Using C++11's Smart Pointers: David Kieras, EECS Department, University of Michigan November 2014
Using C++11's Smart Pointers: David Kieras, EECS Department, University of Michigan November 2014
Using C++11's Smart Pointers: David Kieras, EECS Department, University of Michigan November 2014
Shared Ownership with shared_ptr
The shared_ptr class template is a referenced-counted smart pointer; a count is kept of how many smart
pointers are pointing to the managed object; when the last smart pointer is destroyed, the count goes to zero, and the
managed object is then automatically deleted. It is called a "shared" smart pointer because the smart pointers all
share ownership of the managed object - any one of the smart pointers can keep the object in existence; it gets
deleted only when no smart pointers point to it any more. Using these can simplify memory management, as shown
with a little example diagrammed below:
containers of pointers
ptr ptr
ptr ptr
ptr ptr
X1 X2 X3
Suppose we need two containers (A and B) of pointers referring to a single set of objects, X1 through X3. Suppose
that if we remove the pointer to one of the objects from one of the containers, we will want to keep the object if the
pointer to it is still in the other container, but delete it if not. Suppose further that at some point we will need to
empty container A or B, and only when both are emptied, we will want to delete the three pointed-to objects.
Suppose further that it is hard to predict in what order we will do any of these operations (e.g. this is part of a game
system where the user's activities determines what will happen). Instead of writing some delicate code to keep track
of all the possibilities, we could use smart pointers in the containers instead of built-in pointers. Then all we have to
do is simply remove a pointer from a container whenever we want, and if it turns out to be the last pointer to an
object, it will get "automagically" deleted. Likewise, we could clear a container whenever we want, and if it has the
last pointers to the objects, then they all get deleted. Pretty neat! Especially when the program is a lot more
However, a problem with reference-counted smart pointers is that if there is a ring, or cycle, of objects that have
smart pointers to each other, they keep each other "alive" - they won't get deleted even if no other objects in the
universe are pointing to them from "outside" of the ring. This cycle problem is illustrated in the diagram below that
shows a container of smart pointers pointing to three objects each of which also point to another object with a smart
pointer and form a ring. If we empty the container of smart pointers, the three objects won't get deleted, because
each of them still has a smart pointer pointing to them.
container of smart pointers objects pointing to another
object with a smart pointer
sp sp
C++11 includes a solution: "weak" smart pointers: these only "observe" an object but do not influence its lifetime.
A ring of objects can point to each other with weak_ptrs, which point to the managed object but do not keep it in
existence. This is shown in the diagram below, where the "observing" relations are shown by the dotted arrows.
container of smart pointers objects pointing to another
object with a weak pointer
wp wp
If the container of smart pointers is emptied, the three objects in the ring will get automatically deleted because no
other smart pointers are pointing to them; like raw pointers, the weak pointers don't keep the pointed-to object
"alive." The cycle problem is solved. But unlike raw pointers, the weak pointers "know" whether the pointed-to
object is still there or not and can be interrogated about it, making them much more useful than a simple raw pointer
would be. How is this done?
How they work
A lot of effort over several years by the Boost group ( went into making sure the C++11 smart pointers
are very well-behaved and as foolproof as possible, and so the actual implementation is very subtle. But a simplified
sketch of the implementation helps to understand how to use these smart pointers. Below is a diagram illustrating in
simplified form what goes on under the hood of shared_ptr and weak_ptr.
manager object
sp1 managed object
sp2 shared count: 3
weak count: 2
The process starts when the managed object is dynamically allocated, and the first shared_ptr (sp1) is created
to point to it; the shared_ptr constructor creates a manager object (dynamically allocated). The manager object
contains a pointer to the managed object; the overloaded member functions like shared_ptr::operator-> access
the pointer in the manager object to get the actual pointer to the managed object.1 The manager object also contains
two reference counts: The shared count counts the number of shared_ptrs pointing to the manager object, and the
weak count counts the number of weak_ptrs pointing to the manager object. When sp1 and the manager object are
first created, the shared count will be 1, and the weak count will be 0.
If another shared_ptr (sp2) is created by copy or assignment from sp1, then it also points to the same manager
object, and the copy constructor or assignment operator increments the shared count to show that 2 shared_ptrs
are now pointing to the managed object. Likewise, when a weak pointer is created by copy or assignment from a
shared_ptr or another weak_ptr for this object, it points to the same manager object, and the weak count is
incremented. The diagram shows the situation after three shared_ptrs and two weak_ptrs have been created to
point to the same object.
1 To keep the language from getting too clumsy, we'll say that a smart pointer is pointing to the managed object if it is pointing to
the manager object that actually contains the pointer to the managed object.
Whenever a shared_ptr is destroyed, or reassigned to point to a different object, the shared_ptr destructor or
assignment operator decrements the shared count. Similarly, destroying or reassigning a weak_ptr will decrement
the weak count. Now, when the shared count reaches zero, the shared_ptr destructor deletes the managed object
and sets the pointer to 0. If the weak count is also zero, then the manager object is deleted also, and nothing remains.
But if the weak count is greater than zero, the manager object is kept. If the weak count is decremented to zero, and
the shared count is also zero, the weak_ptr destructor deletes the manager object. Thus the managed object stays
around as long as there are shared_ptrs pointing to it, and the manager object stays around as long as there are
either shared_ptrs or weak_ptrs referring to it.
Here's why the weak_ptr is more useful than a built-in pointer. It can tell by looking at the manager object
whether the managed object is still there: if the pointer and/or shared count are zero, the managed object is gone, and
no attempt should be made to refer to it. If the pointer and shared count are non-zero, then the managed object is still
present, and weak_ptr can make the pointer to it available. This is done by a weak_ptr member function that
creates and returns a new shared_ptr to the object; the new shared_ptr increments the shared count, which
ensures that the managed object will stay in existence as long as necessary. In this way, the weak_ptr can point to
an object without affecting its lifetime, but still make it easy to refer to the object, and at the same time, ensure that
it stays around if someone is interested in it.
But shared_ptr and weak_ptr have a fundamental difference: shared_ptr can be used syntactically almost
identically to a built-in pointer. However, a weak_ptr is much more limited. You cannot use it like a built-in pointer
in fact, you can't use it to actually refer to the managed object at all! Almost the only things you can do are to
interrogate it to see if the managed object is still there, or construct a shared_ptr from it. If the managed object is
gone, the shared_ptr will be an empty one (e.g. it will test as zero); if the managed object is present, then the
shared_ptr can be used normally.
2 There is no requirement that you use smart pointers everywhere in a program, it just recommended that you not use both smart
and built-in pointers to the same objects. Actually it is more subtle than that - having some built-in pointers in the mix might be
useful, but only if you are hyper-careful that they cannot possibly be used if their objects have been deleted, and you never, ever,
use them to delete the object or otherwise exercise ownership of the object with them. Such mixed code can be very hard to get
right. My recommendation is to point to a set of objects with either raw pointers (where you manage the ownership directly), or
smart pointers (which automate the ownership), but never mix them in pointing to the same set of objects.
Using shared_ptr
Basic use of shared_ptr
Using a shared_ptr is easy as long as you follow the rules listed above. When you create an object with new,
write the new expression in the constructor for the shared_ptr. Thereafter, use the shared_ptr as if it were a
built-in pointer; it can be copied or assigned to another shared_ptr, which means it can be used as a call-by-value
function argument or return value, or stored in containers. When it goes out of scope, or gets deleted, the reference
count will be decremented, and the pointed-to object deleted if necessary. You can also call a reset() member
function, which will decrement the reference count and delete the pointed-to object if appropriate, and result in an
empty shared_ptr that is just like a default-constructed one. You can also reset a shared_ptr by assigning it the
value nullptr, which is converted to an empty shared_ptr before the assignment. Thus while you will still write
new to create an object, if you always use a shared_ptr to refer to it, you will never need to explicitly delete
the object. Here is a code sketch illustrating the basic usage:
class Thing {
! void defrangulate();
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Thing&);
// a function can return a shared_ptr
shared_ptr<Thing> find_some_thing();
// a function can take a shared_ptr parameter by value;
shared_ptr<Thing> do_something_with(shared_ptr<Thing> p);
void foo()
! // the new is in the shared_ptr constructor expression:
! shared_ptr<Thing> p1(new Thing);
! ...
! shared_ptr<Thing> p2 = p1;!// p1 and p2 now share ownership of the Thing
! ...
! shared_ptr<Thing> p3(new Thing);! // another Thing
! shared_ptr<Thing> better_idea()
! {
! ! shared_ptr<Thing> sp(new Thing);
! ! ...
! ! return sp;
! }
The only way you can get the raw pointer inside the manager object is with a member function, get(), - there is
no implicit conversion. However, the raw pointer should be used with extreme caution - again you don't want to
have stray raw pointers to refer to the managed objects:
Thing * another_bad_idea()
! {
! ! shared_ptr<Thing> sp(new Thing);
! ! Thing * raw_ptr = sp;! // disallowed! Compiler error!
The constructors and assignment operators in shared_ptr (and weak_ptr) are defined with templates so that if
the built-in pointers could be validly copied or assigned, then the corresponding shared_ptrs can be also:
class Base {};
class Derived : public Base {};
shared_ptr<Derived> dp1(new Derived);
shared_ptr<Base> bp1 = dp1;
shared_ptr<Base> bp2(dp1);
shared_ptr<Base> bp3(new Derived);3
Casting shared_ptrs
One excuse for getting the raw pointer from a shared_ptr would be in order to cast it to another type. Again to
make it easier to avoid raw pointers, C++11 supplies some function templates that provide a casting service
corresponding to the built-in pointer casts. These functions internally call the get() function from the supplied
pointer, perform the cast, and return a shared_ptr of the specified type. Again the goal is to emulate what can be
done with built-in pointers, so they will be valid if and only if the corresponding cast between built-in pointers is
valid. Continuing the above example:
shared_ptr<Base> base_ptr (new Base);
shared_ptr<Derived> derived_ptr;
// if static_cast<Derived *>(base_ptr.get()) is valid, then the following is valid:
derived_ptr = static_pointer_cast<Derived>(base_ptr);
Note how the casting function looks very similar to a built-in cast, but it is a function template being instantiated,
not a built-in operator in the language. The available casting functions are static_pointer_cast,
const_pointer_cast, and dynamic_pointer_cast, corresponding to the built-in cast operators with the
similar names.
Getting better memory allocation performance
A problem with shared_ptr is that if you create an object with new, and then create a shared_ptr, as in the
usual scenario:
shared_ptr<Thing> p(new Thing);
There are actually two dynamic memory allocations that happen: one for the object itself from the new, and then a
second for the manager object created by the shared_ptr constructor. Since memory allocations are slow, this
means that creating a shared_ptr is slow relative to using either a raw pointer, or a so-called "intrusive" reference-
counted smart pointer where the reference count is a member variable of the object. To address this problem, C++11
includes a function template make_shared that does a single memory allocation big enough to hold both the
manager object and the new object, passing along any constructor parameters that you specify, and returns a
shared_ptr of the specified type, which can then be used to initialize the shared_ptr that you are creating (with
efficient move semantics). So instead of:
shared_ptr<Thing> p(new Thing); // ouch - two allocations
you would write:
shared_ptr<Thing> p(make_shared<Thing>()); // only one allocation!
Why does <Thing> appear twice in this statement? The make_shared function returns a shared_ptr of its
specified type, which doesn't have to be the same as the type of the shared_ptr that we are initializing (as long as
they can be converted see above). This enables you to specify the pointer type of the shared_ptr and the type
of the constructed object separately, as in:
shared_ptr<Base> bp(make_shared<Derived1>());
This creates an object whose type is Derived1 (that inherits from Base), and returns a shared_ptr<Derived1>
that is used to initialize the shared_ptr<Base>.
Finally, if Thing's constructor had parameters, you would place their values in the argument list of
shared_ptr<Thing> p (make_shared<Thing>(42, "I'm a Thing!"));
3 This usage is correct, but has an odd effect. The manager object stores a pointer of the original type, Derived*, but get()
and the dereferencing operators will convert the stored pointer to a Base*. But the managed object will get deleted through the
stored Derived* pointer, not through a Base* pointer. So if you forget the recommendation to declare ~Base() as virtual,
deletion will still start with ~Derived(), unlike what would happen if you delete through a built-in Base* pointer. You should
still follow the recommendation to declare ~Base() as virtual to avoid confusion.
Thanks to the magic of C++11 variadic templates and perfect forwarding, you can write anything in the function
argument list that you could write in an ordinary constructor argument list, and they will get correctly passed to the
Because only a single memory allocation is involved when you use make_shared to initialize a shared_ptr,
you can expect improved performance over the separate allocation approach; this can be valuable if there are a lot of
shared_ptrs being created. As usual, the object's destructor will be called when the last shared_ptr is
destroyed, but there is a possible downside that if there are still weak_ptrs referring to the object, the entire chunk
of memory will not be returned to the allocation pool until the last weak_ptr is destroyed.
Using weak_ptr
Weak pointers just "observe" the managed object; they don't "keep it alive" or affect its lifetime. Unlike
shared_ptrs, when the last weak_ptr goes out of scope or disappears, the pointed-to object can still exist because
the weak_ptrs do not affect the lifetime of the object - they have no ownership rights. But the weak_ptr can be
used to determine whether the object exists, and to provide a shared_ptr that can be used to refer to it.
The definition of weak_ptr is designed to make it relatively foolproof, so as a result there is very little you can do
directly with a weak_ptr. For example, you can't dereference it; neither operator* nor operator-> is defined
for a weak_ptr. You can't access the pointer to the object with it - there is no get() function. There is a
comparison function defined so that you can store weak_ptrs in an ordered container; but that's all.
Initializing a weak_ptr
A default-constructed weak_ptr is empty, pointing to nothing (not even a manager object). You can point a
weak_ptr to an object only by copy or assignment from a shared_ptr or an existing weak_ptr to the object. In
the example below, we create a new Thing pointed to by sp; then are shown the possible ways of getting a
weak_ptr to also point to the new Thing. This makes sure that a weak_ptr is always referring to a manager object
created by a shared_ptr.
shared_ptr<Thing> sp(new Thing);
You can use the reset() member function to set a weak_ptr back to the empty state in which it is pointing to
Using a weak_ptr to refer to an object
You can't refer to the object directly with a weak_ptr; you have to get a shared_ptr from it first with the
lock() member function. The lock() function examines the state of the manager object to determine whether the
managed object still exists, and provides a empty shared_ptr if it does not, and a shared_ptr to the manager
object if it does; the creation of this shared_ptr has the effect of ensuring that the managed object, if it still exists,
stays in existence while we use it; it "locks" it into existence, so to speak (explaining the name). Continuing the
above example:
shared_ptr<Thing> sp2 = wp2.lock();! // get shared_ptr from weak_ptr
Now that we have another shared_ptr for the new Thing, the previous one (sp) can go out of scope, and the
Thing will stay in existence. However, in the normal use of a weak_ptr, it is possible that the managed object has
already been deleted. For example, suppose we have a function that takes a weak_ptr as a parameter and wants to
call Thing's defrangulate() function using the weak_ptr. We can't call the member function for a non-existent
object, so we have to check that the object is still there before calling the function. There are three ways to do this:
1. We can go ahead and get the shared_ptr, but test for whether it is empty or pointing to something by testing
it for true/false, analogous to what we would do with a built-in pointer that might be zero:
void do_it(weak_ptr<Thing> wp){
! shared_ptr<Thing> sp = wp.lock();!// get shared_ptr from weak_ptr
! if(sp)
! ! sp->defrangulate();!// tell the Thing to do something
! else
! ! cout << "The Thing is gone!" << endl;
This is the most useful and common way to use a weak_ptr to access the object.
2. We can ask the weak_ptr if it has "expired":
bool is_it_there(weak_ptr<Thing> wp) {
! if(wp.expired()) {
! ! cout << "The Thing is gone!" << endl;
! ! return false;
! ! }
! return true;
This approach is useful as a way to simply ask whether the pointed-to object still exists. Notice that if after calling
expired(), the code goes on to use lock() to get a shared_ptr to the object, testing first for expired() is
redundant and may actually be problematic.5
3. We can construct a shared_ptr from a weak_ptr; if the weak_ptr is expired, an exception is thrown, of type
std::bad_weak_ptr. This has its uses, but the first method is generally handier and more direct. Example:
! void do_it(weak_ptr<Thing> wp){
! ! shared_ptr<Thing> sp(wp);! // construct shared_ptr from weak_ptr
! ! // exception thrown if wp is expired, so if here, sp is good to go
! ! sp->defrangulate();!// tell the Thing to do something
! }
! ...
! try {
! ! do_it(wpx);
! }
! catch(bad_weak_ptr&)
! {
! ! cout << "A Thing (or something else) has disappeared!" << endl;
! }
5The C++11 smart pointers are designed to be thread-safe (at least on most platforms). But notice that in a multithreaded
environment, some other thread may have been holding the shared_ptrs to the object we are pointing to with the weak_ptr,
so if the weak_ptr is not expired, and we go ahead and acquire the shared_ptr with .lock(), we need to check the
shared_ptr again in case the object got deleted between the expired() call and the lock() call.
! void defrangulate();
void Thing::foo()
! // we need to transmogrify this object
! transmogrify(this);
void transmogrify(Thing * ptr)
! ptr->defrangulate();
! /* etc. */
Now say we want to use smart pointers to automate the memory management for Thing objects. To be reliable,
this means we need to avoid all raw pointers to Things, and hand around only smart pointers. One would think all
we need to do is change all the Thing * to shared_ptr<Thing>, and then the following code would compile; but
there is a big problem with it:
class Thing {
! void foo();
! void defrangulate();
void transmogrify(shared_ptr<Thing>);
int main()
! shared_ptr<Thing> t1(new Thing);! // start a manager object for the Thing
! t1->foo();
! ...
! // Thing is supposed to get deleted when t1 goes out of scope
void Thing::foo()
! // we need to transmogrify this object
! shared_ptr<Thing> sp_for_this(this);!// danger! a second manager object!!
! transmogrify(sp_for_this);
When main creates the shared_ptr named t1, a manager object gets created for the new Thing. But in function
Thing::foo we create a shared_ptr<Thing> named sp_for_this which is constructed from the raw pointer
this. We end up with a second manager object which is pointed to the same Thing object as the original manager
object. Oops! Now we have a double-deletion error waiting to happen - in this example, as soon as the
sp_for_this goes out of scope, the Thing will get deleted; then when the rest of main tries to use t1 it may find
itself trying to talk to a non-existent Thing, and when t1 goes out of scope, we will be deleting something that has
already been deleted, corrupting the heap.
While one could tinker with any one chunk of code to work around the problem, a general solution is preferable. If
we can ensure that the managed object contains a weak_ptr referring to the same manager object as the first
shared_ptr does, then it is pointing to this object, and so at any time we can get a shared_ptr from the
weak_ptr that will work properly. The desired situation is shown in the diagram below:
managed object
manager object
shared count: 1
weak count: 1 weak_ptr
Pulling this off in a reliable way is a bit tricky. Rather than DIY, you should use the solution provided in C++11.
There is a template class named std::enabled_shared_from_this which has a weak_ptr as a member
variable and member function named shared_from_this() which returns a shared_ptr constructed from the
The Thing class must be modified to inherit from enabled_shared_from_this<Thing>, so that Thing now
has a weak_ptr<Thing> as a member variable. When the first shared_ptr to a Thing object is created, the
shared_ptr constructor uses template magic to detect that the enable_shared_from_this base class is present,
and then initializes the weak_ptr member variable from the first shared_ptr. Once this has been done, the
weak_ptr in Thing points to the same manager object as the first shared_ptr. Then when you need a
shared_ptr pointing to this Thing, you call the shared_from_this() member function, which returns a
shared_ptr obtained by construction from the weak_ptr, which in turn will use the same manager object as the
first shared_ptr.
The above example code would be changed to first, have the Thing class inherit from the template class, and
second, use shared_from_this() to get a pointer to this object:
class Thing : public enable_shared_from_this<Thing> {
! void foo();
! void defrangulate();
int main()
! // The following starts a manager object for the Thing and also
! // initializes the weak_ptr member that is now part of the Thing.
! shared_ptr<Thing> t1(new Thing);
! t1->foo();
! ...
void Thing::foo()
! // we need to transmogrify this object
! // get a shared_ptr from the weak_ptr in this object
! shared_ptr<Thing> sp_this = shared_from_this();
! transmogrify(sp_this);
Now when sp_this goes out of scope, there is no problem - there is only the single, original, manager object for
the Thing. Problem solved - the world is safe for using smart pointers everywhere!
There are three problems with this solution. First, to get a smart this pointer, we have to modify the Thing class,
and carefully follow the rule of creating the Thing object only in the constructor of a shared_ptr. However, one
should be following this rule anyway with shared_ptr. Second, you can't use shared_from_this() in the
constructor of the Thing class. The weak_ptr member variable has to be set to point to the manager object by the
shared_ptr constructor, and this can't run until the Thing constructor has completed. You'll have to do some kind
of work-around, like a calling another member function on the constructed Thing that completes the setup involved
with shared_from_this(). Third, if you don't have access or permission to modify the Thing class, you can't use
the enable_shared_from_this without wrapping Thing in another class, leading to some complexity. But only
some class designs need to hand a this pointer around, and so the problem is not inevitable.
C++11's shared_ptr and weak_ptr work well enough that many software organizations have adopted them as a
standard smart pointer implementation. So feel free to use them to automate or simplify your memory management,
especially when objects may end up pointing to each other in hard-to-predict ways.
Note that to use unique_ptr reliably, you need to follow the same basic rules as those presented earlier for
shared_ptr. So why is unique_ptr worth having, since you could use a shared_ptr to do the same thing?
There are two reasons:
First, the basic mechanism of unique_ptr is so simple that it costs nothing to use. It has a pointer member
variable of type Thing* that either points to an object, which means the unique_ptr owns it, or it is zero
(nullptr in C++11), meaning that the unique_ptr doesn't own any object. Either way, all the destructor has to do
is a delete on this pointer variable and if the unique_ptr owns an object, it is gone, or nothing happens if it
doesn't own an object 6. Compare this to the overhead of how shared_ptrs dynamically allocate a manager object
and then increment/decrement and test one or two reference counts. This simplicity means that there is really zero
6 Recall that the delete operator is defined as doing nothing if it is given a zero or nullptr value.
overhead of using of unique_ptr compared to a built-in pointer. So the automatic cleanup costs nothing! It has
already become recommended practice to use unique_ptr in this sort of scenario.
Second, unique_ptr implements a unique ownership concept - an object can be owned by only one
unique_ptr at a time - the opposite of shared ownership. This means unique_ptr is very different from
shared_ptr; this special feature is explained in the rest of this handout.
Explicit transfer of ownership between unique_ptrs
If you really want to transfer ownership from one unique_ptr to another, you can use move semantics to do it;
all you have to do is treat the original unique_ptr as an rvalue using std::move(), which casts its argument to an
rvalue reference. Then the move version of construction or assignment will be invoked. For example:
! unique_ptr<Thing> p1(new Thing); // p1 owns the Thing
! unique_ptr<Thing> p2; // p2 owns nothing
! // invoke move assignment explicitly
! p2 = std::move(p1); // now p2 owns it, p1 owns nothing
See the course examples directory for some demo code that uses unique_ptr with Standard Containers.
The most common use of unique_ptr is as a pretty fool-proof way of making sure an object allocated in a
function (or class constructor) gets deleted. However, there are situations in which ownership of objects needs to be
transferred around but always remains in one place at a time; unique_ptr gives you way to represent this concept