Aid For Agriculture: Turning Promises Into Reality Co-Ordinating Donor Interventions in Three West African Countries

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Aid for Agriculture: Turning

Promises into Reality on the
Co-ordinating Donor Interventions in Three
West African Countries

Jean-Denis Crola
Oxfam France Agir ici

EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01 HRS GMT 04 November 2009

Unfortunately, the last 25 years have been marked by a threefold neglect of this
sector: neglect by our States, who have gone from an administrative and
interventionist vision of the agricultural sector to an absence of any vision
whatsoever, leaving market forces to guide any changes that occur; neglect by the
business community, which has generally focused on the sectors growth activities,
particularly import trading; and neglect by the international community, whose aid
to agriculture has dropped to dangerous levels. I would add also a fourth kind of
neglect: that of the producers themselves, who, discouraged and isolated, have often
sought a way out by diversifying their incomes with activities other than land and
livestock farming (...).
We cannot rise to meet the challenges presented without massive reinvestment on
the part of each of these actors. If even one of them fails to heed the call, then our
efforts will meet with failure.
[We have to rise above] a mindset of successive trends, to combine clear and
encouraging public policies, stakeholder financing strategies and tools in a
consistent manner, adapting them to the diversity of needs. Development partners
are often impatient to see our strategies translated into operational action. This
search for overall coherence is the starting point for an agricultural revolution that
will cost us dear in terms of dialogue and conception. It can nevertheless no longer
be ignored (...) Africa is tired of international conferences and pledges that lead to
In Maputo, our Governments undertook to dedicate at least 10% of their State
budgets to agriculture. I invite you to build up a global partnership founded on
reciprocal agreements and to define together the means required to ensure they
become a reality.

Extracts from the address by Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas, President

of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Commission, during the opening of the Investing in Agriculture in
Sub-Saharan Africa Forum, 8 December 2008, Paris. 1

1, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009
Executive summary ....................................................................................................... 3

Introduction.................................................................................................................... 8

1 Aid for agriculture: an established but ineffective system .............................. 11

A. Agriculture: a priority sector neglected by Official Development Assistance

(ODA)............................................................................................................................. 11

B. The negative effects of project aid ................................................................... 12

C. The limits of dialogue........................................................................................ 16

2 The crisis as an opportunity for change............................................................... 21

A. Priority support for short-term action ............................................................ 21

B. Poorly co-ordinated investment over the medium and long term ............. 25

3 Strengthening national policies: a major challenge for agricultural

development................................................................................................................. 28

A. From project approach to programme approach .......................................... 28

B. Agricultural investment programmes are indispensable ............................ 31

C. Making agriculture a real national budget priority ...................................... 34

4 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 36

5 Recommendations.................................................................................................... 37

Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 45

2, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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ACP African, Caribbean, Pacific Group of States

AfDB African Development Bank
AFSI LAquila Food Security Initiative
CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
CDF Common Donor Fund (Niger)
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund (UN)
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
DAC Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)
DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
DFID Department for International Development (UK)
DNPGCA National Body for the Prevention and Management of Food Crises
ECOWAP Economic Community of West African Agriculture Programme
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EDF European Development Fund
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FASDEP Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy (Ghana)
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
MCA Millennium Challenge Account
MDBS Multi-Donor Budget Support
MoFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Ghana)
MoFEPMinistry of Finance and Economic Planning (Ghana)
NEPAD New Partnership for Africas Development
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
ODA Official Development Assistance
PADAB Programme dAppui au Dveloppement du lAgriculture du
Burkina Faso
PMU Project Management Unit

3, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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PNIA National Agricultural Investment Programme
PRIA Regional Agricultural Investment Programme
PROSDRP Programme Sectoriel de Dveloppement Rural Productif (Burkina
ROPPA Network of Farmers and Agricultural Producers Organisations
of West Africa
SDR Rural Development Strategy (Niger)
SWAp Sector-Wide Approach
TFP Technical and financial parters
UN United Nations
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization

Translators note:

For simplicity in the text in the English version of this report we

have chosen to use the word donor to refer to all technical and
financial partners, including, for example, the FAO.

4, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Executive summary

Between June 2008 and July 2009, over 40 billion dollars were pledged by the main donor
countries to provide emergency response to the food crisis and to sustainably invest in
agriculture in developing countries. In addition, the donor and beneficiary countries, the
United Nations, the World Bank and other actors called for better coordination of
interventions on the ground, as well as increased investment in national strategies and
policies. These two elements were identified as essential points for action in the joint
statement on food security made at LAquila, during the last G8 summit.
A year and a half after the high level conference on global food security organised in
Rome by the FAO, this study attempts to present an initial review of the undertakings
made at international level and how they translate into reality in Niger, Ghana and
Burkina Faso. Based on these concrete examples, it outlines the main challenges and
stakes facing these countries that will determine the future of agricultural development
in the three countries studied.

Agricultural aid: a well established but ineffective system

In the first section, this report reviews the current status of Official Development
Assistance (ODA) for the food and agricultural sectors in the three countries (part 1).
Despite the relatively low levels of Official Development Assistance (ODA) dedicated to
this sector, investments by donors have, over recent years, come to represent between 60
to 80% of budgets for the rural sector. Coordinating their interventions is therefore
crucial to ensure consistent development in this sector. However, their interventions are
implemented through a plethora of different projects that are often poorly coordinated
and at times disengaged from national programmes. Instead of building up government
capacities, this multitude of projects has weakened local resources. The creation of
parallel management entities competes with the States technical departments.
Government human resources are monopolised by short-term management of projects,
monitoring procedures and evaluation missions that are specific to each donor. In the
field, the diversity of approaches and means of intervention employed by donors often
makes their global activity inconsistent. Despite the existence of sector-wide co-
ordination bodies, donors struggle to make much progress towards better coordinated
interventions. Donors are loath to question their own logic and so most fail to dedicate
the human and financial resources necessary to coordinate their interventions. In light of
the lack of clear state directives and sector-wide agricultural programmes that are
capable of drawing together donors actions into common objectives, this situation has
perpetuated for many years. Agricultural aid is well established but ineffective.

The crisis as an opportunity for change.

The study puts forward an initial review of the funding and interventions implemented
in the three countries in response to the 2008 food price increases (part 2). The data
presented is not exhaustive, but helps to draw a certain number of lessons learnt and to
evaluate if the commitments made at international level are becoming a reality on the
ground. Even though we have seen a certain amount of renewed financial commitment
since 2008, interventions mainly focus on emergency activities that aim to relieve the
suffering of the most vulnerable populations, support government emergency measures
or ensure that in the short term there are adequate harvests. Furthermore, the majority of
the funding does not appear to be a reflection of sustainable, additional aid, but rather a

5, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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reallocation of finances originally destined for other development sectors. Despite the
establishment of national programmes to subsidise fertilizers or seeds in Burkina Faso
and Ghana, these states do not appear to have received the financial support expected
from donors to implement them. Furthermore, several donors and technical partners
such as the FAO, the World Bank, IFAD or the African Development Bank have financed
similar kinds of projects that are more or less independent of national programmes. The
urgency with which the projects have been implemented has not encouraged donors to
coordinate their interventions. Without a drastic change in approach in the field, and
more specifically for the projects currently being drafted, then no change will be made in
the intervention and funding approaches adopted by donors. The donor pledge to
support the CAADP (Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme) in
West Africa gives an important opportunity to bring about this change in approach in the
three countries, but many challenges still remain.

Strengthening national policies, a major challenge for agricultural development

The lack of finalised sector-wide agricultural programmes in the three countries
highlights the failure of donors to be consistent in their approach. Based on a description
of the current process to draft and implement sector-wide agricultural programmes, the
study tries to highlight the stakes that will determine the future development of the
agricultural sectors in the 3 countries under study (part 3.) At present we are seeing two
parallel processes in the countries studied. One is grassroots initiated and covers those
sector-wide agricultural programmes being drafted in each of the countries; the other has
been initiated at regional level and is the national agricultural investment programmes
(PNIA), the national instruments for implementing the ECOWAS agricultural policy. The
stakes linked to bringing these two processes to completion are crucial: the final
programmes will be the concrete tools for aligning the donors, guaranteeing that their
interventions are properly linked. However, governments must first of all ensure that
these two processes lead to a single, same sector-wide agricultural programme for each
country. Furthermore, the gradual move from the project approach to the programme
approach demands an in-depth redefinition of the roles and interventions of all
stakeholders: donors, Government and civil society. The implementation of a sector-wide
agricultural programme demands specific skills from both donors and the State and
implies that capacity building be conducted beforehand. This entails a process of mutual
lesson sharing and requires specific human and financial investment as well as serious
flexibility from donors to ensure the procedures and national priorities are aligned.
Finally it is essential that donors move away from project implementation towards
providing technical support or providing support for national policies. It is also
important that civil society, particularly the producer organisations, is fully involved in
the process for drafting and implementing the programme. In order to fully involve the
donors, States must clearly demonstrate their commitment to implementing these sector-
wide programmes by making the food and agriculture sector a real budget priority.


For donors:
Concretely invest in the drafting and implementation of sector-wide programmes;
Use and strengthen existing bodies and procedures and support the work of existing
agriculture actors;
Move on from the dialogue stage to real coordination of interventions;

6, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Transform financial pledges made at international level into additional, long term,
predictable funding to strengthen ongoing national and regional processes.

For Governments:
Actively provide direction to the drafting and implementation of sector-wide food
security and agricultural policies and programmes;
Ensure proper leadership in coordinating donor interventions; work on
implementing a regional trade policy that ensures the development of the
agricultural sector at both regional and national levels;
Make agriculture and food security real budget priorities.

For Civil Society Organisations and NGOs:

Invest in coordination, decision-making and policy-drafting bodies for agriculture
and food security;
Insist and ensure that aid from international NGOs is held up to the same quality
standards. .

7, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Since the beginning of the 1980s, the agricultural sector has gradually dropped down
the list of priorities for Official Development Assistance (ODA), as well as that of many
Southern governments. In 2006, the sector represented only 3 per cent of global Official
Development Assistance (ODA), falling to its lowest level in decades. At the same time,
more people around the world are going hungry, due in part to the recent hike in food
prices. Today, hunger affects one in six people over a billion people in total.
West Africa has not been spared the effects of food price rises. In some areas of the Sahel,
a third of households have had to reduce the amount of food they consume. Almost a
quarter of households have reduced the number of meals they have each day or can no
longer afford basic foods. These price hikes have come on top of a nutritional situation
that is already structurally weak. In August 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO)
estimated that the rate of chronic malnutrition among children in Burkina Faso and
Niger was more than 40 per cent. 4 Everywhere, women and girls are the first to be
affected: often, they eat last and least, despite the fact that they are the ones who produce
the food.
In Burkina Faso, Niger and Ghana the countries that were studied for this report the
vast majority of the population is rural and depends on agriculture, mainly food crops,
for their livelihood and survival. Agriculture is both the driving force for economic
growth and the main means of reducing poverty, since the sector employs the majority of
the population. An improvement in living conditions for people engaged in agriculture
would help to reduce poverty overall as well as to ensure better food security at national
Despite the relative downturn in Official Development Assistance (ODA) granted to the
agricultural sector in these three countries, many projects are actually being implemented
by donors. However they are not well coordinated, sometimes with few links between
them, and give rise to inconsistencies in the field that in the end weaken local capacities,
especially those of the government. Only with a coordinated approach towards
agricultural and food security policies that include a common vision of agricultural
development, will these projects succeed..
The projects that have been put in place over recent decades are no substitute for
effective real agricultural and food security policies. Where such policies do exist, they
are often ineffective and remain underfinanced by donors. Consequently, the situation
continues to worsen. The lack of effective trade policies, or problematic implementation
of them, has resulted in a lack of protection for agriculture markets, thus reinforcing the
trend. The ongoing negotiation of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) risks
exacerbating this fragile situation even further.
In this context, and in order to respond to the food crisis, , the international community
mobilised itself. Between June 2008 and July 2009, no less than four international
summits took place that focused, at least in part, on global food security. 5 Over $40bn
has been pledged by donor countries to provide emergency response and invest
sustainably in the agricultural sectors of southern countries. Donors have also committed
to better co-ordinate their interventions and to support government programmes and
agricultural policies.
Members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have
reaffirmed their commitment to putting in place a regional agricultural policy, ECOWAP.
In June 2008, the regions Heads of State adopted the regional offensive for food

8, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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production and to combat hunger. West African governments are currently drafting
their national agricultural investment programmes (PNIAs).
After decades of being forgotten, agricultural policies are once again coming to the fore.
The 200809 food crisis has created a real opportunity for change.
A year and a half after the High-Level Conference on World Food Security organised by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, this study
attempts to put forward an initial review of the commitments made by the international
community, based on the reality on the ground in three West African countries: Ghana,
Burkina Faso, and Niger. This research does not claim to present an exhaustive overview
of whether financial pledges, co-ordination of interventions and support to national
strategies have become a reality on the ground or not. But by giving concrete examples, it
presents the major challenges and stakes that will determine the future development of
the agricultural sector in the three countries studied. It concludes with some
recommendations for action by the three main stakeholders: donors, governments, and
civil society organisations and non-government organisations (NGOs).

9, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Prices remain unpredictable
The price of local dry cereals on West African markets still remains higher than the average
of the last five years. Despite a price variation in mid-August 2009 (5 per cent and 7.5 per
cent respectively in Burkina Faso and Niger) 6 due to the forthcoming harvest, there are still
concerns about poor households access to cereals in rural (especially pastoral) areas, as
well as urban and peri-urban areas; the problem became worse in Niger, northern Nigeria,
northern Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Chad over the 2009 Ramadan period. In
Ouagadougou, the August floods, which destroyed food, livestock and harvest stocks, could
cause an increase in essential foodstuff prices. 7
The food security situation is even more worrying according to FEWS NET (Famine Early
Warning Systems Network), as state and household cereal stocks in sahelian countries
remain below their optimal level for the hunger period. In March, government stocks in
many countries had fallen below the desired levels; in Niger, they stood at only 3 per cent of
the optimum level. This could influence price setting by increasing demand at stock
rebuilding time, in the fourth quarter of the year. Furthermore, the relatively low level of
government food stocks limits possibilities for government intervention to tackle temporary
food insecurity. This poses questions about the effectiveness of food security instruments
being used in the region, and how they need to evolve.
It is proving increasingly essential to understand and take into account households cash
income and purchasing power in the management of food security brought on by factors that
are universally accepted to be chronic. The recurrent temporary crises are, in fact, nothing
more than the sudden and visible manifestation of the everyday experience of poor people
that is, widespread chronic poverty.

10, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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1 Aid for agriculture: a well worn but inefficient

Maybe we are in the driving seat, but the vehicle still belongs to the donors.
Official of Ghanaian Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

Despite the relatively low levels of Official Development Assistance (ODA) dedicated to
food security and agriculture in Burkina Faso, Niger and Ghana over recent decades, the
sector still remains an essential component of the national budget in each country. In
2005, emergency aid enabled the governments of Niger and Burkina Faso to mitigate the
impact of the food crisis, which had severely affected their populations.
In 2008, in the face of steep increases in food prices, emergency aid once again helped to
preserve livelihoods for some of the poorest households. Households found themselves
forced to sell their livestock or sell their belongings simply to afford basic food. External
aid to agriculture over recent decades has enabled these three countries to maintain a
certain level of investment in their agricultural sectors.
Nevertheless, this aid is largely inadequate to allow for any real development of the
sector. It has largely been delivered in an unsatisfactory manner. Official Development
Assistance (ODA) should help to strengthen the governments of the beneficiary countries
and to support them in drafting and implementing public policies that will help the state
and its citizens to effectively combat poverty and inequality.
In the three countries studied, the aid provided has not fulfilled these essential
characteristics. Aid is often provided in a haphazard way, through a multitude of short-
term projects that are poorly co-ordinated and have neither strengthened nor substituted
domestic food and agricultural policies. Donors remain strongly attached to their
priorities, methods of intervention and internal procedures all of which makes co-
ordination even more difficult.

A. Agriculture: a priority sector neglected by Official

Development Assistance (ODA)

Agriculture generates 35 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) and 15 per cent of
export receipts for ECOWAS countries, 8 and directly employs at least two-thirds of their
populations. Burkina Faso, Niger and Ghana, like other countries in the region, have
made the agricultural sector a strategic economic growth sector, as a vehicle to
sustainable poverty reduction and to achieving food security. However, despite this
being a stated priority in poverty reduction strategies, 9 Official Development Assistance
(ODA) to the agricultural sector represented only 4.7 per cent of development aid on
average for all ECOWAS countries between 1995 and 2007 (see Figure 1).

11, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Figure 1: Proportion of Official Development Assistance (ODA) dedicated to the
agricultural sector* by DAC countries and multilateral donors between 2001 and

Burkina Faso
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1995-

*Corresponds to sector 310. III. 1. Agriculture, forestry, fishing, according to the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
Source: OECD / DAC

Despite the relatively low levels of ODA allocated to agriculture, external financing has
long represented the vast majority of sector financing in the three countries studied. The
2008 rural budget for Niger showed that financing from donors would account for over
74 per cent of total budget receipts for the sector, the rest being spread over own
funding (20 per cent) and resources from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
initiative covering 5.7 per cent. 10 The situation in Ghana is similar; donors contribution
to the Ministry of Food and Agricultures budget stands at 63.3 per cent for 2008 and the
forecast for 2009 is 68.5 per cent. 11
The proportions of external support are even more significant looking at actual year on
year spending, rather than just budgets. An official in Burkina Faso estimated that 90 per
cent of actual spending came from external resources. 12 Similarly, if we look at rural
investments, in 2007, 91 per cent came from external financing for Burkina Faso, not
including HIPC or global budget aid.
It would appear to make sense for all three countries, as far as possible, to direct external
financing towards agriculture, this priority sector, for the good of economic
development. However, such dependence is not without its difficulties. Because this aid
is provided in the form of a multitude of different projects of varying lengths and means,
financed or implemented by agents whose visions of agricultural development are
sometimes wildly divergent, it can prove problematic for states to ensure consistency and
co-ordination in investments in the agricultural sector.

B. The negative effects of project aid

12, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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According to the information provided in the 2008 budget for the Niger rural sector, no
less than 28 donors were involved in 67 projects. 13 Even this figure does not reflect the
real situation on the ground, as many projects are implemented by donors or non-
government organisations (NGOs) that are not linked to the rural development
ministries are not reported in the budget. A study carried out in the region of Diffa on the
regional implementation of the rural development strategy estimates the total number of
projects and programmes that have been or are being carried out to be 78. 14 It is probable
that in Niger, there are over 100 projects just in the agriculture sector. The situation in
Burkina Faso and Ghana is likely to be similar, with 80 and 63 projects respectively being
implemented within the Ministries of Agriculture alone 15 .
Project approaches are not, in themselves, a problem. They can come in the form of an
essential intervention for example, for specific investments such as road infrastructure
or for hydro-agricultural development projects. However, there are major problems
associated with an integral project approach, as is the case in Burkina Faso, for example,
where total external financing for the agriculture sector is implemented through the
project approach (see Box 1). Some projects are scarcely aligned with national priorities.
They weaken local capacities in administrative and financial management and put in
place independent management structures that hijack major human and financial
resources from productive investment. This project approach, for too long characteristic
of donor interventions in the three countries studied, has failed to achieve the anticipated
results in terms of agricultural development or food security for the population.

Box 1: Burkina Faso a country of projects

Burkina Faso is a country of projects, although projects should, in fact, be exceptions to the
Official in the Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance
In 2007, 27 development partners were working in Burkina Faso supporting agriculture,
forestry and pastoralism, through 131 projects (out of a total of 551 projects registered in all
sectors). 16 This project approach represents the only financing modality for the rural
sector. 17 In 2009, 80 development projects or programmes are being carried out just within
the Ministry of Agriculture. 18
According to a Ministry of Finance official, Each partner is promoting his (sic) agricultural or
food security development approach, and the final project, if it is discussed at all with the
government, strongly reflects the partners approach: with each remaining master of his area
of intervention and the objectives he is pursuing. In the field, the donors have such different
intervention methods that they are becoming incomprehensible to the actors they are
supposed to be helping.

Problems associated with project interventions in Burkina Faso, Niger and Ghana
Lack of financial predictability: the ability to predict financing for projects is much
lower in Burkina Faso than for aid given in budget support, whether granted in the
form of gifts or loans. Projects are, for the most part, implemented over three to five
years, with no guarantee of renewal; they are hardly ever aligned with national
budgetary timeframes, which complicates accounting and reporting. 19
Creation of parallel management units: Many donors create project management
units (PMUs) in order to facilitate financial disbursements and project management,
and so that they can use their own procedures. The 32 projects reviewed in 2009 in
the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso had all put PMUs in place.

13, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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o These independent structures are parallel entities that substitute and compete
with the state technical department, instead of helping to build capacities.
o Financing assigned to PMUs is accounted for within the total financing allocated
to the rural sector, even though the funds are not allocated to direct investment
in the sector. These costs could be drastically reduced if existing structures
within the civil service were used instead. Detailed analysis of some projects
implemented in the rural development sector of Niger, based on information
submitted to the government by donors, shows that funding for PMUs accounts
for between 15 and 60 per cent of total project funding. 20 During the annual
expenditure review, 21 it was revealed that 30 to 40 per cent of the total is made
up of funding experts or given over to co-ordination, which cannot be
attributed to any rural development strategy programme in Niger.
o By directly implementing project funds through these PMUs, donors do not
make any contribution to capacity building for the civil services financial and
administrative management. This is despite the fact that this lack of capacity and
transparency on the part of national financial systems is one of the main
arguments put forward by donors to justify using their own disbursement
procedures. By bypassing national structures and procedures without dedicating
resources to improving them, donors are perpetuating the vicious circle.
Monopolising human resources: projects can create a dual system. In 2007, projects
in Niger had a budget for running costs that was, on average, double that of the
agriculture sector civil service department. 22 The differences in salaries, equipment
and working conditions often prove irresistible for state personnel, who jump from
one project to the next or are directly employed by donors. Ironically, donors then
complain about the weak capacity of the civil service; even those financing capacity
building projects are sometimes the ones that recruit experts from the civil service to
represent them locally. 23
Weakening local capacities: the increasing number of projects undermines the
capacities of the civil service by taking personnel away from it to work on the daily
monitoring of donor projects, and by using the procedures specific to each donor to
the detriment of programming and evaluation activities. The civil service is often
approached for studies and evaluations on donor projects: Burkina Faso, for
example, received almost 330 missions from donors in 2007, of which only 49 were
co-ordinated. 24 Generally, these missions comprise several workshops (presentation,
launch, validation and summary of results, etc.) that involve the civil service and
result in action plans to be implemented by the civil service. 25 In Ghana, these
missions are so numerous that the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
(MoFEP) has had to develop a code of conduct on the issue, and now imposes a
mission-free period while the annual budget is being drafted from 15 September to
15 November.
Proliferating procedures: the complexity of the specific procedures demanded by
each donor tends to make the civil service specialise in certain donor groups. The
number of units within Ghanas MoFEP is indicative of the complexity of donor
project management for the government (see Table 1).

14, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Table 1: Ghana, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning donor units

1 External Resource Mobilisation 9 BADEA (Arab Bank for Economic

(Multilateral Division)* Development in Africa)/International
Fund for Agricultural Development
(IFAD)/Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) Unit

2 External Resource Mobilisation (Bilateral 10 Italy/UK/Belgium Unit


3 Aid and Debt Management Division 11 India/Kuwait/Iran/Saudi Unit


4 Multi-Donor Budget Support (MDBS) 12 Germany/France/Holland Unit

5 World Bank Unit 13 Canada/USA Unit

6 United Nations Systems Unit 14 Japan/Korea/China Unit

7 Nordic Unit 15 Denmark/Spain Unit

8 Africa Caribbean Pacific European 16 African Development Bank (ADB) Unit

Union (ACP/EU) Unit
* The head of this unit is also in charge of the ACP/EU unit.
Source: MoFEP website,

The drawbacks associated with the project approach, that for decades have
characterised donor investments in agriculture and other sectors, have long been known,
and much has been written about them. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness,
signed in 2005 by donor and recipient countries, and the Accra Agenda for Action,
drawn up in September 2008, commit the signatory countries to combating these
negative effects of project aid (see Box 2). However, observations in the field demonstrate
that the road is long and progress is extremely slow.

Box 2: The founding principles of the Paris Declaration, 2005

Noting the lack of impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) interventions carried out
over three decades despite the major funding allocated, a new vision for the way ODA is
provided and implemented has gradually been developed. This change led to the adoption in
2005, under the aegis of the OECD, of new principles and intervention mechanisms for ODA:
the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
Now, ODA interventions must subscribe to national, global and sectoral strategies, set out in
the form of programmes, which are overseen by national institutions: the principle of
ownership. When identifying and carrying out activities, national strategies, priorities and
procedures prevail; where they are adequate and fully operational, they should override
those of the donor: the principle of alignment. Technical and financial partners must ensure
that they co-ordinate with each other and discuss issues together to improve the
effectiveness of their activities: the principle of harmonisation. These principles are
completed with an approach that centres on results-based management and mutual
accountability for both donors and partner countries.
Concretely, this declaration commits:

15, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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- Partner countries: to establish clear strategic priorities, linked into a framework of medium
term expenditures; to improve public expenditure management and procurement systems.
- Donor countries: to improve funding forecasting and align it with national budget processes;
freeing up their aid; using national state financial management and procurement systems;
avoiding setting up parallel structures for implementing projects; co-ordinating their financial
and technical provisions; reducing the number of individual missions; harmonising their

The situation in Ghana differs from that of Burkina Faso and Niger in this respect, since
in addition to the 63 projects in the agricultural sector, the government also receives
sectoral budgetary assistance from the World Bank, the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) and the UK Department for International Development
(DFID) for the implementation of its Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy
(FASDEP II) 26 (see Box 3).

Box 3: Sector-wide budgetary support in Ghana

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) began its sectoral budgetary aid
programme (Food and Agriculture Budget Support FABS) in 2004, with C$85m for a five-
year period. The funds are disbursed through government financial channels and serve to
implement Ghanas Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy (FASDEP). In 2006,
CIDA was joined by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), which became
its silent partner until June 2009. DFID is therefore represented by Canada in discussions
with the government and adopted almost exactly the same disbursement conditions as
In 2009, CIDA embarked on a new four-year phase and pledged C$100m. In 2008, the
World Bank also started up a three-year sector budget aid programme, AgDPO (Agriculture
Development Policy Operation) with $55m, paid out by the Ghana Ministry of Finance. 27 Like
CIDA, the Bank funds are disbursed dependent on achieving so called basic and
performance criteria, negotiated with the government. To facilitate financial management,
work was initiated in 2009 by the World Bank and CIDA to develop a common matrix of
criteria and triggers for budgetary aid.

C. The limits of dialogue

The plethora of projects in the agricultural sectors in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger
raises the issue (in addition to the constraints outlined above) of co-ordination, and state
and donor capacities to ensure consistency of investments for long-term development.
When projects reflect each individual partners approach and agenda, this can lead to a
lack of consistency in the field (see Box 4). In Burkina Faso, for example, the government
has drafted several action plans for the cereal, market gardening and livestock industries,
which are frameworks into which donor actions should fit. However, these action plans
have remained under-financed: donors prefer their own approach.
The six programmes financed by the World Bank and the German, Danish and Canadian
international development agencies support around 30 industries. Government choices
are not consistently included in donor programmes, which are also poorly co-ordinated,
even among themselves. Some industries consequently receive support from several
programmes (e.g., sesame, nib, soya, onion, shea, livestock/meat, poultry farming,
milk) while other industries such as maize and rice receive much less support in the

16, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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target regions, despite the fact that they are priority areas for the government and
important for food security.
Donors often specialise in regions or areas where they may have had a presence for
several decades, even though this does not meet any demand from the government or is
not co-ordinated with other donors. As a head of bilateral cooperation in Niger stated:
Each partner chooses its specific activity area and intervention area. This would be
utterly impossible in Europe! If there were proper co-ordination at national level, this
would not have happened. 28 In Burkina Faso, for example, the geographical distribution
of industry support programmes is highly uneven: the programmes are concentrated in
the North, the Sahel, the East, the Boucle du Mouhoun and Central North. The Cascades
region, the Central South and the South West receive much less support.

Box 4: Support for the rice industry in Ghana

According to Ghanas Agriculture Sector Plan for 20092015, 13 projects are currently being
implemented in the rice industry, a particularly important sector for food security. 29 However,
due to the lack of an agreed development strategy for the industry and a lack of designated
interlocutor within the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) to oversee co-ordination, the
projects have very different approaches.
In the three northern regions, where people are most vulnerable and worst affected by food
insecurity, some projects support the industry as a whole, while others concentrate on
production and seed distribution, without linking up with each other. Consequently, different
varieties of rice are promoted by the projects, in the same intervention zones, then mixed
together at the drying stage, thus reducing the quality of the rice. This adds to the structural
constraints faced by the national industry and partly explains why Ghanaian rice is less
competitive than imported varieties.

There are, in the three countries under review, co-ordination bodies that are formalised
to a greater or lesser degree, focusing on rural development, food security and food crisis
management or nutrition, which have been put in place by donors (see Annex 2).
In Burkina Faso, for example, the rural development co-ordination committee (CCDR)
for technical and financial partners was created in 2002, with Germany as its driving
force. Bringing together European countries initially, it has expanded to include Canada,
Switzerland, Japan and international organisations (the World Bank, the African
Development Bank (ADB), IFAD and FAO). It has latterly integrated a number of pre-
existing informal groups 30 and is now one of the main functional bodies between the
government and donors working in rural development.
In Niger, in addition to the statedonor dialogue framework for the rural sector, there are
(at least on paper) statedonor dialogue frameworks for each of the 14 programmes 31
and one for each of the countrys eight regions. In addition to these institutional
frameworks, there are other dialogue forums such as the sectoral group for dialogue on
emergency interventions and agropastoral rehabilitation, which meets fortnightly and is
chaired by the FAO.
But even if these groups share information, they are often far from promoting real co-
ordination for the different stakeholders interventions or harmonising their practices in
the field, let alone developing common projects. The only body that might be an
exception is the Niger National Body for the Prevention and Management of Food Crises
(DNPGCA) (see Box 5).

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Box 5: The National Body for the Prevention and Management of Food
Crises (DNPGCA) in Niger a model for co-ordination of food security
According to its members, this is an effective co-ordination mechanism for actors in the area
of food security. Every year, on the basis of information given by the Early Warning System
(SAP) and common vulnerability and nutritional surveys, the food crisis cell (CCA) drafts a
support plan that includes DNPGCAs intervention priorities, the activities being implemented
and the financial or technical participation of different stakeholders.
Since its creation in 1998, 13 donors have signed the framework agreement that commits
them to discussing the definition of operational objectives and co-ordinating the resources
necessary for dealing with food crises. The DNPGCA is equipped with certain tools,
particularly the common donors fund (FCD), sustained by development partners and use of
which is based on common agreement. While the creation of a common fund would be hard
to imagine for the entire rural development strategy for Niger, the body has succeeded in
gaining the trust of stakeholders, particularly thanks to an annual audit carried out by the
European Commission that guarantees transparency in the way the fund is used. All
disbursement decisions are co-signed by the donor lead and the national party.
However, even though the DNPGCA partially integrates the rural development strategy and
is directly linked to the Primature, the decision-making process by consensus is such that the
government cannot in theory question a collective decision taken by the donors, as they
retain control over their funding.

The limitations of co-ordination bodies

Restrictive internal decision-making processes: even though some technical
agencies may be very willing to co-ordinate their activities within a certain country,
they come up against difficulties with the donors internal procedures. Policy and
sometimes project strategies are generally drawn up at headquarters, which makes it
difficult to redirect interventions, share responsibilities or have common
Lack of thematic groups: the rural development co-ordination bodies do not offer
adequate opportunities for working in thematic groups that can discuss and share
interventions and work towards harmonising practices. In Ghana, thematic groups
have been created and are co-chaired by an official from the Ministry of Agriculture
(MoFA) and a donor lead. They cover financial management, human resources
management and the process for drafting an agriculture sector-wide approach
(AgSWAp). However, the initiative has gradually run out of steam due to a lack of
real motivation from donors. In Niger, efforts to harmonise practices on a thematic
basis are just beginning in the sub-sectoral co-ordination bodies, for each
programme, and at a regional level.
Limited participation by wide range of donors: even though the dialogue bodies
generally bring together the traditional rural development donors, they struggle to
include the emerging developing countries such as China and India, or development
agencies from Arabic countries such as Libya or Saudi Arabia, who are increasingly
involved in the regions agricultural and food security sectors. Furthermore, as there
is no formal obligation for institutions to participate in these forums, attendance
seems to depend on the individuals level of interest in taking part.
Limited participation by civil society groups: while the statutes of several
institutional frameworks focusing on rural development or food security make
provision for the inclusion of civil society, the reality is that NGOs and professional

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organisations hardly ever attend meetings and have little access to information. This
is true, for example, for the Ghana MoFA Policy Forum, where the professional
producer organisations are never represented, despite the fact that they represent the
main actors in the sector and are also the principle targets for the TFP (technical and
financial partners) and government interventions (see Box 6).
Sectorised co-ordination: discussions remain sector-based and the discussion
frameworks are sometimes separate from each other. This results in a gap between
discussions and decisions about rural development and agriculture, on the one hand,
and peoples access to food security and nutrition on the other. This is particularly so
in Burkina Faso and, to a lesser extent, in Niger (Ghana has no special discussion
body dedicated to food security issues). It complicates enormously the continuum
between emergency interventions to respond to temporary food crises and medium-
and long-term investment in the agricultural sector. This sort of interaction between
short- and long-term aid is essential for the achievement of food security and
agricultural development objectives over the long term. For example, during the 2008
food crisis, cereals were available on the market but were too expensive for many
people. In these conditions, the large-scale distribution of cereals, for instance, meant
that poor families received vital nutrition, but this also jeopardised the producers
chances of selling their cereals at a price they could live on. In the medium term, it is
now a more significant part of the population who will need international assistance.

Box 6: Civil society groups absent from co-ordination frameworks

In Burkina Faso, the national dialogue framework for rural development partners in theory
allows for representation from the different actors (private agricultural sector, civil society,
donors, members of the three rural development ministries). But, in reality, there is very
limited participation, and farmers organisations are not represented at all. Similarly, in
Ghana, the voices of farmers organisations are completely absent from the MoFAs Policy
Forum meetings and the multi-actor dialogue framework, which does have some civil society
participation. In Niger, the Partnership framework for the implementation of the rural
development strategy between the Republic of Niger and its technical and financial partners,
does not actually include any involvement of civil society in policy discussions.
In Niger, even though farmers organisations are represented on several programme steering
committees for the rural development strategy, they have not so far been seriously involved
at a national level. According to several actors, however, their participation in the rural
development technical committee, a joint body of the rural development strategy institutional
plan, could be more likely.
An interesting change came about during the recent roundtable on Nigers National
Agricultural Investment Programme (PNIA) held from 2930 September 2009. A national
ECOWAP (Economic Community of West African Agriculture Programme) / CAADP
(Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme) charter for Niger to support the
implementation of the rural development strategy has been signed by all actors present,
including the farmers organisations, who are recognised as development partners. This
charter includes common and specific undertakings by each category of stakeholders and
implies that more systematic and effective participation by farmers organisations will be
possible in the future.

Despite a certain level of donor and government investment in the agricultural sector
over recent decades, the sector has not seen the desired levels of development that would
have assured household food security and helped to reduce poverty. The relatively low
levels of ODA dedicated to the sector are not the sole explanation for this situation. The
escalation in the number of projects and the constraints that are associated with them, as
well as the way interventions are distributed geographically, have not up until now been
a guarantee for consistency across the sector.

19, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

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Instead of assisting governments in drafting proper state policies, all too often donor
interventions contribute to undermining local capacities that are already affected by
decades of structural adjustment. Government human and financial resources are
mobilised for the short-term management of projects and procedures that are particular
to each donor, to the detriment of civil service capacity building in programming and
evaluation. The co-ordination bodies, some of which have been going for decades, still
have not improved co-ordination of interventions. The majority of donors do not give
themselves adequate means to establish real collaboration in the implementation of their
interventions, nor do they harmonise their practices in the field. Governments, partly
because they are dependent on external funding, have not shown much willingness to
bring about a radical change in the donors approach. The system has remained largely
unchanged, despite its proven lack of effectiveness.
The 2008 food crisis, sparked by soaring prices and food shortages, has shed light on the
failures of aid for agriculture. It thus offers an opportunity to break with the system and
to bring about a profound change in approach, both on the part of donors and the
governments of the three countries concerned. Since the latest international summits on
global food security held in Rome and Madrid, the discourse being put forward by major
donors and recipient countries speaks of change. They are calling not only for massive
reinvestment in the agricultural sector, but also better co-ordination in the field and
strengthened national strategies and policies. The challenge now is to translate these
words into action.

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2 The crisis as an opportunity for change

What we need is more effective co-ordination within countries underpinned by significantly

greater resources.
Declaration by the United Nations Secretary-General, the Madrid summit on food security
(High-Level Meeting on Food Security for All), 27 January 2009

In response to food price increases, many donors have announced greater investment or
reinvestment in agriculture and food security. Between June 2008 and July 2009, over
$40bn was pledged during the international summits by donor countries (see Annex 1).
In addition, all the summit participants called for better co-ordinated interventions in the
field, as well as increased investment in national strategies and policies. These two points
were particularly identified as fundamental action principles in the LAquila Joint
Statement on Global Food Security, arising from the most recent G8 summit. 32
Moreover, several special funds have been set up within multilateral institutions: in
December 2007, the FAO launched its Initiative on Soaring Food Prices; the World Bank
launched its Global Food Crisis Response Programme in May 2008; the ADB launched its
African Food Crisis Response in July 2008; and the EU launched its Food Facility in
December 2008 (see Box 7). Even though this influx of funding is necessary and
opportune for a sector that has long been neglected in terms of international aid
priorities, it is not without its problems for beneficiary countries, which have to go, hat in
hand, to several donors. In addition to the problem of planning for the available
resources, the conditions attached to external funding are often very different. Some
donors want to keep a certain amount of visibility and control over their aid, which can
make it hard to fund national food crisis response programmes (as is the case in Burkina
Faso) or to co-ordinate interventions.
Field research carried out in June 2009 failed to provide an exhaustive overview of the
funding and interventions being implemented in the three countries in response to the
food crisis, partly due to the time lapse noted between donors pledges and
disbursements on the ground. The data presented in this section is mostly drawn from
interviews and is only partial. However, they do enable us to draw some lessons from
the reality and nature of the assistance provided by donors over the past`18 months, and
to assess whether the pledges made are a reality on the ground.

A. Priority support for short-term action

The support provided thus far by donors to Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger has
essentially focused on short-term actions. These include providing assistance to the most
vulnerable populations through emergency projects, as well as supporting measures
being put in place by governments to mitigate the effects of food price rises.

Budget support
Since the beginning of 2008, several countries in the ECOWAS region have put in place
budgetary and fiscal measures to mitigate the effects of the price increases in food
products and agricultural inputs. The Burkinabe government, for example, for a six-
month period from February 2008, reduced customs duties and suspended VAT on
imports of certain basic products (rice, salt, food preparations for children, edible oils,

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hydrocarbons, etc.). 33 In Ghana, since July 2008, the government has put in place a
subsidy programme for fertilizers via a coupon system distributed to farmers,
guaranteeing them a fixed purchase price.
These measures have generated extra expenses or loss of major customs revenue for the
two countries concerned. In Ghana, the shortfall in fiscal receipts generated by the 20 per
cent reduction in import duty on rice alone is estimated to be more than 43m Ghanaian
cedis (about 40m $ 34 ) for the period 13 June to 31 December 2008. To help governments
to meet the cost of these measures, several donors have provided exceptional budgetary
support, targeting the agricultural sector or, more generally, the rising cost of living.
Burkina Faso has received exceptional budgetary aid amounting to $2m from the World
Bank. The European Commission has also freed up 5.42m of emergency aid from the
European Development Fund (EDF) geared to finance unforeseen costs.
In Ghana, in addition to the global budgetary aid provided by the EU through its Food
Facility (see Box 7), the World Bank and the Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA) increased their budget support for the agricultural sector in 2008. These
increases of $10m and 15m Ghanaian cedis (about 14m $ 35 ) respectively have followed
on from the MoFA drafting specific programmes to respond to the food crisis and
submitting them to donors for funding (see Table 2). This exceptional funding has helped
mitigate the cost to the government of measures designed to combat the rise in basic
foods and energy costs in the short term. 36

Table 2: Use of exceptional sectoral budgetary aid provided to Ghana by CIDA and
the World Bank

Increase in sectoral budgetary aid

WorldBank:$10m CIDA:15mGhanaiancedis(about14m$)
$5m to support the governments fertilizer 2m to support the service costs of MoFA for
subsidy measure the final quarter
$1.9m for seed supply to 2007 flood victims 1m for agricultural research
for rainy and dry season farming
4m for procurement of motorbikes for
$1.1m to promote dry season farming in extension staff, audio visual vans and
Upper East, Upper West, Northern and equipment
Brong-Ahafo regions
5m for irrigation development (3m for the
$2m for the rehabilitation of broken dams rehabilitation of broken dams in northern
in the three northern regions of Ghana region and 2m for the exploration of
underground water resources)
3m to support agricultural statistics

Because this budgetary aid was provided to support the emergency measures decided on
by the governments, it is properly integrated into national strategies, even if it does not
cover all the costs. From this point of view, this exceptional funding does reflect the
commitments made by donors to invest in national policies and strategies.
However, the issue of sustainability does arise, since the exceptional funding came about
to finance emergency measures put in place by governments, which in some countries
are not likely to continue. It is not certain at this time whether donors will support
governments in the implementation of policies to subsidise inputs for the medium or

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long term, even though they may deem it necessary to respond to a more structural crisis
This is the case in Ghana, for example, where CIDA, which has been supporting
implementation of the governments agricultural policy since 2004 through sectoral
budget support (see Box 3), has found itself in disagreement with the government over
continuing the fertilizer subsidy policy in 2009. Even though CIDA has accepted to
partially finance the cost for 2008, due to the food crisis, it does not believe that the
situation in 2009 justifies maintaining this measure.
Emergency interventions
Beyond exceptional budgetary support, donors present in Burkina Faso, Ghana and
Niger financed several emergency interventions in 2008 aimed at improving the food and
nutritional situation for people worst affected by the food price rises. This involved free
or subsidised food distributions; cash transfers and other social protection measures;
food or cash for work projects and nutritional programmes, etc.

These projects have mainly been implemented by:

Specialist United Nations agencies (WFP, UNICEF, FAO):
In Ghana, for example, CIDA has allocated C$3m to UNICEF and C$9m to the World
Food Programme (WFP) for food security programmes.
In Burkina Faso, FAO has received around $4m of contributions for food security
projects; WFP received $2.25m from the UNs Central Emergency Response Fund
(CERF) and UNICEF received $1.85m for nutritional projects.
In Niger, WFP has received contributions of about $10m from Saudi Arabia, the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, Japan and CERF, which have gone towards
implementing around 70 per cent of the pre-existing nutritional programmes that
had been under-financed up until now.
Government-managed food aid:
In Ghana, for example, USAID (United States Agency for International Development)
made a donation of food aid equivalent to $6.96m in 2008, and in 2009 Japan
provided food aid to the tune of 13m Ghanaian cedis (about 12m $37 ) in three regions
in the north of the country that had been affected by floods in 2007. 38
In Burkina Faso, Japan made a donation of 800m yen to purchase wheat flour
(replacing an annual donation of 400m yen to purchase rice), which should be
delivered in September/October 2009. Other donors such as Libya and Saudi Arabia
have also provided food aid.
In Niger, Japan has also made a food aid gift of 5,000 tonnes of cereals, which were
monetised in country and paid into a compensation fund.
Prevention and management measures for food crises:
This applies particularly to Niger, where the National Body for the Prevention and
Management of Food Crises (DNPGCA) brings together the majority of donors
involved in food security (see Box 5). Despite a significant downturn in the funding
allocated to the body between 2007 and 2008, the trend from one year to the next
reveals a shift in the funding granted to the common donors fund (CDF) and to the
food security fund (FSF). Although the FSF is a fund reserved for purchasing cereals,
the CDF helps to finance cash transfer and other food security projects. The CDF has
proved to be more flexible, and is better adapted to respond to the 2008 food crisis,

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characterised by peoples inability to afford basic food, and not simply by localised
production deficits (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Trends in contributions to the DNPGCA



FCFA million






2005 2006 2007 2008

Common Donor Fund Food security fund

Source: DNPGCA, Niger

For 2009, the EU plans to transfer 10m from its Food Facility to the common donors
fund, but this fund is currently suspended until further notice due to the current
political situation in Niger.
International or national NGOs:
International NGOs, and to a lesser extent national NGOs, tap into major funding
and are big stakeholders in the implementation of emergency interventions,
However, information regarding funding of these interventions is particularly
sketchy. The origins of much of this funding (bilateral and multilateral agencies, UN
agencies especially WFP, funds generated by food crisis prevention and
management bodies, private funding, etc.) make it hard for governments to assess
the amounts they are spending or even sometimes the interventions that they are
implementing. The EUs Food Facility plans to launch project bids for NGOs (and
also for development agencies of EU member countries and other private and public
actors) amounting to 3.2m for Niger, 5.9m for Ghana and 5m for Burkina Faso.
This funding covers the implementation of medium-term and emergency projects.
However, the Food Facility is, of course, only the tip of the iceberg.
It seems that, in the three countries under review, most emergency interventions,
including food aid, have been financed by additional resources. This is particularly true
for the funds mobilised by UN agencies that made specific appeals to donors for
contributions. However, by definition, emergency aid remains, for the most part,
temporary, and a WFP executive in Niger observed in June 2009 that already there was a

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certain return to normal, which unfortunately means a situation of under-financing for
the organisations nutrition programmes.
This kind of intervention has become the most polished one over recent decades, with
funding from donors being more directed towards responding to emergency situations
than to long-term investment in agricultural development. Seeking to be effective in very
short-term interventions, the majority of donors prefer the specialist UN agencies and
NGOs, whose logistical and human capacities are often greater than those of the
developing country government. That said they do not always strengthen the national
food security systems, which further undermines their capacity to deal with the next

B. Poorly co-ordinated investment over the medium and

long term

In addition to emergency interventions, a certain number of donors implement

programmes that support agricultural production over the medium term in countries
worst affected by the food crisis. This includes fertilizer distribution and improved seed
generation and distribution to farmers, which helps them to ensure an adequate harvest
to improve the availability of cereals on the local markets, to rebuild local and national
stocks and to mitigate the effects of food price rises. This is one of the stated objectives of
the EUs Food Facility in Burkina Faso, as well as of the World Bank, FAO and ADB, who
all implemented input distribution projects in 2008. In Ghana, in April 2008, as part of its
Initiative against Soaring Food Prices, the FAO launched a one-year project to improve
availability of agricultural inputs for vulnerable populations, financed from its own
funding to the tune of $500,000. 39
In August 2008, CIDA also launched a food security project in Ghana, through its food
security and environment facility, which has a budget of C$15m until the end of 2015.
This project aims to implement and encourage innovative action on food security and
sustainable agricultural production in the three regions in the north of the country. Also
in northern Ghana, the ADB and IFAD 40 are co-financing a $103.6m programme from
2008 to 2016, the Northern Rural Growth Programme. This aims to increase incomes for
rural populations. Initially drafted to help local populations deal with the consequences
of floods in 2008, the programme has partly been redirected towards interventions to
respond to food price increases.
Other projects are being developed within multilateral institutions and by some bilateral
donors. In Burkina Faso, for example, the World Bank is currently devising two projects,
of close to $40m each. One is on rain-fed agriculture and livestock farming and the other
for irrigated agriculture, which marks the Banks return to agriculture for food
production. These projects are due to start in 20102011. Similarly, the German overseas
development agency, GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit),
plans to increase its funding for agriculture by a third from 2010, and the MCA
(Millennium Challenge Account), an instrument put in place by the US, plans a budget of
$181m for agriculture for 20092013.
It is, however, difficult to accurately evaluate the extent to which projects already being
implemented are a reflection of additional and sustainable aid, or whether they have
been financed with a reallocation of funding that had initially been intended for other
development sectors.
In Niger and Burkina Faso, the majority of funding destined for medium-term
investment in the sector seems to have been redirected from ongoing programmes, with
the exception of the EU Food Facility. Thus, the World Bank project in Burkina Faso

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($5m) selling seeds at subsidised prices, implemented through the National Land
Management Programme (PNGT), has been financed to the detriment of other
programme components. Similarly, the two ADB projects responding to food price
increases have been funded by redirecting loans allocated to other programmes in the
country. In Niger, even though the European Development Fund (EDF)s food security
budget has been drastically increased from 5m to 21.9m, these funds have been
reallocated from initial budgets for rural roads and village development (which have
been more or less spent) and by mobilising 6.9m from a special line of EDF, which had
been allocated for Niger.
The drafting of these new medium and long-term projects has the potential to strengthen
government actions and to support improvements in agricultural production in the three
countries concerned. However, this influx of money has also provoked a race to get the
funding between specialist agencies, with each positioning itself as the most effective
channel to respond to the crisis, even if this provokes some confusion in the mandates of
each stakeholder. The FAO in Burkina Faso, for example, is receiving more funding for
its emergency and rehabilitation department to implement input distribution
programmes than for its traditional activities of providing support to agricultural
development programmes. For its part, WFP is involved in supporting cereal industries
through its pioneer Purchase for Progress (P4P) programme, 41 whereby the organisation
promotes the local purchasing of cereals and then organises distribution of these in the
Furthermore, the need to act fast to provide support to farmers has in some cases been
acted upon to the detriment of co-ordination among donors. This is the case, for example,
for seed distribution projects implemented in 2008 in Burkina Faso by the FAO and the
World Bank; neither could agree on the strategies for targeting the beneficiary
The emergency also gave rise to a gap between those actions funded by donors and the
programmes or policies put in place by the governments. In Burkina Faso and Ghana, the
governments have put in place input distribution programmes, which have not received
the anticipated support from donors, despite the exceptional budget support that has
been granted.

Box 7: The EU Food Facility

The EU Food Facility, adopted in December 2008, aims to support agricultural production in
the medium term in those countries worst affected by the food crisis; but it has not yet
delivered on the ground in the three countries studied. In reality, the objectives, modalities
and channels for financing are very different from one country to the next. It should be noted
that even if the agriculture sector in each of the three countries is targeted by the Food
Facility, none of them are a focus sector for the 10th EDF.
In Niger, half of the total country budget (10m of its 19.2m) is allocated to the DNPGCA via
the common donor fund. These funds are therefore directly allocated to food security
interventions and work through a government body, in which financial decisions are taken in
a consensual manner by all signatories to the DNPGCAs framework agreement. However,
due to the current political situation in Niger, the European Commission has temporarily
suspended disbursement of this aid. The other part of the budget is divided between the
FAO, UNICEF (6m) and an invitation to submit proposals by NGOs and EU member
countries international development agencies (3.2m).
In Burkina Faso, 18.1m (or close to 80 per cent of the funding allocated to the country) will
be implemented by the FAOs emergency and rehabilitation programme, mainly for projects
to propagate and distribute seeds so as to ensure an adequate harvest over the coming
seasons. The allocation of this funding has, however, created major tensions with the
government, which feels it has been deprived of its EU funding; although, in June 2008, the

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government adopted an emergency plan for food and nutritional security, which included
distributing seeds and fertilizer.
In Ghana, the 15m that the country should receive under the EU Food Facility will be paid
out in two parts in 2010 and 2011 through the Multi-Donor Budget Support (MDBS), the
general budgetary support mechanism that brings together the 11 donors in Ghana. This
funding is intended to help the Ghanaian government to improve the countrys fiscal situation
following the loss of revenue due to the temporary withdrawal of import taxes for some
essential products. A further 5.9 million will also be put out to tender for proposals from
NGOs and other private or public actors for food security projects.

Even though we have seen a certain return on donor funding in the agricultural and food
sectors in the three countries concerned since 2008, the interventions have mainly
focused on short-term actions to help the most vulnerable populations, to support
government emergency measures or to ensure adequate harvests in the short term.
However, the financial reinvestment announced by donors seems to be on the right
On the other hand, the same can hardly be said for the commitments made by the
international community to improve co-ordination for their investments and to support
national agricultural and food strategies. Most interventions seem to be cut off from
national policies and structures, and emergency interventions are often made to the
detriment of proper donor co-ordination.
The real changes that the international community called for are slow in coming. It is
crucial that they redouble their efforts to make these changes happen now, while future
donor interventions for the agricultural sector are being drafted and ODA priorities for
the coming years are being defined. Without a radical change of direction in the field and
proper co-ordination of donor investments to support national policies and programmes,
the present problems will continue to undermine effective aid for agriculture in the three
countries. It is essential that ODA both supports the most vulnerable populations and
builds up state capacities to respond effectively to the challenges of agricultural
development and food security in years to come.
The recent firm commitment made by donors to support the CAADP in West Africa
offers important opportunities to bring about this change in approach. However, a
certain number of prerequisites must be fulfilled to ensure the success of the process, and
both states and donors must fulfil their responsibilities to ensure coherent programme

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3 Strengthening national policies, a major
challenge for agricultural development

We commit to provide resources whether financial, in-kind or technical assistance in support of

CAADP and other similar regional and national plans in Africa
LAquila Joint Statement on Global Food Security, G8, 10 July 2009

As we have seen, the lack of coordination amongst donors is due in large part to their
intervention methods, project formulation and the urgency with which projects are
implemented in times of food crisis/emergencies. In Niger and Burkina Faso, the lack of
finalised sector-wide policies for food and agriculture highlights the failure of donors to
have a coordinated and harmonized approach to their activities. The Rural Development
Strategies of these two countries are now too huge to allow donors to realign themselves
to national priorities. Fully aware of these shortcomings, Burkina Faso and Niger are
currently developing sector-wide agricultural programmes. Ghanas Food and
Agriculture Development Policy (FASDEP II, August 2007) is currently being reviewed.
The three countries studied in this report are now faced with two parallel processes: the
sector-wide agricultural programmes, initiated at grassroots level currently being
developed in each country; and the national agricultural investment programmes
(PNIAs) which are the national instruments for implementing the ECOWAS agricultural
policy. The success of these two processes is crucial: they will be the practical tools for
aligning the donors and are a way of ensuring their activities are properly coordinated.
Governments must first ensure that these two processes come together into a single
sector-wide agricultural programme for each country. In order to fully involve donors,
States must clearly demonstrate their commitment to implementing these sector-wide
programmes by making the food and agricultural sector a real budget priority.
The work presented in this section is not intended to provide a comprehensive overview
of the processes involved, whose complexity and ramifications cannot be fully reflected
by a field study. It seeks therefore to simply highlight the main points and stakes that are
critical to the future development of the agricultural sectors in the three countries

A. From Project approach to Programme approach

In the three counties, sector-wide agricultural programmes are currently being drafted, a
process that has been ongoing for several years in some cases. They have been initiated
from the grassroots level and driven by the government or a small group of donors. They
are different in different countries, but essentially they have the same objectives: to
define an operational framework for the consistent implementation of the objectives set
out in the Rural Development Strategy (SDR) or in the agricultural policy in the case of
for Ghana.
Both Burkina Faso and Niger both have Rural Development Strategies, which are sector-
wide adaptations of their Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategies. These documents
define the strategic directions developed by the government and are reference
frameworks within which donor interventions should be carried out. However, they do
not necessarily represent operational alignment tools, which could ensure coordinated

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donor actions. In fact, the objectives defined are sufficiently broad that each donor
maintains its own strategy for its own projects, while claiming to be "aligned" on national
To address these constraints, Burkina Faso and Niger have for several years been
developing sector-wide agriculture and rural development programmes. These processes
should lead to the formulation of operational intervention frameworks: programmes
with costed action plans that are linked into long-term budget programming. In Burkina
Faso this is known as the Sector-wide Programme for Productive Rural Development
(PROSDRP) and in Niger as the process for regionalising the Rural Development
In Ghana, the situation is somewhat different, as in 2002 the government developed its
first Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy (FASDEP), which was revised in
2007. This policy, based on the countrys accelerated growth and poverty reduction
strategy, is set out as an operational plan, and the latest version has almost been
finalised. However, the government is still struggling to get donors to financially support
its sector-wide action plan through the implementation of a SWAp (Sector Wide
The development of these sector-wide programmes takes a different form in each
country: from the integrated programme approach developed in Niger, as defined in
the Rural Development Strategy Action Plan (see Box 8) to the SWAp currently being
developed in Ghana. The latter focuses on operational objectives including increasing
productivity in the cereals, livestock and aquaculture sectors, improving food security
and expanding infrastructure (Annex 3).
Nevertheless these processes start from the same basis and pursue the same overall
goals: improving the efficiency of public investment and aligning technical and financial
partners on policies, strategies and procedures.
The Burkina Faso sector-wide productive rural development programme (PROSDRP)
roadmap highlights the existence of a multitude of technical and financial actions that are
not harmonised. In previous years, considerable efforts have been made to ensure that
interventions are part of the countrys national policy and that coordination improves.
However, these efforts were inadequate and impeded national capacity to be fully
deployed to develop and implement their policies." Likewise, the SWAp in the Ghana
agricultural sector aims to "support the Governments efforts to encourage agriculture
led growth; improving harmonisation and alignment amongst donors; facilitating an
efficient and effective use of resources, and ultimately increasing, impact on growth and
poverty reduction.

Box 8: Niger integral programme approach

The Rural Development Strategy action plan, published in 2006, is based on an integrated
programme approach i.e. with 14 programmes (10 structuring and 4 priority) reflecting the
all the rural development Ministries missions. Each programme should have a specific action
plan that defines objectives and precise activities. All donors actions should theoretically be
carried out according to these plans. In order to coordinate donor interventions in each
programme and to ensure the programmes are co-steered, 14 State-donors sector-wide co-
ordination bodies have been established.
Nearly three years after the publication of the Action Plan, less than 5 co-ordination bodies
are actually up and running. Even though the joint review of the Water and Sanitation
Programme conducted for the second year in a row represents the beginnings of a
programme approach, the vast majority of programmes are struggling to materialise yet.
Despite a division of labour exercise which led to the appointment of a donor lead agency
for each programme, the multiplicity of co-ordination forums and the lack of availability or will
of some donors to coordinate their actions slow the process down considerably. Moreover,

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several donors have criticised the existence of too many programmes, which makes the
Rural Development Strategy look like a shopping list where everyone can pick and choose
to fund whatever interests them, without any coordination. As for Ministries and technical
services, some stakeholders fear losing control of funding in the event of donors being
better coordinated and are now reluctant to take part in programme development.
To overcome these obstacles, further the implementation of the rural development strategy
and also to better adapt the programme approach to the current decentralisation context,
some donors are currently pushing for the development of the Rural Development Strategy
to be regionalised by promoting its implementation at a regional level. Producing regional
action plans should help to rank priorities at local level by selecting the priority actions for
each region while ensuring they remain consistent with the programmes developed at
national level. The regional action plans must be the result of concerted programming
between stakeholders: donors, local authorities, decentralised community authorities and
Farmer and Civil Society organisations. The first regional action plans have been developed
in Diffa and Dosso regions.

The gradual shift from the 'project approach' to the 'programme approach' requires a
profound redefinition of the respective roles and interventions of donors, the State and
its technical services, including but also those of Civil Society.
The implementation of a sector-wide programme requires:
Specific skills both within donors and governments. In Ghana, an official from
the Ministry of Food and Agriculture deplored the lack of knowledge amongst
some donors about SWAp principles and implementation. The first step is to
organise joint joint capacity building training for both Ministry technical services
and donors to agree upon the definition of the sector programme, and to clarify
the prerequisites necessary for its implementation. Similarly Ministries
sometimes lack the skills necessary for developing programming, monitoring
and evaluation tools. Therefore preliminary capacity building on developing
sector programmes, monitoring and evaluation tools is needed. Although the
majority of donor interventions include a capacity building component, this is
often geared towards the projects operational needs, and is rarely coordinated
with the actions of other donors. In Niger for example, only a few donors
provide support to the Ministries of rural development in formulating a global
training plan to build State capacities. This initiative should receive systematic
support from other donors.
Specific human and financial investment. The definition of a sector-wide
programme, the drafting of a medium term expenditure framework (MTEF),
using local financial and administrative procedures etc. is a mutual learning
process. It requires donors to devote human and financial resources, and time.
Too often, these are lacking in projects developed by donors, which are focused
on performance targets. We do that in our spare time! laments a representative
of a bilateral agency in Burkina Faso.
The special pace necessary for any learning process and significant flexibility to
redirect interventions as needed. Few donors at country level have much room to
manoeuvre in financial decisions governing the budgets allocated by their
headquarters. The UN agencies we met in the three countries revealed that they
have difficulty subscribing to a programme approach as the way they work
involves the implementation of projects or programmes funded by external
donors, which are difficult to change after they have been approved. Conversely,
the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) in Burkina Faso and
Niger has a high level of decentralised decision-making, giving it the flexibility
necessary to coordinate and align its interventions to national priorities. In
Burkina Faso, for example, the agricultural development support programme

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(PADAB), funded by DANIDA, is one of the only two support programmes for
agricultural sectors to use and strengthen existing co-ordination forums at the
regional level: the Regional Committees for the coordination of agricultural
sector policies and regional chambers of agriculture.
Donors moving away from project implementation towards technical support
and/or support for the implementation of national policies and programmes.
The effective participation of Civil Society in the development of agricultural
policies, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation them and
implementing them is essential. Even though the implementation of sector-wide
programmes should give more weight to the State in policy decisions and in the
overall management of the agricultural policy, it is important that civil society is
strong enough and sufficiently organised to provide an effective counterweight.
At the current time, civil society organisations, especially professional farmers
organisations and womens organisations, are not sufficiently involved (although
they are the first to be affected by the agriculture sectors development). These
organisations often lack the capacity to integrate and significantly influence
decisions collectively. Their participation is often limited to a last-minute
consultation, which reduces their actual weight in final decisions.
Even though the general discourse among donors is favourable to the implementation of
sector-wide programmes in the three countries, in practice there are only few donors
who actually get involved in their implementation. For example,
In Burkina Faso, Denmark, Germany and France form a kind of 'hard core' that
drive the process and initiate concrete actions promoting alignment. These
include support to develop a sector-wide training plan with the Ministries
concerned; technical assistance in the formulation of sector-wide programmes;
strengthening dialogue, decision making, and steering structures at national or
regional levels; and carrying out a joint assessment of national funding channels.
In Niger, it is the European Commission (DCE) and the Luxembourg
(LuxDevelopment) and Danish (DANIDA) international development agencies
that most effectively support the regionalisation process for the Rural
Development Strategy. In the Dosso region, a regional action plan was
developed with support from LuxDevelopment (Box 8). Denmark, for its part,
uses the States financial channels as much as possible to implement its support
for the regionalisation process.
Most donors remain on standby, expressing their readiness to support a common process
and to align with a national programme but not taking any concrete steps to support the
process. Many of them equate "sector programme" to "budget support" and do not hide
their scepticism and fears on the States capacity to manage such a programme.

B. Agricultural Investment Programmes are indispensable

In 2003, African leaders adopted the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development

Programme (CAADP) NEPADs agricultural component - which is a joint framework
for agricultural growth and attainment of food security. The CAADP promotes a return
to massive investment in agriculture but also a fundamental change in approach by
governments and their technical and financial partners. This process currently receives
strong political support from African leaders and the international community as a

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After a period of stagnation, the CAADP is blossoming. In the coming months, 20
African countries, including 15 from ECOWAS, should sign 'partnership pacts' with
donors for investments to achieve an agricultural growth rate of 6% per year. In light of
this, round table talks are being or have been organised in member all countries of the
region on the National Agricultural Investment Programmes (PNIAs). Round tables
provide an opportunity to ensure that the PNIA is properly integrated into the rural
development strategy. Niger is the first of the three countries under study to hold such a
roundtable; Ghana has just held its roundtable and Burkina Faso should follow in the
coming weeks.
The signing of these 'partnership compacts' represents the culmination of a process,
which will lead to the realisation of national agricultural investment programmes
(PNIAs). These PNIAs should become the instruments for the joint implementation of
ECOWAS agricultural policy at the national level. In particular, they should present
specific investment programmes, with precise costed objectives, providing a basis for
coordinating donor interventions in the agricultural sector for the coming years. Even
though they have important unifying potential, the key to their success lies in achieving
an inclusive process during their development and implementation stages in order to
ensure the participation and commitment of all stakeholders. They must also ensure they
are entirely consistent with the sector-wide programmes being drafted so as ultimately
there is single programme.
This process of alignment appears to have been successfully achieved in Ghana, where
the latest version of the Agricultural Sector Plan, prepared in August 2008 should
represent both the culmination of the process initiated in 2007 and that of the PNIA.
In Niger, actors involved in the development of the PNIA have agreed to keep the Rural
Development Strategy as a reference framework for the agricultural investment
programme. Thus the Niger PNIA has become a PNIA/Rural Development Strategy. For
the sake of harmonisation and the effective implementation of the PNIA/Rural
Development Strategy, stakeholders in Niger have gone further by signing a Partnership
Charter between the Niger government and PNIA development partners.
Even though there is still a lot to do, the Charter commits all stakeholders (State, donors,
farmer organisations, NGOs, and private sector) to "a harmonious implementation of the
Rural Development Strategy. It commits donors in particular to promote the
institutional mechanism set up by the Government of Niger at the sector-wide level for
the coordination of aid management. This 'pact' is therefore a solid basis to re-engage
States and donors in the policy dialogue on the countrys agricultural development
With these processes, the donors are facing a double challenge: how to respond in a
coordinated manner to a unique demand from States and how to propose methods and
procedures that, while adhering to the spirit of the Paris Declaration, take into account
commitments made previously to the States. This includes adapting procedures or
implementing common systems that facilitate alignment with choices made by partner
countries. Interventions already financed should also be linked to the investment
programmes being developed in each country.
It will no longer be possible for donors to intervene without referring to the agricultural
investment programmes included in the partnership pacts. The challenge for the donors
is to reconcile the internal constraints related both to their funding conditions and their
own procedures with the opportunities offered by the coordinated mechanisms proposed
by partner countries and other donors.
The PNIAs (National Agricultural Investment Programs) are matched at the regional
level by regional programmes, which are currently being drafted. Even though their final
format is not yet known, these programmes should be the operational framework for the

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ECOWAS regional agricultural policy and ensure links between regional and national
levels. Donors must seize this opportunity to better organise their cooperation at regional
level. Although some donors directly support ECOWAS in implementing its regional
agricultural policy, most have no coordination mechanisms at regional level that would
help provide a good regional vision and ensure consistency in their interventions in the
different countries. The West African market is a single market, even though it is now not
completely effective. It represents a privileged area of integration in which 15 countries
have pledged to create common trade and sector-wide policies. In order to support this
process of integration, it is essential that donors organise themselves at a regional level..

Box 9: Agriculture dependent on trade policies CET and EPA 42

The establishment of national and regional food and agricultural policies is a necessity for
the development of this sector. But efforts undertaken may well be jeopardised by the lack of
favourable trade environment.
ECOWAS protection levels seem to be out of kilter with the levels seen in most economies
competing with West Africa. Analysis shows that protection in Morocco is consistently higher
than that of ECOWAS, regardless of the food products. The gap averages 35 points. The
comparison with the EU shows that, for all major agricultural and agro-industrial products,
European protection is stronger. The gap is, for example, 32 points for cereals, 50 for milk
and milk products, 16 for meats, 31 for sugar, and 8 for tobacco.
Far from stimulating the workers in African agricultural sectors, on the contrary such
competition undermines their efforts to invest and make a proper living from the sale of their
products and satisfy the regional market. The West African agricultural sector competes with
countries that are more developed and are able to subsidise their agriculture, such as the
EU. It is therefore imperative and urgent to strengthen the ECOWAS agriculture policy with
a trade policy that is adapted to the interests of the region and that will meet the expectations
of a production sector, which is still in difficulty due to a hasty liberalisation. Many countries,
foremost among them the United States and Europe, have only developed their agriculture
on the basis of a national or community preference, that is to say by protecting their markets.
They continue to do so by using tools other than border protection measures (standards,
direct support, etc.).
While the regions current ambition in terms of economic development relies primarily on the
growth of the regional market and its supply, it is important to remedy the current lack of
common trade policy by providing the region with clear instruments, the purposes and
operating methods of which are transparent and appropriate to the needs of the region. In
this context, the ECOWAS Common External Tariff (CET) currently being drafted will meet
the growth and development dynamics identified by these sector-wide policies in the region.
However above all, at a time when the Economic Partnership Agreements are being
negotiated with the European Union, the CET must establish a baseline from which all partial
tariff elimination will be done, to be decided within the framework of a liberalisation schedule.
In the absence of an adequate regional trade policy, there is a major risk of annihilating
efforts made to re-launch the productive sectors, starting with the food and agricultural

Although the processes for drafting agricultural investment programmes receive clear
support from the international community, they remain fragile. Their success will
depend on the mobilisation and inclusion of all actors, first and foremost the States
involved in their implementation. But we have seen that the financial recommitment
announced internationally in agriculture and food is still slow to materialise. The
possibility of yet another shift in policy or simply a failure to fully deliver on
expectations is unfortunately still altogether possible. In this context, it is essential that
Niger, Burkina Faso and Ghana - and other West African countries - are mobilised to
devote a larger part of their resources to the development, implementation and funding
of sector-wide agriculture programmes.

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C. Making agriculture a real national budget priority

African Union (AU) Heads of States and Governments committed themselves at the AU
Summit held in Maputo (Mozambique) in 2003 to "urgently implement the
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), planned pilot
projects and the scalable agricultural development plans at national, regional and
continental levels. To this end, [the signatories agree] to adopt sound policies for
agricultural and rural development and within five years to allocate each year at least
10% of national budgets to their implementation .
Compliance with the pledges made in Maputo is more necessary than ever to sustainably
support the commitments made on agricultural and food security policy and effectively
promote the implementation of sector-wide agricultural programmes. This sort of
commitment will give a strong signal to donors on the political will and capacity of States
to invest sustainably in agriculture and food. From this point of view, it is an essential
guarantee to convince donors to support national programmes.
While the proportion of agricultural spending of total public spending represents on
average of 16.3% in Niger (2001-06) and 26.7% in Burkina Faso (1991-2006), compared to
only 8.7% in Ghana (2000 07), a large portion of these expenditures recorded in the
budget are the result of projects implemented by donors in the agricultural sector, as we
saw in the first part of this study.
Thus, as emphasised in a recent study in Burkina Faso, "it seems the spirit of the Maputo
Declaration (...) has not been respected. In 2007, for instance, there was a sharp increase
in investment in agriculture for the Ministry of Agriculture (MHARH) mainly due to a
major increase in external grants made by donors and not because of the increased
investments funded by the State".
Furthermore, (just focussing on investments in the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso
between 2005 and 2008), the proportion financed by the State out of the total budget for
the agricultural sector represents 6.4% for the figure forecasted and 8.1% of the figure
actually spent.
Overall, given the agricultural growth, poverty reduction and food security objectives
that governments have assigned to the rural sector and to agriculture in particular in the
three countries, agriculture and food sectors are still not being given the priority they
should be in national budgets and actual expenditure. If States fail to devote greater
funding to agriculture and food in the coming years, it is likely that current levels of
funding will not be sufficient to bring the donors into line as hoped. More importantly, it
is feared that the objectives of sustained growth, to achieve food and nutritional security
and poverty reduction, will not be met if funding pledged by the donors is not delivered
Following decades of neglect in the agricultural sector by States and the international
community alike, we are seeing a slight comeback by agricultural policies in the three
countries studied. The deteriorating food situation since 2008 caused by soaring prices
has again made States and donors painfully aware that agricultural development
requires delicate guidance, which cannot be left solely to market forces. The strategy of
the last thirty years, marked by the proliferation of targeted interventions geared towards
short-term needs, has shown its limits. All the actors, States as well as donors, are aware
that there is no substitute for coordinated and coherent food and agricultural policies.
However, major challenges still remain in all three countries. After decades of structural
adjustment, which reduced the capacity of government intervention, States must build
the capacities and resources necessary for the development and implementation of real
sector-wide programmes. The donors must be thoroughly reorganised, change their

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intervention strategies and be able to coordinate their actions to provide effective support
to governments, despite their very different views, procedures and methods.
Moreover, the multitude of projects must be not replaced by a variety of programmes
and national strategies. It is essential that States and donors work together to ensure
consistency between the current initiatives and join forces to implement a single
agricultural policy. Finally it is essential that this coherence is also sought in the trade
policies implemented at national and regional levels, without which it will be difficult to
build any real development for food and agriculture.

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4 Conclusion

The sharp rise in prices in early 2008 caused a marked deterioration in West African
populations nutrition levels. This crisis situation and the ensuing protests against high
prices was a painful wake up call for the international community: for too long,
agriculture has been a forgotten area by both aid for agriculture and by public policies in
southern countries.
In West Africa in general and in the three countries in particular, the reactions of donors,
as well as States and ECOWAS, give cause for hope. Indeed they combine a renewed
financial investment in food and agriculture and a return to agricultural policies, both
regionally and nationally. They have the potential to sustainably reduce hunger and
ensure agricultural development in the long term.
The donors present in the countries are currently shifting the focus of their interventions
to restore the central role food and agriculture plays in the fight against poverty.
Although insufficiently coordinated, agriculture and food security are now at the heart of
discussions being led by regional States and major new initiatives are being developed.
As for countries and ECOWAS, this crisis has brought to the fore the need for a rapid
implementation of ambitious food and agricultural policies to get a coherent
understanding of sector development and to effectively coordinate donor activities in
seeking common goals. It is the whole purpose of ECOWAS regional agricultural policy
and its operational components - the Regional and National Agricultural Investment
Programmes (PRIAs and PNIAs).
But the technical, political and financial challenges are enormous.
The development of coherent food and agricultural policies requires effective
coordination, while ensuring stakeholders take an active role. It is crucial to ensure
coherence between different policies or programmes, including the PNIAs promoted by
ECOWAS, with the existing sector programmes, but also with emergency programmes
developed in response to rising food prices, in order to ensure a clear policy direction for
all stakeholders.
As for the donors, it is now not possible for them to intervene outside the agricultural
sector programmes being developed by States and the region. Therefore, they must now
adapt their procedures and intervention strategies to facilitate and strengthen their
alignment with the choices made by partner countries. They must also link already
funded interventions and special initiatives developed in response to the food crisis to
national priorities and programmes currently being developed. They can no longer fail to
coordinate their activities.
By combining this financial reinvestment and a true political drive in their countries,
governments and donors now have the means to invest in policies that will put an end to
a vicious cycle that has lasted too long, and whose first victims are the people
themselves. Significant progress is already visible in the three countries and this should
encourage donors to go further in acting efficiently and building and strengthening State
capacities. However, if the different actors break the rules and continue to focus on their
own interests and individual practices, this will lead to great disappointment.
Governments and donors should not miss this opportunity: they will be solely
responsible for this failure.

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5 Recommendations

For donors

Donors pledged to respond to the sharp rise in food prices in the 3 countries studied,
giving real opportunities to support agricultural development and food security.
However, to achieve this, it is crucial that the donors radically change their approach
I/ Invest effectively in the development and implementation of sector-wide
Donor coordination must be built around common guidelines that reflect government
priorities and help to build a coherent sector policy for the country. For this it will be
necessary to:
1. Systematically ensure interventions are in line with government (or local
level) sector-wide policies. Donors should integrate already funded
interventions and future interventions into the sector-wide programmes
currently being developed and support national priorities and procedures;
2. Fully support the PNIA alignment and ongoing processes while ensuring
strong links between interventions in the different countries of the region and at
the regional level;
3. Decentralise decision-making process to regional and country levels so as to
have adequate flexibility in decision making and funding and align their
interventions with national priorities. Decentralisation' has to be accompanied
by clear guidelines to support governments in the development, implementation
and monitoring of the sector-wide policy. Donors should be better organised at
the regional level to ensure effective cooperation with ECOWAS.
4. Systematically strengthen local capacity building at all intervention levels
(central, decentralised and devolved technical departments). Donors should
support the development and implementation of a training plan with the
government sector and also provide capacity building for local civil society,
particularly farmers' organisations.
II/ Use and strengthen existing bodies and procedures and support the work of
existing agriculture actors
For this it will be necessary to:
1. Find a way of systematically using existing dialogue or programming bodies.
These frameworks should be practical tools to align donors. Where they do not
exist or are inadequate, the donors should support actors, together with the
relevant authorities, in creating or strengthening permanent tools, that are
consistent with national priorities;
2. Seek to use existing procedures. When implementing projects: avoid the
creation of project management units; promote systematic participation by State
representatives in the steering committee; use State benchmarks and government
procedures including national procurement systems, and work to strengthen
them if they are deficient, with a transitional period and clearly defined

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3. Support the ongoing decentralisation and devolution process by empowering
local authorities in planning, monitoring, and managing project funds, if

III/ Moving from the discussion stage to real coordination of interventions

The three countries have dialogue bodies that are a forum for information exchange, but
at present fail to coordinate interventions. It will be necessary to:
1. Promote the creation or strengthen subsector, thematic or regional bodies and
ensure effective participation by donors in order to move towards harmonising
field practices in a specific area of intervention;
2. Ensure strong links between the different coordination bodies on rural
development, agriculture, food security, crisis prevention, nutrition, etc.;
3. Integrate all stakeholders into programming and coordination bodies. It is
essential to ensure and support civil societys participation, including farmers'
4. Facilitate programming and joint State-donor reviews of sector and sub-sector
interventions to ensure a common understanding of constraints and
opportunities and agree on strategies, practices and concrete actions to be
implemented, while enhancing transparency.
IV/ Transform financial pledges made at international level into additional long-term,
predictable funding to strengthen ongoing national and regional processes
Donors should:
1. Better align their funding procedures to that of the State and better harmonise
them between donors to reduce the governments management burden for the
different mechanisms, schedules, reporting procedures, indicators, assessments,
and assignments;
2. Promote direct support to country budgets, coupled with specific technical
support to strengthen national public financial management systems. When
budget supports are not achievable, donors should promote the use of a national
financial system, for example through the creation of a secure account whose
funds pass through the States financial channels;
3. Promote funding over longer periods of 3 to 5 years to increase predictability
and transparency. It would also be better to align disbursement to national
budgetary schedules to facilitate integration into national accounts and reduce
related costs;
4. Provide significant and long-term funding to strengthen local civil society,
particularly producer organisations. These funds should also specifically
strengthen women's organisations and activities promoting their rights.

For governments
The deteriorating food situation since 2008 brought to the fore the need to develop and
implement food and agricultural policies. It is essential that the three governments seize
this opportunity to ensure better coordination of donors around national and regional
policies. For this, governments should:

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I/ Ensure active leadership in the development and implementation of sector-wide
agricultural and food security policies and programmes
1. Introduce global food and agricultural policies that ensure consistent
interventions by all stakeholders over time as well as providing the necessary
environment (trade and budgetary policy) for their creation. These policies
should ensure food security for all and pay particular attention to small
2. Ensure the alignment of national agricultural investment programmes (PNIA)
and previous processes with current regional processes;
3. Work on implementing a regional trade policy that ensures the development
of the agricultural sector at regional and national levels:
a. By ensuring the implementation of a Common External Tariff that
offers an adequate level of regional protection to allow the agricultural
sector to develop;
b. By ensuring that the Economic Partnership Agreements are negotiated
so as to favour the development of the food and agriculture sectors
4. Provide a truly inclusive, unifying and empowering process. All stakeholders,
especially producers' organisations should be included in the development,
implementation and monitoring phases of sector-wide programmes. Producers
organisations will have to be cosignatories of the agricultural policies that are

II/ Ensure effective leadership in coordinating donor interventions

1. By playing a leading role in sector frameworks to achieve greater intervention
coordination. Governments should ensure a high level of representation within
the sector consultation bodies to ensure their political vision is represented;
2. Develop practical tools for alignment (procedures manuals, etc.) and set
specific commitments for donors in the sub-sectors;
3. Ensure agreement and cohesion among the different Ministries and technical
departments involved in developing the rural sector, particularly in their
relations with donors.

III/ Making agriculture and food security main budget priorities

1. Devote at least 10% of national budgets to implement agricultural and food
security policies. More specifically:
a. Devote a significant share of State owned resources to achieve this goal;
b. Devote a significant share of these funds to productive investment
c. Devote at least 50% of national budgets destined for agriculture to
supporting small family run farms

2. Ensure greater transparency for national budgets so that the proportion

allocated to supporting the food and agricultural sector can be properly
evaluated, especially in terms of supporting small-scale farmers.

39, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009
3. Support capacity building for producers organisations and womens
organisations, including institutional strengthening and capacity building for
formulating and monitoring agricultural policies.

Civil society organisations and NGOs

I/ Investing in bodies focusing on coordination, decision making and agricultural and

food security policy development. Farmers' organisations in particular need to increase
their presence in these frameworks, based on their field knowledge.

II/ Insist and ensure that aid from international NGOs is held up to the same quality
standards. In particular:
By respecting priorities expressed by people living in poverty;
By gathering sufficient background knowledge to ensure the relevance of its actions
at social, cultural, economic, and political levels;
By adapting their interventions to national and local policy options and in
coordination with other actors at local, national and regional levels according to
their sphere of intervention;
By assuming their responsibilities towards beneficiaries and their partner
By respecting the fact that citizens, local civil society and governments in developing
countries are the primary development actors - not international NGOs;
By ensuring that commitments and long-term funding are predictable and disbursed
on time;
By harmonising their practices and procedures with other donors to minimise aid
related costs and avoid duplicated interventions, while ensuring there is some
diversity in approaches. This is particularly crucial for their relationship with
partner organisations;
By maintaining transparency towards third parties by publishing their internal
governance procedures, taking part in international initiatives aimed at greater
transparency, and respecting their abilities and limitations;
And by respecting serious assessment procedures, integrating all the involved
persons and disseminating lessons learned to inform other actors.

Oxfam works with other international NGOs to ensure that support is provided in this

40, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009

Summary of the main financial pledges made for agriculture and food security since the
end of 2007
Pledges from International Summits: 43 billion $
On 3-5 June 2008, during the FAO summit organised in Rome, the United Nations
agencies working on food and agriculture, 43 Heads of State and 181 countries
announced their renewed commitment to the sectors of agriculture and food security.
Close to 6 billion dollars were pledged during this summit and FAO estimated that
shortly after the summit 22 billion dollars were pledged as a result of the summit. In
January 2009, it lamented the fact that less that 10% of this sum (2.1 billion dollars)
had in fact been paid out, mainly for emergency activities.
In the Declaration on global food security made at the G8 in July 2008, the G8
leaders stated that since the beginning of the year they had dedicated over 10 billion
dollars to deal with the effects of the crisis, through food security measures and to
increase agricultural production in the countries affected. They did not announce
any new financial measures for the countries worst affected.
In January 2009, the Madrid summit on Food Security for all provided Spain with
an opportunity to announce a new investment of 1 billion over 5 years for food
security and agriculture.
Finally during the G8 summit in LAquila, Italy, in July 2009 the G8 leaders, under
the aegis of the American President, Obama, announced 20 billion dollars to improve
global food security. Details to be announced by donor countries.
Recommitment from international institutions:
In December 2007, the FAO launched its Initiative on soaring food prices (ISFP) with
a budget of 109 million $ (of which 36 million are from TCP resources and 73 million
from donor countries). Since June 2008, FAO estimates it has received 22 billion in
promised funding.
In April 2008, IFAD announced it was making 200 million $ available (non-
additional) to support agricultural production by poor farmers and the 8th
replenishment of IFADs resources in 2008 saw an increase in resources of 1.2 billion
WFP announced it had spent 5.1 billion $ in 2008 and the 2008-2009 work
programme, initially estimated at 5.8 billion was revised up to 11.8 billion $ (5.8 for
2008 and 6 billion for 2009) to be presented to the board in June 2009.
In May 2008 the World Bank (WB) launched a Global Food Response Programme
(GFRP) with an initial figure of 1.2 billion $, raised to 2 billion $ in April 2009. This
fund aims to finance interventions in 36 priority countries. Furthermore, the WB
announced its intention to increase the global level of its loans to the agricultural
sector, taking it up from 4 billion to 12 billion $ by 2010, and tripling its investment in
security safety nets and other social protection programmes for food security,
bringing it to 12 billion $ over the next 2 years. The WB has also increased its
investment in agro-business via IFC and received extra funding from Australia,
Russia, the European Commission (Food Facility) as well as extra contributions from
In May 2008 the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) announced a credit line of
500 million $ allocated to the food crisis and 20 million $ reserved from its Social

41, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009
In May, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced 500 million $ (non
additional) in immediate budget support for 7 countries and the Pacific region, and a
redoubling of its aid to agriculture in 2009, bringing it to over 2 billion $.
In June 2008, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) announced 1.5 billion $ of loans
and gifts to support 25 countries over 5 years, under the Islamic Solidarity Fund for
The African development Bank (ADB) launched the Africa food crisis response
initiative (AFCRI) in July 2008 which should mobilise 496.57 million UA in the short
term (745 million $) and 1.4 billion UA (2.1 billion $) in the medium and long term.
On 18th December 2008, the European Parliament and Council adopted the creation
of an exceptional Food Facility with a figure of 1 billion , designated for 50 countries
and spread over 3 years, mainly channelled through international organisations (the
UN and IFI) and NGOs. This facility is in addition to the 800 million allocated by
the EU to improve harvests in 2008-2009.
In June 2008 the IMF announced political and budgetary assistance for 4 countries in
difficulties; it also granted concessional loans under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) to 8 countries for a total of 750 million $; and revised access
conditions for the Exogenous Shocks Facility which resulted in 155 million $ of
support for three countries.
Some bilateral
The United States remains the biggest food donor for 2008-2009 with over 5.5 billion
$ over 2 years of which 4.75 billion passes through USAID.
In April 2008 the United Kingdom announced an assistance package of 455 million
(WFP, agricultural research and finding for Ethiopia) and DFID allocated over 240
million $ a year to increase agricultural production in developing countries and 70
million $ to reduce transport costs in Africa.
Other donors:
The Gates Foundation announced in May 2008 that it would allocate 17.6 million in
aid as part of its Emergency Relief Initiative in 12 countries via WFP and American
NGOs. In February 2009, the Foundation sealed two partnerships, representing 48
million $, targeting cashew and cocoa growers in sub-Saharan Africa. The FAO
received 5.6 million over 2 years to improve information systems in 17 sub-Saharan
countries and collaborated with the Foundation on two other donations of 164.5
million $ over 5 years (AGRA) and 26.8 million $ over 3 years for a research project.

Sources: internal memo from the French permanent representative to the United Nations agencies
for food and agriculture in Rome (FAO, WFP, IFAD).

42, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009


Rural development / Agriculture Food security / Food crisis

management / Nutrition

State-donor parity Donor dialogue State-donor parity Donor dialogue

frameworks bodies frameworks bodies

Niger > State-donor > Informal meetings > Consultation body for > Sector-wide
dialogue body on between donors and the prevention and dialogue forums on
rural development the rural development management of food emergency and
lead crises * rehabilitation agro-
> Sub-sector-wide pastoral interventions
consultation bodies lead by FAO
(only 4 to 6 bodies of
the 14 are up and > Thematic UN inter-
running) agency coordination
group for rural
> regional development and
consultation bodies food security.
(only 2 or 3 are up
and running)

Burkin > the national > consultation body for > national food security > Humanitarian
a Faso consultation body for rural development committee (CNSA) and coordination
rural development (CCDR) its technical committee meetings set up by
partners (CNCPDR) OCHA and
> Reflection and coordinated by WFP:
monitoring committee brings together UN
for the cereal and food agencies, NGOs and
security policy some donors
(CRSPC), within

> national consultation

council on nutrition

Ghana > MoFA-DPs policy > Development

dialogue forum Partners Sector Group

> Thematic groups

(Policy; Financial

Human Resources)
This dialogue body is in fact programme framework 9 of the rural development strategy: Reducing household
vulnerability but has the specific role of drafting a charter (framework agreement) and is directly under the
Primature and not under the central Ministries for the rural sector.

43, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009

Process for drafting sector-wide investment policies and programmes in the three

Niger Burkina Faso Ghana

Programme approach set out Sector-wide productive rural Sector Wide Approach in
in the SDR action plan (2006) development programme Agriculture (AgSWAp)
and the ongoing process to (PROSDRP)
regionalise the SDR
Road map for PROSDRP
adopted in 2007; ongoing Process initiated in 2006; road
process. map being validated between
donors and the State

An integral programme A programme approach A programme approach

approach centred on investments centred on investments

It reflects all the rural The PROSDRP is one of the AgSWAp was conceived as
development Ministries tools for putting into operation an operational tool for
missions in its programmes, the SDR, in synergy with other implementing FASDEPII
linked to precise objectives national programmes linked to (Food and Agriculture
and activities. rural development. Development Policy) adopted
in 2007.

The SDR action plan defines It is based on investment

14 programmes (10 programmes by the three rural
structuring and 4 priority) into development Ministries and
which should fit all TFP should define a joint
actions. Each programme programming and budget
should receive joint framework as well as common
intervention programming. monitoring and evaluation
which the different
stakeholders should then
subscribe to.

Regionalising the SDR should A regionalisation process for Sustainable Development

make used of the programme SDR activities is underway Initiative for Northern Ghana
approach at the different and should give rise to 13 (NDI): the document is still
regional levels in Niger, so regional specialisation being drafted.
that priorities can be ranked at programmes (PROSPER)
regional level, selecting drawing together all the
priority actions for each available resources for each
region. region.

44, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009

Burkina Faso

Gouvernement de Burkina Faso (Janvier 2004) Cadre stratgique de lutte contre

la pauvret.
Gouvernement de Burkina Faso (Novembre 2003) Document de stratgie de
dveloppement rural lhorizon 2015.
Gouvernement de Burkina Faso (Juillet 2004) Plan daction systme
dinformation sur la scurit alimentaire.
Gouvernement de Burkina Faso (Juin 2008) Plan durgence pour la ralisation de
la scurit alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Burkina Faso.
OCDE (2008) : Enqute 2008 de suivi de la mise en uvre de la Dclaration de
Paris : Rendre laide plus efficace dici 2010, Burkina Faso.
Rainer Schweers (March 2005), GDPRD Working Paper: Assessment Study on
Harmonisation and Alignment in Rural Development, The case of Burkina Faso.
GDPRD (mars 2005) Working Paper: Assessment Study on Harmonisation and
Alignment in Rural Development in four Pilot Countries Nicaragua, Burkina
Faso, Tanzania and Cambodia.
HLTF, Coordination de lEquipe Spciale de Haut Niveau du Secrtaire Gnral
des Nations Unies sur la Crise Mondiale de la Scurit Alimentaire (18-26 mai
2009): Burkina Faso, Rapport de visite pays.
Coopration pour le dveloppement (2007): Etat de mise en uvre de la
dclaration de paris au Burkina Faso, Rapport.
Secrtariat permanent des ONG du Burkina Faso (SPONG) (Septembre 2008):
Etat des lieux de laide publique au dveloppement au Burkina Faso.
Lucca F. et Raffinot M (2007), Aide budgtaire : le cas du Burkina Faso, Afrique
contemporaine 2007/3-4, N 223, p.193-218.
CILLS, CSAO (Avril 2008) : Profil scurit alimentaire Burkina Faso.


National Development Planning Commission (November 2005) Growth and

Poverty Reduction Strategy (2006 2009).
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (August 2007) Food and Agriculture Sector
Development Policy (FASDEP II).
Ghana Joint Assistance Strategy (G-JAS) Commitments by partners to work
toward GPRS II goals and harmonization principles (27 February 2007).
Framework memorandum between the Government of Ghana and the
Development partners Multi-Donor Budgetary Programme (19 May 2008).
OECD (2008) Survey on monitoring the Paris Declaration: Making aid more
effective, Ghana.

45, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009

Gouvernement du Niger (Octobre 2007) Stratgie de dveloppement acclr et

de rduction de la pauvret 2008-2012.
Gouvernement du Niger (2003) Stratgie de dveloppement rural. Le secteur
rural, principal moteur de la croissance Economique.
Gouvernement du Niger (Novembre 2006) Plan daction de la Stratgie de
dveloppement rural.
Accord-cadre entre lEtat du Niger et les donateurs relatif au renforcement du
Dispositif National de prvention et de gestion des crises alimentaires (2005).
CILLS, CSAO (Avril 2008) Profil scurit alimentaire, Niger.
OCDE (2008) : Enqute 2008 de suivi de la mise en uvre de la Dclaration de
Paris : Rendre laide plus efficace dici 2010, Niger.

46, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009


2 The report deals with agriculture as a whole, encompassing all the sub-sectors of livestock farming, fishing and
aquiculture, forestry and mainstream agriculture. For simplicity, the term agriculture or the agricultural sector will be
used throughout the document.


4 Oxfam International and Save the Children (2008) Rising food prices in the Sahel: The urgency of long-term action, (last accessed October 2009).

5 The Rome Summit in June 2008 (the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: The Challenges of Climate
Change and Bioenergy); the G8 Summit in Hokkaido in July 2008; the Madrid Food Summit in January 2009; and the G8
Summit in LAquila in July 2009.

6 Internal FAO-WFP note Food Security and Humanitarian Implications, September 2009.

7 FEWS NET Food security alert, 8 September 2009,

8 ECOWAS, 2004.

9 See the strategic frameworks for growth and combating poverty.

10 Nigerien Ministry of Agriculture: 2008 Budget for the rural sector, p. 3

11 Ghana: 2008 MoFAs Annual Financial Report ; 2009 MoFAs financial report for the first quarter.

12 Burkina Faso: interview with a chief MAHRD official, June 2009.

13 These were respectively 24 donors and 69 projects included in the 2007 budget, and 22 donors and 55 projects in the
2006 budget. See budgets 20062008.

14 Refer to the regional action plan, Diffa Region, initial draft, June 2009.

Burkina Faso : reference to decree MAHRH-MEF, 2009 ; Ghana : Agriculture sector plan 2009-2015.
16 Projects registered in the sectors Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry according to the OECD classification. These 131
projects include some food security projects but not all, some are classified under Humanitarian Aid. However, livestock
farming projects are not included in this agriculture sector. Source : Coopration pour le dveloppement : Etat de mise en
uvre de la dclaration de paris au Burkina Faso, Rapport 2007, pp. 119163.

17 Ibid, p. 66.

18 Joint study by the Ministries of Agriculture (MHARH) and Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF).

19 For more details on comparing project aid effectiveness and budgetary aid, see F. de Lucca and M. Raffinot
(2007) Aide budgtaire : le cas du Burkina Faso, Afrique contemporaine n 223, pp. 193218.

20 Calculations based on a compilation of project files carried out in mid-2006 by the Niger government based on
information passed on by technical and financial partners.

21 In Niger, the annual expenditure review consists of adding together the disbursements made by the different projects and
redistributing them by theme in the budget.

47, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009
22 See Prise en compte du CDMT 20072009 du secteur rural dans la Loi de Finance 2007, Secrtariat excutif du
Comit interministriel de pilotage de la Stratgie de dveloppement rural (SE/SDR), Niger.

23 De Lucca and Raffinot op. cit.

24 2008 monitoring survey on the implementation of the Paris Declaration in Burkina Faso, OECD.

25 De Lucca and Raffinot op. cit.

26 Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy, version revised in August 2007.

27 The 1st DPO (2008) was for an amount of $25m, $15m being destined for each of the two subsequent phases (2009 and
2010). To support the Ghanaian governments measures aimed at dealing with the price increases for food products and the
relaunch of agricultural production, the World Bank delivered $25m in 2009 and has undertaken to provide $25m again in
2010 instead of the $15m initially planned.

28 Interview with a head of bilateral aid, Niger, June 2009.

29 20092015 Agriculture Sector Plan, Ghana.

30 Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) (2005),Working Paper: Assessment Study on Harmonisation
and Alignment in Rural Development The case of Burkina Faso, p.4.

31 Including the select dialogue committee of the DPNGCA, which played a major role in the 2005 food crisis in Niger.

32 Our action will be characterized by a comprehensive approach to food security, effective coordination, support for
country-owned processes and plans as well as by the use of multilateral institutions whenever appropriate. Delivering on
our commitments in a timely and reliable manner, mutual accountability and a sound policy environment are key to this
effort. LAquila Joint Statement on Global Food Security, LAquila Food Security Initiative (AFSI).

33 Burkina Faso, country visit report, 1826 May 2009, the Secretary-Generals High-Level Task Force on the Global Food
Security Crisis.

34 Calculated on the basis of 2008 average exchange rate

35 Calculated on the basis of 2008 average exchange rate

36 In a letter to the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso from donors working on food security and the issue of increasing costs
of living in 2008, dated 5 November, the donors differentiated the aid that they have provided for food security, to the tune
of 24.1bn CFA francs, and support to rising living costs represents 20bn CFA francs.

37 Calculated on the basis of 2008 average exchange rate

38 Walta Info (2009) Ghana, Japan sign food aid agreement, Press release, 22 April: (last accessed October 2009).

39 For project implementation, the FAO has a Technical Cooperation Programme tool that allows it to intervene in the
areas of agriculture, fishing and forestry ( For interventions of a greater scale, the FAO creates
programmes with the governments which it then submits for funding to the donors.

40 The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is one of the three specialist United Nations agencies for
agriculture and food, together with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP).

41 World Food Programme, Purchase for Progress: (last accessed October 2009).

42 Extract from a working paper on reforming the ECOWAS common external tariff (CET), ROPPA (Network of Farmers
and Agricultural Producers Organisations of West Africa), with support from Oxfam International, 16 January 2008, p.17.

48, Turning Promises into Realities on the Ground,

Oxfam International Research Report, November 2009
The author would like to thanks the following people: Harouna Abarchi (AREN),
Eric Ouedraogo (CPF), David Amoah (FONG), Sonia Goicoechea (Intermon
Oxfam) ; Etienne Du Vachat (Oxfam Novib), Issaka Ouandaogo (Intermon Oxfam),
Imma de Miguel (Intermon Oxfam), Mahamadou Alfari Maiga (Oxfam
International), Eric Hazard (Oxfam International), and the whole of the Oxfam
International West African team.
The author also thanks all those who have made available to be interviewed, share
their analysis and opinions before, during and after the field mission in Niger,
Burkina Faso and Ghana.
This document is the product of collaboration between Oxfam International, the
Confdration Paysanne of Burkina Faso (CPF) and the Plateforme Paysanne of
Niger (PFPN). Together these organisations have researched and analysed the
information found in this paper. However, any errors in the document are entirely
the responsibility of the authors.

Oxfam International November 2009

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development and humanitarian policy issues.
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