Guide PDF
Guide PDF
Guide PDF
A Guide
Animal Nutrition
TNPSC examination
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon
Harsh Bathini
Livestock play an important role in the socio- economic life of India. Indias livestock sector is
one of the largest in the world. It has 56.7% of worlds buffaloes, 12.5% cattle, 20.4% small ruminants,
2.4% camel, 1.4% equine, 1.5% pigs and 3.1% poultry. In 2010-11, livestock generated outputs worth
2075 billion which comprised 4% of the GDP and 26% of the agricultural GDP. Milk is the main output
of livestock sector accounting for 66.7% of the total value of output of livestock. Meat and eggs share
17.5% and 3.6% of the value of livestock output.
For todays Indian Veterinary graduate, it is a world of competitiveness. The best way to rise
above the lot is to toil with dedication and extraordinary enthusiasm. When one is endowed with strong
conviction, absolute faith, total dedication and grim determination to the job in hand, nothing can stop the
achievement of ones goal. It is in this context, to make ones preparation easy, a revised guide in Animal
Nutrition as per the TNPSC syllabus for recruiting Veterinary Assistant Surgeon has been brought out by
the staff, Department of Animal Nutrition, Madras Veterinary College. This guide, in a brief and
comprehensive manner, presents concepts, information, updated data and technologies in an organised
form. Considering the wide range of readership, the guide has addressed the subject in such a way that the
readers are not burdened by the scientific nature of the information. I am very much confident that this
guide will help the aspirants to become Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in the Department of Animal
Husbandry, Government of Tamil Nadu. I appreciate the authors for their efforts in bringing out this
Date : 22.02.2013 Sd. (R. PRABAKARAN)
Telephone : 044- 25551574 / 75 Fax : 044 -25551576
Email : [email protected] ; [email protected] website :
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development sector plays an important role in the socio economic
development of India. Besides providing cheap nutritional food to millions of people, it is helpful in
generating gainful employment in the rural sector, particularly among the landless labourers, small and
marginal farmers and women by supplementing their family incomes. Livestock are the best insurance
against the vagaries of nature like drought, famine and other natural calamities. The Animal Husbandry
Department of Tamil Nadu plays a major role in providing veterinary health services, improving the
production potentialities of livestock and poultry reared in the State implementing various beneficiary
oriented schemes for the economic up liftment of the poor, downtrodden and weaker sections of the
society. The sustained efforts of the Department in the above activities have contributed to growing
commercial vibrancy of the sector in the State.
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is mandated with the task of recruiting
veterinary assistant surgeons to the Animal Husbandry Department of Tamil Nadu. In this regard TNPSC
has always strived to upgrade and improvise systems and procedures of selection in order that the best
among applicants are selected to this post, while rigorously adhering to the policy of recruitment and
reservation of the State Government.
In this context a guide exclusively on Animal Nutrition with important tips on animal husbandry
for VAS aspirants has been brought out by the staff, Department of Animal Nutrition, Madras Veterinary
College. A sincere attempt has been made by the authors to help the aspirants to prepare for one of the
most competitive examination to be held to select Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the Department of
Animal Husbandry, Tamil Nadu. Efforts have been made to select and compile relevant material from the
voluminous detailed data available, to make Animal Nutrition, more systematic and interesting. The
authors have also made effort to present statistical data, relevant figures and schematic classification.
Special attention has been paid to provide objective type multiple choice questions under each topic.
I am sure that this guide would be of immense help for those appearing to TNPSC competitive
exam. I wish all our veterinarians appearing for TNPSC (Veterinary Assistant Surgeon) a great success.
I appreciate the authors for bringing out this valuable guide in the apt time.
6. 94
7. 106
8. 115
9. 126
10. 135
11. 142
Nutritional terms and definitions - Role of nutrition in health and production; classification and
composition of feeds and fodders including forest grasses; antinutritional factors and toxins in
feeds and fodders; feeding standards and nutrient requirements of different categories of
livestock and computation of rations. Nutritional deficiency and its influence on livestock
performance; feed supplements and additives; conservation and preservation of feeds and
fodders; economic utilization of agro by-products for feeding livestock. - utilization of
unconventional feeds Wildlife nutrition.
A glossary of terms frequently used in discussing matters related to feed and nutrition is
presented in this chapter:
Additives: An ingredient or substance added to a basic feed mix, usually in small quantities, for
the purpose of fortifying it with certain nutrients, stimulants and/or medicines.
Ad Libitum: Free-choice assess to feed.
ADF: Acid detergent fibre. Contains cellulose lignin silica and insoluble NPN
Agglomerated feed: A mixture of feeds in compacted or extruded form.
Agroforestry: A land management approach that deliberately combines the production of trees
with other crops and/or livestock. By blending agriculture and forestry with conservation
practices. Agroforestry optimizes economic, environmental and social benefits.
Air-dry (approximately 90% dry matter): This refers to feed that is dried by means of natural
air movement, usually in the open. It may be either an actual or an assumed dry matter content,
the latter is approximately 90 per cent. More feeds are fed in the air-dry state.
Alfalfa Meal - the aerial portion of the alfalfa plant, reasonably free from other crop plants,
weeds and mold, which has been suncured and finely ground.
Amino acids: Nitrogen-containing compounds that consists the building blocks or units from
which more complex proteins are formed. They contain both an amino (NH2) group and a
carboxyl (COOH) group.
Amino acid Imbalance: Certain proteins contain excessive amount of some amino acids
and are deficient in some other amino acids such proteins creates imbalance of amino acid and
depresses growth. The condition can be corrected by supplementing the limiting amino acid.
Anabolism: Synthesis of complex substances from simple substances is called anabolism.
Analogue: Anything that is analogous or similar to something else (also spelled analog).
Animal Protein: Protein derived from meatpacking or rendering plants, surplus milk or milk
products and marine sources. It includes proteins from meat, milk, poultry, eggs, fish and their
Animal Protein Factor (APF): The term formerly used to refer to an undefined growth factor
essential for poultry and swine and present in protein feeds or animal origin. It is nor know to be
same as vitamin B12.
Antimetabolite: A substance bearing a close structural resemblance to one required for normal
physiological functioning, which exerts its effect by replacing or interfering with the utilisation
of the essential metabolite.
Antioxidant: A compound that prevents oxidative rancidity or polyunsaturated fats.
Antioxidants are used to prevent rancidity in feed and foods.
Antivitamin: Any substance which inhibits the normal function of a vitamin.
Apparent metabolisable energy (ME): It the gross energy of the feed consumed minus the
gross energy contained in the faeces, urine and gaseous products of digestion. For poultry the
gaseous products are usually negligible, so ME represents the gross energy of the feed minus the
gross energy of the excreta. A correction for nitrogen retained in the body is usually applied to
yield a nitrogen-corrected ME (MEn) value. MEn, as determined using the method described by
Andeeson et al. (1958) or slight modifications thereof, is the most common measure or available
energy used in formulation of poultry feeds.
Appetite: This immediate desire to eat when feed present. Loss of appetite in an animal is
usually caused by illness of stress.
As-Fed: This refer to food as normally fed to animals. It may range from 0 to 100 percent dry
Ash: The mineral matter of a feed. The residues that remains after complete incineration of the
organic matter.
Assay: Determination of (1) the purity or potency of a substance or (2) the amount of ant
particular constituent of a mixture.
Available nutrient: A nutrient which can be digested, absorbed and/or used in the body.
Average Daily gain (ADG): The average daily live weight increase of an animal.
Balanced Ration: One which provides an animal the proper amounts and proportions of all the
required nutrients.
Basal Diet: A diet common to all groups of experimental animals to which the experimental
substances(s) is added.
Basal Metebolic Rate (BMR): The heat produced by an animal during complete rest (but not
sleeping) following fasting when using just enough energy to maintain vital cellular activity,
respiration and circulation the measured value of which is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Basal conditions include thermo neutral environment, resting post absorptive state (digestive
processes are quiescent), consciousness, quiesence and sexual repose. It is determined in man 14
to 18 hours after eating when at absolute rest. It is measured by means of a calorimeter and is
expressed in calories per square meter of body surface.
Biological value of a protein: The percentage of the protein of a feed or feed mixture which is
usable as a protein by the animal. Thus, the biological value of a protein is a reflection of the
kinds of amounts of amino acid available to the animal after digestion. A protein which has a
high biological value is said to be of good quality.
Nitrogen intake - (Nitrogen excreted in feces + Nitrogen excreted
in urine) X 100
Nitrogen intake - Nitrogen excreted in feces
Blended: Combined or mixed so as to render the constituent parts indistinguishable from one
another such as when two or more feed ingredients or mixed.
Bomb Calorimeter: An instrument used to measure the gross energy content of any material, in
which the feed (or other substance) tested is placed and burned in the presence of oxygen.
Bran: It is the outer coarse coat of the grain, separated during processing e.g. Rice bran, wheat
bran, maize bran etc.
Brix: A term commonly used to indicate the sugar (sucrose) content of molasses. It is expressed
in degrees and was originally used to indicate the percentage by weight of sugar in sucrose
solutions, with each degree Brix being equal to 1 percent sucrose.
By-product feeds: The innumerable roughage and concentrates obtained as secondary products
from plant and animal processing and from industrial manufacturing.
Cake (presscake): The mass resulting from the pressing of seeds, meat or fish in order to
remove oils, fats or other liquids.
Carrier: An edible material to which ingredients are added to facilitate their uniform
incorporation into feeds. The active particles are absorbed, impregnated or coated into or onto
the edible material in such a way as to carry the active ingredient physically.
Catabolism: Degradation of complex material into simpler substances is called catabolism
Calorie: The basic unit of heat energy is the calorie it may be defined as the amount of heat
rtequired to raise the temperatue of one gram of water through 1 degree C
Cereals: A plant in the gross family (Graminae), the seeds of which are used for human and
animal food; eg. Maize and wheat.
Chaff: Glumes, husks or other seeds covering, together with other plant parts, separated from
seed in threshing or processing.
Chelate: The word chelate is derived from the Greek word meaning claw. It refer to a cyclic
compound which is formed between an organic molecule and a metabolic ion, the latter being
held within thenorganic molecule as if by a claw. Examples of naturally occurring chelates are
the chlorophylls, cytochromes, hemoglobin and vitamin B12.
Chemical score: The quality of the protein is decided by that amino acid which is greatest deficit
when compared with standard protein (egg protein).
Coefficient or digestibility: The percentage value of a food nutrient that is absorbed. For
example, if a food contains 10 grams of nitrogen and it is found that 9.5 grams are absorbed, the
digestibility is 95 per cent.
Coenzyme: A substance, usually containing a vitamin, which works with an enzyme (protein
mainly) to perform a certain function.
Collagen: A white papery transparent type of connective tissue which is of protein composition.
It forms gelatin which heated with water.
Commercial feeds: Feeds mixed by manufacturers who specialize in the feed business.
Concentrate: A broad classification of feedstuffs which are high in energy and low in crude
fiber (under 18%). For convenience concentrates are often broken down (1) carbonaceous feeds
and (2) nitrogenous feeds.
Corn Gluten Meal - the dried residue from corn after the removal of the larger part of the starch
and germ, and the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture
of corn starch or syrup, or by enzymatic treatment of the endosperm.
Cracked: Particle size reduced by combined breaking and crushing action.
Crimped: Rolled between corrugated rollers. The gain to which this term refers may be
tempered or conditioned before crimping and may be rolled afterward.
Crude fat: Material that is extracted from moisture-free feeds by ether. It consists largely of fats
and oils with small amounts of waxes, resins and coloring matter. In calculating the energy
value of a feed the cat is considered to have 2.25 times as much energy as either nitrogen-free
extract or protein.
Crubbles: Pelleted feed reduced to granular form.
Decortication: Removal of the bark, hull, husk or shell from a plant, seed or root. Removal of
portions of the cortical substance of a structure or organ, as in the brain, kidney and lung.
Defluorinated: Processed in such manner that the fluorine content is reduced to a level which is
nontoxic under normal use.
Dehulled: Grains or other seeds with the outer covering removed.
Dehydrate: To remove most or all moisture from a substance for the purpose of preservation,
primarily through artificial drying.
Desiccate: To dry completely.
Depraved appetite (pica): A craving for and eating of unnatural substances, such as dirt, hair,
dung, wood, etc.
Diet: Feed ingredient or mixed or ingredient, including water, which is consumed by animals.
Digestability: denotes the percentage of the whole feed or single nutrient which is not excreted
in the feces and is therefore assumed to be available for absorption from the GI tract.
Digestible energy Gross energy minus the energy loss in faeces is called as digestible energy.
Digestible nutrient: The part of each feed nutrient that is digested or absorbed by the animal.
Digestible Protein: The protein of the ingested food protein which is absorbed.
Digestion coefficient (coefficient of digestibility): the difference between the nutrients
consumed and the nutrients excreted expressed as a percentage.
Dry matter: That part of a feed which is not water. It is computed by determining the
percentage of water and subtracting the water content from 100 percent.
Dry matter basis: A method of expressing the level of nutrient contained in a feed on the basis
that the material contains no moisture.
Dry Rolling: Refer to processing grains without added steam or other moisture.
Efficiency of feed conversion: This is expressed as units of feed per unit of product meal, milk
or eggs.
Element: One of the many 105 known chemical substances that cannot be divided into simpler
substance by chemical means.
Emaciated: An excessively thin condition of the body:
Vigor power in action
The capacity of perform work.
Energy Feeds: Feeds that are high energy and low in fiber (under 18%), and that generally
contain less than 20 percent protein.
Essential fatty acids: Certain fatty acids are essential for the growth and health of animals and
they cannot be synthesized in the animal system hence they are dietary essential, such fatty acids
are called as essential fatty acids. Linoleic, Linolenic and arachidonic acids.
Essential amino acids are those that are necessary for growth and maintenance of body but are
not synthesized in sufficient amount by the body hence they are dietary essential. The essential
amino acids are Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine,
Tryptophan, Valine, Cysteine and Tyrosine. Taurine is essential in cats. Glycine is essential in
Ether Extract (EE): Fatty substances of feeds or foods that are soluble in ether.
EUN: Here the loss of nitrogen is due to the catabolism incidental to maintenance of the vital
tissues of the body, which can be measured at the minimum urinary excretion on a nitrogen free
otherwise adequate (particularly energy adequacy) diet
Evaporated: Reduced to a denser form; concentrated as by evaporation or distillation.
Expanded: As applied to feed, it refers to an increase in volume as the result of a sudden
reduction in the surrounding pressure.
Expeller process: A process of the mechanical extraction of oil from seeds, involving the use of
screw press.
Extracted: Having removed fat or oil from materials by heat and mechanical pressure. Similar
terms: expeller extracted, hydraulic extracted, old process.
Extrinsic Factor: A dietary substance which was formerly thought to interact with the intrinsic
factor of the gastric secretion to produce the anitianemic factor, now known to be vitamin B12.
(also seed intrinsic factor).
Extruded: A type of feed preparation in which the feed is forced through a die under pressure.
Fat: The term fat is frequently used in general sense to include both fats and oils or a mixture of
the two. Both fats and oils have the same general structure and chemical properties, but they
have different physical characteristics. The melting points of most facts are acteristics. The
melting points of most fats are such that they are solid at ordinary room temperature, while oils
have lower melting points and are liquids at these temperatures.
Fat Soluble: Fat soluble in fats and fat solvents but generally not soluble in water.
Fattening: The deposition of energy in the form of fat within the body tissues.
Feed (or feedstuff): Any naturally occurring ingredient or material, fed to animals for the
purpose sustaining them.
Feed activities and implements: Nonnutritive products that improve the rate and/or efficient of
gain of animals, percent certain diseases, or pressure feeds,
Feed efficiency: The ratio expressing the number of units of feed required for one unit of
production (meat, milk, eggs) by an animals.
Feed Grade: Feedstuffs suitable for animals, but nor for human consumption.
Feed grain: Any of several grains mostly commonly used for livestock or poultry feed, such as
corn, sorghum, oats and barley.
Feedings standards are the tables which indicates the quantities of nutrients to be fed to the
various classes of livestock for different physiological functions like growth, maintenance,
lactation, egg production and wool growth.
Feedstuff: Any product, of natural or artificial origin, that has nutritional value in the diet when
properly prepared.
Fermented: Acted upon by yeasts, moulds or bacteria in a controlled aerobic or anaerobic
process in the manufacture of such products as alcohols, acids, vitamins or the B complex group
or antibiotics.
Fiber content of a feed: The amount of hard-to-digest carbohydrates. Most fiber is made up of
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
Fibrous: High in cellulose and/or lignin content.
Finishing Animals: The laying on or fat prior to slaughter.
Fish Meal - the clean, dried, ground tissue of undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings, either or
both, with or without the extraction of part of the oil.
Flakes: An ingredient rolled or cut into flat pieces with or without prior steam conditioning.
Flavoring agent: Feed additives that are supposed to increase palatability and feed intake.
Flora: The plant life present. In nutrition it generally refers to the bacteria present in the
digestive tract.
Formula feed: A feed consisting of two or more ingredients mixed in specified proportions.
Fortify: Nutritionally to add one or more feeds or feedstuffs.
Free-choice: Free to eat two or more feeds at will.
Germ: It is the embryo of any seed, rich in protein and fat.
Gluten: The though, viscid, nitrogenous substance remaining when the flour of wheat or other
grain is washed to remove the starch.
Grits: Coarsely ground grain from which the bran and germ have been removed, usually
screened to uniformed particle size.
Groats: Grain from which the hulls have been removed.
Gross Energy (GE): is the energy released as heat when a substance is completely oxidised to
carbon dioxide and water. Gross energy is also referred to as the heat of combustion. It is
generally measured using 25 to 30 atmospheres of oxygen in a bomb calorimeter.
Ground: Reduced in particle size by impact, sharing or attrition.
Heat of fermentation (HF): The heat produced in the digestive tract as result of microbial
Heat increment: Energy loss due to processes of digestion and metabolism is called heat
Heat-processed: Subject to a method of preparation of involving the use of elevated
temperature, with or without pressure.
Hemicellulose: A carbohydrate classified in the crude fiber fraction of feed stuffs that is similar
to cellulose, expect that it contains pentoses 95-carbon sugars) and uronic acid in addition to
Hulls: Outer covering of grain or other seed, especially when dry.
Hydraulic process: A process for the mechanical extraction of oil from seeds, involving the use
of a hydraulic press. Sometimes referred to as old process.
Hydrogenation: The chemical and addition of hydrogen to any unsaturated compound.
Hydrolysis: The splitting of a substance in to a smaller units by chemically adding water to the
Hypervitaminosis: An abnormal condition resulting from the intake of an excess of one or more
Hypocalcemia: Below normal concentration of ionic calcium in blood resulting in convulsion as
in tetany or parturient paresis (milk fever in crude).
Hypomagnesemia: An abnormally low level of magnesium in the blood.
Implant: A substance that is implanted into the body from the purpose of growth promotion or
controlling some physical function.
In Vitro: Occurring in an artificial environment, as in a test tube.
In Vivo: occurring in the living body.
Inert: Relatively inactive.
Ingest: To eat or take in through the mouth.
Ingesta: Food or drink taken into the stomach.
Ingestion: The taking in of food ad drink.
Ingredient: A constituent feed material.
Nutrient requirements: This refers to meeting the animals minimum needs, without margins of
safety for maintenance, growth, fitting, reproduction, lactation, and work. To meet these
nutritive requirements the different classes of animals must receive sufficient feed to furnish the
necessary quantity of energy (carbohydrates and fats), protein, mineral and vitamins.
Nutrient to calorie ratio: The energy needs of animals and their requirements of the several
nutrients are quantitatively corrected. For those nutrients that are needed metabolise energy, it
is logical to consider that the amount of energy metabolised determines their requirements.
Hence, it is logical to express nutrients in weight per unit of energy needed. For example, it is
suggested that the protein to calorie ratio should be expressed as grams of protein per 100 kcal
metabolisable energy (g peotein/100 kcal ME). If the ME is corrected for nitrogen retained or
lost from the body), then the abbreviation should be g peotein/100 kcal MEn. This same
dimension may easily to extend to other nutrients, such as g calcium 100 kcal or mg
riboflavin/100 kcal. Etc.
Nutrients: The chemical substance found in feed materials that can be used and are necessary,
for the maintenance, production and health of animals. The chief classes of nutrients are
carbohydrates, fats proteins, minerals, vitamins and water.
Nutrition: The science encompassing the sum total process that have as a terminal objective the
provision of nutrients to the component cells of an animal.
Obese: Over weight due to surplus of body fat.
Off feed: Not eating with a normal healthy appetite.
Oil: Although fats and oils have the same general structure and chemical properties, they have
different physical characteristic. The melting points of oils are such that they are liquid at
ordinary room temperature.
Orts: Leftover feed which an animal refuses to eat.
Palatability: The result of the following factors sensed by the animal in locating and consuming
feed, appearance, odor, taste, texture, temperature and in some cases, auditory properties of the
feed (like the sound of pigs eating corn). These factors are affected by the physical and chemical
nature of feed.
Palatable Feeds: Feeds that are well liked and eaten with relish.
Pantothenic acid: One of the B Vitamins. It is a constituent of coenzyme A, which plays an
essential role in fat and cholesterol synthesis.
Parts per billion (PPB): It equals micrograms per kilo gram or microliter per liter.
Parts per million (PPM): It equals milligrams per kilo grams or microliter per liter.
Pearled: Dehulled grains reduced into smaller smooth particles by machanic brushing or
Pectin: Any of the group or colorless, amorphous, methylated, pectic substance occurring in
plant tissue or obtained be restricted treatment of protopectin that are obtained from fruits or
succulent vegetables, that yield viscous solutions with water and when combined with acid and
sugar, yield a gel.
Peelings: Outer layers of covering which have been removed by stripping or tearing.
Pellet binders: Products that enhance the firmness of pelletes.
Pelletes: Ground feed compacted by sterming and forcing the material through die opeining.
Phase Feeding: Refers to change in animals diet (1) to adjust for age and stage of production,
(2) to adjust for season of the year and for temperature and climate changes, (3) to account for
differences in body weight and nutrient requirements of different strains of animals or (4) to
adjust on or more nutrient as other nutrients are changed for economic or availability reasons.
Plant Proteins: This group includes the common oilseed by-products soyabean meal,
cottonseed meal, linseed meal, peanut meal, safflower meal, sunflower meal, rapeseed meal, and
coconut (or copra) meal. They vary in protein content and nutrient value, depending on the seed
from which they are produced, the amount of hull and/or seed coat included and the method of
oil extraction used.
Polishing: By-product of rice, consisting of a fine residue that accumulates during polishing of
rice kernel contains about 10-15% protein, 12% fat and 3-4% crude fibre. It is an excellent
source of energy and vitamin B complex. Due to high fat content rancidity can pose problem
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Fatty acids having more than one double bond. Linoleic and
linolenic acids, which contain 2 and 3 bonds respectively are essential in the diet of man.
Poultry By-Product Meal - consists of the ground, rendered, clean parts of the carcass of
slaughtered poultry, such as necks, feet, undeveloped eggs, intestines, exclusive of feathers,
except in such amounts as might occur unavoidably in good processing practices.
Precursor: A compound that can be used by the body to from another compound for example,
carotene is a precursor of vitamin A.
Preservartives: A number of materials are available to incorporate into feed and their products,
with claims made that they will improve the preservation of nutrients, nutritive value and/or
palatability of the feed.
Pressed: Compacted or molded by pressure; having fat, oil or juice extracted under pressure.
Pressure cooker: An airtight container for the cooking of feed at high temperature under steam
Protein: From the Greek meaning of first rank importance. Complex organic compounds
made up chiefly of amino acids present in characteristic proportions for each specific protein. At
least 24 amino acids have been identified and may occur in combinations to form an almost
limitless number of proteins. Protein always contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
and in addition it usually contains sulfur and frequently phosphorus. Crude protein is determined
by finding the nitrogen content and multiplying the result by 6.25. The nitrogen content of
proteins averages about 16 per cent (100/16=6.24). Proteins are essential in all plant and animal
life as components of the active protoplasm of each living cell.
Protein equivalent: A term indicating the total nitrogenous contribution of substance in
comparison with the nitrogen content of protein (usually plant protein). For example, the non-
protein nitrogen (NPN) compound urea contains approximately 45% nitrogen and has a protein
equivalent of 281% (6.25 45%).
PER (Protein efficiency ratio) is the gain in body weight per gram of protein intake.
PER = Gain in body weight (g)
Protein intake (g)
Protein-sparing: An effect in which less proteins is used by the animal to meet the animals
glucose needs in times of glucose shortage. Propionic acid is protein sparing in that it can be
converted to glucose. Acetic and butyric acid cannot be converted to glucose. Likewise, fat
cannot be converted. The glycogenic amino acids may be converted to glucose.
Protein Supplements: Products that contain more than 20 percent protein or protein equivalent.
Proximate Analysis: A chemical scheme for evaluating feedstuffs, in which a feed stuff is
partitioned into the six fractions: (1) moisture (water) or dry matter (DM); (2) total (crude)
protein (CP or TDN 6.25); (3) ether extract (EE) or fat; (4) ash (mineral salts); (5) crude fiber
(CF) the incompletely digested carbohydrates and (6) nitrogen-free extract (NFE) the more
readily digested carbohydrates (calculated rather than measured chemically).
Purified Diet: A mixture of the know essential dietary nutrients in a pure form that is fed to
experimental (test) animals in nutrition studies.
Quality: A term used to denote the desirability and/or acceptance of an animal or feed product.
Quality of protein: A term used to describe the amino acid balance or protein. A protein is said
to be of good quality when it contains all the essential amino acids in proper proportions and
amounts needed by a specific animal and it is said to be poor quality when it is deficient in either
content or balance of essential amino acids.
Ration(s): The amount of feed supplied to an animal for a definite period, usually for a 24 hour
period. However by practical usage the word ration implies the feed fed to an animal without
limitation to the time in which it is consumed.
Respiratory quotient (RQ): This is the ratio between the volume of carbon dioxide produced by
the animal and the volume of oxygen used.
Saturated fat: A completely hydrogenated fat-each carbon atom is associated with the
maximum number of hydrogens; there are no double bonds.
Selenium: An element that functions with glutathione peroxidase an enzyme which enables the
tripeptide glutathione to perform its role as a biological antioxidant in the body. This explains
why deficiencies of selenium and vitamin E result in similar signs-loss of appetite and slow
Silage Silage is the material produced by the controlled fermentation of a crop of high moisture
content. Ensilage is the name given to the process and the container, if used, is called the silo.
chaff consists of the husk or glumes of the seed which are seperated from the grain during
Sodium Bentonite (clay): Used as a pellet binder. Also shows promise for improving the
nitrogen utilisation or ruminants.
Solvent-extracted: fat or oil removed from materials (such as oilseeds) by organic solvents.
Also called new process.
Sorghum: A cereal grain used mainly for as feed grain.
Specific Dynamic Action (SDA): The increased production of heat by the body as a result of
stimulus to metabolic activity caused by ingesting food.
Spray-dehydrated: Material which has been dried by spraying onto the surface of heated drum.
It is recovered by scraping it from the drum.
Stablised: Made more resistant to chemical change by the addition of a particular substance.
Starch equivalent is the number of kilograms of starch that would be required to produce the
same amount of fat as that of 100 kg of feed.
Straws Straws consist of the stem and leaves of plants after the removal of the ripe seeds by
threshing and are produced from most cereal crops and from some legumes
Steamed: Treatment of ingredients with steam to alter physical and/or chemical properties.
Sun-cured: Material dried by exposure in open air to direct rays of the sun.
Supplement: A feed or feed mixtures used to improve the nutrition value of basal feeds (eg.
Protein supplement-soyabean meal). Supplements are usually rich in protein, minerals, vitamins,
antibiotic or a combination of part or all of these and they are usually combined with basal feeds
to produce a complete feed.
TDN (%) = % dig.CP + (% dig. EE 2.25) + % dig.CF + % dig.NFE
Grossenergy: The quantity of heat generated from complete oxidation of unit weight of a food is
known as gross energy.
Toxemia: A condition produced by the presence of poisons (toxins) in the blood.
Toxic: Of poisonous nature.
Trace Elements: A chemical element used in minute amounts by organism and held essential to
their physiology. The essential trace elements are cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese,
selenium and zinc.
Trace mineral: A mineral nutrient required by animals in micro amounts only (measurable in
milligrams per kilogram or smaller units).
Transamination: It is the reversible reaction between amino acids and keto acids leading to the
exchange of amino and ketonic groups.
Thermal Equivalent of Oxygen: The utilization of one litre of oxygen would lead to the
production of 20.98 Kj of heat this value is known as thermal equivalent of oxygen.
True metabolisable energy (TME) for poultry is the gross energy of the deed consumed minus
for gross energy of the excreta of feed origin corrected for nitrogen retention, may be applied to
give a TME value. Most MEn values in the literature have been determined by assay in which
the test material is substituted for part of the test diet or for some ingredient of known ME value.
When birds in these assay are allowed to consume feed on an ad libitum basis, the MEn value
obtained approximate TMEn values for most feedstuffs.
True protein: A nitrogenous compound which will hydrolyze completely to amino acids.
Unsaturated fat: A fat having one or more double bonds; nor completely hydrogenated.
Unsaturated Fatty acid: Any one of several fatty acids containing one or more double such as
oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids.
Vaccum-dehydated: Freed or moisture after removal of surrounding air while in an airtight
Vitamins: Complex organic compounds that function as parts of enzyme systems essential for
the transformation of energy and the regulation of metabolism of the body, and required in
minute amounts by one or more animal species for normal growth, production, reproduction,
and/or health. All vitamins must be present in the ration for normal functioning except for B
vitamin in the ruminants (cattle and sheep) and vitamin C.
Wheat Bran - the coarse outer covering of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and
scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial milling.
Proper nutrition is essential to the health and well-being of all domestic animals. Nutrition is
important because animals must maintain a high level of production. The genetic advancement
has led to increased productivity and production systems have become more intensified, hence
there is increased pressure on animal husbandry to ensure that nutrition does not limit animal
wellbeing, health, or production.
Proper nutrition is also central to the prevention and control of many infectious and
noninfectious diseases. Infectious diseases require successful colonization by a specific
infectious organism(s) (eg, a bacterium, virus, parasite); the mere presence of the microbe is not
usually sufficient for disease to develop. Environmental and host factors influence whether an
animal will develop clinical disease or has impaired productivity as a result of becoming
infected. Mostly animals that are in a poor plane of nutrition pick up infections to a greater extent
than well fed animals in good nutritional status.
Nutrition plays a role in influencing the animal's susceptibility to disease (eg, feline lower
urinary tract disease) as well as in managing certain diseases (eg, diabetes, hyperlipidemia,
ketosis in dairy cattle). Rations/diets must be formulated to provide for the basic physiologic
needs (eg, energy, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals) of the animal and to ensure
optimal growth and productivity.
Nutritionally related diseases include diseases associated with a nutritional excess (eg, direct
toxic effect, digestive upset), nutritional deficiency (either a primary or secondary deficiency), or
nutritional imbalance.
Feed preparation and delivery are often as important in ensuring animal health as the actual
nutritional value of the ration itself. Inadequacies in nutritional delivery can directly cause
disease (eg, ruminal acidosis, laminitis) or increase susceptibility to disease (eg, type D
Clostridium perfringens enterotoxemia).
Nutritionally related diseases in companion animals include both diseases of excess (eg,
developmental orthopedic disease in dogs related to excess calcium and energy) and diseases of
deficiency (eg, blindness in cats related to taurine deficiency). Feeds and feeding management
can also influence animal health if feeding results in exposure to foodborne physical hazards (eg,
sharp objects), chemicals (eg, mycotoxins, toxic plants), allergens (eg, dust mites, mold spores),
or microbes (eg, molds, Salmonella spp).
Nutritional and waste management practices are also important in preventing and controlling
infectious diseases that are spread through fecal-oral transmission (eg, salmonellosis,
paratuberculosis in ruminants, toxoplasmosis in cats).
The feed intake and its digestibility determine the amount of nutrients that is actually
absorbed by an animal and therefore the availability of nutrients for various production purposes.
Animal production via animal nutrition may be improved by adopting the following methods:
crop improvement, changes in livestock management, pasture improvement, and feed
Poor nutrition delays puberty, reduces conception rate and increases pregnancy losses in
heifers. Under feeding cows during pregnancy, leads to poor plane of nutrition postpartum and
delays cycling and conception after calving. In poultry poor nutrition delays growth, has adverse
effect on feed efficiency and egg production.
Model questions
A. Health C. None
A. Blindness C. Encephalomalacia
B. Rickets D. All above
Feeds can be classified based on their moisture content or based on their fibre content.
Feeds having high moisture are called high moisture or succulent feeds. Feeds having
below 15 % moisture are called dry feeds.
Feeds having higher than 18 -20 % crude fibre are called roughages and feeds having
below 18 % crude fibre are called concentrates.
Roughages can be succulent or dry based on moisture content
Concentrates may be dry concentrates or high moisture concentrates (Molasses)
Concentrates having high protein above 18 % are called protein supplements
Concentrates having high energy (above 60% TDN) are called energy supplements.
Concentrates rich in minerals are called mineral supplements
The name cereal is given to those members of gramineae, which are cultivated for their
Cereal grains:
Cereal grains are essentially carbohydrate concentrates, the main component of the dry
matter being starch. The crude protein is the most variable component, usually ranging from 8-
12%, deficient in certain essential amino acids, particularly lysine and methionine. The oil
content varies from 2-5% cereal oils are unsaturated the main acids being linolic and oleic and
because of this they-tend to become rancid quickly and also produce a soft body fat. The crude
fibre content is highest in oats and rice, which contains husk or hull, formed from the inner and
outer palsae and is lowest in the naked grains like wheat and maize.
The cereals are all deficient in calcium, containing less than 0.15%. The phosphorus
content is higher, being 0.3-0.5%, but part of this is present as phytates. Cereal phytates have the
property of being able to immobilize dietary calcium. The cereal grains are deficient in vitamin
D and with the exception of yellow maize, in pro-vitamin A. They are good sources of vitamin E
and thiamin, but have a low content in riboflavin.Commonly fed cereals are maize, barely, oats,
wheat, rice etc.
Phytic acid:
Phytates are the salts of phytic acid. Phytic acid is formed due to combination of six
phosphate molecules with Inositol, a cyclic alcohol with six hydroxy radicals like that of hexose
sugar.Phytate occurs naturally in all foods of plant origin in association with vegetable protein.
Thus the vegetable feed ingredients which are rich in protein, also are generally found rich in
phytate content as in soyabean, sesame, rapeseed meal, cotton seed meal etc. The anionic
character of phytate makes it ideal for forming complexes with mineral elements particularly the
transitional element such as zinc, iron and manganese resulting the minerals inosluble in the
intestinal tract.
About half or more of the phosphorus in cereal grains is in the form of phytin. The
availability of phytin phosphorus to all non-ruminants is influenced by the level of vitamin D,
calcium, the calcium to phosphorus ratio, amount of zinc in the feed, alimentary tract pH and
other factors.
A good guide to assume that no more than 50% of the phosphorus in plant feeds is
available to non ruminants. By contrast, the phosphorus, in inorganic mineral supplements and of
animal origin are usually available at the rate of more than 80 per cent.In ruminants, the selected
ruminal microbes are in a position to hydrolyse phyates by secreating the enzyme phytase so that
it no longer binds the minerals as mentioned. Thus ruminants can utilise Phytin phosphorus
satisfactorily.For non ruminants supplementation with adequate minerals ( which are affected by
phytates) is the usual practice followed to-day in livestock feeding to overcome the adverse
effect of phytates.
Maize appears in a variety of colours, yellow, white or red. Yellow maize contains a
pigment, cryptoxanthin, which is a precursor of vitamin A. Though an excellent source of
digestible energy, maize is low in protein. Maize contains about 65% starch, is low in fibre and
has a high metabolisable energy value. The crude protein content ranges from 8-13%. The
maize kernel consists of two main types of protein. Zein occurring in endosperm, is
quantitatively the most important but this protein is deficient in the essential amino acids,
tryptophan and lysine. The other protein, maize glutelin occurring in lesser amount in the
endosperm and also in the germ, is a better source of these two amino acids. Recently plant
breeders have produced new varieties of maize with amino acid components different from those
present in normal maize; one such variety is Opaque-2, which has a high lysine content. The
difference between this variety and normal maize is primarily attributed to the zein: glutelin
ratio. A newer variety Floury-2 has both increased methionine and lysine content.
Maize is generally crushed or even roughly ground for feeding farm animals. Flaked
maize is prepared by cooking maize with steam and passing it through rollers, thus producing a
thin flake, which is then dried. Flaked maize decreased the proportion of acetic to propionic
acids in the rumen and thus depresses the butter fat content of milk when fed in relatively large
A palatable, but fibrous feed. The crude protein of barley gain ranges from about 6-14%
with average values of 9-10% with oil content less than 2%. Barley forms the main concentrate
food for fattening pigs in the United Kingdom, producing a good carcass with hard fat of high
Barley is low in lysine, variety Notch I and Notch II are rich in lysine, but low in yield.
Barley should always have the awns removed before they are offered to Poultry or swine. Barley
is usually steam rolled (flaked), crimped or coarsely ground before feeding.
Oats has the high crude fibre (10 18%) than maize and hence lower TDN. The crude
protein content ranges from 7-15%, deficient in methionine, histidine and tryptophan. Glutamic
acid is the most abundant amino acids. Oats are usually given Crushed or bruised to cattle
and sheep by ground to pigs and poultry.
The crude protein ranges from 6-12%, though it is normally between 8 and 14%. The
most important proteins present in the endosperm are a prolamin (gliadin) and glutelin
(Glutenin). The mixture of protein present in the endosperm is often referred to as gluten.
Glutenin contains about three times as much lysine that are present in gliadin. The amino acids
present in wheat gluten are the non-essential acids glutomic acid (33%) and proline (12%).
Wheat gluten varies in properties and it is mainly the properties of the gluten, which decide
whether the flour is suitable for bread or biscuit making. All glutens posses the property of
elasticity. Strong glutens are preferred for bread making and form dough, which traps the gases
produced during yeast fermentation. This property of gluten is considered to be the main reason
why finely ground wheat is unpalatable to animals. Wheat if finely milled forms a pasty mass in
the mouth, and may lead to digestive upset.
Millets are cereals, which produced small grain and have higher percentage of fibre .e.g.
Sorghum, Bajra, etc.
It resembles to feeding value of sorghum containing 8-12% crude protein with rich tannin
content. As the seed are hard, they should be ground or crushed before being fed to cattle.
It is the outer coarse coat of the grain, separated during processing e.g. Rice bran, wheat
bran, maize bran etc.
Rice bran:
Rice bran is valuable product containing 12-14% protein and 11-18% oil. The oil is
particularly unsaturated and may become rancid very quickly. Presently the oil is removed from
the rice bran and a product known, as deoiled rice bran is available in market for livestock
Wheat bran:
Wheat bran is popular food for horses contain more fibre. Its popularity as a food for
ruminants and horses bring due to its well-known physical property. When made into a mash
with warm water, it acts as a laxative, but when given dry it tends to counter act scouring.
Because of the fibrous nature and low digestibility bran is not commonly given to pig and
Flour: Soft, finely ground meal of the grains consists primarily of gluten and starch from
endosperm e.g. Corn flour, wheat flour and rice flour etc. Flour contains about 16% protein and 1
1.5% crude fibre.
Gluten: When flour is washed to remove the starch, a tough, substance remains, which are
known as gluten e.g., corn gluten. Gluten feed is generally not feed to non-ruminants due to
bulkiness, poor quality protein and unpalatability.
Grain Screening: Small imperfect grains, weed seeds and other foreign material of value as a
feed that is separated through the cleaning of grain with screen is called grain screening. The
nutritive value depends on the composition.
Hulls: Outer covering of the grain, generally not utilized as livestock feed.
By-product of rice, consisting of a fine residue that accumulates during polishing of rice
kernel contains about 10-15% protein, 12% fat and 3-4% crude fibre. It is an excellent source of
energy and vitamin B complex. Due to high fat content rancidity can pose problem.
Malt sprout:
Malt sprout are obtained as by-product of brewing processes etc. Barley sprouts is used
as livestock feed, contains about 24% crude protein.
A root crop consists of the under ground part of the harvested plant. The main
characteristic of roots are their high mixture content (75-94%) and low Crude fibre (4-13%).
The organic matter of root, consists mainly of sugars, roots are generally low in crude protein
ex.turnipe, beet, carrot etc.
Tubers are short thickened, fleshy stems, usually formed underground such as potatoes,
cassava, sweet potatoes etc. Potatoes: The crude protein content is approximately 11% about
half of this being in the form of non protein nitrogenous compounds, one of these compounds is
the alkaloid Solaridine. Solanidine and its diravities are toxic to animals, causing
gastroenteritis. Cassava: Cassava tubers are used for production of tapioca starch for human
consumption, although tuber is also given to cattle, pig and poultry. Cassava tubers contains two
cyanogenetic glucosides (linamrin and lotaustralin), which readily break down to give
hydrocyanic acid. Boiling or grating and squeezing or grinding to a powder reduces the toxicity.
Molasses is a product of the sugar refining industry; it is a black syrupy sweet solution.
The principal types of molasses are cane and beet molasses.
Cane molasses
Liquid molasses contain 20-25% water, 46% of sugars, 10-15% ash.
Molasses can be used to a maximum of 30 percent of the diet, however to be on the safe
side it can be included up to 10 percent of ration.
At higher inclusion levels it has a laxative effect due to the high mineral content.
Molasses is used in compounded feeds up to 2-5%
to improve palatability and prevent dustiness of feed.
It is also used as a pellet binder.
When included above 10% it may cause milling problems due to stickiness.
Molasses is used in liquid feeding systems for ruminants along with urea or other NPN
Molasses serves as readily available carbohydrate source during NPN supplementation.
In molasses based feeding systems molasses toxicity may occur which is characterized by
neurological symptoms such as in coordination and blindness.
The other types of molasses are citrus and wood molasses, which are available to a
limited extent. Citrus molasses is a by product of citrus processing has a bitter taste due
to its high organic acid content and is unpalatable. Wood molasses is a mixture of
hemicelluloses and soluble carbohydrates produced during the process of manufacturing
particle boards. It is primarily used as a pellet binder. It contains pentose sugar xylose
which is toxic to non ruminants. It causes poor growth, diarrhoea and eye cataracts in
They contain 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates and are concentrated sources of
energy for animals.
Fats are usually added to high-energy rations.
Fats also increase the palatability of feeds and prevent the dustiness of feeds, acts as a
lubricant in feed manufacturing and improves pelleting efficiency.
Animal fats used in feeding are beef tallow, mixed animal fat and greese.
Animal fats contain a high amount of saturated fatty acids and are less digested.
Vegetable oil (sunflower oil, ground nutoil, etc) and marine oils ( cod liver, Sardine)
contain a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids and adding these oils to feeds may lead
to the development of rancidity which can cause the destruction of a number of fat
soluble vitamins. Rancidity can be prevented or reduced by adding a number of
antioxidants (Vitamin E, BHT) to the feed.
Protein supplements contains more than 18 % protein. They can be from animal origin or
plant origin.
1) It is most widely used high protein feed that can be included upto 50% of the ration
2) It has about 45% protein and 10% oil in expeller variety
3) It is deficient in lysine, methionine and cystine
4) Particularly in warm rainy season liable to contain a toxic factor Aflatoxin a
metabolite of fungus Aspergillus flavus.
Aflatoxin can be produced at any stage from growing crop to the formulated feed. The
greatest potential for mould spoilage and mycotoxin production is in the growing crop or stored
raw material. The stressing of the plant by drought often results in cracked seeds favouring insect
infestation. Thus the protective outer layer of the grain gets damaged and endogenous mould
spores present within the grain or kernels are given access to oxygen, moisture and nutrients
leading to mould growth. A wet period around harvest may result in the crop being harvested at a
high moisture favouring mould growth and thereby toxin production. One of the greatest
potential for mould growth and mycotoxin production is the storage of inadequately dried
products. Out of four compounds designated afloxins B1, G1, B2, G2 of which B1 is the most
toxic. There are considerable species differences in the susceptibility to these toxins, turkey
poults and ducklings are highly susceptable, calves and pigs are susceptible while mice and
sheep are classed as resistant. Young animals are more susceptible than adults of the same
species. A common feature in affected animals is liver damage with marked bile duct
proliferation, liver necrosis and in many cases hepatic tumours. Gastrities and kidney
disfunction are the other symptoms.
1) The protein (44%) contains all the indispensable amino acids, but the concentrations
of cystine and methionine are sub-optimal.
2) The cake is used for all kinds of livestock including poultryupto 30% of the ration.
3) As with most other oil seeds, soyabeans have a number of toxic, stimulatory and
inhibitory substances. For example
i) A goitrogenic material is found in the meal and its long term use may result in
goitre in some animal species.
ii) It also contains antigens, which are specially toxic to young pre-ruminants
iii) Of particular importance in nutrition are the protease inhibitors of which six
have been identified. Two of these, the kunitz anti-trypsin factor and the
Bowman-Brik chymotrypsin inhibitor are of practical significance. Trypsin
inhibitor affects the digestability of proteins specially in monogastric animals.
These inhibitors will interfere with protein digestion, leading to poor growth
rate, egg production and feed efficiency. This interference with protein
digestion, leads to hypertrophy of pancrease and excess endogenous loss of
essential amino acids.
iv) A haemogglutinin, agglutinates red blood cell in rats, rabbits and human beings
but not in sheep and calves.
Fortunately, these inhibitors and other factors like saponins are inactivated by proper
heat treatment during processing.
4) Soyabeans also contain genistein, a plant estrogen, which may account, in some
cases for part of the high growth inducing properties.
Linseed Meal:
Linseed meal is unique among the oil seed residues in that it contains from 3-10% of
mucilage. It is readily dispersible in water, forming a viscous slime. Immature linseed contains a
small amount of a cyanogenetic glycoside, linamarin and an associate enzyme, linase, which is
capable of hydrolysing it with the evolution of hydrogen cyanide. Normal processing conditions
however, destroy linase and most of linamarin, and the resultant meals are quite safe.
The cyanogenetic glycosides or cyanogens are compounds that yield hydrogen cyanide
(HCN) upon treatment with acid or hydrolytic enzymes. HCN is released when tissues of plants
are crushed or otherwise disrupted. HCN is a potent respiratory inhibitor. The minimum lethal
dose of HCN taken orally has been estimated between 0.5 to 3.5 mg/kg of body weight,
depending on the species. Water washing, drying and storage will reduce the level of glycosides
in the feedstuffs.
It has been reported that linseed meal has a protective action against selenium poisoning.
The protein of linseed meal is having a lower methionine and lysine content. Linseed
meal has only a moderate calcium content but rich in phosphorus part of which is present as
phytase. It is a useful source of Vitamin, riboflavin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid and choline.
Linseed meal can be included upto 10 % in poultry diet.
1. The crude protein content is low (20-26%) and poor in lysine and histidine.
2. The oil content of coconut meal various from 2.5 to 6.5% the higher oil meals tends
to get rancidity and thus will cause diarrhoea. Hence low oil content type should be
3. Due to poor quality of protein and high fibre,its use should be restricted in swine and
poultry rations. If it is fed to monogastric, it should be supplemented with lysine and
The protein of cotton seed meal is of good quality, but has the common disadvantage of
oil seed residues of having a low content of cystine, methionine and lysine. The calcium content
is low and as the calcium to phosphorus ratio is about 1:6 deficencies of calcium may easily
arise. Pigs and poultry do not readily accept the meal largely owing to its dry dusty nature. No
such difficulty is encountered with lactating cows but complicattions may arise where large
amounts are given, since the milk fat tends to become hard and firm and butter made from such
fat is often difficult to churn and tends to develop tallory taints.
Cotton seed may contain from 0.3 to 20g/kg dry matter of a yellow pigment known as
Safflower Meal
The meal is produced after removal of most of the hull and oil from safflower seed. In
decorticated form it has about 40-45 per cent protein while the value goes down to about 18-20 if
not decorticated. The 18-20 per cent protein safflower meals contains about 60 per cent hulls
which limits its energy value and utilization in non-ruminants. Even the decorticated type
contains about 14 per cent fibre. Safflower meal is low in lysine and methionine. It is always
desirable that whenever safflower meal is fed to non-ruminants like pigs, it should be used in
conjunction with other lysine rich protein concentrates.
1) The meals are useful sources of protein (40%) which is low in lysine but has about
twice as much methionine as does soya protein.
2) The meal is palatable but is laxative and has a very short shelf life.
The expeller variety of sunflower meal or cake tends to produce soft pork and it also
makes the butter soft if fed in large amounts in cows because of the character of the oil it
contains. This can be used in cattle ration and safely included at 20 per cent level.
2) Nutritive value is much less than that of ground nut cake. D.C.P. and T.D.N. values are 27%
and 74% respectively. It should preferably be mixed with other, more well-liked feeds. The
deoiled type can be used for poultry upto 10 per cent of the ration and for pigs the amount
may go as high as 20 per cent.
3) The calcium and phosphorus content are much higher, being about 0.6 per cent and 1.0 per
Sesame seed meal is produced from what remains following production of oil from
Sesame seed and the meal is extensively used for all classes of livestock including poultry
.Contains about 40% protein rich in leucine, arginine and methionine and low in lysine. There
are three varities white, black and red. Nutritive value is highest in white while lowest in red
Contains more fibre (14%) with low ME Though low in protein content than soyabean
meal, the balance of essential amino acid, Calcium : Phosphorus are favourable. Grown in
Europe fed to pig and poultry, contains glucosinolates which may lead to goitre, liver and kidney
Low in protein with poor amino acid balance. The ratio of Calcium to Phosphorus is
more favourable than any other oil seed meal. The meal is dry and gritty and is not readly eaten.
It has the reputation of increasing the milk fat content.
Beans belong mainly to the vicieae and phaseoleae and are used as food for humans and
animals all over the world. Beans are regraded primarily as sources of protein, which is of
relatively good quality. This is a reflection of the amino acid composition which is characterised
by a high lysine content, similar to that of fish meal protein, but by a low level of cystine and
methionine which is lower than in the common animal and a vegetable protein sources.
Peas are basically similar to beans but bare lower contents of crude protein (26% of dry
matter) and crude fiber (<6% of dry matter.) The oil content is higher than that of beans but the
degree of saturation is similar. Like beans peas are regraded primarily as a source of protein.
1) Fish meal
2) Meat meal
3) Blood meal
4) Hatchery waste
5) Milk products
Fish meal:
Fish meal is the product obtained by drying and grinding whole fish or parts there of
various species. Fish meals are produced in two ways. The first is by charging in steam jacketed
vessels, which may be either a batch process carriedout under vaccum or a continuous process
not employing reduced pressure. In both the cases heating is carriedout in steam jacketed
vessels. In the flame drying process the meal is dried in a revolving drum by hot air from a
furnace at one end of the drum.
The quality of the protein in fish meal is high. Processing conditions, particularly the
degree and length of time of heating are probably the major derminant of protein quality. Fish
meal protein has a high content of lysine, methionine and tryptophon and is a valuable
supplement to cereal based diet. Fish meal has high mineral content (ca 8%, P 3.5%), good
source of vitamin B complex and have an enhanced nutritional value because of their content of
growth factor known collectively as the Animal protein factor (APF). Fish meal should be tested
for salt content, as excessive salt may lead to salt toxicity in monogastric animals and birds. Fish
meal should have minimum amount of scales, as their nitrogen content is of little value, since the
scales are keratinised tissue. Fish meal should be tested for E coli bacteria.
The current trend in marketing of fish meal is towards specialised products tailored to suit
particular species. Thus special low temperature meals are produced for aquaculture and for early
weaned pigs, and ruminant grade products have strictly controlled levels of soluble nitrogen.
Fish meals find their greatest use with simple-stomached animals. They are used mostly
in diets for young animals whose demand for protein and the indispensable amino acids is
particularly high and for whom the growth-promoting effects of APF are valuable. Such diets
may include up to 15% of fish meal. With older animals, which need less protein, the level of
fish meal in the diet is brought down to about 5% and it may be eliminated entirely from diets for
those in the last stages of fattening. This is partly for economic reasons since the protein needs
of such animals are small, and partly to remove any possibility of a fishy taint development.
Fully ruminant animals are able to obtain amino acids and B-vitamins by microbial synthesis and
the importance of fish meal for such animals is as a source of undegradable protein. This is of
particular importance for activily growing and pregnant animals. Rates of inclusion in the diet
are usually about 5%. For lactating cows the daily intake of fish meal should be limited to not
more than 1 kg. Above this the intake of oil could exceed 100 g/d resulting in detrimental effects
on fermentation in the rumen.
Squilla Meal:
It is obtained from the fisheries industries and appears to be one of the promising by
products. This product is very rich in protein. Calcium content is very high, about 10 per cent
while comparatively it contains low phosphorus, being 2.0 per cent only.
Meat meal:
It is the product obtained by drying and grinding carcasses and parts of carcasses of warm
blooded land animals. It should be free from hair, feathers, horn, hoof and skin and contents of
stomach and viscera.
Meat meal contains 60-70% protein with 9% fat, various unidentified beneficial factors
have been claimed to be present in meat meal, among them. The entiric growth factor from the
intestional track of swine, the Ackerman factor and a growth factor located in ash are
However, the low methionine and tryptophan levels in meals affect their protein quality.
Blood meal:
Blood meal is a product obtained by drying the blood of slaughtered animals and poultry.
Blood meal is a dark chocolate coloured powder with a characterstic smeall contains about 80%
protein, rich in lysine, arginine, methionine, cystine and leucine.
The meal is unpalatable and its use has resulted in reduced growth rates in poultry so that
it is not recommended for young stock. For older birds, rates of inclusion are limited to about 1
to 2 % of the diet. It should not be included in creep foods for pigs. Normal levels of inclusion
for older animals are of the order of 5% of diet and it is usually used along with a high quality
protein source. At levels over 10 % of the diet it tends to cause scouring and is best regarded as
a food for boosting dietary lysine levels.
Hatchery Waste:
The meal is of low palatability and must be introduced into the diet gradually. Dietary
rates of inclusion are generally low, being of the order of 2.5 to 3.0 % of the total ration for adult
ruminants, 2.5 % for layers, broilers and turkeys, and 1.0 % for calves, lambs, sows and growing
and finishing pigs. The meal is not used for weaner and creep-fed pigs or chicks.
There is a risk of contamination of the base material with Salmonella and it is important
that strict control of processing conditions should be maintained in order to minimize the risk of
this in the finished product.
Milk products:
Skim Milk:
Skim Milk is a residue after the cream has been seperated from milk has low fat content.
Skim milk finds its main use as a protein supplement in the diet of simple stomach animals.
When milk is treated with rennet in the process of cheese making, casein is precipitates
and the remaning serum is known as whey. Whey has most of the lactoglobulin. Whey find
their main use as constituents of proprietary milk replacers for young calves.
Pure urea has nitrogen content of 46.6% which is equivalent to a crude protein content of 46.6 x
6.25 = 291%
Urea is hydrolysed by the urease activity of the rumen micro organisms with the
production of ammonia. The ease and speed with which this reaction occurs when urea enters
the ruminant gives rise to two major problems owing to excessive absorption of ammonia from
the rumen. Thus wastage of nitrogen may occur and there may be a danger of ammonia toxicity.
This is diagnosed by muscular twitching, ataxia, excessive salivation, tetany, bloat and
respiration defects.
Urea should be given in such a way as to slow down its rate of breakdown and encourage
ammonia utilisation for protein synthesis. The diet should also contain a source of readily
available energy so that the microbial protein synthesis in enhanced and wastage reduced.
Urea, like other non-protein nitrogen sources, will not be used efficiently by the ruminant
animal unless the diet does not contain sufficient degradable protein to satisfy the needs of its
rumen microorganisms.
Although urea provides an acceptable protein source, there is evidence that where it
forms a major part of dietary nitrogen, deficiencies of the sulfur-containing amino acids may
occur. In such cases supplementation of the diet with a sulfur source may be necessary. An
allowance of 0.13 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate/per gram of urea is generally considered to be
optimal. Urea does not provide energy, minerals or vitamins for the animal, and when it is used
to replace conventional protein sources care must be taken to ensure that satisfactory dietary
levels of these nutrients are maintained by adequate supplementation.
To avoid the danger of toxicity, not more than one third of dietary nitrogen should be
provided as urea, and where possible this should be in the form of frequent and small intakes.
Most of the urea fed to growing and lactating dairy cattle is incorporated into the
concentrate protein of the ration. Generally speaking, urea is employed in amounts not higher
than 3% of the total concentrate fed or 1% of the total dry matter in the ration. The maximum
safe limit is 136g of urea per animal over 260kg body weight.
Supplementation of the diet with a sulpher source may be necessary. Achieve a nitrogen,
sulphur ratio not wider than 15:1. An allowance of 0.13g anhydrous sodium sulphate/g. of urea
is generally considered to be optimal.
Urea is available in proprietary foods in several forms. It may be include in solid blocks
which also provide vitamin and mineral supplementation and contain a readily available source
of energy, usually starch. Animals are allowed free access to the blocks, intake. Intake being
restricted by the blocks having to be licked and by their high salt content. There is some danger
of excessive urea intakes, should the block crumble or should there be readily available source of
water allowing the animal to cope with the high salt intakes. Solution of urea, containing
molasses as the energy source and carrying a variable amount of mineral and vitamin
supplementation are also in use. Like the blocks they contain 5-6% urea and about 25% sugar
and are supplied in special feeders in which the animal licks a ball floating in the solution the
animal thus has no direct acess to the solution. Where urea is include in the concentrate diet
thorough mixing is essential to prevent localised concentrations which may have toxic effects.
It contains 40.8% nitrogen, equivalent to 255% of crude protein. Biuret nitrogen is not as
efficiently utilised as that of urea, and it is very much more expensive.
Poultry Litters:
Despite aesthetic objections, dried poultry excreta have been successfully used for
feeding ruminants. Poultry mannures vary considerably in composition, depending upon their
Single-cell protein:
In recent years there has been considerable interest in exploiting microbial fermentation
for the production of protein. Single-cell organisms such as yeast and bacteria grow very quickly
and can double their cell mass, even in large scale industrial fermentors, in three to four hours.
A range of nutrient substrates can be used including cereal grains, sugar beet, sugar cane and its
by-products, hydrolysates from wood and plants, and waste products from food manufacture.
Bacteria such as Pseudomonas sp. can be grown.
The protein content of bacteria is higher than that of yeast and contains higher
concentrations of the sulfur-containing amino acids but a lower concentration of lysine. Single-
cell protein (SCP) contains unusually high levels of nucleic acids, ranging from 5.0 to 12.0 %
DM in yeast and 8.0 to 16.0 % DM in bacteria. Some of the purine and pyrimidine bases in
these acids can be used for nucleic acid biosynthesis. Large amounts of uric acid or allantoin,
the end - products of nucleic acid catabolism, are excreted in the urine of animals consuming
SCP. The oils themselves are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Although SCP does contain a
crude fiber fraction, and this can be quite high in some yeast, it is not composed of cellulose,
hemi-cellulose and lignin as in foods of plant origin; it consists chiefly of glucans, mannans and
In the case of poultry, dietary SCP concentrations of 2.0 to 5.0 % have proved optimal for
broilers and 10.0 % has been suggested for diets for laying hens.
Many countries have a long coastal belt and consequently many by-products are available
from sea animals and weed industries. India has a long coastal belt, stretching 5,000km.Various
by-products have recently been made available from fish / prawn / frog / shrimp industries.
Fish wastes:
The main types and quantity of the waste material available from fishing and fish
processing industry (approximate quantity in tonnage) are: prawn shell and head wastes, 40,000;
lobster wastes, 800; fish wastes, 3000; frog wastes, 5,000; shark-liver residue, 2,000; and squilla
(caught in trawl nets along with prawn and fishes), 1,00,000.
In the seafood canning industry, prawns and shrimps are utilised for manufacturing
frozen headless fish, peeled and deveined fish, cooked/frozen and semidried fish, dry fish pulp,
etc. In processing, large quantities of shells are left out as wastes. A scientifically processed
shrimp-meal has an average of 47 per cent protein and 27 per cent ash. A process of fish ensiling
using surplus fish as animal feed has been developed.
Frog-meal is the left over of the frog leg industry. About 1,000 tonnes of this by-product
is available annually in Kerala State. It can replace fish-meal twice by weight in poultry rations
for growth and egg production. It contains about 60 per cent protein.
Prawn wastes:
Shrimp shell powder, a waste product of the shrimp processing industry, consists largely
of discarded portions of shrimps like heads and crustacean stills. These wastes can be
incorporated up to 15 per cent in the broiler ration when fish-meal is not available.
Natural Cultivated
Permanent Temporary
Natural pasture:
In India most of the grazing land are situated on the undulating and hilly areas and in
semi arid and arid tracts. The Indian grass cover has been classified into five groups: They are:
1. Sehima-Dichanthium type : Maharastra, AP, T.N. Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa
2. Dichanthium Cernchrus Lasiurus type : Gujarat, Rajasthan, U.P. Delhi, Punjab and
3. Phragmites Saccharum type : Punjab, Manipur, Assam, Tripura, West Bengal, Bihar, U.P.
4. Themeda Arundinella type : Northern and North Western mountain track upto 2100 MSL.
5. Temperate Alpine type : This type access at elevation above 2100 MSL
The grazing pressure in INDIA is 2.35 cow unit/ ha, whereas at Australia and New
Zealand, it is 0.2 cow unit/ ha. - Needs to be augmented to cater the needs of our livestock.
The composition of pasture dry matter is extremely variable; for example, the crude
protein content may range from 3 per cent in very mature herbage to over 30 per cent in young
heavily fertilised grass. The crude fiber content is inversely related to crude protein content and
may range from 20 to as much as 40 per cent in very mature samples. Moisture content is high
in early stages of growth (75 to 85%) and falls as the plant mature to about 60 per cent. The
cellulose is between 20 to 30 per cent while hemicelluloses vary from 10 to 30 per cent. Both
these polysaccharides increases with maturity; so also, does the lignin. The lipid content of
pasture rarely exceeds 4 per cent of the dry matter. The mineral content varies with species,
stage of growth, soil type, amount of fertiliser applied etc. Green herbage is exceptionally rich in
carotene, the precursor of vitamin A and quantities as high as 55 mg per 100 grams of dry matter
of young green crops. Nutritionally the legumes are frequently superior to grasses in protein and
mineral content (particularly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and cobalt), and their
nutritive value falls less with age.
In the absence of sufficient grazing ground of good quality for maintaining cattle, sheep, goat
on pasture all the year round, the importance of growing fodder crops to provide feed
economically for production of milk and for draught animals, need no special emphasis. For the
sake of convenience, these are classified into two groups leguminous and non-leguminous.
Among leguminous fodders, cowpea (Vigna catjang), cluster bean (Guar; Cyamopsis
psoraloides), are the most common kharif leguminous crops. They contain from 2-3 per cent
D.C.P. and about 10 per cent T.D.N. on fresh basis and yield about 10 tones of forage per acre.
Berseem (Trifolinm alexandrinum) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) are two other common
leguminous fodder in India. The former is an annual crop, grown during the rabi season; the
latter is a perennial one having maximum growth in winter and spring but is retarded during the
monsoon. Both these crops can yield over 3 tones per acre in 5-6 cutting. The disadvantage is
that, both the fodders are liable to produce bloat if given in large quantities and thus it is
advisable that they should always be given along with some dry fodder. Lucerne and berseem
contain on an average 2.5 to 3 per cent D.C.P. and 12 per cent T.D.N. on fresh basis. The
phosphorus content of these two forages are poor and thus have wide calcium to phosphorus
ratio. It is advisable to supplement a ration containing a large amount of leguminous fodder with
a limited quantity of wheat or rice bran.
Among non-leguminous fodder jowar (Sorghum vulgare), maize (Zea mays) and sudan
grass (Sorghum sudanense) are most common kharif fodder. Yield ranges from 10-20 tones per
acre. Most of the fodders belonging to this group (non-legume kharif) are having 0.5-1 per cent
D.C.P. and 11-15 per cent T.D.N. except maize, which is the nutritious of all, having 1 per cent
D.C.P. and 17 per cent T.D.N. on fresh basis. Among the Rabi non-leguminous fodder crops,
oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) are the most important. Of these two, oat is
by far excellent for milch cattle. It has 2 per cent D.C.P. and 17 per cent T.D.N. on fresh basis.
Non-leguminous perennial fodder crops consists of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum),
Hybrid Napier grass (cross between Napier and Bajra), Guinea grass (Panicum maximum), Para
grass (Brachiariamutica). All these grasses flourish vigorously during summer and rainy
seasons. About 4-6 cuttings can be taken under north India conditions so that an annual yield of
30-40 tonnes per acre is the yield. Two to three animals can be maintained per acre on these
The utilization of tree leaves for feeding to livestock is not common. They are, however,
used for feeding sheep and goats, and are sometimes fed to cattle during periods of fodder crisis.
Nutritive value
The dry matter contents varies from 20 40%. Tree leaves generally contains 6 - 15 %
crude protein on dry matter basis. The leguminous tree leaves contains relatively higher crude
protein. Early stages of their growth leaves contain fairly high amount of crude protein and a
comparitively low percentage of crude fiber. As maturity progresses, there is a gradual decrease
in protein content with a concomitant increase in crude fiber. The tree leaves and shrubs are
generally rich in calcium but poor in phosphorus. Tree leaves of same species show wider
variations in chemical composition due to season of lopping, locality.
Since tree leaves contains tannin, it is better to restrict the level of feeding tree leaves (on
dry matter basis) to less than 30% of the total dry matter intake in the case of cattle and sheep.
Goats however, can consume tree leaves at higher level as they have Tannase (enzyme to
detoxify tannin) in their saliva. It is advisable to feed wilted tree leaves than freshly lopped
leaves, as wilting helps in reducing the anti nutritional factors as well increases the palatability.
Fresh leaves should not be lopped as they are often toxic and there by natures
device for protection.
Sapling and poles should not be lopped.
Lopping may be restricted to lower two third of the crown, protecting the upper
one third which can manufacture the food for plants till new leaves come up.
Some of the commonly fed tree leaves are : Acacia species, Delbergia sissoo, Ailanthus
excelsa, Jack leaves, Neem leaves, Subabul, Luceana lecocephala Ficus species leaves, oak
leaves, Bauhinia leaves., etc.
Tannins , Mimosine, Refer the chapter on Anti nutritional factors for details
A root crop consists of the fleshy subterraneous (under ground) part of the harvested
plant. The main characteristic of roots are their high mixture content (75-94%) and low Crude
fibre (4-13%). The organic matter of root, consists mainly of sugars, roots are generally low in
crude protein ex.turnipe, beet, carrot etc.
Contain 7-13% crude protein and the main sugar being sucrose, turnips are liable to stain
the milk, if given to dairy cows at or just before milking time. The volatile compound
responsible for the taint is obsorbed from the air by the milk.
Fodder beet
Carne is required in feeding cattle on fodder beet since excessive intakes may course
digestive upsets, hypocalcaemia and even death. The digestive distrabences are probably
associate with high sugar content.
Tubers are short thickened, fleshy stems, usually formed underground such as potatoes,
cassava, sweet potatoes etc. Tubers differ from the root crop in containing either starch or
fructorse instead of sucrose. The have higher dry matter and lower crude fibre content and
consequently are more suitable than roots for feeding pig and poultry.
The crude protein content is approximately 11% about half of this being in the form of
non protein nitrogenous compounds, one of these compounds is the alkaloid Solaridine.
Solanidine and its derivatives are toxic to animals, causing gastroenteritis. Green potatoes
should be regarded as suspects, although removal of the eye and peel, in which solandine is
concentrated will reduce toxicity. Raw potatoes have a protease inhibitor which is destroyed on
Cassava tubers are used for production of tapioca starch for human consumption,
although tuber is also given to cattle, pig and poultry. Cassava tubers contains two cyanogenetic
glucosides (linamrin and lotaustralin), which readily break down to give hydrocyanic acid.
Boiling or grating and squeezing or grinding to a powder reduces the toxicity.
Straws consist of the stem and leaves of plants after the removal of the ripe seeds by
threshing and are produced from most cereal crops and from some legumes chaff consists of the
husk or glumes of the seed which are separated from the grain during threshing. These products
are extremely fibrous, rich in lignin and of extremely low nutritive value. They should not be
used as pig or poultry food.
Paddy straw
It has an exceptionally high ash content about 170g/kg of dry matter, which consists
mainly of silica. The lignin content of this straw, about 60-70g/kg dry matter is however lower
than that of other cereals straw. In contrast to other straws, the stems are more digestible than
the leaves.
The poor nutritive values of straws may be attributed to the following facts.
1) The digestibility of straw is limited due to the formation of strong physical and/or chemical
bonds between lignin and the structural polysaccharides (Hemi-cellulose). Although
cellulose by itself has a highly ordered crystalline structure, it has a very strong association
with lignin, with the result that even the most potent cellulosic enzymes cannot have easy
access to the cellulose unless the bondage between lignin and cellulose is broken.
3) Highly deficient in other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and in proteins. The
minimum crude protein requirement for efficient lignocellulose break down of roughages
fed as the sole diet is claimed to be from 3.8 to 5.0%.
In some cases, it is economical to increase the nutritive values of all types of poor quality
roughages by physical chemical or biological treatment.
Model questions
11.The mixture of protein present in the endosperm of the wheat is often referred to as
A. Gluten B. Glum
C. Mucilage D. Compound protein
i. C and D are ii. B is correct iii. A is correct iv. D is correct
14.Flaked maize decrease the proportion of acetic acid to pripionic acids in the rumen
and thus bufferfat content of milk
A. Depressed B. Increased
C. Maintained D. No effect
i. C and D are ii. None are correct iii. B is correct iv. A is correct
20.Soyabean meal can be included in the ration of livestock and poultry in the range of
A. 10-15% B. 2030%
C. 59% D. 3140%
i. A is correct ii. B is correct iii. C is correct iv. D is correct
21.Cotton seed meal is not readily accepted by pigs and poultry due to
A. Gossipol B. Dry dusty nature
C. Poor palatability D. Colour
i C and D are ii. A is correct iii. B is correct iv. None are correct
On the basis of the type of nutrient affected and the biological response produced in the
animal of the toxic factors can be classified into five major groups as follows:
1) Substance depressing digestion or metabolic utilization of protein:
a) Protease inhibitors
b) Lectins or Ricin (hemagglutinins)
c) Saponins
d) Polyphenolic compounds (TANNINS)
2) Substance reducing the solubility or interfering with the utilization of mineral elements:
a) Phytic acid
b) Oxalic acid
c) Glucosinolates
d) Gossypol
3) Substance inactivating or increasing the requirements of certain vitamins and hormones:
a) Antivitamins A, D, E, K and anti-pyridoxine
b) Minosine (Anti hormone)
4) Cyanogens
5) Nitrate and Nitrate
6) Moulds and mycotoxins in animal feedstuffs
a) Protease inhibitors:
Substance that inhibit proteolytic enzymes and thereby growth and non-ruminants are
distributed throughout the plant kingdom but are particularly abundant in seeds and legumes. In
the case of soyabeans identification of two main groups or protease inhibitors have recently been
made namely: (1) Kumitz inhibitors have few disulphide bonds and a specificity towards trypsin
(2) Bowman-Brik inhibitors have a high proportion of disulphide bonds, inhibiting both trypsin
and chymotrypsin. Feeding raw soyabeans to pigs, chicks and rats have resulted growth rate
pancreatic hyperplasia and low production. Although ruminants are capable of utilising raw
soyabeans without suffering any deleterious effects, a better response in milk production and
growth rate in obtained on diets containing treated soyabean. The inhibitory substances are
mostly heat labile and thus before feeding any leguminous grain to non-ruminants, the situation
is generally corrected by proper heat treatment. Since overheating can damages some nutrients,
such as amino acids and vitamins, quality control tests have been developed to assess the
adequacy of heat treatment. These includes trypsin inhibitor and unease assays, cresol red
absorption, protein dispersibility (index) PDI) and nitrogen solubility index (NSI).
This important group of anti-nutritional factor are found in both plant and animal tissue.
At first, while studying the toxicity of castor been cakes (after the oil had been extracted) a toxic
fraction capable of agglutinating human red blood cells was noted as ricin. Subsequently,
similar active extracts from other edible legume seeds were obtained. Lectin are protein in
nature, resistant to digestion by pancreatic juice. Although very resistant to destruction by dry
heat, lectins are destroyed by the same conditions as those used to inactive protease inhibitors.
c) Saponins
The important common forages which have caused saponin poisoning of livestock are
Lucerne, White clover, red clover and soyabean Saponins or Sapogenins are either steroids or
triterpenoids, which are the break down products of certain glycosides found in soyabean, peas,
alfalfa and certain varieties of beans. They are bitter in taste, lather forming and inhibit the
action of proteolytic enzymes and cholinesterase. They also causes haemolysis of red blood
cells. Water soaking and rinsing will remove them components in the feedstuffs. Chemically
saponins are glycosides which on hydrolysis yield surgars such as pentoses, hexoses and uronic
acids and aglycaons (Derivatives of polycyclic ring system.) Among forages saponins occur
mainly in legumes such as alfalfa, clovers and Leucaena. Alfalfa and Leucaena saponins are
present in leaves, stems, roots and blossoms of the plant to an extent of 2 to 3 per cent.
Also known as tannic acid, gallotannin and gallotannic acid. It is now defined to include
those naturally occurring compounds having high molecular weight (500-3000) and containing a
sufficiently large number of phenolic hydroxyl groups (1 to 2 per 100 molecular weight) to
enable them to form effective cross-links between proteins and other macromolecules.
Types of Tannins:
Vegetable tannins
Chemically tannins may be grouped
Hydrolysable two broad categories: (1) Hydrolysable
1. Carbohydrate 1. Proanthocyanidins tannin and (2) Condenced tannins. Most
2. Gallotannins
3. Ellagatannin
(Flavan-3,4-diois) tannins extracts appear to contain mixture of
2. Catechins
Acid or alkali or (Hydeoxyflavan 3 ols) both the types of tannins but generally one or
tannase enzyme
the other predominates at least in any given
1. Sugar
2. Gallic acid Dehydrogenased Heating part of the plant.
3. Ellagic acid enzyme or in acid
diluted mineral solution
acids at room
Properties of Tannins:
1. The most important property of tannins is undoubtedly their capacity to bind proteins;
they are thus inhibitors of enzymes.
2. The low palatability of some herbage plants such as cotton grass (Imperata cylindrica)
and of some grains as has already mentioned have been attributed to their high tannin
3. They are also markedly astringent that is they cause a dry or puckery sensation in the
mouth, probably by reducing the lubricant action of the glycoproteins I the saliva.
4. The presence of tannins in a feedstuff has been assumed to affect voluntary intake as it
cause a dry or puckery sensation in the mouth, propably by reducing the lubricant action of
the glycoprotein in the saliva. High tannin content also depress cellulose activity and thereby
affects digestion of crude fibre. Besides, tannins may cause loss of mucus, epithelial edema,
irritation and damage of alimentary canal tissue, which in turn facilitate greater tannin
absorption, thus causing toxicity.
Substance reducing the solubility or interfering with the utilization of mineral elements:
a) Phytic acid:
Phytates are the salts of phytic acid. Phytic acid is formed due to combination of six
phosphate molecules with Inositol, a cylic alcohol with six hydroxy redicals like that of hexose
sugar.The anionic character of phytase makes it ideal for forming complexes with mineral
elements particularly the transitional element such as zinc, iron and manganese resulting the
minerals insoluble in the intestinal tract. Solubility of these complexes mainly varies with pH,
and calcium ion concentration, eg. Calcium enhance the formation of Zn-phytate complex. The
effect of pH on solubility is particularly significant as because pH 6 is the approximate pH of the
duodenum and upper jejunum the size of absorption of heavy elements including zinc. Neither
phytate nor the zinc-phytate or calcium-Zn-phytate complex are absorbed under this pH range.
About half of more of the phosphorus in cereal grains is in the form of phyrin. The
availability of phytin phosphorus to all non-ruminants is influenced by the level of vitamin D,
calcium, the calcium to phosphorus ratio, amount of zinc in the feed, alimentary tract pH and
other factors. How vitamin D specifically acts in improving the utilization of phytin phosphorus
is not clear. In ruminants, the selected ruminal microbes are in a position to hydrolyse phytates
by secreting the enzyme phytates so that it no longer binds are mineral as mentioned. Thus
ruminants can utilize phytin phosphorus satisfactorily. For non-ruminants supplementation with
adequate minerals (which are affected by phytates) is the useful practice followed to-day in
livestock feeding to overcome the adverse effect of phytates.
b) Oxalic acid:
In both the vegetable and animal kingdoms oxalic is found as free and in salt forms.
Plants which are particularly rich in oxalates include beet, spinach and a number of agro-
industrial by-products used as livestock feed ingredient.Oxalic acid (oxalate) poisoning of
livestock household pets and people is of important throughout the world. Oxalic acids is an
organic dicroboxylic acid that readily forms insoluble salts with calcium ad magnesium.Oxalate
is apparently split to carbon dioxide and formate and the hydrogen from formic acid is used to
synthesis methane. Oxalate degrading aerobic bacteria have been isolated from rumen content.
Bacterial degradation of oxalate to a non-toxic form and this tolerance for oxalate are acquired
c) Glucosinolates (Thioglucosides):
Glucosinolates are responsible for the pungent flavour found in some cultivated plants
belonging to the Cruciferae, specially the genus Brassica, which includes cabbage, turnips,
rapseed, mustered seed. Their main biological effect is to depress the synthesis of the thyroid
hormine (Tryroxine and Triiodothyronine), thus producing goitre, although the later is not caused
by the glucosinolates per se but by their products of hydrolysis.The glucosinolates occur in the
root, stem, leaf and seed and are always accomplished by the enzyme thioglucosidase, which is
capable of hydrolysing then to glucose, acid sulphate and either thiocyanates, isothiocyanates or
nitrate. Some of the isothiocyanate are subsequently cyclised to oxazolidine-2-thiones (OZT). It
is intersting to note that thioglucosidase is also present in some intestinal bacteria and is
important when intact glucosinolates are fed to animals.In contrast, ruminants appear to be less
susceptible to the toxic effect of glucosinolates compared with pigs and poultry. This is probably
the result of the glucosinolates being relatively unhydrolysed in the rumen.When feed containing
goitrogenic substance are fed in excessive quantities but are soaked or cooked in water, the
disease (goiter) is much less likely to develop as the cooking process eliminates the enzyme. An
adequate supply of iodized salt in another preventive measure specifically in areas where non-
ruminants consume goitrogenic substances in a large dose. For treatment a daily injection of
thyroxide @ 0.1 to 0.3 mg is advocated.
d) Gossypol
Gossypol pigments are polyphenolic compounds found exclusively in the pigment glands
of cottonseed. At least 15 such pigments have been identified in extract of both cottonseed meal
and oil, but the most predominant is the yellow (C30H30O8). These pigments can exist either in a
free from or as gossypol-protein complex. Whole seeds contain a total of 1.09-1.53 g/100g, of
which an average of 0.19 g/100 g exists in the free form. Decorticated seed contain a total of
approximately 2 g/100 g, of which 0.15 g/100g is in the free form.The physiological effects of
free gossypol,. In addition to reduced appetite and loss or body weight, include accumulation of
fluid in the body cavities, cardiac irregularity, reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and
an adverse effect on certain liver enzymes.Pigs and rabbits appear to be more sensitive than
poultry where 0.06 per cent gossypol in the diet can depress growth in young chickens. In laying
birds, 0.15 per cent of free gossypol reduce egg production. In the case of pigs a dietary level of
0.01 per cent reduces growth rate. The toxic effects of gossypol can be overcomes by
supplementing the diet with iron in the form of ferrous sulphate.
Cyanide in trace amount is fairly widespread in the form of glucosides and relatively high
levels can be found in certain grasses such as jowar (sorghum) and sudan grass, linseed maize
and cassava root. These plants generally contain cyanogenetic glycosides, which can be
hydrolysed to prussic acid by the enzyme usually present in the sample plant under a number of
conditions during their growing period, or as they are being digested by animals. Maize linseed,
jowar, sudan grass may develop toxic levels of prussic acid also known as hydrocyanic acid
(HCN) in the new growth that follows either a period of drought, or a period of heavy trampling
or physical damage by frost etc. Heavy nitrate fertilisation of the soil followed by an abundant
irrigation or rainfall may increase the prussic acid poisoning potential of these crops. Note that
the grasses mentioned so far are not abused in any way if growing conditions are favourable. In
plants the glucoside is non-toxic in the intact issues and as stated earlier, when the plants are
damaged or begin to decay, hydrolytic enzyme from the same plant is released liberating HCN.
This reaction can take place in the rumen by microbial activity. The HCN is rapidly absorbed
and some is eliminated through the lungs, but the greater part is rapidly detoxified in the liver by
conversion to thiocyanate. Excess cyanide ion can quickly produce anoxia of the central nervous
system through inactivating the cytochrome oxidase system, and death can result within a few
seconds. Based on the intensity animals show nervousness, abnormal breathing, trembling or
jerking muscles, blue colouration of the lining of the mouth, spasms or convulsions and
respiratory failure. Animals which have not shown much evidence of toxicity may be injected
intravenously with 3 g of sodium nitrate and 15g sodium thiosulphate in 200 ml H2O for cattle,
for sheep, 1g sodium nitrate and 2.5 g sodium thiosulphate in 50 ml H2O. Ruminants are more
susceptible to HCN poisoning than are horses and pigs, because in the latter two species the
enzyme concerned in the release of HCN is destroyed by the gastric HCl.
Forages and drinking water when contaminated with inorganic nitrates and nitrites cause
an acute toxicosis in cattle resulting from formation of methemoglobin (a true oxidation product
of haemoglobin) which is unable to transport oxygen because the iron is in the ferric (Fe+++)
rather than the usual ferrous (Fe++) state. The situation is more common in forages where either
nitrogenous fertilizers have been used at a very high dose or the forages have been harvested at a
very early stage of their growth. It appears to be a more serious problem in the ruminant since
nitrates are reduced to the more toxic nitrites in the rumen. If the amount is not much, nitrite is
reduced to ammonia. When excess nitrate is ingested, the toxic nitrite may accumulate and
absorbed from the rumen because the activity of nitrate reductase exceeds that of nitrite
reductase. The rates of nitrate and nitrite reduction by a given population of ruminal microbes
appears to depend upon the supply of fermentable energy sources which supply hydrogen for the
reduction. A high dose of concentrates in the daily ration and adequate feeding or Vitamin A
have a protective effect. Symptoms seen in acute toxicity include laboured breathing
(dyspena), grinding of the teeth, uneasiness and excessive salivation.
Mimosine is a toxic amino acid, also called as leucenine found in the plants belonging
to the genus Leucaena like subabul. This toxic substance mimosine can cause problems when
the forage is eaten in large quantities for a long period. Mimosine is a powerful depilatory
agent that cannot be degraded after absorption. But it can be extensively degraded to Dihydroxy
pyridone (DHP) in the rumen. Excess DHP is absorbed into the blood stream, reaches thyroid
gland and inhibits biosynthes of the hormone thyroxine. Acceptable safe daily intake of
mimosine was calculated to be 0.14% g/kg body weight. Among the various livestock, horses,
sheep, pigs and even rabbits are highly sensitive to mimosine and thus subabul should not be fed
to them. The main symptoms are reduced growth and weight loss, excessive salivation, loss of
hair, eroded gums, enlarged thyroid gland and poor reproductive efficiency, Sun dried leucaena
leaf meal contains 3.2% of mimosine. Ferrous sulphate supplementation also reduce the
minosine toxicity, by forming insoluble red iron complex. Certain strains of rumen microbs at
Australia capable of detoxifying mimosine have been identified and are now being innoculated
to livestock of other nation to overcome mimosine toxicity
(b) Anti-Vitamin B:
Rachitogenic activity of isolated soya protein (unheated) has been founded with chicks
and pigs. The effect could be partially eliminated by increasing the vitamin D in the diet by 8-10
fold. Autoclaving eliminates this rachirtogenic activity.
(c) Anti-Vitamin E:
The author while working his Ph.D. programme at Cornell ?University in USA observed
that diets containing raw kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) produce muscular dystiophy in
lambs by reducing plasma vitamin E. Alcohol extraction of the beans reveals two factors with
anti-vitamin E activity, one being alcohol soluble and heat-stable, the other being neat-labile and
alcohol-insoluble. By autoclaving beans the anti-vitamin activity is eliminated.
(d) Anti-Vitamin K:
Sweet clover disease is characterized by a fatal haemorragic condition in cattle and has
been known for over 20 years. The active principle reasonable for this disease is dicoumarol,
which reduces the prothrombin level of the blood, thus interfering with the blood clothing
mechanism. The effect is due to reducing vitamin KL utilization in the production of thrombin.
(e) Anti-pyridoxine:
It has been demonstrated that the nutritive value of linseed meal for chicks can be
considerably improved after extracting the meal with water and autoclaving. An antagonist of
pyridoxine (a member of B Vitamins) from linseed which has been identified as 1-amino-D-
proline and occurs naturally in combination with glutamic acid ass a peptide is known as
Model questions
38.Pink colored discoloration of egg white is due to
A. Gossypol B. Cyclopropenoids
C. Discoumarol D. HCN
i. None are correct ii. D is correct iii. B is correct iv. A is correct
40.Aflatoxin is a
A. Hepatotoxin B. Neurotoxin
C. Carcinogens D. Nephrotoxin
i. C and D are ii. A and B are iii. A and C are iv. A and D are
correct correct correct correct
42.Compared to most domestic animals the species that can tolerate high level of tannin
in feed is
A. Sheep B. Pig
C. Cow D. Goat
i. C is correct ii. B is correct iii. A is correct iv. D is correct
48.The toxic effect of gossypol present in cotton seed can be over come by
supplementing the diet with
A. Ferrous sulphate B. common salt
C. Antibiotic D. Molasses
i. A is correct ii. D is correct iii. B is correct iv. C is correct
Feedings standards are the tables whichindicates the quantities of nutrients to be fed to
the various classes of livestock for different physiological functions like growth, maintenance,
lactation, egg production and wool growth. The nutrient requirements are generally expressed
separately for each function or an overall figure for the combined functions may also be
expressed. In the case dairy animals nutrient requirements are generally expressed for the
separate body functions but in case of poultry and pigs combined requirements of maintenance
and other body functions are given.
There are two terms which has been used in the feeding standards. One is the nutrient
allowance and another is the nutrient requirements. The former gives an extra allowance of
nutrient over the requirement which gives a margin of safety whereas latter term gives the
requirement for optimum production.
Feeding standards
9. Indian standard
1. Hay standard
In 1810 German scientist Thaer suggested that different feeds should be compared
using meadow hay as a unit. This standard provided that 100 lbs. of meadow hay was equal in
nutritive value to 91 lbs. of clover hay or 200 lbs. of potatoes, 625 lbs. of mangels. Nothing was
known of the chemical value of these feeds and the physiological requirements of the animals.
The only measure was the practical feeding experience.
As the grains are of different types in different countries, the feed units should
also be different. Hence the Scandinavian units are not applicable in our country unless
experiments are conducted here with our own grains.
In 1859 Grouven, a German chemist published his feeding standard with crude
protein, carbohydrates and fat contained in the feed as the basis of the standard. According to
this standard a cow weighing 1,000 lbs. should be fed 28.7 lbs. of dry matter containing 2.67 lbs.
of crude protein 0.6 lb. of crude fat and 14.55 lbs. of crude carbohydrates.
Very soon after standard of Grouven, Henneberg and Stohaan found that the total
nutrient contained in a feed did not from an accurate guide to its value. The proportion of
digestible parts varied with different feeds and hence the digestible nutrient would be more
valuable. So due to this defect Grouvens feeding standard is now abandoned.
Haecker an American worker who for the first time considered quality as well as
the quality of milk produced in formulating a milk standard. He was also the first to separate
requirements for maintenance form the requirements of production. His standard included
digestible crude protein, carbohydrates and fats. Later it was expressed in digestible crude
protein and total digestible nutrients.
Another American scientist Savage came to the conclusion that the Haecker
standard was too low especially in protein. He suggested that in case of milking cows at least 24
lbs. of dry matter should be provided for an average cow. The nutritive ratio should not be wider
than 1:6 or narrow than 1:4.5. About two-thirds of the dry matter should be from the roughages
and one-third from the concentrates. Therefore, the protein requirement was increased about 20
percent above the standard of Haecker.
Morrison F.B. observed that stockmen are spending large sums of money for
entirely unnecessary amounts on protein supplement, thus considerably reducing their profits.
He therefore, endeavoured to combine in one set of standards what seem in the judgement to be
the best guide available in computation of rations for the various classes of stock. These
standards were first presented in the 15th edition of Feeds and Feedings published in 1915 and
where then called Modified Wolff and Lehmann standard. They soon came to be known as the
Morrison Feeding Standard. These standards have expressed in terms of Dry Matter (D.M.),
Digestible Protein (D.P.) and Total Digestible Nutrients (T.D.N.)
9. Indian standards
Considering the fact that nutrient needs of livestock and poultry breeds under
tropical environments are different from those developed in temperate climate, the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research draw suitable feeding standards for the Indian livestock and
According to this system, a 1,000 lbs. animal needs 0.6 lb. of digestible protein
and 6.35 lbs. of starch equivalent. This starch equivalent in turn can be converted into energy by
a method worked out by Armsby and Kellner.
Armsby standard is based on true protein and net energy values. By means of the
respiration calorimeter, Armsby detemined the net energy required for mastication, digestion,
assimilation and also the amount of heat and gases given off through the excretory channels.
Thus after considering the various losses of energy such as in urine, faeces, gases and in the
work of digestion, he was able to estimate the amount of net energy available for productive
purposes. Armsby expresses his standard in two factors, that is true protein and therms of net
The nutritive requirement of various livestock in the United Kingdom have been
presented in Ministry of Agricultures Bulletins. These are prepared by the Technical
Committee of the Agricultural Research Council of Britain. Requirements are set forth in three
separate reports dealing with poultry, ruminants and pigs, each of these reports extensive
summaries of the literature upon which the requirements are based. The most attractive feature
of the British Feeding Standards is that the unit of energy requirements has been expressed in
terms of Starch equivalent instead of T.D.N. or ME of NE are in Morrison and in N.R.C.
When the standard is set to represent the needs of the average in a population,
many will require more than the figure stated, and many will require less the individual stockman
does not know whether the average requirements are below or above the requirements of his
animals. For this reason feeding standards should be considered as guides to feeding practice
and the stockman should make finer adjustment of food intake to animal performance.
An animal is in a state of maintenance when the amount of nutrients in the feed will
maintain the animal in equilibrium i.e., its body composition remains constant and is not
growing, not working or giving no product as milk or mutton or egg. This minimum demand of
feed is referred to as the maintenance requirement. If this need is not met, animals are forced to
draw upon their body reserves to meet their nutrient requirements for maintenance, commonly
revealed by a loss in weight and to various other undesirable consequences. The knowledge of
this maintenance requirement of farm animals is of utmost importance to find out the total
requirements of feed for animals under various conditions such as pregnancy or yielding certain
quantity of milk or doing certain amount of work. The procedure involves the summing up of
the requirements of each function on top of maintenance requirement. The starting point of
finding maintenance requirement is the fasting catabolism.
The term Basal Metabolism or Basal Metabolic rate refer to the heat production of
an animal resting in a thermally neutral environment (temperature range in which environmental
temperature does not stimulate normal metabolism, approximately 25oC) and in a past-absorptive
state (that is after the digestion and absorption of the last food ingested has stopped). During this
rest period although the animal will be doing no external or digestive work nor will it have any
emotional excitement, still it will carry on a variety of internal processes which are essential to
life. These processes include respiration, circulation, maintenance of muscular tonus, production
of internal secretions, etc. In the absence of feed, the nutrients required to support these
activities must come from the break-down of body tissues itself.
An animal in the resting state accomplishes little or no work in the physical sense of the
word. All of the energy released, even that needed to carry out vital functions of the body is
degraded to heat and lost to the environment. Under these circumstances the intensity of energy
metabolism can be estimated either by calculating heat production from the exchange of
respiratory gases (indirect calorimetry) or by measuring the heat which is lost from the body by
radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation (direct calorimetry).
This is simple in theory, difficult in practice, sensible heat loss (heat of radiation
conduction) from the animal body can be measured with two general types of calorimeters,
adiabatic and gradient. The insensible heat (latent heat of water vapourized from the skin and
the respiratory passages) is estimated by determining in some way the amount of water vapour
added to the air which flows through the calorimeter. For this, rate of air flow and change in
humidity is measured.
In this type an animal is confined in a chamber constructed in such a way that heat loss
through the walls of the chamber is reduced to near zero. This is attained by a box within a box.
When the outer box or wall is electrically heated to the same temperature as the inner wall, heat
loss from the inner wall to the outer wall is impossible. Water circulating in a coil in such a
chamber absorbs the hear collected by the inner wall; the volume and change in temperature of
the water can be used to calculate sensible heat loss from animal body. The construction and
operation are complicated and very expensive.
Animal Calorimeter
Because the animal body ultimately derives all of its energy from oxidation, the
magnitude of energy metabolism can be estimated from the exchange of respiratory gases. Such
measurements of heat production are more readily accomplished than are measurements of hear
dissipation by direct calorimetry. A variety of techniques are available for measuring the
respiratory exchange; all ultimately seek to measure oxygen consumption and CO2 production
per unit of time.
In this method an attempt is made to determine the amount of feed in terms of energy
which is sufficient to maintain constant weight for an extended period. The value so obtained
may be expressed in terms of TDN by inclusion of a digestion trial or may be calculated from the
average digestion coefficients. The inclusion of metabolic trial helps to calculate the results in
terms of ME. As live weight is the sole criterion of exactness of this method, it should be noted
that the weight should remain constant over an extended period for direct application into
practice. If for any reason there be gain in weight or loss, necessary correction in intake should
accordingly be made for such loss or gain in weight. Correction figures are shown below:
Such correction are, however, only approximate since the nature of tissue gained or lost is
difficult to assess, eg., if the accumalation of water, which has no feed equivalent, be responsible
for weight gain, then the use of the above correction factor form gain will be meaningless. The
object, therefore, is to use these correction factors as minimum as possible for reasons as already
stated above. Another defect of this method is that constancy of weight does not necessarily
mean the integrity of body tissue or in other words the weight maintenance does not mean the
energy maintenance. This defect, however, can be eliminated by inclusion of slaughter test
which, however, adds to the cost experiment and at the same time may not be practicible for all
classes of stock.
Loss of protein continuously occurs through wear and tear of body tissue, for renewal of
hairs, nails, feathers, etc., and if the losses are not completed promptly by proper amount of
protein either in the form of tissue protein or NPN substance, the animal will rundown in
condition and its reproducing ability of productivity will be adversely affected. The losses of
body protein in the animal when kept on a protein free ration occurs through urine and faeces in
negligible amount, through shedding of hairs, loss of nail, skin etc. The loss which occurs
through urine is known as EUN or endogenous urinary nitrogen loss and loss which occurs
through faeces is called MFN or Metabolic faecal nitrogen loss.
Urinary nitrogen:
EUN: Here the loss of nitrogen is due to the catabolism incidental to maintenance of the
vital tissues of the body, which can be measured at the minimum urinary excretion on a nitrogen
free otherwise adequate (particularly energy adequacy) diet. It is so likely that the quantity of
nitrogen thus lost through urine will be dependent on the body size. However, this loss like
energy loss is not directly proportional to body weight but to W0.75 where W is the body weight
in kg.
Faecal nitrogen:
Faecal nitrogen consists of two parts; undigested food nitrogen and another part known as
MFN which comprises residues originated from the body, eg. residues of bile digestive enzymes,
epithelial cells derived from the alimentary tract and undigested bacteria.
MFN: Metabolic faecal nitrogen unlike EUN is not proportional to body weight but
rather this value is dependent on the amount of feed ingested. There is also species difference.
The value will be lower with rations low in roughage and higher where roughage alone will be
From the above discussion it is evident that the minimum protein requirement of
an adult for maintenance must be met by supplying digestible protein required to compensate
losses through EUN and MFN plus losses for adult growth in an otherwise adequate diet. In
practice, however, a larger amount is given to afford a margin of safety for variation of
requirement from animal to animal arising out of variable wastage in metabolism like loss of
nitrogen in hair etc., which being very negligible can also be omitted for all practical purposes or
an account may be taken from an estimate of 0.02 W0.73gm nitrogen loss per day in cattle.
Energy requirement for growth can be determined from feeding trials or by factorial
Here the experimental animals in different groups throughout the growth period are fed at
different levels of energy intake so as to determine the optimum level most suited to normal
growth and development without being unnecessarily high. The energy so found may be
expressed in terms of any desired measure of energy. TDN data are most common in such
studies by inclusion of digestion trial or by use of average coefficients of digestibility.
The principle of energy requirement for growth is that the energy of the tissue formed is
determined first and the value of basal metabolism increased by an activity factor is
added to it.
Thus the requirement of energy is determined at any given period by the expected rate of
gain and the average body weight during the period in question.
Data from the slaughter experiment in respect of the fat and protein provides the figure
for computing the calories for expected rate of gain while the body weight data provide
the basis for arriving at the required energy for basal metabolism.
An activity increment over the energy required for basal metabolism has to be
The data of basal metabolism and activity factor is to cover the maintenance requirement.
Thus the sum of calories of basal metabolism + activity increment factor + growth tissue
formed is the estimated energy requirement expressed as net energy which in turn can be
converted to ME or DE or TDN by the appropriate conversion factors: 70% DE = NE,
80% DE = ME, 1 Kg TDN = 4.4. M.Cal. DE
Protein plays a vital role in growth as well as in production and reproduction. Young
calves require relatively larger proportion of protein for rapid growth. As the animals grow
older, the amount of protein requirement is proportionately lower. This is primarily due to
growth in the beginning of life being protein in nature followed by growth of tissue of less
protein and more fat.
Factorial method:
The amount of protein required for maintenance is determined first. The value thus
obtained is added to the amount of protein required for growth (or say gain in weight) plus losses
in metabolism.
The maintenance needs can be determined directly on the basis of endogenous urinary
nitrogen or calculated from the basal energy metabolism and later corrected for metabolic faecal
nitrogen losses. The amount required for the growth tissue formed can be estimated from the
slaughter data as shown below:
Example: A calf weight 70 kg and consumes 2 kg dry matter per day. Its EUN and MFN
would be approximately 3.5g and 7.0g respectively. The slaughter tests reveal that the amount of
nitrogen deposited in the tissue will be 16 g per day for a calf gaining at the rate of 0.5 kg per
Theoretically, the sum of nitrogen excreted as EUN and MFN plus the amount of
nitrogen deposited in the body as growth tissue should be supplied in the diet for proper protein
nutrition. Thus 3.5 + 7.0 + 16.0 = 26.5 g nitrogen x 6.25 = 166 g protein should be supplied in
the diet. The biological values of protein for body building activity in growing animals is taken
for only 65% as against 70% in adults in consideration of rumen function which is not fully
developed in a growing animal and that there is greater loss of feed nitrogen in urine. Thus the
amount of true digestible protein will be 100/65 x 166 = 255 g. As the feeding standards Table
show the requirement of protein in terms of apparent digestible protein say, DCP, the value of
MFN in terms of protein should be deducted from the figure of true digestible protein.
Therefore, 255 (6.25 x 7) = 211 g or 0.21 kg is the minimum requirement of DCP for calf
weighing 70kg and growing @ 0.5 kg. per day.
The protein requirement may also be determined by nitrogen balance studies and is said
to be exact measure of actual requirement of protein. In this method, calves are raised on equal
amounts of dry matter and on isocaloric rations which contain different levels of protein and the
minimum intake of protein which provides maximum retention is taken as the estimate of
requirement. However, in such studies, the animals must be making satisfactory rate of growth
during the study.
In this method, the rations containing different levels of protein are fed to determine the
minimum level required to give the maximum rate of growth. The nature of growth thus
obtained may be further tested by slaughter tests for assessing the integrity of the nitrogenous
The first phase, which is important to both the sexes, comprises the production of
ova and spermatozoa.
Nutrient requirements for the first phase in mammals are small compared with the egg
production in birds. The quantities of nutrients required in excess of those needed for
maintenance are moderate for the second and large for the third phase.
Puberty in cattle is markedly influenced by the level of nutrition at which animals have
been reared. In general terms, the faster an animal grows, the earlier will it reach sexual
maturity. In cattle, puberty occurs at a particular live weight or body size rather than at a fixed
In practice, the factor which decides when an animal is to be first used for breeding is
body size, and at puberty animals are usually considered to be too small for breeding. Thus
although heifers of the larger dairy breeds may be capable of conceiving at 7 months of age, they
are not normally mated until they are at least 15 months old. The tendency today is for cattle,
sheep and goats of both sexes to be mated when relatively young, which means that in the female
the nutrient demands of pregnancy are added to those of growth. Inadequate nutrition during
pregnancy is liable to retard foetal growth and to delay the attainment of mature size by the
mother. Incomplete skeletal development is particularly dangerous because it may lead to
difficulties of parturition.
Rapid growth and the earlier attainment of a size appropriate to breeding has the
economic advantage of reducing the non-productive part of the animals life. But there are also
some disadvantages of rapid growth in breeding stock, especially if there is excessive fat
deposition. Over fat animals do not mate as rapidly as normal animals and during pregnancy may
suffer more embryonic mortality.
In male the spermatozoa and the secretions associated with it represents only avery small
quantity of matter. The average ejaculate of the bull, for example, contains 0.5g of dry matter.
Therefore the nutrient requirements for the production of spermatozoa is small (inappreciable)
compared with the requirements for maintenance and for processes such as growth and lactation.
Then adult male animals kept only for semen production would require no more than a
maintenance ration appropriate to their species and size, but in practice such animals are given
food well in excess of that required for maintenance in female of the same weight. There is no
reliable evidence that high planes of nutrition are beneficial for male fertility, though it is
recognized that underfeeding has deleterious effects. Males, however, do have a higher fasting
metabolism and therefore a higher energy requirement for maintenance than females and
Overfeeding can also bring about impaired reproductive ability Very fat animals frequently
are sterile. Over-fat animals may continue to produce ova while failing to show signs of oestrus;
it has been suggested that the oestrogens intended to be responsible for the exhibiting heat
symptoms are absorbed in the fat depots.
When deficiencies of minerals or vitamins occur in breeding animals, the general signs of
deficiency described usually appear before reproductive ability is seriously affected. The effect
of Vitamin A deficiency illustrates this point, for although such a deficiency ultimately causes
complete failure of reproduction, animals blinded by the deficiency may still be capable either of
producing semen or of conceiving. Prolonged deficiency leads eventually in males to
degeneration of the testis and in females to keratinisation of the vagina.
Deficiency of Vitamin E has a profound effect on reproduction in rats, but the evidence
suggests that deficiency of the vitamin does not play any appreciable role as a cause infertility in
cattle and sheep.
Of the mineral elements, both calcium and phosphorus are important in reproduction,
although of the two it is phosphorus whose deficiency is more commonly associated with
reproductive failure. Phosphorus deficiency arises most commonly in ruminants grazing on
herbage deficient in the element and in such circumstances the failure of reproduction occurs in
conjunction with the general signs of phosphorus deficiency. In male animals, zinc deficiency
may impair the production of spermatozoa.
Malnutrition - meaning both inadequate and excessive intakes of nutrients - may affect
pregnancy in several ways. The fertilized egg may die at an early stage (i.e. embryo loss) or later
in pregnancy the foetus may develop incorrectly and die; it may then be resorbed in uterine,
expelled before full - term (abortion) or carried to full term (still birth). Less severe mal nutrition
may reduce the birth weight of young and the viability of small offspring may be diminished by
their lack of strength or by their inadequate reserves (eg. of fat).
o Death of embryo
o Abortion
o Deformities in foetus
o Still birth
o Weak young one
Young animals should be born with reserves of mineral elements, particularly iron and
copper and of vitamin-A, D and E, because the milk, which may be the sole item of diet for a
time after birth, is frequently poorly supplied with the nutrients. With regard to iron, it appears
that if the mother is herself adequately supplied and is not anaemic, the administration of extra
iron will have no influence on the iron reserves of the new born. The copper and fat soluble
vitamin reserves of the newborn are more susceptible to improve through the nutrition of the
Effects on the mother: The high priority of the foetus for nutrients mean that the mother is the
more severally affected by directly deficiencies. The foetus has a high requirement for
carbohydrate and by virtue of its priority is able to maintain the sugar connection of its own
blood at a level higher than that of the mother. If the glucose supply of the mother is sufficient
her blood glucose may fall considerably, to levels at which nerve tissues (which rely on
carbohydrate for energy) are affected. This occurs is sheep in the condition known as
pregnancy toxaemia, which is prevalent in ewes in the last month of pregnancy. Affected
animals will become dull and lethargic, lose their appetite and show nervous signs such as
trembling and holding the head at an unusual angle, in animals showing these signs the mortality
rate may be as high as 90%. The disease occurs most frequently in ewes with more than one
foetus - where its alternative name of twin lamb disease' - and is most prevalent in times of
food shortage and when the ewes are subjected to stress in the form of inclement weather or
transportation. Blood samples from affected animals usually show, in addition to
hyperglycaemia, a marked rise in ketone content and an increase in plasma free fatty acids. In
the later stages of the disease the animal may suffer metabolic acidosis and renal failure.
The nutrient requirement of the dairy cow for milk production depends upon the amount
of milk being produced and upon its composition.
The energy standard for lactation may be derived either by using formulate or by factorial
Assuming fat content of a sample of milk 4.5%, the gross energy content of 1 kg of milk
will thus be equivalent to 304.8 + (114.1 4.5) = 818.25 kcal.
Apart from formula, energy liberated per kg of milk may also be derived by two other
The gross energy determined either by bomb calorimetry
or by a detailed chemical analysis; the amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrate
which are then multiplied by their individual calorific values.
The efficiency of conversion of feed ME into energy content of milk is 70%; so that for
providing sufficient energy the calorific value of milk is multiplied by 10070 = 1.43.
Extensive studies have been made to determine the amount of protein requirement for
milk production. Milk is rich in protein.
It is obviously, therefore, that the animal must be provided with sufficient quantity, in
addition to maintenance requirement, in order to able to cope with the continuous drain of
protein from its body. It has been shown that the lactating animals can efficiency convert food
protein into milk protein.
Results of various studies have shown that provision 1.25 times as much protein as
secreted in the milk will be sufficient for milk production. This allowance should be given in
addition to maintenance requirement. This extra provision of protein for milk production will,
therefore, depends on the amount of milk produced.
The weight of wool produced by sheep varies considerably from one breed to another, and
an average value is useful only for guidance. For eg: a Merino weighing 50 kg produces annually
of 4 kg fleece. Such a fleece would contain about 3 kg of actual wool fibre, the remaining 1 kg
being wool wax, suint, dirt and water. Wool wax is produced by the sabaceous glands, and
consists mainly of esters of cholesterol and other alcohols.
The wool fibre consists almost entirely of the protein, wool keratin. To grow in one year, a
fleece containing 3 kg protein the sheep would need to deposit a daily average of about 8 g
protein or 1.3 g nitrogen. If this latter figure is compared with the 6.6 g nitrogen which a sheep
of 50kg might lose daily as endogenous nitrogen, it seems that in proportion to its requirement
for maintenance, the sheeps nitrogen requirement for wool growth is small.
These figures however do not tell the whole story, since the efficiency with which absorbed
amino acids are used for wool synthesis is likely to be much less than that with which they are
used for maintenance.
Keratin is characterised by its high content of the sulphur-containing amino acid, cystine,
which although not an indispensable amino acid is synthesised from another indispensable amino
acid, methionine.
The efficiency with which food protein can be converted into wool is therefore likely to
depend on their respective proportions of cystine and methionine. Keratin contains 100 200
g/kg of these acids, compared with the 20 30 g/kg found in plant protein and in microbial
proteins synthesised in the rumen and so the biological value of food protein for wool growth is
likely to be not greater than 0.3.
Wool growth reflects the general level of nutrition of the sheep. At sub-maintenance
levels, when the sheep is losing weight, its wool continuous to grow, although slowly. As the
plane of nutrition improves and the sheep gains in weight, so wool growth too increases. There
appears to be a maximum rate of growth for wool, varying from sheep to sheep within range as
great as 5 to 40 g/day.
Wool quality is influenced by the nutrition of the sheep. High levels of nutrition increase
the diameter of the fibres and it is significant that the finer wools come from the nutritionally less
favourable areas of land. Periods of starvation may cause an abrupt reduction in wool growth;
this leaves a week point in each fibre and is responsible for the fault in fleeces with the self-
explanatory name of break. An early sign of copper deficiency in sheep is a loss of crimp or
waviness in wool; this is accompanied by a general deterioration in quality, the wool losing its
elasticity and its affinity for dyes.
Increased muscular activity results in nutrients being oxidised in the system. All the
organic constituents of feed are capable of being oxidised and utilised as energy sources. As
long as supply is adequate, the working animal is to draw sources of carbohydrates and fat to
meet the energy need. If the supply is inadequate, body fat will be drawn upon first and in the
last stage, the protein tissues may be broken down to furnish energy for work as it is now
accepted that the protein is not the normal fuel of muscular work and that no protein catabolism
or extra wear and tear of tissues occurs during work. Therefore, theoretically no extra protein is
required to be supplied as long as the ration provides sufficient carbohydrate and fat for extra
energy required for work. From the stand point of an efficient ration for work, however, other
considerations appear more important than the question as to whether the protein requirement is
actually increased during work or not. During hard work, the need for energy may be almost
doubled and unless the protein content of the ration is simultaneously increased, nutritive ratio
becomes wide. As a result efficiency of energy utilization will be poorer since digestibility will
be depressed by wide ratio and metabolic heat losses will also be increased. Naturally, therefore
an efficient ration in all respects will demand inclusion of additional protein along with energy
for maintaining the proper nutritive ratio (as in lactating animals having different fat content
mentioned earlier) for increased muscular activity although the additional protein may not be
specifically required for muscular activity.
(kg) (kg) (g) (kg) (Mcal) (g) (g) (mg) (100 IU)
S. Characteristic Requirements
1. Moisture (Max)% 10
2. Crude protein (Min)% 24
3. Crude fat (Max)% 5
4. Crude fibre (Max)% 6
5 Total Ash (Max) 9
6. Acid insoluble ash (Max)% 1
7. Calcium (Min) 0.6
8. Available phosphorus (Min) 0.3
Nutrient Requirement
DE Kcal/kg 2800
Protein % 18
Fibre % 15
Calcium % 0.8-1
Phosphorus % 0.4-0.7
Zinc mg/kg 20
Iron mg/kg 50
Ration formulation is a process by which different feed ingredients are combined in a proportion
necessary to provide the animal with proper amount of nutrients needed at a particular stage of
It requires the knowledge about nutrients, feedstuffs and animal in the development of
nutritionally adequate rations that will be eaten in sufficient amounts to provide the level
of production at a reasonable cost. The ration formulated should be palatable and will not
cause any serious digestive disturbance or toxic effects to the animal.
o The nutrient requirements can be arrived using feeding standards.
o The list of commonly available feeds in that region is prepared.
o The nutritional value of the feeds is obtained from any standard source such as
Using the above information rations can be prepared by several methods that include
o Square Method
o Simultaneous Equation Method
o Two-by-two Matrix method
o Trial and Error Method and
o Linear Programming (LP)
The Pearson square or box method of balancing rations is a simple procedure that has
been used for many years. It is of greatest value when only two ingredients are to be
mixed. The nutrient requirement is noted in the middle of the square this value in the
middle of the square must be intermediate between the two values that are used on the
left side of the square which are actually the nutrient content of the two ingredients that
are to be used. For example, the 14 percent crude protein requirement has to be
intermediate between the soybean meal that has 45 percent crude protein or the corn that
has 10 percent crude protein. Subtract the nutrient value from the nutritional requirement
on the diagonal and arrive at a numerical value and note it down on the right side of the
square. Two sets of values will be got. By summing those parts and dividing by the total,
you can determine the percent of the ration that each ingredient should represent in order
to provide a specific nutrient level.
This is an alternative method for the square method using a simple algebraic equation.
Slack space for common salt if fish meal not included 0.4
Slack space for calcium and phosphorus. Chicks 3, growers 2, layers 10 -12
Fix level of animal origin protein source if it is going to be included max 10%
Fix level of cereal milling byproducts to be included (refer maximum inclusion level)
Lysine 0.05
Methionine 0.15
Additives 0.5
4.55 324
Total of ingredients other than Maize and Soya bean meal = 15.70
Balance from maize and Soya bean meal = 100 15.70 = 84.30
Total Protein requirement = 20 %
Protein already supplied = 4.55
Balance protein required = 15.45
X + Y = 84.3 (Equation 1)
0.09 X + 0.50 Y = 15.45 (Equation 2)
0.41 X = 26.7
X = 65.12 = 65
Y = 84.3 65.12 = 19.18 = 19.2
Lysine 0.05
Methionine 0.15
Additives 0.5
This method solves two nutrient requirements using two different feed ingredients. A 2 x
2 matrix is set and a series of equations are done to come up with the solution to the problem.
This is the most popular method of formulating rations for swine and poultry.
As the name implies, the formulation is manipulated until the nutrient requirements of the
animal are met.
This method makes possible the formulation of a ration that meets all the nutrient
requirements of the animal.
Greater control can be had on implementing restrictions and judging inclusion levels
The nutrient requirements can be calculated by using a few factors without referring to
the table. The protein and energy requirement is related to metabolic body weight.
Where it is not possible to weigh the animals the body weight can be calculated by using
shaeffers formula.
W =
L = Length of the animal in inches. It is from the point of the shoulder to the
point of the buttock
W =
Y = Constant
Body weight to the power of 0.75. This is calculated by using Logarithm tables of a
Antilogarithm }
value for metabolic = 89.44
boy weight
Body weight to the power of 3 and press the square root key twice, you will get the
metabolic body weight.
The total quantity of dry matter the animal can consume per day should be known, so that
we can compute the ration in such a manner that the entire quantity of the nutrient requirement is
present in the dry mater which the animal is able to consume. Cattle will generally consume 2.0
to 2.5 kg of dry matter per 100 kg. body weight. Buffaloes, crossbred animals and heavy
yielders consume 2.5 to 3.0 kg dry matter per 100 kg body weight.
The dry matter requirement for crossbred heavy yielders is 2.5 to 3.0% of its body
weight. For an animal weighing 400 kg. It is 400 x 2.5/100 = 10 kg or 400 x 3/100 = 12 kgs.
Lactation 560g
To the concentrate part add 2% mineral mixture and 1% salt. If green grass is not included in the
ration Vitamin A should be supplemented 1 mg. of carotene = 400IU of Vitamin A.
% % % % kcal/kg
Paddy straw 90 3 0 45
Model questions
C. Tables D. Chart
i. A and D are true ii. B is true iii. C is true iv. None are true
C. NE D. CP and ME
i. A and B are ii. A,B & C are iii. D is correct iv. A and C are
correct correct correct
A. USA B. Japan
i. None are correct ii. All are correct iii. A,B & C are iv. C and D are
correct correct
i. A and B are ii. B and C are iii. C and D are iv. D is correct
correct correct correct
C. Kellners D. Morrison
C. Starch equivalent D. DE
A. 0.7 B. 0.9
C. 1 D. 0.8
i. A is False ii. R is false iii. A and R are false iv. A and R are true
C. Starch equivalent D. DE
i. A and C are ii. A and D are iii. A,B & D are iv. A and B are
correct correct correct correct
A. 2% B. 3%
C. 1% D. 4%
i. None are correct ii. All are correct iii. C and D are false iv. A and B are false
A. Ketosis B. Acidosis
C. Pica D. Tetany
Energy deficiency:
Deficiency of energy is the most common nutrient deficiency which limits the
performance of grazing animals. Feed may be inadequate due to overgrazing, drought, poor
quality or digestibility or expense. Sometime forage may contain an excess of water, limiting
energy intake. Energy deficiencies result in retarded growth in young animals, delay in the onset
of puberty, shortened lactation period and decline in milk production marked loss of bodyweight,
especially during late pregnancy and early lactation.Prolonged periods of anoestrus, lasting
several months, which have marked effect on the reproductive performance of a breeding
herd.Calves and lambs may be born weak and undersized.
Protein Deficiency :
Vitamin A deficiency:
Cattle: Roughened hair, scaly skin, and excessive watering, softening, cloudiness of the cornea
leading to xerophthalmia. In calves constriction of the optic nerve canal leads to blindness. In
breeding animal's leads to infertility.
Sheep: Deficiency is not common because of adequate intake. In addition to night blindness
severe cases of deficiency may result in lambs being born weak or dead.
Pigs: Night blindness and Xeropthalmia may occur. Deficiency in pregnant animals may result in
the production of blind deformed litters. In less severe cases appetite is impaired and growth
Poultry: Mortality rate is high. Early symptoms include retarded growth, weakness, ruffled
plumage and a staggering gait. Egg production and hatchability are reduced.
Vitamin D deficiency
Rickets: Calcium and Phosphorus deposition in bones is affected and the bones are
weak, more prone to fractures and deformities. The conditions commonly seen are bowing of
legs, swollen knees and hock and arching of back. Occasionally there is paralysis. Rickety
Rosary enlargement of Osteochondral junction in ribs are also noticed
Osteomalacia : Resorption of the bone already laid down. Bones become weak, more
prone to fractures and deformities. It can occur in pregnant and lactating animals, which require
increased amount of calcium and phosphorus.
In poultry bones and beak become soft and rubbery legs become weak. Egg production is
reduced and eggshell quality deteriorates
Vitamin E Deficiency
The most frequent and, from a diagnostic point of view, the most important manifestation
of vitamin E deficiency in farm animals is muscle degeneration (myopathy). Nutritional
myopathy, also known as muscular dystrophy, frequently occurs in cattle, particularly calves.
The myopathy primarily affects the skeletal muscles and the affected animals have weak leg
muscles, a condition manifested by difficulty in standing and, after standing, a trembling and
staggering gait. Eventually, the animals are unable to rise and weakness of the neck muscles
prevents them from raising their heads. A popular descriptive name for this condition is white
muscle disease. The heat muscle may also be affected and death may result.
Nutritional myopathy also occurs in lambs, with similar symptoms to those of calves.
The condition is frequently referred to as stiff lamb disease.
In pigs, the two main diseases associated with vitamin E and selenium deficiency are
myopathy and cardiac disease. The pigs demonstrate an uncoordinated staggering gait, or are
unable to rise. The pigs heart muscle is more commonly affected. Sudden cardiac failure occurs
and on post-mortem examination the lesions of the cardiac muscles are seen as pale patches or
white streaks. This condition is commonly known as mulberry heart disease.
Vitamin K Deficiency
Vitamin C Deficiency
Thiamine Deficiency
Thiaminase is also present in brackern fern and thiamine deficiency has been reported in
horses feeding it. Raw fish also contains thiaminase, which is destroyed on cooking.
Riboflavin Deficiency
Poor appetite, retarded growth, vomiting, skin eruptions and eye abnormalities.
In chicks riboflavin deficiency causes curled toe paralysis caused due to peripheral nerve
degeneration, in which the chicks walk on their hocks with the toes curled inwards. In breeding
hens deficiency causes decreased hatchability. Embryonic abnormalities occur including the
clubbed down condition in which the feather continues to grow within the follicle leading to
curled feather.
Niacin Deficiency
In pigs, deficiency symptoms include poor growth, anorexia, enteritis, vomiting and
dermatitis. In fowls a deficiency of the vitamin causes bone disorders, feathering abnormalities
and inflammation of the mouth and upper part of the oesophagus.
Deficiency symptoms are particularly likely in pigs and poultry if diets with a high maize
content are used, since maize contains very little of the vitamin or of tryptophan.
Pyridoxine Deficiency
Deficiency of pantothenic acid in pigs causes slow growth, diarrhoea, loss of hair,
scaliness of the skin and a characteristic 'goose-stepping' gait; in severe cases animals are unable
to stand. In the chick, growth is retarded and dermatitis occurs. In mature birds, hatchability is
reduced. Rumen microorganisms can synthesize pantothenic acid, like the entire B-complex
vitamin. Escherichia coli, for example, is known to produce this vitamin. Pantothenic acid
deficiencies are considered to be rare in practice because of the wide distribution of the vitamin,
although deficiency symptoms have been reported in commercial herds of Landrace pigs.
A variety of deficiency symptoms in chicks and young turkeys have been reported,
including poor growth, anaemia, poor bone development and poor egg hatchability. Folic acid
deficiency symptoms rareely occur in other farm animals because of synthesis by intestinal
Biotin Deficiency
In pigs, biotin deficiency causes foot lesions, alopecia (hair loss) and a dry scaly skin. In
growing pigs, both growth rate and food utilization is adversely affected. In breeding sows, a
deficiency of the vitamin can adversely influence reproductive performance.
In poultry, biotin deficiency causes reduced growth, dermatitis, leg bone abnormalities,
cracked feet, poor feathering and fatty liver and kidney syndrome (FLKS). The last condition,
which mainly affects two-to five-week-old chicks, is characterized by a lethargic state with death
frequently following within a few hours. On autopsy, the liver and kidneys, which are pale and
swollen, contain abnormal depositions of lipid.
Giving animal's avidin, a protein present in the raw white of eggs can induce biotin
deficiency, which combines with the vitamin and prevents its absorption from the intestine.
Certain streptomyces spp. Bacteria present in soil and manure produce streptavidin and stravidin,
which have a similar action to the egg white protein. Heating inactivates these antagonist
Choline Deficiency
Deficiency symptoms, including slow growth and fatty infiltration of the liver, have been
produced in chicks and pigs. Chorine is also concerned with the prevention of peruses or slipped
tendon in chicks. The choline requirement of animals is unusually large for the vitamin, but in
spite of this, deficiency symptoms are not common in farm animals because of its wide
distribution, its high concentrations in foods and because it can be readily derived from
Cyanocobalamine Deficiency
Adult animals are generally less affected by vitamin B12 deficiency than young growing
animals, in which growth is severely retarded and mortality high.
In poultry, in addition to the effect on growth, feathering is poor and kidney damage may
occur. Hens deprived of the vitamin remain healthy but hatchability is adversely affected.
On vitamin B12 deficient diets, baby pigs grow poorly and show lack of coordination of
the hind legs. In older pigs, dermatitis, a rough coat and sub-optimal growth result. Intestinal
synthesis of the vitamin occurs in pigs and poultry. Organisms which synthesize vitamin B12
have been isolated from poultry excreta and this fact has an important practical bearing on
poultry housed with access to litter, where a majority, if not all, of the vitamin requirements can
be obtained from the litter.
Calcium deficiency
If calcium is deficient in the diet of young growing animals, then satisfactory bone
formation cannot occur and the condition known as rickets is produced. The symptoms of
rickets are misshapen bones, enlargement of the joints, lameness and stiffness. In adult animals
calcium deficiency produces osteomalacia, in which the calcium in the bone is withdrawn and
not replaced. In osteomalacia the bones become weak and are easily broken. In hens, deficiency
symptoms are soft beak and bones, retarded growth and bowed legs, the eggs have thin shells.
Milk fever (parturient paresis) is a condition, which most commonly occurs, in dairy
cows shortly after calving. It is characterized by a lowering of the serum calcium level, muscular
spasms, and in extreme case paralysis and unconsciousness. The exact cause of hypocalcaemia
associated with milk fever is obscure, but it is generally considered that, with the onset of
lactation, the parathyroid gland is unable to respond rapidly enough to increase calcium
absorption from the intestine to meet the extra demand. Normal levels of blood calcium can be
restored by intravenous injections of calcium gluconate, but this may not always have a
permanent effect. It has been shown that avoiding excessive intakes of calcium while
maintaining adequate dietary levels of phosphorus during the dry period, reduces the incidence
of milk fever. Deliberate use of low calcium diets to increase calcium absorption in the practical
prevention of milk fever requires a good estimate of calving date, or calcium deficiency may
occur. Administration of large doses of vitamin D3 for a short period prior to parturition has also
proved beneficial.
Phosphorus Deficiency
Like calcium, phosphorus is required for bone formation and a deficiency can also cause
rickets or osteomalacia. 'Pica' or depraved appetite has been noted in cattle when there is a
deficiency of phosphorus in their diet; the affected animals have abnormal appetites and chew
wood, bones, rags and other foreign materials. Pica is not specifically a sign of phosphorus
deficiency since it may be caused by other factors. Evidence of phosphorus deficiency may be
obtained from an analysis of blood serum, which would show phosphorus content lower than
normal. In chronic phosphorus deficiency animals may have stiff joints and muscular weakness.
Low dietary intakes of phosphorus have also been associated with poor fertility, apparent
dysfunction of the ovaries causing inhibition, depression of irregularity of oestrus. There are
many examples, were phosphorus supplementation increases fertility in gazing cattle. In cows a
deficiency of this element may also reduce milk yield.
Subnormal growth in young animals and low live weight gains in mature animals are
characteristic symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in all species. Phosphorus deficiency is
usually more common in cattle than in sheep, as the latter tend to have more selective grazing
habits and choose the growing parts of plants which happen to be richer in phosphorus.
Potassium Deficiency:
The potassium content of plants is generally very high, grass for example has frequently
above 25g/kg DM, so that it is normally ingested by animals in larger amounts than any other
element. Consequently, potassium deficiency is rare in farm animals kept under natural
conditions. One exception to this is provided by distillers grains which, as a result of the
removal of the liquid after fermentation, is deficient in several soluble elements including
potassium. Appropriate supplementation is necessary where draft forms as large proportion of
the diet.
There are certain areas in the world where soil potassium levels are naturally low. Such
areas occur in Brazil, Panama and Uganda and it is suggested that in these tropical regions,
potassium deficiencies may arise in grazing animals especially at the end of the long dry season
when potassium levels in the mature herbage are low.
Deficiency symptoms have been produced in chicks given experimental diets low in
potassium. They include retarded growth, weakness and tetany, followed by death. Deficiency
symptoms, including severe paralysis, have also been recorded for calves given synthetic milk
diets low in potassium.
Sodium Deficiency
Sodium deficiency in animals occurs in many parts of the world, but especially in the
tropical areas of Africa and the arid inland areas of Australia where pastures contain very low
concentrations of the element. A deficiency of sodium in the diet leads to a towering of the
osmotic pressure, which results in dehydration of the body. Symptoms of sodium pressure which
results in dehydration of the body. Symptoms of sodium deficiency include poor growth and
reduced utilization of digested proteins and energy. In hens, egg production and growth are
adversely affected.
Chlorine Deficiency
A dietary deficiency of chlorine may lead to an abnormal increase of the alkali reserve of
the blood (alkalosis) caused by an excess of bicarbonate, since inadequate levels of chlorine in
the body are partly compensated for by increases in bicarbonate. Experiments with rats on
chlorine-deficient diets have shown that growth was retarded, but no other symptoms developed.
Magnesium Deficiency
Symptoms due to a simple deficiency of magnesium in the diet have been reported for a
number of animals. In rats fed on purified diets the symptoms include increased nervous
irritability and convulsions. Experiments carried out on calves reared on low-magnesium milk
diets resulted in low serum magnesium levels, depleted bone magnesium tetany and death.
Clinical signs of the disease are often brought on by stress factors such as cold, wet and
windy weather. In adult animals bone magnesium is not as readily available as it is in the young
The normal magnesium content of blood serum in cattle is within the range of 17 to 40
mg magnesium/I blood serum, but levels below 17 frequently occur without clinical symptoms
of disease. Tetany is usually preceded by a fall in blood serum magnesium to about 5mg/1.
Subcutaneous injections of magnesium sulphate, or preferably magnesium lactate, can generally
be expected to cure the animal if given early, but in practice this is sometimes difficult.
Treatment of this kind is not a permanent cure and oral treatment with magnesium oxide, as
described below, should be started immediately. Typical symptoms of tetany are nervousness,
tremors, twitching of the facial muscles, staggering gait and convulsions.
Although the exact cause of hypomagnesaemia is still uncertain, the primary factor would
appear to be inadequate absorption of magnesium from the digessive tract. A high degree of
success in preventing hypomagnesaemia may be obtained by increasing the magnesium intake.
Iron Deficiency
Since more than half the iron present in the body occurs as haemoglobin, a dietary
deficiency of iron would clearly be expected to affect the formation of this compound. The red
blood corpuscles contain haemoglobin, and these cells are continually being produced in the
bone marrow to replace those red cells destroyed in the animal body as a result of catabolism.
Although the haemoglobin molecule is destroyed in the catabolism of these red blood corpuscles,
the iron liberated is made use of in the re synthesis of haemoglobin, and because of this the daily
requirement of iron by a healthy animal is usually small. If the need for iron increases, as it
would after prolonged haemorrhage or during pregnancy, then haemoglobin synthesis may be
affected and anaemia will result. Anaemia due to iron deficiency occurs most commonly in
rapidly growing suckling animals, since the iron content of milk is usually very low. This can
occur in piglets housed in pens without access to soil. The piglet is born with very limited iron
reserves and sow's milk provides only about 1mg per day. The rapidly growing piglet's
requirement is 125mg per day which, in extensive systems, could be obtained by ingestion of
soil. Providing the sow with supplementary iron in gestation does not increase the foetal piglets
liver iron or the amount in the milk. Therefore, it is routinely supplied by intramuscular injection
as a dextran complex by 3 days of age. Usually 200 mg of iron is injected. Alternatively oral
iron supplements are available in the form of a paste of the citrate or fumarate or granules of iron
dextran but these may not be eaten or the iron may be lost if diarrhoea occurs. Anemia in piglets
is characterized by poor appetite and growth. Breathing becomes labored and spasmodic-hence
the descriptive term 'thumps' for the condition. Although iron deficiency is not common in
older animals, increased supplementation is required when high levels of cropper are used for
growth promotion.
Iron deficiency anemia is not common in lambs and calves because in practice it is
unusual to restrict them to a milk diet without supplementary feeding. It does, however,
sometimes occur in laying hens, since egg production represents a considerable drain on the
body reserves.
Copper Deficiency
Since copper performs many functions in the animal body there are a variety of
deficiency symptoms. These include anaemia, poor growth, bone disorders, scouring, infertility,
depigmentation of hair and wool, gastro-intestinal disturbances and lesions in the brain stem and
spinal cord. The lesions are associated with muscular inco-ordination, and occur especially in
young lambs. A copper deficiency of swayback condition known as 'enzootic ataxia' has been
known for some time in Australia. A similar condition which affects lambs occurs in the United
Kingdom and is known as 'swayback'. The signs range from complete paralysis of the newborn
lamb to a swaying staggering gait which affects, in particular, the hind limbs. The condition can
occur in two forms, one congenital, in which the signs are apparent at birth and are due to the
failure of the myelin sheath of nerves to develop, and the other in which the onset of the clinical
disease is delayed for several weeks. The congenital form of the condition is irreversible and can
only be prevented by ensuring that the ewe receives an adequate level of copper in her diet.
Delayed swayback can be prevented or retarded in copper deficient lambs by parenteral injection
of small doses of copper complexes.
Copper plays an important role in the production of 'crimp' in wool. The element is
present in an enzyme which is responsible for the disulphide bridge in two adjacent cysteine
molecules. In the absence of the enzyme the protein molecules of the wool do not form their
bridge and the wool, which lacks crimp, is referred to as 'stringy' or 'steely'.
Nutritional anaemia resulting from copper deficiency has been produced experimentally
in young pigs by diets very low in the element and this type of anaemia could easily arise in such
animals fed solely on milk. In older animals copper deficiency is unlikely to occur and copper
supplementation of practical rations is generally considered unnecessary. There are, however,
certain areas in the world where copper deficiency in cattle occurs. A condition in Australia
known locally as 'falling disease' was found to be related to a progressive degeneration of the
myocardium of animals grazing on copper deficient pastures.
Cobalt deficiency
When ruminants are confined to cobalt-deficient pasture it may be several months before
any manifestations of pine occur because of body reserves of vitamin B12 in the liver and
kidneys. When these are depleted there is a gradual decrease in appetite with consequent loss of
weight followed by muscular wasting, pica, severe anemia and eventually death. If the
deficiency is less
Severe then a vague unthriftiness, difficult to diagnose,.May be the only sign. Deficiency
symptoms are likely to occur where levels of cobalt in the herbage are below 0.1 mg/kg DM.
Under grazing conditions, lambs are the most sensitive to cobalt deficieency followed by mature
sheep, calves and mature cattle in that order.
Iodine Deficiency
When the diet contains insufficient iodine the production of thyroxine is decreased. The
main indication of such a deficiency is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, termed endemic
goitre, and is caused by compensatory hypertrophy of the gland. The thyroid being situated in
the neck, the deficiency condition in farm animals manifests itself as a swelling of the neck, 'big
neck'. Reproductive abnormalities are one of the most outstanding consequences of reduced
thyroid function; breeding animals deficient in iodine give birth to hairless, weak or dead young.
A dietary deficiency of iodine is not the sole cause of goiter, it is known that certain
foods contain goitrogenic compounds and cause goitre in animals if given in large amounts.
These foods include most members of the Brassica genus, especially kale, cabbage and rape, and
also soya beans, linseed, peas and groundnuts. Goitrogens have been reported in milk of cows
fed on goitrogenic plants. A goitrogen present in brassicas has been identified as L-5-vinyl-2-
oxazolidine-2-thione (goitrin) which inhibits the iodination of tyrosine and thus interferes with
thyroxine the diet. Thiocyanate, which may also be present in members of the Brassica genus, is
known to be goitrogenic and may be produced in the tissues from a cyanogenetic glycoside
present in some foods. Supplying adequate iodine in the diet prevents Goitrogenic acttivity of
the thiocyanate type.
Manganese Deficiency
Low manganese diets for cows and goats have been reported to depress or delay oestrus
and conception, and to increase abortion. Manganese is an important element in the diet of
young chicks, a deficiency leading to perosis or 'slipped tendon', a malformation of the leg
bones. Manganese deficiency in breeding birds reduces hatchability and shell thickness , and
causes head retraction in chicks. In pigs lameness is a symptom. Other abnormalities associate
with deficiency include impaired glucose utilization and a reduced vitamin K induced blood
clotting response.
Zinc Deficiency
Molybdenum Deficiency
Low- Molybdenum diets resulted in reduced levels of xanthine oxidase, but did not affect
growth or purrine metabolism. Molybdenum deficiency has not observed under natural
conditions in any species.
Model Questions
A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin D
A. Vitamin A B. Choline
A. Phosphorus B. Calcium
C. Iron D. Cobalt
i. C and D are ii. B is correct iii. A and D are iv. None are correct
correct correct
A. Calcium B. Manganese
C. Phosphorus D. Copper
A. Calcium B. Phosphorus
A. Cobalt B. Copper
C. Iron D. Zinc
A. Iron B. Copper
C. Cobalt D. Iodine
A. Zinc B. Cobalt
C. Iodine D. Manganese
What is Supplement?
The term, supplement, refers to feedstuffs that are used to improve the value of basal
feeds. They can be used in large quantities, such as protein supplements, or in extremely small
quantities, such as trace minerals.
While formulating ration, attention is first given to its dry matter, proteins and energy
requirements. After this micronutrients such as individual amino acids, minerals, and vitamins
are added to correct any deficiency in the ration.
Energy supplements are rich in energy ie above 60% TDN or 2500 Kcal ME. Eg Cereal
grains, millets, brans, fats and oils.
Protein supplements contain more than 18 % protein. They can be from animal origin or
plant origin
Mineral supplements are rich sources of any one of the essential minerals. Eg shell grit,
bone meal, dicalcium phosphate.
What is an Additive?
An additive is a substance that is added to a basic feed, usually in small quantities, for the
purpose of fortifying it with certain nutrients, stimulants or medicines other than as a direct
source of nutrient.
In general, the term feed additive refers to a non-nutritive product that affects
utilisation of the feed or productive performance of the animal. Feed additives and implants can
be classed according to their mode of action.
(a) Antioxidants:
Flavouring agents are feed additives that are supposed to increase palatability and
feed intake. There is need for flavouring agents that will help to keep up feed
1. when highly unpalatable medicants are being mixed
2. During attacks of diseases
3. When animals are under stress, and
4. When a less palatable feedstuffs is being fed either as such or being
incorporated in the ration.
Poultry man will often enhance the yellow colour by incorporating xanthophylls into
broiler feed. Among various additives, arsanilic acid, sodium arsanilate and roxarsone
are added for the purpose.
a. Grit: Poultry do not have teeth to grind any hard grain, most grinding takes place in the
thick musculated gizzard. The more thoroughly feed is ground, the more surface area is
created for digestion and subsequent absorption. Hence, when hard, coarse or fibrous
feeds are fed to poultry, grit is sometimes added to supply additional surface for grinding
within gizzard. When mash or finely ground feeds are fed, the value of grit become less.
Oyster shells, coquina shells and limestone are used as grit.
b. Buffers and Neutralisers: During maximum production stage ruminants are given high
doses of concentrate feeds for meeting demands for extra energy and protein requirement
of the animal. The condition on the other hand lowers the pH of the rumen. Since, many
of the rumen microbes cannot tolerate low pH environment, the normally heterogeneous
balanced population of microbes become skewed, favouring the acidophilic (acid-loving)
bacteria. The condition often leads to acidosis and thereby upsets normal digestion.
c. Chelates: The word Chelates is derived from the Greek word Chele meaning
claw which is a good descriptive term for the manner in which polyvalent cations are
held by the metal binding agents. Prior to union with the metal these organic substances
are termed as ligands. Ligand + mineral = chelate element.
Organic chelates of mineral elements which are cyclic compounds are the most
important factors controlling absorption of a number of mineral elements. A particular
element in chelated form may be released in ionic form at the intestinal wall or might be
readily absorbed as the intact chelate. Chelates may be of naturally occurring substances
such as chlorophyll, cytochromes, haemoglobin, vitamin B12 some amino acids, etc., or
may be of synthetic substances like ethylenediaminetetracetic acid (EDTA.)
Chelates of this group behave as a carrier for proper absorption, transportation in the
circulatory system and passing across cell memberances to deposit the metal ion at the site where
a. Among amino acids, cysteine and histidine are particularly effective metal binding
agents and may be of primary importance in the transport and storage of mineral
elements throughout the animal body.
b. Ethylene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) and other similar synthetic ligands also
may improve the availability of zinc and other minerals.
Many chelates of animal body are holding metal ions in such a cyclic fashion which are
absolutely necessary to be in that form to perform metabolic function. Vitamin B12 cytochrome
enzymes and haemoglobin are some of the examples of this type. Haemoglobin molecule
without its content of ferrous form of iron will be of no use in transporting oxygen.
There are some chelates found in the body which might have accidentally formed and are
of no use to the subject. Rather, those chelates may be detrimental for the proper utilisation of
the element. Phytic acid-Zn chelate or oxalic acid calcium chelate are examples of this type.
a. Antibiotics: These are substances which are produced by living organisms (mould, bacteria
or green plants) and which in small concentration have bacteriostatic or bactericidal
properties. They were originally developed for medical and veterinary purposes to control
specific pathogenic organisms. Later it was discovered that certain antibiotics could increase
the rate of growth of young pigs and chicks when included in their diet in small amounts.
Soon after this report a wide range of antibiotics have been tested and the following have
1. Antibiotics spare protein, amino acids and vitamin on diets containing 1 to 3 per cent less
protein, but balance experiments have often failed to show increased nitrogen retention.
Growth stimulation has been greatest when the antibiotic penicillin supplement has been
added to a ration containing no protein supplements of animal origin or to a ration low in
vitamin B12. Under hygienic conditions growth increases are small.
2. Intestinal wall of animals fed antibiotics is thinner than that of untreated animals which might
explain the enhanced absorption of calcium shown for chicks.
3. Reduce or eliminate the activity of pathogens causing subclinical infection.
4. Reduce the growth of micro-organisms that compete with the host for supplies of nutrients.
5. Antibiotics alter intestinal bacteria so that less urease is produced and thus less ammonia is
formed. Ammonia is highly toxic and suppresses growth in non-ruminants.
6. Stimulate the growth of micro-organisms that synthesise known or unidentified nutrients.
Following points should be kept in mind while using antibiotics for animal feeding:
1. Antibiotics should be used only for (a) growing and fattening pigs for slaughter as pork or
bacon; (b) growing chicks and turkey poults for killing as table poultry.
2. Antibiotics should not be used in the feed of ruminant animals (cattle, sheep and goats),
breeding pigs and breeding and laying poultry stock.
3. While adding antibiotics at the recommended level, care should be taken that they are
thoroughly and evenly mixed with the feed.
4. For best results, antibiotics should be used with properly balanced feeds. Also, the feeds
containing antibiotics should be fed only to the type of stock for which they are intended.
5. Antibiotics are not a substitute for good management and healthy living conditions, or for
properly balanced rations.
(a) Hormones: These are chemicals released by a specific area of the body (ductless glands)
and are transported to another region within the animal where they elicit a physiological
Extensive use is being made of synthetic and purified estrogens, androgens, progestogens,
growth hormones and thyroxine or thyroprotein (iodinated casein) to stimulate the growth and
fattening of meat producing animals. There is concern, however, about possible harmful effects
of any residues of these materials in the meat or milk for the consumers.
The whole question whether hormones should be used as growth promoters is still debatable
but it seems logical that with any feeding system the economic advantages, however great should
never take precedence over any potential risk to human health. These substances may induce
cancer in human beings if taken over a prolonged period through products of the treated animals.
The use of such substances in poultry rearing has been prohibited by law in U.S.A.
(b) Implants: Implants are hormone or hormone like products that are designed to release
slowly, but constantly, the active chemicals for absorption into the bloodstream. These are
implanted subcutaneously in the ear.(eg.) diethylstilbesterol (DES).
b. Antifungal additives: Mould inhibitors are added to feed liable to be contaminated with
various types of fungi such as Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium cyclopium etc. Before
adding commercial inhibitors all feedstuff should be dried below 12 cent moisture.
Propionic, acetic acid and sodium propionate are added in high moisture grain to inhibit
mould growth. Antifungals such as Nystatin and copper sulphate preparations are also in
use to concentrate feeds to prevent moulds.
d. Antihelmintics: Under some practical feeding conditions anthelmintics have also been
used. The compounds act by reducing parasitic infections..
Enzymes are protein which have the property of catalysing specific biochemical
reactions. They are found in all plants and animals and are responsible for growth and the
maintenance of health.
Microorganism also produce enzymes and in recent years it has been possible to produce
enzymes using microorganism on an industrial scale, extract and use these enzymes in a wide
range of processes for the production of feed and natural products.
Poultry feeds are largely composed or plant and vegetables materials and there are
enzymes developed to degrade, modify or extract the plant polymers found in some of the cereals
and their by-products. The enzymes can be used to improve the feeding of poultry in the
following way:
1. By improving the efficiency of the utilisation of the feed.
2. By upgrading cereals by-products or feed components that are poorly digested
3. By providing additional digestive enzymes to help poultry to withstand stress
conditions eg. Hot climates.
Some of the cereals are compounds of polymers either of glucose (beta glucan) or
arabinose and xylose (pentosan or hemicellulose). These polymers are not well digested by
poultry and this can be result in loss of energy in two ways:
1. Energy may be lost become these polymers hinder the digestion of starch by coating
starch granules and preventing the action of starch digesting enzymes in the intestine.
2. Energy may be lost because the animals own enzymes are not capable of degrading
the polymers and therefore they pass through the digestive system untouched.
By adding microbial enzymes to the feed these polymers can be degraded and their
energy value made available to the bird.
The dual role of enzymes has been demonstrated in trials with barley based feed
supplemented with beta-glucanase, where the apparent increase in available energy was far in
excess of that available in the beta-glucan of the barley. Inm this case not only was the problem
of sticky dropping completely eliminated but the chickens rate of growth was equivalent to that
observed normally with feeds containing a higher energy density (eg. Wheat based).
Choice of enzyme:
The enzymes should fulfil the following criteria for practical application:
1. The enzymes must be active at the pH of the animals digestive system and capable of
surviving transit through the stomach.
2. They must be in a physical form in which they can be safely and easily mixed into all
forms of animal feed.
3. The products should be or a high standarised activity that will remain stable both
before and after incorporation into the feed or pre-mix.
4. The enzymes must be capable of surviving normal pelleting conditions.
Anticaking agents:
Anticaking agents are anhydrous substance that can pick up moisture without themselves
becoming wet. They are added to dry mixes to prevent the particles clumping together and so
keep the product free flowing.
They are either anhydrous salts or substance that hold water by surface adhesion yet
themselves remain free flowing:
1. Salt or long chain fatty acids.
2. Calcium phosphate
3. Potassium and sodium ferryocyanide
4. Magnesium oxide
5. Salts silicic acid Al, Mg, Ca, Salt.
Sodium aluminium silicate
Sodium calcium aluminium silicate
Calcium aluminium silicate
These are substance which are required to keep the product moist, as for example, bread
and cakes. Anticaking agents immobilise moisture that was picked up. Humectants are not or
much use in poultry feed.
These are substance that preserve the texture or vegetable tissues and by maintaining the
water pressure inside them, keep them turgid. It prevents a loss of water from the tissues.
Certain metals copper, iron can act as pro-oxidant catalytic and there fore need to the
immobilised. Sequestrants are compounds added to do this.
These compounds should have affinity to metal ions and should prevent the metal in
becoming engaged in oxidative action. Most effective sequestrants EDTA.
Saccharin extensively used during World War I. It is a compound without any calorific
Additives such as humectants, firming and crisping agents, sweeteners, emulsifiers, stabilisers,
acid, buffers are not commonly used in poultry feeds
Model questions
C. Antibiotic D. Nutrients
i. None are correct ii. B is correct iii. D is correct iv. A,B,C are correct
87.Additives enhances
88.Probiotic is a
A. Chemical B. Deworrner
i. D is correct ii. A and B are iii. C is correct iv. None are correct
C. Anticoccidials D. Anthelmentics
i. D is correct ii. None are correct iii. All are correct iv. A is correct
i. A is correct ii. B is correct iii. A and D are iv. B and C are correct
93.Saccharin gives
A. Energy B. Protein
C. Vitamin A D. Antibiotics
i. D is correct ii. B and C are iii. A is correct iv. None are correct
A. Magnesium B. Phosphorus
C. Calcium D. Energy
C. Fats D. Carbohydrates
Silage making
Silage is the material produced by the controlled fermentation of a crop of high moisture
content. Ensilage is the name given to the process and the container, if used, is called the silo.
i) Crops can be ensiled when the weather does not permit curing them into hay or
dry fodder
ii) The use of silage generally makes it possible to keep more animals on a certain
area of land
iii) An a low expense silage furnishes high quality succulent feed for any season of
the year
iv) From weed crops, which would make poor hay, satisfactory silage can be
produced, the ensiling process kills many kinds of weeds and seeds
v) Stemmy forage crops when converted into silage become soft and are better
utilized by the stock.
An entirely different process of silage making involves the sterilisation of the mass in the
silo by adding chemical sterilisation agents such as formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide or sodium
metabisulphate. The success of this method depends largely upon ensuring adequate mixing with
the crop, which may often be difficult in practice. If satisfactory sterilisation is achieved and
provided effluent production is not great, the nutritive value of the preserved material should be
very similar to that of the original herbage. Another method of preserving herbage is by the direct
acidification of the crop, and one such system is the finished A.I.V. process, named after
originator A.I.vittanen. The mixture of acids used in this process varies, but generally consists of
Hcl & H2SO4. These acids are added to material during ensiling in sufficient quantity to lower
the pH value below pH4. The resultant product may appear to be a very unnatural food for farm
animals, but provided the correct amount of acids is properly, distributed through out the ensiled
material no free mineral acids occur. A.I.V. silage has been shown to be palatable and harmless
to ruminants even when as the sole item of diet.
Chemical changes
1) Plant enzymes
In the first category the main changes are caused by aerobic respiration, which will
continue, as long as oxygen present, until the plant sugars are depleted. Sugars are oxidised to
carbon dioxide and water, with the production of heat of causing a considerable rise in
temperature of the mass. If the herbage is not well consolidated during and after filling then air
may penetrate into the mass and the temperature will continue to rise. If the rise in temperature
is not checked, an over heated product, usually dark brown or black in colour will result. This
will be of low feeding value because of an excessive loss of soluble carbohydrate and a lowering
of the protein digestibility.
Apart from carbohydrate break down, proteolysis also occurs immediately after the
herbage is cut. Protein is rapidly broken down to simpler substances mainly amino acids.
2) Microorgnisms
After aerobic respiration has ceased, microbial changes continue. Fresh herbage contains
bacteria on its surface, and these organisms multiply, using the contents of a cell as medium. As
a result of this activity many chemical components of the grass are break down. Where
conditions are favourable for bacteria which produce lactic acid, the acidity of the mass increases
until, at about pH 4.0 4.2 organisms other than the aciduric lactic acid bacteria are inhibited as
long as conditions remain amaerobic. These aciduric organisms are classified into 2 main
groups, the homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and the heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria.
Both types from lactic acid but the former are more efficient at converting hexose into the acid
than are the heterofermentative organisms. The higher the proportion of homo-fermentative
lactic acid bacteria, the more rapid will be the decline of pH, since homo-fermentative bacteria
quantitatively convert soluble sugars to lactic acid and hetero-fermentatives produce Co2,
mannitol, ethanol and acetic acid in addition to lactic acid bacteria. The proportion of homo to
hetro fermentative lactic acid bacteria is important in crops poor in water soluble carbohydrates.
During ensilage about 60% of the proteins are broken down even in well preserved material.
Where a rapid lactic acid type of fermentation occurs and a satisfactory degree of acidity is
produced, the end products of protein break down are mainly amino acids. This break down to
amino acids is not disadvantage as far as nutritive value is concerned, but in bad preserved
material the amino acids are broken down further to produce various amines such as tryptamine,
phenyl ethylamine and histamine, which are decarboxilated derivatives of tryphan, phenylalanine
and histidine respectively. Many of these nitrogenous compounded may be toxic to animals if
absorbed into the blood.
Apart from changes in carbohydrates and proteins, the mineral compounds present in
herbage may be altered and potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium salts of lactic acid,
volatile acids may be formed. So far as is known the available of these minerals is not affected.
As a result of these chemical changes, gaseous losses, (mainly of Co2) occur. The amount of dry
matter lost in gaseous form may vary from 2 to 30% depending upon plant and bacterial enzyme
Nature of crop
i) In order to obtain silage of high nutritive value, grass should be cut shortly after, the ear
emergence stage of growth as digestibility falls rapidly with increasing herbage maturity.
ii) High protein grass crops and legumes are difficult to ensile satisfactory, because of low
soluble carbohydrate content and because of their high buffering capacity. If the soluble
carbohydrate content of the crop is known to be a limiting factor, then a sugar additive,
such as molasses, may be sprayed on to the crop at the time of filling the silo.
The physical nature of the crop at the time of ensiling is important factor in the
fermentation process, and it is known their chopping or brushing tends to produce more
favourable condition for microorganism activity than leaving the material long.
i) Field losses: With crops cut and ensiled the same day, nutrient losses are
negligible and even over a 24 hours wilting period losses of not more than 1 or 2% dry
matter can be expected. Dry matter losses as high as 6% after 5 days and 10% after 8 days
wilting in the field have been reported. The main nutrients affected are the water soluble
carbohydrates and protein which are hydrolysed to amino acids.
ii) Oxidation losses: These result from the action of plant and microbial enzymes on
substrates such as sugars in the presence of oxygen,leading to the formation of Co2 and
iii) Effluent losses: In most silos, free drainage occurs and the liquid (or) effluent
carries with it soluble nutrients. The amount of effluent produced depends largely upon the
initial moisture content of the crop, but it will obviously be increased if the silo is left
uncovered so that rain enters. Effluent contain sugars, soluble nitrogenous compounds,
minerals and fermentation acids all of which are of high nutritional value. Crops ensiled
with a dry matter content of 15% may result in effluent dry matter losses as higher 10%,
where as crops wilted to about 30% dry matter produce little, if any, effluent.
The container in which the silage made is of greatest importance and will determine to a
large extent the nature and quality of the final product. The size of the container will generally
depend upon the number and kind of animals to be fed from it, and its height on the length of the
feeding different types of silos have been designed.
Clamp silo: In silo, greater part of crop remains above ground and the rest remains in slight
excavated trench or pit. In addition the clamp will be long and narrow, and low in relative to
Pit silo: The pit silo is cylindrical or rectangular and its shape is like that of clamp silo, but
extends below ground. The pit can be excavated in any suitable soil, not subjected to
waterlogging. If silage is to be made annually, it better to have a concrete floor, making
provision for effluent to escape. The dimension of the pit various with circumstances and the
number of stock to be fed. A pit of average width of 4m and with silage settled to a depth of 2m
will held 1 m tonnes of silage for each 30 cm length.
Trench silo
The difference between the pit and the trench silo is merely one of size, the latter usually
brawing greater length in relation to breadth. The process of ensiling is more or less similarly to
that for pit silo.
Tower silo: It is round, cylindrical and is placed above the ground the height varies from 6 to
10m or more with a varying diameter (6 to 10m). The erection of such a silo is expensive. The
material used include wood, reinforced concrete or sheet metal. Use wood is of much advantage
is that it is not affected by silage acids, on the other hand wood tends to preserve it. For filling
up the silo a chopper blower is necessary. In this types 3 types of silage are found
(a) In the bottom third it will be over compressed sour and will give out smell of butyric acid
(b) In the centre it will be good, not too tightly packed and yet compressed well enough to
give well-preserved material.In the top third it is often dark and over heated, near the
surface it will be of low value, perhaps with some moulds. In the tower, silo, the sealing
is not much important as the pit silo.
i) Material can be well preserved, with no wastage due to air leakage
ii) Wilting of crop and the sealing of silo are not as important as in pit silo, because the mass
itself applies pressure and and acts as an air seal to the lower layer.
iii) The loss of dry matter is minimal
i) It is very expeenside to make
ii) Chopper blower is needed for filling up of the silo
iii) Emptying is very laborious
iv) In dry hot places the silage gets dehydrated
Tube Silo
Advantages: Does not occupy permanent location, can be shifted to various location with
i) Properly made haylage, has a pleasant aroma palatable high quality feed. Animals usually
received more dry matter and feed value than silage made from the same cut.
ii) If forage is moved, with the intention of making hay and weather becomes unfavourable
for drying, the partially dried forage can be made into haylage.
i) With haylage, fine chopping, good packing and complete sealing against air entrance
inside the silo is a must and more critical than with silage.
ii) The danger of excessive heating which lowers protein digestibility is more acute in
haylages than silages.
It is clean, the taste is acidic, and has no butyric acid, no moulds, no sliminess nor
proteolysis. The pH is between 3.5 and 4.2. The amount of ammoniacal nitrogen should be less
than 10 per cent of the total nitrogen. Uniform in moisture and green or borwnish in colour.
Taste is pleasing, not bitter or sharp.
The taste is acidic. There may be traces of butyric acid. The pH is between 4.2 and 4.5.
The amount of ammoniacal nitrogen is 10-15 per cent of the total nitrogen. Other points same as
of very good silage.
The silage is mixed with a little amount of butyric acid. There may be slight proteolysis
along with some mould. The pH is between 4.5 and 4.8. ammoniacal nitrogen is 15-20 per cent
of the total nitrogen. Colour of silage varies between tobacco brown to dark brown.
It has a bad smell due to high butyric acid and high proteolysis. The silage may be
infested with moulds. Les acidity, pH is above 4.8. The amount of ammoniacal nitrogen is more
than 20 per cent. Colour tends to be blackish and should not be fed.
The aim in hay making is to reduce the moisture content of the green crop to a level low
enough to inhibit the action of plant and microbial enzymes. In order that a green crop may be
stored satisfactorily in a stack or bale, the moisture content must be reduced to 15-20%.
For efficient production of good quality hay the crop should be harvested early in the
morning and left in the field as such for curing. Drying the harvested crop in the field is
continued until the moisture content is reduced to about 40%. Usually in autumn it may take 2 to
3 days for field airing but in dry summer months the duration can be still less. At the end of 1st
day, turn the grass with the side rake into small fluffy windrows. On the 2nd day, turn the
windrows and watch its state of drying to note its readyness for staking or fit to be baled
straight from the windrows. Caution is needed to store them in well ventilated place as
otherwise, possibility of catching fire exist. In case, if the windrows require still more drying
they may be placed over tripods or tetrapods or over the fence.
Hay must be leafy and green and have soft and pliable stems. It should be free from
mustiness or mould and be palatable. It should be free from any weeds and should have the
aroma of the original crop. Hay should be prepared out of herbage, cut at a stage nearing
maturity, preferably at the flowering stage when it has the maximum of nutrients. Delay in
cutting would mean losses of a part of nutrients which would be used up by the plant in seed
formation. Hay should be green in colour. The green colour of leaves indicates the amount of
carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A. Hay of average quality will usually run from 25-30
per cent crude fibre and 45-60 per cent TDN.
Enzymes action
Chemical Changes:
As a result of respiration, sugars and oxidised to Co and H2O with the result increase in
concentration of cell wall constituents especially cellulose and lignin.Protein are also altered by
the action of plant enzymes. Due to proteolysis free amino acids are formed and can be lost due
to leaching.
When herbage is dried in the field a certain amount of oxidation occurs. The visual effect
of this can be seen in the pigments many of which are destroyed ex. Carotene. On the other hand
sunlight has a beneficial effect on vitamin D content in the hay, because of irradiation of
ergosterol present in green plant.
It causes loss of soluble minerals, sugars and Nitrogenous constituents. It may also
encourage the growth of moulds.
Microbial action
If drying is prolonged because of bad weather conditions, changes brought about by the
activity of bacteria and fungi may occur. Mouldy hay is unpalatable, and may be harmful to
farm an animals and man because of the presence of mycotoxins. Such hay may also contain
actnomycetes which are responsible for the allergic diseases affecting man known as farmers
Plant species
Hay made from legumes are generally rich in protein and minerals than grass hay. Non
legume hay has more carbohydrate but is less palatable. The other advantage being high yielding
quality of these crops. The quality of mixed hay depends on the species and proportion of the
mixture of leguminous crop in the hay.
Stage of growth/cutting
The stage of growth of the crop at the time of cutting is the most important factor
determining the nutritive value of the conserved product. The latter the date of cutting the larger
will be the yield, the lower the digestibility and net energy value and the lower the voluntary
intake of dry matter by animals. It follows that if the drying conditions are similar hays made
from early crops will be of higher nutritive value than hays made from mature crops.
Mechanical damage
During the drying process the leaves lose moisture more rapidly than the stems, so
becoming brittle and easily shattered by handling, handling of the hay during early morning
minimized the loss of leafs.
At a higher moisture level during stacking, chemical changes brought about by the action
of plant enzymes and micro organism are likely to occur. There may be oxidative degradation of
sugars, although hexoses may also combine with amino acids or proteins. This chemical
combination is probably partly responsible for dark brown colour observed in overheated hays.
Browning has been observed at temperature as low as 32 oC.
Respiration cases at about 40 oC. Butt the action of thermophillic bacteria may go on up
to about 72 oC. Above this temperature chemical oxidation can cause further heating. The heat
tends to accumulate in hay stored in bulk and eventually composition may occur.
equipment, the hot gases usually at a temperature of about 150oC, the drying time varies from
about 20 to 50 minutes depending upon the drier design and the moisture content of the crop.
With high temperature design the temperature of gases is initially within the range of 500-
1000oC, the time taken to pass through the drier varies from about 0.5 to 2 minutes.
Model questions
97.Silage is a
i. None are correct ii. All are correct iii. A & B are iv. C & D are correct
A. Molasses B. Salt
i. A & B are correct ii. C & D are correct iii. None are correct iv. All are correct
i. A & B are correct ii. C & D are correct iii. All are correct iv. None are correct
i. A & B are correct ii. A,B&C are correct iii. All are correct iv. C & D are correct
i. A & B are correct ii. C & D are correct iii. None are correct iv. All are correct
i. A & B are correct ii. C & D are correct iii. All are correct iv. A,B & Care
i. A & B are correct ii. C & D are correct iii. None are correct iv. All are correct
i. A & B are correct ii. B & C are correct iii. C & D are correct iv. All are correct
A. Keratin B. Lignin
i. C & D are correct ii. B is correct iii. A is correct iv. None are correct
A number of oil bearing seeds are grown for vegetable oil for human and for paints and
other industrial purposes. In processing these seeds, protein rich products od great value as
livestock feeds are obtained. The by products left after extraction of oil from oil seeds are used
for feeding of all kinds of livestock. According to the method of processing, oil content and
protein content varies.
Three main process are used for removing oil from oil seeds. Two employ pressure to
force out the oil, while the others uses an organic solvent to dissolve the oil from the the seed.
Only material with an oil content of less than 35% is suitable for solvent extraction. If material
of higher oil content is to be treated it first undergoes a modified screw pressing to lower the oil
content to a suitable level.
Nutritive value:
Protein: Some 95% of the nitrogen in oil seed meals is present as true protein. It usually has a
digestibility of 75-90% and is of good quality. In general, oil seed proteins have a low cystine
and methionine content, and a variable but usually low lysine content. As a result they cannot
provide adequate supplementation of the cereal proteins with which they are commonly used and
should be used in conjuction with an animal protein when given to simple stomached animals.
Fat: The oil seed cakes may make a significant contribution to the energy content of the diet,
particularly where the oil content is high. This will depend upon the process employed and its
efficiency. Digestive disturbances, however, may result from uncontrolled use of cakes rich in
oil, and if the oil is unsaturated milk or body fat may be soft and carcass quality lowered.
Micro-nutrients: The oil seed meals usually have a high phosphorus content, which tend to
aggravate their generally low calcium content. They may provide usefull amounts of the B-
vitamins but are poor sources of carotene and vitain E.
Straws consist of the stem and leaves of plants after the removal of the ripe seeds by
threshing and are produced from most cereal crops and from some legumes chaff consists of the
husk or glumes of the seed which are seperated from the grain during threshing. These products
are extremely fibrous, rich in lignin and of extremely low nutritive value. They should not be
used as pig or poultry food.
Paddy straw:It has an exceptionally high ash content about 170g/kg of dry matter, which
consists mainly of silica. The lignin content of this straw, about 60-70g/kg dry matter is however
lower than that of other cereals straw. In contrast to other straws, the stems are more digestable
than the leaves.
The poor nutritive values of straws may be attributed to the following facts.
1) The digestibility of straw is limited due to the formation of strong physical and/or
chemical bonds between lignin and the structural polysaccharides (Hemi-cellulose).
Although cellulose by itself has a highly ordered crystalline structure, it has a very
strong association with lignin, with the result that even the most potent cellulosic
enzymes cannot have easy access to the cellulose unless the bondage between lignin
and cellulose is broken.
2) Crystalline structure of cellulose is also responsible for low digestibility of cellulose.
3) Highly deficient in other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and in proteins.
The minimum crude protein requirement for efficient lignocellulose break down of
roughages fed as the sole diet is claimed to be from 3.8 to 5.0%.
4) High silica content of straw is known to depress organic matter digestibility.
Other straws (Cereals) which are commonly fed to animals are:Wheat straw and Rye straw,
whereas in European Countries Oat straw. Paddy straw and maize straw are popular.
Legume straws:
The straws of beans and peas are richer in protein, calcium and magnesium than the
cereal straws, and if properly harvested are useful roughage foods for ruminant animals.
Because of their thick fibrous stems they are more difficult to dry than cereal straws and
frequently become mouldy on storage.
In some cases, it is economical to increase the nutritive values of all types of poor quality
roughages by physical chemical or biological treatment.
Tapioca Leaves: Cassava is a tuber crop extensively grown in Tamil Nadu and KeralaState. At
the time of harvest, the tuber is harvested and the leaves are thrown away. Tapioca leaves are a
rich source of protein having a DCP value of 8 and TDN value of 45 per cent of dry leaves. It
contains ant nutritional factor HCN.
Groundnut haulms: Groundnut is the major oilseed produced in the country. At the time of
harvesting large quantities of leaves and stem become available for feeding of livestock. The
DCP value of groundnut haulms is superior to that of non-leguminous crops.
A. Wet Methods
1. Green chopping
This refers to converting the green crop residues into 1 to 4 cm length pieces by chaff
cutters. The main advantage is due to less wastage of unpalatable parts. By mixing poor quality
roughages in chopped green materials, it will mask the effects of the formet.
2. Soaking
This method is not considered to be practical except possibly with chopped straw.
3. Strem processing:
The steam treatment of forage particularly of low quality roughages like bagasse has been
reported to cause increased voluntary intake and higher digestibility in cattle. Chemical studies
indicated extensive degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose and the production of undesirable
poly-phenolic compounds when bagasse was steam processed. Apart from this the method
involves extra expenditure.
B. Dry methods
1. Baling:
Bailing is probably the most common method used in developed countries to harvest
roughage. Forage is cut and allowed to dry in the field. For proper baling the moisture level
must be sufficiently low (15 to 20 per cent) at the time of baling. Bales are packages of square or
round type. Round bales, however, will shed rain and thus may be left in the field for extended
periods without serious damage to the hay.
3. Pelleting of roughages
Hays and straws must be ground prior to pelleting thus, pelleting embraces most of the
advantages and disadvantages of grinding. The method reduces the space requirement for
storage by as much as 75 per cent. Pelleting of hay and straws increases consumption and
performances in beef cattle. It also reduces dustiness. The process when applied to roughage,
will cost twice as much as pelleting concentrates.
4. Cubing
Cubing are nothing more than large pellets. These may be of square or round shape
having the diameter and length between 2 to 3 inches and 1 to 4 inches respectively. Grinding
before cubing is not required, but usually water is sprayed on the dry hay and straw as they are
Although cubes have an advantage, as they can be fed on the ground in clean pastures,
and no troughs are needed, it is difficult to detect (visually) low quality roughages in them, and
besides the method is costly.
5. Drying of roughages
Drying entails removal of excess moisture of green crop residues to 14-15 per cent level
either by artificial heat. In tropical countries like India, sun drying is the only feasible method.
However, in some developed countries where sunshine is not plentiful, artificial drying is
resorted to which involves a process, in which forage is cut by a hay chopper or silage cutter
immediately after harvest and dried in large drum driers of different sizes.
6. Irradiation
Improvement of digestibility of wheat straw by high voltage X-rays has been found to be
due to the breaking of the cellulose and hemicellulose bonds, resulting in formation of
oligosaccharides, which can be utilised by the rumen organisms. Forage lignin on the other hand
resists irradiation. Upon irradiation, ergosterol, a plant sterol, yields calciferol, commonly
known as vitamin D2. The method involves high cost and technology.
1. Alkali treatment
Treating straw with alkali can give a product of considerable nutritive value. It
reduces the strength of the intermolecular hydrogen bonds which bind the cellulose fibre
without affecting much of the cell wall.
The usual method requires large quantities of water and is impracticable in areas
where water supplies are limited. The process consists of soaking the straw in 10 times its
weight of 1.5 per cent NaOH solution for about 24 hours. The liquid is then drained off and
can be used for succeeding batches of straw. The straw is washed after treatment until freed
from the alkali. The treatment will in case of wheat straw increase organic matter
digestibility from 46 per cent to more than 70 per cent. The method is tiresome as well as
2. Ammonia treatment
Treatment of straw with anhydrous ammonia will add N2 to the straw which can be
used by rumen microorganisms, in addition, the ammoniation of straw will improve
significantly the degrability of its fibrous constituents which will result in the production of
more energy in the form of VFA.
The ammonia method requires that a stack of straw be covered so that the ammonia
does not escape.
3. Lime treatment
Calcium hydroxide generated from lime may prove to be the cheapest alkali available
for the effective treatment of coarse roughages. Both wet and dry methods of treatment have
been used.
Refer urea treatment of paddy straw described under roughages dried grass
5. Urine treatment
Animal urine can also be used as a source of urea which can generate ammonia to have a
similar effect on improving the degradability of fibrous constituents on the coarse fodders.
An addition of urea molasses to straw has become popular for increasing nutritive value.
A solution of 10 kg molasses and 2 kg urea in 10 kg of water is spread by a sprayer on straws in
100 kg lots and spread evenly under the sun over an area of 20 X 20 ft. The treated straws can
form maintenance ration when supplied along with the proper amount of 2 per cent mineral and 1
per cent salt and vitamin AD3 mixture. About 8 kg of this enriched paddy straw per animal per
day will supply sufficient nitrogen for the animals to synthesise the required amount of protein
for maintenance.
Another way of feeding urea to cattle especially dairy cattle through the addition of
urea to crops which are being ensiled. If chopped, the whole maize plant is being ensiled at 35
per cent to 40 per cent dry matter, urea is then added at a level of 0.5 per cent of wet material.
This level should increase the crude protein level of the silage on a dry matter basis about five
Use of selected bacterial and fungal culture in roughages has been considered during the
past few years to increase the nutritive value of roughages over the chemical treatments. Since
plant residues constitute a good quantity of cellulosic materials including cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin, the biological treatment causes simplification of these compounds by
releasing appropriate enzymes from microbes so that the materials ultimately become easily
digestible upon intake by the ruminants.The fast growth rate of these microbes result in enriching
the roughages with protein.
Milling byproducts: Include bran, polish, flour, middlings, gluten etc thatcould be used as
animal feed.
Sugar industry byproducts : Include molasses,pressmud etc that could be used un animal
Brewery waste:
Brewery waste is mostly the brewer's grains left after the extraction of malt required for
the production of beer. One quintal of barley produces about 170 kg of wet brewer's grains.
Dried brewer's grain is a very good source of protein and energy for the livestock. Various
reports have recommended to include not more than 10 per cent dried brewer's grain in poultry
mash. It is a good feed for the ruminants.
It has 20 to 23 per cent dry matter, about 19 per cent protein, 3.5 per cent ether extract,
9.5 per cent crude fibre, 65.5 per cent NFE and 4.5 per cent ash. The calcium content is 0.26 per
cent and phosphorus content 0.31 per cent on dry matter basis. The dried brewer's grain has 60
per cent TDN for cattle. The energy value for buffaloes is 55 per cent.
Coffee waste:
Coffee beans consist of about 70 per cent pulpy mass. India produces about 70,000
tonnes of coffee which yield about 45,000 tonnes of coffee husk. The use of coffee waste
becomes important when sufficiently large quantities are available at any one spot.
Date stones:
The work in India and Egypt has shown that date stones can be used as one of the feed
ingredients of the ruminant ration.
Maize gluten-feed:
Maize gluten-feed is a by-product obtained after the removal of most of the starch and
germ from maize in wet milling manufacture of maize starch and their maize products. This
material may or may not contain maize-soluble and maize germ oil cake. Maize gluten is
obtained in the manufacturing process as a thick slurry. It is generally blended with maize bran
to obtain the material for feeding livestock. Maize gluten meal generally contains 45 to 48 per
cent protein. It is fed to cattle and poultry as a protein supplement.
Panewar seeds:
The panewar plant (Cassia tora) grows abundantly during the monsoon in uncultivated
and barren lands. Seeds as sole concentrate portion of the ration are unpalatable to livestock.
They become acceptable to the ruminants if mixed with other conventional energy or protein-
rich concentrates. Boiled Cassia tora seeds can be incorporated at a level of 15 per cent of
concentrate mixture in lactating cows without any detrimental effect on the yield and chemical
composition of milk.
Silkworm pupae-meal:
Silk is being manufactured on a large scale in Assam, Karnataka, orissa and Kashmir.
Large quantities of silkworm pupae are available after the silk thread is removed from the cotton.
A good quality silkworm pupae meal containing 55 per cent crude protein and 25 to 27 per cent
oil can be prepared. Its keeping quality can be improved by de-oiling. Silkworm pupae meal has
found its way in poultry feeds as an excellent source of animal protein. It can replace whole of
the fish meal in poultry rations.
India and Sri Lanka are the latest tea producing nations. India produces nearly 350
million kg and Sri Lanka 206 million kg of tea every year. Tea wastes in the form of fluffs,
stalks and sweepings become available during production, storage and handling of tea garden
factories, warehouses, packing factories and shipment sheds at ports. About 2-3 per cent tea is
wasted. This amounts to 10,000 tonnes in India and 5,160 tonnes in Sri Lanka. Although
caffeine can be isolated from waste tea leaves, these can be used as a feed ingredient. It contains
about 18 per cent of crude protein.
Spent tea leaves (STL), available from the instant tea manufacture, can also be used as
feed ingredient. It contains 25 per cent crude protein on dry matter basis. The STL contain
about 60 per cent moisture and it is better to use them as such rather than on drying which
becomes expensive. STL can be used up to 20 per cent in the concentrate mixture.
Tamarind seeds are available commercially in India. The seeds contain about 30-45 per
cent red hulls and 60-70 per cent white kernels. The hulls and kernels have about 2 and 1.5 per
cent crude fibre respectively.
The hulls are available commercially and can replace 10-15 per cent of maize in
concentrate mixture of crossbred calves. They are rich in tannins (13-14 per cent) which help in
the better utilisation of the protein. Kernels can replace about 95 per cent of the maize
component of concentrate mixture in growing crossbred calves. Crossbred bullocks can be fed
with 1.5 kg tamarind seed powder as a sole source of concentrate. It contains 1.3 per cent DCP
and 64 per cent TDN.
Model questions
C. Soaking D. Milling
i. A is correct ii. A and B are iii. C and D are iv. All are correct
correct correct
i. A and B are ii. C and D are iii. A and D are iv. B and C are
correct correct correct correct
110.To improve upon the nutritive value of poor quality roughages by biological
treatment we use
C. Enzymes D. Chemicals
i. A and B are ii. C and D are iii. All are correct iv. None are correct
correct correct
A. Chopping B. Grinding
i. A and B are ii. C and D are iii. None are correct iv. All are correct
correct correct
A. Baling B. extruding
Unconventional feed or fodders are those that are not traditionally used in
livestock feeding or not normally used in commercially produced rations for livestock.
Shortage of feeds and fodder has been considered as the major constraint in Livestock
feeding. The heavy pressure on land and other aspects of forage production necessitates search
for suitable alternatives to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of feeds and fodder.
The estimates have shown that the shortage of animal feeds and fodder in terms of nutrients is
77% in DCP and 62% in ME. In order to mitigate such huge shortage of feeds and fodders a
number of non-conventional materials such as by-products and wastes from agriculture, forest,
and slaughterhouse and from a number of agro-industries have been identified.. Often they are
found to be potential source of energy, protein and/or minerals and have been explored to replace
the expensive conventional dietary ingredients and supplements.
Many of these resources often may contain certain anti-nutritional factors, which needs
suitable physical, chemical and/or microbiological treatments to minimise or to eliminate their ill
effects. The most common and simple process to denature the anti-nutritional factors includes
sun drying, decortications, roasting, and water soaking, etc. In addition to the presence of anti-
nutritional factors, these non-conventional feed resources are also constrained by seasonal
supply, poor nutritional value, bulkiness, availability limited to a certain locality, poor
palatability, processing formalities including preconditioning, and fear psychosis of the farmers,
malpractice and uncoordinated research and development efforts. New technologies are to be
developed in order to adopt such non-conventional products in large scale feed preparations.
o The non-conventional feed stuffs can be generally grouped as
o Roughages and concentrates
o Roughages may be succulent or dry
o Concentrates may be of vegetable orgin or animal origin. They may be protein
sources or energy sources
o Other miscellaneous non-conventional feeds.
Spent straw: Mushroom harvested spent straw has soft texture and quite good
acceptability but of low nutritive value. If supplemented with some cheap energy source it can
form basal roughage for ruminants. Also needs washing before feeding to avoid mycotoxin
Sugarcane bagassee: can serve as good source of roughage for cattle. It contains 46%
cellulose, 3.55% wax, 19.95% lignin, 2.4% minerals and 2.0% silica. It can be utilised for the
preparation of low cost feed after steam treatment and addition of bran, molasses, urea, minerals
and vitamins.
The empty soybean pods containing 7.59% crude protein and 36.54% crude fibre can be a
good source. Treatment with 6% urea at 30% moisture and storage for 4 weeks is recommenced
for enriching the same.
Paper Waste: Contains about 70 % cellulose. Ground paper waste (6Kg) supplemented
with molasses (4Kg) salt (50g) and mineral mixure (50g) is sufficient to maintain an adult
animal. It can be used as a feed during scarcity.
Saw dust: During scarcity when nothing is available even saw dust can be fed to the
animals. Complete feed containing 30 % saw dust, 32% bran, 31% molasses, 4% urea ,2% salt
and 1% mineral mixture can be used as maintenance ration during scarcity periods.
Aquatic weeds as feed: May be of marine or fresh water origin. All aquatic plants are
prolific and show high vegetative propagation during rainy season. Aquatic plants are rich in
protein, vitamin and trace elements.
Lotus: It is an ornamental plant and in some parts of the country the rhizome and fruits
are used as a vegetable. Rhizome is a rich source of starch and seeds are rich in protein.
Water Hyacinth: It is a prolific weed in terrestrial and running water. It has a DCP of
2.4% and TDN of 44.69% on DMB. It could fed as such or in the form of silage.
Azolla : Aquatic fern having prolific growth. Contains upto 22% crude protein. Can
replace vegetable origin protein supplements upto 10 % in livestock feeds. When fed to layers it
improves yolk pigmentation.
Sugar cane tops: It is the leaves of sugarcane available after the harvest of canes. It
contains around 5% crude protein, 2 % DCP and 49% TDN. It should be fed along with calcium
supplements as it contains high level of oxalate. It can be converted into silage using molasses
(1%), urea (4%) and salt (0.5%) as additives. It also can be used as a scarcity feed.
Cassava leaves : It is the leaves of Tapioca after the harvest of the tubers. It contains
cyanogenic glycosides. Wilting drastically reduces the level of cyanogenic glycosides. Cassava
leaves can be converted into hay or silage and used for feeding animals.
Banana stem and leaves: They contain around 6% DCP and 70% TDN. The moisture
content is very high. It can be dried and fed or converted into silage.
Vegetable waste: Have varied nutritional value depending on what constitutes the waste.
The more commonly available vegetable and animal protein sources and their protein
content are furnished. They can form cheaper protein supplements if care is taken to ward off the
anti nutritional principles present in them by suitable means. These protein sources have also
been recommended at various levels for inclusion in feed mixtures and rations of cattle,
buffaloes, pig and poultry.
The other non-conventional protein sources include meals from insects (house fly larvae,
silk worm larvae meal, white ants), snails, earth warms (live or dead), etc
Spent brewers grains and other distillery waste are good source of animal nutrients.The
fresh spent Brewers grains contain 24% dry matter, 18.8% crude protein, 14.6% DCP and
54.6% TDN. It forms a good supplement (upto 50%) for concentrate mixture.
Potato waste: It is a good energy source. It can be used with urea. Helps in efficient
utilisation of urea-N in ruminants.
Spent coffee waste: After the extraction of instant coffee from coffee beans, the left over
material is the spent coffee waste. It is a good energy source but has poor digestibility.
Corn steep liquor, a by-product of maize starch industry is found to be a rich source of
digestible crude protein (40%), soluble sugars (22.3%) and phosphorus. It can be used upto 15%
level in the concentrate mixture for growing crossbred calves.
The other non-conventional energy sources of importance, their energy or TDN content
along with level of inclusion in different rations are furnished in Table 12.2.
The non-conventional materials of animal feed value that are not covered in the protein or
energy groups are
1. Seaweed meal CP: 9.00- Upto 20 and 15% levels for maintenance and
19.93 milk production.
T.Ash: 23.00-
Coconut pith, kokam cake, decaffeinated tea waste, sunflower straw, kosum cake, cocoa
pods, maize cob pith, nahar seed meal, palm karnel meal, cashew apple meal, celery seed,
tannery waste, banana stem, mango fruit waste, silk cotton seed, dried yeast sludge, azolla,
kitchen disposals and left over in the restaurants have also been identified for use in animal feed.
During periods of acute scarcity sawdust may be fed upto 30% of maintenance ration along with
urea and molasses for ruminants. Similarly treated sago-molasses can also be used during
For effective use of unconventional feed resources complete feed can be formulated. It is
advocated to make use of sorghum or wheat straw, maize cobs, cotton stalk, sunflower straw,
maize stover, cotton seed hulls, ground nut hulls, sunflower heads, sugarcane baggage, saw dust,
wood pulp waste, forest dry grass, fallen tree leaves case layer dropping or poultry litter etc.
Roughage blocks for maintenance of animals can be prepared from different types of crop
residues by adding molasses, urea and mineral mixture. These blocks will serve as a good feed
source for maintenance of animals. By making such blocks, wastage of feed material to the tune
of 25% or even more can be checked. Transportation cost and storage space can be reduced
tremendously. Agricultural Products Process and Engineering Department have developed a
machine for making such blocks of different size in collaboration of this department.
Presently, with the improved technologies such as the treatment of straws and low grade
roughage with urea-molasses solutions, two stage fungus treatment of straws, urea-molasses lick-
blocks, cattle feed formulations at farm levels exploiting non-conventional feed resources, by-
pass protein feeds, by-pass and other energy resources, standardisation of cattle feed, etc. has
resulted in a real break through in dairy animal nutrition. Consequently an increase in milk yield
by about 20% reduction in cost of milk production by 30% can be achieved.
Chalk powder, marble, lime and filter-press mud waste has been found to be good
calcium supplements for animals. Dicalcium phosphate (feed grade: 23.25% Ca and 18% P),
calcined bone meal (37% Ca and 16% P), sterilised bone meal (31% Ca and 14% P) and a
number of such products are available for use as feed supplements.
The utilisation of by-products in animal feeding is beneficial in minimising the shortage
of cattle feeds as well as cost of feeding without adversely affecting the performance of animals.
Model questions
A. 2527% B. 1015%
C. 3540% D. 59%
A. Saponins B. Tannins
i. C & D are correct ii. A & C are correct iii. B is correct iv. A is correct
A. 510% B. 2025%
C. 1218% D. 2628%
A. 2527% B. 510%
C. 1520% D. 13%
i. C & D are correct ii. B is correct iii. A is correct iv. None are correct
Availability of greens
Percentage of protein in forage
Breeding patterns
eg. ungulates give birth in spring
Food chain -
Behaviours of animals
Fore gut fermentors
Hind gut fermentors
Type of feed/fodder
Pelleted feed
Hydroponic crops
Piscivores (feeding fish)
Insectivores (feeding insects)
Strict carnivores cat model
Tiger, leopard, cheetah, lion, etc.
Requires more Amino acids & N2 in diet
Limited transaminase and urea enzymes hence more loss
Sensitive to arginine deficiency,
Reduced ability to synthesis taurine
Excretes high level of taurine in bile leading taurine deficiency
Requires more methionine and cystine
Inability to convert tryptophan to niacin
In ability to utilise CHO sources, Lack hepatic glucokinase
Hence glucose derived from Amino acid via. Gluconeogenic pathway
Inability to convert provitamin A to Vitamin A
High requirement of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids
Consumes bath diets of Animal and plant origin
Different anatomic, metabolic and digestive adaptations to facilitate feeding.
Eg. Massupials, Rhodents, Bats
Diet Composes
Fruits - 90%
Immature leaves - 79%
Mature leaves - 59%
Seeds - 41%
Other animal foods - 37%
Model questions
118.Wild animals that feed only on plant origin feeds are grouped as
A. Omnivores B. Carnivores
C. Primates D. Herbivores
i. A and D are ii. B and C are iii. C is correct iv. A and B are
correct correct correct
120.During feeding wild herbivores (hind gut fermentors) in captivity the dietary model
121.Tiger, Leopard, Cheetah and Lion has a high requirement for the amino acids
A. Lysine B. Methionine
C. Glycine D. Taurine
A. Carnivores B. Inretivore
C. Herbivore D. Piscivore
A. Parrots B. Pigeons
C. Vultures D. Penguins
124.Seed eating birds have certain characteristic feature that facilitate their food habit
i. All are false ii. All are correct iii. D is false iv. A,B & C are
101 - i 121.- ii
102.- i 122.- i
103.- iii 123.- iv
104.- iv 124.- iii
105.- i 125.- iii
106.- ii 126.- i
107.- ii 127.- i
108 ii
109.- i
110.- iii
111.- iv
112.- i
113.- iii
114.- ii
115.- iii
116.- i
117.- ii
118 ii
119.- iii
120.- i