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Composites Science and Technology 70 (2010) 15641570

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Highly strong and conductive carbon nanotube/cellulose composite paper

Masanori Imai a,*, Kousuke Akiyama a, Tomo Tanaka b, Eiichi Sano b
Tokushu Paper Co. Ltd., 501 Honjuku, Nagaizumi, Shizuoka 411-8750, Japan
Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Carbon nanotube (CNT)/cellulose composite materials were fabricated in a paper making process opti-
Received 18 July 2009 mized for a CNT network to form on the cellulose bers. The measured electric conductivity was from
Received in revised form 24 May 2010 0.05 to 671 S/m for 0.516.7 wt.% CNT content, higher than that for other polymer composites. The real
Accepted 27 May 2010
permittivities were the highest in the microwave region. The unique CNT network structure is thought to
Available online 2 June 2010
be the reason for these high conductivity and permittivity values. Compared to other carbon materials,
our carbon CNT/cellulose composite material had improved parameters without decreased mechanical
strength. The near-eld electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (EMI SE) measured by a microstrip line
A. Carbon nanotubes
A. Flexible composites
method depended on the sheet conductivity and qualitatively matched the results of electromagnetic
A. Nano composites eld simulations using a nite-difference time-domain simulator. A high near-eld EMI SE of 50-dB
B. Electrical properties was achieved in the 510 GHz frequency region with 4.8 wt.% composite paper. The far-eld EMI SE
was measured by a free space method. Fairly good agreement was obtained between the measured
and calculated results. Approximately 10 wt.% CNT is required to achieve composite paper with 20-dB
far-eld EMI SE.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Several studies describe preparing and characterizing CNT rein-

forced composite materials as electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Technical improvement in the electronics eld in recent years shielding materials. For example, Zanfeng et al. prepared single-
has diversied and advanced electromagnetic wave applications. walled (SW) CNT/epoxy composites and measured the EMI shield
An example is the rapidly increasing use of wireless telecommuni- effectiveness (SE) of these materials [1]. Grimes et al. made CNT/
cations systems, such as cellular phones and RFID tags. In particular, polyethylmethacrylate composite thick lms and determined the
technology that aims for higher frequency and wider bandwidth for permittivity spectra of these composites [2]. The common charac-
establishing a high-speed communication system is advancing. teristic of those composite materials is their higher electric con-
Against this background, however, concerns about deterioration ductivities compared with conventional carbon black/polymer
of the radio wave environment have risen. A deteriorated radio composites due to the high aspect ratio of CNT.
wave environment has adverse effects on electronic equipment, CNT/cellulose composite papers have also been reported. For
such as false operation due to unnecessary electromagnetic waves example, Fugetsu et al. fabricated electrically uniform CNT/cellu-
and leakage of information in wireless telecommunications. lose composite papers using a CNT water dispersion and indicated
Due to these circumstances, electromagnetic wave absorption the possibility of applying the papers as EMI shielding material [3].
materials as technological countermeasures from the viewpoint However, systematic analysis of the electrical properties of these
of electromagnetic compatibility have gained attention. Usage of papers is required to elucidate their EMI SE characteristics and to
these materials is expected to increase in the future. design an EMI shielding material.
One candidate material for this application is carbon nanotubes We report the mechanical and electrical properties of CNT/cel-
(CNTs). Since their discovery, CNTs have attracted much attention lulose composite materials prepared by a paper making process.
because of their outstanding properties, such as high aspect ratio, We measured the EMI SE characteristics of the composite materials
high electric conductivity, and high strength. Many studies have and compared them to theoretical characteristics using an electro-
been performed on various industrial applications, e.g., battery magnetic eld simulator.
electrodes, electronic devices, eld emission displays, and atomic
force microscopes. 2. Fabrication

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 55 988 1141; fax: +81 55 988 1147. To optimize the paper making process for CNT/cellulose com-
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Imai). posites and the quality of the resultant paper, it is important to im-

0266-3538/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Imai et al. / Composites Science and Technology 70 (2010) 15641570 1565

prove the interaction between the pulp bers and paper chemicals so that it adsorbs on the cellulose surfaces before the CNT water
used in the process, such as starch, sizing agent (bleeding inhibitor dispersion is added. Polymers have three adsorption states on sur-
of ink), ller, and pigment [4]. The main interaction between these faces: train, tail, and loop (Fig. 1) [6]. The train segments are the
chemicals is ion binding; whether or not these chemicals bond parts that contact the surface, and the loop and tail segments dif-
with the pulp bers depends on the charge of the pulp suspension. fuse in solvents. When a CNT anionic dispersant is added to the cel-
Pulp bers have negative charges because they generate carboxyl lulose-xer mixture, the loops and tails of the xer adsorb on the
groups during the paper making processes such as cooking or CNT surfaces and create cross-linkage between the cellulose bers
bleaching [5]. When anionic surfactant is used to disperse CNTs, and CNTs; the bonding of CNTs to cellulose bers were facilitated.
CNT surfaces also have negative charges. Therefore, a cationic xer If the xer is added after the CNT dispersant is mixed with the cel-
can be applied to x the CNTs to the pulp. lulose, many CNT agglomerates form in the mixture, resulting in
CNTs are known to make strong aggregates due to Van der non-uniform paper (data not shown).
Waals force. Therefore, it is important to prevent dispersed CNTs Multi-walled (MW) CNTs were provided by Nanocyl S.A. (Nano-
from self-agglomerating before bonding them with cellulose bers. cyl 7000). The average diameter of the CNTs was 10 nm, and the
For this purpose, a cationic xer is mixed with the cellulose bers average length was 1.5 lm. CNT dispersion of 1% was provided
by Daido Corporation. An anionic surfactant was used to disperse
the CNTs [7].
Loop Bleached hardwood Kraft pulp (50 wt.%) and bleached softwood
Kraft pulp (50 wt.%) were dispersed in water and beat using a Tappi
+ standard niagara beater until freeness of 500 ml was obtained. The
+ freeness of the pulp was measured using a Schopper Riegler free-
+ ness tester in accordance with JIS P 8121. Then, a xer of 2%-
+ cationized starch (Neotack L-1, from Nihon Shokuhin Kako Co.,Ltd.)
+ + +
water solution was added to the pulp and mixed with the CNT dis-
+ persion. Hand-made CNT/cellulose composite material was pre-
+ +
+ pared using 25  25 cm wire cloth. The additive amount of CNT
+ + was changed, and six kinds of paper were prepared. Usually, the
+ +
- - - - - CNT content of a composite is measured using thermogravimetric
Pulp surface analysis (TGA) [3]. However, this method could not be applied to
our composite paper because the TG curves of the CNTs and cellu-
Fig. 1. Adsorb states of polymers on solid surfaces in water dispersions. lose could not be distinguished with high accuracy when the com-

x 1,000 x 5,000

x 10,000 Plain paper

Fig. 2. SEM images of CNT/cellulose composite materials and plain paper.

1566 M. Imai et al. / Composites Science and Technology 70 (2010) 15641570

ponents were mixed. Thus, CNT content was calculated by dividing MSL was shielded by a thin insulating sheet and the sample paper.
the added amount of CNTs by the sum of the weight of the CNTs For the free space method, a pair of horn antennas with a band-
and cellulose. width of 1540 GHz was used and the measurement system
As control materials, carbon black (Mitsui Chemicals #41) and including the antennas was calibrated with a gated reection line
carbon ber (Kureha C-103T) were used instead of CNT to produce method.
composite papers. Plain paper was also prepared in the same way.
The CNT/cellulose composite material was coated in gold and
observed with a JEOL JSM-6360LA scanning electron microscope
(SEM). SEM images of the material are shown in Fig. 2. As shown, 4. Results and discussion
CNT networks were observed on the cellulose bers.
The properties of each composite material are shown in Table 1.
The CNT/cellulose composites show electric conductivities even
3. Measurements
when the CNT content is much less than the carbon material con-
tent in the other composites. This is attributed to the high aspect
To control the humidity of the paper, the CNT/cellulose compos-
ratio of CNTs, which make a network as many conduction paths
ite papers were kept for 24 h under 23 C, 50% RT. The tension
are effectively formed. It is necessary to optimize the fabrication
strength of the papers was measured in accordance with JIS P
method for different CNT dispersions. Some methods have been
8113 using a tensile tester (Kumagaya Riki Kogyo Co. Ltd.). After
proposed to fabricate CNT/cellulose composite paper, e.g., adjust-
humidity control, the electrical conductivity was determined by a
ing the pH of the suspension solution [3] or mixing a CNT disper-
four-point contact method using a Mitsubishi Chemistry Loresta
sion with cellulose without using any xer [8]. However, when
MCP-HT 450 in accordance with JIS K7194.
these methods were applied to this CNT anionic dispersion, the
The scattering (S) parameters for the CNT/cellulose composite
CNT yield was low compared to that when a cationic xer was
papers were measured using a vector network analyzer (VNA) with
used. When 2.5 wt.% CNT was added during the fabrication pro-
a bandwidth of 67 GHz (Agilent E8361C) and a K-band (18
cess, the surface resistivity of the CNT/cellulose composite material
26.5 GHz) waveguide. A sample piece of paper was inserted in
using a cationic xer was 58 X/sq, but that when the adjusting pH
the waveguide. The permittivity and permeability of the composite
method was used was 17,800 X/sq. The resistance obtained
papers were extracted from the measured S parameters with mate-
through the method without xer was too high to measure by
rial measurement software (Agilent 85071E).
the four-point contact method. Also, adjusting pH becomes more
The EMI SEs for the near and far elds were measured using a
difcult when the scale of paper making process is larger. Using
microstrip line (MSL) and free space methods, as shown in
xer is thought to be easier way to apply manufacturing machine.
Fig. 3a and b, respectively. The VNA was used for both methods.
The tensile strengths of the composites are also shown in Ta-
An MSL with a characteristic impedance of 50 X was fabricated
ble 1. When CNT content was under 5%, the tensile strength of
with a FR4 board. The measured frequency range was determined
the CNT/cellulose composite was almost the same as that of plain
to be from 50 MHz to 25.05 GHz due to the bandwidth of the MSL.
paper. Inter-ber bonding of cellulose is hydrogen bonding, and
The EMI SE was dened by the ratio of transmission when the MSL
adding much carbon or bers without hydroxyl groups to the pulp
was not shielded by the sample paper to transmission when the
inhibits the interaction between cellulose bers. As shown in Ta-
ble 1, tensile strength decreased when the added amount of carbon
material was increased. However, as described above, CNTs can im-
(a) Sample
prove the electric conductivity even when added in small amounts
Microstrip line because they form a network structure in the material. Due to this,
they interfere with the hydrogen bonding of the cellulose bers
less than other carbon materials do, resulting in highly strong
Fig. 4 shows the measured conductivity dependence on the CNT
Printed-circuit board content for CNT/cellulose composite papers along with that for the
carbon black (CB)/cellulose and carbon ber (CF)/cellulose com-
posite papers fabricated for comparison. The effectiveness of the
cellulose ber network as a matrix for increasing the electrical con-
Port 1 Port 2 ductivity is compared with CNT composites whose matrices are
Vector network analyzer homogeneous. The gure contains the measured conductivities
for CNT composites with insulating matrices reported in the liter-
ature [2,960,77]. Our CNT/cellulose composite papers have the
highest conductivity reported to date for CNT content of 1
(b) 5 wt.%. The high conductivity of our composite paper is caused
by the unique network topology in the paper. A large number of
conducting CNT networks is efciently formed with the help of
the cellulose network. This results in high conductivity with only
Horn antenna little CNT content. In addition, the advantage of CNT over CB and
CF was clearly demonstrated.
Sample There are other methods to increase the electrical conductivity
for CNT-based materials. One interesting method is to use CNT
Port 1 Port 2 buckypapers [61]. An extremely large conductance of more than
Vector network analyzer 105 S/m was reported for SWCNT buckypaper [62]. In particular,
aligning CNTs is effective for increasing the conductivity [63,64].
Although they are useful for electrode applications, CNT buckypa-
Fig. 3. Pattern diagrams of (a) MSL method and (b) free space method. pers are unsuitable for EMI shielding. They are metallic and ex-
M. Imai et al. / Composites Science and Technology 70 (2010) 15641570 1567

Table 1
Properties of composite materials.

Material Content (wt.%) Basis weight (g/m2) Thickness (mm) Surface resistivity (X/sq) Volume resistivity (Xcm) Tensile strength (N/m)
5 3
CNT 0.5 110 0.166 3.39  10 2.00  10 6.21
1.0 116 0.186 4.51  102 7.25 6.33
2.4 118 0.192 5.81  10 1.11 6.50
4.8 122 0.191 2.89  10 5.21  101 6.40
9.1 117 0.195 1.29  10 2.66  101 4.60
16.7 126 0.166 9.12 1.49  101 4.36
Carbon black 9.1 115 0.212 7.51  103 1.01  10 4.37
16.7 122 0.224 7.74  102 3.83 2.96
23.0 134 0.268 4.21  102 4.37  101 2.03
Carbon ber 10.0 116 0.222 3.39  1011 6.81  1011 6.29
30.0 106 0.265 4.61  102 4.73  10 3.20
80.0 102 0.529 1.61  10 2.14  101 1.77
Plain paper 104 0.169 6.33

104 104
MWCNT This work

Real permittivity, r
Conductivity (S/m)

This work


10-4 MWCNT
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1k 1M 1G

CNT content (%) Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 4. Measured conductivity dependence on CNT content for CNT/cellulose, CB/ Fig. 6. e0r of CNT/cellulose composite papers as function of frequency, and those
cellulose, and CF/cellulose composite papers and CNT composites with insulating reported in the literature.
matrices reported in the literature.

Both the real and imaginary parts of permittivity (e0r and e00r , respec-
tively) increase with increasing CNT content. Scattered data for
higher content are caused by the uctuating frequency depen-
18 26.5 GHz dence of e0r and e00r as shown in the inset of Fig. 5. The imaginary part
250 e00r for all the samples was about half of the value calculated by r/
Imaginary permittivity, r

16.7 wt%
(Xe0), where r is the measured conductivity, X is the angular fre-
200 quency, and e0 is the vacuum permittivity. We could not com-
9.1 wt% 300
r pletely determine the reason for this difference. A possible
reason might be the accuracy of the software for extracting the
200 permittivity of materials with high conductivities that we used.
r, r"

150 r In fact, the extracted real parts of permeability l0r for the papers
100 4.8 wt% ranged from 0.7 to 1.5. Fig. 6 summarizes e0r as a function of fre-

quency for our composites along with those reported in the litera-
50 ture [24,30,3436,54,6575]. Our composite papers are among the
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 highest in the microwave region. The reason for this high e0r is the
2.4 wt% Frequency (GHz)
0 same as that for high conductivity. The unique CNT network forms
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 a large number of nanometer-sized capacitors, which results in
Real permittivity, r large polarization and thus large e0r . The effective permittivities of
composites have been evaluated with effective medium theories
Fig. 5. ColeCole plot of permittivity extracted from measured S parameters for (EMTs), such as the MaxwellGarnett formula. Grimes et al. [65]
CNT/cellulose composite papers. successfully reproduced their experimental permittivity of
MWCNT/polystyrene composites with an EMT modied by Lagar-
kov and Sarychev [76]. We tried to reproduce the measured data
pected to be less effective for near-eld EMI shielding as described with the LagarkovSarychev, MaxwellGarnett, and Bruggeman
by Fugetsu et al. [3]. formulae but unfortunately did not succeed. A novel formula will
The ColeCole plot of permittivity extracted from S parameters be required to describe the permittivity of our composites due to
measured for CNT/cellulose composite papers is shown in Fig. 5. their unique CNT networks.
1568 M. Imai et al. / Composites Science and Technology 70 (2010) 15641570

70 40
Shielding effectiveness (dB)

Shielding effectiveness (dB)

4.8 wt%

9.1 wt%
4.8 wt%
20 0.99 wt%

10 0.99 wt%

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
Fig. 7. Example of near-eld EMI SE for CNT/cellulose composite papers measured Fig. 9. Far-eld EMI SEs measured with free space method and their theoretical
with MSL method. curves.

70 The far-eld EMI SEs measured with the free space method
@ 5 GHz CNT/cellulose paper along with theoretical curves are shown in Fig. 9. The theoretical
far-eld EMI SE was calculated by:
Shielding effectiveness (dB)


SE 10log10 jtj2
CF/cellulose 1r 2i expcd
EM simulation t 1r2i exp2cd
40 paper
where ri is the reection at the air and paper interface, c is the prop-
30 agation constant in the paper, and d is the paper thickness. Mea-
sured e0r and conductivity were used in the calculations. A fairly
20 good agreement was obtained between the measured and calcu-
lated EMI SEs. About 10 wt.% CNT was required to achieve 20-dB
10 far-eld EMI SE. A metal plate reects incident waves almost per-
CB/cellulose paper
fectly, but perfect reection is undesirable for shielding applications
0 such as electronic components.
1 10 100 1000 104
Sheet resistance (/sq.)
5. Conclusion
Fig. 8. Near-eld EMI SEs at 5 GHz as function of sheet resistance.
We fabricated CNT/cellulose composite materials using a paper
making process. Higher electric conductivity and permittivity val-
An example of near-eld EMI SE for CNT/cellulose composite ues compared to those for polymer-based composite materials
papers of 21  21 cm measured with an MSL method are shown were achieved without decreasing the paper strength. The EMI
in Fig. 7. The uctuations observed for CNT/cellulose composite pa- SE characteristics measured by the MSL method and the free space
pers with 4.8 wt.% CNT might be due to impedance mismatch be- method were qualitatively matched to the theoretical characteris-
tween the 50 X measurement system and the MSL shielded by tics obtained by the simulations. Our CNT/cellulose composite,
the composite paper. A high near-eld EMI SE of 50-dB was with its improved EMI SE characteristics, can be used to decrease
achieved in the 510 GHz frequency region with the 4.8 wt.% electromagnetic wave interference, control undesired reection,
CNT composite paper. We fabricated CNT/cellulose composite pa- prevent cross talk, and suppress noise in circuits.
pers with several levels of CNT content and found the near-eld
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