Advance Wars S Ran War Room
Advance Wars S Ran War Room
Advance Wars S Ran War Room
Version: 1.2
Email: [email protected]
copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not
Version history
if demand is present.
Added overviews and walkthroughs for Point Stormy and Rivers Four. Added
overviews for Spann Island, Stamp Islands, Ring Islands and Last Mission.
Although there are other war room guides out there, I decided to add another
powers. I hope that this faq will correct and supplement the information
currently available.
There are three components to achieving a perfect S-rank: speed, power and
The speed score depends on the number of days to complete a map, compared
the threshold value for that map. If you finish the map by the required day,
then you will get a perfect speed score. If you take longer than the required
amount of time, your score will be reduced based on the percentage extra that
you took to finish the map. To be specific, determine the percentage extra that
you took to finish the map. Divide this percentage by 3 and round down.
Multiply this number by 5 to determine the speed points lost for the map. For
example, Land's End has a speed requirement of 12 days. If you take 14 days,
then your percentage extra is 2/12 or about 16.7%. Dividing this by 3 and
your speed score. See the end of this section to see the above summarized in a
2.2 Technique score
The technique score depends simply on the number of your units which have
destroyed as compared to the number you have created. For the war room
maps, if
the percentage of units lost (rounded down) is 10% or less, then you will get a
perfect technique score. For the normal campaign maps, if the percentage of
units lost (rounded down) is 20% or less, then you will get a perfect technique
any readers are interested, you can try to figure it out. For each percentage
point more than 10% in a war room map (or 20% in a normal campaign map),
lose 3 points of technique. Hence, towards the end of a map, you should look at
the status menu, which tells you how many units you created for each type,
how many units you've lost to see how close to a perfect technique score you
are. If you need to see the above discussion summarized in a formula, check
Two further comments are in order concerning the status menu and technique.
First, the loss of a unit that was created by joining other units together
counts as one unit lost, and not two (or more!). This is true on both the
status menu and for computing technique. Second, the loss of a transport unit
(APC, lander or transport copter) carrying other units counts as a single unit
lost. However, in this case the status menu and the algorithm for computing
technique will differ on the number of killed units. For example, if an APC
carrying an infantry is destroyed, the status menu will list both the APC and
the infantry as being killed. On the other hand, only the APC will count as a
At any rate, to achieve a good technique score one should avoid having units
up on a few units. Also, join units if they are weak and likely to be killed by
the enemy. Note also, as described in the general tips section, that joining
units can actually make you money. Monitor the status menu, and create as
units as necessary to reduce your percentage lost to less than the threshold
for your map. The following table gives the number of units that must be
campaign maps) to achieve a perfect technique score in the war room and
campaign maps based on the number of units that have been killed.
1 10 5
2 19 10
3 28 15
4 37 20
5 46 24
6 55 29
7 64 34
8 73 39
9 82 43
10 91 48
11 101 53
Since the maximum number of units that you can have on the field at one time
50, you might think that it would be impossible to have 8 units killed while
creating 73 units. However, remember that you can join units together,
you to then create more units. I've actually gotten a perfect technique score
The power score is based simply on the number of units that the enemy has
created, as well as the maximum number of units that you have killed in one
turn. A rather bizarre method, I might add. Take the maximum number of units
that you have killed in one turn as a percentage of the total number of units
the enemy has created, multiply by 10 and then round down. Subtract this
from a 100 and multiply by 2. This yields the number of points you have lost on
the power score. For example, if the enemy has created 38 units, and you have
killed 3 units in one turn, then your percentage times 10 rounded down would
78. Subtracting this number from a 100 and multiplying by 2 yields 44, so that
From the above discussion it is clear that the ground rules for achieving a
good power score need to be amended from what I have said in earlier versions
Typically, you will kill the most units on your final turn. If this is the
case, then make sure that you kill as many units as you can on the final turn,
and don't simply damage the most expensive units. Damaging a battleship to
does nothing for your power score. In fact, it may be a good idea to simply
damage many units on the penultimate turn, and then finish them off on the
final turn. Of course, the enemy will usually have its severely damaged units
run away or will join them together (leaving less units to kill), so you don't
want to hurt them too much. On the other hand, if you leave the enemy with
many units he will kill a lot of your units resulting in a poor technique
score. You will have to weigh the pros and cons of the above yourself.
Of course, if you knew how many units the enemy had deployed, you would be
to determine exactly how many units you need to kill in one turn. The problem
is that the only way to know this (on maps with bases) is to keep track of them
You may think that it is also likely that you will kill the most units on a
turn earlier than the final turn, but I think that's unlikely. Obviously, you
will have more units at the end of a map, so it will be easier to kill a lot of
units at the end of a battle. Moreover, earlier in a mission, it's much more
important to eliminate the enemies powerful units rather than just eliminating
a whole bunch of weak units. Based on this, I would expect that the best
strategy for achieving a good power score (as well as a good technique score)
Note that just as with the technique score, killing a transport unit carrying
other units counts as a single unit killed, and killing an enemy unit which has
been joined with other units also counts as a single unit killed.
to what has been written elsewhere. On the other hand, damage taken or given
the only thing that matters when it comes to CO powers, as described in the
next section.
Below I will give formulas for determining one's score. I prefer to think about
penalties, that is, how short of a perfect score I am. So, below I give the
maximum possible score for that category followed by a formula for how the
penalty is scored. Where they appear, [...] means to round the term in brackets
down to the nearest integer. If the penalty is less than or equal to zero, then
you get a perfect score for that category. Note that as given below a perfect
score is 1000, but in this case the game shows a 999 as only 3 digits are
allotted for the score.
2.4.1 Speed
The maximum speed score is 500. The penalty for finishing the map late is
below. Note that the penalty can't be bigger than 500, so if it takes you 49
T = days taken
2.4.2 Technique
The maximum technique score is 300. The penalty for losing too many units is
given below.
L = units lost
X = technique threshold
For war room maps X=10, for normal campaign maps X=20, and for advance
maps X is currently unknown, but much larger than 20.
2.4.3 Power
The maximum power score is 200. To get a good power score you need to kill a
sizeable fraction of the enemy units on one of the turns of the game. The
Note: Some of the information in this section was first discovered by Uiru.
The CO power meter increases based solely on the amount of damage given or
taken by the CO. Moreover, dishing out damage increases the power meter four
times slower than receiving damage. The amount of damage required to trigger
the CO power varies for different CO's. Also, each time the CO power is used,
amount. The following chart lists for each CO the amount of damage needed to
trigger the first CO power, and the increase in this amount required to trigger
CO Damage Increase
For example, Eagle must receive damage in the amount of 50,000 to be able to
activate his CO power for the first time. Hence, if Eagle loses two bombers
(44,000) and an artillery unit (6,000), then he will be able to use his CO
power. Alternatively, if Eagle manages to do 200,000 worth of damage, he will
again be able to use his CO power for the first time (e.g., as an unrealistic
example, if Eagle destroys 10 fighters). Note that partial damage also counts,
= 2400 (the .6 corresponds to 60% damage, and the .25 corresponds to the
reduction for meting out damage as opposed to receiving damage). To use his
power a second time he will need to receive 60000 damage (or dish out
for the third time he will need to receive 70000 damage, etc. Note that
Kanbei's units are worth 20% more than everybody else's units, so that
destroying one of Kanbei's rockets would increase his power meter by 18000
instead of 15000.
Perusing the chart reveals an interesting correlation between the Advance Wars
single APC as quickly as you could transport 1 infantry with an APC. Basically,
arrange an infantry unit 3 or less squares behind an APC, with another infantry
unit 1 square ahead. Then, load the APC with the trailing infantry unit, send
the APC and the leading infantry as far forward as possible, and unload the
With this technique, all CO's can transport 2 infantry anywhere (barring
terrain issues) as quickly as you can move an APC (6 squares). Moreover, using
case the maximum speed is 5 squares each turn for all CO's.
4.2 Refueling
It makes perfect sense to refuel land units with an APC. What isn't realistic
is the capability to refuel both air and sea units (even a submerged sub!) with
the APC. However, you should make use of this capability. Therefore, don't
hesitate to refuel units with an APC when you can, especially sea and air
units. Moreover, it's possible to create fuel out of thin air! Just place two
APCs next to each other. Even if both APCs are almost empty, they will each
rate of 2hp per turn, and the cost of repairing a damaged unit is 10% of the
Joining units can be a very effective tool to enhance ones technique score, as
it reduces the number of weak units that can be eliminated. Moreover, when
units are joined whose individual hp would add up to more than 10hp, the extra
hp is converted into money at the rate of 10% of the units purchase cost for
each hp over 10. Hence, joining units can also provide another way to make
money, which is especially useful when you are only a little bit short of the
There are many other tips that could be mentioned, but most of these have
already been discussed in other venues, and I will perhaps add some of these
The AI has been programmed to usually attack APCs and transports of various
kinds before targeting other units. In addition, the AI will attack more
expensive units before less expensive units, and all other things being equal,
the AI will attack units that are on the weakest ground cover (the algorithm is
more complicated than the above). However, note that the above tendencies
not ironclad, but rather are what would happen in the majority of cases. The AI
rates the units that it would like to attack and then rolls the dice to figure
so as to protect your more valuable units, and by drawing enemy units into
range to be attacked.
It turns out that the AI infantry/mech units will in general not attack
infantry/mech units that are located on terrain with better defensive cover.
For example, many times the AI will have infantry on the bases surrounding it's
HQ while the HQ is being attacked, and instead of attacking and destroying the
capturing infantry unit, those units will just run away. This AI deficiency is
one of the primary reasons that most maps can be defeated in a very short
The AI is extremely fearful of having a submarine run out of fuel, and will
the submerged submarine can attack another unit. This AI deficiency can be
usefully exploited on any of the sea maps, but especially Terra Maw and Bounty
5.4 Blockade
When a choke point exists, where one of your units can only be attacked by a
single enemy unit, the AI will not rearrange it's units so as to have the
optimal unit attacking. For example, if an APC is blocking a choke point, and
the AI has an infantry attacking the APC, with a medium tank right behind the
APC, the sensible thing to do is to retreat the infantry and have the medium
tank blow away the APC. Instead, the AI will never retreat with its infantry,
and will keep attacking the APC with its infantry no matter how little damage
When the AI has damaged units that are being repaired, they will usually not
attack any units until they are completely healed. However, exceptions do
indirect attack unit. This tactic can be useful if you don't want the enemy
this tactic can be useful for enhancing your technique score on some maps.
that there is a limit of 50 units on the field at one time. Hence, on some of
the longer maps (Rivers Four is the prime example) you may run up against
limit. Place a unit in range of an AI indirect attack unit (making sure that
the unit won't be destroyed), and have other units of the same type nearby.
Each time the unit is attacked you can join a healthy unit with the damaged
unit to bring it back to full health. This tactic will reduce the number of
units you have in the field, allowing you to build more units. A similar tactic
This section will present walkthroughs for most of the war room maps.
can try to get a perfect S-rank on your own without reading the walkthrough.
CO: Sami
Overview: Many different strategies are possible for this map. The walkthrough
below is probably the fastest. Basically, create an APC on day 2, a mech on day
3, send the mech 2S, 2W of Olaf's HQ on day 4, then finally, begin capturing
Olaf's HQ on day 6.
infantry 3N and capture city. Move both southern infantry units 3E. Create an
infantry in the upper northern city, and an APC in the easternmost southern
Day 3: Finish capturing two cities, and begin capturing 3 cities. Move the APC
Day 4: Finish capturing 3 cities. Move the northernmost infantry 3E, and the
other infantry 2E, 1S. Load the APC with the mech, and move the APC 4E, 3N,
Day 5: Move your easternmost infantry 2N, 1E and attack his infantry. Move the
infantry located 4E of your HQ 1N, 2E and finish off the infantry you attacked
previously. Move the remaining southern infantry 1N, 2E. Create a recon in the
northernmost city, and a tank in the easternmost city. Now for where to move
the APC, the tank, the mech and the remaining infantry units. Here is where
will need to begin to think for yourself. Olaf's artillery unit will go
move the mech closer to his HQ (either 2N, or 1N, 1E, or 2E) making sure that
the mech is out of range of the artillery unit (if you can attack the artillery
unit too, all the better). Then, you will need to decoy Olaf's tank, so that it
will not attack your mech, and so that you will be able to block the tank from
attacking your mech on the next turn, when the mech begins to capture Olaf's
HQ. If you will not be able to prevent the tank from attacking your mech, then
you need to decoy the tank to a position where your tank can attack his tank.
He will make a recon on his next turn, and a recon attack in addition to a weak
tank attack on your mech (when the mech is on Olaf's HQ) should only weaken
your mech to at worst 4hp, which is sufficient to finish capturing the HQ. Here
Leave your APC in the city, move your mech 2E, and move the tank 6E. Both
APC and the mech will be out of range of his artillery unit, and his tank will
attack your APC. After his tank attacks your APC, you will be able to attack
Move the mech 1N, 1E, move the tank 6E, move your APC 2S, 1E, so it is
two of the infantry units, and so that his tank can't attack your APC, and move
one of your infantry 2W of his artillery unit. His artillery unit and his tank
will combine to destroy the infantry unit, as the road provides less defensive
cover than the plain (where your mech is). On your next turn, block the tanks
path back to his HQ with your APC (but out of range of the artillery), so that
You should be able to figure out what to do if his artillery unit goes
somewhere else.
Day 6: Begin capturing the HQ. Destroy as many units as possible. At this
point, you should have enough units to ensure a perfect technique score, as
you've created 10 units, and you should have lost at most one unit. If you lose
2 units, then you will need to create 19 units to get a perfect technique
score. However, you do not have enough days to do so now (but note that you
could have created an extra infantry unit on day 4 or 5, in which case creating
4 units on days 6 and 7 will give you a total of 19). At any rate, you could
create a tank in the easternmost city that might be able to attack one of his
CO: Sami
Overview: Using Sami, you need to capture the airport as quickly as possible.
Once the airport is captured, you must create a transport and send it to the
your transport copter, you must avoid causing too much damage to Olaf so
he doesn't trigger his CO power until after you have unloaded your infantry.
When you do drop off your infantry, have a fighter nearby, as a fighter in the
area will freeze his battle copters. Meanwhile, it's important that Olaf send
his whole army after you, vacating his HQ. Hence, you will not want to press
forward an attack too far towards his territory, so that most of the fighting
To avoid triggering a blizzard, you are only allowed to kill or nearly kill 3
or 4 units, depending on whether Olaf's medium tank enters battle. One of the
units you will need to kill is the initial battle copter Olaf creates, since it
would destroy your transport copter. Another unit you will need to kill is the
infantry unit Olaf drops off next to your HQ. Finally, if Olaf sends his medium
tank into battle, you will need to kill or nearly kill it. If he doesn't send
his medium tank into battle, then you can kill his tank instead, and damage an
A-Air instead. This A-Air will try to eliminate your transport copter, so if
you can't damage it without triggering a blizzard, you will need to surround
several more enemy units in battle which you must not damage.
copters around your HQ. Here you must maneuver your infantry units around
that only 1 battle copter will attack any single infantry unit. Use the fact
that when given a choice, the copter will always attack the infantry unit with
the smallest amount of defensive cover. Once the infantry units are attacked,
join them up to bring them back to full strength. On the turn that you drop off
the infantry unit near the enemy HQ, create one or two A-Air units as necessary
2. Other units may swarm your northern territory, and since you are not
to damage these units until the turn when you drop off your infantry next to
the enemy HQ, you must engage in a holding action where as few units as
efficiently, utilize the choke point provided near the base next to the water.
For example two infantry units located 1N,1W and 1N,2W of the water base
work, although you may want to replace the infantry with either an APC or a
Finally, you want Olaf to abandon his HQ. Sometimes Olaf will keep some units
at home. In this case, you will need to send some weak units, such as an APC
an A-Air unit right up against his rockets, to draw out the rest of Olaf's
Below I will describe the walkthrough. Note, as always, that you may need to
adjust some of your actions once battle is joined, especially starting around
day 8.
Day 1: Create infantry in the N, W, and S bases, and an APC in the E base
(that's right, the APC is created as far away from the airport as possible).
Day 2: Load the S infantry into the APC, send the APC 2N, 5W, and unload the
infantry N. Send the other infantries 3W. Create an artillery unit in the N
Day 3: Load the APC with the infantry located to the southeast (here we see
leapfrogging infantry in action), send the APC 3N, 4W, and unload the infantry
to the north. Start capturing the city, send the infantry in the mountain 1N,
2W, send the infantry in the W base 1N, 2W, and send the infantry in the S
2S, 1E. Send the artillery 1N, 4W. Create an artillery unit in the N base, and
Day 4: Most of the time, the battle copter Olaf created will move 4N, 2W into a
city, and I will assume that this is what happens. If the battle copter doesn't
move to the city, then it's actually a bit easier to get a perfect score, but I
the city SE of the 4 bases. Load the APC with the other infantry (leapfrogging
infantry again), and send the APC 4N, 3W, and unload the infantry to the north.
Send the infantry in the S base 3S, and send the final infantry 1N, 2W. Send
the artillery unit on the road 3N, 2W and send the artillery unit in the N base
Now the walkthrough will branch depending on what Olaf's medium tank does.
of the time, the medium tank will retreat 5E, and sometimes it will move
Day 5: Begin capturing the airport and the city southwest of the bases, finish
capturing the base and the city. Send the infantry in the city 1N, 2W, and the
infantry on the road 2N, 1W. Send both artillery units 2W, 3N, and send the
A-Air 1N, 5W. Send the APC 4S, 3E. Create an infantry in the N base.
Day 6: For the rest of this walkthrough you will need to think for yourself and
adjust your actions accordingly. Here I will assume that Olaf moved his tank NE
of his copter. If he retreats his tank, you will need to expose some of your
units to get Olaf's army to chase you (and evacuate his headquarters). You may
capturing the airport and the city. Begin capturing the two cities that you
can. Load the APC with the other infantry, move the APC 4N into the woods,
unload the infantry W. Kill the infantry with your two infantry, starting with
the infantry in the N base, leaving his transport copter alone. Send the A-Air
3N, 3W, and the southern artillery unit 2N, 3W. Create an APC in your new base
Day 7: Finish capturing the cities, begin capturing the base west of the
airport. Move the infantry west of the now damaged APC 1N, 2W and begin
capturing the city, move the healthy APC to the east of this infantry unit, and
move the damaged APC 2S. Move the two artillery units directly south of the
infantry and the healthy APC. Move the A-Air 1W, 5N and destroy the copter.
Create a transport copter in the airport and rockets in the water base. Now for
the 3 infantry near the 4 bases. Move the southernmost infantry unit 3N, and
Day 8: Use the rockets to damage the A-Air, and destroy the tank with the
artillery units. Finish capturing the base and the city. Send the transport
copter 1S, 6E, and load it with an infantry unit. Retreat the easternmost
infantry unit 3W to avoid the battle copter, if necessary. Move the APC in the
city 1N, and the APC near the base 3N, 1W (southeast of the other APC). Move
the A-Air into the city (next to the two APC's). Move the infantry southwest of
the rockets 2N. Create a fighter, and some infantry units in the W and S bases.
Day 9: Move the transport copter 6E and the fighter 1S, 8E. Near your HQ,
the southwestern infantry 1E to bait the copter and create an A-Air in the S
base. From this point, try to destroy as many units as possible, and try to
Day 10: Destroy any copters near your HQ. Move the fighter and the transport
copter as far east as possible, and drop off the infantry either N or E. I
usually drop off to the east if there is a battle copter there, otherwise N,
the opposite of what you would expect. With the fighter nearby, Olaf doesn't do
anything with his copters that are sitting on airports, and just watches as you
capture his headquarters. However, a copter that isn't on an airport will try
to attack your infantry. If there are any other units nearby, they will first
attack your transport copter, ignoring your infantry. If there are two units
(besides the copters) which can attack your transport copter, then you will not
be able to finish by day 12. Either restart, or don't send the transport copter
in yet, and wait until Olaf's units head to battle. Of course, you won't get a
perfect speed score then. For the rest of your units, try to avoid losing any
Day 11: You should be able to use your power now. Do so, and then begin
capturing the headquarters. Destroy any battle copters. Destroy what you can,
but make sure that he can't kill any units. Retreat all damaged units. Move the
damaged APC in the base 2N, and create another APC in that base. Create as
Day 12: Destroy as many units as possible. Create as many units as possible. If
you did things properly, you should not have lost many units and created well
over 30 units. As long as you lost only around10% or less of your units, you
will get a perfect technique score. Your speed and power scores should also be
Day 5: Begin capturing the airport and the city southwest of the bases, finish
capturing the base and the city. Send the infantry in the city 1N, 2W, and the
infantry on the road 2N, 1W. Send both artillery units 2W, 3N, and send the
A-Air 1N, 5W. Send the APC 4S, 3E. Create an infantry in the N base.
Day 6: Here I will assume that Olaf moved his medium tank 3N of one of your
artillery units. Hit the medium tank with your artillery unit. Finish capturing
the airport and the city. Begin capturing the two cities that you can. Load the
APC with the other infantry, move the APC 2N, 1W, and unload the infantry N.
Kill the infantry with your two infantry, starting with the infantry in the N
base, leaving his transport copter alone. Send the A-Air 3N, 3W, and the
southern artillery unit 2N, 2W. Create an APC in your new base (from now on, I
Day 7: Here I will assume that Olaf moved a tank 1N of his medium tank. Finish
capturing the cities, begin capturing the city 4E of the airport and the base
west of the airport. Hit the medium tank with your artillery unit, and retreat
the damaged artillery unit 3S, 1W. Move the A-Air 3N and kill the copter. Move
the healthy APC 2N, 2W and the damaged APC 3N, 4W. Create a transport
copter in
the airport and a tank in the water base. Now for the 3 infantry near the 4
bases. Move the southernmost infantry unit 3N, and the southeastern infantry
unit 3E.
Day 8: Finish capturing the base and the city. Move the transport 1S, 6E, and
then move the A-Air 2N to protect the copter. Move the APC in the city 1S, 2E,
and then join the two APC's. Load the copter with an infantry unit. Move the
damaged artillery unit into the nearby city, and move the tank to one square
south of the APC. Move the infanty located 2W, 4S of the water base north two
squares. Create a fighter, and an infantry in the water base. Retreat the
create an A-Air in the E base to kill the copter. You will probably need to do
Day 9: Move the transport copter 6E and the fighter 1S, 8E. If the battle
copter went west instead of south here, then the copter may be destroyed, in
which case you will have to try again. However, the transport copter may
survive the battle copter, in which case things can still work out. If the
medium tank retreated, then load the now severely damaged APC with the
infantry unit, and run away to the south. If the medium tank finished off the
APC, then the damaged infantry unit will also be history, and two units will be
lost. Retreat the damaged A-Air unit to the south. Move the infantry unit in
the water base 1N, 1W, and move an infantry unit to one square south of the
tank. Send the infantry unit in the base next to the airport to capture a city.
copter, and create an A-Air in the E base to kill the copter. Create an
infantry unit in the base next to the airport, and some rockets in the water
Day 10: If the fighter can kill any copters, do so, otherwise send the fighter
as far east as possible. In both cases, keep the fighter out of reach of any
A-Air's. Send the transport copter 7E and unload the infantry unit to the east.
If the eastern most infantry unit (near the four bases) was damaged, retreat it
approaching. Move the A-Air off the 4 bases, and kill the copter with the
A-Air. Retreat the damaged infantry unit in the base next to the airport to the
west, and create an APC in that base. Destroy what you can, making sure that
none of your units will get killed. Create as many infantry units as you can in
Day 11: You should be able to use your power now. Do so, and then begin
capturing the headquarters. Destroy any battle copters. Destroy what you can,
but make sure that he can't kill any units. Retreat all damaged units. Move the
damaged APC in the base 2N, and create another APC in that base. Create as
Day 12: Destroy as many units as possible. Create as many units as possible. If
you did things properly, you should not have lost many units and created well
over 30 units. As long as you lost only 10% or less of your units, you will get
a perfect technique score. Your speed and power scores should also be perfect,
CO: Max
Overview: With Max this is an easy map, as the only difficulty is getting the
perfect speed score. As always, it's nice to be able to capture bases close to
the upcoming battle as soon as possible, and for this reason I build an APC on
the first turn. Then, create lots of tanks, some A-Airs, some fighters and some
infantry on day 12 and head to Olaf's HQ. Drop off the infantry on day 13,
capture the HQ by day 15. Alternatively, you may be able to just send one or
Day 1: Create an APC in the E base, and infantry in the NE and SE bases.
Day 2: Load the APC with the infantry from the SE base, and move the APC 3E
unload to the east. Move the infantry in the NE base 3E. Create six infantry
Day 3: Load the APC with the infantry from the E base, and move 6E unloading
the south. Move the infantry not located on bases 3E. Begin to capture a city
with the infantry in the NE base. Move the infantry in the NW base and the SE
base 1N, 2E. Move the infantry in the W base 2E, and the infantry in the SW
base 1N, 2W. You can't capture the western city this turn because it will get
Day 4: Begin capturing the base. Load the APC north of this base with infantry,
and move the APC 3E, 2S unloading to the south. Finish capturing the city, and
begin to capture the four cities that you can (capture the eastern city of the
pair north of the base you are capturing). Load the other APC with an infantry,
move the APC 5E, unloading to the east. If Olaf's battle copter comes to visit
on this or any succeeding day, create an A-Air, and expose an infantry either
by creating an infantry in a base within range of the copter (before day 6), or
by moving an infantry within range of the copter (after day 5). Otherwise,
create nothing.
Day 5: Finish capturing the base and cities. Begin to capture the base south of
your eastern APC, and the city northeast of your western APC. Move the
APC 1N, 5W, and the eastern APC 1N. Move the remaining infantry 3S. Create
Day 6: Finish capturing the base and the city. Move the two western infantry
back to your HQ, and leave them there. Load the western APC with the infantry
to the north, and move 5E, unloading to the east. Move the infantry on the NE
base 3E. Load the eastern APC, and move the APC 6S, unloading to the east.
Begin capturing a city with the remaining infantry. Create a tank in your new
base (which I will refer to as the middle base).
Day 7: Finish capturing the city. Begin to capture the port and the airport
near your newest base (which I will refer to as the southern base). Load the
western APC with the infantry to the west, move the APC 6E and unload to the
south. Move the tank 3E, 1S. If an A-Air is in position to attack the infantry
on the airport, move the southern APC to block the A-Air. Otherwise, move the
southern APC 6N. Move the remaining two infantry 3E. Create a tank in the
Day 8: Finish capturing the port and the airport. Load the APCs with the
infantry farthest away from battle, and move the APCs south and unload
somewhere, taking care to avoid putting any units on the base. Move the tanks
and infantry closer to battle. Attack with your medium tank, or just move the
Create an A-Air in the southern base, and a tank in the middle base.
Days 9,10: The rest of your moves will depend on what Olaf does, and you will
have to think for yourself. In general, you should work on capturing cities,
(duh!). For the rest of the battle I usually build one fighter, two bombers,
perhaps another A-Air and some more tanks (the fighter and the bomber should
created on days 9 and 10, with the order depending on what Olaf does with his
units). If he builds a battleship, kill it with a bomber. For the rest of the
battle Olaf will probably create a blizzard every other turn. Deal with it. Use
infantry unit to Olaf's HQ by APC, then this copter will provide insurance. The
copter should be able to reach Olaf's HQ in two days even with a blizzard.
Days 12-14: Deliver an infantry near Olaf's HQ by day 13, and begin capturing
the base on day 14. Remember that enemy infantry and mech units will usually
not attack an infantry on their HQ, so target other units first to defend your
infantry. You should also begin to monitor your status to make sure that you
haven't lost 11% or more of your units. Create more units if necessary.
Another issue arises once battle starts, and that is when should you use your
CO power. Since Max is so powerful, the major benefit to using his CO power is
that your mechanical units (tanks, A-Airs, fighters, etc.) can move one more
square than normal. I usually save this power until the movement bonus
extremely useful.
Day 15: Destroy units, create units to enhance your technique score if
CO: Grit
Invade with an APC and a medium tank, taking care that your lander does not
necessary. Meanwhile, damage Sonja's rockets with your medium tank, and use
attack units. With your second lander (or possibly with your first lander after
it gathers new units on your island) drop off another APC if necessary. At any
rate, you will need to drop off an APC no later than day 16 in order to finish
the map in 22 days. Send your APC to Sonja's HQ, along with possibly one or
your rockets to Sonja's island. Capture the port on Sonja's island, and create
attacks the battleship, your CO meter will rapidly increase, allowing you to
use your CO power a second time, and eliminating a large number of Sonja's
Day 3: Begin capturing 3 cities. Move the infantry on the southern base 3S, and
move the infantry on the middle and upper bases 1S, 2E. Create 3 more
and a lander.
Day 4: Finish capturing cities. Load the lander with the infantry on the lower
and middle bases, and move the lander 1S, 5E. Move the southernmost
1S, 2E. Don't move the infantry in the upper base. Move the other two infantry
Day 5: Move the lander 6E. Move the two southernmost infantry units towards
lower middle cities. Move the two easternmost infantry units to the east, the
top one 2E, and the bottom one 3E. Load the APC with the infantry, and move
5E without unloading. Move the two infantry units in the northwestern cities
towards the port, so that they can reach the port on the next turn. Create a
Day 6: Load the lander with two infantry units, and move 1S, 5E. Move the
lander 6E. Move the two southern infantry units towards the lower middle
cities. Begin capturing city with one of the infantry. Move the APC 6E,
unloading to the north. Move the final infantry 2E. Create nothing.
Day 7: Move the eastern lander 1N, 2E and unload both infantry units. Move
other lander 6E. Move both southern infantry units towards the lower middle
cities, and begin capturing one of them. Finish capturing city. Move the
infantry north of the APC towards the base to begin capturing it on the next
turn. Begin capturing the city east of the APC. Create a rocket in the top
Day 8: Finish capturing two cities. With the two infantry units that were
unloaded from the lander, begin capturing the port and the middle city
(northwest of the base). Begin capturing two other cities and a base with the
other infantry units. Move the eastern lander around the horn. Move the other
lander 6E. Move the rocket 1N, 1W, and the APC 2N, 2W. Create another rocket
your HQ, and move the remaining infantry (2S, 3E of the APC) 2E. Move the
rocket in the base 2E, and the other rocket 1N, 1W. Continue moving the
northern lander around the horn, ending 4N of your new port. Move the other
Day 10: You may begin to engage in battle with Sonja on this turn. Feel free to
attack her major units with your rockets, but do not attack an infantry that is
capturing the city. For some reason, when this infantry is attacked, Sonja
decides that it's a good idea to keep her rockets to the south, making it
difficult to invade later on. In the southeastern part of the map, begin
capturing the base and a city. Begin capturing all three properties near the
port. Move the infantry that captured the lower middle cities back to your HQ.
Move the infantry to the east of the APC 2S, and move the final infantry 3W
(ending up 1N, 2E of the APC). Move the southern lander 2E, 4N and the
lander 1N, 5W. Create a medium tank in your newest base (which I will refer to
as the northernmost base from now on). Here you will need to make a
you can build a battleship on the next turn. If it looks like Sonja has a lot
of sea units ready to enter the fray, build a rocket. Otherwise, hold off to
build a battleship.
Day 11: Attack units with your rockets if possible (avoiding the infantry in
the city until after the infantry captures the city). For the rockets, the
primary targets are healthy submarines. It is not necessary to kill any 1hp or
2hp subs, as they will just run away, so attack landers before you attack any
2hp subs, as you don't want any landers to escape the gauntlet of your rockets.
Finish capturing properties. Move the lander 6W. Load the APC with an infantry,
and move the APC south of the lander to supply it with more fuel. Move the
medium tank 1N, 4W. Move the other lander 3N, 3W. Create an APC in the
northernmost base. Move the remaining infantry towards your HQ. If you didn't
create a rocket on the previous turn, you should be able to create a battleship
on this turn.
Day 12: Attack units with your rockets if possible. Begin capturing the last
two properties in the southwest. Load the western lander with the medium tank
and the APC, and move within range of Sonja's beachhead, keeping out of
of any submarines and her rockets (typically 4W, 1S). Move the other lander
5W. Move the new APC 1E, and create a medium tank in the northernmost
Move your remaining infantry towards your HQ, making sure that one of the
For the rest of the map you will mostly create rockets and battleships. You
will want to create 4 battleships (3 may be ok) to eliminate any units Sonja
creates as you make a mad dash for her HQ with one of your APCs. You may
to create some more APCs to resupply your rockets. Otherwise, just build
rockets until the end of the battle when you may need to start creating as
Day 13: Attack units with your rockets. Again, you do not need to kill any
subs, as a 1hp or 2hp sub will just run away, but destroying a sub is ok if
there are no other targets for your rockets. Finish capturing the cities. Load
the APC with an infantry unit, and load the lander with the APC and the medium
tank. Move the lander 1N, 5W. Move the remaining infantry towards your HQ.
Create a battleship in the eastern port. Now comes the hard part. You want to
move the lander to Sonja's beach and drop off the APC and the medium tank.
want to make sure that your lander does not get killed, while losing the APC is
okay. You also want the medium tank to survive without any damage. Typically,
landing on the easternmost beachhead and dropping off your units will leave
them out of range of any battleships, and then you will only have to worry
about rockets and perhaps some tanks. If you drop off your APC in the city, it
will probably be destroyed leaving the lander and the tank unscathed.
Alternatively, you can drop off the APC to the west, in which case the APC and
the lander may both survive. You will need to practice with various approaches
Day 14: Move the lander on Sonja's beach to your beach. Be ready to load this
lander with rockets, or possibly an APC with a loaded infantry. Bring your
other lander in position to land on Sonja's beach. Attack something with your
medium tank, targeting rockets first. If you have an APC, either begin making a
mad dash for Sonja's HQ if the coast is clear, or use the APC and the infantry
as decoys to protect your medium tank. If you can use your power, and you will
be able to take out her battleships and most of her rockets, then do so.
Day 15: If Sonja still has battleships which are protecting her beachhead, then
load the lander near you HQ with two rockets, and unload those rockets on her
beach. The other lander will unload just an APC in this case. If Sonja doesn't
have any healthy units to defend her beachhead, then just unload the medium
tank and the APC and let the other lander sit for a turn. The key goal here is
to clear the area of any indirect attack units so that you can unload your APC
to capture her HQ, and to begin ferrying your rockets over to get into position
to destroy as many of her units as possible. Again, if you can use your power,
and you will be able to take out her battleships and most of her rockets, then
do so. In general, it's better to use your power sooner rather than later, as
you will want to build up your CO meter to use your power again when your
gets close to Sonja's HQ, in order to protect your infantry, and to kill as
At any rate, unloading the APC on this turn is a good idea, as otherwise it may
finish the map by day 22. Unloading an APC from a lander onto the city on day
16 will allow you to just barely get an infantry unit into position on day 20
if there are no units in the way. Unloading on day 15 gives you a bit of
Day 16-22: Move your APC to Sonja's HQ, dropping off your infantry if it will
be safe and can prevent Sonja from using one of her bases. Get your
in position to protect your APC and infantry. Bring a medium tank as escort if
possible. Meanwhile, capture Sonja's base and port. Which to capture first will
depend on your CO meter. If you need to boost it quickly, then choose the port
and build a battleship there. The battleship should take a lot of damage from
submarines, boosting your meter quickly. Also, begin ferrying your now mostly
useless rockets from your beach to Sonja's side. Get the rockets in position to
kill as many units as possible. Finally, keep track of your status, and make
sure that less than 11% of your total units have been killed, by creating units
as necessary.
CO: Grit
Overview: Using Grit, you need to capture the northern port as quickly as
possible. Once the port is captured, you must first create a sub, and then a
lander and send them to the enemy HQ. The lander must be created by day 11,
you have some leeway before you must create the lander. Meanwhile, you will
need to create an A-Air, a missile and a rocket near your HQ, and some
artillery units and A-Air units near the port for defense. You will also need
to create one (but preferably two) APC and some infantry near your HQ, to load
into the lander when it arrives. As always, towards the end of battle you will
need to create as many units as possible to enhance your technique score, and
since the power score can be difficult to achieve, you will need to make a
The two ports on the enemy landmass containing her HQ are the only entry
points. Of these two, the northern port is the one to shoot for, since two
sides of the port are exposed to the sea, making it less likely that Sonja will
be able to block access to the port. Furthermore, I am recommending that you
place a rocket 9 squares west of the port, so that a powered up rocket can
destroy a lander sitting to the west of the port on the turn that the lander
Some comments are probably in order on how to destroy the bombers and
battleships that come visiting your HQ. If only a bomber is in range of your
HQ, then you can destroy it by placing an infantry in range of the bomber,
preferably on your HQ, as bait (if the bomber attacks an infantry unit
elsewhere it most likely will be killed). Then, position a missile to cover the
can't hit anything until it gets in range of your rocket, and shoot it. Since
it takes two shots to destroy the battleship, you will want to have an APC
nearby as a decoy so that the battleship will hit the APC, and you can finish
destroying the battleship on the next turn. If both a bomber and a battleship
are approaching, you will need to experiment on your own, although following
the sacrificial infantry strategy should work again. Whatever you do, try to
make sure that an APC, the A-Air (at full health) and an infantry survive until
Another comment is in order about the battle over the northern port. Since you
must create the sub and a lander before anything else, you most likely will not
have too many units to attack with for a while near the port. Here you need to
create enough infantry, and position them so that not too many die until you
get a chance to create enough units to defend. Once the infantry is damaged,
you will need to join them up to create healthy units again, otherwise you will
lose too many infantry to get a perfect technique score. This battle will
Finally, some tips when you are approaching the northern enemy port with your
lander. Sonja may create a sub to attack your lander. The trick to destroying a
sub without having a cruiser available is to rely on the fact that the AI has
an intense fear of running out of gas. For this reason, a sub will always
surface right after it dives, unless it can attack another sea unit. Hence, you
can eliminate this sub by having a rocket appropriately positioned, and keeping
all sea units of range of the sub. Sonja may also create bombers and A-Air
units on her island towards the end. This usually spells a failed attempt at a
perfect S-rank, but not always. For example, if Sonja creates a bomber on the
airport directly west of her HQ, you can bait that bomber with an APC on your
island. If the bomber has a choice between two APC's it most likely will attack
the bomber on your island, as the shore has the weakest defensive cover.
APC to the enemy HQ, while eliminating the sea and air units which can
interfere with your takeover of the HQ, all the while conducting a rather
difficult battle near your port. There is also the issue of when to use your
power. Once battle is joined, your power will reload rather quickly, so it
makes sense to use it sooner rather than later. On the other hand, if Sonja
manages to blockade her northern port, you will really want to have that power
available to clear the way for your lander to get to the port. Another factor
to consider is that you don't want to partially damage a unit, for example a
cruiser, and have that unit go to the northern enemy port to be repaired,
blocking access to the port. All I can say is save at strategic points, and
The walkthrough below gives the basic outline of what you need to do, very
detailed in the beginning, but rather vague towards the end, unfortunately. You
Day 2: Move the two western infantry units 3N, begin capturing the city with
the NE infantry, and move 3E with the SE infantry. Create an APC in the NW
Day 3: Load the APC with the SW infantry, and move 3W, 2N, and unload the
infantry to the north. Finish capturing the city, begin capturing the base
(which I will refer to as the middle base in the future), and begin capturing
the city farthest to the SE. Move the remaining infantry 3W. Create an infantry
Day 4: Finish capturing the city and the base. Begin capturing the remaining
city near your HQ. Move the infantry in the NE base 3E. Load the APC with the
infantry located to the south, and move the APC 4N, unloading to the north.
Move the remaining infantry 2N, 1W. Create an A-Air unit in the NE base (don't
Day 5: Finish capturing the city, and begin capturing the city northwest of
your APC with the infantry located south of the city. Load the APC with the
infantry in the base, and create another infantry in that base. Move the
infantry north of the APC 3N, move the APC 5N, 1E, unloading to the north, and
move the A-Air 2N, 2E. If a battle copter did not damage any infantry, then
move the remaining two infantry 3N. If a battle copter did damage the infantry
in the southeastern city, then you will not have enough money to create all the
units I will be suggesting over the next few turns (you will have used up some
be able to generate some more money. There are several ways to do this, with
the optimal method depending on how much damage the infantry took. If the
damaged infantry has 7hp, then you should move that infantry 3N, and join the
healthy infantry with the damaged infantry, increasing your funds by 700. If
the damaged infantry has 8hp, then you should let the damaged infantry stay
where it was, and move the other infantry 3N, and join two of the infantry on
Day 6: Begin capturing the base (referred to as the northern base in the
future), and finish capturing the city. Load the APC with the southwestern
infantry unit, move the APC 3N, 1E and unload to the north. Move the infantry
in the base 1N, 2W. Attack the enemy infantry unit in your HQ with the A-Air.
The above moves leave the infantry units near your headquarters unaccounted
for. If the infantry are all healthy, then just move them all 3N. If you joined
two of the infantry on the last turn, then just move both infantry units north
towards your HQ, keeping out of reach of a battleship if necessary. On the
other hand, if you haven't joined the infantry, and one or both are damaged,
then you will need to join two of the infantry on this turn to recoup enough
money to build the units I am recommending later. Move the damaged infantry
towards your HQ, but not so far that the undamaged infantry can't join with it.
again, move that infantry 3N, and join it with the infantry from the middle
city. On the other hand, if the copter attacked the infantry in the middle
city, then move that infantry 1N, 1E and join with the infantry from the
southeastern city. Move the remaining infantry 2N, 1E. You should now have
both approaching your HQ with mayhem in mind. If only one of the two is
approaching, then you will have to adjust your actions accordingly (it may have
even been wise to create a missile on the previous turn, so you may need to
If a battle copter has been attacking your infantry, you may now kill the
battle copter with your A-Air, making sure that the A-Air is located out of
defensive cover if not. Attack the enemy infantry with one of your infantry,
keeping out of range of any bombers if possible. Move the rocket from the
units. Move your other infantry close to your rocket, and out of range of any
enemy units. Do not send the damaged units to a city to be repaired yet. Begin
capturing the port and the city, finish capturing the base, and move the
Day 8: Finish capturing the port and the city. Load the APC with an infantry
and move 1N, 1E and unload to the north. Move your westernmost infantry 3N,
ignoring the city. Move the missile towards your HQ. Finish destroying the
enemy infantry with your rocket. If a bomber is coming closer, put an infantry
in range of the bomber, but out of range of a battleship if possible, and make
sure that your missile can destroy the bomber after it attacks your infantry.
Day 9: If an A-Air can attack the city 1N, 2E of the port, then move the
infantry in the port 3N and begin capturing that city. Otherwise, begin
capturing the city northeast of the port, and also the three other northern
cities that you can. Destroy a bomber with your missile if you can, and attack
the battleship with your rocket if you can. Move any damaged units to a city to
be repaired, and move your other units towards your HQ, keeping out of range
any enemy units. You should have enough money to create a sub this turn. Do
Day 10: At this point, you will need to respond to the enemy moves
appropriately, and further detailed instructions are probably not useful. The
battle near the northern port will become messy shortly, and you will probably
need to create some A-Air units as well as more artillery units, and eventually
a battleship. You will need to maneuver the units you do have near the port
very intelligently, to keep your more powerful units safe and to force your
infantry to take most of the damage. However, it's better to have all of your
infantry units each take a little damage and then join them together rather
than have any infantry killed. If more than 5 units total are killed, you will
probably not get a perfect technique score. If one of your more expensive units
must take some damage, try to make sure it is the APC that gets hit, and try to
make sure that the APC is on a friendly city when it takes the damage.
As for the battle near your HQ, you should have a missile, a rocket, an A-Air
and an APC. You will want the rocket to eventually sit 9W of the northern
port. You will also want to move the missiles as far to the east as possible,
probably 1E of your HQ, but you need to be wary of air units which can attack
you. For this reason it turns out to be useful to have an APC to act as a
decoy. However, since you will need the APC to load onto the lander when it
addition, you may want to use an infantry as a decoy. So, create an APC in the
unit in the northern base. If an A-Air is near your northern port, you may want
to move your APC within range of this new artillery unit, so that you can
For the rest of this walkthrough, I will discuss mostly what to do with the sea
Send the sub south, diving if necessary to get out of range of any air units.
Day 11: Before you send the sub south, make sure that the sub is not in range
of any copters or bombers. If it is, send the sub south and dive, otherwise,
just send the sub south. Create a lander. From now on, you should create
artillery units, and A-Air units from your northernmost base as needed, and
nothing from your other bases, until it's time to create as many units as
For the rest of time, you will probably need to use your missile and A-Air to
get rid of air units. Use the missile on bombers if possible. Also, you may
need to shuffle your indirect attack units to keep them from being damaged.
Day 12: Send the lander south towards your HQ. Move the sub to 2S, 2E of your
HQ, and submerge the sub if it hasn't dived already. Refuel the sub with an
Day 13: Send the sub towards the northern enemy port. Send the lander
your HQ. Here or on the next turn you should have enough money to create a
battleship. Do so. Begin destroying as many units as possible, both near the
Day 14: Move the sub towards the northern port, and hit a battleship if
necessary. Send the lander south to a beach near your HQ. You may need to
the rocket and put the lander where the rocket is to avoid an enemy sub. You
will load up the lander on the next turn. Around now would be a good time to
start creating infantry units from all of your southern bases. If you lost an
Day 15: Load up the APC with a healthy infantry, and load the APC and the A-
onto the lander. Attack any battleships with your sub, or a lander if there are
no battleships, and send your lander to the northern port. Make sure only a
damaged battleship can attack your lander. Bring the lander close enough to
to the port even if there is an enemy lander in the way, at most 4 east of the
Day 16: At this point we are relying on the stupidity of the enemy AI. A human
would see the lander coming and create something in the port. The AI rarely
does so. A human, seeing the APC drop off the lander, would begin creating
units near his base. The AI rarely does so. Of course, sometimes the AI doesn't
act so stupidly, and you will not be able to enter the port, or after you do
enter the port, the enemy will begin creating some units to defend. If this
If a lander is blocking access to the port, use your power and destroy the
lander with your rocket. Send the lander to the port, dropping off your two
units, the APC to the east and the A-Air to the south.
Day 17: Send the APC to the northwest of the enemy HQ, unloading an infantry
into the north base, and either kill any airborne units with your A-Air, or
block one of the bases with your A-Air.
CO: Eagle
Overview: For each of the 3 player maps, the basic strategy is the same. Defeat
second enemy. Of the four 3 player maps, Stamp Islands is the only one where
the speed score poses a challenge. I like taking out Kanbei first on this map,
although other people have claimed that you can also take out Olaf first. I
Olaf's blizzards can slow things down tremendously. Nevertheless, I will give
Using Eagle, create a transport copter and some bombers to take out Kanbei.
the way, let Kanbei take over as many territories as possible, since the moment
you capture Kanbei's HQ all of those territories will be yours. Once you have
again. It's easy to annihilate Olaf in 13 or 14 days, but I haven't been able
to do so in 12 days. So, to get the perfect speed score, you will need to use
your transport copter to deliver an infantry unit to Olaf's HQ and finish the
Walkthrough: TBA
CO: Sami
Overview: For this map the CO to defeat first is obviously Max. Defeating Max
quickly is the first challenge in this map. A nice walkthrough for this map by
mtemisan presents a method for beating Max which will only work some of the
time, and which actually rarely worked for me. Also, I have some additional
tips to improve your score once you've defeated Max. To defeat Max,
approach is to send 3 APCs (with infantry) towards Max's HQ, and to arrange
APCs in such a way that Max is unable to kill Sami's infantry when she begins
to capture Max's HQ. Once you have Max's territories, the rest of the map is
easy. The only challenge that remains is to avoid losing too many units, which
these tips come from mtemisan's guide, and also from WrathOfGod25 on the
forum. There are three fronts to this battle, the western front, the central
On the western front, the two bases are not important, but you still can send
some infantry there to capture them, and make a little extra money. However,
you do not want to create any units from those bases, as Grit will be able to
easily overwhelm your position here and annihilate any units you do create
could create some infantry, but they will just have to run away). Trying to
wage a battle on the southern shore with units you have created there will
capture 2 or 3 territories and then run away. In the process of capturing these
territories, Grit will send many of his units for support, reducing the defense
of his HQ. The objective at this front is to keep his units here, by providing
joining healthy units to the damaged units you will reduce the number of units
you have on the field so that you will be able to create more units, and
units. I usually use infantry as bait, and towards the end I create a few
On the central front, the base located in the middle is not important, for
essentially the same reason. The base and the cities here are too close to
Grit's territory, and you will probably lose some units if you try to capture
those cities and the base, especially when Grit gets to use his CO power.
units when he goes to capture them. Moreover, don't worry if your rockets will
experience a little damage, as you should just send down a healthy rocket to
join with the damaged unit and bring it back to full health. Remember that
joining units will make you money! Also, as I mentioned above, it is difficult
to create more units (you will definitely hit the 50 units in the field limit
in this map). A question arises about which units to hit here. It turns out
that letting Grit take over these territories might be a good idea. Usually you
will be unable to prevent Grit from capturing the base, but this is actually a
good thing! If you also let Grit capture the other territories, he will begin
to create rockets in this base. This is good, because each rocket he creates
here will leave him with less money to create units at home to defend his HQ.
If you keep killing Grits infantry and mech units which are trying to capture
the rest of the territories, he will continue to create infantry and mech units
here. A rocket in this base is also good for your technique score, as the
rocket will damage your rockets allowing you to join units again. A final
tactic here is to create some infantry and send them down to attack his full
strength infantry and mech units. You infantry units will receive damage, and
Finally, we have the eastern front. From the 4 bases around Max's old HQ you
will create 4 mechs every turn, and send them down to Grit's HQ. Again, you
don't want to have too many units killed, so join damaged mechs at every
possibility as you march towards Grit's HQ. Here another advantage to letting
Grit capture the middle and southwestern territories emerges, as most of Grit's
army is too far away from his HQ to help provide a defense against the mech
swarm. Eventually, it will become obvious that you don't need to create any
more mechs, and at that point you could concentrate on creating rockets to join
up with damaged rockets, and creating more units in general to ensure that
You should be able to finish this map well before it's time limit, so there is
no rush to capture Grit's HQ once you are in position to do so. Instead, save
the map, and then finish capturing the HQ. If your power numbers aren't good
enough, then go back to the save point, kill some more units and then finish
capturing the HQ later. As always, keep track of the units created and units
killed on the status menu to see if you need to create more units. With the
emphasis above on finding ways to create more units, you may be able to
as many as 90 or more units! Hence, you do have some leeway on the number
units you lose (if you create 91 units, you can lose 10 units).
Below is the walkthrough for the first few days, just enough to beat Max. Once
you beat Max, just follow the overview above to get a perfect S-rank.
you are free to send the extra infantry you create anywhere you choose. You
send them down to the southwest corner immediately, or use them to capture
city first. It's up to you. I won't describe what to do with these infantry any
Day 3: The moves you must make on this turn depend on where Max creates
tank. I will assume that Max creates his tank in the northern base. If he
creates a tank in the west base, then you should follow mtemisan's guide. With
a tank in Max's northern base, move your easternmost APC 7E and unload to
east. Load the other APC, and move the APC 3N, 4E. Create an APC in the north
Day 4: Load your eastern APC with the infantry, move 7E and unload to the
Move the APC west of the bridge 2N, 5E unloading to the east. Load the other
APC, and move the APC 3N, 4E unloading to the east. Create nothing further.
Day 5: Usually Max will attack the APC on the city in the forest. This is good.
If Max attacks the APC on his base, this walkthrough won't work. Move your
infantry 3E into the woods, out of range of the rocket, but in range to begin
capturing the HQ on the next turn. Move the APC on the base onto another
out of range of the rocket. Load the wounded APC, and move the APC 1S, 5E,
(north of the rocket) unloading to the east. Move the final APC onto the road
close to the tank so that the tank will attack the APC. Begin capturing a city
Day 6: If things worked out properly, the A-Air will have attacked your wounded
APC. Now, arrange your infantry and APC so as to block off the A-Air from his
HQ (move them to the east and south of the A-Air). Begin capturing the HQ.
Day 7: Finish capturing the HQ, and watch all of Max's units disappear. Create
4 mechs on Max's old bases, and a rocket over the central territory. Begin to
CO: Sami
Overview: Create a lander and a couple infantry units, load the lander with the
also capture Sonja's HQ first, and then work on Drake. However, you don't want
to take over Drake's HQ and Sonja's HQ right away, as you will need to kill
some units to get a good power score. I like killing Drake first, as his CO
CO: any
Overview: Create a transport copter and an infantry, load the copter with the
infantry and send it to Eagles HQ and capture it immediately. With Sami it's
possible to capture Eagles HQ in this fashion every time. With other Cos you
will need a bit of luck. With an overwhelming territory advantage, it's easy to