Time Parts of A Day: More Formal Less Formal

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Parts of a Day

Telling the Time

More Formal Less Formal

It's... It's...

3.00 three o'clock three

3.03 three minutes past three three oh three

3.10 ten past three three ten

3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen

3.20 twenty past three three twenty

3.30 half past three three thirty

3.40 twenty to four three forty

3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five

3.50 ten to four three fifty

4.00 four o'clock four

Days of the Week

Day of the Week Abbreviations

Monday Mon. Mo.

Tuesday Tue. Tu.

Wednesday Wed. We.
(5 days)
Days of
the week Thursday Thu. Th.
(7 days)
Friday Fri. Fr.

Saturday Sat. Sa.

(2 days)
Sunday Sun. Su.

Months of the Year

Month Short Form Days Season

1 January Jan. 31
2 February Feb. 28/29

3 March Mar. 31

4 April Apr. 30 Spring

5 May May 31

6 June Jun. 30 Summer

7 July Jul. 31
8 August Aug. 31

9 September Sep. 30

10 October Oct. 31 Autumn

11 November Nov. 30

12 December Dec. 31 Winter

Calendar of Holidays and Events

Date Holiday or Event Description

On New Year's Day people make resolutions,

January 1 New Year's Day such as quitting smoking or starting a new diet.
See also New Year's Eve (December 31).

This event celebrates all of the citizens who are

20 years old. In Japan, 20 is the age when
adolescents officially become adults and can
Second Monday of Coming of Age Day
legally smoke, drink, and vote. The young
January (Japan)
people gather in formal wear at government
buildings and listen to many important
speakers. They also receive money.

Lunar New Year This is a two week festival beginning on the

first day of the lunar year. Just prior to the
Chinese New Year holiday, families clean their houses carefully in
order to bring good luck into their homes.
Begins January or
Families gather for a reunion dinner on New
early February
Year's Eve. Lucky amounts of money are
distributed to family members in red envelopes.
Each day honours something different, such as
parents, gods, or wealth.

Couples celebrate their love by exchanging

cards, chocolate, flowers, and other gifts. Many
February 14 Valentine's Day
go on romantic dates. Children give Valentine's
cards to friends and relatives.

Saturday before Ash Carnival and A two-week festival before the Christian period
Wednesday (7 weeks Mardis Gras of Lent, celebrated annually in many parts of
the world, especially Rio de Janeiro. The
before Easter)/Mardis
festivities include colorful street parties,
Gras (last day of
parades, and dancing. New Orleans is famous
for its Mardis Gras parties.

Traditionally an Irish celebration. People with

and without Irish roots wear green, drink Irish
March 17 St. Patrick's Day
beer, and eat Irish food on this day. Parties and
parades feature Irish music and dancing.

Iranian New Year. (There are various other

March 20, 21 or 22 Norooz spellings such as Norouz, Narooz, Nawruz,
Newroz, Newruz, Nauruz, Nawroz, etc.)

7-day Jewish holiday marking the birth of a

free Jewish nation. As told in the Book of
Exodus, the Children of Israel were freed from
March/April (15th day
Pharaoh and began to follow God. Many Jews
of Hebrew month Passover
avoid eating or having bread products in the
home during this time. This is symbolic of the
Jews leaving Egypt so quickly that their bread
did not have time to rise.

Christian holiday honouring the crucifixion of

Jesus (Good Friday) and celebrating the
Late March or early Good Friday,
resurrection (Easter Sunday). Also a
April Easter
commercial holiday in which children search
for chocolate and gifts left by the Easter Bunny.

Friends, relatives, and co-workers play tricks

April 1 April Fool's Day
and practical jokes on each other.

Traditional water festival in Thailand to mark

the Thai New Year and the end of the dry
April 13-15 Songkran season. It coincides with the hottest time of the
year and with several similar festivals in South
and South-East Asia.

Annual celebration of Mexico's victory over

France in the Battle of Puebla. The battle
Cinco de Mayo
May 5 became a symbol of Mexican unity. Festivities
(Mexico, US)
include parades, parties, and dancing with
Mexican food and mariachi music.
Midsummer's Eve
Often considered the beginning of summer
and Day, (primarily
June 23-24 holidays. Celebrated with lakeside bonfires,
Sweden, Finland,
parties, and dancing around a maypole.
Denmark, Russia)

Canadians honour their country and celebrate

independence with fireworks, parades, and
July 1 Canada Day
parties. Most people wear red and sport the
maple leaf emblem.

Annual 9-day festival in Pamplona, Spain,

Fiestas of San which is famous for the running of the bulls.
July 6-14 Fermin: Running of The event has prompted worldwide attention
the Bulls (Spain) since being mentioned in Hemmingway's novel,
The Sun Also Rises.

Hindu celebration among brothers and sisters.

July or August, Sisters tie a special bracelet around their
Raksha Bandan
depending on lunar brothers wrists to demonstrate love and honour.
calendar Brothers offer gifts to sisters and promise to
protect and care for them.

National holiday acknowledging August 9,

Women's Day 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the
August 9
(South Africa) government buildings in Pretoria to protest the
law that required black women to carry passes.

Yom Kippur Annual Jewish holiday, also known as the Day

of Atonement. Jewish people fast for 25 hours,
Mid September-Mid
and refrain from working. They spend much of
October (10th day of
the day in prayer. Many Jews wear white on
Hebrew month
this day to symbolize the freedom they acquire
as their sins against God are forgiven. Leather
shoes are forbidden.

Falls between Mid- Mid Autumn Families unite to watch the full moon rise and
September and Mid Festival, a.k.a Moon to eat moon cakes. Couples enjoy evening
October Festival (China) romance under the light of the full moon.

The world's largest fair. The mayor of Munich

Two weeks between taps a keg of beer to start the festival each year.
late September and Beer and traditional German food is served.
early October Party goers enjoy traditional music and
Children carve pumpkins and decorate homes
with spooky scenes. After dark they dress up in
October 31 Halloween
costumes and go door to door collecting candy
from neighbours. Adults have costume parties.

Originally celebrated the death of martyrs and

All Saint's Day saints. Today All Saint's Day is often the day
November 1
(Day of the Dead) families honour deceased relatives by bringing
flowers and other offerings to graves.

Commemorates the failure of the Gunpowder

Plot of 1605; an attempt by Guy Fawkes and
Guy Fawkes Night
other conspirators to blow up the parliament
November 5 (UK), a.k.a Bonfire
houses in Westminister. The celebration
includes fireworks and bonfires. A dummy of
Guy Fawkes is typically burnt.

Fourth Thursday of Marks the end of harvest. This is a time to give

November (US), thanks for food, and is celebrated by large
Thanksgiving Day
Second Monday of feasts (especially turkey, pumpkin pie, and fall
October (Canada) vegetables) and family get togethers.

Traditionally a Christian holiday celebrating the

birth of Jesus Christ. Now also a commercial
holiday with card and gift exchanges
throughout December. Children wait for Santa
December 25 Christmas Day
Claus to bring gifts. Houses, businesses and
streets are decorated with trees, lights and other
Christmas symbols. People sing Christmas

Citizens gather in urban centres or friends'

homes on the last evening of the year to count
down to midnight together. New Year's Eve
December 31 New Year's Eve parties often include dancing, listening to rock
bands and watching fireworks after the clock
strikes twelve. See also New Year's Day
(January 1).

Ramadan Muslims observe Ramadan as a month of

fasting. While fasting, Muslims do not eat or
drink during the hours of daylight. Ramadan is
always the 9th month of the Islamic lunar year,
which does not coincide with the Gregorian
calendar above (in fact it falls about 11 days
earlier each year in the Gregorian calendar).

This is the Muslim pilgrimage (special journey)

to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. All Muslims are
expected to make the pilgrimage at least once
during their lifetime. Also called Haj or Hadj.
Originally from the Arabic "al-hajj", meaning
"The Great Pilgrimage". It takes place during
the 12th month of the Islamic lunar year, which
does not coincide with the Gregorian calendar
above (in fact it falls about 11 days earlier each
year in the Gregorian calendar).

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