain threshold since
10.0 Technique
Transvaginal endoscopy is usually performed from the cervix are infiltrated with 1.8 ml of local anesthetic (articaine
seventh day of the cycle onwards. After placing the patient 40 mg with epinephrine 0.006 mg/ml), and the posterior lip is
in dorsal lithotomy position and vaginal disinfection with then grasped with a Pozzi forceps and placed under traction.
aqueous chlorhexidine solution, the procedure commences At this point, a trocar needle system designed particularly for
with a diagnostic hysteroscopy. A 30-hysteroscope (diam. this technique is used; the device consists of a type of Veress
2.7 mm with a 3.5 mm-sheath) is introduced into the vagina. needle (length 25 cm) (Fig. 17), a dilator and an external trocar
The vaginal walls are gently expanded by continuous inflow of diameter 3.9 mm, which are put together before starting the
of normal saline solution up to a maximum pressure of procedure. The system is positioned in the midline 1015 mm
120 mmHg. After identification of the cervix, the hysteroscope below the insertion of the posterior vaginal wall on the cervix.
is introduced into the cervical canal and a traditional The release button of a trigger mechanism is actuated which
diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed. causes the Veress needle to penetrate the vaginal wall. This
modality reduces pain and allows the vagina to be perforated
To carry out TVE, after insertion of a Collin speculum in the without traction. Finally, the distal tip of the needle and
vagina, the posterior vaginal fornix and the posterior lip of the dilating sheath are located in the pouch of Douglas.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 93
a b c
Figs. 21a-c
94 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
11.0 Salpingoscopy
With sufficient experience in the technique, it is possible Inflow of saline is continued throughout the procedure as
to perform salpingoscopy of a few centimeters of the this allows the intestine and tubo-ovarian structures to
distal tubal segment. The ampulla and the proximal tubal remain floating. The volume of liquid required for distension
ostium are identified and the endoscope is then inserted. varies from 200 to 400 ml depending on the duration of
The infundibulum is easily identified by its characteristic the examination (average time 45 min). At the end of the
concentric folds. The endoscope is gradually advanced and, procedure, the liquid is evacuated via the trocar. The point of
as a result of the reduced inflow of saline, the ampulla is trocar insertion in the vaginal fornix rarely requires suturing,
distended until the longitudinal folds come into view. Visuali- unless there is bleeding.
zation of the folds and intra-tubal microanatomy is continued
while the endoscope is withdrawn slowly. Canalization of the
abdominal tubal ostium is easier in the post-ovulatory phase
when the fimbriae are more congested and stiff (Figs. 2224).
12.0 Complications
The needle-dilator-trocar system used for TVE has been To keep to a minimum the potential risk of bleeding in the
specially designed to reduce to the minimum accidental vagina, it is advisable not to incise the vaginal mucosa but
injuries which may occur during insertion of the instrument. to insert the appropriate-sized needle directly, dilating the
Moreover, the use of this special TVE instrumentation set is vagina a second time and using a vasoconstricting agent
capable to prevent iatrogenically-induced sequelae, such in combination with the local anesthetic. In fact, minimal
as pelvic infections, rectal or intestinal perforation, bleeding bleeding can give rise to serious problems in terms of
of the vaginal fornix or injury of the posterior surface of the unimpeded vision, hence it follows that this complication
uterine corpus. should be avoided.
Recommended Reading
MANZUR A: Resultados de la salpingoneostoma endoscpica en medicina reproductiva. Cuadernos de
laparoscpica en infertilidad por hidrosalpinx. medicina reproductiva. Pellicer Antonio. Primera edicin.
Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecologa, Unidad de Madrid (Espaa). 2002. 8 (1): 5572
Reproduccin Humana, Hospital Clinico Pontificio.
Universidad Catlica de Chile.Revista chilena de 6. HULKA and REICH: Textbook of laparoscopy. (USA).
obstetricia y ginecologa. Santiago (Chile). 2002. 67(6): 2002. (1): 285300
2. GOMEL V: Reproductive surgery. Departament of 7. LEVINE R: Laparoscopic tubal Sterilization. A practical
Obstetrics and Ginecology. Faculty of Medicine. manual of Laparoscopy. A clinical Cook book. Kentucky
University of British Columbia. Vancouver (Canada). (USA). 2002. (1): 107114
2005. Minerva. 57:218
3. GOMEL V, ZOUVES C: Laparoscopa quirrgica en las De ZUNIGA I, QUINTANA R: Salpingoscopia.
enfermedades de las trompas. Ciruga Laparoscpica Cuadernos de medicina reproductiva. Pellicer Antonio.
en Ginecologa. Soderstrom. Segunda edicin Marban. Primera edicin. Madrid (Espana). 2002. 8 (1): 213237
(Philadelphia) 1999. (1):8795.
4. GORDON AG: Tubal Endoscopy. Consultant 9. YOUNG E, VAN TRILLO: Hidrosalpinx e Infertilidad.
Gynaecologist, BUPA Hospital Hull and East Riding, Cuadernos de medicina reproductiva. Pellicer Antonio.
Lowfield Road, Anlaby,Hull HU10 7AZ. 2004 Primera edicin. (Madrid) 2002. 8 (1): 89100
96 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter VII
Techniques of Laparoscopic
Tubal Sterilization
Emmanuel Lugo and Luca Mencaglia
Centro Oncologico Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
98 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
Female surgical sterilization is the most widely employed methods, all of the abdominal cavity can be visualized
method of family planning in the world and the laparo- panoramically and the procedure is usually performed as
scopic technique is currently used the most. The historical day surgery. In most cases, the period of convalescence is
development of this technique dates from the 1970s with short, which explains the widespread patient acceptance
Rioux and Corson. After that came Kleppinger (bipolar), Lay of laparoscopic techniques. Anesthesia is normally general,
and Yoon (silastic rubber ring), Hulka and Clemens (plastic especially in industrialized countries. In a few cases, patients
clip), Semm (endocoagulator), up to Filshie who in 1996 receive spinal and/or epidural anesthesia. The best form of
suggested the use of a titanium clip with a silicone rubber anesthesia is certainly local anesthesia since it is safer, more
lining and a kind of memory function. Basically, all the economical and without late effects, and can be combined
laparoscopic techniques are simple, they do not leave with a sedative and antiemetic.
an external scar, the costs are lower compared to other
4.0 Instrumentation
O 5 mm laparoscope and videocamera O 5 mm atraumatic grasping forceps
O Insufflator O 5 mm scissors
O Electrosurgical unit
O Xenon light source
O Suction/irrigation system for irrigation and
O 6 mm trocar hydrodissection
O Veress needle O Uterine manipulator
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 99
5.0 Technique
There are various techniques of tubal sterilization, which or laparoscopy approach has been found to account for
employ electricity, heat or mechanical devices. Surgical recanalization in up to 4% of cases. For this reason, mere
interruption of the tubes by transection via a laparotomy transection with scissors is not recommended.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
The high frequency electrosurgical unit AUTOCON II 400, Grasping forceps.
(KARL STORZ Tuttlingen, Germany).
100 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Various types of bipolar forceps. Point where sterilization is performed using bipolar high frequency
Recommended Reading
2002. (1): 285300 Esterilizacin laparoscpica. Ciruga laparoscpica en
ginecologa. Philadelphia (USA).1999. (1): 183196
2. LEVINE RONALD: Laparoscopic tubal Sterilization. A
practical manual of Laparoscopy. A clinical Cook book.
Kentucky (USA). 2002. (1): 107114
102 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter VIII
Laparoscopic Tubal Surgery
Emmanuel Lugo and Luca Mencaglia
Centro Oncologico Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
104 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
The most recent technical developments provide surgeons between 37 and 43 years. Moreover, the indication for laparos-
working in the field of infertility with ever more sophisti- copic tubal reconstructive surgery is inversely proportional to
cated and effective methods of surgical reconstruction the extent and severity of the tubal damage. In other words,
including endoscopic procedures. On the other hand, the typical patient for surgical laparoscopy will be young,
it should be borne in mind that the outcomes of assisted with tubal damage of modest degree and preferably located
reproduction technology (ART) procedures are improving distally. However, it should be noted that adequate decision-
constantly, raising the question of whether surgical repair of making often calls for diagnostic laparoscopy in view of the
a tubal defect may be useful. In practice, if tubal damage is inherent limitations of other diagnostic techniques such as
suspected or confirmed, it is necessary to decide whether to hysterosalpingography or transvaginal ultrasound, which
directly proceed to ART procedures or to diagnostic laparos- do not allow definitive assessment in the majority of cases.
copy and endoscopic surgical treatment of confirmed tubal Another crucial factor influencing the choice between recon-
infertility. This decision is influenced by a range of secondary structive tubal surgery and ART procedures is the logistical
factors, such as the patients age, presence of other and economic factor, since the latter requires the patient to
pathology or changes in semen quality. Younger patients with be close to specialized and highly reliable centers, where the
distal tubal occlusion should consider surgery first and then costs are usually high.
ART, whereas ART procedures should start directly in women
4.0 Instrumentation
O 5-mm or 10-mm laparoscope and video camera O 5-mm scissors
O Laparoinsufflator O Suction/irrigation system for irrigation and
O Electrosurgical unit hydrodissection
O Xenon light source O Bipolar forceps
O 6-mm or 11-mm trocars
O Veress needle O Laparoscopic suturing instruments
O 5-mm atraumatic grasping forceps O Uterine manipulator
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 107
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Dense pelvic adhesions. Hydrosalpinx and ovarian cyst.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Large hydrosalpinx. Lysis of uterine adhesions can cause bleeding.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Preparation for chromopertubation. Chromopertubation.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 109
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Periovarian adhesions. Adhesiolysis by use of scissors.
Following complete lysis of adhesions, the tubo-ovarian through the trocar cannula which is left in place until the
abscess must be aspirated and drained (Figs. 1213). aspirated liquid is completely clear. Assessment of the tube
Aspiration is performed with a laparoscopic suction tube or will permit a decision on whether or not removal is indicated.
by introducing a 510 mm trocar through the abdominal wall, At the end of the procedure, it is important to introduce a
perforating the wall of the abscess and aspirating it through drain (e.g., Jackson-Pratt) into the pelvis. The drain should be
the trocar. Once the purulent liquid has been completely removed 24 to 48 h after the operation.
evacuated, copious lavage is performed with Ringer lactate
Fig. 14 Fig. 15
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa. Uterine tuberculosis.
110 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
7.1 Fimbrioplasty
Fimbrial phimosis (agglutination of the fimbriae) often coexists gradually opening the jaws. The maneuver must be repeated
with peri-adnexal adhesions and is repaired by laparoscopy. several times, changing the direction in which the forceps is
The intrauterine pregnancy rate after laparoscopic opened. Manipulation of the tissues must be very gentle to
fimbrioplasty varies between 40% and 48% depending on avoid bleeding (Figs. 1622).
its severity and extent, with an extrauterine pregnancy rate Rarely, even though the fimbrial ends appear normal, proximal
ranging between 5% and 6%. In cases where the mucosal stenosis can be found at the abdominal opening of the tube
folds are densely adherent or in the presence of ampullary (prefimbrial phimosis). This stenosis can be diagnosed by
mucosal adhesions, the prognosis is very poor. chromopertubation only. The surgical management involves
The principle of fimbrioplasty is anatomical and functional dissecting along the antimesenteric border of the tube from
repair of the infundibulum. To visualize the phimotic region, the fimbriae as far as the distal ampulla, traversing the area
it is often necessary to perform perioperative chromo- of stenosis. Dissection is performed by use of electrosurgery.
pertubation to distend the tube. Surgical repair can be As a final step, the site of repair is sutured with a very fine
achieved with a fine atraumatic grasping forceps, introducing suture (6/0).
the closed tip into the area of phimosis extremely careful and
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
Hydrosalpinx with fimbrial phimosis. Methylene blue injection for perioperative chromopertubation.
112 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
The management of hydrosalpinx is based essentially on the Once adnexal adhesiolysis has been completed, the tube
quality of the tubal mucosa: should be distended by transcervical instillation of methylene
blue dye using the uterine manipulator. In the area of
O For thin-walled hydrosalpinx with normal mucosa and
occlusion, scar tissue can frequently be found. The target site
without mucosal adhesions, salpingostomy via the laparo-
of the cross- or star-shaped neo-ostium should be located at
scopic approach is indicated. The majority of pregnancies
the thinnest and most avascular area possible, which usually
occur within the first year post-operatively.
corresponds to the original site of the ostium. The cruciate
O For thin-walled hydrosalpinx with focal adhesions, either incision at this level is made using scissors, electrosurgery
reconstructive surgery or ART procedures are indicated. or by laser application with the aim of creating eversion of
Reconstructive surgery in these cases is associated with an the mucosa of the distal tubal portion. Closed atraumatic
increase in the risk of extrauterine pregnancy. grasping forceps can be introduced in the opening to gently
incise the margins of the neo-ostium. To make the margins
O For thin-walled hydrosalpinx with extensive mucosal evert properly, fine bipolar forceps may be used at low current
adhesions (> 50% of the mucosal folds), ART procedures setting; this is performed by touching the serosa at the base
only are indicated, more specifically in vitro fertilization. of the margins previously created to induce shrinking and
Many authors, including ourselves, regard it as appropriate simultaneous eversion. If the tubal wall is thick, sero-serous
in these cases to perform laparoscopic salpingectomy sutures can be placed alternatively with atraumatic sutures
because this has been found to considerably improve the (Vicryl 57/0).
outcomes of ART.
In conclusion, the surgical procedure to create a neo-ostium
In the presence of adnexal adhesions, diagnostic laparo- involves two steps, incision and eversion:
scopy is followed by adhesiolysis with gentle maneuvers
using closed atraumatic forceps in the case of filmy and
O To create the neo-ostium, two to four 12 cm incisions
avascular adhesions; if they are dense and vascular, it is are made parallel to the longitudinal mucosal folds, in an
advisable to use bipolar coagulation and scissors. The avascular area.
tubo-ovarian ligaments must be exposed to confirm patency O Eversion is obtained with various techniques, such as
of the fimbriated tubal portion. If the tube is fixed to the ovary, bipolar coagulation of the serosa or placement of a few
the two structures must be separated. sutures.
Recommended Reading
1. DURRUTY G, VERA C, MACAYA R, BIANCHI M, 4. GORDON A G: Tubal Endoscopy. Consultant
MANZUR A: Resultados de la salpingoneostoma Gynaecologist, BUPA Hospital Hull and East Riding,
laparoscpica en infertilidad por hidrosalpinx. Lowfield Road, Anlaby, Hull HU10 7AZ. 2004
Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecologa, Unidad de
5. HULKA and REICH: Textbook of laparoscopy. (USA).
Reproduccin Humana, Hospital Clinico Pontificio.
2002. (1): 285300
Universidad Catlica de Chile. Revista chilena de
obstetricia y ginecologa. Santiago (Chile). 2002. 67(6): 6. MARCONI G, VILELA M, GOMEZ RUEDA N, BUZZI J,
488493 DE ZUNIGA I, QUINTANA R: Salpingoscopia.
Cuadernos de medicina reproductiva. Pellicer Antonio.
2. GOMEL V: Reproductive surgery. Departament of
Primera edicin. Madrid (Espana). 2002. 8 (1): 213237
Obstetrics and Ginecology. Faculty of Medicine.
University of British Columbia. Vancouver (Canada). 7. YOUNG E, VAN TRILLO: Hidrosalpinx e Infertilidad.
2005. Minerva. 57:218 Cuadernos de medicina reproductiva. Pellicer Antonio.
Primera edicin. (Madrid) 2002. 8 (1): 89100
3. GOMEL V, ZOUVES CG: Laparoscopa quirrgica en las
enfermedades de las trompas. Ciruga Laparoscpica
en Ginecologa. Soderstrom. Segunda edicin Marban.
(Philadelphia) 1999. (1):8795.
114 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter IX
Laparoscopic Management
of Ectopic Pregnancy
Cristiana Barbosa and Luca Mencaglia
Centro Oncologico Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
116 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
Implantation of the zygote outside the uterus occurs in
approximately 1 in 200 pregnancies and the incidence
appears to be increasing. This increase in ectopic pregnancy
correlates with the high incidence of sexually transmitted
disease, delayed median age of first pregnancy and improved
accuracy of diagnosis.
The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is at the
ampullary tubal portion where fertilization normally occurs
(Fig. 1) and then, less frequently, other parts of the tube, the
cervix, the ovary and the abdominal cavity.
All variants of extrauterine pregnancy can be treated by
a minimally invasive approach in the majority of cases. In
the last decade, laparoscopic surgery has become very
widespread in both gynecology and general surgery. The
main advantages of the minimally invasive approach are
reduced postoperative morbidity, less postoperative pain,
and accordingly, less analgesic medication, early resumption Fig. 1
of intestinal activity, reduced length of hospital stay and a Ectopic gestation in the ampullary tubal segment.
rapid return to normal activity.
4.0 Instrumentation
Laparoscope, diameter 5 mm or 10 mm Atraumatic grasping forceps
Videocamera Scissors
Microprocessor-controlled insufflation system Suction and irrigation system
Electrosurgical unit Monopolar hook electrode
Xenon cold light source Bipolar forceps
Trocars, diameter 6 mm or 11 mm Disposable extraction bag
Veress needle Uterine manipulator
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 117
5.2 Salpingectomy
Extensive tubal dilatation is not necessarily an absolute requesting sterilization, in the case of persistent bleeding
contraindication to laparoscopic treatment. Unilateral or after salpingotomy, when the beta HCG > 100,000 mU/ml, in
bilateral adhesiolysis is often performed in the same setting. the case of recurrent tubal pregnancy and in the case of tubal
Salpingectomy is the method of choice in women who pregnancy > 5 cm.
abandoned the desire for future pregnancies or in the case Following evacuation of the hemoperitoneum, the bipolar
of tubal rupture. Other indications for salpingectomy are forceps and scissors are introduced into the abdominal cavity
extrauterine pregnancy following failed sterilization, in a to coagulate and dissect the tube and mesosalpinx (Figs.
blocked tube, in a previously reconstructed tube, in a woman 2, 3).
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Electrocoagulation of the tube and mesosalpinx. Electrosurgical dissection of the mesosalpinx.
The tube containing the gestational sac is then removed from the laparoscope, final inspection of the abdominal cavity is
the peritoneal cavity through the 11 mm-umbilical port with recommended because in some cases, while grasping the
the aid of forceps located in the suprapubic port. However, tube for removal, the product of conception may slip out
it is preferable to use an endobag for removing the tube unnoticed which requires either aspiration with a suction tube
and product of conception (Fig. 10). After reinsertion of or extraction by use of forceps.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 119
Because of its high metabolic rate, the trophoblast requires is often easier to make a small incision for evacuation of a
oxygen and the cells cannot withstand anoxia. It is most distinct, large-sized intraluminal ectopic pregnancy of friable
probable that vasopressin, by reducing the oxygen supply consistency, compared to one of small size and poorly
for about an hour, has fatal consequences for the trophoblast visible in the thickness of the tubal wall. The preferred route
that has inadvertently left behind, reducing by a factor of five for removing the product of conception with or without the
the 15% risk of persistence of ectopic pregnancy in the case tube is through the 11-mm umbilical port. Alternatively, it can
of conservative salpingotomy. Use of vasopressin is contrain- be reduced piecemeal by use of a biopsy forceps or suction
dicated in patients with ischemic heart disease. cannula. In a few cases, it is advisable to use an extraction
bag for removing the product of conception.
Incision and evacuation: with an unipolar knife electrode
introduced through the 6 mm port, a 12 cm incision is The salpingotomy incision usually does not require suturing.
made in the antimesenteric tubal wall at the site of maximum Seromuscular suturing will be necessary only if the incision is
distension, using a cutting or blended current (20 or 70 W). very large or in the case of mucosal eversion.
In general, it is possible to identify the different layers of the
tubal wall: serosa, muscularis externa and mucosa. Hemostasis: if there is bleeding from the incision margins or
site of implantation, hemostatic tamponade can be applied
If the product of conception cannot be localized when the with grasping forceps prior to electrocoagulation, laser appli-
serosa is incised at the point of maximum dilation, it will cation or placing a suture. Often, 5 minutes of compression
be necessary to incise the still intact muscularis externa are sufficient for hemostasis. Even elevating the adnexa out
and mucosa to advance to the lumen of the tube. Once the of the pelvis can produce the same result as by compressing
ectopic pregnancy, which is usually of very friable consis- the vessels of the mesosalpinx.
tency, has been identified, it can be evacuated by aspiration.
If a mass surrounded by clot is encountered, the product of Arterial bleeding can be present after removal of blood clot.
conception must be delivered through the tubal incision with In this case, the best hemostatic effect can be achieved by
the aid of pressurized irrigation or with grasping or biopsy selective and targeted use of bipolar coagulation forceps,
forceps (Figs. 410). particularly if combined with continuous irrigation. Diffuse
venous bleeding, especially from the site of implantation in
The site of implantation and the tubal incision are then the muscle layer in the case of extraluminal location, can be
irrigated, making sure that the liquid introduced through the controlled readily with electrocoagulation. The superficial
salpingotomy incision drains from the fimbrial end and vice eschar in the extraluminal space does not interfere with
versa. normal healing of the tubal epithelium.
Transcervical instillation of methylene blue will allow demon-
Following removal of an ampullary pregnancy, uncontrollable
stration of tubal patency.
bleeding can occur. In such cases, an endoloop may be used,
It should be borne in mind that when the ectopic pregnancy is which is removed after 510 minutes; this makes it possible
located in the extraluminal space, it is possible that the tubal to localize and coagulate the source of bleeding. In severe
surface exhibits dilation without intraluminal involvement. It cases, the mesosalpingeal vessels can be ligated selectively.
Fig. 9 Fig. 10
Linear incision. Removal of the product of conception.
120 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
Laparoscopic view of cornual pregnancy. The cornual pregnancy is incised with an unipolar needle electrode.
Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Expressing a cornual pregnancy with two forceps. Appearance after removal of the cornual pregnancy.
Rupture of a tubal pregnancy has always been considered a The laparoscopic bipolar forceps is capable of coagulating
contraindication to the laparoscopic approach even though even large uterine or ovarian vessels. Alternatively, ligature
removal of a ruptured tube can be accomplished easily with an endoloop may be employed. After achieving
with bipolar coagulation. There is controversy about the hemostasis, the tube or part of it is removed. Rupture of
management of patients with hemodynamic instability. In an interstitial pregnancy may also be treated with simple
this case, hemorrhage must be arrested at once and the tube coagulation of the uterine and ovarian vessels but this
removed as quickly as possible. The majority of surgeons approach is associated with a higher risk of persistent and
prefer to manage the situation by emergency laparotomy. recurrent ectopic pregnancy.
122 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
6.0 Methotrexate
In selected cases, medical treatment with methotrexate previous surgery, diffuse adhesions, contraindications to
can be as effective as laparoscopic surgery. However, the anesthesia, cornual pregnancy or failure of surgical treatment.
possible side effects associated with methotrexate therapy Medical treatment is indicated if the levels of beta HCG are
can adversely affect patient compliance to a higher degree between 5000 and 10000 mU/ml and the diameter of the
than the surgical treatment option. As regards infertility, adnexal swelling is less than 4 cm. Methotrexate should be
the prognosis after ectopic pregnancy does not appear administered locally or systemically by intramuscular injection
to correlate with the characteristics of the extrauterine of 1 mg/kg or 50 mg/m2. Patients with a hematocrit < 35%
pregnancy but rather with the patients age and medical should take ferrous sulfate 325 mg twice daily.
history. Medical treatment is to be preferred in patients with
4.0 Instrumentation
O Laparoscope and video camera
O 5 mm grasping forceps
O Scissors
O Bipolar or unipolar HF electrosurgery unit or laser
O 6 mm trocars
O Suction-irrigation system for hydrodissection
5.0 Technique
The surgical treatment options for endometriosis are radical O complete adhesiolysis, with restoration of normal
or conservative surgery. The aims of conservative surgery tuboovarian relationship to enhance fertility potential;
are: O relief of pain;
O removal of both typical and atypical endometriotic O minimize the risk of disease recurrence.
O complete removal of endometriotic cysts
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 125
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Typical red spot of peritoneal endometriosis. Black spots of peritoneal endometriosis.
6.0 Laparoscopy
6.1 Diagnostic Laparoscopy
The first stage of the procedure involves exploring the pelvic
anatomy and mapping out the extent of disease and the
location and boundaries of the bladder, ureter, colon, rectum,
utero sacral ligaments and major blood vessels.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Atypical peritoneal endometriosis. Atypical peritoneal endometriosis.
126 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Ovarian implants of endometriosis. Small ovarian endometrioma.
Initially, a small port is made into the retroperitoneum using Ovarian Endometriosis
either the laser or scissors. Ringers lactate or saline solution Ovarian implants of endometriosis or small endometrioma of
is injected next to the lesion to create a protective cushion less than 2 cm in diameter may be cauterized, resected by
of fluid between the lesion to be excised and the underlying laser application or excised using scissors, biopsy forceps or
ureter, bladder or blood vessels. Excision of large endo- electrodes (Figs. 67).
metriotic implants is superior to coagulation or vaporization
because the technique is not associated with problems For endometrioma larger than 2 cm in diameter, the first step
related to contamination by smoke and combustion residues. of the procedure involves adhesiolysis of the ovary on the
An additional advantage is, that it allows for the collection of posterior leaf of the broad ligament. In most cases, the cyst
specimen for histological diagnosis. is ruptured during this step, which requires that the liquid be
aspirated immediately to prevent pelvic contamination.
The cystic cavity is repeatedly irrigated with a suction-
irrigation tube (Figs. 89).
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Large ovarian endometrioma. Aspiration of ovarian endometrioma.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 127
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Bilateral ovarian endometriomas. Right ovarian endometrioma.
Examine the cystic wall for malignant lesions. Drainage of the Adnexectomy
cyst must be followed by removal of the capsule to prevent Adnexectomy could be necessary even in fertile patients
recurrences. The capsule of the cyst must be separated from when endometriosis has infiltrated most of the parenchyma.
the surrounding ovarian stroma and removed by grasping After coagulation with a bipolar forceps, the proximal
its base with forceps and pulling it away from and out of the portion of the tube and of the uteroovarian ligament must be
ovarian capsule (Figs. 1013). dissected with scissors. In addition, the infundibulo-pelvic
Exposure of the right plane will permit blunt dissection ligament is coagulated and dissected applying traction to
by applying contralateral traction with two 5 mm-forceps. the ovary with grasping forceps. Therefore, the mesosalpinx
If stripping of the capsule is incomplete or difficult to should be completely dissected, after coagulation, to liberate
accomplish, the residual part must be eradicated by laser the adnexa and to extract it by use of a disposable bag.
application or electrocoagulation.
Presurgical treatment with GnRH analogues is useless in
ovarian endometriomas, because it is not effective in reducing
the size and volume of cysts and not even in facilitating the
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Stripping of the endometriotic capsule. Blunt dissection of the endometriotic capsule.
128 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Adhesiolysis may be performed using hydrodissection,
scissors, CO2 laser or atraumatic forceps. Before cutting
the tissue it is important to mobilize and identify the relevant
anatomical structures. Mechanical dissection with forceps
or hydrodissection is not associated with any thermal effect,
therefore this technique should be preferred.
Cul-de-sac obliteration is an important problem. It suggests
rectovaginal involvement, with deep endometriosis and dense
adhesions, and significant distortion of the regional anatomy
involving bowel, vaginal apex, posterior cervix, ureter, and
major blood vessels (Fig. 14).
To facilitate localization of anatomic landmarks and identi-
fication of tissue planes, we usually place a loaded sponge
forceps in the posterior fornix, and, if necessary, insert a
rectal probe. In difficult cases, ureteral probes can be placed
Fig. 14
Severe endometriosis with adhesions. preoperatively (Figs. 1516).
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Intestinal endometriotic nodule. Intestinal endometriotic nodule with stenosis.
1.0 Introduction
Endometriosis is a highly debilitating disease that affects is the case in oncologic surgery better with excision en
mainly women of childbearing age, characterized by bloc (Redwine) and restoration of the anatomy, removal of
symptoms such as pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, painful adhesions.
defecation, dysuria and infertility. To date, all medical treat- Although it is difficult to know the real incidence of deeply
ment options directed toward suppression of the disease infiltrating endometriosis, in a study on 132 patients, covering
and the pain associated with endometriosis have had similar the predefined depth of endometriotic infiltration, we found
effects in terms of symptom alleviation. None of them have deeply infiltrating lesions in 33%. Involvement of the gastro-
proven long-term efficacy. Interruption of medical treat- intestinal tract is present in about 336% of women affected
ment is associated with a high risk of recurrence. However, by endometriosis and 50% of these are affected by severe
evidence-based data suggest that complete laparoscopic disease. The gastrointestinal predilection sites are the rectum
excision of the endometriosis offers good long-term results and sigmoid, accounting for 7285% of cases. This means
with regard to the degree of regression, especially in those that to ensure complete removal of the disease and thus
patients with severe and debilitating symptoms. The surgical improve the outcome in terms of quality of life, surgery on
treatment of endometriosis should aim at removing all visible the bowel with or without bowel resection can be necessary.
areas of endometriosis . with margins free from disease as
2.0 Instrumentation
O 10-mm laparoscope with 3 CCD videocamera O Bipolar scissors with electrosurgical unit
O One 11-mm trocar O Suction and irrigation system
O Two 6-mm trocars O Dissecting forceps (Schnaider)
O One 11/6 mm reducer O Grasping forceps (Dorsey)
O Bipolar forceps O Maxon sutures with straight needle
Before starting the operation, the patient usually has a second prevention. In these cases, a drain is left in place close to the
vaginal and rectal examination under anesthetia. anastomosis for 812 hours. The drain is usally removed after
Laparoscopy begins with the creation of a pneumoperito- the first bowel movement. In general, a nasogastric tube is
neum using a Veress needle through the umbilicus, insertion not required. During postoperative day 1, the patient is given
of the 11-mm umbilical trocar for the laparoscope and continuous epidural analgesia through an elastomeric pump,
placement of two accessory 6-mm ports lateral to the inferior after which analgesia is replaced by 100 mg of ketoprofen
epigastric vessels bilaterally and a third 6-mm suprapubic and 100 mg of tramadol i.m. or 0.3 mg of buprenorphine
port. Complete resection of endometriotic lesions is achieved s.c., as required. Intravenous fluids are administered on the
by use of bipolar scissors. In general, if bowel surgery is day of the operation and the next day patients can start to
required, this is performed by a general surgeon specialist take food orally with a gradual increase in diet. The patients
assisted by one of the two gynecological surgeons. At the are discharged without a special diet. Prior to surgery, the
end of the operation, copious lavage of the peritoneal cavity patients are informed of the potential risks and benefits of the
is performed with 5001000 ml of Ringers lactate solution procedure by a written informed consent form.
and 4% icodextrin solution is left in the abdomen for adhesion
Fig. 1
Mapping of adhesions and endometriotic lesions.
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Endometrioma with diffuse adhesions and lesions. Endometriotic lesions on the peritoneum.
132 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
The caecum must always be inspected for the presence of included. Our standard method is to remove endometriomas
endometriotic implants which could not be confirmed by completely without coagulating or vaporizing superficial
preoperative double-contrast enema. peritoneal implants to be sure that there is no deep endo-
The operation proceeds with adhesiolysis, drainage and metriosis.
stripping of endometriomas, excision of endometriotic Adhesions can be removed with various techniques but
implants and other parietal implants, making sure that we prefer to use mechanical dissection with cold or bipolar
adequate healthy margins of retroperitoneal tissue are scissors (Figs. 46).
Fig. 7
Bilateral endometrioma.
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Endometrioma of multilobular appearance. Ovarian endometrioma with adhesions.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 133
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Giant endometrioma. Giant endometrioma of the right ovary.
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Appearance of the endometrioma capsule. Following incision, the contents are aspirated and the cavity of the
cyst is irrigated.
The first step is to mobilize the ovary from the posterior leaf
of the broad ligament to which it frequently forms dense
adhesions. In the majority of cases, the cyst ruptures during
this maneuver, which requires, that the chocolate-colored
fluid be aspirated promptly. Ensuingly, the cavity of the cyst
is irrigated several times. The cyst capsule is removed by
grasping the margin of the fenestration and stripped off from
the ovarian stroma to which counter-traction is applied with
a 5-mm forceps. The correct plane of dissection is chosen
when the capsule appears white or slightly yellow without
red streaks; this allows bloodless dissection without any
hemorrhage (Figs. 1214).
Fig. 14
The adjacent cyst capsule is removed by stripping.
134 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 16 Fig. 17
The rectum is densely adherent to the uterine corpus obliterating the Adhesiolysis and exposure of the deep rectovaginal endometriotic
cul-de-sac. nodule.
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
The nodule is completely excised. En bloc excision of the endometriotic lesion.
Fig. 20
Bowel resection with introduction of a transanal stapler.
136 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
The bowel segment invaded by the endometriotic nodule device is introduced transanally to complete the procedure.
is grasped with a forceps while positioning a linear stapler Occasionally, for rectosigmoid lesions, a segmental bowel
and firing precisely below the nodule. The technique is resection through a Pfannenstiel minilaparotomy with end-to-
limited in that it can be used only for small-sized lesions end hand-sewn anastomosis is performed under direct visual
(< 3 cm) and if the reduction in bowel lumen is less than 50%. control.
To completely remove an anterior rectal lesion smaller than
3 cm, which would require an ultralow resection (up to 6 cm Alternatively, the proximal bowel segment can be exteriorized
from the anal sphincter), we suggest the use of a circular transvaginally, resected and placed in the anvil of the circular
stapler (CEEA) as described by H. Reich. The nodule is trans- stapler. After completing the end-to-end anastomosis the
fixed perpendicular to the bowel axis in such a way that it vagina is closed laparoscopically and an omental flap is
can be pushed between the anvil and the body of the circular created and interposed between vagina and colon to prevent
stapler which has been inserted through the anal canal. the two sutures from getting into contact. The integrity of the
anastomosis is tested by filling the pelvic cavity with saline
When transanal resection is planned, after placing a fourth and insufflating air into the rectum while the more proximal
trocar in the right upper outer quadrant, the bowel is mobilized part of the sigmoid is occluded mechanically with forceps.
laparoscopically using an ultrasonic scalpel (Ultracision).
In our experience of 600 cases of complete excision of
The involved bowel segment is exposed, safeguarding the advanced endometriosis, we have found negative effects
mesentery and the vessels close to the intestinal wall. The fat is on the bladder, rectum and sexual activity. In this respect,
stripped away from the healthy distal bowel segment, exposing the results of studies recently published by Thomassin and
the intact muscularis propria through 360 degrees so that the Darai, do not correspond with our own. There may be various
sutures for colorectal anastomosis can be placed very safely rationales for this inconsistency. However, all authors agree
with the circular stapler using the Knight-Griffen technique. A on the significance of sparing the pelvic nerve plexuses.
linear endoscopic stapler is then applied with a safety margin
of 1 cm away from the nodule in the healthy distal bowel. The autonomic pelvic nerves in fact provide neurogenic
Then, the proximal segment of rectosigmoid colon with the control of the rectum, bladder and sexual area (vaginal
endometriotic nodule at its stapled end is extracted through lubrication and sweating). Among position-related iatrogenic
the suprapubic port, which is prophylactically extended. The nerve injuries, the inferior hypogastric plexus is most often
bowel segment involved is transected at about 1 cm proximal affected during excision of endometriotic nodules from
to the endometriotic mass. The anvil of the circular stapler the uterosacral ligaments and the lateral adjacent area. To
is secured with a purse string suture to the distal bowel reduce to a minimum the risk of inadvertent nerve injury at
opening and reintroduced into the abdominal cavity. Next, a this level the best safeguard is to observe certain rules that
28 or 32 mm circular end-to-end anastomosis (CEEA) stapling will be described below.
4.1 Protection of the Sympathetic Mesorectum Nerve Fibers; Superior Hypogastric Plexus,
Hypogastric Nerves and Lumbosacral Sympathetic Trunk
The superior hypogastric plexus is formed by sympathetic fully and reach the inferior part of the mesorectum as far as
nerve fibers lying in the presacral space at the level of the the rectal wings, the pararectal fossae must be unified in
promontory, covered by peritoneum and by the anterior layer the retrorectal space by blunt dissection as far as the space
of the visceral pelvic fascia. The right and left hypogastric known as The Holy Plane of Heald located in the midline;
nerves originate from this plexus and descend 810 cm lateral when this has been identified, the posterior and lateral
to the mesorectum in the visceral pelvic fascia following the mesorectal fascia is preserved by dissecting the loose and
cranio-caudal course of the ureter. These nerves can be relatively avascular connective tissue between the visceral
localized by opening the peritoneum at the level of the sacral mesorectal fascia and the parietal endopelvic fascia. The
promontory to gain access to the presacral space. Blunt medial and distal segments of the hypogastric nerves adhere
dissection of the loose adipose tissue in the rectosacral to the mesorectum fascia at this level and can be injured if
space as far as the rectosacral fascia allows identification of they are not exposed. Dissection is continued as far as the
the superior hypogastric plexus and the hypogastric nerves floor of the pararectal spaces, always staying close to the
close to the sacrum and distant from the mesorectum, which rectum to preserve the superior hypogastric plexus and the
is drawn ventrally and caudally with the rectum. If this is done, hypogastric nerves medially and cranially, and the ganglia
innervation is preserved completely during dissection of the and lumbosacral sympathetic trunks laterally and dorsally,
upper part of the mesorectum. To mobilize the rectosigmoid close to the sacrum.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 137
It is extremely important to localize and lateralize the by the proximal aspect of the inferior hypogastric plexus.
hypogastric nerves and their connections to the proximal It is not always easy to identify the hypogastric nerves in
part of the inferior hypogastric plexus. After opening the the presacral space because their thickness varies greatly
retroperitoneum of the presacral space and prior to initiating (47 mm), they are completely surrounded by fatty tissue and
dissection of the uterosacral ligaments and rectal pillars, they sometimes give off multiple nerve fibers. However, clear
the thin and delicate lateral part of the visceral presacral identification, exposure and preservation of these nerves
pelvic fascia between the prerectal space and the pararectal are feasible through laparoscopy and should always be
space is mobilized and lateralized carefully. This lateral part attempted.
is crossed by the hypogastric nerves, the anterior branches At this level, they run from lateral to medial in a cranio-
of the sacral sympathetic trunks, the parasympathetic caudal direction approximately 20 mm to 5 mm inferior to the
pelvic splanchnic nerves and more ventrally and caudally ureter.
4.3 Protection of the Splanchnic Nerves and of the Medial and Inferior Aspects
of the Hypogastric Plexus in the Inferior Mesorectal Spaces
The parasympathetic innervation of the pelvic organs, continue with the medial efferent bundle of the pelvic plexus
rectosigmoid and anal canal is provided by the splanchnic up to the lateral or anterolateral surface of the rectum. In a
nerves which originate from the S2S4 sacral roots. recent study, Ercoli showed, that the pelvic splanchnic nerves
35 branches originate from the pelvic splanchnic nerves 34 are at high position-related risk of iatrogenic injury because
and 12 cm laterally and inferior to the pouch of Douglas; they are in close proximity to these ligaments in 70% of
they perforate the endopelvic fascia, cross the ventral cases. Proper identification of the splanchnic nerves at their
aspect of the piriformis muscle and then converge with the origin from the sacral roots allows safe dissection of the rectal
terminal branches of the ipsilateral hypogastric nerve about wings and the inferior mesorectal planes.
1 cm ventral to the inferior hypogastric plexus. The plexus is Always keeping the parasympathetic nerves under vision
located bilaterally in the presacral aspect of the endopelvic allows the nerve fibers to be kept distant from the debulking
fascia between the posterior vaginal fornix and the rectum planes.
in the ventral part of the lateral rectal ligaments. When the
inferior-most aspect of the posterolateral parametrium is Moreover, by following their course until they converge with
involved by endometriosis, it is resected sparing the dense the hypogastric nerves it is possible to localize the origin of
connective tissue and the fatty tissue surrounding the the pelvic plexus, caudal to the course of the deep uterine
nerve fibers of the cranial and medial aspect of the inferior vein, particularly the efferent branches and the visceral
hypogastric plexus. Ideally, the plane of dissection should not afferent branches of the uterus, vagina and bladder. During
enter the space, similar to the keel of a boat, which is located bowel resection, after excision of the mesosigmoid with
between the anterolateral planes of the mesorectum and the sparing of the innervation described above, only selective
rectal wings. A surgical anatomical reference point that we neuroablation of a small quantity of nerve fibers of the medial
use to separate the lateral parametrium and the vascular part efferent bundle of the pelvic plexus is performed, directed
(ventral and cranial) of the nerve (dorsal and caudal) is the medially towards the rectum and traversing the mesorectum.
deep uterine vein. In fact, only the rectal fibers of the resected segment of bowel
are transected, minimizing rectal denervation.
The lateral ligaments of the rectum run close to the splanchnic
nerves in 30% of cases, cross the pelvic plexus and then
1.0 Introduction
The traditional criteria for the surgical management of uterine As regards its benefits and the low risk of complications, LM
fibroids are infertility, recurrent abortions, obstetric can be considered a valid alternative to myomectomy via
complications, abnormal contour of the abdominal wall, laparotomy even though it remains a challenging technique.
abdominal and pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding and In expert hands, LM appears to provide the same results as
menorrhagia attributable to fibroids. In addition, women who myomectomy via a laparotomy approach in terms of fertility
reject hysterectomy because they wish to maintain fertility and pregnancy and has a definite advantage with regard to
potential can choose this type of surgery. the risk of postoperative adhesions. Regarding recurrence
There are still no clear indications with regard to the evaluation, the results are unclear but it is probably similar
laparoscopic approach but laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) with both techniques.
has been broadly accepted recently. Certainly, there are technical limitations in LM so preoperative
The technique of LM does not differ from that of laparotomy. assessment of the patients is extremely important.
The use of vasoconstrictive agents has been shown to be 20 ml of saline. Its period of activity is 2030 minutes and
as effective in laparoscopy as in laparotomy. They allow should be metabolized before the end of surgery. Use of
faster and easier enucleation with occasional use of bipolar the vasoconstrictor is often not well tolerated and cases of
electrosurgery for hemostasis, and above all, they reduce bronchoconstriction, urticaria, anaphylactic reaction and
blood loss and thus the need for transfusions. In our myocardial infarction have been reported. When used, this
experience, the real advantage is that they provide a clear must be under the strict control of the anesthetists.
view of the operative field. Unfortunately, the use of vaso-
During laparoscopic myomectomy, one case of hypertension
constrictors is not permitted in many European countries.
followed by hypotension after 35 ml at 0.6 U/ml, one case
Traditionally, Por-8 (8-ornithine vasopressin), a synthetic
of pulmonary edema after 10 ml at 0.5 U/ml and one case of
derivative of vasopressin, a strong vasoconstrictor with
transitory hypertension after 70 ml at 0.05 U/l of Por-8 have
weak antidiuretic effects, has been used for many years but
been reported.
is no longer commercially available. Subsequently, some
authors suggested using glypressin (triglycyl-lysine vaso- Recently, use of bupivacaine hydrochloride 0.25% + 0.5 ml
pressin, triglycyl-vasopressin), which is usually employed of epinephrine (1/2 ampoule of 1 mg/ml) has been shown
to treat bleeding esophageal varices. It is an analog of to be effective and safe in reducing hemorrhage, operating
antidiuretic hormone with about 3% of the antidiuretic time and time required for myoma enucleation. The problem
effect of vasopressin. The theoretical advantage is that it is that the constrictive effect lasts for 56 hours so there is
does not cause constriction of the coronary arteries as it is a hypothetical risk of not obtaining accurate hemostasis
a pharmacologically inactive drug precursor that must be with delayed postoperative bleeding and tissue damage
biotransformed to lysopressin (4060 minutes) by endo- and due to the prolonged hypo-oxygenation. The hypothesis
exopeptidases in the liver and kidney. that bupivacaine produces compensatory vasodilatation has
yet to be demonstrated. Methylergometrine maleate and
Pitressin (8-arginine vasopressin), a derivative of vaso- sulprostone should be used only in study protocols as their
pressin, is used widely in the United States. In the past, it safety and efficacy in gynecologic surgery have yet to be
was used in different concentrations, even up to 20 U in demonstrated.
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Injection of up to 40 ml of 9-arginine vasopressin at a concentration Injection of up to 40 ml of 9-arginine vasopressin at a concentration
of 0.6 U/ml in saline into the myoma pedicle. Remember always to of 0.6 U/ml in saline into the body of a myoma.
aspirate prior to administration of the vasoconstrictive agent to make
sure that it is not injected in a blood vessel.
One to three injections per myoma may be necessary between the myoma and pseudocapsule; hydrodissection
(Figs. 2, 3). A few seconds after injection, the myometrium can also be useful. If the liquid escapes through a previously
begins to turn pale. If excessive resistance is encountered made needle opening, this confirms that the hydrodissection
during injection it is better to draw back the needle until cannula is in the proper cleavage plane.
the resistance disappears, which signifies that the needle is
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 143
A linear or elliptical incision (Fig. 4) for very large or peduncu- Koh suggests ultralateral placement of the ports with two
lated myomas should be made over the myoma. The standard working trocars, both on the right side. With the traditional
incision is vertical (oblique in the case of an anterior myoma) set-up of the sites of trocar insertion, the incision should be
at the level of the most prominent part of the myometrium oblique in the case of anterior myoma in line with the needle
and is carried down to the surrounding pseudocapsule until holder located in the lateral port. In the case of fundal or
the pearly structure of the myoma is exposed (Fig. 5). Even if posterior myoma, the incision must be vertical in line with
the arteries and arterioles of the myometrium have a trans- the needle holder, which in this case will be in the suprapubic
verse course, a vertical incision is preferred because suturing port so that the needle can be passed deeply in the myome-
is more effective and easier to accomplish. Reduced blood trium (Figs. 67).
loss has been reported with transverse incision of the uterus.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Elliptical incision in a pedunculated myoma by use of a unipolar Myometrial incision at the level of the most prominent part of
hook electrode (60-watt cutting current). An elliptical incision is the myometrium with a unipolar hook electrode using a 60-watt
advantageous because the very thin myometrium would be too cutting current. The assistant is using a suction cannula to
difficult to suture. aspirate and maintain clear vision of the operating field.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Anterior myoma: the line of incision should be aligned on-axis with Anterior myoma (lateral view): the incision cannot be aligned
the needle holder placed in the lateral port. on-axis with the needle holder in the suprapubic port because
the needle would not be able to penetrate deeply into the
144 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
When placing the myometrial incision, the surgeon must producing a sharp and clean cut with minimal lateral diffusion
limit the use of electrocautery. Many cases of uterine rupture of energy. In theory, the ideal choice would be a cold surgical
after leiomyoma coagulation or simple unipolar cauterization knife. In the case of intraligamentary myomas, the first step
have been reported. Bipolar electrosurery may be applied is to incise the broad ligament to assist in spontaneous
selectively to the blood vessels. Hemostasis must be protrusion.
achieved preferably by means of endoscopic suture and the
Pedunculated myomas are resected with unipolar scissors
use of vasoconstrictive agents. The ultrasonic scalpel is used
and then sutured like intramural or subserous myomas. An
by some surgeons. Stringer was the first to use it for LM and
endoloop positioned around the myoma pedicle can help to
its use for uterine incision appears to be as effective as the
reduce bleeding before starting to suture.
knife electrode; however, it appears to produce greater tissue
damage compared to the unipolar mode using 35 watt for However, we advise against only using two endoloops
cutting and 30 watt for coagulation. We prefer to use a 3060 because they slip off the pedicle easily, producing major
watt unipolar hook electrode with unblended cutting current secondary bleeding.
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Enucleation of the myoma. The myoma is enucleated by pulling and The handle of the spiral-tipped fixation instrument is pulled towards
rotating the fibroid with a spiral-tipped fixation instrument inserted the patients feet along an imaginary arc so as to apply traction to
through the suprapubic port, applying countertraction and using the myoma.
blunt dissection with a strong forceps and a suction cannula. In the
case of major bleeding, the surgeon may use the bipolar forceps.
146 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 12
Schematic drawing of a figure-of-eight zigzag suture that has proven
effective and safe in our series. The suture line is usually placed with
an intracorporeal knot.
13 14
15 16
Figs. 1316
Interrupted figure of eight sutures with Serafit 0 are used to As shown, each individual suture requires four steps starting from
obliterate the bed of the myoma and ensure hemostasis. the right side and is then tied intracorporeally.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 147
17 18
Figs. 1719
The superficial layer is approximated with a continuous inverting
PDS 0 or 2/0 suture.
O inverting suture on the right side of the incision
O inverting suture on the left side
O final result
19 The assistant cuts the suture and the surgeon can remove the
needle from the abdomen via the 15 mm subprapubic trocar.
148 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
5.5 Morcellation
Use of an electromechanical morcellator to remove the This technique should prevent the Swiss cheese effect of
myomas is obligatory. We recommend activating the perforating the myoma with a number of holes, loss of the
blade of the morcellator inside a trocar with an oblique end fragments in the pelvis, repeated grasping of the myoma with
(Figs. 20, 21). In this way, with simple traction the myoma forceps and thus loss of time.
is peeled like an orange into a few or even no fragments.
The peritoneal cavity must be irrigated copiously with intestinal obstruction following formation of adhesions. A
Ringer lactate to obtain correct hemostasis and remove all device to avoid the formation of adhesions is to suture the
the fragments; leaving a small piece of myoma can cause suprapubic fascial defect under vision.
Fig. 20 Fig. 21
Activation of the blade of the morcellator inside a trocar with an Correct position of the blade relative to the end of the trocar:
oblique end: the myoma is rotated and peeled like an orange the blade must be in about the middle of the oblique part of the
without the aid of the assistant and with the production of very trocar.
few fragments.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 149
Recommended Reading
1. ACIEN P, QUEREDA F: Abdominal myomectomy: 16. GEORGAKOPULOS PA, BERCI G: Sigmoido-uterine
Results of a simple operative technique. Fertil Steril rupture in pregnancy after multiple myomectomy.
65:41-51, 1996 Int Surg 66:367-368, 1981
2. ARCANGELI S, PASQUARETTE MM.: Gravid uterine 17. HARRIS WJ: Uterine dehiscence following laparoscopic
rupture after myolysis. Obstet Gynecol. May;89 myomectomy. Obstet Gynecol 80:545-546, 1992
(5 Pt 2):857, 1997.
3. BEYTH Y: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog
DMOWSKI WP: Laparoscopic myomectomy. Obstet
treatment should not precede conservative
Gynecol. Nov;80(5):884-8, 1992.
myomectomy. Fertil Steril 53:187-188, 1990
4. BULLETTI C, POLLI V, NEGRINI V, GIACOMUCCI E, 19. IGARASHI M: Value of myomectomy in the treatment
FLAMIGNI C: Adhesion formation after laparoscopic of infertility. Fertil Steril. Jun;59(6):1331-2, 1993
myomectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. Aug;3(4): 20. KIMURA T, KUSUI C, MATSUMURA Y, OGITA K,
5. CAMPO S, GARCEA N: Laparoscopic myomectomy in AZUMA C, MURATA Y: Effectiveness of hormonal
premenopausal women with and without preoperative tourniquet by vasopressin during myomectomy through
treatment using gonadotrophin-releasing hormone vasopressin V1a receptor ubiquitously expressed in
analogues. Hum Reprod 14(1):44-48, 1999 myometrium. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 54(3):125-31,
6. COHEN D, MAZUR MT, JOZEFCZYK MA, et al: 2002.
Hyalinization and cellular changes in uterine 21. KOH C, JANIK G: Laparoscopic myomectomy: the
leiomyomata after gonadotropin-releasing hormone current status Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 15:295-301,
against therapy. J Reprod Med 39:377-380, 1994 2003
after laparoscopic myomectomy: Preliminary results FORD R: Comparison of tissue injury between
Hum Reprod 12(9):1931-1934, 1997 laparosonic coagulating shears and electrosurgical
8. DELIGDISCH L, HIRSCHMANN S, ALTCHEK A: scissors in the sheep model. J Am Assoc Gynecol
Pathologic changes in gonadotropin releasing hormone Laparosc. Aug;8(3):378-84, 2001.
agonist analogue treated uterine leiomyomata.
Fertil Steril 67:837-841, 1997
Pre-operative GnRH analogue therapy before
9. DUBUISSON JB, CHAPRON C, CHAVET X, et al: hysterectomy or myomectomy for uterine fibroids.
Fertility after laparoscopic myomectomy of large Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (2):CD000547, 2000.
intramural myomas, preliminary results. Hum Reprod
11(3):518-522, 1996 24. LIN PC, THYER A, SOULES MR.: Intraoperative
ultrasound during a laparoscopic myomectomy.
Fertil Steril Jun;81(6):1671-4, 2004.
Uterine rupture during pregnancy after laparoscopic
myomectomy. Hum Reprod 10:1475-1477, 1995 25. LOONG EPL, WONG FWS: Uterine leiomyosarcoma
11. DUBUISSON JB, FAUCONNIER A, CHAPRON C, diagnosed during treatment with an agonist of
KREIKER G, NORGAARD C.: Second look after luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone for presumed
laparoscopic myomectomy. Hum Reprod. Aug; uterine fibroid. Fertil Steril 54:530-531, 1990
13 (8):2102-6, 1998. 26. MAIS V, AJOSSA S, GUERRIERO S, et al: Laparoscopic
12. DUNNIHOO DR, OTTERSON WN, MAILHES JB, LEWIS versus abdominal myomectomy: A prospective,
DF JR, GRAFTON WD, BROWN CC.: An evaluation of randomized trial to evaluate benefits in early outcome.
uterine scar integrity after cesarean section in rabbits. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174:654-658, 1996
Obstet Gynecol. Mar;73(3 Pt 1):390-4, 1989. 27. NEZHAT C, NEZHAT F, SILFEN SL, SCHAFFER N,
13. FELBERBAUM RE, KUPKER W, KRAPP M, GEHL B, EVANS D: Laparoscopic myomectomy. Int J Fertil
LUDWIG M, DIEDRICH K: Preoperative reduction of 36:275-280, 1991
uterine fibroids in only 16 days by administration of a
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist 28. NEZHAT CH, NEZHAT F, ROEMISCH M, et al:
(Cetrotide). Reprod Biomed Online.;3(1):14-18, 2001. Pregnancy following laparoscopic myomectomy:
Preliminary results. Hum Reprod 14(5):1219-1221, 1999
HARDIE M: Intramyometrial vasopressin as a 29. NEZHAT F, ROEMISCH M, NEZHAT CH, et al:
haemostatic agent during myomectomy. Br J Obstet Recurrence rate after laparoscopic myomectomy.
Gynaecol. May;101(5):435-7, 1994. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 5(3):237-240, 1998
rupture after laparoscopic myomectomy. Acta Obstet Laparoscopic myomectomy today: Why, when and for
Gynecol Scand 75:683-684, 1996 whom? Hum Reprod 11(5):933-937, 1996
150 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
MINK D, SCHMIDT W: Uterine rupture in pregnancy myomectomy: Indications, surgical technique and
subsequent to previous laparoscopic electromyolysis. complications. Hum Reprod 12:1927-1930, 1997
Case report and review of the literature. Arch Gynecol 44. SEINERA P, GAGLIOTI P, VOLPI E, et al: Ultrasound
Obstet. Nov;264(3):154-6, 2000. evaluation of uterine wound healing following
32. OSTRZENSKI A.: Uterine leiomyoma particle growing in laparoscopic myomectomy: Preliminary results.
an abdominal-wall incision after laparoscopic retrieval. Hum Reprod 14(10):2460-2463, 1999
Obstet Gynecol. May;89(5 Pt 2):853-4, 1997. 45. SERACCHIOLI R, ROSSI S, GOVONI F, ROSSI E,
Laparoscopic myomectomy technique. Use of obstetric outcome after laparoscopic myomectomy of
colpotomy and the harmonic scalpel. J Reprod Med. large myomata: a randomized comparison with
Oct;47(10):849-53, 2002. abdominal myomectomy. Hum Reprod. Dec; 15(12):
ZULLO F, NAPPI C: Effectiveness of short-term 46. SORIANO D, DESSOLLE L, PONCELET C, BENIFLA
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94:571-576, 1996 uterine myoma. Obstet Gynecol, 10: 1331-6, 2004
36. PELOSI MAIII, PELOSI MA: Spontaneous uterine rupture 48. STRINGER NH, WALKER JC, MEYER PM:
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Laparosc 8(2):231240, 2001 Gynecol 178:108-112, 1998
Chapter XIII
Laparoscopic Treatment
of Adnexal Masses
Mario Malzoni and Fabio Imperato
Malzoni Medical Center Villa dei Platani
Avellino, Italy
152 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
In recent years, minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery has of this type of procedure. In fact, accidental rupture of the
changed the therapeutic management of adnexal masses thin ovarian cyst capsule in patients with missed diagnosis
to such an extent, that it can be considered the standard of proven malignancy can involve intraoperative spillage of
therapeutic option. tumor cells. The objection to laparoscopic surgery for ovarian
tumors is based on the hypothesis, that a missed stage IA
Despite several very promising publications suggesting the ovarian cancer could transform into a stage IC tumor (FIGO
increasing diagnostic value of ultrasonography and color classification) which would require adjunctive chemotherapy.
Doppler, the preoperative diagnosis of malignant lesions
provides too many false-positive results. Laparoscopy is of However, does the incidence of intraoperative spillage
significant value in the diagnostic assessment of adnexal constitute a prognostic risk factor that could adversely
masses in that it allows for elective biopsy and histopatho- affect the patients survival? In patients with stage I ovarian
logic evaluation including the option of ovarian tumor removal. cancer, some authors consider that this risk factor is not
significant compared to others, e.g., the histological tumor
However, the rate of confirmed malignancy in patients with type. According to other authors, spiallage does not seem
adnexal masses ranges from 0.3 to 1.2% (Tab. 1) and the to adversely affect the patients prognosis provided that
publication of case histories describing undetected ovarian copious lavage is performed and the patient is treated by
cancers treated via laparoscopy has given rise to criticism surgery within a week of the laparoscopy.
Tab. 1 Tab. 2
Diagram showing the experience of the authors with laparoscopic Laparoscopic management of ovarian cancer.
management of adnexal masses.
2.0 Indications
It is very difficult to define the limits of laparoscopic surgery. A tumor laparoscopically completely without compromising the
few authors state that laparoscopic management is indicated extent (Tab. 2).
only for adnexal masses that present without any signs of In our experience, nearly all adnexal masses can be treated
malignancy, while for other study groups, this can include laparoscopically. This is because of the methods dual role:
ovarian cancer at an early stage. An expert laparoscopist, diagnostic and therapeutic.
after diagnosing that the lesion is malignant, could stage the
Mucinous Cysts
Fig. 1
Less frequent than the previous ones, they are usually Functional ovarian cyst.
unilateral, pedunculated and thus very mobile with a diameter
that can reach 3050 cm or even more (giant cystadenomas).
They are usually multilocular with cystic cavities of varying
sizes, separated by fine fibrous septa, complete and
incomplete (Fig. 4). The contents are usually fluid, mucinous,
clear and fibrous.
Fig. 2
Corpus luteum.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Serous ovarian cyst. Mucinous ovarian cyst.
154 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
These are due to endometriosis located on the ovary;
please refer to the specific chapter regarding manage-
ment. The outer surface is irregular and yellowish white
with numerous areas of dark brown (Fig. 5). The bloody
contents make them difficult to distinguish from functional
hemorrhagic cysts.
Ovarian Struma
These are usually unilateral and multilocular, with a
diameter of 68 cm. The contents are colloidal. They
consist of highly specialized mature thyroid tissue.
Fig. 7
Parovarian cyst.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 155
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Left salpingectomy. Tubo-ovarian abscess.
156 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
3.0 Diagnosis
Before a patient undergoes laparoscopic surgical treatment
of an adnexal mass, it is necessary to exclude the presence
of cancer. Nonetheless, laparoscopic inspection alone of the
adnexae often allows the surgeon to make a benign-malig-
nant differentiation (Fig. 12).
3.1 History
The physician must ask the woman about any menstrual
irregularities and the presence of any urinary or bowel
Pelvic pain is the most frequent symptom although asymp-
tomatic patients are not rare. In fact, it is only when the cysts
reach a considerable size and produce pain in the ipsilateral
iliac fossa that they become apparent and spur the patient to Fig. 12
Multilocular ovarian cyst.
consult a doctor.
Rarely, the pelvic pain can present as an acute abdomen, In advanced malignant disease, patients complain of abdo-
secondary to rupture of a cyst or ovarian torsion. minal distension, swelling, constipation, nausea and anorexia.
septa (possibly thin ones, < 2-3 mm), presence of smooth Adnexal Mass Suspicious for Malignancy
walls and well-defined margins. Dermoid cysts can contain The presence of bilateral masses with irregular margins,
hyperechogenic structures such as bone and cartilage. multiple thick intracyst septa (> 4 mm), papillary projections,
Hemorrhagic cysts can contain internal echoes of variable solid areas and the presence of ascites raise the suspicion of
intensity, both focal and diffuse. a malignant ovarian neoplasm.
Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Laparoscopic appearance of ovarian cancer on intra-operative Peritoneal implants suspicious for malignancy.
158 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
4.1 Aspiration
General Principles to rupture, which occurs frequently (Fig. 15). Above all, cyst
aspiration facilitates cystectomy by reducing the tension of
Simple puncture and aspiration of the cyst should be avoided the cyst and allows inspection of its internal walls.
since this is associated with an increase in recurrence rate.
Aspiration is recommended only for dysfunctional cysts. The suction cannula is introduced directly into the cyst on
the antimesenteric side after immobilizing the ovary, grasping
Aspiration is often performed prior to cystectomy. En-bloc the ovarian ligament with an endoclinch grasping forceps
enucleation of an endometrioma, a mucinous cyst or (Fig. 16). It is sometimes sufficient to compress the ovary
ovarian lesion larger than 10 cm is very difficult to manage against the uterus. After removing the cyst contents with a
laparoscopically. Under the aforementioned conditions, it suction cannula, the cyst cavity is lavaged. It is then possible
is preferable to perform controlled prophylactic aspiration to introduce the laparoscope through the opening to assess
rather than risk accidental spillage of the cyst contents due the inner surface.
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Prophylactic aspiration of a giant ovarian cyst. Grasping the ovarian ligament with an endoclinch forceps and
exposure of the antimesenteric margin.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 159
4.2 Cystectomy
General Principles
Complete enucleation of the cyst with minor trauma to the
residual ovarian parenchyma is advised in young patients
of fertile age with epithelial, germinal and inclusion cysts.
In addition, cystectomy allows full histological examination.
It is surprising how often it is possible even with large cysts
to preserve sufficient ovarian tissue around the hilum to
restore ovarian anatomy satisfactorily. If an adequate blood
supply can be ensured, full recovery of organ function can be
Technique in brief
To improve exposure of the adnexae, a uterine manipulator
must be applied. The ovary is then mobilized by lysis of the
Fig. 17
paraphysiological adhesions to the rectosigmoid. Using a The utero-ovarian ligament is grasped, the ovary is elevated and the
suction-irrigation cannula, the ovary is released from the ovarian cortex is then incised.
posterior leaf of the broad ligament (ovarian fossa). The utero-
ovarian ligament is then grasped with an endoclinch forceps
to elevate and rotate the ovary.
To enucleate the cyst with the capsule intact, a small incision
is made with unipolar scissors contralateral to the ovarian
hilum until the wall of the cyst is reached (Fig. 17). From the
incision margin, the ovarian cortex together with the very thin
stroma is grasped using an atraumatic Dorsey or Matkowitz
grasping forceps. The plane of cleavage between the capsule
and ovary is identified by opening and closing the blades
of the round-ended curved scissors (Fig. 18). The fibrous
adhesions between the wall of the cyst and the ovarian
tissue are dissected (Fig. 19). The blood vessels supplying
the cyst are coagulated with bipolar forceps. Detachment is
completed using the blunt tip of the suction/irrigation cannula.
The incision in the ovarian cortex is then extended to allow
removal of the intact cyst (Fig. 20).
Fig. 18
Identification of the plane of cleavage by opening and closing the
blades of the round-ended scissors.
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
Dissection of fibrous adhesions between the cyst capsule and the Adequate incision of the ovarian cortex allows removal of the intact
ovary. cyst.
160 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 22
Cystectomy with the stripping technique.
Fig. 23 Fig. 24
Hemostasis of the ovarian bed using a bipolar coagulation electrode. Overlapping ovarian margins.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 161
4.3 Oophorectomy
General Principles
Oophorectomy is indicated in young patients only if a
conservative approach is not feasible due to insufficient
residual ovarian tissue.
Technique in brief
After mobilizing the ovary, the ovarian pedicle is first
coagulated and then divided. To achieve coagulation of larger
vascular pedicles, it is preferable to use bipolar forceps with
adequately wide jaws. The mesovarium and mesosalpinx are
then coagulated and divided starting at the uterine side and
proceeding toward the fimbrial tubal portion. The tube, which
should be preserved, must be protected from iatrogenic
Fig. 25
Exposure of the ureter.
4.4 Adnexectomy
General Principles
Adnexectomy is reserved for postmenopausal patients.
In addition, the decision to remove the tube together with
the ovary is indicated where the tube is also infiltrated by
the pathology. However, removal of the entire adnexa is
frequently performed because it is easier.
Technique in brief
The adnexa is elevated with a certain degree of traction. This
avoids accidental injury to the lateral walls of the pelvis and to
the underlying retroperitoneal structures.
The course of the ureter should always be identified. The
ovarian vessels and common iliac vessels cross the ureter at
its junction with the superior pelvic aperture. Descending in
the pelvis, it runs inside the broad ligament just beside the
uterosacral ligament. If it is not possible to identify the ureter
clearly through the peritoneum, it is necessary to incise the Fig. 26
peritoneum to access the retroperitoneal space and expose Skeletonization of the infundibulo-pelvic ligament.
it (Fig. 25).
The next step involves fenestration of the posterior leaf
of the broad ligament to mobilize the ureter away from the
infundibulo-pelvic ligament. Next, the infundibulo-pelvic
ligament is coagulated with the aid of bipolar forceps and
transected by use of a cold knife. This can be accomplished
more effectively if preceded by adequate vascular pedicle
skeletonization (Fig. 26). The utero-ovarian ligament and the
tubal isthmus are then coagulated and divided (Fig. 27).
The uterine vascular pedicles should always be inspected at
the end of surgery as they can bleed when the hemostatic
effect of positive intra-abdominal pressure has subsided.
Fig. 27
Left adnexectomy.
162 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
General principles
Inspection of the abdominal and pelvic cavity (Fig. 29) to look
for neoplastic lesions is completed with peritoneal biopsy
of suspicious areas. When the peritoneal cavity appears
normal (diaphragm, liver, intestine, omentum, peritoneum)
random biopsies must be taken. On the other hand, if areas
suspicious for malignant neoplastic lesions are detected (Fig.
30), the diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma stage III can be made.
The procedure is converted immediately to laparotomy.
Fig. 29
Inspection of the peritoneal cavity.
Technique in brief
The suspicious peritoneal area is grasped with forceps to
obtain a sufficient amount for histological assessment. When
this fold of tissue has been grasped, the peritoneal margin is
incised. This gives access to the retroperitoneal space, which
is dissected bluntly. Bleeding ceases spontaneously or can
be controlled with bipolar coagulation.
Fig. 30
Neoplastic lesions suspected for malignancy.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 163
5.3 Endobag
General Principles
In patients with ovarian tumors, even of low malignancy,
extraction of the operative specimen can favor the dissemi-
nation of malignant cells, particularly implantation at the point
of trocar insertion. To reduce this risk, endoscopic bags are
used with the aim of protecting the abdominal wall (Fig. 31).
During extraction of the specimen, morcellation to reduce
the size of the solid tissue and facilitate the maneuver is not
advisable because of the increased risk of dissemination of
malignant cells. It follows that in the presence of suspicious
adnexal masses with a diameter greater than about 78 cm,
the laparoscopic approach is contraindicated. However,
despite the use of these two precautions, cases of metastasis
at the point of trocar insertion have been described (port-site
recurrences, PSR). Fig. 31
Laparoscopic extraction bag.
Technique in brief
To introduce the endobag, the accessory trocar (6 mm) is
removed, the accessory skin incision is extended to 10 mm ovarian lesion, frozen section should not be included in the
and the bag cannula is introduced through the parietal port. criteria used for setting up the individual therapeutic strategy,
After placing the extracted material in the bag, the edges of whether conservative or ablative. In these cases, it is
the endobag are pulled outside the wall and clamped with preferable to perform adnexectomy and thereby prevent the
two Klemmer forceps. To allow passage of the bag with risk of neoplastic dissemination because of a false-negative
its contents through the abdominal wall, it is sometimes frozen section result. Young patients with an adnexal mass
necessary to aspirate the cyst contents. with a small solitary lesion are an exception; these can be
Frozen Section On the other hand, biopsy with frozen section is essential in
Frozen section has been reintroduced by laparoscopist to re-staging and avoids reoperation which is poorly acceptable
reduce the incidence of unnecessary conversions. for the patient.
However, frozen section diagnosis of ovarian tumors is Where frozen section is not available, any ovarian lesion
difficult and has a false-negative rate of 5%, with the majority suspected for malignancy at laparoscopy, must be removed
due to inadequate sampling by the surgeon or pathologist. intact by adnexectomy. The type of subsequent treatment will
Thus, in the presence of a laparoscopically suspicious be decided after surgery.
164 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter XIV
Laparoscopic Management of
Borderline Ovarian Tumors
Paulo Ayroza and Elizabet Abdalla
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Medical School of the Santa Casa University of
So Paulo, Brazil
166 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
Among all gynecologic diseases, the topic of ovarian Nevertheless, it is not at all unusual to find statements of
tumors is perhaps one of the most controversial with regard authors in the literature advising against laparoscopic
to diagnosis, classification, and treatment modalities. treatment of benign ovarian cysts such as endometriomas
Undoubtedly, this reflects the great significance of this and dermoid cysts.
disease among female patients. Whether benign or not, all There are numerous reports in the literature justifying the
ovarian tumors must be examined thoroughly. Functional use of laparoscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for
cysts may regress within months, whether or not any benign ovarian tumors. In the authors group, use a routine
medication is used. On the other hand, nonfunctional tumors diagnostic protocol is used, which requires that all patients
tend to persist and require an accurate workup. with ovarian tumors are submitted to clinical and laboratory
Since the advent of the laparoscopic technique many work-up (clinical examination, transvaginal ultrasound, and
years ago, we have been able to identify benign cysts and serum marker levels), followed by laparoscopy.
subsequently treat them laparoscopically. Today, it is
even possible to manage by laparoscopy some ovarian
malignancies that required laparotomy until a few years back.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Bilateral ovarian endometriotic cysts. Ovarian endometriotic cyst.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Large ovarian cyst and uterine myomas. Functional ovarian cyst.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 167
During the laparoscopic procedure, we recommend that examination has demonstrated to be effective in the detection
a strict protocol for the pelvic examination be observed of all ovarian malignancies.
to ensure the highest level of security. The laparoscopic
appearance of ovarian cysts can be highly variable depending Laparoscopic surgery has shown to be a safe and helpful
on their nature (endometriosis, functional, teratoma, etc.), modality for both ovarian cystectomy and oophorectomy
which is why visual inspection plays a vital role in establishing or adnexectomy in that it provides all benefits of minimally
a definitive diagnosis and differentiating between malignant invasive surgery while at the same time preserving patient
or borderline lesions (Figs. 18). safety and fertility.
Our routine use of this protocol over the past 15 years has Which steps should be taken when ovarian malignancies
resulted in a false-negative rate of 0.5%. This means, that or borderline tumors are detected is more controversial.
in 99.5% of patients, the result of our clinical investigation The main question is whether these tumors may be treated
proved to be correct. The method of laparoscopic visualization laparoscopically. In this chapter, we will discuss only
of ovarian cysts in conjunction with intraoperative histological borderline ovarian tumors.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Solid ovarian cyst. Bilateral ovarian teratoma.
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
Surface proliferations of an ovarian borderline tumor. Surface proliferations of an ovarian borderline tumor.
168 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
Multilobulated borderline ovarian cyst. Removal of a borderline tumor: coagulation of the mesovarium with
a bipolar instrument.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 169
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Exposure of the appendix. Exposure and double ligature of the appendix before dividing it.
170 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
i.e. 90% and 92%, respectively. Doppler indices, such as the from benign lesions. The number of cell layers, percentage of
resistance (RI) and pulsatility indices (PI) are also significantly mitoses and nuclear atypia are the criteria which are used to
reduced in carcinoma and borderline ovarian tumors as define these tumors.
compared to benign tumors. While useful in some situations, Approximately 25% of borderline tumors have cell
this modality is not currently part of the standard work-up. proliferations on the outer surface of the lesion, with no
In terms of specifity and sensitivity its diagnostic value is not evidence of growth from the inner surface. Of these,
sufficient, i.e., it cannot be recommended as a screening approximately 90% develop peritoneal implants. Only
tool in the normal patient population. CT scanning and MRI 4% of cases with peritoneal implants do not have surface
studies may be also useful in the pre-operative work-up. proliferation. Peritoneal implants are described as invasive or
As with other malignant neoplasms, staging is performed noninvasive. Noninvasive implants are glandular or papillary
surgically. Many sources recommend complete staging proliferations with cell detachments.
if a borderline tumor is found. Current guidelines include As regards surgical treatment, complete excision of the lesion
biopsy specimens of the pelvic peritoneum (pouch of Doug- must be achieved if at all possible. Secondary procedures,
las, pelvic wall and bladder peritoneum) and abdominal such as appendectomy, can be performed at the same
peritoneum (paracolic gutters and diaphragmatic surfaces). surgery (Figs. 1219). Comprehensive staging, as described
Some authors also suggest biopsy of the omentum, intestinal above, should be a part of every operation of this type. Even
serosa and mesentery, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes though the stage may or may not affect future treatment, it
(pelvic and para-aortic). is of significant prognostic value and, therefore, is of high
The histologic appearance of borderline tumors is quite relevance for both clinician and patient. In 77% of patients
complex because it is not always easy to differentiate them with invasive peritoneal implants, noninvasive implants
are also found. Surgical excision and full staging decrease
the risk of biopsy error, which could result in an inaccurate
diagnosis and prognosis. Some authors have concluded that
fertility-preserving surgery can be offered to patients with
stage IA disease with serous or mucinous tumors.
The optimal treatment of early-stage borderline ovarian tumors
is controversial. Only a few randomized trials evaluating
adjuvant treatment for this disease have been published. A
Norwegian study concluded that stage I borderline tumors
should not receive any adjuvant treatment.
Surgical laparoscopy can be used in cases where the tumor
is limited to the ovary without any sign of dissemination.
In the past, various authors maintained that laparoscopic
management of borderline ovarian tumors should be reserved
for early-stage disease but that this was associated with a
high risk of recurrence, especially due to an increased rate
Fig. 17 of cyst rupture with possible dissemination of potentially
Removal of borderline tumor: the operating field at the end of the neoplastic cells.
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Removal of borderline tumor: extraction in plastic bag. Invasive peritoneal implants.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 171
In a recent study, a French group stated that conservative remove the tumor without any rupture. In these situations we
treatment and cyst rupture occurred more frequently in the recommend the use of plastic extraction bags when removing
laparoscopy group than in the laparotomy groups. Staging the cysts to prevent any spillage into the peritoneal cavity
was incomplete more often in the laparoscopy group than or port site. Furthermore, in some instances, we perform
in the laparoconversion and laparotomy groups. They enucleation of the entire tumor inside the bag.
concluded that the laparoscopic management of borderline
Some groups maintain that conservative surgery remains a
ovarian tumors is associated with a higher rate of cyst rupture
therapeutic option in selected patients with borderline ovarian
and incomplete staging. It is known that recurrence is more
tumors. Even if the rate of new lesions/recurrence is relatively
frequent after conservative treatment or incomplete initial
high with laparoscopy, especially in patients treated with
staging, whatever the surgical approach.
simple ovarian cystectomy, mortality from cancer remains
This study emphasizes the importance of FIGO staging in low. Many patients are able to conceive and carry a normal
borderline tumors. The majority of laparoscopic surgeons pregnancy to term after conservative surgery.
are more conservative by nature and have a background
in infertility, and this may have a negative influence on the In most instances, laparoscopic surgery is curative for
quality and radicality of surgery. In the case of borderline patients with stage I disease. If the tumor is unilateral and
tumors, the surgeon must combine accurate knowledge of there is still some healthy ovarian tissue, unilateral cystectomy
oncologic aspects with the reproductive concepts of fertility can be performed with preservation of the healthy part of
preservation. Bearing this in mind, it will be possible to offer the ovary; however, inspection of the cyst capsule for signs
all the benefits of laparoscopic surgery even in the area of of rupture should be performed before resection. If it is not
oncology. feasible to preserve healthy ovarian tissue, oophorectomy or
salpingo-oophorectomy should be performed.
As stated by our authors, surgeons still can provide repro-
ductive surgery solutions for these patients. Conservative Because of the possible association between borderline
laparoscopic management of borderline ovarian tumors is ovarian tumors and peritoneal implants, the peritoneum
a potentially safe alternative for young women who want should be explored carefully. Peritoneal assessment must
to retain their fertility potential. Fertility and pregnancy be must be performed with great care. Any suspicious
outcomes remain excellent in these women. Preliminary data peritoneal lesion detected at laparoscopy, should be biopsied
suggest, that the recurrence rate following pregnancy was for histology (invasive or noninvasive) and then removed
not influenced by this approach. surgically. The histological type is of significant prognostic
An important contribution to this topic was also offered by an
Italian group suggesting that the laparoscopic management Most of the complications of this disease are caused by the
of borderline ovarian tumors should be reserved for masses operation itself, adjunctive therapy and by recurrence.
not greater than 5 cm. When conservative therapy is desired, From the results in the literature, it is apparent that it is
they recommend removal of the entire affected ovary. difficult to give an accurate prognosis for an individual patient
Furthermore, they suggest that if the neoplasia is bilateral, without full surgical staging. In one study of stage I disease,
cystectomy could be allowed in women who wish to preserve all recurrences occurred in patients who were inadequately
fertility, although they are at high risk of recurrence. staged. Many, if not all, of these patients probably did not
One of the most important complications of laparoscopic actually have stage I disease.
surgery in oncologic situations is port-site metastasis. In Pathologic diagnosis is difficult to confirm by frozen section.
a recent study, the authors concluded that unlike port-site Borderline tumors are correctly diagnosed by frozen
metastasis in other gynecologic malignancies, the prognosis section in 5886% of cases, depending on the experience
in patients with a port-site implant after laparoscopic of the pathologist. In one very large study, frozen section
management of borderline ovarian tumors is excellent. The indicated probable malignancy in 94% of cases subsequently
treatment of this complication is surgical resection. diagnosed as borderline tumors. Thus, the proper operation
It is important to emphasize that independent of the and staging procedures should have been performed during
technique employed in these cases, suspicious ovarian cysts the initial surgery in most cases, even though diagnosis by
should never be punctured. Extreme care must be taken to frozen section was not completely accurate.
172 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Recommended Reading
rsultats de lexamen extemporan dans la stratgie Are borderline tumors of the ovary safely treated by
chirurgicale des tumeurs pithliales malignes et la laparoscopy? Gynecol Oncol 2004; 94: 387-92
limite de la malignit de lovaire. Gynecol Obstet Fertil
2004; 32 651-6, 2004
THOURY A, et al: Port-Site implantation after
2. CHARLES L, ALGARA A, RAMREZ P, FLORES C: laparoscopic treatment of borderline ovarian tumors.
Manejo Laparoscopico del Tumor Ovarico Limitrofe Obstet & Gynecol 2004; 104: 1167-1170
(Borderline). Analisis de la Literatura y Presentacion
de un Caso. Ginecol Obstret Mex 2001; 69: 355-358 9. MORRIS RT, GERSHENSON DM, SILVA EG, FOLLEN
M, et al: Outcome and reproductive function after
3. DARAI E, TEBOUL J, FAUCONNIER A, SCOAZEC JY, conservative surgery for borderline ovarian tumors.
et al: Management and outcome of borderline Obstet & Gynecol 2000; 95: 541-547
ovarian tumors incidentally discovered at or after
laparoscopy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998; 10. TROPE C, KAERN J, VERGOTE IB, et al.
77: 451-7 Are borderline tumors of the ovary overtreated both
4. FAUVET R, BOCCARA J, DUFOURNET C, PONCELET C, surgically and systematically? A review of four
et al.: Laparoscopic management of borderline prospective randomized trials including 253 patients
ovarian tumors: results of a French multicenter study. with borderline tumors. Gynecol Oncol 1993; 51:
Ann Oncol 2005; 16: 403-10 236-243,
5. GREEN AE, SOGOR L: Borderline Ovarian Tumor 11. SERACCHIOLI R, VENTUROLI S, COLOMBO FM, GOVONI F, et al: Fertility and tumor recurrence rate
after conservative laparoscopic management of
6. KOERN J, TROPE CG, ABELER VM: A retrospective
young women with early-stage borderline ovarian
study of 370 borderline tumors of the ovary treated at
tumors. Fertil Steril 2001; 76: 999-1004
the Norwegian Radium Hospital from 1970 to 1982.
Cancer 1993; 71: 1810-1820
Chapter XV
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Arnaud Wattiez
Strasbourg University Hospital
Strasbourg, France
174 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
Hysterectomy is currently the most frequently practised there has been a significant increase in the numbers of
surgery not related to pregnancy in women. In the United laparoscopic hysterectomies over the past ten years; in the
States alone about 600,000 operations are carried out per United States the percentage was 0.3% in 1990 and 9.9%
year. in 1997. Some authors report a high rate of complications
Historically, the first surgical approach for hysterectomy was during laparoscopic hysterectomy: 5.8%11.5% for all
abdominal, carried out in 1843 by Charles Clay in Manchester, complications taken together and a rate of 2.2%2.7% for
England. The alternative to the abdominal route has always major complications. These statistics have led certain schools
been the vaginal route: the first vaginal hysterectomy was of surgery to limit strictly the indication for the laparoscopic
reported by Soranus of Ephesus in 120 BC. Apart from this approach in hysterectomy. The figures are often distorted by
historical curiosity, the vaginal approach has certainly always incorrectly selecting patients who are obese or have a large
been the route of choice, if possible with abdominal hysterec- uterus; moreover, the experience of the surgeon is of funda-
tomy being the alternative when the vaginal approach proves mental importance, particularly during the learning period.
not feasible. More recent studies have shown that after a period of training
of about thirty hysterectomies, the rate of complications
This surgical approach remained unchanged until 1988 when is equivalent to that using other approaches. The average
Harry Reich, in Kingston, carried out the first laparoscopic duration of surgery is also comparable to that required for the
hysterectomy. The first procedure described was laparos- vaginal route in the hands of an expert surgeon.
copic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH), followed by
supracervical laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy (SLH) and It is true to say, that nowadays there is no major contra-
finally total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). Over recent indication to the laparoscopic approach in hysterectomy,
years various types of instruments have been produced to not even the dimensions of the uterus; indeed, provided
facilitate TLH, in particular the uterine manipulator, which we proper application of the technique, successful laparoscopic
introduced in 1995. hysterectomy of a very bulky uterus is possible using different
types of morcellators and laparoscopic instruments.
Today, there are many indications for laparoscopic hysterec-
tomy. In benign conditions, it has major advantages, for A surgeons lack of experience and dexterity nevertheless
example in uterine fibromatosis and in the treatment of remain relative contraindications. It is evident, that choosing
genital prolapse, as the first stage of promontory fixation. the laparoscopic approach depends on the surgeons
Malignant conditions now also benefit from the laparoscopic experience and the level of difficulty of each individual
approach, particularly endometrial cancer and, in the hands case. Finally, it is incorrect to unduly extend the length of
of an experienced surgeon, cancer of the uterine cervix. the procedure, thus exposing the patient to excessively
Nevertheless, even today in the United States, only 1015% prolonged anesthesia.
of hysterectomies are carried out by laparoscopy, and The only absolute contraindication is the size of the uterus in
most are only laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomies the case of endometrial carcinoma, as it is essential to remove
(LAVH). The ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and the uterus intact in the presence of neoplasia. However, this
Gynecology) indications state that, in order to choose the is of fairly rare occurence since endometrial carcinoma is
approach, the anatomy of the patient and the surgeons mostly found in a uterus of normal dimensions.
experience of the different techniques must be considered.
Indeed, most surgeons still prefer the laparoscopic-assisted Finally, if general anesthesia is absolutely contraindicated, the
approach to a totally laparoscopic technique. However, vaginal route may be proposed as a suitable alternative.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 175
the horizontal line between the two lateral ports. Ideally, it important during the procedure. In fact, if the ports are placed
should be slightly higher than this line giving the surgeon a at a higher level and the operating field is limited during the
more ergonomic working position and a greater variety of different stages of the procedure, the laparoscopic technique
working angles for use of operating instruments. The distance may also be applied easily even in the case of a very large
between the operating trocar and the camera trocar must be uterus.
as great as possible and should never be less than 8 cm. The diameter of the central port varies depending on the
If the uterus is bulky or if the distance between the umbilicus technique applied. A 6 mm trocar is sufficient for techniques
and the pubis symphysis is short, the umbilical port is used using solely electrosurgical coagulation and sutures.
for the operating instruments, and another port is placed The use of atraumatic forceps, mechanical suturing devices
superiorly. or 10 mm-clip applicators requires the use of a 10/12 mm
One ergonomic criterion that must be observed during trocar. In this case, the umbilical entry site for the central
laparoscopy is bringing together the eye-instrument axis; trocar is advisable.
consequently, the size of the uterus becomes relatively less
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Transection of the round ligament. Transection of the round ligament after bipolar coagulation.
Fig. 3
A fenestration is created in the leaf of the broad ligament.
178 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Identification of the vesicouterine fold. The vesicouterine fold is elevated prior to being incised.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Complete division of the vesicouterine peritoneum. Identification of the vesical pillars.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 179
perpendicular to the uterus. During dissection of the left peritoneum too close to the bladder. To prevent this error,
vesicouterine peritoneum, care must be taken as the the uterus must be well centred and pushed slightly down-
surgeon, on the patients left, has a tendency to dissect the wards by the second assistant (Figs. 47).
In this way, the right and left uterine pedicles are treated. At O since coagulation makes the tissue resistant to the passage
the end of this step the ureters are at least 4 cm away from of current, this tissue should be resected and coagulation
the ascending branch of the uterine artery where hemostasis carried out again on non-coagulated tissue.
will occur. Technically, the assistant draws the uterus towards the right
The uterine artery and vein can be dealt with using various by means of the left arterial pedicle while the manipulator is
techniques. The first hysterectomies were carried out using pushed firmly upwards and to the right. Using the bipolar
bipolar coagulation for the uterine vessels. The large number forceps in the left lateral trocar, the surgeon grasps the
of cases treated successfully has demonstrated the efficacy mass of the uterine pedicle at the level of the ascending
of this technique. The only risk is electrical tissue damage branch. After global coagulation, the surgeon concentrates
extending to the ureter. on the superficial layers which are then incised using little
The rules to be observed to avoid injuries of the ureter are: scissor cuts. The pedicle is thus incised gradually. This
produces perfect coagulation of the veins of the periarterial
O issection as previously described so that the uterine vessels uterine plexus and the artery is more easily seen and in turn
are dissected clear in front, to the sides and behind; coagulated and transected.
O coagulation should be applied only to the ascending branch Once the artery has been divided, the surgeon should
of the uterine artery; continue with dissection in front and behind to lower the
O the time of exposure to coagulation should be as brief as pedicle beyond the boundary of the vaginal fornix. This is
possible. Short repeated coagulation is preferable to long thus a true interfascial hysterectomy. During this step the last
sustained coagulation; parts of the cardinal ligament are coagulated and divided.
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Anatomic view of the uterine artery and relations with the ureter. Identification by careful dissection of the site where the uterine
artery crosses the ureter.
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Identification of the relations between the ureter and uterine artery. Identification of the uterine artery and hemostatic suture.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 181
The same procedure is used for the right pedicle. For the
safety of the ureter it is important that the assistant uses the
bipolar forceps. He can approach the pedicle perpendicular
to the ascending portion and thus decrease the risk of injury
to the ureter. Naturally, the surgeon retains control of the
The uterine pedicles may also be dealt with using ligatures
or clips. Ligatures have the advantage of not requiring
complete dissection of the artery. Once the dissection of
the pedicle has been completed as described above, a
0 Vicryl suture attached to a curved 30 mm needle is passed
through. It is simpler to pass from front to back of the pedicle
on the left and from back to front on the right. The needle
should penetrate from the dissected vaginal angle at the front
and emerge in the posterior angle to avoid loading too much
vagina behind the vessels. This would involve a risk of cutting
the suture during subsequent interfascial dissection. Fig. 12
Skeletonization of the uterine artery and extracorporeal laparoscopic
Fig. 13 Fig. 14
The suture is applied to the vascular pedicle. Laparoscopic suture is preferable to bipolar coagulation if the
uterine artery cannot be skeletonized perfectly.
15 16
Figs. 1516
Coagulation with bipolar forceps is an optimal alternative for
occluding the uterine artery.
182 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
At this point in the operation the uterus is no longer Usually the incision is started from the anterior vaginal wall.
vascularised and becomes pale. The uterine manipulator rod, At the start the surgeon is equipped with the bipolar forceps
which is turned through 360, shows that the uterine pedicles on the left and disposable scissors in the centre. For the
have been dissected lower than the vaginal fornices. incision the scissors are connected to the monopolar current.
The sealing ceramic cylinder of the manipulator is advanced The first assistant uses a suction cannula to aspirate blood
into the vagina, after being lubricated with gel or vaseline oil. and evacuate the smoke generated by the high frequency
The three silicone seals that can be mounted to the cylinder current. The second assistant manipulates the uterus using
should be inside the vagina. The surgeon must open the the rod to expose the various parts of the vagina to the
vagina through 360. The more the vagina is open the more surgeon for division.
the second assistant loses control of the uterus with the He does this by rotating the rod in the same direction as the
manipulator. division. It is important that the rod should be rotated before
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Dividing the vagina with the high frequency unipolar electrode. The incision follows the porcelain margin of the uterine manipulator.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 183
Fig. 20 Fig. 21
After vaginal extraction of the uterus, the opening must be sutured. Laparoscopic suture of the vaginal opening.
the surgeon has completed the division as far as the angle During division, it may be necessary for the surgeon to move
of the rod. If this is not the case, the rod will escape from the the scissors to the left trocar to gain better access for dividing
edge of the fornix and penetrate into the abdominal cavity. the fornix (Figs. 1820).
Correct repositioning of the manipulator rod may thus result
in loss of the pneumoperitoneum.
22 23
Figs. 2223
The two uterosacral ligaments are anchored with the laparoscopic
vaginal suture.
184 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
operation to produce an X suture. As a rule, extraction of the advisable to use two semicontinuous sutures which will then
thread poses no problem. This suture is placed on the right be joined in the middle of the suture. It is also advisable in this
and left. There are thus two X sutures taking in the center and case, to strengthen the vaginal vault by including the end of
then the angle of the colpotomy on either side. the uterosacral ligaments in the suture.
In some cases a third central X stitch may be made which
A final lavage completes the operation. Bleeding of the vaginal
also includes the ends of the uterosacral ligaments to provide
section is carefully dealt with using bipolar current. The
better support for the vaginal vault. Removal of the uterus or
ureters can then be checked. Peristalsis is not a guarantee of
the intravaginal glove acts as a test of the seal.
their integrity, but the combination of an absence of dilatation
We prefer to use extracorporeal sutures for closing the vagina, and presence of peristalsis means that the risk of injury is
but intracorporeal sutures may also be used. In this case, it is unlikely (Figs. 2123).
6.0 Conclusions
We started to perform total laparoscopic hysterectomy in regarded as a basic procedure for a gynecological surgeon,
1989, but only in 1995, with the introduction of the uterine it should be considered an advanced procedure if performed
manipulator, did our technique become standardized and through the laparoscopic approach. This does not indicate
reproducible. The operating technique is now well estab- any real difficulty in the procedure but rather a poor under-
lished and this surgical guide, in our opinion, should allow standing of laparoscopic surgical technique which should
a laparoscopic hysterectomy to be carried out completely nowadays be an integral part of the basic knowledge of the
safely. A final consideration is that even if hysterectomy is gynecological surgeon.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 185
Recommended Reading
MA: Technique coelioscopique de lhystrectomie. The eVALuate study: two parallel randomized trials,
Journal de Coeliochirurgie. 1996 Sep; 19: 19-27. one comparing laparoscopic with abdominal
2. REICH H.: Laparoscopic hysterectomy. Surg Laparosc hysterectomy, the other comparing laparoscopic with
Endosc. 1992 Mar; 2(1): 85-8. vaginal hysterectomy. BMJ. 2004 Jan 17; 328 (7432):
Minilaparoscopic hysterectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol et al: Cost effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic
Laparosc. 1999 Feb; 6(1):97-100. hysterectomy compared with standard hysterectomy:
4. WATTIEZ A, SORIANO D, COHEN SB, NERVO P, results from a randomised trial. BMJ. 2004 Jan 17; 328
MILLE P, BRUHAT MA: The learning curve of total 18. LIU CY, REICH H.: Complications of total laparoscopic
laparoscopic hysterectomy: comparative analysis of hysterectomy in 518 cases. Gynecol Endosc. 1994;
1647 cases. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2002 Aug; 2:203-8.
Results of eVALuate study of hysterectomy techniques:
laparoscopic hysterectomy may yet have a bright
MA: Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for very enlarged
future. BMJ. 2004 Mar 13; 328(7440):642-3.
uteri. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2002 May;
9(2):125-30. 20. CHAPRON C, LAFOREST L, ANSQUER Y,
hysterectomy. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Aug; DUBUISSON JB: Hysterectomy techniques used for
14(4):417-22. Review. benign pathologies: results of a French multicentre
study. Hum Reprod. 1999 Oct; 14(10):2464-70.
laparoscopic hysterectomy. Indications, results, 21. DAVIES A, HART R, MAGOS A, HADAD E, MORRIS R.:
and complications. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Sep 26; Hysterectomy: surgical route and complications. Eur J
828:341-51. Review. Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2002 Sep 10; 104(2):
8. CHAPRON C, DUBUISSON JB: Total hysterectomy: 148-51.
laparoscopy or vaginal route? Arguments in favor 22. HARKKI P, KURKI T, SJOBERG J, TIITINEN A.: Safety
of laparoscopy Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2000 Sep; aspects of laparoscopic hysterectomy. Acta Obstet
28(9):672-8. Gynecol Scand. 2001 May; 80(5):383-91. Review.
9. CHAPRON C, DUBUISSON JB.: Ureteral injuries after
laparoscopic hysterectomy. Hum Reprod. 2000 Mar;
TOZZI R, SCHNEIDER A.: Laparoscopic-assisted
radical vaginal hysterectomy (LARVH): prospective
10. COSSON M, LAMBAUDIE E, BOUKERROU M, QUERLEU evaluation of 200 patients with cervical cancer.
D, CREPIN G.: Vaginal, laparoscopic, or abdominal Gynecol Oncol. 2003 Sep; 90(3):505-11.
hysterectomies for benign disorders: immediate and
early postoperative complications. Eur J Obstet 24. LYONS TL.: Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy.
Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2001 Oct; 98(2):231-6. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2000 Jun; 27(2):441-50.
Results of evaluate study of hysterectomy techniques: 25. MALZONI M, PERNIOLA G, HANNUNA K, IUELE T,
high rate of complications needs explanation. BMJ. FRUSCELLA ML, BASILI R, EBANO V, MARZIANI R.:
2004 Mar 13; 328(7440):643. A review of 445 cases of laparoscopic hysterectomy:
12. KOH CH.: A new technique and system for simplifying benefits and outcome Clin Ter. 2004 Jan; 155(1):9-12.
total laparoscopic hysterectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol 26. MEEKS GR, HARRIS RL.: Surgical approach to
Laparosc. 1998 May; 5(2):187-92. hysterectomy: abdominal, laparoscopy-assisted, or
13. KOH LW, KOH PH, LIN LC, NG WJ, WONG E, HUANG vaginal. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1997 Dec; 40(4):886-94.
MH: A simple procedure for the prevention of ureteral Review.
injury in laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. J
27. PARKER WH.: Total laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2004 May; 11(2):167-9.
Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2000 Jun; 27(2):
14. KOVAC SR, BARHAN S, LISTER M, TUCKER L, 43140. Review.
BISHOP M, DAS A.: Guidelines for the selection of
the route of hysterectomy: application in a resident 28. POSSOVER M.: Options for laparoscopic surgery in
clinic population. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Dec; cervical carcinomas. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2003;
187(6):1521-7. 24(6):471-2. Review.
15. AL-JUBOURI MA.: Laparoscopic assisted vaginal 29. WOOD C.: The AAGL classification system for
hysterectomy versus abdominal hysterectomy. laparoscopic hysterectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol
Ann Clin Biochem. 1998 Jan; 35 ( Pt 1):156-7. Laparosc. 2000 Feb;7(1):5-7.
186 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter XVI
Laparoscopic Surgery
of the Pelvic Floor
Arnaud Wattiez
Strasbourg University Hospital
Strasbourg, France
188 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
1.0 Introduction
The laparoscopic management of uterine prolapse began the outstanding quality of videoendoscopic images and the
in our department in 1991 and there has been considerable positive pressure of the pneumoperitoneum have granted
development in the technique since then. It was initially access to anatomical spaces that were hitherto very difficult
limited to faithful reproduction of the techniques employed to reach and allows surgical repair under direct visual control.
at laparotomy but numerous complementary features were
added subsequently, allowing us to deal with any circum- The results, which were encouraging overall, are now excellent
stances that arise during female prolapse surgery. owing to repair surgery that is perfect from the anatomical
aspect and provides exceptional functional results.
The common benefits of the laparoscopic approach, such as
rapid postoperative recovery and short hospitalization, were The only issue that remains to be resolved is to simplify this
soon surpassed by the innovative aspect of this technique. technique so that it can be performed in acceptable operating
Indeed, the combined effects of various factors mainly, times.
1 Suprapubic trocars: we prefer to use mtp disposable 2 The umbilical trocar is a simple reusable trocar, which
6 mm trocars. They have the advantage of being light and holds the laparoscope. In fact, this model has a valve,
transparent and being threaded on the outside, which which can be lowered for introducing the laparoscope; this
ensures that they are stable in the abdominal wall; they allows the distal lens to be kept clean during introduction
have a star-shaped valve which prevents gas leakage so it is an economic factor with regard to efficient use of
even during suturing. Their cost is also acceptable. The operating time. If the umbilical entry site is used as central
lateral trocars are placed anterior to the anterior superior port for operating instruments, we prefer the use of a
iliac spine, two fingers medial to the spine and lateral to disposable trocar with a removable reducer attached to
the outer border of the rectus abdominis muscle. They the proximal end of the trocar.
are passed through the oblique and transverse abdominal In the classical situation (three suprapubic trocars and one
muscles. At this level, the thickness of the abdominal wall umbilical trocar), we prefer to begin the operation with three
is usually reduced which facilitates the maneuvers. The 6 mm trocars for dissection and then replace the central
central trocar is positioned along the pubis-umbilicus trocar for suturing (after the hysterectomy is complete).
line more or less in the middle. The minimum distance
between the umbilical primary port and the central port
is 6 cm. In any case, it should be positioned below a line
joining the two outer trocars.
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Identification of the right ureter. Incision of the peritoneum at the level of the sacral promontory.
8.4 Hysterectomy
The technique of hysterectomy is as follows: O Integrity of the adnexae may be preserved or not,
O Placement of the uterine manipulator depending on the patients age. The utero-ovarian ligament,
tube and adnexal vessels are coagulated and dissected if
O The various phases of dissection are part of the preparation the adnexae are to be spared, whereas the lumbo-ovarian
of the bed required for placing the mesh: the vesicovaginal ligament is coagulated and dissected if the adnexae are to
and rectovaginal space. be removed.
O Coagulation and division of the round ligaments and
dissection of the lateral vesical spaces. Fenestration of the O Bladder dissection is taken lower than normal to facilitate
posterior leaf of the broad ligament. placement of the mesh.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 193
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Dissection of the rectovaginal space. Identification of the levator ani muscles.
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
Posterior dissection complete. Left levator muscles.
O Dissection of the posterior leaf of the broad ligament as far O Extraction of the uterus via the vagina
as the origin of the uterosacral ligaments. O Two-layer suture of the vagina: the first layer takes only
O Identification of the uterine pedicles, which are coagulated the vaginal mucosa and the second approximates the
with bipolar forceps or ligated with 0 Vicryl. pericervical fascia. A 0 Vicryl suture is used. These
twolayers are essential to protect the mesh against
O Intrafascial dissection with coagulation of the cervico- contamination of vaginal origin.
vaginal vessels. If total hysterectomy is being performed, O If a subtotal hysterectomy is being performed, the cervix
Halbans fascia must be identified to allow closure in two
is divided at the level of the isthmus after coagulating the
uterine vessels. Division of the cervix can be performed
O Opening of the vagina through 360 under the guidance of in various ways. We prefer to use a cold knife held in an
the uterine manipulator. endoscopic blade holder.
Fig. 9 Fig. 10
Placement of the suture in the right puborectalis muscle. The left levator muscle is picked up with the needle.
Fig. 11 Fig. 12
Fixation of the mesh on the right. Caudal and posterior fixation is complete.
Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Fixation of the posterior mesh to the cardinal ligaments and vagina. Boundary of posterior fixation.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 195
The mesh will then be stretched on the posterior wall of the posterior part of the vagina to minimize the risk of transfixing
vagina and attached to the cardinal ligaments with non-ab- the vagina. Once the mesh has been fixed posteriorly, a
sorbable sutures (Ethibond 0). We avoid sutures in the Mc Call culdoplasty is performed (Figs. 914).
8.6 Culdoplasty
The aim of culdoplasty is to re-establish the normal anatomical needle and then, after identifying the ureter, the cardinal
relationship between the rectum and vagina by repositioning ligament is fixed particularly carefully, followed by the mesh
the rectum more superiorly and restoring tension for the and the vagina. The knot is tied when this is complete. The
vagina towards the back. This can be performed with or same steps are repeated on the contralateral side. When this
without Douglasectomy and with one or two absorbable repair has been completed, the vagina resumes its anatomical
sutures (Ethibond 0). The first step is to pick up the most position so upward traction is no longer necessary.
cranial or posterior part of the uterosacral ligament with the
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Fixation of the anterior mesh. High fixation of the anterior mesh.
Fig. 17
Junction laterally of the anterior and posterior meshs.
196 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Start of low peritonization. End of low peritonization.
Fig. 20 Fig. 21
Placement of the suture in the promontory. Fixation of the mesh to the promontory.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 197
Fig. 22 Fig. 23
High peritonization. Peritonization completed.
Fig. 24 Fig. 25
Identification of the upper border of the bladder. Space of Retzius.
198 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
8.14 Peritonization
This must always be performed in full. The aim is to prevent
loops of intestine from becoming trapped in the space
of Retzius. We use Vicryl 0 with a 46 mm curved needle.
Closure is achieved with three passes from right to left and we
join this to the high and low peritonization with half-hitches.
11.0 Conclusions
Laparoscopy allows to combine the benefits of prolapse of expert surgeons, the duration is about 2 hours. Certainly,
repair via laparotomy with the low morbidity of the vaginal studies of long-term efficacy and reliability are still needed to
approach. Operating times are long initially but in the hands fully assess the value of this technique.
Recommended Reading
1. AMELINE A, HUGUIER J: La suspension postrieure du 9. CAUBEL P, LEFRANC JP, FOULKES H, PUI A,
disque lombo-sacr : techniques de remplacement des BLONDON J: Traitement par voie vaginale des
ligaments utro-sacrs par par voie abdominale. prolapsus gnitaux rcidivs. J Chir, 1989 ; 126 :
Gynecol Obstet, 1957 ; 56 :9498 446470
2. RANDALL C: Surgical treatment of vaginal inversion. 10. ADDISON WA, TIMMONS C, WALL LL,
Obstet Gynecol, 1971;38: 327332 LIVENGOOD CH: Failed abdominal sacral colpopexy:
observations and recommendations. Gynecol Obstet,
3. NICHOLS D, MILLEY P: Significance of restauration 1989; 74: 480842.
of vaginal depth and axis. Obstet Gynecol, 1970; 36:
Premiers essais de la coelio-chirurgie dans le traitement
4. HOFF S, MANELFE A, PORTET R; GIROT C: Promonto- du prolapsus gnital et de lincontinence urinaire
fixation ou suspension par bandelettes transversales ? deffort. In : Les troubles de la statiques pelviennes.
Etude compare de ces deux techniques dans le Blanc., boubli, Baudrant E., DErcale C. : 219 pages,
traitement des prolapsus gnitaux. Ann Chir, 1984 ; Arnette. Paris Ed p 155158.
38 : 363367.
Colposacropexy with Prolene Mesh. Gynecol Obstet, procedures for stress incontinence and prolapse.
1990; 171: 5154 Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. A.
DeCherney and Stuart Cambell Editors. 1995, Vol 7,
6. ROBERT HG: Nouveau trait de techniques
n 4, 31721.
chirurgicales gyncologiques. Masson et Cie, 1969,
820 pages, p 128130. 13. WATTIEZ A, AIMI G, FINKELTIN F, CANIS M, POULY
Cure chirurgicale des prolapsus velico-uterins par voie
PARKER RT: Abdominal sacral colpopexy with
coelioscopie exclusive Gunaikeia, 1997, 2, 2, 505
Mercilene mesh in the. retroperitoneal position in the
management of posthysterectomy vaginal vault 14. WATTIEZ A, CUCINELLA G, GIAMBELLI F, MENCAGLIA L:
prolapse and enterocele. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1985; Laparoscopic burch procedure for retropubic
15: 140146 colposuspension. It J Gynecol Obstet 1997, 9, 3, 1147.
HAMMOND CB: Life threatening hemorrhage Promontofixation dans le traitement des prolapsus :
complicating sacral colpopexy. Am J Obstet Gynecol intrt et technique de la voie coelioscopique.
1981; 140 : 836837 Le Journal de Coeliochirugie. 1999, 31, 711.
200 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Chapter XVII
Laparoscopic Surgical Staging
of Endometrial Carcinoma
Fabrizio Barbieri and Luca Minelli
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Sacro Cuore General Hospital, Negrar, Italy
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 203
extent. For instance, the extent of lymphadenectomy has metrial carcinoma. Laparoscopy has been shown to be
not yet been defined: biopsy of the pelvic and lumbo-aortic capable of implementing all steps of the surgical staging
lymph nodes, systematic pelvic and lumbo-aortic lymph- system in accordance with the FIGO guidelines.
adenectomy or removal only of enlarged lymph nodes. If, on
Numerous studies have shown that with laparoscopic
the one hand, pelvic and lumbo-aortic lymphadenectomy is
surgery the incidence of postoperative complications such as
essential for correct staging, on the other hand it does not
pyrexia, paralytic ileus and wound infection is reduced; the
appear to influence overall survival (at present there is only
duration of hospitalization is also reduced with an early return
one meaningful scientific study published by Kilgore et al in
to normal activity.
1995 that supports the therapeutic value of LND).
The first study of laparoscopic treatment of endometrial carci-
As stated above, the operative staging procedure usually noma was published in 1990. In the following period, various
includes total extrafascial hysterectomy, bilateral adnexec- authors demonstrated the feasibility of laparoscopic surgical
tomy, intraperitoneal exploration / cytological washing and staging taking into account potential limiting factors related to
lymphadenectomy. In the majority of cases, pelvic lymphade- patient (anatomy, body mass index, presence of adhesions)
nectomy is sufficient; however, the lumbo-aortic lymph nodes and surgeon (experience and training) factors. Subsequently,
would be removed in the following situations: positive pelvic a single randomized study with a short follow-up period
lymph nodes, ovarian metastases and clear cell or serous reported that laparotomy and laparoscopy were equivalent in
papillary histological type. For many authors, intraoperative terms of overall survival and disease-free survival.
pathological assessment can provide guidance on whether
to go ahead with lymphadenectomy particularly based on In recent years, therefore, entirely laparoscopic or vaginally
infiltration of the myometrium. assisted laparoscopic surgical staging has become more
and more widespread for the first stages of endometrial
During the past 10 years numerous studies have assessed carcinoma. Obviously, it is extremely important for the
the value of the laparoscopic approach as compared to surgeon to have a profound knowledge of both laparoscopy
traditional laparotomy in the staging and treatment of endo- and gynecologic oncology.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Laparoscopic incision of the vaginal wall. External iliac artery and vein. External iliac lymph nodes.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Internal iliac lymph nodes located medial to the external iliac Sampling of an internal iliac lymph node.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
The external iliac artery and vein, and the internal iliac lymph nodes. After sampling the lymph nodes the external iliac artery and vein,
The internal iliac artery is visible. the uterine artery and internal iliac artery can be localized.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 205
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
The uterine vessels are distinct anatomical landmarks that highlight The ureter can be followed laterally as far as the pelvis where it
the boundary between the paravesical space anteriorly and the crosses the uterine artery.
pararectal space posteriorly.
Fig. 9 Fig. 10
The ureter can be skeletonized safely. Opening the rectovaginal space between the cul-de-sac and the
uterosacral ligaments.
Uterine artery
Obturator vessels
Fig. 11 Diagram 1
Coagulation of the origin of the uterine artery with bipolar forceps. Exposure and occlusion of the uterine artery by coagulation at its
origin, the anterior division of the internal iliac artery.
206 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
4.0 Conclusions
The problems emphasized most frequently with the laparo- Laparoscopic Port-site Metastases
scopic approach are: Recurrence at the port-site following laparoscopic surgery
has been described for all types of gynecologic cancers,
Peritoneal Dissemination even in patients with early disease. The incidence has not
Thanks to the studies by Vergote and Possover, it has been yet been accurately assessed because surgeons often do
demonstrated fully that there is no significant statistical not achieve long-term patient follow-up and this type of
difference between laparotomy and laparoscopy with regard recurrence is often considered to be of little prognostic value
to the incidence of positive peritoneal cytology. It should be in the presene of concomitant distant metastases. In the
stressed that in both series the uterine manipulator was not literature, the incidence is 2.3% with gynecologic carcinomas
used and the tubes were coagulated at the start to avoid and as regards endometrial cancer, a recent review reports 4
intraoperative dissemination. Finally, it has been shown that cases of port-site metastasis in patients with laparoscopically
positive peritoneal cytology on its own is not an unfavorable staged endometrial carcinoma. Numerous hypotheses
prognostic factor. about promoting factors have been proposed: the pneu-
moperitoneum, carbonic anhydride, the pathway effect,
Recurrence in the Vaginal Vault the local immune system, the surgical technique and also
trocar contamination. It is essential to emphasize that there
Numerous studies have shown that there is no increase in
is nothing at present to explain whether the cause of these
vaginal vault recurrence in patients with laparoscopically
metastases is linked to the particular aggressiveness of the
staged endometrial cancer.
tumor or to laparoscopic surgery per se.
Some authors report a reduced incidence of port-site metas-
tases with peritoneal closure and/or surgical repair of the
incision site.
Recommended Reading
1. BEREK J, HACKER NF: Practical gynecologic oncology. 4. VAISBUCH E, DGANI R, BEN-ARIE A, HAGAY Z: The role
Third edition 2000. Ed Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. of laparoscopy in ovarian tumors of low malignant
Philadelphia potential and early-stage ovarian cancer. Obstet Gynecol
2. BENEDET JL, BENDER H, JONES H, NGAN HY, Surv. 2005 May;60(5):32630
PECORELLI S: FIGO staging classifications and clinical 5. AGOSTINI A, ROBIN F, JAIS JP, AGGERBECK M,
practise guidelines in the management of gynecologic VILDE F, BLANC B, LECURU F: Peritoneal closure
cancer. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2000, 70:20962 reduces port site metastases. Surg Endosc 2002,
Laparoscopic port-site metastases in patients with 6. KILGORE LC, PARTRIDGE EE, ALVAREZ RD, et al:
gynecological malignancies. Int J gynecological Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium: Survival
malignancies 2004, 14:10707 comparisons of patients with and without pelvic node
sampling. Gynecol Oncol 1995, 56:29-33
Chapter XVIII
Laparoscopic Pelvic and
Lumbo-aortic Lymphadenectomy
Fabrizio Barbieri and Luca Minelli
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Sacro Cuore General Hospital, Negrar, Italy
210 Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
The external iliac vessels are excised to the level of the deep Identification of the origin of the uterine artery.
circumflex iliac vein.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Dissection of the prevesical space. Exposure of the external iliac vessels from the lateral pelvic wall.
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
En bloc removal of the external iliac lymph nodes. Removal of the obturator lymph nodes.
Manual of Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery 211
Surgical landmarks:
1. round ligament (antero-superficial) A retroperitoneal approach has also been described. This
2. infundibulo-pelvic ligament ( medial superficial) would have certain advantages for exposure of the operative
field because the bowel is within the peritoneum and because
3. genitofemoral nerve (lateral and medial)
of the reduced incidence of adhesions (a major advantage
4. external iliac vessels (lateral and medial) especially in patients who must have radiotherapy) but at the
5. obliterated or blind umbilical artery (caudal and medial) expense of a greater incidence of lymphocele, which can be
6. Coopers ligament (deep caudal and lateral) reduced by opening the peritoneum of the paracolic gutters
7. uterine artery (medial) at the end of the operation.
8. ureter (medial)
9. obturator muscle (dorsomedial)
10. internal iliac vessels (superficial dorsal)
11. lumbosacral plexus (deep dorsal)
Left lumbar lymph nodes: above, lateral to and below the aorta. The ureter is localized and pushed laterally. The
the aorta precaval and paracaval lymph nodes are dissected starting
to the right of the common iliac artery and continuing as far
Intermediate lymph nodes: between the aorta and the as the right ovarian vein using bipolar forceps. If the lymph
inferior vena cava nodes are positive or there is right ovarian cancer, the lymph-
adenectomy is extended as far as the renal vessels.
Right lumbar lymph nodes: above, lateral to and below
the inferior vena cava For dissection to the left of the aorta, the camera is rotated
through 180 and the first surgeon stands at the patients
The first surgeon is at the patients right to remove the left right side. After identifying the ipsilateral ureter and inferior
para-aortic lymph nodes, and at the left to remove the right- mesenteric artery and elevating the mesosigmoid being
sided and pelvic nodes. careful to preserve the superior hypogastric plexus the left
Following creation of the CO2 pneumoperitoneum, an 11 mm para-aortic, presacral and common iliac lymph nodes are
umbilical port is placed, with three 6-mm ports in the right and removed (inframesenteric lymphadenectomy). In the case of
left iliac and suprapubic regions, and another 11-mm port in left ovarian carcinoma, the lymphadenectomy is extended
the left hypochondrium, which is used to apply traction to the as far as the left renal vein, removing the entire infundibulo-
bowel and to extract the lymph nodes with an endobag. pelvic ligament as far as its origin but sparing the inferior
Lymphadenectomy begins in the right para-aortic region by mesenteric artery.
making an incision in the peritoneum covering the uppermost In patients at high risk of lymph node recurrence or with
part of the ipsilateral iliac artery. ovarian tumors, the lymphadenectomy is extended to the
The video camera is orientated so that the aorta and inferior region between the aorta and the inferior vena cava as far as
vena cava appear horizontal with the inferior vena cava above the renal vessels (infrarenal lymphadenectomy).
As in ablative laparoscopic surgery, it is essential to restore a few subjective aspects. There is no single answer to the
the anatomical conditions as much as possible and to place question which of the given options in terms of technique
sutures appropriately. In surgery for infertility, the use of could be best for the laparoscopic approach: the best
microsurgical techniques is highly important. surgical technique is the one the surgeon is familiar with and
the best surgical maneuver is the one that he controls best.
The first laparoscopic access merits a separate paragraph.
The surgeon should have a good command of the technique
This is the step in laparoscopic surgery that requires
to be applied. Besides, there are further aspects that should
particular care. Creation of the first port can be accomplished
be considered: the way how the technique is performed, the
by establishing the pneumoperitoneum with the Veress
surgeons experience with the technique, conviction of its
needle and using the open laparoscopy technique, with
surgical usefulness, its choice and safety in performing it, and
direct insertion of the abdominal trocar or by use of a specific
finally the personal competences and aspects of technical
optical trocar that allows constant visual control. However, all
feasibility as related to the infrastructure available.
of these techniques involve the inherent risk of complications.
Those, associated with the first laparoscopic access are the
The technique that is most universally employed and
risk of perforating or injuring vessels or organs during entry
accepted in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery, especially in
and the possibility of a viscus remaining incarcerated in the
Europe, is the one with the Veress needle, which is followed
incision during removal which entails a postoperative wound
by the classical safety maneuvers, intra-umbilical incision and
introduction of a trocar with a conical tip. Introduction of the
Although the first laparoscopic access route offers various accessory trocars for the instruments is carried out under
alternatives, the surgeons choice is often influenced by visual control (Figs. 19).
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Introduction of the Veress needle. Safety test performed with syringe and normal saline.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Assessment of intra-abdominal pressure by applying cephalic traction Introduction of the first intra-umbilical trocar.
to the anterior abdominal wall.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 217
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Removal of the conical trocar with the cannula left in place. Insertion of the laparoscope with coupled video camera.
a b c
Figs. 7ac
Sequence showing the passage of the laparoscope through the first trocar under visual
a b c
Figs. 8ac
Sequence demonstrating the insertion of the second trocar. This is always performed under
visual control.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 219
O Urologic injury 14
O Intestinal injury 10 1 intestinal injury
O Transitory nerve paralysis 5 O first trocar
O Pericholecystitis 3
O Hematoma of the vaginal vault 3 3 injuries of the bladder
O Hyperthermia (48 h) 2 O 1 during Burch suspension
O Chemical peritonitis (dextran) 2 O 1 during hysterectomy
O Hypothermia 1 O 1 during myomectomy
Tab. 5
Argentine Laparoscopic Surgery Society.
2 vascular injuries
O 1 first trocar, mesenteric artery
O 1 epigastric vein, second port
The Ibero-American Gynecologic Endoscopy Society SIAEGI
in 2002 on the occasion of its IX Congress in Quito, Ecuador
1 fistola uretero-vaginale
collected the Latin American records of laparoscopic compli-
O during radical hysterectomy
cations in Argentina and Chile (Tab. 6).
Tab. 9
Gynecology Service of Private Institute specializing in Endoscopic
Argentina Surgery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
5,183 cases 42 complications 0.81% (LC Videla Rivero)
2,140 cases 16 complications 0.74% (C Miranda)
Surgical laparoscopies 2,140
Tab. 6
Ibero-American Gynecologic Endoscopy Society SIAEGI.
Complications 16 (0.74%)
As institutional and personal publications, we present a few O 2 injuries of the aorta (first trocar)
case series with the percentage of complications. In some O 3 injuries of the ureter or bladder
cases the complications that occurred are listed (Tab. 711). O 3 injuries of the intestine
O 1 related to anesthesia
O 1 intraoperative hemorrhage
Surgical laparoscopies 2,401 O 1 epigastric artery hemorrhage
Complications 10 (0.42%) O 5 postoperative
Tab. 7 Tab. 11
LC Videla Rivero Private Gynecology Service. Gynecology Service, Lagomaggiore Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 221
a b
Figs. 10 ad
Sequence demonstrating iatrogenic injury
of the aorta during introduction of the first
c d trocar (immediate conversion) in 1995.
a b c
Figs. 11ac Sequence demonstrating accidental injury of the right ureter during endometrioma removal, 1987.
a b c
Figs. 12 ac Sequence demonstrating iatrogenic injury to the external iliac artery during surgery for deep endometriosis, 2004.
222 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
Figs. 13 a, b
Sequence demonstrating iatrogenic injury
of the bladder, injection of methylene blue
and suture, 1994. a b
Figs. 14 a, b
Sequence demonstrating bleeding from
the left uterine artery during hysterectomy,
1993. a b
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 223
Figs. 15 a, b
Sequence demonstrating iatrogenic injury of
the sciatic nerve during extraction of myoma
a b
via colpotomy, 1993.
Figs. 16 a, b
Sequence demonstrating pericholecystitis
a b
after rupture of a dermoid cyst, 1993.
Figs. 17 a, b
Sequence demonstrating a patient with
a b
dextran in the peritoneal cavity, 1988.
Fig. 18
Second-look laparoscopy in the patient with
chemical peritonitis due to dextran, 1988.
Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery 225
Q Q route of resolution
Anesthesiological Site of the complication
related to the anesthesia itself laparoscopy
10.0 Conclusions
To sum up, it can be concluded that complications exist knowledge of how they can be avoided. However, the best
and are inherent in surgical practice. In laparoscopic surgery treatment of complications is intraoperative.
there are complications specific to this technique. The From 1998 to 2005 in the gynecology service of the Callao
complications are usually due to a sum of factors, which Surgical Institute in Buenos Aires, the complication rate
should be analyzed and discussed even if this often appears was 10/1261 (0.79%) and the rate of major complications
to be difficult for surgeons. We must accept the idea that it was 3/1261 (0.23%). In a French multicenter study, the
is essential to communicate our complications in order to percentages were similar, with 0.89% for complications in
contribute to a better knowledge of them. Classification and general and 0.220.34% for major ones. A few studies have
an appropriate record of these events will improve under- reported higher percentages.
standing. The best way to prevent complications is surgical
Recommended Reading
1. BARBOSA C: Manual Ilustrado de Cirurgia Videolapa- 14. MIRANDA CS, CARVAJAL A: Complication of operative
roscopica em Ginecologia Texto e atlas. 1998; Cap 10, Gynecological Laparoscopy. Journal Society
Livraria e Editora RevienteR Ltda. Laparoscopic Surgeons 2003 Jan-Mar; 7(1):538.
laparoscopy-operative and diagnostic. Fertility and SEIDMAN D.S: Major retroperitoneal vascular injury
Sterility 1996; 66: 3035. during laparoscopic surgery. : Hum-Reprod. 1997 Mar;
12(3): 4803
3. BONGARD F, DUBECZ S, KLEIN S: Complications of
therapeutic laparoscopy. Current Problems in Surgery 16. NORDESTGAARD AG, BODILY KC, OSBORNE RW,
1994: 862924 BUTTORFF JD: Mayor vascular injuries during
laparoscopic procedures. The American Journal of
4. CANDIANI M, CANIS M, LUCIANO A, MARANA R, Surgery 1995; 169: 543545
Chirugia Laparoscopica in Ginecologia. 1997; Cap.7.1, 17. PETERSON HB, HULKA JF, PHILLIPS JM: American
Poli industria Chimica SpA. Edicione fuori commercio. Asociation of Gynecoligic Laparoscopists 1988
Mosby Doyma Italia Srl. Milano, Italia Menbership Survey on Operative Laparoscopy.
The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 586598.
18. Primera Ctedra de Ginecologia, Hospital de Clnicas
LANSAC J, DUBUISSON J-B: Major vascular injuries
Universidad de Buenos Aires: Memoria anual de 1994
during gynecologic laparoscopy. J Am Coll Surg 1997;
185:46165. 19. QUERLEU D: y col. (conversiones) Gynecol. Endosc.
2:36, 1993.
6. GARRY R, PHILLIPS G: How safe is the laparoscopic
approach to hysterectomy? Gynaecological Endoscopy 20. QUERLEU D, CHAPRON C: Complications of
1995, 4:7779. gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. Current Opinion in
Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995, 7: 257261
7. GARRY R, PHILLIPS G: How safe is the laparoscopic
approach to hysterectomy? Gynaecological Endoscopy. 21. SADEGHI-NEJAD H, KAVOUSSI LR, PETERS CA:
1995; 4:7779. Bowel injury in open technique laparoscopic cannula
placement. Urology 1996; 43:55960.
8. HASSON HM: Open laparoscopy as a Method of
Access in Laparoscopic Surgery. Gynaecological 22. SARROUF J: Complicaciones en Laparoscopia- 2002,
Endoscopy, 1999; 8:35362 XIV Congreso Peruano de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
Lima, Per en: Docencia,
9. HASSON HM: Open laparoscopy: In Gynecology and
23. SEMM K: Cutting versus conical tip designs
Obstetrics, J.J. Sciarra, Ed., Harper & Row, Philadelphia,
Endosc-Surg-Allied-Technol. 1995 Feb; 3(1): 3947
1992, Vol. 6, Ch.44, p.18.
24. TERNAMIAN A M: Laparoscopy without trocars.
10. HILL DJ: Complications of the laparoscopic approach. Surg-Endosc. 1997 Aug; 11(8): 8158
Bailliers Clin Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 8:86579.
25. VANCAILLIE TG: Active electrode monitoring. How to
11. LEHEMANN-WILLENBROCK E, RIEDEL HH, MECKE H prevent unintentional thermal injury associated with
AND SEMM K: Pelviscopy/Laparoscopy and its Compli- monopolar electrosurgery at laparoscopy. Surg-Endosc.
cations in Germany, 1949-1988; The Journal of Repro- 1998 Aug; 12(8): 100912
ductive Medicine 37(8): 671677, Ref 10, Ago 1992.
26. VIDELA RIVERO LC. ORTIZ J: Encuesta sobre Compli-
12. LIU C.Y: Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Pelvic Floor caciones en Ciruga Laparoscopica. Revista de la Socie-
Reconstruction. 1996; Cap 15, Blackwell Science Inc. dad Argentina de Ciruga Laparoscopica. 1995, 2: 1621
13. MENEIRO M, MELOTTI G, MOURET PH: Ciruga 27. VIDELA RIVERO LC: Base de datos de Complicaciones
Laparoscopica. 1996; Cap2:3438, Editorial Mdica en Endoscopia Ginecolgica 2005,
Recommended Set
for Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
228 Manual of Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
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