Jay Surti
As a manager in an organization, there will be many de-
mands on your time. Managing people and communicat-
ing ideas through presentations and team meetings are
just two of the key roles you might undertake.
A presentation is more than just standing up in front of
an audience in a formal setting and confidently delivering
information. It is just as much about the audience as it is
Jay Surti is part of the executive
about the information you share with them.
committee of Women In Banking
and Finance; a council member at The majority of speakers in the business world just dont
Womens Engineering Society; a come across as good communicators, letalone provide
business growthpartner at Advantage value for their audience. How many lengthy meetings or
Business Partnerships; and mentor
seminars have you sat through in your career so far? The
atMassChallenge UK.
speaker hasnt inspired you, quite possibly talked at you
and run through bullet-point-loaded slides.
The fact is that anyone can learn to speak well in
publicspeakers are made not born. There are, of course,
afew naturally gifted communicators but even they con-
sistently take steps to hone their technique.
Presenting well affords you a great opportunity to
showcase your expertise, inspire, persuade, and give your
audience a sense of what it would be like to work with
you. Good presenters are memorable.
The benefits of becoming a better presenter include
increasing your profile, status, and positioning. Do you
want to be seen as a key person of influence?
Everything you do in business is for the aspects are just as important. This checklist
purpose of persuading others. From reporting will cover each principle in detail giving you
to the Board, securing budgets for projects, all the tips you need to produce something
pitching to clients or training your team, all great every time.
of it requires the ability to persuade. If you When you know how to communicate
do it well, you will increase your chances of with your audience in an engaging way,
career success, attract more clients, and be you have the tools to be a great speaker and
more influential. You might be really bril- provide tremendous value. Simple steps can
liant at what you do, an expert even. If no transform your presentation from average
one knows about it, then how far can you to valuable and even entertaining. Certainty
get? If you cant communicate your ideas comes from adequate preparation.
well, your knowledge is wasted. Getting face-to-face time with people in
Think about this: most people dread sit- this hectic digital age is rarewhether it is
ting through awful presentations. When you with senior colleagues, at job interviews or
have prepared your presentation in a way pitching to prospective clients. Preparing
that will allow you to better connect with the apresentation and attending one is an in-
audience, much of the anxiety of speaking vestment of time for both parties.
goes away. Also, of course, the more often Below are some key steps to presentation
you do it, the easier it gets. success. Yes, time and commitment are re-
Whatever kind of presentation you need quired to incorporate these concepts but it
to make, when you master public speak- is worth itif you want to stand apart from
ing in a formal presentation setting, those most people who are delivering relatively
skills will transfer over to all manner of poor quality presentations. Even utilizing
meetings. just one of the tips to begin with will set you
As a manager and leader, you want to be apart from the crowd.
the go to person who commands respect. Introducing a speaker is a presenting role
Position yourself as someone people would which many people overlook. You may be
listen to and like to work with. chairing an event such as a conference or at
Its not enough to just put together great a team-building day. Giving every speaker
content, you have to be able to confidently a good introduction is key. Many of the tips
deliver it in a way that is congruent and cre- in this checklist are just as applicable to
ates impact. A great presentation is just as that scenario. Your job is to introduce the
much about the audience as the information speaker in an interesting way by setting the
you share with them. scene with some key facts as well as fram-
Most business presenters are unaware of ing the topic.
what they dont know and prepare by open- Plan for your preparation by blocking out
ing up PowerPoint on their PC or laptop and time in your diary, otherwise you may not
start typing a list of bullet points. get round to it. It may well involve some
You can create presentations that help you time out of office hours. You wouldnt wing
make an impact. You just need a well-designed it if you were presenting at a pitch worth
presentation, delivered in an engaging style several million dollars would you? How do
that inspires people to take action. you know that someone in your audience
The basic principles of any presentation today isnt worth impressing?
are as follows: Avoid the pitfalls made by many presenters.
Structure Objectives
Delivery There has to be a point to your presentation
The first one is easythats where many or meetingan obvious outcome. Other-
people spend a lot of time, but the other two wise, why bother putting in all that effort?
Many speakers only think about delivering Begin to see things through the eyes of
contentwhich often looks like lecturing to others.
the audience. If its an external audience such as clients
Spend some time thinking about your or other stakeholders, look at their websites
own reasons: and any information you may hold about
What do you hope to achieve? them on your company client relationship
Why are you speaking? management (CRM) platform. Talk to them
What reaction do you want from them? directly if appropriate and find out what their
Do you need to get funding for a project? concerns are. It shows you are creating a be-
Do you want to confirm your status as an spoke presentation and are being thorough.
expert/market leader? If its a team you manage or other colleagues,
Do you want them to send you work/buy you may already be familiar with the person-
from you? alities and their level of existing knowledge.
Do you want to raise awareness about If you are reporting upward to senior ex-
an issue? ecutives you may not know so well, talk to
Do you want to persuade them to do some- a few people at that level to find what works
thing or think differently? best for them.
Whether it is generating leads, providing An important point to note is that we each
value, pitching, training, or whatever is im- have our own unique way of seeing the world
portant to you in your rolethink it through and processing information based upon our
very carefully. Your presentation needs to individual attitudes and beliefs. What that
help you get the result you want. means is that something may seem com-
Know your outcome before you start pletely obvious to you but the other person
planning your content. Being clear about just doesnt get it. In that situation, you need
the outcome you want will focus your mind to adjust your presentation to suit them.
and help you in your preparation. Make This applies to all audiences. For example,
your goal specific; otherwise youll end up some people like a lot of technical informa-
rambling and risk talking at your audience. tion, while others only want the headlines.
Yet, when you have a mixed group, it is
Audience achallenge to please everyone. In that case,
Next, think about the audiencewhat do keep the detailed information up your sleeve
they need to hear and experience for you and be ready to answer curve ball questions
to be able to persuade them? if they come up.
Who are you speaking to? Think about what they will find interesting
The fundamental question you need to and compelling. What key information do
answer for them is why should I sit here they need to take away with them in order
and listen to you? to implement changes? Is it clear enough
Whats in it for them? so that there is no misunderstanding later?
Quite often the needs of the audience are What do they already know and how can
not met because they were never identified you build on that and share something of
in the first place. value that will gain their interest?
Before you even start mapping out your You want them to feel you have prepared
content, do your homework and find out something bespoke rather than adopting
what the audience needs and who they are acookie-cutter approach. Dont panicthis
so that you can adapt your content. doesnt mean you have to start from scratch
There are many things competing for every time you speak on the same subject
their attention. Customize your material for with a new audience. You just need to make
a particular audience. It helps to put yourself small changes to personalize the content
in their shoes when preparing your content. without reinventing the wheel.