Guidelines For Erection Process of Pre-Engineered Building: Mr. Saurabh A. Shah, Prof. M. B. Kumthekar
Guidelines For Erection Process of Pre-Engineered Building: Mr. Saurabh A. Shah, Prof. M. B. Kumthekar
Guidelines For Erection Process of Pre-Engineered Building: Mr. Saurabh A. Shah, Prof. M. B. Kumthekar
c. Scaffolds:
Index Terms Erection process, Pre-engineered building, Scaffolds should be placed on a firm ground position
PEB construction process, metal building erection technique, and foot bases are well rested on wood planks with minimum
Erection Sequence size 20cm*20cm. Scaffolds should be planned and installed
with some precautions:
I. INTRODUCTION 1. It should not restrict the crane access and boom clearances
In steel erection process it involves positioning of the making the erection activities complex.
components, aligning it and securing them on prepared 2. Hand rails, midrails, ladders and a platform should be
foundations to form a complete frame. As a result, a skeletal provided at every floor level.
steel frame can be erected by bolting-up the connections. To
enhance the speed of construction and ensure safe process, d. ELCB Box:
careful planning is needed. Careful planning involves the Electrical system must be standardized including the
maintaining of practical erection sequence and maintaininng which should include sealed box, ELCB( 30mA-60mA), 3 pin
simplicity in assembly formation. Site work involves labour sealed plugs for outlets. For ease in operation and safety, at
intensive tasks and hence cannot be controlled for time least 1 ELCB should be put on the roof installation.
purposes. It is also relatively expensive and our primary aim is
to minimise the costs by reducing the time on site. For e. Hand Tools:
shortening the time on site some of the principal design Hand Tools should be fixed to the wrist lanyards to
factors are to be considered such as repetition and prevent it from dropping. Tools which are to carried for
standardisation, achievable tolerances, frame type and choice certain purposes should have provision for the safe carriage.
of floor systems. Erection sequence should be formed so as to Proper use of tools should be made and hand tools should be
establish a stable unit as quickly as possible and to attach the tampered for serving some other purpose of tool. Never use
subsequent elements directly or indirectly to it. There should makeshift device.
also be the proper knowledge of equipment usage and
planning for performing safe tasks.
Guidelines for Erection process of Pre-Engineered Building
III. ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR building number and phase, customer name, Location, and
ERECTION Building size. The cover sheet also shows the number of
Before starting of erection work, it is necessary to have clear phases in the building, any revisions, plus any special notes.
understanding of engineering documents. Erection drawings The shipper List has 7 columns indicating
and Shipper's list are referred especially for erection work. i. Serial Number
Erection drawings which are to be referred on site should ii. Part Number
"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION" which is of latest iii. Quantity
revision. 'FOR APPROVAL' drawings have some iv. Revision Number
modification in it and so should not be adopted for v. Description Of part
construction. It is predicted from the revision boxes held at vi. Colour
the bottom of the sheet. vii. Length of item
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
iii. Check the plumb of the column on either sides and slightly iv. Also, the slings are attache to the member at two points
release the load on the slings and check the stability of the about 1/4 from the ends (minimum 3.5m) and next to purlin
column and finally remove the slings. cleats towards ends.
v. It is advised to use more than two points and calculate two
major parameters to ensure safe erection. They are as follows:
Belt pick-up angle: To avoid distortion of material caused by
Overhang: To prevent distortion of the member caused by
weight itself.
vi. Install assembled rafter with the help of crane to columns
and workers on scaffolds at columns should be made to
tighten bolts to a snug tight condition at rafter-column
connection plates.
vii. Temporary bracing at every 6m to hold the first rafter on 2
sides to anchor bolts groups by V shape cleats or any other
immovable object and then the crane is slightly released to
check the stability of the rafter before releasing the crane
Guidelines for Erection process of Pre-Engineered Building
iii. Repeat the same [step 6] and [step 7] for all rafters and
roof purlins.
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
Step 15: Final Inspection
i. The draft of 'Final Inspection' should be done between the
product consultant and Builder. It is done to ensure the quality
compliance and planning for repair, clean and touch up. As a
part of contract. it is signed off between the technical
ii. The official final inspection shall be completed with a
witness of client's representative. The record must be signed
off and documented as a part of contract.
During erection, it is mandatory to maintain the stability of the
structure at all times. It is observed that structures collapse
during erection and major reason behind collapse is due to
lack of understanding on someone's part of what another has
assumed in the erection procedure. So, the guidelines are
necessary to understand the erection procedure with proper
safety as it is a critical consideration during steel erection. It is
generally a case for partly erected structure which is
vulnerable to collapse where cranes can overturn or drop
large components if not taken proper care during erection.
Hence, these regulations and guidelines regarding the
provision of equipment and arrangements minimize the risk of
I would relish to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my
guide Prof. M. B. Kumthekar, Department of Civil
Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Karad for
guiding me to accomplish this paper work. I am also very
thankful to Mr. Shashank H. Malwade, Officer of Quality
Assurance Dept. and Prashant Sir, HR at Tata BlueScope
Steel, PUNE for guiding me to carry out my work.
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