SAES-Q-010 Cement Based, Non-Shrink Grout
SAES-Q-010 Cement Based, Non-Shrink Grout
SAES-Q-010 Cement Based, Non-Shrink Grout
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations.... 2
3 References... 2
4 General Requirements... 3
5 Building Design and
Finishing Requirements. 4
6 Roles and Responsibilities.... 5
1 Scope
This Architectural Design and Finishes Engineering Standard document outlines the
interior and exterior architectural finishes for Saudi Aramco buildings. The selected
architectural finishes shall meet international/industry standards, and Saudi Aramco
Mandatory Engineering Standards Requirements. It also addresses the requirements for
architectural design of buildings and presents a tiered approach that should be adhered
to in the design development of Saudi Aramco buildings.
This document is intended to supplement, and shall not replace, Saudi Aramco Building
Code, industry standards and project specific design requirements.
Commentary Note:
These requirements address overall design factors that need to be considered to ensure
that the Architectural Quality provided in designing Saudi Aramco buildings is appropriate
for the primary functional use of the buildings.
2.1 Any conflicts between this Standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Companys or buyers representative through the
Supervisor, Civil Engineering Unit/ Consulting Services Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this Standard in writing to the Company or
buyers representative, who shall follow internal Company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
The selection of the architectural finishes shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below unless otherwise noted.
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
4 General Requirements
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
4.5 The Architectural Design Elements, Shapes, Materials and Finishes of buildings
that are not covered in this standard shall be:
a) In line with the requirements of this document
b) Accepted by the Supervisor of the Civil Engineering Unit / Consulting
Services Department (CSD).
c) Corresponding to the intended function of those buildings.
4.7 Design and finishes for Medical Buildings shall meet SASC-S-10, FGI and
NFPA 99 for Healthcare facilities.
For building design and finishing requirements, refer to Appendix-1 Building Design
& Finishing Guidelines. Architects / Designer should consider:
5.1 The building design will be developed in compliance with the provisions of
Appendix-1 Building Design & Finishing Guidelines including provisions
covered under the corporate Image thereto, as well as guiding principles
developed including cost effectiveness, flexibility, constructability,
incorporation of new technologies, and sustainability.
5.2 The building design will be developed incorporating building classification and
tiers as established under Appendix-1 Building Design & Finishing Guidelines
including building tier and building type. The design will incorporate building
exterior and interior building elements to be considered.
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
5.3 As pre provisions of Appendix-1, other items that will be addressed include
provision of a District Master Plan as directed, and incorporate the building
approach requirements including context evaluation, building scale, form
follows function, material distribution, building approach and site circulation,
site and landscape character. Provisions related to building servicing, loading
docks, trash collection, equipment screening, etc. will also be addressed.
5.4 The design will incorporate requirements of building components detailed under
Appendix-1 including building envelope provisions, thermal design,
maintenance, etc.
5.5 The architectural design of buildings will include provisions for both exterior
and interior finishing materials, patterns and colors to be used as provided under
Appendix-1 finishing matrixes.
Commentary Notes:
Deviation from regular shapes shall be reviewed and accepted by the Supervisor
of the Civil Engineering Unit.
Example of building configuration is one building with ten stories versus two
buildings with five stories each.
5.6.3 Heat Soak Testing Shall be specified for tempered glass. Frequency of
the test shall be specified by the designer and approved by the Supervisor
of Civil Engineering Unit.
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
Revision Summary
11 July 2012 Major revision.
26 May 2013 Minor revision.
4 June 2013 Editorial revision.
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
Appended separately
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Document Responsibility: Architectural Engineering Standards Committee SAES-R-004
Issue Date: 4 June 2013
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Building Architectural Design and Finishes Requirements
Project Initiation RS A
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