Usage of Information and Communication Technology Among Public and Private Sector University Faculty

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Journal of Elementary Education

Vol.26, No. 1 pp. 39-55

Usage of Information and Communication Technology among

Public and Private Sector University Faculty

* **
Hafsa Ahmed & Fauzia Kurshid

The main objectives of the research were to measure the usage of information and
communication technology (ICT) among the public and private sector university faculty, to
measure the awareness of private and public sector university faculty about usage of ICT in
the teaching and learning process and to explore the role of faculty demographic variations in
determining their usage of ICT. Population of this study was comprised of faculty working in
the public and private sector universities of Rawalpindi/Islamabad. A stratified random
sample of 52 male and 48 female university faculty members was collected from 3 public and
3 private universities. A 30 items research questionnaire was used to collect data; it was
analyzed with the help of SPSS 18 by using various statistics like Mean, SD, Correlation and
ANOVA. Research findings revealed a significant difference in the awareness of public and
private sector faculty in regards to the use of ICT. The results portray gender differences in the
usage of ICTs; male faculty members use ICT more in the teaching learning process than
female faculty members. Professors were among most common ICT users than Assistant
Professors and Lecturers. The study would be beneficial for the university faculty in order to
create realization of the usage of ICT in the teaching and learning environment. For the
advancement of knowledge, proper utilization of ICT tools and services are
extremely important therefore, teachers, education planners and curriculum developers
take inspiration from the finding of the study.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Teaching and learning process,

Public and Private Sector Universities.

* Research Scholar
**Visiting Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Education,
NUML. Email: [email protected]
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 40


Education is a driving strength of social and economic development of the

nation. Education is a key pillar of society, during the last two decades, the
paradigm shift from customary based education towards the modern, innovative,
technical and dynamic learning; which gives more emphasis of the use of ICT.
With recent development of science and technology, accessibility and quality of
education is concentrated around learners competences and abilities to handle huge
volumes of information.
In the 21 century, ICT is measured as keystone of education platform.
It is an electronic highway that presents a digital ocean in all the aspects of the
teaching and learning process which helps to improve the productivity of the
educational venture. ICT is an abbreviation of Information and Communication
Technology, it is a generic term which refers to computers and computing oriented
tasks. ICT is both need and opportunity in educational hub and playing a
significant role in each and every level of teaching learning process (Aduke, 2008;
Ekundayo, 2009). University education has core value; excellence of education in
universities has been outfitted with usage of ICT by innovative faculty.

The expansion of ICT has abruptly remodel the teaching and learning process
in higher education sector. ICT is an umbrella term for teaching and learning
purposes that incorporates communication tools and technological services
encircling: LEDs, smart phones, hardware, software, computer network and satellite
etc which can use to improve and sustain learning in modern way. Consequently, ICT
is measured through the application of modern digital tools in all aspects of
education. ICT serves as an electronic highway for automated devices which
facilitates the progression of scientific based learning and share information (Ofodu,
2007). ICT is considered as utilization of e-learning to improve and expand teaching
and learning process (Yusuf, 2005). ICT is a vital teaching and learning tool
which can assist learners to get education through online teaching as well
(Pulkkinen, 2007; Wood, 1995).

ICT plays an imperative role in supplementing teachers towards practical

application of teaching and learning in the classrooms environment. With the
massive use of ICT in recent time, the use of computers has emerged at all
levels of the educational setup. Teachers are the fundamental vehicle of change
in education so improvement of teachers is determined by the quality and flexibility
of using the ICT techniques. ICT enhances the flexibility on delivery of education
so that the learner
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 41

can access the information. ICT acts as a socializing agent that provides an interactive
teaching and learning environment to educators. The higher education around
the world has progressively approves ICT as modern apparatus for education,
teaching, curriculum, employees improvement, and learners knowledge
(Kumpulainen, 2007; Usluel, Askar, & Bas, 2008).

The development of science and technology has opened an electronic

gateway for tremendous growth in the field of education. Computers, internet,
multimedia and education technology have great effect on teaching and learning
process. Computer in education means putting information in one computer where
other can see through internet. Due to growing application of ICT that there is
change from traditional technology of chalk and talk method of teaching and
learning process to individualized through use of modern education learning

According to Daniels (2002) ICTs have become a bridge between learner and
content in modern society within short time around the world. Now a day, countries
accepting the usage of ICT in higher institutes and mastering the fundamental
proficiencies and expertise of ICT as integral part of education process, along with
basic literacy of numeracy and manipulation. While, ICT has to be acknowledged and
used productively by its researchers in research field on scrutinizing problem and
correlated to the attitude toward ICT has develop into one of the most innovative
asset (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003).

ICTs have potentialities to innovate, accelerate, improve, intensify

competences in order to engage learners moreover it can assist learners to relate
learning practices with vocation experiences, generates financial capability for
tomorrow's personnel, along with strengthening education and serving progression in
teaching (Davis and Tearle,1999). ICT have practical application in the higher
educational institutions of Pakistan. It is desired that all universities and
higher education institution must be well equipped with ICT tools and faculty
should be able to use the technology, tools, and services in teaching learning

Statement of the Problem

The present study was designed to explore the usage of ICT by public and
private universities in the teaching and learning process. It further aims to investigate
the role of faculty demographic variation of qualification, experience, gender and
sector in their effective usage of ICT in the classroom situation.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 42


Following were the objectives of the study:

1. To measure the use of ICT among the public and private sector university
2. To measure the awareness of private and public sector university faculty
about use of ICT in the teaching learning process.
3. To explore the role of faculty demographic variation in determining their use
of ICT in teaching learning process.


The following hypotheses were formulated:

1. There is significant difference in the awareness of public and private sector

university faculty about the usage of ICT in the teaching learning process.
2. Male faculty members use ICT more in teaching learning process than female
faculty members.
3. Younger university faculty members use ICT more than older ones in
teaching learning process.
4. Professors use ICT more frequently in the teaching learning process
than faculty working in other position.
5. Faculty having M. Phil degrees uses ICT more in teaching learning process
than Master and PhD degree holders.
6. University faculty with more work experience use ICT more
frequently in teaching learning process than faculty with less experience.
7. Faculty with higher knowledge of computer hardware (Advance computer
users )and software use more ICT in teaching learning process than faculty
with less knowledge of computer hardware and software (basic and
intermediate users).


The ideal population for the research was all male and female faculty
members of public and private universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Due to
scarcity of time and resources, only six universities were selected from Rawalpindi
and Islamabad.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 43


A stratified random sample of 100 males and females university faculty

members was collected from six universities (three from public sector universities,
three from private sector universities) of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Universities
from which sample was taken, namely, International Islamic University of Islamabad,
Fatima Jinnah Women University, National University of Modern Languages,
Foundation University , the university of Lahore, Islamabad Campus and Ripah
International. Respondents ages ranged from 24 years to 45 years, Qualification
ranges from Master to Doctorate, their work experience ranges from 1 year to more
than twenty years. Data was collected from social sciences and management science

Research Instrument

The research instrument used for collection of data was questionnaire. For the
measurement, ICT questionnaire developed by S. D. Eyono Obono (2009) was used
in the research study. ICT questionnaire comprised of 30 items pertaining to five
subscales which were helpful in measuring the use of ICT among public and private
sector universities in the teaching and learning process.

Name of the subscales of ICT were ICT Awareness (ICTA), ICT Adoption
(ICTA), ICT Perceived Usefulness (PU), ICT Ease of Use (ICTEOU) and Teacher
attitude toward ICT (TAICT). The respondents gave their opinions/responses and
according to their agreement and disagreement with following five response
categories (strongly disagree 1, disagree 2, neutral 3, agree 4, and strongly agree 5).

Data Collection

For the present study data were collected through personal visits, faculty was
approached formally in their job setting, after their willingness; they were requested
to fill out the questionnaire honestly and according to their agreement and
disagreement. They were given as much time as they needed to fill out the
questionnaire. The assurance of confidentiality and secrecy was provided to them that
information collected by them would be kept off the record and would only be used
for research.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 44


The study was designed to explore the use of ICT among public and private
sector universities in teaching and learning process. The research was carried out on
the sample of 100 males and females university faculty of public and private
universities in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. In order to test the Hypotheses, data was
analyzed by using various statistics to arrive to conclusions such as Means, Standard
Deviation, Correlation, and ANOVA.

Reliability of ICT questionnaire was calculated through method of split half

reliability by dividing test into two parts (15 items in Part 1 and 15 items in
Part 2).The reliability of part 1 was 0.732 and the reliability of part 2 was 0.713
where as between forms correlation was 0.781. It reveals that instrument has
desirable internally consistency to measure the ICT usage among university faculty.

Table 1
Inter- Scales Correlations of ICT with its Subscales and Total scale (N=100)
Subscales 1 2 3 4 5
ICT Awareness 1
ICT Adoption 0.386** 1
ICT Perceived Usefulness 0.397** 0.557** 1
ICT Ease of Use 0.588** 0.454** 0.385** 1
Teachers attitude towards ITC 0.557** 0.451** 0.251* 0.547** 1
Total 0.789** 0.737** 0.667** 0.800** 0.765**

Table 1 show inter-scales correlation of university faculty members scores

on ICT questionnaire with total and its subscales. From the results in table, it appears
that there is a strong positive correlation between subscales of ICT and total scale.
The highest correlation exists between ICT Perceived Usefulness and
Teacher Attitude toward ICT is 0.588 and lowest correlation exists between
ICT Ease of Use and ICT Adoption. The correlation ranges from 0.667** to
0.800**.The highest correlation among all is between total ICT
questionnaire and ICT Ease of use
(ICTEOU) which is 0.800 .
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 45

Table 2
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Gender (N=100)
Subscales Gender
of ICT Female Male
(n= 48) (n=52)
ICT Awareness 23.00 2.79 23.87 2.94
ICT Adoption 23.17 2.69 23.10 3.31
ICT PU 23.51 3.31 24.15 3.40
ICTEOU 22.71 3.30 24.73 3.56
TAICT 22.80 3.08 24.31 3.44
Total 115.19 15.17 120.16 16.65

Table 2 portrays gender wise comparison of university faculty scores on

ICT. It explains that male university faculty members are more frequently ICT
usage in teaching leaning process as compared to female university faculty. The result
further illustrates that male university faculty have higher score on the factor ICT
perceived Ease of Use and Teacher Attitude towards ICT. (Male M=120.16 Female

Table 3
One way Analysis of variance of Faculty scores on ICT for the variable Gender
ANOVA of ICT df Mean Squares F Sig
Between Groups 1 598.663 4.187 0.04
ICT Adoption 98 142.96
Total 99

Table 3 indicates that there is a significant difference between the responses

of university faculty members belonging to both genders on ICT. The value of F
ratio is 4.187 and level of significance is 0.04 which is less than 0.05.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 46

Table 4
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Age (N=100)
>40 yrs
20-30 yrs 31-40 yrs
(n= 36) (n=39)

ICT Awareness 23.51 2.90 23.61 2.86 21.87 2.74
ICT Adoption 23.30 3.20 23.23 2.63 21.62 3.15
ICTPU 23.91 3.03 22.02 2.00 21.25 2.49
ICTEOU 24.06 3.37 23.69 3.57 21.12 2.16
TAICT 23.58 3.54 23.77 3.17 23.38 2.61
Total 118.36 16.04 116.32 14.23 109.24 13.15

Table 4 shows gender comparison of university faculty scores on ICT. It

further elaborates that the use of ICT is higher among young university faculty
members as compared to other age groups. The result further reveals that university
faculty belongs to age group 20-30 years have higher score on the ICTP Ease of Use
and ICT perceived Usefulness. The mean scores university faculty at age 20-30 is
118.36 while 31-40 is 116.32 and age more than 40 is 109.24.

Table 5
One way Analysis of variance of Faculty scores on ICT for the variable Age
Source df Mean Squares F Sig
Between Groups 2 304.602 6.118 .003
Within Groups 97 75.679
Total 99

Table 5 indicates that there is significant difference between the responses of

university faculty members belonging to various age groups on ICT. The value of F is
6.118 and level of significance is 0.003 which is less than 0.05.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 47

Table 6
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Designation (N=100)
Subscales of Designation
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 48

ICT Lecturers Assistant Professors Professors

(n= 42) (n=22) (n=36)

ICT Awareness 24.04 3.80 22.90 2.65 23.22 3.52
ICT Adoption 23.40 2.92 22.41 3.33 24.44 4.01
ICTPU 23.48 3.72 24.36 3.99 23.22 3.52
ICTEOU 23.65 3.41 23.77 3.02 24.22 3.41
TAICT 23.50 3.72 23.73 3.91 24.09 3.89
Total 118.07 17.57 117.17 16.9 119.19 18.35

Table 6 indicates designation wise comparison of university faculty on ICT.

The table shows that Professors are higher user of ICT as compared with Assistant
professors and Lecturers. Yet, there was slight difference between the values at each
level of designations. The results further reveal that Professors have higher scores on
the ICT Adoption and ICTEOU while lecturers have more ICT Awareness and
Assistant professors have higher score on ICT Perceived Usefulness. The means
score of Lecturers is 118.07, Assistant Professors is 117.17 and Professors is 119.19.

Table 7
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Qualification (N=100)
Subscales of Qualification
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 49

ICT Master M Phil/MS PhD

(n= 29) (n=58) (n=13)
ICT Awareness 23.24 2.24 23.74 3.07 22.38 3.17
ICT Adoption 22.76 3.39 23.36 2.72 23.00 3.31
ICTPU 23.45 2.40 24.13 3.76 23.23 3.29
ICTEOU 24.03 3.08 23.89 3.79 21.92 2.17
TAICT 22.96 3.39 23.96 3.39 23.07 2.75
Total 116.44 14.5 119.08 17.36 113.6 14.69

Table 7 shows comparison of university faculty scores of ICT on the variable

qualification. The results that are obtained from computation indicates that the
university faculty members having MS/M Phil are more frequent user of ICT as
compared to faculty with other qualification levels. It further portrays that M Phil/MS
qualified university faculty members have higher scores on the ICT Ease of Use and
Teacher attitude towards ICT. The mean scores for university faculty having Master
degree have Mean score of 116.44 while for M Phil/MS are having mean score of
119.08 and PhD is 113.6.
Table 8
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Experience (N=100)
Subscales of Experience
ICT 1-10 yrs >20 yr
11-20 yrs
(n= 50) (n=24)

ICT Awareness 23.84 2.81 22.80 2.96 24.22 3.50
ICT Adoption 23.43 3.10 22.53 2.98 24.67 3.89
ICTPU 23.82 3.28 23.69 3.78 23.78 2.86
ICTEOU 24.14 3.67 22.76 3.21 24.00 3.60
TAICT 23.58 3.68 23.53 2.58 23.44 2.92
Total 118.84 16.54 115.31 15.51 120.11 16.77

Table 8 shows experience wise comparison of university faculty on ICT. The

result shows that the university faculty members with more experience has higher use
of ICT in teaching learning process as compared with the less work experience. It
further reveals that faculty members having experience more than 20 years have
higher scores on the ICT Adoption and ICT Awareness. The mean scores of faculty
members having experience of 1-10 years is 116.84, while the mean scores for 11-20
years is 115.31 and more than 20 years is 120.11.

Table 9
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of University faculty scores on ICT for variable
Sector (N=100)
Subscales of ICT Sector
Public Private
(n= 50) (n=50)
ICT Awareness 24.64 2.58 22.20 2.65
ICT Adoption 24.38 2.53 21.90 1.91
ICTPU 24.90 3.00 22.74 2.98
ICTEOU 24.74 3.27 22.62 2.80
TAICT 24.78 2.85 22.34 2.76
Total 123.44 14.23 111.80 13.1

Table 9 shows the results of comparison among public and private sector
universities with the subscales of ICT. The results indicate the public sector
university faculty have higher use of ICT as compared to the private sector
universities (Public M= 123.44, Private M= 111.80). The result further reveals that
faculty of public sector universities have higher scores on Teacher Attitude towards
ICT and ICT Ease of Use.
Table 10
Comparison of Public and Private sector universities on Usage of ICT
t-test df Sig
29.850 99 .000

Table 10 indicates that there is significant difference in use of ICT by faculty

members among public and private sector universities in the teaching and learning
process. The value of t-test is 29.850 and level of significance is 0.000 which is
highly significant.

Table 11
Comparison of Mean and Standard Deviation of university faculty scores on ICT for variable
Computer users (N=100)
Subscales Computer users
of ICT Basic Advance
(n= 23) (n=25)

ICT Awareness 22.95 2.05 22.82 2.85 25.08 3.04
ICT Adoption 22.65 2.48 23.00 2.99 23.88 3.38
ICTPU 22.59 2.21 23.75 2.95 25.00 2.97
ICTEOU 22.69 2.03 23.38 3.37 25.20 3.09
TAICT 22.61 2.29 23.23 3.28 25.08 3.05
Total 113.49 11.06 116.18 15.44 124.24 15.53

Table 11 indicates the mean and standard deviation of university faculty

scores of ICT on the variable Computer Users. The result reveals that advance user of
computers has higher means scores on the total scale of ICT as compared to basic and
intermediate users. The results further portrays that faculty members who are advance
computer users have higher scores on the ICT Ease of Use, ICT Awareness and
Teachers attitude towards the ICT.

Table 12
One way Analysis of variance of Faculty scores on ICT for the variable Computer user
Source df Mean Squares F Sig
Between Groups 2 784.424 5.835 0.004
Within Groups 97 134.440
Total 99

Table 15 indicates that there is significant difference between the responses

of university faculty members on ICT for the variable computer user and the value of
F (2, 97) = 5.835, p<0.004.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 50


The present research was designed to explore the use of ICT among public
and private sector universities in the teaching and learning process. Data was
collected from 100 faculty members working in public and private sector universities
of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The study was primarily based to address the research
objectives. To fill full these objectives and various hypotheses were formulated and
various statistical techniques were carried out.

In order to explore relationship between research variables and research

instruments, Pearson coefficients of correlation were calculated. The results of inter
scales correlation of ICT portrays that all the subscales were significantly positively
correlated to each other and with total scale of ICT (see table 1). Item correlation was
also calculated. After the computation of item total correlation, it was derived out that
positive correlation exits among all 30 items of research questionnaire.

The first hypothesis of the study was that there is a significant difference in
the awareness of public and private sector university faculty about the use of
information and communication technology in teaching and learning process. The
result portrays that public sector university faculty frequently use ICT in the teaching
learning process as compared to the private sector university faculty. Finding
supports this hypothesis because there is significant difference between public
and private sector universities in use of ICT in teaching and learning
process (t-test

The second hypothesis was that male faculty members use ICT more in the
teaching and learning process than female faculty members. The findings of our study
supported the hypothesis because result illustrates that male faculty members
frequently use ICT than female faculty members. A significant difference exist
between the responses of university faculty members belonging to both genders on
usage of ICT (F=4.187, p<0.04).

The third hypothesis formulated was that the use of ICT is higher among
young university faculty members as compared faculty of other age groups. Results
supported this hypothesis and from findings, it is confirmed that use of ICT increases
with increase in age. ANOVA also indicates significant difference between the
responses of university faculty members belonging to various age groups on ICT (F
6.118, p<0.005).
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 51

The fourth hypothesis was Professors use ICT more frequently in the
teaching learning process than faculty working in other position. Results show that
Professors were more frequent users of ICT as compared with Assistant professors
and Lecturers. Professors have higher scores on the ICT Adoption and ICTEOU
while lecturers have more ICT Awareness and Assistant professors have higher score
on ICT Perceived Usefulness.

Qualification was important factor that affects the use of ICT of the
university faculty. Hence, the fifth hypothesis was that faculty having M. Phil
degrees uses ICT more in teaching learning process than Master and PhD degree
holders. The result portrays that university faculty possessing M Phil exhibits high use
of ICT than faculty of other qualification levels.

The sixth hypothesis was that more experience university faculty has
higher use of ICT than university faculty with less experience. The results
illustrated that mean scores of experienced faculty were higher on the total scale
of ICT, whereas mean scores of less experienced were low.

The seventh hypothesis was that faculty with higher knowledge of computer
hardware (Advance computer users )and software use more ICT in teaching learning
process than faculty with less knowledge of computer hardware and software (basic
and intermediate users). This hypothesis was accepted because advance computer
users have higher mean scores on the total scale of ICT as compared to basic and
intermediate users.


Following findings were drawn from the research:

1. The study found out that there is a significant difference in the awareness of
public and private sector university faculty about the use of information and
communication technology in teaching and learning process.
2. Study reveals gender differences in the faculty usage of ICT and male
university faculty are more frequently use of ICT in teaching leaning process
as compared to female university faculty( Male M=120.16, Female
M=115.19 ).
3. It was found that younger university faculty (M=118.36) use ICT more in the
teaching and learning process as compared to older ones (M=109.24).
4. Result reveals that Professors (M=119.19) are most common user of ICT as
compared to Lecturers (M=118.07) and Assistant professors (M=117.17).
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 52

5. The use of ICT is higher among the university faculty having MS/M Phil
(M=119.08) as compared to faculty having Master (M=116.44) and PhD
6. The study shows that the university faculty members with more experience
(M= 120.11) have higher use of ICT as compared to university faculty
members with the less experience (M=118.84).
7. Result illustrates that the university faculty working in public sector
(M=123.44) institutions are more frequent user of ICT than faculty serving in
the private sector universities (M=111.80).
8. The result reveals that advance users (M=124.24) of computers have higher
means scores on the total scale of ICT as compared to basic (M=113.49) and
intermediate users (M=116.18).


The Following are the conclusions of the study:

1. There is a significant difference in the awareness of public and private sector

university faculty about the use of ICT in teaching and learning process.
2. Results showed gender differences, male university faculty have more usage
of ICT as compared to female faculty.
3. Younger university faculty more frequent users of ICT as compared to older
faculty members.
4. Faculty having M. Phil degrees more frequently uses ICT in the teaching
learning process than faculty having Master and PhD degrees.
5. Professors have higher usage of ICT in the teaching learning process as
compared to Lecturers and Assistant Professors.
6. Experienced faculty is frequently using ICT in the teaching learning process
than faculty members with the less experience.
7. Overall, the use of ICT is higher in public sector university faculty as
compared to private sector faculty.
8. Faculty with higher knowledge of computer hardware and software use more
ICT in teaching learning process than faculty with less knowledge of
computer hardware and software.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 53


Keeping in view the importance of ICT in this modern era, educational planners
and academicians ought to play a positive role in introducing the effective usage of
ICT and ICT based curriculum at university level.

On the basis of the results and conclusions of the present research, the following
are some of the recommendations:

1. Higher education is considered as stratum of future development, it expects

that university management may increase the use of advanced ICT tools and
services for interactive learning environment and establishing improved
teaching and learning process in higher education.
2. Findings of the study discovered that there is a significant difference in the
usage and awareness of ICT in public and private sector universities.
Furthermore, public sector university are among frequent users of ICTs, it is
therefore, recommended that private sector university may provide better IT
environment with more facilities. Along with this management may create
awareness and proper training so faculty can incorporate the usage of ICT in
the teaching learning process.
3. Male university faculty use more ICT than female faculty in teaching and
learning, so universities management may provide equal opportunities for
both male and female faculty for the effective application of ICT in
classroom situation. Proper training may be provided to female faculty so
they may encourage for the usage to ICT in classroom situation.
4. Younger faculty members are most common users of ICT than older faculty
members. It is recommended that older faculty may also be encouraged to
learn the usage to modern ICT tools in the teaching and learning process.
5. Faculty having M. Phil degrees is the most common users of ICT than Master
and PhD degree holders so; it is recommended that Master and PhDs
qualified professionals may be engaged in the training of usage of ICT in
teaching and learning process.
6. It is also recommended that management may provide proper financing for
the proper installations and maintenance of ICT tool to faculty. Management
can also take proper steps for the integration ICT in formal university curriculum in
all departments.
Usage of Information and Communication Technology 54

7. Result indicates that Professors have higher usage of ICT as compared with
Lecturers and Assistant Professors; it is also recommended that Lecturers and
Assistant Professors may be equipped with the training of the usage of ICT
tools for enhancement ICT skills.
8. Experienced faculty has better scores in the use of ICT than less experienced
faculty. So, it is recommended that less experienced faculty may be given
seminars and short course on the usage of ICT and ICT awareness. Moreover,
they may also be provided opportunities to observe the senior university
9. Faculty having advance computer skills is most common users of ICT as
compared to faculty having basic and intermediate skills therefore; it is
recommended that university management may ensure the availability of ICT
for basic and intermediate users. Advance knowledge in the field of ICT may
be imparted to the faculty through formal trainings, seminars and workshops.

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