Drawing Now
Drawing Now
Drawing Now
drawing now
between the lines of
contemporary art
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introduction ix
drawing now 1
artwork details 97
reflection rather than from observation, and writing, and functions as a tool of concep- atmosphere. . . agreed . . . collectively as
which accesses a different sort of knowl- tualisation parallel with language. It is the a visual language8 and that in consequence
edge to that gathered from perception. artistic medium that is least interrupted by all academies look very much the same.
Instead of the translation of visual appear- technical considerations, and therefore the Drawing does not have to conform to the
ance, Drawing Now emphasises two aspects chosen means for the initial formulation of conventions of any particular time, so it is
as central characteristics of drawing: the visual ideas and the transfer of the appro- liberated from the protocols of line, whose
performative and the speculative. priation of visual culture.6 Much writing mastery constituted the backbone of the
The resurgence of interest in drawing about drawing has a eulogising tone. Draw- Western artists visual education.9 A resist-
may have something to do with what Arthur ing is described as a primitive technology ance to this language that gestures and
Danto has identified as the point that marks and, as such, a readily accessible means of expresses appears to be a common theme
the before and after of art.4 He suggests visualisation (what Deanna Petherbridge has in contemporary drawing; in some instances,
that at some point in the twentieth century referred to as the primal nature of draw- artists bypass the properties peculiar to
(precisely, 1965), the role of art changed ing), which can make us grasp reality in an drawing, and use it only because it conven-
so enormously with regard to its cultural immediate way. It is said to demonstrate the iently refuses the pretensions of other more
significance that it appears to have reached relationship between reason and intuition, complete and complex forms. However,
a hiatus or crisis point, according to your between sensory perception, interpretation whether contemporary practice has relin-
point of view. If the story of art is a great and the process of understanding. Its posi- quished this tyranny of language and the
and compelling narrative, Danto suggests tion near to the conception of ideas, and totality of image to any degree is doubtful.
that we have reached the point where we before the refinement of methods, means Petherbridge refers to the use of a dumb
recognise its end. The story of art emerged it can retain a freshness, an idiosyncrasy line, by which she means a line which is not
in the Renaissance, with artists as great and a transcendence of historical postures. eloquent in the language of drawing10 and
masters, moved through the progressive Drawing lends itself to the expression of its which does not demonstrate a sophisticated
and heroic period of modernism, and has subject matter in a direct way, and allows awareness of the craft. What was once
now reached the ultra self-consciousness of a model of representation that maps the an abnegation of the niceties of drawing
postmodernism, where the artists prac- fragmented simultaneity of thought, access- style has now been adopted as another
tice has become part of a discourse that ing memory, visual fragment and intangible stylistic schemata. While dumb lines might
critiques rather than represents. A more imagination. Unencumbered by more have once superseded the gestural mark
extreme view, expressed by Jean Baudril- sophisticated or finished processes, such as as indicative of its contemporary anti-aes-
lard, states that art can only now reiterate painting or more advanced technological thetic, they are currently deliberately used
what has gone before.5 However, drawing, its methods, drawings simplicity seems more and self-consciously applied. So what might
process, its role and its meaning, is unique able to demonstrate the complexity of constitute innocent simplicity now? The
in its shared and consistent use throughout conceptual possibilities. It can be remarkably innocent simplicity that was once a mark of
history. To some extent it remains outside, and peculiarly potent. expressive immersion is difficult to achieve.
or at least beside, this narrative. If it is seen An ongoing debate in the drawing com- Work by artists such as David Shrigley
as separate from arts history, drawing can munity is that of the nature of drawings appears to be a more contemporary equiva-
therefore be viewed in two ways: either as language its systems and methods.7 lent: playfully meandering around a subject
another means to participate in an art in cri- Drawing is driven by conventions, which and watchfully self-reflexive.
sis, or as a means to escape the boundaries start with the translation of mass and Drawing does provide an opportunity
of current aesthetic trends. Being bracketed light into a line (that does not exist) fol- to escape traditions of both mode and
off from the mainstream has facilitated the lowing the edge of the mass. Norman language. But it is contradictory: it both
current popularity that reiterates its par- Bryson describes the academy as moving denies, and in some respects confirms,
ticular properties. through a series of received schemata that current thinking and trends. In general,
Drawing is the primal means of symbolic mediates by means of a set of templates drawing can be seen as particularly suited to
communication. It predates and embraces or hieroglyphs, for hill tree foliage contemporary aesthetic assumptions as its
with the world. Blindness articulates the alternatives to it: first, the differentiation operation (doing) and introduces a useful
impossibility of imitation blind to the between modes of imitation (perceptual and premise from which to start. In addressing
world, drawing what is seen and not seen, behavioural), and second, the differentiation the action of drawing he demonstrates that
with and without seeing. The quotation at between modes of operation (behavioural the second two forms (ideas and memory)
the start of this introduction suggests a and conceptual). The Thought of Drawing are impossible without at least the memory
number of central ideas that drawing ampli- considers what is meant by the nature of of observation. While we are not con-
fies: drawing as the visualisation of thought; concept. We chase down something other cerned primarily with drawings that grapple
drawings dependence on vision and its than a drawing dependent on perception, with observation, we must acknowledge
relationship with perception; drawing as something that avoids the dualism of real- the relationship that ideas and memory
trait14 the manner in which it imitates the ity and appearance. Instead we look at a have with observation. A drawing collates
world; drawing that depends on an inner series of oppositional conditions that occur images from a variety of sources (memory,
vision; and drawing as a reflective proc- in drawing and in responding to drawing: fantasy etc.), so any drawing that involves
ess. One cannot draw without (hind)sight, appearance and disappearance, memory reference to the visible necessitates the
memory or consciousness of resemblance. and amnesia, performance and stasis, the illusory craft of drawing as if in front of the
Derridas exploration suggests that at the visible and the invisible, transcendence and scene. Drawing moves between observa-
heart of this dependence on vision is the immanence. Hypothesis of Sight returns to tion, studying the visible (the present tense),
contradiction of seeing, of tracing an imita- the differentiation between the ontological reference (past and memory) and projection
tion, of re-presenting, which is embodied (what drawing essentially is) and the discur- (future tense and what is absent). The artist
in the physicality of the act of drawing and sive (how it thinks). Here we concentrate (characterised here by Tracey Emins work)
the drawing itself. This is the contradiction on the implications resulting from drawing restores invisibility to memory, making
between the will to imitate and the will to considered as thought and concept and visible what is unbeseen.19 It is memory and
invent, to escape convention, to break the dependent on the process of its making anticipation that organises what is perceived,
rules. Sight is understood as an equivalent to its performance. that projects beyond what is present and
understanding and knowing (I see). Thus, if rescues the repetitive interruption of the
we deny sight as a means of making refer- gaze in the batting of an eyelid.20 Drawing
ence, we can only access understanding at playing with appearance plays with appearance; it oscillates between
the point of making the mark, and drawing seeing, thinking, remembering and imagin-
the drawing. We can understand drawing as ing, controlling and being controlled as the
Drawing works to abolish the principle of
conjecture at the point of perception and at image emerges.21 It is continuously and
Disappearance, but it never can, and instead
the point of remembering, for one can only it turns appearance and disappearance into
simultaneously shifting itself in the course of
appraise a memory once it is represented a game [which] can never be won, or wholly its making.
(drawn). Borrowing some of the terms and controlled, or adequately understood.16 Bergers attempt to categorise the com-
questions raised by Derrida, we pursue the plex procedures of drawing illustrates an
idea of drawing as the hypothesis of sight,15 John Bergers discussion emphasises the inherent contradiction in both objective
of intuition and conjecture, and contend act of drawing, as becoming rather than and subjective drawing. He confirms that
that drawing, as a contemporary operation, being,17 which suits our focus on doing, every drawing is drawing by memory, so
makes propositions and hypothesises. We discourse and drawing as thinking. Berger that what is remembered saturates both
focus on the thought of drawing, which distinguishes between three types of draw- the other modes (observation and ideas).
emphasises its potency as residing in its ing: those concerned with observation, with Thus, subjective drawing must rely on
ambivalent qualities its propensity to communicating ideas and with memory. He the memory of observation, and memory
speculation and its contradictory condition. argues that Each type of drawing speaks in filters observation and directs imagination
We have subdivided our discussion into a different tense that requires a different with inherited value judgements. That is
sections. Playing with Appearance considers capacity for imagination.18 His reference why it takes so long to learn.22 If drawing
the inheritance of perception and possible to tenses implies that drawing is a verb was transcription, a kind of script writing,
essential or ideal. Much of the drawing in the thought of drawing ceptual. Since these terms were adopted
this book, rather than seeking any ideal or by conceptual art, they have been modified
universal quality, relies on the idiosyncratic and confused. Conceptual art has ampli-
Outline drawing, where detail is suppressed
and, even, the anti-ideal. It is this aspect or subjugated to the containing and defin-
fied the contradictions between mimesis
that is dumb rather than the quality of ing contour, is the most conceptual means and concept that operate in drawing. In the
the line, which can now only be knowingly of drawing. It is the most abstract, in that to 1960s, the processes of meaning associated
drawn. arrive at a clarity of outline is a process of with conceptual art promoted exchange
Avis Newmans discussion of drawing as a reduction and deliberate simplification and between the uses of language and images
theatre of gesture suggests that it presents stylisation.30 and questioned the apprehension of a
the point at which something that wasnt work of art as being dependent on mimetic
there before is made manifest. This is not Petherbridges statement provokes the reference. Sol LeWitt presented a version
necessarily the same as the imitation of an question: in what sense can drawing be of art that placed the idea and the visual as
ideal. Like Fisher, Newman likens drawing to conceptual? It assumes that the reduction being interdependent, where the process of
the animation of thought, and promotes a occurs during the analytical process of look- conception and the process of visualisation
focus on drawing as process by emphasising ing that takes place in objective drawing, by are of equal importance. Joseph Kosuth, in
its primary function of thinking, consider- which objects are reduced to nonexistent questioning aesthetic formalism, posited that
ing the activity to be simultaneous with lines, whereas describing subjective ideas the idea itself can be considered as art, shift-
language and not coming before or after.29 or delineating a conception is a synthetic ing the emphasis from the material and the
However, in this conception of drawing, process. If drawing visualises thought, as visual to the conceptual content a shift
it remains a responsive sort of thinking. is suggested by numerous commentators from looking to reading.31 It is the holding-
Newmans premise rests more with the (including Fisher and Newman), its actual function of concept, motivated by artistic
spontaneous drawing as a response to visualisation is presented alongside its twin context and its reliance on visual play, which
what is seen, which mediates between vision facility of (drawing) likeness and appearance. propels the concept beyond the notion that
and hand. What of the more subjective and The fact is that once we animate thought, it is limited to verbal thought or that it is
deliberate? How does contemporary draw- we must give appearance to it visualisa- standard or limited in number. However,
ing utilise or abandon its received tyranny of tion anticipates resemblance and provokes conceptual art has come to be associated
language? recognition. Drawing is contradictory in its with dry, visual-less art, whereas the term
Pursuing Newmans contention that dependence on the memory of observation itself refers to the cognitive operation in
drawing equates with thought, we can while conceiving a world that does not rely apprehending meaning. We focus on this
look at this in terms of the subjective, the on the existence of essential form or objec- original emphasis of cognitive over specular
conceptual and the performative. Leav- tive perception. Although it is not bound to response.
ing observation aside, we look at drawing conform to representing ideational form, it LeWitt makes the distinction that it is
as a mediating representation that derives readily facilitates speculative ideas; it has the the idea (the components) that implicate
from experiences other than visual per- postmodern characteristics of self-conscious the concept (general direction).32 The
ception. We look more closely at drawing reference and mannerism while inevitably, term idea, which Berger uses, is not
as an alternative means to imitate experi- and in contradiction, inviting ideational straightforward, and can be generalised
ence and to conceive realism. Much of the drawing. One prevalent trend, represented or contradictory, allied as it is to mental
work in Drawing Now abandons the resort here by Angela Eames and Jonathan Hould- image and representation, or confused by
to appearance, presenting instead the use ing among others, depicts imagined spaces associations with seeing in the sense of
or experience of something. We focus on that rely on the most traditional of drawing understanding. Historically, ideas have been
those drawings that do not attempt to trace systems for their realisation. linked to our perceptions to what is seen
the visible, but rather seek to experience Having stated an emphasis on conceptual rather than what is experienced, or again in
what is not visible the invisible, or the modes of drawing, we need to clarify what turn to a kind of idealism. The difficulty with
unbeseen. we mean by the terms concept and con- the term concept (a thing conceived, an
recognition, assumes by default the notion intelligible.38 An aesthetic idea is an intui- Noble) or effect (e.g. Weiss). It is a differ-
of likeness and the degree of truthful- tion (of the imagination) and is subjective. ence expressed in practical terms by Alyson
ness understood in that likeness. But, as we This mode of thought is not representable Brien as a problem between drawing what I
make connections between properties and but relies, in this context, on the process of know would be physically there if I created
qualities, concepts, in the sense that they drawing itself. Its whereabouts cannot be this shape and what you would be able to
are capacities, are only required to accumu- located; one cannot say for example here see if you were looking at it and Im torn
late likenesses, not resolve them. Derridas is the frivolity or here is the source of my between drawing it as if its made of glass
thinking about supplement similarly maps a disturbing response. We might say that an and drawing the way in which from one side
framework for exploring the image that cov- aesthetic idea emerges in a sensation that this would be obscured.40
ers all eventualities within the field. It works is more visceral than visual, as with the
much like a figure-field switch, in which the work of Anne-Marie Schneider or Monica
peripheral becomes necessary and central at Weiss. In these terms we have the differ- hypothesis of sight
the same time as being an addition. A com- ence between an aesthetic idea that follows
mon attribute of drawing is the embedding the subjective principle and cannot be I feel myself incapable of following with my
of concept within the physical property of explained, and rational ideas that are ration- hand the prescription of the model: it is as
the materials used, as in the work of Cor- ally explicable or visually illustrate concepts if just as I was about to draw, I no longer
nelia Parker. such as magnitude or structure using objec- saw the thing. For it immediately flees, drops
out of sight and almost nothing of it exists;
The processes of representation by tive principles (i.e. schemata). We might
it disappears before my eyes, which in truth,
concept and imagination are discussed by have an idea, so conceived that we cannot no longer perceive anything but the mocking
Immanuel Kant, who articulates the key imagine it nor demonstrate it entirely as it arrogance of this disappearing apparition.41
relationships between understanding and resides in the relationship between imagina-
imagining, between what is demonstrable tion and understanding, and possibly exceeds Derridas assumption about drawing in Mem-
and what is not, between what is explicable understanding and can only be approached oirs of the Blind is one of looking and copying
and what is not. His distinction between through the physical process itself. John Wil- and concerns the conflation of the fleeting
rational ideas and aesthetic ideas clarifies lats distinguishes between elements such as certainty of sight with the imitation of what
what might be understood as two catego- lines within a drawing (what he calls picture can be seen. But his speculation on blindness
ries of conceptual drawing. He speaks of primitives) and the marks made the way works as an extended metaphor for sev-
rational ideas as elements that form an that they are drawn: their capacity to be eral dimensions of the act of drawing both
understanding of something in an objec- expressive, their sound.39 This distinction from observation and imagination the
tive (rational) sense, so that a concept of echoes the difference between drawing that thinking operation in the process of draw-
understanding is demonstrable and graspa- relies on drawing systems to create another ing and the reflection process in its reading.
ble. The drawings of Paul Noble, Erwin world and drawing that relies on the nature The act of drawing is fascinating in the way
Wurm and Simon Evans can be seen as of application rather than what is drawn, as that it struggles to translate experience,
rational ideas that demonstrate another is evident in an obsessive process of draw- particularly experience besides that of the
space or map another dimension, and are ing (e.g. Brian Fay or Marco Maggi) or in the appearance of objects. Without representa-
visualised as measurable and graspable; physically explosive (e.g. John OConnell). tion, which requires definition of some sort,
they are speculative. Kant describes an Such a physical engagement with the draw- experience remains continuous, ambivalent,
aesthetic idea as distinct from concepts ing process moves away from depiction to incomprehensible and irretrievable. Tempo-
of understanding, as that representation something that indicates a complexity which rality is not grounded in anything unless we
of the imagination which induces thought, it is not possible to fully depict. These are ground it by relating it to concrete things,
yet without the possibility of it being in any the two forms that many of the drawings and it only becomes past, present or future
way definitive or adequate to it, and which in this book occupy, and which show us the in relation to ourselves. Philosophy circu-
language consequently can never get quite contradiction inherent in visualising what lates around notions of what consciousness
on level terms with or render completely cannot be seen either by speculation (e.g. is: what is me and what is not, what is out
another.47 As with the psychoanalytic proc- in the construction. The process of sub- is a transaction between appearance and
ess that strives to uncover meaning, but no traction and addition in the physical act of thought.49 The term performance can
one definitive meaning, the scene of drawing drawing touches on the difference between sometimes indicate a mimetic representa-
simultaneously obscures and reveals, and what is seen and what is conceived, and tion that suggests a passive operation where
elides all interpretations. Ultimately Derrida again between what is conceived and what the participant actualises something already
uses the act of drawing as a vehicle to illus- appears on the paper. The process refers, determined. Whereas it is shown above
trate elusive and contradictory concepts. via subtraction, to what is absent as well as to be more (re)active, drawing here dem-
Briens description, recorded as she draws present to description. While Brien has an onstrates process and idea simultaneously
an unformed concept (an aesthetic idea), idea of what she wants, she avoids being in the course of its own production. And
echoes the oscillation between seeing, think- too clear in advance of the action. As she the one who draws both directs their own
ing and imagining, and parallels Derridas draws, she recognises what it is she wants form of production and is directed by the
abstract commentary in practical terms: or doesnt want. Her ideas are movements drawing. J.L. Austin describes a performa-
and qualities, not definitive things. Its quite tive statement as referring to itself in the
Im rubbing out some lines Ive previously put clear that she is driven by what happens on process of its own making.50 A performa-
in . . . in little pecking gestures to get the the paper and that to a great extent she tive statement declares its own doing as in
rubber to get rid of the marks Ive already put
is not the one in control. She expresses I am drawing, as opposed to a constative
on, which is not that easy . . . better . . . there
are some other lines that I dont want that
surprise several times at what is happening statement that is already defined before it
Im also taking off that are too thick and too in front of her, as if independently, and uses is said. Austins distinction between perfor-
. . . in the wrong place thats them coming words like coaxing as though persuading mative and constative statements provides
off . . . a bit more . . . heres a pale grey Ive got the drawing to do what she wants, but at an interesting analogy for drawing, both in
here that I put on before Im covering over the same time acknowledging that it wont terms of the procedure itself, and in terms
what I did . . . adding to it . . . Again Im moving necessarily. It is evident that the inherent of the differentiation between what might
the chalk round and creating a growing light blindness in looking is inextricable from the be termed a constative drawing, which
grey area moving it out from the centre mechanics of thinking, and that the act of would represent or describe mimetically,
around into an area Ive previously drawn . . . drawing a line illustrates the point at which and a performative drawing, which can be
make it darker and slightly more . . . curved
the ontological meets the conceptual. Con- seen as changing its own terms, as it per-
. . . trying a fanning out idea . . . adding some
other areas with the darker areas in . . . theres
ceiving drawing as a conceptual operation forms itself. In doing drawing, a drawing is
a form appearing but its very unclear whats that hypothesises incorporates the physi- seen to constitute itself; the drawing is more
happening to the edges its splitting like a cal emergence of line at the point at which event than thing. The performative, discur-
banana . . . out I dont know if thats what I visual appearance disappears and conception sive drawing incorporates the physicality
want but thats whats happened.48 appears. Derrida and Brien each articulate of process and the function of addition and
the interdependence of conception with the subtraction.
Briens self-absorption demonstrates physical process. Each repositions drawing Benjamins definition, which describes
the process of drawing as an extreme with its production as a particular form of drawing as ceasing when a line is no longer
immersion in reaction and anticipation. thinking that cannot be separated from its distinguishable from its background, refers
Her description confirms two things: that peformance: it is performative thinking. to a static, one-dimensional record of
the performative process of drawing is The performance of drawing (Bergers appearance.51 The drawings collated in this
liminal, moving between conscious deci- doing) reacts to a succession of distur- book focus on what can emerge from spec-
sion and unconscious compulsion, and that bances: the procedure of addition and ulative activity, an operation not dependent
it incorporates a synthesis of addition and erasure, of gesture and change, of instinct on sight and imitation, but on what is hap-
subtraction. It is notable that Brien spends and thought. What the performance implic- pening, being felt and being thought. Drawing
as much time removing marks as she does itly tells us is that the drawing process here is an active and imaginative perform-
putting them on and that removal marks enacts a simultaneous physical contradic- ance, a place of demonstrative production
become just another kind of additional mark tion that, as Katrinka Wilson determines, rather than a tool of neutral translation.
but not simply innocent. And when the line for research in the area of fine art might of History (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
is obsessive, it challenges the premise of seem to be at odds with such develop- 1997), p. 5.
5 For example Baudrillard, Jean, Starting from
drawings flatness as illusional space, and is ments. But as drawings dynamic depends on Andy Warhol, in Lotringer, Sylvere (ed.), The
made real (e.g. McKenzie, Locke, Bowlby). the cognitive operation and because of its Conspiracy of Art: Manifestos, Interviews, Essays,
The tyranny of language can be seen to (sometimes deliberately exploited) elusive trans. Ames Hodges (New York: Semiotext,
incorporate a self-conscious lack of respect qualities, the drawing process provides 2005), pp. 439.
6 Petherbridge, Deanna, The Primacy of Drawing,
for the more academic. It has assimilated exactly the ambiguous arena that might chal-
An Artists View (exhibition catalogue, A National
an eclectic mix of schemata derived from a lenge scientific methodology. The peculiar Touring Exhibition from the South Bank Centre,
range of drawing traditions, both high and act of drawing illustrates the dichotomy 1991), p. 7.
low. The totality of image has given way to between knowledge, self-consciousness and 7 Newman, Avis, Conversation: Avis Newman/
an acceptance of the means of making (its intelligence and the desire to respond to Catherine de Zegher, in de Zegher, The Stage of
Drawing, p. 235.
performance) as a subject itself rather than a reality beyond that of appearance. Draw- 8 Bryson, Norman, A Walk for Walks Sake, in de
a process towards something. ing Now: Between the Lines of Contemporary Zegher, The Stage of Drawing, p. 155.
Proposing the need to establish a clear Art explains drawing as a representation of 9 Bryson, The Stage of Drawing, p. 153.
agenda for drawing research, Steve Garner experience rather than appearance, and in 10 Petherbridge: The Primacy of Drawing, p. 52
11 De Zegher, The Stage of Drawing, p. 276.
states: Just how drawing supports cognitive this sense relinquishes the mantle of per-
12 Dexter, Emma, Vitamin D, New Perspectives in
processes, particularly creativity and the ception. The realm that the drawings in this Drawing (London: Phaidon Press, 2005), p. 9.
emergence of ideas, has been discussed but book explore is not so much the visible as 13 The exhibition Memoirs of the Blind was held
little evidence has been used to construct a the invisible. from October 1990 to January 1991 and was
foundation of knowledge on which we might the first in a series entitled Taking Sides, which
invited personalities known for their critical
build.52 Contrary to the will to define what abilities to initiate a discourse prompted by
drawing is, the nature of drawing appears their choice of drawings.
to inhabit an area that facilitates a level of endnotes 14 Derridas use of the word trait contains a
ambiguity and a dynamic that promotes range of meanings trait, feature, line, stroke,
1 Derrida, Jacques, Memoirs of the Blind, the Self mark, which are discussed in depth by Michael
non-definition and the non-conclusive.
Portrait and Other Ruins, trans. Pascale-Anne Newman, The Marks, Traces, and Gestures of
Drawing aesthetic ideas demonstrates the Brault and Michael Naas (Chicago and London: Drawing, in de Zegher, The Stages of Drawing, pp.
capacity to describe just those qualities that University of Chicago Press, 1993). Derrida 93108.
may be indescribable and which contradict uses the terms thought of drawing, p. 3, and 15 Derrida, Memoirs of the Blind, p. 60 ff. For the
those aspects of research that attempt to between the lines, p. 55. most part Derrida proceeds to discuss the
2 Ginsborg, Michael, Preface: What is Drawing?, hypothesis of sight in relation to self-portrait,
understand the cognitive process. In explor- which does not concern us here.
in Kingston, Angela (ed.), What is Drawing? Three
ing drawings metaphoric capacity, our Practices Explored: Lucy Gunning, Claude Heath, 16 Elkins, James, letter to John Berger [2004], in
manner of examination here reflects the Rae Smith (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2003), Berger, John, Berger on Drawing (Aghabullogue,
experience of cognitive mimesis rather than p. 11: Paper is not the only support for drawing Co. Cork: Occasional Press, 2005), p. 112.
but it is by far the most widespread. Draw- 17 Berger, Lobsters and Three Fishes, in Berger on
a scientific appraisal of its effect. Further
ings are made with graphite, charcoal, chalk, Drawing, p. 124.
investigation might or might not benefit or ink with brush and pen. Drawing is flat and 18 Berger, Drawing on Paper [1996], Berger on
from a more scientific approach to under- monochromatic and it does not predominantly Drawing, pp. 46 and 47.
standing the cognitive nature of the artistic address colour relationships. 19 Derrida, Memoirs of the Blind, p.45: The drafts-
operation of drawing. There are several 3 De Zegher, Catherine (ed.), The Stage of Drawing: man always sees himself to be prey to that
Gesture and Act, Selected from the Tate Collection which is each time universal and singular and
research projects in the fields of cognitive would thus have to be called unbeseen . . ..
(London; New York: Tate Publishing and the
psychology and artificial intelligence where, Drawing Centre, 2003). 20 Baudelaire, Charles, Mnemonic Art, in Mayne,
for example, physical testing and cogni- 4 Belting, Hans, The End of the History of Art, trans. Jonathan (ed.), The Painter of Modern Life and
tive analysis are applied with the aim of Christopher S. Wood (Chicago: University of Other Essays (London: Phaidon Press, 1964),
Chicago Press, 1987), cited in Danto, Arthur C., pp. 1518. Derrida references Baudelaire in
understanding drawing and spatial reasoning
After the End of Art, Contemporary Art and the Pale Memoirs of the Blind, pp. 489: For Baudelaire it
how we learn and interact.53 The agenda
Black Wardrobe
Tape on wardrobe
Charcoal on paper
Graphite on paper
Chrysanthemum 2
Cut paper
Feather Light
Dip pen and ink
Making it up biro
Inkjet print on canvas on stretcher
Making it up charcoal
Inkjet print on canvas on stretcher
Ink on paper
Vermeer x 3
Digital drawing on paper
Atlas of Movements, Studies of Continental Europe (bicycle), a selection: movements #6 (Gent-Faro), #7 (Gent-Genve-Zrich-Gent), #8 (Gent-Den Haag-
Gent), #12 (Gent-Venetia-Gent), #28 (Gent-tour du Mt Blanc-Gent), #35 (Gent-Etna(-Gent)), #37 (Gent-Pointe de corsen-Grenoble-Genve-Gent)
Blue ink on paper
Woman with direct attitude & no personality that likes to go shopping with her mother Pencil on paper (2004)
L Astre Blue
Ballpen and collages on pattern-making paper
Je Flipper
Pen and ink on paper
India ink on paper
Untitled: Die
MDF, pastel, graphite
Super 8 mm film stills
Subconscious of a Monument
Soil excavated from beneath the Leaning
Tower of Pisa, wire
Pornographic Drawing
Ink made from dissolving video tape
(confiscated by HM Customs & Ex-
cise) in solvent
Installation view of the Elector Series, at Portikus, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany Mixed media (2005)
Elector Anne IX
Ink on Denril
Vertige dAmour
Graphite on paper
Detail 2 Throw Away After Use, A London Town Pencil on paper (20024)
Lethe Room: View of the installation at the Lehman College Art Gallery
Plaster, metal, wood, motor, crayons, pigment, paper, the artist
Untitled (Castle)
Pencil on paper in snow dome
The Idiot
Pencil and paper