Fisher PCV Data
Fisher PCV Data
Fisher PCV Data
nApplication VersatilityFive actuator types in eleven
sizes are available for an extensive variety of
applications. Spring rates, travel stops, and manual
operators are available for nearly any control valve
application. W2174-2 W1916-3
nHigh Degree of Dynamic Stability and Frequency nCold Service ApplicationsEnhanced product
ResponseA shallow casing on the pressure side specifications for all sizes of 657 and 667 diaphragm
means reduced volume on that side, thereby actuators allow performance to -50_C (-58_F). Use
minimizing response time. of a positioner is recommended to ensure
responsiveness in applications operating below
nHigh Thrust CapabilityThe molded diaphragm -40_C (-40_F).
allows maximum thrust for given diaphragm size.
nLong Service LifeRugged thick-walled cast iron and nPositive ConnectionsA split block stem connection
steel construction provides increased stability, provides a solid transfer of motion while allowing
corrosion protection, and protection from easy mounting. The absence of linkages helps to
deformation should over-pressurization occur. avoid lost motion and inaccurate valve positioning.
Product Bulletin
61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
July 2016 D100087X012
Standard Operating Pressure Range(1) Signal Connections
657 and 667: J 0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig) or J 0.4 Sizes 30 - 60 and 667 Size 76: 1/4 NPT internal
to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig) Sizes 70 and 87: 1/2 NPT internal
657-4 and 667-4: 0.2 to 1.9 bar (3 to 27 psig) Size 80
667 Size 76: J 0.4 to 2.0 bar (6 to 30 psig) or J 0 to 657: 3/4 NPT internal with 1/4 NPT internal bushing
3.1 bar (0 to 45 psig) 667: 1/2 NPT internal with 1/4 NPT internal bushing
Size 100: 1 NPT internal with 1/4 NPT internal bushing
Maximum Travel
Effective Diaphragm Area
See table 1
See table 1
Output Indication Construction Materials (refer to figure 1)
Stainless steel disk or pointer and graduated scale Diaphragm Casing
Sizes 30 - 87: Steel
Stroking Speed Size 80: J Cast iron or J steel
Size 100: J Cast aluminum
Dependent on actuator size, travel, spring rate, Diaphragm
initial spring compression, and supply pressure. Sizes 30 - 87: J Nitrile on nylon, J Silicone on
If stroking speed is critical, consult your polyester
Emerson Process Management sales office Size 100: Nitrile on polyester
Diaphragm Plate
Maximum Allowable Thrust(2) 657 Sizes 30- 60, 100: J Cast aluminum
See table 1 657 Sizes 70 - 87: J Cast iron or J steel
667 Sizes 30 - 60, 100: J Cast aluminum or J steel
667 Sizes 70 - 87: J Cast iron or J steel
Operating Temperature Range(1) Actuator Spring: Steel
Standard Construction (Nitrile Elastomers): -40 to Spring Adjustor: Steel
82_C (-40 to 180_F) Spring Seat: J Steel or J cast iron
Optional Construction (Silicone Diaphragm): -40 to Actuator Stem: Steel
149C (-40 to 300F) Travel Indicator: Stainless steel
Maximum Valve Packing Box Temperature: 427_C O-Rings: Nitrile
(800_F) with cast iron yoke Seal Bushing: Brass
Stem Connector: Zinc-plated steel
Volumetric Displacement
Sizes 30 - 80: J Cast iron or J steel
See table 2 Size 100: Steel
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tables
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Additional Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Available Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Volumetric Casing Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Direct Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Approximate Actuator Weights
Reverse Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (without handwheel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thrust Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Handwheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Handwheel Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Adjustable Travel Stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Adjustable Travel Stop Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
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657 and 667 Actuators 61.1:657
D100087X012 July 2016
Specifications (continued)
Construction Materials for Cold Service Stem and Yoke Boss Diameters
[to -50_C (-58_F)] 657 and 667--all sizes See table 1
Yoke: Steel (Grade LCC) Approximate Weight
Diaphragm: Silicone
O-Rings:(3) Ethylene Propylene See table 3
Bolting: Stainless Steel B8M Cl 2
Stem Connector: Stainless Steel Options
Lubricant: Silicone J Oversize signal connections, J Plastic yoke covers
1. The pressure and temperature limits in this bulletin and in any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. Do not exceed the thrust limits in this bulletin.
3. Includes diaphragm casing seals, casing-mounted handwheel on 657, seal bushing on 667.
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61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
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W0364-2 W0363-2
Product Bulletin
61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
July 2016 D100087X012
Table 1. Additional Specifications for Fisher 657 and 667 Series Actuators
cm2 mm N
30 297 54 9.5 19 10,231
34 445 54 9.5 29 10,231
40 445 71 12.7 38 12,010
45 677 71 12.7 51 25,132
46 1006 71 12.7 51 33,584
50 677 90 19.1 51 25,131
60 1006 90 19.1 51 30,246
70(2) 1419 90 19.1 39,142
76(667) 1006 90 19.1 51 30,246
25.4 63,392
80 1761 127 76
31.8 88,075(4)
87(2) 1419 127 25.4 39,142
127H(5) 31.8
100 2902 102 200,160
178 50.8
Inch2 Inch Lb
30 46 2-1/8 3/8 0.75 2300
34 69 2-1/8 3/8 1.125 2300
40 69 2-13/16 1/2 1.5 2700
45 105 2-13/16 1/2 2 5650
46 156 2-13/16 1/2 2 7550
50 105 3-9/16 3/4 2 5650
60 156 3-9/16 3/4 2 6800
70(2) 220 3-9/16 3/4 8800
76(667) 156 3-9/16 3/4 2 6800
1 14,150
80 273 5 3
1-1/4 19,800(4)
87(2) 220 5 1 8800
5H(5) 1-1/4
100 450 4 45,000
7 2
1. These values are based on material limitations such as yoke, stem connection, diaphragm plate, and travel stop strengths.
2. Values also apply to 657-4 and 667-4 actuators.
3. For 657-4 and 667-4 actuator constructions.
4. Steel construction.
5. H=Heavy actuator-to-valve bolting.
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657 and 667 Actuators 61.1:657
D100087X012 July 2016
Table 2. Volumetric Casing Displacement for Fisher 657 and 667 Series Actuators
ACTUATOR VOLUME(1) 11 16 19 29 38 51 76 102
cm3 Casing Volume(2), cm3
30 540 918 1080 1180 --- --- --- --- ---
34 and 40 934 1470 1700 1850 2330 2790 --- --- ---
45 and 50 1560 --- 2790 3000 3720 4420 5410 --- ---
46, 60, and 76 2180 --- 3880 4210 5280 6340 7740 --- ---
70 and 87 3490 5240 5950 6420 7830 9240 11,110 14,880 18,570
80 4820 --- --- --- 10,490 12,450 14,860 19,340 ---
657 10,880 --- --- 16,400 19,170 21,940 25,630 33,000 40,380
667 12,780 --- --- 18,320 21,070 23,840 27,530 34,900 42,280
Inch3 0.4375 0.625 0.75 1.125 1.5 2 3 4
Casing Volume(2), Inch3
30 33 56 66 72 --- --- --- --- ---
34 and 40 57 90 104 113 142 170 --- --- ---
45 and 50 95 --- 170 183 227 270 330 --- ---
46, 60, and 76 133 --- 237 257 322 387 472 --- ---
70 and 87 213 320 363 392 478 564 678 980 1133
80 294 --- --- --- 640 760 907 1180 ---
657 664 --- --- 1002 1170 1339 1564 2014 2464
667 780 --- --- 1118 1286 1455 1680 2130 2580
1. Clearance volume indicates casing volume at zero travel.
2. Includes clearance volume.
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W0368-2 W0369-2
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61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
July 2016 D100087X012
Figure 3. Typical Side-Mounted Handwheels for Fisher 657 and 667 Series Actuators
W0371-1 W0372-1
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D100087X012 July 2016
Figure 5. Fisher 646 Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Figure 7. Fisher 4200 Position Transmitter on
on 657 Actuator 667 Actuator
Figure 6. Fisher 3582i Valve Positioner on
657 Actuator
Product Bulletin
61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
July 2016 D100087X012
Table 8. Dimensions
30 34 40 45 46 47 50 60 70 76 80 87 100
657, -4 0 25 25 38 38 38 38 38 38 --- --- 38 ---
667, -4 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 --- 38 ---
C 289 333 333 406 473 536 406 473 536 473 635 536 729
D 54 54 71 71 71 71 90 90 90 90 127 127 127(2)
657 440 498 548 659 656 --- 722 722 840 --- 1075 938 NOTE 3
657-4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 994 --- --- 1089 ---
657MO(1) 440 498 548 659 656 --- 722 722 976 --- 1183 1057 NOTE 4
657-4 MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1124 --- --- 1204 ---
667 478 573 594 768 748 --- 784 784 933 881 1257 1003 1857
667-4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1070 --- --- 1143 ---
667MO 478 573 594 768 748 --- 784 784 1164 1112 1392 1245 2346
657-4 MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1314 --- --- 1394 ---
657 121 164 164 202 202 --- 202 202 313 --- 227 313 ---
667 119 121 137 159 159 --- 159 159 286 159 --- 286 ---
Hs --- 284 286 375 375 --- 378 378 292 222 303 292 401
Jc 171 222 222 222 222 356 222 222 356 356 356 356 ---
Js --- 305 305 356 356 --- 356 356 432 432 432 432 406
657, -4 213 222 272 291 291 395 354 354 406 --- 435 780 451
667, -4 194 224 244 310 310 --- 325 325 375 375 432 419 451
657, -4 --- 226 248 306 306 --- 370 370 446 --- 503 527 NOTE 5
667, -4 --- 214 248 362 362 --- 378 378 446 446 503 527 2105
657 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 254 --- ---
657MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219 --- 384 219 ---
657-4MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219 --- --- 219 ---
667 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 254 --- ---
667MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219 219 384 219 ---
667-4MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 219 --- --- 219 ---
657, -4 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 --- --- 1.50 ---
667, -4 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 --- 1.50 ---
C 11.38 13.12 13.12 16.00 18.62 21.12 16.00 18.62 21.12 18.62 25.00 21.12 28.69
D 2.125 2.125 2.8125 2.8125 2.8125 2.8125 3.5625 3.5625 3.5625 3.5625 5 5 5(2)
657 17.31 19.62 21.56 25.94 25.81 --- 28.44 28.44 33.06 --- 42.31 36.94 NOTE 3
657-4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 39.12 --- --- 42.88 ---
657MO 17.31 19.62 21.56 25.94 25.81 --- 28.44 28.44 38.44 --- 46.56 41.62 NOTE 4
657-4 MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 44.25 --- --- 47.38 ---
667 18.81 22.56 23.38 30.25 29.44 --- 30.88 30.88 36.75 34.70 49.50 39.50 73.12
667-4 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 42.12 --- --- 45.00 ---
667MO 18.81 22.56 23.38 30.25 29.44 --- 30.88 30.88 45.81 43.76 54.81 49.00 92.38
657-4 MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 51.75 --- --- 54.88 ---
657 4.75 6.44 6.44 7.94 7.94 --- 7.94 7.94 12.31 --- 8.94 12.31 ---
667 4.69 4.75 5.38 6.25 6.25 --- 6.25 6.25 11.25 6.25 --- 11.25 ---
Hs --- 11.19 11.25 14.75 14.75 --- 14.88 14.88 11.50 11.50 11.94 11.50 15.78
Jc 6.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 14.00 8.75 8.75 14.00 8.75 14.00 14.00 ---
Js --- 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 --- 14.00 14.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.00
657, -4 8.38 8.75 10.69 11.44 11.44 15.56 13.94 13.94 16.00 --- 17.12 18.88 17.75
667, -4 7.62 8.83 9.62 12.19 12.19 --- 12.81 12.81 14.75 14.75 17.00 16.50 17.75
657, -4 --- 8.88 9.75 12.06 12.06 --- 14.56 14.56 17.56 --- 19.81 20.75 NOTE 5
667, -4 --- 8.44 9.75 14.25 14.25 --- 14.88 14.88 17.56 17.56 19.81 20.75 82.88
657 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 10.00 --- ---
657MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8.62 --- 15.12 8.62 ---
657-4MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8.62 --- --- 8.62 ---
667 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 10.00 --- ---
667MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8.62 8.62 15.12 8.62 ---
667-4MO --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8.62 --- --- 8.62 ---
1. MO = Manual operator.
2. Also available with 7 inch boss.
3. With group 1 springs, E=1959 mm (77.12 inch). With group 2 springs, E=1497 mm (58.94 inch).
4. With group 1 springs, E=2345 mm (92.31 inch). With group 2 springs, E=1883 mm (74.12 inch).
5. With group 1 springs, M=2103 mm (82.81 inch). With group 2 springs, M=1654 mm (65.12 inch).
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657 and 667 Actuators 61.1:657
D100087X012 July 2016
AU6713-D AU6713-D
Ordering Information
When ordering, specify: 9. Ambient temperature range
1. On-off or throttling service Actuator and Positioner
2. Input signal range Be sure to specify: actuator type number; whether a
positioner is required; whether a top-mounted
3. Maximum supply pressure handwheel is required; and whether an adjustable up
or down travel stop is required. Refer to the
4. Valve body type and size with which the actuator Specifications section. Review the information under
will be used each specification and in the referenced tables and
figures. Specify the desired choice wherever there is a
5. Valve plug travel selection to be made.
Product Bulletin
61.1:657 657 and 667 Actuators
July 2016 D100087X012
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161990, 2016 Fisher Controls International LLC. All rights reserved.