كيف نفصح عن التحوط Unlocked
كيف نفصح عن التحوط Unlocked
كيف نفصح عن التحوط Unlocked
After two exhausting, but also very informative, months of working on this thesis it is
time to thank those persons that supported us through the entire developing process of
our thesis. Special thanks go to the tutors of our thesis, Pernilla Lundqvist and Jan
Marton who were at all times willing to support us with their expertise and experience.
We want to thank them especially for their never ending patience regarding our regular
requests. For her vital feedback we also want to thank Jenny Andersson form KPMG
Stockholm. Her opinions and perception were of great help for the success of our
thesis. Even though they requested anonymity, we want to thank the two financial
analysts who were willing to conduct the interviews with us. Their statements and
opinions reflect an eminent part of our research.
Furthermore we want to thank all our seminar opponents who gave us valuable
feedback for the improvements of the various drafts. Special thanks go to our
opponents of the final seminar, Louice Petersson and Peter Hansson who had to
become acquainted with our entire thesis.
Also we want to thank Handelss IT-service. Without your effective, high-class
service and the first-class hardware available at this university we would not have
been able to hand in this thesis on time.
Finally, we want to give props to Thai Prayook, MEZE, Wasa All, 10-to-10 etc.
Without their almost daily supply of food and drinks, we definitely would have been
lost. Continue to exploit the students budgets!
Master thesis within Business Administration, School of Business, Ecnomics and Law,
University of Gothenburg, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Spring 2008.
Suggestion on further research: It would have been interesting to conduct the same
study for financial institutions since hedge accounting is more vital for their business.
Furthermore, it would also be useful to evaluate the quality of the disclosed information,
besides the quantitative aspects we have tested.
B/S: Balance Sheet
CFH: Cash Flow Hedge
EU: European Union
FI: Financial Instruments
FVH: Fair Value Hedge
GAAP: General Accepted Accounting Principles
HIFO: Hedge of net Investments in Foreign Operations
IAS: International Accounting Standard
IASB: International Accounting Standards Board
IASC: International Accounting Standards Committee
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standards
I/S: Income Statement
Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem discussion ................................................................................. 2
1.3 Research questions ................................................................................ 2
1.4 Purpose ................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Delimitations ............................................................................................ 3
1.6 Disposition ............................................................................................... 3
2 Theoretical framework ............................................................... 4
2.1 IASBs conceptual framework and qualitative characteristics ............... 4
2.2 Information asymmetry ........................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Information problem ..................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Agency problem ........................................................................... 5
2.2.3 The lemon problem ...................................................................... 6
2.2.4 Usefulness of financial statements .............................................. 7
2.2.5 Usefulness of voluntary disclosures ............................................ 8
2.2.6 Disclosure, cost of capital for equity and market efficiency ........ 8
2.2.7 Overview of the information problem .......................................... 9
2.3 Hedge accounting ................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Why use hedges? ...................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Why use hedge accounting? ..................................................... 11
2.4 How to account for hedging (IAS 39 and IFRS 7) ............................... 12
2.4.1 Hedged item ............................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Hedging instruments .................................................................. 13
2.4.3 Hedge relationships ................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Fair value hedge (FVH) ............................................................. 14
2.4.5 Cash flow hedges (CFH) ........................................................... 14
2.4.6 Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operations (HIFO) ....... 15
2.4.7 Hedge accounting disclosures in accordance with IFRS 7 ...... 15
3 Method ...................................................................................... 17
3.1 Research strategy ................................................................................. 17
3.2 Collection of data .................................................................................. 18
3.2.1 Secondary data of empirical findings ........................................ 19
3.2.2 Primary data of empirical findings ............................................. 20
3.2.3 Collection of theories ................................................................. 21
3.3 Evaluation of collected data.................................................................. 21
3.3.1 Secondary data of empirical findings ........................................ 22
3.3.2 Primary data of empirical findings ............................................. 24
3.4 Reliability and validity ........................................................................... 25
3.5 Criticism of chosen method .................................................................. 26
4 Empirical findings .................................................................... 27
4.1 Collected secondary data Annual reports 2007 ................................ 27
4.1.1 Disclosures about fair value hedges (Matrix 1)......................... 28
4.1.2 Disclosures about cash flow hedges (Matrix 2) ........................ 29
4.1.3 Disclosures about hedges of net investment in foreign
operations (Matrix 3) ............................................................................. 32
4.2 Collected primary data Financial analysts interviews ....................... 34
4.2.1 General opinions about annual reports ..................................... 34
4.2.2 Hedge accounting and IFRS 7 .................................................. 35
4.2.3 Hedge accounting disclosures .................................................. 36
4.3 Collected primary data Accounting specialist .................................... 36
4.3.1 Hedge accounting and IFRS 7 .................................................. 37
4.3.2 Hedge accounting disclosures and investors as main users
of financial statements .......................................................................... 37
4.3.3 IFRS 7 and its explicit hedge accounting paragraphs .............. 37
5 Analysis .................................................................................... 39
5.1 Secondary data Annual reports 2007 ................................................ 39
5.1.1 Disclosures about fair value hedges (Matrix 1)......................... 40
5.1.2 Disclosures about cash flow hedges (Matrix 2) ........................ 41
5.1.3 Disclosures about hedges of net investment in foreign
operations (Matrix 3) ............................................................................. 42
5.2 Primary data Interviews ...................................................................... 43
5.2.1 General opinions about annual reports ..................................... 43
5.2.2 Hedge accounting and IFRS 7 .................................................. 44
5.2.3 Hedge accounting disclosures .................................................. 45
5.3 Summary of the analysis ...................................................................... 46
6 Conclusion ................................................................................ 48
7 Final discussion ....................................................................... 49
7.1 Suggestions on further research .......................................................... 49
References ..................................................................................... 50
Figure 1 :Overview of the theories regarding the information problem .................. 9
Figure 2: Example of an interest-rate swap........................................................... 10
Figure 3: Hedge accounting under IAS 39 ............................................................ 11
Figure 4: IAS 39 hedge accounting requirements. ................................................ 12
Figure 5: IFRS 7 Hedge accounting disclosure requirements .............................. 16
Figure 6: The performed research process ........................................................... 18
Figure 7: Disclosure scores ................................................................................... 23
Figure 8: Overview of the sample size's usage of different hedge types. ............ 27
Figure 9: Sample group's FVH score..................................................................... 28
Figure 10: FVH requirements met by the sample size .......................................... 29
Figure 11: Screenshots, Ericsson and Scania ...................................................... 29
Figure 12: Sample group's CFH score. ................................................................. 30
Figure 13: CFH requirements met by the sample size ......................................... 30
Figure 14: Screenshot, Sandvik. ............................................................................ 31
Figure 15: Screenshots, SKF and TeliaSonera..................................................... 31
Figure 16: Screenshots, Axfood and Boliden ........................................................ 32
Figure 17: Screenshot, SCA. ................................................................................. 32
Figure 18: Sample group's HIFO score ................................................................. 33
Figure 19: HIFO requirements met by the sample size. ....................................... 33
Figure 20: Screenshots, SAS and Stora Enso. ..................................................... 34
Figure 21: Overview of the used theories .............................................................. 47
Table 1: FVH disclosure-evaluation form .............................................................. 23
Appendix 1 Interview guideline financial analysts .............................................. 54
Appendix 2 Interview guideline accounting specialist ........................................ 55
Appendix 3 Sample size ...................................................................................... 56
Appendix 4 Sample sizes use of different hedges ............................................. 57
Appendix 5 Fullfilment criteria IFRS 7 ................................................................. 58
Appendix 6 Matrix 1, Fair value hedges .............................................................. 59
Appendix 7 Matrix 2, Cash flow hedges .............................................................. 60
Appendix 8 Matrix 3, Hedges of net investment ................................................. 62
- Introduction -
1 Introduction
This chapter starts with a background to the chosen subject leading to a further discussion of
the thesiss problem. Finally the purpose of this thesis will be presented and the area of
research will be limited.
1.1 Background
Over the last decades the business environment has become more and more global, which has
led to an increasing level of competition but also enabled entities to gain access to new
customers and additional resource markets. With a growing diversity of international business
operations an increase in risks naturally comes along, especially with risks related to financial
issues such as fluctuating currencies, commodity prices and interest rates. Consequently, the
need for entities to manage and limit those risks is vital for their medium- and long-term
survival. BBC News recently titled Weak dollar leads to EADS losses 1 meanwhile Dagens
Industri reported SSAB klarar sig frn dollarfallet2. Those two headlines indicate the
importance of an effective risk management in order to protect an organization from external
risk drivers, like in those examples a decreasing value of the U.S. dollar. When companies
face those kinds of risk-situations where needs arise to secure transactions from fluctuating
underlying factors, a common way to deal with such issue is the usage of hedge instruments.
Hedging can basically be described as an attempt to reduce the risk of an underlying
transaction by concluding an adverse transaction in order to offset the risks. 3 Theoretically,
perfect hedging therefore compensates all potential losses but also gains, however in practice
this is relatively difficult to achieve. 4
As the examples of EADS and SSAB indicate, the efficiency of hedging is ultimately
affecting the financial performance of a company. Since hedging is connected with many
business transactions, often central to the companies core business and involving large
amounts of funds, it is therefore essential for the users of the financial statements (e.g.
investors) to understand and evaluate the quality and impact of the entities hedging.
However, hedge instruments itself are often complex and complicated derivates and the
reporting of hedges and the correlating corporate risk management policies is the
quintessence of hedge accounting.5 For many entities it is a current practice to present
information to external parties isolated from the available internal corporate management
data, resulting in a lack of transparency and penalizing the financial statement users
(information asymmetry). The answer to this issue was the introduction of the IFRS 7
Financial Instruments: Disclosure, an accounting standard with the main goal to improve the
quality of disclosed information regarding financial instruments, compulsory for all annual
reports from 1st January 2007 onwards. 6 Considering the currently far-reaching consequences
of the subprime crisis on the U.S. mortgage market, one cannot help but think if such a crisis
would have been preventable, or at least would have been realized earlier, if disclosure
obligations like the ones of IFRS 7 would had been in place already. 7
BBC News (2008) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7289013.stm. Accessed 01.04.2008
Dagens Indusrti (2008)
Accessed 01.04.2008
Franke, Hax (2005) p. 613
Alexander, Britton & Jorissen (2007) p. 402
Controller Akademie (2006) http://www.controller-akademie.ch/data/data_229.pdf. Accessed 02.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2007) www.pwc.com/at/pdf/newsletter/financial_services/PwC_FS_34.pdf. Accessed 02.04.2008
Financial Times (2008) http://www.ft.com/indepth/subprime. Accessed 02.04.2008
- Introduction -
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2007) p. 10
Alexander et al. (2007) p. 48
McDonnell (2007) p. 14
Pirchegger (2006) p. 115
Scott & Yeoh (2006) p. 38
Gornik-Tomaszewski (2006) p. 43
- Introduction -
1.4 Purpose
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how Swedish Large Cap entities have disclosed
information regarding hedge accounting in their annual reports 2007, after the
implementation of IFRS 7. Furthermore this thesis evaluates how the new hedge accounting
disclosure requirements are perceived by the financial analysts.
1.5 Delimitations
The research is limited to non-financial entities listed at the Large Cap list at OMX Nordic
Exchange in Stockholm and at those entities that used hedge accounting in their annual
reports of 2007. The purpose is not to investigate how the companies use hedges, nor the
quality of the disclosed information. Also, the thesis will only focus on that part which is
presented in IFRS 7 regarding hedge accounting. Thus, other parts concerning financial
information disclosures in IFRS 7 will not be discussed any further. Moreover, the thesis will
not focus on the producers perspective of financial statements when analyzing the usefulness
of the new hedge accounting disclosures. The thesis focuses only on the user perspective
since the investors (financial analysts) is referred as the primary user of financial reports
according to IASB.
1.6 Disposition
Chapter 5: Analysis
In this chapter of the thesis the empirical findings are
analyzed and interpreted together with the theories and
models which are presented in the theory chapter.
- Theoretical framework -
2 Theoretical framework
This chapter explains the theoretical framework which is used as a primary tool to analyze
the empirical findings. The theoretical framework also helps the reader to understand the
subject and contribute to answer the thesiss research questions and purpose.
IAS Plus (2008) http://www.iasplus.com/standard/framewk.htm Accessed 21.04.2008
Marton, Falkmann, Lumsden, Pettersson & Rimmel (2008)
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 10
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2004) p. 4
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 24-30
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 31-38
- Theoretical framework -
Marton et al. (2008)
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 39-42
Marton et al. (2008)
For this survey, 137 institutional investors in 16 different countries were interviewed in 2005.
Ernst & Young (2006a) http://www.ey.com/global/assets.nsf/International/Global_Risk_-_Investor_Survey_Report/$file/EY-Risk-
Investor-Survey-Report.pdf Accessed 22.04.2008
European Union (2001) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/committees/juri/20020225/449285EN.pdf. Accessed 22.04.2008
Rimmel (2003)
Rimmel (2003)
- Theoretical framework -
the agency relationship as a contractual relationship where one or more individual (the
principal) hires another (the agent) to execute a service on the behalf of the principal. The
agent therefore acts sovereign but on account of a third party. 28 But this delegation of
decision-making authority is an issue, because the agent often does not have the same
incentives as the principal. If this principal-agent dilemma is transferred to corporations, the
agent (management) possesses unique information about the corporations business decisions,
which is not available to the principal (e.g. shareholders) which creates information
The agent model assumes that all individuals act in their own self-interest. The principals are
presumed to be risk neutral and reducing their risk through spreading their wealth in many
different companies. At the same time, the agents cannot diversify away this risk and are
assumed to be risk adverse. Hence, the agent has more at stake than the principal because he
or she has financial wealth tied up in the company; therefore his or her wealth is depending
upon the performance of the corporation solely. In addition, the agency theory assumes that
management attempts to maximize its own welfare rather than the welfare of the whole
corporation.30 Differences in objectives between the agent and the principal will result in a
conflict of interests. The principal wants the managers to act in the best interest of the owners.
The principals personal objectives may interfere with the agents if the agent chooses to
maximize the personal earnings, which might have a negative impact on the principal. 31
Legal requirements like company acts, accounting regulation or corporate governance
guidelines can help to minimize the information asymmetry between agents and principals.
Such a framework of supportive financial reporting requirements is able to increase the level
of transparency (an important accountability criteria, according to the mentioned survey of
Ernst & Young) because they lead to additional disclosures which would not always been
provided by the agents voluntarily. 32 However, in their article, Healy and Palepu showed that
the solely fulfillment of the financial requirements for annual reports are not enough to
provide sufficient reports to the principals.33 The provision of additional, voluntary
disclosures which improve the agents credibility regarding their financial reporting can be a
solution to this issue. Such (voluntary) disclosures (will be discussed in chapter 2.2.5) are a
way to reduce the impact of the agency problem since agents might be requested to articulate
the corporations long term strategy, or use nonfinancial information that can be used to
evaluate the effectiveness of such a strategy. 34
Jensen & Meckling (1976) p. 308
Rimmel (2003)
Rimmel (2003)
Rimmel (2003)
Schttler, Spulak & Baur (2003) p. 20
Healy & Palepu (1993)
Rimmel (2003)
Rimmel (2003)
- Theoretical framework -
that the seller has much more information about the quality of the cars than the buyer
(information asymmetry). If the buyer cannot distinguish between good cars and lemons, they
will settle that issue by just offering a compromise price. The risk of buying a lemon will
lower the price the buyers are willing to pay for any car. For the seller of a faultless car that
price will be too low, so those sellers will stay out of the market. Thus, the information
asymmetry drives the overall quality of used cars on offer down, since mainly just those
sellers will remain in the market, which sell faulty cars. Consequently, if the lemon problem
is not fully solved, and if the problem is related to the capital market, it will undervalue good
ideas and overvalue bad ideas relative to the information available. This means that such an
information asymmetry ultimately increases the cost of capital since the providers of capital
compensate their lack of information by requesting a premium for their resources (discussed
in detail in chapter 2.2.6). 36
A solution to the lemon problem is the design of optimal contracts between agents and
principals, which provide incentives for full disclosure of private information, allowing a
higher level of transparency. Since the lemon problem is another example of the information
problem resulting in an information asymmetry, (legal) regulation 37, like the by the EU
adopted IAS/IFRS that require managers to fully disclose private (internal) information in
financial statements is perceived as a solution to this issue. 38
Rimmel (2003)
Schttler, Spulak & Baur (2003) p. 20
Rimmel (2003)
Soffer & Soffer (2003) p. 4
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2004) p. 2
Alexander et al (2007) p. 3-10
Maines & Wahlen (2006) p. 401
Pankoff & Virgil (1970)
Mensah, Nguyen & Prattipati (2006) p. 48
Schttler, Spulak & Baur (2003) p. 22
- Theoretical framework -
Adrem (1999)
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Verrecchia (1983)
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Eccles & Mavrinac (1995)
Eccles & Mavrinac (1995)
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Daske (2006)
Soffer & Soffer (2003) p. 31-33
- Theoretical framework -
Figure 1 : Overview of the theories regarding the information problem (self provided model).
- Theoretical framework -
reader with a solid theoretical basis regarding hedging, which is helpful for a deeper
understanding of the standards accounting requirements (IAS 39 & IFRS 7) and the
conducted research.
Wramsby & stlund (2004)
De Ceuster, Mark, Durinck, Laveren, & Lodewyckx, (2000)
Currency risk (also known as foreign exchange risk) arises from fluctuations in exchange rates between currencies; Interest rate risk arises
due to the variability of interest rates which lead to a change in an assets or liabilitys value; Price risk refers to uncertainties of current
and future market prices of certain resources, e.g. commodities (Wramsby & stlund, 2004).
Marton et al. (2008)
Marton et al. (2008)
- Theoretical framework -
Pirchegger (2006) p. 115
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2007) p. 193
Pichegger (2006) p. 115
Alexander et al (2007) p. 402-403
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.de/fileserver/RepositoryItem/fs_Hedge%20Accounting_Download.pdf?itemId=58817.
Accessed 28.04.2008
- Theoretical framework -
value of the hedged item and the hedging instrument to the same period. The possibility of
carrying the hedged item at fair value, instead of amortized cost, and compensate its changes
by the corresponding fair value changes of the hedging instrument is called the fair value
option. This leads to a significantly lower volatility in the entitys income statement (see
figure 3).71
However, due to the way hedge accounting rules are designed by the standard setter, their use
can be perceived as an option rather than an obligation. 72 Therefore one can assume that
companies are expected to have a strong incentive to apply hedge accounting, wherefore it is
not mandatory regulated by the standard. Trombley, for example, states that companies that
engage in hedge activities would like very much to be allowed to use hedge accounting73.
This perspective is based on the assumption that hedge accounting generates superior
information to the financial statement users (besides the reduction of volatile effects on the
entitys income statement) and thus benefits the company by reducing an information
asymmetry and resulting in lower costs of capital. 74 However, Melumad et al and Barnes
exposed in their studies that eminent costs can be associated with hedge accounting and
therefore lead to significant distortions from optimal hedges, which can affect the entitys
incentive to use hedge accounting and therefore the usage not categorical decreases the
entitys cost of capital. 75
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 28.04.2008
Pichegger (2006) p. 115
Trombley (2003) p. 33
Trombley (2003) p. 33
Melumad et al (1999) p. 266; Barnes (2001)
IAS 39 paragraph 85
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 28.04.2008
- Theoretical framework -
KPMG (2004) http://www.rwp.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/files/workshop/loew.pdf. Accessed 29.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
Dawson (2007) p. 59-60
IAS 39 paragraph 86
Alexander et al (2007) p. 402-404
- Theoretical framework -
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2004) http://www.pwc.de/fileserver/RepositoryItem/fs_Hedge%20Accounting_Download.pdf?itemId=58817.
Accessed 29.04.2008
KPMG (2004) http://www.rwp.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/files/workshop/loew.pdf. Accessed 29.04.2008
IAS 39 paragraph 88c
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2004) http://www.pwc.de/fileserver/RepositoryItem/fs_Hedge%20Accounting_Download.pdf?itemId=58817.
Accessed 29.04.2008
KPMG (2004) http://www.rwp.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/files/workshop/loew.pdf. Accessed 29.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
KPMG (2004) http://www.rwp.bwl.uni-muenchen.de/files/workshop/loew.pdf. Accessed 29.04.2008
- Theoretical framework -
Alexander et al (2007) p. 405
IAS 39 paragraph 102
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.com/Extweb/service.nsf/docid/1378D3155AA439D18025714D002F7838.
Accessed 29.04.2008
Balans (2008) p. 41-42
Ernst & Young (2006b) http://www.ey.com/Global/Assets.nsf/Russia_E/IFRS_-_7_Financial_Instruments/$file/IFRS_7_publication.pdf
Accessed 07.05.2008
Ernst & Young (2006b) http://www.ey.com/Global/Assets.nsf/Russia_E/IFRS_-_7_Financial_Instruments/$file/IFRS_7_publication.pdf.
Accessed 07.05.2008
Balans (2008) p. 41-42
- Theoretical framework -
Since neither the standards basis of conclusion or further theories regarding the certain
paragraphs dealing with hedge accounting were available, the conducted interview with
Jenny Andersson from KPMG Stockholm (presented in the following method and empirical
findings chapter) served as an analysis-foundation in the analysis part of the thesis.
- Method -
3 Method
In this chapter of the thesis the scientific views and choices of methods are presented. The
chapter starts with an introduction to the applied method and a presentation of the research
strategies that are used in the thesis. Subsequently it is shown how the data was collected and
how the researchs underlying sample size is defined and analyzed. The chapter is concluded
by a discussion regarding the reliability, validity and weaknesses of the chosen methodology.
In order to answer the purpose and research questions we have chosen to follow Saunders,
Lewis & Thornills ideas of how to conduct a research process. The process consists of
different steps where the researcher chooses between various approaches in order to perform
a qualitative/quantitative investigation. By applying a model like this, it will be easier to
structure and analyze the collected data more methodical. 100 A structured process will help us
to avoid pitfalls that can arise during our research and will systematically raise the probability
of making a qualitative thesis.
Saunders, Lewis & Thornill (2003)
Trost (2005)
Saunders et al. (2003)
Holme & Solvang (1997)
Robson (2002) p. 59
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 97
- Method -
example, when we tested how to analyze the annual reports we realized that is was not
always that clear where the information regarding hedge accounting was disclosed. This was
useful to bear in mind when we analyzed the annual reports and lead to a more efficient
collection of secondary data.
The reason why the exploratory approach was chosen as well, was because we wanted to
clarify our understanding of the problem since we were aware of the complexity of hedge
accounting and its accounting treatment. Especially for our collection of primary data, the
exploratory approach was beneficial since it is considered as a very flexible research method,
which is adaptable to changing circumstances. The conducted interviews provided us with
additional insights into the disclosure issues of hedge accounting and helped us to gain
different viewpoints of the topic. For example, after the conducted interview with the
accounting specialist we interpreted the actually wording of some standard requirements out
of a different perspective (for instance, how to interpret the nature of risk being hedged in
paragraph 7.22 c), IFRS 7).
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 188
Lundahl & Skrvad (1999)
- Method -
answer the second research question. However, the vast majority of the empirical findings are
based on secondary data, which is logically since the main purpose of this thesis is to identify
how information regarding hedge accounting is disclosed. The secondary data is based on
information collected in annual reports and answers the first research question. Collecting
primary data for this purpose is almost impossible and is therefore not an option in our case.
In general, the collection of the primary- and secondary data was performed simultaneously,
except the interview with the accounting specialist, which was performed after the disclosure
study. Because of that, the practical insights we gained complemented each other
beneficially. The following headlines provide the reader with an overview how the collection
of primary- and secondary data was preceded.
- Method -
Furthermore, since hedge accounting according to IAS 39 is voluntary, not all entities
included in the sample size reported their hedging activities. Therefore the research is limited
to those companies which applied hedge accounting in the fiscal year 2007. Due to that,
seven companies had to be excluded from the initial sample size of 48 entities. In order to
perform this assessment we set a deadline (25 th April 2008) for the acceptance of annual
reports for the year 2007. In addition, three companies had to be excluded since they were
following US GAAP or Canadian GAAP instead of IAS/IFRS. Additionally one company
was disqualified since they had a broken fiscal year and consequently had not implemented
IFRS 7. All this resulted in a final sample size of 37 companies. A company became part of
the sample size when their state within its annual report, of the fiscal year 2007, explicitly
that hedge accounting is applied. The evaluation process whether an entity used hedge
accounting or not was not difficult since it was in general clearly stated if hedge accounting
in accordance to IAS 39 was applied. The evaluated annual reports were collected
electronically from the companies websites.
- Method -
sample size provided information regarding which financial analysts are following them
permanently. Therefore we were not able to get access to the complete list of analysts
evaluating the companies of our sample size. Due to that 86 analysts were contacted via e-
mail. Six of those e-mails were non-deliverable, whereas 16 responded to our request. This
resulted in two interviews and 14 rejections. The two main reasons for the rejections were
either that hedge accounting was not important for the analysts evaluations at all, or
individual time constraints due to the unfavorable timing of our interview request, since the
companies Q1 2008 reports have been released simultaneously. We believe that the fact that
we limit our primary research to two interviews with financial analysts is not affecting our
research, since the main focus of this thesis lays on the analysis of the companies disclosed
information. Naturally, a more extensive number of interviews would have provided us with
more information and additional perspectives. But since the two interviews mainly
complemented our research and gave us an insight into the usefulness of the disclosed
information regarding hedge accounting, we believe that our decision to conduct two
interviews is appropriate.
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 50
European Union (2008) http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/accounting/index_en.htm. Accessed 09.04.2008
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 327
- Method -
Deloitte (2008) http://www.iasplus.com/fs/2007checklist.pdf. Accessed 23.04.2008
See the theory chapter 2.4.7
IFRS 7 paragraph 22
- Method -
- Method -
evaluation criteria in the Matrixes, common for all types of hedges (paragraph 22 in IFRS 7),
did not created any issues in our evaluation of the annual reports. However, during the data -
collection-process some minor factors arose which had to be considered in the evaluation. For
evaluation criteria 7.24 a) i and 7.24 a) ii in Matrix 1 (Fair value hedge), some entities only
provided information regarding the net gain or losses of fair value hedges. Those cases led to
a not fulfilled criteria, since the standard explicitly require companies to present
information regarding gains or losses both on the hedging instrument and the hedged item.
For evaluation criteria 7.23 d) in Matrix 2 (Cash flow hedges), we rejected those entities that
only presented information concerning the amount that was removed from equity and/or
included in profit or loss for the period. This is due to the fact that IFRS 7 additionally
requires information about the amount included in each line item in the income statement.
The criteria regarding ineffectiveness recognized in profit or loss for cash flow hedges and
for hedges in net investments in foreign operations (7.24 b) for CFH and 7.24 c) for HIFO),
were also fulfilled in those cases where information was disclosed that no hedges were
ineffective under the period. However, some entities only provided data on ineffectiveness on
an aggregate level, i.e. CFH and HIFO included in the same line item. Those cases were not
accepted and led to a not fulfilled criterion (0), since, according to the standard,
ineffectiveness needs to be presented individually for each kind of hedge (CFH and HIFO).
Glser & Laudel (2004) p. 36
Khn & Fankhauser (1996) p. 57
Helfferich (2004) p. 24
Hopp (2000) p. 177
Helfferich (2004) p. 24
- Method -
plus notes were taken simultaneously. The records and notes were subsequently written down
into complete text to get a sound overview about the interviewees opinion. The most
relevant parts of the transcripts are presented in the empirical findings.
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 100-101
Healey & Rawlinson (1994) p. 138
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 206
Ryan, Scapens & Theobald (2003) p. 155
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 253
- Method -
The validity for secondary data, annual reports, used in this thesis may be one of the most
sensitive aspects. Often when secondary data is used it can lead to answers that do not match
with the original questions. Unfortunately, there are no clear solutions to this dilemma.
According to Saunders et al., a sound approach to overcome this problem is trying to
evaluate the extent of the datas validity and let the researchers make their own decisions. 128
Since the thesis is about the impact of the recently introduced IFRS 7 we had to get a sound
understanding of the IFRS 7 hedge accounting requirements and how hedge accounting is
regulated in IAS 39. Finally, it is important for the reader to be aware of the fact that none of
the authors of this thesis has English as a native language which could result in some minor
comprehension issues. In addition to that, we are aware of the fact that interpretation issues
could arise for the conducted telephone interviews since the conversations were translated
from Swedish to English in order to present the findings to the reader.
Saunders et al. (2003) p. 205
McDaniels & Gates (2005)
Trost (2005)
Helfferich (2004) p. 160
- Empirical findings -
4 Empirical findings
In this chapter the thesiss empirical findings are presented. First the collected secondary
data from annual reports 2007 is presented. Furthermore, the most relevant information
gathered from the interviews is provided in the second part of this chapter. The interview-
guidelines used can be found in appendix, as well as the complete set of matrixes used for the
collection of the presented findings.
90% 97,30%
50% 59,46%
Fair value hedge Cash flow hedge Net investment
(FVH) (CFH) hedge (HIFO)
- Empirical findings -
Furthermore, the research regarding the disclosure of fair value hedges indicated that certain
criteria of the standard were fulfilled differently. As the figure below (figure 10)
demonstrates, paragraph 7.22 a) was met by even more than the 19 entities which were using
fair value hedges. This is due to the fact that six companies 132 presented a description of this
hedge type even though they were not applying fair value hedging. Therefore this column
naturally exceeds 100 percent and resulted in a score of 131.58 percent. Many entities used
standard formulations close to IAS 39s definition of this hedge type. Paragraphs 7.22 b) was
met by all companies. The information regarding the fair value of the hedge instruments were
regularly available in the notes of the balance sheet under financial instruments, for example.
The nature of hedged risks, 7.22 c), was also often fulfilled by using common descriptions of
currency, interest rate and/or raw material price risks. Many times those descriptions were
unspecific and more of a general nature, meaning that the certain transactions which were
supposed to be hedged were not described explicitly.
Axis, Eniro, Hexagon, Husqvarna, Oriflame SDB & Volvo.
- Empirical findings -
When it comes to paragraph 7.24 a) i and ii, gains and losses on the hedging instrument and
the correlating hedge item are naturally highly related to each other. As figure 10 indicates,
those criteria were not met by all analyzed entities. Whereas the gain/loss of the hedging
instrument was disclosed by almost 74 percent (14 entities), the corresponding gain/loss on
the hedged item was just published by approx. 63 percent (12 entities). The assessment of the
fulfillment of those two paragraphs was critical since some entities either did not disclose any
information about the gains/losses of their hedging relationships at all, or just the gains/losses
for one side of the hedge relationship. Furthermore, some companies also presented the
information regarding gains/losses just as a net result. Since IFRS 7 requires an explicit
disclosure of gains/losses on both, hedge instrument as well as hedged item, an
aggregated/net result of a hedge relationship therefore resulted in a score of 0. This can be
exemplified by the two following screenshots from the annual reports of Ericsson and Scania,
which should help the reader of this thesis to understand the basis of our judgment:
Figure 11: To the left, Ericssons annual report 2007 (p. 65); to the right, Scanias annual report 2007 (p. 114)
Ericssons disclosure serves as an example for companies which provided net results (no
score point), whereas Scanias note is an example of disclosed information which fulfilled the
evaluation criteria and therefore received a score point. To conclude, the hedge accounting
requirements of IFRS 7 regarding fair value hedges was mostly met, only the last two
paragraphs resulted in a lower percentage of fulfillment.
- Empirical findings -
different criteria, referring to the IFRS 7 requirements for cash flow hedges. The specific
disclosure requirements for cash flow hedges can be found in the theory chapter 2.4.7.
As the figure below indicates, the evaluation of the annual reports points out that
approximately 62 percent of the analyzed entities fulfilled the disclosure requirements in
IFRS 7 for cash flow hedges. The outcome of Matrix 2 resulted in a total score of 202 (the
sum of all 1). The maximum score the sample group could achieve was 324, if every
individual company within the group would fulfill the disclosure requirements. Consequently,
the deviations from the best possible score (which was 324) for this hedge type was 122 (324
minus 202), meaning that those criteria of Matrix 2 were not fulfilled, even though cash flow
hedges were used by the entities.
However, this is not the case since the only company (SSAB) that did not apply cash flow
hedging presented a description of that hedge type. Thus, this column resulted in a score of
- Empirical findings -
100 percent. Standard formulations close to IFRS 7s definition for this hedge type were
often used by the entities in the sample group. Furthermore, paragraph 7.22 b) was met by all
companies except three133, which did not disclose any information regarding which hedging
instrument designated to hedge accounting and the fair value of those instruments. This
resulted in a score of almost 92 percent and the information regarding the valuation of the
cash flow hedge instrument were often available in the notes of the balance sheet under
financial instruments. As the figure below shows, criterion 7.22 c), which explains the nature
of the hedged risk, was fulfilled by almost all entities within the sample group. Hakon Invest
was the only annual report that did not fulfilled this criterion. Just as for the fair value hedge
evaluation, this paragraph was often fulfilled by using common descriptions of currency,
interest rate and/or raw material price risks.
The following paragraphs (7.23 a-e) are unique disclosures requirements for cash flow
hedges. The first paragraph, 7.23 a), resulted in a score of approximately 64 percent, meaning
that 23 entities out of 36 disclosed information regarding the periods when the cash flow are
expected to occur and when they are expected to affect profit or loss. The findings concerning
this paragraph are contrasting. Either the disclosed information was explicit and detailed like
the example out of Sandviks annual report demonstrates, or it was basically non-existent.
Figure 14: Sandvik's annual report 2007 (p 25), periods when the cash flows are expected to occur and when
they are expected to affect profit or loss.
The next tested evaluation criterion resulted in an even lower result, as figure 13
demonstrates. Approximately 16 percent (6 entities) provided information in their annual
report 2007 about any forecast transaction for which hedge accounting had previously been
used, but which is no longer expected to occur. Of those annual reports that had a score for
this criterion, different disclosed information could be found, which the following
screenshots from the annual reports 2007 of SKF and TeliaSonera can exemplify:
Figure 15: To the left, SKFs annual report 2007 (p 78); to the right TeliaSoneras annual report (p 76)
As figure 15 indicates, SKF disclosed information that they had a transaction in 2006 for
which hedge accounting was applied, but is which no longer expected to occur. At the same
time TeliaSonera disclosed information that no cash flow hedges were discontinued.
Furthermore, criterion 7.23 c) was met by all 36 entities using cash flow hedges and the
information regarding the amount recognized in equity was in all annual reports available in
the consolidated statements of changes in equity. However, the following criterion for
paragraph, 7.23 d) was only fulfilled by 17 of the analyzed annual reports which resulted in a
Hakon Invest, Hexagon & Holmen
- Empirical findings -
score of almost 48 percent. As mention in the method chapter, the judgment of the fulfillment
of this paragraph was critical since almost every entity provided information about the
amount removed from equity and included in profit or loss for the period; but without
including which line item in the income statement was affected. Since this is explicitly
required by IFRS 7, this consequently resulted in a score of 0 for those entities which did not
provide such information. For clarification purposes, the two following screenshots from the
annual reports of Axfood and Boliden can serve as an example:
Figure 16: To the left, Axfoods annual report 2007 (p 82); to the right, Bolidens annual report 2007 (p 68)
Ericsson & SCA
- Empirical findings -
data, Matrix 3 was used. This matrix tests the four hedge type specific requirements of IFRS
7 against the information disclosed by the analyzed entities. Like for the two matrixes
presented above, a complete description of these four criteria can be found in chapter 2.4.7 of
this thesis. The analysis of the annual reports exhibited that the tested companies fulfill IFRS
7s requirements with almost 81 percent. The sample sizes total score, provided by the
Matrix, was 71 (the sum of all 1), whereas 88 is the maximum score the analyzed entities
could achieve, if every individual entity within the sample group fulfills the disclosure
requirements. Hence, the results in Matrix 3 indicate 17 deviations (88 minus 71) from the
total score (which was 88), meaning that those requirements of the standard were not met
even though hedges of net investment in foreign operations were used by the entities.
100% 113,64%
100,00% 7.22 a): a description of hedge type
80% 90,91% 7.22 b): hedging instrument and their
fair value
7.22 c): the nature of risks being hedge
60% 7.24 c): the ineffectiveness recognized
in profit or loss that arises from
40% HIFO
20% 31,82%
7.22 a) 7.22 b) 7.22 c) 7.24 c)
Getinge, Lundin Petroleum & Scania
- Empirical findings -
paragraph 7.22 c), were usually described in general terms, similar to the other two hedge
types presented previously. Description in general terms means that usually just the
functionality of HIFOs was explained, but no subsidiaries hedged with the help of HIFO-
relationships were stated explicitly. This paragraph was met by all companies (100 percent)
using hedges of net investments in foreign operations.
As figure 19 demonstrates, paragraph 7.24 c), dealing with the recognition of the
ineffectiveness arising from HIFOs in the income statement, was only met by 31,82 percent
(seven entities) of the analyzed companies. The fulfillment of this criterion was either
achieved by stating an explicit number in the notes to the income statement in form of a table
or by providing the information as written text within diverse sections of the annual reports,
for example the financial risk management or the presentation of the entities financial
Figure 20: To the left SASs annual report 2007 (p 68); to the right Stora Enso's annual report 2007 (p 184).
Figure 20 illustrates exemplarily two examples about how the information regarding the
ineffectiveness of HIFOs was presented in the analyzed annual reports. Whereas SAS
provides the information plainly in a table as a part of the notes to the income statement,
Stora Enso disclosed the same content as written text within their notes referring to equity
hedging (sub-headline: hedging of net investment in foreign operations). After reviewing the
findings regarding HIFOs it became evident that most of the standards requirements were
met, with an exception of paragraph 7.24 c), meaning that information referring to the
ineffectiveness arising from hedges of net investments in foreign operations was not
disclosed by the majority of the analyzed entities.
Telephone interviews (29th April 2008)
- Empirical findings -
to the fact that more basic information is needed in order to understand the company and its
strategy/industry in a better way. For their analysis purposes the analysts mainly used the
annual reports to get information of the companies cash flows and their income statements.
Regarding the usage of the annual reports for analysis purposes, the perceptions of the two
interviewed analysts differed. Analyst A evaluated the balance sheet in the annual reports
more than the ones presented in the interim reports. For A the significance of the annual
reports and especially its disclosures depended on the ability to understand how the different
parts of the financial reports are connected and related to each other. Analyst A furthermore
stated that a sound understanding of factors and transactions which led to the actual figures in
the reports is necessary in order to assess the impact of the disclosed number and to
understand the financial situation of the entity as a whole.
Analyst B believed that annual reports are of special usage when a deeper and more extensive
analysis of an entity is conducted. However, B stated that the disclosures of annual reports are
not that important for the analysis of entities on a daily basis. Anyhow, B mentioned that
disclosure notes are particularly useful to clarify arisen ambiguities or if figures have changed
- Empirical findings -
The question regarding the importance of the different hedge types (FVH, CFH and HIFO)
was answered complete differently. Whereas B stated that the CFH are the most interesting
hedges to evaluate (with the most evaluation significance), he was not able to specify the
essence of this hedge type in detail. Analyst A admitted that he was not able to characterize
any of the three hedge types regulated in the standards.
Telephone interview (9th May 2008)
- Empirical findings -
- Empirical findings -
explicitly. For instance, a hedged interest rate risk should be explained by providing
information regarding what portion of the interest rate is actually hedged, the risk free portion
or the risk portion.
Furthermore Jenny Anderson stated that in the discussions with her clients she realized that
paragraph 7.23 is the most critical one within IFRS 7 regarding hedge accounting. Especially
7.23 a) is difficult to fulfill in practice since it is hard to interpret whether the future cash
flows from the hedged item or the hedging instrument should be disclosed in detail. The
standard is not very clear in that point. In addition, she said that 7.23 b) is also very seldom
disclosed in financial reports since the presentation of forecast transactions for which hedge
accounting has been previously used but which is no longer expected to occur basically
means that the entities would admit that they have difficulties to predict their future cash
flows. Naturally, the finance and accounting departments therefore tend to avoid such
presentations. According to Jenny Andersson, particular 7.23 e) is a paragraph which is not
often applied in practice, since only very few companies have very expensive
machines/inventory purchases which are hedged.
For paragraph 7.24, she stated that especially a separate disclosure of the gains/losses of the
hedged item and the hedging instrument is an important issue for analysis purposes. In
practice, the provision of such figures should not be difficult for the entities. In her opinion,
an ineffectiveness of the CFHs and HIFOs is not so common in practice and if companies fail
to provide this kind of information it is most likely just due to slackness. The same
circumstance applies for 7.23 d), dealing with the disclosure of the amount removed from
equity (CFHs) and included in each line item of the I/S.
- Analysis -
5 Analysis
In this chapter of the thesis the empirical findings are analyzed and interpreted together with
the theories and models presented in the theory chapter. In order to facilitate the reader
following the discussion, this part of the thesis is structured analog to the empirical findings
presented above.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.de/fileserver/RepositoryItem/fs_Hedge%20Accounting_Download.pdf?itemId=58817.
Accessed 28.04.2008
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 24-30
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 31-38
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 24-30
- Analysis -
profit/loss of hedged item and hedging instrument). As introduced earlier, a more detailed
analysis of the three hedge types is presented in the following chapters of this part of the
- Analysis -
two criteria of IFRS 7 are new compared to the previous standards143, which could explain
the current deviations from the best possible score.
Balans (2008) p. 41-42
Balans (2008) p. 41-42
- Analysis -
have to admit that they have difficulties to predict their future cash flows. Therefore the
accounting and finance departments usually tend to avoid such presentations.
The fact that the empirical findings concerning paragraph 7.23 c) correlated completely with
the standards requirement could be due to the fact that this information is easily available in
the consolidated financial statements (changes of equity). Since the recognition of value
changes of the hedging instrument in the equity is basically the essence of a cash flow
hedge145 (mention in the theory chapter), a report of this amount seemed quite logical. As
figure 13 points out the following evaluation criterion, 7.23 d), resulted only in a score of
47,22 percent. The low correlation could be explained by the fact that this criterion had most
changed146, compared to previous regulation. In addition, Jenny Andersson stated that
especially the requirement concerning the disclosure of the amount removed from equity and
included in each line item of the income statement, was not always met in practice. She
believed that this could be due to slackness. Another possibility could be that the analyzed
companies just did not remove any amount from equity or that the removed amounts were in
fact provided in the changes of equity but not explicitly stated in a particular note to the
The empirical findings regarding 7.23 e) 147 also support Jenny Anderssons view that this
criterion is very seldom applied in practice and could therefore explain why the percentage of
companies providing such particular information was only 5,56 percent. Paragraph 7.24 b),
which requires a disclosure of the ineffectiveness from CFHs in the income statement was
only fulfilled by approx. 46 percent of the analyzed annual reports. The most reasonable
explanation for this might be that ineffectiveness of cash flow hedges is not so common in
practice, according to Jenny Andersson. In addition to that, 7.24 b) is, compared to the
previous regulation, a new requirement 148 which could explain the low score if the
implementation of IFRS 7 is considered as a learning process in an initial stage. On the other
hand, Jenny Andersson argued that the ineffectiveness of a hedge relationship is not difficult
to measure in practice, wherefore missing disclosures could also be due to slackness.
- Analysis -
interview feedback, although such information should not be difficult to provide since the
necessary financial instruments must be recognized in the consolidated accounts. According
to the theory, hedging instruments of HIFO relationships are almost always denominated in
the subsidiaries local currency 149. Therefore the (fair) value of those instruments (e.g. loans
and bonds) must already be existent in the corporations accounting system. Since paragraph
7.22 c) is of general nature (applies for all three hedge types) 150, the analysis concerning this
criterion is identical with the discussion mentioned above, in the analysis of fair value
The recognition of the ineffectiveness from HIFOs (paragraph 7.24 b)) was only disclosed by
31,82 percent of the sample size. The explanations for lacking information regarding the
ineffectiveness of HIFOs could be identical with the ones provided in the analysis of the
CFHs. This seems just reasonable since the accounting treatment for both hedge types is very
similar, according to the presented theory. 151
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008) http://www.pwc.de/fileserver/RepositoryItem/fs_Hedge%20Accounting_Download.pdf?itemId=58817.
Accessed 28.04.2008
A differentiation of IFRS 7 hedge accounting disclosure requirements between general (apply for all three hedge type) and hed ge type
specific criteria can be found in the theory chapter 2.4.7.
Alexander et al. (2007) p. 405
Pankoff & Virgil (1970) p. 269
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 10
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 24-30
- Analysis -
relevant155 for their analysis processes. This finding conflicts with Alexander et al156, who
argue that in todays complex and globalized business world the provided figures must be
explained in detail in order to raise the significance and understandability of the presented
information. If this would apply in practice, the interviewed financial analysts should rely
more on the entities information provided in their disclosures.
IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (2003) paragraph 24-30
Alexander et al. (2007) p. 3-10
Soffer & Soffer (2003) p. 4
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2004) p. 2
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Eccles & Mavrinac (1995)
- Analysis -
and perceived it in general as a positive concept since it smoothes the companies results in
their income statement. This perception harmonizes with the essence of the hedge accounting
concept presented in the theory chapter of this thesis 161. Besides the fact that hedge activities
and hedge accounting is not important for the companies they follow, analyst A in general
perceived hedge accounting as a helpful concept if it is relevant for the analyzed companies
and increases the transparency of the entities business transactions. This opinion correlates
with Ernst & Youngs survey result 162 and the EUs perception of useful financial
statements163 that transparency is the most vital criterion for the usefulness of provided
financial information.
After reviewing the analysts statements it became obvious that the interviewees had
difficulties to differentiate between the different characteristics of the three hedge types
(FVHs, CFHs & HIFOs). This fact corresponds with Jenny Anderssons perception that
financial analysts often not have an extensive accounting knowledge. She believed that the
concepts of economic hedges and hedge accounting are often mixed up. This could indicate
that the disclosures regarding hedge accounting are not that important for analysis purposes
for the most non-financial institutions.
Chapter 2.3.2
Ernst & Young (2006a) http://www.ey.com/global/assets.nsf/International/Global_Risk_-_Investor_Survey_Report/$file/EY-Risk-
Investor-Survey-Report.pdf Accessed 22.04.2008
European Union (2001) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/committees/juri/20020225/449285EN.pdf. Accessed 22.04.2008
Adrem (1999)
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Rimmel (2003) p. 21
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
- Analysis -
information asymmetry situation between them and the companies they follow. For the two
interviewed analysts, the finding diverges with Trompleys perception that (besides the
reduction of the volatile effects on the entitys income statement) hedge accounting should
generate superior information for the statement users, which should help the entities to reduce
an information asymmetry. 168
In addition, the fact that they consider informal, personal contacts with the firms CFOs as
more important than information gathered from annual reports is undermining the theories
regarding the usefulness of financial statements169. If this fact is combined with the issue of
voluntary disclosure mentioned above, it is possible to conclude that in this particular case
hedge accounting is not leading to a reduction of cost of capital. 170 According to the design of
the presented theoretical framework, approaches like the provision of voluntary disclosure
and useful financial statements should ultimately lower the cost of capital since an efficient
capital market would appreciate such additional approaches aiming to minimize information
gaps by more equally distributed information and transparent communication policies. 171
Trombley (2003) p. 33
Grfer & Sorgenfrei (2004) p. 4
Lang & Lundholm (1996)
Daske (2006), Esoinos & Trombetta (2007)
Balans (2008) p. 41-42
Daske (2006) p. 333
See chapter 2.2.3
- Analysis -
incomplete sets of information (even within companies which in general had a high score,
some criteria were met very seldom). Thus, even though IFRS 7 is a mandatory accounting
standard, the study-result indicates that the provided information still can be characterized as
a lemon market. This perspective is supported by the already presented analysis about how
the two interviewed financial analysts perceive the provided hedge accounting information. It
is the lacking relevance and reliability of such disclosures which lead to the fact that they
both do not resort to this kind of information, wherefore the researched hedge accounting
disclosure even not corresponds with Daskes opinion concerning a reduction of the entities
cost of capital (described above). To sum up, the analysis of the available findings rather
points out that the cost of capital cannot be lowered by the simple usage of hedge accounting
and its necessary disclosure. Information problem
To support the readers understanding, figure 21, shows which theories have been used to
analyze the gained empirical findings. Furthermore, this figure points out which theories have
been provided in a broader, more general context, serving a basic understanding of the
subject and which of the theories and models presented in the theory chapter have been
actually used to analyze the research findings. This should aid the reader to understand how
the authors get to their final conclusion, presented below.
- Conclusion -
6 Conclusion
This chapter presents the conclusions the authors draw and answers the thesiss research
questions and purpose.
To which extent does the information provided in the annual reports 2007 of Swedish Large
Cap entities correlate with the hedge accounting disclosure requirements of IFRS 7?
For each hedge type in IFRS 7, a specific matrix was designed in accordance to the
standards requirements. The findings and the analysis of the matrixes scores point out that
for FVHs approx. 88 percent of the entities disclosure information correlated with IFRS 7
hedge accounting requirements. For CFHs and HIFOs approx 63 respective 81 percent of the
entities provided information correlating with the requirements.
The general hedge accounting requirements (paragraph 7.22), which apply for all hedge
types, basically resulted in very high scores (total correlation close to 100 percent), with just
a few minor deviations. Therefore we believe that it is possible to conclude, that the
correlation between the findings and the standards requirements is in general very high. The
various hedge type specific matrixes-scores showed regularly a lower correlation between the
disclosure information and the IFRS 7 requirements (paragraphs 7.23 and 7.24). Furthermore,
we believe that it is possible to identify a trend, showing that those criteria which require
more detailed, sensitive and complex information correlate less often with the disclosures
provided by the entities.
How do financial analysts perceive the hedge accounting disclosures in accordance to IFRS
7, provided in the entities annual reports for their decision making purposes?
Even though the matrixes-scores identified different correlations regarding the standards
requirements and the information disclosed by the entities, the interviewed financial analysts
did not perceive those inconsistencies as important issues for their daily work. The fact that
IFRS 7 was recently introduced was only recognized by one of the interviewees. We believe
that the conducted research shows that disclosures regarding hedge accounting of non-
financial entities were not that important for the analysis purposes of the two financial
analysts. In addition, disclosures in general were not of special importance for their analysis
They both perceived the provided common disclosures often as standardized and overloaded
with text. Instead they prefer quantitative and specific data, for instance in form of plain
tables. The analysts both perceived the existing accounting regulation as extensive and
complex and preferred instead alternative accounting policies which would cover more the
substance over form perspective.
To conclude, we believe that the new hedge accounting disclosures, regulated in IFRS 7, are
not very important for analysts decision making process when it comes to the analysis of
non-financial entities.
- Final discussion -
7 Final discussion
In this chapter the authors conclude the thesis with a final discussion regarding the research
topic. Furthermore, suggestions for further research are presented.
Even though the general hedge accounting requirements, which apply for all hedge types,
were fulfilled by almost all analyzed entities it is striking that the disclosed information is
often of standardized and unspecific nature. The more hedge type specific criteria were met
less often. We think that this could be due to the fact that those criteria are new, compared to
previous regulation, and deal with more detailed, complex and often sensitive information.
Therefore the entities might tend to avoid such presentations. However, since 2007 was the
first fiscal year the standard was applied, we believe that the disclosure practice regarding
hedge accounting will develop over the years resulting in disclosures closer to the standard
setters objective.
The research regarding the financial analysts perception of IFRS 7 was challenging, since it
became obvious that the interview partners were lacking a solid accounting knowledge. The
concepts of hedging and hedge accounting were regularly mixed up and an understanding of
the explicit standard was missing. We were surprised about that finding, since the IASBs
Conceptual Framework addresses investors as the main users of financial statements, and
financial analysts can be perceived as representatives of investors. Our perception that hedge
accounting disclosure is not of special importance for financial analysts is supported by the
fact that the response rate of the contacted sell-side analysts was relatively low. Most of the
responses that rejected a participation in this research were due to the fact that the analysts
considered hedge accounting as not important for their daily work. We believe that this could
be explained by the fact that the hedge accounting section of IFRS 7 is just a minor part of
the whole standard and the hedge accounting activities also just cover a very small area of an
analysts area of activity.
In our view, one interesting finding was that the interviewed financial analysts perceived
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Appendix 1 Interview guideline financial analysts
Name: Years of work as analyst:
Company: Title:
Hedge accounting
4. What is your opinion about companies that decide to use hedge accounting?
a) Are there hedges that you think are of special importance when you analyze a
b) Are there any differences between industries regarding the relevance of hedges and
hedge accounting?
5. How important is the disclosed hedging information for your work as an analyst?
a) Does the voluntary choice regarding hedge accounting help you to understand the
companies risk situation in a better way?
b) What is the most critical information in IFRS 7 regarding hedge accounting for
analysis purposes?
6. How do you appraise the provided information? Do you have to deal with standardized
information? Or is it mostly company-specific?
a) IFRS 7 requires the companies to disclose qualitative and quantitative information.
Which one do you assess as most important?
7. From your personal perspective, has the introduction of IFRS 7 led to an improvement
regarding the disclosed information of the entities hedge activities?
a) How do you perceive the differences from the previous years?
b) Was the introduction of IFRS 7 necessary for your work as an analyst?
Additional questions
Appendix 2 Interview guideline accounting specialist
Name: Years of work within accounting:
Company: Title:
1. According to your opinion, what is the primary reason for the introduction of IFRS 7?
2. Has IFRS 7 the same importance for non-financial institutions? If not, why?
3. Do you believe that the new parts of the hedge accounting disclosures in IFRS 7 were
demanded by the investors/financial analyst? Why?
4. Do you believe that IFRS 7 provides a more fair value regarding hedge accounting activities
compared to previous regulation?
5. Which part regarding hedge accounting is most critical in IFRS 7, from an investors point of
6. What is your opinion about the voluntary choice of hedge accounting? Is that aiding the users
to understand the risks nature in a better way?
7. The most prominent change regarding the disclosure requirements for hedge accounting,
compared to earlier regulations, is those about cash flow hedges. What is the idea behind that?
8. From your perspective, which areas within hedge accounting and its disclosure requirements
are discussed most in practice?
Appendix 3 Sample size
Appendix 4 Sample sizes use of different hedges
Appendix 5 Fullfilment criteria IFRS 7
Appendix 6 Matrix 1, Fair value hedges
Appendix 7 Matrix 2, Cash flow hedges
Appendix 8 Matrix 3, Hedges of net investment