Direct Imaging of DNA Fibers: The Visage of Double Helix
Direct Imaging of DNA Fibers: The Visage of Double Helix
Direct Imaging of DNA Fibers: The Visage of Double Helix
Nanostructures, Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, and Nanochemistry Departments, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via
Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
BIONEM, Bio-Nanotechnology and Engineering for Medicine, Department of experimental and clinical medicine, University of
Magna Graecia Viale Europa, Germaneto, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
KEYWORDS: DNA bundles direct imaging, transmission electron microscopy, superhydrophobic surface, nanofabricated micropillars,
molecular dynamics simulations
2012 American Chemical Society 6453 | Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 64536458
Nano Letters Letter
Figure 1. Super hydrophobic DNA molecules self-aggregation and SEM and TEM imaging. SEM images (a, b, c), sketch (d), and TEM image (e) of
-DNA bers suspended on super hydrophobic pillared devices. In detail, an overview of DNA bundles hanging on top of pillars (a) and its zoom-in
tilted view (b) and top view (c) showing the DNA bundle located exactly on top of the passing through substrate hole. The sketch (d) elucidates the
concept exploited for TEM direct imaging: the passing through etched hole allows the suspended DNA to be orthogonally crossed by the
microscope electron beam; condition sine qua non: the hole needs to be in line with the pillars in order to obtain a DNA bundle alignment permitting
the TEM imaging. The suspended and aligned DNA bundle is directly imaged through the hole by TEM (e). Scale bar in panel a = 10 m; in panels
b, c = 1 m; in panel e = 500 nm.
Figure 2. TEM image with intensity prole and corresponding FFT pitch calculation of -DNA bers. (a) DNA ber TEM image. The inset shows
higher magnication DNA ber details; the red arrows point out the 2.7 nm pitch of A double helix. The scale bar corresponds to a length of 20 nm.
In panel b, a white rectangle is superimposed, showing where the intensity prole was measured. The peaks in plot c correspond to the alternation of
bright and dark bands in the original image (b): plot c displays a two-dimensional graph where the Y-axis reports the pixel intensity integrated along
the height of the rectangle and the X-axis represents the distance measured on the rectangle. Plot d shows the FFT of the signal displayed in plot c: a
well-dened maximum is observed at 0.37 0.02 1/nm, corresponding to a frequency of 2.7 0.2 nm.
phosphates and sugars may have enough TEM contrast even modifying the DNA deposition conditions as well as the device
when few aligned DNA molecules have to be imaged. structure, thin and stable suspended DNA bers could be
In previous experiments, we were able to control the investigated by the TEM high energy electron beam. The
deposition of few DNA molecules on a silicon micropatterned details on the design and fabrication of the device are reported
device designed to mimic super hydrophobic (SH) surface.9 in Methods. In summary, by an over layer multistep lithography
Besides, as a consequence of the deposition method, suspended and reactive ion etching process, we created several passing
DNA bers were observed. In the present experiment, through holes between the pillars constituting the super
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Nano Letters Letter
Figure 3. A-DNAs superstructures used for image simulations. (a) The smallest bundle consisting of 1 + 6 A-DNAs (a central one and a shell of 6),
the bundle was turned slightly out of the low-index zone axis to reduce the contrast in the image due to the coherence created by the superstructure
periodicity. The incident parallel electron beam is sketched by the yellow arrows. (b) The 1 + 6 bundle viewed along the y direction and (c) the
corresponding simulated TEM image at about 1 m defocus with aligned chains.
hydrophobic surface (Figure SI 13, Supporting Information), details with fundamental metrological precise determination.
whose function is to allow the free passage of the electron beam Two diverse and independent simulations approach allowed to
during TEM measurements (background free imaging). The infer that a bundle is formed by paired DNA. This means that
preparation in view of the TEM imaging was obtained by ds DNA laments are aligned with their period along the z axis
allowing the water evaporation from the original liquid sample, of the helix.
at room temperature and 50% relative humidity. The super In the rst simulation approach we obtained the TEM image
hydrophobic surface was treated in a way that the adhesion of an isolated DNA bundle (background free) by imposing that
force between it and the water was very low (friction coecient the smaller bundle whose diameter is equal to 8 nm, is formed
about 0.02) and, during the evaporation, the pinning of the by 1 + 6 ds -DNA as shown in Figure 3a (see Methods).
drop was avoided. Under this condition, after the evaporation, This bundle structure is in agreement with experimental
DNA molecules could be deposited suspended and well tense TEM images (Figure 2), both in terms of diameter and
between the pillars, and more importantly several DNA bundles periodicity. In fact, the 6 + 1 simulated structure has a bundle
resulted suspended in correspondence of the holes. The diameter very close to that really measured and shown above,
suspended DNA bundles have well reproducible diameter, and the phase contrast TEM image (Figure 3c), calculated at
between 8 and 200 nm at our salinity conditions (see the experimental conditions, well reproduces the DNA helix
Methods). In Figure 1a is reported a scanning electron pitch as observed (red arrows in the inset of Figure 2),
microscopy (SEM) overview of this superhydrophobic pillared measured and reported in Figure 2bd. Notice that also the
device, in panel b and c of Figure 1 are reported a suspended experimental and theoretical intensity prole corresponds very
DNA bundle well aligned with the substrate hole, and in Figure well: peaks and minima are shifted by half DNA pitch in the
1e is seen its low magnication TEM image. In this last picture, two sides of the bundle. In the Methods section, we report the
the suspended DNA, in substrate free conguration, can easily
TEM image simulation of more complex bundle structure
be observed.
(Figure SI 4b, Supporting Information), giving details on the
As shown in the sketch of Figure 1, the suspended DNA
relevant parameters used. It is worth notice that if we introduce
corresponding to the hole was brought under the electron
a random misalignment along z axis, larger than 2 base pairs,
beam for obtaining direct TEM images. We observed several
DNA bundles with dierent diameter, and in Figure 2 one of the periodicity is lost and a blurred image appears in the
the smallest bers is shown, whose diameter imaged by 100 simulation (Figure SI 56, Supporting Information).
keV electron beam is about 8 nm, the periodicity is clearly Figure 4 reports a sketch of the evaporation mechanism on
observed. In the inset of Figure 2a, a magnied portion of the the super hydrophobic surface, where the shear/pulling
bundle is shown. About 10 periods of DNA can be seen in generated by the radial convection ux and by the drop
details. We notice that the period measures 2.7 0.2 nm, receding during the evaporation, tend to stretch ds -DNA
corresponding to that known for ds -DNA in A conformation. laments between pillars, as long as the capillary forces, in the
In panels c of Figure 2, the ber length measurements of the perpendicular direction, push them to aggregate in bundle
white selection in b is reported. In panel d, the fast Fourier during the latest drying phase.10
transform (FFT) of the metrological plot is shown, conrming In order to further support the model of paired DNA
that the dominant spatial frequency is 2.7 nm. structure, we performed Molecular Dynamics (MD) simu-
We underline that by this sample preparation the inuence of lations (see Methods) where we accounted for water
the substrate was completely removed and, in all meaning, the evaporation during the bundle aggregation. We started with
TEM measurement can be then considered substrate free. As a ds -DNA laments at a relative distance of 1 nm and a water
signicant consequence, it allowed to get DNA bundles with volume of 100 100 100 A3. The ds -DNA molecules were
strong mechanical stability under electron beam up to 100 keV left free to move along z direction but constrained by a
accelerating energy and beam current in the pA range. Besides, harmonic oscillator potential in the orthogonal direction. This
due to their well ordered ber structure, the structural last choice was suggested by the aggregation mechanism, where
information of single ds -DNA there contained was clearly capillary forces are responsible for pushing together the ds -
imaged. All these features permitted to obtain DNA structural DNA laments during the last phase of the evaporation.
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Nano Letters Letter
Figure 5. Molecular dynamics simulations of DNA double helices aggregation. (a) Conformations of the paired DNA molecules at the beginning of
the simulation and after 5 ns at dierent hydration conditions; the numbers () refer to the thickness of the hydration layer. (b) Time-evolution of
the distance between the centers of mass of the dodecamers along the simulations at dierent degrees of hydration. (c) Interaction energy (potential
of mean force) between the DNA molecules in the 0.3 nm solvation layer as a function of their relative vertical displacement. High and low energy
values are highlighted with red circles, and the corresponding conformations are shown.
preparation and TEM analytical perspectives. In the latter case, pulling up or sliding a at surface upon the DNA solution
a new generation of detectors, with increased sensitivity and droplet posted on the substrate. Shear ow16 and exclusion of
higher contrast, will permit low dose imaging so that even water molecules17 at the receding meniscus perpendicular to
single DNA helix would resist to high-energy electron beam the droplet evaporation direction are likely contributing to the
damage, allowing high quality image detection at single stretching and alignment of DNA among the pillars. The DNA
nucleotide level. bundles were nally imaged by TEM with a JEOL JEM-1011
Methods. Design and Fabrication of the Devices. Double (spherical aberration 5.6 mm), equipped with a W thermionic
polished, (100), 50 m, p-type thin silicon wafers were gun. It operated at an acceleration voltage of 100 kV, and
purchased from Si-Mat (Silicon Materials, Kaufering, Ger- electrons density of 500 e/(2s). The TEM images were
many). They were cleaned with acetone and isopropanol to collected by a Gatan SC-1000 Orius Camera, equipped with a
remove possible contaminant and then etched with a 4% wet ber-optical coupled 11 Mp CCD, and using an acquisition
HF solution. The wafers were then rinsed with DI water and time of 2 s.
dried with N2. A 100 nm layer of chrome was deposited upon TEM Image Simulations. The A-DNA superstructures were
the back side of the substrates using a sputter coater (Q150TES built using Discovery Studio v3.1 (Accelrys Software Inc.). To
Quorum Technologies, Dixon, CA). Standard optical lithog- avoid boundary eects, approximately 70 bases long nucleic
raphy techniques (Suss Microtec MA6/BA6, Sunnyvale, CA) acid chains were built. The DNAs were placed at a 2.5 nm
were employed to realize a regular pattern of disks within a center to center distances, aligned along their axes in a
layer of positive resist (SPR220), that was spin-coated onto the hexagonal pattern, with ideally the same orientation. The TEM
chrome layer. Therefore, the chrome was removed from the image simulations were performed by using the xHREM v3.5
disks by exposing them for 50 s to a standard chrome etching package (HREM Research Inc.), according to the multislice
solution (ETCH 18 from OSC-Organo Spezial Chemie, method,18 in which the bundle was divided in 10 phase grating
Bitterfeld, Germany). Upon removal of the residual resist planes of atoms, at which the incident front wave of electrons is
with acetone and oxygen plasma, a Deep Reactive Ion Etching dynamically scattered and propagated. The image is calculated
(DRIE) process (SI 500 Sentech Instruments Gmbh, Berlin, taking into account the additional phase and amplitude eects
Germany) was used to etch holes passing through the substrate, due to the instrument (defocus and aberrations). The choice of
the patterned chrome layer serving as a mask. The samples a defocus (about 1 m) of the images acquired at the
were then immersed in a bath of chrome etching solution to transmission microscopes boosts the low frequencies in the
dissolve the remaining chrome. The substrate was then turned images, permitting to resolve the period of A-DNA (around 2.8
upside down, and the fabrication process was pursued on the nm), while cutting the high frequencies, so losing the
front side of the samples. A second lithography exposure step information on the base positions, but with the advantage of
was used to realize a regular hexagonal pattern of disks within a cutting noise, which will otherwise aect the in-focus images at
layer of negative resist (AZ5214 from Microchemicals GmbH, such low dose and low contrast due to the low atomic
Ulm, Germany. The disks were positioned exactly on the potentials of the constituent atoms. Further details on TEM
middle point of each subset of 6 holes. A DRIE process was image simulations are reported in Supporting Information.
therefore used, whereby the nal pillars were obtained with a Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations. MD simulations
height h of about 12 m, a diameter d of 10 m and a pitch of were performed using the program NAMD19 and the
30 m. Further details on SH Device fabrication are reported in CHARMM2720 force eld for DNA molecules. Two laments
Supporting Information. of sequence d(GCGAAATTTGCG)2 in A conformation were
DNA Sample Preparation, Spotting, and Electron Micros- immersed in a box of 12 331 equilibrated TIP3P21 water
copy Characterization. Linearized double stranded DNA molecules together with 76 Na+ and 32 Cl atoms, which
extracted from Lambda phage (New England Biolabs Inc., amounts to a 0.137 M solution plus excess sodium ions to
Ipswich, MA) was diluted in PBS 1 (containing 0.137 M neutralize the system. The dodecamers were aligned along the
NaCl) to a nal concentration of 50 ng/L. A 20 L droplet z-axis, placed at a relative center-to-center distance of about 2.8
was post upon the superhydrophobic substrate and let nm and zero relative vertical displacement. The full system was
dehydrate overnight at 24 C and 50% humidity in a Petri simulated with DNA molecules xed for 10 ns using periodic
dish. Samples were then checked without further preparation boundary conditions (PBC), constant temperature (298 K) and
by SEM, using a JEOL JSM-7500FA microscope equipped with constant pressure (1 atm). Electrostatic interactions were
a cold eld emission gun and working at an acceleration voltage computed with the particle-mesh Ewald method.22 Temper-
of 5 kV. The SEM imaging was carried out using the secondary ature and pressure were kept constant using Langevin dynamics
electron signal. Double stranded DNA could be suspended and the Langevin NoseHoover method23 as implemented in
between two pillars during dewetting of a DNA containing NAMD. After the cloud of ions equilibrated around the xed
droplet on a SH surface as recently shown in ref 9, where SH DNA molecules, we built dierent systems at dierent degrees
surfaces have been used to concentrate solutes and to precisely of hydration, by isolating from the full system the dodecamers,
deliver few molecules on detection spots. The dewetting the water molecules, and the sodium atoms included in shells of
droplet is depinning from the pillars posts until a pinning 1, 0.5, and 0.3 nm from the DNAs. The resulting systems were
condition due to nanostructure of substrate/drop contact simulated for 5 ns without PBC and using a 10 nm cuto for
angle,9 high solute, chemical heterogeneicity or discontinuities electrostatic interactions. The orientation of the dodecamers
on the surface are reached.15 DNA combing is a well-studied along z was kept xed by a restraint potential. The free energy
method for stretching and aligning nucleotide molecules on at for the vertical displacement of the dodecamers was computed
surfaces or on nanofabricated surface, relying on a at receding for the system with solvation shell 0.3 nm by integrating the
meniscus of solution to stretch the DNA. It could be obtained mean forces calculated along 14 dierent restrained simu-
by pulling out the substrate from the DNA solution (similar to lations, each with the laments held at dierent relative
LangmuirBlodgett preparation) with controlled velocity or by displacement by harmonic potentials.24 The DNA molecules
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