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Parashat Emor 17 Iyar 5777 May 13, 2017 Vol. 26 No. 28

be more relevant to Parashat Emor, which begins with laws
Charity for Hashem that should be directly relevant to the deaths of Aharons
by Rabbi Ezra Weiner sons. The first topic in Emor is the Halachot that describe
what Kohanim, like Aharon, can and cannot do after the
Rashi notes a difficulty in the Parashat Moadim, the section deaths of family members, like the deceased Nadav and
in Parashat Emor that deals with the holidays. In between the Avihu, Aharons sons.
discussion of the laws of the Korbanot of Shavuot and Rosh God tells Moshe to tell the sons of Aharon that a
HaShanah, there is a Pasuk that reviews the laws of gifts to the Kohein cannot make himself Tamei, impure, by touching a
poor, the Matnot Aniyim. These gifts include Leket, Shichecha, dead body for any reason, except upon the death of a
and Peiah, which everyone is obligated to give from his field. member of his immediate family: his parents, children, or
However, we are already familiar with Matnot Aniyim from siblings (21:2). But even for the death of one of these family
last weeks Parasha, Kedoshim, where the Torah commands us, members, he may not shave any part of his head or beard,
UVeKutzrechem Et Ketzir Artzechem Lo Techaleh Peat Sadecha and he may not cut himself in grief (21:5).
LiKtzor VeLeket Ketzirecha Lo Telakeit, And when you reap the The Kohein Gadol faces different, more stringent
harvest of your land, you shall not reap the corner of your field restrictions upon the death of an immediate family member.
or gather the gleaning of your harvest (VaYikra 19:9). What He is never allowed to touch a dead body, 1 not even those of
message is the Torah teaching by restating this Pasuk while his beloved parents (21:11). Contrary to a regular Kohein, he
dealing with the Korbanot of the holidays? is forbidden to grow out his hair, and he may not tear his
The Midrash Torat Kohanim (op. cit.) presents an clothing (21:10). And he may not leave the Mishkan to
answer in the name of Rav Avdimi ben Rav Yosef, who says mourn; he must stay and continue the holy Avodah (21:12).
that this Pasuk teaches us that anyone who properly gives As alluded to above, Sefer VaYikra contains the perfect
Leket, Shichecha, and Peiah to the poor is considered as if he story in which we should be able to see these Halachot in
had built the Beit HaMikdash and offered Korbanot within it. action. Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, die while
Maharal wonders why this blessing is reserved for one who bringing an unwanted Korban to Hashem (10:1-2).
performs the Mitzvot of Leket, Shichecha, and Peiah and not for According to the Halachah mentioned here, Aharon, as
one who gives Tzedakah regularly as discussed in Parashat Kohein Gadol, should be required to continue the usual
Reeh. Why do Chazal make this comparison only in regards to Avodah and should be barred from growing out his hair or
Matnot Aniyim? tearing his clothing. However, his remaining sons, Elazar
Maharal explains that as long as one gives Tzedakah as and Itamar, are just regular Kohanim, and should therefore
a response to the plight of the poor, he isnt giving because he be allowed to touch, bury, and mourn for their dead
wishes to fulfill the will of Hashem. Our performance of brothers. They should also be required to grow out their hair
Mitzvot is governed by the principle of Gadol HaMetzuvah and beards.
VeOseh MiMi SheAino Metzuveh VeOseh, One who And indeed, Moshes instructions to Aharon follow
performs Mitzvot because he is commanded to is greater than these Halachot precisely. Moshe instructs Aharon to do
one who performs them when he is not commanded to exactly what we would expect of a Kohein Gadol: not to
(Kiddushin 31a). Matnot Aniyim, on the other hand, are not grow out his hair or tear his clothes (10:6) and to remain in
given in response to any pleas, but rather are left for the poor to the Mishkan (10:7) to do the Avodah.
collect. Therefore, this charity is done solely because it is But peculiarly, Moshe also gives Elazar and Itamar the
Hashems will. Farmers dont necessarily see the poor, and exact same instructions as Aharon; they are also forbidden to
therefore leave their gifts because Hashem commanded them to mourn. So instead of burying their dead brothers, they
do so, and not because they feel compelled to help someone in watch helplessly as their cousins2 drag Nadavs and Avihus
need. Unlike regular Tzedakah, Matnot Aniyim are completely bodies by their tunics all the way from the Mishkan to the
altruistic in nature, and therefore one who fulfills Matnot edge of the camp (10:4-5).
Aniyim specifically is likened to one who has offered a Korban Why are Elazar and Itamar assigned the Halachot of the
to Hashem. Kohein Gadol with regard to the deaths of Nadav and
It is surely a great Mitzvah to give Tzedakah when Avihu?
requested to do so. But it is even greater to give it unsolicited Rashbam (VaYikra 10:6-7 s.v. Rosheichem Al Tifrau)
out of desire to fulfill Hashems will. By engaging all forms of answers this question. He points out that the reason stated
Tzedakah, we can help speed the rebuilding of the Beit by the Torah in Parashat Emor as to why the Kohein Gadol
HaMikdash and the reinstitution of Korbanot. is barred from mourning is that the Kohein Gadol has been
sanctified with Gods anointing oil (10:7). Putting the puzzle
pieces together, Rashbam concludes that Elazar and Itamar
The Vital Importance of Seemingly Irrelevant take on the Halachot of the Kohein Gadol with regard to
Halachot dead relatives and thus are commanded to stay in the
by Tani Greengart (18)
The words VaYedabeir Hashem El Moshe Acharei Mot Shnei Technically, the Kohein Gadol is almost never allowed to touch a
Bnei Aharon, God spoke to Moshe after the deaths of dead body; if the Kohein Gadol comes across a Meit Mitzva, a dead
Aharons two sons (VaYikra 16:1) mark the beginning of body lying in a field, and there is nobody else to bury it, the Kohein
Parashat Acharei Mot that we read last week, but they might Gadol
is required to bury the body, becoming Tamei in the process.
First cousins once removed, to be exact.
Mishkan because they, like their father, were anointed which provide that all dogs and cats in the city must be
with oil at their inauguration as Kohanim (8:30). spayed or neutered, with certain exceptions.7
We now understand why Aharons sons are In this article, I will analyze the issues involved in
O required to observe the Halachot of the Kohein Gadol.
But this brings up a second question--if they are
spay/neuter in Jewish law.

L considered like the Kohein Gadol, why does Moshe

bother telling them, HaKohanim, Bnei Aharon, the
II. Processes of Sterilization
Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures
Kohanim, [Elazar and Itamar,] the sons of Aharon performed by veterinarians that render animals incapable of
(21:1), when the Halachot are not applicable to them? breeding by removing their reproductive organs. 8 When a
female dog is spayed (also called an ovariohysterectomy),
Perhaps a comment of the Gemara (Yevamot 114a)
can explain this difficulty. The Gemara notes that the the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are removed. 9
first Pasuk of Emor contains a seemingly superfluous Neutering commonly refers to the castration of males and
O phrase: VaYomer Hashem El Moshe, Emor El HaKohanim
Bnei Aharon, VeAmarta Aleihem LeNefesh Lo Yitama
the complete removal of their testicles.10
According to Dr. Elizabeth Lynch, the way these
R BeAmav, God said to Moshe, Speak to the Kohanim,
the sons of Aharon, and tell them that they may not
surgeries are generally carried out is as follows 11: female
animals have an incision made just below the belly button

A become impure for his relatives (21:1). The Gemara into the abdomen.12 The reproductive tract, both ovaries,
explains that the words VeAmarta Aleihem, which and the uterus are completely removed through this
appeared at first to be redundant, actually teach a vital incision.13 Then the incision is closed with two layers of
H lesson: Emor VeAmarta--Lehazhir Gedolim
HaKetanim, [the purpose of both words] Emor and
Al stitches under the skin that will dissolve and be absorbed by
the animals body over time.14 The skin is then closed with
VeAmarta is for adults to warn their children about either skin glue, skin staples, or stitches. 15
the dangers of Tumah. The children of Kohanim must Male dogs have an incision made in the skin at the base
P be ingrained from a young age by their parents with the
ideas that their purity is incredibly important and that
of the penis nearest to the scrotum.16 Both testicles are
removed through this incision.17 The incision is closed with

they must be incredibly careful around transmitters of stitches under the skin that will dissolve and be absorbed by
impurity. the body over time.18 The skin is closed with skin glue, skin
Parashat Emor teaches us the obligation of parents staples, or stitches.19 Male cats have an incision made in the
R to edcuate their children. Elazar and Itamar, having
been anointed with oil, just as their father was, followed
skin of the scrotum, and the testicles are removed. 20 The
incision is not sealed, but closes on its own with time.21
A the laws of Tumah that normally applied only to the
Kohein Gadol. Even though the laws of Tumah for
In addition, there is a newer, non-invasive and non-
surgical process of sterilizing male dogs referred to as

S ordinary Kohanim did not apply to Elazar and Itamar,

they were nevertheless taught the Halachot in order to
zeutering. In this process, Zeuterin, a zinc-gluconate
solution, is injected directly into a dogs testicles. 22 This
injection destroys all the sperm in the seminiferous tubules
relay them to their children. If Elazar and Itamar taught
their children Halachot which they themselves did not and in the epididymous, causing the seminiferous tubules to
even need to keep, how much more so must we teach collapse.23 Within days, scar tissue from the healing process
A our children all of the Torah which we are commanded
personally to uphold. Knowledge of Torah and Halachot
creates blockages in the seminiferous tubules and the rete
testis.24 Over time, the seminiferous tubules, rete testis,
T is paramount, and there are no better people than
parents to pass it along.
epididymis, and prostrate will atrophy.25 Sperm production
stops within one to three days.26 However, active sperm may
still be in the vas deferens and epididymis for up to 30 days,
and as such the dog may be able to impregnate up to 30 days

E A Halachic Analysis of Spay/Neuter

by Scott Sears, J.D.
M I. Introduction

O Many states and local governments have laws that 7

See Fn 1.
require the spaying and neutering of animals. 3 In 2001, 8
as a result of the New York legislatures findings that 9

there was an overpopulation of dogs and cats in New 10
York, the public policy of New York State became that 11
every feasible humane means of reducing the neuter-faq.html
production of unwanted puppies and kittens [shall] be 12
encouraged.4 As such, any shelter, pound, or a few 13
other similar organizations5 that release animals must 14
ensure that the dog or cat is spayed/neutered. 6 15
In other places, such as Dallas, Texas and Los 16
Angeles, California, there are spay/neuter ordinances 17
3 21
For an overview, see Id.
https://www.avma.org/Advocacy/StateAndLocal/Pages/sr-spay- http://suffolkveterinarygroup.com/well-pet-care--reduced-cost-
neuter-laws.aspx /well-pet-zeuterin-neuter/about-zeuterin-neuter.html
4 23
N.Y. Agric. & Mkts. Law 377-a(1) Id.
5 24
Humane society, dog or cat protective association, or duly Id.
incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Id.
6 26
See Fn 2 at 2. Id.
after the injection.27 This procedure is 99.6% effective in although he notes that there are those that say that this is
causing sterilization.28

III. Source of Prohibition


B. For a Jew

The Torah prohibits the sacrificial use of animals whose
"testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut29," and further
prohibits one from castrating any animal30. This prohibition
The Talmud states46 that if a Jewish person brings an
animal to a non-Jewish veterinarian to be sterilized, the
Rabbis penalize the violator and force him to sell his

applies to insects as well.31 The sages understood this verse
to prohibit sterilization of all male creatures, human and
animals alike.32
animal to someone else so that he does not benefit from his
sin. The Shulchan Aruch rules this way explicitly, 47 i.e.
that it is forbidden to have a non-Jew to castrate an animal

belonging to a Jew, and that if one does so, one must sell
A. Female Sterilization their animal.
The Torah verse forbidding sterilizing animals speaks
specifically about male animals33. The Sifra34 comments that
this prohibition does not apply to female animals. The
Rambam explains that while the sterilization of female
i. Possible Workaround
The Rama48 says that although it may be forbidden
to sell ones animal to a non-Jew if one knows the non-Jew

animals is permitted on a Biblical level, the act itself is
nevertheless prohibited on a Rabbinic level35. The Shulchan
Aruch rules in accordance with this view of the Rambam.36
will castrate the animal, there is a workaround in which
even those that forbid such a practice would allow an
animal to be castrated. This is if the non-Jew that

However, according to the Vilna Gaon, this prohibition
applies even to female animals on a Biblical level. 37
According to those that believe female sterilization is only
purchases the animal has another non-Jew castrate the
animal.49 The reason this is permitted is that there is no
prohibition of enabling someone help someone else sin.50

forbidden on a Rabbinic level, there can potentially be more
room for leniencies when it comes to spaying female
animals, as explained below.
The Chazon Ish51 was asked if one can sell their animal
to a non-Jew and instruct that non-Jew to have another
non-Jew castrate the animal. The Jew would then buy the

animal back from the non-Jew. The purpose of this
IV. Non-Jew procedure was to get around the penalty requiring one to
sell their animal if they have their animal castrated, 52 as

A. Non-Jew for himself/other non-Jew well as comply with the workaround of the Rama.53 The
The Talmud38 records a dispute regarding whether the Chazon Ish ruled that this practice is perfectly acceptable. 54
Torah forbids non-Jews to remove reproductive organs. The Rabbi Chaim Jachter55 notes that this ruling was given

Rosh, Rashba, and the Rambam all rule that a non-Jew is not regarding animals used for commercial purposes. He
commanded in the prohibition of castrating animals. 39 On points out that many contemporary halachic authorities56
the other hand, the Smag and the Hagahot Oshri rule that do not approve this method for household pets if done for

castration is included in the Noahide laws that non-Jews are convenience.57 On the other hand, Rav J. David Bleich is of
obliged to follow.40 The Beit Shmuel41 rules that because this the opinion that this practice would be perfectly acceptable
controversy has not been resolved, one must act in to be used for household pets as well, as there is no reason

accordance with the view that non-Jews are forbidden to to distinguish between commercial animals and household
remove reproductive organs. On the other hand, the Aruch pets.58
Hashulchan42 rules in accordance with the majority opinion, Given the lighter strictures regarding female species
that non-Jews are not commanded concerning this and claims of significant health benefits, Rav Shlomo
prohibition. Aviner allows a Jewish veterinarian to spay female pets,59
A difference between the two opinions is that if non- and Rav Shmuel Vosner60 does not protest having a non-

Jews are included in this command, then instructing a non- Jew perform the procedure for a female animal, although
Jew to remove reproductive organs would be a biblical
violation of do not put a stumbling block in front of the

blind43, which prohibits enabling and encouraging others to 45
Even Haezer 5:14
sin.44 The Rama rules that one can sell their animal to a non- 46
Fn 36
Jew even if the non-Jew will definitely castrate the animal, 47
Fn 43

Beit Shmuel Even HaEzer 5:19

27 51
Id. Choshen Mishpat 185
28 52
http://www.arksciences.com/faq.html See Fn 43
29 53
Leviticus 22:24 Id.
30 54
Id., with Rashis interpretation. Fn 49
31 55
Rabbeinu Gershom to Bava Basra 80a. Journal of Halacha & Contemporary Society - No. XXIII,
Shabbat 110b Spring, 1992, Pesach 5752
See Fn 27 (http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/english/halacha/jachter_1.htm)
34 56
Id. Id. Rav Reuven Feinstein and Rav Herschel Schachter)
Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Issurei Biah 16:11 See also Shu"t Bemareh Bazak 6:77.
36 57
Even Haezer 5:11 A discussion of spay/neuter done for medical purposes is
Even Haezer 5:25 beyond the scope of this paper.
38 58
Bava Metzia 90b Based on communication with the author 4/28/15. Rabbi
As cited in Beit Shmuel Even Hoezer 5:16 Bleich cautions, however, that it is very difficult to perform a
Id. halachically valid sale to a non-Jew, rendering such a practice
Id. ill-advised. This caution would seemingly carry over the
Even Haezer 5:26 Chazzon Ishs case as well.
43 59
Leviticus 19:14 She'elat Shlomo v.6
44 60
See Fn 36 Shevet Halevi 6:204
he suggests one should avoid doing so. Sephardic Chief spaying/neutering all cats and dogs. Therefore, unless a
Rabbi Shlomo Amar has reportedly contended that because halachically approved way of spay/neuter becomes
of public safety concerns from wild and ownerless animals, available, the general halachic view remains in opposition to
one may ask a non-Jewish veterinarian to spay and neuter the public policy on the issue of spay/neuter.70
pets of both genders.61 The common practice, however,
seems to forbid spaying and neutering animals.

V. Method of Castration

A. Spay/Neuter
The Shulchan Aruch says explicitly that removing
the reproductive organs of animals is completely forbidden,
for males on a Biblical level, and for females on a Rabbinic
level.62 As such, the classic methods of spay/neuter is
completely forbidden under Jewish law.

B. Zeutering
Another method of sterilization mentioned in the
Shulchan Aruch is by having the animal drink a substance
that causes it to become sterile.63 This method of sterilization
is only forbidden for males and is completely permitted for
females.64 Some hold that this form of sterilization for males
is forbidden on a Biblical level, while others maintain that it
is only Rabbinically forbidden.65
Zeutering seems directly analogous to drinking a
potion: In both cases the reproductive organs are not fully
removed, yet the animal is rendered sterile. There are two
possible differences, though, that may have significant
halachic ramifications. The first is that zeutered animals can
still reproduce for 30 days after injection. 66 As such, one can
argue that this is only gramma, which though forbidden in
many instances, provides room for leniencies in certain
situations.67 However, though not directly mentioned, one
can assume that whatever substance referred to in the
Shulchan Aruch would not cause instantaneous sterilization
it would presumably first need to be digested, which may
take some time. As such, the fact that it takes time before the
animal is rendered sterile after being zeutered likely would
not have a halachic impact.
The second difference is that zeutering is 99.6%
effective.68 Though statistically improbable not to work, this
possibility knocks zeutering down from an act of
sterilization to a psik reishei. Though sterilization using a psik
reishei is still completely forbidden,69 it likely would knock
down the prohibition from a Biblical to a Rabbinic level Editors-in-Chief: Tani Greengart, Shlomi Helfgot
according to those that are of the opinion drinking the Editors-in-Chief Emeritus: Hillel Koslowe, Yehuda
substance is Biblically forbidden.
Conclusion Publication Editors: Moshe Davis, Binyamin Jachter, Ned
Though advocated as public policy, it seems the
vast majority of halachic authorities do not approve of Krasnopolsky, Akiva Sturm
Publishing Manager: Eitan Leff, Avi Roth
Though reported on multiple websites, the author was Staff: Shmuel Bak, Zacky Berlin, Eli Englard, Nachum
not able to locate such a statement. See, e.g., Freedman, Gabe Greenberg, Meir Lightman, Shai
http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART1/479/941.html. Editors
Rosalimsky, David Rothchild, Yehuda Saks
note: This reported ruling may apply only to Israel where there
are many stray cats. Rabbinic Advisor: Rabbi Chaim Jachter
Even HaEzer 5:11 Questions, comments? Contact us at:
Even HaEzer 12. Kol Torah
Id. c/o Torah Academy of Bergen County
Otzar Haposkim I, commenting on Id. Those that hold the 1600 Queen Anne Road
action is Biblically forbidden include the Bait Yehuda in the name of Teaneck, NJ 07666
the Ramach and the Rambam, as interpreted by the Nesivot and Torat Phone: (201) 837-7696
Chaim. The Meiri and the Yad Aharon both contend it is only koltorah@koltorah.org
forbidden on a Rabbinic level.
Fn 25 To subscribe to Kol Torah via email, message webmaster@koltorah.org
A discussion of gramma is beyond the scope of this paper. This publication contains Torah matter and should be treated accordingly.
68 70
Fn 26 Editors note: pet owners are encouraged to ask their Rabbanim if it
Beit Shmuel 5:13 is permitted to ask a non-Jew to zeuter their male pet.

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