CTEM Sheet Membrane Waterproofing
CTEM Sheet Membrane Waterproofing
CTEM Sheet Membrane Waterproofing
A. Section Includes:
1. Coal tar elastomeric (CTEM) sheet membrane waterproofing system
2. Work shall include, but is not limited to:
a. Vertical below grade waterproofing
b. Horizontal waterproofing
c. Membrane Flashing
d. Substrate Preparation
e. Geotextile leveling layer
f. Protective layer(s)
g. Drainage layer
h. Insulation board
B. Related Sections:
1. Section 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete
2. Section 04 20 00 Unit Masonry
3. Section 07 21 00 Thermal Insulation
4. Section 31 23 00 Excavation and Fill
A. Design Requirements:
1. Two-ply application of self-adhered waterproofing membrane sheets shall be
bonded together with hot air welds or structural sealant.
2. System shall be designed to limit lateral movement of water in event of
membrane damage without use of additional installed components.
3. Membranes shall be highly resistant to acids, bases, oils, greases, petroleum
products, and organic growth such as molds and algae. They shall be UV stable,
impervious to standing water, and not effected by contact with asphalt or coal
tar. Membranes shall have successfully passed the German FLL test protocol for
Investigating resistance to root penetration at green-roof sites (FLL, 2002). This
test must have been conducted at am independent accredited testing laboratory
or at an established institution of higher education.
A. Product Data:
1. Submit manufacturers literature describing sheet membrane waterproofing
products and components to be provided.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit shop drawings showing general layout, seaming, anchoring sizes and
types, membrane thickness, and other similar detailed information necessary to
fully describe application.
2. Shop drawing submittal shall include:
a. Location of penetrations
b. Perimeter and penetration details
c. Sheet layout and size
d. Number of flashing rolls by width
3. Show adjacent or related portions of Work in a complete manner.
4. Coordinate shop drawings submittal with submittals of related portions of
a. Refer to work specified in plumbing specification sections for other
requirements and limitations applicable to installation, including, but
not limited to drains.
C. Samples:
1. Submit not less than 3 samples of membrane material, preformed three-
dimensional shapes, insulation board, and drainage boards.
2. Sample Size: 12 in length, 6 x 6, or full size as appropriate to material
A. Qualifications:
1. Provide products from a company specializing in manufacture of sheet
membrane waterproofing system with not less than 10 years experience.
2. Materials shall be products of a single manufacturer or items standard with
manufacturer of sheet membrane waterproofing system.
b. Provide primers and other secondary materials that are produced or are
specifically recommended by manufacturer of membrane waterproofing
system to ensure compatibility.
3. Applicator shall be an approved applicator authorized by manufacturer, trained
in application techniques and procedures of membrane waterproofing
a. Application of waterproofing membrane, flashing, membrane expansion
joints, membrane protection layers, and drainage layer shall be
responsibility of a single applicator to ensure undivided responsibility.
b. Application of waterproofing membrane shall be performed by trained
and authorized personnel.
B. Pre-Application Conference:
1. Schedule a conference to be held on-site well in advance of ordering materials
and beginning application of waterproofing, but in no case less than 30 days
before application of waterproofing. Provide not less than 72 hours advance
notification to attendees, Owner, and Architect.
2. Conference attendees shall include Owner, Architect, Contractor, waterproofing
applicator, a representative of waterproofing manufacturer, and representatives
of other trades whose wok may interface with or affect waterproofing
3. Topics to be discussed at conference shall include:
A. Environmental Requirements:
1. Waterproofing materials and components shall not be applied unless correct
solvent, adhesive, heat welding, or application temperature can be maintained.
If proper application temperatures cannot be maintained, application shall cease.
2. Do not apply waterproofing if precipitation of any kind is occurring or is
imminent. Materials shall not be applied if liquid moisture, snow, or ice is
present on substrate.
A. Manufacturers Warranty:
1. Provide a manufacturers membrane only warranty at successful completion of
Project. Warranty shall be limited to performance of waterproofing membrane
for a period of 20 years commencing from Date of Substantial Completion.
1. Provide a manufacturers labor and material warranty at successful completion
of Project. Waterproofing membrane manufacturer shall warrant to repair leaks
in waterproofing membrane resulting from defects in membrane or
workmanship for a period of 20 years commencing from Date of Substantial
B. Contractors Warranty:
1. Provide a workmanship warranty for not less than two-years commencing from
Date of Substantial Completion. Work related to waterproofing membrane,
flashing, or metal work found to be defective or not in compliance with contract
documents shall removed and replaced at no cost to Owner. Obligation of
warranty shall run directly to Owner with a copy to membrane manufacturer.
B. Primer:
1. Product: Hyload - Hyprime
E. Mastic: Waterproofing mastic that can be applied in beads from a 28 oz caulking tube or
trowel-applied from 2 or 5 gallon pails
1. Product: Hyload - Trowel-On Membrane (TOM)
A. Protection:
1. Take care during application that overloading of structure does not occur.
2. Install temporary waterstops at end of each days work and remove before
proceeding with next days work. Waterstops shall be compatible with materials
and shall not emit dangerous or incompatible fumes.
3. Liquid materials such as solvents and adhesives shall be stored and used away
from open flames, sparks and excessive heat.
4. Verify that drain lines are un-blocked before starting work.
5. Take necessary precautions when using volatile materials around air in-takes.
Coordinate equipment to be turned off and on with Owner if necessary.
B. Surface Preparation:
1. Provide a smooth, clean substrate suitable for adhesion of waterproofing system.
Remove substances that could inhibit bonding of membrane and waterproofing
system. Substantially clean substrate to provide a smooth, even surface to
greatest extent practical.
2. Remove concrete form release coatings and curing compounds. Contaminants
such as dirt, debris, loose materials, moisture, or surface irregularities shall be
3. Grind down projections greater than 1/8. Grind, round off, and smooth sharp
corners and edges. Patch and fill voids and holes greater than 1/2 with
patching mortar.
4. New concrete shall be sufficiently dry before application of membrane sheets.
Perform plastic sheet test (ASTM D4263) successfully prior to application of
membrane sheets.
5. If covering over a previously existing waterproofing system, substantially
remove such that a solid, undisturbed substrate is achieved. Contact Hyload
representative for specific applications.
E. Detailing:
1. Apply 6 flashing membrane centered over vertical corners and horizontal to
vertical transitions set in 2 continuous 1/4 beads of Hyload Structural Sealant,
one on each side of corner.
2. Make flashing membrane strips continuous. Overlap end joints by a minimum
of 3 and either hot air weld or set in continuous 1/4 bead of Hyload Structural
Sealant inside lap.
3. Seal joints in substrates.
4. Provide a minimum of 3/4 Hyload Structural Sealant fillet at inside corners.
5. Provide flashings at changes of plane and around penetrations.
6. Apply a liberal bead of Hyload Structural Sealant at obstructions to continuous
sheet waterproofing.
A. General Requirements:
1. Proceed with waterproofing application only after substrate preparation is
complete. Obtain acceptance of concrete surface from membrane manufacturers
field representative before proceeding with membrane application.
2. Apply and detail waterproofing system in compliance with manufacturer's
instructions, recommendations, standard details, and project specific details.
Use only proprietary membrane components and materials, as supplied by
membrane manufacturer.
3. Form terminations to match manufacturer's standard details including sealed
termination bars.
4. Continuously seal terminations including temporary terminations with Hyload
Structural Sealant.
5. Flash sheet waterproofing system into drains, if any. Make installation 100%
6. Ensure waterproofing system is concealed from view in completed work.
7. Coordinate installation of counter flashings and covering construction.
8. Apply only as much waterproofing membrane as can be made weathertight each
day including flashing work.
9. Do not permit water to penetrate under sheet waterproofing.
H. Membrane Flashing:
1. For Horizontal or Low-Slope Applications:
a. Flashing sheet shall lap over onto field membrane by a minimum of 6.
b. Flashing membrane shall extend vertically a minimum of 9 above
finished wear surface or grade. Secure top of flashing sheet with a
termination bar fastened every 6.
c. Junction of flashing to substrate, termination bar, and fasteners shall be
covered and sealed with Hyload Waterproofing Mastic applied a
minimum of 1/8 thick.
d. Cover termination with a membrane counter-flashing.
2. For Vertical Applications:
a. Terminate membrane a minimum of 12 above grade level secured by a
termination bar fastened every 6. Junction of flashing to substrate,
termination bar, and fasteners shall be covered and sealed with Hyload
Waterproofing Mastic applied a minimum of 1/8 thick. Cover
termination with a counter-flashing.
b. Where a vertical membrane meets a horizontal substrate, extend vertical
membrane onto horizontal by a minimum of 6. Terminate a vertical
membrane at base of a wall only if bottom elevation of an interior floor
slab is a minimum of 12 above footing. Seal termination with Hyload
Waterproofing Mastic applied a minimum of 1/8 thick.
c. Terminate membrane on top of footing if vertical waterproofing ties into
mud slab waterproofing or if bottom elevation of interior floor slab is
less than 12 above footing. Extend membrane a minimum of 12 onto
mud slab waterproofing and seal termination with Hyload
Waterproofing Mastic applied a minimum of 1/8 thick.
K. Protection Board:
1. Waterproofing membrane is not designed for permanent exposure. Protect
membrane from abuse as soon as possible following membrane application.
2. Apply protection board promptly following application of membrane
waterproofing. Boards shall be adhered to membrane using an adhesive
acceptable to manufacturer of membrane products.
3. Adhesive shall be applied in compliance with manufacturers instructions.
4. Boards shall be butted together with no gaps larger than 1/4.
A. Vertical Application:
1. Apply drainage board promptly following application of membrane
waterproofing and protection board in compliance with manufacturers
2. Starting at base of wall place base-drain horizontally oriented with open core
side up and 2 flap of fabric side against wall. Install base-drain over protection
board applied over waterproofing membrane, using methods approved by
waterproofing material manufacturer.
a. Typical attachment methods include general construction adhesive or
two-sided tape.
b. Fabric flap along top edge should be secured.
c. Use couplers and corner fittings as needed to form a continuous
d. Install discharge outlet fittings to connect with discharge pipes.
3. Install drainage board with plastic core side toward wall where bottom core
edge overlaps 2 fabric flap of base-drain and abuts base-drain plastic core.
Apply drainage board over protection board applied over waterproofing
membrane using a method approved by waterproofing material manufacturer.
a. Typical attachment methods include construction adhesive or two-sided
b. Place extra fabric flap of drainage board over front of base-drain to cover
open top edge and then secure extra fabric flap with general construction
adhesive or duct tape.
4. Install subsequent drainage boards to finished grade or as indicated on
a. Connect adjacent panels at end by pulling filter fabric back to expose
two rows of core dimples and interlocking core dimples with installed
panel. With next course, flangeless panel edge shall be placed over top
flange edge of panel below and butted dimple to dimple.
b. Connections shall be completed in shingle fashion so that water will
flow with overlap and not against it.
B. Horizontal Application:
1. Filter fabric shall face direction from which water will come..
2. It is not necessary to anchor drainage panels in most applications; follow panel
manufacturers recommendations.
3. Tuck filter fabric behind core to cover exposed edges. Tears or punctures in
fabric shall be covered with new filter fabric.
4. For drainage below cast-in-place concrete wearing surfaces, do not place
concrete directly on filter fabric. Place a sacrificial layer of 3 to 4 ounce, non-
woven filter fabric over filter fabric integral with drainage panels to prevent
primary filter fabric from clogging.
5 Rebar chairs shall be placed on metal or plastic plates to distribute load to
prevent primary filter fabric from clogging.
A. General Requirements:
1. Place insulation boards, unadhered, over membrane with drain channels down.
End joints shall be staggered.
2. Boards shall be tightly butted together with no gaps greater 3/8.
3. Insulation shall be neatly fitted to within 3/4 of roof penetrations, projections,
cant strips, etc.
4. When multi-layer insulation applications are involved bottom layer of insulation
shall be thickest layer and shall be not less than 2 thick. Layers shall be
installed unadhered to each other and joints in relation to underlying layers
5. No more insulation shall be installed than can be covered and completed before
end of days work, or before onset of inclement weather.
A. Inspect membrane before covering and make repairs immediately. Patch tears,
punctures, seams, or other deficiencies with a membrane patch that extends a minimum
of 6 in every direction beyond defect. Dress edges of patch with not less than 1/2 bead
of Hyload Structural Sealant.
A. Employ and pay for services of an independent commercial inspection agency to monitor
waterproofing material installation for compliance with Contract Documents and
B. Inspections:
1. Inspection service shall perform continuous inspection of installation.
2. Inspections shall include substrate examination, beginning of waterproofing
installation, interim inspection, and final inspection prior to back-filling or
pouring of concrete against waterproofing.
3. Inspection service shall report inspection results in writing to Contractor,
waterproofing installer, waterproofing material manufacturer, Owner, and
Architect on same day that inspections are made. Reports indicating non-
compliance shall be faxed immediately to parties on distribution list, Architect,
Owner, and Contractor. Reports shall give observations and indicate compliance
or non-compliance with Contract Documents. Each report shall include:
a. Date issued
b. Project title and number
c. Testing agency name, address, and telephone number
d. Name and signature of certifying agency personnel
e. Date and time of inspection
f. Record of temperature and weather conditions
g. Identification of product and Specification Section
h. Location of inspection in Project
i. Indication of satisfactory compliance with Contract Documents
j. Report unsatisfactory conditions or failure to comply with requirements
of Contract Documents and shop drawings.
4. Testing and inspection agency personnel are not authorized to:
a. Revoke, alter, enlarge on, or release requirements of Contract
b. Approve or accept any portion of Work
c. Perform duties of Contractor
5. Materials and workmanship not meeting specified standard of performance shall
be removed and replaced at Contractors expense, including subsequent tests
and inspections.
A. Waterproofing materials, components and accessories shall be removed from Site and
taken to a legal dumping area authorized to receive such materials.
A. Protect horizontal and vertical membranes after installation and testing with a protection
course or drainage mat. Install protection course or drainage mat within 24 hours after
completion of testing.
1. Eliminate construction traffic on newly tested membrane systems. Do not store
construction materials on unprotected membrane surfaces.
2. Trafficking or storing materials on tested membrane can introduce additional
damage to waterproofing system and will nullify testing procedures.