Artifact 1

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Acacia Magee

Edu 202
Connie Christensen

Artifact 1

1619- Blacks and Native Americans were denied educational opportunities. Not very
often religious groups would start their own schools for kids of color. These schools
mainly taught girls the basics of reading and writing and then taught them how to do the
tasks that theyre going to be doing when they get older. Things that would make them a
good mom and wife.
1635- Puritans established their first Latin grammar school in Boston. The schools were
similar to classic European schools. It was somewhat like an exclusive school for boys
from wealth. They charged a tuition and taught boys from the ages of 7-14.
1636- Harvard law school was established. It was the first college in America. It was an
important step for the puritans.
1642- The puritans arrived in the New World, and passed a new law that required
parents and masters of apprentices be checked randomly to make sure children were
being taught correctly.
1647- Massachusetts took huge measures to ensure the education of its children. The
Old Deluder Satan Law was an attempt to get rid of Satans trickery with scripture
reading citizens. This law required that every town with 50 households give and pay a
reading and writing teacher, every town of one hundred households must provide a Latin
school to get the youth ready for the university.
1680- The puritans laws spread throughout most of New England. Puritans made
establishing schools uncomplicated. Most girls stayed in school to read and write and
after went home to learn how to housekeep. Boys who could afford to go to school
continued their education.
1687- The town council of Farmington, Connecticut, voted money for a school. The
school had a statement that said, Where all children shall learn to read and write
English but the school interpreted all children as all boys. The education of girls was so
low that a third of women couldnt even sign their name.
1690- The first real textbook, called New England Primer was a small book and only
had 50-100 pages of alphabet, words, and small verses. The book showed the religious
preference for colonial schools.
1600s- Dame schools were private schools that were taught by women in their homes,
and offered child care as well for parents that were willing to pay a fee. The quality of
instructions very widely.
1600s- Local schools first started in towns and eventually grew to bigger districts.
These types of school were found in mainly in New England and were open to people
who could afford them.
1600s- In the south tutors were for the rich. Teachers and tutors who travelled expected
to be payed, have a room, and board. They took enhanced the level of education in many
different towns.


1700s- American Education was reconstructed to meet greater set goals. Leaders like
Thomas Jefferson wanted to do more than just educate a small class or only religious
instruction. Jefferson believed that education should be for all white students not just the
rich but the poor too.
1700s- English grammar schools started to move away from the classic Latin traditions
to more practical subjects. These schools were preparation for business careers and teach
social grace.
1740- The first law was passed that prohibited education for slaves; was passed in south
Carolina. As the years passed more states passed similar and even harsher laws.
1749- Benjamin Franklin suggested a different kind of secondary schools to replace
Latin grammar schools, which was called the academy. 2 years later, The franklin
academy was established and free of religious influence and offered a wide variety of
necessary subjects.
1751- The Franklin Academy in Philadelphia was opened.
1785- Land Ordinance Act was passed, this act required townships in the new territories
bounded by Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the great lakes to reserve a section of land
for educational purposes.


1822- Sequoyah invented a Cherokee syllabary, This allowed the Cherokee language to
be written. They were able to create books, and schools eventually became bilingual,
They even created their own newspaper. However federal interventions became even
more systematic so the tribes control over their education eventually diminished.
1821- the first secondary school was established, the English classical school had 176
students which were all boys, not to long after 76 students dropped out. Public schools
took a while to be accepted.
1823- Mississippi law prohibited more than 5 negroes to gather for educational
purposes, Which cause blacks to create secret schools.
1824- The federal government established the Bureau of Indian Affairs and started
placing entire tribes of Native Americans on reservations. The BIA continued to use
education as a way of cultural control.
1830s- Schools became free, and they were open to all social classes. Before schools
mainly only taught middle class and upper class.
1852- Boston was able to maintain an all-girls public school. After the English Classical
School changed their name to English High School, and more schools changed it to just
Boys high school to show the a more practical nature. Secondary schools didnt think the
way we do, schools cost a tuition fee, and seemed similar to our private schools.
1874- The Kalamazoo Michigan case and many other cases made the courts rule in
favor of letting taxes support secondary schools the same way we do today. Secondary
school then became an extension of elementary.
1875- Francis Parker superintendent of schools in Quincy, Massachusetts introduced the
idea of progressivism in his schools.
1890- Morrill Land Grant College Acts established 69 institutions of higher education in
multiple states, some of the institutions are among our universitys today.
1892- The NEA established the committee of ten to create a national policy for high
schools. Most of the committee composed. The presidents and professors wanted a
smooth transition for the kids going to college.
1896- the supreme court made segregation a legal way of life in America. In their words
things would be equal but separate. This included the school system, which lasted
centurys in many states.


1909- first junior high school in Columbus, Ohio included grades 7-9. It was made to
have more individualized instruction, and strong guidance and counseling.
1919- the progressive education association was the most famous studies of the
progressive education movement.
1920s- the progressive education movement became known more widely.
1957- the release of Sputnik by the soviet union put a rest to the arguing on student
centered and life adjustments.
1958- NDEA enhances the security of the nation by funding science, math and foreign
language programs.
1964- president Johnson and congress moved boldly to destroy racial segregation. The
civil rights act gave the federal government power to help local school districts
1983- National commission on excellence in education, the report cited declining test
scores. It stated that American students were losing to other nations from test results.


2001- No left behind act revised elementary and secondary education schools act, it also
calls for a yearly test of math, reading, and science. If students to poorly their schools can
possibly be shut down or teachers can be let go.
2003- Racial set asides for college and law school admissions were terminated,
Although the supreme court said that race could be a factor in promoting student diversity
in the schools.
2007- The supreme court further backed away from desegregation efforts by shutting
down plans for a school in Seattle to use race as a factor in the way they assign students

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