Hass - Permission Letter

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Dear Parents/ Students,

Re: Canning River Eco Centre Excursion: Monday 15th May 2017

This term we are studying Sustainability for our Humanities and Social Sciences this
term. As a part of this, we are going to spend a day at the Canning River Eco
Education Centre in Wilson.

This excursion provides your child with first-hand experiences of how our lifestyles
and pollutions can enter the waterways and impact the local and native wildlife.

Date: Monday, 15th May 2017

Venue: Canning River Eco Education Centre, cnr. Kent st. & Queens Park
rd., Wilson

Cost: $7

Travel: The school bus will be taking us to and from the excursion
9:00am departure
2:30pm return

Supervision: Teachers: Ella Ainsworth and Anna Clay

2 Parent helpers (ratio of 1 adult to 6 children)

Clothing: Students will need to be dressed in full uniform; this includes hats and
jumpers (making sure all items are clearly labelled
with childs details). Closed in footwear (ideally sports shoes) is

Recess/ Lunch: Please make sure your child brings recess and lunch as there will
be no options to purchase either on the day. Additionally a water
bottle clearly labelled with your childs name is also required.

Note: In accordance with school policy, students are not permitted to have any
electronic devices
Any electronic devices will be left at School and locked up in the cupboard; this
includes Mobile Phones and Music Players. We will have the classroom mobile phone
and our personal phones on us.
The school mobile number is provided below if you need to contact us in regards to
any urgent matters on the day.

Return of the Permission Sheet to Mrs Ainsworth or Miss Clay is required by Friday
6th May 2017

Emergency Contact: 0433 123 456

Kind Regards,

Ella Ainsworth
Anna Clay
Are there any allergies or health issues the teacher and school will need to be
aware of for this excursion?

No Yes, (please list below)


Please note Notre Dame will endeavour in all cases to arrange travel in
buses fitted with seatbelts. This however cannot be guaranteed by the

Permission is given for Bus Transport

I give my son/daughter _______________________________________ permission to

attend the out of school excursion to Canning Rive Eco Education Centre 15/ 05/

Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________ Signature


Emergency Contact 1. ________________________ Hm/ Wrk: ______________ Mob:


Emergency Contact 2. ________________________ Hm/ Wrk: ______________ Mob:


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