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Chapter 2

Exact Solutions of Heat Conduction and Diffusion


1 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to the presentation and discussion of analytical solutions to se-
lected heat conduction and substance diffusion problems. First, fundamental solutions are
described. Fundamental solutions are solutions to selected fundamental problems in heat
conduction and diffusion. They include steady as well as transient situations in the three
most commonly used coordinate systems. The method of separation of variables is subse-
quently used to obtain solutions to more complicated problems under both steady state and
transient conditions and for multidimensional systems in various coordinates.

2 Heat Conduction
Here we investigate solutions to special cases of the following form of the heat equation
= 2 T
subject to properly stated initial and boundary conditions.
Selected steady state problems will also be discussed. Recall that under steady state
conditions with constant thermal properties the energy balance equation is
2 T = 0
Finally, at steady state but in the presence of distributed internal heat generation the energy
equation is
(kT ) = g(r)
proper formulation requires the statement of boundary conditions.
Exact solutions to selected special cases of the above equations are presented below.

2.1 Fundamental Solutions to Steady State Problems
Solutions to steady state problems in one dimensional systems exhibiting symmetry are easily
obtained as solutions of ordinary differential equations by direct integration.
Consider a solid slab whose thickness L is much smaller than its width and its height. In
cartesian coordinates the steady state heat balance equation becomes

d2 T
the general solution of which is

T (x) = Ax + B

where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions
involved. This represents the steady state loss of heat through a flat wall.
Similarly, consider the infinite hollow cylinder with inner and outer radii a and b, respec-
tively. At steady state the heat equation in cylindrical coordinates with azimuthal symmetry
d dT
(r ) = 0
dr dr
the general solution of which is

T (r) = A ln r + B

where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions
involved. This represents the steady state loss of heat through a cylindrical wall.
Finally, consider the hollow sphere with inner and outer radii a and b, respectively. At
steady state the heat equation in spherical coordinates with azimuthal and poloidal symmetry
d 2 dT
(r )=0
dr dr
the general solution of which is
T (r) = +B
where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions
involved. This represents the steady state loss of heat through a spherical shell.

2.2 Fundamental Solutions to Transient Problems
Transient problems resulting from the effect of instantaneous point, line and planar sources
of heat lead to useful fundamental solutions of the heat equation. By considering media of
infinite or semi-infinite extent one can conveniently ignore the effect of boundary conditions
on the resulting solutions.
Let a fixed amount of energy QCp be released at time t = 0 at the origin of the three
dimensional solid of infinite extent, initially at T = 0 everywhere. The heat equation is
1 T 2T 2T 2T
= + +
t x2 y 2 z 2
and this must be solved subject to

T (x, y, z, 0) = 0

for all x, y, z and energy QCp released instantaneously at t = 0 at the origin.

The fundamental solution of this problem is
2 2 +z 2
Q x +y
T (x, y, z, t) = e 4t
This solution is useful in the study of thermal explosions where a buried explosive load located
at r = 0 is suddenly released at t = 0 and the subsequent distribution of temperature at
various distances from the explosion is measured as a function of time. A slight modification
of the solution produced by the method of reflexion constitutes an approximation to the
problem of surface heating of bulk samples by short duration pulses of high energy beams.
Similarly, if the heat is released instantaneously at t = 0 but along the zaxis, the
corresponding fundamental solution is
Q x2 +y2
T (x, y, z, t) = e 4t
where QCp is now the amount of heat released per unit length.
Finally, if the heat is instantaneously released at t = 0 but on the entire the y z plane
at x = 0 the corresponding fundamental solution is
Q x2
T (x, y, z, t) = e
where QCp is now the amount of heat released per unit area.
Another important solution is obtained for the case of a semi-infinite solid (x 0) initially
at T = T0 everywhere and suddenly exposed to a fixed temperature T = 0 at x = 0. The
statement of the problem is
1 T 2T
t x2

subject to

T (x, 0) = T0


T (0, t) = 0

The solution is easily obtained introducing the Laplace transform. Multiply the heat
equation by exp(st), where s is the parameter of the transform, and integrate with respect
to t from 0 to , i.e.
1Z T Z
exp(st) dt = exp(st) 2 dt
0 t 0 x
introducing the notation L[T ] = T = 0 exp(st)T dt the transformed heat equation be-
d2 T s
= T
an ordinary differential equation which is readily solved for T . The desired result T (x, t) is
finally obtained from T by inverting the transform and is
T (x, t) = T0 erf ( )
2 t
where the error function, erf is defined as
2 Zz
erf (z) = exp( 2 )d
The above solution is an appropriate mathematical approximation of the problem of quench-
ing hot bulk metal samples.

2.3 Solution to Steady State Problems in Finite Media by Sepa-

ration of Variables
At steady state T /t = 0 so that, in two dimensional systems, the temperature satisfies
Laplaces equation

2 T = 0

From Greens theorem, Laplaces equation requires that

d = 0

which states that under steady state conditions the boundary heat flux cannot be chosen
arbitrarily but must average zero.
Also, from Greens theorem, if T1 and T2 are two solutions of a steady state problem
whose values coincide at the boundary
[(T2 T1 ]2 d = 0

so that T2 T1 = constant. The constant is zero when the problem involves only pre-
scribed temperatures at the boundary (Dirichlet problem) and can be nonzero when normal
derivatives of T at the boundary are specified (Neumann problem).
Consider steady state heat conduction in a thin rectangular plate of width l and height
d. The edges x = 0, x = l and y = 0 are maintained at T = 0 while at the edge y = d
T (x, d) = f (x). No heat flow along the z direction perpendicular to the plate. The required
temperature T (x, y) satisfies

2T 2T
+ =0
x2 y 2
To find T by separation of variables we assume the a particular solution can be represented
as a product of two functions each depending on a single coordinate, i.e.

Tp (x, y) = X(x)Y (y)

substituting into Laplaces equation gives

1 d2 X 1 d2 Y
= 2
= k2
X dx Y dy

where k 2 is a constant and this is true since the LHS is a function of x alone while the RHS a
function of y alone. The constant is selected as k 2 in order to obtain a proper Sturm-Liouville
problem for X (with real eigenvalues). With the above the original PDE problem has been
transformed into a system of two ODEs, i.e.

X 00 + k 2 X = 0

subject to X(0) = X(l) = 0 and

Y 00 k 2 Y = 0

subject to Y (0) = 0.
The solution for X(x) is
X = Xn = An sin( )

with eigenvalues
kn =
for n = 1, 2, 3, ....
The solution of Y (y) is
Yn = Bn sinh( )
The principle of superposition allows the creation of a more general solution from indi-
vidual particular solutions by simple linear combination. Therefore the final form of the
particular solution is

X nx ny
Tn = an sin( ) sinh( )
n=1 l l

The an s are determined by making the above satisfy the nonhomogeneous condition at
y = d, i.e.

X nd nx
f (x) = [an sinh( )] sin( )
n=1 l l

which is the Fourier sine series representation of f (x) with coefficients

Z l
nd 2 nx
cn = an sinh( )= f (x) sin( )dx
l l 0 l
so that the final solution is

X nx sinh( ny
T (x, y) = cn sin( )
n=1 l sinh( nd

Therefore, as long as f (x) is representable in terms of Fourier series, the obtained solution
coverges to the desired solution. Note also that the presence of homogeneous conditions at
x = 0, x = l made feasible the determination of the required eigenvalues.

2.4 Solution to Transient Problems in Finite Media by Separation

of Variables
A simple but important conduction heat transfer problem consists of determining the tem-
perature history inside a solid body which is quenched from a high temperature. More
specifically, consider the homogeneous problem of finding the one-dimensional temperature
distribution inside a slab of thickness L and thermal diffusivity undergoing transient heat
conduction. The initial temperature distribution of the slab is T (x, 0) = f (x). The slab is

quenched by forcing the temperature at its two surfaces x = 0 and x = L to become equal
to zero (i.e. (T (0, t) = T (L, t) = 0; Dirichlet conditions) for t > 0.
The zero values at the boundaries make the problem homogeneous and easier to deal
with. The mathematical statement of the heat equation for this problem is:
2 T (x, t) 1 T (x, t)
x t
subject to

T (0, t) = T (L, t) = 0


T (x, 0) = f (x)

for all x when t = 0.

The method of separation of variables starts by assuming the solution to this problem
has the following particular form

T (x, t) = X(x)(t)

If the assumption is wrong, one discovers soon enough, but if it is correct then we may just
find a solution to the problem! The latter turns out to be the case for this and many other
similar problems.
Introducing the above assumption into the heat equation and rearranging yields
1 d2 X 1 d
X dx2 dt
However since X(x) and (t), the left hand side of this equation is only a function of x
while the right hand side is a function only of t. For this to avoid being a contradiction (for
arbitrary values of x and t) both sides must be equal to a constant. For physical reasons the
required constant must be negative; let us call it 2 .
Therefore, the original PDE is transformed into the following two ODEs
1 d2 X
= 2
X dx2
1 d
= 2
General solutions to these equations are readily obtained by direct integration and are

X(x) = A0 cos(x) + B 0 sin(x)


(t) = C exp( 2 t)

and substituting back into our original assumption yields

T (x, t) = X(x)(t) = [A cos(x) + B sin(x)] exp( 2 t)

where the constant C has been combined with A0 and B 0 to give A and B without lossing
any generality.
Now we introduce the boundary conditions. Since T (0, t) = 0, necessarily A = 0. Fur-
thermore, since also T (L, t) = 0, then sin(x) = 0 (since B = 0 is an uninteresting trivial
solution.) There is an infinite number of values of which satisfy this conditions, i.e.
n =
with n = 1, 2, 3, .... The n s are the eigenvalues and the associated functions sin(n x) are
the eigenfunctions of this quenching problem. These eigenvalues and eigenfunctions play in
heat conduction a role analogous to that of the deflection modes in structural dynamics, the
vibration modes in vibration theory and the quantum states in wave mechanics.
Note that each value of yields an independent solution satisfying the heat equation
as well as the two boundary conditions. Therefore we have now an infinite number of
independent solutions Tn (x, t) for n = 1, 2, 3, ... given by

Tn (x, t) = [Bn sin(n x)] exp(n2 t)

Using again the principle of superposition yields

X nx n
T (x, t) = Tn (x, t) = [Bn sin(n x)] exp(n2 t) = [Bn sin( )] exp(( )2 t)
n=1 n=1 n=1 L L

The last step is to ensure the values of the constants Bn are chosen so as to satisfy the
initial condition, i.e.

nx nx
T (x, 0) = f (x) = Bn sin( )= Bn sin( )
n=1 L n=1 L

Note that this is the Fourier sine series representation of the function f (x).
Recall that a key property of the eigenfunctions is the orthonormality property expressed
in the case of the sin(n x) functions as
Z (
L nx mx 0 , n 6= m
sin( ) sin( )dx =
0 L L L/2 , n = m

Using the orthonormality property one can multiply the Fourier sine series representation
of f (x) by sin( mx
) and integrate from x = 0 to x = L to produce the result
2 nx
Bn = f (x) sin( )dx
L 0 L
for n = 1, 2, 3, ....
Explicit expressions for the Bn s can be obtained for simple f (x)s, for instance if
x , 0 x L2
f (x) =
L x , L2 x L


n2 2
, n = 1, 5, 9, ...
Bn = n4L2 2 , n = 3, 7, 11, ...

0 , n = 2, 4, 6, ...

Finally, the resulting Bn s can be substituted into the general solution above to give

X 2Z L nx0 nx n2 2 t
T (x, t) = Tn (x, t) = [ f (x0 ) sin( )dx0 ] sin( ) exp( )
n=1 n=1 L 0 L L L2

and for the specific f (x) given above

4L 2 t x 1 9 2 t 3x
T (x, t) = [exp( ) sin( ) exp( ) sin( ) + ...]
2 L2 L 9 L2 L
Another important special case is when the initial temperature f (x) = Ti = constant.
The result in this case is

4Ti X 1 (2n + 1)x n2 2 t
T (x, t) = sin( ) exp( )
n=0 (2n + 1) L L2

A similar approach can be used to obtain the solution to the analogous problem for the
solid cylinder of radius a described by

T 2T 1 T
= ( 2 + )
t r r r
subject to

T (r, 0) = Ti

k + hT = 0
at r = a. The corresponding solution is

Ti X 2 J1 (n a)J0 (n r)
T (r, t) = 2 en t =
an n=1 J0 (n a)2 + J1 (n a)2

h Ti X 2 J0 (rn )
= 2( )( ) en t
k a n=1 [(h/k) + 2 ]J0 (an )

where J0 is the Bessel function of first kind, order zero. The eigenvalues 1 , 2 , ... are the
roots of
0 h
J0 (a) + ( )J0 (a) = 0
where J0 (z) = J1 (z), with J1 (z) being the Bessel function of first kind, order one. The
above solution could represent the process of cooling a cylindrical shaft by exposure to a
convective environment.
If the initial temperature is Ti = 0 and boundary condition is instead one of constant
temperature, i.e. T (a, t) = TS the solution becomes

TS X 2 J0 (rn )
T (r, t) = TS 2 en t
a n=1 n J1 (an )

where the eigenvalues are now the roots of

J0 (a) = 0

This solution could represent the sudden heating of a cylindrical shaft.

3 Mass Diffusion
As with the heat equation, fundamental solutions to the diffusion equation are solutions
to selected fundamental problems in solid state diffusion. They include steady as well as
transient situations in the three most commonly used coordinate systems. Solutions to
selected multidimensional problems (steady and transient) in various coordinate systems are
obtained using the separation of variables method.
Here we investigate solutions to special cases of the following form of the diffusion equa-
= D2 c

subject to properly stated initial and boundary conditions.
Selected steady state problems will also be discussed. Recall that under steady state
conditions with constant diffusivity the mass balance equation is

2 c = 0

Finally, at steady state but in the presence of distributed internal substance generation
processes the mass equation is

(Dc) = g(r)

proper formulation requires the statement of boundary conditions.

Exact solutions to selected special cases of the above equations are presented below.

3.1 Fundamental Solutions to Steady State Problems

Solutions to steady state problems in one dimensional systems exhibiting symmetry are easily
obtained as solutions of ordinary differential equations by direct integration.
Consider a solid slab whose thickness L is much smaller than its width and its height. In
cartesian coordinates the steady state mass balance equation becomes

d2 c
the general solution of which is

c(x) = Ax + B

where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions
involved. This represents the steady state diffusional leakage of substance through a flat
Similarly, consider the infinite hollow cylinder with inner and outer radii a and b, re-
spectively. At steady state the diffusion equation in cylindrical coordinates with azimuthal
symmetry becomes
d dc
(r ) = 0
dr dr
the general solution of which is

c(r) = A ln r + B

where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions in-
volved. This represents the steady state diffusional leakage of substance through a cylindrical

Finally, consider the hollow sphere with inner and outer radii a and b, respectively. At
steady state the diffusion equation in spherical coordinates with azimuthal and poloidal
symmetry becomes
d 2 dc
(r )=0
dr dr
the general solution of which is
c(r) = +B
where the constants A and B must be determined from the specific boundary conditions
involved. This represents the steady state diffusional leakage of substance through a spherical

3.2 Fundamental Solutions to Transient Problems

As in the case of the heat equation, transient problems resulting from the effect of instan-
taneous point, line and planar sources of substance lead to useful fundamental solutions
of the diffusion equation. By considering media of infinite or semi-infinite extent one can
conveniently ignore the effect of boundary conditions on the resulting solutions.
Let a fixed amount of substance M be released at time t = 0 at the origin of the three
dimensional solid of infinite extent, initially at c = 0 everywhere. The diffusion equation is

1 c 2c 2c 2c
= + +
D t x2 y 2 z 2
and this must be solved subject to

c(x, y, z, 0) = 0

for all x, y, z and with the amount of substance M released instantaneously at t = 0 at the
The fundamental solution of this problem is
2 2 +z 2
M x +y
c(x, y, z, t) = e 4Dt
Similarly, if the substance is released instantaneously at t = 0 but along the zaxis, the
corresponding fundamental solution is
M x2 +y2
c(x, y, z, t) = e 4Dt
where M is now the amount of substance released per unit length.

Finally, if the substance is released instantaneously at t = 0 but on the entire the y z
plane at x = 0 the corresponding fundamental solution is
M x2
c(x, y, z, t) = e
where M is now the amount of substance released per unit area. This solution is useful in
solid state diffusion studies of sandwich-type specimens produced by depositing a thin film
of diffusant on the clean surface of a cut sample which is then sandwiched by rejoining the
sample. The specimen is subsequently exposed for selected periods of time at temperature,
quenched and resulting distribution of diffusant measured by analytical means.
Another important solution is obtained for the case of a semi-infinite solid (x 0) initially
at c = 0 everywhere and whose surface at x = 0 is maintained at c = cS for t > 0. The
statement of the problem is
1 c 2c
D t x2
subject to
c(x, 0) = 0
c(0, t) = cS
The solution is easily obtained using again the Laplace transform. Multiply the diffusion
equation by exp(st), where s is the parameter of the transform, and integrate with respect
to t from 0 to , i.e.
1 Z c Z
exp(st) dt = exp(st) 2 dt
D 0 t 0 x
introducing the notation L[c] = c = 0 exp(st)cdt the transformed heat equation becomes
d2 c s
= c
dx D
an ordinary differential equation which is readily solved for c . The desired result c(x, t) is
finally obtained from c by inverting the transform and is
c(x, t) = cS erf c( )
2 Dt
where the complementary error function, erf c is defined as
2 Z
erf c(z) = 1 erf (z) = exp( 2 )d
The above solution is an approximate mathematical representation of the process of gas
carburization of bulk iron samples.

3.3 Solution to Steady State Problems in Finite Media by Sepa-
ration of Variables
Consider the problem of determining the steady state distribution of diffusing substance in
a thin annular plate where the concentrations are specified at the inner and outer radii r1
and r2 as

c(r1 , ) = f1 ()

c(r2 , ) = f2 ()

Laplaces equation in this case is

2 c 1 c 1 2c
2 c = + + =0
r2 r r r2 2
Assume now a particular solution is of the form

cp (r, ) = R(r)()

Substituting leads to the following two ODEs

r2 R00 + rR0 k 2 R = 0

00 + k 2 = 0

where the separation constant as been chosen as k 2 in order to obtain periodic trigonometric
functions as the solutions for .
The general solution for R is
Ak rk + Bk rk ; k 6= 0
A0 + B0 ln r; k = 0

whereas that for is

Ck cos(k) + Dk sin(k); k 6= 0
C0 + D0 ; k = 0

The periodicity requirement is satisfied by taking k = n, with n = 1, 2, 3, ....

The particular single valued solution c is then

c = (a0 + b0 ln r) + [(an rn + bn rn ) cos(n)
+(cn rn + dn rn ) sin(n)]

Finally, the desired solution must satisfy the stated boundary conditions. Substituting f1
and f2 leads to Fourier series representations and the relationships
Z 2
a0 + b0 ln r1 = f1 ()d
2 0

1 Z 2
a0 + b0 ln r2 = f2 ()d
2 0

Z 2
an r1n + bn r1n = f1 () cos(n)d

1 Z 2
an r2n + bn r2n = f2 () cos(n)d

Z 2
cn r1n + dn r1n = f1 () sin(n)d

Z 2
cn r2n + dn r2n = f2 () sin(n)d

A special case of interest is steady state diffusion in a disk (r1 = 0) of radius r2 = a

subject to a concentration of diffusant f () at its boundary. In this case, the solution is

X r
c(r, ) = A0 + ( )n [An cos(n) + Cn sin(n)]
n=1 a

Z 2
A0 = f ()d
2 0

1 Z 2
An = f () cos(n)d

1 Z 2
Cn = f () sin(n)d
for n = 1, 2, .... Note that the concentration at the center of the disk is simply the average
value of the boundary concentration.

Poissons integral formula allows direct determination of the concentration c(r, ) from
the values of it at its boundary as follows

1 Z 2 a2 rr
c(r, ) = c(a, )d
2 0 a2 2ar cos( ) + r2

Another important special case is that of computing the concentration field around a
circular hole (r2 ) of radius r1 = a subject to a concentration distribution c(a, ) = f ()
at the hole boundary. In this case

X a
c(r, ) = A0 + ( )n [Bn cos(n) + Dn sin(n)]
n=1 r

Z 2
A0 = f ()d
2 0

1 Z 2
Bn = f () cos(n)d

Z 2
Dn = f () sin(n)d

for n = 1, 2, .... Note that the concentration at infinity is simply the average value of the
boundary concentration.

3.4 Solution to Transient Problems in Finite Media by Separation

of Variables
The separation of variables method can also be used when the boundary conditions specify
values of the normal derivative of the concentration (Newmann conditions) or when linear
combinations of the normal derivative and the concentration itself are used (Convective
conditions; Mixed conditions; Robin conditions). Consider the homogeneous problem of
transient diffusion in a slab initially containing a concentration c = f (x) of diffusant and
subject to convective losses into a medium with c = 0 at x = 0 and x = L. Convection mass
transfer coefficients at x = 0 and x = L are, respectively h1 and h2 . Assume the diffusivity
D is constant.
The mathematical formulation of the problem is to find c(x, t) such that

2 c(x, t) 1 c(x, t)
x D t

D + h1 c = 0
at x = 0 and
D + h2 c = 0
at x = L, with

c(x, 0) = f (x)

for all x when t = 0.

Assume the solution is of the form c(x, t) = X(x)(t) and substitute to obtain

1 d2 X 1 d
= = 2
X dx2 dt
The solution for (t) is

(t) = exp(D 2 t)

while X(x) is the solution of the following eigenvalue (Sturm-Liouville) problem

d2 X
+ 2X = 0
D + h1 X = 0
at x = 0 and
D + h2 X = 0
at x = L.
Let the eigenvalues of this problem be m and the eigenfunctions X(m , x). Since the
eigenfunctions are orthogonal
Z (
L 0 , n 6= m
X(m , x)X(n , x)dx =
0 N (m ) , n = m

N (m ) = X(m , x)2 dx

is the norm of the problem.
It can be shown that for the above problem the eigenfunctions are
X(m , x) = m cos m x + sin m x
while the eigenvalues are the roots of the trascendental equation

m ( hk11 + h2
tan m L = 2 h1 h2
m k1 k2

Therefore, the complete solution is of the form

c(x, t) = Am X(m , x) exp(Dm t)

The specific eigenfunctions are obtained by incorporating the initial condition

f (x) = Am X(m , x)

which expresses the representation of f (x) in terms of eigenfunctions and requires that
Am = X(m , x)f (x)dx
N (m ) 0

Many problems are special cases of the above generalization. For example, the problem
of diffusion out of the slab when its boundaries are maintained at constant concentration
(homogeneous Dirichlet conditions) is a special case of the above in which the eigenfunctions

X(m , x) = sin(m x)

the eigenvalues are the roots of sin(m L), i.e.

m =
and the norm is simply
N (m ) = X(m , x)2 dx = sin(m x)2 =
0 0 2
As another example, the case when h1 = 0 and h2 = h yields the eigenfunctions

X(m , x) = cos(m x)

and the eigenvalues are the roots of m tan(m L) = h/D. Note that the eigenvalues in
this case cannot be given explicitly but must be determined by numerical solution of the
given transcendental equation. For this purpose, it is common to rewrite the transcendental
equation as
m L
cot(m L) =
where Bi = hL/D is the Biot number for mass transfer. This can be easily solved either
graphically or numerically by bisection, Newtons or secant methods. Finally, the norm in
this case is
N (m ) = X(m , x)2 dx = cos(m x)2 dx =
0 0
1 cos(m L) sin(m L) + m L L(m + (h/D)2 ) + (h/D)
= = 2 + (h/D)2 )
2 m 2(m
Using the above for the case when f (x) = ci and simplifying yields the solution

X sin(m L) cos(m x) 2
c(x, t) = 2ci eDm t
m=1 m L + sin(m L cos(m L)

A similar approach can be used to obtain the solution of the analogous problem for a
sphere of radius a described by
c 2 c 2 c
= D( 2 + )
t r r r
subject to
c(r, 0) = ci
D + hc = 0
at r = a. The solution is

h ci X 2 a2 2 + (a(h/D) 1)2
c(r, t) = 2( )( ) eDn t [ 2 2 2 n ] sin(an ) sin(rn )
D r n=1 (a n + a(h/D)(a(h/D) 1))
where 1 , 2 , ... are the roots of
a cot(a) + a
Finally, for the sphere containing initially no diffusant and whose surface in suddenly
exposed to a constant concentration of diffusant cS , the solution is

2acS X (1)n n2 2 t/a2 nr
c(r, t) = cS + e sin( )
r n=1 n a

4 Exercises
Exercise 1. Obtain the solutions to 1D steady state problems with constant internal
heat generation for rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.

Exercise 2. A large Titanium component at uniform initial temperature Ti = 25 degrees

Celsius is exposed to an extreme environment which fixes the temperature of its surface to
T0 = 525 degrees Celsius. Use the appropriate fundamental solution to investigate the
heat conduction rate into the component. Assume k = 22W/mK, = 4540kg/m3 and
Cp = 522J/kgK.

Exercise 3. Derive the expression given for Bn obtained in the solution to the transient
1D heat conduction problem obtained by separation of variables. Then derive the infinite
series solution for the special case of uniform initial temperature Ti .

Exercise 4. A diffusion specimen is prepared by depositing diffusant atoms on the

surface of the sample (1024 atoms per square meter. The surface is then sealed and the
specimen placed in a high temperature environment where the diffusivity is D = 1018 m2 /s
for 4800 seconds. Use the appropriate fundamental solution to estimate the diffusion rate of
diffusant into the sample.

Exercise 5. Derive the expression for N (m ) obtained for to the transient 1D diffusion
problem obtained by separation of variables .

Exercise 6. A solid aluminum cylinder of radius a = 0.1 m initially at a uniform

temperature of 500 degrees Celsius is cooled by convection into an environment at zero
temperature. The heat transfer coefficient is 100 W/m2 K and the thermal diffusivity is
= 104 m2 /s. Use the series solution to map out the cooling process of the cylinder.

Exercise 7. A solid iron sphere is suddenly exposed to an environment which fixes the
carbon concentration at its surface to 1 percent (i.e. cS = 0.01). Use the series solution to
map out the carburization process in the sphere.

Exercise 8. Pure titanium samples are extracted from a furnace at a uniform temper-
ature of 525 degrees Celsius and exposed to an environment at zero degrees. Samples are a
slab 0.1 m in thickness, a cylinder 0.1 m in diameter and a sphere 0.1 m in diameter. Use
the given series solutions to determine the time required for the center of each sample to
reach 100 degrees. Assume h = 1000W/m2K.

5 References
1.- B. Gebhart, Heat Conduction and Mass Diffusion, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
2.- H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1959.
3.- S. Kakac and Y. Yener, Heat Conduction, 3rd ed., Taylor and Francis, Washington
DC, 1993.
4.- M. Necati Ozisik, Heat Conduction, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1993.
5.- J. Crank, The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975.
6.- W. Jost, Diffusion in Solids, Liquids and Gases, Academic Press, New York, 1960.
7.- M.E. Glicksman, Diffusion in Solids, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2000.


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