Amusement Park

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The document discusses the environmental clearance granted to a proposed amusement park project in Surat, Gujarat. It will have commercial components and must adhere to conditions to protect the environment.

The two main components are a commercial theme park and a commercial non-theme park comprising of retail shops and a hotel.

The commercial theme park will include rides, family entertainment centers, ticket counters, administrative offices, public facilities, a food court and HVAC systems.



Government of Gujarat

No. SEIAA/GUJ/EC/8(a)/ /2013 Date:

Time Limit
Sub: Environment Clearance for the - Amusement Park at R.S.No. 94,95,124 to 132,133/1,134/1, O.P.
No.36,37,42-49,50/A,51/A, F.P.No.R-6+R-8, T.P.S.No.53, Magob-Dumbhal, Dist: Surat, proposed by M/s.
Rajgreen Amusement Park Pvt. Ltd........................,... Construction project in Category 8 (a) of Schedule
annexed with EIA Notification dated 14/9/2006.

Dear Sir,
This has reference to your application along with Form-I, Form-1 A dated 08/08/2012, Additional details vide
letter dated 01/02/2013 & 12/03/2013, Submitted to the SEAC, seeking Environmental Clearance under Environment
Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.

The proposal is for the - Amusement Park at R.S.No. 94,95,124 to 132,133/1,134/1, O.P. No.36,37,42-
49,50/A,51/A, F.P.No.R-6+R-8, T.P.S.No.53, Magob-Dumbhal, Dist: Surat, proposed by M/s. Rajgreen Amusement
Park Pvt. Ltd. It is a proposed amusement park project to come up on the land kept reserved for recreation use under
T.P.Scheme. The recreational facility will be developed under Public Private Partnership framework of Surat Municipal
Corporation & M/s Rajgreen Amusement Park Pvt. Ltd. Land area for the proposed project will be 56,730 m2 and the
proposed built up area will be 56,467.1 m2. As the built up area is 20,000 m2 and <1,50,000 m2, it falls in the category
8(a) of the Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006.

The project, conceptually, will be divided into two components namely :

1. Commercial Theme park with built up area of 9,126.06 m2 comprising of rides (10-30 in number)-kids rides,
family rides, thrill rides, iconic rides, family entertainment centre, supporting facilities like ticket counters &
administrative offices, public convenience facilities for men, women & physically handicapped, food court, HVAC
& flooring etc.
2. Commercial Non-Theme Park- comprising of retails & hospitality. Expected built up area of this component will
2 st st
be 47,341.10 m . Scope of the building to come will be ground floor & ground mezzanine floor + 1 floor & 1
mezzanine floor. The commercial non-theme park will comprise of 91 shops and a hotel with 100 rooms. Two
level basement will be provided which will be used for parking purpose.

The project activity is covered in 8(a) and is of B Category. Since the proposed project is in item no.8 of the EIA
notification, 2006, it does not need Public Consultation as per Para 7(i) III. Stage (3) (d) Public Consultation of EIA
Notification, 2006.

The SEAC, Gujarat had recommended to the SEIAA, Gujarat, to grant the Environment Clearance to this project
for the above-mentioned Construction project. The proposal was considered by SEIAA, Gujarat in its meeting held on
02.04.2013 at Gandhinagar. Since the public consultation is not required for the project, the SEIAA hereby accords
Environmental Clearance to above project under the provisions of EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006 subject to
the compliance of the following conditions.

1. Rajgreen Amusement Park Pvt. Ltd. shall get its Traffic Management Plan approved by the DCP-Traffic & the
SMC before completion of the construction phase and effectively implement all the provisions and suggestions
mentioned therein.
2. The company shall deploy necessary manpower and implement effective parking and traffic management
system for ensuring that traffic from nearby entities are managed separately and no congestion / conflict occur
among it. It shall also be supervised and ensured that the visitors do not park their vehicles on the adjacent
3. Regular noise level monitoring shall be carried out at strategic locations on periphery of the park on Saturdays
and Sundays and its records shall be maintained. Adequate control measures shall be implemented in order to

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E-mail : [email protected], Website:-
ensure that the noise level at the periphery of the Park remains within the permissible limits and nearby
residents are not disturbed.
4. The company shall install CCTV system at strategic locations in the Park for the security purpose.
5. Environment Management Cell shall be formed which will supervise and monitor the environment related
aspects of the project including incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water quality
periodically during the construction and operation phases.
A.1.1 WATER:
6. Fresh water requirement of 30 KL/day during the construction phase shall be met through the water supply from
the SMC. No ground water shall be tapped for the project requirements.
7. Sewage generated during the construction phase shall be discharged into the underground drainage of the
8. Water demand during construction shall be reduced by use of appropriate curing agents, super plasticizers and
other best construction practices.
A.1.2 AIR :
9. Peripheral barricading of at least 6 m height with adequate signages shall be provided to prevent dust emission
spreading outside the project premises.
10. Water sprinkling shall be done in vulnerable areas for controlling fugitive emission.
11. Material shall be covered during transportation to avoid the fugitive emission.
12. The roads inside the project area and roads connected to the main road shall be paved or shall be water
sprinkled to avoid the fugitive emissions during construction.
13. The ambient air quality shall be monitored in and around the project area during construction phase.
14. The construction materials and debris shall be properly stored and handled to avoid negative impacts such as
air pollution and public nuisances by blocking the roads and public passages.
A.1.3 SAFETY :
15. Structural design of the project shall strictly adhere to the seismic zone norms for earthquake resistant
16. During construction Personal Protective Equipment shall be provided to the construction workers and its usage
shall be ensured and supervised.
17. First Aid Box shall be made readily available in adequate quantity at all the times.
18. Training shall be given to all workers on construction safety aspects.
19. The project proponent shall strictly comply with the Gujarat Building and other Construction Workers Act &
A.1.4 NOISE :
20. The overall noise level in and around the project area shall be kept well within the prescribed standards by
providing noise control measures including acoustic insulation, hoods, silencers, enclosures vibration dampers
etc. on all sources of noise generation. The ambient noise levels shall confirm to the standards prescribed under
the Environment (Protection) Act and Rules.
21. The noise generating equipments, machinery and vehicles shall not be operated during the night hours and shall
be maintained properly to avoid generation of high noise due to lack of wear and tear.
22. Use of diesel generator sets during construction phase shall be strictly with acoustic enclosure and shall confirm
to EPA Rules for air and noise emission standards.
23. The NBC norms shall be strictly adhered to.
24. All topsoil excavated during construction activity shall be used in horticultural / landscape development within the
project site.
25. The debris generated during the construction work shall be re-used in filling and resurfacing of the area and
recyclable scrap shall be sold to the vendors.
26. Vehicles hired for bringing construction material at site shall be in good conditions and confirm to applicable air
and noise emission standards and shall be operated only during day time and non-peak hours. All vehicles
coming to the site for loading or unloading of materials shall be having PUC certificate
27. Project proponent shall ensure use of eco-friendly building materials including fly ash bricks, fly ash paving
blocks and Ready mix concrete [RMC] in the project and as far as possible in all forms of concreting, slab, etc.
28. The Fly ash building materials used in the construction shall be as per provisions of Fly Ash Notification under
29. Used cement bags, waste paper and cardboard packing material shall be sold off to recyclers. Residual steel
scrap shall be collected at site and sold to recyclers.
30. Necessary sanitary, hygiene and first aid measures shall be provided before starting the construction activities
and to be maintained throughout the construction phase.
31. Adequate accommodation, drinking water, sanitary facilities, first aid center, utensils, cooking fuel and crches
shall be provided for construction workers at the site.
32. The safe disposal of wastewater and solid wastes generated during the construction phase shall be ensured.
33. Only lead free paints shall be used in the project.
34. Adequate care shall be taken to see that the surrounding landscape at the project site is not environmentally

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E-mail : [email protected], Website:-


A.3.1 WATER:
35. The fresh water requirement during the operation phase shall be 575 KL/day and it shall be met through water
supply from the SMC. No ground water shall be tapped during the operation phase. Metering of the water shall
be done and its records shall be maintained.
36. Water conservation measures viz. provision of aerated coke (foam type) in wash basins, hotel kitchen, low flush
water closets in toilets and pressure reducing valves in the water pipeline etc. shall be implemented as
37. Sewage generation during the operation phase shall be 180 KL/day and it shall be discharged into underground
drainage line of the SMC.
38. Water from water bodies in the Park shall be recycled completely after treating it using automatic/semi-automatic
self cleaning high velocity filters and chlorination / chemical free ozonation system
39. The rain water harvesting and ground water recharge through provision of 5 no. of percolation wells shall be
carried out as per the plan submitted. Before recharging the surface run off, pre-treatment shall be done to
remove oil & grease and suspended matter.
A.3.2 AIR:
40. HSD to the tune of 50 Lit/day/D.G.Set shall be used as a fuel in D. G. Sets (132 KVA x 5 no.)
41. The stack height of the D.G. Sets shall be equal to the height needed for the combined capacity of all proposed
D.G. Sets.
42. Diesel generator sets as backup power shall be of enclosed type and confirm to prescribe standards under
EPA rules. Necessary acoustic enclosures shall be provided at diesel generator set to mitigate the impact of
43. The gaseous emissions from the D.G. Sets shall strictly conform to the standards prescribed by GPCB. At no
time, the emission levels shall go beyond the stipulated standards.
44. The municipal solid waste shall be properly collected and segregated at source. The recyclable material shall
be sold to vendors. The other garbage shall be disposed in nearby municipal bins for its disposal in sanitary
waste landfill site operated by the SMC.
45. Used oil / waste oil shall be sold to only to the registered recyclers.
46. The project must strictly comply with the rules and regulations with regards to handling and disposal of
Hazardous waste in accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary) Rules
2008. Authorization from the GPCB must be obtained for collection / treatment /storage /disposal of hazardous
47. The planning, design and construction of all buildings shall be such as to ensure maximum safety from fire and
any such disasters / unforeseen scenario.
48. Fire safety measures viz. provision of smoke detectors, automatic sprinkler system, fire water reservoirs of
1000 KL capacity, portable and mobile fire extinguishers, emergency power supply system, hydrant system
comprising of pump sets, water mains, water / foam monitor, hose reel, wet riser, hydrant valves with
associated branch pipes, nozzles and hoses with couplings, manually operated electric fire alarm system,
automatic operated electric fire alarm system, etc. shall be implemented as proposed.
49. The project proponent shall prepare an elaborate fire safety plan and Disaster Management Plan (DMP) for the
operational phase of the project.
50. The Rides in the Park shall be certified for safety and quality through national standards agency like Bureau of
Indian Standards and an equivalent International agency like ASTM, DIN, TUV etc.
51. With regard to operation and use of Rides, adequate safety measures shall be taken viz. provision of an
operations manual, providing instructions for the safe operation and use of a ride, regular supervision by the
Ride Controller / Operator, etc.
52. Three types of maintenance and inspection activities for rides shall be carried out as proposed viz. daily
checks, routine maintenance and third party inspections in order to eliminate chances of accidents due to
failure of equipment/ machineries
53. Main entry and exit shall be separate and clearly marked.
54. First Aid Box shall be made readily available in adequate quantity at all the times.
55. Compulsory Training to the staff for the first aid and fire fighting along with regular mock drill shall be made an
integral part of the emergency management plan of the project.
56. Dedicated power back up system shall be provided in the case of power failure & emergency.
57. Necessary emergency lighting system along with emergency power back up system shall be provided. In
addition, emergency public address system arrangement and signage for emergency exit route shall be
provided on each floor.
58. Necessary auto glow signages at all appropriate places shall be provided to guide the people towards exits and
assembly points during power failure & other emergency.
59. Adequate number of staircases and lifts shall open out at ground level for emergency evacuation. The number
of staircases provided in each building should be in accordance with the requirements of the NBC. The

Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 3 of 5
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : [email protected], Website:-
distances between two staircases / evacuation path / lifts shall be as per the NBC.
60. Provision for adequate air changes per hour in the basement shall be made so as to avoid build up of CO in the
61. Car park exhaust system equipped with CO (Carbon Monoxide) sensor shall be provided to ensure operation of
exhaust fans as CO concentration levels.
62. Sufficient peripheral open passage shall be kept in the margin area for free movement of fire tender/
emergency vehicle around the premises.
A.3.5 NOISE:
63. The acoustic enclosures shall be installed at all noise generating equipments such as DG Sets, air conditioners
etc. to mitigate the impact of noise.
64. The overall noise level in and around the project area shall be kept well within the prescribed standards by
providing noise control measures including acoustic insulation, hoods, silencers, enclosures vibration dampers
etc. on all sources of noise generation. The ambient noise levels shall confirm to the standards prescribed
under the Environment (Protection) Act and Rules.
65. At least 20969.29 m2 area [9543.62 m2 in basement + 11425.67 m2 Surface parking] shall be provided for
2 2
parking purpose for Commercial Non Theme Park whereas at least 14510.13 m area [11319.06 m in
basement + 3191.07 m Surface parking] shall be provided for parking purpose for Commercial Theme Park.
66. Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site shall be
67. No public space including the service road shall be used or blocked for the parking and the trained staff shall be
deployed to guide the visitors for parking and helping the senior citizens and physically challenged people to
park their vehicles at appropriate parking places (valet parking).
68. Necessary signage including continuous display of status of parking availability at entry, exit and all other
appropriate places shall be provided which should have appropriate size of letters and shall be visible from the
at least 50 meter distance.
69. Energy Conservation Building Code [ECBC] norms shall be implemented in the project.
70. The project proponent shall incorporate concepts of energy efficiency while preparing the architectural design
of the building. The design of the building shall be such that maximum use of natural light is obtained and
excess heating up of the building is prevented.
71. The project proponent shall implement various energy conservation measures proposed by them viz. maximum
utilization of natural light, roof top thermal insulation, CFL lighting fixtures in the common areas, use of solar
energy in external lighting, appropriate design to shut out excess heat & gain loss, sensor based lighting
system, selection of construction material on exposed roof & external wall as well as glass on external walls on
North & non-North orientation as per the recommendations of ECBC, etc.
72. The project proponent shall install the electric utilities / devices, motors, pumps, which are energy efficient and
meeting with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency norms, wherever applicable.
73. Roof should meet regulatory requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate
thermal insulation material to fulfill requirements wherever applicable.
74. The transformers and motors shall have minimum efficiency of 85 %.
75. Only variable frequency motor drives shall be used in the project.
76. The energy audit shall be conducted at regular intervals and the recommendations of the audit report shall be
77. Green areas and landscaping shall be developed in 14,182.5 m2 area consisting of 8,500 m2 lawn covered area
and 6,312.5 m tree covered area with 2,100 nos. of trees as proposed.
78. Trees of native species shall be developed in green area so far as possible. The area earmarked as green area
shall be used only for greenbelt and shall not be altered for any other purpose.
79. Drip irrigation / low-volume, low-angle sprinkler system shall be used for the lawns and other green area
including tree plantation.
80. All the statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from PESO, Fire & Emergency Services
Department, Airports Authority of India etc. if applicable, shall be obtained by the project proponent from the
competent authorities.
81. The project proponent shall strictly comply with the Gujarat Building and other Construction Workers Act &
Rules as well as Gujarat Lifts & Escalators Rules.
82. Common utilities like drinking water facility, toilets etc. shall be provided on each floor with adequate signage
thereof. Adequate distance shall be maintained between the drinking water and toilet blocks.
83. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation & Control) Rules shall be followed. The existing air conditioning
system of the project shall be modified if required for the same.
84. The project proponent shall ensure maximum employment to the local people.
85. The project management shall also comply with all the environment protection measures, risk mitigation
measures and safeguards proposed by them.
86. The project proponent shall also comply with any additional condition that may be imposed by the SEAC or the

Office : Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010 Page 4 of 5
Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : [email protected], Website:-
SEIAA or any other competent authority for the purpose of the environmental protection and management.
87. No further expansion or modifications in the project likely to cause environmental impacts shall be carried out
without obtaining prior Environment Clearance from the concerned authority.
88. The project authorities shall earmark adequate funds to implement the conditions stipulated by SEIAA as well as
GPCB along with the implementation schedule for all the conditions stipulated herein. The funds so provided
shall not be diverted for any other purpose.
89. The applicant shall inform the public that the project has been accorded environmental clearance by the SEIAA
and that the copies of the clearance letter are available with the GPCB and may also be seen at the Website of
SEIAA/ SEAC/ GPCB. This shall be advertised within seven days from the date of the clearance letter, in at least
two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the Gujarati language and
the other in English. A copy each of the same shall be forwarded to the concerned Regional Office of the
90. It shall be mandatory for the project management to submit half-yearly compliance report in respect of the
stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority
concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
91. The project authorities shall also adhere to the stipulations made by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board.
92. The project authorities shall inform the GPCB, Regional Office of MoEF and SEIAA about the date of financial
closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of the project.
93. The SEIAA may revoke or suspend the clearance, if implementation of any of the above conditions is not found
94. The company in a time bound manner shall implement these conditions. The above conditions will be enforced,
inter-alia under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,1974, Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous Waste (Management
Handling and Transboundary) Rules, 2008 and the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 along with their
amendments and rules.
95. This environmental clearance is valid for five years from the date of issue.
96. Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, if preferred, within a
period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.

With regards,
Yours sincerely,

Member Secretary

Issued to:
Mr. Sanjay P. Movaliya, Director,
M/s. Rajgreen Amusement Park Pvt. Ltd.
Rajhans House,
29-30, Saibaba Shraddha Nagar,
Near Chokshiwadi,
New Rander Road,
Surat 395 009.

Copy to:-
1. The Secretary, SEAC, C/O. G.P.C.B. Gandhinagar - 382010.
2. The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board , Parivesh Bhavan, CBD -cum-Office Complex,
East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi-110032
3. The Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Regional Office (WZ), E-5, Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Bhopal-462016, MP
4. Monitoring Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, New Delhi-110003.
5. The Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar-382010
6. Select File

Member Secretary

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Phone No.:- (079) 232-32152,232-41514 Fax No.:-(079) 232-22784
E-mail : [email protected], Website:-

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