List of Topics For Seminar: Global Issues in Design and Fashion

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Global issues in Design and Fashion:

The seminar explores the various dimensions and issues impacting design and fashion
industry globally as well as in India.
- Policies
- Practices
Future Innovations
Design Anthropology :
- Socio-Cultural
- Semiotics and semantics
- Tools of communication
Cognitive and Intuitive Design :
- Process of design
- Systems in fashion
Sustainable Design :
Sustainability in fashion and cradle to cradle approach thinking is an issue at the
forefront of fashion business today. Concepts like recycling, up-cycling,
pre-cycling, preservation, conservation, systems and sustainable practices in
fashion would be explored and understood.
- Environnent
- Practices
- Processes
- Transaction
- Exchange

Fashion Entrepreneurship :
This seminar intends to encourage and make young designers explore the
possibility of entrepreneurship that is creatively and financially satisfying. In a creative
industry it is important to emphasize as well as communicate the newness of an idea
in order to be able to get financial backing for it. The seminar explores concepts that
would help design-based entrepreneurs, inventors, innovators and product developers
during the critical stages of successful business growth.

Fashion and IPR :

The seminar aims to enhance the professional competence and operational efficiency of
students apropos the principal concepts of Intellectual property and its importance as a
spur to human
- Copyrights
- Patents
- Trade Secrets and Tradmark
Term Papers Topics
Designs of the time
India needs design today across all 230 sectors of our economy. The topics below explore
and articulate some of the issues and perspectives that can contribute to a better
understanding of design interventions and opportunities with the craft sector:

Crafts of India
Crafts in Education
Crafts Ecology
Social Innovations in Design

System Design
One task of design education is the designing of designers themselves: building the
character and competence for design. The other is the awareness, development and
recognition of design competence in other streams of education and in society at
large. Both of these are essential to the creation of an environment that can help us
realize the potential of design action.

Sustainable Design
The concept of sustainable design has come to the forefront in the last 20 years. It is a
concept that recognizes that human civilization is an integral part of the natural world
and that nature must be preserved and perpetuated if the human community itself is
to survive. Sustainable design articulates this idea through developments that
exemplify the principles of conservation and encourage the application of those
principles in our daily lives.

Entrepreneurship Design

A number of young designers are on the lookout for exciting and challenging work that
is both cutting edge as well as adequately remunerative. Existing and established
companies in the manufacturing and service sectors would usually make them work
their way up the organization as this is seen as the most productive route for
learning on the job for most professions. However, in design, the most value is added
usually at the strategic level while young recruits are kept at the bottom of the value
chain at the tactical level or even the elaborative level in some back office operation
which does not challenge their imagination and conceptual skill sets that they have
developed as a part of their education and training exposures in school as well as outside.
Several designers turn to entrepreneurial ventures that offer design services to a
variety of businesses and industries and this has been a well tested path for a large
number of young designers since the entry barriers in the profession are indeed quite
low as far as capital and infrastructure investments are concerned. These young
designers would no doubt have to acquire new skill sets in management and people
skills to be able to succeed to scale from small beginnings to support a large team
and this is something that they learn on the job as they go forward in setting up their
ventures and making a go of the whole effort.

Smart Materials

Science and technology have made amazing developments in the design of

electronics and machinery using standard materials, which do not have particularly
special properties (i.e. steel, aluminum, gold). Imagine the range of possibilities, which
exist for special materials that have properties designers can manipulate. Some such
materials have the ability to change shape or size simply by adding a little bit of
heat, or to change from a liquid to a solid almost instantly when near a magnet; these
materials are called smart materials.
. Emerging trends in Sustainable Design (Conscientious / Green design)
Sustainability in fashion and cradle to cradle approach thinking is an issue at the forefront
of fashion business today. Concepts like recycling, up- cycling, pre cycling, preservation,
conservation systems, and sustainable practices in fashion would be explored and

Marketing INDIA: Creating National Identity

The seminar will explore how a country like India with wide variations in culture, people,
and handicraft development could be collectively perceived of these unique identities to
form a national image. A nations brand equity is to do with the strength of perceptions
about its economic power, democratic set up, culture variation in environment condition
and its craft development justice, etc. Brand India become steerage if we strengthen all
mentioned above. The nation brand effect would, in turn add value to Indias corporate

Synergizing Technology and Design

In the world of design, innovation has become the norm, hence it has become important to
conceive new design ideas in the light of new technological set ups. The seminar explores
how these two complement elements can be matched to create unparallel results with
innovation in technology.

Global Sourcing
In todays scenario with the cut throat business competition and multinational companies
with chain stores covering up, the market has become global markets across geopolitical
boundaries. There is strong case for global sourcing as world is getting smaller in order to
provide goods and services at competitive prices with effective costing. The seminar will
explore various global markets and marketing opportunities to meet the growing demand
at most competitive prices.

Design & Entertainment Industry

The seminar will address how entertainment industry and other popular medium of
communication where the association of story telling, visuals and sound can create a mood
in order to manipulate the senses individually and in combination. The premise is to
capture the interest of the students and facilitate understanding the medium by getting
direct responses to different exercises and how the design and fashion industry have
emerged over the years.

Contemporary Issues in Design (Luxury Design)

The seminar would cover the contemporary issues that are reflecting in the way fashion
and design industry is moving.

Bridge Course for Design Courses FD

1. Fashion Business Practices

The seminar will explore various industry structures and knowledge of industry practices
and its consequences on workers role and obligation. It would cover legal and ethical
considerations in production of fashion garments.

2. Value Addition in Apparel for Exports and Domestic Markets

The seminar will explore how the Indian Textile & Apparel sector which plays a critical role
in Indian economy and also being single largest employee, can perform better after the
abolition of quota system. The seminar would explore various possibilities of value addition
to the product by creating a niche for Indian products by value added surfaces 3D effects
and techniques from traditional Indian craft heritage for a global and contemporary appeal.

3. Global Issues in Design

The seminar will explore the various dimensions and issues impacting design and fashion
industry globally, as well as in India.
4. Correlating Dynamics of Market Interplay to Design
In recent years, increasing environmental dynamism and adaptability of the firm have
attracted new academic interest in how manufacturing firms adapt to their environments
and create superior business performance. It would cover the new sectors and demands
arising out of the new generation.

5. Emerging trends in Sustainable Design (Conscientious / Green design)

Sustainability in fashion and cradle to cradle approach thinking is an issue at the forefront
of fashion business today. Concepts like recycling, up- cycling, pre cycling, preservation,
conservation systems, and sustainable practices in fashion would be explored and

6 Marketing INDIA: Creating National Identity

The seminar will explore how a country like India with wide variations in culture, people,
and handicraft development could be collectively perceived of these unique identities to
form a national image. A nations brand equity is to do with the strength of perceptions
about its economic power, democratic set up, culture variation in environment condition
and its craft development justice, etc. Brand India become steerage if we strengthen all
mentioned above. The nation brand effect would, in turn add value to Indias corporate

7. Synergizing Technology and Design

In the world of design, innovation has become the norm, hence it has become important to
conceive new design ideas in the light of new technological set ups. The seminar explores
how these two complement elements can be matched to create unparallel results with
innovation in technology.

8. Global Sourcing
In todays scenario with the cut throat business competition and multinational companies
with chain stores covering up, the market has become global markets across geopolitical
boundaries. There is strong case for global sourcing as world is getting smaller in order to
provide goods and services at competitive prices with effective costing. The seminar will
explore various global markets and marketing opportunities to meet the growing demand
at most competitive prices.

9. Verbal Communication & Design

The seminar focuses on language of design, how materials and techniques be used
effectively to create a communicative design beyond cultural boundaries.

10. Design Marketing and Corporate Imaging

The seminar encore passes how an effective designed marketing tool evolves new
corporate image. How fresh ideas and creativity leads to development of unique solutions
across all service area.

11. IPR
The seminar will aim to enhance the professional competence and operational efficiency of
students apropos the principal concepts of Intellectual Property and its importance as a
spur to human creativity.

12. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

In todays global scenario of business and growing ethical business practices; how
mandatory it has become for a company to follow CSR. Seminar will cover how companies
can undertake CSR programme and recommendations, guidelines, reporting formats for
companies to adopt CSR.

13 Design & Entertainment Industry

The seminar will address how entertainment industry and other popular medium of
communication where the association of story telling, visuals and sound can create a mood
in order to manipulate the senses individually and in combination. The premise is to
capture the interest of the students and facilitate understanding the medium by getting
direct responses to different exercises and how the design and fashion industry have
emerged over the years.

14 Contemporary Issues in Design (Luxury Design)

The seminar would cover the contemporary issues that are reflecting in the way fashion
and design industry is moving.

15 Space design for Fashion Retail

The seminar will address issues for fashion retail specially the visual merchandising part of
the same keeping in mind the global trends. The seminar will cover areas related to display
design for show windows, exhibits, in-store display, display graphics, POPs, signages and
storage of merchandise specially high fashion garments. The focus is on conceptualization
and critiquing of innovative modes of presentation for functional & decorative units for
display and exhibit.

16 Costume Design Techniques

The seminar will address the specific issues related to costumes both for cinema and
theater. The realm of theatre and fashion share commonalties, both being multi-media
presentations that incorporate various aspects of visual and performing arts to create an
integrated performance and ambiance.

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