Clear Your Karma in 90 Days

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Karma Clearing Format Phase I First 30 Days of 90-Day Process

Congratulations! I am so excited to support you in clearing your Karma NOW...because the date of December
21, 2012 is right around the 3 time IS of the essence. And, the more people who clear
their Karma by then...the higher everyone on the planet will be vibrating...and the sooner we will manifest
LOVE and PEACE on EARTH...for ALL living beings!
Attached is the Phase I Karma Clearing Format for you to read...out loudevery dayat least once a dayfor
the first 30 days of the 90-day process. And please let me know the first time you read I can keep track of
your progress during the next 3 we are both aware of when you need to switch to the next Format.
And please mark on your calendar when you should switch to reading the next if you start on
September 22nd, then you would switch to reading the Phase II Format on October 22...and then read that for
30 days...and switch to the Phase III Format on November that for 30 days...and your Graduation
Day - Day 91 - will be on December 21st! Woo hoo! Just in time for The Shift!
It would also be a very good idea for us to be in contact often during the next 3 months, so I can explain some
things to you...and encourage and teach you to utilize this Gift so that you can clear away any unwanted
patterns from your life...and create the life that you deeply desire to live.
On that noteplease send me your full name & your telephone number (if you'd like to speak) and WHERE
you live...for there are other Karma Clearers all over the globe doing This Work...and it's nice to know which
countries and continents are also joining the ranks of those becoming fully enlightened and manifesting World
Peace!!! Oh joy!!!
My path and purpose have been revealed to it will be for you! And it is my pleasure, privilege and
passion to bring joy to those whom desire it...which is WHY I have been sharing the Karma Clearing with
everyone for FREE for the last 2 1/2 a Labor of Love!
In case you didnt know, LOVE is the highest vibration in the Universeand INTENT is the most powerful tool
in the Universeso by vibrating higher and higher and coming from love and compassion, we are creating a
world where our dreams of Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Mankind is a reality!
My INTENT is to facilitate as many people as possible in owing their power...having inner peace and peace of
mind at all times - under all create their dreams come live fearlessly and
joyouslyand to have love and compassion be how ALL Humans interact with each other, all the animals and
Mother Earth herself. We are creating win-win-win scenarios by doing This there are no more victims
or victimizers...we can all live victoriously...for we have chosen to live conscious lives - and create a conscious
Looking forward to hearing back from you...and if you have ANY questions at all about ANY of the material I am
sending your way, please do not hesitate to contact me by email, text and/or phone (404-245-5342)and
please only call during the hours of 9am to 9pm EST...7 days a week.
And just to let you know...the original SOURCE for this information is a non-physical entity named Kryon, who
is channeled by Lee Carroll. They have written many books together and you can listen to FREE audio
recordings at their website which is - Hope to hear from you soon... and Happy Karma
In Loving Service, Dr. Cindy - "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what
lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dr. Cindy Gale, Chiropractor & Transformational Life Coach 1713 Brandon Lee Way Marietta, GA, 30008 USA
(404) 245-5342 (Cell) [email protected] (Email) Change Your Reality now...and I can teach you how! >>>
The information below comes directly from books written by Lee Carroll, who channels an entity named
Kryon, whose message is all about LOVE and teaches how to Own Your Power! This amazing series of
books contains information for the New Energy that we are moving into, and helps to make sense of the trials
and tribulations, as well as the wonderful things and people, that come our way. Know that there is no such
thing as good or bad Karma; there is just Karma. But the benefits are absolutely incredible in ridding
yourself of patterns that prevent you from having the life you truly wish to live. It is highly recommended that
you read the Kryon books, and in order, as the info builds up with each book. These books also shed light on
the REASONS WHY WE ARE HERE! The website is listing products and FREE Audios.
Clearing your Karma is a Gift that has never before been given to Humans, and it must be a Conscious and
sincere decision to accept it. We have also been given other Gifts, and by reading Kryons words, you will
find those out for yourself. For more info, about Karma or Kryons messages, contact Dr. Cindy Gale,
Transformational Life Coach, at [email protected] or 404-245-5342. Feedback of your experiences, and any
questions you may have, are welcome! Live in Peace, Love, and Abundance! Namaste!

How to Clear Your Karma - Say OUT LOUD and EVERY DAY for the FIRST 30 DAYS:
"Dear Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Master Guides, My Higher Self, Cellular Structure, DNA,
Crystalline Sheath, Crystalline Structure and The Cosmic Lattice:
Please clear and void my Karma throughout all lifetimes, planes and dimensions;
Please give me a Neutral Implant* and allow me to use these new tools every day;
Allow me to have Peace of Mind over each and every situation of my life, all of my
relationships, and all that I desire to do, allow my heart and soul to be healed, and allow me
to not take anything personally;
Allow me to be in my Sweet Spot while I am on Earth, being in the right place at the right
Allow me to be on my path and for my path to be safe, inspired, joyful, passionate, fulfilling,
fair, enlightening, exciting, successful, prosperous, and filled with love, acceptance,
patience, and clarity;
Assist me in fulfilling my purpose, allow me to do what I came here for; for me to know that I
AM a Precious Piece of God and that everyone is a Precious Piece of God, for there is a
Divine Spark of God within us all;
Allow me to continue raising my consciousness and vibrational frequencies each & every
Allow me to be unaffected by the energies, lower vibrations, people or chaos around me &
in the world;
Allow healing of my entire body, as well as, magnetic balance for myself;
Allow me to know that LOVE is the most powerful energy source in the Universe and that
INTENT is the most powerful tool in the Universe, and for me to use my intent to manifest
my desires;
Allow me to own my power and to wield it wisely and well in any and all situations &
Allow me to live my life fearlessly, and with patience, acceptance, freedom, joy, bliss, love,
self-love, self-respect, self-esteem and self-worth, and may I be treated with the utmost
fairness, justice, respect, love, kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness by my partner,
family, friends, and all others;

Allow me to slow down/stop/reverse* (choose one if appropriate) my aging process
(gently tap thymus 12x), which is the key to my rejuvenation, and for my biology to
cooperate entirely in the process;
[Allow me to co-create, in the Name of Spirit, the Appropriate Partner for my life** - if you so
Allow me to sublimate** my ego, be totally enlightened, and have wealth beyond my wildest
dreams and expectations, and receive inspiration allowing me to be creative, all at the
same time, immediately and now!
And for all of this, I am eternally grateful. Thank you. Amen.
By reading Kryon, you will better understand what it is youre asking to receive, and it would be my pleasure
to explain it to you as well. Note that this is a 90-day process so it doesnt happen overnight, but things do
start to shift right away. Also know that you MAY feel somewhat sad/depressed sometime after asking to
Clear Your Karma. This is because there is an actual Changing of the Guard of 2 of your Angels/Guides,
and you may feel saddened by this temporary loss. However, know that you are NEVER alonefrom birth
to earth and beyondwe are all accompanied on our journey. However, after 90 days, you will now have 3
Master Guides who are here to serve you as you evolve and grow. Please read the Kryon books, in order,
to more fully understand the Gifts we are being given, and whats in store for Humanitys Future!
* The Neutral Implant removes the Restrictions we were given at Birth.
**Sublimate means to purify and dignify, so youre asking your Ego to work FOR you instead of against you!
*Pick one and then tap your thymus 12 times, which is located between the throat and heart, on the sternum.
**Your choiceto request if you are single or unhappy in your current relationship. [9-8-12]

Karma Clearing Format Phase II Middle 30 Days of 90-Day Process

Attached is the Phase II Karma Clearing Format...which should also be read out loud...every least
once a day...for the middle 30 days of the 90-day process. If you started reading the Phase I Format Sep.
22nd...then you would switch to reading THIS Format on October 22nd.
The reason to read it out loud is so your brain, body and Angels & Guides can hear you...for these Formats
are basically requests to Spirit to clear your Karma and raise your consciousness and vibrational frequencies,
which benefits you, those around you, and the entire world, including all animal and plant life. There is a Ripple
Effect with clearing your Karma - like a pebble in a pond...your high vibrations exude from you...and as you
Hold Up Your Light, everyone around you...including those people who are geographically, biologically and
energetically connected to you...will also be positively affected by your energy & presence. So if you're on a
bus or train or plane, or in a car sitting in traffic...or in a large crowd on the street or in a store or
restaurant...everyone where you work and play all those around you will feel your high vibrations! It's a win-
win-win scenario...which is why I share it for free.
Remember and Know that you have a Divine Spark of God Within You...and the ability to Clear Your Karma is
a Gift from God...and you have earned and deserve this!
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments...and please feel free to share this material with
anyone and everyone you know strangers too! We could ALL use a leg up these days...and this is the boost
that will do the trick!)- Hope to hear from you soon... Much Love and Light, Dr. Cindy >>>

With Sincere Intention, SAY OUT LOUD and EVERY DAY for Middle 30 days:
"Dear Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Master Guides, My Higher Self, Cellular Structure, DNA,
Crystalline Sheath, Crystalline Structure, and The Cosmic Lattice:
Please clear my Karma throughout all lifetimes, planes & dimensions & prevent me from creating
any new Karma; give me a neutral implant and allow me to use these new tools every day, and
allow me to have Peace of Mind at all times, over all situations, all of my relationships, and all that I
desire to do;
Allow me to be in my Sweet Spot while I am on this Earth and in this dimension, always
being in the right place at the right time, for the perfect people and opportunities to come my
Allow me to follow my passion that is my Contract, to co-create a clear vision of what my path
should be, and please remove all obstacles preventing me from being on my path, present the
road signs to me so that they are crystal clear, so there will be NO mistaking my path, and
prevent me from going down the wrong path;
Allow my path to be inspired, joyful, fulfilling, rewarding, enlightening & lucrative, & assist me in
fulfilling my purpose, allowing me to attract those people, Souls and Entities who support me in
fulfilling my purpose, in order for me to do what I came here for & encourage and support me in
taking all necessary action steps to achieve my goals, especially regarding my health,
finances, career and relationships;
Allow me to continue raising my consciousness and vibrational frequencies each & every
moment of each and every day, in order to prepare me for the Shift in Consciousness of the
Allow me to reverse my aging by tapping my Thymus, which is the seat of my rejuvenation
process (Gently tap your Thymus 12 times while reading), and for my biology to cooperate in
my healing;
Allow healing of my entire body & magnetic balance for myself & incorporate my biology with
my Enlightenment, and allow my body to do as I wish and be capable of performing and tasks
that I require and desire;
Allow me to be unaffected by negative energies & people, lower vibrations & chaos around me
& in the world;
Allow all disease, illness, and poor health conditions to ignore me, so that I am immune to any
& all disease;
Allow me to always do my best in every situation, to be impeccable with my word, prevent me
from taking anything personally, from making assumptions, and from being judgmental toward
myself and all others;
Allow me to be a generator of power and positive influence on the people, energy, and world
around me;
Allow me to release any and all emotional, physical, chemical, cellular, and visceral reactions
and attachments to any and all negative people, memories, and events that no longer serve
me or my purpose, and allow my heart and soul to be healed from all pain and suffering,
knowing that I AM LOVED for exactly who I AM right now;
Allow me to own my power and to wield my power wisely and well, especially in manifesting
my hearts desires.
Allow my life to overflow with an abundance of acceptance, affection, agreement, balance,
beauty, charity, civility, clarity, communication, compassion, consideration, confidence,
cooperation, courage, energy, enlightenment, fairness, faith, forgiveness, freedom, generosity,
good fortune, great friends & family, great wealth, happiness, harmony, healing, health, hope,
imagination, innovation, inspiration, joy, justice, kindness, knowledge, laughter, luck, magic,
manifesting money, passion, patience, peace, perseverance, pleasant surprises, power,
potential, possibilities, prosperity, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth, self-love, self-
respect, objectivity, sensitivity, serenity, stamina, success, sustenance, synergy, talents,
thoughtfulness, tolerance, unconditional LOVE, understanding, vitality, win-win solutions,
lessons shown and learned, wisdom & miracles;
Allow me to constantly co-create for myself, let others observe this change & for them to
respond accordingly;
Allow me to know that I am connected to Source, which is unconditional and infinite LOVE &
Allow me to be in relationship with my Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, so I know that I am
Loved and never alone, in order that I may live my life fearlessly and courageously, trusting
that my wishes are honored & fulfilled;
Allow me to remember and know that there is a Precious Piece of God within me, that I AM a
Piece of God, that EVERYONE is a Piece of God, and that LOVE is the most powerful energy
source in the Universe;
Allow me to heal myself, my old wounds, and any and all of my past, current and future
Allow me to sublimate my ego, be totally enlightened & have wealth beyond my wildest dreams
and expectations, at the same time & NOW, in order for me to be generous towards myself
and all other life forms;
Allow me to co-create in the Name of Spirit the Appropriate Partner for my life (if that is what
you desire);
And for All of This, I am Eternally Grateful. Thank you. Amen."
For more information about Karma Clearing & Kryon, go to for books and free audio
recordings. You may also contact Dr. Cindy Gale at [email protected] and/or 404-245-5342, and for
Transformational Life Coaching Sessions & Personal Manifesting Formats. [9-8-12]

Karma Clearing Format Phase III Final 30 Days of 90-Day Process

Attached is the Phase III Karma Clearing Format...which should also be read...every least once a
day...for the final 30 days of the 90-day process. This Format may be longer than the first two, but totally worth
the time and energy that you put into reading it. And the more emotion you put in reading any Format and in
voicing all of your prayers, the better you will feelthe higher you will vibrateand the easier it will be to
manifest your dreams come truepromise!
If you started reading the Phase I Format on September 22nd then you should switch to reading this Phase III
Format on November 21st, and your Graduation Day Day 91 will be on December 21st! You will receive
your 3 Master Guides at that time, making you very powerful, indeed! Know that there are NO LIMITATIONS
on what you can create, so start asking for everything that you need, want and desire including having total
and non-stop access to Your Higher Self to receive answers and solutions to ALL of you questions and
concerns just by ASKING!
Please share this Gift from Spirit with as many folks as soon as that the planet's
vibration will be as high as possible by December 21stand beyond. This will allow everyone to enjoy the
benefits of your clearing your Karma and all the LOVE that you keep putting out there.
Looking forward to hearing about the miracles occurring in your life...and may they be limitlessjust like our
capacity to have LOVE and COMPASSIONfor ALL living creatures, especially ourselves!!!
Please keep in touchby phone, text, email and energetically! And, if you would like to receive one-on-one
Coaching Sessions and have me create a Personal Manifesting Format for you to read AFER your Karma is

clear, then we can make arrangements to make that happen. However, there is a generic Health, Longevity,
Love & Prosperity Format that I will send you to read once your Karma Clearing process is complete. This will
allow you to continue to raise your vibrational frequencies - for we are still a work-in-progress and must keep
up the effort to change the World for the better. - In Loving Service, Dr. Cindy >>>

To Be Said Out Loud, with Intention, Sincerity, and Conviction Every Day
"Dear Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Master Guides, My Higher Self, Cellular Structure, DNA,
Crystalline Sheath, Crystalline Structure and The Cosmic Lattice:
Please clear and void my Karma, throughout all lifetimes, all planes, and all dimensions;
Allow me to accept the gift of the neutral implant* and use these new tools in my every day
Prevent me from creating any new Karma and allow me to learn and apply my Life Lessons
Allow me to be in my Sweet Spot while I am on this Earth and in this dimension;
Allow me to be in relationship and constant 2-way communication with my Master Guides,
Spirit Guides, and Guardian Angels, to know that they have my back and are with me at all
times, in order to always know and feel their LOVE, and be fearless and courageous in life,
and have Peace of Mind over all that I desire to do;
Allow me to remember that there is a Divine Spark of God within me, that I AM a Precious
Piece of God, and that EVERYONE is a Precious Piece of God, and allow me to be open to
giving and receiving LOVE;
Allow me to reconnect all of my DNA strands, own my power, and to wield my power wisely
and well, with all people and life forms, in all places, and in any and all circumstances and
situations & in manifesting miracles;
Allow me to discover my inner child, to acknowledge her/him and play with her/him, and do
things that make her/him happy, which is the Key to my real peace, and allow my heart and
soul to be healed of all pain;
Allow me to be a Light Worker and Warrior of the Light and easily and effortlessly vanquish
darkness, fear, ignorance and unconsciousness wherever, whenever, and in whomever I find
it, without any resistance whatsoever from those who are unconscious and Spiritually
unenlightened, and for me to successfully transmute negative to positive for myself, others,
and the entire planet;
Allow me to follow my passion that is my Contract, to co-create a clear vision of what my path
should be, please remove all obstacles preventing me from being on my path, and present the
road signs to me so they are crystal clear so there will be NO mistaking my path, and prevent
me from going down the wrong path;
Allow my path to be safe, inspired, joyful, fulfilling, rewarding, enlightening, and lucrative, and
assist me in fulfilling my purpose, allowing me to attract those Souls and Entities who lovingly
support me in fulfilling my purpose, in order for me to do what I came here for, and to assist
others in discovering their path & purpose.
Allow me to be unaffected by the energies, entities, people, lower vibrations, and chaos around
me & in the world, to teach this ability to others, and to be encouraged and lovingly
supported by my Guides, as well as, those people around me, in taking all necessary action
steps to achieve my goals in a timely manner;

Allow healing of my entire body and magnetic balance for myself and others, to rejuvenate my
biology 100% and be comfortable and at ease in my body, slow down/stop/reverse (tap
thymus) my aging process (your choice), for my biology to cooperate entirely in this process,
and for me to own my physical power as well;
Allow me to continue to raise my consciousness and vibrational frequencies, and others as
well, each & every moment, in order to prepare me, and others, for The New Age, The Shift in
Consciousness, The New Earth, and the Next Dimension on my Journey;
Allow me to access and exercise my Thymus, which is the seat of my rejuvenation process (by
gently tapping 12 times, located in the area on the Sternum, between the Throat and Heart
Please protect me, allow all disease, illness, and poor health conditions to ignore me, and
allow me to incorporate my biology with my enlightenment, and be immune and impervious to
any and all disease;
Allow me to release any and all emotional, physical, chemical, cellular, and visceral reactions
and attachments, to any and all negative people, memories and events, that no longer serve
me, or my purpose;
Allow me to claim the power of LOVE, be a generator of power and positive influence on the
people and world around me, offer Peace of Mind to everyone through the Power of LOVE,
and have access to guidance in Gods wisdom for discernment, cooperation, compassion, and
Allow me to teach the New Ones about who they are, how they can have Peace of Mind over
any and all situations, circumstances & relationships, and LOVE themselves through the
recognition of the Entity they truly are, all without any disagreement or resistance from their
egos and/or unconscious selves;
Allow me to offer healing and magnetic balance for others who desire, seek, and need them,
and allow these others to offer no resistance, and to cooperate in their own healing;
Allow me to call upon the Love-God-Source to heal and balance the Planet, and all others, and
to be in constant contact with the New LOVE Vibration of people, animals, the Planet, and
Universe, and to share this New LOVE Vibration with all other life forms and Entities;
Allow me to be a Beacon of Shining Light in order for me to Enlighten all who are seeking the
way back to Source, which is unconditional and infinite LOVE & LIGHT;
Allow me to bring peace to my life and to the lives of others, and to teach the Essence of Spirit
to others through my LOVE, compassion, acceptance, faith, tolerance, and understanding;
Allow me to co-create in the Name of Spirit for the New Knowledge to easily and effortlessly
come to me, that I might have it in pure LOVE, and to use this New Knowledge & Insight for
the benefit of myself, all humanity, all wildlife, all Entities, the Earth, and the Universe;
Allow me to instantaneously manifest, and to heal myself and heal others, instantaneously as
Allow me to easily, effortlessly and constantly co-create for myself, may others observe this
change accordingly, respond to me appropriately, and may these others be open and
nonresistant to transforming their own lives, in order to evolve, achieve Enlightenment, own
their power and raise their vibrational frequencies and consciousness, as well as that of
EVERY LIVING THING in, on, and of the ENTIRE Earth;
Allow my life to overflow with an abundance of acceptance, affection, agreement, appreciation,
balance, beauty, bliss, charity, civility, clarity, communication, compassion, consideration,

confidence, cooperation, courage, creativity, encouragement, energy, enlightenment, fairness,
faith, forgiveness, fortitude, freedom, generosity, good fortune, great friends & family, great
wealth, happiness, harmony, healing, health, hope, imagination, innovation, inspiration, joy,
justice, kindness, knowledge, laughter, luck, magic, manifesting money, passion, patience,
inner peace, peace of mind, perseverance, philanthropy, playfulness, pleasant surprises,
power, potential, possibilities, prosperity, protection, purpose, safety, self-awareness, self-
worth, self-esteem, self-love, self-respect, sensitivity, serenity, stamina, strength, success,
support, sustenance, synergy, talents, thoughtfulness, tolerance, unconditional LOVE,
understanding, unity, vitality, win-win solutions, wisdom & miracles and anything and
everything else that Spirit/God/Source desires me to have;
Allow me to always do my best in every situation and be impeccable with my word;
Please prevent me from taking anything personally, from making assumptions, from being
judgmental, of myself and all others, and allow me to come from love and compassion at all
times to myself and all others;
Allow me to communicate compassionately, lovingly, and effectively, whether verbally, in
written form, telepathically, in dreams, or any other form of communication, with anyone and
everyone, including animals & all other Entities, especially if I am offering assistance to them,
in order for others to be open to receiving my aid, without ANY resistance, knowing that I AM
coming from a place of LOVE and for THEIR highest good;
Allow me to easily and effortlessly co-create in the Name of Spirit the Appropriate Partner for
My Life, at the appropriate TIME in my life, who is Enlightened and Spiritually Awakened (your
Allow me to easily and effortlessly sublimate** my ego, in order for me to be totally Enlightened
AND have wealth beyond my wildest dreams and expectations, at the same time and NOW,
allowing me to be generous and philanthropic toward all life forms, especially myself and those
whom I LOVE;
Please allow me to be grateful and show my gratitude to EVERYONE, throughout all lifetimes,
including this current lifetime, who agreed and volunteered to take this Journey with me, who
have assisted and guided me, protected and delighted me, loved and cherished me, and
brought my Lessons to me, and for them to know how much I appreciate and LOVE Them, on
this Earthly Plane, as well as On The Other Side of The Veil, for all that we have done, are
doing, and are accomplishing together!
And for All of This, I am Eternally Grateful. Thank you. Amen." [9-8-12]
*Implants are restrictions that are now removed, allowing us to manifest and heal instantaneously.
**Sublimate means to purify & dignify, so youre asking for your Ego to work FOR you vs. AGAINST you!
After 90 days you will receive 3 Master Guides to accompany you on the rest of your Journey on Earth. All
of the above information comes from the book series by Kryon ( and it is highly
recommended that you read Kryons books, starting with End Times: New Information for Personal
Peace in order to fully understand what is transpiring regarding the New Energy, the New Earth and the
Spiritual Awakening that is taking place globally. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and
feedback about your experiences would be greatly appreciated. If you are seeking to change your life for the
better, clearing your Karma is a great way to get started. And, after your 90-day process is complete, please
contact me for assistance in manifesting your dreams come true, since this is what I do as a
Transformational Life Coach! Namaste, Dr. Cindy Gale, 404-245-5342 or [email protected]

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