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Raymond Mariano

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Raymond Mariano

Raymond V. Mariano (born 1950) is American politi- and 1999. In 1997, Mariano was elected by the largest
cian from Massachusetts. Mariano served as Mayor of proportion of any Mayor in Worcesters history. (He was
Worcester, Massachusetts.[1] Mariano is the former ex- elected with the second largest percentage in the citys
ecutive director of the Worcester Housing Authority. history in 1995.) Mariano did not seek reelection in
2001.[1] Mariano held the position of mayor longer than
anyone else in the Citys history under Plan E govern-
1 Early life and education ment, and is one of only two mayors in the Citys history
to serve four consecutive terms.
Born in 1950, Raymond Mariano is the oldest of nine
children, the son of an immigrant mother and a disabled 3.3 Accomplishments as Mayor
veteran father. Mariano grew up in one of the states
largest public housing projects, Great Brook Valley. As Mayor, Mariano has several accomplishments to his
Mariano graduated with a BA from Worcester State Col- name. Mariano established a highly successful commit-
lege and holds an MPA from Clark University (1982). tee focusing on gang and youth violence and at-risk youth.
Ray has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at Mariano personally led an eort in 2000 which created
several New England colleges and universities. His teach- the largest summer jobs program in the Citys history
ing includes both government and management courses. creating more than 2000 jobs for at-risk young people.
Mariano also created Operation Clean City, a city-wide
beautication program, which won an award for innova-
2 Family tion from the Massachusetts Municipal Association. In-
cluded in this eort was the Mayors College Clean-Up
program which collected nearly 240 tons of illegal de-
Mariano is married to Antonia K. Mariano, a teacher in bris in 5 years and involved thousands of students from
the Worcester Public Schools. The couple has three chil- area colleges. Mariano also brought home the rst federal
dren. grant for the rehabilitation of Union Station and led ef-
forts to build a new convention center (now the Worcester
DCU Center). Perhaps his most well-known endeavor,
3 Political career Mariano was mayor and led the City during the tragic re
that claimed the life of 6 local reghters.
3.1 Early Political Career
In 1974, at the age of 24, Mariano became a candidate 4 Professional career
for the Worcester School Committee placing 7th. Mar-
iano was elevated to ll a term of a retiring member on In 1984 and continuing through 2003, Mariano worked
October 1, 1977. Mariano was re-elected to the School as a marketing and management consultant with clients
Committee in 1977 and again in 1979. throughout the Northeast. Mariano also served as a po-
In 1981, Mariano became the rst member of the litical consultant to local, state, and national candidates
Worcester School Committee to ever win election to an- across the country. Mariano has worked on the presiden-
other oce on his rst try when he was elected to the tial campaigns of Henry Scoop Jackson George Mc-
Worcester City Council. In 1985, Mariano was elected, Govern, Al Gore, and many others.
by his colleagues to serve as Vice Chairman of the City
4.1 Executive Director of the Worcester
Housing Authority
3.2 Mayor of Worcester
In 2003, Mariano became Executive Director of the
In 1993, Mariano was elected as Mayor of the City of Worcester Housing Authority. This agency serves 5,000
Worcester, Massachusetts at the time the second largest families in 24 separate communities and is home to ap-
city in New England. He was reelected in 1995, 1997 proximately 15,000 people. Under his leadership the


agency has reduced crime by 50-75%. The agency, un-

der Mariano, has also dramatically improved the phys-
ical condition of all property and reduced maintenance
response time by 75% and developed a 90+% satisfac-
tion rate as measured by customer survey responses.

4.1.1 Major Reforms at WHA

In 2011, Mariano took steps to convert a number of

properties to be entirely smoke-free.[2] Later that same
year, he instituted an innovative program to require pub-
lic housing recipients under age 50 to either be work-
ing full-time or to be in school full-time, or face rent in-
creases. He argued that public housing has become gen-
erational, rather than the short-term solution for families
that it was intended to be. Mariano, a former resident of
Worcester public housing himself, pitched the program
as one that was designed to make residents self-sucient
and to motivate them to move out of public housing.[3]
The program is already seen as a public housing revolu-
tion that could be replicated across the country.[4]

5 References
[1] Mariano-Murray Mayoral Contest? Makes You Won-
der. Telegram & Gazette. 21 January 2001. Retrieved
27 April 2011.

[2] Smokers adapting to ban in rooms; WHA helps residents

cope with restrictions..

[3] Bronislaus, Kush. Housing Authority gets tough with

tenants. Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

[4] Williamson, Diane. Denigrating aside shaped Mariano.

Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

6 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

6.1 Text
Raymond Mariano Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Mariano?oldid=763492553 Contributors: Rich Farmbrough, Smack-
Bot, Gilliam, Namiba, CmdrObot, Cydebot, Biruitorul, JustAGal, Postcard Cathy, Waacstats, SportEditor, Kumioko (renamed), Angel-
montes127, J04n, Erik9bot, RjwilmsiBot, Khazar2, HAtruman and Anonymous: 8

6.2 Images
File:Ambox_important.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Ambox_important.svg License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work, based o of Image:Ambox scales.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk contribs)

6.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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