Gas Turbine Bearing and Vibration Classification of Using Multi-Layer Neural Network

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Gas Turbine Bearing and Vibration Classification

of Using Multi-layer Neural Network

Moneer Ali Lilo 1, Latiff, L.A*1, Aminudin Bin Haji Abu 2, Yousif I. Al Mashhadany3, Abidulkarim K. Ilijan 1
Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Malaysia - Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Engineering Department, Engineering College, University of Anbar, Iraq.
E-mail:[email protected]; *[email protected]

Abstract Gas Turbine (GT) is a vital component to a power back- propagation BP for classification purposes. ANN-BP
plant. This system contains many signals that are used to control realized very high success rates for the identification and
and protect the GT from damage or accidents caused by classification machine faults. Other methods
vibration, speed, and temperature. Moreover, the vibrations of include probabilistic neural network (PNNs), which detect
GT at dangerous levels might lead to damages to the system. In faults on gas turbines, were also taken into account. Principal
this paper, a concerted effort is made to identify the number of component analysis detects sensor faults based on the
the bearing and vibration levels during operations. We designed utilization of the Squared Prediction Error SPE[5]. NNs are
and compared two types of the Neural Networks (NNs); series classified based on the supervision and unsupervised
and parallel NNs. They are based on the two stages from NN's
techniques, moreover, NNs use a different strategy to collect
employed by MATLAB. The results indicated that the parallel
NN is better, depending on the time training and the produced
error feedback from the output to other stages. Clearly, BP
error. Moreover, the two stages of NNs can identify the bearing used the error output as feedback to all of the stages. Other type
number and vibration situations. The structure of the NNs puts are Dynamic neural networks, which are a type of neural
the system in sleep mode until the vibration is in high level, network, where one employs an internal feedback between the
however, sleeping system leads to the reduction of power input and output [6]. The intentions of this research are
consumption when designing the hardware system. categorized into three parts; the first is a comparison between
the series and parallel NNs, the second is an identification of
Keywords Neural Network; vibration identification; the sensor number and classify the vibration level for that
vibration classification; gas turbine. sensor, and the last is a design of multi-stage NNs with sleep
mode for classification stage.
This paper will illustrate in Section II related work for
GT is a system that produces a massive torque with a other investigators , followed by methodology of identify the
flexible speed adjustment that rotates the coupled electrical vibration data based on the NN and architectures of the NN
energy generator. It is also a distinguished technology due to in section III, and section IV will present and discuss the
numerous concerns such as reliability, availability, operating results utilizing MATLAB program based on the neural
costs, maintenance costs, and low CO2 emissions, principally algorithm ,eventually, Section V will show conclusion on the
when used in a combined cycle, which is why they are investigate done.
commonly used in the industry[1][2] [3]. Analyses of vibration
in gas turbines are considered as one of the most challenging
preventive maintenance. Methods of vibration analysis and II. RELATED WORK
systems for condition monitoring of this equipment are under
rapid development since the previous decade. Mostly, two In recent years, the investigators began augmenting the
kinds of the vibration measurement were used in GT; peak-to- accuracy of classifying and identifying a default on a machine.
peak and absolute vibration, based on the Root Mean They utilized many methods to realize those objectives, such as
Square (RMS) value. Indeed, vibration monitoring data can be fuzzy, neural, and wavelets [7] [8]. Moreover, the researchers
collected from one of the following probes; velocity pickup start to identify the problem, and decide to minimize damage,
detectors and accelerometers, both of which are typically fixed culminating in them utilizing a hybrid method to realize the
to the casing of the turbine [4]. aforementioned objectives. The hybrid are termed fuzzy-neural
and fuzzy-wavelet [9] [10]. This part will involve researchers
Sensor fault detection has garnered extensive recent employing NN, with one of them being (Zhang et al, 2008),
attention in numerous engineering areas, due to the profits of who discussed the classification and identification vibration of
decreasing downtime, productivity loss, increasing the thermal turbine based on the probability of a neural network
guarantee of safety, reliability, and quality of the system. PNN. The power of the spectrum, singular spectrum, and
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been extensively spectrums based on wavelet energy were inputted into the
reported in the context of fault detection. Specifically, PNN. The accuracy in these networks is 100% in the context of
multilayer perception nervous networks were trained using classification [11].

*Corresponding author

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(McKee et al 2015) proposed utilizing analysis statistical the results of which are illustrated in Table 1. Eventually, we
metric and vibration cavitation to discover the vibration need the same comparison to be applied to the data related to
cavitation. The values associated with ISO 10816 were classifying the alarm situations of each sensor. Table 2
employed in this work. Subsequently, the vibration data in FFT depicted the outcome of the comparison between two types of
mode has been identified and classified based on ISO NN when applied to the alarm data in different situations. The
10816[12]. results showed that PIPO is better than SISO, based on the time
and maximum errors. Similarly, this work will be based on the
(Fei et al, 2014) have augmented the accuracy of detecting applied signal on the PIPO NN.
the vibration on a steam turbine based on three techniques.
Those techniques consist of back propagation NN, radial basis,
and wavelet, all of which are built parallel to each other. They Table 1 compression result for the main data input
are interested in three fault singles, which are imbalance rotor,
No. Type Time of Max. error Sample Test
oil whip of turbine, and misalignment to the same machine. learning number number
They proved the fault diagnosis of vibration was ameliorated, 1 Parallel 2.9225 0.0538 5*380 10
depending on the outcome of that technique [8]. 2 Series 29.84 0.055 5*380 10
Eventually, (Marichal g. et al, 2010) used the hybrid
method to detect the vibration fault of ingoing and over the Table 2 comparison result of the alarm data input
bearing. They seem to reduce the complexity of a vibration No. Type Time of Max. error sample Test
signal by dividing the frequency with the equilateral category. learning number number
This concept will be based on the approximated value to each 1 Parallel 2.1727 0.0533 3*380 10
group. Thereafter, these signals were applied to a neural fuzzy 2 Series 10.45 0.06 3*380 10
system to locate vibrations in the bearing. Finally, they applied
these signal to the many stages of the neuro-fuzzy technique, C. Architectures of the neural network in this work
where the results of first network was inputted into the second
stage for finding the other kind of vibration that might be The main intention of using forward back propagation NN
generated duration operations [13]. is to identify and classify the vibrations of the gas turbine.
Thus, the vibration sensors will categorize and discriminate the
vibration values at its previous levels [16] [12]. The
architectures of NN's of this work are based on two main parts;
III. IDENTIFY THE VIBRATION BASED ON A NEURAL the first one will identify the vibration values where a bearing
might occur in an alarm level. Moreover, the first part will be
Identifying the vibration data of the gas turbine and other switched to wake up sleeping NN's, which were stilled in the
machines, which are related to classifying the vibration second part. The first part of the NN will lead to the second
situations, and decide on the control system to protect the part by sending signals to wake up the NN related to one of the
turbine from dangerous values. In the work, we will describe input data, or to one bearing data. The second part consist of
the vibration signals that were collected, and compare the two the four NN's on representing and learning different situation to
types of NN. The parallel NN represented final network which one bearing when it is in alarm or high levels of vibration data.
is utilized in this work. Moreover, the result of first stage is represented where the
bearing vibration occurred. However, every outcome of the
A. Vibration data collecting first stage will wake up one NN, which is related to that
Vibration data was collected from vibration sensors bearing to classify a vibration level of one input only.
installed in a gas turbine. These sensors were classified based Eventually, if we have four inputs on the main NN, it will
on the type of vibration being collected, similar to operation consist of five NN's, where only one network will be in
frequency of the machine. However, sensors of the vibration continues operation. Similarly, four NNs will be in sleep
are defined by the velocity, acceleration, and displacement mode, until the first stage wakes up one of four NNs to classify
sensor [14]. In this work, the vibration signal was collected the vibration level, as illustrated in Figure 1. If the algorithm of
from the Al-Quds power plant, which contains a gas turbine. the first stage is applied to smart wireless sensor this leads to
Moreover, these signals are related to the startup situation of minimization of power consumption [17]. The main parameter
the gas turbine, where the turbine started rotating until it of the NN is 4-inputs, 45 neurons in hidden layer, three layers,
reaches the power generation situation. These signals represent and 4-outputs.
the normal situational vibration. Indeed, this work identifies the
vibration of the gas turbine in the alarm cases. Thus, we IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS OF THE MULTI- NEURAL
augmented the vibration value for it to be multiplied by its NETWORK
constant value. Thereafter, some of them will be in alarm The results of learning NN to identify the sensors in the
situation, and can be utilized to classify the vibration alarm situation are illustrated in the Figures 2, 3, 4 and
situation[15]. 5.Moreover; these figures characterize the typical behavior of
B. Comparison between series and parallel neural network the vibration values related to the four bearing, which is
starting from 0 to steady state speed value. Indeed, this part
The data of vibration sensors were applied on both NN; the represented the first stage from the work. We learned NN's
first one is a parallel- input parallel- output (PIPO), while the based on trial and error in catching better data to minimize the
second type is related to seriesinput-series-output (SISO). The error rate and the time needed to learn a data. Learning rate ,
comparisons between the outcomes of those two kinds are momentum mu, ratio, and the neurons number nm in the
based on time in learning and running situations. Moreover, it hidden layer are the main parameters, which are changed to
depends on the maximum error produced from those networks, produce the minimum error with smallest time [16].

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Figure 3 learning result of the bearing 2 of parallel NN

Figure 1 Architecture of the neural network was designed

Therefore, the first stage modification of those parameters

are = 0.043, mu=0.0325, and nm= 45, to produce the results
shown in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 with errors depicted in Figure 6.
Eventually, based on the principle of the trial and error, we test
another four NN's based on selected and mu to get better
results through NN training, as shown in Figure 7. The
vibration behavior to three situations to the same bearing is
represents in Figure 7, applied to train the NN to classify the
vibration level. This NN in online mode has ability to classify
the vibration level into three categories: A, B, and C that are
related to alarm zone of the vibration scheme.
After training NNs many times, we store the weight and Figure 4 learning result of the bearing 3 of parallel NN
basis of every NN. Thereafter, we apply a vibration signal to
the online network to check the actuality situation of these NN.
The outcome of these NN's are zero when the bearing are in a
normal situation, and produce the number of the bearing when
applied to high level vibration values, which will lead to the
second stage wake up and classification of the value of the
vibration. Finally, the design of the NN's was based on the
MATLAB code only, and Table 3 presented how many times
we tested the network with different situation and the average
results of those experiments.
Table 3 accuracy result of online NN's
No. Stage number Training number Average accuracy
1 First 50 100%
2 second 50 98%

Figure 5 learning result of the bearing 4 of the parallel NN

Figure 6 learning error result for bearing 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the parallel NN

Figure 2 learning result of the bearing 1 of parallel NN

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