User Scheduling For Beam Forming MU - MISO - OFDM Systems: Najoua Achoura, Ridha Bouallegue
User Scheduling For Beam Forming MU - MISO - OFDM Systems: Najoua Achoura, Ridha Bouallegue
User Scheduling For Beam Forming MU - MISO - OFDM Systems: Najoua Achoura, Ridha Bouallegue
The combination of beamforming multiple input
-single-output (MISO) and orthogonal frequency A. Zero-Forcing Beamforming
multiplexing (OFDM) provides a robust communications Zero-forcing (ZF) decomposes the channel into several
link in fading environments by maximizing received signal parallel scalar channels with only additive noise, and the
strength via beam-steering, and has been incorporated in interference is removed completely by transmit beamforming
standards such as WiMAX and 3GPP Long Term Evolution. techniques[10]. Suppose a base station with Nt transmit
A MISO-OFDM system is often characterized by a single antennas transmits information to K users, each user is
base station with multiple antennas transmitting equipped with one single receive antenna. The received
simultaneously to a number of individual users. More signal by the kth user is
practical downlink algorithms are based on transmit
beamforming, including zero forcing [1][4], a
signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) constraint [5],
minimum mean squared error (MMSE) [6]. These boadcast
algorithms can be combined with multiuser scheduling to ZF method transmits the signals towards the intended user
further increase the throughput by exploiting multiuser with nulls steered in the direction of the other users, i.e.,
diversity, which refers to scheduling only a subset of users ( ) .The users will receive only the desired
with good channels for each transmission [7][8]. Both
signal without any interference because of the perfect nulling.
scheduling and beamforming in a broadcast system require
In this case, the received data at the kth user can be written
channel state information (CSI) at the base station.
Unfortunately, CSI feedback from each user potentially
incurs excessive overhead because of the multiplicity of The corresponding vector equation is
channel coefficients. Therefore, this paper focuses on
downlink transmission that supports efficient CSI feedback Therefore, if the normalized transmit beamforming vector
and uses CSI for joint beamforming and scheduling of the kth user is selected
User Scheduling for beamforming MU-MISO-OFDM Systems
knowledge at the transmitter. Specifically, the optimal where , is the t identity matrix, and
beamformer is quantized at the receiver, and the quantized denotes the matrix consisting of the channel vectors of the
version is relayed back to the transmitter. Given the users selected in the first b-1 steps as
C {w ,
1 2
w B} [ ] .
quantization codebook , which is also
known a priori at the transmitter, and the channel H, the From all the orthogonal users, we select the user who
receiver selects the quantized beamforming vector to maximizes the sum rate (according to the projection
maximize the instantaneos rate, [9] properties) as
w( H ) arg max log(1 Hw j )
j V
Find user ab such that
where 1 n is the background signal-to-noise ratio
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-1, January 2016
Tfb; for each strategy, B has been optimized separately. It is showed that PU2RC can achieve significant gains in
seen that ZF maintains a significant advantage over PU2RC throughput with respect to Zero Forcing method for the same
for Nt = 4. At small value of Tfb, both schemes perform amount of CSI feedback. This paper focuses on the
similarly, but ZF maintains an advantage compared to scheduling criterion of maximizing throughput. The design
PU2RC. Intuitively, difference with perfect CSIT case in and performance analysis of PU2RC based on the criterion of
term of sum rates is understandable if we consider the impact proportional fairness is a topic under investigation. As
of the multiuser interference penalty term and the perspective, we can consider other scheduling algorithms and
non-optimality of these algorithms in the other hand. compare their performance with PU2RC and ZF algorithms.
ZF-greedy [1] Hojae Lee, Sanghoon Lee Joint precoding selection diversity with
9.5 perfect CSIT limited feedback Digital Signal Processing, Volume 30, July
PU2RC 2014, Pages 141-153
[2] Wang Li, Yang Ke, Hu Han-ying and Cui Wei-jia Robust joint linear
Sum Rate (bps/hz)
Sum Rate (bps/hz)
4 ZF,K=150
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
This paper presents asymptotic throughput scaling laws for
downlink transmission with orthogonal beamforming known
as PU2RC. In the normal SNR or noise-limited regimes, the
throughput of PU2RC is found to scale double
logarithmically with the number of users and linearly with the
number of antennas at the base station. Numerical results