Construction Manual
Construction Manual
Construction Manual
Job 0177
Job 0177
Issued by
Division of Construction
Director, Department of Transportation
Acting Chief Deputy Director
2-1 Safety
2-2 Traffic
2-3 Major Construction Incidents
3 General Provisions
3-0 Introduction
3-1 General
3-2 Bidding
3-3 Contract Award and Execution
3-4 Scope of Work
3-5 Control of Work
3-6 Control of Materials
3-7 Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public
3-8 Prosecution and Progress
3-9 Payment
4 Construction Details
4-00 Introduction
4-10 Dust Control
4-11 Quality Control and Assurance
4-12 Temporary Traffic Control
4-15 Existing Facilities
5 Contract Administration
7 Environmental Stewardship
8 Employment Practices
In the absence of a Caltrans policy on a specific job problem, the authority of the
resident engineer will prevail over that of a specialist or coordinator.
1-106 1-106 Local Projects
Local Projects Local construction projects are either State Administered, Locally Administered,
or Administered by Private Sponsor. For the responsibility of state personnel on local
projects, see Chapter 9, Projects Funded by Others, of this manual.
Section 1 Safety
2-101 General
2-102 Duties and Responsibilities
2-102A District Deputy Director for Construction
2-102B District Construction Safety Coordinator
2-102C Construction Engineer
2-102D Resident Engineer
2-102E Project Safety Coordinator
2-102F Project Staff
2-103 Managing Safety Hazards
2-103A Imminent Hazards
2-103B Dangerous Conditions (Serious Hazards)
2-103C Minor or Non-serious Conditions
2-104 Division of Occupational Safety and Health
2-104A Authority and Responsibility
2-104B Citations and Civil Penalties
2-104C Classes of Employers
2-104D Procedures During Division of Occupational Safety and Health Inspections
2-104D (1) Elements of a Cal/OSHA Inspection
2-104D (2) Participation in the Inspection
2-104D (3) Procedures If Citations Are Received
2-105 Specific Safe Practices
2-105A Code of Safe Practices
2-105B Tailgate Safety Meetings
2-106 Safety Precautions for the Public in Construction Areas
2-107 Hazardous Materials
Section 0 Introduction
3-001 Scope
3-002 Purpose
Section 2 Bidding
3-201 General
3-202 Advertisement
3-203 Bid Opening
3-204 Communication With Bidders
3-205 Disclosure of Construction Estimates
3-206 Names of Prospective Bidders
Refer directly to the plans, specifications, and other provisions of the contract.
Quote specific sections of the Standard Specifications and special provisions, as
well as specific sheet numbers and details on the plans and Standard Plans.
Ensure conclusive responses. If an inquiry cannot be answered conclusively by
directly referring to the contract provisions and requires some measure of
amplification, confirm the statewide interpretation by consulting with the district
construction office, the Division of Construction, the Division of Engineering
Services, or other program with the necessary knowledge. Give special emphasis
to assessing the need for an addendum. Before giving a response that involves
inquiries regarding construction methods, obtain direction from the district
construction office. Routinely route inquiries and proposed responses through
appropriate support and construction functions. Before bid opening, route all
inquiries and responses to the resident or construction engineer responsible for
administering the project.
If an inquiry indicates the contract should be modified, issue an addendum. Before
publicly posting any referrals to the addendum, issue it. When an addendum is
issued in response to an inquiry, post Per Addendum No.--, dated ___ as the
inquiry response. The district office engineer must notify the Office of Office
Engineer as soon as possible of addenda proposed or under consideration.
Responses to inquiries, whether made orally or in writing, do not become part of or
change the contract. However, they may be used in defending Caltrans or the
contractors position in a dispute when the industry has been given related
knowledge before bidding.
Rarely respond with Bid it as you see it. However, such responses may be
appropriate, depending on the scope of the particular issue, the timing of the bidder
inquiry, and other factors.
It may be impractical to post responses to certain inquiries submitted too close to
the bid opening date. Although you should aggressively pursue the investigation of
all bidder inquiries, Caltrans may consider the particular circumstances and waive
posting a response, if warranted.
Post all responses, including Bid it as you see it responses.
To get minor B project funds allocation information, call the Sacramento office at
(916) 227-6075, send a fax request to (916) 227-1950, or use the internet:
You are in apparent violation of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act,
Sections 4100 through 4114 of the Public Contract Code, for work being performed
on item(s) ____ of Caltrans Contract No. ____. You will be assessed a penalty of
$ ____ as provided in Section 4111 of the Public Contract Code.
If you wish to dispute this apparent violation or the assessed penalty, you must request
a hearing with Caltrans. You will be given 5 days notice of the time and place of the
scheduled hearing in accordance with Section 4110 of the Public Contract Code.
If you do not request a hearing, the penalty will be assessed as a permanent deduction
on the next progress pay estimate.
Send copies of the letter to the subcontractor and to the district labor compliance
If a contractor requests a hearing, schedule it using the same procedure described
in Section 3-507C (3), Hearing Process for Substitutions, of this manual.
Occasionally, the contractor will list subcontractors that the Act does not require to be
listed. In this case, changes require only an updated subcontracting request to identify
the new subcontractor. For the process, refer to Section 3-507D, Procedure for
Approval or Acknowledgment of Subcontractors, of this manual. If the subcontractor
is a DBE, DVBE, or small business, refer to Section 8-3, Disadvantaged Business and
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises, of this manual for additional requirements.
3-507C (5) Hearing Process for Substitution Violations
Section 4110 of Public Contract Code requires Caltrans to conduct a hearing for
violations of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act. The intent of the
violation hearing is to determine whether a penalty should be assessed against the
California Fish and Game Code (Section 1602), Lake or Stream Bed Alteration AgreementA permit required
prior to the removal or placement of material in a location where it can pass into waters of the state, directly or
indirectly, through causes such as erosion or maintenance.
California Fish and Game Code (Section 5650)A prohibition against the deposition of petroleum products
(including asphalt), or any material deleterious to fish, plants, or birds where it can pass into the waters of the
Federal Clean Water Act (Sections 301 and 402), General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated
with Construction ActivityA permit is required prior to soil disturbance of an area of one acre or more.
Federal Clean Water Act (Section 404), Permit for Discharge of Dredged or Fill MaterialA permit from the
United States Army Corps of Engineers may be required for the discharge of fill material into waters of the
United States including wetlands.
State Contract Act, aggregate sources must comply with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975
Owner and Contractor agree that the Material will be excavated, removed, and transported, and the Property left in
a manner that will not cause injury or harm to any person or property. If an injury or harm does occur to any person
or property or should any environmental impacts or litigation arise as a result of the excavation, removal,
transportation, deposition, or the final form in which the Property is left, the Contractor agrees to indemnify,
defend, protect, and hold harmless the Department in any action in law or equity in accordance with Section
7-1.05, Indemnification, of the Standard Specifications.
Owner and Contractor acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to receive independent legal advice with
respect to the meaning, implications, and advisability of entering into and executing this agreement.
California Fish and Game Code (Section 1602), Lake or Stream Bed Alteration AgreementA permit required
prior to the removal or placement of material in a location where it can pass into waters of the state, directly or
indirectly, through causes such as erosion or maintenance.
California Fish and Game Code (Section 5650)A prohibition against the deposition of petroleum products
(including asphalt), or any material deleterious to fish, plants, or birds where it can pass into the waters of the
Federal Clean Water Act (Sections 301 and 402), General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated
with Construction ActivityA permit is required prior to soil disturbance of an area of one acre or more.
Federal Clean Water Act (Section 404), Permit for Discharge of Dredged or Fill MaterialA permit from the
United States Army Corps of Engineers may be required for the discharge of fill material into waters of the
United States including wetlands.
Owner and Contractor agree that the Material will be transported, deposited, and left in a manner that will not
cause injury or harm to any person or property. If an injury or harm does occur to any person or property or
should any environmental impacts or litigation arise as a result of the excavation, removal, transportation,
deposition, or the final form in which the Property is left, the Contractor, agrees to indemnify, defend, protect, and
hold harmless the Department in any action in law or equity in accordance with Section 7-1.05, Indemnification,
of the Standard Specifications regardless of the manner or form of the action.
Owner and Contractor acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to receive independent legal advice with
respect to the meaning, implications, and advisability of entering into and executing this agreement.
[Resident Engineers Address]
[City, CA Postal Zip Code] Serious drought
Help save water!
[PHONE (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
[FAX (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
TTY 711
[Contractors Name]
[City, State ZIP]
Subject: Approval to Acquire Material From [property owners name and address]
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 5-1.20, Coordination With Other Entities and 6-2.04,
Local Materials, of the Standard Specifications, you are authorized to remove [insert number]
cubic yards of [type of material] (Material) from [property owner name]s property located at
[property address]. According to the submitted agreement, [contractor name] and [property owner]
have represented all necessary permits, licenses, and clearances were obtained and submitted before
the removal of the Material and have released the Department of Transportation (Department) from
any obligations resulting from its removal.
The Department does not warrant or guarantee that the Material is of any particular type or is
suitable for any particular purpose.
The agreement also includes [contractor]s and [property owner]s promise to hold the Department
harmless from all claims for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the disposal. The
contractor shall comply with all parts of the contract including Section 7-1.06, Insurance, and 7-
1.05, Indemnification, of the Standard Specifications. [Contractor name] shall defend, indemnify,
and save harmless the state from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, costs,
expenses, actual attorneys fees, losses or liabilities, in law or in equity arising out or in connection
with [contractor name]s performance of this contract including acquiring material from [property
owner name]s property.
[Name of resident engineer]
[Resident Engineers Address]
[City, CA Postal Zip Code] Serious drought
Help save water!
[PHONE (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
[FAX (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
TTY 711
[Contractors Name]
[City, State ZIP]
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 5-1.20, Coordination With Other Entities, of the
Standard Specifications, you are authorized to dispose of [insert number] cubic yards of [type of
material] (Material) to [property owner name]s property. According to the submitted agreement,
[contractor name] and [property owner] have represented all necessary permits, licenses, and
clearances were obtained and submitted before the disposal of the Material and have released the
Department of Transportation (Department) from any obligations from its disposal.
The Department does not warrant or guarantee that the Material is of any particular type or is
suitable for any particular purpose.
The contractor shall comply with all parts of the contract including Sections 7-1.06, Insurance, and
7-1.05, Indemnification, of the Standard Specifications. [Contractor name] shall defend, indemnify,
and save harmless the state from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, costs,
expenses, actual attorneys fees, losses or liabilities, in law or in equity arising out or in connection
with [contractor name]s performance of this contract including disposing material on [property owner
name]s property.
[Name of resident engineer]
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
[Resident Engineers Address]
[City, CA Postal Zip Code] Serious drought.
[PHONE (Area Code) xxx-xxxx] Help save water!
[FAX (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
TTY 711
Dear Surety:
This is to notify you that [insert contractors name] has failed to maintain insurance on Contract No. [insert contract
EA and project description] as required under Sections 7-1.05, Indemnification, and 7-1.06, Insurance, of the
Standard Specifications. In accordance with Section 8-1.06, Suspensions, of the Standard Specifications
[contractors name]s operations on Contract No. [insert contract EA] are suspended effective [effective date of
temporary work suspension].
Your attention is directed to the provisions of Section 10253 of the Public Contract Code and to Section 8-1.09,
Contractors Control Termination, of the Standard Specifications relating to the contractors failure to comply with
the insurance provisions of the contract. According to PCC 10253, unless the contractor submits proof of the
required insurance as required by the contract, Caltrans may issue a 5-day notice to terminate the contractors
You will be notified if the contractor provides the required proof of insurance before a notice to terminate the
contractors control of the work.
If you have questions, please contact me at [(area code) xxxxxxx].
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
Working Day
No Work
1 Nonworking
Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Done on
03/19/12 Monday 0
03/20/12 Tuesday 0
03/21/12 Wednesday First Working Day - Clear 1
03/22/12 Thursday Clear 1
03/23/12 Friday Clear 1
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 0
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 None
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37
Installation of construction area signs.
Contract approved on March 6, 2012. Refer to Special Provisions Section 4, the first working day 15 day after contract approval.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
Working Day
No Work
1 Nonworking
Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Done on
04/02/12 Monday Rain 0 1
04/03/12 Tuesday Cloudy Wet Grade 0 1
04/04/12 Wednesday Clear 1 0
04/05/12 Thursday Clear 1 0
04/06/12 Friday Clear 1 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 2 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 0 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 0 0
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 #2
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 798 05/21/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31
Shoulder widening at location 2 EB, A line Station 2+00.
04/04 and 04/05 granted 2 days time adjustment for extra work related to CCO #2 at location 2.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
04/09/12 Monday Labor Dispute (Revised) Cloudy 0 1
04/10/12 Tuesday Labor Dispute (Revised) Cloudy 0 1
04/11/12 Wednesday Clear 1 0
04/12/12 Thursday Clear 1 0
04/13/12 Friday Clear 1 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 2 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 2 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 4 0
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 800 05/23/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28
Shoulder widening at location 3 EB, A line Station 4+00.
A review of our records indicate that the controlling activity of shoulder widening was delayed by a labor dispute on
04/09/12 and 04/10/12. In accordance with definition of working day of the Standard Specifications, and your letter
dated April 20, 2012, two nonworking days are granted and shown in this report.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
Working Day
No Work
1 Nonworking
Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Done on
Activity 2
04/16/12 Monday Clear 1 0
04/17/12 Tuesday Clear 1 0
04/18/12 Wednesday Clear 1 0
04/19/12 Thursday Clear 1 0
04/20/12 Friday Clear Suspension 0 1
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 1 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 4 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 5 0
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 801 05/24/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24
Digouts from Station 1+00 to 3+00.
Work is suspended for April 20, 2012 in accordance with Section 8-1.06B, Suspensions Unrelated to Contractor Performance, of the
Standard Specifications and will be recorded as a nonworking day. The town has a special event on 04/21/12.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
CONTRACTOR WEEK ENDING (month, day, year)
Name of Contractor, Inc. 05/19/2012
Working Day No
Work Done on
Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions1 Working Day Nonworking Day
Activity 2
05/14/12 Monday Clear 1 0
05/15/12 Tuesday Clear 1 0
05/16/12 Wednesday Clear (PEP started, see remarks) 1 0
05/17/12 Thursday Clear 1 0
05/18/12 Friday Clear 1 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 0 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 20 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 20 0
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 816 06/15/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19
Paving final lift on EB A line Station 0+50 to 15+00.
Begin Type 2 plant establishment period of bioswales (Location 6 and 10).
Status of plant establishment work and working days
1. Plant establishment period started 05/16/12
2. There are 125 plant establishment days in this contract 125
3. Working days previously credited 0
4. Working days credited this week 3
5. Total plant establishment days credited to date 3
6. Plant establishment days remaining 122
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
12/17/12 Monday Rain Contract Accepted (end of PEP) 0 0
12/18/12 Tuesday 0 0
12/19/12 Wednesday 0 0
12/20/12 Thursday 0 0
12/21/12 Friday 0 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 20 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 20 0
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 165 *
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 941 12/17/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 167
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 167
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
End of PEP.
Contract work completed 06/15/12 (42 WDs), WSWD Report Number 42. End of PEP on 12/17/12, contract accepted on 12/17/12. Final WSWD. * - PEP plus non-PEP time added
(125 + 40 = 165 working days).
Status of plant establishment work and working days
1. Plant establishment period started 06/15/12
2. There are 125 plant establishment days in this contract 125
3. Working days previously credited 124
4. Working days credited this week 1
5. Total plant establishment days credited to date 125
6. Plant establishment days remaining 0
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
Working Day No
Work Done on
Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions1 Working Day Nonworking Day
12/17/12 Monday Rain Contract Accepted (end of PEP) 0 0
12/18/12 Tuesday 0 0
12/19/12 Wednesday 0 0
12/20/12 Thursday 0 0
12/21/12 Friday 0 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 20 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 20 0
Computation of Extended Date for Completion Number of Days
Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 755 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 165
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 794 05/15/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 941 12/17/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 167
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 167
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Contract work completed 06/15/12 (42 WDs), WSWD Report Number 42. End of PEP on 12/17/12, contract accepted on 12/17/12. Final WSWD.
10/22/12 Monday Clear 1* 0
10/23/12 Tuesday Cloudy 1* 0
10/24/12 Wednesday Cloudy 1* 0
10/25/12 Thursday Cloudy 1* 0
10/26/12 Friday Clear 1* 0
Days this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5* 0 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 314 59 0
Total days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 319 59 0
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 531 03/21/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 300
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 830 07/06/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 59
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 903 10/19/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 314
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 319
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -5*
Functional testing.
* Working days are shown for record only as the contract time has elapsed, contract time expired on 10/19/12. There are currently a
total of 5 working days overrun through October 26, 2012.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
Change Order
Change Order Time Adjustments Days Change Order
Approved Numbers3
Days this report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
Days previously reported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Total change order days to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Number of Numbered
Computation of Extended Date for Completion
Days Day5 Date
1. First working day_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 106 09/18/12
2. Original working days specified in contract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80
3. COMPUTED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 1 + line 2 - 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 185 12/06/12
4. Total change order days approved to date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
5. Total nonworking days to date4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13
6. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (line 3 + line 4 + line 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 205 12/26/12
7. Revised working days for contract (line 2 + line 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 87
8. Total working days to date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
9. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (line 7 - line 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46
Timber lagging at wall 2 (11/04 11/07); excavation for tieback of level 3 at wall 1 (11/08 11/10).
Wet grade prevented excavation at wall 2 for timber lagging and wall 1 bench after rain event on 11/05/12, 2 nonworking days provided.
The contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement;
otherwise, the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the contractor as correct.
NOTE: Footnote instruction for resident engineer are on reverse side.
Working Days
Calendar Date or Numbered Day
Date attorney general approved contract 3/06/2012 744
First working day 3/21/2012 755
Working days specified in contract 40
Computed date for completion 5/15/2012 794
Total change order time adjustments, final 5
Nonworking days, final CEM-2701 75
Additional change order days 14
(if applicable)
Additional working days recommended 10
(if applicable)
Extended date for completion 10/12/2012 898
Date contract completed 10/12/2012 898
Remaining overrun 0
After the disposition of overruns has been determined, the district will advise the
contractor directly. Place copies of all memorandums in the project files as the record
of final disposition of overruns. For any unresolved overrun in time, show a deduction
to assess liquidated damages on the proposed final estimate. If the contractor objects to
this assessment, follow the claim procedures outlined in Section 5-4, Disputes, of this
3-807A (4) Case 4
When the final quantities of individual contract items have exceeded 125 percent of the
engineers estimate, not as a result of ordered changes, the district may recommend the
directors approval of a commensurate time extension. Such a recommendation is
subject to all of the following provisions:
Time is allowable only to the extent that each item was considered controlling.
Any time extension is applicable only to the excess above 125 percent of the
engineers estimate.
The maximum allowable time extension for each item cannot exceed the amount
of time determined by applying normal production rates to the increased quantity
of the item involved.
3-808 Contractors Control Termination 3-808
Section 8-1.13 [8-1.08], Contractors Control Termination, of the Standard Contractors
Specifications explains the contractual requirements for terminating the contractors Control
control of the work. Sections 10253 through 10260 of the Public Contract Code cover Termination
defaulted contracts.
Termination of control may occur only when a contractor fails to supply an adequate
work force, fails to supply material of proper quality, fails to make proper and timely
Once the contractors control has been terminated, the Division of Construction field
coordinator will notify the arbitration engineer in the Division of Construction by
forwarding a copy of the termination letter. The arbitration engineer will update and
maintain the termination database.
The district will maintain a file that can be used as evidence to defend the termination
or in a future responsibility hearing for the terminated contractor. The file should
remain in the district for a minimum of three years.
The Division of Construction chief will send a letter to the surety requesting the surety
to fulfill its obligations under the bond to complete the work with other forces. Because
it is typically preferred that the surety proceed with the contractual work, the resident
engineer should assist the surety in its efforts to complete the work. The resident
engineer will determine and resolve with the surety the precise quantities and costs
necessary to complete the work.
For additional information, refer to the Construction Coordinators Termination Desk
Guide on the Division of Construction intranet.
The following two sections describe the process to complete the contract after the
contractors control has been terminated.
3-808A Work Completed by the Surety
As requested by the surety, the Division of Construction field coordinator, with the
assistance of the district, negotiates a takeover agreement or a tender-and-release
agreement with the surety. A takeover agreement is an agreement between Caltrans
and the surety outlining terms and conditions for the remaining contract work to be
performed by the surety or a contractor hired by the surety. The surety is not released
from contract responsibility until the contract is accepted. A tender-and-release
agreement is an agreement between Caltrans and the surety outlining the terms and
conditions for the remaining work to be performed by a contractor recommended by
the surety. The recommended contractor agrees to do the remaining work and provides
new bonds, and the surety pays the additional contract costs. The surety is then released
from any further contractual responsibility.
Once the Division of Construction field coordinator has negotiated an agreement with
the surety, the coordinator sends a draft copy of the appropriate agreement to the surety
and requests that the surety make project specific revisions as needed. The Division of
Construction field coordinator will review the agreement and forward it to the Legal
Division. Both the Division of Construction field coordinator and the Legal Division
recommends approval. The Division of Construction chief approves either agreement.
In the interim between the termination of the contractors control of the work and
completion by other forces, the district must take all necessary steps to preserve any
already completed work. The district may use a separate work order for interim
maintenance work by day labor. Day labor may be obtained by entering into a
service contract with another contractor to perform the contract work. To use day labor,
a directors order is necessary.
Section 9 Payment
3-901 General
3-902 Measurement
3-902A Method of Measurement
3-902B Accuracy
3-902C Source Documents
3-902D Audit Trail
3-902E Weighing Equipment and Procedures
3-902E (1) Personnel
3-902E (2) Responsibilities
3-902E (2a) Resident Engineers
3-902E (2b) District Weights And Measures Coordinator
3-902E (2c) Assistant Resident Engineers
3-902E (2d) Contractors
3-902E (2e) Division of Construction Weights and Measures Coordinator
3-902F Final Pay items
3-903 Force Account
3-903A Authorization for Force Account Payment
3-903B Force Account Records
3-903C Tentative Agreements
3-903D Markup for Subcontracted Work
3-903E Owner-Operated Labor and Equipment
3-903F Billing for Extra Work at Force Account
3-903G Labor
3-903H Material
3-903I Equipment Rental
3-903I (1) Equipment Selection
3-903I (2) Equipment Rental Rates
3-903I (3) Time in Operation
3-903I (4) Equipment Not on the Job Site
3-903I (5) Non Owner-Operated Dump Truck Rental
3-903I (6) Standby Time
3-903J Extra Work Performed by Specialists
3-904 Payment Adjustments
3-904A Changed Quantity Payment Adjustments
3-904A (1) Increases of More Than 25 Percent
3-904A (2) Decreases of More Than 25 Percent
Hours reported on report dated 6/26/00 entry based on one inspection during the day.
Later found out that crew and equipment worked whole shift instead of half shift [add
the date of the supplemental entry and sign the entry].
Include notations concerning decisions to allow or deny payment for work that may be
in dispute or not considered a legitimate part of extra work. Similarly, prepare a
supplemental daily report if it is later found that the number of hours or labor and
equipment was substantially different than recorded on the original daily report. Such a
supplemental daily report might read as follows:
6/26/00 10:15 a.m. Change Order No. 17 Placing Riprap Lt. of Sta. 500.
Crew of two laborers and foreman with a D-6 crawler tractor with side-boom and
operator laid about 150 sq. feet of salvaged rubble riprap. Estimate crew and tractor
worked about 4 hours.
Contractors original bid (including mobilization) $100,000
Ninety percent of Contractors bid $ 90,000
Final estimate of total work (including mobilization,
extra work, and less permanent deductions) $ 85,000
Difference $ 5,000
Adjustment of Overhead Costs
(10 percent of difference) $ 500
6. When the Acceptance Statement is not returned within the specified 30 days,
ensure it has not been lost in transit and then proceed in accordance with the
appropriate option below:
d. If the contractor includes claims with the return of the proposed final
estimate, the district should immediately acknowledge the receipt of the
claims by sending a written statement similar to the following:
Your written statement of claims has been received. The engineer will
base the determination of your claims upon the investigation of your
In accordance with the provisions of Section 9-1.17D(1) [9-1.07B], General of the Standard Specifications,
attached (in triplicate) is a proposed final estimate for
_______________ ______________________________
(Contract) (Dist. Co. Rte. M.P)
Please review the proposed final estimate and, if satisfactory, indicate your approval in the space provided on
the attached Acceptance Statement. Return three copies of the Acceptance Statement to this office. One copy
is for your files.
Please note the following portion of Section 9-1.17D(1) [9-1.07B], General of the Standard Specifications,
which states:
If you accept the proposed final estimate or do not submit a claim statement before the 31st day of receiving
the estimate, the Engineer furnishes the final estimate to you and the Department pays the amount due within
30 days. This final estimate and payment is conclusive except as specified in Sections 5-1.27 [9-1.03C],
Records; 6-3.06, Guarantee; and 9-1.21 [9-1.09], Clerical Errors. If you submit a claim statement
before the 31st day of receiving the Engineer's proposed final estimate, the Engineer furnishes a semifinal
estimate to the Contractor and the Department pays the amount due within 30 days. The semifinal estimate is
conclusive as to the amount of work completed and the amount payable except as affected by the claims or as
specified in Sections 5-1.27 [9-1.03C], Records; 6-3.06, Guarantee; and 9-1.21 [9-1.09], Clerical Errors
Your promptness in returning the signed copies, indicating your approval, will expedite payment of the final
estimate. Alternatively, a signed qualified approval by reason of a written statement of claims will expedite
payment of a semifinal estimate. A statement of claims must include a notarized certificate containing the
language required in Section 9-1.17D(2)(c) [9-1.07B], Declaration, of the Standard Specifications.
If claims are submitted in connection with this contract, you will be expected to comply fully with Section 9-
1.17D(2) [9-1.07B], Claim Statement, of the Standard Specifications. The engineer will base the
determination of claims upon the investigation of your statement, in which you are expected to present your
position fully as to the contractual basis of the claim; compliance with contract requirements such as Section
5-1.43 [4-1.03A], Potential Claims and Dispute Resolution, subsections A through D, or Section 9-1.17D
[9-1.04], Final Payment and Claims, of the Standard Specifications, if applicable; a breakdown of the total
amount claimed; and all other information you consider to be in support of your claim.
As further provided in Section 9-1.17D(1) [9-1.07B], General, of the Standard Specifications, in case
neither approval nor a statement of claims is received, postmarked or hand delivered, before the 31st day, a
final estimate in the amount of this proposed final estimate will be issued. Your date of receipt of this
proposed final estimate establishes the beginning of the specified 30 days.
I have examined the quantities of bid items and amounts indicated as payment for extra work
and the deductions on the proposed final estimate dated __________. I agree to accept the total
of $______________ as indicated, as the total amount earned for all work performed on the
above contract, except as may be indicated below.
[ ] None
[ ] As indicated per
attached letter
dated ________
Section 20 Landscape
4-2001 General
4-2002 Planting
4-2002A Materials
4-2002A (1) Soil Amendment
4-2002A (2) Iron Sulfate
4-2002A (3) Lumber
4-2002A (4) Plants
4-2002A (5) Foliage Protectors
4-2002A (6) Root Protectors
4-2002A (7) Mulch
4-2002B Before Work Begins
4-2002B (1) Pesticides
4-2002B (2) Plants
4-2002C During the Course of the Work
4-2002C (1) Roadside Clearing
4-2002C (2) Pesticides
4-2002C (3) Preparing Planting Areas
4-2002C (4) Header Boards
4-2002C (5) Planting
4-2002C (6) Watering
4-2002C (7) Replacement
4-2002C (8) Plant Establishment Work
4-2002C (8a) Administering Plant Establishment Time Requirements
4-2002C (8b) Tracking Time for Type 1 Plant Establishment
4-2002C (8c) Tracking Time for Type 2 Plant Establishment
4-2002D Measurement and Payment
4-2003 Irrigation
4-2003A Components of Irrigation Systems
4-2003A (1) Water Meter
4-2003A (2) Backflow Preventer
4-2003A (3) Wye Strainers
4-2003A (4) Main Supply Line
4-2003A (5) Master Remote Control Valve
4-2003A (6) Remote Control Valves
4-2003A (7) Quick Coupling Valve
4-2003A (8) Gate Valve
4-2003A (9) Lateral Supply Line
4-2003A (10) Emitters and Sprinklers
4-2003A (11) Drip Valve Assembly
Good Roots
Root-Bound Plant
6. Check for root girdling in plants that have a main taproot. Girdling occurs
when a plant has been left in a container for too long. The taproot circles and
chokes the root system until the plant eventually dies.
contact with the emulsion. As a result, public traffic and roller tires will pick up the
chips. If chips are being turned over, check behind the spreader and order a
reduced speed.
Ensure the contractor does not spread the binder and screenings more than 2500
feet ahead of the initial rolling.
Ensure the contractor performs the rolling in the specified order and required
number of roller coverages.
Adjust the spread rate of screenings to prevent pickup by rollers or traffic.
However, prohibit a higher spread rate than necessary. Excessive screenings will
increase cost and the difficulty of cleanup operations.
Ensure the contractor discontinues spreading bituminous binder sufficiently early
in the shift to permit the termination of traffic control before darkness.
Ensure the contractor performs brooming as specified. Before allowing
uncontrolled traffic in adjacent lanes, ensure the removal of all loose chips. The
most common cause of damage by loose chips results from vehicles in an adjacent
lane throwing the chips. During brooming, ensure lanes adjacent to chip-sealed
lanes remain free of loose screenings. During maintenance, order the seal coat to
be swept as often as necessary to keep the surface free of loose screenings.
Decide whether excess screenings should be salvaged and stockpiled or otherwise
disposed of, and advise the contractor of the decision. Unless they are
economically useful, screenings should not be salvaged.
Observe the completed application of screenings and order immediate application
of additional screenings or clean sand to cover any excess bituminous binder that
rises to the surface.
For processing any related damage claims, consult with the district claims officer
when the following conditions exist:
3/4 or 1/2 3% 1%
3/8 3% 1%
No. 4 3% 1%
No. 8 3% 1%
No. 30 3% 1%
No. 200 3% 1%
1. Examine the CT 309 values also. Determine whether resolution of CT 309 is necessary and sufficient to
resolve issues with % MTD or design air void content.
2. Comparing one core to the average of QC test results within the same 250 tons.
3. Comparing the average of Caltrans cores to the average of QC test results for the same volume of hot mix
asphalt or the same area.
4. Comparing the average of three of Caltrans cores in 750 tons to the average of QC test results for the same
750 tons of hot mix asphalt.
4-3906A References
California Test Methods, METS:
Certification Program for Suppliers of Asphalt, METS:
CEM forms, Division of Construction:
Independent Assurance Manual, Procedures for Accreditation of Laboratories and
Qualification of Testers, METS:
Lab Procedures and Engineering Testing Services, Department of Transportation:
4-3906B Resources
Use available experts within your district or region to resolve issues and obtain
additional information about hot mix asphalt production and placement. Contact the
construction engineer and Division of Construction coordinator for issues about
contract administration related to hot mix asphalt specifications. Contact the district
materials engineer for issues about materials and the district independent assurance
coordinator for issues concerning testing.
When questions about Section 39, Hot Mix Asphalt, of the Standard Specifications
or related special provisions cannot be addressed by district or region experts, or the
construction engineer refers the resident engineer to the Division of Construction or
Engineering Services for assistance, contact the following:
For materials or testing issues:
Chief, Office of Roadway Materials Testing
Materials Engineering & Testing Services and Geotechnical Services
State of California, Department of Transportation
For quality control quality assurance issues:
District QCQA Coordinator
For contract administration, measurement or payment issues:
Chief, Office of Construction Engineering
Division of Construction
State of California, Department of Transportation
0.6 6
0.1 10
0.2 2
0.9 9
0.5 5
0.7 7
0.4 4
0.8 8
0.3 3
In turn, locate the remaining primary cores in the lanes. Space them uniformly,
from the first core in the unit, at longitudinal intervals equal in length to the
primary coring interval for the unit. Then locate them laterally within each lane as
used for the first core by applying successive values from the lateral factors in
Table 4-40.1. All values in the table are to be used successively for each primary
unit throughout the project after the value for the first core in the unit is selected at
random. The location of each core should be spotted on the pavement within
pacing accuracy longitudinally and within about 1 foot laterally.
4-4004A (2) Location of Secondary Cores
To determine the limits of secondary units, locate cores in approximately the center of
each adjacent panel.
4-4004A (3) Thickness Variation
For all cores, determine the pavement thickness variation by subtracting the specified
thickness of pavement from the thickness determined by core measurements. Record
excess thickness by using a plus sign and deficient thickness by using a minus sign.
Crossing and
Bridge 900 ft
10 ft Primary Core Interval 9 ft
New Concrete Pavement Lane Lane 1
2 ft
a. Length of primary unit = 6300 ft {[(4610-1000) - (2580-2120)]*2}
b. Number of cores = Area/Core Frequency = (6300 ft x 12 ft x 1 sqyd/ 9 sf) / (1200 sqyd/core) = 7 cores
c. Primary core interval = 6300 ft / 7 cores = 900 ft/core
d. Location of the first primary core:
In this example the outside lane (4) is chosen (at random), and the seventh set of numbers (at
random) from Table 4-40.1 is used. The first core is taken at a longitudinal distance from the
beginning of 360 ft (0.4 x 900 ft). The first core is taken 4 ft from the right edge of the lane.
3. Sta. 36+20 Lane 4 3 ft off right edge +0.03 ft (use +0.02 ft)
Core 3 is more than 0.02 foot greater than the specified thickness, so + 0.02 foot
was used in the calculation to determine thickness deficiency in the primary unit in
accordance with Section 40-1.01D(13)(e), Concrete Pavement Thickness, of the
Standard Specifications.
Core 7 was deficient by more than 0.05 foot. Because of this deficiency, the next
step was to determine the dimensions of the secondary unit from secondary
thickness measurements.
To determine the limits of the secondary unit, the resident engineer ordered secondary
thickness measurements in the panels adjacent to the panel where Core 7 was taken.
Subsequent thickness measurements were in panels adjacent to panels with thickness
deficiencies of more than 0.05 foot. This process continued until the secondary unit
was bounded by panels in which the secondary measurements were deficient in
thickness by 0.05 foot, or less. Cores in each of these panels were taken in the center of
the panel.
Figure 4-40.2, Secondary Cores, illustrates the thicknesses of the secondary cores
14 ft 15 ft 12 ft 13 ft 14 ft 15 ft Slab Length
Lane 1
7a-1 -0.07 ft
7a-2 -0.06 ft
7a-3 -0.04 ft
7b-1 -0.06 ft
7b-2 -0.05 ft
The panels in the secondary unit area represented by cores 7, 7a-1, 7a-2 and 7b-1 were
measured and found to be 54 feet in length and represent 72 square yards.
The engineer averaged thickness variations of the secondary thickness measurements
outside the secondary unit area. The resulting value was used in the calculation in lieu
of the thickness variation for Core 7 to determine the average thickness deficiency of
the primary unit area. The core thickness variations in the panels surrounding the
secondary unit are tabulated below.
7a-3 -0.4 ft
7b-2 -0.5 ft
The average of the thickness variations in the above table is -0.045 feet. This average
was rounded to -0.05 foot, and used for the thickness variation for Core 7 in the
primary unit.
Using -0.05 foot for the Core 7 thickness deficiency, the engineer calculated the
average thickness deficiency (cores 1 through 7) for the primary area to be -0.016 foot.
This average was rounded to -0.02 foot and used for the thickness deficiency for the
primary unit.
The remaining area of the primary unit, after the area of the secondary unit was
subtracted, was as follows:
8400 - 72 = 8328 square yards.
The deduction from payment to the contractor for thickness deficiency in the primary
area in accordance with Section 40-1.04, Payment, of the Standard Specifications
was calculated as follows:
8328 square yards x $2.30/square yard = $19,154.00
The secondary unit area was later removed, reworked, and replaced. A single core was
then taken to determine thickness variation and found to be -0.01 foot. A deduction
was then taken on the remedied secondary unit as follows:
72 square yards x $0.90/square yard = $64.80
Section 56 Signs
4-5601 General
4-5602 Before Work Begins
4-5603 During the Course of Work
4-5603A Overhead Sign Structures
4-5603B Roadside Signs
4-5604 Measurement and Payment
To review the shop drawings of changeable message signs, refer to Section 168-3.0,
Shop Plan Review for Changeable Message Sign (CMS) Structures, of Volume II in
OSCs Bridge Construction Records and Procedures manual.
Example 1:
The length along centerline between the two faces and additional length required
due to skew = 62.33 ft
Individual lengths of pipe placed total 60.08 ft, plus additional length made up in
joints and by forming out from one structure.
Pipe is cut due to skew at the other structure.
Pay for 64 ft
Example 2:
Centerline length between inside faces not on a skew = 60.75 ft
Lengths of pipe placed total 64.25 ft
Pay for 62 ft
4-6504B Case II
Pipe between two
Uncut Pay the designated length.
Slope length along centerline of the pipe between the two inside faces = 145.5 ft
Individual lengths of pipe placed total 144 ft, plus additional length made up in joints
or forming out from one structure, or both.
Pay for 145.5 ft
Under the following circumstances, you may use field measurements in lieu of
calculations or you may supplement calculations:
1. A pipe runs between two structures. After verifying that the structures are
constructed as shown on the plans, you can determine designated length from a
field measurement along the centerline of the pipe between the two inside faces. If
the pipe is cut, make appropriate adjustments to the field measurement.
2. After verifying that a pipe is properly staked, you may use field measurements
between stakes referenced to the ends of the pipe to determine the length
designated by the engineer. If you use a field measurement to determine pay
lengths, include on the quantity sheet an explanation of how the field measurement
relates to the length designated by the engineer.
Check if satisfactory.
2. Crosswalks correct
15. Guarantees
Inspected by________________________________
Section 90 Concrete
4-9001 General
4-9001A Before Work Begins
4-9001A (1) Materials
4-9001A (1a) Cementitious Materials
4-9001A (1b) Aggregates
4-9001A (1c) Admixtures
4-9001A (2) Check of Mix Design
4-9001A (2a) Checking Proportions
4-9001A (2a).1 Cementitious Material Content
4-9001A (2a).2 Water Content
4-9001A (2a).3 Aggregates
4-9001A (2a).4 Admixtures
4-9001A (2a).5 Volume
4-9001A (3) Proportioning
4-9001A (4) Curing Concrete
4-9001A (5) Compressive Strength
4-9001B During the Course of Work
4-9001B (1) Proportioning and Mixing Operations
4-9001B (2) Mixing and Transporting
4-9001B (3) Curing Concrete
4-9001B (4) Protecting Concrete
4-9001C Measurement and Payment
4-9002 Minor Concrete
4-9003 Rapid Strength Concrete
4-9003A Before Work Begins
4-9003B During the Course of Work
4-9003C Measurement and Payment
4-9004 Precast Concrete
4-9004A Before Work Begins
4-9004B During the Course of Work
4-9004C Measurement and Payment
4-9005 Self-Consolidating Concrete
4-9005A Before Work Begins
4-9005B During the Course of Work
4-9006 Lightweight Concrete
4-9006A Before Work Begins
4-9006B During the Course of Work
Review and document the results of acceptance testing in accordance with Chapter 6,
Sampling and Testing, of this manual and specification requirements. Take
appropriate remedial action or deductions for failing results on acceptance tests.
Section 92 Asphalts
4-9201 General
4-9201A Performance Grade Asphalt
4-9201B Asphalt Rubber Binder
4-9201C Certification Program for Suppliers of Asphalt
4-9201D Quality Assurance
4-9202 Before Work Begins
4-9202A Devices for Measuring Asphalt Volume
4-9202B Tack Coat
4-9203 During the Course of Work
4-9203A Plant Operations
4-9203B Pavement Operations
4-9204 Contract Administration
4-9204A Acceptance Test Results
4-9204B Stop Production
4-9204C Certificates of Compliance
4-9204D Compensation Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuation
4-9205 Measurement and Payment
Accidents 15
Adjustment of Compensation Calculations 50
Agreements 18
Assistant Resident Engineers Daily Reports 46
Basement Soil Test Results 30
Bridge Estimate Data 59
Change Orders 49
Charges to Total Contract Allotment 52
Concrete and Reinforcing Steel 43
Concrete (other than structure items) 36
Construction Surveys 8
Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program 21
Contract Administration System Inputs and Reports 60
Contract Item Quantity Documents 48
Contractor 12
Credit to Contract 53
Daily Reports, Assistant Resident Engineers 46
Daily Reports, Resident Engineers 45
Deductions from Payment to Contractor 54
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Disabled Veterans 24
Business Enterprises
Disputes 62
Drainage Systems 47
Estimate and Project Status 61
Equipment and Personnel Cost Reports 3
Extra Categories 10, 23, 56, 57, 58
Field Laboratory Assistant Reports to Resident Engineer 40
General Correspondence 5
Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials 19
Hot Mix Asphalt 35
Information Furnished at Start of Project 11
Initial Tests and Acceptance Tests 37
Labor Compliance and Equal Employment Opportunity 25
Materials on Hand 51
Material Plants 42
Materials Information and Preliminary Tests 29
Materials Testing Qualifications of Employees 39
Notice of Materials to be Furnished (Form TL-0608) 33
Category 12Contractor
Insurance for Contractors
When records are sent from the district construction office to the State Record Center
or to another district, prepare a transmittal list specifying the contents of each box. In a
separate file in the district construction office, retain a copy of the transmittal list.
The Bridge Construction Records and Procedures manual should be referenced for
bridge and structures related records that are transmitted to the Office of Structure
Construction at the completion of the project for permanent storage.
5-104D As-Built Plans
Districts are responsible for all as-built road plans, and the Office of Structure Design is
responsible for all as-built structure plans. To handle as-built plans, use the following
The district design unit will give the resident engineer full-size prints of all road plans.
Prints of structure plans will be supplied to the structure representative. The plans may
also be transmitted in electronic form when field forces have the capability of
computer-aided drafting and design (CADD). As-built information is recorded on the
full-size drawings or recorded on a set of contract plans using CADD.
Each sheet of as-built plans must be clearly identified as such. All sheets upon which
changes are made must contain the name of the resident engineer or structure
5-104D (1) District Procedure on As-Built Plans
The district will maintain a set of original project plan sheets. Field changes will be
made on full-size prints or in a field CADD system and afterwards transferred to the
original CADD files in the district office. The set of plans, with changes delineated by
the district design unit, becomes the as-built plans.
To attain uniformity in final project plans, include the following data on the as-built
Change order number.
Revisions in alignment and right of way.
Grade revisions in excess of 0.1 foot.
Changes in length, size, flow line elevations, and station of culverts. When
alternate types of culverts are permitted, show which alternate was used.
Drainage changes.
Location of sewers, conduits, and other features.
Location of monuments, bench marks, freeway fences, and gates.
Revision of typical cross sections.
Changes in pavement lanes, tapers, ramps, frontage roads, road connections,
driveways, sidewalks, islands, and median openings.
Curb and gutter changes.
Electrical conduits, pull boxes, and service points.
Section 2 Funds
5-201 General
5-202 Managing Funds
5-203 Obtaining Additional Funds
5-203A G-12 Funds Request
5-203B California Transportation Committee Supplemental Funds Request
5-204 Segregation of Quantities for Fund Apportionment
5-204A General
5-204A (1) Requirements for Specific Types of Funding
5-204A (1a) Federal Funds for State Highway Projects
5-204A (1b) Federal or State Funds for Local Assistance Projects
5-204A (1c) Local Funds for State Highway Projects (Cooperative Projects)
(DSC-MRC) hearing
5-3.1 is G or H)
Section 4 Disputes
5-401 General
5-402 Claims Avoidance
5-403 Requests for Information, Potential Claim Records, and Claims
5-403A Requests for Information
5-403B Potential Claim Records
5-403C Documentation
5-403D Claims
5-404 Alternative Dispute Resolution
5-405 Claims Resolution Process
5-405A Issue Proposed Final EstimateTarget Day 40
5-405B Proposed Final Estimate ReturnedTarget Day 70
5-405C Preliminary Construction Claim Findings CompletedTarget Day 110
5-405D District Construction Review of Preliminary Construction Claim Findings Completed
Target Day 130
5-405E Board of Review MeetingTarget Day 160
5-405E (1) Board of Review Secretary
5-405E (2) Board of Review Member Selection
5-405E (3) Board of Review Operation
5-405E (4) Board of Review Settlements
5-405F Board of Review Report CompletedTarget Day 200
5-405G Construction Claim Findings and Draft District Director Determination of Claims
CompletedTarget Day 220
5-405H District Director Determination of ClaimsTarget Day 230
5-405I Minor B Contracts
5-405I (1) Contract AcceptedTarget Day 0
5-405I (2) Claim and Invoice SubmissionTarget Day 30
5-405I (3) Additional Information ReceivedTarget Day 45
5-405I (4) Preliminary Determination of ClaimsTarget Day 50
5-405I (5) Presentation of Unresolved ClaimsTarget Day 80
5-405I (6) Final Determination of ClaimsTarget Day 85
5-405I (7) California Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board, and Superior Court
5-406 Claim Settlements
5-406A Claim Settlement Process
5-406A (1) Claim Settlement Request Memorandum
5-406A (2) Claim Settlement Agreement
5-406B Contract Time Settlements
5-407 Claim Payments
Federal Aid Project: [FA#]
[Contractors name]
[Contractors title]
[Name of contractors business]
[City, State ZIP]
I have reviewed your exceptions to the Proposed Final Estimate and have made the following
Resolved claims
Claim ID Title Amount
[List claims that have been resolved]
[Contractors name]
Page 2 of 2
You will be notified of the date, time and the location of the board of review meeting in a follow up letter.
In accordance with Section 9-1.17D, Final Payment and Claims, of the 2010 Standard Specifications
(Section 9-1.07B, Final Payment and Claims, of the 2006 Standard Specifications), your attendance at
the board of review meeting is mandatory.
[Deputy District Director of Constructions name]
Deputy District Director of Construction
[Resident Engineers OFFICE NAME in all caps]
[REs Address]
[REs City, State Zip]
[REs] PHONE: [(area code) XXX-XXXX]
[REs] FAX: [(area code) XXX-XXXX] Flex your power!
TTY 711 Be energy efficient!
Federal Aid Project: [FA#]
[Contractors name]
[Contractors title]
[Name of contractors business]
[City, State ZIP]
[Contractors name]
Page 2 of 2
In accordance with 9-1.17C, "Proposed Final Estimate" of the 2010 Standard Specifications (Section 9-
1.07B, Final Payment of Claims, of the 2006 Standard Specifications), your attendance at the board of
review meeting is mandatory.
[Resident Engineers OFFICE NAME in all caps]
[REs Address]
[REs City, State Zip]
[REs] PHONE: [(area code) XXX-XXXX]
[REs] FAX: [(area code) XXX-XXXX] Flex your power!
TTY 711 Be energy efficient!
Federal Aid Project: [FA#]
[Contractors name]
[Contractors title]
[Name of contractors business]
[City, State ZIP]
Your absence at that meeting, an administrative procedure set forth in the contract as part of the Caltrans
claim process, has nullified those claims.
The final estimate is being issued as authorized by 9-1.17C, "Proposed Final Estimate," of the 2010 Standard
Specifications (Section 9-1.07B, Final Payment of Claims, of the 2006 Standard Specifications), in
accordance with the district directors final determination of claims sent to you on [date]. Payment in the
amount of [dollars] on claim numbers [1, 2, etc.] is included on the final estimate. This amount fully resolves
claim numbers [1, 2, etc.]. Enclosed is a copy of the final estimate.
[Deputy District Director of Constructions name]
Deputy District Director of Construction
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
District [district number] has reviewed the [number of exceptions] exceptions [claims] that
[contractors name] filed in response to the proposed final estimate. These exceptions total $ [amount].
On [date], [contractors employees names] of [contractors name] and District [district number] staff
met with the Board of Review and supported their positions on claims submitted to the Board of Review
as identified in the Review of Claims by Deputy District Director of Construction notification letter
dated [date]. The board of review subsequently issued its findings and recommendations and submitted
its report.
[Contractors name]
Page 2 of 2
This concludes Caltrans administration of the claims process. The district will process the final estimate in
accordance with this Final Determination of Claims.
If you wish to pursue this matter further, arbitration is available, as provided in Section 9-1.22, "Arbitration,"
of the 2010 Standard Specifications. (Section 9-1.10, Arbitration, of the 2006 Standard Specifications). You
must file a complaint in arbitration within 90 days of receipt of this final decision at the following address:
Office of Administrative Hearings
Public Works Contract Arbitration Program
2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833-4231
[Deputy District Director of Constructions name]
District Director - District XX
From: [Name]
District [XX] Director
As authorized by Public Contract Code Section 9201, District [XX] of the Department of Transportation requests your
confirming signature of approval to settle all contract claims on this project submitted by [contractors name] (contractor)
and its subcontractors. The district seeks authorization to pay the contractor a total of [$$$,$$$.$$] to settle all outstanding
claims. The following facts summarize the districts [or Board of Reviews] recommendation that paying this amount to
settle all claims will best serve the interest of the state.
Project Description
[Include information such as brief description of the project, contractors name, bid amount, and proposed final estimate
Event Date
Advertisement date [mm/dd/20xx]
Bid opening date [mm/dd/20xx]
Contract award date [mm/dd/20xx]
Contract approval date [mm/dd/20xx]
First working day (date and working day number) [mm/dd/20xx]
Date contractor began work [mm/dd/20xx]
Working days specified (number of days) [mm/dd/20xx]
Computed completion date (date and working day number) [mm/dd/20xx]
Change order time adjustment (number of days) [mm/dd/20xx]
Nonworking days (number of days) [mm/dd/20xx]
Working days not worked on controlling operation (number of days) [mm/dd/20xx]
Extended date for completion (date and working day number) [mm/dd/20xx]
Project completion date [mm/dd/20xx]
Construction contract acceptance (CCA) date [mm/dd/20xx]
Overrun in contract time (number of working and calendar days) [mm/dd/20xx]
Date Proposed Final Estimate (PFE) was issued [mm/dd/20xx]
Date contractors exceptions to PFE were received [mm/dd/20xx]
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
Description of Claims
On [mm/dd/20xx], the contractor submitted # exceptions to the proposed final estimate for a total amount of
[Describe what happened to initiate the claim. Describe the location, the persons, and the events that led to
the claim. Discuss the Departments responsibility, any partial resolution of the claim, and the change order
issued to partially resolve the claim. Discuss the remaining value of the claim.]
Summary of Claims
The district has concluded its entitlement analysis of the claims and determined that the contractor is entitled
to additional compensation for the claims summarized below:
Original Unresolved District / BOR
Claimed Claimed Recommended
Claim # Description $ Amount $ Amount $ Amount
Prime Contractor Claims
X Extra work [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
X Late payment [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
X Extended field office overhead [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
X Extended home office overhead [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
Subcontractor Claims
X Subcontractor underpayment [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
Subtotal [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
Interest [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
Total [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$] [$$,$$$.$$]
Funding Status
[Discuss the total cost of the contract to date, the source of funding, and whether available funds are adequate
to pay for the settlement of the claims or if supplemental funds need to be secured.]
[Discuss projects funding, remaining contingency balance, zeroed out bid items and change orders.]
[If supplemental funds are to be secured, address the process that will be used to obtain the funds, that is, G-
11, G-12, SFR-CTC vote, or funds from local partners. Estimate when the funds would become available.]
Consequences of Not Settling
[State the risk exposure to the Department if certain claims are not settled and the contractor decides to file
for arbitration. Make a reference to the legal, expert witness and engineering support costs that would be
expended to defend the Department in the arbitration proceedings.]
[State the districts recommendation for resolution of these construction claims.]
[Name] Date [Name] Date
Chair, Board of Review Assistant Chief Counsel
[or District Claims Engineer] Legal DivisionContracts
Recommended by:
Approved by:
The contractor, [name] returned exceptions to the proposed final estimate, dated [date], and specified
[overhead, escalated cost, or impacted item work] claims due to a state-directed suspension as shown
on the attached summary of delay related claims. The contractor was permitted to work on non-
controlling items of work during the period of suspension. Caltrans directed the suspension for a
redesign of most of the project.
Project work involved the removal and replacement of concrete pavement with fast-setting hydraulic
cement concrete.
It is requested that Caltrans audit determine if additional compensation for overhead and escalated
costs is owed to the contractor for this project. The justification for this request is as follows:
The district contact for project information will be [name], [resident engineer or claims engineer], at
[telephone number].
Attached is an independent certified public accountant audit report, submitted by the contractor in
conformance with Section 9-1.17C, "Proposed Final Estimate" of the 2010 Standard Specifications
(Section 9-1.07B, Final Payment of Claims, of the 2006 Standard Specifications). Summary of
delay related claims, general contract information, and the delay related chronology of the project is
also attached. The Division of Construction field coordinator has included a signature of concurrence
with this request as shown below.
___________________________ ___________________________
[Name], Field Coordinator [Name], Deputy District Director
Division of Construction Construction
Contract No.
Subcontractor Claims
12 WWW Fence Co. Material Costs $9,894.03 $9,894.03
13 Electrical Experts, Inc. Labor Cost Increases $2,288.09 $0.00
TOTALS $75,820.80 $21,988.79
The bridge work to be done consists, in general, of constructing earthquake retrofit modifications on the
following bridges as shown on the project plans and briefly described below:
The proposed final estimate (PFE) was mailed to the contractor on September 28, 2012 and was returned
with exceptions on October 25, 2012. The total amount claimed was $1,636,903.82.
Contract Approved 10/4/2010
Working Day Begin 10/19/2010 402
Begin Work 6/21/2012 556
Working Days Specified or Bid 180
CO Days Extension 0
Other Days Extension 4
Non-working Days
Weather 89
Suspension Days 210
Extended Completion Date 9/24/2012 885
Work Completed 8/22/2012 863
Contract Accepted 8/24/2012 865
Contract Overran 0 Working Days ( 0 Calendar Days)
Advertisement date 02/15/2011
Bid opening date 05/25/2011
Contract award date 06/27/2011
Contract approval date 07/18/2011
First working day 08/02/2011 599
Begin work 08/03/2011 600
Working days specified 300
Computed completion date 10/17/2012 901
ContracChange order time adjustment 8
Non-working days 6
Suspension days 14
Working days that contractor did not work on the controlling operation 11
Extended date for completion 12/14/2012 940
Date work completed 12/06/2012 934
Contract acceptance date 12/06/2012 934
Overrun in contract time 0 working days (= 0 calendar days)
This project consisted of constructing a cast-in-place, prestressed, concrete box girder bridge supported on
cast-in-drilled-hole concrete piling. Also, existing highway 1 was realigned with portland cement concrete
pavement over aggregate base over imported borrow.
The bid amount was $12,654,308.00. The proposed final estimate was $13,013,459.85.
The proposed final estimate was mailed to the contractor on January 14, 2013, and was returned with five (5)
exceptions on February 12, 2013. The total amount of the exceptions is $48,302.62.
Claimed Recommended Remaining
Claim ID No./Title Amount Payment Amount
1 (ID #46) PCC Pavement Grinding Claim $ 25,209.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,209.00
2 (ID #34) Differing Site Condition Claim 18,482.00 0.00 18,482.00
3 Item 27 Reconstruct Fence 11.6M 2,030.00 0.00 2,030.00
4 Item 124 Rock Slope Protection 10M3 1,925.00 1,925.00 0.00
5 CO #11 DEWRs 6 and 8 656.62 314.67 341.95
Total Claim Amounts $ 48,302.62 $ 2,239.67 $ 46,062.95
Background [Use background from resident engineers response to full and final documentation of potential
claim in conjunction with guidelines in Section 5-413A(8), Description of the Claim, of the Construction
Section 10-1.01, Order of Work, of the special provisions and Sheet SC-1 of the project plans require the
contractor to construct this project in multiple stages and describe PCC pavement of variable widths and
orientations relative to the lane lines.
On March 8, 2012, the contractor completed profilographing the PCC pavement surface from stationing 10 +
240 to 12 + 010 and found that multiple areas exceeded the profile index requirements of Section
40-1.01D(13)(d), Concrete Pavement Smoothness, of the Standard Specifications. The contractor proposed
that a change order be executed to modify the profile index requirements (see Exhibit 1) by a request for
information (RFI) on March 9, 2012. The resident engineer required the contractor to remedy the deficient
areas to conform to the final finishing requirements (see Exhibit 2). The contractor submitted an initial
potential claim record on March 14, 2012 (see Exhibit 3) followed by a supplemental potential claim record
(see Exhibit 4). The resident engineer provided a response to the supplemental potential claim record finding
no merit in the contractors potential claim (see Exhibit 5).
The contractor referred this dispute issue to the dispute review board. The dispute review board heard the
subject of this claim and issued a unanimous recommendation on June 14, 2012 in Caltrans favor (see Exhibit
Applicable Specifications
Special provisions: Section 10-1.01, Order of Work (see Exhibit 13)
Standard Specifications: Section 40-1.01D(9), Concrete Pavement
Section 40-1.01D(13)(d), Concrete Pavement
Smoothness (see Exhibit 13)
Notification of Claim
Date of RFI: March 9, 2012 (see Exhibit 2)
Initial Potential Claim Record: March 14, 2012 (see Exhibit 3)
Supplemental Potential Claim Record: March 29, 2012 (see Exhibit 4)
Full and Final Potential Claim Record: May 31, 2012 (see Exhibit 6)
Notification was timely?: Yes
Contractors Position [Use the contractors potential claim submittals in conjunction with guidelines in
Section 5-413A (9), Contractors Position, of the Construction Manual.]
Exhibits 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 11 are documents in which the contractor has stated their position on this dispute.
These exhibits provide the contractors consistent basis for claim in this matter. The contractors detailed
position in this matter is taken verbatim from their supplemental potential claim record dated March 29, 2012:
We should be compensated for the additional cost of grinding the PCC pavement between stationing 10+240 and
12+010. Because of the staging requirements that provide necessary traffic handling throughout the contracts duration,
we were required to utilize a variety of construction methods in constructing the PCC pavement that consisted of
variable widths and orientations. This non-standard construction has caused numerous irregularities in the finished
surface of the PCC pavement. It is obvious that the profile index requirements Section 40-1.01D(13)(d), Concrete
Pavement Smoothness, of the Standard Specifications did not contemplate such constraints as experienced on this
contract. It is therefore unreasonable for us to absorb the grinding costs in obtaining the profile index demanded by the
Districts Position [Use the resident engineers responses in conjunction with guidelines in Section 5-413A (10),
Districts Position, of the Construction Manual.]
The districts position in this matter is stated in exhibits 2, 5, 7, and 9. The following compilation provides the districts
position on this issue:
The contractors claim for additional compensation associated with grinding of PCC pavement to meet the profile
index requirements Section 40-1.01D(13)(d), Concrete Pavement Smoothness, of the Standard Specifications is
without merit. The contractor has stated that the staging requirements of the contract in conjunction with construction
of PCC pavement in variable widths and orientations created the non-compliant profile index of the finished surfaces in
question. District maintains that the primary cause leading to the remedial grinding of PCC pavement was due to the
contractors lack of quality control in placing PCC pavement.
The contract specified the staging requirements within Section 10-1.01, Order of Work, of the special provisions and
on the Sheet SC-1 of the Project Plans. While the staging requirements of this contract may have influenced the
contractors means and methods utilized in constructing the PCC pavement, these constraints were not unknown at
time of bid and were not changed during the course of the contract. In addition, the contractors own profilographs
show many areas where PCC pavement surfaces were produced within the profile index requirements and that many of
these areas involved pavement of variable widths along multiple orientations. These results along with satisfactory
results from other contracts with similar constraints and construction methods verify that profile index requirements can
be met without remedial grinding if proper care is taken during the placement operations. The contractor was informed
of these facts by the resident engineer on multiple occasions as evidenced in exhibits 2, 5, and 7.
Profile index requirements on finished PCC pavement surfaces are contractually defined Section 40-1.01D(13)(d),
Concrete Pavement Smoothness, of the Standard Specifications. The contractors argument that these requirements
should not be applied to the PCC pavement for this contract is without merit. The department has consistently utilized the
profile index requirements on finished PCC pavement surfaces constructed in stages. The only exception to this practice
is when portions of the existing pavement are to remain in the finished contract. In such cases, the department will
contractually exclude those areas and related transitions from the profile index requirements. On this contract there is no
existing PCC pavement that remained in the final PCC pavement from stationing 10 + 240 to 12 + 010.
In summary, the remedial grinding of PCC pavement performed by the contractor to meet the contractual profile index
requirements is due to the contractors own means and methods utilized in constructing said pavement. Had the
contractor exercised additional quality control during placement of the PCC pavement, the need for remedial grinding
would have been significantly reduced or eliminated in its entirety. The contract payments made per cubic meter for
PCC pavement constitute full payment for pavement meeting all contract requirements including profile index
requirements. The contractors claim in this matter is without merit.
Respectfully submitted,
Claims Engineer
Findings Approved,
Deputy District Director, Construction
Identification Number________________________________________________
Notification Details
State Response
Date Merit On time
To Supplemental Yes No Yes No
Comments _______________________________________________________
Contractor Position
District Position
5-4.56 Disputes
DRB Information [if applicable]
DRB held Yes___ No___ Date
DRB Recommendation in favor of: State___ Contractor___
DRB Accepted by: State: Yes___ No___ Contractor: Yes___ No___
Payment detail CCO No. Amount
Exhibits x = included
Contractors exceptions to PFE ____
Written notice or protest ____
Initial NOPC (6201 A) ____
Supplemental NOPC (6201 B) ____
Full & Final Documentation (6201 C) ____
State response ____
To Supplemental NOPC ____
To Full and Final Documentation ____
Other correspondence ____
Dispute Review Board ____
State position paper ____
Contractor position paper ____
DRB recommendation ____
Diaries ____
Resident Engineer ____
Assistant ____
Plan sheets ____
Specifications ____
Contract Change Orders ____
Photographs ____
Calculations & analysis ____
Weekly Statement of Working Days ____
CPM Schedules ____
Other (list)
Definition Applicable Date
Use the date that the arbiters decision
ACD Arbitration Case Determination
(determination) is made.
Use the first hearing date that the parties meet with
ACH Arbitration Case Hearing
the arbitrator to present the facts of the case.
Use the date that the ACP was deposited in the U.S.
ACP Arbitration Case Payment Processed Postal Service or that the ACP was hand-delivered to
the contractor.
District Claim Settlement Memorandum Sent to Use the date that the district sent the memorandum
Headquarters Construction to Headquarters Construction.
Use the date that the district sent the final district
DDD District Director Determination Sent to Contractor director determination of claims letter to the
contractor; regardless of who signed the letter.
Review of Claims by the Deputy District Director Use the date that the district sent the letter to the
of Construction Sent to the Contractor contractor.
Proposed Final Estimate Returned with Use the date that the contractor returned the PFE
Administrative Exceptions, Including Item Work designated by the earliest date stamp by the mail
Exceptions, CCO Work, and Extra Work Bill room or resident engineer. Internal routing time is not
Exceptions considered in this event date code.
Claims Resolution
Period Item(s) Entitlement Authority1
Approvals of change orders resolving entitlement are subject to the district directors
determination and the delegation of authority for change orders2.
(Overhead claims3)
Claims Resolution
Period Item(s) Negotiated Settlement Authority6
Approval authority and responsibilities for a confidential claim settlement request depend
on the settlement amount, as folllows2,7,11:
Approval authority and responsibilities for a confidential claim settlement request depend
on the settlement amount, as folllows2,7,11:
Period Item(s) Negotiated Settlement Authority12
Approval authority and responsibilities for the confidential Request for Settlement
Authority memorandum resolving claims in arbitration depend on the settlement
amount, as folllows13:
Settlements Use negotiated settlement authority request for settlement item for the period
reached before the from filing of arbitration to arbitration hearing (above).
arbitrator issues a Division of Construction issues the change order and notifies the district to
decision process estimate.
Follow the same level of approval authority and memorandum preparation as for
Arbitrator issues a settlement shown above.
decision award to
Arbitration contractor District processes request for additional funding, if required.
The Division of Construction issues the change order and notifies the district to
process estimate.
Entitlementmerit, even partial, requiring compensation under Public Contract Code, section 10227 and
Section 3-403,"Changes and Extra Work," of this manual.
Section 5-311, " Change Order Approval Process, of this manual.
Notes (continued):
Approval authority on change order memorandum for overhead entitlement:
Field office overhead: <$200K, Division of Constructions field coordinator
$200K to $1.0M, Division of Construction chief
>$1.0M, Project Delivery deputy director
Home office overhead: $1.0M, Division of Construction chief
>$1.0M, Project Delivery deputy director
Revise the change order memorandum as appropriate.
The District Director Determination (DDD) is Caltrans final written decision of the claims. After the DDD is
issued, no further discussion with the contractor regarding claims should occur.
Negotiated Settlementaccording to Public Contract Code section 9201 and Section 5-406, "Claim
Attach the change order and change order memorandum to the claim settlement request and submit it to the
Division of Construction. Attach form CEM-2702, "Overrun in Contract Time, to the claim settlement request
if recommending action related to time extensions, liquidated damages, or engineering and inspection costs.
The Division of Construction change order engineer will provide authorization or notify the district to
authorize approval. File the approved claim settlement request in the Division of Construction confidential
files. Destroy all drafts.
The Division of Construction field coordinator, deputy district director of construction, Legal Division
representative, Division of Construction chief, and FHWA transportation engineer meet to discuss the
settlement offer. If the offer is greater than $1.0M, the Project Delivery deputy director may also attend.
The deputy district director of construction is responsible for obtaining FHWA concurrence with the
settlement on high-profile and non-delegated projects.
The district, after obtaining approval from the Division of Construction field coordinator, negotiates the
settlement and submits the settlement request to the district director.
The claim settlement request is the written decision of the claim. After the claim settlement request is
approved, no further discussion with the contractor regarding the settled claim should occur.
Negotiated Settlementaccording to Public Contract Code section 9201 and Section 5-406, "Claim
Attach form CEM-2702, "Overrun in Contract Time," to the claim settlement request if recommending action
related to time extensions, liquidated damages, or engineering and inspection costs.
The Division of Construction field coordinator, deputy district director of construction, Legal Division
representative, Division of Construction chief, and FHWA transportation engineer meet to discuss the
settlement offer. If the offer is greater than $1million, the Division of Project Delivery deputy director may
also attend.
The Division of Construction field coordinator is responsible for obtaining FHWA concurrence with the
settlement on high-profile and non-delegated project.
6-101A References
Independent Assurance Manual, Division of Engineering Services, Materials
Engineering and Testing Services, State of California Department of
Transportation, available at:
California Test (CT-___), Division of Engineering Services, Materials Engineering
and Testing Services (METS), State of California Department of Transportation,
available at:
Material Time
The minimum time required for acceptance tests of products is shown in Table 6-1.3.
2 daily when
California Materials site or
Moisture 25 lb aggregate base is
Test 226 stockpile
paid for by weight
Project site in
Sample for
Relative California accordance with
California Test Every 2000 sq yd
Compaction Test 231 California Test
Wet common-
composite test
Maximum California Every 2000 sq yd, maximum value
35 lb compaction test
Wet Density Test 216 see Remarks may be used in
site locations
accordance with
California Test 231
As necessary for Verify thickness of
Dimensions N/A N/A Random locations
acceptance aggregate base
1. See California Test 125 for sampling procedures.
2. If material is outside the specification limits sample and test representative material every 500 cu yd so that deductions may be
taken for noncompliant material.
Sieve Test 202,
Analysis California
30 lb Stockpile Once daily
Test 105
Sand California
Equivalent Test 217
Micro-Surfacing Aggregates
Los Angeles
Rattler California
(Loss at 500 Test 211
Percentage of 50 lb Stockpile Once per project
Test 205
Durability California
Index Test 302
Sieve California
Analysis Test 202
30 lb Stockpile Once daily
Sand California
Equivalent Test 227
1. See California Test 125 for sampling procedures.
Report only if
Production start-up the adjustment
evaluation, and for asphalt
Voids Filled California Loose mix evaluation, 1
minimum 1 random binder content
with Asphalt Test 367 behind paver every 25,000
for every 25,000 tons target value is
tons of
of paving less than
Report only if
Production start-up the adjustment
Voids in evaluation, and for asphalt
California Loose mix evaluation, 1
Mineral minimum 1 random binder content
Test 367 behind paver every 25,000
Aggregate for every 25,000 tons target value is
tons of
of paving less than
Entire final
specified areas
Inertial Profiler requiring
for Mean Each 0.1 Pavement Entire final Entire final straightedge.
Profile Index mile surface surface surface; see May use
and Areas of Remarks contractor-
Localized furnished profiles
Roughness provided that
witnessed profile
Based on
asphalt type
Spray bar on
used (see 1-qt
Asphalt asphalt Each truck 1 random per
Standard wide-mouth
Binder distributor load project
Specifications can
Section 92)
Based on
emulsion type Spray bar on
Asphaltic used (see 1-gal emulsion Each truck 1 random per
Emulsion Standard plastic jug distributor load project
Specifications truck
Section 94)
As necessary
California Test for verification
Spread Rate N/A Pavement N/A
339 of tack coat
spread rate
1. See California Test 125 for sampling procedures.
2. When using RAP, adjust gradation by the correction factor determined under Laboratory Procedure 9.
3. Store one 20-lb canvas bag for dispute resolution.
4. Store one 40-lb canvas bag for dispute resolution
5. Need twelve 8X8X3 boxes or eight 8X8X4 boxes. Store six 8X8X3 or four 8X8X4 for dispute resolution.
6. For Open Graded Friction Course, 40-lb sample size and use metal containers in place of cardboard boxes.
7. Contractor ships 75 lb to district material laboratory for testing and 75 lb to METS for testing.
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
AASHTO T Engineer may use
160 Modified contractor-provided test
Prior to
See Standard Set of three During mix design result for acceptance;
Shrinkage production;
Specifications 4 x 4 x 11 in. process test result must be within
see Remarks
Section 90- 3 years of contract
1.01D(3) authorization date
4 specimens Prior to production
Coefficient of JPCP report only
AASHTO T from single and 1 random per
Thermal Field qualification CRCP test result for
336 concrete project; see
Expansion acceptance
sample Remarks
When beams are
California Test molded and when
Point of concrete
Concrete 533 See test uniformity is
delivery into the
Uniformity method questionable,
ASTM C 143 minimum 2 per
Point of concrete
Concrete California Test When uniformity
100 lb delivery into the
Uniformity 529 is questionable
1 set of 2
1 set per age for
6 x 6 x 32 in.
each 1,000 cu yd, Recommend frequency of
(min.) for Point of concrete
Modulus of California Test 1 per day every 2,000 cu yd if after
centerpoint delivery into the
Rupture 523 minimum; see 10 sets all tests are in
loading or work
Remarks and compliance
6 x 6 x 20 in.
Note 3
(min.) for third-
point loading
Point of concrete 1 every day of
California Test See test Only test when air
Air Content delivery into the production;
504 method entrainment is specified
work see Remarks
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
BARBED WIRE (Section 80-2.02D)
Barbed Wire,
As necessary for
verification if
must comply
ASTM A 121 1 yd length Job site quality is
with Standard
Section 80-
Sample and test if not
2 samples
Each lot previously inspected at
each diameter
the source
CHAIN LINK FENCING (Section 80-2.02E)
Wire Mesh,
various Each lot for
properties; verification if Certificate of
ASTM A116,
must comply 2 ft width Job site quality is Compliance required
Class 1
with Standard questionable; for vinyl clad fencing
Specifications see Remarks
Section 80
Compliance Sample and test if not
Contact METS Contact METS for
with previously inspected a
for instructions instructions
specifications source
Compliance Each 1000 sq ft
6 in. long, full
with not less than 2
width of sheet
specifications per shipment
various Each lot for
See Standard
properties; 2 each, 3 in. verification if
Specifications Certificate of
must comply long, include Job site quality is
Section 86- compliance required
with Standard markings questionable;
Specifications see Remarks.
Section 86-
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
1-ft length
Compliance from each end Sample and test if not
Each 500 lengths
with of length previously inspected at
or fraction
specifications tested of each the source
Each lot for Certificate of compliance
See Standard verification if required for each lot;
must comply 1 piece, 3 ft x
Specifications Job site quality is unroll at least 1
with Standard full width of roll
Section 88 questionable. circumference before
See Remarks. sampling.
Section 88
JOINT SEALS TYPE B (Section 51-2.02C(2))
Certificate of compliance
and certified test report
required for each lot;
See Standard test report must include
must comply
Specifications Each lot; the seal MR,
with Standard 1 piece, 3 ft Job site
Section 51- see Remarks manufacturer minimum
2.02(C) uncompressed width
Section 51-
and test results;
submit samples at least
30 days before use
JOINT SEALS Type A and Type AL (Section 51-2.02B)
properties; Certificate of compliance
See Standard
must comply 1 qt of each 1 sample from required for each batch
with Standard component Job site each component of sealant; submit
Section 51-
Specifications and primer of each batch samples at least 30 days
Section 51- prior to use
PAINT (Section 91)
Paint, various For If less than 20 gallons,
properties; miscellaneous testing not required and
See Standard
must comply painting, 1 qt Each batch; resident engineer must
Specifications Job site
with Standard (see Section see Remarks field release. Zinc-rich
Section 91
Specifications 6-2 of this primer must be on the
Section 91 manual) Authorized Material List.
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
PAINT Structural Steel (Section 59)
Paint, various For bridge or
properties; major Unused portion of 5-gal
See Standard
must comply structure, Each batch; sample will be returned
Specifications Job site
with Standard send an see Remarks to job; see Section 6-2 of
Section 59
Specifications unopened 5- this manual
Section 59 gal can
As necessary for
See Standard verification if Each shipment must
Specifications 20 markers Job site quality is have certificate of
must comply
Section 85 questionable; compliance
with Standard
see Remarks
Section 85
PERMEABLE MATERIALS: Class 1, Class 2 & Class 3 (Section 68-2.02F)
Durability California Test
50 lb Stockpile Prior to use
Index 229
Sieve California Test Prior to use,1
50 lb Stockpile
Analysis 202 every day
PERMEABLE MATERIALS: Class 3 (Section 68-2.02F)
Crushed California Test
50 lb Stockpile Prior to use
Faces 205
PLASTIC CONDUIT (Section 86-2.05)
various 2 in. long
As necessary for
properties; See Standard from center of
verification if
must comply Specifications length, Job site
quality is
with Standard Section 86-2.05 2 samples
Specifications each size
Section 86-
From batch
immediately after At the start of
mixing for each day's work
One 6 x 12 Repeat acceptance tests
California Test prequalification, and thereafter 1
Efflux time in. cylinder whenever source of
541 thereafter from test per each 5%
mold can material is changed
outlet end of of ducts;
tendon and/or see Remarks
storage tank
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
Compliance Sample and test if not
1 unit or full
with Each lot previously inspected at
size bar
specifications the source
Steel, various As necessary for
2 samples,
properties; See Standard verification if Each shipment must be
30 in., except
must comply Specifications Job site quality is accompanied by a
40 in. for #14
with Standard Section 52 questionable; certificate of compliance
& #18
Specifications see Remarks.
Section 52
SLOPE PROTECTION (Section 72-2.02A)
Adequate size of slope
As required for
Quarry or protection documented
Size N/A acceptance;
stockpile by measuring or
see Remarks
weighing the material
California Test
Quarry or
California Test 75 lb Prior to use
Absorption stockpile
Durability California Test
Index 229
Contact METS Contact METS for
for instructions instructions
2 samples,
30-in., cut Each heat or melt Sample and test if not
parallel to or 10 tons or previously inspected at
direction of fraction the source
9 sq ft of
ASTM D1668, asphalt 1 sample from
Glass Fiber Job site
Type 1 saturated each lot
cotton fabric
1 sample from
Asphalt ASTM D449 5 lb of asphalt Job site
each lot
1 qt of asphalt 1 sample from
Primer ASTM D41 Job site
primer each lot
Sample Size
Sampling Acceptance
Test Test Method & Container Remarks
Location Test Frequency
Wire Mesh
As necessary for
various ASTM A 185/A Each shipment must
verification if
properties; 185M or be accompanied by a
9 sq ft Job site quality is
must comply ASTM A 497/A certificate of
with Standard 497M compliance
see Remarks
Section 52-
6-201A References
Independent Assurance Manual, Division of Engineering Services, Materials
Engineering and Testing Services, State of California, Department of
Transportation, available at:
6-202A (2) Certificates of Compliance, Mill Test Reports, and Buy America
The Standard Specifications requires the contractor to submit a certificate of
compliance for various materials before they are incorporated into the work. Section
6-3.05E, Certificates of Compliance, of the Standard Specifications states that when
a certificate of compliance is required it must:
Be submitted for each lot of material and clearly indicate what lot is included in the
Be signed by the producer of the material stating that it complies with the contract.
The intent of the certificate of compliance is to communicate to Caltrans that the
contractor has accepted the material and is confident that it complies with the contract
specifications. The contractor is responsible for providing the certificate of compliance
prior to incorporating material into the project. For materials that are delivered to the
job site to be accepted that are based on a certificate of compliance, the certificate of
compliance and any supporting documentation must accompany the material to the job
Table 6-2.3, Materials Accepted by Certificate of Compliance, provides a list of
materials requiring a certificate of compliance as well as any additional documents.
The Standard Specifications require the contractor to provide certified test reports
along with the certificate of compliance for various materials. For steel, this test data is
commonly known as a mill test report. A certified mill test report is required for each
heat and must contain physical and chemical analysis of the material. The requirements
for the mill test report vary depending on the section of the Standard Specifications the
material falls under.
Section 6-2.05, Buy America, of the Standard Specifications provides detailed
information on Buy America requirements. The contractor is responsible for providing
certificates of compliance and mill test reports that clearly indicate the material meets
the Buy America requirements. The following are examples of acceptable language
included in the certificate of compliance to verify Buy America compliance:
All melting and manufacturing processes for the product occurred in U.S.
100% melted and manufactured in the U.S.A.
METS Receives
Form CEM-3101
Response Response
TL-0028 TL-0608
Inspection at Source
Job Site Inspection
CEM-4102 TL-6014
CEM-4102 TL-0029
Field Release Release from
Field Release of
with Source with
Release with Materials
Certificate of Materials
Field from the
Compliance Suitability
Sampling Source Report
and Testing Orange Tag Blue Tag
TL-0624 TL-0625
Source Inspection
Green Tag
Does material Is material Component Material
Material Is additional
conform to a Inspection Report or
Yes tagged for Yes METS
contract component TL-6012, Report of
shipment inspection
requirements? or stock? Inspection of Stock
No No
TL-0029, Report
of Inspection of
Is contractors Construction Material
proposed requests proposed
resolution Yes resolution from
necessary as contractor
determined by
METS and RE?
Material released to job site
Decision documented
on TL-6013, Materials METS or RE METS verifies Blue Tag-
Suitability notifies contractors TL-0625,
Documentation Report contractor to implementation of Material
proceed resolution Suitability Tag
Is material
accepted? Accepted
Change order
processed by
Product Items Inspected and Tested by METS Items to Check at Job Site
Visible defects, dimensions, threads,
galvanizing, marking for correct type fit
of nuts. Make sure high-strength bolts
Bolts, nuts, and Material sampling and testing including
and nuts are used where specified and
washers galvanizing, visual inspection.
nuts are lubricated properly. (Refer to
Bridge Construction Records and
Curing compound Material tests by batch or lot, check marking. Proper mixing, marking, check sample.
(chlorinated rubber (Other types accepted at job site if properly Check for specified type of container
type) packaged and labeled.) and correct marking.
elastomeric bearing
Material sampling and specified tests, visual and Damage, defects, uniformity,
pads - steel
dimensional inspection certification. dimensions.
reinforced, PTFE
Shipping damage, defects,
Electrical items- Controllers: complete tests and inspection.
conformance to plans, type, operational
controllers, Luminaries: random tests, visual inspection.
check, and so on. Check loop detectors
luminaries, signal Signal heads, switches, and so on: visual
for operation under field conditions
heads, conductors, inspection plans, type, operational check, and so
inspection. See that all conductors are
etc. on. Conductors: random tests.
correct type and size.
Proper material for intended use,
Materials sampling and specified tests,
Epoxy excessive thickening or crystallization,
markings, packaging.
proper mixing.
METS inspection and tests upon request from
Size, uniformity, surface defects,
Forgings, steel resident engineer. Material tests, visual and
warping (permit no repairs).
dimensional inspection.
Material verification, in-process inspection of
Girders, precast Damage, workmanship, exposed steel
fabrication (forms, steel placement, stressing,
prestressed dimensions, finish, cracks, or other
concrete, and so on) workmanship, dimensions,
concrete defects.
conformance to plans.
Material verification, check sample testing,
Damage to members or paint: defects
qualifications of welders, inspection during
in steel; camber condition of paint;
Girders, structural fabrication, nondestructive testing, preparation
dimensions; condition of holes;
steel and painting in the shop, conformance to plans
straightness and squareness of
and authorized shop drawings, proper joint
preparation for shop-bolted connections.
Proper components, proper mixing,
Joint seal, type A
marking. Damage, workmanship,
field mixed
correct movement rating (from test
polyurethane or Material sampling and testing by batch or lot.
report), size and type, lot and batch
silicone sealant
identification. (Refer to Bridge
Construction Records and Procedures.)
Product Items Inspected and Tested by METS Items to Check at Job Site
Joint seal, type B
Damage, workmanship, correct
Material sampling and testing. movement rating (from test report), size
elastomeric joint
and type.
Markers, pavement Tests of each batch or lot, random inspection. Damage, surface defects.
Inspection usually assigned to resident
equipment, scales,
engineer. Consult with Office of Structure Damage, installation details,
pumps truck
Design, Mechanical & Electrical Stations, for workmanship.
inspection stations,
assistance if required.
roadside rests
Damage to rail or galvanizing,
Metal beam guard METS inspection and testing of galvanizing workmanship of rail and galvanizing,
rail upon request by resident engineer. dimensions, conditions of holes, and so
METS inspection and testing of galvanizing Dimensions, workmanship, galvanizing,
Metal crib wall
upon request by resident engineer. specified bolts.
Miscellaneous iron
and steel, misc.
bridge metal, Materials sampling and testing as specified, Damage, welding or fabrication defects,
bearing qualification of welders, inspection of conformance to drawings, galvanizing
assemblies, rings fabrication, galvanizing, dimensions. defects, grinding specified coating.
and covers, frames
and grates, etc.
Lumps, hard setting, color, marking of
Paint Materials sampling and testing by batch or lot. cans, adherence, surface preparation, lot
numbers (same as on inspection report).
Material verification, in-process inspection of
Piling, precast Damage, workmanship (cracks, spalling,
fabrication (forms, steel placement, stressing,
prestressed and so on), painting of strand ends,
concrete, and so on) workmanship, dimensions,
concrete straightness.
conformance to plans.
Product Items Inspected and Tested by METS Items to Check at Job Site
Material verification, witness testing, visual
inspection, dimensions, elliptical steel Damage, defects, exposed steel,
markings. Only for reinforced concrete pipe with dimensions (specific locations per
concrete pipe
diameter greater than 60 inches, unless plans), straightness, concentricity.
requested by resident engineer.
Damage to rail or galvanizing; fabrication
Railings, barriers
Material tests, welder qualifications, welding or galvanizing defect, fit of sleeves,
Bridge railing,
and fabrication, galvanizing. dimensions; types of bolts or nuts
barrier, and so on
splices: welded or METS sampling and testing, material Refer to Bridge Construction Records
mechanical verification. and Procedures.
Damage, general workmanship, general
Material verification, qualification of welders,
conformance to requirements, position of
inspection during and after fabrication,
Sign structures sign panels, final check of electrical
dimensions, cleaning and painting or
equipment for illuminated signs, proper
galvanizing, and so on.
nuts and bolts, properly torqued.
Signs, changeable Refer to Section 4-56, Signs, of this
Fabrication, operation, workmanship.
message manual.
Steel, flooring and METS inspection and tests upon request from
Workmanship, dimensions.
grating resident engineer.
Damage to members or paint: defects in
Material verification, qualifications of welders,
steel or in welds; overlooked fabrication
inspection during fabrication, nondestructive
details; camber condition of paint;
testing, preparation and painting in the shop,
Structural steel dimensions; condition of holes; proper
conformance to plans and authorized shop
bolts and nut markings; proper torquing;
drawings, proper joint preparation for shop-
straightness and squareness of
bolted connections.
Timber is usually inspected in the pile,
so pieces should be inspected at the job
Timber and plastic
site for damage, grade, deposits of
timber, general
Witness plastic lumber testing. excess preservative, etc. Some checking
(see also Piling,
of dimensions also may be advisable.
METS is available for advice or
assistance as necessary.
METS inspection and testing upon request of
the resident engineer.
Shipping damage, visible defects in pipe
Welded steel pipe Material tests, welder qualifications, welding
or coating marking, dimensions.
inspection; and spark testing, marking,
Wire mesh
Materials sampling and testing. Rust and broken welds.
Chemical adhesive
Chemical adhesives / cartridge epoxies
Drilling and bonding dowels
External battery backup system cabinet
Battery backup external cabinet
LED traffic signals
LED signal modules
Pavement traffic stripe and marking tape Signing and delineation materials
Plastic blocks
Headed bar reinforcement
Headed bar
Resistance-butt-welded splices
Retroreflective sheeting for barricades
Retroreflective bands for portable
Retroreflective sheeting for
construction area signs
Retroreflective sheeting for
channelizers Signing and delineation materials
Reflectors for Type K temporary railing
Retroreflective cone sleeves
White and orange-colored
retroreflective stripes for plastic traffic
Portable signs Type VI, retroreflective,
elastomeric roll-up fabric
Signing and delineation materials
Retroreflective sheeting
Signing and delineation materials
Fiberglass-reinforced plastic panels
Bonding material
Cable-type restrainers Certificate of compliance must be submitted with a copy of each required
Lock nuts test report.
Chain link fencing and railing Certificate required for protective coating system.
Copper pipe
Crumb rubber modifier Test results required with each truck load.
Drain tile
Fiberglass pipe Certificate of compliance must be submitted with laboratory test results.
Filler material for repairing spalled Submittal of certificate of compliance required for contracts of less than 60
surface areas working days.
If PVC coating is shown, a suitable UV resistance additive must be blended
Gabions with the PVC and the additive must be shown on the certificate of
Certificate of compliance must certify that the drain produces the specified
flow rate. The certificate must be accompanied by a flow capability graph for
Geocomposite drain the geocomposite drain showing flow rates and the externally applied
pressures and hydraulic gradients. Verification must be by an authorized
laboratory for the flow capability graph.
Geosynthetics Test sample representing each lot and minimum average roll value.
Glass beads
Glue laminated timbers and
Guide markers
Irrigation hose
Certificate of compliance required for:
Polyethylene pipe.
Irrigation pipe
Plastic pipe supply line for pipe with wall thickness of the bell less than
the specified minimum wall thickness of the pipe.
Pavement markers
Pavement marking
Paint or thermoplastic
Plastic lumber Laboratory test report.
Snow poles
Snow plow deflectors
polyethylene material
Soil amendment
Steel crib wall
The certificate of compliance must be signed by the plant's quality control
representative. The quality control representative must be on record with the
Office of Structural Materials. Certificate of compliance must include:
1. Statement that all materials and workmanship incorporated in the work
and all required tests and inspections of this work have been performed as
Steel pipe piles 2. Certified mill test reports for each heat number of steel used in pipe piles
being furnished.
3. Test reports for tensile, chemical, and any specified non-destructive test
(NDT) must be based on test samples taken from the base metal, steel,
coil, or from the manufactured or fabricated piles.
4. Calculated carbon equivalent. The carbon equivalent may be shown on
the mill test report.
Certificate of compliance required for:
Structural metal plate pipe
Structural plate culverts Arches
Pipe arches
Metal liner plate pipe
Certificate of compliance must include a statement that all materials and
Structural shape steel piles workmanship incorporated in the work and all required tests and inspections
of this work have been performed as described.
Subsurface drain
Certificate of compliance required for:
Temporary concrete washout Gravel-filled bag
Plastic liner
Certificate of compliance required for:
Temporary fence (Type ESA) High visibility fabric
Safety caps for metal posts
Certificate of compliance required for:
Fiber roll
Safety cap for metal posts
Temporary linear sediment
Silt fence fabric
Sediment filter bag
Foam barrier
Gravel-filled bag fabric
Temporary railing (Type K)
METS Receives
Form CEM-3101
Response Response
TL-0028 TL-0608
Inspection at Source
Jobsite Inspection
CEM-4102 TL-6014
CEM-4102 TL-0029
Field Release Release from
Field Release of
with Source with
Release with Materials
Certificate of Materials
Field from the
Compliance Suitability
Sampling Source
and Report
and Testing Orange Tag
Programmatic Blue Tag
Assessment TL-0625
METS assigns inspection responsibility to the resident engineer using Form TL-0028,
Notice of Materials to Be Inspected at Jobsite.
Upon receipt of Form TL-0028, the resident engineer should inform the contractor that
the material will be inspected, and if required, sampled, on the job site. When testing of
material is required, inform the contractor of the approximate testing turnaround time
so that the contractor can obtain the material sufficiently in advance of using the
material in the work to allow for sampling and testing.
Materials may be accepted based on required certificates of compliance or sampling
and testing and visual inspection. When material will be accepted and released at the
job site by use of a certificate of compliance, the required certificates of compliance
should accompany the material to the job site and be retained in the project files.
Sample materials in accordance with the tables at the end of Section 6-1, Sample
Types and Frequencies, of this manual, or as requested by METS.
Field inspect and release materials assigned by METS at the job site using Form
CEM-4102, Materials Inspected and Released on Job. Refer to Section 6-3, Field
Tests, of this manual for details.
Mining operations that meet the following criteria are not subject to SMARA and are
not required to be on the AB 3098 List:
A total amount of mined materials less than 1000 cubic yards in any one location
of 1 acre or less.
Onsite excavations and onsite earth-moving activities on a Caltrans construction
project that are an integral and necessary part of the project.
Materials mined from federal lands, except for lands that the Bureau of Land
Management and U.S. Forest Service regulate.
Materials mined from tribal lands, when mined by a tribal mining operator.
Materials mined from outside of California.
Review contractor-proposed sources and verify that the source is on the current
AB 3098 List. If the contactor proposes to use mined material from a mining operation
not on the AB 3098 List, obtain from the contractor proof that the operation is not
subject to SMARA, in accordance with the criteria above, and confirm with the
Department of Conservation. Contact their Office of Mine Reclamation, Reporting and
Compliance Unit, at: [email protected] or (916) 323-9198.
SMARA allows the State Mining and Geology Board (SMGB) to exempt certain
mining operations or construction projects. Caltrans can accept material from exempted
sources if the contractor provides proof of the SMGB-granted exemption.
If the proposed site is not on the AB 3098 List, and the contractor cannot demonstrate
that the site is not subject to SMARA or that an exemption has been granted, the
Right-of-way across state California Department of Parks and Right of-way permit, license, easement,
parkland Recreation joint agreement, or lease
Encroachment on or across a Local agency (county or city) Encroachment permit
local street or highway
Encroachment on 100-year California Department of Fish and Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement
floodplain, intermittent streams, Wildlife (1602 agreement); California
and desert washes Endangered Species Act (Consultation)
Encroachment on or across California Department of Parks and Review of plans
cove, bay, or inlet Recreation, Division of Boating and
Air quality Air Resources Board or local air Authority to construct and permit to
pollution control district operate for activities emitting stationary
source pollutants to the atmosphere
Fish and wildlife habitat California Department of Fish and Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement
Wildlife for activities in lakes, streams, and
channels and crossings; California
Endangered Species Act
Coastal zone California Coastal Commission; local Coastal Development Permit;
government local coastal program California Coastal Act
Extreme care should be taken when handling this material to minimize the
generation of dust.
The resident engineer must obtain written documentation from the contractor stating
that the relinquished NOA material will not be reused in a surfacing application and
what the final disposition of the restricted material is.
7-107D Department-Generated Contaminated Soil
If contaminated soil exists within the project area, the contract will include
specifications that contain safety and management requirements. Depending on the
depth to groundwater within the project area and the depth of construction activities,
management of contaminated water may also be included. These specifications will
vary depending upon the site-specific conditions and, therefore, must be reviewed
carefully by the resident engineer to ensure that they are properly implemented.
7-107E Removing Yellow Traffic Stripe and Pavement Marking with Hazardous
Waste Residue
Follow the procedures below when assessing, removing, and disposing of yellow
traffic stripe and pavement marking materials on all projects. If such pavement
markings exist on the project, Section 14-11.07 of the special provisions will be
included in the contract.
The resident engineer must review the construction contract to determine whether
yellow traffic stripe and pavement marking material must be removed. If so, the
Hazardous waste
emergency contractor
makes a preliminary
Is hazardous
waste or
contamination No
Sections 213 and 224 disallow a contractor from withholding funds improperly and
requires employee authorization to withhold portions of the employees wages.
Section 1729 holds the subcontractor liable for failure to comply with the prevailing
wage requirements.
Section 1771.5 provides for approval of the Caltrans labor compliance program and
excludes from the prevailing wage requirements construction work with a value of
$25,000 or less; and alteration, demolition, repair, or maintenance projects with a value
of $15,000 or less.
Section 1774 requires all workers be paid not less than the specified prevailing wage
Section 1775 requires that penalties be assessed against the contractor for failure to pay
employees prevailing wages.
Section 1776 requires the contractor and subcontractor to keep accurate records of
wages paid, specifies which persons and under what circumstances these records may
be inspected, and provides penalties for failure to comply.
Section 1777.1 allows the contractor to pursue a hearing process on a determination of
a willful wage violation case through the Department of Industrial Relations.
Section 1777.5 pertains to apprenticeship standards and ratios, and nondiscrimination.
Section 1778 prohibits misuse of another persons wages. This is the only section of
the labor code that can result in a felony conviction.
Section 1779 prohibits the charging of a fee for employing a person on public works
[Resident Engineers Address]
[City, CA Postal Zip Code]
[PHONE (Area Code) xxx-xxxx] Serious drought
Help save water!
[FAX (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
TTY 711
[The telephone and fax numbers must be those of the signature block regardless of who signs the letter. REMOVE
[Date: Month dd, yyyy]
[Employees Name]
[City, State, Zip]
RE: [Caltrans Contract Number, Federal ID Number, and Project Description]
Dear [Employees Name]:
This letter confirms our discussion on [date] where you informed us that you believe you have experienced
discrimination and allege [company name] discriminated against you based on [race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
The district labor compliance officer reviewed the allegations and notified [company name] in writing, that you have
been provided a complete list of resolution options, including the use of the employers internal equal employment
opportunity program for investigation and resolution. Your name was not given to [company name].
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) monitors discrimination complaints against sub-recipients of
state or federal financial assistance. However, Caltrans has no statutory or regulatory authority to conduct an
investigation of alleged discrimination complaints between the contractor and the contractors employee. Caltrans has
no authority to gather evidence, subpoena documents, depose witnesses, or file equal employment opportunity cases on
behalf of a contractors employee. Caltrans ensures that the contractor conducts an equal employment opportunity
investigation, and documents oversight activities in the project records.
You must file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or the United States Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission within specific statutory deadlines from the date of the alleged discriminatory
act. For more information, please refer to enclosed Form DFEH-159, Guide for Complainants and Respondents.
If you have questions relating to the information referenced above, please contact [Labor Compliance Officers name]
at [Labor Compliance Officers telephone number].
[District Labor Compliance Officers Name]
District Labor Compliance Officer
District [Number] Construction
c: Division of Construction
Office of Business and Economic Opportunity
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
[Resident Engineers Address]
[City, CA Postal Zip Code]
[PHONE (Area Code) xxx-xxxx] Serious drought
Help save water!
[FAX (Area Code) xxx-xxxx]
TTY 711
[The telephone and fax numbers must be those of the signature block regardless of who signs the letter. REMOVE
[Month dd, yyyy]
[Contractors Name]
[City, State, Zip]
RE: [Caltrans Contract Number, Federal ID Number, and Project Description]
Dear [Contractors Name]:
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has been notified that a current or former employee of
[company name] filed (or) plans to file a formal complaint of discrimination. The current or former employee is
alleging discrimination based on [race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability].
The district labor compliance officer provided the complainant a complete list of resolution options, including 1) the
use of the employers internal equal employment opportunity program for investigation and resolution and 2) filing a
complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or with the United States Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission.
Caltrans complies with nondiscrimination laws and regulations, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VII state, It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer: (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to
discharge any individual or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to their compensation, terms,
conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individuals race, color, religion, sex, or national origin or (2)
to limit, segregate, or classify their employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend
to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect their status as an employee,
because of such individuals race, color religion, sex, or national origin. Caltrans ensures that its activities or
programs are nondiscriminatory.
No one may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or engage in other discriminatory conduct against anyone because he or she
has either taken action or participated in an action to secure rights protected by the nondiscrimination statutes. Any
individual alleging such harassment, retaliation, or intimidation may file a complaint with the California Department of
Fair Employment and Housing or with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
If you have questions relating to the information referenced above, please contact the Office of Business and Economic
Opportunity at (916) 324-1700.
[District Labor Compliance Officers Name]
District Labor Compliance Officer
District [Number] Construction
c: Division of Construction
Office of Business and Economic Opportunity
Subcontractors (if applicable)
Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system
to enhance Californias economy and livability
[Contract Identification]
[Todays Date]
[Contractor's Superintendent]
[Prime Contractor]
[Job Site Address]
Dear [Superintendent]:
On [date], the work on Contract Item [contract item ##, description of item] apparently
was being done by employees of [name of firm]. Our records indicate that your company
stated in its DVBE use plan that this work would be done by [name of DVBE firm]. On
[notification date], I called your attention to this apparent violation of the contract, yet
[name of firm] has continued to perform work on curbs and gutters. Be advised that,
pursuant to the paragraph titled Subcontracting in Section 5 of the contract provisions,
no payment will be made for the work that was allocated to the listed subcontractor, but
performed by [name of firm].
To avoid the possibility of further consequences for violating the provisions of the
contract, we suggest that you either comply with your companys original DVBE use
plan or submit a request in writing to make a change. Any request for change must detail
your companys reasons for that change, and those reasons must be one of those
allowable under the contract provisions. If your request to remove the originally listed
subcontractor is approved, you are further advised that you must either replace the value
of work to be done by DVBEs with other DVBEs or small businesses, subject to Caltrans
and the Department of General Services approval. This process can be fairly lengthy, and
we urge you to immediately take such steps as are necessary. You are cautioned that we
will be unable to authorize either increased costs or time due to your failure to comply
with your original contractual commitment.
We are sending copies of this letter to your company's home office and to Caltrans
headquarters office in Sacramento. Please contact me if I can assist you in your efforts to
fulfill your contract.
Resident Engineer
AC, see Asphalt concrete
Acceptance of contract................................................................................................................... 3-5.41
Acceptance of materials.........................................................................................................6-1.9, 6-2.1
Acceptance records ...........................................................................................................................6-1.8
Acceptance sampling and testing requirements tables ............................................................... 6-1.10
Acceptance tests ................................................................................................................................6-1.3
Acceptance testing and evaluation, hot mix asphalt ................................................................. 4-39.32
Access to the work ............................................................................................................................3-5.1
chemical, water....................................................................................................................... 4-17.1
hot mix asphalt ....................................................................................................................... 4-39.1
slurry seal and micro-surfacing ............................................................................................ 4-37.1
Adhesive ................................. 4-12.3, 4-40.2, 4-41.2, 4-41.8, 4-73.2, 4-85.1, 4-95.1, 6-1.37, 6-2.20
Adjustment in compensation.............................................................................................. 5-1.36, 5-3.8
Adjustment of overhead costs .......................................... 3-9.17, 3-9.30, 5-3.6, 5-3.7, 5-3.15, 5-3.31
Administration ...................................................................................................................................1-0.1
Aerially deposited lead .................................................................................................................. 7-1.24
Aggregate bases ................................................................................................................. 4-26.1, 6-1.16
Aggregate subbases ........................................................................................................... 4-25.1, 6-1.15
Agreements .......................................................................................................................... 3-5.10, 3-6.2
Air entrainment ........................................................................................ 4-40.6, 4-90.9, 6-1.19, 6-1.33
Air pollution control ............................................................................................. 4-16.2, 4-84.1, 7-1.10
Alternative dispute resolution process ................................................................. 3-5.34, 3-5.35, 5-4.4
Antistrip treatment of aggregates and hot mix asphalt ................................................ 4-39.8, 4-39.17
Appearance, job site ....................................................................................................................... 3-5.19
Apprentices .................................................................................................. 8-1.6, 8-1.17, 8-1.21, 8-2.3
Approach slabs .................................................................................................................. 4-42.3, 4-51.1
Arbitration ............................................................................................................. 3-9.34, 5-4.17, 5-4.55
Areas for use ................................................................................................................................... 3-5.19
Asbestos sheet packing .................................................................................................................. 6-2.23
hot mix, warm mix, rubberized ............................................................................................ 4-39.1
membrane waterproofing ...................................................................................................... 4-54.1
performance grade ................................................................................................................. 4-92.1
Asphalt rubber binder .................................................................................................................... 4-92.1
Asphalt rubber latex joint filler ..................................................................................................... 6-2.31
Asphalt treated permeable base ....................................................................................... 4-29.2, 6-1.21
Asphaltic emulsion, polymer-modified ............................................................. 4-37.1, 4-94.1, 6-1.24
Asphaltic emulsions ....................................................................................................................... 4-94.1
Asphalts ........................................................................................................................................... 4-92.1
Assignment ........................................................................................................................................3-5.3
Audits............................................................................................................................................... 5-4.16
Authority of engineer ........................................................................................................................3-5.1
Backflow preventers, irrigation systems ....................................................................... 3-8.18, 4-20.14
Bars, raised (precast) ...................................................................................................................... 6-1.54
Barbed wire ........................................................................................................... 4-80.1, 6-1.51, 6-2.23
Barricades ............................................................................................................ 4-12.2, 4-12.6, 4-12.12
Barriers, railings and ...................................................................................................................... 4-83.1
Basement soil .................................................................................................................................. 5-1.28
aggregate .................................................................................................................... 4-26.1, 6-1.16
asphalt treated permeable ......................................................................................... 4-29.2, 6-1.21
cement treated................................................................................................. 4-27.1, 6-1.17, 6-3.4
cement-treated permeable ........................................................................................ 4-29.2, 6-1.22
concrete ................................................................................................................................... 4-28.1
lean concrete .............................................................................................................. 4-28.1, 6-1.19
Batch plants ................................................................................................................................... 4-39.23
Bearing devices, structures ............................................................................................................ 4-51.3
Beginning of work.............................................................................................................................3-8.2
Bid openings ......................................................................................................................................3-2.1
Bids .....................................................................................................................................................3-2.1
Bitumen ratio .................................................................................................................................. 4-37.7
Bituminous adhesive, pavement markers .................................................................................... 4-85.1
Bituminous seals................................................................................................................ 4-37.1, 6-1.24
Blasting ............................................................................................................................................ 4-19.2
Board of Review................................................................................................................................5-4.6
Board of Review report ................................................................................................................. 5-4.19
Bolted connections ......................................................................................................................... 4-56.3
excavation .................................................................................................4-19.6, 4-19.14, 4-19.17
imported ................................................................................ 3-6.2, 4-19.10, 6-1.11, 7-1.9, 8-1.13
local................................................................................. 3-6.3, 4-19.6, 4-19.10, 4-19.14, 4-19.17
Brick................................................................................................................................................. 6-2.23
Bridge deck ........................................................................................................... 4-51.1, 4-86.6, 8-1.15
Bridge removal ............................................................................................................................... 4-15.3
Bridge railing ..................................................................................................................... 4-83.3, 6-2.18
Budgeting ..........................................................................................................1-1.2, 1-3.2, 3-8.4, 5-2.1
Buy America requirements .......................................................................... 3-6.4, 5-0.8, 5-3.27, 6-2.3
Cable railing .................................................................................................................................... 4-83.3
Calibration program for equipment .................................................................................................6-3.2
California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) ................................
............................................................................................................................ 1-3.3, 2-2.1, 4-12.1
Daily extra work .........................................................................5-1.34, 5-1.37, 5-1.43, 5-1.53, 5-1.76
Damage, responsibility for ............................................................................................................ 3-5.25
Damages, liquidated....................................................................................................................... 3-8.20
Dampproofing................................................................................................................................. 4-54.1
Davis Bacon Act............................................................................................................................. 8-1.20
DBE ............................................................................................................3-5.4 thru 3-5.9, 8-1.2, 8-3.1
Decreased quantities, increased and ............................................................................................. 3-9.15
Defective materials......................................................................................................................... 3-5.19
Delays, right of way ....................................................................................................................... 3-5.22
Delegation of authority ..................................................................................................... 5-4.17, 5-4.53
Delineation ................................................................................................. 2-2.9, 4-12.1, 4-82.1, 4-84.1
Delineators, markers ...................................................................................................................... 4-82.1
Department-furnished materials ......................................................................................................3-6.1
Details, shop ......................................................................................................................... 4-56.2, 6-2.4
Detours..................................................................................................................... 2-2.20, 3-7.2, 5-3.25
Differing site conditions ...................................................................................................................3-4.2
Disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBE) .....................................3-5.4 thru 3-5.9, 8-1.2, 8-3.1
Disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE)............................................3-5.4 thru 3-5.9, 8-1.2, 8-3.1
Disposal of material outside the highway right-of-way ............................................................. 3-5.10
Disposal, staging and borrow sites (DSB) ......................................................................................7-1.7
Dispute process for acceptance tests .......................................................................................... 4-39.15
Dispute resolution board (DRB) ................................................................................................... 3-5.36
Disputes ................................................................................................................................ 3-5.31, 5-4.1
Drain hole ........................................................................................................................... 4-51.4, 4-86.7
Drainage inlets ................................................................................................................................ 4-51.1
Drainage pumping equipment....................................................................................................... 4-74.1
Drains, overside .............................................................................................................................. 4-69.1
Drains, subsurface (edge, geocomposite systems, horizontal, underdrains)............................ 4-68.1
Dry sieve analysis ..............................................................................................................................6-3.4
Earthwork ........................................................................................................................................ 4-19.1
slipouts and slides................................................................................................................... 4-19.8
slope rounding ........................................................................................................................ 4-19.9
slopes, embankment............................................................................................................. 4-19.13
local borrow ................................................................... 3-6.3, 4-19.6, 4-19.10, 4-19.14, 4-19.17
Edge drains............................................................................................................ 4-29.2, 4-29.3, 4-68.1
Electrical systems ........................................................................................................................... 4-86.1
Eliminated items ................................................................................................................ 3-9.15, 5-3.13
Emergency contract administration.................................................................................................5-5.1
Employee complaints.............................................................................................................8-1.2, 8-2.2
Emulsions, asphaltic....................................................................................................................... 4-94.1
Engineering fabrics ........................................................................................................................ 4-88.1
Entrained air ............................................................................................. 4-40.6, 4-90.9, 6-1.19, 6-1.33
Environmental commitments record....................................................................................5-0.3, 7-1.1
Environmental compliance certification ...................................................................................... 7-1.35
Environmental hazards and safety procedures ............................................................................ 7-1.22
Environmental Quality Act ..............................................................................................................7-1.8
Epoxy............................................................................................................................................... 4-95.1
Equal employment opportunity .......................................................................................................8-2.1
Equipment, plant................................................................................................................................6-3.6
Equipment, pumping (and controls)............................................................................................. 4-74.1
Equipment rental rates ......................................................................................................................3-9.9
Erosion control................................................................................................................................ 4-21.1
Erosion control and highway planting ......................................................................................... 4-20.1
Excavation....................................................................................................................................... 4-19.1
Execution of contract, award and ....................................................................................................3-3.1
Expansion joint armor.................................................................................................................... 4-51.3
Extra work ......................................................................................... 3-4.1, 3-9.6, 5-1.60, 5-3.8, 5-3.15
Fabricated materials, acceptance of.................................................................................................6-2.1
Fabrication, out of state.....................................................................................................................3-6.5
Facilities, existing ........................................................................................................................... 4-15.1
Facility preservation ....................................................................................................................... 3-5.20
Fair Labor Standards Act..................................................................................................................3-7.1
False Information Act .................................................................................................................... 8-1.21
Falsework, erection or removal........................................................................................................3-7.2
lighting..................................................................................................................................... 4-86.9
Forms (continued):
CEM-20DAPP, Appendix D, Notification Log ....................................................................5-1.7
CEM-20DCON, SWPPP/WPCP Attachment D, Contractor Personnel
Training Record ................................................................................................................5-1.7
CEM-20DSUB, SWPPP/WPCP Attachment D, Subcontractor Personnel Stormwater
Training Record ................................................................................................................5-1.7
CEM-20EE, SWPPP Attachment EE, Stormwater Sampling Locations...........................5-1.7
CEM-2101, COZEEP Daily Report .......................................................................................5-1.8
CEM-2102, COZEEP/MAZEEP Task Order .......................................................................5-1.8
CEM-2103, COZEEP/MAZEEP Cancellation Form ..........................................................5-1.8
CEM-2401, Substitution Report for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or
Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) .......................................5-1.8
CEM-2402(F), Final ReportUtilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE),
FirstTier Subcontractors ..............................................................................................5-1.8
CEM-2402(S), Final ReportUtilization of Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises
(DVBE), State Funded Projects Only ............................................................................5-1.8
CEM-2403(F), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Certification Status Change .......
CEM-2404(F), Monthly DBE/UDBE Trucking Verification .............................................5-1.8
CEM-2501, Fringe Benefit Statement ....................................................................................5-1.9
CEM-2502, Contractor or Subcontractor Payroll .................................................................5-1.9
CEM-2503, Statement of Compliance ...................................................................................5-1.9
CEM-2504, Employee Interview: Labor Compliance/EEO................................................5-1.9
CEM-2504 (Spanish), Entrevista de Empleado: Labor Compliance/EEO ........................5-1.9
CEM-2505, Owner-Operator Listing Statement of Compliance ........................................5-1.9
CEM-2506, Labor ComplianceWage Violation...............................................................5-1.9
CEM-2507, Labor Violation: Case Summary .......................................................................5-1.9
CEM-2508, Contractors Payroll Source Document Audit Summary ...............................5-1.9
CEM-2509, ChecklistSource Document Audit ................................................................5-1.9
CEM-2510, Truck Owner-Operator Certification of Ownership..................................... 5-1.10
CEM-2601, Construction Progress Chart ........................................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-2701, Weekly Statement of Working Days ............................................................. 5-1.10
CEM-2702, Overrun in Contract Time ............................................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3101, Notice of Materials to be Used ....................................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3501, Hot Mix Asphalt Production Report .............................................................. 5-1.10
CEM-3502, Hot Mix Asphalt Placement Report ............................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3511, Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal .......................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3512, Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data ..................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3513, Caltrans Hot Mix Asphalt Verification.......................................................... 5-1.10
CEM-3514, Contractor Job Mix Formula Renewal .......................................................... 5-1.11
CEM-3701, Test Result Summary....................................................................................... 5-1.11
CEM-3702, Relative Compaction Summary ..................................................................... 5-1.11
CEM-3703, Caltrans Production Start-Up Evaluation ...................................................... 5-1.11
CEM-3801, Request for Assignment of Inspectors, Samplers, and Testers ................... 5-1.11
CEM-3802, Quality Control Inspector Affidavit of Proficiency ...................................... 5-1.11
CEM-3803, Daily Summary of Quality Control Testing .................................................. 5-1.11
Forms (continued):
CEM-6301, Contract Acceptance ........................................................................................ 5-1.16
CEM-6302, Final Materials Certification ........................................................................... 5-1.16
CEM-6303, Final Acceptance Checklist for Federal-Aid High-Profile
Projects............................................................................................................................ 5-1.16
CEM-9001, Construction Manual Proposed Change ........................................................ 5-1.16
OFG-1, Oversight Engineers Preconstruction Checklist ................................................. 5-1.16
OFG-2, Local Agency and Oversight Engineer Preconstruction
Conference Checklist .................................................................................................... 5-1.17
OFG-3, Oversight Engineer Contract Provisions Checklist.............................................. 5-1.17
OFG-4, Oversight Engineers Construction Contract Administration
Verification Checklist.................................................................................................... 5-1.17
OFG-5, Federal-Aid Projects................................................................................................ 5-1.17
OFG-6, Final Acceptance Checklist for Caltrans Oversight Projects .............................. 5-1.17
Garment, high-visibility standards...................................................................................................2-1.9
Geosynthetics........................................................................................................ 4-88.1, 6-1.52, 6-2.26
Glass beads............................................................................................................ 4-84.1, 6-2.26, 6-2.34
Grading plane..................................................................................................................... 3-5.19, 4-19.7
Grates, frames, and miscellaneous metal ........................................................... 4-75.1, 6-2.17, 6-2.25
Groove and grind pavement .......................................................................................................... 4-42.1
Guard railing, metal beam ............................................................................................................. 4-83.1
Guide posts.........................................................................................................................................6-1.4
Handrailing......................................................................................................................... 2-2.21, 4-83.3
Hazardous spills................................................................................................................... 2-3.3, 7-1.34
Hazardous waste ................................................................................................................ 4-15.2, 7-1.22
Hearing process for substitution ......................................................................................................3-5.6
Highway planting ........................................................................................................................... 4-20.1
Hook details .................................................................................................................................... 4-52.1
Horizontal drains ............................................................................................................................ 4-68.1
Hot mix asphalt
aggregate treatment .............................................................................................................. 4-39.18
construction processes ........................................................................................................... 4-39.1
production ............................................................................................................................. 4-39.20
Hydraulic jacks ..................................................................................................................................6-3.4
Hydroseeding .................................................................................................................................. 4-21.2
Imported borrow........................................................................... 3-6.2, 4-19.10, 6-1.11, 7-1.9, 8-1.13
Increased and decreased quantities ............................................................................................... 3-9.15
Incident notification, major construction ........................................................................................2-3.2
Indemnification and insurance .........................................................................................................3-7.5
evidence of insurance ...............................................................................................................3-7.5
railroad protective insurance ....................................................................................................3-7.6
Independent Assurance Program.............................. 4-39.2, 4-39.14, 4-39.38, 4-40.9, 4-92.2, 6-1.1
Inspection, access ..............................................................................................................................3-5.1
Insurance ............................................................................................................................................3-7.5
Interviews, onsite ...............................................................................................................................8-2.1
eliminated................................................................................................................................ 3-9.15
final pay......................................................................................................................................3-9.6
pavement ................................................................................................................................. 4-41.1
reinforced concrete pipe ........................................................................................................ 4-65.2
Job categories, alphabetical list of ................................................................................................ 5-1.41
Job categories, numerical list of.................................................................................................... 5-1.39
Job mix formula
acceptance ............................................................................................................................... 4-39.7
adjusted.................................................................................................................................... 4-39.6
renewal .................................................................................................................................... 4-39.6
review ...................................................................................................................................... 4-39.3
submittal .................................................................................................................................. 4-39.3
verification .............................................................................................................................. 4-39.4
Joint filler expansion ...................................................................................................................... 6-1.51
Joint sealing compounds................................................................................................................ 6-2.31
Labor surcharge ...................................................................................................... 3-9.9, 5-1.61, 5-1.76
Labor code...................................................................................................... 2-1.6, 3-7.1, 5-3.21, 8-1.1
Labor compliance ............................................................................. 3-5.5, 3-9.25, 5-0.3, 5-1.67, 8-1.1
Lane closures ....................................................................................................................... 2-2.11, 2-3.2
Laws, regulations, and specifications ..............................................................................................8-2.1
Laws to be observed..........................................................................................................................3-7.1
Lean concrete base ......................................................................................................................... 4-28.1
Legal relations and responsibility ....................................................................................................3-7.1
Licenses, contractor........................................................................................................................ 3-5.10
Lime stabilization ........................................................................................................................... 4-24.1
Lines and grades ................................................................................................. 3-5.21, 4-19.12, 4-73.2
Liquid antistrip treatment .............................................................................................4-39.10, 4-39.19
Liquid asphalts .......................................................................................4-37.3, 4-37.5, 4-39.37, 4-93.1
Liquidated damages ....................................................................................................................... 3-8.20
Load limits....................................................................................................................................... 3-5.24
funding .......................................................................................................................................9-1.1
roads......................................................................................................................................... 5-1.81
Local borrow.......................................................................... 3-6.3, 4-19.6, 4-19.10, 4-19.14, 4-19.17
Local material ......................................................................................................... 3-5.10, 3-5.16, 3-6.2
Log of test borings.................................................................................................... 3-4.3, 3-4.4, 5-3.22
Maintenance and protection .......................................................................................................... 3-5.23
Maintenance and responsibility, relief from................................................................... 3-5.26, 3-7.11
Management review committee ........................................................................................ 3-4.5, 5-3.23
Manholes ............................................................................................................................ 4-70.1, 6-2.23
Negative estimates.......................................................................................................................... 3-9.26
Night work ................................................................................................... 2-2.8, 4-12.3, 7-1.17, 9-1.2
Noise control ................................................................................................................................... 7-1.17
Non-highway facilities, utility....................................................................................................... 3-5.21
Nonreinforced concrete pipe ......................................................................................................... 4-65.1
Notices, stop .................................................................................................................................... 3-9.25
Nuclear gauges .......................................................................................................................1-4.2, 6-3.6
Object markers................................................................................................................................ 4-82.1
Obliterating roads and detours ...................................................................................................... 4-15.2
Office Engineer, Office of ................................................................................................................3-3.1
Paint ................................................................................................................................................. 3-8.19
4-84.1, 4-91.1, 6-1.52, 6-2.4, 6-2.16, 6-2.17, 6-2.19, 6-2.27, 6-2.33, 7-1.11, 7-1.22, 7-1.28
Painting .............................................. 4-12.7, 4-56.3, 4-56.4, 4-57.1, 4-59.1, 4-84.1, 4-86.10, 6-2.16
Palliative, dust ................................................................................................................................. 4-18.1
Parking, accessible ............................................................................................................ 2-2.20, 2-2.21
Partial payments ............................................................................................................................. 3-9.19
Partnering ...........................................................................................................................................3-5.2
hot mix asphalt ....................................................................................................................... 4-39.1
joints, longitudinal....................................................................................4-39.11, 4-39.26, 4-41.8
joints, transverse ........................................................................................... 4-41.1, 4-41.6, 4-85.2
grind ......................................................................................................................................... 4-42.1
groove ...................................................................................................................................... 4-42.1
jacking ..................................................................................................................................... 4-41.1
portland cement concrete ...................................................................................................... 4-90.1
rubberized hot mix asphalt .................................................................................................... 4-39.1
smoothness............................................................................................................... 4-39.30, 6-1.30
subsealing................................................................................................................................ 4-41.1
warm mix asphalt ......................................................................................... 4-39.1, 6-1.29, 6-2.21
Pavement markers ............................................................................................................. 4-15.2, 4-85.1
Pavement recesses .......................................................................................................................... 4-85.2
Pavement reinforcing fabric ............................................................................................. 4-88.1, 8-1.15
Pavement personnel ....................................................................................................................... 4-39.1
Pavement safety edge...................................................................................................... 4-39.11, 4-40.1
Payment ..............................................................................................................................................3-9.1
adjustment .......................................................................................... 3-4.2, 3-9.14, 4-39.37, 5-3.6
adjustment, delays and price index fluctuations ................................................................. 3-8.16
extra work .................................................................................................................... 3-9.6, 3-9.21
final .......................................................................................................................................... 3-9.32
force account..............................................................................................................................3-9.6
interest ..................................................................................................................................... 3-9.21
offset ........................................................................................................................................ 3-9.33
Payroll records ............................................................................................... 5-1.77, 8-1.4, 8-1.5, 8-3.4
PCC pavement (see also Portland cement concrete)
Quality assurance........................................................................... 3-5.1, 3-6.3, 4-11.1, 4-21.4, 4-21.6,
4-39.14, 4-39.39, 4-90.3, 4-92.2, 5-1-31, 6-2.2, 6-2.7, 6-2.10, 6-2.34, 9-2.2, 9-2.3
Quality assurance program..........4-39.32, 4-92.2, 4-92.4, 4-92.5, 6-1.1, 6-1.4, 6-1.5, 6-2.1, 6-2.11
Quality control ..................................................................................................................................3-5.1,
3-6.3 4-11.1, 4-24.1, 4-37.2, 4-39.13, 4-40.2, 4-92.6, 5-1.31, 6-1.4, 6-2.4, 9-2.2
Quality control quality assurance ..........4-39.7, 4-39.13, 4-39.15, 4-39.30, 4-39.36, 4-39.37, 6-1.4
Railings (Type K), temporary ..................................................4-12.3, 4-12.7, 4-12.13, 4-83.1 6-2.30
Railings and barriers....................................................................................................................... 4-83.1
Records, project .............................................................................................................................. 3-5.18
Reinforced concrete pipe ...........................................................4-62.1, 4-65.1, 6-2.13, 6-2.14, 6-2.18
Reinforcement ................................................................................................................................ 4-52.1
Reinforcing bars ............................................................................................................................. 4-52.1
Reinforcing fabric.............................................................................................................. 4-88.1, 8-1.15
Relative compaction..........................................................................................................................6-3.6
Relief from maintenance and protection...................................................................................... 3-5.26
Remote control valves ................................................................................................................. 4-20.11
Removal of rejected and unauthorized work............................................................................... 3-5.19
Removal, bridge ............................................................................................................................. 4-15.3
dump truck .............................................................................................................................. 3-9.13
equipment................................................................................................................................ 3-9.10
Requests for information (RFI)..................................................................................................... 3-5.28
Responsibility for damage ............................................................................................................. 3-5.25
Retaining walls, concrete............................................................................................................... 4-51.1
Retentions .............................................................................................................. 5-1.46, 5-1.67, 5-1.68
Retroreflective pavement markers................................................................................................ 4-85.1
Right-of-way delays .......................................................................................................... 3-5.22, 3-8.16
Rights in land and improvements .................................................................................... 3-5.10, 3-5.19
Roadside signs ................................................................................................................................ 4-56.4
Roadway excavation .......................................................................................... 4-19.1, 4-19.7, 4-19.15
Rock slope protection .................................................................................................................... 4-72.1
Rock slope protection fabric ............................................................................................ 4-72.3, 4-88.1
Root protectors, highway planting................................................................................................ 4-20.2
Rubber ................................................................................................................................................6-1.4
Rumble strips ................................................................................................................................ 4-40.10
Blasting.................................................................................................................................... 4-19.2
Code of Safe Practices..............................................................................................................2-1.8
Excavation .................................................................................................................................3-7.1
Safety and health provisions ............................................................................................................2-1.1
Sample ................................................................................................................................................6-1.1
Sampling and testing .........................................................................................................................6-1.1
Scale sheets ........................................................................................................................................3-9.4
Scales ..................................................................................................................................................6-3.3
Scales and balances ...........................................................................................................................6-3.3
Scope of work ....................................................................................................................................3-4.1
Screens and sieves .............................................................................................................................6-3.3
Seal coats ......................................................................................................................................... 4-37.1
Seed.................................................................................................................................................. 4-21.2
Seed sampling ................................................................................................................................. 4-21.4
Semifinal estimate .......................................................................................................................... 3-9.32
Shop details .......................................................................................................................... 4-56.2, 6-2.4
Shoring.......................................................................................................... 2-1.3, 2-1.4, 3-5.18, 4-19.2
Shortage of materials...................................................................................................................... 3-8.17
Shotcrete .......................................................................................................................................... 4-53.1
Shoulder backing ..............................................................................................4-19.6, 4-19.15, 4-19.17
Sidehill embankment ..................................................................................................................... 4-19.5
Sidewalks ........................................................................................................................................ 4-73.1
Sieve analysis .....................................................................................................................................6-3.4
Signs................................................................................................................................................. 4-56.1
Sign structures................................................................................................................................. 4-56.1
Silos, hot mix asphalt ................................................................................................................... 4-39.24
Slides and slipouts ............................................................................................................. 4-19.8, 5-3.25
embankment ............................................................................................................ 4-19.4, 4-19.13
paving ...................................................................................................................................... 4-72.4
protection ................................................................................................................................ 4-72.1
rounding ................................................................................................................... 4-19.9, 4-19.15
Slotted pipe, edge drains ................................................................................................................ 4-68.4
Slurry seal ........................................................................................................................... 4-37.5, 6-1.25
SMARTS......................................................................................................................................... 7-1.12
Soil, basement ................................................................................................................................. 5-1.28
Solid waste disposal and recycling reporting .............................................................................. 7-1.32
Sound control requirements .......................................................................................................... 7-1.17
Sound walls ..................................................................................................................................... 4-58.1
Source documents .............................................................................................................................3-9.2
Speed zones........................................................................................................................................2-2.7
Tack coat .......................................................................................................................... 4-39.25, 4-92.1
Tapered notch wedge ................................................................................................................... 4-39.11
Temporary fence..................................................................................................... 4-80.1, 6-2.30, 7-1.4
Temporary pedestrian facilities.......................................................................................... 2-2.21, 3-7.3
Temporary railing (Type K).....................................................4-12.3, 4-12.7, 4-12.13, 4-83.1 6-2.30
Temporary suspension of work .................................................................................................... 3-8.16
Termination of contract ................................................................................................................. 3-8.26
Termination of control ................................................................................................................... 3-8.29
Test borings, log of.................................................................................................... 3-4.3, 3-4.4 5-3.22
Test/testing .........................................................................................................................................6-3.1
Test cylinders ..........................................................................................................................6-1.5, 6-3.5
Thermal expansion, coefficient of ...................................................................... 4-40.3, 4-40.6, 6-1.34
Underdrains ................................................................................................................. 4-68.1 thru 4-68.3
Underutilized disadvantaged business enterprise (UDBE) ..........................................................8-3.2
Unsuitable material, earthwork ..................................................................................................... 4-19.7
Use of materials found on the work ................................................................................................3-4.1
Use of pesticides ................................................................................................... 4-20.3, 4-20.5, 7-1.22
Utility and nonhighway facilities.................................................................................................. 3-5.21
Utility relocation ............................................................................................................................. 4-86.6
Value engineering .............................................................................................................................3-4.5
Vehicle code.......................................................................................................................................3-7.1
Vehicle detectors ............................................................................................................................ 4-86.8
Violation hearing ...............................................................................................................................3-5.7
Wage, prevailing............................................................................................................................. 8-1.16
Water................................................................................................................................................ 4-17.1
Water pollution control .................................................................................................................. 7-1.11
Water pollution control plan ............................................................................................................5-0.4
Water stops, concrete structures.................................................................................................... 4-51.4
Water supply ................................................................................................................................... 4-17.1
Waterproofing....................................................................................................... 4-54.1, 6-2.21, 6-2.30
Waterproofing, asphalt membrane ............................................................................................... 4-54.1
Weekly Statement of Working Days ................................................................................ 3-5.33, 3-8.4
Zero balance ....................................................................................................................... 3-8.25, 3-9.32
Zero tolerance .................................................................................................................... 3-5.9, 4-39.24