Process Control (Level)
Process Control (Level)
Process Control (Level)
Level is a measure of height, defining the position of the interface, that is, the surface
where the two phases meet with respect to a reference point. This measurement is often
converted to a volumetric or gravimetric quantity. Level may be measured directly, by defining
the position of the interface; or indirectly, by measuring another quantity, such as volume, and
inferring the level measurement by converting that quantity to level measurement.
Level Measurement
Liquid level was probably the first of the process variable to be measured and controlled.
History records early examples of level control in dams used for storage and orderly release of
water for agricultural use. The measurement of level is defined as the determination of the
position of an existing interface between two media.
Definition of Terms
Interface Level-the term referring to the common boundary, or plane between two
immiscible liquids. This is possible between two liquids, a liquid and slurry, and a liquid
and foam.
Meniscus-the curved upper surface of a column of a liquid. It could be concave
(downward) or convex (bulging upward). Level reading should be done at the lowest or
highest portion of the curve.
Density-mass per unit volume
Specific gravity-convenient way of expressing density; ratio of a liquid to density of water
Liquid (Hydrostatic) head pressure-most common indirect level measurement method
Head pressure-pressure exerted by a column height of liquid; usually expressed in
inches of water column (in. w.c.) or in pounds per square inch (psi)
Inch water column-the amount of pressure exerted by a height of water; 1 inch of water
is equal to 1 inch water column
Formula of hydrostatic pressure:
( 1. w . c . )( h ) (SG ) P=hydrostatic head pressure (inches w.c.)
P= h=level in inches
S G=specific gravity
w.c.=water column
Categories of Level Measurement
Floats-level sensing elements that tracks the surface of a liquid by floating on it.
-they directly actuate a control valve. If you connect the industrial float to
one end of a metal rod that pivots on a fulcrum point, then the other end
can actually open and close a control valve.
Float gauge-an instrument that uses cables, pulleys levers or any other
mechanism to convey the position of a float to a liquid level. They are
referred to as point level devices.
Sight glass is quite straight forward in use; the level in the glass seeks the same
position as the level in the tanks. It provides a continuous visual indication
of liquid level in a process vessel or a small tank and is more convenient
than dip sticks
Designed with heavy bodies and thick glass to promote safety in high
temperature and high hydrocarbon service
3 Types:
A. Reflex Level Gauges have a single flat-glass panel capable of
refracting light off of a prism-like backside creating a silvery
contrast above the liquid level
- Not capable of distinguishing between immiscible liquids
B. Transparent Level Gauges have two transparent flat-glass
panels, front and back, that form a vertical chamber
- Transparent gauges are required to measure an interface level
C. Welded Pad Gauges generally made of flat glass but are
integrally mounted to the vessel
- Can be welded, flanged or connected with threaded pipe
*Since differential pressure cell measures the difference between two pressures, any
pressure applied to both sides cancels out. The only pressure remaining is the head
pressure exerted by the liquid thus allowing the observer to immediately calculate the
height of the liquid using the hydraulic pressure equation.
2. Bubblers (Lawrence)
Simplicity of design and low initial purchase cost are frequently given as
advantages of bubblers, but this is somewhat misleading. The system
consists of a pipe, an air supply, a pressure transmitter and a differential
pressure regulator. The regulator produces the constant gas flow required
to prevent calibration changes.
Practical Notes
3. Displacers (Lawrence)
Work well with clean liquids and are accurate and adaptable to wide
variations in fluid densities. Once set up, however, the fluids measured
must maintain their density.
Displacers are affected by changes in product density. Since the
displacement of the body (its weight loss) is equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced. If the specific gravity changes, then the weight of the displaced
material changes, thus changing the calibration. This is especially
problematic in interface measurements, where both liquids increase or
decrease density, while the signal is proportional to the density difference.
Because the displacer is in the process fluid, solids can deposit on it. This
changes the effective displacement and causes a calibration shift.
Displacers are relatively expensive when placed in external cages. The
level in the external cage does not always represent the level in the vessel,
particularly with interfaces of two materials that are close in density.
Practical Notes
Displacers should only be used for relatively non-viscous, clean fluids. Best
used for short spans. Spans of up to 40 feet are possible, but they become
prohibitively expensive. Cost of installation is high and many refineries are
now replacing displacers due to the inaccuracies experienced in density
changes of the process materials.
The appeal of ultrasonics is that the transducer does not come in contact
with the process material and does not contain any moving parts. A single
top-side tank penetration makes leaks improbable.
There are various influences that affect the return signal. Things such as
dust, heavy vapors, surface turbulence, foam and even ambient noise
can affect the returning signal.Temperature\ can also be a limiting factor in
many process applications.
Practical Notes
Successful measurement depends on the transmitter being mounted in
the correct position so that the internal structure of the vessel will not
interfere with the signal path. To ignore obstructions in the tank, tank
mapping has been developed. Tank mapping lets you take a sonic
snapshot of an empty tank. A sound burst is sent down by the transducer
and the echo is recorded as a signature of the tank. Any obstructions in
the tank will send an echo and create a profile. Later on, this signature or
profile, is locked into the ultrasonic units memory so it will not respond to
echoes created by these obstructions.
This non-contact technology produces highly accurate measurements in
storage tanks and some process vessels. Radar is an excellent, but fairly
expensive technology ($5k to $10k per point) for continuous level
measurements when applied to tank gaging and inventory control.
Several manufacturers have reduced the cost/price of the technology with
a process radar offering.
This system does not have the accuracy (and associated cost) of radar
used for inventory control. The system has very high accuracy, ignores
vapors and is immune to most physical characteristics of the material
measured, other than dielectric constant.
Its primary disadvantage is cost, which can be justified for tank gaging
and inventory control. The pressure ratings on the radar antenna are
limited and these devices cannot measure interfaces.
Practical Notes
In the case of hydrocarbons, an accurate water bottoms measurement
must be made for accurate inventory control. Typically, another
technology, such as RF Admittance is used to make the interface
measurement between water and hydrocarbons. Some installations, such
as floating roof tanks, require the installation of a very precise gaging tube
Inconsistencies on the internal surface of the gaging tube can cause
erroneous echoes
6. Nuclear(david)
Nuclear level controls are used for
continuous measurements, typically where
most other technologies are unsuccessful.
Radioisotopes used for level measurement emit
energy at a fairly constant rate and in a random
fashion. Gamma radiation, which is present in
high-energy, short-wave lengths produce a\
great penetrating power and are used for level
measurement. Different radioactive isotopes
are used, based on the penetrating power
needed to see through the process vessel.
The radiation from the source penetrates
through the vessel wall and process fluid. A
detector on the other side of the vessel
measures the radiation field strength and infers
the level in the vessel. The percentage of
transmission decreases as the level increases.
There are a number
of situations that
cause nuclear
transmitters to be
considered over other
technologies. These
controls are
extremely suitable for
applications involving
high temperatures\
and pressures or
corrosive materials
within the vessel. No
tank penetration is
needed. The nuclear
system requires that
a radio-active source
be mounted on one side of the vessel, and a radiation detector or receiver
is mounted on the other side. The source is such that it can penetrate the
vessel walls, shoot through the material and be received by the detector.
The amount of signal arriving at the detector is proportional to level.
There are a number of compensating factors that seem to prevent nuclear
from becoming a truly universal technology. One factor is high cost which
is estimated at 2-4 times that of other technologies. Licenses, approvals,
and periodic inspections are required. Radiation sources are expensive
and difficult to dispose of. The radiation symbol found on these controls
frequently strikes fear in the heart of uninitiated plant personnel. There
are some other considerations regarding the accuracy, linearity, and rate
of response are generally not as good as other technologies.
A constant voltage is applied to a rod
or cable (sensing element) in the process.
The radio frequency current which results is
monitored to infer the level of the process
RF admittance is an intrusive technology. Insulating granular
measurements require special considerations, such as the moisture
range and location of the sensing element to minimize errors caused by
probe movement.
highly expensive
performance is affected by presence of dust, dirt, etc.
This sensor works when a material contacts the probe, a low voltage
electrical path is completed between the probe which container wall and the
probe, which actuates a relay. For nonconductive containers, the path is
between the level probe and a reference probe.
low cost
can be used on pressurized or unpressurized vessels
provides only a point measurement.
susceptible to coating by non-conductive material
10. Load Cell (mamu)
A load cell is a transducer that is used to convert a force into an electrical signal.
This conversion is indirect and happens in two stages. Through a mechanical
arrangement, the force being sensed deforms a strain gauge. The strain gauge
measures the deformation (strain) as an electrical signal, because the strain changes
the effective electrical resistance of the wire. A load cell usually consists of four strain
gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Load cells of one strain gauge (quarter
bridge) or two strain gauges (half bridge) are also available. The electrical signal
output is typically in the order of a few millivolts and requires amplification by an
instrumentation amplifier