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Regulation of Demolation and Construction Guideline

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Number (9)

Requirements For The Reduction Of

Construction and Demolition Noise

April 2011

Environmental Planning and Studies Section (EPSS)
Environment Department
1. Background:

Any type of construction or demolition activities even if only for relatively short
periods may or significantly generate high levels of noise that can cause
disturbances to its surroundings in any adjacent sensitive receptors or
premises such as residential, hospital, schools, mosque, and similar builidngs.

Dubai Local Order No. 61/1991 requires that any noise should not interfere
with the peace, comfort and convenience of any person. This guideline sets
out the information required for the control and reduction of noise from any
type of construction and demolition activities as mentioned in this document.

Also, this guideline have been produced to help builders, site managers and
site workers to operate their sites with consideration to any nearby sensitive
receptors or premises. This document does not contain a comprehensive list
of legal and technical requirements but guidance notes setting out the general
policies, regulations, advices, procedures and other requirements.

2. Guidelines:

A. Noise Compliance Limit

1. Noise from any type of construction or demolition site must comply with
the requirements of Chapter VII of Local Order No. 61/91 and Article 42, of
Administrative Order No. 211/91. The noise level when measured outdoor
should not exceed 55 dbA between 7:00 A.M - 8:00 P.M and 45 dbA
between 8:00 P.M - 7:00 A.M and the UAE Federal Environment Agency
noise limit stated in Table 1.

Table 1: Noise Level Limit-UAE Federal Environment Agency

Allowable Limits For Noise, dbA
Receptor Areas Daytime Nighttime
(7 AM-8 PM) (8 PM - 7 AM)
Residential Areas With Light Traffic 40 - 50 30 - 40
Residential Areas in Downtown 45 - 55 35 - 45
Residential Areas With Some Workshops
50 - 60 40 - 50
& Commercial or near Highways
Commercial Areas & Downtown 55 - 65 45 - 55
Industrial Areas (Heavy Industry) 60 - 70 50 - 60
2. The Environment Department imposes certain restrictions and conditions
on working hours, methods of work and type of equipment used to ensure
noise levels are kept at an acceptable level. The permitted hours of work

Saturday to Thursday 7:00am to 7:00pm

Friday and Public Holidays No works allowed

3. Any noisy operations outside these hours cannot be undertaken without

prior approval and permission is only granted in exceptional circumstances
such as emergency works as determined by the Building Department.
4. In cases where work is extended beyond the normal working hours
specified in Clause 2 and the noise of this activity will significantly impact
any sensitive receptor, then the affected premises should be notified of the
intended work, its duration and times of occurrence.

5. The incremental allowable noise level that maybe implemented when the
background noise level is higher then the allowable noise limit measured
due to effect of traffic and other activites upon dicretion of EPSS shall not
exceed the following sliding scale incremental noise level;

Measured Average Noise

Allowable Increase, dBA
Level, dbA
50 to 60 5
61 to 65 4
66 to 70 3
71 to 75 2
76 to 80 1
81 and higher 0

B. Noise Control Requirements

6. At all times the best practicable means must be implemented to reduce

noise. Site engineers must consider noise reduction in the site layout,
planning and execution phases.

7. All equipment should be maintained in good mechanical condition and

fitted with appropriate silencers, mufflers or acoustic covers.

8. Stationary noise sources such as air compressors, diesel engine for

dewatering pump or power generation should be sited as far away as
possible from noise sensitive receptors. Acoustic barriers or walls should
be constructed when noise cannot be sufficiently reduced by careful siting
of noise sources.

9. As noise from construction and demolition activities is predominantly

impulsive in nature, it is prohibited to to jack hammering and impact pile
driving during nighttime hours. Impact or impulse tools used from 7p.m. to
10p.m. would be subjected to a noise level limit of 5 dBA above the
existing noise level.

10. Access roads to the site should be positioned such that the movement of
vehicles to and from the site are adequately controlled to minimise noise
and disturbance to nearby residents.

11. Heavy vehicle movements to and from the site must only be made during
the scheduled normal working hours unless approval has been granted by
the Environmental Planning and Studies Section of the Environment
12. Where possible, any heavy equipment with an internal combustion engine
should not be left standing with its engine operating in a street adjacent to
a residential area.

13. Work that creates the most noise should be scheduled to minimize the
impact on residential premises. Construction materials shall be properly
handled so that the minimum noise is generated. Materials should be
handled gently and if possible cushions should be provided to reduce
impact noise.

C. Noise Measurements

14. The background noise level should be measured using an integrating-

averaging sound level meter with specifications complying with Type 1,
Type 2 or better using the the time weighting F (Fast Response). The
sound level meter must be calibrated at least 2 years by a calibration
laboratory and field performance shall be check periodically with a portable
sound level calibrator before and after measurements are made.

15. The measurement should be taken outdoor or inside affected property.

The sound level meter should be at least 1.2 to 1.5 meters above the
ground or floor or building and should be no less than 3.5 meters from any
reflective surface such as walls or buildings. When it is not possible to
locate at 3.5 meters, the preferred position shall be 1-meter from any
reflective wall.

16. Where measurement is made inside any habitable room of the noise-
affected residential premises and a window or door is the major
transmission path for the noise, it shall be fully open and closed during
measurement to obtain an estimate of noise level difference.

17. The sound level meter must be set on A-weighting and equivalent
continuous sound level (Leq) integrating function. The level should be
determined over a sufficiently long time to be representative of the noise
and will be measured for not less than five minutes. The level must not
include extraneous noise that could affect the level of the noise being
assessed extraneous noise must be excluded using the pause function
of the meter.
18. When the local noise is intermittent, a series of short term Leq
measurements should be made, while the local source is absent or has
subsided to typically low or minimum values. An average of these short
term readings will give an estimate of music noise level. A further option
would be to measure the A-weighted sound level set at S (slow response)
when the music is loudest and not influenced by local noise. If the local
source is continuous, make a measurement of the Leq of the local source
when the music is not occurring and make a correction to measured Leq
when the music is occurring to obtain an estimate of the music noise level

Definition of terms:
Background Noise level Noise level - The prevailing sound level at a location,
measured in terms of the Leq, on an equivalent day and at an equivalent time
when no music/speech or sound checks are taking place.
dbA - The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit of measurement that expresses
the magnitude of a physical quantity (usually power or intensity) relative to a
specified or implied reference level, the A-weighted sound pressure level
whereby various frequency components of sound are weighted (equalized) to
reflect the way the human ear response to different frequencies.

Leq - The equivalent continuous noise level which at a given location and over
a given period of time contains the same A-weighted sound energy as the
actual fluctuatuating noise at the same location over the same period.
Equivalent Continuous Sound Level when sound pressure level which, if
maintained constant over a given time, delivers the same amount of acoustic
energy at some point as the time-varying sound pressure level would deliver
at the same point and over the same period of time

Noise Monitoring Position the location of the noise measurement outside

the venue from which the level of sound is monitored and controlled which is
at the boundary or faade of affected premises.

Noise sensitive premises includes premises used for residential purposes,

hospitals or similar institutions, education establishments, places of
worship or any premises used for any other purposes likely to be affected by
the concert noise
Type of work subject to control includes but not limited to;
a) the erection, construction, alteration, repair or maintenance and demolition
of buildings, structures or roads.
b) breaking up, opening or boring under any road or adjacent land in
connection with the construction, inspection, maintenance, or removal of
c) demolition or dredging work; and

Further information is available at

Environmental Planning and Studies Section
04-6066809 / 6066814; Fax: 04-7033565
Visit the Dubai Municipality Website at:

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