Basic Guide To Communications Book RevD Web PDF
Basic Guide To Communications Book RevD Web PDF
Basic Guide To Communications Book RevD Web PDF
EtherNet I/P
Copyright 2011, ABB Inc. All Rights Reserved
Specifications subject to change without notice
Basic Guide to Communications Overview 1
Protocol Information 29
Reference Documentation:
ACS350 Users Manual ACH550-UH HVAC Drives
3AFE68462401 Users Manual, US
ACS355 Users Manual
3AUA0000066143 Firmware Manual ACS850
Standard Control Program
ACS550-U1 Users Manual 3AUA0000045497
ACSM1 Speed and Torque
ACS800 Firmware Manual Control Program Firmware
3AFE64527592 Manual
ACH550 E-Clipse Bypass
Users Manual, US DCS800 Firmware Manual
3AUA0000016461 3ADW000193
Overview 1
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
There are three series of fieldbus adapters. The F-series fieldbus adapters are
for ACS350, ACS355, ACS850, ACH550 with E-Clipse Bypass and ACSM1.
The R-series fieldbus adapters are for ACS800, DCS800 and ACx550. Both
the F-series and R-series install under the cover of the product. The N-series
fieldbus adapters are for the ACS800 and DCS800 with the fiber optic option
installed on the drive. The N-series are DIN-rail mountable and require 24V
DC power.
F-series for ACS350, ACS355, ACS850, ACH550 with E-Clipse
Bypass and ACSM1
Plugs on the drive under the cover
Electrical interface with drive
2 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Select the correct fieldbus module for the drive product and
Protocol ACS800 ACS355 ACS550 ACS850 ACSM1 DCS800
CANopen RCAN-01 FCAN-01 RCAN-01 FCAN-01 FCAN-01 RCAN-01
Modbus RTU RMBA-01 panel port internal FSCA-01 FSCA-01 RMBA-01
Protocol ACH550 Bypass
CANopen RCAN-01 N/A
Overview 3
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The basic control interface between the fieldbus system and the drive consists
of the following:
The Control Word (CW) is the principle means of controlling the drive
from a fieldbus system. The Control Word is sent by the fieldbus controller
to the drive. The drive switches between its states according to the
bit-coded instructions of the Control Word.
Actual Values (ACT) are 16/32 bit words containing information on selected
operations of the drive.
Most fieldbus interfaces support controlling of the drive and reading and
writing drive parameters.
Parameter read and write can be done with the fast cyclic communication,
by programming the fast data to point to parameters or with slower acyclic
4 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The state diagram below describes the start-stop function of the CONTROL
WORD (CW) and STATUS WORD (SW) bits. The ABB Drives profile operates
on a state machine. The flow chart shows the steps required by the state ma-
chine to operate the drive.
Overview 5
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
To control the ABB profile state machine is to transmit a value of 1150 in deci-
mal format (Binary:0000 0100 1111 1110), this gets the drive ready to operate.
Then transmit 1151 decimal (Binary:0000 0100 1111 1111) to drive, this will
command a start and the drive will ramp up to commanded speed.
The drive will stop when 1150 decimal (Binary:0000 0100 1111 1110) is
transmitted to the drives main control word.
Different ways of stopping the drive are available when utilizing the ABB drives
Coast Stop - Once running, simply reset Bit 1 (0000 0100 1111 1101).
Once this is done, to restart the drive Bit 1 must be set 1, then cycle Bit )
to 0, then back to a 1. The drive will start.
Ramp Stop - Once running, simply reset Bit 0 (0000 0100 1111 1110) and
drive will Decelerate to zero speed following the active Decal Rate
(Parameter 22.03 or 22.05). To restart the drive, simply set Bit 0 to 1.
E-Stop (Faststop) - Once running, reset Bit 2 (0000 0100 1111 1011) and
drive will Decelerate to zero speed following the Rate in Parameter
6 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
This is the ABB drives profile main control word. The main control uses 12 of
the 16 bits. The ABB drives profile has three different stop types within the
main control word. Example bit 2 of the main control word is the emergency
stop control for the drive.
Bit Name Value STATE/Description
Stop along currently active deceleration ramp (22.03/22.05). Enter OFF1 ACTIVE; proceed to
0 OFF1 CONTROL 0 READY TO SWITCH ON unless other interlocks (OFF2, OFF3) are active.
Emergency stop, stop within time defined by par. 22.07. Enter OFF3 ACTIVE; proceed to
2 OFF3 CONTROL 0 Warning: Ensure motor and driven machine can be stopped using this stop mode.
Enter OPERATION ENABLED. (Note: The Run Enable signal must be active; see parameter
1 16.01. If par. 16.01 is set to COMM. CW, this bit also activates the Run Enable signal.)
3 OPERATION 0 Inhibit operation. Enter OPERATION INHIBITED.
Normal operation.
1 Not in use.
1 Not in use.
Control Word <> 0 or Reference <> 0: Retain last Control Word and Reference.
Control Word = 0 and Reference = 0: Filedbus control enabled.
10 REMOTE_CMD 0 Reference and deceleration/acceleratikon ramp are locked.
1 Select External Control Location EXT2. Effective if par. 11.02 is set to COMM.CW.
11 EXT CTRL LOC 0 Select External Control Location EXT1. Effective if par. 11.02 is set to COMM.CW.
12 ...
15 Reserved
Overview 7
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
This is the ABB drives profile main status word. The main status word uses 13
of the 16 bits except in the ACS800 drive. Bits 13 & 14 in the ACS800 are pro-
grammable by parameters 92.08 and 92.09. Example bit 8 will be active when
the drive is at speed or bit 3 will be active when the drive is faulted.
Bit Name Value STATE/Description
3 TRIPPED 0 No fault.
1 OFF2 inactive.
1 OFF3 inactive.
1 Warning/Alarm.
7 ALARM 0 No Warning/Alarm.
OPERATING. Actual value equals reference value(=is within tolerance limits i.e. in speed
1 control the speed error is less than or equal to 10% of the nominal motor speed).
8 AT_SETPOINT 0 Actual value differs from reference value (= is outside tolerance limits).
Bit is read from the address defined by parameter 92.07 MSW B10 PTR. The default value
is signal 03.14 bit 9 ABOVE_LIMIT: Actual frequency or speed value equals or exceeds the
1 supervision limit (par. 32.02).
Bit is read from the address defined by parameter 92.08 MSW B13 PTR. By default no ad-
13* dress has been selected.
Bit is read from the address defined by parameter 92.09 MSW B14 PTR. By default no ad-
14* dress has been selected.
1 Communication error detected by fieldbus adapter module (on fiber optic channel CH0).
This is the main control word for the DCS800 drive. The DCS800 drive
operates on a state machine. The fieldbus will have to transmit 1142 deci-
mals to the DCS800 drive to get the drive ready to run. Then the fieldbus will
have to transmit 1143 decimals to activate the main contact for the DCS800
drive. Once the fieldbus transmits 1151 decimals to the DCS800, the drive
will start. To stop the DCS800 follow the reverse order from 1151 to 1143 to
1142 decimals
Overview 9
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
This is the main status word for the DCS800 drive. The main status word
provides information about the status of the drive. Example bit 3 will indicate if
the drive is faulted or if bit 5 is active, it will indicate that the drive was stopped
by OFF type 3.
1 Fault indication
B3 TRIPPED 0 No fault
1 Alarm indication
B7 ALARM 0 No alarm
1 Remote control
10 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Ref. Macro Used
No. (par.99.02) Range Reference Type Scaling Notes
-20000 = -[par.11.05]
Speed or Fre- -1 = -[par.11.04] Final reference limited by
quency (not with 0 = [par.11.04] 20.01/20.02 (speed) or
FAST COMM) 20000 = [par. 11.05] 20.07/20.08 (frequency)
The table above is the reference scaling for the fieldbus control. the maximum speed/frequency for
reference 1 scaling is +/- 20,000. The drive will run in reverse when a negative speed is command-
ed. The maximum reference for reference 2 will be based on the setting of 99.02 Application Macro.
Example: when the ACS800 is programmed for factory macro the maximum reference 2 is +/-
20,000; but when it is programmed for Torque control the maximum reference 2 is +/- 10,000.
Reference Range Scaling Notes
-20000 = -[par. 50.01] Final reference limited by
SpeedRef(23.01) -32768 ... 32767 20000 = [par. 50.01] 20.01/20.02 (RPM)
The table above is the reference scaling for the fieldbus control. The maximum speed/frequency
for reference 1 scaling is +/- 20,000. The drive will run in reverse when a negative speed is com-
manded. The maximum speed/frequency for reference 2 scaling is +/- 10,000.
Overview 11
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The table above is the reference scaling for the fieldbus control. The maximum
speed/frequency for reference 1 scaling is +/- 20,000. The drive will run in
reverse when a negative speed is commanded. The maximum speed/frequency
for reference 2 scaling is +/- 10,000.
When torque or speed reference scaling is selected (by parameter 50.04 FBA
REF1 MODESEL / 50.05 FBA REF2 MODESEL), the fieldbus references are
32 bit integers. The value consists of a 16 bit integer value and a 16 bit frac-
tional value. The speed/torque reference scaling is as follows:
12 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
When torque or speed reference scaling is selected (by parameter 50.04 FBA
REF1 MODESEL / 50.05 FBA REF2 MODESEL), the fieldbus references are
32 bit integers. The value consists of a 16 bit integer value and a 16 bit frac-
tional value. The speed/torque reference scaling is as follows:
Overview 13
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
32 bit Parameters
The ACS850 and ACSM1 use 16 bit and 32 bit parameter information.
If the acceleration time is set too short, the drive will automatically
prolong the acceleration in order not to exceed the drive torque
1000 =
0.000 ... 1800.000 s Acceleration time 1. 1s
*FbEq = Fieldbus equivalent. The scaling between the value shown on the panel and the integer
used in serial communication.
When mapping a parameter, check the firmware manual to find if the param-
eter transmitted or received will use 16 or 32 bits. If the parameter is a 32 bit
it will be split into two 16 bit parameter. The first 16 bits will be the most sig-
nificant word (MSW) and the second will be the least significant word (LSW).
Main Control Word MSW = most significant word
LSW = least significant word
Speed Ref 1
Acc Time 1 (MSW)
31 MSW 15 LSW 0
0000 0000 0001 0110 1110 0011 0110 0000
Acc Time 1 (LSW)
1,800,000 converted
to a Binary number
14 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Converting a 32 bit word into two 16 bit words
The maximum value for a 16 bit signed integer is +/- 32767. The maximum
value for Acc Time 1 is 1,800,000. The value of 1,800,000 will not fit into a 16
bit integer.
Overview 15
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
One data set consists of three 16 bit words called data words. The data set will
be transmitted and received by the fieldbus controller. The example below is
displaying the data set from the fieldbus controller to the drive.
A drive product can have multiple data sets. The table below shows four data
sets. The two data sets on the left (data sets 1 and 3) are from the fieldbus
controller to the drive. The two on the right (data sets 2 and 4) are from the
drive to the fieldbus controller.
From To From To
Data Data
Data from fieldbus controller to drive Data from drive to fieldbus controller
Word Contents Selector Word Contents Selector
8 2nd word Reference 4 Par. 90.02 11 2nd word Actual 4 Par. 92.05
9 3rd word Reference 5 Par. 90.03 12 3rd word Actual 5 Par. 92.06
16 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Question #1 How many words will be transmitted and received if the drive
is programmed for two data sets?
Question #2 How many words will be transmitted and received if the drive
is programed for four data sets?
8 2nd word Reference 4 Par. 90.02 11 2nd word Actual 4 Par. 92.05
9 3rd word Reference 5 Par. 90.03 12 3rd word Actual 5 Par. 92.06
Overview 17
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The index number is the value used to map fieldbus parameters into the
Index Main Reference data set DS1 Index Main Actual Signal data set DS2
1 1st word Control Word (Fixed) 4 1st word Status Word (Fixed)
Index Auxiliary Reference data set DS3 Index Aux. Actual Signal data set DS4
7 1st word Reference 3 Par. 90.01 10 1st word Actual 3 Par. 92.04
8 2nd word Reference 4 Par. 90.02 11 2nd word Actual 4 Par. 92.05
9 3rd word Reference 5 Par. 90.03 12 3rd word Actual 5 Par. 92.06
Programming the drive parameter to index number 1, the first word from the
PLC will write Control Word. Programming the drive to index number 2, the
second word from the PLC will write Reference 1. Programming the drive
parameter to index 3, the third word from the PLC will write Reference 2.
Programming the drive parameter to index number 4, the first word to the
PLC will be Status Word. Programming the drive to index number 5, the sec-
ond word to the PLC will be Actual 1, the setting of parameter 92.02. Param-
eter 92.02 is the indirect pointer parameter for index 5. What every indirect
parameter 92.02 is programmed to is the information that will be transmitted
to the PLC.
Programming Data from drive to fieldbus controller The PLC will read the:
the drive to Word Contents Selector
index number:
Index Main Actual Signal data set DS2
4 4 1st word Status Word (Fixed) Status Word
5 5 2nd word Actual 1 **Par. 92.02 Actual 1 Speed (default)
6 6 3rd word Actual 2 Par. 92.03 Actual 2 Torque (default)
Remapping the indirect pointers can only be done in the ACS800 and DCS800
drive products. In the ACS350, ACS355 and ACx550 products all indirect
pointers are fixed. In Table 1 below, the parameter 92.02 is programmed to pa-
rameter 1.02 and the drive is transmitting motor speed. In Table 2, the indirect
parameter 92.02 is now programmed to parameter 1.06 and the drive now will
transmit Output Power to the PLC. Programming the drive parameter to index
6 the third word from the PLC will be Actual 2.
Table 1
Indirect parameter Indirect parameter Parameter actual value
Index pointer setting (Par.92.02) 1.02
5 92.02 1.02 Speed 1200 rpm
Table 2
Indirect parameter Indirect parameter Parameter actual value
Index pointer setting (Par.92.02) 1.06
5 92.02 1.06 Power 100 Kw
Overview 19
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The fourth PLC word is using the indirect pointer parameter 90.01. The indirect
parameter 90.01 is programmed to 22.03 (Decel Time 1). The fourth word from
the PLC will write parameter 22.03 (Decel Time 1).
From To
20 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The example below shows the setup of group 51 (fieldbus parameters). The
drive has been programmed to use the index number. The first input word will
read Main Status Word. The second PLC word will read the Speed; the third
PLC word will read Torque and the fourth PLC word will read Actual 3 or DC
Bus Voltage.
The fourth PLC word is using the indirect pointer parameter 92.04. The indirect
parameter 92.04 is programmed to 1.07 (DC Bus Voltage). The fourth word
from the PLC will read parameter 1.07 (DC Bus Voltage).
To From
Overview 21
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The example below shows the setup of group 51 (fieldbus parameters). The
drive has been programmed to use parameter direct numbers. The first output
word will write Main Control Word. The second PLC word will write Ext Refer-
ence 1; third PLC word will write Ext Reference 2 and the fourth PLC word will
write Decel Time 1.
The PLC write output 1 - 3 will error because parameters 3.01, 1.11 and 1.12
are read only parameters. The PLC will not error on output word 4, because
parameter 22.03 (Decel Time 1) is a read/write parameter.
From To
22 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Parameters in group 51 are now reprogrammed to use the index numbering.
Parameter 51.19 is programmed to 1, 51.20 is programmed to 2 and 51.21 is
programmed to 3. The PLC can write Main Control Word, Reference 1, and
Reference 2 without errors.
From To
Overview 23
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The example below shows the setup of group 51 (fieldbus parameters). The
drive has been programmed to use the parameter number direct. The first
input word will read Main Status Word; the second PLC word will read Speed;
the third PLC word will read Torque and the fourth PLC word will read Actual
3 or DC Bus Voltage.
To From
24 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The ACS800 standard drive software has 4 data sets. The table below displays
the 4 data sets and their corresponding indirect pointer parameter numbers.
Data from fieldbus controller to drive Data from drive to fieldbus controller
Word Contents Selector Word Contents Selector
8 2nd word Reference 4 Par. 90.02 11 2nd word Actual 4 Par. 92.05
9 3rd word Reference 5 Par. 90.03 12 3rd word Actual 5 Par. 92.06
Overview 25
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The DCS800 standard drive software has 8 data sets. The table below displays
the 8 data sets and their corresponding indirect pointer parameter numbers.
Data from fieldbus controller to drive Data from drive to fieldbus controller
Word Contents Selector Word Contents Selector
2 2nd word Reference 1 Par. 90.02 5 2nd word Actual 1 Par. 92.02
3 3rd word Reference 2 Par. 90.03 6 3rd word Actual 2 Par. 92.03
Data set 3 Data set 4
Index Auxiliary Reference data set DS3 Index Aux. Actual Signal data set DS4
7 1st word Reference 3 Par. 90.04 10 1st word Actual 3 Par. 92.04
8 2nd word Reference 4 Par. 90.05 11 2nd word Actual 4 Par. 92.05
9 3rd word Reference 5 Par. 90.06 12 3rd word Actual 5 Par. 92.06
20 2nd word Reference 10 Par. 90.11 23 2nd word Actual 10 Par. 92.11
21 3rd word Reference 11 Par. 90.12 24 3rd word Actual 11 Par. 92.12
26 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The ACS550 and ACH550 standard drive software has 2 data sets. The
table below displays both data sets and their corresponding indirect pointer
parameter numbers.
Data from fieldbus controller to drive Data from drive to fieldbus controller
Word Contents Selector Word Contents Selector
Overview 27
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The ACS850 & ACSM1 have a 16 bit data set and a 32 bit data set. Within the
standard drive software are 2 data sets. The table below displays both data
sets and their corresponding indirect pointer parameter numbers.
Data from fieldbus controller to drive Data from drive to fieldbus controller
Word Contents Selector Word Contents Selector
2 2nd word Reference 1 (Fixed) 16 bits 5 2nd word Actual value 1 (Fixed) 16 bits
3 3rd word Reference 2 (Fixed) 16 bits 6 3rd word Actual value 2 (Fixed) 16 bits
12 2nd word Reference 1 (Fixed) 32 bits 15 2nd word Actual value 1 (Fixed) 32 bits
13 3rd word Reference 2 (Fixed) 32 bits 16 3rd word Actual value 2 (Fixed) 32 bits
Note! If the selected data is 32 bits long, two parameters are reserved for the transmission.
28 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Protocol Information
Communication profiles are ways of conveying control commands (Control
word, Status word, references and actual values) between the master station
and the drive.
The ABB Drive may employ either the ODVA AC/DC (generic profile) Drive
profile or the ABB Drives profile. In addition, two Transperant modes for 16 and
32 bit words respectively are available. With the Transparent modes, no data
conversion takes place in the Fieldbus module.
Assembly Objects
I/O Assembly objects may also be referred to as Block Transfer of data. Intelli-
gent devices realizing a Functional Profile, such as the ABB Fieldbus modules,
have several objects. Since it is not possible to transmit more than one object
data through a single connection, it is practical and more efficient to group at-
tributes from different objects into a single I/O connection using the Assembly
object. The Assembly object acts as a tool for grouping these attributes.
Overview 29
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Understanding the profile conversion between the Fieldbus controller and the
ABB drive. All of ABB Drives have an internal profile used by the drive for its
Main Control word, Main Status word, Speed Reference and Actual Speed.
The information below will explain what happens to the communications be-
tween the Fieldbus Controller and the ABB drive.
The drive operates on a given profile in the drive. The drive block below will
show what the internal drive profile is for a given product. For example the
ABB ACS800 drive operates on ABB Drives profile.
Drive Block
Drive Internal Drive Profile Data 1 Data 2
In the example below the Fieldbus controller is programmed for ABB Drives
Profile and the RETA-01 is installed on an ACS550 drive. The information from
the Fieldbus controller to the RETA-01, or data 2 path the communications will
be in ABB Drives profile. The RETA-01 with convert the ABB Drives profile to
DCU Drive profile. The information from the RETA-01 to the ACS550, or data
1 path the communications will be in DCU Drives profile. This means the Main
Control word in the Fieldbus Controller will not match the Main Control word
parameter in the ACS550 drive bit for bit.
Data 1 Data 2
Drive Block In ABB
Drives profile Drives profile Fieldbus
Drive Internal Drive Profile Fieldbus Option
The RETA-01
ACS800 ABB Drives Profile Program for
converts the
DCS800 ABB Drives Profile ABB Drives
ABB Drives
profile to DCU
Drive profile
ACS350/355 DCU Drives Profile
E-Clipse Bypass DCU Drives Profile
Note: Information about the DCU Drives profile can be found in the ACS350,
ACS355, ACH550 and ACS550 User Manual.
30 Overview
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
With the RCNA-01 module, the ControlNet network may employ either the
ODVA AC/DC Drive profile or the ABB Drives profile. The ACS800 drive prod-
uct converts the ODVA profile to the ABB Profile (detailed in the drive docu-
mentation) by the RCNA-01 module. The DCS800 drive employs only ABB
Drives profiles. The DCS800 drive does not support the ODVA profile. With the
ACS550 and ACH550 both the ODVA and ABB Profiles are converted to the
DCU profile (detailed in the drive documentation) by the RCNA-01 module.
Assembly objects
I/O Assembly Instances may also be referred to as Block Transfer of data.
Intelligent devices realizing a Functional Profile, such as the RCNA-01 have
several objects. Since it is not possible to transmit more than one object data
through a single connection, it is practical and more efficient to group attributes
from different objects into a single I/O connection (for example a Polled Con-
nection) using the Assembly object. The Assembly object acts as a tool for
grouping these attributes.
The Assembly selections described above are, in fact, instances of the Assem-
bly object class. The RCNA-01 uses dynamic assemblies that are configured
by VSA I/O size.
Reference Documentation:
ACS550-U1 Users Manual DCS800 Firmware Manual
3AUA0000001609 3ADW000193
Mechanical installation
1. Insert the RCNA-01 into its specified slot in the drive (SLOT2 for ACS550,
SLOT1 for ACS800 and the DCS800)
ControlNet - Drive Setup
2. Using the two mounting screws included in the module kit fasten the
module to the drive.
Electrical installation
3. Arrange the bus cables as far away from the motor cables as possible.
Avoid parallel runs. See the RCNA-01 Users Manual for connection and
bus termination details.
The detailed procedure of activating the drive for communication with the
module is dependent on the drive type. Parameter(s) must be adjusted to
activate the desired communication port.
Refer to the Users/Firmware Manual of the drive for additional protocol and
profile settings.
* For new drives system installations select either ABB DRIVE profile or Generic Drive
profile. If replacing drives with application program 2.8 and 3.0 select CSA 2.8/3.0
profile for backward compatibility.
The communication profile setting in the table below is parameter 98.07 in the
ACS800 drive product. The ACS800 is the only drive product that this drive
parameter will need to be programmed. Example: the drive is programmed to
use assembly instances 21 and 71, parameter 98.07 needs to be programmed
to Generic Drive Profile.
Table 3: Possible combinations of Input & Output Assembly Instances
Output Instance Input Instance Communication Profile To Be Used
NOTE! Assembly instance 103 can be used with AC/DC drive profile if it contains only drive
parameters and not data sets.
NOTE! The MODULE STATUS LED should be green. The MODULE OWNED LED should
be blinking green. If the network cable is connected to an active network, the green
CHANNEL A or B LED should also be lit or blinking. If the configuration
is correct, drive parameter group 51 should appear in the parameter list of the drive and
show the status of the RCNA-01 configuration parameters.
ControlNet - Drive Setup 33
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
NOTE! I nput and Output assemblies connection sizes must match parameter 51.26 VSA I/O.
The Input and Output assemblies will always equal eachother. ex: parameter 51.26 is
programmed to 5, Input assembly size will be 5 words and Output assembly size will be 5 words.
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
34 ControlNet - Drive Setup
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
NOTE! ABB recommends using the data sets and index pointers when available in the drive
product. Mapping parameters directly may result in slower update times or drive faults
and should be used only after all data sets are occupied.
51.03 MODULE BAUD RATE (5) = 5 MBit/s (5) = 5 MBit/s (5) = 5 MBit/s
51.05 STOP FUNCTION (1) Coast Stop (1) Coast Stop (1) Coast Stop
51.09 OUTPUT I/O PAR 2 (2) Reference 1 (2) Speed Ref (2) Reference 1
51.10 OUTPUT I/O PAR 3 (3) Reference 2 (3) Torq Ref A (3) Reference 2
51.12 INPUT I/O PAR 1 (4) Status Word (4) Status Word (4) Status Word
(10) DsetXplus-
(10) Actual Ref 3 3Val1
51.15 INPUT I/O PAR 4 (106) POWER
(305 FAULT WORD 1) (802 Auxiliary
Status Word)
(2205) DECEL
51.17 OUTPUT I/O PAR 6 (9) AUX DS REF5 (9) DsetXplus2Val3
(12) DsetXplus-
(12) Actual 5
51.22 INPUT I/O PAR 6 3Val3 (105) TORQUE
(306 FAULT WORD 2)
(108 MotTorq)
(16) DsetXplus-
(114) OP HOUR (109) OUTPUT
51.23 INPUT I/O PAR 7 5Val1
(901 FaultWord1)
(17) DsetXplus-
(115) KWH COUN-
51.24 INPUT I/O PAR 8 (117) DI 6-1 STATUS 5Val2
(902 FaultWord2)
(18) DsetXplus-
(128) PID 1
51.25 INPUT I/O PAR 9 (121) RO 3-1 STATUS 5Val3
(903 FaultWord3)
(1202) Const-
90.06 DsetXplus2Val3 N/A N/A
(1203) Const-
90.07 DsetXplus4Val1 N/A N/A
(1204) Const-
90.08 DsetXplus4Val2 N/A N/A
(1205) Const-
90.09 DsetXplus4Val3 N/A N/A
** New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
The example will write the Main Control Word, Speed Ref, and nine user con-
figured parameters. It will read Main status word, Actual speed, and nine user
NOTE! ABB recommends using the data sets and index pointers when available in the drive
product. Mapping parameters directly may result in slower update times or drive faults
and should be used only after all data sets are occupied.
51.09 OUTPUT I/O PAR 2 (7) AUX DS REF3 (2204) ACCEL TIME 2
51.10 OUTPUT I/O PAR 3 (8) AUX DS REF4 (2205) DECEL TIME 2
51.11 OUTPUT I/O PAR 4 (9) AUX DS REF5 (1202) CONST SPEED 1
51.12 INPUT I/O PAR 1 (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque) (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque)
(11) Actual 4
51.14 INPUT I/O PAR 3 (104) CURRENT
(308 ALARM WORD 1)
(12) Actual 5
51.15 INPUT I/O PAR 4 (105) TORQUE
(306 FAULT WORD 2)
51.16 OUTPUT I/O PAR 5 (1203) CONST SPEED 2 (1203) CONST SPEED 2
51.17 OUTPUT I/O PAR 6 (1204) CONST SPEED 3 (1204) CONST SPEED 3
51.18 OUTPUT I/O PAR 7 (1205) CONST SPEED 4 (1205) CONST SPEED 4
51.20 OUTPUT I/O PAR 9 (1207) CONST SPEED 6 (1207) CONST SPEED 6
51.22 INPUT I/O PAR 6 (117) DI 6-1 STATUS (115) KWH COUNTER
51.23 INPUT I/O PAR 7 (121) RO 3-1 STATUS (128) PID 1 SETPNT
51.24 INPUT I/O PAR 8 (135) MOTOR 1 TEMP (141) MWH COUNTER
Reference Documentation:
RCNA-01 Installation
3. Program the following information. The example below is using the ABB
Profile 102 and 103.
Enter the name ABB RCNA-01 uses 16 Bit
that will be given words, change Comm Format Enter the Input/Output
to the RCNA-01. to Data-INT (16 Bits). Assembly Instances.
ControlNet - PLC Setup
The following table will display Input and Output Assembly Instances and
I/O memory size. Reference User Manual for the RCNA-01 Module for more
information on Input/Output Assembly Instances.
Input Assembly Output Assembly Drive Parameter PLC Input PLC Output
Instances Instances 51.26 Value Word Size Word Size
70 20 2 4 2
71 21 2 4 2
171 121 9 13 11
101 100 2 4 2
103 102 9 11 9
3. (continued)
The value of Input Assembly size, needs to equal drive parameter 51.26 plus two
additional words.
The value of Output Assembly size, needs to be equal to drive parameter 51.26.
IF Input Assembly is 171, the value of Input Assembly size, needs to equal drive
IF Output Assembly is 121, the value of Output Assembly size, needs to equal
drive parameter 51.26 plus two additional words.
7. Click OK.
9. The Max Scheduled Address should be equal to or greater then the last
address node on the ControlNet network. Click OK.
ControlNet - PLC Setup
10. Click file and select Save As and name the file. RSNetWorx will then ask if
the changes should be downloaded to the keeper.
ControlNet - PLC Setup
With the RDNA-01 module, the DeviceNet network may employ either the
ODVA AC/DC Drive profile or the ABB Drives profile. The ACS800 drive prod-
uct converts the ODVA profile to ABB Profile (detailed in the drive documenta-
tion) by the RDNA-01 module. The DCS800 drive employs only ABB Drives
profiles. The DCS800 drive does not support the ODVA profile. With the
ACS550 and ACH550 both the ODVA and ABB Profiles are converted to the
Assembly objects
The Assembly selections described above are, in fact, instances of the Assem-
bly object class. The RDNA-01 uses dynamic assemblies that are configured
by VSA I/O size.
Reference Documentation:
Mechanical installation
1. Insert the RDNA-01 into its specified slot in the drive (SLOT2 for ACS550,
SLOT1 for ACS800 and DCS800)
2. Using the two mounting screws included in the module kit fasten the
module to the drive.
Electrical installation
The detailed procedure of activating the drive for communication with the
module is dependent on the drive type. Parameter(s) must be adjusted to
activate the desired communication port.
Refer to the User/Firmware Manual of the drive for additional protocol and
profile settings.
* For new drives system installations select either ABB DRIVE profile or Generic Drive profile.
If replacing drives with application program 2.8 and 3.0 select CSA 2.8/3.0 profile for backward
The communication profile setting in the table below is parameter 98.07 in the
ACS800 drive product. The ACS800 is the only drive product that this drive
parameter will need to be programmed. Example: the drive is programmed to
use assembly instances 21 and 71, parameter 98.07 needs to be programmed
to Generic Drive Profile.
Table 4: Possible combinations of Input & Output Assembly Instances
Output Instance Input Instance Communication Profile To Be Used
NOTE! Assembly instance 103 can be used with AC/DC drive profile if it contains only drive
parameters and not data sets.
If the network cable is connected to an active network, the green NETWORK
STATUS LED should also be lit or blinking. If the configuration is correct, drive
parameter group 51 should appear in the parameter list of the drive and show the
status of the RDNA-01 configuration parameters.
DeviceNet - Drive Setup 55
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
56 DeviceNet - Drive Setup
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
51.03 MODULE BAUD RATE (5) = 5 MBit/s (5) = 5 MBit/s (5) = 5 MBit/s
51.05 STOP FUNCTION (1) Coast Stop (1) Coast Stop (1) Coast Stop
51.09 OUTPUT I/O PAR 2 (2) Reference 1 (2) Speed Ref (2) Reference 1
51.10 OUTPUT I/O PAR 3 (3) Reference 2 (3) Torq Ref A (3) Reference 2
51.12 INPUT I/O PAR 1 (4) Status Word (4) Status Word (4) Status Word
(10) DsetXplus-
(10) Actual Ref 3
51.15 INPUT I/O PAR 4 (305 FAULT WORD (106) POWER
(802 Auxiliary
Status Word)
(11) Actual 4
(11) DsetXplus3Val2
(101 MotSpeedFilt)
(16) DsetXplus-
(114) OP HOUR (109) OUTPUT VOLT-
51.23 INPUT I/O PAR 7 5Val1
DeviceNet - Drive Setup
(901 FaultWord1)
(17) DsetXplus-
(115) KWH COUN-
51.24 INPUT I/O PAR 8 (117) DI 6-1 STATUS 5Val2
(902 FaultWord2)
(18) DsetXplus-
(121) RO 3-1
51.25 INPUT I/O PAR 9 5Val3 (128) PID 1 SETPNT
(903 FaultWord3)
(1202) Const-
90.06 DsetXplus2Val3 N/A N/A
(1203) Const-
90.07 DsetXplus4Val1 N/A N/A
(1204) Const-
90.08 DsetXplus4Val2 N/A N/A
(1205) Const-
90.09 DsetXplus4Val3 N/A N/A
** New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
51.03 MODULE BAUD RATE (0) 125 Kbits (0) 125 Kbits
51.09 OUTPUT I/O PAR 2 (7) AUX DS REF3 (2204) ACCEL TIME 2
51.10 OUTPUT I/O PAR 3 (8) AUX DS REF4 (2205) DECEL TIME 2
51.11 OUTPUT I/O PAR 4 (9) AUX DS REF5 (1202) CONST SPEED 1
51.12 INPUT I/O PAR 1 (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque) (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque)
(11) Actual 4
51.14 INPUT I/O PAR 3 (104) CURRENT
(308 ALARM WORD 1)
(12) Actual 5
51.15 INPUT I/O PAR 4 (105) TORQUE
(306 FAULT WORD 2)
51.16 OUTPUT I/O PAR 5 (1203) CONST SPEED 2 (1203) CONST SPEED 2
51.17 OUTPUT I/O PAR 6 (1204) CONST SPEED 3 (1204) CONST SPEED 3
51.18 OUTPUT I/O PAR 7 (1205) CONST SPEED 4 (1205) CONST SPEED 4
51.19 OUTPUT I/O PAR 8 (1206) CONST SPEED 5 (1206) CONST SPEED 5
51.20 OUTPUT I/O PAR 9 (1207) CONST SPEED 6 (1207) CONST SPEED 6
51.22 INPUT I/O PAR 6 (117) DI 6-1 STATUS (115) KWH COUNTER
51.23 INPUT I/O PAR 7 (121) RO 3-1 STATUS (128) PID 1 SETPNT
51.24 INPUT I/O PAR 8 (135) MOTOR 1 TEMP (141) MWH COUNTER
This document contains the basic start-up procedure of the ACS350, ACS355,
ACS850, ACH550 with E-Clipse Bypass and ACSM1 drives with the FDNA-
01 DeviceNet Adapter Module. The FDNA-01 DeviceNet Adapter Module is
an optional device for the ABB ACS350, ACS355, ACS850, ACH550 with E-
Clipse Bypass and ACSM1 drive which enables the connection of the drive to
a DeviceNet network. Reference the specific drive user manual and FDNA-01
users manuals for additional product information.
With the FDNA-01 module, the DeviceNet network may employ either the
ODVA AC/DC Drive profile or the ABB Drives profile. The two profiles are
converted to the DCU profile for the ACS350, ACS355 (detailed in the drive
documentation) by the FDNA-01 module. In addition, two Transparent modes
for 16 and 32 bit words respectively are available. With the Transparent modes,
Assembly objects
The Assembly selections described above are, in fact, instances of the Assem-
bly object class. The FDNA-01 uses Static assemblies (in other words, fixed
groupings of different object data only).
Reference Documentation:
ACS350 Users Manual ACSM1 Speed and Torque Control
3AFE68462401 Program Firmware Manual
ACS355 Users Manual
3AUA0000066143 ACH550 E-Clipse Bypass Users Manual, US
Firmware Manual ACS850 Standard
Control Program FDNA-01 DeviceNet Adapter Users Manual
3AUA0000045497 3AFE68573360
DeviceNet - Drive Setup 63
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
FDNA-01 Installation
Mechanical installation
Electrical installation
4. Arrange the bus cables as far away from the motor cables as possible.
Avoid parallel runs. See the FDNA-01 Users Manual for connection
and bus termination details.
DeviceNet - Drive Setup
The detailed procedure of activating the drive for communication with the
module is dependent on the drive type. Parameter(s) must be adjusted to
activate the desired communication port. Refer to the User/Firmware Manual
of the drive for additional protocol and profile settings.
NOTE! The HOST LED should be green. If the network cable is connected to an active
network, the MODULE and NETWORK LEDs should also be lit or blinking green.
If the configuration is correct, drive parameter group 51 should appear in the parameter
list of the drive and show the status of the FDNA-01 configuration parameters.
The table below highlights the amount of data that will be transmitted and
received from the fieldbus controller for a given profile. The column labeled
Size will need to be programmed in the fieldbus controller. The Profile column
states the profile (Main Control, Status Word) the drive will be using for control.
Table 4: Input & Output Assembly Instances
Output Input Size
Name Profile
Instance Instance (bytes)
Basic Speed Control 20 70 4 ODVA AC/DC Drive
ABB Drives Profile with Set Speed 801 851 4 ABB Drives Profile
51.02 MAC ID 0 TO 63 63
51.04 RESERVED 0 0
51.11 See table 6 128
(0) DONE
51.27* FBA Par Refresh (0) DONE
This parameter is only used when the Output Assembly Instance is 120, 121, 122, 123, 901 or
902. It should always be set to the default, 10, except as described in the appendix of FDANA-01
Users Manual.
This parameter is only used when the Input Assembly Instance is 170, 171, 172, 173, 951, or
952. It should always be set to the default, 10, except as described in the appendix of the FDNA-
01 Users Manual.
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameters 51.27 to REFRESH.
-4 124 16 RPM
-3 125 8 RPM
-2 126 4 RPM
-1 127 2 RPM
-4 124 16 NM
-3 125 8 NM
-2 126 4 NM
-1 127 2 NM
0 (default) 128 1 NM
1 129 0.5 NM
2 130 0.25 NM
3 131 0.125 NM
4 132 0.0625 NM
5 133 0.03125 NM
Use ODVA Speed/Torque Scale Value when reading/writing ODVA Speed or Torque scale via
the AC/DC Drive Object (2Ah). When written via AC/DC Drive Object, the new value takes effect
Use Drive Parameter Speed/Torque Scale Value when reading/writing ODVA Speed or Torque
Scale via the drive panel, drive parameter object (90h) and drive configuration object (91h). When
written via these methods, the new value takes effect after the drive is repowered or a Fieldbus
Adapter Parameter Refresh is given.
*** To map E-Clipse Bypass parameters in groups 54 or 55, program parameters 5401...5410
or 5501...5510 and add 10,000 to the E-Clipse Bypass parameter value. For example to read
E-Clipse Bypass parameter 0106 (KW Hours), program parameter 5401 to 10106.
DeviceNet - Drive Setup 69
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The example will write the ODVA Main Control Word, Speed Ref and Torque
Ref. It will read ODVA Main status word, Actual speed, Actual Torque.
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
51.02 MAC ID 5 6
52.08 DATA IN 8 0 0
52.09 DATA IN 9 0 0
52.10 DATA IN 10 0 0
53.01 DATA OUT 1 (2204) Acc time2 - MSW (2503) Acc time - MSW
53.02 DATA OUT 2 (0) Acc time2 - LSW (0) Acc time2 - LSW
53.03 DATA OUT 3 (2205) Dec time2 - MSW (2504) Dec time - MSW
53.04 DATA OUT 4 (0) Dec time2 - LSW (0) Dec time - LSW
53.05 DATA OUT 5 (2606) Const speed sel1 (2408) CONST SPEED
53.06 DATA OUT 6 (2607) Const speed sel2 (2410) SPEED REF JOG1
53.07 DATA OUT 7 (2608) Const speed sel3 (2411) SPEED REF JOG2
* *New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
51.02 MAC ID 5 5
**New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
DeviceNet - Drive Setup
This document contains an overview on how to add the ABB Drive (RDNA-01)
that is programmed to nine input words and nine output words to the Devi-
ceNet Scan List with RSNetWorx for DeviceNet. The document also contains
information on how to convert 16 bit words (INT) to 32 bit words (DINT) and
how to switch DINT to INT with RSLogix 5000.
Reference Documentation:
RDNA-01 Installation
This window displays all devices available This window displays all devices
to be added to the DeviceNet Scanner in the DeviceNet Scan List
6. Select a device from the available device list and click the button.
This will move the selected device into the scan list.
8. The default I/O size is 4 bytes (2 words). This setting informs the
DeviceNet scanner to the amount of data that will be sent and received.
Click OK.
The drive parameter 51.26 (VSA I/O Size) will set the amount of data that will
be transmitted and received by the DeviceNet scanner. The Input and Output
size will need to match drive parameter 51.26 (VSA I/O Size). The example be-
low shows the drive parameter 51.26 (VSA I/O Size) programmed to 9 words
IN/OUT from the RDNA-01. The DeviceNet scanner will transmit nine words
and receive nine words every scan.
NOTE! If the Input Assembly is 171, the value of Input Assembly size, needs to equal drive
parameter 51.26 plus two additional words. If the Output Assembly is 121, the value of
Output Assembly size, needs to equal drive parameter 51.26 plus two additional words.
The DeviceNet scanner mapped all nine input words into five 32 bit (DINT) and
word five is only using 16 bits of the 32 bit word. The DeviceNet scanner did
the same for the output data. The I/O data will be remapped in the PLC into 16
bit words. (INTs).
DeviceNet - PLC Setup
11. Enter a rung with a COPY FILE instruction in RSLogix 5000. Create a
PLC tag array of ten (INT) named INPUT_INT_ARRAY. This COPY FILE
instruction will remap five (DINT) 32 bit words to ten (INT) 16 bit words.
The length in the COPY FILE instruction refers to the Destination length
(10 - INTs)
12. Enter a rung with a COPY FILE instruction in RSLogix 5000. Create a PLC
tag array of ten (INT) named OUTPUT_INT_ARRAY. This COPY FILE
instruction will remap ten (INT) 16 bit words to five (DINT) 32 bit words.
The length in the COPY FILE instruction refers to the Destination length
(5 - DINTs)
A sample INT to DINT RSLogix 5000 PLC program (see also page 95) can be
DeviceNet - PLC Setup
found at:
This document contains an overview on how to add the ABB Drive (FDNA-01)
that is programmed to three input words and three output words to the Devi-
ceNet Scan List with RSNetWorx for DeviceNet. The document will assist in
remapping the 16 bit words to 32 bit words.
Reference Documentation:
Firmware Manual
ACSM1 Speed and Torque Control Program
FDNA-01 Installation
This window displays all devices available This window displays all devices
to be added to the DeviceNet Scanner in the DeviceNet Scan List
6. Select a device from the available device list and click the button.
This will move the selected device into the scan list.
The table below highlights the amount of data that will be transmitted and
received from the fieldbus controller for a given profile. The column labeled
Size will need to be programmed in the fieldbus controller. The Profile column
states the profile (Main Control, Status Word) the drive will be using for control.
ABB Drives Profile with Set Speed 801 851 4 ABB Drives Profile
8. The default I/O size is 4 bytes (2 words). This setting informs the
DeviceNet scanner to the amount of data that will be sent and received.
Click OK.
The example below uses input assembly instance 952 and output assembly
instance of 902. The input size will be programmed to 26 bytes and the output
size will be programmed to 26 bytes.
The DeviceNet scanner mapped all 13 input words into seven 32 bit (DINT)
and word seven is only using 16 bits of the 32 bit word. The DeviceNet scanner
did the same thing for the output data. The I/O data will be remapped in the
PLC into 16 bit words (INTs).
11. Enter a rung with a COPY FILE instruction in RSLogix 5000. Create a PLC
tag array of fourteen (INT) named INPUT_INT_ARRAY. This COPY FILE
instruction will remap 7 (DINT) 32 bit words to 14 (INT) 16 bit words.
Source (32 Bit Words) Destination (16 Bit Words)
The length in the COPY FILE instruction refers to the Destination length
(14 - INTs)
12. Enter a rung with a COPY FILE instruction in RSLogix 5000. Create a PLC
tag array of fourteen (INT) named OUTPUT_INT_ARRAY. This COPY FILE
instruction will remap 14 (INT) 16 bit words to 7 (DINT) 32 bit words.
The length in the COPY FILE instruction refers to the Destination length
(7 - DINTs)
A sample INT to DINT RSLogix 5000 PLC Program can be found at:
DeviceNet - PLC Setup
With the RETA-01 module, the EtherNet network may employ either the ODVA
AC/DC Drive profile or the ABB Drives profile. The ACS800 drive product
converts the ODVA profile to ABB Profile (detailed in the drive documentation)
by the RETA-01 module. The DCS800 drive employs only ABB Drives profiles.
The DCS800 drive does not support the ODVA profile. The ACS550/ACH550
both ODVA/ABB Profiles are converted to the DCU profile (detailed in drive
documentation) by the RETA-01 module.
Assembly objects
I/O Assembly Instances may also be referred to as Block Transfer of data.
Intelligent devices realizing a Functional Profile, such as the RETA-01, have
several objects. Since it is not possible to transmit more than one object data
through a single connection, it is practical and more efficient to group attributes
from different objects into a single I/O connection (for example a Polled Con-
nection) using the Assembly object. The Assembly object acts as a tool for
grouping these attributes.
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
Reference Documentation:
Preliminary preparation
3. Using the two mounting screws included in the module kit fasten the
module to the drive.
Electrical installations
4. Arrange the bus cables as far away from the motor cables as possible.
Avoid parallel runs. See the RETA-01 Users Manual for connection and
bus termination details.
The detailed procedure of activating the drive for communication with the
module is dependent on the drive type. Parameter(s) must be adjusted to
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
* For new drives system installations select either ABB DRIVE profile or Generic Drive profile.
If replacing drives with application program 2.8 and 3.0 select CSA 2.8/3.0 profile for backward
Table 3: DCS800 and DCS800 Parameter Settings
Par. No. Parameter Name Setting
NOTE! The MODULE STATUS LED should be green. If the network cable is connected to an
active network, the green LINK/ACTIVITY LED should also be lit or blinking. If the
configuration is correct, drive parameter group 51 should appear in the parameter list of
the drive and show the status of the RETA-01 configuration parameters.
NOTE! Assembly instance 103 can be used with AC/DC drive profile if it contains only drive
parameters and not data sets.
The communication profile setting in the table above is parameter 98.07 in the
ACS800 drive product. The ACS800 is the only drive product that this drive
parameter will need to be programmed. Example: the drive is programmed to
use assembly instances 21 and 71, parameter 98.07 needs to be programmed
to Generic Drive Profile.
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup 99
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
Network configuration
To enable communication through the EtherNet network, the module must be
configured for the network. There are numerous ways of setting the module
IP address (DIP switch settings, DHCP/BOOTP, parameter settings, gleaning,
EtherNet/IP); references RETA-01 user manuals section Network configura-
tion for more information.
(0) Auto-negotiate
(1) 100 Mbit/s, full duplex
51.02 COMM RATE (2) 100 Mbit/s, half duplex (0) Auto-negotiate
(3) 10 Mbit/s, full duplex
(4) 10 Mbit/s, half duplex
51.12 0...255 0
Address 1
51.13 0...255 0
Address 2
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
51.14 0...255 0
Address 3
51.15 0...255 0
Address 4
(0) Modbus/TCP
(1) EtherNet/IP AC/DC
communication profile
51.16 Protocol (0) Modbus/TCP
(2) EtherNet/IP ABB
Drives communication
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
The drive is programmed to use data sets to write Main control word,
reference 1, reference 2 and one additional parameter. The drive is pro-
grammed to read main status word, actual 1 and actual 2 and one additional
parameters. Information on how a data set works can be found in the Overview
section of this publication.
NOTE! ABB recommends using the data sets and index pointers when available in the drive
product. Mapping parameters directly may result in slower update times or drive faults
and should be used only after all data sets are occupied.
51.06 IP address 3 0 0 0
51.07 IP address 4 15 16 17
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
51.14 GW address 3 0 0 0
51.15 GW address 4 1 1 1
(2205) ACCEL
51.22 Output 4 (7) AUX DS REF3 (7) AUX DS REF3
51.23 Input 1 (4) Status Word (4) Status Word (4) Status Word
(10) DsetXplus-
(10) Actual Ref 3 3Val1
51.26 Input 4 (106) POWER
(305 FAULT WORD 1) (802) Auxiliary
Status Word)
** New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
NOTE! The connection size programmed in the drive will need to match the PLC connection
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
size. If parameter 51.19 - 51.26 are programmed to zero, this is the same as being
disabled. (ie. Parameters 51.19, 51.20 and 51.21 are programmed to a valid setting and
51.21 is programmed to zero, the output assembly connection size will be three words.)
51.06 IP address 3 0
51.07 IP address 4 15
51.14 GW address 3 0
51.15 GW address 4 1
** When output instance 20 or 21 and input instance 70 or 71 are selected the Input & Output I/O
Parameters 51.08 - 51.25 MUST be set to the default value of (0)
*** New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
104 EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
Basic Guide to Communications ODVA
The example will write the Main Control Word, Speed Ref, and four user con-
figured parameters. It will read Main status word, Actual speed, and four user
configured parameters. The Assembly Instance 121 & 171 the Main Control,
Speed Ref, Main status word, Actual speed do not have to be programmed in
group 51 Input/Output I/O parameters.
BB recommends using the data sets and index pointers when available in the drive
product. Mapping parameters directly may result in slower update times or drive faults
and should be used only after all data sets are occupied.
51.07 IP address 4 15 15
51.14 GW address 3 0 0
51.15 GW address 4 1 1
51.23 Input 1 (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque)** (6) Actual Ref 2 (Torque)**
** Minimum connection size for assembly 121&171 is 3 words transmitted and received.
Parameter 51.19 and 51.23 must be programmed to a value other then zero.
*** New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH.
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
This document contains the basic start-up procedure of the ACS350, ACS355
drives and ACH550 with E-Clipse Bypass, with the FENA-01/-11 EtherNet
Adapter Module. The FENA-01/-11 EtherNet Adapter Module is an optional
device for the ABB ACS350, ACS355 drive and ACH500 with E-Clipse Bypass
which enables the connection of the drive to an EtherNet/IP or Modbus/TCP
network. Reference the specific drive user manual and FENA-01/-11 users
manuals for additional product information.
With the FENA-01/-11 module, the EtherNet network may employ either the
ODVA AC/DC Drive profile or the ABB Drives profile. The two profiles are con-
verted to the DCU profile (detailed in the drive documentation) by the FENA-
01/-11 module. In addition, two Transparent modes for 16 and 32 bit words
respectively are available. With the Transparent modes, no data conversion
takes place.
Assembly objects
I/O Assembly Instances may also be referred to as Block Transfer of data. In-
telligent devices realizing a Functional Profile, such as the FENA-01/-11, have
several objects. Since it is not possible to transmit more than one object data
through a single connection, it is practical and more efficient to group attributes
from different objects into a single I/O connection (for example a Polled Con-
nection) using the Assembly object. The Assembly object acts as a tool for
grouping these attributes.
The Assembly selections described above are, in fact, instances of the As-
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
sembly object class. The FENA-01/-11 uses Static assemblies (in other words,
fixed groupings of different object data only).
Reference Documentation:
ACS355 Users Manual
FENA-01/-11 EtherNet Adapter Module 3AUA0000066143
Users Manual
3AUA0000093568 ACH550 E-Clipse Bypass Users Manual,
US 3AUA000081823
ACS350 Users Manual
FENA-01/-11 Installation
Preliminary preparation
1. Before installation, write down the MAC ID of the module (Printed on
a sticker located on the front of the module)
Mechanical installation
2. Install clamping plate and fieldbus option ground plate, clamps and
4. Using the mounting screw included in the module kit fasten the module to
the drive.
Electrical installation
The detailed procedure of activating the drive for communication with the
module is dependent on the drive type. Parameter(s) must be adjusted to
activate the desired communication port. Refer to the User/Firmware Manual
of the drive for additional protocol and profile settings.
6. Power up the drive.
NOTE! The HOST LED should be green. If the network cable is connected to an active network,
the MODULE and NETWORK LEDs should also be lit or blinking green. If the configuration is
correct, drive parameter group 51 should appear in the parameter list of the drive and show the
status of the FENA-01/-11 configuration parameters.
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
The table below highlights the amount of data that will be transmitted and
received from the fieldbus controller for a given profile. The size column will
need to be programmed in the fieldbus controller. The column labeled Profile
states the profile (Main Control, Status Word) the drive will be using for control.
Table 2: Input & Output Assembly Instances
Output Input Size
Name Profile
Instance Instance (bytes)
Network configuration
(0) ABB Drives Classic
(1) ABB Drives Enhanced
(2) Transparent 16-bit
(3) Transparent 32-bit
PROTOCOL/ (0) Modbus/TCP - ABB
PROFILE Drives Classic
(100) ODVA AC/DC Drive
(101) ABB Drives Profile
(102) Transparent 16-bit
(103) Transparent 32-bit
(0) Auto-negotiate;
(1) 100 Mbps, Full Duplex
51.03 COMMRATE (2) 100 Mbps, Half Duplex (0) Auto-negotiate
(3) 10 Mbps, Full Duplex
(4) 10 Mbps, Half Duplex
IP (0) Static IP
51.04 (1) Dynamic IP (DHCP)
(0) Off-line
51.21 Idle Action 0
(1) On-line
(0) Ramp
51.22 ODVA Stop Function 0
(1) Coast
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
Subnet masks
Subnet masks are used for splitting networks into smaller networks called
subnets. A subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number that is used to split the
IP Address into a network address and host address. Subnet masks are
typically represented in either dotted-decimal notation or the more compact
CIDR notation (Classless Inter-Domain Routing).
Table 4: Parameter 51.09 SUBNET CIDR
Dotted Decimal CIDR Dotted Decimal CIDR 31 15 30 14 29 13 28 12 27 11 26 10 25 9 24 8
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup 23 7 22 6 21 5 20 4 19 3 18 2 17 1 16
-4 124 16 RPM
-3 125 8 RPM
-2 126 4 RPM
-1 127 2 RPM
-4 124 16 NM
-3 125 8 NM
-2 126 4 NM
-1 127 2 NM
0 (default) 128 1 NM
1 129 0.5 NM
2 130 0.25 NM
3 131 0.125 NM
4 132 0.0625 NM
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
5 133 0.03125 NM
Use ODVA Speed/Torque Scale Value when reading/writing ODVA Speed or Torque scale via
the AC/DC Drive Object (2Ah). When written via AC/DC Drive Object, the new value takes effect
Use Drive Parameter Speed/Torque Scale Value when reading/writing ODVA Speed or Torque
Scale via the drive panel, drive parameter object (90h) and drive configuration object (91h). When
written via these methods, the new value takes effect after the drive is repowered or a Fieldbus
Adapter Parameter Refresh is given.
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
*** To map E-Clipse Bypass parameters in groups 54 or 55, program parameters 5401...5410
or 5501...5510 and add 10,000 to the E-Clipse Bypass parameter value. For example to read
E-Clipse Bypass parameter 0106 (KW Hours), program parameter 5401 to 10106.
The example will write the ODVA Main Control Word, Speed Ref and Torque
Ref. It will read ODVA Main status word, Actual speed, Actual Torque.
Table 8: I/O Assembly Instance 23 & 73
Example setting for ACS350, Example setting for E-Clipse
Drive Parameter
ACS355 Bypass
51.02 PROTOCOL/PROFILE (100) ODVA AC/DC Drive (100) ODVA AC/DC Drive
51.07 IP ADDRESS 0 0
51.08 IP ADDRESS 2 2
51.10 GW ADDRESS 0 0
51.11 GW ADDRESS 0 0
51.12 GW ADDRESS 0 0
51.13 GW ADDRESS 0 0
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
The example will write the Main Control Word, Speed Ref, Torque Ref, Acceler
Time 2 and Deceler Time 2. It will read Main status word, Actual speed, Actual
Torque, Current, DC Bus Voltage and KW Hours from the Eclipse Bypass unit.
Table 9: I/O Assembly Instance 123 & 173
Example setting for Example setting for E-Clipse
Drive Parameter
ACS350, ACS355 Bypass
51.02 PROTOCOL/PROFILE (100) ODVA AC/DC Drive (100) ODVA AC/DC Drive
51.07 IP ADDRESS 0 0
51.08 IP ADDRESS 2 2
51.10 GW ADDRESS 0 0
51.11 GW ADDRESS 0 0
51.12 GW ADDRESS 0 0
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
51.13 GW ADDRESS 0 0
55.01 FB DATA OUTPUT 1 (2205) ACCELER TIME 2 (2205) ACCELER TIME 2**
55.02 FB DATA OUTPUT 2 (2206) DECELER TIME 2 (2206) DECELER TIME 2**
* New settings take effect only when the module power is cycled or when the module receives a
Fieldbus Adapter parameter refresh by setting parameter 51.27 to REFRESH
*** To map E-Clipse Bypass parameters in groups 54 or 55, program parameters 5401...5410
or 5501...5510 and add 10,000 to the E-Clipse Bypass parameter value. For example to read
E-Clipse Bypass parameter 0106 (KW Hours), program parameter 5401 to 10106.
EtherNet/IP - Drive Setup
Reference Documentation:
NOTE! RSLogix 500 and the PLC processor must support Class 3 messaging.
Transparent16 w/One 61 11 2
Transparent16 w/Two 62 12 3
Transparent32 w/One 71 21 4
Transparent32 w/Two 72 22 6
Enter RIX # for the PLC to use. Enter the Input Assembly number here.
EtherNet/IP - PLC Setup
Transparent16 w/One 61 11 2
Transparent16 w/Two 62 12 3
Transparent32 w/One 71 21 4
Transparent32 w/Two 72 22 6
Reference Documentation:
1. Open RSLogix 5000 and open a RSLogix 5000 program. Right click on
the 1769-L32E EtherNet Port LocalENB. Click on New Module.
3. Program the following information below. The example shown is using the
ABB Profile Assembly Instances 102 and 103. The following table will
display Input and Output Assembly Instances and PLC I/O Memory size.
71 21 2
171 121 6
101 100 2
103 102 4
Enter the name that will Sets the size of the Input/Output
be given to the RETA-01 words for the RETA-01
5. Click Finish.
EtherNet/IP - PLC Setup
Reference Documentation:
71 21 2
72 22 3
73 23 3
170 120 12
171 121 12
172 122 13
173 123 13
51 1 2
52 2 3
151 101 12
152 102 13
61 11 2
62 12 3
161 111 12
162 112 13
5. Click Finish.
ABB drives profile 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, Main Control Word 6, 7, 9, 14,
12, 13, 31, 35, 36, 37, 53, 57, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 35, 39, 57,
58, 59, 63, 66, 69, 71, 72, 91, 61, 69, 70, 71, 102, 105, 114,
97, 102, 103, 107, 109, 110, 116
111, 114, 115, 125, 128
Main Status Word 8, 10, 21, 24,
Assembly Instances 31, 33, 44, 27, 35, 39, 57, 61, 69, 70, 71,
53, 55, 63, 66, 91, 97, 99, 107, 73, 102, 105, 114
110, 132, 133, 138, 139
Index number 18, 19, 20, 21, 23
ABB Inc.
Low Voltage Drives
16250 W. Glendale Drive
New Berlin, WI 53151
Ph: 800-752-0696
Fx: 262-785-0397