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Guidelines For Erection Process of Pre-Engineered Building: Mr. Saurabh A. Shah, Prof. M. B. Kumthekar

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Guidelines for Erection process of Pre-Engineered

Mr. Saurabh A. Shah, Prof. M. B. Kumthekar
equipment operators and qualified mobile equipment
Abstract Erection process of structural steel involves the operators are permitted to enter the site. It is
assembly of steel components into a frame on the site which also is primarily advised not to operate the equipment closer than
forms the major part of project cost. This process briefly 4.5 m to a voltage line of 220V or more. On a site, only a
involves lifting and placing components into position, then
signalman is given right to give signals to the operators. Only
connecting them as a whole member and finally bolting. So, to
ensure that the processes should be completed safely, quickly in case of emergency, others can use this right.
and economically, it has to be greatly influenced by the decisions
made before the erection commences. Erection cost comprises of b. Slings:
7-10% of the total project cost which is mainly dependent on the Slings are used in lifting operations and hence it
speed of execution of erection of the structure. During execution should be well inspected for its wear and tear condition. So, to
of erection of structure, it is subjected to carry temporary loads protect slings, they should be padded by sharp corners and the
which would not be the part of loading in future. The aspects lifted load should not be jerked in any circumstances as
that are to be ensured during execution are safe erection jerking might triple the load. This includes chain, wire rope
procedures and structural stability of the structure. To focus
and synthetic slings with its attachments. General tendency is
these aspects, the guidelines for the erection process are
presented in this paper. to hang up the sling when not in use.

c. Scaffolds:
Index Terms Erection process, Pre-engineered building, Scaffolds should be placed on a firm ground position
PEB construction process, metal building erection technique, and foot bases are well rested on wood planks with minimum
Erection Sequence size 20cm*20cm. Scaffolds should be planned and installed
with some precautions:
I. INTRODUCTION 1. It should not restrict the crane access and boom clearances
In steel erection process it involves positioning of the making the erection activities complex.
components, aligning it and securing them on prepared 2. Hand rails, midrails, ladders and a platform should be
foundations to form a complete frame. As a result, a skeletal provided at every floor level.
steel frame can be erected by bolting-up the connections. To
enhance the speed of construction and ensure safe process, d. ELCB Box:
careful planning is needed. Careful planning involves the Electrical system must be standardized including the
maintaining of practical erection sequence and maintaininng which should include sealed box, ELCB( 30mA-60mA), 3 pin
simplicity in assembly formation. Site work involves labour sealed plugs for outlets. For ease in operation and safety, at
intensive tasks and hence cannot be controlled for time least 1 ELCB should be put on the roof installation.
purposes. It is also relatively expensive and our primary aim is
to minimise the costs by reducing the time on site. For e. Hand Tools:
shortening the time on site some of the principal design Hand Tools should be fixed to the wrist lanyards to
factors are to be considered such as repetition and prevent it from dropping. Tools which are to carried for
standardisation, achievable tolerances, frame type and choice certain purposes should have provision for the safe carriage.
of floor systems. Erection sequence should be formed so as to Proper use of tools should be made and hand tools should be
establish a stable unit as quickly as possible and to attach the tampered for serving some other purpose of tool. Never use
subsequent elements directly or indirectly to it. There should makeshift device.
also be the proper knowledge of equipment usage and
planning for performing safe tasks.


The essential equipments for erection activities are as follows:
a. Mobile Equipments: Mobile equipments mostly
comprises of delivery trucks, truck cranes, hoists etc. for PEB
construction. To ensure safe processes, certified mobile

Mr. Saurabh Atulkumar Shah, M.E.II (Civil - CM) Dept. Of Civil

Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Karad, Maharashtra, India,
Fig. 1: Accessories for lifting components
Mr. M.B.Kumthekar, Professor of Dept. Of Civil Engineering,
Government College of Engineering, Karad, Maharashtra, India.

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Guidelines for Erection process of Pre-Engineered Building

III. ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR building number and phase, customer name, Location, and
ERECTION Building size. The cover sheet also shows the number of
Before starting of erection work, it is necessary to have clear phases in the building, any revisions, plus any special notes.
understanding of engineering documents. Erection drawings The shipper List has 7 columns indicating
and Shipper's list are referred especially for erection work. i. Serial Number
Erection drawings which are to be referred on site should ii. Part Number
"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION" which is of latest iii. Quantity
revision. 'FOR APPROVAL' drawings have some iv. Revision Number
modification in it and so should not be adopted for v. Description Of part
construction. It is predicted from the revision boxes held at vi. Colour
the bottom of the sheet. vii. Length of item


It is a plan consisting layout of all bolts for the building. It The structural frames and other parts of the building can be
is normally presented on one sheet but if extent of work is erected in various ways which will depend upon the following
large then it may exceed one page. There are few precautions key factors:
taken by the engineers that the
1. The type of structures such as: small clear span, large clear
i. Drawings for erection are proportioned drawings and not up
span, low rise building, high building, open web structure etc.
to scale which can be misleading.
ii. All the dimensions are given in mm and it includes anchor 2. The availability of equipment such as cranes , winch,
bolt schedule which is in the orm of table displaying quantities manually lift, etc.
and sizes of anchor bolts. 3. .In case of long rafters/members spreader bars multiple
iii. Key plan should be well studied for c/c dimensions, bay cranes must be used.
spacing, dimensions, bolt setting details and critical 4. The site conditions
dimensions for the span. 5. The experience level of erectors.
iv. Also, most important locations where grout is required and
identified specifying grout thickness, grout projection Step 1: Anchor Bolt Checking
considering the tolerance limit for bolt setting which should This step requires anchor bolt setting plan to be referred
not exceed the limits of standards. where the anchor bolt casted are checked for the compliance
2. Roof framing Plan with details provided. Its ensured by checking it roughly that
This plan shows the purlins, bracing and other the concerned template fits freely over the bolting
miscellaneous details. It shows part numbers for purlins, arrangement. If it does not fits, then the bolts are made
bracings, sag rods, strut tubes etc. Hence, these drawings vertical by using the pipe without damaging the threads of the
should be studied carefully else critical details might get anchor bolt. This ensures proper and correct erection.
slipped. For example, nested purlins, strut purlins and strut After that foundation levels are checked and shim packs are
clips. placed in the centre of bolt pattern. Top level of all shims
3. Cross-Section should be at the same level and it should be checked by the
It is one of the most important drawings as it is referred dumpy level.
most frequently. It contains lot of information about columns,
rafter refernces, purlins, girts, vertical and roof bracings,
conection details, bolt schedules, flange brace schedules and
other details as applicable, such as strut tubes, flashing etc.
Essential quantity of members can be found out by referring
this drawing which is required for cross-checking with
shipper's list at pre-planning stage.
4. Roof Sheeting Layout
It displays roof panels with length and its part number. It
also denotes panel lap details, skylight positions, downspout
positions, standard details of fasteners, trims and insulation
are included. Fig. 2: Anchor Bolt Checking
5. Sidewall Sheeting and Framing
This drawing shows the sidewall framing and sheeting on Step 2: Install Columns at Braced Bay
one or more drawings depending on the extent of work. It Erection activity always should be proceeded from the start
shows the part number of girts, eaves struts, bracing and sag of the braced bay. So the position for the columns should be
rods which helps in finding the position of panels. marked along with their part numbers. From the given figure,
6. Other Drawings refer the columns of braced bays 2-3 and 4-5. To install
It includes mostly accessories drawings such as sliding column A2 follow the procedure as follows:
doors, roll-up doors, personnel doors, windows, louvers and i. Firstly, tighten the anchor nuts and set up the scaffold/ladder
ventilators. Also, mezzanine layots if any are included in it. at columns.
7. Shippers List ii. Tie temporary bracings on the two sides of the column
It is generally termed as customer's bill of material. The which are of PP rope of 20mm dia or wire rope of 12 mm dia
BOM comprises a coversheet which include job number, minimum.

405 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
iii. Check the plumb of the column on either sides and slightly iv. Also, the slings are attache to the member at two points
release the load on the slings and check the stability of the about 1/4 from the ends (minimum 3.5m) and next to purlin
column and finally remove the slings. cleats towards ends.
v. It is advised to use more than two points and calculate two
major parameters to ensure safe erection. They are as follows:
Belt pick-up angle: To avoid distortion of material caused by
Overhang: To prevent distortion of the member caused by
weight itself.
vi. Install assembled rafter with the help of crane to columns
and workers on scaffolds at columns should be made to
tighten bolts to a snug tight condition at rafter-column
connection plates.
vii. Temporary bracing at every 6m to hold the first rafter on 2
sides to anchor bolts groups by V shape cleats or any other
immovable object and then the crane is slightly released to
check the stability of the rafter before releasing the crane

Fig. 3: Plan of proposed site

Step 3: Install column A3 as per step 2

Fig. 5: Erection of rafter in progress

Step 7: Install the second rafter by repeating the above
Fig.4: Erection of columns
Step 4: Fixing of girts as per the general guidelines stated
as below:
i. To fix up the all the side girts and tie them between each
column provided with the rope with safety-lock hook to lift
ii. To tighten the bolts with normal torque and install
temporary bracings on two sides of each column.
Step 5: Install other side wall columns
Install other sidewall columns E1 and E2 and girts by
repeating Step 2, Step 3 and Step
Step 6: Install the 1st rafter (RF-2)
1st rafter that should be selected should be from the braced
bay. Hence, shift all the material towards first braced erection.
While shifting, ID mark of the rafter members should be noted
and then should be displaced. Fig. 6: Installing of 2nd rafter
i. First rafter member is assembled on the ground and then In this step, the only difference in this step is not releasing
lifted to the lifting position. the crane until the purlins are installed and fly bracings are
ii. Torque wrench to tighten hi-strength bolts with attached at 6 m on both sides of the rafter. These purlins are
recommended torque which is given in the Torque table for provided with rope with safety lock hook to pull the purlins
high strength bolts. above or below. Also, roof and wall bracings are to be
iii. Attach temporary bracing at every 6m and fly bracing to erected.
rafters. Attach support pipes D 50*2mm*2m and out-flange Step 8: Finish 100% of the braced bay
of rafters, one at 1m distance from the eave and other right at The braced bay can be installed fully by
the top ridge of the rafter end, the pipe on top is used for both i. Placing the struts, purlins, fly bracing on the bays and
roof slopes. Static lines are fixed from pipe to pipe by ii. Installing permanent cross bracing for roofs and sides fully
brackets at 800 mm high from outside flange. at this bay.

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Guidelines for Erection process of Pre-Engineered Building

iii. Repeat the same [step 6] and [step 7] for all rafters and
roof purlins.

Fig. 7: Installation of bracing

Step 9: Alignment and Tightening of Braced Bay
Fig 9: Erection of columns at gable end
After completion of the braced bay erection, it should be
checked for alignment which is the most critical activity in the
erection sequence which avoids future problem in erection.
It is recommended as follows:
i. Check level of columns and plumb of column on both sides
for verticality.
ii. Check the rafter alignment by dropping of plumb from
rafter at ridge and at every 6m. Alterations can be made by
loosening and tightening of cross bracing and also using
temporary bracings where required.
iii. Fly bracings are also fixed in correct position and finally
the coincidence of ridge line and centre-line of the building
should be checked.
Fig 10: Erection of rafters at gable end

Step 12: Install the second end frame

i. Install all side and internal columns along with girts at line
4.5 and 6.
ii. Adjust the alignment, position and level with the set up of
scaffolds at every column. After inspection, anchor bolt nuts
are tightened after the alignment checks.
iii. Install the first rafter member to the columns by guidelines
of above steps.
Step 13: Finish 100% Frame & Roof Purlins
i. Installion of struts, purlins and fly bracing 100 % for 2 end
bays. Cranes are used to pick up struts to roof which possess
Fig 8: Tightening Sequence rope with safety lock hook to pull up purlins, struts manually
After all these, the situation should be well inspected and ii. Installation of permanent cross bracings for columns fully
tightening the permanent bracing. at these bays. Leave the bracing in loose condition.
Step 10: Install the first end frame Step 14: Alignment and Tightening
i. Install all the side and internal columns at line 1 and girts Follow [step 9] for alignment and tightening
ii. Adjust alignment, position and level with Scaffolds which Release some temporary bracings of the building if required.
are set up at each column and tighten anchor bolts. Finally,
check the plumb line and tape measure.
iii. Tighten all anchor bolts
iv. Install the first rafter member to columns
Release the crane slightly to check the stability of the rafter
before fully releasing of crane.
Step 11: Install all remaining columns, rafters and roof
i. Install all side and internal columns along with girts in line
4,5 and 6.
ii. Adjust alignment, position and level, scaffolds setup at
each column and put shims under the base plates which are
required. Then the set up should be well inspected and the
anchor bolt nuts are tighten after measurement of alignment Fig.11: Tightening of anchor bolts

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
Step 15: Final Inspection
i. The draft of 'Final Inspection' should be done between the
product consultant and Builder. It is done to ensure the quality
compliance and planning for repair, clean and touch up. As a
part of contract. it is signed off between the technical
ii. The official final inspection shall be completed with a
witness of client's representative. The record must be signed
off and documented as a part of contract.

During erection, it is mandatory to maintain the stability of the
structure at all times. It is observed that structures collapse
during erection and major reason behind collapse is due to
lack of understanding on someone's part of what another has
assumed in the erection procedure. So, the guidelines are
necessary to understand the erection procedure with proper
safety as it is a critical consideration during steel erection. It is
generally a case for partly erected structure which is
vulnerable to collapse where cranes can overturn or drop
large components if not taken proper care during erection.
Hence, these regulations and guidelines regarding the
provision of equipment and arrangements minimize the risk of

I would relish to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my
guide Prof. M. B. Kumthekar, Department of Civil
Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Karad for
guiding me to accomplish this paper work. I am also very
thankful to Mr. Shashank H. Malwade, Officer of Quality
Assurance Dept. and Prashant Sir, HR at Tata BlueScope
Steel, PUNE for guiding me to carry out my work.

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