Biometric Attendance System
Biometric Attendance System
Biometric Attendance System
The main aim of this circuit is to take the attendance and display when requested.
Finger print identification is based on the fact that no two persons will have the
same finger print in this world. This is because of the peculiar genetic code of DNA
in each person. Finger print module differentiates between two fingers based on the
ridges and valleys on finger print. When the finger print is given it stores the points
where there are changes in the direction of ridges and valleys using some
algorithms. Inside the finger print module a DSP processor is present to implement
and analyze the algorithm.
Main heart of the circuit is finger print module. This sends commands to the
controller when ever finger print is matched. Microcontroller receives these
commands from the finger print module and uses the internal EEPROM to store the
attendance. Keypad is used to send the requests to the controller either enroll the
new one or to save the attendance or to exit.LCD display displays the messages
related to the commands received.
Circuit Components:
Keypad (4*3).
Atmega8 microcontroller
Biometric module used here is R305 series finger print module. It supports USART
communication protocol. Here, USART protocol is used for communicating with the
micro controller. USART is universal synchronous and asynchronous receiver and
transmitter. This module has four pins out 1) Transmit, 2) Receive, 3) Vin, 4) GND.
Transmit pin is connected to the receive pin of the microcontroller. Receive pin
should be connected to the transmit pin of the microcontroller. Vin is applied with a
voltage of 5V and GND is connected to ground. Data can be transmitted or received
using serial communication.
Finger print processing involves two steps.1) finger enrollment and 2) finger
matching. Initially, to enroll the finger user must give his finger print twice to the
module. Module checks these two images and generates a template image and
stores it. In the second step of finger matching, for 1:1 matching input finger print is
matched with the template image generated and it generates an acknowledgement.
For 1: N matching input is matched with the images in the library. It gives the
matched image, a page id of the matched image is generated.
Keypad used in this project is 4*3 keypad i.e. it has four rows and three columns.
Columns of the keypad are connected to the PORT D pins of the microcontroller. PD5
to PD7 pins are connected to the three columns of the keypad. Rows are connected
to the PORT C of the microcontroller. PC0 to PC3 pins are connected to the rows of
the keypad. To give attendance, press 1 from the keypad and to enroll press 2 from
the keypad, to clear all the data press 3 from the keypad.
Liquid crystal display is used for displaying the messages. This is interfaced to
PORTB of the micro controller. LCD in 4bit mode is connected to the micro controller.
D4-D7 pins are connected to the PB0-PB3 pins of the microcontroller. RS pin is
connected to the PB4, RW pin is connected to the PB5 and Enable pin is connected
to the PB6 pin.
While burning the code make sure that slide switch is in programming mode.
After burning the code switch off the supply and disconnect the serial cable.