Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory
1 History
Main article: History of quantum eld theory
Even though QFT is an unavoidable consequence of the Max Born (18821970), one of the founders of quantum eld
reconciliation of quantum mechanics with special rel- theory.
He is also known for the Born rule that introduced the probabilis-
ativity (Weinberg (1995)), historically, it emerged in
tic interpretation in quantum mechanics. He received the 1954
the 1920s with the quantization of the electromagnetic
Nobel Prize in Physics together with Walther Bothe.
eld (the quantization being based on an analogy of the
eigenmode expansion of a vibrating string with xed end-
interaction of radiation and matter and thus should be
treated by quantum eld theoretical methods. However,
1.1 Early development quantum mechanics as formulated by Dirac, Heisenberg,
and Schrdinger in 192627 started from atomic spectra
The rst achievement of quantum eld theory, namely and did not focus much on problems of radiation.
quantum electrodynamics (QED), is still the paradig-
matic example of a successful quantum eld theory As soon as the conceptual framework of quantum me-
(Weinberg (1995)). Ordinarily, quantum mechanics chanics was developed, a small group of theoreticians
(QM) cannot give an account of photons which consti- tried to extend quantum methods to electromagnetic
tute the prime case of relativistic 'particles. Since pho- elds. A good example is the famous paper by Born,
tons have rest mass zero, and correspondingly travel in the Jordan & Heisenberg (1926). (P. Jordan was especially
vacuum at the speed c, a non-relativistic theory such as acquainted with the literature on light quanta and made
ordinary QM cannot give even an approximate descrip- seminal contributions to QFT.) The basic idea was that
tion. Photons are implicit in the emission and absorp- in QFT the electromagnetic eld should be represented
tion processes which have to be postulated; for instance, by matrices in the same way that position and momen-
when one of an atoms electrons makes a transition be- tum were represented in QM by matrices (matrix me-
tween energy levels. The formalism of QFT is needed chanics oscillator operators). The ideas of QM were thus
for an explicit description of photons. In fact most top- extended to systems having an innite number of degrees
ics in the early development of quantum theory (the so- of freedom, so an innite array of quantum oscillators.
called old quantum theory, 190025) were related to the The inception of QFT is usually considered to be Diracs
famous 1927 paper on The quantum theory of the emis- 1.2.1 The emergence of innities
sion and absorption of radiation.[1] Here Dirac coined
the name quantum electrodynamics (QED) for the part
of QFT that was developed rst. Dirac supplied a system-
atic procedure for transferring the characteristic quantum
phenomenon of discreteness of physical quantities from
the quantum-mechanical treatment of particles to a cor-
responding treatment of elds. Employing the theory of
the quantum harmonic oscillator, Dirac gave a theoretical
description of how photons appear in the quantization of
the electromagnetic radiation eld. Later, Diracs proce-
dure became a model for the quantization of other elds
as well. These rst approaches to QFT were further de-
veloped during the following three years. P. Jordan intro-
duced creation and annihilation operators for elds obey-
ing FermiDirac statistics. These dier from the corre-
sponding operators for BoseEinstein statistics in that the
former satisfy anti-commutation relations while the latter
satisfy commutation relations.
The methods of QFT could be applied to derive equa-
tions resulting from the quantum-mechanical (eld-like)
treatment of particles, e.g. the Dirac equation, the Klein
Gordon equation and the Maxwell equations. Schweber
points out[2] that the idea and procedure of second quan-
tization goes back to Jordan, in a number of papers from
1927,[3] while the expression itself was coined by Dirac.
Some dicult problems concerning commutation rela-
tions, statistics, and Lorentz invariance were eventually Pascual Jordan (19021980), doctoral student of Max Born,
solved. The rst comprehensive account of a general the- was a pioneer in quantum eld theory, coauthoring a number
ory of quantum elds, in particular, the method of canon- of seminal papers with Born and Heisenberg.
ical quantization, was presented by Heisenberg & Pauli in Jordan algebras were introduced by him to formalize the notion
192930.[4][5] Whereas Jordans second quantization pro- of an algebra of observables in quantum mechanics. He was
cedure applied to the coecients of the normal modes awarded the Max Planck medal 1954.
of the eld, Heisenberg & Pauli started with the elds
themselves and subjected them to the canonical proce- Quantum eld theory started with a theoretical frame-
dure. Heisenberg and Pauli thus established the basic work that was built in analogy to quantum mechanics. Al-
structure of QFT as presented in modern introductions though there was no unique and fully developed theory,
to QFT. Fermi and Dirac, as well as Fock and Podolsky, quantum eld theoretical tools could be applied to con-
presented dierent formulations which played a heuristic crete processes. Examples are the scattering of radiation
role in the following years. by free electrons, Compton scattering, the collision be-
tween relativistic electrons or the production of electron-
Quantum electrodynamics rests on two pillars, see e.g., positron pairs by photons. Calculations to the rst order
the short and lucid Historical Introduction of Scharf of approximation were quite successful, but most peo-
(2014). The rst pillar is the quantization of the elec- ple working in the eld thought that QFT still had to un-
tromagnetic eld, i.e., it is about photons as the quan- dergo a major change. On the one side, some calculations
tized excitations or 'quanta' of the electromagnetic eld. of eects for cosmic rays clearly diered from measure-
This procedure will be described in some more detail in ments. On the other side and, from a theoretical point
the section on the particle interpretation. As Weinberg of view more threatening, calculations of higher orders
points out the photon is the only particle that was known of the perturbation series led to innite results. The self-
as a eld before it was detected as a particle so that it energy of the electron as well as vacuum uctuations of
is natural that QED began with the analysis of the radi- the electromagnetic eld seemed to be innite. The per-
ation eld.[6] The second pillar of QED consists of the turbation expansions did not converge to a nite sum and
relativistic theory of the electron, centered on the Dirac even most individual terms were divergent.
The various forms of innities suggested that the diver-
gences were more than failures of specic calculations.
Many physicists tried to avoid the divergences by formal
1.2 The problem of innities tricks (truncating the integrals at some value of momen-
tum, or even ignoring innite terms) but such rules were
1.2 The problem of innities 3
nite number of coupling constants and masses. A con- visualize the various terms in the perturbation series, and
sequence for QED is that the physical charge and mass of they naturally account for the ow of electrons and pho-
the electron must be measured and cannot be computed tons during the scattering process. External lines in the
from rst principles. diagrams represent incoming and outgoing particles, in-
Perturbation theory yields well-dened predictions only ternal lines are connected with virtual particles and ver-
in renormalizable quantum eld theories; luckily, QED, tices with interactions. Each of these graphical elements
the rst fully developed QFT, belonged to this class of is associated with mathematical expressions that con-
renormalizable theories. There are various technical pro- tribute to the amplitude of the respective process. The
diagrams are part of Feynmans very ecient and elegant
cedures to renormalize a theory. One way is to cut o
the integrals in the calculations at a certain value of the algorithm for computing the probability of scattering pro-
momentum which is large but nite. This cut-o proce-
dure is successful if, after taking the limit , the The idea of particles traveling from one point to another
resulting quantities are independent of .[9] was heuristically useful in constructing the theory. This
heuristics, based on Huygens principle, is useful for con-
crete calculations and actually give the correct particle
propagators as derived more rigorously.[11] Nevertheless,
an analysis of the theoretical justication of the space-
time approach shows that its success does not imply that
particle paths need be taken seriously. General arguments
against a particle interpretation of QFT clearly exclude
that the diagrams represent actual paths of particles in
the interaction area. Feynman himself was not particu-
larly interested in ontological questions.
could be applied successfully to important physical prob- Yoichiro Nambu (19212015), co-discoverer of eld theoretic
lems in a systematic way. spontaneous symmetry breaking.
and the gluons for strong interaction. [16] The linchpin of 2 Varieties of approaches
the symmetry breaking mechanism of the theory is the
spin 0 Higgs boson, discovered 40 years after its predic-
Most theories in standard particle physics are formu-
lated as relativistic quantum eld theories, such as QED,
QCD, and the Standard Model. QED, the quantum eld-
theoretic description of the electromagnetic eld, approx-
imately reproduces Maxwell's theory of electrodynamics
1.4 Renormalization group in the low-energy limit, with small non-linear corrections
to the Maxwell equations required due to virtual electron
Main article: History of renormalization group theory positron pairs.
Ordinary quantum mechanical systems have a xed num- A classical eld is a function dened over some region
ber of particles, with each particle having a nite number of space and time.[28] Two physical phenomena which
of degrees of freedom. In contrast, the excited states of are described by classical elds are Newtonian gravita-
a quantum eld can represent any number of particles. tion, described by Newtonian gravitational eld g(x, t),
This makes quantum eld theories especially useful for and classical electromagnetism, described by the electric
describing systems where the particle count/number may and magnetic elds E(x, t) and B(x, t). Because such
change over time, a crucial feature of relativistic dynam- elds can in principle take on distinct values at each point
ics. A QFT is thus an organized innite array of oscilla- in space, they are said to have innite degrees of free-
tors. dom.[28]
Classical eld theory does not, however, account for the
quantum-mechanical aspects of such physical phenom-
3.2 States
ena. For instance, it is known from quantum mechanics
that certain aspects of electromagnetism involve discrete
QFT interaction terms are similar in spirit to those
particlesphotonsrather than continuous elds. The
between charges with electric and magnetic elds in
business of quantum eld theory is to write down a eld
Maxwells equations. However, unlike the classical elds
that is, like a classical eld, a function dened over space
of Maxwells theory, elds in QFT generally exist in
and time, but which also accommodates the observations
quantum superpositions of states and are subject to the
of quantum mechanics. This is a quantum eld.
laws of quantum mechanics.
To write down such a quantum eld, one promotes the
Because the elds are continuous quantities over space,
innity of classical oscillators representing the modes
there exist excited states with arbitrarily large numbers
of the classical elds to quantum harmonic oscillators.
of particles in them, providing QFT systems with eec-
They thus become operator-valued functions (actually,
tively an innite number of degrees of freedom. Innite
distributions).[29] (In its most general formulation, quan-
degrees of freedom can easily lead to divergences of cal-
tum mechanics is a theory of abstract operators (observ-
culated quantities (e.g., the quantities become innite).
ables) acting on an abstract state space (Hilbert space),
Techniques such as renormalization of QFT parameters
where the observables represent physically observable
or discretization of spacetime, as in lattice QCD, are of-
quantities and the state space represents the possible
ten used to avoid such innities so as to yield physically
states of the system under study.[30] For instance, the
plausible results.
fundamental observables associated with the motion of a
single quantum mechanical particle are the position and
momentum operators x and p . Field theory, by sharp
3.3 Fields and radiation contrast, treats x as a label, an index of the eld rather
than as an operator.[31] )
The gravitational eld and the electromagnetic eld are
There are two common ways of handling a quantum
the only two fundamental elds in nature that have in-
eld: canonical quantization and the path integral formal-
nite range and a corresponding classical low-energy limit,
ism.[32] The latter of these is pursued in this article.
which greatly diminishes and hides their particle-like
excitations. Albert Einstein in 1905, attributed particle-
like and discrete exchanges of momenta and energy,
characteristic of eld quanta, to the electromagnetic
eld. Originally, his principal motivation was to ex-
4.1.1 Lagrangian formalism
plain the thermodynamics of radiation. Although the
photoelectric eect and Compton scattering strongly sug-
gest the existence of the photon, it might alternatively Quantum eld theory relies on the Lagrangian formalism
be explained by a mere quantization of emission; more from classical eld theory. This formalism is analogous
denitive evidence of the quantum nature of radiation to the Lagrangian formalism used in classical mechan-
is now taken up into modern quantum optics as in the ics to solve for the motion of a particle under the inu-
antibunching eect.[27] ence of a eld. In classical eld theory, one writes down
a Lagrangian density, L , involving a eld, (x,t), and
possibly its rst derivatives (/t and ), and then ap-
plies a eld-theoretic form of the EulerLagrange equa-
4 Principles tion. Writing coordinates (t, x) = (x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x ,
this form of the EulerLagrange equation is[28]
4.3.1 Bosons a2 |N1 , N2 , N3 , . . . = N2 | N1 , (N2 1), N3 , . . . ,
For simplicity, we will rst discuss second quantiza- a2 |N1 , N2 , N3 , . . . = N2 + 1 | N1 , (N2 +1), N3 , . . . .
tion for bosons, which form perfectly symmetric quan- It can be shown that these are operators in the usual quan-
tum states. Let us denote the mutually orthogonal tum mechanical sense, i.e. linear operators acting on
single-particle states which are possible in the system by the Fock space. Furthermore, they are indeed Hermitian
|1 , |2 , |3 , and so on. For example, the 3-particle conjugates, which justies the way we have written them.
state with one particle in state |1 and two in state |2 They can be shown to obey the commutation relation
[ ] [ ]
[ai , aj ] = 0 , ai , aj = 0 , ai , aj = ij ,
[|1 |2 |2 + |2 |1 |2 + |2 |2 |1 ] .
3 where stands for the Kronecker delta. These are pre-
cisely the relations obeyed by the ladder operators for an
The rst step in second quantization is to express such innite set of independent quantum harmonic oscillators,
quantum states in terms of occupation numbers, by list- one for each single-particle state. Adding or removing
ing the number of particles occupying each of the single- bosons from each state is, therefore, analogous to excit-
particle states |1 , |2 , etc. This is simply another way ing or de-exciting a quantum of energy in a harmonic os-
of labelling the states. For instance, the above 3-particle cillator.
state is denoted as
Applying an annihilation operator ak followed by its cor-
responding creation operator ak returns the number Nk
of particles in the kth single-particle eigenstate:
|1, 2, 0, 0, 0, . . . .
This can be turned into the Hamiltonian operator of the these states. For example, the bosonic eld annihilation
eld by replacing Nk with the corresponding number op- operator (r) is
erator, ak ak . This yields
(r) = eikj r aj .
H= Ek ak ak .
k The bosonic eld operators obey the commutation rela-
4.3.2 Fermions
[ ] [ ]
[(r), (r )] = 0 , (r), (r ) = 0 , (r), (r ) = 3 (rr
It turns out that a dierent denition of creation and an-
nihilation must be used for describing fermions. Accord- where (x) stands for the Dirac delta function. As before,
ing to the Pauli exclusion principle, fermions cannot share the fermionic relations are the same, with the commuta-
quantum states, so their occupation numbers Ni can only tors replaced by anticommutators.
take on the value 0 or 1. The fermionic annihilation op- The eld operator is not the same thing as a single-particle
erators c and creation operators c are dened by their wavefunction. The former is an operator acting on the
actions on a Fock state thus Fock space, and the latter is a quantum-mechanical am-
plitude for nding a particle in some position. However,
they are closely related and are indeed commonly denoted
cj |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj = 0, . . . = 0 with the same symbol. If we have a Hamiltonian with a
space representation, say
cj |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj = 1, . . . = (1)(N1 ++Nj1 ) |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj = 0, . . .
cj |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj = 0, . . . = (1)(N1 ++Nj1 ) |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj2=
1, . . .
H= 2i + U (|ri rj |)
cj |N1 , N2 , . . . , Nj = 1, . . . = 0. i i<j
These obey an anticommutation relation: where the indices i and j run over all particles, then the
eld theory Hamiltonian (in the non-relativistic limit and
{ } { } for negligible self-interactions) is
{ci , cj } = 0 , ci , cj = 0 , ci , cj = ij .
2 1
One may notice from this that applying a fermionic cre- H = d 3
r (r)2
(r)+ d3
r d3r (r) (r )U (|rr |)(
2m 2
ation operator twice gives zero, so it is impossible for
the particles to share single-particle states, in accordance This looks remarkably like an expression for the expec-
with the exclusion principle. tation value of the energy, with playing the role of the
wavefunction. This relationship between the eld opera-
tors and wave functions makes it very easy to formulate
4.3.3 Field operators eld theories starting from space projected Hamiltonians.
tum state is a superposition of states with dierent parti- In order to dene a theory on a continuum, one may rst
cle numbers. In addition, the concept of a coherent state place a cuto on the elds, by postulating that quanta can-
(used to model the laser and the BCS ground state) refers not have energies above some extremely high value. This
to a state with an ill-dened particle number but a well- has the eect of replacing continuous space by a structure
dened phase. where very short wavelengths do not exist, as on a lattice.
Lattices break rotational symmetry, and one of the cru-
cial contributions made by Feynman, Pauli and Villars,
and modernized by 't Hooft and Veltman, is a symmetry-
5 Associated phenomena preserving cuto for perturbation theory (this process is
called regularization). There is no known symmetrical
Beyond the most general features of quantum eld theo- cuto outside of perturbation theory, so for rigorous or
ries, special aspects such as renormalizability, gauge sym- numerical work people often use an actual lattice.
metry, and supersymmetry are outlined below. On a lattice, every quantity is nite but depends on the
spacing. When taking the limit to zero spacing, one
makes sure that the physically observable quantities like
5.1 Renormalization the observed electron mass stay xed, which means that
the constants in the Lagrangian dening the theory de-
Main article: Renormalization pend on the spacing. By allowing the constants to vary
with the lattice spacing, all the results at long distances
Early in the history of quantum eld theory, as detailed become insensitive to the lattice, dening a continuum
above, it was found that many seemingly innocuous cal- limit.
culations, such as the perturbative shift in the energy of The renormalization procedure only works for a certain
an electron due to the presence of the electromagnetic limited class of quantum eld theories, called renormal-
eld, yield innite results. The reason is that the pertur- izable quantum eld theories. A theory is perturbatively
bation theory for the shift in an energy involves a sum over renormalizable when the constants in the Lagrangian only
all other energy levels, and there are innitely many levels diverge at worst as logarithms of the lattice spacing for
at short distances, so that each gives a nite contribution very short spacings. The continuum limit is then well
which results in a divergent series. dened in perturbation theory, and even if it is not fully
Many of these problems are related to failures in classical well dened non-perturbatively, the problems only show
electrodynamics that were identied but unsolved in the up at distance scales that are exponentially small in the in-
19th century, and they basically stem from the fact that verse coupling for weak couplings. The Standard Model
many of the supposedly intrinsic properties of an elec- of particle physics is perturbatively renormalizable, and
tron are tied to the electromagnetic eld that it carries so are its component theories (quantum electrodynam-
around with it. The energy carried by a single electron ics/electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics).
its self-energyis not simply the bare value, but also in- Of the three components, quantum electrodynamics is
cludes the energy contained in its electromagnetic eld, believed to not have a continuum limit by itself, while
its attendant cloud of photons. The energy in a eld of the asymptotically free SU(2) and SU(3) weak and strong
a spherical source diverges in both classical and quan- color interactions are nonperturbatively well dened.
tum mechanics, but as discovered by Weisskopf with help The renormalization group as developed along Wilsons
from Furry, in quantum mechanics the divergence is much breakthrough insights relates eective eld theories at
milder, going only as the logarithm of the radius of the a given scale to such at contiguous scales. It thus de-
sphere. scribes how renormalizable theories emerge as the long
The solution to the problem, presciently suggested by distance low-energy eective eld theory for any given
Stueckelberg, independently by Bethe after the cru- high-energy theory. As a consequence, renormalizable
cial experiment by Lamb and Retherford (the Lamb theories are insensitive to the precise nature of the under-
Retherford experiment), implemented at one loop by lying high-energy short-distance phenomena (the macro-
Schwinger, and systematically extended to all loops by scopic physics is dominated by only a few relevant ob-
Feynman and Dyson, with converging work by Tomonaga servables). This is a blessing in practical terms, because
in isolated postwar Japan, comes from recognizing that all it allows physicists to formulate low energy theories with-
the innities in the interactions of photons and electrons out detailed knowledge of high-energy phenomena. It is
can be isolated into redening a nite number of quanti- also a curse, because once a renormalizable theory such
ties in the equations by replacing them with the observed as the standard model is found to work, it provides very
values: specically the electrons mass and charge: this few clues to higher-energy processes.
is called renormalization. The technique of renormaliza- The only way high-energy processes can be seen in the
tion recognizes that the problem is tractable and essen- standard model is when they allow otherwise forbidden
tially purely mathematical; and that, physically, extremely events, or else if they reveal predicted compelling quanti-
short distances are at fault.
5.3 Supersymmetry 13
tative relations among the coupling constants of the the- be commutative. These transformations are combine
ories or models. into the framework of a gauge group; innitesimal gauge
On account of renormalization, the couplings of QFT transformations are the gauge group generators. Thus,
vary with scale, thereby conning quarks into hadrons, the number of gauge bosons is the group dimension (i.e.,
allowing the study of weakly-coupled quarks inside the number of generators forming the basis of the corre-
hadrons, and enabling speculation on ultra-high energy sponding Lie algebra).
behavior. All the known fundamental interactions in nature are de-
See also: Renormalization group scribed by gauge theories (possibly barring the Higgs
multiplet couplings, if considered in isolation). These
[8] W. Pauli and V. Weisskopf, Ueber die Ouantizierung der [24] Clment Hongler, Conformal invariance of Ising model
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[9] Part II of Peskin & Schroeder (1995) gives an extensive [25] Beautiful Minds, Vol. 20: Ed Witten. la Repubblica.
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[10] Peskin & Schroeder (1995, Chapter4) [26] Cole, K. C. (18 October 1987). A Theory of Every-
thing. The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved 15
[11] Greiner & Reinhardt 1996 September 2016.
[12] Yang, C. N. (2012). Fermis -decay Theory. Asia Pa- [27] Thorn et al. 2004
cic Physics Newsletter 1 (01), 27-30. online copy
[28] Tong 2015, Chapter 1
[13] Special unitary groups in the Eightfold way completely de-
termined the form of the theories, and current algebras [29] Brown, Lowell S. (1994). Quantum Field Theory.
implemented these symmetries in QFT without particu- Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-46946-3.
lar cognizance of dynamics, still producing a plethora of
[30] Srednicki 2007, p. 19
predictive correlations.
[31] Srednicki 2007, pp. 2526
[14] Yang, C. N.; Mills, R. (1954). Conservation of Iso-
topic Spin and Isotopic Gauge Invariance. Physical Re- [32] Zee 2010, p. 61
view. 96 (1): 191195. Bibcode:1954PhRv...96..191Y.
doi:10.1103/PhysRev.96.191. [33] Tong 2015, Introduction
[15] Nambu, Y (1960). Quasiparticles and Gauge Invari- [34] Zee 2010, p. 3
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view. 117: 648663. Bibcode:1960PhRv..117..648N. [35] Pais 1994. Pais recounts how his astonishment at the
doi:10.1103/PhysRev.117.648. rapidity with which Feynman could calculate using his
method. Feynmans method is now part of the standard
[16] Altogether, there is outstanding agreement with experi- methods for physicists.
mental data; for example, the masses of
W+ [36] Newton & Wigner 1949, pp. 400406
and [37] If a gauge symmetry is anomalous (i.e. not kept in the
W quantum theory) then the theory is inconsistent: for exam-
bosons conrmed the theoretical prediction within one ple, in quantum electrodynamics, had there been a gauge
percent deviation. anomaly, this would require the appearance of photons
[17] L. P. Kadano (1966): Scaling laws for Ising models with longitudinal polarization and polarization in the time
near Tc ", Physics 2, 263. direction, the latter having a negative norm, rendering the
theory inconsistent; another possibility would be for these
[18] Kenneth G. Wilson and Michael E. Fisher, Critical Ex- photons to appear only in intermediate processes but not
ponents in 3.99 Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (1972), in the nal products of any interaction, making the theory
240. non-unitary and again inconsistent (see optical theorem).
Born, M.; Jordan, P.; Heisenberg, W. (1926). Tong, David (2015). Lectures on Quantum Field
Zur quantenmechanic II [On Quantum mechan- Theory. Retrieved 2016-02-09.
ics II]. Zeitschrift fr Physik (in German). Springer
Verlag. 35 (8). Bibcode:1926ZPhy...35..557B. Zee, Anthony (2010). Quantum Field Theory in
doi:10.1007/BF01379806. ISSN 0044-3328. (Sub- a Nutshell (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press.
scription required (help)). ISBN 978-0691140346.
Dirac, P. A. M. (1927). The quantum theory of
the emission and absorption of radiation. Proc. Advanced texts
R. Soc. Lond. A. Royal Society Publishing. 114
(767): 243265. Bibcode:1927RSPSA.114..243D. Weinberg, S. (1995). The Quantum Theory of
doi:10.1098/rspa.1927.0039. (Subscription re- Fields. 1. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-
quired (help)). 0521550017.
Advanced texts
11 External links
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), Quantum eld
theory, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer,
ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Quantum
Field Theory", by Meinard Kuhlmann.
Siegel, Warren, 2005. Fields. A free text, also avail-
able from arXiv:hep-th/9912205.
Quantum Field Theory by P. J. Mulders
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File:Max_Born.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f7/Max_Born.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
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apps edu mathematics-p.svg Original artist: David Vignoni (original icon); Flamurai (SVG convertion); bayo (color)
File:Pascual_Jordan_1920s.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Pascual_
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