Rons LL Game Houserules
Rons LL Game Houserules
Rons LL Game Houserules
Characters get maximum hit points at level 1. At each level up, the character rolls his entire new hit dice, adding
Constitution modifiers, and roll until you roll higher than the current hit point total.. Example: a level 1 Fighter with
14 Constitution gets 9 HP (max d8+1), and at level 2 he rolls 2d8+2 for HP, rolling again if the new roll is lower
than his current hp
When creating a character, the player rolls 3d6 in order, nine times. The first six rolls make up the six attributes in
the order: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The final three are floating results
that can be substituted in for any of the six attributes (or discarded if too low to be any use). 3 characters are made
and no ne characters may be made until all 3 have deceased.
Level Limits; you may exceed the listed level limit if your primary requisite score has a positive modifier, by
that amount. If the class has multiple prime reqs , you will use the one with lowest modifier.
Additionally you may advance passed this for 2 more levels at the cost of 2 X the experience cost, and 2 more levels
beyond that at the cost of 3 X the xp cost listed.
Are situational and without a Helmet terrible things could possibly happen to your skull and the jelly inside it.
Armor like leather and above are considered to have a helm
After combat characters may take one turn and be bandaged to regain 1 HP/Level of Target using bandages and field
dressings, these are part of Healing Kit and cost 3 SP/Use
Base movement in combat before any Encumbrance modifications
Dwarf: 20/Round Elf: 40/Round
Halfling, Gnome 30/Round Human. Half-orc, half elf: 40/Round
Movement rate on Climbing is usually movement the characters normal movement.
Alignment Languages will not be used but rare unusual languages will be, examples such as Celestial, The Black
Tongue, etc
INT will not limit total number of languages but only initial languages
Clerics are not limited in Turning attempts to once per encounter. Each additional attempt, deducts a -1 penalty to
the attempt.
Weapon Choice is specific to the portfolio of the deity they are following.
A Clerics Holy Symbol if of a material that is specifically harmful to a particular undead grants a +2 bonus to the
attempt. If the Cleric also has other items harmful or avoided by the particular undead this bonus is counted as well,
such as garlic for vampire etc
Ritual Magic: Casters can gain access to ritual magic which do not take up any spell slots but require complex
rituals that involve rare, expensive, and exotic materials and may take from turns to cast to days of interrupted ritual.
Wisdom bonus to All Healing
Clerics of any level may make scrolls of any spell they are able to cast. The cost is 200gp/Spell Level and one week
of time per spell level.
New per level healing spells for cleric and druid
Cure Light Wounds
Level: Clc 1, Drd 2
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores 1d6+1 hit points of damage or can remove paralysis.
Cure Minor Wounds
Level: Clc 2, Drd 3
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores 1d8+2 hit points of damage or can remove paralysis.
Cure Major Wounds
Level: Clc 3, Drd 4
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores 2d6+2 hit points of damage or can remove paralysis.
Cure Serious Wounds
Level: Clc 4, Drd 5
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores 1d6+1d8+3 hit points of damage or can remove paralysis.
Cure Critical Wounds
Level: Clc 5, Drd 6
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores 3d6+3 hit points of damage, can remove paralysis, or can restore 1 point of STR or CON lost through
energy drain if subject makes system shock check.
Level: Clc 6, Drd 7
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Restores all but 1d4 hit points of damage and cures diseases, blindness, paralyzation, poison, amnesia, and feeble
mind or can be used to restore 2 points of STR or CON lost due to energy drain if subject makes system shock
Thief Class use a D6 for Hit Die
D12 Thief Skill Checks
Clarification on the scope of Thief skills: Starting chance of success may be low, but they represent the chance of
exceptional feats. "Move silently" is the chance of complete silence, which isn't always needed - moving quietly is
usually enough to give a chance of surprising an enemy, and that doesn't require a roll. "Hide in Shadows" is the
chance of remaining unseen in direct line of sight with only shadow for concealment - having real concealment can
improve the chance or give automatic success. Players may be able to find traps (and find ways around them) by
experimentation and cleverness, without having to succeed at "Find and Remove Traps" rolls.
Thieves may make up to three attempts per lock, after that it is only attempt-able at that same lock when they level.
Thieves may use Dex bonus to their to hit for all light weapons
Fighters, Dwarves
Offensive Focus (declared at beginning of round): +2 to hit, +2 AC for round
Fighting Defensively (declare at beginning of round): -2 to hit, -2 AC for round.
Fighters and dwarves gain an additional attack per round starting at 5th level and every 5 levels afterwards capping at
15th level and 4 attacks per round other martial classes gain an additional attack at name level.
All martial classes; Defensive fighting; may forgo their attack to gain a +2 ac bonus until their next turn, they
also may only move their movement in a round.
Combat options
Dual Wield: using 2 weapons grants a +1to hit and you may roll damage for each weapon, and take the highest of
the two.
Fighters, Dwarves (Races as Class) and Rangers may wield two weapons of the same size such as a long sword. All
other martial classes must use an offhand weapon that is one size smaller.
Elves may dual wield elven longswords regardless of class. They cost 100gp each and are limited in availability.
Mages get the benefit of bonus spells for high INT as Divine casters do for high WIS.
All spells must be found or researched, no automatic free spell when leveling
Understanding spells; if you fail to learn a spell , you must wait till you level again to try and learn it again.
Researched Spells are not counted towards Spells Known Per Level
Magic-users of any level may make scrolls of any spell they can understand. The cost is 200gp/Spell Level and one
week of time per spell level. Up to three spells may be inscribed upon a single scroll. Magic-user can roll to
understand spells of levels higher than they can cast, which allows them to make scrolls of spells they could not
otherwise use. Elves follow the standard scroll creation rules.
Counter Spells: Spell casting classes with memorized spells may hold their action and sacrifice a memorized spell to
counter an equal level spell. Ability check to recognize the spell being cast is INT Spell level on d20.
Cantrips: As long as a Magic-User character has memorized spells they may cast very minor magical effects with
concentration and are related to spells in memory in effect.
Ritual Magic: Casters can gain access to ritual magic which do not take up any spell slots but require complex
rituals that involve rare, expensive, and exotic materials and may take from turns to cast to days of interrupted ritual.
Researching Spells: 1000GP/Level of spell and 2 weeks/Spell Level of timed needed with a required Chance to
Learn roll at the end of the Research time. These costs can be reduced by circumstance such as having a copy of the
Spell but do not currently understand it or spells which are commonly known.
Copying Spells: After successfully casting Read Magic a Spell Caster may copy it into his or her Spellbook
providing they understand it. Copying a spell requires the scribe spell and rare and exotic inks which cost
10GP/Spell Level and a day per spell level to be copied, as notation and casting varies from caster to caster in minor
Eldritch Wand: some; but not all wizards, may begin play with an eldritch wand which allows them to focus their
arcane aptitude into mystical bolts that injure and maim. These small bolts must come from the wand attuned to the
wizard in much as the same way a Familiar is and deal 1d4 hp of damage upon a successful hit. A roll to hit is
required and the range is 30 feet before it dissipates with range increments of 10 feet up to its 30 foot range.
The Henchman/Hireling Labyrinth Lord NPC Class
By far the most common hirelings employed by adventurers, human hirelings are a jack of all trades who
have several unique abilities to aid their employers. They will only participate in combat to actively defend
themselves from danger, avoiding life or death conflict whenever possible. When forced to fight they may use a
club, dagger, or quarterstaff in combat. Human Henchmen are by far the most diverse. They may be of any
alignment and most will serve any employer as long as they are paid their expected wage.
Torchbearer: Henches start off with a number of basic skills that help adventuring parties. Any typical camp-based
activity can be handled by them. They know how and where to source the best wild plants and animals in the local
region, and can instantly connect with other non-adventuring heroes to negotiate and haggle provisions. Henches use
Fighter Saving Throws, but at half their Level (round down). They gain a full share of experience earned. They
cannot wear armor or use weapons (except clubs).
Strong Back: A 2nd level Human Henchman can carry up to 40 lbs of equipment without effecting their
encumbrance. For purposes of determining movement, they may reduce the encumbrance of the gear they are
carrying by 40lbs. So a 2nd level Human Henchman carrying 175 lbs of gear is considered to only be carrying 135
lbs of gear for purposes of movement, per page 44 of the Labyrinth Lord core rules.
+Armor: They may now wear padded, leather, or studded leather armor and do not use shields.
Stout Heart: At 3rd level a Human Henchman receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws to resist mind-effecting
spells such as Cause Fear or Charm Person.
Meat-shield: Henches now gain the benefit of wearing any armor, as well as using shields. This makes them tough
advance support and ensures that they themselves stay alive longer. They also become adept at using staffs and
spears, as well as small knives and slings. They can use other martial weapons at a -2 penalty to attacks, due to lack
of training and familiarity with the weapons. They gain a highly effective shield bash that does d4 damage.
Eased Burden: A 4th level Human Henchman is considered to be one category better on the Movement and
Encumbrance Table on page 44 of the Labyrinth Lord core rules for purposes of movement. So a 4th level Human
carrying the equivalent of 80 lbs of gear is able to move at a rate of 90' per turn instead of the standard 60' per turn.
Rumor Mill: Once a Human Henchman has reached 6th level, they've experienced enough of the world and spent
enough time in various taverns and watering holes to hear rumors and news that may be useful to the adventuring
party. Once per adventure there is a 20% chance of the Human Henchman learning or recalling a piece of
information that may be of use to his employer. The exact nature of this news is determined by the Labyrinth Lord.
Acolyte Labyrinth Lord NPC Class
Acolytes are holy men similar to clerics, though more peaceful in nature. They often
serve as aids to the more martially minded clerics, assisting them with council and their training in the healing arts.
Being men and women who desire peace, they prefer not to participate in combat, though they are able to wield a
club or quarterstaff when necessary. They may only wear padded armor and do not use shields.
Because of their vows. Acolytes are Lawful in alignment and will only serve employers of the same alignment. In
addition, they will refuse to join adventuring parties with characters who Chaotic in alignment.
Gentle Healer: acolytes are dedicated to healing the wounded. When tending to wounds of a player or NPC, that
character/NPC regains an additional 1d3 hit points from a full day of rest.
Herbal remedy: By providing salves, ointments and herbal remedies, an Acolyte of 2nd level or higher grants an
increased protection against disease and poison. As long as the Acolyte remains in the service of a player character
that player character receives a +2 bonus to saving throws to resist both disease and poison.
Holy Blessing: Once per day an Acolyte of 3rd level or higher may reroll any failed saving throw. If the second
saving throw is worse they must accept the results.
Divine Protection: At 4th level an Acolyte may impart either himself or his employer/player character with a minor
blessing of protection, granting them a +2 bonus to themselves or the player character for a single turn.
Simple Prayer: Upon reaching 5th level an Acolyte has shown their dedication to the divine. They may cast one 1st
level cleric spell each day as if they were a 1st level cleric. They must pray for at least 15 minutes each morning and
choose which spell they will pray for each day.