Musculoskeletal Complications of Fluoroquinolones: Guidelines and Precautions For Usage in The Athletic..
Musculoskeletal Complications of Fluoroquinolones: Guidelines and Precautions For Usage in The Athletic..
Musculoskeletal Complications of Fluoroquinolones: Guidelines and Precautions For Usage in The Athletic..
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Clinical Review: Current Concepts
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are commonly used to treat a variety of infections, including
urinary tract, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin, bone, and joint infections [1,2].
First introduced in the 1980s to treat gram-negative bacterial infections [3], the popularity
of fluoroquinolone antibiotics has increased because of their broad antimicrobial spectrum,
multiple approved indications, and favorable pharmacokinetics [4,5]. In fact, between 1995
and 2002, fluoroquinolone prescribing tripled, making fluoroquinolones the class of
antibiotics most commonly prescribed to adults in the United States [6]. Despite their
popularity, a number of adverse effects have been attributed to fluoroquinolones, including
adverse effects on musculoskeletal tissues. Fluoroquinolone-associated tendinopathy,
which was first reported in the literature in 1983 [7], is a widely recognized complication of M.M.H. Department of Physical Medicine and
fluoroquinolone use that eventually led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to add a Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic College of Medi-
black box warning label to all fluoroquinolones in 2008, citing increased risk of tendinitis cine, Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
Rochester, MN
and tendon rupture [8]. Fluoroquinolones exert a toxic effect not only on tendons but Disclosure: nothing to disclose
also on cartilage, bone, and muscle (Table 1). Knowledge of the full spectrum of the J.T.F. Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
negative effects of fluoroquinolone antibiotics on the musculoskeletal system is cur- Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester,
rently evolving, and much of the mechanistic nature of the toxicity has not yet been fully MN
Disclosure: nothing to disclose
J.S. Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center,
The purpose of this article is to review the musculoskeletal complications associated with Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 1st St
fluoroquinolone antibiotics in adults; identify risk factors associated with fluoroquinolone SW, Rochester, MN 55905. Address corre-
toxicity; explore the possible pathoetiology of fluoroquinolone toxicity on tendon, cartilage, spondence to J.S.; e-mail: smith.jay@mayo.
bone, and muscle; and offer recommendations regarding evaluation and treatment of Disclosure: nothing to disclose
fluoroquinolone-associated musculoskeletal complications. In addition, this review will
Disclosure Key can be found on the Table of
provide recommendations regarding fluoroquinolone use in athletes and return to play after Contents and at
fluoroquinolone exposure. The use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in children continues to Submitted for publication July 1, 2010; ac-
be highly debated in the literature and is beyond the scope of this review. cepted October 4, 2010.
Table 1. Clinical musculoskeletal conditions associated with of integrins. Integrins are transmembrane proteins that are
fluoroquinolones involved in the structural stability of the cell (eg, attaching
Area Affected Conditions cells to the extracellular matrix as well as other cells) and also
Tendon Tendinitis, tendinosis, tendon rupture function in bidirectional signaling across the plasma mem-
Cartilage/bone Arthralgia, impaired fracture healing, brane [15,16]. They are thought to play an important role in
cartilage lesions maintaining the integrity of various musculoskeletal tissues.
Muscle Myalgia, rhabdomyolysis Shakibaei et al [17] demonstrated a reduction in collagen
type I, elastin, fibronectin, and 1 integrin in the Achilles
tendons of juvenile dogs after treatment with ciprofloxacin.
Tendon: Basic Science This study showed similar biochemical changes in tendon
samples from dogs fed a magnesium-deficient diet for 6
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Table 2) are a synthetic deriva- weeks, which strengthens the hypothesis that fluoroquin-
tive of the parent compound nalidixic acid and exert their olone toxicity could be related to chelation of magnesium.
bactericidal effects via inhibition of bacterial deoxyribonu- Sendzik et al [18] found that both ciprofloxacin and levo-
cleic acid (DNA) gyrase and topoisomerase IV [1,9,10]. The floxacin negatively affected the Map-kinase signaling path-
quinolone nucleus consists of a bi-cyclic ring structure with 8 way (which is important for cell differentiation and survival),
positions whose constituent groups determine drug potency, likely via the fluoroquinolones effect on integrin function
pharmacokinetics, and activity against gram-positive organ- secondary to complexing of divalent cations. Sendzik et al
isms, as well as influence adverse effect profiles and drug [18] also found that fluoroquinolones increased activated
interactions [5]. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics possess a fluo- caspase-3, a marker of apoptosis, with confirmatory apop-
rine atom at position 6, which explains in part the name of totic changes on electron microscopy. The induction of
this class of antibiotics [5]. apoptosis was thought to be a result of changes in the
While the association between fluoroquinolones and ten- cell-signaling pathways induced by the fluoroquinolones.
don disorders has become increasingly more recognized and Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a group of enzymes
more widely studied, the exact pathoetiology has remained that participate in tendon remodeling [12]. Differences exist
elusive. On histologic examination, findings in fluoroquin- in MMP expression between normal and degenerative human
olone-associated tendon disorders are similar to those seen in tendons, which suggests that MMPs may play a role in
overuse injuries in athletes (ie, abnormal fiber structure, tendinopathy development [19]. MMP-3 expression and ac-
hypercellularity, fibrotic areas, increased extracellular matrix tivity is increased in tendons exposed to high mechanical
[glycosaminoglycans], and neovascularization) [11]; how- demands (eg, Achilles, supraspinatus) possibly related to the
ever, the fluoroquinolone-associated changes are thought to remodeling that is necessary after repetitive microtrauma
occur much more rapidly than those seen in nonfluoroquin- [12]. Corps et al [12] demonstrated that ciprofloxacin in-
olone-related tendinopathy. Results of studies have been creased MMP-3 expression (both messenger ribonucleic acid
conflicting regarding the presence of inflammatory mediators [mRNA] and protein) and increased MMP-1 mRNA in hu-
[12]. Sonographic analysis of fluoroquinolone-associated man tendon-derived fibroblasts. Both levofloxacin and cip-
tendon disorders demonstrate typical findings of tendinopa-
thy (ie, thickening and hypoechogenicity) [13]. The pro-
cesses that lead to these changes appear to be multifactorial. Table 2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved fluoro-
Williams et al [14] were the first to show that fluoroquino-
lones (ciprofloxacin) have a direct effect on fibroblast metab- Generic Trade Name
olism. Canine Achilles tendon, paratenon, and shoulder cap- First generation
sule specimens were exposed to ciprofloxacin at various Nalidixic acid* NegGram* (Sanofi-Aventis,
concentrations (physiological and supraphysiological). In- Bridgewater, NJ)
Second generation
creased matrix-degrading activity, decreased matrix synthe-
Ciprofloxacin Cipro (Bayer Pharmaceuticals,
sis, and decreased cell proliferation were seen in all 3 popu- Germany)
lations of fibroblasts at physiological drug concentrations. Norfloxacin Noroxin (Merck, Whitehouse Station,
The researchers suggested that an acute increase in matrix- NJ)
degrading activity with a concomitant decrease in cell prolif- Ofloxacin Floxin (Ortho-McNeil, Titusville, NJ)
Third generation
eration and collagen synthesis could lead to tendon rupture,
Levofloxacin Levaquin (Ortho-McNeil, Titusville, NJ)
with a disproportionate effect on tendons that have a limited Moxifloxacin Avelox (Bayer Pharmaceuticals,
capacity for repair or that have been previously structurally Germany)
compromised. Fourth generation
Fluoroquinolones are known to chelate divalent and tri- Gemifloxacin Factive (Cornerstone Therapeutics,
Cary, NC)
valent cations (Ca2, Mg2, Zn2, and Al3). Magnesium
and other cations are known to participate in the regulation *Nonfluorinated (ie, quinolone).
rofloxacin were found to increase MMP-1 and MMP-13 in gest that antioxidant strategies such as vitamin E or coenzyme
cultured human tenocytes [18]. Interestingly, these same 2 Q10 supplementation may be beneficial, but further research
MMPs are thought to be involved in tissue degeneration in is warranted.
rheumatoid arthritis [20].
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in a multi-
tude of cellular processes. They are known to have a direct Tendon: Clinical Manifestations
toxic effect on cells and cellular components, are impor-
The first cases of fluoroquinolone-associated tendinopathy
tant messenger molecules in the induction of several
were reported in 1983 and involved 2 male patients who had
genes, and act as second messengers in inflammatory
undergone renal transplantation and were treated with nor-
processes [21]. They appear to exert a biphasic effect on
floxacin [7]. Achilles tendinopathy developed in one patient,
cells, with lower doses increasing proliferation and higher
whereas the second patient presented with bilateral upper
doses leading to cell death by apoptosis or necrosis [1].
extremity third finger flexor tendinopathy, along with right
Results of studies also have shown a causal relationship
ankle and hip pain. Fluoroquinolone-associated tendon rup-
between intracellular ROS and induction of MMPs [21].
ture was initially reported in 1991 [27]. Subsequent to these
Pouzaud et al [21] investigated the involvement of oxida-
initial reports, multiple cases of fluoroquinolone-associated
tive stress in fluoroquinolone-associated tendon toxicity tendinopathy have been published. Among reported cases,
by using a spontaneously immortalized rabbit tendon cell the Achilles tendon is most commonly involved
line. The researchers were able to demonstrate moderate [3,4,7,11,13,27-58]. However, multiple other tendons and
cytotoxicity 24 hours after fluoroquinolone exposure and tendon groups have been involved, including the common
more severe toxicity 72 hours after exposure with 4 differ- extensor tendon origin of the lateral elbow [59], subscapu-
ent fluoroquinolones (pefloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin, laris [55], biceps brachii [41], brachioradialis [40], adductor
and ciprofloxacin). All fluoroquinolones were found to longus [60], plantar foot tendons [61], rectus femoris [62],
stimulate ROS production, which implicates oxidative flexor hallucis longus [63], supraspinatus, extensor pollicis
stress in tendon toxicity. The researchers believed that longus, quadriceps, and patellar [3], and the tendons of the
ROS likely contributed to tendon toxicity both through extraocular muscles [64]. Fluoroquinolone-associated tendi-
direct toxic effects mediated by ROS themselves and indi- nopathy symptoms have occurred as early as 2 hours after the
rect effects through the induction of MMPs. initial fluoroquinolone exposure and as late as 6 months after
Further evidence supporting the role of oxidative stress in the medication was discontinued [46].
fluoroquinolone-associated tendon disorders comes from The first epidemiologic study to demonstrate an increased
studies that show protective effects of antioxidants [21-24]. risk for tendon disorders associated with fluoroquinolones
Vitamin E protects human fibroblast cells [1], rat cartilage was performed by van der Linden et al [65] in 1999. Through
[25], astrocytes [24], and hepatic and cerebral tissue [23] use of a primary care database from the Netherlands and a
from fluoroquinolone toxicity. More recently, the antioxi- retrospective cohort design, tendinitis and/or tendon rupture
dant ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) demonstrated protective was compared among users of fluoroquinolones and 4 other
effects on human Achilles tendon cells exposed to ciprofloxa- antibiotics that have no known association with tendon dis-
cin and moxifloxacin [22]. A mitochondrial-targeted form of orders. The risk window included the treatment duration
ubiquinone (MitoQ) demonstrated a larger protective effect plus 1 month. Twenty-two cases were identified via a 2-step
than did untargeted ubiquinone. Oxidative stress frequently process of case finding and case validation (none were rup-
occurs in the mitochondria [22], and fluoroquinolone-in- tures). Potential cases were identified by searching both
duced oxidative damage to mitochondria in tenocytes and diagnostic codes and key words in the medical record (eg,
chondrocytes has been reported [26]. tendinitis, tendon disorder, and tendon rupture). Charts
In summary, fluoroquinolones appear to exert their neg- were then reviewed by 2 general practitioners who were
ative effects on tendons through a variety of mechanisms. blinded to any patient exposure to the antibiotics of interest.
Contributions from direct toxic effects are likely, possibly Patients were excluded if they had a history of tendon disor-
through induction of ROS and increased matrix breakdown der before antibiotic exposure, if another cause of tendinitis
through stimulation of MMPs. Changes in signaling protein was likely (eg, trauma), or if the diagnosis was not that of
function (likely related to the chelation of divalent cations, tendon disorder (eg, bursitis). The mean age of fluoroquin-
specifically Mg2), with subsequent alteration of cell regula- olone users was 53 years, whereas the mean age of the
tion and repair, also have been implicated. Results of studies reference group was 45 years. The adjusted relative risk of
indicate that these effects may occur rapidly after fluoroquin- tendinitis to fluoroquinolones was 3.7 (95% confidence in-
olone exposure, which is consistent with the epidemiologic terval [CI], 0.9-15.1) for Achilles tendinitis and 1.3 (95% CI,
data. These mechanisms appear to lead to a mismatch in cell 0.4-4.7) for other types of tendinitis. The risk difference
breakdown and repair that can lead to the clinical symptoms between fluoroquinolones and the reference antibiotics was 4
of tendonitis and/or tendon rupture. Preliminary data sug- cases per 100,000 days. Concomitant corticosteroid use was
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 2, 2011 135
low (4.6% for the fluoroquinolone group and 4.2% for the 2.1-4.9) for patients 60 years and older, and it was 0.9 (95%
reference group) and not related to the presence of tendon CI, 0.5-1.6) for persons younger than 60 years. Concurrent
disorder in this study. use of corticosteroids in persons older than 60 years in-
In 2001, van der Linden et al [4] published a case series of creased the risk to 6.2 (95% CI, 3.0-12.8).
42 patients from the Netherlands in whom fluoroquinolone- Another population-based case-control study from the
associated tendon disorders had developed; 76% experi- United Kingdom that examined the specific association be-
enced tendinitis and 24% had a tendon rupture. The median tween fluoroquinolones and Achilles tendon rupture identi-
patient age was 68 years (range, 18-91 years), with 71% of fied 1367 cases of Achilles tendon rupture and randomly
fluoroquinolone-associated tendinopathies occurring in pa- selected 50,000 control subjects from the database [68].
tients older than 60 years. Men outnumbered women 3 to 1. Exposure was defined as current (within 30 days), recent
Ninety percent of cases involved the Achilles tendon, and in (30-180 days), and past (6-18 months). More than 69% of
more than half the tendons were affected bilaterally. Other total cases of Achilles tendon rupture were men with a mean age
affected tendons included the patellar tendon, common of 48 years. The adjusted odds ratio for Achilles tendon rupture
flexor, and extensor tendon origins at the elbow and the with current fluoroquinolone use was 4.3 (95% CI, 2.4-7.8).
rotator cuff. The most commonly reported symptom was Recent use increased the risk to 2.4 (95% CI, 1.5-3.7), and past
pain. Although most patients reported recovery within 2 exposure increased it to 1.4 (95% CI, 0.9-2.1). Although
months of discontinuing the fluoroquinolone antibiotic, 26% gender differences were not observed, patient age proved to
still reported pain and disability at follow-up (the time frame be significant. No cases of Achilles tendon rupture occurred
was not specified). Symptoms typically occurred within 1 in patients younger than 60 years who were currently ex-
week of exposure to fluoroquinolones (median, 6 days; posed to fluoroquinolones, but an adjusted odds ratio of 6.4
range, 1-510 days). The vast majority (93%) reported symp- (95% CI, 3.0-13.7) for patients aged 60-79 years with current
toms within 1 month. The average fluoroquinolone-exposure exposure and an adjusted odds ratio of 20.4 (95% CI, 4.6-
duration was 2 weeks (range, 2-81 days). In 50% of the 90.1) in patients aged 80 years and older with current fluo-
patients actively involved in sporting activities, the tendon roquinolone exposure was seen. When patients older than 60
disorder occurred during participation in sports. Twenty- years were further analyzed, the risk of Achilles tendon
four percent of patients were concomitantly taking oral cor- rupture was found to be dose dependent but was not affected
ticosteroids. The frequency of tendon disorder among fluo- by duration of treatment. Concomitant use of oral corticoste-
roquinolone users was 4 per 100,000 prescriptions. The roids significantly increased the risk of tendon rupture. The
researchers believed that this figure represented substantial odds ratio of Achilles tendon disorder in those not using
underreporting in light of data from the French spontaneous corticosteroids was 5.3 (95% CI, 1.8-15.2), whereas current
reporting system that estimated a frequency of 20 cases per corticosteroid use increased the odds ratio to 17.5 (95% CI,
100,000 prescriptions [66] and previous prescription-event 5-60.9), and recent corticosteroid use raised it to 18.4 (95%
monitoring that showed a frequency rate of 2.4 per 10,000 CI, 1.4-240.2).
patients for tendinitis and 1.2 per 10,000 patients for tendon A large population-based case-control study published by
rupture [67]. Corrao et al [37] from Lombardia, Italy, in 2006 investigated
The same group published a case-control study in 2002 the association between fluoroquinolones and the risk of
[53] that used a large United Kingdom general practice tendon disorder. Through the use of the national health
database to study the association of fluoroquinolones and services databases from the years 2002 and 2003, 22,194
Achilles tendon disorders. All patients 18 years and older cases and 104,906 control subjects were selected. Inclusion
who had received fluoroquinolones were identified, and criteria included patients 18 years or older whose hospital
those with a history of Achilles tendon disorder, cancer, discharge diagnosis was tendon disorder, including synovitis
AIDS, illicit drug use, or alcohol misuse were excluded. and tenosynovitis, and nontraumatic rupture of the tendon.
Tendon disorders associated with direct trauma also were The researchers did not specify whether hospitalization
excluded. A random sample of 10,000 patients who had not indicated that the patient was hospitalized for the condition
been exposed to fluoroquinolone antibiotics served as a or if it referred to the diagnosis of tendon disorder by a
control group. The researchers divided fluoroquinolone ex- physician. If it referred to the former, then this study may
posure into current use (within 30 days), recent use (30-90 have a selection bias toward patients with more severe ten-
days), past use (more than 90 days), and no use. The cohort don disorders. Exclusion criteria included a concomitant
consisted of 46,776 patients exposed to fluoroquinolones diagnosis of cancer, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, renal
between July 1992 and June 1998. The adjusted relative risk failure, AIDS, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheu-
of Achilles tendon disorders with current fluoroquinolone matica, traumatic tendon injury, history of tendon disorders,
use was 1.9 (95% CI, 1.3-2.6), whereas the relative risk for or other disease of the musculoskeletal system or connective
subjects with recent and past use was similar to the control tissue. Up to 5 matched control subjects were randomly
group. The relative risk with current use was 3.2 (95% CI, selected from the regional archive for each case. Exposure to
fluoroquinolones was categorized into current use (exposure Table 3. Potential risk factors
within 15 days of hospitalization for tendon disorder), recent Increasing age
use (15-30 days), past use (30-90 days), and nonuse (90 Systemic corticosteroid use
days or no exposure in 1 year preceding hospitalization). Of Participation in a sport
the case patients, 14,993 were hospitalized for tendinitis and Magnesium deficiency
Trauma (tendon or joint)
7201 for nontraumatic tendon rupture, 840 cases of which History of organ transplantation
involved the Achilles tendon. More than 63% were women, End-stage kidney disease
and the mean age was 55.9 years. Current use of fluoroquino- Hemodialysis
lones was found to increase the risk of tendon disorder (odds Osteoarthritis
ratio 1.7 [95% CI, 1.4-2]), tendon rupture (odds ratio 1.3 Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
[95% CI, 1.0-1.8]), and, specifically, Achilles tendon rupture Systemic lupus erythematosus
(odds ratio 4.1 [95% CI, 1.8-9.6]). Concomitant use of Ankylosing spondylitis
fluoroquinolones and corticosteroids further increased the Reiter syndrome
risk of both tendon rupture (odds ratio 3.1 [95% CI, 1.5- Polymyalgia rheumatica
Ulcerative colitis
6.3]) and rupture of the Achilles tendon (odds ratio 43.2
Crohn disease
[95% CI, 5.5-341.1]). The odds ratio for rupture of the Diabetes mellitus
Achilles tendon was significantly higher in patients older Hyperparathyroidism
than 60 years, whereas the increased risk of tendinitis and Hypothyroidism
tendon rupture in general was similar across all ages. Regard-
ing rupture of the Achilles tendon, the authors estimated that
1 case would occur per every 5958 patients treated with Cartilage/Bone: Basic Science
fluoroquinolones (95% CI, 2148-23,085). When stratified Concerns regarding the chondrotoxic nature of fluoroquino-
by age, 1 Achilles tendon rupture per 1638 fluoroquinolone- lones began with studies that showed irreversible cartilage
treated patients older than 60 years could be expected (95% damage in growing animals [70,71], which led to the ongo-
CI, 351-8843), and with concomitant corticosteroid use, 1 in ing debate in the pediatric literature regarding the use of
979 patients would be expected to have Achilles tendon fluoroquinolones in the pediatric population. However, a
rupture (95% CI, 122-9172). recent study that used a lamb model failed to show significant
A Danish population-based cohort study that investigated effects on proximal tibial growth velocity after exposure to
the use of fluoroquinolones and risk of Achilles tendon gatifloxacin or ciprofloxacin, and no chondrotoxic changes
rupture was recently published by Sode et al [34]. They were found on subsequent histologic evaluation [72].
studied 28,262 first-time users of fluoroquinolones during Several researchers who have examined the effects of
the period 1991-1999. All cases of Achilles tendon rupture fluoroquinolones on adult human cartilage in vitro have
were identified, and the incidence rates among users and demonstrated inhibition of cell proliferation of chondrocytes
nonusers of fluoroquinolones were calculated. The risk of [70], along with development of necrotic chondrocytes with
Achilles tendon rupture within 90 days of exposure to fluo- abundant accumulation of glycogen and hypervacuolization
roquinolones compared with the general population was 3.1 [71,73]. Several possible mechanisms have been suggested
times higher (95% CI, 1.0-7.3). This risk of Achilles tendon for the toxic effects of fluoroquinolones on cartilage, includ-
rupture was 2.5 (95% CI, 0.5-7.4) times higher in patients ing a deficiency of functionally available magnesium, inhibi-
younger than 60 years and 4 times higher (95% CI, 0.5-14.4) tion of mitochondrial dehydrogenase and proteoglycan syn-
in persons older than 60 years. The absolute increase in risk thesis, altered DNA metabolism (through inhibition of DNA
was 12 cases of Achilles tendon rupture per 100,000 persons polymerase), tissue accumulation of fluoride, and increased
within 90 days of treatment with a fluoroquinolone (95% CI, ROS production in chondrocytes [71]. Results of studies
0.0-35.6). The researchers concluded that, although the rel- have shown that magnesium-deficient diets are capable of
ative risk of Achilles tendon rupture was increased 3-fold, the producing cartilage changes similar to that caused by fluoro-
absolute risk was low. quinolone exposure in both canines and rats [74], and di-
The current literature shows a strong association between etary magnesium supplementation was able to reduce the
fluoroquinolone exposure and subsequent development of histologic changes in rats exposed to fluoroquinolones [75].
tendon disorders, including rupture. It appears that increas- As in tendons, these changes were probably secondary to
ing age and concomitant corticosteroid exposure further altered cell-matrix interaction through magnesiums effect on
increase this risk. Gender has not been reliably identified as a integrin functions, as well as possible increased production of
risk factor. Other conditions (Table 3) have been reported ROS associated with magnesium deficiency, as seen in fluo-
commonly in patients with fluoroquinolone-associated ten- roquinolone-treated rabbits [74].
don disorders [4,46,68,69], but specific risk associated with To further examine the relationship between magnesium
these factors has not been formally studied. and fluoroquinolone-associated cartilage disorders, horse
PM&R Vol. 3, Iss. 2, 2011 137
and canine chondrocytes were exposed to ciprofloxacin and considering the local use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in a
enrofloxacin in the absence and presence of varying doses of region where bone healing is taking place.
magnesium [75]. As expected, the total number of chondro- Mayo Clinic researchers studied the effect of ciprofloxacin
cytes decreased in the fluoroquinolone-treated groups, with a on experimental fracture healing in rats [76]. The study was
dose-dependent decrement in the loss of chondrocytes in the designed to simulate the effect of systemic exposure to cip-
magnesium-supplemented groups. Furthermore, magne- rofloxacin (such as treatment of a urinary tract infection) in
sium supplementation had positive effects on cell adhesion the setting of a healing fracture. The treatment group received
and morphology. Cell proliferation likewise decreased in the ciprofloxacin for 3 weeks, beginning 7 days after production
fluoroquinolone-exposed groups and was not responsive to of closed, nondisplaced, bilateral femoral fractures. Concen-
magnesium supplementation, which brings into question trations of ciprofloxacin were similar to standard therapeutic
other pathoetiologies regarding decreased cell proliferation concentrations. Radiographic healing was decreased com-
in fluoroquinolone-exposed chondrocytes. The researchers pared with control subjects that had no fluoroquinolone
postulated that ROS or other divalent cations, such as cal- exposure at 4 weeks. Torsional strength and stiffness were
cium, magnesium, and zinc, whose role in fluoroquinolone decreased by 16% and 49%, respectively. Fracture callus in
toxicity have not been investigated, may have been responsi- the treatment group showed abnormal cartilage morphology
ble for the decrease in cell proliferation. and endochondral bone formation as well as a significant
Pfister et al [25] studied the effects of oral vitamin E decrease in chondrocyte number compared with control
(tocopherol) and magnesium supplementation on cipro- subjects. The researchers concluded that ciprofloxacins neg-
floxacin-associated chondrotoxicity. Juvenile rats were di- ative effect on chondrocytes led to inefficient conversion of
vided into 4 groups: those fed a normal diet, a vitamin cartilage to bone and the subsequent decreased mechanical
E enriched diet, a magnesium-enriched diet, or a diet en- properties of the fractured callus in rats.
riched with both vitamin E and magnesium. These diets were The same group investigated the effects of other fluoro-
initiated 10 days before the rats were given ciprofloxacin. quinolone antibiotics on bone healing [77]. The same study
Two days after fluoroquinolone exposure, cartilage samples design as previously described was used to investigate the
from the knee joints were histologically examined, and car- effect of systemic exposure to levofloxacin and trovafloxacin
tilage and plasma concentrations of magnesium, calcium, on experimental fracture healing in a rat model. The results
and vitamin E were measured. Fluoroquinolone-associated were similar to those seen in the previous study. The re-
cartilage changes were observed in all groups, but the sup- searchers concluded that inhibition of early fracture healing
plemented groups showed significantly less change, with the is likely a fluoroquinolone class effect. As a result of these
magnesium and vitamin E combination group demonstrating findings, the researchers recommended not using fluoro-
the least change. Both plasma and cartilage concentrations of quinolone antibiotics in patients with fractures or in the
magnesium and tocopherol were significantly higher in the perioperative period after a joint replacement unless no alter-
supplemented groups than in the animals that received the native antibiotic is available.
normal diet, which supports the potential role of magnesium
deficiency in the pathogenesis of fluoroquinolone-associated
chondrotoxicity. Cartilage/Bone: Clinical Manifestations
The inhibitory effect of fluoroquinolones on osteoblastic Whereas arthralgia is thought to occur in approximately 1%
cells in vitro was investigated by Holtom et al [2] from the of patients who take fluoroquinolones, a retrospective review
University of Southern California. MC3T3-E1 murine calvar- of patients who take fluoroquinolones for sinusitis found the
ia-derived osteoblastic cells were exposed to ciprofloxacin, incidence of arthralgia and/or myalgia to be 25%, which is
levofloxacin, and trovafloxacin, and osteoblast cell growth more than twice the incidence of any other adverse effect
and extracellular matrix mineralization were then measured. [78]. Determining the prevalence of clinically significant
All 3 fluoroquinolones inhibited cell growth and mineraliza- arthralgia after fluoroquinolone use has been difficult be-
tion in a dose-dependent manner. Readily achievable serum cause of a lack of formal case definitions, lumping of diagno-
levels of trovafloxacin were found to inhibit osteoblast pro- ses, and the presence of confounding factors. Nonetheless, an
liferation and mineralization. Ciprofloxacin toxicity occurred association between fluoroquinolones and arthralgias has
at concentrations slightly higher than those typically seen been postulated.
with therapeutic dosing, whereas levofloxacin toxicity re- At the present time, no formal studies investigating ar-
quired concentrations that were moderately higher than ther- thropathy and fluoroquinolones in adults have been pub-
apeutic levels. However, theoretically, local fluoroquinolone lished. Although a full discussion of this subject in the
administration could cause local tissue (eg, bone) concentra- pediatric population is beyond the scope of this review, it is
tions that are higher than those achieved with systemic worth noting that multiple studies have examined the asso-
administration, which may effect bone healing. Therefore the ciation between fluoroquinolones and arthropathy in chil-
researchers concluded that caution should be exercised when dren by imaging their joints with magnetic resonance imag-
ing (MRI) [79-83]. MRI findings are somewhat difficult to histology, in vitro contracture tests, and 31P magnetic reso-
interpret given the presence of possible confounding factors, nance spectroscopy (31P MRS). The 3 patients with fluoro-
but joint effusion and cartilage abnormalities have been re- quinolone-associated myalgia and weakness displayed simi-
ported [83,84]. Although some follow-up studies failed to lar metabolic abnormalities, whereas the 3 subjects exposed
show persistent MRI changes [81,83], one case report cited to fluoroquinolones with no adverse effects displayed normal
persistent abnormalities on a bone scan after clinical and MRI metabolic profiles. These findings led the researchers to
resolution [84]. The extent of fluoroquinolone-associated conclude that the adverse effects recorded in the 3 patients
arthralgia and its relationship with underlying structural were related to a pre-existing muscular anomaly revealed by
changes remains indeterminate. fluoroquinolone treatment. Further support for the hypoth-
Based on the basic science research that demonstrates an esis that fluorine may be the trigger for fluoroquinolone-
increased delayed union and nonunion rate of fractures in associated myopathy comes from the fact that no adverse
rats exposed to fluoroquinolones [76,77], and given that muscular events have been reported with unfluorinated
fracture callus is a rapidly growing cartilaginous complex that quinolones. In addition, steroid myopathy is thought to
undergoes intramembranous and endochondral ossification occur more frequently with fluorinated steroids (ie, dexa-
(similar to maturing cartilage) [77], it is reasonable to suspect methasone and triamcinolone) than with nonfluorinated ste-
that fluoroquinolones may negatively affect fracture heal- roids (ie, prednisone or hydrocortisone) [88-90]. The re-
ing in humans. Experimental data that support this obser- searchers recommended that any patient experiencing
vation in animal models was previously discussed myalgias associated with fluoroquinolone exposure should
[2,76,77], but formal investigation in humans is currently undergo noninvasive muscle metabolic testing with 31P MRS
lacking. along with a subsequent muscle biopsy for histoenzymology
and contracture tests if a metabolic disorder is found.
ferent routes of administration to avoid decreased efficacy of given to adequate recovery between bouts of high-inten-
the antibiotic [25]. Although purported in the lay media [98], sity activity or competitions.
currently no evidence supports treatment of persistent symp-
toms with infusions of antioxidants such as glutathione.
Fluoroquinolones and the Athlete: In conclusion, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are associated
Proposed Guidelines for Use with a wide array of musculoskeletal complications involving
tendon, cartilage, bone, and muscle that are likely underrec-
Despite the acknowledgment of increased risk of fluoroquin- ognized and underreported. The pathoetiology of these com-
olone-associated tendon disorder in persons participating in plications continues to be investigated but appears to be
sporting activities, limited clinical recommendations can be related to alterations in cell-signaling proteins, as well as
found in the literature to guide sports medicine physicians, direct toxic effects. Certain groups are at increased risk, and
athletes, or coaches on appropriate precautions and return to appropriate precautions should be taken in these individuals.
play after fluoroquinolone exposure. The only guidelines Further research is needed to identify patients at risk for more
found come from Lavallee [99] in a 2003 issue of USA serious complications and to evaluate possible preventative
Weightlifting magazine. Given more recent insights into the and therapeutic interventions. Until more is known, caution
pathoetiology and clinical history of fluoroquinolone-associ- should be exercised in the prescription of fluoroquinolone
ated musculoskeletal complications, the following guidelines antibiotics when other classes of antibiotic are available.
are proposed: Patients should always be counseled regarding the risk asso-
1. Athletes should avoid all use of fluoroquinolone antibiot- ciated with fluoroquinolones, even when they are prescribed
ics unless no alternative is available. according to standard recommendations.
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