Vladimir Lenin: Biographical Essay
Vladimir Lenin: Biographical Essay
Vladimir Lenin: Biographical Essay
Biographical Essay
Lenin once said that A lie told often enough becomes the truth. This
meaning that the more you lie or make-up something, in the future, it will
eventually contradict itself and become true. Vladimir Lenin was the
founding father of the Russian Communist Party and he was also the 1st head
of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). A doctrine classified and joined
Marxs works together with Lenins ideas in order to form the Marxism-
Leninism. He is known to be the worlds greatest revolutionary leader and
idealist since Marx.
Lenin was born in April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, Russia, but was later
named Ulyanovsk. His family is composed of his parents and 6 children. He
was very well-educated and got along well with all his family. In 1889, Lenin
became immersed in literature related to politics and came along a writing of
Karl Marx. He agreed with his ideals and decided to become a Marxist. After
the university, Lenin focused more on revolutionary politics and connected to
work with Marxists and began to take an active role in their different
During December in 1895, Lenin and many other Marxists were found
having a meeting and were later arrested. He was banned from his country
and forced to flee to Siberia for 3 years. But, that did not stop Lenin from
continuing his work and he created a newspaper called Iskra. Its purpose was
used to unify Russian and European Marxists. When he returned to St.
Petersburg, where he was originally from, he took up the lead role in the
revolutionary movement.
After a few years of working for the party, he gradually starts to notice
that it has started to started to stray away from the revolutionary goals.
Lenin had been suffering from stroke since 1922, and started to wonder how
would they govern the USSR after he died. On March 10, 1923, Lenins health
was drastically decreasing and he suffered from heavy stroke. But, one of
them actually took away his ability to speak which caused him to conclude
his political work. Around 10 months later, he passed away in a village called
Gorki Leninskiye. But, Lenins works and ideals were still well-known even
after he had passed away.