6.14TH Group (143-163)
6.14TH Group (143-163)
6.14TH Group (143-163)
Amorphous forms: Coal, coke, animal charcoal, but at 1800 20000 C , they are converted into
wood charcoal, lamp black, carbon black, gas graphite
carbon, petroleum coke, sugar charcoal. The high melting and boiling points of diamond
Lamp black is used in making boot polish, are due to Giant polymer structure with strong
printing ink, paint and black varnish. covalent bonds
Coal is formed in nature as a result of slow Diamond is chemically inert
decomposition of vegetable matter under the Diamond has higher thermal conductivity than
influence of heat, pressure and limited supply of graphite.
Total Number of atoms present in a diamond
cubic unit cell is 8.
Different forms of coal: Graphite:
(i) Peat (60% carbon) Graphite is a Crystalline form of carbon
(ii) Lignite(67% carbon)
Graphite is made by Achesons process:
(iii) Bituminous coal(common form)
(88% carbon)
3C coke SiO2 SiC 2CO
(iv) Anthracite(purest form of coal)
SiC Si C graphite
(95% carbon) (Burn without smoke)
The allotropic form of carbon formed by thermal
Narayana Junior Colleges 143
heated with
atoms Graphite
vapours of K
C8 K
The distance between the layers in graphite is
C8 K is
3.35 A0 .
(i) paramagnetic
The inter layer distance in graphite is more than (ii) a better conductor than graphite
twice the covalent radius of carbon (iii) highly reactive than graphite
Due to the wide separation of the layers and due Fullerenes:
to the weak van der waals forces between the Fullerenes are prepared by the heating of graphite
layers of graphite, the layers can easily slide over in an electric arc in the presence of inert gases.
the other layers. Hence, graphite is soft, greasy Fullerenes are the only pure form of carbon.
and has lubricant property. Fullerenes are cage like molecules.
Graphite is thermodynamically more stable than C60 molecule has a shape like soccer ball and
diamond called Buckminsterfullerene.
f H 0 of graphite is taken as zero. Buckminsterfullerene contains 20 six membered
In graphite, the number of bonds formed by each rings and 12 five membered rings.
carbon in the same plane is 3 In Buckminsterfullerene a six membered ring is
In graphite, the number of bonds formed by fused with 6 or 5 membered rings but a 5
each carbon in the same plane is 3 membered ring can only fuse with 6 membered
Graphite is a good conductor of current but rings.
(iii) What are its absorbers (i) Feldspar K2O. Al2O3. 6SiO2
(a) Cu 2 Cl2 : CuCl + CO + 2H 2 O (ii) Kaolinite Al2O3. 2SiO2. 2H2O
(iii) Asbestos CaO. 3MgO. 4SiO2
Uses: Preparation
In the Mond's process of Ni - extraction (i) From silica (sand): Elemental silicon is obtained
CO is the purifying agent for Ni by the reduction of silica (SiO2) with high purity
coke in an electric furnace.
Impure Ni + CO Ni(CO)4 150
Ni + SiO 2 (s) + 2C(s) high temperature
Si(s) +
(ii) From silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) or silicon
recycled chloroform (SiHCl3) : Silicon of very high purity
Producer gas: CO + N2 + H2 required for making semiconductors is obtained
Water gas: CO + H2 by reduction of highly purified silicon
Water gas is having higher calorific value than tetrachloride or silicon chloroform with
producer gas. in water gas, both CO & H2 dihydrogen followed by purification by zone
burns while in producer gas N2 doesn't burn. refining.
Teflon (CF2 CF2
)n SiCl4(l) + 2H2(g) Si(s) + 4HCl(g)
SiHCl3(s) + H2(g) Si(s) + 3HCl (g)
CF 2 HCl Physical Properties :
Narayana Junior Colleges
CHCl3 + HF
SbFCl 4
catalyst (i) Elemental silicon is very hard having diamond like
(ii) It has shining luster with a melting point of 1793
CF =CF Polymerisa
tion at
again2 2 high temp. and press K and boiling point of about 3550 K.
28 29
(iii) Silicon exists in three isotopes, i.e. 14 Si , 14 Si
(CF2 CF2
30 28
and 14 Si but 14 Si is the most common isotope.
Temp. withstanding capacity upto 500550C Chemical Properties:
Silicon is particularly unreactive at room
(1st organic compound withstand this kind of high
temperature towards most of the elements except
fluorine. Some important chemical reactions of
Silicon (Si) silicon are discussed below.
Occurrence (i) Action of air : Silicon reacts with oxygen of air
Silicon is the second most abundant (27.2%) at 1173 K to form silicon dioxide and with
element after oxygen (45.5%) in the earth's crust. nitrogen of air at 1673 K to form silicon nitride,.
It does not occur free in nature but in the Si(s) + O2(g) 1173
combined state, it occurs widely in form of silica Silicon dioxide
and silicates. All mineral rocks, clays and soils 3Si(s) + 2N2(g) 1673 K
are built of silicates of magnesium, aluminium,
Silicon nitride
potassium or iron. Aluminium silicate is however
(ii) Action of steam : It is slowly attacked by steam
the most common constituent of rocks and clays. when heated to redness liberating dihydrogen gas.
Silica is found in the free state in sand, flint and
Si(s) + 2H2O(g) redness
SiO2(s) + 2H2(g)
quartz and in the combined state as silicates like
(iii) It is used in the preparation of alloys such as
silicon-bronze, magnesium silicon bronze and O
ferrosilicon. 2
Compounds of Silicon :
What is silane. SinH2n+2 SiH4 & Si2H6 Silicones may have the cyclic structure also having
Only these two are found 3, 4, 5 and 6 nos. of silicon atoms within the
Higher molecules are not formed. Si can't ring.Alcohol analogue of silicon is known as
show catanetion property silanol
Hot Mg + Sivap Mg 2 Si R R
dil. H 2SO 4 | |
MgSO4 + SiH4 + Si2H6 + ...
R Si O Si R
Q.SiH4 is more reactive than CH4. Explain | |
Reasons | |
R Si O Si R
(i) Si H in C H | |
C electrove than H R R
cyclic silicone
Si less electro-ve than H
So bond polarity is reversed when Nu attacks, not planar
it faces repulsion in C but not in Si H 2O 2 H O
R3SiCl R3SiOH R3Si-O-SiR3
(ii) Silicon is having vacant d orbital which is not in
case of carbon
(iii) Silicon is larger in size compared to C. By which H O H O
the incoming Nu doesn't face any steric R 2 SiCl2 + R 3 SiCl
hydrolysis heating
hindrance to attack at Si whereas CH4 is tightly condensati on
RSiCl3 + H2O R-Si(OH) 3
| | O
| | |
R Si O Si O Si O Representations of SiO 4
4 tetrahedra
| | | In some silicates, the oxygen atoms of SiO44 units
| | tend to complete their octet by sharing electrons
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formula SiO2 (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite etc.,). ( n = charge on the metal ion)
Uses of zeolites:
Ex: Quartz, Feldspars, Zeolites and Ultramarines.
Zeolites are widely used as a catalyst in
Feldspar: petrochemical industries for cracking of
Potassium aluminium silicate/ barium aluminium hydrocarbons and isomerisation.
silicate/calcium aluminium silicate/ sodium aluminium ZSM 5(A type of zeolite) used to convert
silicate. alcohols directly into gasoline.
th Hydrated zeolites are used as ion exchangers in
Feldspar is formed when 1/4 of Si 4 in SiO 2 softening of hard water.
are replaced with Al3 and K ions. Note:
The mineral lapis lazuli is a splendid blue colour
and was highly prized as a pigment for oil paintings.
When some of Si 4 in frame work silicates are
It contains ultramarine Na 8 AlSiO 4 6 S2 in
replaced by Al3 and an additional metal ion, it
which the colour is produced by the polysulphide
results in the formation of zeolites. ion.
Zeolites have a much more open structure than The ultramarines are a group of related compounds,
the feldspars. which contain no water, but do contain ions such
Zeolites are often used as ion exchange as Cl ,SO24 and S22
materials, and as molecular sieves.
Some examples of ultramarines are:
Zeolites act as molecular sieves by absorbing
molecules which are small enough to enter the Ultramarine: Na 8 AlSiO 4 6 S2
cavities. Sodalite: Na 8 AlSiO 4 6 Cl 2
Then can absorb water, CO 2 , NH3 and EtOH
(sodalite cage is formed by linking 24 SiO4 in the
and they are useful for separating straight chain
form of tetrahedron)
hydrocarbons from branched chain compounds.
Nosean: Na 8 AlSiO 4 6 SO 4
Narayana Junior Colleges 149
A) SiF4 B) SiH 4
B) Ge 2+ < Sn 2+ < Pb 2+
C) H 2 SiF6 D) H 2 SiF4
C) Pb 2+ > Pb 4+ ,Sn 4+ > Sn 2+
9. The correct order of increasing C O
D) All are correct statements bond length of CO, CO3 -2 and CO2 is
4. Bond energy is highest for A) CO3 -2 , CO2 , CO B) CO2 , CO3 -2 , CO
C) CO, CO3 , CO2 D) CO , CO2 , CO3 -2
A) Sn - Sn B) C - C 10. On heating K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] with concentrated
C) Si - Si D) Ge - Ge H 2SO 4 , the product formed will be
5. Which of the following is cross link formation A) CO B) HCN C) CO 2 D) (CN) 2
linkage in silicones? 11. Which statement is false:
A) Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen and
CH3 2 Si O carbon monoxide
O B) Producer gas is mixture of carbon monoxide
A) CH3 3 Si O B) | and nitrogen
C) Water gas is a mixture of water vapour and
D) Natural gas consists of methane, ethane and
gaseous hydrocarbons
O 12. Carbon suboxide C3O2 may be obtained by
| CH 3 heating :
CH Si CH 2 A) Maleic acid with P4O10
| 2
C) O D) | B) Malonic acid with P4O10
| CH 3 C) Oxalic acid strongly
D) None of these
150 Narayana Junior Colleges
13. Consider following statements: 20. In sheet silicate number of oxygen atoms
I: In diamond, each carbon atom is linked involved in sharing are
tetrahedral to four other carbon atoms by sp 3 A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 0
bonds 21. CCl4 is stable towards hydrolysis in water
II: Graphite has planar hexagonal layers of carbon whereas SiCl4 is easily hydrolysed by water
atoms held together by weak van der Walls because
forces A) carbon is more electropositive than silicon
III: Silicon exists only in diamond structure due B) CCl4 is covalent whereas SiCl4 is ionic
to its tendency to from p p bonds to itself. C) Silicon has a 3d orbital available for further
In this: coordination with water whereas carbon has no
A) Only I and II are correct d- orbital for bonding
B) Only I is correct D) carbon has high catenation capacity
C) Only II and III are correct 22. Purest form of silica is
D) All are correct statements A) Quartz B) Flint
14. Pyrene (a fire extinguisher) is C) Sand stone D) Keiselguhr
A) SiCl4 B) CCl4 23. CH 3 2 SiCl2 on hydrolysis and on
C) GeCl4 D) CHCl3 subsequent polymerisation will produce:
15. Chemically zeolites are
A) Aluminio silicate CH 3 CH 3
| |
Narayana Junior Colleges
27. Which is incorrect statement about silicones? 35. The silicate ion in the mineral kinoite is a
A) they are repeating units ( SiO4 ) in silicates chain of three SiO 44 tetrahedral that share
B) they are synthetic polymers containing corners with adjacent tetrahedral. The
repeated R2 SiO units
mineral also contains Ca 2 ions, Cu 2 ions
C) They are formed by hydrolysis and on
subsequent polymerisation of R2 SiCl2 and water molecules in 1:1:1 ratio. The
D) silicones are used as a lubricants mineral is represented as
28. When SiO2 reacts with sodium carbonate, A) CaCuSi3O10 H 2O
the gas evolved is
B) CaCuSi3O10 2H 2O
A) CO2 B) O2 C) CO D) O3
29. Water glass is C) Ca 2 Cu 2Si3 O10 2H 2 O
A) Calcium silicate D) Ca 3Cu 5Si 4 O10 2H 2 O
B) Sodium calcium silicate 36. Which of the following statements is correct?
C) Sodium silicate A) Graphite is thermodynamically more stable
D) Magnesium silicate than diamond
30. The phenomena etching on glass is due to B) Diamond is thermodynamically more stable
the formation of than graphite
A) SiF4 B) H 2 SiF4 C) Graphite has such a high thermodynamically
C) H 2 SiF6 D) H 2 SiO3 stability that diamond spontaneously chages into
Narayana Junior Colleges
CF n with F2
gas G1 and G2 are respecitvely.
43. C60 (fullerene) has the shape of a soccer ball, A) CO, CO2 B) HCN, CO
consider the following statements: C) HCN, HNC D) HCN, CO2
I. Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon 49. Which of the following is formed when CO
II. Fullerene has 5 and 6 membered rings is absorbed in cuprous chloride in ammonia
III. All carbons in fullerene are solution?
sp 2 hybridised. A) Cu CO 3 Cl B) CuCl CO H 2 O 2
Identify the correct statements: 2
C) CuCl 4 D) CuCO 3
A) I only B) III only
C) I,II and III D) I and II only 50. The silicate anion in the mineral kinoite is a
44. Which of the following occurs as a chain of three SiO4 tetrahedron, that share
consequence of inert pair effect ? corners with adjacent tetrahedra. The
a) SnCl2 acts as a reducing agent charge of the silicate anion is:
b) SnCl4 acts as an oxidising agent A) 8 B) 4 C) 6 D) 2
c) SnO2 is amphoteric 51. H 2 C 2 O 4 GasA GasB liquidC
d) PbO2 is an oxidant Gas A burns with a blue flame and is oxidised
e) CCl2 is unstable but PbCl2 is stable to gas B.
NH3 ,
A) a,d,e B) d,e GasA Cl2 D E
C) a,b,c,d,e D) a,b,c A,B,C and E are
45. Find out ratio of alkylgroup, silicon and A) CO2 , CO, H2O, HCONH 2
chlorine in alkyl substituted chloro silicon
B) CO, CO2 , H2 O, NH2 CONH 2
which is used in formation of cyclic silicons
which have four oxygen atom C) CO, CO2 , COCl 2 , HCONH 2
A) 1 : 1 : 1 B) 2 : 2 : 1 D) CO, CO2 , H 2O, COCl2
C) 2 : 1 : 2 D) 1 : 1 : 2
Narayana Junior Colleges 153
52. Amphibole silicate structure has x number 58. Silicones reple water due to
of corner shared per tetrahedron. The value a) the presence of alkyl group pointed towards
of x is: surface
1 b) strong Si O Si bonds
A) 3 B) 4 C) 2 D) 2 c) low surface area
d) high vander Waals forces
53. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely
59. Which of the following is incorrect about
difficult to melt. The reason for this
anomalous behaviour is that graphite
A) froms intercalation compounds with alkali
A) is a non - crystalline substance
B) is an allotropic form of diamond
C) has molecules of variable molecular masses B) thermodynamically more stable than diamond
like polymers C) is paramagnetic due to delocalised
D) has carbon atoms arranged in large plated of electron clourd
rings of stronly bonded carbon atoms with weak D) thermal conductivity is less than diamond.
inter-plate bonds. 60.
CaO Coke A B
54. Carborundum on heating with caustic soda A H2O
in presence of air produces Then the incorrect statement is:
A) Na 2SiO4 H 2 A) Gas B burns with blue flame
B) Na 2SiO2 H 2 B) A is an ionic carbide
C) A is called methanide
C) Na 2SiO3 H 2 D) Z is acetylene gas
Narayana Junior Colleges
D) Na 2SiO3 Na 2 CO3 H 2 O
55. The species present in solution when CO2 is
dissolved in water is/are:
61. Which of the following statements are
A) only H 2 CO3 correct?
B) CO 2 , H 2 CO3 , HCO 3 , CO 32 A) Graphite is thermodynamically more stable
than diamond
C) only H 2 CO3 , HCO 3
B) -graphite has layers arranged as ABAB
D) only CO 2 , H 2 CO3 sequence
56. SiO2 3H2 F2 X 2H2O C) -graphite has layer arranged as ABCABC
During the formation of X an intermediate
product Y is formed. Hybridisation of central D) The number of C-atoms per unit lattice of
atom in X and Y respectively: diamond is 8.
62. Which of the following is true about
A) sp3d 2 ,sp3 B) sp3d,sp3d 2
allotropes of Carbon?
C) sp3d,sp3 D) sp3d 2 ,sp 2 A) Graphite a good conductor of electricity
57. Which of the following reactions is not because free electrons are spread out in the
correct? structure and the
adjacent layers are held by weak Vander Waals
A) Al4C3 12H 2O 4Al OH 3 3CH 4
B) CaCN 2 3H 2 O CaCO3 2NH 3 B) In C-60, there are 12 pentagonal and 20
hexagonal faces
C) CaC2 2H 2 O Ca OH 2 C2 H 2
C) Graphite is thermodynamically more stable
D) BF3 3H 2O B OH 3 3HF (complete than diamond
D) In diamond each carbon undergoes SP3
hydrolysis of BF3 ) hybridisation and is three dimensional.
154 Narayana Junior Colleges
63. The one which is/are regarded as ionic 68. Silicones are group of organo silicon
carbide(s): polymer, select correct statement(s) about
A) C43 B) C 4 C) C22 D) C34 them.
64. Which of the following have cyclic silicate
structures? A) R 3SiCl produce very complex cross linked
A) Si6O1812 B) SiO3 n polymeric silicones on hydrolysis
C) SiO3 n
D) SiO44 B) Their water repellency arises because silicone
65. Which of the following do not represent
chain is surrounded by organic side groups
pyrosilicates ?
C) Their strength and inertness are related to their
stable silica like skeleton of
| | |
A) Si O Si O Si
| | |
71. Which one of the following is/are correct 75. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
statement(s)? correct regarding graphite and inorganic
A) In willemite Zn 2 SiO 4 and phenacite graphite?
Be 2 SiO4 , the Zn and Be atoms have a A) All atoms in graphite as well as inorganic
SiO 2 4 4 2 3
73. Select the correct statement about A silicate in general has Si O bond and
silicates? possesses a complex network solid having silicate
A) Cyclic silicate having three Si atoms contain ion SiO 44 as the basic structural unit.These
six Si - O - Si linkages silicates occurs singly or by sharing oxygen atom
1 is small groups, in cyclic groups, in infinite chains
B) 2 over oxygen atoms per tetrahedron or infinite sheets giving different structures to
silicates such as chain silicates, ring silicates, cyclic
unit are shared in double chain silicate silicates, sheet silicates, three dimensional silicates
C) Si 2 O 5 n is formula of double chain etc.,
silicate 76. The general formula SiO3 n forms 2
A) ortho silicates
D) SiO 44 units polymerise to form silicate
B) pyro silicates
because Si atom has less tendency to form
bond with oxygen C) cyclic silicates
74. Which of the following statement(s) is/are D) three dimensional silicates
true? 77. Number of oxygen atoms in pyrosilicate is
A) The lattice structure of diamond and A) 8 B) 7 C) 6 D) 5
graphite are different 78. Which of the following is ortho silicate ?
B) Graphite is thermally more stable than
A) Al2 OH 4 Si2O5
C) Graphite is harder than diamond B) K A l Si3 O 8
D) Graphite is an impure form of carbon while C) Sc 2 Si 2 O7
diamond is a pure form D) Z rS iO 4
94. Match the column: and due to smaller size of F steric repulsion
Column I will be less.
A) Ca 2 Mg 5 Si 4 O11 2 OH 2 99. Statement I :- Carbonate and silicates are
B) Mg 3 OH 4 Si 2O5
Statement II :- Carbon and silicon have same
C) Ca 3Si 3O9 number of valence electrons
D) LiAl SiO3 2 100. Statement 1 : CH 3 3 SiCl produces polymeric
Column II silicons on hydrolysis and followed by
p) Cyclic silicate
q) Chain silicate condensation
r) Each tetrahedron share two oxygens with \
other tetrahedron Statement 2 :Silicon does not form Si 0 due
s) Sheet silicate /
t) Each tetrahedron share three oxygen atoms to less effective lateral overlapping of 3p-2p
per tetrahedron with other tetrahedron orbitals
101. Statement 1 : Diamond is extremely hard and
STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS non volatile substance
Statement 2 : In diamond strong C-C bonding
Each question contains STATEMENT 1
is present throughout the crystal.
(Assertion) and STATEMENT 2 (Reason).
Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) 102. Statement 1 : The value of x of Si 4 O12 is 8
and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is cor-
Narayana Junior Colleges
rect. Statement 2 : In Si 4 O12 every SiO4
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; tetrahedra unit having 2 oxygen shared and 2
Statement-2 is a correct explanation for oxygen unshared.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;
103. How many oxygen atoms are expected to
Statement-2 NOT a correct explanation for
be shared by each SiO44 tetrahedra to form
a cyclic silicate ion Si3O96
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, statement-2 is True 104. One of the calcium silicates is called
Wollastonite. The silicate present in the
95. Statement I :- C3 O2 has linear structure mineral has a plane projection structure as
Statement II :- Each carbon atom in C3 O2 is follows.
sp hybridized
96. Statement I :- SiCl4 reacts with water but
CCl4 does not react with water..
Statement II :- SiCl4 is ionic but CCl4 is
covalent. A A
88.A-r; B-q; C - s; D - p
between two silicon atoms in Si3O 96 and
89.A-q; B-r; C - s; D- p
Si3O10 is: 90.A-rs; B-qs; C - q; D- pt
91.A-s; B-r; C - q; D - p
115. Consider the following silicates:
92.A-st; B-prt; C - qr; D - rt
(a) BaTi Si3O9 (b) ZnCa 2Si 2 O 7 93.A-rs; B-ps; C - s; D - qs
Then calcualte x y , where x and y are total 94.A-q; B-st; C - pr; D - qr
number of monovalent and divalent oxygen
95.A 96.C 97.B 98.A 99.D
atoms in both silicate respectively:
100.D 101.A 102.A
116. Consider following three compounds:
(i) C x O y (ii) C x O y 1 (iii) C x 2 O y 1 103.2 104.6 105.7 106.6 107.3
108.2 109.1 110.3 111.6 112.8
If x=y=1, then calculate the value of p q , 113.4 114.5 115.3 116.5
where p and q are total number of sp 2 and
sp hybridised carbon atoms respectively in HINTS
given three compounds.
SINGLE ANSWER 1. Pb4+ oxidises I - ion.
01.D 02.A 03.D 04.B 05.C 1
06.D 07.B 08.C 09.D 10.A 2. Reducing Power bond strength
11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C
16.B 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.B 3. Based on inert pair effect & stable electronic
160 Narayana Junior Colleges
as B(OH)3.
B(OH)3 2H2O
H3O [B(OH)4 ] ; Pka 9.25
7. Both statements are true. Boron forms only co-
valent compounds (bonds) because small sized
B ion polarizes the corresponding anion largely.
8. In group 14 elements, the lower (and not higher)
oxidation states are more stable for heavier mem-
bers of the group due to inert pair effect.
Thus Pb4+ is less stable as compared to Sn4+ (lead
is heavier than Tin). Therefore Pb4+ acts as a
strong oxidising agent than Sn4+. Hence State-
ment 1 is false and Statement 2 is true. Thus
the correct answer is option (C).